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Antenna/Christos Christodoulou, -Support Vector Machines for Antenna Array Processing and Electromagneti.pdf
5.4 MB
Antenna/Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas 14th ed Sophocles J. Orfanidis.pdf
11.9 MB
Antenna/Fan Yang, Yahya Rahmat-Samii Electromagnetic Band Gap Structures in Antenna Engineering 2008.pdf
4.8 MB
Antenna/Orfanidis S.J. Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas 8th ed .pdf
14.0 MB
Antenna/Theodoros D. Tsiboukis, Nikolaos V. Kantartzis Higher-order FDTD Schemes for Waveguides and Antenna Structures 2006.pdf
3.9 MB
Antenna/Wei-Chung Weng Electromagnetics and antenna optimization using Taguchi's method 2007.pdf
9.3 MB
Antenna/Weng Cho Chew-Fast and Efficient Algorithms in Computational Electromagnetics- 200.djvu
20.8 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/A.A. Kaufman,-Principles of the Magnetic Methods in Geophysics- (2008).pdf
2.0 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/Charles F. Kennel-Convection and Substorms_ Paradigms of Magnetospheric Phenomenology-(1996).pdf
28.8 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/EDWARDS L.E. & alii Physical stratigraphy, paleontology and magnetostratigraphy of the USGS 1999.pdf
3.9 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/Eugene N. Parker-Spontaneous Current Sheets in Magnetic Fields_ With Applications to Stellar X-Rays(1994).pdf
26.7 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/J.-F. Pascual-Sánchez-Relativity Meeting on Reference Frames and Gravitomagnetism_ (2001).djvu
1.3 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/Jean L. Rasson,Geomagnetics for Aeronautical Safety- A Case Study in and around the Balkans 2006.pdf
14.8 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/Larry R. Lyons, D.J. Williams-Quantitative aspects of magnetospheric physics(2010).pdf
3.6 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/Leonid S. Alperovich, Evgeny N. Fedorov Hydromagnetic Waves in the Magnetosphere and the Ionosphere 2010.pdf
8.1 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/Mark Evans MD FRCP, Friedrich Heller Principles and Applications of Enviromagnetics 2003.pdf
20.6 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/Martin Walt Introduction to Geomagnetically Trapped Radiation 2005.pdf
5.5 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/Meil D. Opdyke, James E.T. Channell Magnetic Stratigraphy 1996.pdf
17.5 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/Michael W. McElhinny, Phillip L. McFadden Paleomagnetism- Continents and Oceans 1999.pdf
25.7 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/S. Hasan, R. J. Rutten Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and Atmosphere of the Sun 2010.pdf
19.4 MB
Astrophysics and Geophysics/[PDF] [2007] Lasers, Clocks and Drag-Free Control Exploration of Relativistic Gravity in Space.pdf
11.5 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/(Fundamental Theories of Physics 78) W. Geraint V. Rosser-Interpretation of Classical Electromagnetism (Fundamental Theories of Physics 78)-Springer (1997).pdf
8.4 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/(Graduate Texts in Physics) Carl S. Helrich-The Classical Theory of Fields. Electromagnetism-Springer (2012).pdf
4.1 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/(In a Nutshell) Anupam Garg-Classical Electromagnetism in a Nutshell-Princeton University Press (2012).pdf
25.1 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/-USPAS - Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism for Accelerators and Beams (2004).pdf
6.6 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/Alexander L. Fetter Classical Electromagnetism 1994.pdf
18.3 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/Chris Quigg Gauge Theories of the Strong, Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions (Advanced Book Classics) 1997.djvu
8.4 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/Francis E. Low Classical field theory- electromagnetism and gravitation 1997.djvu
