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Encyclopedic Dictionary Of Mathematics Second edition.pdf
192.7 MB
CRC Concise Encyclopedia- Mathematics/CRC Concise Encyclopedia Mathematics 1.pdf
80.8 MB
CRC Concise Encyclopedia- Mathematics/CRC Concise Encyclopedia Mathematics 3.pdf
80.4 MB
CRC Concise Encyclopedia- Mathematics/CRC Concise Encyclopedia Mathematics 2.pdf
80.2 MB
Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups.pdf
78.4 MB
CRC Concise Encyclopedia- Mathematics/CRC Concise Encyclopedia Mathematics 4.pdf
76.1 MB
Handbook of Mathematical Functions - Abramowitz - Stegun - .pdf
73.8 MB
DJVU format/Encyclopedia_of_astronomy_and_astrophysics_2002_5306s_.djvu
53.9 MB
DJVU format/Goldstein, Classical Mechanics (3rd edition,english,686s).djvu
45.7 MB
(ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - Encyclopedia Dictionary of Mathematics [Section D].pdf
45.5 MB
Springer Verlag - 2002 - J.D. Murray - Mathematical Biology. An Introduction - Third Edition - ISBN 0387952233 - 576s - EEn.pdf
40.7 MB
DJVU format/Millikan RA. - A First Course In Physics.djvu
24.0 MB
Linear Algebra (Prentice-Hall, Edition 2, 1971).pdf
21.0 MB
Ramanujan Notebooks/Ramanujan Notebooks III.pdf
21.0 MB
(ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - An Introduction to Digital Audio.pdf
18.8 MB
(ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - Calculus, Volume 1.pdf
16.8 MB
Ebook(PDF) Mathematics - An Introductory To Electromagnetics.pdf
15.2 MB
Ramanujan Notebooks/Ramanujan Notebooks II.pdf
14.5 MB
Mathematics - Basic Math.pdf
14.5 MB
mathematics, basic math and algebra.pdf
14.5 MB
Ramanujan Notebooks/Ramanujan Notebooks I.pdf
13.2 MB
DJVU format/Hirth JP, Lothe J. Theory of Dislocations (Wiley, 1982)(T)(435s).djvu
12.2 MB
Liddle A. Introduction to modern cosmology (2ed., Wiley, 2003)(189s).pdf
12.0 MB
(ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - Advanced Number Theory (1).pdf
11.8 MB
(ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - Graham - Knuth - Patashnik - Concrete Mathematics.pdf
11.8 MB
DJVU format/Greiner W., Mueller B. Quantum mechanics.. symmetries (2ed., Springer, 1994)(600dpi)(L)(T)(258s).djvu
11.3 MB
DJVU format/Schiff L.I. Quantum mechanics (MGH, 1949)(T)(417s).djvu
10.6 MB
DJVU format/Chung T.J. Computational fluid dynamics (CUP, 2002)(T)(1022s).djvu
10.6 MB
DJVU format/Reed.M.Methods.of.Mathematical.Physics.Vol1.Functional.Analysis.2Ed.(1980).djvu
9.8 MB
DJVU format/Wald R.M. General relativity (1984)(T)(494s).djvu
9.7 MB
DJVU format/Cohen-Tannoudji.Quantum mechanics, vol.1.djvu
9.5 MB
DJVU format/Wesson_J_Tokamaks_3Ed_Oxford_2004_K_T_755S_.djvu
9.5 MB
DJVU format/Debnath L., Mikusinski P. Introduction to Hilbert spaces with applications (AP, 1990)(L)(T)(261s).djvu
9.5 MB
DJVU format/Reed Simon - Modern Mathematical Physics.djvu
9.1 MB
DJVU format/Jackson J.D. Classical electrodynamics (Wiley, 1962)(T)(656s).djvu
9.1 MB
DJVU format/Di_Francesco_P_Mathieu_P_Senechal_D_Conformal_field_theory_Springer_L_T_394s_.djvu
7.8 MB
DJVU format/Reed.M.Methods.of.Mathematical.Physics.Vol2.Fourier.Analysis.Self.Adjointness.(1975).djvu
7.4 MB
DJVU format/Reed.M.Methods.of.Mathematical.Physics.Vol3.Scattering.Theory.(1979).djvu
7.3 MB
DJVU format/Sakurai J J Modern Quantum Mechanics (Aw, 1994)(T)(513S).djvu
7.2 MB
DJVU format/Cohen-Tannoudji.Quantum mechanics, vol.2.djvu
7.0 MB
DJVU format/Kleinert_H_Quantum_field_theory_and_particle_physics_T_1092s_.djvu
6.6 MB
DJVU format/Collins_G_W_Fundamentals_of_stellar_astrophysics_2003_T_525s_.djvu
6.6 MB
DJVU format/Nikitin, Boyko, Popovich (eds.). Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics (Kiiv, 2001)(T)(784s).djvu
6.3 MB
DJVU format/Bratteli_O_Robinson_D_W_Vol_2_Operator_algebras_and_quantum_statistical_mechanics_2ed_Springer_2002_T_532s_.djvu
6.3 MB
DJVU format/Weinberg S - The Quantum Theory Of Fields Vol 1 Foundations (Cup 1995)(634S).djvu
6.2 MB
DJVU format/Liddle A. Introduction to modern cosmology (2ed., Wiley, 2003)(T)(189s).djvu
6.2 MB
DJVU format/Liddle_A_Introduction_to_modern_cosmology_2ed_Wiley_2003_T_189s_.djvu
6.1 MB
DJVU format/Kivelson, Russell (eds.). Introduction to space physics (CUP, 1995)(C)(505s).djvu
6.1 MB
DJVU format/Courant-Hilbert - Methods of mathematical physics - 1.djvu
6.0 MB
Chow T.L. Mathematical methods for physicists.. a concise introduction (CUP, 2000)(569s).pdf
5.9 MB
DJVU format/Griffiths D.J. Introduction to electrodynamics (3ed., PH, 1999)(T)(596s).djvu
5.6 MB
DJVU format/Dictionary of pure and applied physics (CRC, 2001)(T)(382s).djvu
5.6 MB
DJVU format/Polchinski_J_String_theory_vol_2_CUP_1998_K_T_534s_.djvu
5.5 MB
DJVU format/Geometry, topology and physics.djvu
5.4 MB
DJVU format/Greiner W. Classical mechanics. Point particles and relativity (Springer, 2004)(T)(510s).djvu
5.4 MB
DJVU format/Bratteli_O_Robinson_D_W_Vol_1_Operator_algebras_and_quantum_statistical_mechanics_2ed_Springer_2002_T_520s_.djvu
4.8 MB
DJVU format/Greiner Termodynamics and Stat.Mechanics(400dpi)(T)(480s).djvu
4.8 MB
DJVU format/Brown L.S. Quantum Field Theory (CUP, 1992)(L)(T)(277s).djvu
4.8 MB
DJVU format/Greiner W. Quantum mechanics, an introduction (4ed., Springer, 2001)(T)(512s).djvu
4.7 MB
DJVU format/Oman.-.How.to.solve.school.physics.problems(364s).djvu
4.7 MB
DJVU format/Prugovecki E. Quantum mechanics in Hilbert space (AP, 1971)(L)(T)(334s).djvu
4.7 MB
DJVU format/Bonometto_ed_Modern_cosmology_2001_compilation_T_482s_.djvu
4.5 MB
DJVU format/Gravitation.. an introduction to current research (Wiley, 1962).djvu
4.4 MB
(ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - Linear Algebra.pdf
4.4 MB
