[Udemy] Java from Zero to First Job, Practical Guide, 2000+ examples (2023)
[Udemy] Java from Zero to First Job, Practical Guide, 2000+ examples (2023)
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79 - EXAM Spring Core Spring MVC Online Shop/300 - EXAM Spring Core Spring MVC.mp4
758.0 MB
91 - Misc conferences general lectures about programming etc/331 - QA Online Stream with Students June 19th 2021.mp4
693.8 MB
24 - Input and Output Streams in Java/117 - Input and Output Streams in Java.mp4
684.9 MB
80 - Spring Security/302 - First Login Form First Security Filter Configuration.mp4
653.8 MB
88 - Spring Boot/322 - Spring Boot Starters.mp4
564.5 MB
91 - Misc conferences general lectures about programming etc/330 - What programming language to choose.mp4
531.5 MB
19 - Generics/102 - Generics in Java.mp4
526.2 MB
26 - Multithreading/131 - Lock API Lock ReadWriteLock ReentrantLock ReentrantReadWriteLock StampedLo.mp4
524.4 MB
59 - Servlets/224 - Servlet API.mp4
518.7 MB
28 - Date and Time in JDK/137 - javatime package Instant LocalDateTime ZonedDateTime OffsetDateTime etc.mp4
510.9 MB
87 - REST Architecture/317 - RESTful Service Implementation with Spring MVC.mp4
494.3 MB
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/111 - Function BiFunction Theory Practice.mp4
493.7 MB
22 - Stream API/113 - Stream API with Practical Exercises.mp4
487.5 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/95 - Iterable Iterator ListIterator.mp4
485.1 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/254 - Broken Access Control.mp4
481.9 MB
84 - Spring JDBC/311 - Spring JDBC Practice.mp4
480.6 MB
72 - Logging in Java/271 - Logging in Java Part 2 Log4J Logback SLF4J.mp4
455.4 MB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/291 - Spring MVC Overview First Project.mp4
446.9 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/98 - Hash Tables HashMap.mp4
442.7 MB
69 - EXAM JSP JSTL MVC Layered Architecture Custom Tags/249 - Solution Overview Part 1.mp4
434.9 MB
66 - JSP/239 - Custom Tags in JSP.mp4
434.1 MB
77 - Spring Core/290 - Spring Dependency Injection Practice.mp4
430.1 MB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/17 - Operators in Java.mp4
424.6 MB
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/146 - JUnit 5 examples VS JUnit 4 Equivalence class partitioning.mp4
422.8 MB
26 - Multithreading/132 - Synchronizers CyclicBarrier CountDownLatch Semaphore Exchanger Phaser.mp4
422.5 MB
17 - Excpetion Handling/88 - Exception Handling in Java.mp4
418.5 MB
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/147 - JUnit 5 API Advanced Test Code Coverage.mp4
406.7 MB
80 - Spring Security/303 - Login with Database Users Roles Privileges.mp4
402.8 MB
26 - Multithreading/130 - CompletableFuture.mp4
402.7 MB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/293 - Spring MVC Forms ModelAttribute Bean Validation.mp4
399.1 MB
34 - Integration testing Mockito/151 - Mockito Part 2.mp4
396.0 MB
81 - EXAM Spring Security Online Shop/306 - EXAM Spring Security Online Shop.mp4
392.1 MB
29 - Java Reflection API/138 - Java Reflection API.mp4
389.3 MB
76 - EXAM TASK JPA Hibernate/286 - EXAM TASK JPA Hibernate.mp4
387.8 MB
26 - Multithreading/122 - First Multithreading Program Thread Runnable.mp4
385.0 MB
82 - Spring Data/308 - Spring Data JPA Practice.mp4
383.5 MB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/166 - Behevioral Patterns p2.mp4
380.7 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/94 - Comparator and Comparable.mp4
378.8 MB
34 - Integration testing Mockito/150 - Mockito Part 1.mp4
372.1 MB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/294 - Exception Handling in Spring MVC.mp4
372.0 MB
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/112 - Consumer BiConsumer Predicate BiPredicate.mp4
371.3 MB
45 - Relational databases/186 - Create Schema Table Naming Collation Engines Types Column Properties.mp4
367.7 MB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/165 - Behevioral Patterns p1.mp4
366.2 MB
26 - Multithreading/128 - Executor Service Implementations ThreadFactory.mp4
363.2 MB
63 - HTML CSS/231 - HTML Forms.mp4
363.1 MB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/277 - Locking JPA Optimistic Pessimistic Locking.mp4
360.7 MB
70 - Data Access Software Design Pattern/252 - Connection Pooling DBCP C3P0 HikariCP amp Tomcat Connection Pool with JNDI.mp4
358.6 MB
86 - Spring AOP/314 - Spring AOP with AspectJ Practice.mp4
357.0 MB
28 - Date and Time in JDK/136 - Time Standards GMT UTC Date and Calendar from javautil.mp4
355.1 MB
90 - OpenAI/329 - OpenAI Basic Concepts.mp4
354.1 MB
30 - JDK API/141 - javautilOptional Optional in Java.mp4
353.9 MB
26 - Multithreading/124 - Synchronization Basics.mp4
353.3 MB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/162 - Creational Patterns.mp4
346.2 MB
88 - Spring Boot/323 - Spring Boot Configurations Application Properties.mp4
343.9 MB
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/148 - JUnit 5 API Advanced p 2 Hamcrest Library.mp4
338.8 MB
31 - Modules in Java Migration of Java Apps/142 - Modules in Java Modular Application Example.mp4
334.7 MB
24 - Input and Output Streams in Java/118 - Serialization and Cloning.mp4
332.5 MB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/279 - JPA Queries Query TypedQuery NativeQuery JPQL Criteria API.mp4
329.3 MB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/280 - Caching in JPAHibernate.mp4
327.4 MB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/274 - First JPA Project Entity ID GenerationType Composite Primary Keys etc.mp4
322.0 MB
72 - Logging in Java/270 - Logging in Java Part 1 Logging theory Logging Levels Java Logging Framework.mp4
319.9 MB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/292 - Model RequestParam PathVariable.mp4
310.0 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/93 - LinkedList VS ArrayList Big O Notation Homework.mp4
309.5 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/92 - List implementations ArrayList Vector CopyOnWriteArrayList Stack.mp4
309.3 MB
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/110 - Functional Interface Lambda Functions Method References.mp4
304.8 MB
57 - Apache Maven/221 - Maven MultiModule Project.mp4
304.2 MB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/164 - Structural Patterns p2.mp4
301.4 MB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/163 - Structural Patterns p1.mp4
301.0 MB
87 - REST Architecture/319 - API Testing with Postman.mp4
298.4 MB
59 - Servlets/225 - webxml Deployment Descriptor.mp4
296.7 MB
62 - Events Handling in Web Application/228 - Events Handling in Java Web Application.mp4
295.5 MB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/167 - Behevioral Patterns p3.mp4
293.4 MB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/281 - N1 Problem and Solution.mp4
291.9 MB
65 - Exam HTML CSS Servlets Web Filter Web Server/234 - Exam HTML CSS Servlets Web Filters Web Server.mp4
290.2 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/101 - Set Implementations HashSet practice javautilColelctions class.mp4
287.9 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/51 - Classes Objects.mp4
286.1 MB
88 - Spring Boot/324 - Spring Boot Actuator Monitoring Tools.mp4
284.3 MB
54 - Web/211 - Apache Tomcat Overview Installation and First Run.mp4
280.9 MB
63 - HTML CSS/229 - HTML Basics.mp4
280.9 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/97 - Map Hierarchy.mp4
279.3 MB
35 - PowerMockito/152 - PowerMock.mp4
275.8 MB
3 - Primitive Data Types Variables and Arrays/13 - Arrays.mp4
275.4 MB
57 - Apache Maven/219 - Execute Maven Goals Advanced Dependency Management.mp4
272.9 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/264 - Security Misconfiguration Hardening Zero Trust Defense in Depth Practice.mp4
271.8 MB
54 - Web/206 - OSI Model HTTP TCPIP.mp4
268.5 MB
265.0 MB
47 - Relational Databases Advanced/193 - Views Triggers Stored Procedures Functions.mp4
264.8 MB
26 - Multithreading/123 - Thread Scheduler Race Condition Daemon Threads Thread Groups.mp4
259.7 MB
80 - Spring Security/305 - Spring Security Architecture Authentication Provider.mp4
259.4 MB
69 - EXAM JSP JSTL MVC Layered Architecture Custom Tags/250 - Solution Overview Part 2.mp4
257.8 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/100 - SortedMap NavigableMap TreeMap.mp4
253.7 MB
69 - EXAM JSP JSTL MVC Layered Architecture Custom Tags/248 - Task Overview.mp4
252.7 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/265 - Vulnerable Outdated Components.mp4
252.5 MB
50 - JDBC/198 - Statement PreparedStatement CallableStatement.mp4
250.6 MB
3 - Primitive Data Types Variables and Arrays/11 - Primitive types and variables.mp4
248.9 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/96 - Queue and Deque.mp4
248.6 MB
46 - SQL/190 - SQL General Overview DDL.mp4
247.3 MB
59 - Servlets/223 - Intro to Servlets Hello World Servlet.mp4
246.1 MB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/278 - Relationships Between Entities.mp4
244.5 MB
66 - JSP/238 - JSTL Part 2.mp4
243.1 MB
50 - JDBC/199 - Transactions Batch Updates and MetaData.mp4
242.9 MB
45 - Relational databases/187 - Referential Integrity Foreign Key Constraint Cascading Operations.mp4
242.7 MB
29 - Java Reflection API/139 - Annotations.mp4
241.7 MB
66 - JSP/236 - First JSP Page Practical Examples.mp4
240.4 MB
26 - Multithreading/125 - Memory Management in Multithreading Programs.mp4
239.7 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/266 - Identification Authentication Failures.mp4
239.3 MB
53 - Exam DAO Database JDBC SQL/205 - Exam task review and solution.mp4
238.3 MB
40 - I18N L10N/170 - Part 2 Localization and Internationalization.mp4
237.9 MB
51 - DAO/200 - DAO Data Access Object Design Pattern.mp4
235.6 MB
61 - Session Cookies/227 - Session Cookies.mp4
232.9 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/50 - Objectoriented programming Basics.mp4
231.9 MB
63 - HTML CSS/230 - СSS Basics.mp4
230.4 MB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/276 - Operations with Entity Create Read Update Delete JPA Entity Lifecycle.mp4
229.7 MB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/275 - First JPA Project Part 2 EntityManager persistencexml Transactions in JPA.mp4
228.9 MB
31 - Modules in Java Migration of Java Apps/143 - Migration of Java Apps Example of migration to a modular application.mp4
228.5 MB
69 - EXAM JSP JSTL MVC Layered Architecture Custom Tags/251 - Solution Overview Part 3.mp4
226.8 MB
57 - Apache Maven/216 - The First Maven Project Archetypes.mp4
220.6 MB
80 - Spring Security/304 - Remember Me Methods Security.mp4
217.7 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/52 - Different types of Classes Abstract keyword and Abstract classes.mp4
214.6 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/58 - Object JNI and Object class overview.mp4
213.4 MB
45 - Relational databases/189 - Database Normalization Denormalization.mp4
213.2 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/53 - Interfaces.mp4
212.9 MB
16 - GIT/79 - Merge Conflicts.mp4
210.0 MB
26 - Multithreading/129 - ForkJoin Framework.mp4
209.1 MB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/23 - Homework review Operators and Operations.mp4
207.5 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/54 - Inheritance.mp4
205.1 MB
57 - Apache Maven/220 - Maven Web Project.mp4
