Udemy - Data Analytics Career Path 60 Days of Data Analyst Bootcamp 2024-4
Udemy - Data Analytics Career Path 60 Days of Data Analyst Bootcamp 2024-4
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18 - Excel Graphs and Charts for Data Visualization/70 - Analyze data with Stacked and cluster bar charts.mp4
202.3 MB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/62 - SUM AVERAGE MIN and MAX functions.mp4
185.4 MB
4 - Understand Data Cleaning and Its Methods/11 - Various aspects of data cleaning.mp4
176.7 MB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/66 - IF STATEMENTs for conditional operation.mp4
174.4 MB
20 - Excel Data Analysis ToolPack for Statistical Analysis/84 - Multiple linear regression analysis.mp4
151.7 MB
14 - Excel Data Cleaning and Formatting/53 - Dealing with missing values.mp4
150.8 MB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/26 - Inferential statistics Part 3 Linear regression.mp4
149.6 MB
6 - Complete Picture of Exploratory Data Analysis/17 - Methods of exploratory data analysis Part 2.mp4
135.8 MB
6 - Complete Picture of Exploratory Data Analysis/16 - Methods of exploratory data analysis Part 1.mp4
130.7 MB
19 - Excel Data Analysis in PivotTables and PivotCharts/76 - PivotTables for GROUP data analysis PART 1.mp4
130.0 MB
14 - Excel Data Cleaning and Formatting/54 - Dealing with outliers.mp4
123.1 MB
16 - Excel Apply Conditional Formatting/59 - Highlighting cells based on criteria.mp4
122.0 MB
21 - Excel Creating Interactive Dashboard/85 - Accumulating relevant information.mp4
117.9 MB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/63 - SUMIF and AVERAGEIF functions.mp4
117.7 MB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/64 - COUNT COUNTA and COUNTIF functions.mp4
113.1 MB
16 - Excel Apply Conditional Formatting/61 - Creating color scales and color bars.mp4
112.2 MB
2 - All You Need to Know about Data Analysis/5 - Tools and technologies for data analysis.mp4
111.2 MB
18 - Excel Graphs and Charts for Data Visualization/72 - Analyze data with Area chart and TreeMap.mp4
105.2 MB
15 - Excel Data Sorting and Filtering/57 - Applying sorts filters to narrow down data.mp4
103.7 MB
20 - Excel Data Analysis ToolPack for Statistical Analysis/82 - Analysis of variance One way ANOVA.mp4
97.9 MB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/241 - Investigating distribution of numeric data.mp4
96.5 MB
20 - Excel Data Analysis ToolPack for Statistical Analysis/83 - Correlation analysis for relationship.mp4
94.4 MB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/69 - XLOOKUP for robust complex insight search.mp4
94.2 MB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/250 - One way Analysis of Variance.mp4
93.8 MB
20 - Excel Data Analysis ToolPack for Statistical Analysis/80 - Independent sample ttest for two samples.mp4
92.0 MB
3 - Data Collection Methods and Considerations/8 - Population vs sample and its methods.mp4
91.9 MB
46 - Python Dealing with Data Structures/197 - Lists creation indexing slicing modifying.mp4
87.6 MB
18 - Excel Graphs and Charts for Data Visualization/71 - Analyze data with Pie chart and line chart.mp4
86.1 MB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/253 - Linear regression analysis.mp4
84.0 MB
14 - Excel Data Cleaning and Formatting/55 - Finding and imputing inconsistent values.mp4
83.6 MB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/67 - VLOOKUP for columnwise insight search.mp4
81.7 MB
19 - Excel Data Analysis in PivotTables and PivotCharts/78 - PivotCharts and Slicers for interactivity.mp4
80.9 MB
26 - Installing Loading data in MySQL Interface/99 - Loading CSV dataset in MySQL.mp4
77.9 MB
8 - Concepts of Probabilities in Data Analysis/28 - Probability in data analysis.mp4
76.4 MB
21 - Excel Creating Interactive Dashboard/87 - Developing the complete dashboard.mp4
76.1 MB
21 - Excel Creating Interactive Dashboard/88 - Final touch up for dashboard decoration.mp4
75.5 MB
5 - Explore Joining and Concatenating Methods/13 - Various aspects of Joining datasets.mp4
75.2 MB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/65 - YEAR MONTH and DAY for date manipulation.mp4
73.6 MB
15 - Excel Data Sorting and Filtering/58 - Advanced filtering with custom criteria.mp4
72.6 MB
11 - Machine Learning for Predictive Efficiency/43 - Widely used ML methods in the data analytics.mp4
71.2 MB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/232 - Getting started with bar charts.mp4
70.7 MB
6 - Complete Picture of Exploratory Data Analysis/18 - Methods of exploratory data analysis Part 3.mp4
70.7 MB
38 - SQL Grouping and Sorting data in SQL/167 - GROUP BY group data analysis with functions.mp4
68.6 MB
20 - Excel Data Analysis ToolPack for Statistical Analysis/79 - Descriptive statistics and analysis.mp4
68.3 MB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/68 - HLOOKUP for rowwise insight search.mp4
67.3 MB
56 - Python Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning/262 - Selecting features and target.mp4
67.3 MB
16 - Excel Apply Conditional Formatting/60 - Findings top and bottom insights.mp4
67.1 MB
10 - Explore Data Transformation and Its Methods/38 - Transforming data for improved analysis.mp4
66.8 MB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/252 - Pearson correlation analysis.mp4
64.9 MB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/246 - YeoJohnson power transformation method.mp4
64.9 MB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/243 - Starting with square root transformation.mp4
64.7 MB
56 - Python Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning/265 - Dimensionality reduction with PCA.mp4
64.2 MB
2 - All You Need to Know about Data Analysis/4 - Key components of data analysis.mp4
63.9 MB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/208 - Method of missing value imputation.mp4
63.1 MB
9 - Hypothesis Testing in Statistical Analysis/34 - Selecting statistical test and assumption testing.mp4
62.6 MB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/249 - Independent sample ttest.mp4
62.4 MB
18 - Excel Graphs and Charts for Data Visualization/75 - Adjusting and decorating graphs and charts.mp4
62.3 MB
50 - Python Merging and Concatenating Dataframes/222 - Concatenate dataframes vertically.mp4
61.6 MB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/225 - Descriptive statistics and analysis.mp4
61.0 MB
14 - Excel Data Cleaning and Formatting/52 - Identifying and removing duplicates.mp4
