Udemy - Become an Android Developer from Scratch
Udemy - Become an Android Developer from Scratch
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Tracker List.txt
436 Bytes
00 None/000 Welcome Video.mp4
32.3 MB
00 None/001 Say Goodbye to Hello World.mp4
14.2 MB
00 None/003 The Best Tools To Develop Your App.mp4
24.5 MB
00 None/002 Why Android Studio.mp4
33.1 MB
12 Persistence Make it last WEEK 9B/001 Shared Preferences.mp4
39.4 MB
12 Persistence Make it last WEEK 9B/002 File Storage.mp4
56.7 MB
12 Persistence Make it last WEEK 9B/003 CODE ALONG Build a Notepad App.mp4
131.1 MB
07 Android UI Know your user WEEK 6/006 Margins and Padding.mp4
14.7 MB
07 Android UI Know your user WEEK 6/007 Gravity and Layout Gravity.mp4
18.5 MB
07 Android UI Know your user WEEK 6/008 Adding Images.mp4
32.8 MB
07 Android UI Know your user WEEK 6/005 Relative Layouts.mp4
35.7 MB
07 Android UI Know your user WEEK 6/004 Linear Layouts.mp4
42.3 MB
07 Android UI Know your user WEEK 6/001 The Super 6 Mobile Design Principles.mp4
15.7 MB
07 Android UI Know your user WEEK 6/002 XML Basics.mp4
27.8 MB
07 Android UI Know your user WEEK 6/003 Introduction to Layouts.mp4
22.1 MB
07 Android UI Know your user WEEK 6/010 CODE ALONG Make a Full Android UI.mp4
224.3 MB
07 Android UI Know your user WEEK 6/009 Event Listeners Using Anonymous Classes.mp4
21.4 MB
09 Listviews Get your scroll on WEEK 7B/007 CODE ALONG Build Professionally Smooth Listviews.mp4
128.5 MB
09 Listviews Get your scroll on WEEK 7B/005 CODE ALONG Build a Custom ListView.mp4
129.1 MB
09 Listviews Get your scroll on WEEK 7B/006 Using The Holder Pattern and View Tags.mp4
67.5 MB
09 Listviews Get your scroll on WEEK 7B/001 Introduction To Listviews.mp4
52.1 MB
09 Listviews Get your scroll on WEEK 7B/003 CODE ALONG Build a Basic ListView.mp4
30.5 MB
09 Listviews Get your scroll on WEEK 7B/004 Listviews With Custom Adapters.mp4
47.2 MB
09 Listviews Get your scroll on WEEK 7B/002 Basic Listviews.mp4
29.3 MB
05 Object Orientation Recycle code WEEK 4/003 Setters, Getters and Autogeneration.mp4
21.6 MB
05 Object Orientation Recycle code WEEK 4/002 Scope and Accessibility Keywords.mp4
63.8 MB
05 Object Orientation Recycle code WEEK 4/004 Inheritance, Polymorphism, Overide and super.mp4
46.0 MB
05 Object Orientation Recycle code WEEK 4/007 CODE ALONG Make A Comedian Robot.mp4
108.3 MB
05 Object Orientation Recycle code WEEK 4/001 Encapsulation and Thisness.mp4
30.4 MB
05 Object Orientation Recycle code WEEK 4/006 Using Enhanced for loops for each loops In Collections.mp4
28.3 MB
05 Object Orientation Recycle code WEEK 4/005 The static and final keywords.mp4
42.7 MB
10 Fragments Build for multiple devices WEEK 8/004 Handling Communication Between Fragments.mp4
97.4 MB
10 Fragments Build for multiple devices WEEK 8/003 The Fragment Lifecycle.mp4
52.6 MB
10 Fragments Build for multiple devices WEEK 8/002 TCFE try, catch, finally, exception.mp4
49.3 MB
10 Fragments Build for multiple devices WEEK 8/001 Phones, Tablets, Phablets Fragments and Multiple Devices.mp4
19.6 MB
10 Fragments Build for multiple devices WEEK 8/005 CODE ALONG Build A Multi-pane Article Viewer.mp4
234.6 MB
01 Reading Java Find the clues in the code WEEK 1A/002 Files, Packages, Classes, Methods.mp4
4.7 MB
01 Reading Java Find the clues in the code WEEK 1A/004 Method Signatures.mp4
24.1 MB
01 Reading Java Find the clues in the code WEEK 1A/001 From Applications to code.mp4
20.4 MB
01 Reading Java Find the clues in the code WEEK 1A/005 Data Types, Variables.mp4
43.5 MB
01 Reading Java Find the clues in the code WEEK 1A/003 Syntax Symbols.mp4
11.5 MB
02 Computer Memory Think like your machine WEEK 1B/002 Introduction to Computer Memory.mp4
15.7 MB
02 Computer Memory Think like your machine WEEK 1B/001 Memory Lockers.mp4
49.7 MB
02 Computer Memory Think like your machine WEEK 1B/006 Android Studio First Look.mp4
73.2 MB
02 Computer Memory Think like your machine WEEK 1B/003 Computer Memory Primitives.mp4
12.3 MB
02 Computer Memory Think like your machine WEEK 1B/005 Android Studio Out Of The Box.mp4
42.9 MB
02 Computer Memory Think like your machine WEEK 1B/004 Computer Memory References And Null.mp4
19.7 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/004 elseelseif.mp4