2.6 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/Francis E. Low-Classical Field Theory_ Electromagnetism and Gravitation-Wiley-VCH (1997).pdf
13.4 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/G. Rosser Interpretation of Classical Electromagnetism 1997.djvu
2.9 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/Jerrold Franklin Classical electromagnetism 2005.djvu
2.5 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/Jerrold Franklin Classical electromagnetism 2005.pdf
1.1 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/Mark A. Heald, Jerry B. Marion Classical Electromagnetic Radiation 1995.pdf
34.6 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/Minoru Fujimoto Physics of Classical Electromagnetism 2007.pdf
6.2 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/Minoru Fujimoto-Physics of Classical Electromagnetism (2007).pdf
3.9 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/R. E. Raab, O. L. de Lange Multipole Theory in Electromagnetism- Classical, Quantum, and Symmetry Aspects, with Applications 2005.pdf
10.8 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/R. E. Raab, O. L. de Lange, Multipole Theory In Electromagnetism- Classical, Quantum, And Symmetry Aspects, With Applications (International Series of Monographs on Physics) 200.pdf
10.3 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/R. E. Raab, O. L. de Lange,-Multipole Theory In Electromagnetism_ Classical, Quantum, And Symmetry Aspects, With Applications (International Series of Monographs on Physics) (2005).pdf
10.3 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/Vanderlinde J. Classical Electromagnetic Theory 2004.pdf
3.5 MB
Classical Electromagnetism/Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky, Melba Phillips Classical electricity and magnetism 1962.djvu
13.2 MB
Diamagnetism/Bitter F. On the Diamagnetism of Electrons in Metals 1929.pdf
280.8 kB
Diamagnetism/Van Vleck J.H., Frank A. The mean square angular momentum and diamagnetism of the normal hydrogen molecule 1929.pdf
600.0 kB
Electric motor/ Unknown - Electromagnetism Lectures .rar
33.0 MB
Electric motor/( ) Professor Jacek F. Gieras, Dr. Rong-Jie Wang, Professor Maarten J. Kamper (auth.)-Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless Machines-Springer Netherlands (2008).pdf
39.2 MB
Electric motor/(Lecture notes in physics 614) Edith Falgarone, Thierry Passot-Turbulence and magnetic fields in astrophysics-Springer (2003).djvu
4.7 MB
Electric motor/(No. 8) Carl E. Baum, Alexander P. Stone, J. Scott Tyo-Ultra-wideband, short-pulse electromagnetics 8-Springer (2007).pdf
7.5 MB
Electric motor/(Springer tracts in modern physics 216) Kirill Melnikov, Arkady Vainshtein-Theory of the muon anomalous magnetic moment-Springer (2006).pdf
1.4 MB
Electric motor/(World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics) Terence W. Barrett-Topological foundations of electromagnetism-World Scientific Publishing Company (2008).pdf
3.8 MB
Electric motor/Ali Emadi ENERGY-EFFICIENT ELECTRIC MOTORS 2004.pdf
14.9 MB
Electric motor/Austin Hughes Electric Motors Drives 2006 (1).pdf
5.5 MB
Electric motor/Austin Hughes Electric Motors Drives 2006.pdf
5.5 MB
Electric motor/Basic Training for Electrical Motors 1999.pdf
1.1 MB
Electric motor/Bateman H. The Structure of an Electromagnetic Field 1918.pdf
526.4 kB
Electric motor/Bearden Utilizing Scalar Electromagnetics To Tap Vacuum Energy .pdf
122.2 kB
Electric motor/Bretislav Heinrich, J.A.C. Bland Ultrathin magnetic structures ii_ measurement techniques and novel magnetic properties 2005.pdf
20.9 MB
Electric motor/Bretislav Heinrich, J.A.C. Bland Ultrathin magnetic structures IV_ applications of nanomagnetism 2005.pdf
7.3 MB
Electric motor/Carl Vogel Build Your Own Electric Motorcycle 1 2009.pdf
9.8 MB
Electric motor/Christos Christopoulos The Transmission-Line Modeling Method in Electromagnetics 2006.pdf
3.0 MB