60.6 MB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/256 - Extracting day month and year.mp4
57.6 MB
20 - Excel Data Analysis ToolPack for Statistical Analysis/81 - Paired sample ttest for two samples.mp4
56.6 MB
21 - Excel Creating Interactive Dashboard/86 - Creating a canvas for dashboard.mp4
56.5 MB
39 - SQL JOINS for Data Retrievals in SQL/169 - INNER JOIN joining on common values.mp4
56.1 MB
40 - SQL Advanced Functions and Operations/174 - HAVING advanced conditional format.mp4
55.7 MB
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/218 - Slicing dataframe with loc and iloc.mp4
55.4 MB
19 - Excel Data Analysis in PivotTables and PivotCharts/77 - PivotTables for CROSSTAB data analysis PART 2.mp4
54.8 MB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/227 - Pivot table analysis all in one.mp4
54.4 MB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/229 - Correlation analysis for numeric data.mp4
53.2 MB
10 - Explore Data Transformation and Its Methods/40 - Techniques for data transformation Part 2.mp4
52.0 MB
18 - Excel Graphs and Charts for Data Visualization/74 - Analyze data with Scatter plot and Combo chart.mp4
51.6 MB
47 - Python Conditionals Looping and Functions/202 - Nested logical expressions in conditions.mp4
49.7 MB
58 - Python Supervised Classification ML Models/272 - Logistic regression ML model.mp4
49.2 MB
2 - All You Need to Know about Data Analysis/3 - Data analysis definition types and examples.mp4
49.0 MB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/20 - The application of statistical test.mp4
48.9 MB
5 - Explore Joining and Concatenating Methods/14 - Adding extra data with concatenation.mp4
48.7 MB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/244 - Logarithmic transformation method.mp4
47.8 MB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/258 - Categorizing numeric feature.mp4
47.5 MB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/245 - Boxcox power transformation method.mp4
47.4 MB
46 - Python Dealing with Data Structures/199 - Dictionaries keyvalue pairs methods.mp4
47.3 MB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/139 - LIKE filtering based on pattern.mp4
46.4 MB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/125 - ADD CONSTRAINTREFERENCES adding foreign key.mp4
46.1 MB
56 - Python Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning/266 - Splitting into train and test set.mp4
45.6 MB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/206 - Preparing notebook and loading data.mp4
45.2 MB
3 - Data Collection Methods and Considerations/7 - Various sources of collecting data.mp4
45.2 MB
18 - Excel Graphs and Charts for Data Visualization/73 - Analyze data with Boxplot and Histogram.mp4
44.6 MB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/248 - One sample ttest.mp4
44.6 MB
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/215 - Filtering data with boolean indexing.mp4
44.6 MB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/236 - Exploring distribution with histogram.mp4
44.2 MB
40 - SQL Advanced Functions and Operations/176 - ANY nested filtering between tables.mp4
44.2 MB
28 - SQL Fundamental Queries in SQL/107 - AS selecting columns based on aliases.mp4
44.0 MB
11 - Machine Learning for Predictive Efficiency/44 - Steps in developing machine learning model.mp4
43.6 MB
40 - SQL Advanced Functions and Operations/175 - EXISTS nested filtering between tables.mp4
43.4 MB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/235 - Line chart for grouping data analysis.mp4
43.1 MB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/237 - Correlation analysis via scatterplot.mp4
42.7 MB
45 - Python Operators in Python Programming/195 - Logical operators and or not.mp4
41.9 MB
58 - Python Supervised Classification ML Models/273 - Decision tree classification ML model.mp4
41.6 MB
59 - Python Segmentation with KMeans Clustering/278 - Application of KMeans machine learning.mp4
41.4 MB
8 - Concepts of Probabilities in Data Analysis/32 - Joint probability.mp4
41.3 MB
14 - Excel Data Cleaning and Formatting/56 - Texttocolumns for data separation.mp4
41.2 MB
2 - All You Need to Know about Data Analysis/6 - Realworld application of data analysis.mp4
41.1 MB
63 - Extra Fasten Your Coding/290 - Diagnosing errors.mp4
40.9 MB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/259 - Manual feature encoding.mp4
39.2 MB
8 - Concepts of Probabilities in Data Analysis/31 - Conditional probability.mp4
39.0 MB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/233 - Stacked and clustered bar charts.mp4
38.9 MB
24 - Necessary Fundamentals of RDBMS/91 - RDBMS example and importance.mp4
38.9 MB
45 - Python Operators in Python Programming/194 - Comparison operators.mp4
38.8 MB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/238 - Matrix visualisation with heatmap.mp4
38.8 MB
9 - Hypothesis Testing in Statistical Analysis/37 - Complete statistical analysis and hypothesis testing.mp4
38.7 MB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/226 - Group by data analysis method.mp4
38.7 MB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/209 - Exploring data types in a dataframe.mp4
38.5 MB
27 - SQL Getting Started Database Management/102 - Modifying database.mp4
38.2 MB
44 - Python Starting with Variables to Data Types/191 - Converting and casting data types.mp4
38.2 MB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/210 - Dealing with inconsistent values.mp4
38.2 MB
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/216 - Query method for precise filtering.mp4
38.0 MB
57 - Python Supervised Regression ML Models/270 - Random forest regressor ML model.mp4
37.7 MB
57 - Python Supervised Regression ML Models/268 - Linear regression ML model.mp4
37.1 MB
12 - Explore Data Visualizations and Its Methods/48 - Several methods of data visualization Part 3.mp4
36.3 MB
39 - SQL JOINS for Data Retrievals in SQL/170 - LEFT JOIN joining on left table values.mp4
35.9 MB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/239 - Boxplot statistical visualisation method.mp4
35.8 MB
47 - Python Conditionals Looping and Functions/203 - Looping structures for loops while loops.mp4
35.6 MB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/118 - CHECK limiting specific values in columns.mp4
35.2 MB
37 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Datetime Functions/162 - DATEFORMAT formatting the date shape.mp4
35.0 MB
6 - Complete Picture of Exploratory Data Analysis/19 - Consideration for effective EDA.mp4
