RSD - The Blueprint Decoded Audio
RSD - The Blueprint Decoded Audio
厕拍 孕妇
thailÄndische frau in sexy
白皙 巨乳
ariana shine
the hour of fear
hd uncensored
DVD 01/28 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Limiting Beliefs - Looks.mp3
4.2 MB
DVD 01/26 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Limiting Beliefs - Money will get you women.mp3
2.8 MB
DVD 01/22 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - This is a shit Audience!.mp3
2.5 MB
DVD 01/27 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Lover - Provider - Sperm wars.mp3
2.1 MB
DVD 01/23 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Lifestyle of abudance - deep identity level change, being not doing.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 01/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Tyler's personal Epiphany.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 01/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Seminar benefits and principles overview.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 01/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Need for consistency III - Becoming Naturals.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 01/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - PUA Community short story.mp3
909.6 kB
DVD 01/19 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Model of reality and it's arising principles.mp3
847.5 kB
DVD 01/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Tyler's Evolution - Attached to Outcome and Need for consistency II.mp3
687.6 kB
DVD 01/24 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Social conditioning --- Continuum --- Authenticity.mp3
655.4 kB
DVD 01/25 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Most people in the world walk through life in a walking daze.mp3
639.7 kB
DVD 01/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Blueprint decoded basic premise - Men and Women are on the same level.mp3
627.6 kB
DVD 01/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Progam Introduction.mp3
591.5 kB
DVD 01/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Wrong basic Assumption - Hot women are on a higher pedestal.mp3
561.6 kB
DVD 01/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Reasons for making this program - Need for consistency I.mp3
513.6 kB
DVD 01/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - 2004- Media and overall world PUA community awareness increased.mp3
495.5 kB
DVD 01/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Owen Cook - Tyler Durden Alias story.mp3
465.5 kB
DVD 01/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Tyler's Story in short.mp3
441.4 kB
DVD 01/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Welcome.mp3
387.4 kB
DVD 01/20 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Puzzle pieces of reality.mp3
351.4 kB
DVD 01/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Tyler's Perspective - RSD Evolution.mp3
333.5 kB
DVD 01/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Slow Process of transformation.mp3
327.4 kB
DVD 01/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - 15 years ago PUA Frame.mp3
261.4 kB
DVD 01/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Success is not something you do but something you are.mp3
255.4 kB
DVD 01/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Some of Success - Need for a bigger goal - Identity level change.mp3
195.5 kB
DVD 01/21 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 01 - Becoming a sexworthy man.mp3
33.5 kB
DVD 02/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - We learn in two different ways.mp3
3.2 MB
DVD 02/22 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - People are looking to learn socially - it must be true - it makes sense.mp3
2.5 MB
DVD 02/26 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Value meaning for a woman.mp3
2.1 MB
DVD 02/21 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Riot and Earthquake examples.mp3
1.9 MB
DVD 02/24 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - What is value - Anything that helps you to survive.mp3
1.8 MB
DVD 02/25 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Quest to cultivate more value for ourselves.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 02/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - No cause effect between social conditioning and attraction - it's Arbitrary.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 02/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Tyler's own illustrating story 2.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 02/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Tyler's Attraction model - Mass confusion - Wrong assumptions.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 02/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Tyler's Attraction model - Introduction.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 02/20 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Ghost riding the whip example.mp3
998.3 kB
DVD 02/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Resources - The full circle.mp3
882.4 kB
DVD 02/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Romance.mp3
676.5 kB
DVD 02/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Social conditioning - we are fast learners - social learners.mp3
632.7 kB
DVD 02/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - We let society dictate our beliefs - Pacing and Leading.mp3
624.2 kB
DVD 02/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Friendship First - Flying under the radar.mp3
601.1 kB
DVD 02/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Tyler's own illustrating story 1.mp3
533.1 kB
DVD 02/19 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Ideas no matter how Stupid spread like wild fire.mp3
489.2 kB
DVD 02/23 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Society has Strengths and Weaknesses - Other people think for you.mp3
342.6 kB
DVD 02/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Chode model of the world - movies - Hollywood formula.mp3
341.1 kB
DVD 02/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Typical radio social conditioning song.mp3
281.7 kB
DVD 02/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Chodes fall into this incorrect socially conditioned model of the world.mp3
235.7 kB
DVD 02/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Meeting women through social circle.mp3
227.1 kB
DVD 02/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - The gray zone.mp3
212.8 kB
DVD 02/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Social conditioning - media - society - parents- work - friends - religion.mp3
159.4 kB
DVD 02/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 02 - Commonalities.mp3
134.8 kB
DVD 03/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Society offers a magic pill for everything.mp3
2.2 MB
DVD 03/22 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - What social conditioning did to Tyler.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 03/19 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Consumer culture - Buying self esteem.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 03/33 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Make her validate to you.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 03/20 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Another example superficial set of values.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 03/30 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Design your own life.mp3
936.3 kB
DVD 03/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Attraction isn't a choice.mp3
