The Sibelius Edition - 07 Songs
The Sibelius Edition - 07 Songs
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CD1/01 Serenad, JS 167.mp3
5.4 MB
CD1/02 Medan nordanvinden gnyr (While the North Wind Roars).mp3
2.5 MB
CD1/03 Näcken (The Watersprite), JS 138 (Dramatic 'runic sorcery' for soprano, recitation, violin, cello and piano).mp3
6.5 MB
CD1/04 Då världar ännu skapade ej voro (When Worlds Still Uncreated Were), JS 56 [fragment].mp3
4.7 MB
CD1/05 En visa (A Song), JS 71.mp3
2.8 MB
CD1/06 Solen slog himlen röd... (The Sun Reddened the Sky...) [fragment].mp3
3.0 MB
CD1/07 Orgier (Orgies), JS 143.mp3
4.5 MB
CD1/08 Skogrået (The Wood-Nymph), JS 171.mp3
12.7 MB
CD1/09 Höstkväll (Autumn Evening) [fragment].mp3
4.6 MB
CD1/10 Flickan gick en vintermorgon (The Maiden Went One Winter Morning) [fragment].mp3
1.6 MB
CD1/11 Jag kysser dig [och ledsnar] ej (I Kiss You and Weary Not).mp3
1.9 MB
CD1/12 Löjet var utan hem (Wit Was Without a Home).mp3
4.7 MB
CD1/13 Likhet (Alikeness), JS 120.mp3
3.2 MB
CD1/14 Den första kyssen (The First Kiss), JS 57.mp3
4.2 MB
CD1/15 Tule, tule kanssani (Come, Come, My Sweetheart), JS 211.mp3
2.5 MB
CD1/16 Seven Runeberg Songs, Op.13 - 1. Under strandens granar (Under The Fir-Trees).mp3
10.2 MB
CD1/17 Seven Runeberg Songs, Op.13 - 2. Kyssens hopp (The Kiss's Hope).mp3
4.2 MB
CD1/18 Seven Runeberg Songs, Op.13 - 3. Hjärtats morgon (The Heart's Morning).mp3
4.9 MB
CD1/19 Seven Runeberg Songs, Op.13 - 4. Våren flyktar hastigt (Spring Flies Speedily).mp3
3.0 MB
CD1/20 Seven Runeberg Songs, Op.13 - 5. Drömmen (The Dream).mp3
3.4 MB
CD1/21 Seven Runeberg Songs, Op.13 - 6. Till Frigga (To Frigga).mp3
7.6 MB
CD1/22 Seven Runeberg Songs, Op.13 - 7. Jägargossen (The Young Huntsman).mp3
5.5 MB
CD1/23 Seven Songs, Op.17 - 1. Se'n har jar ej frågat mera (Since Then I Have Questioned No Further).mp3
4.2 MB
CD1/24 Seven Songs, Op.17 - 2. Son in! (Go to Sleep!).mp3
3.3 MB
CD1/25 Seven Songs, Op.17 - 3. Fågellek (Play to the Birds).mp3
3.0 MB
CD1/26 Seven Songs,Op.17 - 4. Vilse (Astray).mp3
1.8 MB
CD1/27 Seven Songs, Op.17 - 5. En slända (A Dragonfly).mp3
8.2 MB
CD1/28 Seven Songs, Op.17 - 6. Illalle (To Evening).mp3
2.5 MB
CD1/29 Seven Songs, Op.17 - 7. Lastu lainehilla (Driftwood).mp3
2.4 MB
CD1/30 Koskenlaskijan morsiamet (The Rapids-Rider's Brides), Op.33 (arranged by the composer for voice and piano).mp3
22.5 MB
CD2/01 Sången om korsspindels (Fool's Song of the Spider), Op.27 No.4 from the music to Adolf Paul's Play King Christian II (arranged by the composer for voice and piano).mp3
6.8 MB
CD2/02 Segelfarht (Sailing), JS 166.mp3
3.0 MB
CD2/03 Souda, souda, sinisorsa (Swim, Duck, Swim), JS 180.mp3
2.4 MB
CD2/04 Säv, säv, susa (Sigh, Sigh, Sedges) - Andantino in E flat major, JS 42.mp3
4.2 MB
CD2/05 Six Songs, Op.36 - 1. Svarta rosos (Black Roses).mp3
3.8 MB
CD2/06 Six Songs, Op.36 - 2. Men min fågel märks dock icke (But My Bird is Long in Homing).mp3
4.5 MB
CD2/07 Six Songs,Op.36 - 3. Bollspelet vid Trianon (Tennis at Trianon).mp3
2.7 MB
CD2/08 Six Songs, Op.36 - 4. Säv, säv, susa (Sigh, Sigh, Sedges).mp3