35.0 MB
9 - Hypothesis Testing in Statistical Analysis/33 - Hypothesis testing for inferential statistics.mp4
34.9 MB
50 - Python Merging and Concatenating Dataframes/221 - Joining dataframes horizontally.mp4
34.6 MB
10 - Explore Data Transformation and Its Methods/39 - Techniques for data transformation Part 1.mp4
34.3 MB
39 - SQL JOINS for Data Retrievals in SQL/172 - CROSS JOIN joining all values from tables.mp4
34.1 MB
11 - Machine Learning for Predictive Efficiency/42 - ML for data analysis and decisionmaking.mp4
33.9 MB
45 - Python Operators in Python Programming/193 - Arithmetic operators.mp4
33.8 MB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/21 - Types of statistical data analysis.mp4
33.6 MB
40 - SQL Advanced Functions and Operations/177 - CASE finding the conditional outcomes.mp4
33.4 MB
6 - Complete Picture of Exploratory Data Analysis/15 - EDA for generating significant insights.mp4
33.3 MB
4 - Understand Data Cleaning and Its Methods/10 - Why you cannot ignore cleaning your data.mp4
33.3 MB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/242 - Shapiro Wilk test of normality.mp4
33.2 MB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/138 - BETWEENAND filtering ranges of values.mp4
32.7 MB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/124 - ADD CONSTRAINT adding primary key.mp4
32.4 MB
36 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Transformation Functions/159 - ROUND decreasing the decimals.mp4
31.5 MB
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/219 - Filtering data for many conditions.mp4
31.5 MB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/251 - Chi square test for independence.mp4
31.4 MB
44 - Python Starting with Variables to Data Types/190 - Various data types and data structures.mp4
31.3 MB
57 - Python Supervised Regression ML Models/269 - Decision tree regressor ML model.mp4
31.0 MB
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/217 - Filtering data with isin method.mp4
30.9 MB
39 - SQL JOINS for Data Retrievals in SQL/171 - RIGHT JOIN joining on right table values.mp4
30.9 MB
4 - Understand Data Cleaning and Its Methods/12 - Consideration for effective data cleaning.mp4
30.6 MB
46 - Python Dealing with Data Structures/198 - Sets unique elements operations.mp4
30.3 MB
28 - SQL Fundamental Queries in SQL/108 - WHERE selecting data based on condition.mp4
30.2 MB
44 - Python Starting with Variables to Data Types/189 - Assigning variable names correctly.mp4
30.2 MB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/260 - Converting features into dummy.mp4
29.8 MB
63 - Extra Fasten Your Coding/292 - Enhancing codes.mp4
29.0 MB
12 - Explore Data Visualizations and Its Methods/47 - Several methods of data visualization Part 2.mp4
28.6 MB
41 - SQL Stored Procedure and Comments/180 - Storing and executing procedures.mp4
28.3 MB
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/214 - Sorting data by column and order.mp4
27.8 MB
8 - Concepts of Probabilities in Data Analysis/29 - Classical probability.mp4
27.7 MB
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/144 - CONCAT adding different strings together.mp4
27.0 MB
28 - SQL Fundamental Queries in SQL/106 - DISTINCT selecting unique values for column.mp4
27.0 MB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/150 - ABS negative to positive value.mp4
27.0 MB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/224 - Frequency and percentage analysis.mp4
26.4 MB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/255 - Generating new features.mp4
26.3 MB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/137 - NOT excluding values from filteration.mp4
25.9 MB
28 - SQL Fundamental Queries in SQL/105 - SELECTFROM select data from table.mp4
25.8 MB
58 - Python Supervised Classification ML Models/274 - Random forest classification ML model.mp4
25.6 MB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/154 - DIV dividing numeric data.mp4
25.6 MB
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/143 - CHARLENGTH finding the length of text.mp4
25.6 MB
59 - Python Segmentation with KMeans Clustering/276 - Calculating within cluster sum of squares.mp4
25.3 MB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/228 - Crosstabulation analysis method.mp4
25.1 MB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/24 - Inferential statistics Part 1 Ttests and ANOVA.mp4
25.1 MB
63 - Extra Fasten Your Coding/291 - Debugging errors.mp4
25.1 MB
8 - Concepts of Probabilities in Data Analysis/30 - Empirical probability.mp4
24.8 MB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/135 - AND combining two or more conditions.mp4
24.5 MB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/211 - Assigning correct data types.mp4
24.4 MB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/113 - INSERT INTO adding values in columns.mp4
24.4 MB
3 - Data Collection Methods and Considerations/9 - Consideration for effective data collection.mp4
24.3 MB
32 - SQL Dealing with NULLMISSING values/132 - IS NULL filtering the actual values out.mp4
24.1 MB
38 - SQL Grouping and Sorting data in SQL/166 - ORDER BY sorting data based on a column.mp4
23.9 MB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/234 - Pie chart for percentage analysis.mp4
23.9 MB
56 - Python Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning/264 - Scaling features MinMaxScaler.mp4
23.5 MB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/207 - Identifying missing or null values.mp4
23.3 MB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/122 - RENAME COLUMN changing column names.mp4
23.2 MB
56 - Python Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning/263 - Scaling features StandardScaler.mp4
23.1 MB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/114 - UPDATE updating values based on condition.mp4
23.1 MB
24 - Necessary Fundamentals of RDBMS/93 - Primary key vs Foreign key.mp4
22.4 MB
24 - Necessary Fundamentals of RDBMS/95 - Data types in RDBMS.mp4
22.2 MB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/257 - Encoding features LabelEncoder.mp4
22.1 MB
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/148 - REPLACE replacing old value by new value.mp4
21.9 MB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/27 - Consideration for effective statistical analysis.mp4
21.7 MB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/212 - Dealing with duplicated values.mp4
21.6 MB
