The Legend of Zelda-Ocarina of Time Modding Kit
The Legend of Zelda-Ocarina of Time Modding Kit
league of legends
sadie hartz
la dolce villa
jukujo-club 7912
our story hindi dubbed
the spider within: a spider-verse story
tulsa ita
67.1 MB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/ZELOOTMA.Z64
67.1 MB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll
4.5 MB
3.8 MB
Hylian Toolbox/OpenTK.dll
3.3 MB
Setup Project64 2.2.exe
3.1 MB
2.7 MB
Hylian Toolbox/link_animetion.zdata
2.5 MB
Utility of Time/Tao.OpenGl.dll
1.2 MB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libglib-2.0-0.dll
1.0 MB
Utility of Time/DevIL.dll
876.0 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll
806.0 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libcairo-2.dll
636.6 kB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time.exe
500.7 kB
Hylian Toolbox/HT.exe
439.4 kB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/libtiff-5.dll
408.1 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libgio-2.0-0.dll
406.2 kB
Utility of Time/Utility of Time.exe
401.4 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/Left.wav
392.4 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/Up.wav
392.3 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/Down.wav
380.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libtiff3.dll
376.8 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/Right.wav
375.2 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/A.wav
360.4 kB
Hylian Toolbox/gameplay_keep.zdata
354.2 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/gameplay_keep.zdata
354.2 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/rn64crc.exe
330.2 kB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/rn64crc.exe
330.2 kB
Utility of Time/ext/rn64crc.exe
330.2 kB
Hylian Toolbox/rn64crc.exe
330.2 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/gzrt.exe
325.8 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/SDL.dll
324.1 kB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/SDL.dll
324.1 kB
Hylian Toolbox/SDL.dll
324.1 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/SDL.dll
321.5 kB
314.9 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libpango-1.0-0.dll
307.4 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libgobject-2.0-0.dll
292.1 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll
273.2 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/Pierre's Ocarina Studio.exe
272.4 kB
Utility of Time/freeglut.dll
241.7 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/glut32.dll
237.6 kB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/nes_message_data_static
229.7 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/glew32.dll
213.0 kB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/libjpeg-8.dll
204.3 kB
Hylian Toolbox/libjpeg-8.dll
204.3 kB
186.4 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libpng12-0.dll
182.0 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libclearlooks.dll
171.6 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/SDL_mixer.dll
160.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/splash.png
156.4 kB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/libpng15-15.dll
151.6 kB
Hylian Toolbox/libpng15-15.dll
151.6 kB
GZ Rom Tool/plugins/zev.dll
147.9 kB
Hylian Toolbox/BakemonoModelLoader.pdb
144.9 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0-0.dll
136.6 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/jpeg62.dll
127.5 kB
GZ Rom Tool/plugins/z64v.dll
123.2 kB
GZ Rom Tool/plugins/disassembler.dll
111.4 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/intl.dll
104.9 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libatk-1.0-0.dll
103.1 kB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/zlib1.dll
100.4 kB
Hylian Toolbox/zlib1.dll
100.4 kB
Utility of Time/Tao.Platform.Windows.dll
98.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/plugins/z64mv.dll
96.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libpangowin32-1.0-0.dll
95.8 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libwimp.dll
89.1 kB
Hylian Toolbox/BakemonoModelLoader.dll
86.5 kB
Utility of Time/ext/OoT/oot_actors_human.txt
83.2 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libpangocairo-1.0-0.dll
74.4 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/liblighthouseblue.dll
63.7 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libbluecurve.dll
63.4 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/pthreadGC2.dll
60.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libcrux-engine.dll
57.7 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libindustrial.dll
56.0 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/zlib1.dll
55.8 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libr4kdis.dll
54.8 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libpixmap.dll
54.0 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libthinice.dll
52.5 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-tiff.dll
52.1 kB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/SDL_image.dll
51.2 kB
Hylian Toolbox/SDL_image.dll
51.2 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libn64rom.dll
50.6 kB
Utility of Time/ext/MM/mm_actors_machine.txt
50.6 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libmist.dll
50.0 kB
Utility of Time/ext/OoT/fn.txt
49.2 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-xpm.dll
45.1 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-gif.dll
44.1 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-ime.dll
41.2 kB
Utility of Time/Tao.FreeGlut.dll
41.0 kB
Utility of Time/Tao.DevIl.dll
41.0 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libgthread-2.0-0.dll
39.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-png.dll
39.2 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libz64.dll
38.2 kB
Utility of Time/ext/OoT/oot_actors_machine.txt
37.0 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-jpeg.dll
36.2 kB
Hylian Toolbox/DLPORTIO.dll
34.8 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/DLPORTIO.dll
34.8 kB
Hylian Toolbox/User Guide.html
33.9 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/helper.exe
32.8 kB
Utility of Time/ext/collision_fixer.exe
32.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-ani.dll
32.0 kB
Hylian Toolbox/Map Injector.exe
31.6 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/libgmodule-2.0-0.dll
30.6 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-bmp.dll
30.0 kB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/helper.exe
29.4 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-ico.dll
29.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-multipress.dll
28.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-ti-et.dll
28.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-am-et.dll
28.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-ti-er.dll
28.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-tga.dll
26.8 kB
Hylian Toolbox/Icon.ico
26.6 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/gtk-builder-convert
26.5 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-pnm.dll
26.5 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-xbm.dll
26.3 kB
24.6 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-pcx.dll
24.1 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-thai.dll
23.7 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-ras.dll
21.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-wbmp.dll
20.9 kB
Hylian Toolbox/Model2N64CHT.pdb
20.0 kB
Utility of Time/ext/OoT/objlist.txt
17.9 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-inuktitut.dll
17.1 kB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/table
16.9 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-cyrillic-translit.dll
16.6 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-viqr.dll
16.6 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/mingwm10.dll
16.0 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-ipa.dll
15.5 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-cedilla.dll
15.0 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/glib-mkenums
14.9 kB
Hylian Toolbox/Model2N64CHT.exe
13.8 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/aclocal/glib-gettext.m4
13.7 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/ico128x128.png
9.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x49608_64x64_CI4.png
8.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x376F8_64x64_CI4.png
8.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x2F788_64x64_CI4.png
8.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x289A8_64x64_CI4.png
8.8 kB
GZ Rom Tool/GZRT.exe
8.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/StrongBox Warp (116)/SW-0x2188_128x64_I4.png
8.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/aclocal/glib-2.0.m4
8.2 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/glib-2.0/gettext/po/Makefile.in.in
8.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/StrongBox Warp (116)/SW-0x5188_64x64_CI4.png
8.1 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
7.7 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/aclocal/gtk-2.0.m4
7.5 kB
Utility of Time/ext/zdec.exe
7.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x5B6B8_64x128_I4.png
6.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x73178_64x128_I4.png
6.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x3FD58_64x128_I4.png
6.1 kB
5.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Granny's Potion Shop/00006220_16x128_rgba16.png
5.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5D80_64x128_I4.png
5.7 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/rn64crc.txt
5.7 kB
Hylian Toolbox/rn64crc.txt
5.7 kB
Scroll of Time/Scroll of Time/rn64crc.txt
5.7 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/lib/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h
5.6 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/bin/glib-gettextize
5.5 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/themes/Industrial/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
5.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x2D80_64x128_I4.png
5.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/0000C1A0_64x32_rgba16.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000CD08_64x32_rgba16.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/House of Skulltula/HOS-0x6F20_64x128_I4.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x51738_32x64_CI8.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x39770_32x64_CI8.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x58FD8_32x64_CI8.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x6EB08_32x64_CI8.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x61400_32x64_CI8.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x1A7E0_32x64_CI8.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0xF38_32x64_CI8.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xE180_128x64_I4.png
5.2 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/aclocal/pkg.m4
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x6E6D8_64x32_CI8.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x57CB0_64x32_CI8.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x7DE38_64x32_CI8.png
5.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x7580_64x128_I4.png
5.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/000144E0_32x64_rgba16.png
5.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/House of Skulltula/HOS-0x4720_64x64_CI4.png
5.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00008E80_64x64_i8.png
5.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x55FC8_64x32_CI8.png
5.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x4DD00_64x32_CI8.png
5.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x209F8_64x32_CI8.png
5.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x968B8_64x32_CI8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/000122C0_64x64_i8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0002B828_64x64_i8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x9BC80_32x64_CI8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x71828_32x64_CI8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x68678_32x64_CI8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x2ADD8_32x64_CI8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/House of Skulltula/HOS-0x5F20_64x128_I4.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0000BD98_64x32_rgba16.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0005AFB8_64x64_i8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00026F98_64x64_i8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0000AD98_64x64_i8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4B058_64x32_CI8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00009908_64x32_rgba16.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x7CE38_64x32_CI8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x6DED8_64x32_CI8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x56CB0_64x32_CI8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00008198_64x64_i8.png
4.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/0000EC00_128x32_i8.png
4.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x563D8_32x64_CI8.png
4.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x5FC00_32x64_CI8.png
4.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x173E0_32x64_CI8.png
4.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x50738_32x64_CI8.png
4.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x35B70_32x64_CI8.png
4.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x2ED0_32x64_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x9FD00_64x32_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/House of Skulltula/HOS-0x4F20_64x128_I4.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x6F828_32x64_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x67678_32x64_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x970B8_64x32_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0000C080_64x32_rgba16.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/0000D1A0_64x64_i8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00015D08_64x64_i8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00023778_32x64_rgba16.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00057A40_32x64_rgba16.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x746A8_64x64_CI4.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x403C0_64x64_CI4.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x90758_64x32_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3E3C0_64x32_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3DBC0_64x32_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x9F610_64x32_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xC32F0_64x32_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xE2B80_64x32_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x7C698_64x32_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xB13D0_64x32_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5D870_64x32_CI8.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00017B98_32x64_rgba16.png
4.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x3D558_128x64_I4.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/00009120_32x64_rgba16.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x57BD8_64x32_CI8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x37770_64x32_CI8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x4C028_64x32_CI8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/0000E890_32x64_rgba16.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4C458_32x64_CI8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/00002CE0_64x32_rgba16.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00043DA0_64x64_i8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00017CD8_64x64_i8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0001ED28_64x64_i8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00035C50_64x64_i8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0002A828_64x64_i8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x27688_64x32_CI8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x83548_64x32_CI8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00009D98_64x64_i8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00005400_32x64_rgba16.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x54F98_32x64_CI8.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0000EE78_64x32_rgba16.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/00004460_64x32_rgba16.png
4.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x960B8_32x64_CI8.png
4.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/00008000_32x64_rgba16.png
4.5 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/themes/Crux/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
4.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00012798_64x32_rgba16.png
4.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x56D0_32x64_CI8.png
4.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000B108_32x64_rgba16.png
4.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/00009000_32x64_rgba16.png
4.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x2EFB8_32x64_CI8.png
4.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x27F20_32x64_CI8.png
4.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x55B98_32x64_CI8.png
4.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x5BF30_32x64_CI8.png
4.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x587D8_32x64_CI8.png
4.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/00013868_64x32_rgba16.png
4.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x577F0_64x32_CI8.png
4.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x70308_32x64_CI8.png
4.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x3E558_64x128_I4.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x4A428_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x43188_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x55BD8_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x67C08_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x23D08_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x28C80_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x16BE0_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x4FF38_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x5EC00_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0xD268_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x187E0_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x38770_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x36F70_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x17FE0_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x573D8_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x60C00_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x4B828_32x64_CI8.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/00010390_32x64_rgba16.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0000FEB8_32x64_rgba16.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00019B98_32x64_rgba16.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00051A90_32x64_rgba16.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00049C38_32x64_rgba16.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0003CA30_32x64_rgba16.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0002F960_32x64_rgba16.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x413C0_64x64_CI4.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x55A78_64x64_CI4.png
4.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x9B480_32x64_CI8.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x67E78_32x64_CI8.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x40C90_32x64_CI8.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDA1F8_32x64_CI8.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xEABD0_32x64_CI8.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x5F400_32x64_CI8.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x35370_32x64_CI8.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x122C0_32x64_RGBA16.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xAD80_32x64_RGBA16.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00027A78_32x64_rgba16.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x28CF8_64x64_CI4.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x32E58_64x64_CI4.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xECBD0_64x64_CI4.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x3C5E8_64x64_CI4.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xA0500_64x64_CI4.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x59948_64x64_CI4.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xFBF58_64x64_CI4.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xE0AF8_64x64_CI4.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x2E3B8_32x64_CI8.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x5AB30_32x64_CI8.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x27720_32x64_CI8.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x6F028_32x64_CI8.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x66E78_32x64_CI8.png
4.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x1EF20_32x64_CI8.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x5B330_32x64_CI8.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x3D7A0_32x64_CI8.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0xC670_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4CC58_32x64_CI8.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00016110_64x32_rgba16.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x15E10_32x64_RGBA16.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x1F650_32x64_RGBA16.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/00006390_32x64_rgba16.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xA7778_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x1E720_32x64_CI8.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/0000A8A0_64x32_rgba16.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x3CFA0_32x64_CI8.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x42BC0_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB93F0_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xBC460_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC54A8_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xA1100_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x97AA0_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xED3D0_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xCA9C0_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x89438_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x84788_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xE16F8_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x6D7F8_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x65D98_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x5A548_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x43D90_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x3CDE8_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x90928_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x39218_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x33658_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x294F8_64x64_CI4.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00027F98_64x64_i8.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0005BFB8_64x64_i8.png
4.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00015760_32x64_rgba16.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00042DA0_64x64_i8.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/000164D8_64x64_i8.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0001DD28_64x64_i8.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x13E00_32x64_CI8.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4BC58_32x64_CI8.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00006D60_32x64_rgba16.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x54948_64x32_CI8.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00013508_32x64_rgba16.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00029278_64x32_rgba16.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0002A278_64x32_rgba16.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x14A00_32x64_CI8.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x66940_32x64_CI8.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00024778_32x64_rgba16.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00058A40_32x64_rgba16.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00016E98_128x64_i4.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xA6F78_32x64_CI8.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3FBC0_32x64_CI8.png
4.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x4C900_32x64_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x1C9F8_32x64_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x3F558_32x64_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x66ED0_32x64_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00010950_32x64_rgba16.png