Electric motor/Daniel C. Mattis The theory of magnetism made simple_ an introduction to physical concepts and to some useful mathematical methods 2006.djvu
6.4 MB
Electric motor/Edwin James Houston The Electric Motor and The Transmission of Power 1896.pdf
41.2 MB
Electric motor/Emadi Energy-efficient electric motors 2005.zip
13.2 MB
Electric motor/Etienne Sandier, Sylvia Serfaty Vortices in the magnetic Ginzburg-Landau model 2006.pdf
1.7 MB
Electric motor/Francis Bacon Crooker Electric Motors Their Action Control and Application-First Edition 1910.pdf
44.6 MB
Electric motor/Francis Bacon Crooker Electric Motors Their Action Control and Application-Second Edition 1914.pdf
47.4 MB
Electric motor/Frank Sabath, D.V. Giri, Farhad Rachidi, Armin Kaelin Ultra-Wideband, Short Pulse Electromagnetics 9 2010.pdf
9.6 MB
Electric motor/Frank Sabath, Eric L. Mokole, Uwe Schenk, Daniel Nitsch-Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 7 -Springer (2007).pdf
43.4 MB
Electric motor/Furlani E.P. Permanent Magnet and Electromechanical Devices_ Materials, Analysis, and Applications 2001.pdf
3.6 MB
Electric motor/George W. Pan Wavelets in electromagnetics and device modeling 2003.djvu
3.4 MB
Electric motor/Giovanni Miano, Antonio Maffucci Transmission Lines and Lumped Circuits (Electromagnetism) (Electromagnetism) 2001.pdf
11.3 MB
Electric motor/Giovanni Miano, Antonio Maffucci-Transmission Lines and Lumped Circuits (Electromagnetism) (Electromagnetism) (2001).pdf
11.3 MB
Electric motor/H. Neal Bertram-Theory of Magnetic Recording (1994).pdf
15.9 MB
Electric motor/Harrington R.F.-Time-harmonic electromagnetic fields-Institute of Electrical & Electronics Enginee.pdf
46.9 MB
Electric motor/I. Tuominen, D. Moss, G. Rüdiger The Sun and Cool Stars_ activity, magnetism, dynamos 1991.djvu
4.4 MB
Electric motor/Ian C. Hunter Theory and Design of Microwave Filters (IEE Electromagnetic Waves Series) 2001.pdf
13.3 MB
Electric motor/Irving Gottlieb Practical Electric Motor Handbook 1997.pdf
13.8 MB
Electric motor/Isaac Asimov Understanding Physics_ Volume 2_ Light, Magnetism and Electricity 1969.pdf
10.1 MB
Electric motor/J. Jose M. Carcione Wave Fields in Real Media, Volume 38, Second Edition_ Wave Propagation in Anisotropic, Anelastic, Porous and Electromagnetic Media (Handbook of Geophy.pdf
24.0 MB
Electric motor/J. Jose M. Carcione Wave Fields in Real Media_ Wave Propagation in Anisotropic, Anelastic Porous and Electromagnetic Media 2007.pdf
32.2 MB
Electric motor/J.A.C. Bland, Bretislav Heinrich-Ultrathin Magnetic Structures I An Introduction to the Electronic Magnetic and Structural Propertie-Springer (2005).pdf
19.7 MB
Electric motor/Jacek F. Gieras Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless Machines 2008.zip
72.2 MB
Electric motor/Jacek F. Gieras, Chong Wang, Joseph Cho Lai Noise of polyphase electric motors 2005.pdf
29.2 MB
Electric motor/Jacek F. Gieras, Rong-Jie Wang, Maarten J. Kamper Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Brushless Machines 2005.pdf
20.7 MB
Electric motor/Jim Cox Electric Motors 2007.pdf
8.9 MB
Electric motor/Jim Cox Electric Motors in the Home Workshop (Workshop Practice) 1996.pdf
8.7 MB
Electric motor/John Stuart Beeteson Visualising magnetic fields_ numerical equation solvers in action 2000.pdf
2.3 MB
Electric motor/Joseph Shiloh, Benjamin Mandelbaum, Ehud Heyman-Ultra-wideband short-pulse electromagnetics 4-Springer (1999).pdf
11.7 MB
Electric motor/Kamakhya Prasad Ghatak, Sitangshu Bhattacharya-Thermoelectric Power in Nanostructured Materials_ Strong Magnetic Fields (Springer Series in Materials Science) (2010).pdf
9.0 MB
Electric motor/Mark S. George, Robert H. Belmaker-Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Clinical Psychiatry (2006).pdf
3.8 MB
Electric motor/P. E. Powell Windmills and Wind Motors 1985.pdf
16.3 MB
Electric motor/Paul D. Smith, Shane R. Cloude Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 5 2002.pdf
34.1 MB
Electric motor/Paul D. Smith, Shane R. Cloude-Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 5-Springer (2002).pdf
