Coding Secrets.2020.YT.Archive
Coding Secrets.2020.YT.Archive
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waaa 461
compilation 2160p
Coding Secrets - 20200709 - The Coding Secrets hidden in 'Sonic the Hedgehog'/Coding Secrets - 20200709 - The Coding Secrets hidden in 'Sonic the Hedgehog' [Xv88_vTkQFo].mkv
148.1 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200706 - How Toy Story's 'Next-Gen' 3D Was Coded/Coding Secrets - 20200706 - How Toy Story's 'Next-Gen' 3D Was Coded [96DO4V8qrR0].mkv
116.2 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200806 - Coding Secrets of Sonic 3D's 'Impossible' scrolling/Coding Secrets - 20200806 - Coding Secrets of Sonic 3D's 'Impossible' scrolling [ZPoz_Jgmh-M].mkv
115.3 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console/Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console [jxm5r3joiEI].mkv
100.5 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200904 - Fullscreen Rotation on the SEGA Genesis How this game does the impossible/Coding Secrets - 20200904 - Fullscreen Rotation on the SEGA Genesis How this game does the impossible [ipBt4yDfzuw].mkv
89.6 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200707 - SONIC Torn Apart to Expose SEGA's Insanity With Multichip Madness/Coding Secrets - 20200707 - SONIC Torn Apart to Expose SEGA's Insanity With Multichip Madness [c-4Q8Dn6Ndo].mkv
88.1 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200819 - SEGA's Crazy S&K 'Lock-On Technology'/Coding Secrets - 20200819 - SEGA's Crazy S&K 'Lock-On Technology' [9-4SApbrYH0].mkv
83.6 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200704 - How a Laser-Shot Disk Defeats Hackers & Pirates/Coding Secrets - 20200704 - How a Laser-Shot Disk Defeats Hackers & Pirates [K0XiiJcHDGg].mkv
79.8 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Is super-fast Pixel Perfect Collision Possible/Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Is super-fast Pixel Perfect Collision Possible [UtWZEqmO-aA].mkv
76.4 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Fading/Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Fading [czqwd43WQWM].mkv
71.5 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200706 - Impossible Particles - 17,000,000 triangles a second on the PS2 (beats Naughty Dog)/Coding Secrets - 20200706 - Impossible Particles - 17,000,000 triangles a second on the PS2 (beats Naughty Dog) [iEQLbbyToxw].mkv
67.3 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200712 - SEGA's Crazy Trick to Create Sonic 2's Special Stage - CODING SECRETS/Coding Secrets - 20200712 - SEGA's Crazy Trick to Create Sonic 2's Special Stage - CODING SECRETS [ilolCcB8Om8].mkv
66.9 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200723 - Hidden Secrets of Sonic 3's Special Stage Revealed/Coding Secrets - 20200723 - Hidden Secrets of Sonic 3's Special Stage Revealed [HuF22Juj1BA].mkv
66.7 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Mickey Mania's 3D Rotating Tower - How Was It Possible/Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Mickey Mania's 3D Rotating Tower - How Was It Possible [fV9BqqU17DM].mkv
63.0 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200709 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console - Audio/Coding Secrets - 20200709 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console - Audio [8vOxmsNSIbs].mkv
61.9 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic's Special Stage Tricks Revealed - and it's not what you think.../Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic's Special Stage Tricks Revealed - and it's not what you think... [9uHlAB5tiXA].mkv
61.7 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200630 - Why does PUNCHING Sonic 3D trigger a Secret Level Select/Coding Secrets - 20200630 - Why does PUNCHING Sonic 3D trigger a Secret Level Select [ZZs2HUW9tDA].mkv
59.4 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200701 - Mickey Mania's 'Impossible' 3D Chase - How Was It Done/Coding Secrets - 20200701 - Mickey Mania's 'Impossible' 3D Chase - How Was It Done [C9A6K5RQ2JQ].mkv
57.6 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Sonic R's code the Hardest in the World/Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Sonic R's code the Hardest in the World [CPaNNiB2H-s].mkv
54.2 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200707 - How Mickey Mania roasts game pirates/Coding Secrets - 20200707 - How Mickey Mania roasts game pirates [lDgD-_6eZEM].mkv
52.1 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200701 - How a weird SEGA Genesis GLITCH created stunning images/Coding Secrets - 20200701 - How a weird SEGA Genesis GLITCH created stunning images [_euM-nL6g1s].mkv
51.8 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200704 - Crushing Sonic to an Impossible Size/Coding Secrets - 20200704 - Crushing Sonic to an Impossible Size [GtC5tX_GwEU].mkv
51.6 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200630 - CODING SECRETS! How TOY STORY'S 3D was programmed/Coding Secrets - 20200630 - CODING SECRETS! How TOY STORY'S 3D was programmed [OL3cuHoquUk].mkv