3.9 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/ico64x64.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x61C00_32x64_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/000116B8_32x64_rgba16.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/000218F8_32x64_rgba16.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00019C50_32x64_rgba16.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0002A1E0_32x64_rgba16.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x25508_32x64_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x3C770_32x64_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x1E3E0_32x64_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x62C00_32x64_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x2B480_32x64_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00018988_32x64_rgba16.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00026CE8_32x64_rgba16.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x7A1D8_64x32_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xF9A58_64x32_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB3180_64x32_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x393C0_128x64_I4.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x9AC80_32x64_CI8.png
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x51F38_32x64_CI8.png
3.9 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/themes/Bluecurve/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
3.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x67540_32x64_CI8.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x423C0_64x64_CI4.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xB9D90_64x64_CI4.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/0000F960_64x32_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00013400_32x64_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/0000D160_128x16_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x4ED0_32x64_CI8.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00012400_32x64_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/themes/Emacs/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/00006BE0_32x64_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x3ED0_32x64_CI8.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0001C698_32x64_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x3F0D8_32x64_CI8.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x70028_32x64_CI8.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x2A5D8_32x64_CI8.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/0000ACE0_64x32_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/0000B090_64x32_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Guard House (Lots'o'Pots)/00004950_64x32_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/00008320_32x64_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x593F0_64x32_CI8.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0000A678_64x32_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000F308_32x64_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0000E198_64x32_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00015548_32x64_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x40BC0_64x64_CI4.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x86560_64x64_CI4.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x41BC0_64x64_CI4.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xDAAD8_64x64_CI4.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/00010CE0_32x64_rgba16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x132C0_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xBD80_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x5D6B8_32x64_CI8.png
3.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00017E68_32x64_rgba16.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/0000ED08_32x64_rgba16.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x10AC0_64x64_I8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDB9F8_32x64_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Granny's Potion Shop/00007A20_64x32_rgba16.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x54048_32x64_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00010198_32x64_rgba16.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/00001CE0_32x64_rgba16.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/0000DCA0_64x32_rgba16.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x29718_64x32_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x65F98_64x32_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3F3C0_64x32_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x90F58_64x32_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x6D828_64x32_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x3E0D8_64x32_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x37F30_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x2D3B8_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x26720_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x19320_64x64_CI4.png
3.7 kB
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3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00050A90_32x64_rgba16.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/00009AB8_32x64_rgba16.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x270F8_16x128_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDDAF8_16x128_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xA55F8_16x128_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC30A8_16x128_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xEBFD0_16x128_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x1F888_32x64_CI8.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00021488_32x64_rgba16.png
3.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x85EC0_32x32_IA16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x99C80_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0xA68F8_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x23228_64x64_I4.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xA2F78_64x64_I4.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x31A30_64x64_I4.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x1D1F8_64x32_CI8.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x4D100_64x32_CI8.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x36370_32x64_CI8.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x60400_32x64_CI8.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x43988_32x64_CI8.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x56BD8_32x64_CI8.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x4AC28_32x64_CI8.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x50F38_32x64_CI8.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/0000F148_32x64_rgba16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00007678_32x64_rgba16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Guard House (Lots'o'Pots)/00009D50_32x64_rgba16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00006678_32x64_rgba16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x36D0_32x64_CI8.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x20968_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x2BEA0_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x3EC60_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x5A9D8_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x782D8_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x69E20_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Granny's Potion Shop/00001A20_16x128_rgba16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x6330_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x63C18_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.6 kB
Pierres Ocarina Studio/DLPORTIO.SYS
3.6 kB
Hylian Toolbox/DLPORTIO.SYS
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/0000C160_64x32_rgba16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/0001A6E8_16x128_rgba16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x10CC0_64x32_CI8.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00003F98_32x64_rgba16.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4E858_32x64_CI8.png
3.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x1D9F8_64x128_I4.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x610C0_64x32_CI8.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0000FDB0_32x64_rgba16.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00041018_32x64_rgba16.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00027638_32x64_rgba16.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x33F70_32x64_CI8.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x19DF8_32x64_CI8.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x266C0_32x64_CI8.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x44578_32x64_CI8.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x656D0_32x64_CI8.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x4AD00_32x64_CI8.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x5D508_32x64_CI8.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x527C8_32x64_CI8.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x20380_64x32_CI8.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x56548_32x128_CI4.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00013D48_32x64_rgba16.png
3.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00043C18_64x32_rgba16.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00011798_64x32_rgba16.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xE2380_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3D3C0_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x9EE10_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5D070_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xC2AF0_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xB0BD0_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x7BE98_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x97AB0_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x730A8_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3C3C0_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x8FF58_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x63F98_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x44D78_64x32_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x35370_64x32_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x40D58_64x32_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x286C0_64x32_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x537C8_64x32_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/00003460_32x64_rgba16.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x25CF8_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x81F88_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x7EED0_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/00004DA0_64x32_rgba16.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x9C480_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x2D5D8_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x39950_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x7D558_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x72028_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x85478_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x5F2B8_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x68E78_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x587F0_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x8FC38_32x64_CI8.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00047018_128x64_i4.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0001FC88_128x64_i4.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/00008160_64x32_rgba16.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x205F0_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x1DE50_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x279A8_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x53570_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x14610_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x59190_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/House of Skulltula/HOS-0x8F20_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x215F0_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x1C6B0_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x380F8_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x2A480_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x1C3E0_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/0000C120_64x32_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0000CCB8_32x64_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4E058_64x32_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00003E30_32x64_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0000DE78_64x32_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00004E30_64x32_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00012B50_64x32_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x57FF0_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x2B9D8_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x42988_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00038A80_32x64_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00021F48_32x64_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x6CED8_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x55CB0_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x82D48_16x128_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x3BBF8_16x128_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x424A0_16x128_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0001A978_64x32_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00011950_32x64_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x17960_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00026998_64x32_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x18FE0_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x29480_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x38F70_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x68408_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00019418_64x32_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00030FC8_64x32_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0004ECB8_64x32_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x36A18_64x32_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x4B4D8_64x32_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x712D8_64x32_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x21888_64x32_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/0001D998_32x64_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00010838_32x64_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/00007B90_32x64_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/00022338_64x32_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0001D238_64x32_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/00009320_64x32_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/00009B90_32x64_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0000DA30_32x64_rgba16.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x24508_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x29C80_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x19FE0_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x68C08_32x64_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xD4968_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x8E518_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xB0A08_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x741D8_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x6AB10_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x94988_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x59008_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x446B8_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x3E698_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x31230_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x2BBE0_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x50CC0_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x22A28_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x5DF20_64x64_I4.png
3.3 kB
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3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x978B8_64x32_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x37418_64x32_CI8.png
3.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00007520_32x64_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0000EFA0_32x64_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x32CC8_32x64_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x36748_32x64_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00011360_32x64_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/00007160_64x32_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00014D08_128x16_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00013760_64x32_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Granny's Potion Shop/00005220_16x128_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/0000BB60_16x128_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/00008838_32x64_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x26DD8_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x36150_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x6E828_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x874B0_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x7C558_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x60F70_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x71028_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x96F18_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x39150_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x941E0_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x91D08_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/000081E0_64x32_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/000108D0_64x32_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00025610_64x32_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00016D70_64x32_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Guard House (Lots'o'Pots)/00007550_32x64_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/00003CE0_64x32_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x90468_64x64_I4.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x84D48_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x76178_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x5E6B8_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x22B18_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x802D8_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.2 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/themes/Lighthouseblue/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0000DCB8_32x64_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/0000C6D8_32x64_rgba16.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x2DDD8_32x64_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x1E9F8_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x45578_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x53FC8_64x32_CI8.png
3.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00020438_32x64_rgba16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x48378_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x1B1F8_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x4C100_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x3FAB8_16x128_RGBA16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x49C28_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/000194B8_16x128_rgba16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0002B638_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0002CE38_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/000165B0_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/0001DFB8_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0002C638_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00049818_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00029E38_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0002BE38_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0004A818_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00015DB0_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00009008_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00048018_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00022B38_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/000155B0_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0004A018_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0002DE38_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/0000C9E0_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/0001F1B8_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00022338_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0002D638_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00049018_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00015110_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00014DB0_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00009C48_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00046418_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00042418_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00010DB0_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00045C18_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/000145B0_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/000069E0_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00042C18_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/00005FE0_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/0000F0D8_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/000135B0_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00012DB0_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00020C88_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/0000E8D8_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00009960_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/000010F8_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/0000D8D8_16x128_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00017B50_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000E550_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00008558_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/00014A68_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/0000BED8_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00007AD8_16x128_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/0000E620_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/0000CA00_64x32_rgba16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/0000DE20_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00008ED8_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000CD50_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/0000D620_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/000086D8_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/0000B6D8_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/0000B620_32x64_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/0000CE20_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/0000C620_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/000096D8_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/0000BE20_64x32_ci8.bmp
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0000D020_32x32_rgba16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00014C00_64x32_rgba16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Guard House (Lots'o'Pots)/0000AD50_64x64_i8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/0000A920_32x64_rgba16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00018698_32x32_rgba16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x1CBE0_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x3AF70_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x62400_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x52738_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x59FD8_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0001A530_64x32_rgba16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x24D08_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x4D828_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x69408_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x2AC80_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x275D8_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x1BBE0_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Hylian Toolbox/Icon.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x18998_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x61CA8_32x64_CI8.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xB2DD0_64x32_RGBA16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xC4CF0_64x32_RGBA16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xE4580_64x32_RGBA16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x994B0_64x32_RGBA16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x7E098_64x32_RGBA16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5F270_64x32_RGBA16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/00011AA8_32x64_rgba16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/0000A210_32x64_rgba16.png