30.7 MB
Electric motor/R. Krishnan Electric Motor Drives- Modeling, Analysis, and Control 2001.pdf
55.9 MB
Electric motor/Roger F. Harrington Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields (IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory) 2001.djvu
1.6 MB
Electric motor/Roger F. Harrington Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields (IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory) 2001.pdf
3.4 MB
Electric motor/S Tumanski Thin Film Magnetoresistive Sensors 2001.pdf
13.6 MB
Electric motor/Sadasiva M. Rao Time Domain Electromagnetics 1999.pdf
19.6 MB
Electric motor/Tapan K. Sarkar, Michael C. Wicks, Magdalena Salazar-Palma Wavelet Applications in Engineering Electro- magnetics 2002.pdf
13.4 MB
Electric motor/Thomas Commerford Martin The Electric Motor and its Applications 1892.pdf
47.2 MB
Electric motor/Toliyat Handbook of electric motors 2004.zip
49.0 MB
Electric motor/Vincent Walsh, Alvaro Pascual-Leone-Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation_ A Neurochronometrics of Mind (Bradford Books) (2003).pdf
12.7 MB
Electric motor/Weng Cho Chew Waves and Fields in Inhomogenous Media (IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory) 1990.djvu
332.7 kB
Electric motor/Wilhelm Schäberle, B. Herwig Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging .pdf
34.6 MB
Electric motor/William H. Yeadon Handbook of Small Electric Motors 2001.pdf
12.1 MB
Electric motor/Ya-Qiu Jin Theory and approach of information retrievals from electromagnetic scattering and remote sensing 2005.pdf
8.7 MB
Electric motor/Yuejin Z., Guodong X. 3D magnetic field computation of a permanent magnet disc-type generator using scalar potential method 1997.pdf
335.2 kB
Electric motor/Самолет Ford Tri-Motor. Instruction Manual 1929.pdf
23.7 MB
Electromagnetic compatibility/(Electrical and Computer Engineering) David Weston-Electromagnetic Compatibility -CRC Press (2001).pdf
73.8 MB
Electromagnetic compatibility/(Electrical and computer engineering, 112) David A Weston-Electromagnetic compatibility _ principles and applications-Marcel Dekker (2001).pdf
108.2 MB
Electromagnetic compatibility/Clayton R. Paul Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility 2006.pdf
15.0 MB
Electromagnetic compatibility/D. Sengupta, V. Liepa Applied Electromagnetics and Electromagnetic Compatibility 2006.pdf
18.7 MB
Electromagnetic compatibility/Henry Ott Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering 2009.pdf
6.0 MB
Electromagnetic compatibility/John G. Webster (Editor) 19.Electromagnetic Compatibility 19 1999.pdf
1.5 MB
Electromagnetic compatibility/Terence Rybak, Mark Steffka Automotive Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 2004.pdf
12.1 MB
Electromagnetic compatibility/V. Prasad Kodali Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility- Principles, Measurements, and Technologies .pdf
18.9 MB
Electromagnetics/(Artech House Electromagnetic Analysis) Giuseppe Pelosi, Roberto Coccioli, Stefano Selleri-Quick Finite Elements for Electromagnetic Waves-Artech House Publishers (2009).pdf
4.2 MB
Electromagnetics/(Eur.J.Phys.25 (2004)287–296) Oleg D Jefmenko-Presenting electromagnetic theory in accordance with the principle of causality.pdf
123.3 kB
Electromagnetics/(Master's Series in Physics and Astronomy) S. C. Chapman-Core Electromagnetics-CRC Press (2000).pdf
1.5 MB
Electromagnetics/(Problem Solvers) The Staff of REA-The electromagnetics problem solver-Research & Education Association (1984).djvu
8.2 MB
Electromagnetics/(Schaum) Joseph Edminister-Schaum's Electronic Tutor of Electromagnetics-McGraw-Hill (1994).djvu
4.5 MB
Electromagnetics/-ANSI IEEE C63.5 ( [Electromagnetic Compatibility-Radiated Emission Measurements in Electromagnetic Interference -EMI- Control-Calibration of Antenas. 9 kHz to 40 GHz] [EMC] [73pages]-ieee (2004).pdf
1.2 MB
Electromagnetics/-Recent Advances in Integral Equation Solvers in Electromagnetics Synthesis Lectures on Computati.pdf
9.8 MB
