GetFreeCourses.Co-Udemy-Python Bootcamp for Data Science 2021 Numpy Pandas & Seaborn
GetFreeCourses.Co-Udemy-Python Bootcamp for Data Science 2021 Numpy Pandas & Seaborn
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15. Module 15 Real World Data Analysis Example/5. Housing Dataset Analysis -Part Five.mp4
41.9 MB
1. Introduction/2. How to Download Course Notebooks.mp4
39.9 MB
11. Module 11 Data Wrangling2 Combining and Merging Datasets/1. Merging Datasets on Keys (common columns).mp4
38.7 MB
4. Module 4 Data Structures And Sequences In Python/2. List.mp4
38.1 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/13. Scatter Plots and Pair Plots.mp4
37.5 MB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/10. Mathematical and Statistical Methods.mp4
37.1 MB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/2. Dataframe in Pandas.mp4
35.6 MB
14. Module 14 Time Series/6. Handling Time Zone.mp4
35.1 MB
14. Module 14 Time Series/5. Shifting Data Through Time (Lagging and Leading).mp4
34.8 MB
14. Module 14 Time Series/3. Basics of Time Series.mp4
34.4 MB
15. Module 15 Real World Data Analysis Example/4. Housing Dataset Analysis -Part Four.mp4
33.5 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/7. Adding Annotations and Drawings on a Plot.mp4
33.1 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/2. Creating Figures and Subplots.mp4
32.7 MB
10. Module 10 Data Wrangling1 Hierarchical Indexing/1. Hierarchical Indexing.mp4
32.7 MB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/2. Creating Ndarrays.mp4
32.7 MB
11. Module 11 Data Wrangling2 Combining and Merging Datasets/3. Concatenating Along an Axis.mp4
31.6 MB
14. Module 14 Time Series/8. Rolling and Moving Windows.mp4
31.2 MB
15. Module 15 Real World Data Analysis Example/3. Housing Dataset Analysis -Part Three.mp4
31.2 MB
14. Module 14 Time Series/4. Generating Date Ranges.mp4
30.9 MB
12. Module 12 Data Wrangling3 Reshaping and Pivoting/3. Reshaping by Pivoting (Long to Wide).mp4
30.3 MB
3. Module 3 Working with Jupyter Notebooks/1. Running Jupyter Notebook.mp4
30.2 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/4. Customizing Ticks and Labels.mp4
30.0 MB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/7. Boolean Indexing.mp4
29.5 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/12. Histograms and Density Plots.mp4
29.1 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/14. Factor Plots for Categorical Data.mp4
28.6 MB
1. Introduction/3. Overview of Course Curriculum.mp4
28.4 MB
3. Module 3 Working with Jupyter Notebooks/2. Tour In Basics of Jupyter Notebooks.mp4
28.2 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/9. Line Plots with Dataframe.mp4
28.0 MB
12. Module 12 Data Wrangling3 Reshaping and Pivoting/1. Reshaping by Stacking and Unstacking.mp4
27.8 MB
14. Module 14 Time Series/2. Converting Between String and Datetime.mp4
27.1 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/11. Bar Plots with Seaborn.mp4
26.9 MB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/6. Indexing, Slicing and Filtering.mp4
26.6 MB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/1. Series in Pandas.mp4
25.8 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/5. Adding Legends.mp4
25.8 MB
5. Module 5 Functions in Python/1. Creating and Calling Functions.mp4
24.9 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/6. Adding Texts and Arrows on a Plot.mp4
24.6 MB
3. Module 3 Working with Jupyter Notebooks/5. Magic Commands.mp4
24.5 MB
15. Module 15 Real World Data Analysis Example/2. Housing Dataset Analysis -Part Two.mp4
24.4 MB
14. Module 14 Time Series/7. Resampling and Frequency Conversion.mp4
24.2 MB
10. Module 10 Data Wrangling1 Hierarchical Indexing/4. Indexing with Columns in Dataframe.mp4
24.2 MB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/7. Filtering Outliers.mp4
23.5 MB
8. Module 8 Data Loading, Storage with Pandas/1. Reading Data in Text Format-Part1.mp4
23.4 MB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/7. Arithmetic with Dataframe.mp4
23.2 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/3. Changing Colors, Markers and Linestyle.mp4
23.0 MB
8. Module 8 Data Loading, Storage with Pandas/3. Writing Data in Text Format.mp4
22.9 MB
8. Module 8 Data Loading, Storage with Pandas/2. Reading Data in Text Format-Part2.mp4
22.7 MB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/3. Filling in Missing Data.mp4