3.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00007D60_32x64_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/00009160_32x64_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/00003720_64x128_i4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x8D4B0_32x64_CI4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xA57D8_32x64_CI4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x9BE50_32x64_CI4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x46BF8_32x64_CI4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB5350_32x64_CI4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB9588_32x64_CI4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x81350_32x64_CI4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xDA690_32x64_CI4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x50AE0_32x64_CI4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x5BAC8_32x64_CI4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x7C68_32x64_CI4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x78D58_32x64_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x82878_32x64_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x8CC38_32x64_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0000DFA0_32x64_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x334C8_32x64_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x36F48_32x64_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x4D80_64x64_I8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/000421A0_32x64_i8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x28DD8_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x8E838_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x84478_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x37950_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x7A958_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00020860_16x64_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00015268_16x64_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x1E888_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x34618_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x5C6B8_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00012D48_64x32_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x43190_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x32658_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x8FD28_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x83B88_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Guard House (Lots'o'Pots)/00008D50_64x64_i8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00019E98_32x64_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00009198_64x32_i8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x6F308_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x7E210_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x9E900_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xEB3D0_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x795D8_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDA9F8_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x966A0_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0xC268_32x64_RGBA16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xA41F8_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC24A8_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x65198_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x72C28_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB7BF0_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xF9258_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB2580_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xABBB8_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x52848_64x32_CI8.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/StrongBox Warp (116)/SW-0x4988_64x64_IA4.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/0000D9E0_32x32_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000AA50_32x32_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/0001AB98_32x32_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/0000A558_32x32_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/00018CB8_32x32_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x3A020_64x32_RGBA16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0000C838_32x64_rgba16.png
3.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x651B0_32x64_CI4.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00014400_32x32_rgba16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x65018_32x64_IA16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x25F70_32x64_IA16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x7730_32x64_IA16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x796D8_32x64_IA16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x44C90_32x64_IA16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x21D68_32x64_IA16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x38F30_32x64_IA16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x40060_32x64_IA16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00023148_64x32_rgba16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00031D78_64x32_rgba16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/000228F8_64x32_i8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0002EE60_64x32_i8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00033EA8_64x32_i8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xD91F8_32x64_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xEA1D0_32x64_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC10A8_32x64_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0000F198_16x128_rgba16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/00004800_32x64_i8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/0000B000_32x128_i8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/000071E0_64x32_rgba16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0000E590_32x32_rgba16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0001B978_64x32_rgba16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x8C038_32x64_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x81C78_32x64_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x35950_32x64_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/0000CCE0_64x32_rgba16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0002D1B0_64x32_rgba16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/000090A0_128x16_rgba16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x32E10_32x128_I8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x3A468_32x128_I8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/0000DCE0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x2EB10_64x32_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x195F8_64x32_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x25EC0_64x32_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x33770_64x32_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x51FC8_64x32_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x65ED0_64x32_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x34770_64x32_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x26EC0_64x32_CI8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3280_64x64_I8.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/0000FCE0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00021060_32x64_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/000419A0_32x64_i8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00026A10_32x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Granny's Potion Shop/00007220_32x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0002CCE0_32x64_i8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00013038_32x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/0000F390_32x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00031160_64x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00053290_64x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0003E230_64x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0000FAC0_64x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0004B438_64x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0x2A00_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x8068_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB9988_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x402F8_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xC7528_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x81F50_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB5750_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xDAA90_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x98848_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x38C20_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x1FAC0_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xE7E20_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x36BF0_32x64_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x40168_32x64_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/000116E0_32x64_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x39020_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x82550_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0001D698_64x32_i8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0000F590_32x64_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0000C678_32x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x3B770_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x1D3E0_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x7418_32x64_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5F5D0_32x64_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/0000EB90_32x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00016038_32x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/0000DA00_128x16_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x36B70_64x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x676D0_64x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x557C8_64x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x29EC0_64x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x45D78_64x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x201F8_64x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x6C6D8_32x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x52F00_32x64_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3E168_32x64_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x1F6C0_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x520E0_32x64_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x3D020_32x64_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x2BBF0_64x32_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xA7DD8_32x64_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0001DE98_32x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x86950_32x64_CI4.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x48C78_32x64_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xF580_128x32_I8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x95F18_64x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0xAF08_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5B0A8_32x64_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x609D0_32x64_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x2C18_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0001B098_32x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x2E310_64x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x646D0_64x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x43978_64x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x32F70_64x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x558B0_32x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x6CAD8_32x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0002B1B0_32x64_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x7C238_32x32_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/00006120_64x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0002C4E0_32x64_i8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/House of Skulltula/HOS-0xC6A8_32x64_IA16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/00009BE0_64x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00014D98_32x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x6C18_32x64_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Hylian Toolbox/font.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xAB088_32x128_IA8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x5CEB8_32x64_CI8.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00015E00_32x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/0000C4A0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x84D60_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xD90D8_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xCE148_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0xF098_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x87228_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x92080_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x63C70_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x3F098_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x96FE0_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x35250_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x2D1E0_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x9FEC0_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x74BA8_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x1A6B0_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x6A5A8_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x588B8_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0x7000_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/0000D108_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x52300_64x32_CI8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x6418_32x64_CI8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3D968_32x64_CI8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x347F0_32x64_CI8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0xBF08_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00017668_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/0000E508_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x81078_64x32_CI8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x46D0_32x64_CI8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x78158_64x32_CI8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x8B438_64x32_CI8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x14BE0_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x45E20_128x64_IA4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/0000A160_64x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5D9D0_32x64_CI8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x51EC0_128x64_IA4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x598B8_128x64_IA4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5A0A8_32x64_CI8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00016D88_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00019350_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00018E98_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/House of Skulltula/HOS-0x7F20_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x2D580_32x64_CI8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x23FE8_32x64_CI8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00030260_64x32_i8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00013AB8_64x32_i8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0002C5E0_64x32_i8.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x98C48_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x518E0_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x9C250_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x8868_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x8A538_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x471F8_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xF048_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xDB490_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x206C0_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x2D7F0_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x3C420_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xA65D8_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x9D3E8_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x58878_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x85D50_32x64_CI4.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0000FC30_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00010618_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00052A90_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00030960_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0003DA30_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0004AC38_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00014360_32x32_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/000190E0_64x32_ia16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0000F038_32x64_rgba16.png
2.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x9EEC0_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/00038FC8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/000169C0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0000E038_32x64_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00019F50_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/00003B90_32x64_ia16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0001A8E0_32x64_ia16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Dark Link Testing Arena/DA-0x4EA0_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/00016CE0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/House of Skulltula/HOS-0xE6A8_64x64_I8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/00007000_32x64_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0000CA30_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/0001F818_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000A908_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0000E218_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/0000DB60_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x596E8_32x64_CI8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/0001ECD8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/00017A58_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x36B70_32x32_CI8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x4B428_32x32_CI8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x17BE0_32x32_CI8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/House of Skulltula/HOS-0xD6A8_64x64_I8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/000112A8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/00016A58_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xDAE90_64x32_CI4.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0xEF08_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x84550_64x32_CI4.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x1FEC0_64x32_CI4.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0001E238_64x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/00023338_64x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x486C8_32x32_CI8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x55798_32x32_CI8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x2EBB8_32x32_CI8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x5BB30_32x32_CI8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x15BE0_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xDCC0_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x34370_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/000134E0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00012360_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0000EA30_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/000199C0_64x16_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00038848_64x16_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00013B60_64x16_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/00031498_64x16_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00026548_64x16_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x15C18_32x64_CI8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x33BF0_32x64_CI8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0004C438_64x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00054290_64x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00010AC0_64x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0x4F08_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x1E58_32x64_CI8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x16BC0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x9E6C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x330B0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x378F8_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x19CB0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x15B90_32x32_CI8.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Dark Link Testing Arena/DA-0x36A0_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/0000ECE0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x5BEC8_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x20AC0_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0x5800_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x1C488_64x64_I8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/0000FC00_32x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00017400_32x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0xFF08_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x41250_32x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/00015CB8_16x64_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0002C1B0_64x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x37C18_32x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/0000A900_64x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/000179C0_64x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x980B8_32x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x22288_32x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x2F7B8_32x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0000BD90_64x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Granny's Potion Shop/00009A20_64x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x28720_32x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x33A18_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x1BC88_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00014D98_64x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/0000A000_32x64_i8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4AC58_32x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0001D130_64x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00005C10_64x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x37F70_32x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x4C828_32x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x583D8_32x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x2F5D8_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/00010EB8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x89C80_32x32_IA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x21488_32x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos Boss Room (121)/SB-0x7BA8_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00016B98_32x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/0000E1A0_32x64_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/0001FCD8_64x64_i4.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00030A60_64x64_i4.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/00003AE0_64x64_i4.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00034EA8_64x64_i4.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/000397C8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/000189C0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x20088_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x35618_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x6EED8_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x27E88_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x75178_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x584B0_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x83D48_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x95AA0_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB1D80_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xF8A58_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x24CF8_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xA39F8_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x9E100_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC18A8_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x7E6D0_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x78DD8_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x6A7F8_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x64998_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x5F480_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x51848_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x37218_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC91C0_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0x5F08_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0004B418_32x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xECC0_128x16_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00018980_32x32_rgba16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x24870_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x56760_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x39468_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x31E10_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x2AD70_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x4ACD8_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x3F4C0_64x32_CI8.png