4.9 MB
CD2/09 Six Songs, Op.36 - 5. Marssnön (The March Snow).mp3
2.6 MB
CD2/10 Six Songs, Op.36 - 6. Demanten på marssnön (The Diamond on the March Snow).mp3
4.0 MB
CD2/11 Five Songs, Op.37 - 1. Den första kyssen (The First Kiss).mp3
3.6 MB
CD2/12 Five Songs, Op.37 - 2. Lasse liten (Little Lasse).mp3
3.8 MB
CD2/13 Five Songs, Op.37 - 3. Soluppgång (Sunrise).mp3
4.6 MB
CD2/14 Five Songs, Op.37 - 4. Var det en dröm (Was it a Dream).mp3
3.9 MB
CD2/15 Five Songs, Op.37 - 5. Flickan kom ifrån sin älskings möte (The Tryst).mp3
5.7 MB
CD2/16 Jar ville, jag vore in Indialand (I wish I were in India).mp3
5.4 MB
CD2/17 Five Songs, Op.38 - 1. Höstkväll (Autumn Evening).mp3
8.9 MB
CD2/18 Five Songs, Op.38 - 2. På verandan vid havet (On a Balcony by the Sea).mp3
6.9 MB
CD2/19 Five Songs, Op.38 - 3. I natten (In the Night).mp3
7.4 MB
CD2/20 Five Songs, Op.38 - 4. Harpolekaren och hans son (The Harper and his Son).mp3
7.0 MB
CD2/21 Five Songs, Op.38 - 5. Jag ville, jag vore i Indialand (I wish I were in India).mp3
6.0 MB
CD2/22 Les trois sœurs aveugles (The Three Blind Sisters), JS 147 No.6 [Op.46 No.4] (from the music to M. Mætterlinck's play Pelléas et Mélisande) (arr. by JS. for voice and piano).mp3
7.1 MB
CD2/23 Six Songs, Op.50 - 1. Lenzgesang (Spring Song).mp3
4.7 MB
CD2/24 Six Songs, Op.50 - 2. Sehnsucht (Longing).mp3
3.7 MB
CD2/25 Six Songs, Op.50 - 3. Im Feld ein Mädchen singt (In the Field a Maid Sings).mp3
5.6 MB
CD2/26 Six Songs, Op.50 - 4. Aus banger Brust (From Anxious Heart).mp3
4.5 MB
CD2/27 Six Songs, Op.50 - 5. Der stille Stadt (The Silent City).mp3
5.0 MB
CD2/28 Six Songs, Op.50 - 6. Rosenlied (Song of the Roses).mp3
3.3 MB
CD2/29 Erloschen (Extinguished), JS 73.mp3
6.1 MB
CD3/01 Two Songs, Op.35 - 1. Jubal.mp3
8.5 MB
CD3/02 Two Songs, Op.35 - 2. Teodora.mp3
8.1 MB
CD3/03 Vänskapens blomma (The Flower of Friendship), JS 215.mp3
5.6 MB
CD3/04 Eight Songs, Op.57 - 1. Älven och snigeln (The River and the Snail).mp3
5.4 MB
CD3/05 Eight Songs, Op.57 - 2. En blomma stod vig vägen (A Flower Stood by the Wayside).mp3
4.1 MB
CD3/06 Eight Songs, Op.57 - 3. Kvarnhjulet (The Mill-wheel).mp3
5.5 MB
CD3/07 Eight Songs, Op.57 - 4. Maj (May).mp3
5.0 MB
CD3/08 Eight Songs, Op.57 - 5. Jag är ett träd (I am a Tree).mp3
5.4 MB
CD3/09 Eight Songs, Op.57 - 6. Hertig Magnus (Duke Magnus).mp3
6.3 MB
CD3/10 Eight Songs, Op.57 - 7. Vänskapens blomma (The Flower of Friendship).mp3
5.1 MB
CD3/11 Eight Songs, Op.57 - 8. Näcken (The Watersprite).mp3
4.4 MB
CD3/12 Two Songs from 'Twelft Night', Op.60 (arranged by the composer for voice and piano) - 1. Kom nu hit, död! (Come Away, Death!).mp3
6.3 MB
CD3/13 Two Songs from 'Twelft Night', Op.60 (arranged by the composer for voice and piano) - 2. Hållilå, uti storm och i regn (Hey ho, the Wind and the Rain).mp3
2.1 MB
CD3/14 Eight Songs, Op. 61 - 1. Långsamt som kvällskyn (Slowly as the Evening Sky).mp3
4.2 MB
CD3/15 Eight Songs, Op. 61 - 2. Vattenplask (Lapping Waters).mp3
6.7 MB
CD3/16 Eight Songs, Op. 61 - 3. När jag drömmer (When I Dream).mp3
