The Complete Node.js Developer Course 2.0
The Complete Node.js Developer Course 2.0
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8. Security and Authentication/14. Making Todo Routes Private (Part 2).mp4
238.5 MB
8. Security and Authentication/hashingpasswords.zip
117.0 kB
11. Free-Mini Courses/free.txt
29 Bytes
8. Security and Authentication/13. Making Todo Routes Private (Part 1).mp4
113.8 MB
8. Security and Authentication/4. Generating Auth Tokens and Setting Headers.mp4
139.6 MB
8. Security and Authentication/10. Testing POST _users_login.mp4
105.6 MB
8. Security and Authentication/heroku.zip
150.5 kB
8. Security and Authentication/privateroute.zip
108.9 kB
8. Security and Authentication/3. JWTs and Hashing.mp4
190.0 MB
8. Security and Authentication/15. Improving App Configuration.mp4
138.2 MB
8. Security and Authentication/6. Hashing Passwords.mp4
150.7 MB
8. Security and Authentication/1. Section Intro.mp4
31.8 MB
8. Security and Authentication/5. Private Routes and Auth Middleware.mp4
169.6 MB
8. Security and Authentication/8. Testing POST _users and GET _users_me.mp4
221.7 MB
8. Security and Authentication/7. Seeding Test Database With Users.mp4
158.8 MB
8. Security and Authentication/logout.zip
131.9 kB
8. Security and Authentication/16. Deploying To Heroku.mp4
63.0 MB
8. Security and Authentication/updatedconfig.zip
156.4 kB
8. Security and Authentication/usermodel.zip
93.4 kB
8. Security and Authentication/jwt.zip
90.5 kB
8. Security and Authentication/testinglogout.zip
141.4 kB
8. Security and Authentication/11. Logging Out - DELETE _users_me_token.mp4
70.1 MB
8. Security and Authentication/2. Setting Up The User Model.mp4
139.4 MB
8. Security and Authentication/testlogin.zip
130.0 kB
8. Security and Authentication/userstodospt1.zip
142.8 kB
8. Security and Authentication/17. Bonus - Advanced Postman.mp4
73.9 MB
8. Security and Authentication/12. Testing DELETE _users_me_token.mp4
75.3 MB
8. Security and Authentication/userstodospt2.zip
150.7 kB
8. Security and Authentication/9. Logging In - POST _users_login.mp4
155.9 MB
8. Security and Authentication/login.zip
120.6 kB
8. Security and Authentication/seedingusers.zip
115.4 kB
8. Security and Authentication/generatingauthtokens.zip
107.3 kB
8. Security and Authentication/testsignup.zip
119.6 kB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/6. Express Middleware.mp4
158.4 MB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/rendering-templates.zip
2.5 kB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/1. Section Intro.mp4
41.1 MB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/7. Adding Version Control (Git).mp4
107.5 MB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/2. Hello Express.mp4
84.0 MB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/deploying.zip
31.3 kB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/advanced-templates.zip
3.2 kB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/heroku-github.zip
27.7 kB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/8. Setting Up GitHub & SSH Keys.mp4
115.2 MB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/git.zip
24.8 kB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/5. Advanced Templating.mp4
78.3 MB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/10. Adding a New Feature and Deploying.mp4
53.9 MB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/static-server.zip
1.5 kB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/hello-express.zip
950 Bytes
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/4. Rendering Templates with Data.mp4
104.3 MB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/middleware.zip
3.8 kB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/3. Creating a Web Server.mp4
33.6 MB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/workflow-test.zip
1.5 MB
5. Web Servers and Application Deployment/9. Deploying Your Apps.mp4
140.4 MB
2. Getting Setup/hello-world.zip
361 Bytes
2. Getting Setup/4. Why Should I Use Node.mp4
97.8 MB
2. Getting Setup/1. Section Intro.mp4
27.5 MB
2. Getting Setup/5. Installing Atom.mp4
33.5 MB
2. Getting Setup/6. Hello World!.mp4
15.8 MB
2. Getting Setup/2. Installing Node.mp4
33.3 MB
2. Getting Setup/3. What Is Node.mp4
58.9 MB
10. Async_Await/01-async-await-setup.zip
857 Bytes
10. Async_Await/2.Async_Await Basics.mp4
28.4 MB
10. Async_Await/4.Handling Errors and Awaiting Async Function.mp4
33.5 MB
10. Async_Await/5.Using Async_Await in the Todo API.mp4
39.1 MB
10. Async_Await/3.A Real-World Example.mp4
50.5 MB
10. Async_Await/02-basics.zip
879 Bytes
10. Async_Await/05-async-await-in-todo-api.zip
128.9 kB
10. Async_Await/1.Async_Await Project Setup.mp4
42.3 MB
10. Async_Await/04-errors.zip
2.5 kB
10. Async_Await/03-currency-convert.zip
2.5 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/geolocation1.zip
119.1 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/joinroom.zip
240.4 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/23. Sending Messages To Room Only.mp4
130.7 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/2. Creating a New Project.mp4
106.3 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/5. Emitting and Listening to Events (Solution).mp4
79.5 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/6. Broadcasting Events.mp4
168.8 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/broadcasting.zip
39.4 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/21. Storing Users With ES6 Classes - Part II.mp4
207.3 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/privatemessages.zip
262.5 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/10. Geolocation Part I.mp4
163.5 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/9. Message Form & jQuery.mp4
185.2 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/20. Storing Users With ES6 Classes - Part I.mp4
169.2 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/userlist.zip
253.2 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/moustache.zip
230.7 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/emitsolution.zip
32.6 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/joinevent.zip
240.9 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/messageform.zip
118.3 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/1. Section Intro.mp4
42.3 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/momentjs.zip