2.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x20E50_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.5 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/themes/ThinIce/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x214B0_32x32_IA16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Granny's Potion Shop/00001220_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x1B6B0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x5E2B8_32x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x6E028_32x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x56FF0_32x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x83078_32x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x8D438_32x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x78188_32x32_IA16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x3ECD8_32x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x79558_32x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x66678_32x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0001E978_64x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/000104E0_64x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00013D98_32x64_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x535D8_32x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0xCF08_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x16818_64x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5FDD0_32x64_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5818_32x64_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00010890_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0x7F08_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00028A78_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x244F8_64x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB1580_64x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x2FA58_64x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xF8258_64x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC89C0_64x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x69FF8_64x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x785D8_64x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/00012CE0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xAB3B8_64x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xBB060_64x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x72428_64x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3A3C0_128x64_I4.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x1B3E0_32x64_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00013360_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/00030C98_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00025D48_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x3A770_32x64_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00038048_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/000191C0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x24FE8_32x64_CI8.png
2.4 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/themes/Mist/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00020F48_32x64_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x55948_32x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDCAF8_32x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x42CE8_64x64_I8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x38468_64x64_I8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x466A8_64x64_I8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x30E10_64x64_I8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x5A190_64x64_I8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x60398_64x64_I8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x17610_64x64_I8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x29D70_64x64_I8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x21E50_64x64_I8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x18D38_64x64_I8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00013838_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/00008120_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/00003390_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00004410_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0001F488_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00028638_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x35BF0_32x64_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x53700_32x64_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE3A00_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0001B898_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/000174D8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x7C638_32x64_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x564B0_32x64_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x6D6D8_32x64_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0000C4B8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/000117A0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Granny's Potion Shop/00008A20_16x128_i8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00003C90_32x64_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/000132E0_16x128_i8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00017038_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/0000FB90_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x1F780_32x64_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/000094E0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x62880_32x32_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00014838_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x11180_16x256_I8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/0000A100_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00001490_64x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x363F0_32x64_CI8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0000FE18_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000E308_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0001B750_32x32_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00067FE0_16x256_i8.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/0000DB90_32x64_rgba16.png
2.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0xDF08_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0001BD30_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00029638_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos House (120)/SH-0x85E8_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x3F8D8_64x32_CI8.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x1DC88_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3EBC0_64x32_CI8.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0x9F08_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00025898_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/0000ECA0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/0001B398_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/000184B8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00009D58_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/0000D1E0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00018B50_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00014F60_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0001A0E0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/00004B90_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x254F8_32x64_CI8.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00050290_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00017E98_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00048438_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/00024CE8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00020E40_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00008D58_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00020818_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/000453E8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00010360_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/0000E090_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00017C00_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/000170B8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/0000E4E0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00029CD0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0002CE78_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/000142C0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos House (120)/SH-0xB5E8_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x42CA0_32x32_CI8.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x3C3F8_32x32_CI8.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x28EC0_16x128_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x1F1F8_16x128_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x35B70_16x128_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x547C8_16x128_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x51B00_64x32_CI8.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0x8F08_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x16E10_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x20650_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0002F1D8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x1D9F0_64x32_CI8.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/0000A160_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x1EE50_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x15610_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00006500_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00012B60_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0000F430_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000DD50_64x64_i4.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/00016FC8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/000197F8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0000AEB8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0001F978_64x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/0000DB20_64x32_rgba16.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00015598_64x64_i4.png
2.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0x6F08_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0000B678_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xD0C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/00016258_128x32_i4.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x3CD58_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x276C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x1A9F8_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00006190_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00024978_64x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000B080_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x60880_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x73C28_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xCA1C0_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x59148_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDFEF8_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xACBB8_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x284F8_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x2CD80_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00021978_64x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/00010EA0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/000107A0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x333F0_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x15418_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (118)/118-0xB2B0_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x7BD58_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x38950_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x96718_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x60770_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x939E0_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x86CB0_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x70828_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x91508_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x3BDE8_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x38A18_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xF3920_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC4CA8_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x58948_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDF6F8_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x60080_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x31E58_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x9F500_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x87838_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x83388_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB8BF0_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x27CF8_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x6CFF8_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/00013CE0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/0000CCA0_16x64_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/000071A0_256x32_ia4.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/000179E8_16x64_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/0000E160_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x38018_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x4BED8_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x28E88_32x64_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x15200_32x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x328C8_32x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00007E80_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00010150_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x36348_32x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/000171E8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC40A8_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDE2F8_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x8F028_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x86C38_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x82788_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x42490_64x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00023F38_64x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/00017CB8_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/0000F1A0_32x128_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00008E78_32x128_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/0000F9A0_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000ED50_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0000D798_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/0000C1E0_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/0000B1A0_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00009558_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/0000AED8_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/000336A8_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00024818_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00014508_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/000081A0_128x32_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/0000B9A0_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/0000A1A0_128x32_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/0000E0D8_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000C508_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/0000A9A0_64x64_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00011548_32x128_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/00005460_32x128_ci4.bmp
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0002BA78_64x64_i4.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00024610_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00015D70_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x7330_32x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00013D98_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x18598_32x32_CI8.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x56278_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/0002F3A8_64x16_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x750A8_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x91758_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x433C0_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xBA590_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x66798_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xC7328_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/0001BBB0_64x16_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/0002AAB0_64x16_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xD0148_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xA7F78_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xDB4D8_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00018170_64x16_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x4DB90_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/00012C68_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x83478_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x8D838_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x36950_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x79958_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x27DD8_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0001C7F8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/0000ABE0_32x64_rgba16.png
2.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos House (120)/SH-0x5DE8_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xCE80_64x64_IA8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/000126B8_128x32_i4.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0002BDE0_128x32_i4.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/000087C8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/000104E0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/000154B8_16x64_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00010548_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/000059B0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00008678_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00015E98_16x64_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/House of Skulltula/HOS-0xA320_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/00018BE8_128x32_ia8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00022978_64x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x100C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00017398_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0xB590_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x173C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/00017258_128x32_i4.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/0000B210_128x32_i4.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/0001E4D8_128x32_i4.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/000154E0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000A280_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00028598_64x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00020978_64x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/000116B8_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/00001AA0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00025C38_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00048818_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xBB990_64x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xA9378_64x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x447C0_64x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xC8328_64x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0001D978_64x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xBB860_32x64_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x264F8_32x64_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0x10098_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000B350_16x64_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0000FA18_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000B750_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/000082D8_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00027B48_16x64_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/0001EDB8_16x64_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0001E148_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/0000F8D8_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/0001E7B8_64x16_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/00013468_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/00000CF8_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000C950_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/0000BDE0_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00026F48_16x64_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00025038_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00014D10_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00023B38_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00007958_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00025148_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00014F50_64x16_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00025838_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00017110_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00019B50_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00017510_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00006D58_16x64_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00025438_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00027748_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00027348_16x64_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00008D60_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00037C48_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0004B018_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00009160_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00014B50_32x32_ci8.bmp