5.9 MB
CD3/17 Eight Songs, Op. 61 - 4. Romeo.mp3
3.3 MB
CD3/18 Eight Songs, Op. 61 - 5. Romans (Romance).mp3
7.1 MB
CD3/19 Eight Songs, Op. 61 - 6. Dolce far niente.mp3
3.3 MB
CD3/20 Eight Songs, Op. 61 - 7. Fåfäng önskar (Idle Wishes).mp3
6.2 MB
CD3/21 Eight Songs, Op. 61 - 8. Vårtagen (The Spell of Springtide).mp3
4.0 MB
CD3/22 Arioso, Op.3.mp3
7.9 MB
CD3/23 Five Christmas Songs, Op.1 - 1. Nu står jul vid snöig port (Now Christmas Stands at the Snowy Gate).mp3
3.5 MB
CD3/24 Five Christmas Songs, Op.1 - 2. Nu så kommer julen (Now is Christmas Coming).mp3
4.4 MB
CD3/25 Five Christmas Songs, Op.1 - 3. Det mörknar ute (Outside it is Growing Dark).mp3
5.4 MB
CD3/26 Five Christmas Songs, Op.1 - 4. Giv mig ej glans, ej guld, ej prakt (Give me no Splendour, Gold or Pomp).mp3
7.1 MB
CD3/27 Five Christmas Songs, Op.1 - 5. On hanget korkeat, nietokset (High are the Snowdrifts).mp3
5.0 MB
CD4/01 Luonnotar, Op.70 (arranged by the composer for voice and piano).mp3
16.5 MB
CD4/02 Six Songs, Op.72 - 3. Kyssen (The Kiss).mp3
4.6 MB
CD4/03 Six Songs, Op.72 - 4. Kaiutar (The Echo Nymph).mp3
6.1 MB
CD4/04 Six Songs, Op.72 - 5. Der Wanderer und der Bach (The Wanderer and the Brook).mp3
1.6 MB
CD4/05 Six Songs, Op.72 - 6. Hundra vägar (A Hundred Ways).mp3
4.2 MB
CD4/06 Tanken (The Thought), JS 192.mp3
3.0 MB
CD4/07 Six Songs, Op.86 - 1. Vårförnimmelser (The Coming of Spring).mp3
2.4 MB
CD4/08 Six Songs, Op.86 - 2. Längtan heter min arvedel (Longing is my Heritage).mp3
6.1 MB
CD4/09 Six Songs, Op.86 - 3. Dold förening (Hidden Union).mp3
1.8 MB
CD4/10 Six Songs, Op.86 - 4. Och finns det at tanke (And Is There a Thought).mp3
4.3 MB
CD4/11 Six Songs, Op.86 - 5. Sångarlön (The Singer's Reward).mp3
3.5 MB
CD4/12 Six Songs, Op.86 - 6. I systrar, I bröder, I älskande par ! (Ye Sisters, Ye Brothers).mp3
4.2 MB
CD4/13 Six Songs, Op.88 - 1. Blåsippan (The Blue Anemone).mp3
1.5 MB
CD4/14 Six Songs, Op.88 - 2. De bägge rosorna (The Two Roses).mp3
2.3 MB
CD4/15 Six Songs, Op.88 - 3. Vitsippan (The Wood Anemone).mp3
2.4 MB
CD4/16 Six Songs, Op.88 - 4. Sippan (The Anemone).mp3
1.9 MB
CD4/17 Six Songs, Op.88 - 5. Törnet (The Thorn).mp3
4.1 MB
CD4/18 Six Songs, Op.88 - 6. Blommans öde (The Flower's Destiny).mp3
2.8 MB
CD4/19 Six Runeberg Songs, Op.90 - 1. Nordern (The North).mp3
4.0 MB
CD4/20 Six Runeberg Songs, Op.90 - 2. Hennes budskap (Her Message).mp3
3.0 MB
CD4/21 Six Runeberg Songs, Op.90 - 3. Morgonen (The Morning).mp3
4.7 MB
CD4/22 Six Runeberg Songs, Op.90 - 4. Fågelfängarn (The Bird Catcher).mp3
2.9 MB
CD4/23 Six Runeberg Songs, Op.90 - 5. Sommarnatten (Summer Night).mp3
5.4 MB
CD4/24 Six Runeberg Songs, Op.90 - 6. Vem styrde hit din väg (Who Brought You Hither).mp3
6.0 MB
CD4/25 Kullervo's Lament from Op.7 (arranged by the composer for voice and piano).mp3
3.7 MB
CD4/26 Mummon syntymäpäivänä (Birthday Song to Grandmother), JS 136.mp3
3.3 MB
CD4/27 Autrefois, Scène pastorale, Op.96b (arranged by the composer for two voice and piano).mp3
10.3 MB
CD4/28 Små flickor (Young Girls), JS 174.mp3
6.2 MB
CD4/29 Narciss (Narcissus), JS 140.mp3
