Cornell Lab of Ornithology - Voices of North American Owls (2cds) (b)
Cornell Lab of Ornithology - Voices of North American Owls (2cds) (b)
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CD1/95 Owl, Barred - Ascending.mp3
3.2 MB
CD1/91 Owl, Barred - Female two-phrase hoot, ascending hoot, caterwaul.mp3
2.7 MB
CD1/45 Owl, Great Horned - Territorial hooting duet, copulation.mp3
2.3 MB
CD1/12 Owl, Flammulated - Male territorial hoot.mp3
2.2 MB
CD1/19 Screech-Owl, Western - Bouncing ball song, double trill song.mp3
2.1 MB
CD1/44 Owl, Great Horned - Territorial hooting duet.mp3
2.0 MB
CD1/64 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Male five-note location call.mp3
2.0 MB
CD1/96 Owl, Barred - Ascending hoot, caterwaul, hoo-aw.mp3
1.8 MB
CD1/75 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Male four-note location call.mp3
1.7 MB
CD1/76 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Male four-note location call.mp3
1.7 MB
CD1/22 Screech-Owl, Western - Te-te-do call, agitated double trill.mp3
1.6 MB
CD1/20 Screech-Owl, Western - Double trill song, bouncing ball song.mp3
1.6 MB
CD1/93 Owl, Barred - Pair caterwauling.mp3
1.4 MB
CD1/80 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Male series location call.mp3
1.3 MB
CD1/24 Screech-Owl, Eastern - Descending trill, monotonic trill.mp3
1.3 MB
CD1/94 Owl, Barred - Female two-phrase hoot, male ascending hoot, female hoot variation.mp3
1.3 MB
CD1/84 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Bark series.mp3
1.2 MB
CD1/11 Owl, Barn - Fledgling begging snore.mp3
1.2 MB
CD1/82 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Whistle contact call.mp3
1.1 MB
CD1/63 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Female three-note location call.mp3
1.1 MB
CD1/92 Owl, Barred - Pair caterwauling.mp3
1.1 MB
CD1/69 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Contact whistle.mp3
1.0 MB
CD1/90 Owl, Barred x Spotted - Advertisement hooting.mp3
997.6 kB
CD1/46 Owl, Great Horned - Female squawk, male territorial hoot.mp3
996.1 kB
CD1/47 Owl, Great Horned - Female chitter call, squawk, male territorial hoot.mp3
949.6 kB
CD1/07 Owl, Barn - Sustained defensive hiss.mp3
924.6 kB
CD1/32 Screech-Owl, Eastern - Nestling begging rasp, chitter call, chuckle rattle.mp3
919.6 kB
CD1/70 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Female agitated contact whistle.mp3
906.5 kB
CD1/68 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Male series location call, female contact whistle.mp3
883.5 kB
CD1/98 Owl, Barred - Female hoo-aw.mp3
881.9 kB
CD1/09 Owl, Barn - Calls at nest.mp3
873.2 kB
CD1/21 Screech-Owl, Western - Agitated bark, bill-clap.mp3
860.2 kB
CD1/10 Owl, Barn - Fledgling mobbing call.mp3
828.8 kB
CD1/50 Owl, Great Horned - Female wac-wac call, bill-clap, male hoot.mp3
817.4 kB
CD1/86 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Contact-like call, bark.mp3
813.2 kB
CD1/83 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Agitated contact whistle.mp3
779.4 kB
CD1/88 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Prey delivery.mp3
777.9 kB
CD1/05 Owl, Barn - Distress call.mp3
768.5 kB
CD1/81 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Male series location call.mp3
761.5 kB
CD1/38 Screech-Owl, Whiskered - Male prolonged trill.mp3
703.0 kB
CD1/23 Screech-Owl, Western - Female solicitation call.mp3
699.1 kB