204.9 MB
45 - Relational databases/185 - Relational Databases Basic Concepts.mp4
202.5 MB
50 - JDBC/197 - JDBC Overview Establish connection with DB from Java App.mp4
201.9 MB
16 - GIT/87 - Git and Eclipse integration.mp4
201.8 MB
57 - Apache Maven/215 - Apache Maven Basics.mp4
199.6 MB
30 - JDK API/140 - StringBuilder StringBuffer.mp4
199.2 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Polymorphism and final keyword.mp4
199.1 MB
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/145 - Unit Testing JUnit Overview.mp4
194.7 MB
66 - JSP/237 - JSTL Part 1.mp4
194.4 MB
2 - Java Basics/9 - Integrated Development Environment Eclipse Overview.mp4
192.7 MB
88 - Spring Boot/321 - The First Spring Boot Project.mp4
190.3 MB
57 - Apache Maven/217 - Working with Maven Project.mp4
183.9 MB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/296 - WebFilters HandlerInterceptor in Spring MVC.mp4
183.8 MB
67 - Web Application Design Patterns/241 - Layered Architecture.mp4
183.5 MB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/21 - Compare primitive and reference types Java Memory Model.mp4
183.0 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/257 - Cryptography Failures Examples Password Encryption Hashing Salting.mp4
182.0 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/268 - Security Logging Monitoring Failures.mp4
176.2 MB
2 - Java Basics/5 - JDK Installation.mp4
173.8 MB
37 - Objectoriented Architecture Clean Code Design Advanced/160 - Packaging Pricniples p2 Coupling Principles and Others.mp4
173.5 MB
16 - GIT/80 - Git Rebasing Force Update of remote repository.mp4
171.3 MB
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/183 - MySQL Overview Installation including Workbench Installation.mp4
170.7 MB
2 - Java Basics/7 - First application Hello World App.mp4
170.6 MB
26 - Multithreading/126 - Deadlock Livelock.mp4
167.3 MB
32 - Testing for Software Engineers/144 - Testing for software engineers Overview.mp4
166.5 MB
54 - Web/210 - HTTP Part 2.mp4
166.3 MB
16 - GIT/78 - Updating local repository fetch merge pull Team development demo.mp4
164.8 MB
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/182 - Databases Overview Part 2.mp4
164.3 MB
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/181 - Databases Overview Part 1.mp4
163.7 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/256 - Cryptography Failures Practical Examples SQL Injections TLSSSL HTTPS.mp4
160.7 MB
16 - GIT/69 - How to Install Git and Basic Git Configuration.mp4
158.5 MB
16 - GIT/76 - Git Branching.mp4
157.9 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/262 - Insecure Design Secure Design Process Security Controls Metrics Examples.mp4
157.6 MB
47 - Relational Databases Advanced/194 - MySQL Workbench Administration.mp4
156.0 MB
16 - GIT/83 - Git stash.mp4
154.2 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/259 - Injection Cross Site Scripting Types of XSS SQL JPA NoSQL Injections.mp4
153.0 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/269 - ServerSide Request Forgery SSRF.mp4
151.3 MB
48 - Databases Database Modelling and Architecture/195 - Database Modelling Design Conceptual Logical and Physical Data Models.mp4
147.7 MB
15 - EXAM OOP Object Oriented eCommerce console applications/67 - Exam and homework for OOP topic.mp4
147.2 MB
36 - TDD BDD ATTD/153 - Testdriven development Theory.mp4
147.0 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/267 - Software Data Integrity Failures.mp4
144.0 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/261 - Insecure Design Overivew CWEs Shift Left Security Threat Modeling Manifesto.mp4
143.3 MB
37 - Objectoriented Architecture Clean Code Design Advanced/157 - Tell Dont Ask Pricniple Data Structures.mp4
142.8 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/56 - static keyword.mp4
142.3 MB
45 - Relational databases/188 - Indexes in Databases.mp4
141.4 MB
66 - JSP/235 - JSP Overview.mp4
141.0 MB
88 - Spring Boot/320 - Spring Boot Introduction.mp4
138.4 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/99 - LinkedHashMap.mp4
138.0 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/253 - OWASP Top 10 Overview.mp4
136.1 MB
77 - Spring Core/287 - Spring Framework General Overview.mp4
135.5 MB
16 - GIT/81 - Git Interactive Rebase.mp4
134.9 MB
37 - Objectoriented Architecture Clean Code Design Advanced/156 - Clean Code Architecture Coupling Cohesion.mp4
133.7 MB
54 - Web/208 - Web Servers Overview.mp4
132.4 MB
80 - Spring Security/301 - Spring Security Introduction.mp4
130.5 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/258 - Injection Overview Fuzzing CWEs Impact Injection Types Command Injection.mp4
129.4 MB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/299 - Spring API Work with Cookies in Spring MVC Work with Properties.mp4
129.0 MB
87 - REST Architecture/315 - REST Architecture Overview and Key Principles.mp4
127.7 MB
2 - Java Basics/10 - Comments in Java source code.mp4
127.5 MB
16 - GIT/85 - Git cherrypick moving commits between branches.mp4
123.6 MB
6 - Strings in Java/28 - Regular expressions in Java.mp4
123.3 MB
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/109 - Functional Programming in Java Overview.mp4
122.6 MB
16 - GIT/77 - Pull Requests Merge Requests.mp4
122.6 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/90 - Collection Interface.mp4
122.5 MB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/19 - Math class NaN Infinity.mp4
121.8 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/255 - Cryptography Failures Theory Sensitive Data Data Breach Types of Failures.mp4
121.5 MB
16 - GIT/73 - Git undoing things Vi text editor.mp4
121.1 MB
46 - SQL/192 - JOIN Queries UNION Subqueries.mp4
119.8 MB
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/184 - PostgreSQL Overview Installation including pgAdmin installation.mp4
119.0 MB
60 - Web Filters/226 - Web Filters.mp4
118.9 MB
87 - REST Architecture/316 - Naming Convention for RESTful Services.mp4
118.7 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/263 - Security Misconfiguration Overview CWEs Types Reallife attacks.mp4
117.4 MB
16 - GIT/72 - Git ignoring Git log.mp4
113.3 MB
16 - GIT/71 - Git repo init First commit and main bracnh.mp4
112.3 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/60 - Open Closed Principle.mp4
112.0 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/59 - SOLID principles overview Single Responsibility Principle.mp4
110.8 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/57 - Encapsulation.mp4
110.5 MB
37 - Objectoriented Architecture Clean Code Design Advanced/159 - Packaging Pricniples p1 Cohesion Principles.mp4
110.2 MB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/260 - Injection XPath Injection Log Injection Input Validation.mp4
109.1 MB
16 - GIT/75 - SSH Connection.mp4
109.1 MB
77 - Spring Core/288 - Spring Architecture Inversion of Control Dependency Injection Spring Beans.mp4
108.6 MB
16 - GIT/84 - Restoring lost snapshots in Git git reflog.mp4
107.4 MB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/18 - Operations with integers and floatingpoint numbers BigDecimal type.mp4
107.3 MB
16 - GIT/74 - Git remote repositories.mp4
105.4 MB
16 - GIT/82 - Git reset.mp4
105.2 MB
86 - Spring AOP/313 - Aspect Oriented Programming.mp4
105.1 MB
84 - Spring JDBC/310 - Spring JDBC Overview.mp4
104.7 MB
54 - Web/207 - ClientServer Architecture URI URN URL.mp4
104.4 MB
36 - TDD BDD ATTD/155 - TDD BDD ATTD Practice.mp4
104.1 MB
67 - Web Application Design Patterns/240 - MVC Design Pattern.mp4
100.9 MB
4 - Eclipse Tips and Tricks/16 - Code Refactoring in Eclipse.mp4
100.5 MB
36 - TDD BDD ATTD/154 - BDD ATTD.mp4
99.3 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/63 - Dependency Inversion Principle.mp4
98.1 MB
26 - Multithreading/121 - Multithreading Overview.mp4
95.8 MB
26 - Multithreading/127 - Executor Services Callable Future.mp4
93.3 MB
87 - REST Architecture/318 - Review of tools for API testing Postman Installation.mp4
92.9 MB
11 - Enumerations in Java/48 - Enumerations in Java.mp4
92.5 MB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/20 - Type of the expression in Java.mp4
90.4 MB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/295 - Serving Static Resources in Spring MVC.mp4
87.9 MB
82 - Spring Data/307 - Spring Data Spring Data JPA Overview.mp4
86.7 MB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/161 - GoF Patterns Overview.mp4
85.7 MB
7 - Control Statements/32 - switch construction.mp4
82.9 MB
54 - Web/209 - HTTP Part 1.mp4
82.9 MB
77 - Spring Core/289 - IoC Beans Configuration XML and Annotations Practice.mp4
82.1 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/61 - Liskov Substitution Principle.mp4
79.6 MB
1 - Introduction/2 - Communication plan.mp4
79.2 MB
7 - Control Statements/30 - if else construction.mp4
77.4 MB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/273 - Introduction to JPA ORM.mp4
77.2 MB
56 - Build Automation Tools Overview/214 - Build Automation Tools Overview.mp4
77.1 MB
26 - Multithreading/133 - Homework Multithreading.mp4
76.3 MB
34 - Integration testing Mockito/149 - Integration Testing in Java.mp4
74.8 MB
3 - Primitive Data Types Variables and Arrays/12 - Number Systems.mp4
74.8 MB
1 - Introduction/4 - Unlimited access to Learn IT application for students.mp4
69.5 MB
10 - Methods in Java/44 - Parameter Passing Mechanism in Java.mp4
66.8 MB
40 - I18N L10N/169 - Part 1 Localization and Internationalization.mp4
65.7 MB
13 - Objectoriented programming/62 - Interface Segregation Principle.mp4
64.0 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/91 - Interfaces List Set and Queue Overview.mp4
64.0 MB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/37 - for with condition loop.mp4
63.7 MB
18 - Java Collections Framework/89 - Java Collections Framework Overview.mp4
61.0 MB
37 - Objectoriented Architecture Clean Code Design Advanced/158 - Law of Demeter.mp4
60.6 MB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/41 - Labels in Java.mp4
58.8 MB
6 - Strings in Java/25 - String comparison How to compare Strings and what is String Pool.mp4
58.4 MB
6 - Strings in Java/24 - String object creation and main methods overview.mp4
55.2 MB
49 - SQL Homework Online Shop/196 - SQL Homework Task and Solution Review.mp4
54.7 MB
16 - GIT/68 - Version Control Systems Git Overview.mp4
53.2 MB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/40 - Jump Statements Break and Continue.mp4
50.5 MB
92 - Bonus section/332 - Bonus Lesson.mp4
50.0 MB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/298 - Redirect Forward in Spring MVC.mp4
49.2 MB
7 - Control Statements/31 - Homework review if statement.mp4
48.7 MB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/22 - Read user input from console.mp4
44.9 MB
10 - Methods in Java/46 - Variable Length Arguments.mp4
43.7 MB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/297 - L10N I18N in Spring MVC.mp4
41.5 MB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/38 - for each loop.mp4
37.9 MB
12 - Debugging Tools/49 - How to debug Java programs.mp4
37.8 MB
10 - Methods in Java/43 - Methods in Java Overview.mp4
33.8 MB
2 - Java Basics/8 - Homework Solution bat file creation.mp4
33.3 MB
1 - Introduction/1 - Why Java and why this course What is JDK JRE and JVM.mp4
29.3 MB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/42 - Homework review Iteration Statements Loops.mp4