3.5 MB
CD4/30 Siltavahti (The Guardian of the Bridge), JS 170b.mp3
4.7 MB
CD4/31 Solitude - The Jewish Girl's Song Op.51 No.2 [JS 48 No.2b] (arranged by the composer for voice and piano from the music to Hjalmar Procopé's play Belshazzar's Feast).mp3
5.5 MB
CD4/32 Hymn to Thaïs, the Unforgettable, JS 97 - Revised version.mp3
4.5 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/01 Serenad, JS 167 - Preliminary version.mp3
5.5 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/02 Seven Runeberg Songs, Op.13. Preliminary version - 2. Kyssens hopp (The Kiss's Hope).mp3
4.5 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/03 Seven Runeberg Songs, Op.13. Preliminary version - 3. Hjärtats morgon (The Heart's Morning).mp3
4.7 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/04 Seven Runeberg Songs, Op.13. Preliminary version - 5. Drömmen (The Dream).mp3
4.0 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/05 Kullervos Wehruf (Kullervo's Lament) from Op.7 (arranged by the composer for voice and piano) - First version.mp3
4.3 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/06 Seven Songs, Op.17. Early draft copies - 1. Se'n har jag ej frågat mera (Since Then I Have Questioned No Further).mp3
5.0 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/07 Seven Songs, Op.17. Early draft copies - 6. Illalle (To Evening).mp3
3.5 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/08 Soluppgång (Sunrise), JS 87 - Preliminary version.mp3
4.3 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/09 Judeflickans sång (The Jewish Girl's Song), JS 48 No.2b [Op.51 No.2] (arranged by the composer for voice and piano) - First version.mp3
5.4 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/10 Hundra vägar (A Hundred Ways), Op.72 No.6 - Preliminary version.mp3
4.3 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/11 Teodora, Op.35 No.2 - Preliminary version).mp3
8.8 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/12 Hymn to Thaïs, the Unforgettable, JS 97 - First version.mp3
4.2 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/13 Two Songs from 'Twelfth Night', Op.60. Original version for voice and piano - 1. Kom nu hit, död! (Come Away, Death!).mp3
6.0 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/14 Two Songs from 'Twelfth Night', Op.60. Orig. version for voice and piano - 2. Hållilå, uti storm och i regn (Hey, ho, the Wind and the Rain).mp3
4.2 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/15 Dolce far niente, Op.61 No.6 - Preliminary version.mp3
3.4 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/16 On hanger korkeat, nietokset (High are the Snowdrifts), Op.1 No.5 (arranged by the composer for two voices and piano).mp3
4.2 MB
CD5 - Preliminary and alternative versions/17 Pastorale, extract from 'Autrefois', Op.96b (arranged by the composer for two voices and piano).mp3
6.1 MB
Index to the Sibelius Edition.pdf
1.3 MB
Jean Sibelius.pdf
508.3 kB
The Sibelius Edition - Songs.pdf
75.8 kB
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