7.4 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/003 The if Statement.mp4
7.3 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/013 CODE ALONG Pangrams.mp4
91.0 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/001 Operators and Assignments bitwise and unary.mp4
15.2 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/006 Nested for loops.mp4
22.4 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/002 The return statement.mp4
12.6 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/005 The for loop.mp4
22.2 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/007 The while loop.mp4
10.7 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/012 Stack Versus Heap.mp4
74.8 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/010 Compiling and Debugging.mp4
50.4 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/011 Whats first, next, now, later Interpreting control flow statements.mp4
26.9 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/009 The switch statement.mp4
13.3 MB
04 Control Flow Stop time and direct traffic WEEK 3/008 The break and continue statements.mp4
19.2 MB
11 Navigation Never leave your user confused WEEK 9A/001 The Action Bar.mp4
47.9 MB
16 Start Your Career As An Android Developer WEEK 12/001 The Cultural Interveiw.mp4
158.1 MB
16 Start Your Career As An Android Developer WEEK 12/002 The Coding Interview.mp4
269.1 MB
11 Navigation Never leave your user confused WEEK 9A/002 Tabs, Back, and Navigation.mp4
53.3 MB
11 Navigation Never leave your user confused WEEK 9A/004 CODE ALONG Delta Navigation.mp4
161.9 MB
11 Navigation Never leave your user confused WEEK 9A/003 Touch Detection.mp4
50.2 MB
13 Networking, APIs, and JSON Harness the web WEEK 10/001 HTTP request basics.mp4
12.2 MB
13 Networking, APIs, and JSON Harness the web WEEK 10/002 JSON parsing file parsing.mp4
85.7 MB
13 Networking, APIs, and JSON Harness the web WEEK 10/004 AsyncTask.mp4
92.1 MB
13 Networking, APIs, and JSON Harness the web WEEK 10/003 CODE ALONG Find your favorite toppings.mp4
45.9 MB
08 Activities and Intents Know your Android OS WEEK 7A/004 Passing Data With Intents.mp4
71.9 MB
08 Activities and Intents Know your Android OS WEEK 7A/005 CODE ALONG Data Mover.mp4
151.5 MB
08 Activities and Intents Know your Android OS WEEK 7A/006 Intent Filters and Implicit Intents.mp4
38.2 MB
08 Activities and Intents Know your Android OS WEEK 7A/003 CODE ALONG Switching Activities.mp4
50.0 MB
08 Activities and Intents Know your Android OS WEEK 7A/002 The Activity Lifecycle.mp4
51.1 MB
08 Activities and Intents Know your Android OS WEEK 7A/001 Activities and Intent Basics.mp4
23.7 MB
08 Activities and Intents Know your Android OS WEEK 7A/007 CODE ALONG Harnessing The Android App Ecosystem.mp4
176.5 MB
03 Data Structures And Collections Know your stuff WEEK 2/007 Garbage Collection and null.mp4
15.0 MB
03 Data Structures And Collections Know your stuff WEEK 2/001 Arrays.mp4
19.6 MB
03 Data Structures And Collections Know your stuff WEEK 2/002 Lists.mp4
14.5 MB
03 Data Structures And Collections Know your stuff WEEK 2/004 Maps.mp4
16.8 MB
03 Data Structures And Collections Know your stuff WEEK 2/005 Objects and new.mp4
12.1 MB
03 Data Structures And Collections Know your stuff WEEK 2/006 Constructors and Allocation.mp4
15.0 MB
03 Data Structures And Collections Know your stuff WEEK 2/003 Sets.mp4
5.5 MB
06 Data Manipulation Write independent, dependable code WEEK 5/005 Typecasting.mp4
19.2 MB
06 Data Manipulation Write independent, dependable code WEEK 5/002 Abstract Classes.mp4
11.0 MB
06 Data Manipulation Write independent, dependable code WEEK 5/001 All These Powerful Tools.mp4
88.7 MB
06 Data Manipulation Write independent, dependable code WEEK 5/003 Interfaces.mp4
9.7 MB
06 Data Manipulation Write independent, dependable code WEEK 5/004 Callbacks With Interfaces.mp4
13.5 MB
06 Data Manipulation Write independent, dependable code WEEK 5/007 CODE ALONG Making the Switch.mp4
74.6 MB
06 Data Manipulation Write independent, dependable code WEEK 5/006 Generics.mp4
49.7 MB
06 Data Manipulation Write independent, dependable code WEEK 5/008 CODE ALONG Update the Pet Adoption App.mp4
95.1 MB
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