22.3 MB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/11. Sorting Arrays.mp4
22.2 MB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/8. Shuffling and Random Sampling.mp4
21.9 MB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/10. String Object Methods.mp4
21.7 MB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/3. Data Types for Ndarrays.mp4
21.6 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/10. Bar Plots with Dataframes.mp4
21.6 MB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/9. Descriptive Statistics with Dataframe.mp4
21.3 MB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/2. Filtering out Missing Data.mp4
21.3 MB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/8. Sorting Series and Dataframe.mp4
21.3 MB
14. Module 14 Time Series/1. Date and time Data types.mp4
21.2 MB
2. Module 2 Setting Python Environment/3. Cloud Environment Google Colab Jupyter Notebooks.mp4
21.1 MB
4. Module 4 Data Structures And Sequences In Python/1. Tuple.mp4
20.8 MB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/6. Indexing and Slicing-Part two.mp4
20.8 MB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/3. Index Objects.mp4
19.7 MB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/10. Correlation and Covariance.mp4
19.7 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/8. Saving Plots to a File.mp4
19.0 MB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/8. Fancy Indexing.mp4
18.9 MB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/5. Indexing and Slicing-Part One.mp4
18.7 MB
10. Module 10 Data Wrangling1 Hierarchical Indexing/3. Summary Statistics by Level.mp4
18.1 MB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/9. Dummy Variables.mp4
16.5 MB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/12. File Input and Output with Arrays.mp4
16.4 MB
3. Module 3 Working with Jupyter Notebooks/4. Getting Help in Jupyter Notebook.mp4
16.3 MB
5. Module 5 Functions in Python/3. Lambda Functions.mp4
16.0 MB
3. Module 3 Working with Jupyter Notebooks/3. Cell Types in Jupyter Notebook.mp4
15.8 MB
11. Module 11 Data Wrangling2 Combining and Merging Datasets/2. Merging Datasets on Index.mp4
15.7 MB
4. Module 4 Data Structures And Sequences In Python/3. Dictionary.mp4
15.5 MB
10. Module 10 Data Wrangling1 Hierarchical Indexing/2. Reordering and Sorting Index Levels.mp4
15.0 MB
1. Introduction/1. Course Introduction.mp4
14.6 MB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/5. Replacing Values.mp4
14.2 MB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/4. Reindexing in Series and DataFrames.mp4
14.1 MB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/1. Handling Missing Data.mp4
13.9 MB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/4. Arithmetic with NumPy Arrays.mp4
13.5 MB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/4. Removing Duplicate Entries.mp4
13.3 MB
8. Module 8 Data Loading, Storage with Pandas/4. Reading Microsoft Excel Files.mp4
12.8 MB
2. Module 2 Setting Python Environment/1. Decide Which Python Environment to Use.mp4
12.6 MB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/1. What Is NumPy Arrays (Ndarrays).mp4
12.1 MB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/1. Introducing Matplotlib Library.mp4
12.0 MB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/6. Renaming columns and Index Labels.mp4
11.7 MB
15. Module 15 Real World Data Analysis Example/1. Housing Dataset Analysis -Part One.mp4
11.3 MB
2. Module 2 Setting Python Environment/2. Local environment Installing Anaconda.mp4
11.0 MB
12. Module 12 Data Wrangling3 Reshaping and Pivoting/2. Reshaping by Melting (Wide to Long ).mp4
9.9 MB
5. Module 5 Functions in Python/2. Returning Multiple Values.mp4
9.8 MB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/9. Transposing Arrays.mp4
9.4 MB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/5. Deleting Rows and Columns.mp4
5.7 MB
4. Module 4 Data Structures And Sequences In Python/4. Set.mp4
4.7 MB
1. Introduction/2.1 How to download course notebooks.pdf
143.5 kB
4. Module 4 Data Structures And Sequences In Python/2. List.srt
9.4 kB
15. Module 15 Real World Data Analysis Example/5. Housing Dataset Analysis -Part Five.srt
8.9 kB
11. Module 11 Data Wrangling2 Combining and Merging Datasets/1. Merging Datasets on Keys (common columns).srt
8.4 kB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/2. Dataframe in Pandas.srt
7.9 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/7. Adding Annotations and Drawings on a Plot.srt