911.2 kB
DVD 03/27 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Spectatorism.mp3
842.8 kB
DVD 03/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Qualities that show strength.mp3
815.6 kB
DVD 03/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Women have multiple personalities.mp3
767.7 kB
DVD 03/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - What If- Playing society's game.mp3
754.6 kB
DVD 03/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Going deeper - Objectification.mp3
686.0 kB
DVD 03/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Society's superficial set of values.mp3
625.5 kB
DVD 03/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Two types of subcommunication - Behavioral cues and how people react to you.mp3
589.3 kB
DVD 03/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Fight club frame - You're not your possessions.mp3
571.8 kB
DVD 03/31 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Don't live to other people standards.mp3
563.2 kB
DVD 03/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Abundance Vs Scarcity - Another caveman example.mp3
543.5 kB
DVD 03/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Women respond on an emotional level.mp3
517.0 kB
DVD 03/32 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Make her live up to your standards.mp3
499.7 kB
DVD 03/21 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Natural drives are exposed buttons.mp3
499.5 kB
DVD 03/29 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Superfans.mp3
488.0 kB
DVD 03/25 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Ideal consumer characteristics.mp3
359.3 kB
DVD 03/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Visual vs Behavioral.mp3
346.7 kB
DVD 03/26 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Identifying with professional sports athletes.mp3
346.6 kB
DVD 03/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Behavioral cues examples.mp3
332.6 kB
DVD 03/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Being logical cuts subcommunication attraction flow.mp3
315.1 kB
DVD 03/24 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Social conditioning holds you back.mp3
274.9 kB
DVD 03/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Evolutionary behavior example.mp3
274.2 kB
DVD 03/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Attraction is fast and straightforward.mp3
190.2 kB
DVD 03/23 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Be who you are meant to be.mp3
185.2 kB
DVD 03/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - Scar face's wrong frame.mp3
180.1 kB
DVD 03/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - A man value is not static.mp3
156.5 kB
DVD 03/28 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 03 - The Glory is to be had.mp3
154.5 kB
DVD 04/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Magic pill.mp3
3.4 MB
DVD 04/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - The Self is always coming through.mp3
2.4 MB
DVD 04/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Focus shifts according to Value.mp3
2.3 MB
DVD 04/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Value is a strong or weak magnet.mp3
2.1 MB
DVD 04/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - (Track 06).mp3
1.8 MB
DVD 04/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Social Alliances.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 04/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Situational Value and Confidence.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 04/20 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Anytime you go in your head you lose the girl.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 04/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - R.A.S. - Be normal.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 04/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Living in Reaction.mp3
988.8 kB
DVD 04/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Value and Rationalization.mp3
872.0 kB
DVD 04/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Reticular activation system.mp3
787.6 kB
DVD 04/19 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Express your personality freely.mp3
784.7 kB
DVD 04/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Value -Outside your head _ No Value -Micromanaging.mp3
739.1 kB
DVD 04/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - What you should and should not take from this.mp3
713.2 kB
DVD 04/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Being in your head - keys.mp3
594.8 kB
DVD 04/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Backwards Rationalization.mp3
469.8 kB
DVD 04/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Accept that the world owes you nothing.mp3
328.6 kB
DVD 04/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Side note - Girl creates fake fight with BF.mp3
226.0 kB
DVD 04/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 04 - Being outside your head - keys.mp3
206.0 kB
DVD 05/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - How do we get started in PUA.mp3
2.4 MB
DVD 05/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Core Value.mp3
2.0 MB
DVD 05/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Situational confidence - People React to him.mp3
1.9 MB
DVD 05/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Social interaction - Less --- Reactive --- More.mp3
1.7 MB
DVD 05/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - What is love-.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 05/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Shields and personality shells.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 05/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Love is experienced within yourself.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 05/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Your concept of love interferes.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 05/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Don't get attached to outcome.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 05/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Seek validation within yourself.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 05/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Core Confidence.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 05/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - You don't know somebody right away.mp3
803.4 kB
DVD 05/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Chode version of love.mp3
738.3 kB
DVD 05/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Attraction - People react to you.mp3
587.2 kB
DVD 05/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Love.mp3
546.9 kB
DVD 05/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Losing situational confidence.mp3
500.0 kB
DVD 05/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Love is Self Hypnosis.mp3
404.7 kB
DVD 05/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 05 - Evolutionary point of view.mp3
318.0 kB
DVD 06/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - Imprints.mp3
4.0 MB
DVD 06/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - Social (2nd hand) Feedback.mp3
3.4 MB
DVD 06/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - You use social feedback to determine your value.mp3
2.9 MB
DVD 06/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - Arbitrary Identity and Personality.mp3
2.6 MB
DVD 06/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - Your identity can hold you back.mp3
2.1 MB