Electromagnetics/Adrian Doicu, Yuri A. Eremin, Thomas Wriedt Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis Using Discrete Sources 2000.pdf
11.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Alain Bossavit Computational Electromagnetism 1997.pdf
17.6 MB
Electromagnetics/Alain Bossavit, Isaak D. Mayergoyz Computational electromagnetism 1997.pdf
2.3 MB
Electromagnetics/Albert D. Wheelon Electromagnetic Scintillation- Volume 2, Weak Scattering 2003.pdf
4.3 MB
Electromagnetics/Alejandro D. Jimenez 2-D Electromagnetic Simulation of Passive Microstrip Circuits .pdf
16.8 MB
Electromagnetics/Alexander A. Ignatiev, Alexander V. Lyashenko Heteromagnetic Microelectronics- Microsystems of Active Type 2010.pdf
12.8 MB
Electromagnetics/Alexander Kuznetsov, Nickolay Mikheev Electroweak processes in external electromagnetic fields 2003.pdf
953.5 kB
Electromagnetics/Anastasis Polycarpou Introduction to the Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics 2006.pdf
2.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Anastasis Polycarpou, Constantine Balanis Introduction to the finite element method in electromagnetics 2006.pdf
2.1 MB
Electromagnetics/Anders Bondeson, Thomas Rylander, Par Ingelström Computational electromagnetics 2005.pdf
2.4 MB
Electromagnetics/Andrew F. Peterson, Constantine Balanis Mapped vector basis functions for electromagnetic integral equations 2006.pdf
743.5 kB
Electromagnetics/André Moliton Applied Electromagnetism and Materials 2006.pdf
2.0 MB
Electromagnetics/André Moliton Basic Electromagnetism and Materials 2006.pdf
2.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Antonacci F., Giannoni F., Magrone P. On the problem of the existence for connecting trajectories under the action of gravitational and electromagnetic fields .ps
580.1 kB
Electromagnetics/Antonello Tamburrino, Yevgen Melikhov, Zhenmao Chen, Lalita Udpa Electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation (XI) 2008.pdf
7.8 MB
Electromagnetics/Anyong Qing, Ching Kwang Lee Differential Evolution in Electromagnetics (Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization, 4) 2010.pdf
4.5 MB
Electromagnetics/Austin A. Richards Alien Vision- Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum with Imaging Technology 2011.pdf
25.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Barnett S. J. On Electromagnetic Induction and Relative Motion II (1918)(en)(3s) .pdf
297.9 kB
Electromagnetics/Barus C. Linear Elements of the Electromagnetic Pinhole Graphs 1927.pdf
279.3 kB
Electromagnetics/Bhag Singh Guru Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals 2004.pdf
23.4 MB
Electromagnetics/Bo Lehnert A Revised Electromagnetic Theory with Fundamental Applications 2008.pdf
3.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Boris Z. Katsenelenbaum Electromagnetic Fields- Restrictions and Approximation 2003.pdf
3.9 MB
Electromagnetics/Bossavit A. Computational electromagnetism 1998.pdf
2.3 MB
Electromagnetics/Branko Kolundzija, Antonije Djordjevic Electromagnetic Modeling of Composite Metallic and Dielectric Structures 2002 (1).pdf
5.6 MB
Electromagnetics/Branko Kolundzija, Antonije Djordjevic Electromagnetic modeling of composite metallic and dielectric structures 2002.pdf
6.0 MB
Electromagnetics/Carol White Energy potential- Toward a new electromagnetic field theory (University editions) 1977.pdf
12.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Carozzi T., Eriksson A., Lundborg B. Electromagnetic Field Theory Exercises 2000.pdf
471.6 kB
Electromagnetics/Carter R.G. Electromagnetism for Electronic Engineers 2009.pdf
4.9 MB
Electromagnetics/Cassen B. Electromagnetic Fields Derived from Non-Commuting Potentials 1931.pdf
309.4 kB
Electromagnetics/Chandersekhar plasma Physics, Hydrodynamics and Hydromagnetic Stability .pdf
6.2 MB
Electromagnetics/Chris Quigg Gauge theories of strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions 1997.djvu
3.4 MB
Electromagnetics/Clements-Croome Electromagnetic Environments and Health in Building 2003.pdf