DJVU format/Marciano.-.Quantum.chromodynamics.(1978)(T)(140s).djvu
4.4 MB
DJVU format/Physics - Photons And Atoms - Introduction To Quantum Electrodynamics.djvu
4.3 MB
DJVU format/Cohen-Tannoudji Introduction to quantum electrodynamics.djvu
4.3 MB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/floor5.tga
4.2 MB
DJVU format/Shankar R. Principles of quantum mechanics (2ed., Plenum, 1994)(T)(453s).djvu
4.0 MB
DJVU format/Weinberg S. Quantum field theory, vol. 3.. Supersymmetry (CUP, 2000)(L)(T)(225s).djvu
4.0 MB
(ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - Algebraic Topology.pdf
3.9 MB
DJVU format/Polchinski_J_String_theory_vol_1_CUP_1998_K_T_405s_.djvu
3.9 MB
DJVU format/Ballentine L Quantum Mechanics - A Modern Development (1998)(T)(673S).djvu
3.8 MB
DJVU format/Huang K Statistical Mechanics (2Ed , Wiley, 1987)(T)(506S).djvu
3.8 MB
DJVU format/Griffiths D.J. Introduction to elementary particles (Wiley, 1987)(T)(405s).djvu
3.8 MB
Solutions to Sakurai's Probls. in Quantum Mechanics.pdf
3.7 MB
DJVU format/Volovik_G_E_The_universe_in_a_helium_droplet_Oxford_2003_T_526s_.djvu
3.7 MB
(ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - Fourier Transforms and Waves.pdf
3.7 MB
DJVU format/Peres_A_Quantum_theory_concepts_and_methods_Kluwer_2002_T_463s_.djvu
3.6 MB
DJVU format/Peskin and Schroeder - Introduction to Quantum Field Theory.djvu
3.5 MB
DJVU format/Liddle_A_R_Lyth_D_H_Cosmological_inflation_and_large-scale_structure_CUP_2000_T_412s_.djvu
3.5 MB
DJVU format/Schmidt V.V. The physics of semiconductors.springer.djvu
3.4 MB
DJVU format/Thaller B. The Dirac equation (Springer, 1992)(L)(T)(187s).djvu
3.2 MB
DJVU format/Griffiths D.J. Introduction to quantum mechanics (PH, 1995)(T)(408s).djvu
3.2 MB
DJVU format/Baez, Segal, Zhou. Introduction to Algebraic and Constructive Quantum Field Theory (PUP, 1992)(T)(154s).djvu
3.2 MB
DJVU format/Blagojevic_M_Gravitation_and_gauge_symmetries_2002_final_T_534s_.djvu
3.1 MB
DJVU format/Sussman G J , Wisdom J , Meyer M E Structure And Interpretation Of Classical Mechanics (Mit, 2000)(T)(527S).djvu
3.1 MB
Mathematics - Linear Algebra Book.pdf
3.1 MB
DJVU format/Arias J.M., Lozano M. (eds.) Advanced course in modern nuclear physics (Springer, LNP 581, 2001)(T)(342s).djvu
3.1 MB
DJVU format/Walls D.F., Milburn G.J. Quantum optics(T)(370s).djvu
3.0 MB
DJVU format/Mathematics - Calculus Of Variations With Applications To Physics & Engineering - Robert Weinstock - Dover Publications (Djvu).djvu
3.0 MB
DJVU format/Muga J.G., Mayato R.S., Egusquiza I.L. Time in quantum mechanics (Springer LNPm72, 2002)(T)(414s).djvu
2.9 MB
DJVU format/Baez J.C., Muniain J.P. Gauge theories, knots, and gravity (WS, 1994)(L)(T)(239s).djvu
2.9 MB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers-2004.chm
2.8 MB
DJVU format/Welford W - Useful Optics(T)(76S).djvu
2.8 MB
DJVU format/Borne_Lochak_Stumpf_Nonperturbative_Quantum_Field_Theory_and_the_Structure_of_Matter_Kluwer_2002_T_345s_.djvu
2.7 MB
DJVU format/Weinberg - Quantum Theory Of Fields Vol 2 - Modern Applications (1996).djvu
2.6 MB
First Course in string theory - B. Zwiebach.pdf
2.5 MB
DJVU format/Gambini R., Pullin J. Loops, knots, gauge theories and quantum gravity (CUP, 1996).djvu
2.5 MB
DJVU format/Aitchison, Hey. Gauge theories in particle physics vol 1 (IOP)(T)(406s).djvu
2.5 MB
2.4 MB
DJVU format/Bitsatze A.V. Equations of mathematical physics (Mir, 1980)(L)(T)(159s).djvu
2.4 MB
DJVU format/Cardy_J_Scaling_and_Renormalization_in_Statistical_Physics_CUP_1996_T_252s_.djvu
2.3 MB
DJVU format/Gravitation and gauge fields (1999).djvu
2.3 MB
DJVU format/Ziman J.M. Elements of advanced quantum theory (CUP, 1969)(L)(T)(140s).djvu
2.3 MB
DJVU format/Puri R.R. Mathematical methods of quantum optics (Springer, 2001)(T)(303s).djvu
2.2 MB
(ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - An Introduction to Cybernetics.pdf
2.1 MB
DJVU format/Bitsadze A.V. Equations of mathematical physics (Mir, 1980)(K)(318s).djvu
2.1 MB
DJVU format/Cap_F_F_Mathematical_methods_in_physics_and_engineering_with_Mathematica_CRC_2003_339s_.djvu
1.9 MB
DJVU format/Zwiebach B. A first course in string theory(T)(369s).djvu
1.9 MB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/intro.tga
1.9 MB
(ebook-pdf) - Mathematics - An Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing.pdf
1.8 MB
DJVU format/Springer_Verlag_Bricmont_2001_Probabilities_in_physics.djvu
1.8 MB
DJVU format/Stewart J. Advanced general relativity (CUP, 1991)(L)(T)(118s).djvu
1.7 MB
DJVU format/Bell J Speakable And Unspeakable In Quantum Mechanics (Cup, 1987)(K)(T)(225S).djvu
1.6 MB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/res/transformations.exe
1.6 MB
DJVU format/Fain B. Irreversibilities in Quantum Mechanics (Kluwer, 2002)(T)(224s).djvu
1.5 MB
Benjamin Crowell - Optics.pdf
1.5 MB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/wall5.tga
1.5 MB
DJVU format/Callan C.J. Topics in advanced quantum mechanics (Princeton lectures, 1996)(T)(189s).djvu
1.5 MB
DJVU format/Phillips A.C. Introduction to quantum mechanics (Wiley, 2003)(T)(284s).djvu
1.5 MB
DJVU format/Feynman.R.P..QED,.the.strange.theory.of.light.and.matter.(Princeton,.1985)(T)(163s)[Wersja Jezykowa EN].(osloskop.net).djvu
1.4 MB
Jacksons Classical Electrodynamics (Solutions).pdf
1.3 MB
[ebook] Mathematics - An Introduction to Neural Networks.pdf
1.3 MB
Norbury - Quantum Mechanics for Undergraduates.pdf
1.3 MB
Mathematics - Calculus Bible.pdf
1.2 MB
Hameka H.F. Quantum mechanics.. a conceptual approach (Wiley, 2004)(204s).pdf
1.2 MB
DJVU format/Snieder. A Guided Tour of Mathematical Physics (1998, 267s).djvu