28.4 MB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/35 - while loop.mp4
27.9 MB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/36 - dowhile loop.mp4
24.7 MB
10 - Methods in Java/45 - Recursive methods.mp4
23.1 MB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/39 - Nested loops.mp4
20.4 MB
7 - Control Statements/33 - Homework review switch statement.mp4
18.4 MB
6 - Strings in Java/29 - Homework review String.mp4
16.1 MB
6 - Strings in Java/27 - String Formatting.mp4
16.1 MB
4 - Eclipse Tips and Tricks/15 - Plugins how to install free plugins eclipse marketplace workspace styles.mp4
15.8 MB
6 - Strings in Java/26 - Escape Sequences in Java.mp4
15.7 MB
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Homework review Methods.mp4
11.3 MB
4 - Eclipse Tips and Tricks/14 - Packages creation and package presentation in eclipse.mp4
10.2 MB
8 - Miscellaneous/34 - Random numbers generation.mp4
10.2 MB
91 - Misc conferences general lectures about programming etc/331 - QA Online Stream with Students June 19th 2021 English.srt
66.0 kB
91 - Misc conferences general lectures about programming etc/330 - What programming language to choose English.srt
54.2 kB
24 - Input and Output Streams in Java/117 - Input and Output Streams in Java English.srt
50.2 kB
26 - Multithreading/131 - Lock API Lock ReadWriteLock ReentrantLock ReentrantReadWriteLock StampedLo English.srt
49.9 kB
45 - Relational databases/186 - Create Schema Table Naming Collation Engines Types Column Properties English.srt
49.8 kB
79 - EXAM Spring Core Spring MVC Online Shop/300 - EXAM Spring Core Spring MVC English.srt
48.0 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/254 - Broken Access Control English.srt
46.0 kB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/165 - Behevioral Patterns p1 English.srt
45.9 kB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/162 - Creational Patterns English.srt
45.8 kB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/166 - Behevioral Patterns p2 English.srt
45.4 kB
80 - Spring Security/302 - First Login Form First Security Filter Configuration English.srt
43.8 kB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/163 - Structural Patterns p1 English.srt
43.6 kB
26 - Multithreading/132 - Synchronizers CyclicBarrier CountDownLatch Semaphore Exchanger Phaser English.srt
43.4 kB
28 - Date and Time in JDK/137 - javatime package Instant LocalDateTime ZonedDateTime OffsetDateTime etc English.srt
43.4 kB
31 - Modules in Java Migration of Java Apps/142 - Modules in Java Modular Application Example English.srt
43.0 kB
88 - Spring Boot/322 - Spring Boot Starters English.srt
43.0 kB
45 - Relational databases/189 - Database Normalization Denormalization English.srt
43.0 kB
77 - Spring Core/289 - IoC Beans Configuration XML and Annotations Practice English.srt
41.8 kB
26 - Multithreading/124 - Synchronization Basics English.srt
41.1 kB
31 - Modules in Java Migration of Java Apps/143 - Migration of Java Apps Example of migration to a modular application English.srt
41.0 kB
47 - Relational Databases Advanced/193 - Views Triggers Stored Procedures Functions English.srt
41.0 kB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/291 - Spring MVC Overview First Project English.srt
40.8 kB
66 - JSP/239 - Custom Tags in JSP English.srt
40.8 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/266 - Identification Authentication Failures English.srt
39.8 kB
17 - Excpetion Handling/88 - Exception Handling in Java English.srt
39.2 kB
26 - Multithreading/122 - First Multithreading Program Thread Runnable English.srt
38.3 kB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/280 - Caching in JPAHibernate English.srt
38.3 kB
59 - Servlets/224 - Servlet API English.srt
37.7 kB
88 - Spring Boot/323 - Spring Boot Configurations Application Properties English.srt
37.6 kB
72 - Logging in Java/271 - Logging in Java Part 2 Log4J Logback SLF4J English.srt
37.5 kB
26 - Multithreading/130 - CompletableFuture English.srt
37.5 kB
72 - Logging in Java/270 - Logging in Java Part 1 Logging theory Logging Levels Java Logging Framework English.srt
37.4 kB
37 - Objectoriented Architecture Clean Code Design Advanced/160 - Packaging Pricniples p2 Coupling Principles and Others English.srt
37.3 kB
26 - Multithreading/128 - Executor Service Implementations ThreadFactory English.srt
37.3 kB
54 - Web/206 - OSI Model HTTP TCPIP English.srt
36.9 kB
30 - JDK API/141 - javautilOptional Optional in Java English.srt
36.9 kB
46 - SQL/191 - SQL DML CRUD Operations SELECT INSERT UPDATE DELETE English.srt
36.7 kB
19 - Generics/102 - Generics in Java English.srt
36.4 kB
70 - Data Access Software Design Pattern/252 - Connection Pooling DBCP C3P0 HikariCP amp Tomcat Connection Pool with JNDI English.srt
36.2 kB
84 - Spring JDBC/311 - Spring JDBC Practice English.srt
36.2 kB
63 - HTML CSS/231 - HTML Forms English.srt
36.2 kB
32 - Testing for Software Engineers/144 - Testing for software engineers Overview English.srt
36.1 kB
45 - Relational databases/185 - Relational Databases Basic Concepts English.srt
35.7 kB
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/145 - Unit Testing JUnit Overview English.srt
35.7 kB
57 - Apache Maven/221 - Maven MultiModule Project English.srt
35.5 kB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/277 - Locking JPA Optimistic Pessimistic Locking English.srt
35.3 kB
22 - Stream API/113 - Stream API with Practical Exercises English.srt
35.3 kB
36 - TDD BDD ATTD/153 - Testdriven development Theory English.srt
35.2 kB
29 - Java Reflection API/138 - Java Reflection API English.srt
35.0 kB
63 - HTML CSS/230 - СSS Basics English.srt
34.9 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/98 - Hash Tables HashMap English.srt
34.5 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/93 - LinkedList VS ArrayList Big O Notation Homework English.srt
34.4 kB
57 - Apache Maven/216 - The First Maven Project Archetypes English.srt
34.3 kB
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/181 - Databases Overview Part 1 English.srt
34.1 kB
69 - EXAM JSP JSTL MVC Layered Architecture Custom Tags/249 - Solution Overview Part 1 English.srt
33.7 kB
81 - EXAM Spring Security Online Shop/306 - EXAM Spring Security Online Shop English.srt
33.7 kB
67 - Web Application Design Patterns/241 - Layered Architecture English.srt
33.7 kB
90 - OpenAI/329 - OpenAI Basic Concepts English.srt
33.7 kB
77 - Spring Core/290 - Spring Dependency Injection Practice English.srt
33.2 kB
48 - Databases Database Modelling and Architecture/195 - Database Modelling Design Conceptual Logical and Physical Data Models English.srt
32.9 kB
88 - Spring Boot/324 - Spring Boot Actuator Monitoring Tools English.srt
32.9 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/264 - Security Misconfiguration Hardening Zero Trust Defense in Depth Practice English.srt
32.8 kB
59 - Servlets/223 - Intro to Servlets Hello World Servlet English.srt
32.7 kB
80 - Spring Security/303 - Login with Database Users Roles Privileges English.srt
32.6 kB
28 - Date and Time in JDK/136 - Time Standards GMT UTC Date and Calendar from javautil English.srt
32.6 kB
65 - Exam HTML CSS Servlets Web Filter Web Server/234 - Exam HTML CSS Servlets Web Filters Web Server English.srt
32.6 kB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/294 - Exception Handling in Spring MVC English.srt
32.4 kB
34 - Integration testing Mockito/150 - Mockito Part 1 English.srt
32.1 kB
37 - Objectoriented Architecture Clean Code Design Advanced/159 - Packaging Pricniples p1 Cohesion Principles English.srt
31.7 kB
63 - HTML CSS/229 - HTML Basics English.srt
31.6 kB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/293 - Spring MVC Forms ModelAttribute Bean Validation English.srt
31.3 kB
66 - JSP/235 - JSP Overview English.srt
31.0 kB
62 - Events Handling in Web Application/228 - Events Handling in Java Web Application English.srt
31.0 kB
54 - Web/211 - Apache Tomcat Overview Installation and First Run English.srt
30.9 kB
26 - Multithreading/125 - Memory Management in Multithreading Programs English.srt
30.8 kB
37 - Objectoriented Architecture Clean Code Design Advanced/157 - Tell Dont Ask Pricniple Data Structures English.srt
30.6 kB
61 - Session Cookies/227 - Session Cookies English.srt
30.5 kB
37 - Objectoriented Architecture Clean Code Design Advanced/156 - Clean Code Architecture Coupling Cohesion English.srt
30.4 kB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/279 - JPA Queries Query TypedQuery NativeQuery JPQL Criteria API English.srt
30.4 kB
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/146 - JUnit 5 examples VS JUnit 4 Equivalence class partitioning English.srt
30.4 kB
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/182 - Databases Overview Part 2 English.srt
30.0 kB
88 - Spring Boot/320 - Spring Boot Introduction English.srt
29.9 kB
87 - REST Architecture/317 - RESTful Service Implementation with Spring MVC English.srt
29.8 kB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/164 - Structural Patterns p2 English.srt
29.8 kB
26 - Multithreading/123 - Thread Scheduler Race Condition Daemon Threads Thread Groups English.srt
29.8 kB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/167 - Behevioral Patterns p3 English.srt
29.7 kB
69 - EXAM JSP JSTL MVC Layered Architecture Custom Tags/248 - Task Overview English.srt
29.7 kB
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/148 - JUnit 5 API Advanced p 2 Hamcrest Library English.srt
29.6 kB
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/183 - MySQL Overview Installation including Workbench Installation English.srt
29.4 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/92 - List implementations ArrayList Vector CopyOnWriteArrayList Stack English.srt
29.3 kB
50 - JDBC/198 - Statement PreparedStatement CallableStatement English.srt
29.1 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/95 - Iterable Iterator ListIterator English.srt
29.0 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/262 - Insecure Design Secure Design Process Security Controls Metrics Examples English.srt
28.8 kB
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/147 - JUnit 5 API Advanced Test Code Coverage English.srt
28.8 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/96 - Queue and Deque English.srt
28.7 kB
87 - REST Architecture/319 - API Testing with Postman English.srt
28.6 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/265 - Vulnerable Outdated Components English.srt
28.4 kB
50 - JDBC/199 - Transactions Batch Updates and MetaData English.srt
28.2 kB
24 - Input and Output Streams in Java/118 - Serialization and Cloning English.srt
28.2 kB
86 - Spring AOP/314 - Spring AOP with AspectJ Practice English.srt
28.1 kB
45 - Relational databases/187 - Referential Integrity Foreign Key Constraint Cascading Operations English.srt
28.1 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/269 - ServerSide Request Forgery SSRF English.srt
28.0 kB
29 - Java Reflection API/139 - Annotations English.srt
27.8 kB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/278 - Relationships Between Entities English.srt
27.1 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/268 - Security Logging Monitoring Failures English.srt
27.1 kB
45 - Relational databases/188 - Indexes in Databases English.srt
27.0 kB
34 - Integration testing Mockito/151 - Mockito Part 2 English.srt