CD1/65 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Male series location call, female contact whistle.mp3
694.2 kB
CD1/01 Owl, Barn - Territorial scream.mp3
692.5 kB
CD1/85 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Cooing call.mp3
687.2 kB
CD1/52 Owl, Great Horned - Fledgling begging call.mp3
686.5 kB
CD1/26 Screech-Owl, Eastern - Monotonic trill.mp3
662.0 kB
CD1/04 Owl, Barn - Warning scream.mp3
643.8 kB
CD1/27 Screech-Owl, Eastern - Monotonic trill.mp3
602.1 kB
CD1/99 Owl, Barred - Female hoot variation.mp3
598.0 kB
CD1/54 Owl, Snowy - Female bark call, bill snap.mp3
590.6 kB
CD1/89 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Fledgling begging call.mp3
585.8 kB
CD1/03 Owl, Barn - Territorial scream, wing-clap.mp3
584.7 kB
CD1/72 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Female contact whistle, male nest call.mp3
578.7 kB
CD1/56 Owl, Snowy - Female mewing whistle.mp3
559.1 kB
CD1/33 Screech-Owl, Eastern - Food delivery at nest.mp3
553.9 kB
CD1/57 Owl, Snowy - Unidentified call.mp3
548.2 kB
CD1/59 Owl, Snowy - Nestling begging squeal, chitter call.mp3
547.0 kB
CD1/48 Owl, Great Horned - Male territorial hoot, female territorial hoot, squawk.mp3
539.0 kB
CD1/08 Owl, Barn - Kleak-kleak call.mp3
537.5 kB
CD1/73 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Pair interaction.mp3
536.8 kB
CD1/40 Screech-Owl, Whiskered - Male whistle call.mp3
500.8 kB
CD1/34 Screech-Owl, Whiskered - Male short trill.mp3
499.7 kB
CD1/28 Screech-Owl, Eastern - Monotonic trill.mp3
489.2 kB
CD1/06 Owl, Barn - Sustained defensive hiss, bill-clap, warning scream.mp3
484.0 kB
CD1/13 Owl, Flammulated - Female hoot.mp3
478.5 kB
CD1/77 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Female four-note location call.mp3
468.4 kB
CD1/60 Owl, Snowy - Fledgling begging call, chitter.mp3
465.7 kB
CD1/35 Screech-Owl, Whiskered - Male short trill.mp3
462.8 kB
CD1/53 Owl, Snowy - Male territorial hoot.mp3
452.6 kB
CD1/30 Screech-Owl, Eastern - Screech call, chuckle rattle.mp3
449.2 kB
CD1/25 Screech-Owl, Eastern - Descending trill.mp3
439.0 kB
CD1/87 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Copulation.mp3
430.3 kB
CD1/74 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Pair interaction.mp3
418.4 kB
CD1/42 Screech-Owl, Whiskered - Female bark call, screech.mp3
416.5 kB
CD1/97 Owl, Barred - Male hoo-aw.mp3
410.5 kB
CD1/55 Owl, Snowy - Male bark call.mp3
405.1 kB
CD1/51 Owl, Great Horned - Chitter call.mp3
391.1 kB
CD1/14 Owl, Flammulated - Nestling begging snore, adult food delivery hoot.mp3
385.8 kB
CD1/02 Owl, Barn - Territorial scream.mp3
364.5 kB
CD1/29 Screech-Owl, Eastern - Screech call, bill-clap.mp3
339.4 kB
CD1/79 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Agitated location call.mp3
327.4 kB
CD1/16 Owl, Flammulated - Male bark.mp3
323.7 kB
CD1/18 Owl, Flammulated - Distress shriek, bill-clap.mp3
320.0 kB
CD1/43 Screech-Owl, Whiskered - Copulation.mp3
315.7 kB
CD1/78 Owl, Spotted, Mexican - Female agitated location call, male four-note location call.mp3
314.3 kB
CD1/49 Owl, Great Horned - Bark-like call.mp3
311.0 kB
CD1/58 Owl, Snowy - Unidentified call.mp3
284.2 kB
CD1/36 Screech-Owl, Whiskered - Male telegraphic trill.mp3
262.0 kB
CD1/15 Owl, Flammulated - Female bark, nestling begging snore.mp3
245.1 kB
CD1/31 Screech-Owl, Eastern - Bark call.mp3
242.8 kB
CD1/66 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Female series location call.mp3