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/0000EF68_16x64_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0000AD90_16x64_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x53C48_32x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDB5F8_32x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00028E38_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x41410_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/00002F20_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Granny's Potion Shop/00009220_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00016C00_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x573F0_32x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000D550_64x64_i4.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xCF948_64x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x64F98_64x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3CBC0_64x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xA6778_64x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x4D390_64x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x738A8_64x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x14600_32x32_CI8.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x2E5D8_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/0000C090_64x16_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00025978_64x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos Boss Room (121)/SB-0xA3A8_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x2A3F0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB8D88_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/0000C000_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB4B50_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x99048_32x64_CI4.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xA69D8_32x64_CI4.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x51CE0_32x64_CI4.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x8A938_32x64_CI4.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x655B0_32x64_CI4.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x475F8_32x64_CI4.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/0000B160_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/00031C98_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0002E1B0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00019530_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4D858_32x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x269D8_32x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x66A78_32x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x6E428_32x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xA580_128x32_IA4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0xD670_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x67140_32x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00014760_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x56078_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x2ABF0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x621B0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x45BF8_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xC5D28_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/000130B8_32x64_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x163C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0xAD90_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x9DEC0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/0000F4A0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x597D8_32x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x39F70_32x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x1AFE0_32x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x4D028_32x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x2798_32x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00044C18_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00019398_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00011DB0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/0000F890_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xA5BD8_32x32_CI4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x82350_32x32_CI4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE8200_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x17018_64x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x21968_32x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/0000A960_32x64_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/000059E0_64x64_ia8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00020018_64x64_i4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0000EA18_64x64_i4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0000D230_64x64_i4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/0000FB60_64x64_i4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00010D08_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0001F238_16x64_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/00024338_16x64_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/00011CE0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/000051E0_32x32_ia16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/000069A0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/glib-2.0/gettext/mkinstalldirs
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/00018CE0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00009998_64x16_i8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Dark Link Testing Arena/DA-0x6EA0_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (118)/118-0xCF08_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0000CE78_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/0000D120_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x8580_32x64_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/0000A120_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x6C128_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xD3B48_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xAF348_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xCCE20_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xBDEA0_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xDFB78_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x86D50_32x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0000B820_64x64_ia4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/0000A0A0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0000B590_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00020060_8x128_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0001A4B8_64x64_i4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/0001F860_64x64_i4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/000346A8_64x64_i4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00018350_64x64_i4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/0000C108_64x64_i4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00018E68_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/0000E360_64x64_i4.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00012838_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0000B438_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x57078_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x2BFF0_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x15690_32x32_CI8.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x639B0_64x32_RGBA16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/000061A0_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Granny's Potion Shop/00004A20_32x32_rgba16.png
2.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00012508_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/0000E1E0_64x64_i4.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x2C00_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x18DD0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0xA590_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x380A0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00010490_32x32_i8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x91680_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x2C7E0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x9580_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x7CD60_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/ico32x32.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00008680_16x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00004100_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/0000FCE0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xF3A8_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0x8000_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/00012768_16x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00018930_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/0000E548_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/000147A0_16x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Guard House (Lots'o'Pots)/00004550_32x32_i8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/0000BA00_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/000124E0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Dark Link Testing Arena/DA-0x5EA0_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x23A28_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Dark Link Testing Arena/DA-0x2CA0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0001F300_16x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/00005B90_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/000174E0_16x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x5FD70_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x4C908_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE2200_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x384F0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x6A310_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x80E50_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x3EE88_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x383C0_128x64_I4.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x9A4C8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xAA9C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xC7680_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/000091A0_16x128_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4F058_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/000167C8_16x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/00018FF8_16x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000EB08_16x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x1E488_16x64_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x34218_16x64_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0001AF50_16x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0001EB48_16x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0000D080_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Granny's Potion Shop/00000A20_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00029BE0_32x32_i8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00019850_32x32_i8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/000214F8_32x32_i8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xDC838_64x64_IA8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x76400_64x64_IA8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xBC7A0_64x64_IA8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x575D8_64x64_IA8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xAA088_64x64_IA8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x870C0_64x64_IA8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x463A8_64x64_IA8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00015838_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00010400_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0001CFF8_16x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00009900_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x82560_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xD54D8_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Guard House (Lots'o'Pots)/00005950_32x32_i8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x4D900_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x34F70_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x5E608_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x2F310_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x60CC0_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/00007390_64x64_i4.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00010C00_64x64_i4.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00010038_64x64_i4.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/0001F4D8_64x64_i4.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x1B9F8_64x64_IA8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x631B0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x50EE0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x98048_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x38420_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xE248_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xE7620_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x81750_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x89D38_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/00009390_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/0000C200_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/00018258_64x64_i4.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/0000BA10_64x64_i4.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x4B390_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x53A78_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x5C370_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x59BD8_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x4D428_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos House (120)/SH-0xA5E8_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x3A370_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x70B08_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00010308_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x61A80_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/000140B8_16x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00026A78_32x64_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/0000D720_32x32_i8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0000DD90_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x6C2D8_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x554B0_32x32_CI8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/000297E0_32x32_i8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00023338_32x32_rgba16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/000210F8_32x32_i8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00019450_32x32_i8.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x91518_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xC8680_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x28228_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xDFA00_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x88820_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x81E50_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xB1A08_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xAB1C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xA3778_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x38CF0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x97188_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x761D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x6DB10_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x5C008_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x4F908_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x7CC28_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x45EB8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x629B0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x2B3F0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xC6D28_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xA4FD8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x56878_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xDA48_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.9 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00031FC8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0004FCB8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0001A418_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00013DB0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3E968_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00011400_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0000EDB0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0003FC18_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0001FB00_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x8A078_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x88228_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x338B0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x247F8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x337D0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x53AC0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x392A0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x5F520_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x42378_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x390F8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x97FE0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x2EBE0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x1ECB0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x31768_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x72870_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x94880_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/0000CAD8_32x256_ia4.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x10EC0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xA5DD8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0001C790_64x64_ia8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/0000A090_32x64_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/00009CE0_32x64_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xC7E80_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x59808_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE1200_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x4D908_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x81650_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x95188_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x19FD0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Dark Link Testing Arena/DA-0x46A0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0xDA68_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x4B908_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x57808_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0001C978_64x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00012D08_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE5A00_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0001E930_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/000281B8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x55148_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDC2F8_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000F950_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x3A150_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x97718_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x94DE0_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x92908_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x7DD58_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x408D8_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x72828_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x9CC80_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x85C78_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Guard House (Lots'o'Pots)/00008550_64x64_i4.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x61B70_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x58FF0_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x90438_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x305D8_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x87CB0_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0002FE60_32x32_i8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/000136B8_32x32_i8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/000126B8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/0000B960_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/00005390_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0000D838_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x52448_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0002B278_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xD9DF8_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/00010960_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDCEF8_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x55D48_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00023978_64x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (118)/118-0xA2B0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/000188E0_32x32_ia16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/0000BCA0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x36EF8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0x10F08_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x22E50_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x25A70_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x2EF88_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x4CF98_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x5B340_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x55D70_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDD2F8_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x56148_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x366F8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x476A8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x412B8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x54D70_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x5EC78_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5F1D0_32x32_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/0000CB90_32x64_i8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0004D438_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00055290_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00011AC0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0003F230_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00032160_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/StrongBox Warp (116)/SW-0x4188_32x64_IA8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0001AC50_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/0000D4A0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0002B1E0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/0001DCD8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/000032E0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/000230F8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00002490_32x64_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x95628_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/000061B0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE2A00_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x14430_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xCF568_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/00015CE0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00019698_64x16_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/00017CE0_64x64_ia4.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00008E00_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x443C0_64x16_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xA8F78_64x16_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xBB590_64x16_CI8.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/00019FF8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0001BFF8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xBD6A0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xCC620_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xAEB48_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xD3348_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xDF378_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x6B928_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.8 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x17160_128x32_IA4.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/0000C890_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/000051B0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00007D90_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x55278_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x4CB90_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00005490_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x4BF98_64x64_I8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos House (120)/SH-0xC5E8_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos Boss Room (121)/SB-0xB3A8_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x2A1E0_8x128_IA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x40E88_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x39CF0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x2C208_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x31410_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x1FCB0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x771D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x36250_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x46EB8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x9BCC8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xDDA00_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x98188_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x50908_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x6EB10_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xC8E80_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x82650_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xAC1C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x7DC28_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x17BC0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xA4778_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x5C808_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x61D70_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x78958_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x8C838_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x82478_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00017948_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/0000D800_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3B3C0_64x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/000069B0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00035250_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/0000D000_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00013B50_16x64_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x38370_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x4CC28_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0000F6B8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xE2378_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xC06A0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x6E928_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x99C48_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xD6348_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB1B48_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xCF620_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x8E028_32x64_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x6BBF8_32x64_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x972A0_32x64_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xF2D20_32x64_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x30258_32x64_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x26E88_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x82548_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/000125B0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/0000BF20_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00045418_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0002AE38_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0000D7A0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0000CD90_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00018B98_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3D80_32x64_I8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xEC7D0_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xE06F8_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x88038_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x43990_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x195D0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x18920_8x128_IA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x3400_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x64798_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x257E8_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/00005800_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/000101A0_64x64_i4.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0000ECB8_16x64_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE4A00_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/0000C908_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00015A68_32x32_rgba16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x36618_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x21088_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x70ED8_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x90C68_32x32_CI8.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE6200_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos House (120)/SH-0x95E8_64x32_RGBA16.png