1.1 MB
DJVU format/Hameka H.F. Quantum mechanics.. a conceptual approach (Wiley, 2004)(T)(204s).djvu
1.1 MB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/opengl/glaux.lib
1.1 MB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/intro.tga
1.0 MB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/wall4.tga
1.0 MB
Math-Probabilistic Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods-Neal-1993 (1).pdf
1.0 MB
A Companion to Classical Electrodynamics 3rd Edition by J.D. Jackson.pdf
1.0 MB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/legs_tex.bmp
786.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/stick_te.bmp
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/table_te.bmp
786.5 kB
DJVU format/DeWitt. Quantum field theory in curved spacetime (PR19, 1975)(T)(63s).djvu
770.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/opengl/opengl32.dll
733.3 kB
Misc/Cambridge - Vector Calculus.pdf
685.3 kB
644.0 kB
Saltsidis P., Brinne B. Solutions to problems in Sakurai's Quantum Mechanics (1999).pdf
621.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/transformationsapp.ncb
568.3 kB
DJVU format/Waner S. Introduction to Differential Geometry and General Relativity(128s).djvu
554.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/start.exe
494.8 kB
DJVU format/Hestenes D. Spacetime calculus, with applications to electrodynamics, quantum theory and gravitation (draft)(T)(73s).djvu
494.4 kB
(ebook-pdf) - mathematics - a tutorial on learning bayesian networks.pdf
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/solution.tga
438.9 kB
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DJVU format/!WinDjView-0.2.3.exe
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter06/chapter 6 transoformations.ncb
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DJVU format/Feynman Mathematical Formulation Of Quantum Electrodynamics (Phys Rev 80, 1950)(T)(18S).djvu
404.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/chapter 8 physics demos.ncb
379.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/chapter 7 physics demos.ncb
363.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter05/matrixoperations.ncb
355.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter06/chapter 6 transformations.ncb
355.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter12/chapter 12 demos.ncb
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter13/chapter 13 examples.ncb
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter14/chapter 14 physics demos.ncb
347.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/pool.exe
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/1dracer.exe
315.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/mat_calc.exe
262.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/border.tga
262.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/cue_ball.tga
262.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/power.tga
262.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/shadow.tga
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/images/brick wall.tga
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/images/greentank.tga
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/images/redtank.tga
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/input.tga
262.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/input_left.tga
262.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/physicsdemos.ncb
257.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/circles/circles.exe
217.1 kB
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/canon physics.exe
204.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/canonphysics.exe
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196.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball10_t.bmp
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball11_t.bmp
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball12_t.bmp
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball13_t.bmp
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball14_t.bmp
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball15_t.bmp
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball1_te.bmp
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball2_te.bmp
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball3_te.bmp
196.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball4_te.bmp
196.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball5_te.bmp
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball6_te.bmp
196.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball7_te.bmp
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball8_te.bmp
196.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball9_te.bmp
196.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/oper_add.tga
179.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/oper_cross.tga
179.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/oper_dot.tga
179.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/oper_mult.tga
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/oper_sub.tga
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/opengl/glu32.dll
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/legs.3ds
137.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/chap14.exe
115.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/chap08.exe
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/chap12.exe
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/chap13.exe
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/chap05.exe
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/chap07.exe