44.1 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Effects - How We Made them Possible/Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Effects - How We Made them Possible [eC6Pr5jvtzA].mkv
44.0 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Toy Story's Hardware Defying Music - How We Did It/Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Toy Story's Hardware Defying Music - How We Did It [fZWwv5FNLE0].mkv
42.5 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200701 - SONIC 3D's Intro Sequence Is Impossible To Fit On A Cartridge - Right/Coding Secrets - 20200701 - SONIC 3D's Intro Sequence Is Impossible To Fit On A Cartridge - Right [VTawyLNoRhU].mkv
35.1 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Sonic 3D's Impossibly Compressed Logo FMV - How's it done/Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Sonic 3D's Impossibly Compressed Logo FMV - How's it done [tRgMF2z94xE].mkv
20.3 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200630 - How TOY STORY displayed IMPOSSIBLE IMAGES on the SEGA Genesis/Coding Secrets - 20200630 - How TOY STORY displayed IMPOSSIBLE IMAGES on the SEGA Genesis [1LkEPyTQsHs].mkv
17.8 MB
Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Fading/Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Fading [czqwd43WQWM].jpg
256.8 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200706 - Impossible Particles - 17,000,000 triangles a second on the PS2 (beats Naughty Dog)/Coding Secrets - 20200706 - Impossible Particles - 17,000,000 triangles a second on the PS2 (beats Naughty Dog) [iEQLbbyToxw].jpg
256.0 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200630 - How TOY STORY displayed IMPOSSIBLE IMAGES on the SEGA Genesis/Coding Secrets - 20200630 - How TOY STORY displayed IMPOSSIBLE IMAGES on the SEGA Genesis [1LkEPyTQsHs].jpg
240.4 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Effects - How We Made them Possible/Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Effects - How We Made them Possible [eC6Pr5jvtzA].jpg
205.0 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200701 - Mickey Mania's 'Impossible' 3D Chase - How Was It Done/Coding Secrets - 20200701 - Mickey Mania's 'Impossible' 3D Chase - How Was It Done [C9A6K5RQ2JQ].jpg
200.7 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200704 - How a Laser-Shot Disk Defeats Hackers & Pirates/Coding Secrets - 20200704 - How a Laser-Shot Disk Defeats Hackers & Pirates [K0XiiJcHDGg].jpg
200.6 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic's Special Stage Tricks Revealed - and it's not what you think.../Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic's Special Stage Tricks Revealed - and it's not what you think... [9uHlAB5tiXA].jpg
197.8 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console/Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console [jxm5r3joiEI].jpg
189.7 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Sonic R's code the Hardest in the World/Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Sonic R's code the Hardest in the World [CPaNNiB2H-s].jpg
177.9 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Mickey Mania's 3D Rotating Tower - How Was It Possible/Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Mickey Mania's 3D Rotating Tower - How Was It Possible [fV9BqqU17DM].jpg
173.8 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200706 - How Toy Story's 'Next-Gen' 3D Was Coded/Coding Secrets - 20200706 - How Toy Story's 'Next-Gen' 3D Was Coded [96DO4V8qrR0].jpg
171.2 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200709 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console - Audio/Coding Secrets - 20200709 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console - Audio [8vOxmsNSIbs].jpg
163.3 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Is super-fast Pixel Perfect Collision Possible/Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Is super-fast Pixel Perfect Collision Possible [UtWZEqmO-aA].jpg
160.9 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200701 - SONIC 3D's Intro Sequence Is Impossible To Fit On A Cartridge - Right/Coding Secrets - 20200701 - SONIC 3D's Intro Sequence Is Impossible To Fit On A Cartridge - Right [VTawyLNoRhU].jpg
140.1 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Sonic 3D's Impossibly Compressed Logo FMV - How's it done/Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Sonic 3D's Impossibly Compressed Logo FMV - How's it done [tRgMF2z94xE].jpg
139.5 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200709 - The Coding Secrets hidden in 'Sonic the Hedgehog'/Coding Secrets - 20200709 - The Coding Secrets hidden in 'Sonic the Hedgehog' [Xv88_vTkQFo].jpg
134.0 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200630 - Why does PUNCHING Sonic 3D trigger a Secret Level Select/Coding Secrets - 20200630 - Why does PUNCHING Sonic 3D trigger a Secret Level Select [ZZs2HUW9tDA].jpg