27 - SQL Getting Started Database Management/103 - Deleting database.mp4
21.4 MB
36 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Transformation Functions/160 - SQRT and LOG transformation functions.mp4
21.3 MB
12 - Explore Data Visualizations and Its Methods/45 - Visualizing data for the best insight delivery.mp4
21.1 MB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/140 - IN precise logic for multiple conditions.mp4
21.0 MB
47 - Python Conditionals Looping and Functions/201 - Conditional statements if elif else.mp4
20.9 MB
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/147 - TRIM removing unnecessary gaps.mp4
20.7 MB
24 - Necessary Fundamentals of RDBMS/92 - Key features of RDBMS.mp4
20.6 MB
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/145 - LOWER converting into lowercase.mp4
20.5 MB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/141 - LIMIT filtering with limited data.mp4
20.5 MB
31 - SQL Working with Indexing Operation/128 - CREATE INDEX creating new index.mp4
20.2 MB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/110 - CREATE creating table.mp4
20.0 MB
36 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Transformation Functions/158 - POWER multiple multiplications.mp4
20.0 MB
12 - Explore Data Visualizations and Its Methods/49 - Considerations for effective data visualization.mp4
19.9 MB
25 - Introduction to SQL for RDBMS/97 - Various platforms of SQL.mp4
19.4 MB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/112 - UNIQUE limiting duplicates.mp4
18.3 MB
37 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Datetime Functions/164 - DAYMONTHYEAR extracting parts of dates.mp4
18.0 MB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/115 - DELETE deleting values based on condition.mp4
17.8 MB
24 - Necessary Fundamentals of RDBMS/94 - Types of relationship in RDBMS.mp4
17.8 MB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/25 - Inferential statistics Part 2 Relationships measures.mp4
17.4 MB
31 - SQL Working with Indexing Operation/129 - CREATE UNIQUE INDEX creating index without duplicates.mp4
17.4 MB
47 - Python Conditionals Looping and Functions/204 - Defining creating and calling functions.mp4
17.2 MB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/120 - ADD COLUMN adding new column.mp4
17.2 MB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/111 - NOT NULL limiting null values.mp4
16.8 MB
32 - SQL Dealing with NULLMISSING values/133 - IS NOT NULL filtering the missing values out.mp4
16.8 MB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/22 - Statistical test vs Exploratory data analysis.mp4
16.5 MB
10 - Explore Data Transformation and Its Methods/41 - Consideration for effective data transformation.mp4
16.4 MB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/121 - MODIFY COLUMN replacing data types.mp4
15.7 MB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/153 - COUNT counting total items.mp4
15.4 MB
37 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Datetime Functions/163 - DATEDIFF finding the date difference.mp4
15.3 MB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/136 - OR flexible logical operator.mp4
15.2 MB
12 - Explore Data Visualizations and Its Methods/46 - Several methods of data visualization Part 1.mp4
14.7 MB
59 - Python Segmentation with KMeans Clustering/277 - Selecting optimal number of clusters.mp4
14.4 MB
25 - Introduction to SQL for RDBMS/96 - Introduction to SQL language.mp4
14.1 MB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/123 - DROP COLUMN deleting columns.mp4
12.5 MB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/231 - Understanding visualisation tools.mp4
12.3 MB
44 - Python Starting with Variables to Data Types/188 - Getting started with first python code.mp4
11.8 MB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/23 - A Recap on descriptive statistics methods.mp4
11.8 MB
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/146 - UPPER converting into uppercase.mp4
11.5 MB
41 - SQL Stored Procedure and Comments/179 - SQL comments systems.mp4
11.4 MB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/117 - DROP removing entire table.mp4
11.2 MB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/116 - TRUNCATE deleting all the values except table.mp4
11.2 MB
9 - Hypothesis Testing in Statistical Analysis/35 - Confidence level significance level pvalue.mp4
11.0 MB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/151 - SUM calculating the total value.mp4
11.0 MB
27 - SQL Getting Started Database Management/100 - Creating database.mp4
10.8 MB
9 - Hypothesis Testing in Statistical Analysis/36 - Making decision and conclusion on findings.mp4
10.3 MB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/126 - DROP CONSTRAINT deleting keys.mp4
10.1 MB
62 - Extra Python Error Message/282 - ModuleNotFound error.mp4
9.0 MB
62 - Extra Python Error Message/287 - Value error.mp4
8.7 MB
31 - SQL Working with Indexing Operation/130 - DROP INDEX deleting existing index.mp4
8.3 MB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/152 - AVG calculating the average value.mp4
7.9 MB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/156 - MAX finding the highest value.mp4
6.9 MB
62 - Extra Python Error Message/283 - Syntax error.mp4
6.6 MB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/155 - MIN finding the lowest value.mp4
6.5 MB
62 - Extra Python Error Message/288 - Type error.mp4
5.6 MB
62 - Extra Python Error Message/286 - Attribute error.mp4
5.6 MB
27 - SQL Getting Started Database Management/101 - Selecting database.mp4
5.3 MB
62 - Extra Python Error Message/284 - Key error.mp4
5.2 MB
62 - Extra Python Error Message/285 - Index error.mp4
4.7 MB
6 - Complete Picture of Exploratory Data Analysis/18 - 12.13.14.Methods-of-EDA.pdf
4.1 MB
10 - Explore Data Transformation and Its Methods/40 - 17.18.Mthods-of-DTP.pdf
3.3 MB
12 - Explore Data Visualizations and Its Methods/48 - 45.46.47.Data-Visualization-Methods.pdf
2.9 MB
5 - Explore Joining and Concatenating Methods/13 - 20.Joining.pdf
2.7 MB
2 - All You Need to Know about Data Analysis/5 - 3.Tools.pdf
2.3 MB
24 - Necessary Fundamentals of RDBMS/91 - 86.RDBMS-intro.pdf
2.0 MB
4 - Understand Data Cleaning and Its Methods/11 - 9.Methods-of-DC.pdf
1.9 MB
5 - Explore Joining and Concatenating Methods/14 - 21.Concatenating.pdf
1.8 MB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/26 - 28.Lin-reg.pdf
1.7 MB
25 - Introduction to SQL for RDBMS/96 - 91.intro-to-sql.pdf
1.7 MB