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/demo2.exe
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/chap06.exe
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/demo5.exe
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/demo3.exe
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/demo6.exe
115.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/demo1.exe
115.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/demo4.exe
115.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/weblinks.exe
115.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_add.tga
105.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_back.tga
105.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_cross.tga
105.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_dot.tga
105.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_enter.tga
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_mult.tga
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_norm.tga
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_solve.tga
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New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_sub.tga
105.6 kB
(ebook - pdf) - Mathematics - A Brief History Of Algebra And Computing.pdf
100.9 kB
Misc/Complex Algebra 2001.pdf
85.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ogl_wrapper.cpp
83.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/1dracer.ncb
74.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/ogl_wrapper.cpp
74.5 kB
Misc/The Discrete Laplace Z Transform.pdf
70.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/opengl/gl.h
68.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/transformationsapp.aps
67.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_hilite.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_m2.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_m3.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_m4.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_s.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_v2.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_v3.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/button_v4.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/gui1.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/head.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/tun_tex.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/tun_tex2.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/tun_tex3.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/tun_tex4.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/tun_tex5.tga
65.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/1dracer.opt
57.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/pool.opt
53.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/car.bmp
52.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/car2.bmp
52.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/opengl/glu32.lib
49.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/table.3ds
45.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/game.cpp
33.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/road.bmp
30.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/ddutil.cpp
29.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/formula1.bmp
27.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/formula1_un.bmp
27.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/formula2.bmp
27.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/formula2_un.bmp
27.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/formula3.bmp
27.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/formula3_un.bmp
27.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/formula4.bmp
27.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/formula4_un.bmp
27.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/gltools.lib
24.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/gltools.lib
24.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/dxutil.cpp
23.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/3ds.cpp
23.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/res/transformations.ico
21.6 kB
Feynman's Simple Quantum Mechanics (Taylor).pdf
20.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter06/translation/translationdriver.cpp
18.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/opengl/glu.h
18.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/main.cpp
17.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/spot.tga
16.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/images/dirt.tga
16.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/border.tga
16.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/circles/circles_code.txt
16.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/glframe.h
15.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/glframe.h
15.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/chapter 8 physics demos.suo
15.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/soundclass.cpp
14.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball0.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball1.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball10.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball11.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball12.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball13.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball14.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball15.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball2.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball3.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball4.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball5.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball6.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball7.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball8.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball9.3ds