132.9 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Toy Story's Hardware Defying Music - How We Did It/Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Toy Story's Hardware Defying Music - How We Did It [fZWwv5FNLE0].webp
124.2 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200904 - Fullscreen Rotation on the SEGA Genesis How this game does the impossible/Coding Secrets - 20200904 - Fullscreen Rotation on the SEGA Genesis How this game does the impossible [ipBt4yDfzuw].jpg
123.4 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200707 - How Mickey Mania roasts game pirates/Coding Secrets - 20200707 - How Mickey Mania roasts game pirates [lDgD-_6eZEM].jpg
118.9 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200707 - SONIC Torn Apart to Expose SEGA's Insanity With Multichip Madness/Coding Secrets - 20200707 - SONIC Torn Apart to Expose SEGA's Insanity With Multichip Madness [c-4Q8Dn6Ndo].jpg
117.5 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200723 - Hidden Secrets of Sonic 3's Special Stage Revealed/Coding Secrets - 20200723 - Hidden Secrets of Sonic 3's Special Stage Revealed [HuF22Juj1BA].webp
110.1 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200806 - Coding Secrets of Sonic 3D's 'Impossible' scrolling/Coding Secrets - 20200806 - Coding Secrets of Sonic 3D's 'Impossible' scrolling [ZPoz_Jgmh-M].jpg
106.5 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200630 - Why does PUNCHING Sonic 3D trigger a Secret Level Select/Coding Secrets - 20200630 - Why does PUNCHING Sonic 3D trigger a Secret Level Select [ZZs2HUW9tDA].info.json
98.4 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200701 - How a weird SEGA Genesis GLITCH created stunning images/Coding Secrets - 20200701 - How a weird SEGA Genesis GLITCH created stunning images [_euM-nL6g1s].webp
83.5 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200630 - CODING SECRETS! How TOY STORY'S 3D was programmed/Coding Secrets - 20200630 - CODING SECRETS! How TOY STORY'S 3D was programmed [OL3cuHoquUk].webp
77.6 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200712 - SEGA's Crazy Trick to Create Sonic 2's Special Stage - CODING SECRETS/Coding Secrets - 20200712 - SEGA's Crazy Trick to Create Sonic 2's Special Stage - CODING SECRETS [ilolCcB8Om8].webp
74.5 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200819 - SEGA's Crazy S&K 'Lock-On Technology'/Coding Secrets - 20200819 - SEGA's Crazy S&K 'Lock-On Technology' [9-4SApbrYH0].webp
70.6 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200704 - Crushing Sonic to an Impossible Size/Coding Secrets - 20200704 - Crushing Sonic to an Impossible Size [GtC5tX_GwEU].webp
62.7 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200706 - Impossible Particles - 17,000,000 triangles a second on the PS2 (beats Naughty Dog)/Coding Secrets - 20200706 - Impossible Particles - 17,000,000 triangles a second on the PS2 (beats Naughty Dog) [iEQLbbyToxw].info.json
38.9 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200707 - SONIC Torn Apart to Expose SEGA's Insanity With Multichip Madness/Coding Secrets - 20200707 - SONIC Torn Apart to Expose SEGA's Insanity With Multichip Madness [c-4Q8Dn6Ndo].info.json
38.6 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200701 - SONIC 3D's Intro Sequence Is Impossible To Fit On A Cartridge - Right/Coding Secrets - 20200701 - SONIC 3D's Intro Sequence Is Impossible To Fit On A Cartridge - Right [VTawyLNoRhU].info.json
38.5 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200707 - How Mickey Mania roasts game pirates/Coding Secrets - 20200707 - How Mickey Mania roasts game pirates [lDgD-_6eZEM].info.json
38.4 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200701 - How a weird SEGA Genesis GLITCH created stunning images/Coding Secrets - 20200701 - How a weird SEGA Genesis GLITCH created stunning images [_euM-nL6g1s].info.json
38.4 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200806 - Coding Secrets of Sonic 3D's 'Impossible' scrolling/Coding Secrets - 20200806 - Coding Secrets of Sonic 3D's 'Impossible' scrolling [ZPoz_Jgmh-M].info.json
38.4 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200701 - Mickey Mania's 'Impossible' 3D Chase - How Was It Done/Coding Secrets - 20200701 - Mickey Mania's 'Impossible' 3D Chase - How Was It Done [C9A6K5RQ2JQ].info.json
38.2 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200630 - How TOY STORY displayed IMPOSSIBLE IMAGES on the SEGA Genesis/Coding Secrets - 20200630 - How TOY STORY displayed IMPOSSIBLE IMAGES on the SEGA Genesis [1LkEPyTQsHs].info.json
38.2 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Effects - How We Made them Possible/Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Effects - How We Made them Possible [eC6Pr5jvtzA].info.json
38.2 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Mickey Mania's 3D Rotating Tower - How Was It Possible/Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Mickey Mania's 3D Rotating Tower - How Was It Possible [fV9BqqU17DM].info.json