43 - Setting Up Python and Jupyter Notebook/185 - Mac.pdf
1.6 MB
10 - Explore Data Transformation and Its Methods/38 - 16.DTP.pdf
1.5 MB
4 - Understand Data Cleaning and Its Methods/10 - 8.Data-Cleaning.pdf
1.4 MB
11 - Machine Learning for Predictive Efficiency/44 - 43.steps-in-ML.pdf
1.4 MB
8 - Concepts of Probabilities in Data Analysis/28 - 31.Probability-in-Data-Analysis.pdf
1.3 MB
24 - Necessary Fundamentals of RDBMS/93 - 88.PK-and-FK.pdf
1.3 MB
2 - All You Need to Know about Data Analysis/6 - 4.Application-DA.pdf
1.2 MB
11 - Machine Learning for Predictive Efficiency/43 - 42.Types-of-Machine-Learning.pdf
1.2 MB
8 - Concepts of Probabilities in Data Analysis/31 - 34.Conditional-Probability.pdf
1.2 MB
6 - Complete Picture of Exploratory Data Analysis/15 - 11.EDA.pdf
954.9 kB
43 - Setting Up Python and Jupyter Notebook/186 - Windows.pdf
952.1 kB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/20 - 22.Statistical-Data-Analysis.pdf
949.3 kB
42 - Phase 4 Data Analytics AZ in Python/184 - Resources.zip
939.9 kB
8 - Concepts of Probabilities in Data Analysis/32 - 35.Joint-Probability.pdf
924.0 kB
2 - All You Need to Know about Data Analysis/4 - 2.Key-COMP.pdf
914.2 kB
6 - Complete Picture of Exploratory Data Analysis/19 - 15.Cons-of-EDA.pdf
912.2 kB
24 - Necessary Fundamentals of RDBMS/92 - 87.key-features.pdf
896.2 kB
8 - Concepts of Probabilities in Data Analysis/29 - 32.Classical-Probability.pdf
803.2 kB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/241 - 31.check-distribution.pdf
769.9 kB
25 - Introduction to SQL for RDBMS/97 - 92.platforms.pdf
759.3 kB
2 - All You Need to Know about Data Analysis/3 - 1.Un-DA.pdf
748.9 kB
12 - Explore Data Visualizations and Its Methods/49 - 48.Effective-Data-Visualization.pdf
744.4 kB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/27 - 30.cons-stat.pdf
740.2 kB
3 - Data Collection Methods and Considerations/8 - 6.Sampling-methods.pdf
708.2 kB
9 - Hypothesis Testing in Statistical Analysis/37 - 40.Example-HT.pdf
657.9 kB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/21 - 23.Types-of-Statistics.pdf
623.6 kB
4 - Understand Data Cleaning and Its Methods/12 - 10.cons-of-dc.pdf
601.9 kB
11 - Machine Learning for Predictive Efficiency/42 - 41.ML-in-Data-Analysis.pdf
567.8 kB
8 - Concepts of Probabilities in Data Analysis/30 - 33.Empirical-Probability.pdf
550.6 kB
12 - Explore Data Visualizations and Its Methods/45 - 44.Data-Visualization.pdf
492.4 kB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/243 - 33.square-root-transformation.pdf
489.4 kB
9 - Hypothesis Testing in Statistical Analysis/33 - 36.Hypothesis-Testing.pdf
437.1 kB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/22 - 24.stat-v-s-eda.pdf
428.7 kB
7 - Everything about Statistical Data Analysis/25 - 25.26.27.methods-of-ds-and-is.pdf
420.9 kB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/227 - 19.pivot-table.pdf
416.4 kB
24 - Necessary Fundamentals of RDBMS/94 - 89.types-of-rel.pdf
413.5 kB
58 - Python Supervised Classification ML Models/272 - 4.LGR-model-ML.pdf
402.0 kB
9 - Hypothesis Testing in Statistical Analysis/34 - 37.Selecting-Appropriate-Statistical-Test.pdf
400.3 kB
56 - Python Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning/265 - 51.PCA.pdf
356.1 kB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/258 - 46.feature-binning.pdf
350.1 kB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/250 - 39.one-way-anova.pdf
343.6 kB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/248 - 37.one-sample-ttest.pdf
334.8 kB
59 - Python Segmentation with KMeans Clustering/277 - 7.selecting-best-k.pdf
313.7 kB
1 - Phase 1 Data Analytics Fundamentals/2 - Organizational-data-analytics-process.pdf
293.9 kB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/242 - 32.normality-test.pdf
291.2 kB
3 - Data Collection Methods and Considerations/7 - 5.Data-source.pdf
285.7 kB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/206 - 1.loading-data.pdf
282.8 kB
38 - SQL Grouping and Sorting data in SQL/167 - 40.GROUP-BY.pdf
279.3 kB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/232 - 23.bar-chart.pdf
273.3 kB
57 - Python Supervised Regression ML Models/268 - 1.LR-model-ML.pdf
268.4 kB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/251 - 40.chi-test-for-ind.pdf
267.9 kB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/208 - 3.imputing-missing-values.pdf
267.0 kB
10 - Explore Data Transformation and Its Methods/41 - 19.Cons-of-DTP.pdf
258.2 kB
58 - Python Supervised Classification ML Models/274 - 6.RFC-model-ML.pdf
256.5 kB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/253 - 42.linear-regression.pdf
255.4 kB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/246 - 36.yeojohnson-transformation.pdf
252.5 kB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/249 - 38.independent-sample-t-test.pdf
250.2 kB
9 - Hypothesis Testing in Statistical Analysis/36 - 39.Making-Decision-and-Conclusion.pdf
241.5 kB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/210 - 5.removing-inconsistent-value.pdf
241.3 kB
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/218 - 12.loc-and-iloc.pdf
241.1 kB
56 - Python Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning/266 - 52.train-test-split.pdf
240.8 kB
58 - Python Supervised Classification ML Models/273 - 5.DTC-model-ML.pdf
228.7 kB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/255 - 43.feature-generation.pdf
211.0 kB
3 - Data Collection Methods and Considerations/9 - 7.Cons-of-DC.pdf
205.7 kB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/233 - 24.stacked-or-clustered.pdf
201.7 kB
37 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Datetime Functions/162 - 36.DATE-FORMAT.pdf
192.9 kB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/245 - 35.boxcox-transformation.pdf
190.9 kB
28 - SQL Fundamental Queries in SQL/105 - 1.selecting.pdf
190.5 kB
13 - Phase 2 Data Analytics in Microsoft Excel/51 - Microsoft-Excel-Data-Analysis-Cheat-Sheet.pdf
189.2 kB
28 - SQL Fundamental Queries in SQL/107 - 3.as.pdf
187.1 kB
23 - Phase 3 Database Management in MySQL/90 - MySQL-Example-Codes-for-Various-SQL-Operations.pdf
185.0 kB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/239 - 30.boxplot.pdf
181.8 kB
57 - Python Supervised Regression ML Models/269 - 2.DTR-model-ML.pdf
178.7 kB
40 - SQL Advanced Functions and Operations/175 - 46.EXISTS.pdf
176.4 kB
40 - SQL Advanced Functions and Operations/177 - 48.CASE.pdf