13.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/bmp_mngr.cpp
13.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/d_draw.cpp
13.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/opengl/glaux.h
12.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter06/chapter 6 transformations.suo
11.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/chapter 7 physics demos.suo
11.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/ogl_draw.cpp
11.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/matcalc.cpp
11.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/readme_files/image002.gif
11.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/transformations.rc
11.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter05/basic matrix/matrixlib.h
11.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter06/translation/matrixlib.h
11.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/transformationsapp.rc
10.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter06/translation/transformationlib.h
10.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter12/chapter 12 demos.suo
9.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter13/chapter 13 examples.suo
9.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter14/chapter 14 physics demos.suo
9.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/1dracer_code.txt
9.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter13/chapter13/chapter 13 examples.cpp
9.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/projectilemanager.cpp
8.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/game.h
8.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/transformationsapp.cpp
8.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter05/matrixoperations.suo
8.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/circles/circles files/circles.cpp
8.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/stick.3ds
7.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/3ds.h
7.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/gltools.h
7.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/gltools.h
7.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/circles/circles files/ball.cpp
6.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/physics.h
6.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/index.html
6.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/readme.htm
6.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/canon physics.html
6.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter05/basic matrix/matrixdriver.cpp
5.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter12/chapter 12 calculations/chapter12 examples.cpp
5.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/readme_files/oledata.mso
5.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter13/chapter13/vectorlib.h
5.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/transformationsapp.html
5.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/readme.txt
5.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter13/chapter13/chapter13.h
5.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter14/average angular velocity/angularvelocity.cpp
5.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/opengl.cpp
5.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/dxutil.h
5.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/ddutil.h
5.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/entity.cpp
5.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/graphicsutil.cpp
5.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/opengl/readme.txt
4.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/index.html
4.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/pool.dsp
4.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/1dracer.dsp
4.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/mat_calc.dsp
4.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/cmatrixcreate.cpp
4.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter12/chapter 12 calculations/vectorlib.h
4.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/index.html
3.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/circles/circles files/circles.dsp
3.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/winmain.cpp
3.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/index.html
3.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/settings.rc
3.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/index.html
3.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter12/chapter 12 calculations/chapter12.h
3.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/d_draw.h
3.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/binarydecimalconversions/binaryconversion.cpp
3.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/bmp_mngr.h
3.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/conversions/conversions.cpp
3.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/ogl_draw.h
3.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter12/chapter 12 calculations/chapter 12 calculations.html
3.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter13/chapter13/chapter13.html
3.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter06/translation/translation.html
3.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/winmain.cpp