26.9 kB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/17 - Operators in Java English.srt
26.9 kB
50 - JDBC/197 - JDBC Overview Establish connection with DB from Java App English.srt
26.8 kB
87 - REST Architecture/315 - REST Architecture Overview and Key Principles English.srt
26.7 kB
57 - Apache Maven/217 - Working with Maven Project English.srt
26.6 kB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/275 - First JPA Project Part 2 EntityManager persistencexml Transactions in JPA English.srt
26.6 kB
57 - Apache Maven/215 - Apache Maven Basics English.srt
26.5 kB
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/111 - Function BiFunction Theory Practice English.srt
26.3 kB
82 - Spring Data/308 - Spring Data JPA Practice English.srt
26.2 kB
54 - Web/210 - HTTP Part 2 English.srt
26.1 kB
46 - SQL/190 - SQL General Overview DDL English.srt
26.0 kB
76 - EXAM TASK JPA Hibernate/286 - EXAM TASK JPA Hibernate English.srt
25.7 kB
26 - Multithreading/127 - Executor Services Callable Future English.srt
25.6 kB
53 - Exam DAO Database JDBC SQL/205 - Exam task review and solution English.srt
25.3 kB
66 - JSP/236 - First JSP Page Practical Examples English.srt
25.3 kB
66 - JSP/238 - JSTL Part 2 English.srt
25.3 kB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/292 - Model RequestParam PathVariable English.srt
25.2 kB
26 - Multithreading/129 - ForkJoin Framework English.srt
25.2 kB
16 - GIT/80 - Git Rebasing Force Update of remote repository English.srt
25.1 kB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/274 - First JPA Project Entity ID GenerationType Composite Primary Keys etc English.srt
25.0 kB
16 - GIT/76 - Git Branching English.srt
25.0 kB
57 - Apache Maven/219 - Execute Maven Goals Advanced Dependency Management English.srt
24.9 kB
51 - DAO/200 - DAO Data Access Object Design Pattern English.srt
24.7 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/94 - Comparator and Comparable English.srt
24.6 kB
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/112 - Consumer BiConsumer Predicate BiPredicate English.srt
24.6 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/261 - Insecure Design Overivew CWEs Shift Left Security Threat Modeling Manifesto English.srt
24.5 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/256 - Cryptography Failures Practical Examples SQL Injections TLSSSL HTTPS English.srt
24.4 kB
54 - Web/208 - Web Servers Overview English.srt
24.2 kB
36 - TDD BDD ATTD/154 - BDD ATTD English.srt
24.0 kB
57 - Apache Maven/220 - Maven Web Project English.srt
23.8 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/101 - Set Implementations HashSet practice javautilColelctions class English.srt
23.7 kB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/296 - WebFilters HandlerInterceptor in Spring MVC English.srt
23.5 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/263 - Security Misconfiguration Overview CWEs Types Reallife attacks English.srt
23.5 kB
60 - Web Filters/226 - Web Filters English.srt
23.4 kB
40 - I18N L10N/170 - Part 2 Localization and Internationalization English.srt
23.3 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/253 - OWASP Top 10 Overview English.srt
23.3 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/97 - Map Hierarchy English.srt
23.3 kB
88 - Spring Boot/321 - The First Spring Boot Project English.srt
23.2 kB
69 - EXAM JSP JSTL MVC Layered Architecture Custom Tags/250 - Solution Overview Part 2 English.srt
23.1 kB
59 - Servlets/225 - webxml Deployment Descriptor English.srt
23.0 kB
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/184 - PostgreSQL Overview Installation including pgAdmin installation English.srt
22.8 kB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/276 - Operations with Entity Create Read Update Delete JPA Entity Lifecycle English.srt
22.8 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/51 - Classes Objects English.srt
22.8 kB
54 - Web/207 - ClientServer Architecture URI URN URL English.srt
22.7 kB
80 - Spring Security/305 - Spring Security Architecture Authentication Provider English.srt
22.7 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/257 - Cryptography Failures Examples Password Encryption Hashing Salting English.srt
22.6 kB
57 - Apache Maven/218 - Maven settingsxml.html
22.5 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/50 - Objectoriented programming Basics English.srt
22.5 kB
87 - REST Architecture/316 - Naming Convention for RESTful Services English.srt
22.2 kB
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/110 - Functional Interface Lambda Functions Method References English.srt
22.1 kB
16 - GIT/87 - Git and Eclipse integration English.srt
22.1 kB
35 - PowerMockito/152 - PowerMock English.srt
22.0 kB
86 - Spring AOP/313 - Aspect Oriented Programming English.srt
21.8 kB
36 - TDD BDD ATTD/155 - TDD BDD ATTD Practice English.srt
21.7 kB
54 - Web/209 - HTTP Part 1 English.srt
21.5 kB
66 - JSP/237 - JSTL Part 1 English.srt
21.4 kB
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/109 - Functional Programming in Java Overview English.srt
21.2 kB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/281 - N1 Problem and Solution English.srt
21.2 kB
80 - Spring Security/301 - Spring Security Introduction English.srt
20.6 kB
26 - Multithreading/121 - Multithreading Overview English.srt
20.6 kB
30 - JDK API/140 - StringBuilder StringBuffer English.srt
20.5 kB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/298 - Redirect Forward in Spring MVC English.srt
20.5 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/100 - SortedMap NavigableMap TreeMap English.srt
20.5 kB
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/161 - GoF Patterns Overview English.srt
20.4 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/267 - Software Data Integrity Failures English.srt
20.3 kB
16 - GIT/79 - Merge Conflicts English.srt
20.3 kB
77 - Spring Core/287 - Spring Framework General Overview English.srt
20.2 kB
3 - Primitive Data Types Variables and Arrays/11 - Primitive types and variables English.srt
20.2 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/258 - Injection Overview Fuzzing CWEs Impact Injection Types Command Injection English.srt
20.1 kB
80 - Spring Security/304 - Remember Me Methods Security English.srt
20.1 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/259 - Injection Cross Site Scripting Types of XSS SQL JPA NoSQL Injections English.srt
19.9 kB
34 - Integration testing Mockito/149 - Integration Testing in Java English.srt
19.9 kB
67 - Web Application Design Patterns/240 - MVC Design Pattern English.srt
19.7 kB
46 - SQL/192 - JOIN Queries UNION Subqueries English.srt
19.5 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/260 - Injection XPath Injection Log Injection Input Validation English.srt
19.3 kB
75 - ORM JPA Interview Preparation/282 - Part 1 ORM Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers.html
19.3 kB
77 - Spring Core/288 - Spring Architecture Inversion of Control Dependency Injection Spring Beans English.srt
19.0 kB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/297 - L10N I18N in Spring MVC English.srt
18.8 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/53 - Interfaces English.srt
18.8 kB
56 - Build Automation Tools Overview/214 - Build Automation Tools Overview English.srt
18.7 kB
39 - Design Patterns Interview Questions/168 - Part 1 OOP Design Patterns Interview Questions and Answers.html
18.6 kB
16 - GIT/83 - Git stash English.srt
18.4 kB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/295 - Serving Static Resources in Spring MVC English.srt
18.4 kB
16 - GIT/78 - Updating local repository fetch merge pull Team development demo English.srt
18.3 kB
26 - Multithreading/126 - Deadlock Livelock English.srt
17.9 kB
87 - REST Architecture/318 - Review of tools for API testing Postman Installation English.srt
17.9 kB
3 - Primitive Data Types Variables and Arrays/13 - Arrays English.srt
17.9 kB
2 - Java Basics/7 - First application Hello World App English.srt
17.8 kB
82 - Spring Data/307 - Spring Data Spring Data JPA Overview English.srt
17.5 kB
16 - GIT/82 - Git reset English.srt
17.2 kB
40 - I18N L10N/169 - Part 1 Localization and Internationalization English.srt
16.9 kB
2 - Java Basics/9 - Integrated Development Environment Eclipse Overview English.srt
16.7 kB
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/273 - Introduction to JPA ORM English.srt
16.7 kB
52 - JDBC SQL Databases Interview Preparation/204 - Part 4 SQL Questions and Answers.html
16.7 kB
16 - GIT/77 - Pull Requests Merge Requests English.srt
16.7 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/54 - Inheritance English.srt
16.3 kB
84 - Spring JDBC/310 - Spring JDBC Overview English.srt
16.3 kB
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/255 - Cryptography Failures Theory Sensitive Data Data Breach Types of Failures English.srt
16.2 kB
75 - ORM JPA Interview Preparation/283 - Part 2 ORM Hibernate Interview Questions and Answers.html
16.0 kB
16 - GIT/85 - Git cherrypick moving commits between branches English.srt
16.0 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/90 - Collection Interface English.srt
15.8 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/52 - Different types of Classes Abstract keyword and Abstract classes English.srt
15.7 kB
89 - Spring Interview Preparation/325 - Part 1 Spring Interview Questions and Answers.html
15.6 kB
75 - ORM JPA Interview Preparation/284 - Part 3 JPA Interview Questions and Answers.html
15.3 kB
75 - ORM JPA Interview Preparation/285 - Part 4 JPA Interview Questions and Answers.html
14.6 kB
16 - GIT/74 - Git remote repositories English.srt
14.6 kB
16 - GIT/72 - Git ignoring Git log English.srt
14.5 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Polymorphism and final keyword English.srt
14.3 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/89 - Java Collections Framework Overview English.srt
14.3 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/58 - Object JNI and Object class overview English.srt
14.2 kB
16 - GIT/81 - Git Interactive Rebase English.srt
13.8 kB
69 - EXAM JSP JSTL MVC Layered Architecture Custom Tags/251 - Solution Overview Part 3 English.srt
13.6 kB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/21 - Compare primitive and reference types Java Memory Model English.srt
13.6 kB
15 - EXAM OOP Object Oriented eCommerce console applications/67 - Exam and homework for OOP topic English.srt
13.5 kB
47 - Relational Databases Advanced/194 - MySQL Workbench Administration English.srt
13.4 kB
68 - Web Servlets JSP JSTL in Java Interview Preparation/244 - Part 2 Java Servlets Interview Questions and Answers.html
13.4 kB
41 - Java Core Interview Preparation/175 - Part 4 Java Core Interview Questions and Answers.html
13.4 kB
16 - GIT/69 - How to Install Git and Basic Git Configuration English.srt
13.2 kB
27 - Multithreading in Java Interview Preparation/134 - Part 1 Java Multithreading Interview Questions and Answers.html
13.1 kB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/23 - Homework review Operators and Operations English.srt
13.0 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/99 - LinkedHashMap English.srt
13.0 kB
25 - IO in Java Interview Preparation/120 - Part 2 Java IO Interview Questions and Answers.html
12.8 kB