210.1 kB
CD1/39 Screech-Owl, Whiskered - Hoot.mp3
199.6 kB
CD1/41 Screech-Owl, Whiskered - Bark series.mp3
180.9 kB
CD1/62 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Female four-note location call.mp3
180.3 kB
CD1/37 Screech-Owl, Whiskered - Telegraphci trill, squeal.mp3
158.6 kB
CD1/67 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Female series location call, agitated contact whistle.mp3
151.4 kB
CD1/61 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Male four-note location call.mp3
141.4 kB
CD1/71 Owl, Spotted, Northern - Female bark series.mp3
136.1 kB
CD1/17 Owl, Flammulated - Female moan.mp3
127.3 kB
CD1/Voices of North American Owls CD1.log
40.2 kB
CD1/Voices of North American Owls CD1.cue
21.3 kB
CD2/15 Owl, Great Gray - Food exchange at nest.mp3
3.2 MB
CD2/03 Owl, Barred - Fledgling begging call.mp3
1.9 MB
CD2/54 Owl, Boreal - Male prolonged staccato song.mp3
1.7 MB
CD2/34 Pygmy-Owl, Ferruginous - Male primary advertising song, prolonged chitter call, female chitter call.mp3
1.3 MB
CD2/19 Owl, Northern Hawk - Screeching call, yelping call.mp3
1.3 MB
CD2/16 Owl, Great Gray - Fledgling begging call.mp3
1.1 MB
CD2/04 Owl, Barred - Fledgling begging call, male two-phrase hoot.mp3
1.0 MB
CD2/69 Owl, Northern Saw-whet - Food deliveries at nest.mp3
1.0 MB
CD2/72 Owl, Long-eared - Female nest call.mp3
976.5 kB
CD2/05 Owl, Great Gray - Male territorial hoot.mp3
910.8 kB
CD2/60 Owl, Boreal - Fledgling begging call, male food delivery call, skiew call.mp3
882.4 kB
CD2/32 Pygmy-Owl, Ferruginous - Male primary advertising song.mp3
832.8 kB
CD2/41 Owl, Elf - Male chatter song, female station call.mp3
828.1 kB
CD2/26 Pygmy-Owl, Northern - Male toot song, prolonged chitter call, female chitter call.mp3
820.7 kB
CD2/83 Owl, Long-eared - Fledgling begging call.mp3
798.1 kB
CD2/61 Owl, Northern Saw-whet - Male advertising song.mp3
797.8 kB
CD2/02 Owl, Barred - Distraction squeals and honk.mp3
789.8 kB
CD2/70 Owl, Long-eared - Male advertising hoot.mp3
780.3 kB
CD2/33 Pygmy-Owl, Ferruginous - Female primary advertising song.mp3
772.5 kB
CD2/92 Owl, Mottled - Male territorial hoot.mp3
757.0 kB
CD2/62 Owl, Northern Saw-whet - Advertising song.mp3
718.6 kB
CD2/22 Pygmy-Owl, Northern - Male toot song, g.g. grinnelli.mp3
707.3 kB
CD2/21 Owl, Northern Hawk - Distress call.mp3
693.5 kB
CD2/43 Owl, Elf - Bark call, station call.mp3
682.9 kB
CD2/53 Owl, Boreal - Male staccato song.mp3
677.9 kB
CD2/10 Owl, Great Gray - Female contact call, nestling begging call.mp3
676.0 kB
CD2/52 Owl, Burrowing - Juvenile rattlesnake rasp.mp3
673.5 kB
CD2/64 Owl, Northern Saw-whet - Ksew call, whine call, whine-like call.mp3
670.3 kB
CD2/71 Owl, Long-eared - Female nest call.mp3
659.1 kB
CD2/23 Pygmy-Owl, Northern - Male toot song, g.g. californicum.mp3
644.2 kB
CD2/85 Owl, Short-eared - Bark call.mp3
638.6 kB
CD2/63 Owl, Northern Saw-whet - Whine-like call.mp3
634.0 kB
CD2/40 Pygmy-Owl, Ferruginous - Fledgling begging chitter.mp3
618.3 kB
CD2/73 Owl, Long-eared - Female nest call, male advertising hoot.mp3
604.1 kB
CD2/48 Owl, Burrowing - Alarm chatter.mp3
595.6 kB
CD2/09 Owl, Great Gray - Female contact call.mp3
589.6 kB
CD2/36 Pygmy-Owl, Ferruginous - Female alarm call.mp3
570.6 kB
CD2/14 Owl, Great Gray - Fledgling begging call, hoot.mp3
566.7 kB
CD2/74 Owl, Long-eared - Male wing-clap, female nest call.mp3
560.7 kB