7.8 kB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/2. Creating Ndarrays.srt
7.6 kB
14. Module 14 Time Series/3. Basics of Time Series.srt
7.6 kB
11. Module 11 Data Wrangling2 Combining and Merging Datasets/3. Concatenating Along an Axis.srt
7.4 kB
3. Module 3 Working with Jupyter Notebooks/2. Tour In Basics of Jupyter Notebooks.srt
7.2 kB
14. Module 14 Time Series/8. Rolling and Moving Windows.srt
6.9 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/2. Creating Figures and Subplots.srt
6.9 kB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/10. Mathematical and Statistical Methods.srt
6.8 kB
14. Module 14 Time Series/5. Shifting Data Through Time (Lagging and Leading).srt
6.8 kB
10. Module 10 Data Wrangling1 Hierarchical Indexing/1. Hierarchical Indexing.srt
6.6 kB
12. Module 12 Data Wrangling3 Reshaping and Pivoting/3. Reshaping by Pivoting (Long to Wide).srt
6.6 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/14. Factor Plots for Categorical Data.srt
6.5 kB
15. Module 15 Real World Data Analysis Example/4. Housing Dataset Analysis -Part Four.srt
6.4 kB
1. Introduction/2. How to Download Course Notebooks.srt
6.4 kB
5. Module 5 Functions in Python/1. Creating and Calling Functions.srt
6.4 kB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/6. Indexing, Slicing and Filtering.srt
6.3 kB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/7. Boolean Indexing.srt
6.2 kB
3. Module 3 Working with Jupyter Notebooks/1. Running Jupyter Notebook.srt
6.0 kB
1. Introduction/3. Overview of Course Curriculum.srt
6.0 kB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/1. Series in Pandas.srt
6.0 kB
12. Module 12 Data Wrangling3 Reshaping and Pivoting/2. Reshaping by Melting (Wide to Long ).srt
6.0 kB
8. Module 8 Data Loading, Storage with Pandas/1. Reading Data in Text Format-Part1.srt
5.9 kB
14. Module 14 Time Series/6. Handling Time Zone.srt
5.8 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/11. Bar Plots with Seaborn.srt
5.7 kB
12. Module 12 Data Wrangling3 Reshaping and Pivoting/1. Reshaping by Stacking and Unstacking.srt
5.7 kB
14. Module 14 Time Series/7. Resampling and Frequency Conversion.srt
5.6 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/13. Scatter Plots and Pair Plots.srt
5.6 kB
14. Module 14 Time Series/2. Converting Between String and Datetime.srt
5.5 kB
2. Module 2 Setting Python Environment/3. Cloud Environment Google Colab Jupyter Notebooks.srt
5.4 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/12. Histograms and Density Plots.srt
5.3 kB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/7. Arithmetic with Dataframe.srt
5.1 kB
4. Module 4 Data Structures And Sequences In Python/1. Tuple.srt
5.1 kB
10. Module 10 Data Wrangling1 Hierarchical Indexing/4. Indexing with Columns in Dataframe.srt
5.1 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/6. Adding Texts and Arrows on a Plot.srt
5.1 kB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/3. Data Types for Ndarrays.srt
5.0 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/4. Customizing Ticks and Labels.srt
5.0 kB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/7. Filtering Outliers.srt
5.0 kB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/10. String Object Methods.srt
5.0 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/9. Line Plots with Dataframe.srt
4.9 kB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/6. Indexing and Slicing-Part two.srt
4.8 kB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/9. Descriptive Statistics with Dataframe.srt
4.8 kB
14. Module 14 Time Series/4. Generating Date Ranges.srt
4.7 kB
1. Introduction/1. Course Introduction.srt
4.6 kB
15. Module 15 Real World Data Analysis Example/3. Housing Dataset Analysis -Part Three.srt
4.6 kB
3. Module 3 Working with Jupyter Notebooks/4. Getting Help in Jupyter Notebook.srt
4.6 kB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/3. Filling in Missing Data.srt
4.6 kB
14. Module 14 Time Series/1. Date and time Data types.srt
4.6 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/5. Adding Legends.srt
4.5 kB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/8. Sorting Series and Dataframe.srt
4.5 kB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/2. Filtering out Missing Data.srt
4.4 kB
8. Module 8 Data Loading, Storage with Pandas/2. Reading Data in Text Format-Part2.srt
4.4 kB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/8. Fancy Indexing.srt