1.7 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xDEA00_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x15030_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xBEEA0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xE0B78_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xA81D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xD4B48_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x6D128_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB0348_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xCDE20_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0000C038_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/0000AB90_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00021818_16x64_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xCB548_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x72CA8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x55548_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDC6F8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/0001BCB0_64x16_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/0001E998_128x32_ia4.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x2C9D8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x5E6B8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4F458_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x400D8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/0000F360_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00010B60_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/0001C998_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/000164B8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0001D148_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00007D58_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000BF50_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x357F0_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x61770_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x404D8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x92508_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x8F838_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x949E0_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00023018_64x16_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00043418_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x19DD0_32x32_CI4.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00019D30_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x8C68_32x32_CI4.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xFC48_32x32_CI4.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/000115B0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00007F98_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0002A638_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE1A00_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
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1.6 kB
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1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00010090_32x32_i8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x42D90_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00025778_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x278F8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00039A80_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xF3520_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x3B9E8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x38618_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x57D48_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDEAF8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x31258_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x5FC80_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC48A8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00059A40_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB87F0_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x6C3F8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xA5DF8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/000132C0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC9DC0_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x9F100_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x82F88_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x87438_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x8F928_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00015038_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/0000C390_64x64_ia4.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x7B958_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00011FA0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x5B808_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x3F688_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x4F108_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE0200_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x9ACC8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x60D70_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x759D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x96988_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00037A48_32x16_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/0001EBB8_32x16_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0001BF50_16x32_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00024348_32x16_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00039048_16x32_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00022F48_16x32_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/000067E0_16x32_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000C750_16x32_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00024148_32x16_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/000091E0_16x32_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/0000F9E0_8x64_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/0000BBE0_32x16_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/0000D6D8_16x32_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/0000FCD8_16x32_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00026438_32x16_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00012950_16x32_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00026D48_16x32_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00037848_32x16_ci8.bmp
1.6 kB
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1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x35150_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x265D8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4B858_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x5DEB8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x3E8D8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00015910_16x64_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x150C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/00002720_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00068FE0_128x16_ia16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x93080_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x1BEB0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x40098_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x26CF8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x1A5F8_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x4B500_32x32_CI8.png
1.6 kB
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1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/00008920_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE6A00_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Guard House (Lots'o'Pots)/0000BD50_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0000ED90_32x32_rgba16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x54A78_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x4C108_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x58008_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.6 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0002F660_32x128_i4.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x80C78_32x32_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x8B038_32x32_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00012EB8_32x128_i4.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x77D58_32x32_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x83560_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0xBD90_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x52EC0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x5ED20_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x44178_32x32_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x51BC8_32x32_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00014038_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/0000BB90_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xBCEA0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xAE348_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/00009A10_16x64_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xD2B48_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xDEB78_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xCBE20_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x6B128_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xEE200_32x32_IA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00039248_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00028348_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xA47D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x5B2C8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x502E0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x8CCB0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xC6528_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x463F8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x37C20_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x80B50_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/0000D360_64x64_i4.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/0001CCD8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0xA3E8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00024948_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00032D78_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
GZ Rom Tool/resources/ico16x16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xFBB58_16x64_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00006F98_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly/JJB-0x19198_32x32_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos House (120)/SH-0x6DE8_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x108C0_32x32_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0000CFA0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x4580_32x64_I8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00006D90_64x128_ia4.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0001FB48_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x984B8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x5A4B0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x71AD8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x38818_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00027178_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x51448_32x32_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00016D48_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/0000B390_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xB23D0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x85D60_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x7D698_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x98AB0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xC42F0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00012038_16x64_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5E870_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x65798_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xE3B80_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xA0610_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x7CD58_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x5EAB8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x197E0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x2CDD8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x64ED0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x256C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00024018_64x64_i4.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/0000E9E0_64x64_i4.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/000186E0_64x64_i4.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00034448_64x64_i4.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0002ACD0_64x64_i4.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0000D678_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00016548_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/000184E0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x8BC38_32x32_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x35550_32x32_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x81878_32x32_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xD4348_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xCD620_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xAFB48_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xBE6A0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xE0378_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x6C928_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00017D70_32x16_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/000118D0_32x16_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00026610_32x16_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xC6E80_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x13C30_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE3200_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x210B0_16x128_IA4.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x52B00_32x32_CI8.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/0000DF68_64x16_rgba16.png
1.5 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/0001D198_64x16_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/0000A800_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x466B8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x61570_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x6E310_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x40688_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xDE200_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x50108_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x29228_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x9B4C8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x7D428_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x394F0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x769D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x97988_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xA3F78_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xC37A0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xAB9C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/0000F4E0_64x64_ia4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/00004720_64x64_ia4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/00010770_64x64_ia4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/0000A920_32x16_i8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00004C00_16x64_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/00007CA0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/0000F1E0_64x64_i4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00020748_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0000F218_64x64_i4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00025018_64x64_i4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x40AB8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x5E478_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x54570_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x4BB90_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x544B8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x49D10_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00007300_32x128_ia4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x41C90_32x64_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x56D48_32x64_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x30A58_32x64_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x7BDD8_64x16_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x73828_64x16_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xFB658_64x16_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xAC7B8_64x16_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB4D80_64x16_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/0000F160_32x128_i4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/000084A0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Pathway to Castle Courtyard/00008B90_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0000FFA0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00011838_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xDB290_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xC8128_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB5B50_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x8468_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos House (120)/SH-0x7DE8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB9D88_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
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1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xE8220_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xEE48_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x46FF8_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x406F8_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x516E0_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x202C0_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/0000E768_64x16_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x84950_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x6C7F8_32x64_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDEEF8_32x64_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x58148_32x64_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x31658_32x64_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x54CB0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x7BA38_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/00005000_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x6BAD8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0001E130_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB3980_32x32_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x7A9D8_32x32_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xFA258_32x32_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/000093E0_16x64_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00028978_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB1348_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x6E128_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xCEE20_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xE1B78_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xBFEA0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/00022450_32x64_i8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xD5B48_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/000165C0_16x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x8668_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x649B0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x2CFF0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x2B408_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x93880_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x58078_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x1D6B0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xC7928_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/000504B8_64x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/000327C8_64x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0001AC18_64x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB5D50_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB9F88_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x3C220_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x85B50_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x204C0_32x32_CI4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos Boss Room (121)/SB-0x93A8_64x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x20B80_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000AA80_32x16_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/0000BCE0_32x128_ia8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00017988_128x32_ia8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00015E98_128x32_ia8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0x3A00_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00033578_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00025548_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x4E108_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x5A008_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0002C2D0_16x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x8F518_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0x5000_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0xE898_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0001BC18_64x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/000337C8_64x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/000514B8_64x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xB0B48_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xE1378_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x6D928_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xD5348_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x3D420_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xCE620_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xA89D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xBF6A0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00014D48_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0002A4D0_64x64_i4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00022018_128x32_ia4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/0000CB60_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00026098_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0000C230_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4DC58_32x32_CI8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x1EDF0_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x25BE8_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x2DD80_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x52A78_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x4A390_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0000BE78_64x16_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/00010E20_64x64_ia8.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00003490_32x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/0000ED48_16x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x94AA0_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC79C0_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x775D8_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xAA3B8_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x8CC28_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x63998_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x71428_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB0580_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB6BF0_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00023818_64x64_i4.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/00010AA0_16x32_rgba16.png