3.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter06/translation/ws_ftp.log
2.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter05/basic matrix/basic matrix.html
2.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/conversions/conversions.html
2.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/poolgame.cpp
2.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter14/average angular velocity/average angular velocity.html
2.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/graphicsutil.h
2.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/position with constant velocity/positi~1.html
2.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/binarydecimalconversions/binarydecimalconversions.html
2.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/average velocity/average velocity.html
2.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/acceleration/acceleration.html
2.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/displacement/displacement.html
2.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/mainfrm.cpp
2.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/tank.cpp
2.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter12/chapter 12 calculations/ws_ftp.log
2.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/conversions/ws_ftp.log
2.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/chapter 8 physics demos.sln
2.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter14/average angular velocity/ws_ftp.log
2.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ogl_wrapper.h
2.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/ogl_wrapper.h
2.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter13/chapter13/ws_ftp.log
2.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/entitymanager.cpp
2.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/collisionmanager.cpp
2.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter14/average angular velocity/angularlib.h
2.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/childview.cpp
2.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/paragraph.txt
2.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/soundclass.h
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/tank.h
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/accel.bmp
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/dist.bmp
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/time.bmp
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/un_accel.bmp
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/un_dist.bmp
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/un_time.bmp
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/un_vf.bmp
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/un_vi.bmp
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/vf.bmp
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/vi.bmp
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/stdafx.h
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/projectile.cpp
2.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/acceleration/acceleration.cpp
1.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/weblinks/weblinks.html
1.9 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/resource.h
1.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/particleengine.cpp
1.8 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter05/basic matrix/ws_ftp.log
1.7 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/position with constant velocity/position.cpp
1.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball.h
1.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/entity.h
1.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/shoot.wav
1.6 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/readme_files/image001.png
1.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/projectilemanager.h
1.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/interface/index.html
1.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/binarydecimalconversions/ws_ftp.log
1.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/1dracer.html
1.5 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/average velocity/averagevelocity.cpp
1.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/chapter 7 physics demos.sln
1.4 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/conversions/conversionslib.h
1.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/position with constant velocity/ws_ftp.log
1.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/displacement/displacement.cpp
1.3 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/circles/circles files/ball.h
1.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/index.html
1.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/transformationsapp.h
1.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/stopwatch.h
1.2 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/average velocity/ws_ftp.log
1.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/cmatrixcreate.h
1.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/wall.cpp
1.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/acceleration/ws_ftp.log
1.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/displacement/ws_ftp.log
1.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/opengl/index.html
1.1 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/matcalc.h
1.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/entitymanager.h
1.0 kB
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/conversions/conversionslib.cpp
997 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/mainfrm.h