38.2 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Sonic 3D's Impossibly Compressed Logo FMV - How's it done/Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Sonic 3D's Impossibly Compressed Logo FMV - How's it done [tRgMF2z94xE].info.json
38.2 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200706 - How Toy Story's 'Next-Gen' 3D Was Coded/Coding Secrets - 20200706 - How Toy Story's 'Next-Gen' 3D Was Coded [96DO4V8qrR0].info.json
38.1 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic's Special Stage Tricks Revealed - and it's not what you think.../Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic's Special Stage Tricks Revealed - and it's not what you think... [9uHlAB5tiXA].info.json
38.1 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200723 - Hidden Secrets of Sonic 3's Special Stage Revealed/Coding Secrets - 20200723 - Hidden Secrets of Sonic 3's Special Stage Revealed [HuF22Juj1BA].info.json
38.1 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200904 - Fullscreen Rotation on the SEGA Genesis How this game does the impossible/Coding Secrets - 20200904 - Fullscreen Rotation on the SEGA Genesis How this game does the impossible [ipBt4yDfzuw].info.json
38.1 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200630 - CODING SECRETS! How TOY STORY'S 3D was programmed/Coding Secrets - 20200630 - CODING SECRETS! How TOY STORY'S 3D was programmed [OL3cuHoquUk].info.json
38.1 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console/Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console [jxm5r3joiEI].info.json
38.1 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Is super-fast Pixel Perfect Collision Possible/Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Is super-fast Pixel Perfect Collision Possible [UtWZEqmO-aA].info.json
38.1 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200704 - Crushing Sonic to an Impossible Size/Coding Secrets - 20200704 - Crushing Sonic to an Impossible Size [GtC5tX_GwEU].info.json
38.1 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200712 - SEGA's Crazy Trick to Create Sonic 2's Special Stage - CODING SECRETS/Coding Secrets - 20200712 - SEGA's Crazy Trick to Create Sonic 2's Special Stage - CODING SECRETS [ilolCcB8Om8].info.json
38.0 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200819 - SEGA's Crazy S&K 'Lock-On Technology'/Coding Secrets - 20200819 - SEGA's Crazy S&K 'Lock-On Technology' [9-4SApbrYH0].info.json
38.0 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Toy Story's Hardware Defying Music - How We Did It/Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Toy Story's Hardware Defying Music - How We Did It [fZWwv5FNLE0].info.json
38.0 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200709 - The Coding Secrets hidden in 'Sonic the Hedgehog'/Coding Secrets - 20200709 - The Coding Secrets hidden in 'Sonic the Hedgehog' [Xv88_vTkQFo].info.json
37.9 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200704 - How a Laser-Shot Disk Defeats Hackers & Pirates/Coding Secrets - 20200704 - How a Laser-Shot Disk Defeats Hackers & Pirates [K0XiiJcHDGg].info.json
37.9 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Fading/Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Fading [czqwd43WQWM].info.json
37.9 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200709 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console - Audio/Coding Secrets - 20200709 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console - Audio [8vOxmsNSIbs].info.json
37.7 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Sonic R's code the Hardest in the World/Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Sonic R's code the Hardest in the World [CPaNNiB2H-s].info.json
37.7 kB
Coding Secrets - 20200706 - Impossible Particles - 17,000,000 triangles a second on the PS2 (beats Naughty Dog)/Coding Secrets - 20200706 - Impossible Particles - 17,000,000 triangles a second on the PS2 (beats Naughty Dog) [iEQLbbyToxw].description
601 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200706 - How Toy Story's 'Next-Gen' 3D Was Coded/Coding Secrets - 20200706 - How Toy Story's 'Next-Gen' 3D Was Coded [96DO4V8qrR0].description
440 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Effects - How We Made them Possible/Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Effects - How We Made them Possible [eC6Pr5jvtzA].description
423 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Mickey Mania's 3D Rotating Tower - How Was It Possible/Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Mickey Mania's 3D Rotating Tower - How Was It Possible [fV9BqqU17DM].description
419 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200630 - How TOY STORY displayed IMPOSSIBLE IMAGES on the SEGA Genesis/Coding Secrets - 20200630 - How TOY STORY displayed IMPOSSIBLE IMAGES on the SEGA Genesis [1LkEPyTQsHs].description
416 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200704 - Crushing Sonic to an Impossible Size/Coding Secrets - 20200704 - Crushing Sonic to an Impossible Size [GtC5tX_GwEU].description