53.8 MB
Electromagnetics/Constantine A. Balanis Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics 1989.pdf
36.2 MB
Electromagnetics/Costas D. Sarris Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Time-Domain Numerical Electromagnetics 2006.pdf
10.6 MB
Electromagnetics/D. B. Melrose, R. C. McPhedran Electromagnetic Processes in Dispersive Media 1991.pdf
6.9 MB
Electromagnetics/Daniel Bouche, Frederic Molinet, Raj Mittra Asymptotic Methods in Electromagnetics 1997.djvu
3.8 MB
Electromagnetics/Daniel M. Siegel Innovation in Maxwell's electromagnetic theory 1991.djvu
2.0 MB
Electromagnetics/Daniele Funaro Elektromagnetism and the structure of matter 2008.pdf
8.1 MB
Electromagnetics/David A. Hill Electromagnetic Fields in Cavities- Deterministic and Statistical Theories (IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory) 2009.pdf
2.1 MB
Electromagnetics/David A. Sanchez-Hernandez High Frequency Electromagnetic Dosimetry (Artech House Electromagnetic Analysis) 2009.pdf
5.0 MB
Electromagnetics/David Voltmer Fundamentals of electromagnetics 2. Quasistatics and Waves 2007.pdf
3.0 MB
Electromagnetics/David Voltmer Fundamentals of Electromagnetics- Internal Behavior of Lumped Elements 1 2007.pdf
2.4 MB
Electromagnetics/Dennis M. Sullivan Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method 2000.pdf
2.3 MB
Electromagnetics/Department of defense interface standart. Requirements for the control of electromagnetic interference characteristics of subsystems and equipment 19.pdf
993.1 kB
Electromagnetics/Devendra K. Misra Practical Electromagnetics- From Biomedical Sciences to Wireless Communication 2006.pdf
5.3 MB
Electromagnetics/Donald G. Dudley Mathematical Foundations for Electromagnetic Theory (IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory) 1994.djvu
2.3 MB
Electromagnetics/Donald G. Dudley Mathematical Foundations for Electromagnetic Theory (IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory) 1994.pdf
1.1 MB
Electromagnetics/Dov Bahat, Avinoam Rabinovitch, Vladimir Frid-Tensile Fracturing in Rocks_ Tectonofractographic and Electromagnetic Radiation Methods-Springer (2004).pdf
21.9 MB
Electromagnetics/E. J. Post Formal Structure of Electromagnetics- General Covariance and Electromagnetics 1997.djvu
9.8 MB
Electromagnetics/Edward Conrad Jordan Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems 1968.pdf
62.9 MB
Electromagnetics/Edward J. Rothwell, Michael J. Cloud Electromagnetic Modeling by Finite Element Methods 2003.pdf
13.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Edward J. Rothwell, Michael J. Cloud Electromagnetics 2001.pdf
5.0 MB
Electromagnetics/Electromagnetic Rotary Engine - US Patent 03890548 .pdf
1.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Electromagnetic vector potential .doc
59.9 kB
Electromagnetics/Electromagnetism Lectures .rar
31.8 MB
Electromagnetics/elements of electromagnetics-sadiku .pdf
40.0 MB
Electromagnetics/Engineering Electromagnetics .pdf
20.4 MB
Electromagnetics/Ernst Weber Electromagnetic Fields - Theory and Applications (Volume 1 - Mapping of Fields) 1950.djvu
12.8 MB
Electromagnetics/et al Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical And Electronic Engineering- Proceedings of Isef'05 (Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechani.pdf
18.1 MB
Electromagnetics/et al, A. Krawczyk Electromagnetic fields in mechatronics, electrical and electronic engineering- proceedings of ISEF'05 2006.pdf
18.5 MB
Electromagnetics/F W G White Electromagnetic Waves 1950.djvu
2.0 MB
Electromagnetics/F. N. H Robinson Macroscopic electromagnetism, (International series of monographs in natural philosophy) 1973.djvu
2.9 MB
Electromagnetics/Fawaz TUlaby Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics 2006.pdf
175.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Fawwaz T. Ulaby Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics 2006.djvu
10.3 MB
Electromagnetics/Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Eric Michielssen, Umberto Ravaioli Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (6th Edition) 2010.pdf