985 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/index.html
976 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter14/chapter 14 physics demos.sln
973 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter12/chapter 12 demos.sln
970 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/ball.cpp
963 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/res/toolbar.bmp
958 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter05/matrixoperations.sln
937 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/transformationsapp.sln
936 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter06/chapter 6 transformations.sln
934 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/canon physics.sln
930 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter13/chapter 13 examples.sln
928 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter14/average angular velocity/index.html
924 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/index.html
923 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/entity.cpp
910 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/redirectcon.cpp
909 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter06/translation/index.html
896 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/index.html
894 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/boundingcircle.cpp
886 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/boundingrect.cpp
885 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter06/index.html
882 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/index.html
875 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/resource.h
871 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/opengl.h
853 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/collisionmanager.h
849 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/boundingrect.h
835 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter12/chapter 12 calculations/index.html
823 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/res/index.html
801 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/conversions/index.html
785 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter14/index.html
771 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter13/chapter13/index.html
769 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/3dwarro.cur
766 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/readme.txt
751 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/childview.h
732 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/entity.h
722 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter12/index.html
721 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/circles/circles files/index.html
719 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter13/index.html
711 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/res/transformations.html
705 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/transformations.html
705 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter05/index.html
699 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter05/basic matrix/index.html
674 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/readme_files/index.html
663 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/images/index.html
642 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/timer.h
640 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/timer.h
640 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/resource1.h
639 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter07/binarydecimalconversions/index.html
637 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/readme.txt
635 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/boundingcircle.h
616 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/average velocity/index.html
603 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/particleengine.h
602 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/position with constant velocity/index.html
600 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/acceleration/index.html
581 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter08/displacement/index.html
581 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/projectile.h
572 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/circles/index.html
552 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/matrixvortex/mat_calc.dsw
541 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/1dracer/1dracer.dsw
539 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/circles/circles files/circles.dsw
537 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/basementbilliards/pool.dsw
533 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/boundingvolume.h
455 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/res/transformations.rc2
406 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/executable/index.html
395 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/readme.txt
342 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/weblinks/index.html
329 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/bookfiles/chapter06/translation/tranformationlib.h
312 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/stdafx.cpp
307 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/wall.h
279 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/transformations/readme_files/filelist.html
227 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/demos/canonphysics/redirectcon.h
125 Bytes
New Riders - Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers - 2004/cd/autorun.inf
27 Bytes
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