172.6 kB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/231 - 22.methods-used-in-visualisation.pdf
172.0 kB
56 - Python Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning/263 - 49.standard-scaling.pdf
167.5 kB
57 - Python Supervised Regression ML Models/270 - 3.RFR-model-ML.pdf
166.9 kB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/244 - 34.log-transformation.pdf
163.0 kB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/257 - 45.feature-encoding.pdf
161.2 kB
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/148 - 25.replace.pdf
159.0 kB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/235 - 26.line-plot.pdf
158.7 kB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/139 - 17.LIKE.pdf
156.7 kB
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/214 - 8.sorting-data.pdf
156.6 kB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/112 - 7.unique.pdf
156.4 kB
50 - Python Merging and Concatenating Dataframes/221 - 14.joining-data.pdf
155.9 kB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/234 - 25.pie-chart.pdf
152.4 kB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/260 - 47.creating-dummies.pdf
149.4 kB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/110 - 5.creating-table.pdf
145.1 kB
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/219 - 13.combining-conditions.pdf
143.4 kB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/237 - 28.scatterplot.pdf
142.8 kB
24 - Necessary Fundamentals of RDBMS/95 - 90.data-types.pdf
142.5 kB
40 - SQL Advanced Functions and Operations/176 - 47.ANY.pdf
137.9 kB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/115 - 10.delete.pdf
132.3 kB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/124 - 5.add-cons.pdf
131.5 kB
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/215 - 9.boolean-filtering.pdf
131.4 kB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/114 - 9.update.pdf
127.6 kB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/212 - 7.dealing-with-duplicates.pdf
127.4 kB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/125 - 6.add-cons.ref.pdf
126.6 kB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/238 - 29.heatmap.pdf
126.5 kB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/154 - 30.DIV.pdf
124.0 kB
28 - SQL Fundamental Queries in SQL/108 - 4.where.pdf
122.7 kB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/118 - 13.check.pdf
118.8 kB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/113 - 8.insert-into.pdf
118.7 kB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/256 - 44.datetime-data.pdf
113.7 kB
37 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Datetime Functions/164 - 38.DAY-MONTH-YEAR.pdf
113.7 kB
21 - Excel Creating Interactive Dashboard/88 - 4.decor-dash.xlsx
113.4 kB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/236 - 27.histogram.pdf
112.7 kB
21 - Excel Creating Interactive Dashboard/87 - 3.dashboard.xlsx
112.6 kB
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/144 - 21.concat.pdf
112.0 kB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/226 - 18.group-by.pdf
111.7 kB
38 - SQL Grouping and Sorting data in SQL/166 - 39.ORDER-BY.pdf
110.3 kB
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/145 - 22.lower.pdf
109.9 kB
9 - Hypothesis Testing in Statistical Analysis/35 - 38.CSP.pdf
108.1 kB
39 - SQL JOINS for Data Retrievals in SQL/169 - 41.INNER-JOIN.pdf
106.6 kB
59 - Python Segmentation with KMeans Clustering/278 - 8.developing-k-means.pdf
106.5 kB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/111 - 6.not-null.pdf
105.0 kB
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/146 - 23.upper.pdf
96.6 kB
56 - Python Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning/264 - 50.minmax-scaler.pdf
96.0 kB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/207 - 2.identify-missing-values.pdf
92.3 kB
40 - SQL Advanced Functions and Operations/174 - 45.HAVING.pdf
92.3 kB
27 - SQL Getting Started Database Management/102 - 3.modifying-database.pdf
87.0 kB
63 - Extra Fasten Your Coding/293 - ChatGPT-A-Solution-to-Python-Errors.pdf
86.0 kB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/252 - 41.pearson-correlation.pdf
85.4 kB
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/216 - 10.query.pdf
84.7 kB
21 - Excel Creating Interactive Dashboard/86 - 2.canvas.xlsx
84.6 kB
39 - SQL JOINS for Data Retrievals in SQL/172 - 44.pdf
82.9 kB
32 - SQL Dealing with NULLMISSING values/133 - 12.is-not-null.pdf
82.5 kB
39 - SQL JOINS for Data Retrievals in SQL/170 - 42.LEFT-JOIN.pdf
81.7 kB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/135 - 13.AND.pdf
81.1 kB
21 - Excel Creating Interactive Dashboard/85 - 1.acc-inf.xlsx
80.3 kB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/122 - 3.rename-column.pdf
79.3 kB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/150 - 26.ABS.pdf
78.7 kB
36 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Transformation Functions/158 - 33.POWER.pdf
76.2 kB
32 - SQL Dealing with NULLMISSING values/132 - 11.is-null.pdf
75.2 kB
28 - SQL Fundamental Queries in SQL/106 - 2.distinct.pdf
74.1 kB
36 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Transformation Functions/160 - 35.SQRT-and-LOG.pdf
72.9 kB
42 - Phase 4 Data Analytics AZ in Python/183 - Python-data-analysis-code-cheatsheet.pdf
72.8 kB
39 - SQL JOINS for Data Retrievals in SQL/171 - 43.RIGHT-JOIN.pdf
71.2 kB
36 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Transformation Functions/159 - 34.ROUND.pdf
70.4 kB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/156 - 32.MAX.pdf
69.0 kB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/120 - 1.adding-column.pdf
68.2 kB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/140 - 18.IN.pdf
68.0 kB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/211 - 6.assigning-data-type.pdf
67.6 kB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/151 - 27.SUM.pdf
66.1 kB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/138 - 16.Between.And.pdf
65.8 kB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/224 - 16.value-counts.pdf
65.4 kB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/153 - 29.COUNT.pdf
64.8 kB
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/143 - 20.char-length.pdf
64.5 kB
31 - SQL Working with Indexing Operation/128 - 8.create-index.pdf
63.9 kB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/121 - 2.modify-column.pdf
61.5 kB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/152 - 28.AVG.pdf
61.2 kB