27 - Multithreading in Java Interview Preparation/135 - Part 2 Java Multithreading Interview Questions and Answers.html
12.7 kB
68 - Web Servlets JSP JSTL in Java Interview Preparation/243 - Part 1 Java Servlets Interview Questions and Answers.html
12.5 kB
18 - Java Collections Framework/91 - Interfaces List Set and Queue Overview English.srt
12.4 kB
1 - Introduction/1 - Why Java and why this course What is JDK JRE and JVM English.srt
12.3 kB
16 - GIT/75 - SSH Connection English.srt
12.3 kB
55 - WEB Interview Preparation/213 - Part 1 WEB Interview Questions and Answers.html
12.2 kB
14 - OOP Interview Preparation/65 - Part 1 OOP Interview Questions and Answers.html
12.2 kB
16 - GIT/71 - Git repo init First commit and main bracnh English.srt
12.2 kB
37 - Objectoriented Architecture Clean Code Design Advanced/158 - Law of Demeter English.srt
12.1 kB
89 - Spring Interview Preparation/327 - Part 3 Spring Interview Questions and Answers.html
11.7 kB
2 - Java Basics/5 - JDK Installation English.srt
11.6 kB
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/299 - Spring API Work with Cookies in Spring MVC Work with Properties English.srt
11.5 kB
16 - GIT/73 - Git undoing things Vi text editor English.srt
11.4 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/56 - static keyword English.srt
11.3 kB
11 - Enumerations in Java/48 - Enumerations in Java English.srt
11.2 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/60 - Open Closed Principle English.srt
11.2 kB
41 - Java Core Interview Preparation/174 - Part 3 Java Core Interview Questions and Answers.html
11.2 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/59 - SOLID principles overview Single Responsibility Principle English.srt
11.1 kB
12 - Debugging Tools/49 - How to debug Java programs English.srt
10.9 kB
14 - OOP Interview Preparation/66 - Part 2 OOP Interview Questions and Answers.html
10.7 kB
49 - SQL Homework Online Shop/196 - SQL Homework Task and Solution Review English.srt
10.7 kB
68 - Web Servlets JSP JSTL in Java Interview Preparation/247 - Part 5 Java JSP JSTL Interview Questions and Answers.html
10.6 kB
52 - JDBC SQL Databases Interview Preparation/202 - Part 2 Databases Questions and Answers.html
10.4 kB
41 - Java Core Interview Preparation/173 - Part 2 Java Core Interview Questions and Answers.html
10.4 kB
16 - GIT/68 - Version Control Systems Git Overview English.srt
10.3 kB
16 - GIT/84 - Restoring lost snapshots in Git git reflog English.srt
10.3 kB
4 - Eclipse Tips and Tricks/16 - Code Refactoring in Eclipse English.srt
9.9 kB
25 - IO in Java Interview Preparation/119 - Part 1 Java IO Interview Questions and Answers.html
9.8 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/57 - Encapsulation English.srt
9.8 kB
26 - Multithreading/133 - Homework Multithreading English.srt
9.4 kB
2 - Java Basics/10 - Comments in Java source code English.srt
9.4 kB
23 - Functional Programming in Java Interview Preparation/116 - Part 2 Java Functional Programming Interview Questions and Answers.html
9.3 kB
89 - Spring Interview Preparation/326 - Part 2 Spring Interview Questions and Answers.html
9.0 kB
20 - Java Collections Framework Interview Preparation/106 - Part 3 Java Collections Framework Interview Questions and Answers.html
9.0 kB
52 - JDBC SQL Databases Interview Preparation/203 - Part 3 SQL Questions and Answers.html
8.7 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/63 - Dependency Inversion Principle English.srt
8.6 kB
23 - Functional Programming in Java Interview Preparation/115 - Part 1 Java Functional Programming Interview Questions and Answers.html
8.3 kB
41 - Java Core Interview Preparation/172 - Part 1 Java Core Interview Questions and Answers.html
8.2 kB
6 - Strings in Java/24 - String object creation and main methods overview English.srt
8.1 kB
20 - Java Collections Framework Interview Preparation/107 - Part 4 Java Collections Framework Interview Questions and Answers.html
8.1 kB
41 - Java Core Interview Preparation/177 - Part 6 Java Core Interview Questions and Answers.html
8.0 kB
10 - Methods in Java/44 - Parameter Passing Mechanism in Java English.srt
7.9 kB
68 - Web Servlets JSP JSTL in Java Interview Preparation/246 - Part 4 Java JSP Interview Questions and Answers.html
7.9 kB
6 - Strings in Java/28 - Regular expressions in Java English.srt
7.7 kB
10 - Methods in Java/43 - Methods in Java Overview English.srt
7.6 kB
3 - Primitive Data Types Variables and Arrays/12 - Number Systems English.srt
7.4 kB
73 - EXAM TASK OWASP Top 10 Secure Coding Logging/272 - Exam Task Description and Solution with reference to the source code.html
7.4 kB
20 - Java Collections Framework Interview Preparation/105 - Part 2 Java Collections Framework Interview Questions and Answers.html
7.4 kB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/19 - Math class NaN Infinity English.srt
7.2 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/62 - Interface Segregation Principle English.srt
7.1 kB
13 - Objectoriented programming/61 - Liskov Substitution Principle English.srt
7.0 kB
68 - Web Servlets JSP JSTL in Java Interview Preparation/245 - Part 3 Java Servlets Interview Questions and Answers.html
7.0 kB
20 - Java Collections Framework Interview Preparation/104 - Part 1 Java Collections Framework Interview Questions and Answers.html
6.7 kB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/18 - Operations with integers and floatingpoint numbers BigDecimal type English.srt
6.5 kB
1 - Introduction/2 - Communication plan English.srt
6.4 kB
64 - HTML CSS Interview Preparation/232 - Part 1 HTML Interview Questions and Answers.html
6.3 kB
58 - EXAM Maven Web Servers/222 - Exam Task with Solution Maven Web Services.html
6.3 kB
52 - JDBC SQL Databases Interview Preparation/201 - Part 1 JDBC Databases Questions and Answers.html
6.1 kB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/20 - Type of the expression in Java English.srt
6.0 kB
7 - Control Statements/32 - switch construction English.srt
5.9 kB
41 - Java Core Interview Preparation/176 - Part 5 Java Core Interview Questions and Answers.html
5.6 kB
6 - Strings in Java/25 - String comparison How to compare Strings and what is String Pool English.srt
5.4 kB
20 - Java Collections Framework Interview Preparation/108 - Part 5 Java Collections Framework Interview Questions and Answers.html
5.2 kB
42 - EXAM Java Standard Edition Online Store Task description and solution/179 - Implement online store application.html
5.2 kB
10 - Methods in Java/46 - Variable Length Arguments English.srt
5.2 kB
1 - Introduction/4 - Unlimited access to Learn IT application for students English.srt
4.7 kB
7 - Control Statements/30 - if else construction English.srt
4.7 kB
92 - Bonus section/332 - Bonus Lesson English.srt
4.4 kB
10 - Methods in Java/45 - Recursive methods English.srt
4.1 kB
6 - Strings in Java/27 - String Formatting English.srt
4.0 kB
6 - Strings in Java/26 - Escape Sequences in Java English.srt
3.9 kB
54 - Web/212 - Apache Tomcat Hometask with Solution.html
3.9 kB
41 - Java Core Interview Preparation/178 - Part 7 Java Core Interview Questions and Answers.html
3.8 kB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/37 - for with condition loop English.srt
3.7 kB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/41 - Labels in Java English.srt
3.7 kB
64 - HTML CSS Interview Preparation/233 - Part 2 CSS Interview Questions and Answers.html
3.5 kB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/40 - Jump Statements Break and Continue English.srt
3.3 kB
8 - Miscellaneous/34 - Random numbers generation English.srt
3.0 kB
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/22 - Read user input from console English.srt
2.9 kB
6 - Strings in Java/29 - Homework review String English.srt
2.8 kB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/35 - while loop English.srt
2.8 kB
7 - Control Statements/31 - Homework review if statement English.srt
2.7 kB
4 - Eclipse Tips and Tricks/15 - Plugins how to install free plugins eclipse marketplace workspace styles English.srt
2.7 kB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/38 - for each loop English.srt
2.5 kB
2 - Java Basics/8 - Homework Solution bat file creation English.srt
2.5 kB
4 - Eclipse Tips and Tricks/14 - Packages creation and package presentation in eclipse English.srt
2.2 kB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/36 - dowhile loop English.srt
2.2 kB
1 - Introduction/3 - Tips to Improve Your Course Taking Experience.html
1.9 kB
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Homework review Methods English.srt
1.8 kB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/42 - Homework review Iteration Statements Loops English.srt
1.8 kB
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/39 - Nested loops English.srt
1.2 kB
16 - GIT/86 - Cloning remote repository git clone.html
1.2 kB
68 - Web Servlets JSP JSTL in Java Interview Preparation/242 - How to be prepared for the interview.html
1.1 kB
23 - Functional Programming in Java Interview Preparation/114 - How to be prepared for the interview.html
1.0 kB
20 - Java Collections Framework Interview Preparation/103 - How to be prepared for the interview.html
1.0 kB
41 - Java Core Interview Preparation/171 - How to be prepared for the interview.html
1.0 kB
14 - OOP Interview Preparation/64 - How to be prepared for the interview.html
990 Bytes
7 - Control Statements/33 - Homework review switch statement English.srt
917 Bytes
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/180 - Intro to SQL and Databases Section.html
664 Bytes
90 - OpenAI/328 - Intro to the OpenAI Section.html
478 Bytes
83 - EXAM Spring Data JPA Online Shop/309 - EXAM Spring Data JPA Online Shop.html
467 Bytes
85 - EXAM Spring JDBC Online Shop/312 - EXAM Spring JDBC Online Shop.html
465 Bytes
2 - Java Basics/6 - Java 18.html
366 Bytes
16 - GIT/70 - How to set WIndows notepad as a default text editor in git.html
288 Bytes
67 - Web Application Design Patterns/240 - Source code of Model.txt
189 Bytes
59 - Servlets/225 - Source code of ContextParamValueServlet.txt
181 Bytes
59 - Servlets/223 - Link to the HelloWorldServlet.txt
174 Bytes
60 - Web Filters/226 - Source code of HelloWorldFilter.txt
172 Bytes
63 - HTML CSS/231 - Source code of the Java Servlet example from the lesson.txt
172 Bytes
66 - JSP/237 - Source code of Servlet for JSTL Examples.txt
172 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/94 - Homework Solution Custom Comparator.txt
171 Bytes
66 - JSP/236 - Servlet source code from the lesson.txt
171 Bytes
67 - Web Application Design Patterns/240 - Source code of Controller.txt
171 Bytes
62 - Events Handling in Web Application/228 - The source code of examples from the lesson.txt
162 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/258 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
158 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/259 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
158 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/260 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
158 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/254 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
152 Bytes
72 - Logging in Java/270 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
152 Bytes
72 - Logging in Java/271 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
152 Bytes
59 - Servlets/224 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