383 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200707 - SONIC Torn Apart to Expose SEGA's Insanity With Multichip Madness/Coding Secrets - 20200707 - SONIC Torn Apart to Expose SEGA's Insanity With Multichip Madness [c-4Q8Dn6Ndo].description
381 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200701 - Mickey Mania's 'Impossible' 3D Chase - How Was It Done/Coding Secrets - 20200701 - Mickey Mania's 'Impossible' 3D Chase - How Was It Done [C9A6K5RQ2JQ].description
376 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Fading/Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Sonic R's 'Impossible' Fading [czqwd43WQWM].description
376 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200806 - Coding Secrets of Sonic 3D's 'Impossible' scrolling/Coding Secrets - 20200806 - Coding Secrets of Sonic 3D's 'Impossible' scrolling [ZPoz_Jgmh-M].description
372 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200704 - How a Laser-Shot Disk Defeats Hackers & Pirates/Coding Secrets - 20200704 - How a Laser-Shot Disk Defeats Hackers & Pirates [K0XiiJcHDGg].description
364 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Toy Story's Hardware Defying Music - How We Did It/Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Toy Story's Hardware Defying Music - How We Did It [fZWwv5FNLE0].description
361 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console/Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console [jxm5r3joiEI].description
356 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200707 - How Mickey Mania roasts game pirates/Coding Secrets - 20200707 - How Mickey Mania roasts game pirates [lDgD-_6eZEM].description
351 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200630 - Why does PUNCHING Sonic 3D trigger a Secret Level Select/Coding Secrets - 20200630 - Why does PUNCHING Sonic 3D trigger a Secret Level Select [ZZs2HUW9tDA].description
345 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Sonic 3D's Impossibly Compressed Logo FMV - How's it done/Coding Secrets - 20200702 - Sonic 3D's Impossibly Compressed Logo FMV - How's it done [tRgMF2z94xE].description
342 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200701 - SONIC 3D's Intro Sequence Is Impossible To Fit On A Cartridge - Right/Coding Secrets - 20200701 - SONIC 3D's Intro Sequence Is Impossible To Fit On A Cartridge - Right [VTawyLNoRhU].description
341 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200701 - How a weird SEGA Genesis GLITCH created stunning images/Coding Secrets - 20200701 - How a weird SEGA Genesis GLITCH created stunning images [_euM-nL6g1s].description
330 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200630 - CODING SECRETS! How TOY STORY'S 3D was programmed/Coding Secrets - 20200630 - CODING SECRETS! How TOY STORY'S 3D was programmed [OL3cuHoquUk].description
327 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Is super-fast Pixel Perfect Collision Possible/Coding Secrets - 20200705 - Is super-fast Pixel Perfect Collision Possible [UtWZEqmO-aA].description
322 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic's Special Stage Tricks Revealed - and it's not what you think.../Coding Secrets - 20200703 - Sonic's Special Stage Tricks Revealed - and it's not what you think... [9uHlAB5tiXA].description
306 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Sonic R's code the Hardest in the World/Coding Secrets - 20200708 - Sonic R's code the Hardest in the World [CPaNNiB2H-s].description
160 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200709 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console - Audio/Coding Secrets - 20200709 - Running PUBG on a 16-BIT Console - Audio [8vOxmsNSIbs].description
160 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200709 - The Coding Secrets hidden in 'Sonic the Hedgehog'/Coding Secrets - 20200709 - The Coding Secrets hidden in 'Sonic the Hedgehog' [Xv88_vTkQFo].description
160 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200712 - SEGA's Crazy Trick to Create Sonic 2's Special Stage - CODING SECRETS/Coding Secrets - 20200712 - SEGA's Crazy Trick to Create Sonic 2's Special Stage - CODING SECRETS [ilolCcB8Om8].description
160 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200723 - Hidden Secrets of Sonic 3's Special Stage Revealed/Coding Secrets - 20200723 - Hidden Secrets of Sonic 3's Special Stage Revealed [HuF22Juj1BA].description
160 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200904 - Fullscreen Rotation on the SEGA Genesis How this game does the impossible/Coding Secrets - 20200904 - Fullscreen Rotation on the SEGA Genesis How this game does the impossible [ipBt4yDfzuw].description
115 Bytes
Coding Secrets - 20200819 - SEGA's Crazy S&K 'Lock-On Technology'/Coding Secrets - 20200819 - SEGA's Crazy S&K 'Lock-On Technology' [9-4SApbrYH0].description
101 Bytes
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