37 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Datetime Functions/163 - 37.DATEDIFF.pdf
60.1 kB
19 - Excel Data Analysis in PivotTables and PivotCharts/78 - Pivot-data-p3.xlsx
59.6 kB
18 - Excel Graphs and Charts for Data Visualization/74 - sale-data.xlsx
57.2 kB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/123 - 4.drop-column.pdf
57.2 kB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/229 - 21.correl.pdf
55.8 kB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/259 - 46.feature-mapping.pdf
55.5 kB
18 - Excel Graphs and Charts for Data Visualization/70 - sales-data.xlsx
53.8 kB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/137 - 15.NOT.pdf
53.5 kB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/141 - 19.LIMIT.pdf
52.5 kB
20 - Excel Data Analysis ToolPack for Statistical Analysis/83 - data-for-corr.xlsx
51.7 kB
50 - Python Merging and Concatenating Dataframes/222 - 15.concatenating-data.pdf
46.8 kB
20 - Excel Data Analysis ToolPack for Statistical Analysis/84 - data-for-reg.xlsx
46.6 kB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/228 - 20.crosstab.pdf
46.6 kB
62 - Extra Python Error Message/289 - Understanding-different-errors-in-Python-programming.pdf
46.0 kB
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/147 - 24.trim.pdf
44.0 kB
18 - Excel Graphs and Charts for Data Visualization/72 - sales-data.xlsx
43.9 kB
19 - Excel Data Analysis in PivotTables and PivotCharts/76 - Pivot-data-p1.xlsx
42.1 kB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/66 - business-growth-data.xlsx
42.0 kB
18 - Excel Graphs and Charts for Data Visualization/75 - sale-data.xlsx
40.6 kB
27 - SQL Getting Started Database Management/103 - 4.drop-databse.pdf
40.5 kB
27 - SQL Getting Started Database Management/100 - 1.Create-database.pdf
40.4 kB
18 - Excel Graphs and Charts for Data Visualization/71 - sales-data.xlsx
40.2 kB
14 - Excel Data Cleaning and Formatting/54 - outliers-sales-data.xlsx
40.2 kB
27 - SQL Getting Started Database Management/101 - 2.selecting-database.pdf
39.2 kB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/155 - 31.MIN.pdf
39.1 kB
19 - Excel Data Analysis in PivotTables and PivotCharts/77 - Pivot-data-p2.xlsx
38.0 kB
14 - Excel Data Cleaning and Formatting/55 - Incon-sales-data.xlsx
36.1 kB
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/217 - 11.is-in.pdf
35.5 kB
20 - Excel Data Analysis ToolPack for Statistical Analysis/81 - data-for-paired-t-tests.xlsx
35.2 kB
18 - Excel Graphs and Charts for Data Visualization/73 - sales-data.xlsx
34.0 kB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/225 - 17.descriptive.pdf
33.2 kB
20 - Excel Data Analysis ToolPack for Statistical Analysis/80 - data-for-ind-t-tests.xlsx
33.1 kB
20 - Excel Data Analysis ToolPack for Statistical Analysis/82 - data-for-anova.xlsx
33.1 kB
56 - Python Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning/262 - 48.selecting-features.pdf
33.1 kB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/116 - 11.truncate.pdf
29.7 kB
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/117 - 12.DROP-TABLE.pdf
29.5 kB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/65 - business-growth-data.xlsx
28.3 kB
20 - Excel Data Analysis ToolPack for Statistical Analysis/79 - data-for-statistics.xlsx
27.7 kB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/63 - business-growth-data.xlsx
24.8 kB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/64 - business-growth-data.xlsx
24.8 kB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/62 - business-growth-data.xlsx
24.2 kB
31 - SQL Working with Indexing Operation/129 - 9.create-unique-idx.pdf
24.1 kB
16 - Excel Apply Conditional Formatting/61 - colorbar.xlsx
23.3 kB
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/136 - 14.OR.pdf
22.2 kB
16 - Excel Apply Conditional Formatting/59 - highlight-cells.xlsx
18.6 kB
16 - Excel Apply Conditional Formatting/60 - topbottom.xlsx
18.6 kB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/209 - 4.checking-data-types.pdf
16.1 kB
14 - Excel Data Cleaning and Formatting/53 - missing-mployee-dataset.xlsx
15.9 kB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/69 - xlookup.xlsx
15.8 kB
31 - SQL Working with Indexing Operation/130 - 10.drop-index.pdf
15.8 kB
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/126 - 7.drop-constraints.pdf
13.6 kB
46 - Python Dealing with Data Structures/200 - Dealing-with-Data-Structures.ipynb
13.4 kB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/67 - employeeInfo.xlsx
13.4 kB
44 - Python Starting with Variables to Data Types/192 - Starting-with-Variables-to-Data-Types.ipynb
13.1 kB
15 - Excel Data Sorting and Filtering/57 - filtering-data.xlsx
11.9 kB
15 - Excel Data Sorting and Filtering/58 - advanced-filtering-data.xlsx
11.7 kB
17 - Excel Formulas and Functions for Data Analysis/68 - sales-crosstab.xlsx
11.1 kB
14 - Excel Data Cleaning and Formatting/56 - practice-text-to-column.xlsx
10.7 kB
26 - Installing Loading data in MySQL Interface/99 - student-information.csv
10.2 kB
14 - Excel Data Cleaning and Formatting/52 - employee-dataset.xlsx
9.6 kB
61 - Whats Next/280 - Your next steps Portfolios.html
9.4 kB
45 - Python Operators in Python Programming/196 - Operators-in-Python-Programming.ipynb
8.1 kB
47 - Python Conditionals Looping and Functions/205 - Conditionals-Looping-and-Functions.ipynb
7.1 kB
61 - Whats Next/281 - Your next steps LinkedIn.html
5.2 kB
26 - Installing Loading data in MySQL Interface/99 - enrollments-data.csv
4.8 kB
26 - Installing Loading data in MySQL Interface/99 - courses-data.csv
3.9 kB
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/240 - Data-Visualisations.py
3.1 kB
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/254 - Statistical-tests-and-hypothesis-testing.py
3.0 kB
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/247 - Transformation-methods.py
2.3 kB
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/261 - Feature-engineering-methods.py
1.8 kB
58 - Python Supervised Classification ML Models/275 - Classification-machine-learning.py
1.8 kB
56 - Python Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning/267 - Preprocessing-for-machine-learning.py
1.7 kB
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/157 - 9.Functions-of-arithemtic.sql
1.4 kB
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/213 - Data-Loading-and-Cleaning.py
1.4 kB
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/230 - Applied-exploratory-data-analysis.py
1.4 kB