134.2 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/joinpage.zip
238.5 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/14. Printing Message Timestamps.mp4
92.1 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/3. Adding Socket.io to an App.mp4
158.6 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/acknowledgements.zip
46.4 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/messagetimestamp.zip
216.0 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/22. Wiring Up User List.mp4
193.0 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/newproject.zip
22.1 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/11. Geolocation Part II.mp4
191.2 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/12. Styling The Chat Page.mp4
178.1 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/geolocation2.zip
126.6 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/16. Autoscrolling.mp4
148.6 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/autoscrolling.zip
236.4 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/emitandon.zip
27.4 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/classes2.zip
241.7 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/chatstyles.zip
134.8 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/addingsocketio.zip
27.6 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/7. Message Generator & Tests.mp4
140.3 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/4. Emitting and Listening to Events.mp4
119.5 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/24. New Feature Ideas.mp4
8.6 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/13. Timestamps and Formatting with Moment.mp4
140.8 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/18. Passing Room Data.mp4
227.6 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/17. Adding a Join Page.mp4
91.8 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/8. Event Acknowledgements.mp4
59.9 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/classes1.zip
241.4 kB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/19. Socket.io Rooms.mp4
82.8 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/15. Moustache.js.mp4
219.5 MB
9. Real-Time Web Apps with Socket.io/messagegenerator.zip
46.6 kB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/6. What's Makes up an HTTP Request.mp4
104.5 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/callbacks.zip
1.6 kB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/13. Advanced Promises.mp4
177.5 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/2. Async Basics.mp4
27.9 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/http.zip
1.7 kB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/15. Extra Features.mp4
41.3 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/11. Chaining Callbacks Together.mp4
140.8 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/chaining.zip
3.2 kB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/14. Weather App With Promises.mp4
212.8 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/async-basics.zip
649 Bytes
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/Quiz.txt
1.3 kB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/weather-promises.zip
5.4 kB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/1. Section Intro.mp4
39.4 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/8. Callback Errors.mp4
91.8 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/10. Wiring Up Weather Search.mp4
127.5 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/9. Abstracting Callbacks.mp4
106.5 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/geocoding.zip
1.9 kB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/promises.zip
3.6 kB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/weather.zip
2.6 kB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/pretty-printing.zip
1.7 kB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/5. Pretty Printing Objects.mp4
18.0 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/4. Callback Functions & APIs.mp4
94.6 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/12. Intro to ES6 Promises.mp4
84.6 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/7. Encoding User Input.mp4
108.2 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/3. Call Stack & Event Loop.mp4
39.9 MB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/encoding.zip
1.8 kB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/promises-2.zip
4.4 kB
4. Asynchronous Node.js (Weather App)/abstracting-callbacks.zip
2.6 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/4. Using 3rd Party Modules.mp4
120.1 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/13. Debugging Node.js Applications.mp4
74.4 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/listing-notes.zip
1.0 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/3rd-party-modules.zip
2.5 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/yargs.zip
1.2 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/9. Adding and Saving Notes.mp4
118.7 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/7. Simplified Input With Yargs.mp4
179.6 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/6. Getting Input From User.mp4
80.2 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/debugging.zip
3.0 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/1. Section Intro.mp4
43.9 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/global-modules.zip
1.1 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/refactor.zip
2.6 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/5. Restarting App with Nodemon.mp4
54.7 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/reading-note.zip
2.8 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/advanced-yargs.zip
3.3 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/debugging-pt2.zip
3.1 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/2. Using Require.mp4
78.0 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/10. Refactoring For Reusability.mp4
82.1 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/8. Working With JSON.mp4
106.9 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/17. Arrow Functions.mp4
77.9 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/getting-input.zip
1.2 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/15. Listing Notes.mp4
38.1 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/16. Requiring Arguments and Advanced Yargs.mp4