37.2 MB
Electromagnetics/Frank J. Owens, Charles P. Poole Jr. Electromagnetic Absorption in the Copper Oxide Superconductors 1999.pdf
1.4 MB
Electromagnetics/Frank S. Barnes, Ben Greenebaum Biological and Medical Aspects of Electromagnetic Fields 2007.pdf
4.2 MB
Electromagnetics/Frederick Bloom Ill-Posed Problems for Integrodifferential Equations in Mechanics and Electromagnetic Theory (SIAM Studies in Applied and Numerical Methematics) (Stud.djvu
1.7 MB
Electromagnetics/George Fikioris Mellin - Transform Method for Integral Evaluation- Introduction and Applications to Electromagnetics 2007.pdf
588.8 kB
Electromagnetics/George W. Hanson, Alexander B. Yakovlev Operator theory for electromagnetics 2001.djvu
5.0 MB
Electromagnetics/Gerald Pollack, Daniel Stump Electromagnetism 2001.djvu
18.1 MB
Electromagnetics/Gerard Meunier-The Finite Element Method for Electromagnetic Modeling (2008).pdf
5.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Gibert Thomas Walker Outlines of The Theory of Electromagnetism-A Series of Lectures Delivered .pdf
4.8 MB
Electromagnetics/Gunther Lehner Electromagnetic Field Theory for Engineers and Physicists 2010.pdf
7.4 MB
Electromagnetics/Günther Lehner, Matt Horrer Electromagnetic Field Theory for Engineers 2010.pdf
7.4 MB
Electromagnetics/Günther Lehner, Matt Horrer Electromagnetic Field Theory for Engineers and Physicists 2010.pdf
6.2 MB
Electromagnetics/H. T. Banks, M. Buksas, T. Lin Electromagnetic material interrogation using conductive interfaces and acoustic wavefronts 1987.djvu
1.2 MB
Electromagnetics/Habib Ammari Modeling and computations in electromagnetics. Dedicated to J.C. Nedelec 2007.pdf
2.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Hagen Kleinert Multivalued fields- In condensed matter, electromagnetism, and gravitation 2008.pdf
6.3 MB
Electromagnetics/Harald J. W. Muller-Kirsten Electromagnetic field theory 2004.pdf
1.4 MB
Electromagnetics/Harkins W. D. An Electromagnetic Hypothesis of the Kinetics of Heterogeneous Equilibrium, and of the Structure of .pdf
938.8 kB
Electromagnetics/Harrison E. Rowe Electromagnetic Propagation in Multi-mode Random Media 1999.pdf
1.3 MB
Electromagnetics/Hayt Engineering Electromagnetics .pdf
2.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Herbert P. Neff Introductory Electromagnetics 1990.djvu
4.0 MB
Electromagnetics/Herbert W. Meyer History of electromagnetism 1971.djvu
3.3 MB
Electromagnetics/Hermann A. Haus, James R. Melcher Electromagnetic fields and energy 1989.pdf
10.2 MB
Electromagnetics/Hock Lim, Serguei Matitsine, Gan Yeow Beng, kong Ling Bing Electromagnetic Materials- Proceedings of the Symposium P, ICMAT 2007 2007.pdf
17.2 MB
Electromagnetics/Hubert Trzaska Electromagnetic Field Measurements in the Near Field 2000.rar
13.5 MB
Electromagnetics/Hyo J. Eom Electromagnetic Wave Theory For Boundary-Value Problems 2010.pdf
47.3 MB
Electromagnetics/I. E Irodov Basic laws of electromagnetism 1986.pdf
12.4 MB
Electromagnetics/Isaak D. Mayergoyz Mathematical Models of Hysteresis and their Applications- Second Edition (Electromagnetism) 2003.pdf
17.0 MB
Electromagnetics/Isaak D. Mayergoyz Nonlinear diffusion of electromagnetic fields- with applications to eddy currents and superconductivity 1998.pdf
13.9 MB
Electromagnetics/Isaak D. Mayergoyz Nonlinear Diffusion of Electromagnetic Fields- With Applications to Eddy Currents and Superconductivity (Electromagnetism) 1998.pdf
15.3 MB
Electromagnetics/Ishimaru A. Electromagnetic Wave Propagation, Radiation, and Scattering 1996.pdf
27.7 MB
Electromagnetics/Ismo V. Lindell Differential Forms in Electromagnetics 2004.pdf
1.6 MB
Electromagnetics/Ismo V. Lindell Methods for Electromagnetic Field Analysis (IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory) 1996.pdf
406.6 kB
Electromagnetics/J. A. Brandao Faria Electromagnetic Foundations of Electrical Engineering 2008.pdf
4.9 MB
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