151 Bytes
61 - Session Cookies/227 - Source code of package with all examples from the lesson.txt
151 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/256 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
151 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/257 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
151 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/21 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
150 Bytes
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/37 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
150 Bytes
24 - Input and Output Streams in Java/118 - Homework solution.txt
150 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/123 - Source code of throwing exception from run method example.txt
150 Bytes
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/42 - Solution Print matrix to console.txt
149 Bytes
66 - JSP/239 - Package with Java Handlers implementations.txt
147 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/292 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
147 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/125 - AtomicInteger demo source code.txt
146 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/18 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
145 Bytes
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/42 - Solution Pyramid in console.txt
145 Bytes
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/40 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
144 Bytes
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/42 - Solution Digits from new line.txt
144 Bytes
7 - Control Statements/33 - Source code SOLUTION User Activity Selector.txt
143 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/52 - Source code Variant product.txt
143 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/54 - Source code Object initialization order.txt
143 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/122 - Source code of the First multithreading program.txt
143 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/125 - InheritablThreadLocal demo source code.txt
143 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/52 - Source code Master Product.txt
142 Bytes
67 - Web Application Design Patterns/240 - Source code of View.txt
142 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/293 - Source code examples from the lesson UserController.txt
142 Bytes
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/36 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
141 Bytes
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/38 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
141 Bytes
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/39 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
141 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Source code Profile Information Data.txt
141 Bytes
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/35 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
139 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/53 - Source code PayPalPaymentProcessor.txt
139 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/93 - Solution for DefaultMyList coding exercise.txt
139 Bytes
35 - PowerMockito/152 - Source code of example from lesson.txt
139 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/53 - Source code ChasePaymentProcessor.txt
138 Bytes
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/147 - Source code of test 1.txt
138 Bytes
7 - Control Statements/31 - Source code SOLUTION Admin Guest Mode.txt
137 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Source code Account Information.txt
137 Bytes
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/146 - Source code of MoneyTransactionServiceTest.txt
137 Bytes
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/41 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
136 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/52 - Source code Abstract Product.txt
136 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/23 - Circle Circumference Solution.txt
135 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/20 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
134 Bytes
6 - Strings in Java/24 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
134 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Solution Convert decimal to Roman numbers and vice versa.txt
134 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Solution Greates common divisor.txt
134 Bytes
19 - Generics/102 - Homework Solution Parameterized custom List and iterators.txt
134 Bytes
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/147 - Source code of test 2.txt
134 Bytes
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/148 - Source code of Advanced JUnit Examples.txt
134 Bytes
7 - Control Statements/31 - Source code SOLUTION Add Numbers.txt
133 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/52 - Source code Demo class.txt
133 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/52 - Source code User class.txt
133 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/53 - Source code PaymentProcessor interface.txt
133 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/53 - Source code PaymentValidator.txt
133 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Source code Content Manager.txt
133 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/96 - Solution for Homework Backend system for help desk.txt
133 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/96 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
133 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/123 - Source code of the daemon threads.txt
133 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/123 - Source code of the Thread group.txt
132 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/125 - ThreadLocal demo source code.txt
132 Bytes
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/146 - Source code of MoneyTransactionService.txt
132 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/93 - Source code of the example used in the lesso.txt
131 Bytes
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/110 - Source code All examples from the lecture.txt
131 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/23 - Area of Triangle Solution.txt
130 Bytes
6 - Strings in Java/29 - Source code SOLUTION Floatingpoint number formatting.txt
130 Bytes
7 - Control Statements/30 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
130 Bytes
7 - Control Statements/32 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
130 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/45 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
130 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Solution Filter String array to leave words no less than specific length.txt
130 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Solution Sum digits in a number.txt
130 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Source code Rar Archiver.txt
130 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Source code User Profile.txt
130 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Source code Zip Archiver.txt
130 Bytes
22 - Stream API/113 - Homework Solution Filter words by length.txt
130 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/122 - Source code of thread interruption demo.txt
130 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/129 - Source code of ForkJoin examples.txt
130 Bytes
3 - Primitive Data Types Variables and Arrays/12 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
129 Bytes
6 - Strings in Java/25 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
129 Bytes
6 - Strings in Java/27 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
129 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Solution Turn each first char in the word to uppercase.txt
129 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/101 - Source code of the example used in the lesson HashSet.txt
129 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/123 - Source code of the Priority demo.txt
129 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/130 - CompletableFuture source code of all examples.txt
129 Bytes
66 - JSP/239 - Folder with custom tags.txt
129 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/22 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
128 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Solution String processor.txt
128 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/53 - Source code PaymentData.txt
128 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Source code Admin User.txt
128 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/94 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
128 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/98 - Source code of MapSortingDemo class.txt
128 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/99 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
128 Bytes
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/111 - Source code All examples from the lecture.txt
128 Bytes
3 - Primitive Data Types Variables and Arrays/11 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
127 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/23 - Integers Calculator Solution.txt
127 Bytes
6 - Strings in Java/28 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
127 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Solution Draw rectanagle empty inside.txt
127 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Solution Extend array.txt
127 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Solution Rotate Matrix.txt
127 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Source code Archiver.txt
127 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/93 - Template project for your homework.txt
127 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/101 - Source code of the example used in the lesson Collections.txt
127 Bytes
66 - JSP/239 - TLD file example.txt
127 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Solution Calculate amount of words.txt
126 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Source code Profile.txt
126 Bytes
15 - EXAM OOP Object Oriented eCommerce console applications/67 - Template of exam task.txt
126 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/123 - Source code of the yield method demo.txt
126 Bytes
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/148 - Source code of Test Suites.txt
126 Bytes
66 - JSP/239 - JSP File Source Code from the lesson.txt
126 Bytes
2 - Java Basics/7 - Homework.txt
125 Bytes
2 - Java Basics/9 - Homework.txt
125 Bytes
4 - Eclipse Tips and Tricks/16 - Source code Example from Lecture 1.txt
125 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/17 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
125 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/22 - Homework.txt
125 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/23 - Homework.txt
125 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/44 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
125 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/54 - Source code Product.txt
125 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/56 - Source code Employee.txt
125 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/132 - The source code of all examples from the lesson.txt
125 Bytes