42 - Phase 4 Data Analytics AZ in Python/182 - My instructions for this phase.html
1.2 kB
57 - Python Supervised Regression ML Models/271 - Regression-machine-learning.py
1.2 kB
37 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Datetime Functions/165 - 10.date-functions.sql
943 Bytes
13 - Phase 2 Data Analytics in Microsoft Excel/50 - My instructions for this phase.html
926 Bytes
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/119 - 3.Managing-Tables-in-SQL.sql
902 Bytes
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/149 - 8.Function-of-strings.sql
895 Bytes
1 - Phase 1 Data Analytics Fundamentals/1 - My instructions for this phase.html
878 Bytes
59 - Python Segmentation with KMeans Clustering/279 - Data-segmentation-with-KMeans-clustering.py
839 Bytes
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/220 - Data-Sorting-and-Filtering.py
737 Bytes
23 - Phase 3 Database Management in MySQL/89 - My instructions for this phase.html
701 Bytes
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/127 - 4.Working-with-columns-constrints.sql
692 Bytes
41 - SQL Stored Procedure and Comments/181 - 15.COMMENT-AND-PROCEDURES.sql
687 Bytes
40 - SQL Advanced Functions and Operations/178 - 14.advanced-functions.sql
600 Bytes
39 - SQL JOINS for Data Retrievals in SQL/173 - 13.joins.sql
596 Bytes
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/142 - 7.Filtering-methods.sql
568 Bytes
50 - Python Merging and Concatenating Dataframes/223 - Merging-and-joining-dataframes.py
535 Bytes
32 - SQL Dealing with NULLMISSING values/134 - 6.Dealing-with-null-values.sql
436 Bytes
28 - SQL Fundamental Queries in SQL/109 - 2.Basic-queries.sql
417 Bytes
26 - Installing Loading data in MySQL Interface/98 - Installing MySQL in Windows and Mac.html
412 Bytes
43 - Setting Up Python and Jupyter Notebook/187 - More alternative methods Check the article.html
382 Bytes
38 - SQL Grouping and Sorting data in SQL/168 - 12.group-and-order.sql
354 Bytes
42 - Phase 4 Data Analytics AZ in Python/184 - Resources used in the course.html
275 Bytes
31 - SQL Working with Indexing Operation/131 - 5.Working-with-indexing.sql
274 Bytes
43 - Setting Up Python and Jupyter Notebook/186 - Installing Python and Jupyter Notebook Windows.html
269 Bytes
43 - Setting Up Python and Jupyter Notebook/185 - Installing Python and Jupyter Notebook Mac.html
265 Bytes
1 - Phase 1 Data Analytics Fundamentals/2 - Extra note on analytical world of data.html
244 Bytes
27 - SQL Getting Started Database Management/104 - 1.Basic-database-management.sql
229 Bytes
36 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Transformation Functions/161 - 11-Function-of-transformation.sql
224 Bytes
23 - Phase 3 Database Management in MySQL/90 - Extra note on functions of MySQL.html
184 Bytes
42 - Phase 4 Data Analytics AZ in Python/183 - Extra note on python data analysis.html
183 Bytes
13 - Phase 2 Data Analytics in Microsoft Excel/51 - Extra note on functions and shortcuts.html
182 Bytes
156 Bytes
24 - Necessary Fundamentals of RDBMS/1 - Necessary fundamentals on RDBMS.html
154 Bytes
25 - Introduction to SQL for RDBMS/2 - Introduction to SQL for RDBMS.html
115 Bytes
63 - Extra Fasten Your Coding/293 - ChatGPT prompt.html
97 Bytes
38 - SQL Grouping and Sorting data in SQL/168 - Grouping and Sorting data.html
91 Bytes
62 - Extra Python Error Message/289 - Resource.html
90 Bytes
44 - Python Starting with Variables to Data Types/192 - Starting with Variables to Data Types.html
83 Bytes
45 - Python Operators in Python Programming/196 - Operators in Python Programming.html
83 Bytes
46 - Python Dealing with Data Structures/200 - Several data structures.html
83 Bytes
47 - Python Conditionals Looping and Functions/205 - Conditionals Looping and Functions.html
83 Bytes
27 - SQL Getting Started Database Management/104 - SQL query for database management.html
80 Bytes
28 - SQL Fundamental Queries in SQL/109 - Basic SQL Queries.html
80 Bytes
29 - SQL Managing Tables in Database System/119 - Managing Tables in SQL.html
80 Bytes
30 - SQL Working with Columns and Constraint/127 - Working with Columns and Constraint.html
80 Bytes
31 - SQL Working with Indexing Operation/131 - Working with Indexing Operation.html
80 Bytes
32 - SQL Dealing with NULLMISSING values/134 - Dealing with NULL values.html
80 Bytes
33 - SQL Various Aspects of Filtering Data/142 - Various Aspects of Filtering Data.html
80 Bytes
34 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions/149 - IMPORTANT MySQL String Functions.html
80 Bytes
35 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Arithmetic Functions/157 - MySQL Arithmetic Functions.html
80 Bytes
36 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Transformation Functions/161 - MySQL Transformation Functions.html
80 Bytes
37 - SQL IMPORTANT MySQL Datetime Functions/165 - MySQL Datetime Functions.html
80 Bytes
39 - SQL JOINS for Data Retrievals in SQL/173 - JOINS for Data Retrievals.html
80 Bytes
40 - SQL Advanced Functions and Operations/178 - Advanced Functions and Operations.html
80 Bytes
41 - SQL Stored Procedure and Comments/181 - Stored Procedure and Comments.html
80 Bytes
48 - Python Sequential Cleaning and Modifying Data/213 - Sequential data cleaning and modifying.html
80 Bytes
49 - Python Various Methods of Data Manipulation/220 - Various methods of data manipulation.html
80 Bytes
50 - Python Merging and Concatenating Dataframes/223 - Merging and joining dataframes.html
80 Bytes
51 - Python Applied Exploratory Data Analysis Methods/230 - Applied exploratory data analysis.html
80 Bytes
52 - Python Exploring Data Visualisations Methods/240 - Exploring data visualisations methods.html
80 Bytes
53 - Python Practical Data Transformation Methods/247 - Practical data transformation methods.html
80 Bytes
54 - Python Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing/254 - Statistical tests and hypothesis testing.html
80 Bytes
55 - Python Exploring Feature Engineering Methods/261 - Feature engineering methods.html
80 Bytes
56 - Python Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning/267 - Preprocessing for machine learning.html
80 Bytes
57 - Python Supervised Regression ML Models/271 - Supervised regression ML models.html
80 Bytes
58 - Python Supervised Classification ML Models/275 - Supervised classification ML models.html
80 Bytes
59 - Python Segmentation with KMeans Clustering/279 - Data segmentation with KMeans clustering.html
80 Bytes
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