1.4 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/00014CB8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/0001C198_32x32_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/000089A0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE5200_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/0000EB60_64x16_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xC8328_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xF448_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xE8420_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/0000E960_64x64_i4.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0001E648_16x16_ci8.bmp
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00024F38_16x16_ci8.bmp
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0001E548_16x16_ci8.bmp
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000B250_16x16_ci8.bmp
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00017588_32x16_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos Boss Room (121)/SB-0x6BA8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00026978_32x32_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x16418_32x32_CI8.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00012348_32x32_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Guard House (Lots'o'Pots)/00005D50_64x16_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00017548_32x16_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x18160_32x32_IA8.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/0000D090_64x16_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00004C10_32x16_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0000AAB8_32x16_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xFBA8_32x32_CI8.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x8FD18_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x95988_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x5A808_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x4E908_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x44EB8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x749D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE0A00_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00009848_16x32_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x4418_32x32_CI8.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00027F48_32x16_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00007558_32x16_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5E5D0_32x32_CI8.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/000122B8_32x16_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3F968_32x32_CI8.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0000D880_64x64_i4.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/000204D8_64x64_i4.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/000042E0_64x64_i4.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00032EA8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x90518_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x96188_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x751D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x7ADD8_64x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB3D80_64x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xFA658_64x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x1FF80_32x32_CI8.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x7A68_32x32_CI4.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x18BD0_32x32_CI4.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0001EB00_32x32_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00004C90_32x32_rgba16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x5D6B8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x74178_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0x15DF8_32x64_I8.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/00006C60_16x16_i8.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0001D790_32x64_ia8.png
1.3 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3C18_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00014528_128x16_ia16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/00020F48_128x16_ia16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0000C020_128x16_ia16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/0000E2D8_128x16_ia16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0001D948_32x16_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00022818_64x16_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00031578_32x16_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00006990_32x16_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00007E00_32x64_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00016268_32x64_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xF180_32x32_I8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00027978_32x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x2C980_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x47B78_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Fountain/00005DA0_32x16_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000F550_32x16_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00003A30_32x16_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xEFA8_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/000164E0_32x128_ia4.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/0000D890_64x16_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00010FA0_32x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0001ACB8_16x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x24BE8_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0000BEB8_32x16_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x456B8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x8A688_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE7200_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x5B008_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x25228_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xD3968_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/00006D60_16x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000C108_16x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x5CD08_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/00007C38_16x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00029178_32x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x2B5D8_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00027DB8_64x32_i4.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/00011EB8_16x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/00007158_16x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC20A8_16x64_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x52048_16x64_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xD99F8_16x64_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x962A0_16x64_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x3FD68_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00021018_16x64_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0001FC38_16x64_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0001C930_16x64_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5E1D0_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/00008038_16x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/0000A320_64x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0x165F8_32x32_I8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/000279B8_64x32_i4.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5EDD0_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x4C18_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5A8A8_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x49478_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x5E9D0_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x4818_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x34FF0_32x32_CI8.png
1.2 kB
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1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/00002320_16x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00017268_16x32_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00010D48_32x16_rgba16.png
1.2 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0x11098_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00011198_16x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000B880_16x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos House (120)/SH-0x4DE8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00024548_16x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xD848_32x32_CI4.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00011F48_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x189D0_32x32_CI4.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00006798_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/000186E8_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0x155F8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00018AE8_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00005B98_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0001C530_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00005798_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00005398_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00009018_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00007B98_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00007798_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00005F98_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00018EE8_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/000192E8_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/000181E8_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00004F98_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00009418_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00006398_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00006B98_64x32_ci4.bmp
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0001B698_64x64_ia8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00011508_64x64_ia8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00016DB0_64x64_ia8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0002E638_64x64_ia8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0004BC18_64x64_ia8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/00005410_32x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/00005920_32x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x661B0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xC8B28_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x3C00_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x3C820_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x2DBF0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xE8C20_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xDB890_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x58C78_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0x86150_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xA75D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00016698_32x16_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/0002B2B0_16x64_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00027210_16x64_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/00005C60_32x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/0002FBA8_16x64_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00018970_16x64_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/0001B530_32x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/0001C3B0_16x64_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00019EE8_32x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0001B690_64x32_ia8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x8E868_64x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xC9680_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xAC9C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x9C4C8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x98988_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x7E428_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xDD200_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x6F310_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x62570_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x476B8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x41688_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x47778_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x3A4F0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x779D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xA4F78_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x5D008_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x51108_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x82E50_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/0000BB50_16x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x1E5F0_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x51700_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x47F78_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00014598_16x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x2980_64x16_I8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/House of Skulltula/HOS-0xB320_32x16_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x343F0_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x23BE8_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00018580_64x32_ia4.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x1E1F0_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/00016CB8_16x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00009520_32x64_ia8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/000275B8_64x32_i4.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/0000B8A0_16x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x5A148_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xE12F8_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xA61F8_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xA0D00_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xFC758_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB5180_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x7C1D8_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x90528_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x84388_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0x93E8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x6D80_64x32_IA8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00011C00_128x32_ia4.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/00016838_64x16_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos Boss Room (121)/SB-0x8BA8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x9FE10_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xA49F8_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xBC060_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDD6F8_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x6AFF8_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC2CA8_32x32_CI8.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xBF3A0_32x16_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xD2D68_32x16_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0xCE70_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/000178B8_16x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/00028178_32x32_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0000CF98_32x16_rgba16.png
1.1 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (118)/118-0xAAB0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x104C0_32x32_I8.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00034E50_32x16_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x142C0_32x32_I8.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x10580_32x32_I8.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x100C0_32x32_I8.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x605D0_16x64_CI8.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0x6800_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x6018_16x64_CI8.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x10980_16x64_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0002FE08_8x8_i8.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0000D398_16x32_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00009D20_32x32_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Treasure Game/0000D590_32x32_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00008520_128x32_ia4.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xDE80_64x16_I4.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0000F9B0_16x32_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00040C18_16x32_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00007A80_32x16_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00040418_16x32_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x4C390_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x5F478_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x41AB8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x55570_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x5DE08_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x4B900_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x52FC8_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x58C08_32x32_I4.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x27EC0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x604C0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x666D0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00040818_16x32_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0000F5B0_16x32_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Great Fairy's Fountain/00028450_32x128_i8.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's River/0000AD58_64x64_ia4.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00015350_64x64_ia4.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xCB358_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x5B888_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x928E8_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x88438_32x64_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0004DCB8_32x64_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/0002FFC8_32x64_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x4A500_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00018418_32x64_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Gerudo Training Grounds/GTG-0x3C558_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00069FE0_32x64_i8.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/0006A7E0_32x64_i8.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xB8D90_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xBD7A0_32x32_RGBA16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00042018_16x32_rgba16.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x8F868_32x32_CI8.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x420A0_32x32_CI8.png
1.0 kB
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0001AA50_32x16_ia16.png
999 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/0003A8A8_32x16_ia16.png
999 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x2C580_32x32_CI8.png
997 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x1E9F0_32x32_CI8.png
997 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo's Fortress/00019130_32x16_rgba16.png
996 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00008D20_64x32_ia8.png
993 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lost Woods/000171C0_32x32_rgba16.png
992 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0001F348_32x32_rgba16.png
992 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x1E4B0_16x64_RGBA16.png
990 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x94080_16x64_RGBA16.png
990 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Fire Temple/FT-0xA6DD8_16x64_RGBA16.png
990 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x5B4B8_16x64_RGBA16.png
990 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/0000A6D8_32x32_rgba16.png
983 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x58808_32x32_I4.png
978 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00014998_32x16_rgba16.png
973 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/00009560_16x32_rgba16.png
971 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x6FED8_32x64_RGBA16.png
970 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x36218_32x64_RGBA16.png
970 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x594B0_32x64_RGBA16.png
970 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x7E638_32x64_RGBA16.png
970 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xD81F8_32x64_RGBA16.png
970 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0xE7A00_32x32_RGBA16.png
950 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/00031978_32x16_rgba16.png
947 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0001DD48_32x16_rgba16.png
947 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x22088_16x32_CI8.png
943 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x4BCD8_16x32_CI8.png
943 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xF7A8_32x32_CI8.png
943 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x37218_16x32_CI8.png
943 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/0000DD08_32x32_rgba16.png
942 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Desert Colossus/00008CA0_16x32_rgba16.png
939 Bytes
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928 Bytes
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926 Bytes
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913 Bytes
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913 Bytes
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912 Bytes
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912 Bytes
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912 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x353F0_32x32_CI8.png
912 Bytes
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907 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Temple of Time/0002FE48_128x16_ia4.png
906 Bytes
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904 Bytes
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904 Bytes
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904 Bytes
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903 Bytes
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902 Bytes
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898 Bytes
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893 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Water Temple/WT-0x57608_32x32_I4.png
888 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x2CA08_32x32_I4.png
885 Bytes
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885 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x204B0_32x32_I4.png
885 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00029598_64x64_i4.png
883 Bytes
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881 Bytes
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880 Bytes
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875 Bytes
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870 Bytes
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866 Bytes
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866 Bytes
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866 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/0001D8D8_32x16_rgba16.png
866 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x53048_32x32_RGBA16.png
863 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/00008438_16x32_rgba16.png
855 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00024E10_32x128_ia4.png
854 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/00016570_32x128_ia4.png
854 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00008790_32x128_ia8.png
845 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x71798_64x32_IA8.png
835 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0x806C0_64x32_IA8.png
835 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Dodongo's Cavern/DC-0x4FA88_64x32_IA8.png
835 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside the Deku Tree/DT-0xE718_64x32_IA8.png
835 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x26E48_32x32_IA16.png