CD2/93 Owl, Stygian - Male advertising hoot, female call.mp3
552.0 kB
CD2/59 Owl, Boreal - Nestling chatter, female peep.mp3
550.5 kB
CD2/47 Owl, Burrowing - Male primary song.mp3
536.2 kB
CD2/44 Owl, Elf - Bark call.mp3
535.4 kB
CD2/35 Pygmy-Owl, Ferruginous - Female chitter call.mp3
524.1 kB
CD2/20 Owl, Northern Hawk - Alarm squeals.mp3
514.4 kB
CD2/24 Pygmy-Owl, Northern - Male toot song, g.g. gnoma.mp3
514.4 kB
CD2/29 Pygmy-Owl, Northern - Food delivery at nest.mp3
497.7 kB
CD2/90 Owl, Short-eared - Fledgling begging call.mp3
497.1 kB
CD2/55 Owl, Boreal - Male subdued staccato song.mp3
484.4 kB
CD2/42 Owl, Elf - Prolonged male chatter song, female call.mp3
472.2 kB
CD2/66 Owl, Northern Saw-whet - Male alarm call.mp3
462.5 kB
CD2/11 Owl, Great Gray - Chitter call.mp3
457.0 kB
CD2/78 Owl, Long-eared - High intensity alarm call, bill-clap.mp3
447.4 kB
CD2/75 Owl, Long-eared - Male bark.mp3
437.5 kB
CD2/31 Pygmy-Owl, Northern - Fledgling begging call.mp3
433.5 kB
CD2/68 Owl, Northern Saw-whet - Bill snap, chitter call.mp3
429.2 kB
CD2/86 Owl, Short-eared - Bark call.mp3
422.4 kB
CD2/37 Pygmy-Owl, Ferruginous - Female aggression call.mp3
409.6 kB
CD2/01 Owl, Barred - Female solicitation call.mp3
408.6 kB
CD2/58 Owl, Boreal - Nestling peep, male food delivery call.mp3
404.3 kB
CD2/17 Owl, Northern Hawk - Male advertising song.mp3
400.3 kB
CD2/12 Owl, Great Gray - Distraction calls.mp3
365.8 kB
CD2/38 Pygmy-Owl, Ferruginous - Female aggression call.mp3
360.5 kB
CD2/30 Pygmy-Owl, Northern - Female chitter call, unkown call.mp3
349.0 kB
CD2/81 Owl, Long-eared - Distraction squeal.mp3
344.8 kB
CD2/89 Owl, Short-eared - Female distraction call, bill-clap.mp3
335.7 kB
CD2/57 Owl, Boreal - Male food delivery call.mp3
320.0 kB
CD2/91 Owl, Short-eared - Fledgling chitter call.mp3
312.3 kB
CD2/45 Owl, Elf - Copulation.mp3
310.5 kB
CD2/28 Pygmy-Owl, Northern - Copulation.mp3
302.0 kB
CD2/67 Owl, Northern Saw-whet - Unknown call.mp3
295.7 kB
CD2/13 Owl, Great Gray - Agitated call.mp3
292.6 kB
CD2/77 Owl, Long-eared - Alarm call.mp3
291.2 kB
CD2/65 Owl, Northern Saw-whet - Calls.mp3
291.0 kB
CD2/84 Owl, Short-eared - Male hoot, wing-clap.mp3
289.1 kB
CD2/07 Owl, Great Gray - Defensive hoot.mp3
288.1 kB
CD2/46 Owl, Elf - Nestling begging rasp.mp3
286.9 kB
CD2/25 Pygmy-Owl, Northern - Male double-note toot song, g.g. gnoma.mp3
251.9 kB
CD2/80 Owl, Long-eared - Low intensity alarm call, bill-clap.mp3
245.1 kB
CD2/39 Pygmy-Owl, Ferruginous - Nestling distress call.mp3
243.8 kB
CD2/88 Owl, Short-eared - Bark call.mp3
242.2 kB
CD2/18 Owl, Northern Hawk - Trilling call.mp3
231.3 kB
CD2/49 Owl, Burrowing - Alarm notes, alarm chatter.mp3
230.8 kB
CD2/06 Owl, Great Gray - Defensive hoot.mp3
228.8 kB
CD2/87 Owl, Short-eared - Bark call.mp3
212.8 kB
CD2/51 Owl, Burrowing - Nestling begging rasp, adult alarm chatter.mp3
198.5 kB
CD2/76 Owl, Long-eared - Female bark.mp3
190.0 kB
CD2/27 Pygmy-Owl, Northern - Female chitter call.mp3
166.0 kB
CD2/82 Owl, Long-eared - Bill-clap, hiss.mp3
157.7 kB
CD2/79 Owl, Long-eared - Alarm call in flight.mp3
151.3 kB
CD2/08 Owl, Great Gray - Male contact hoot.mp3
148.2 kB
CD2/50 Owl, Burrowing - Alarm chatter.mp3
123.6 kB
CD2/56 Owl, Boreal - Skiew call.mp3
71.6 kB
CD2/Voices of North American Owls CD2.log
37.6 kB
CD2/Voices of North American Owls CD2.cue
19.4 kB
6.7 MB
36.6 kB
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