128.5 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/adding-note.zip
2.5 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/14. Using Node Inspector.mp4
5.4 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/3. Requiring Your Own Files.mp4
80.3 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/arrow-functions.zip
3.7 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/removing-note.zip
2.7 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/json.zip
2.0 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/module-basics.zip
676 Bytes
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/12. Reading Notes and Reusability.mp4
89.3 MB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/require-own-files.zip
1.1 kB
3. Node.js Fundamentals (Note App)/11. Removing a Note.mp4
69.1 MB
course path.txt
7.9 kB
1. Welcome/1. Welcome & Asking Awesome Questions.mp4
49.3 MB
6. Testing Your Applications/basic-testing.zip
1.3 kB
6. Testing Your Applications/watch-tests.zip
1.3 kB
6. Testing Your Applications/describe.zip
2.8 kB
6. Testing Your Applications/testing-express-2.zip
2.9 kB
6. Testing Your Applications/2. Mocha and Basic Testing.mp4
101.5 MB
6. Testing Your Applications/1. Section Intro.mp4
38.5 MB
6. Testing Your Applications/5. Testing Asynchronous Code.mp4
109.4 MB
6. Testing Your Applications/testing-express.zip
2.2 kB
6. Testing Your Applications/4. Using an Assertion Library.mp4
183.5 MB
6. Testing Your Applications/spies.zip
3.9 kB
6. Testing Your Applications/9. Test Spies.mp4
114.8 MB
6. Testing Your Applications/3. Watch and Auto Restart Tests.mp4
24.3 MB
6. Testing Your Applications/assertion-libraries.zip
1.7 kB
6. Testing Your Applications/8. Organizing Test With describe().mp4
73.0 MB
6. Testing Your Applications/6. Testing Express Applications - Part I.mp4
22.9 MB
6. Testing Your Applications/7. Testing Express Applications - Part II.mp4
173.9 MB
6. Testing Your Applications/async-testing.zip
1.7 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/test-get-todos.zip
49.5 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/11. The Mongoose ORM.mp4
37.9 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/test-post-todos.zip
43.0 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/12. Setting Up Mongoose.mp4
126.0 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/14. Installing Postman.mp4
60.9 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/get-todos.zip
44.3 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/updating-documents.zip
29.4 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/24. Delete a Resource - DELETE _todos_ -id.mp4
138.5 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/fetching-data.zip
1.9 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/testing-update-todo.zip
91.6 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/17. List Resources - GET _todos.mp4
44.0 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/1. Section Intro.mp4
53.1 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/22. Deploy API to Heroku.mp4
96.2 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/deleting-documents.zip
25.7 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/6. The ObjectId.mp4
88.1 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/mongoose-setup.zip
29.5 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/15. Resource Creation Endpoint - POST _todos.mp4
141.0 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/21. Testing GET _todos_ -id.mp4
110.9 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/2. Installing MongoDB and Robomongo (Mac, Linux).mp4
91.1 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/connect-write.zip
1.3 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/deploy-to-heroku.zip
66.0 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/28. Creating a Test Database.mp4
114.2 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/git.zip
20.5 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/19. Mongoose Queries and ID Validation.mp4
168.0 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/queries-and-id-validation.zip
56.3 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/3. Installing MongoDB and Robomongo (Windows).mp4
93.7 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/delete-todo.zip
68.7 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/7. Fetching Data.mp4
143.9 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/testing-get-todo.zip
66.1 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/get-single-resource.zip
57.4 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/16. Testing POST _todos.mp4
165.5 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/schemas.zip
28.5 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/5. Connecting to Mongo and Writing Data.mp4
137.0 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/23. Postman Environments.mp4
31.1 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/27. Testing PATCH _todos_ -id.mp4
115.1 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/4. Building a NoSQL Vocabulary.mp4
10.6 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/testing-delete-todo.zip
76.4 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/20. Getting an Individual Resource - GET _todos_ -id.mp4
109.9 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/9. Deleting Documents.mp4
149.9 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/test-database.zip
95.1 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/25. Testing DELETE _todos_ -id.mp4
102.4 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/13. Validators, Types, and Defaults.mp4
141.7 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/update-todo.zip
84.2 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/8. Setting Up The Repo.mp4
35.0 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/10. Updating Data.mp4
105.2 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/objectid.zip
1.3 kB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/26. Updating a Resource - PATCH _todos_ -id.mp4
127.2 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/18. Testing GET _todos.mp4
65.5 MB
7. MongoDB, Mongoose, and REST APIs (Todo API)/post-todos.zip
36.5 kB
本站不存储任何资源内容,只收集BT种子元数据(例如文件名和文件大小)和磁力链接(BT种子标识符),并提供查询服务,是一个完全合法的搜索引擎系统。 网站不提供种子下载服务,用户可以通过第三方链接或磁力链接获取到相关的种子资源。本站也不对BT种子真实性及合法性负责,请用户注意甄别!