833 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x37658_32x32_IA16.png
833 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x17E80_32x32_IA16.png
833 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kakariko Village/00014350_64x32_ia4.png
830 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00009600_16x16_rgba16.png
827 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/00002EE0_32x16_rgba16.png
827 Bytes
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826 Bytes
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826 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00006F00_32x64_ia4.png
826 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x63270_32x32_I4.png
826 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x69BA8_32x32_I4.png
826 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x71670_32x32_I4.png
826 Bytes
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825 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0000CD98_16x16_rgba16.png
819 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Goron City/00046C18_16x16_rgba16.png
819 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x15590_16x16_CI8.png
811 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/000677E0_64x32_ia8.png
811 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0000F4B8_16x16_rgba16.png
811 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00010148_16x16_rgba16.png
810 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x428E8_32x32_I8.png
809 Bytes
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809 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Thieves' Hideout/0000A520_32x16_rgba16.png
803 Bytes
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803 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x32168_32x32_I4.png
803 Bytes
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803 Bytes
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800 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0001B850_32x16_rgba16.png
800 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00023CF8_32x16_rgba16.png
800 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000AE80_32x32_i4.png
797 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00009708_16x16_rgba16.png
797 Bytes
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793 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/FT-0x6A2D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
793 Bytes
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786 Bytes
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786 Bytes
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786 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00016800_32x16_rgba16.png
782 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lon Lon Ranch House and Storage/0000FD08_32x32_i4.png
782 Bytes
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782 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/000114E0_32x32_i4.png
782 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00029F98_32x32_i4.png
780 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x852A0_32x32_I4.png
778 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x744A8_32x32_I4.png
778 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x1E2B0_32x32_I4.png
778 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x2E9E0_32x32_I4.png
778 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/0000C2B8_16x16_rgba16.png
777 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0001C290_32x32_ia8.png
776 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB2D80_16x32_RGBA16.png
775 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x37A18_16x32_RGBA16.png
775 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Graves/00002AE0_32x16_rgba16.png
775 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xB83F0_16x32_RGBA16.png
775 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xAC3B8_16x32_RGBA16.png
775 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x96EA0_16x32_RGBA16.png
775 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC99C0_16x32_RGBA16.png
775 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x8DC28_16x32_RGBA16.png
775 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x79DD8_16x32_RGBA16.png
775 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x73428_16x32_RGBA16.png
775 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x65998_16x32_RGBA16.png
775 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xEBBD0_16x32_RGBA16.png
775 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xFCC0_32x16_RGBA16.png
768 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Ice Cavern/IC-0x10AC0_32x32_I8.png
757 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/00008798_64x64_ia4.png
755 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Forest Temple/0000B420_16x16_rgba16.png
755 Bytes
754 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00011D48_16x16_rgba16.png
754 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x842A0_32x32_I4.png
752 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x742A8_32x32_I4.png
752 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00013798_64x16_i4.png
749 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/00007BE0_64x16_ia8.png
748 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0000B038_16x16_rgba16.png
746 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0001BE90_32x32_ia8.png
745 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000DD08_32x32_ia8.png
745 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00029D98_32x32_i4.png
742 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/00011598_64x16_i4.png
735 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x69DA8_32x32_I4.png
732 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Zora's Domain/000196E8_32x32_rgba16.png
732 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x2AE08_32x32_I4.png
732 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x71870_32x32_I4.png
732 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x63470_32x32_I4.png
732 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Gerudo Valley/00006460_32x32_rgba16.png
732 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fairy Fountains and Grottos/Grottos/00035A50_16x16_rgba16.png
731 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/StrongBox Warp (116)/SW-0x3188_64x64_IA4.png
730 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0000AE38_16x16_rgba16.png
727 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0000BE38_16x16_rgba16.png
724 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00010B08_16x16_rgba16.png
721 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xC38A8_32x32_RGBA16.png
714 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00010348_16x16_rgba16.png
713 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x777F8_16x32_RGBA16.png
711 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x5B0B8_16x32_RGBA16.png
711 Bytes
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711 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x536C0_16x32_RGBA16.png
711 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x40898_16x32_RGBA16.png
711 Bytes
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709 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x14CC0_32x16_RGBA16.png
709 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0000BC38_16x16_rgba16.png
707 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Kokiri Forest/0001E748_16x32_rgba16.png
706 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/0000E108_16x16_rgba16.png
706 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x73070_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0xDB2D8_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x542C0_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x2F3E0_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x47620_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x95080_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x2FD40_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x31F68_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x1F4B0_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0xA36A0_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x65470_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x854A0_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x74EA8_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x5FD20_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x6BDA8_32x32_I4.png
705 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0000AC38_16x16_rgba16.png
700 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/0000EA00_32x32_i4.png
699 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00009C90_32x32_ia8.png
698 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lon Lon Ranch/00010BE0_64x18_i4.png
695 Bytes
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694 Bytes
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694 Bytes
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694 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x972B0_32x32_RGBA16.png
694 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x18820_16x16_CI8.png
689 Bytes
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689 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Sacred Forest Meadow/0000B960_16x16_rgba16.png
689 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00015C00_16x16_rgba16.png
688 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/00029FE0_32x32_i4.png
687 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/000114B8_32x32_i4.png
687 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Kakariko Windmill/0002EC60_32x32_i4.png
687 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/00027998_32x64_i4.png
681 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos House (120)/SH-0x55E8_32x32_RGBA16.png
681 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Stalfos Boss Room (121)/SB-0x73A8_32x32_RGBA16.png
681 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Graveyard/00009E80_32x64_ia4.png
676 Bytes
GZ Rom Tool/resources/icodebug.png
676 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/Test Map (119 Treasure)/TR-0x9BE8_32x32_RGBA16.png
676 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x5B088_64x32_IA8.png
676 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x2A308_64x32_IA8.png
676 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Castle Courtyard/0000B238_16x16_rgba16.png
673 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0000DF98_64x16_i4.png
672 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/0001F618_8x32_rgba16.png
670 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Field/0001BB98_16x16_rgba16.png
665 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xD7DF8_16x32_RGBA16.png
658 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xDC1F8_16x16_CI8.png
658 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xE8BD0_16x32_RGBA16.png
658 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x54848_16x16_CI8.png
658 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Beta Maps/StrongBox Warp (116)/SW-0x3988_32x64_IA8.png
657 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Chamber of Sages/COS-0x14DD8_32x64_I8.png
650 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Hyrule Castle/00006D00_32x32_i4.png
649 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Lake Hylia/000098B8_8x32_rgba16.png
647 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Haunted Wasteland/00011148_32x16_rgba16.png
647 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Trail/0001AE98_64x64_i4.png
645 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Bombchu Bowling Alley/0000AF20_64x32_ia8.png
643 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x544C0_16x32_RGBA16.png
642 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x5BCB8_16x32_RGBA16.png
642 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x77BF8_16x32_RGBA16.png
642 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x1F8B0_16x32_RGBA16.png
642 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x858A0_16x32_RGBA16.png
642 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Bottom of the Well/BOW-0x2BE08_16x32_RGBA16.png
642 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x47820_16x32_RGBA16.png
642 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x40C98_16x32_RGBA16.png
642 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Inside and Outside of Ganon's Castle/GC-0x146C0_64x16_I8.png
641 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xE9FD0_16x16_RGBA16.png
640 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Death Mountain Crater/00009ED8_32x32_rgba16.png
636 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Fishing Pond/00007FE0_32x8_rgba16.png
632 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Lake Laboratory/00009790_32x8_rgba16.png
632 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Houses and Minigames/Guard House (Lots'o'Pots)/00003350_32x8_rgba16.png
632 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xA6DE8_32x32_RGBA16.png
623 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x918D8_32x32_RGBA16.png
623 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0xA4DF8_32x32_RGBA16.png
623 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Spirit Temple/ST-0x6B3F8_32x32_RGBA16.png
623 Bytes
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623 Bytes
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616 Bytes
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616 Bytes
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614 Bytes
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614 Bytes
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613 Bytes
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612 Bytes
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612 Bytes
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610 Bytes
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610 Bytes
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610 Bytes
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610 Bytes
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606 Bytes
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606 Bytes
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593 Bytes
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593 Bytes
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593 Bytes
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591 Bytes
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581 Bytes
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573 Bytes
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573 Bytes
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573 Bytes
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571 Bytes
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570 Bytes
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564 Bytes
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560 Bytes
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560 Bytes
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549 Bytes
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549 Bytes
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545 Bytes
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541 Bytes
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541 Bytes
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541 Bytes
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541 Bytes
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541 Bytes
Ocarina of Time texture rip/Dungeons/Shadow Temple/ST-0x69FA8_32x16_RGBA16.png
541 Bytes
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541 Bytes
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541 Bytes
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541 Bytes
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541 Bytes
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541 Bytes
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539 Bytes
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534 Bytes
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532 Bytes
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526 Bytes
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525 Bytes
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521 Bytes
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514 Bytes
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513 Bytes
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511 Bytes
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511 Bytes
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508 Bytes
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508 Bytes
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504 Bytes
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495 Bytes
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491 Bytes
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491 Bytes
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488 Bytes
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477 Bytes
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477 Bytes
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477 Bytes
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475 Bytes
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475 Bytes
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471 Bytes
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469 Bytes
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466 Bytes
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465 Bytes
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465 Bytes
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465 Bytes
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465 Bytes
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465 Bytes
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463 Bytes
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458 Bytes
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458 Bytes
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458 Bytes
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458 Bytes
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458 Bytes
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458 Bytes
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456 Bytes
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453 Bytes
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452 Bytes
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452 Bytes
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450 Bytes
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450 Bytes
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450 Bytes
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450 Bytes
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450 Bytes
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450 Bytes
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450 Bytes
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450 Bytes
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448 Bytes
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436 Bytes
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436 Bytes
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436 Bytes
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434 Bytes
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431 Bytes
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421 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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419 Bytes
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414 Bytes
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413 Bytes
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406 Bytes
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406 Bytes
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399 Bytes
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399 Bytes
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399 Bytes
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396 Bytes
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392 Bytes
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392 Bytes
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391 Bytes
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391 Bytes
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389 Bytes
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387 Bytes
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387 Bytes
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387 Bytes
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384 Bytes
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378 Bytes
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374 Bytes
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374 Bytes
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373 Bytes
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368 Bytes
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368 Bytes
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368 Bytes
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365 Bytes
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338 Bytes
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336 Bytes
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336 Bytes
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336 Bytes
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335 Bytes
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333 Bytes
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330 Bytes
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330 Bytes
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330 Bytes
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330 Bytes
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327 Bytes
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324 Bytes
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323 Bytes
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323 Bytes
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313 Bytes
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307 Bytes
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303 Bytes
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303 Bytes
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296 Bytes
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295 Bytes
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292 Bytes
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291 Bytes
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286 Bytes
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285 Bytes
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283 Bytes
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283 Bytes
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283 Bytes
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283 Bytes
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278 Bytes
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276 Bytes
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276 Bytes
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276 Bytes
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276 Bytes
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274 Bytes
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274 Bytes
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274 Bytes
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274 Bytes
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272 Bytes
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270 Bytes
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265 Bytes
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265 Bytes
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265 Bytes
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265 Bytes
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256 Bytes
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255 Bytes
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250 Bytes
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250 Bytes
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250 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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246 Bytes
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230 Bytes
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163 Bytes
Hylian Toolbox/Model2N64CHT.exe.config
144 Bytes
Utility of Time/ext/OoT/CollisionPresets.txt
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Utility of Time/uot.ini
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GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/themes/Default/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc
82 Bytes
GZ Rom Tool/resources/share/themes/Raleigh/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
69 Bytes
Pierres Ocarina Studio/settings.ini
69 Bytes
GZ Rom Tool/resources/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
33 Bytes
Hylian Toolbox/ZLIMIT.txt
5 Bytes
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