4.4 kB
8. Module 8 Data Loading, Storage with Pandas/3. Writing Data in Text Format.srt
4.3 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/10. Bar Plots with Dataframes.srt
4.3 kB
15. Module 15 Real World Data Analysis Example/1. Housing Dataset Analysis -Part One.srt
4.3 kB
15. Module 15 Real World Data Analysis Example/2. Housing Dataset Analysis -Part Two.srt
4.3 kB
2. Module 2 Setting Python Environment/1. Decide Which Python Environment to Use.srt
4.3 kB
2. Module 2 Setting Python Environment/2. Local environment Installing Anaconda.srt
4.3 kB
3. Module 3 Working with Jupyter Notebooks/5. Magic Commands.srt
4.3 kB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/5. Indexing and Slicing-Part One.srt
4.3 kB
10. Module 10 Data Wrangling1 Hierarchical Indexing/3. Summary Statistics by Level.srt
4.2 kB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/8. Shuffling and Random Sampling.srt
4.2 kB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/10. Correlation and Covariance.srt
4.2 kB
3. Module 3 Working with Jupyter Notebooks/3. Cell Types in Jupyter Notebook.srt
4.2 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/3. Changing Colors, Markers and Linestyle.srt
4.1 kB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/3. Index Objects.srt
4.1 kB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/9. Dummy Variables.srt
4.0 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/8. Saving Plots to a File.srt
4.0 kB
5. Module 5 Functions in Python/3. Lambda Functions.srt
3.9 kB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/11. Sorting Arrays.srt
3.6 kB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/5. Replacing Values.srt
3.6 kB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/1. Handling Missing Data.srt
3.5 kB
4. Module 4 Data Structures And Sequences In Python/3. Dictionary.srt
3.4 kB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/5. Deleting Rows and Columns.srt
3.3 kB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/12. File Input and Output with Arrays.srt
3.3 kB
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/1. Introducing Matplotlib Library.srt
3.2 kB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/4. Arithmetic with NumPy Arrays.srt
3.2 kB
11. Module 11 Data Wrangling2 Combining and Merging Datasets/2. Merging Datasets on Index.srt
3.1 kB
10. Module 10 Data Wrangling1 Hierarchical Indexing/2. Reordering and Sorting Index Levels.srt
3.1 kB
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/4. Reindexing in Series and DataFrames.srt
3.0 kB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/1. What Is NumPy Arrays (Ndarrays).srt
2.9 kB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/6. Renaming columns and Index Labels.srt
2.8 kB
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/4. Removing Duplicate Entries.srt
2.7 kB
8. Module 8 Data Loading, Storage with Pandas/4. Reading Microsoft Excel Files.srt
2.5 kB
4. Module 4 Data Structures And Sequences In Python/4. Set.srt
2.4 kB
5. Module 5 Functions in Python/2. Returning Multiple Values.srt
2.3 kB
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/9. Transposing Arrays.srt
2.0 kB
10. Module 10 Data Wrangling1 Hierarchical Indexing/5. Short Quiz.html
213 Bytes
11. Module 11 Data Wrangling2 Combining and Merging Datasets/4. Short Quiz.html
213 Bytes
12. Module 12 Data Wrangling3 Reshaping and Pivoting/4. Short Quiz.html
213 Bytes
13. Module 13 Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/15. Short Quiz.html
213 Bytes
14. Module 14 Time Series/9. Short Quiz.html
213 Bytes
4. Module 4 Data Structures And Sequences In Python/5. Short Quiz.html
213 Bytes
5. Module 5 Functions in Python/4. Short Quiz.html
213 Bytes
6. Module 6 NumPy Arrays/13. Short Quiz.html
213 Bytes
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/11. Short Quiz.html
213 Bytes
8. Module 8 Data Loading, Storage with Pandas/5. Short Quiz.html
213 Bytes
9. Module 9 Data Cleaning and Preprocessing/11. Short Quiz.html
213 Bytes
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/How you can help GetFreeCourses.Co.txt
182 Bytes
How you can help GetFreeCourses.Co.txt
182 Bytes
4. Module 4 Data Structures And Sequences In Python/GetFreeCourses.Co.url
116 Bytes
7. Module 7 Pandas Dataframe/GetFreeCourses.Co.url
116 Bytes
Download Paid Udemy Courses For Free.url
116 Bytes
116 Bytes
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