34 - Integration testing Mockito/151 - Source code of Mockito test.txt
125 Bytes
6 - Strings in Java/26 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
124 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/93 - Solution of the homework Backend system for online store with list.txt
124 Bytes
34 - Integration testing Mockito/150 - Source code of Mockito test.txt
124 Bytes
59 - Servlets/225 - Source of webxml from the lesson.txt
124 Bytes
60 - Web Filters/226 - Source of webxml from the lesson.txt
124 Bytes
61 - Session Cookies/227 - Source of webxml from the lesson.txt
124 Bytes
62 - Events Handling in Web Application/228 - Source of webxml from the lesson.txt
124 Bytes
4 - Eclipse Tips and Tricks/16 - Source code Example from Lecture 2.txt
123 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/47 - Solution Find max integer in array.txt
123 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/53 - Source code Client class.txt
123 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/54 - Source code Phone.txt
123 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Source code Demo.txt
123 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/55 - Source code User.txt
123 Bytes
63 - HTML CSS/230 - CSS source code.txt
123 Bytes
63 - HTML CSS/231 - Source code of HTML example from the lesson.txt
123 Bytes
6 - Strings in Java/27 - Source code from the lesson Formatter Demo.txt
122 Bytes
6 - Strings in Java/29 - Source code SOLUTION Split words regular expression.txt
122 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/54 - Source code Demo.txt
122 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/100 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
122 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/124 - Source code of all examples from the lesson.txt
122 Bytes
63 - HTML CSS/230 - HTML with CSS source code.txt
122 Bytes
66 - JSP/237 - Source code of JSP file with the JSTL code examples.txt
122 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/43 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
121 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/46 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
121 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/51 - Source code Product class.txt
121 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/52 - Source code POJO Product.txt
121 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/56 - Source code Demo.txt
121 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/56 - Source code User.txt
121 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/95 - Source code of the examples used in the lesson.txt
121 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/127 - Executor Services source code of demo.txt
121 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/128 - Executor Service Implementations ThreadFactory demo source code.txt
121 Bytes
66 - JSP/236 - JSP demo file.txt
121 Bytes
2 - Java Basics/10 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
120 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/19 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
120 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/23 - Homework Demo Class.txt
120 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/93 - Solution of the homework DefaultList and Performance of ArrayList vs LinkedList.txt
120 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/95 - Homework Solution Custom Iterator and ListIterator.txt
120 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/126 - Deadlock source code examples.txt
120 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/126 - Livelock source code examples.txt
120 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/127 - Callable Future source code of demo.txt
120 Bytes
3 - Primitive Data Types Variables and Arrays/13 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
119 Bytes
63 - HTML CSS/229 - Source code of the HTML file example from the lesson.txt
119 Bytes
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/276 - Source code of examples from the lesson.txt
119 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/51 - Source code Cart class.txt
118 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/51 - Source code Demo class.txt
118 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/52 - Source code Cart with Tax and Discount.txt
118 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/98 - Source code of MapDemo class.txt
118 Bytes
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/280 - Source code of examples from the lesson.txt
118 Bytes
77 - Spring Core/290 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
118 Bytes
8 - Miscellaneous/34 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
117 Bytes
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/112 - Source code All examples from the lecture PREDICATES.txt
117 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/131 - Source code of all Lock API examples.txt
117 Bytes
29 - Java Reflection API/138 - Source code of example from the lesson.txt
117 Bytes
30 - JDK API/140 - Source code from the lesson.txt
117 Bytes
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/277 - Source code of examples from the lesson.txt
117 Bytes
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/278 - Source code of examples from the lesson.txt
117 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/294 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
117 Bytes
15 - EXAM OOP Object Oriented eCommerce console applications/67 - Solution of exam task.txt
116 Bytes
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/112 - Source code All examples from the lecture CONSUMERS.txt
116 Bytes
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/162 - Source code of all examples from the lesson.txt
116 Bytes
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/163 - Source code of all examples from the lesson.txt
116 Bytes
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/164 - Source code of all examples from the lesson.txt
116 Bytes
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/165 - Source code of all examples from the lesson.txt
116 Bytes
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/166 - Source code of all examples from the lesson.txt
116 Bytes
38 - GoF Design Patterns of Software Architecture in OOP/167 - Source code of all examples from the lesson.txt
116 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/293 - Source code examples from the lesson Models.txt
116 Bytes
37 - Objectoriented Architecture Clean Code Design Advanced/157 - Source code of data structures example.txt
115 Bytes
77 - Spring Core/289 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
115 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/57 - Source code All examples from the lecture.txt
114 Bytes
22 - Stream API/113 - Source code All examples from the lecture.txt
114 Bytes
24 - Input and Output Streams in Java/117 - Solution of Homework Online store with data storage.txt
114 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/133 - Homework source code of the solution.txt
114 Bytes
36 - TDD BDD ATTD/155 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
114 Bytes
24 - Input and Output Streams in Java/118 - Source code examples from the lesson Serialization.txt
113 Bytes
35 - PowerMockito/152 - PowerMockito official documentation.txt
113 Bytes
11 - Enumerations in Java/48 - Solution Message type priority.txt
112 Bytes
37 - Objectoriented Architecture Clean Code Design Advanced/157 - Source code of Tell dont ask example.txt
112 Bytes
22 - Stream API/113 - Homework Solution Present Sweets.txt
111 Bytes
28 - Date and Time in JDK/136 - Source code of example from the lesson.txt
111 Bytes
29 - Java Reflection API/139 - Homework Solution.txt
111 Bytes
11 - Enumerations in Java/48 - Source code of the example used in the lesson.txt
109 Bytes
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/112 - Solution for Homework.txt
109 Bytes
22 - Stream API/113 - Homework Solution Books Management.txt
109 Bytes
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/274 - Source code of examples from the lesson.txt
109 Bytes
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/275 - Source code of examples from the lesson.txt
109 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/59 - Source code All examples from the lecture.txt
108 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/60 - Source code All examples from the lecture.txt
108 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/61 - Source code All examples from the lecture.txt
108 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/62 - Source code All examples from the lecture.txt
108 Bytes
13 - Objectoriented programming/63 - Source code All examples from the lecture.txt
108 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/99 - Homework solution.txt
108 Bytes
29 - Java Reflection API/139 - Source code of examples from the lesson.txt
108 Bytes
31 - Modules in Java Migration of Java Apps/143 - Example Migration Guide by Oracle.txt
108 Bytes
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/279 - Source code of examples from the lesson.txt
108 Bytes
87 - REST Architecture/319 - Postman collections.txt
108 Bytes
17 - Excpetion Handling/88 - Source code of all examples from the lesson.txt
107 Bytes
77 - Spring Core/289 - applicationContextxml.txt
107 Bytes
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/148 - Source code of Hamcrest Library Examples.txt
106 Bytes
88 - Spring Boot/321 - Source code of the first Spring Boot project from the lesson commit with changes.txt
106 Bytes
88 - Spring Boot/322 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
106 Bytes
88 - Spring Boot/323 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
106 Bytes
88 - Spring Boot/324 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
106 Bytes
19 - Generics/102 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
105 Bytes
30 - JDK API/141 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
105 Bytes
40 - I18N L10N/170 - Source code examples from the lesson.txt
105 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/291 - Commit with the changes for this lesson.txt
105 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/295 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/296 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/297 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/298 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/299 - Source code of examples commit with changes COOKIES.txt
105 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/299 - Source code of examples commit with changes PROPERTIES.txt
105 Bytes
80 - Spring Security/302 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
80 - Spring Security/303 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
80 - Spring Security/304 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
80 - Spring Security/305 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
82 - Spring Data/308 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
84 - Spring JDBC/311 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
86 - Spring AOP/314 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
87 - REST Architecture/317 - Source code of examples commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
87 - REST Architecture/319 - Commit with changes.txt
105 Bytes
24 - Input and Output Streams in Java/118 - Source code examples from the lesson Cloning.txt
104 Bytes
34 - Integration testing Mockito/150 - Source code of original code.txt
104 Bytes
34 - Integration testing Mockito/151 - Source code of original code.txt
104 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/293 - Validation constraints annotations.txt
104 Bytes
15 - EXAM OOP Object Oriented eCommerce console applications/67 - Solution of OOP hometasks.txt
103 Bytes
74 - ORM JPA Hibernate/281 - Source code of examples from the lesson.txt
103 Bytes
24 - Input and Output Streams in Java/117 - Solution of homework.txt
102 Bytes
72 - Logging in Java/270 - javautillogging package official documentation.txt
102 Bytes
28 - Date and Time in JDK/137 - Source code of examples from the lesson.txt
101 Bytes
50 - JDBC/197 - Source code example from the lesson.txt
101 Bytes
50 - JDBC/198 - Source code example from the lesson.txt
101 Bytes
50 - JDBC/199 - Source code example from the lesson.txt
101 Bytes
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/109 - Documentation of javautilfunction package.txt
100 Bytes
51 - DAO/200 - Source code example from the lesson.txt
100 Bytes
24 - Input and Output Streams in Java/117 - Source code examples from lesson.txt
99 Bytes
57 - Apache Maven/215 - Maven Lifecycles reference.txt
99 Bytes
22 - Stream API/113 - Documentation for javautilstream package.txt
98 Bytes
88 - Spring Boot/322 - Spring Boot Starters on Github.txt
97 Bytes
1 - Introduction/2 - Telegram Channel with Latest News and important information.txt
96 Bytes
2 - Java Basics/5 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
2 - Java Basics/5 - How to set up env variables on Mac OS.txt
96 Bytes
3 - Primitive Data Types Variables and Arrays/11 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
3 - Primitive Data Types Variables and Arrays/12 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
5 - Operators and Operations with primitive types/17 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
6 - Strings in Java/28 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
7 - Control Statements/30 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
7 - Control Statements/32 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
9 - Iteration Statements Loops in Java/41 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
10 - Methods in Java/46 - Methods in Java Homework.txt
96 Bytes
11 - Enumerations in Java/48 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
15 - EXAM OOP Object Oriented eCommerce console applications/67 - EXAM task and OOP Homework.txt
96 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/93 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/94 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/95 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/96 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
18 - Java Collections Framework/99 - Homework LRU Cache Implementation.txt
96 Bytes
19 - Generics/102 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
21 - Functional Programming in Java including lambda functions method references/112 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
22 - Stream API/113 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
24 - Input and Output Streams in Java/117 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
24 - Input and Output Streams in Java/118 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
26 - Multithreading/133 - Homework description.txt
96 Bytes
29 - Java Reflection API/139 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
49 - SQL Homework Online Shop/196 - Homework with links to solution.txt
96 Bytes
53 - Exam DAO Database JDBC SQL/205 - Homework description and reference to the solution.txt
96 Bytes
57 - Apache Maven/215 - MacOS Maven installation guide.txt
96 Bytes
65 - Exam HTML CSS Servlets Web Filter Web Server/234 - Hometask and link to the solution.txt
96 Bytes
69 - EXAM JSP JSTL MVC Layered Architecture Custom Tags/248 - Exam task description and reference to the solution.txt
96 Bytes
70 - Data Access Software Design Pattern/252 - Homework task and source code of the solution.txt
96 Bytes
76 - EXAM TASK JPA Hibernate/286 - Homework description and reference to the solution.txt
96 Bytes
1 - Introduction/1 - Homework.txt
96 Bytes
79 - EXAM Spring Core Spring MVC Online Shop/300 - Task description reference to the solution and the source code.txt
96 Bytes
81 - EXAM Spring Security Online Shop/306 - Exam task description with the reference to the solution.txt
96 Bytes
92 - Bonus section/332 - Telegram Channel with Latest News and important information.txt
96 Bytes
59 - Servlets/223 - Link to Jakarta documentation.txt
94 Bytes
88 - Spring Boot/323 - Common Spring Boot Application Properties.txt
90 Bytes
35 - PowerMockito/152 - Powermock module for JUnit 4 common.txt
85 Bytes
46 - SQL/192 - Query Examples that were shown in the lesson.txt
85 Bytes
1 - Introduction/4 - Learn IT application in Play Market.txt
84 Bytes
2 - Java Basics/10 - Homework.txt
84 Bytes
2 - Java Basics/8 - Hello World Application.txt
83 Bytes
66 - JSP/237 - JSTL Dependency to add in Maven.txt
83 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/265 - pomxml from the lesson with OWASP plugin.txt
83 Bytes
3 - Primitive Data Types Variables and Arrays/13 - Homework.txt
79 Bytes
46 - SQL/190 - Query Examples that were shown in the lesson.txt
79 Bytes
46 - SQL/191 - Query Examples that were shown in the lesson.txt
79 Bytes
47 - Relational Databases Advanced/193 - Find folders with Views Triggers Stored Procedures and Stored Functions SQL query examples here.txt
79 Bytes
35 - PowerMockito/152 - Powermock module for JUnit 4.txt
78 Bytes
35 - PowerMockito/152 - Powermock mockito api.txt
77 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/263 - NIST 800123 Guide to General Server Security.txt
77 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/264 - NIST 800123 Guide to General Server Security.txt
77 Bytes
35 - PowerMockito/152 - Powermock mockito api support.txt
76 Bytes
59 - Servlets/225 - Documentation about elements in webxml file.txt
75 Bytes
2 - Java Basics/8 - bat file.txt
74 Bytes
34 - Integration testing Mockito/150 - Mockito JUnit Jupiter.txt
74 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/268 - Computer Security Incident Handling Guide.txt
74 Bytes
34 - Integration testing Mockito/150 - Byte Buddy agent library.txt
73 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/263 - NIST 800207 Zero Trust Architecture.txt
73 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/264 - NIST 800207 Zero Trust Architecture.txt
73 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/265 - Dependency check plugin.txt
73 Bytes
35 - PowerMockito/152 - Powermock reflect library.txt
72 Bytes
35 - PowerMockito/152 - Powermock core.txt
69 Bytes
35 - PowerMockito/152 - Javaassist library.txt
68 Bytes
34 - Integration testing Mockito/150 - Byte Buddy library.txt
67 Bytes
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/183 - How to Install MySQL on MacOS.txt
67 Bytes
34 - Integration testing Mockito/150 - Mockito core library.txt
65 Bytes
35 - PowerMockito/152 - Hamcrestall library.txt
64 Bytes
67 - Web Application Design Patterns/241 - Source code of application from the lesson with layered architecture.txt
63 Bytes
34 - Integration testing Mockito/150 - Objenesis library.txt
62 Bytes
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/184 - Guide How to install PostgreSQL on Mac.txt
60 Bytes
72 - Logging in Java/271 - Log4J 2 Official documentation about Appenders.txt
58 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/291 - Java Spring MVC source code examples from the lesson Repository.txt
57 Bytes
46 - SQL/190 - MySQL Documentation about statements.txt
56 Bytes
72 - Logging in Java/271 - Log4J 2 Official Documentation about Layouts.txt
56 Bytes
70 - Data Access Software Design Pattern/252 - Documentation for attributes of connection pooling in Tomcat.txt
55 Bytes
1 - Introduction/4 - Page where you can generate FREE bonus code for your self to remove limits in Application.txt
53 Bytes
31 - Modules in Java Migration of Java Apps/143 - Nonmodular application example with bash scripts.txt
51 Bytes
35 - PowerMockito/152 - Junit 4 library.txt
51 Bytes
46 - SQL/191 - INSERT statement documentation.txt
51 Bytes
72 - Logging in Java/271 - Logback configuration documentation.txt
48 Bytes
16 - GIT/76 - ls command details.txt
46 Bytes
31 - Modules in Java Migration of Java Apps/142 - Source code examples from the lesson Modular Project.txt
46 Bytes
31 - Modules in Java Migration of Java Apps/143 - Modular application example with bash scripts.txt
46 Bytes
90 - OpenAI/329 - GPT 4 models.txt
45 Bytes
1 - Introduction/2 - LinkedIn of the Tutor.txt
44 Bytes
92 - Bonus section/332 - Free book about AI by Andrii Piatakha scifi.txt
44 Bytes
92 - Bonus section/332 - LinkedIn Andrii PIatakha.txt
44 Bytes
1 - Introduction/2 - Facebook Page with Udemy Coupons from Learn IT University.txt
43 Bytes
92 - Bonus section/332 - Facebook Page with Udemy Coupons from Learn IT University.txt
43 Bytes
92 - Bonus section/332 - Public profile of Tutor with list of all courses Andrii Piatakha.txt
43 Bytes
1 - Introduction/2 - Instagram of the Tutor.txt
42 Bytes
33 - Unit Testing JUnit 5/146 - JUnit Documentation.txt
42 Bytes
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/183 - Microsoft MySQL Installer.txt
42 Bytes
92 - Bonus section/332 - Instagram Andrii Piatakha.txt
42 Bytes
1 - Introduction/2 - LinkedIn ITBulls company official page.txt
41 Bytes
92 - Bonus section/332 - LinkedIn ITBulls company official page.txt
41 Bytes
1 - Introduction/2 - Facebook of the Tutor.txt
40 Bytes
92 - Bonus section/332 - Facebook Andrii Piatakha.txt
40 Bytes
1 - Introduction/2 - Patreon account of the Tutor.txt
39 Bytes
90 - OpenAI/329 - Link to the documentation with description of Models.txt
39 Bytes
92 - Bonus section/332 - Support me on Patreon by getting access to EXCLUSIVE content.txt
39 Bytes
44 - Databases Overview and Environment Setup/184 - PostgreSQL download.txt
36 Bytes
78 - Spring MVC Spring for WEB/293 - JSR 303 Bean Validation.txt
36 Bytes
16 - GIT/72 - Git ignore for different languages.txt
35 Bytes
1 - Introduction/2 - Youtube channel with free lessons and blog.txt
33 Bytes
92 - Bonus section/332 - Youtube channel with free lessons and blog.txt
33 Bytes
43 - Final TestsQuestions for Java Standard Edition/1 - Final Test 1.html
32 Bytes
43 - Final TestsQuestions for Java Standard Edition/2 - Final Test 2.html
32 Bytes
71 - OWASP Top 10 2021/253 - Common Weakness Enumeration CWE official website.txt
32 Bytes
90 - OpenAI/329 - GPT 4 promo page.txt
32 Bytes
16 - GIT/69 - Git download Web site.txt
29 Bytes
54 - Web/211 - Official Tomcat website with official documentation and possibility to download Tomcat.txt
26 Bytes
77 - Spring Core/287 - List of Spring projects.txt
26 Bytes
77 - Spring Core/287 - Spring Initializr.txt
24 Bytes
88 - Spring Boot/321 - Spring Initializr Tool.txt
24 Bytes
1 - Introduction/2 - ITBulls Company Official Web Site.txt
21 Bytes
92 - Bonus section/332 - ITBulls Company Official Web Site.txt
20 Bytes
77 - Spring Core/287 - Official Site of Spring.txt
17 Bytes
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