DVD 06/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - Identity.mp3
1.8 MB
DVD 06/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - Being at her level.mp3
1.6 MB
DVD 06/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - Your core has never changed.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 06/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - Becoming a Natural.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 06/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - Tyler's upbringing beliefs.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 06/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - Subtle ways to give away power.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 06/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - We process the world through identity.mp3
574.4 kB
DVD 06/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - You can be versatile.mp3
566.7 kB
DVD 06/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 06 - That's not me!.mp3
499.9 kB
DVD 07/26 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Clothing example.mp3
1.6 MB
DVD 07/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Never resist the now.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 07/20 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Identity criterion.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 07/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Being your best self.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 07/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Taking right action is a muscle.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 07/19 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Rules to be happy.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 07/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - State.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 07/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Downsides of knowing about state.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 07/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - State Q&A.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 07/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Being out of State.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 07/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Courageous vs coward.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 07/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Achieving success sometimes is messy.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 07/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Resistance.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 07/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Being in State.mp3
852.1 kB
DVD 07/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - People want to receive authentic communication.mp3
723.8 kB
DVD 07/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Holding state.mp3
624.4 kB
DVD 07/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - States equals Nimbus.mp3
485.3 kB
DVD 07/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Two qualities to cultivate.mp3
481.0 kB
DVD 07/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Being out of state examples.mp3
467.9 kB
DVD 07/22 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Superficial standards.mp3
351.1 kB
DVD 07/25 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Role plays.mp3
241.9 kB
DVD 07/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - State sub communicates value.mp3
175.7 kB
DVD 07/23 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Alliances.mp3
135.4 kB
DVD 07/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Understand the reason why it works.mp3
123.3 kB
DVD 07/24 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Competencies.mp3
90.2 kB
DVD 07/21 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 07 - Different types of rules.mp3
51.6 kB
DVD 08/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Role plays.mp3
4.3 MB
DVD 08/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Core value - Core confidence.mp3
3.7 MB
DVD 08/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Pickup lines example.mp3
3.4 MB
DVD 08/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Alliances 2.mp3
1.8 MB
DVD 08/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Tylers cold approach model.mp3
1.8 MB
DVD 08/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - More dominant reality has more of first-hand-experience.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 08/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Predictions and sense of reality.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 08/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Strong reality of a PUA.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 08/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Whoever has the strongest reality wins.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 08/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Most people only have a few roots.mp3
970.4 kB
DVD 08/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Core confidence characteristics.mp3
928.7 kB
DVD 08/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Core confidence Ideals.mp3
897.4 kB
DVD 08/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Understanding what is being spoken.mp3
835.6 kB
DVD 08/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - How to attain it.mp3
726.0 kB
DVD 08/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Competencies 2.mp3
661.1 kB
DVD 08/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Strong reality of a hot girl.mp3
522.7 kB
DVD 08/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 08 - Tim's core confidence.mp3
514.1 kB
DVD 09/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Emotional reactive vs non reactive.mp3
2.4 MB
DVD 09/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Screening - trying to impress.mp3
2.3 MB
DVD 09/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Hold your frame stay positive.mp3
2.2 MB
DVD 09/24 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - 4 pillars of a strong reality.mp3
1.9 MB
DVD 09/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Who is having his own fun.mp3
1.6 MB
DVD 09/21 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Island and explorer analogy.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 09/26 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Personal boundaries.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 09/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Most people's reality is uncertain.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 09/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Women evaluate how you react to testing.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 09/25 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Two levels of attraction.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 09/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Trust in your faculties.mp3
998.8 kB
DVD 09/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Do not react to negativity.mp3
796.5 kB
DVD 09/19 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Do not believe in short comings.mp3
783.3 kB
DVD 09/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - RAS Example.mp3
723.6 kB
DVD 09/22 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Do not believe in short comings.mp3
621.7 kB
DVD 09/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - People become stimulation junkies.mp3
605.9 kB
DVD 09/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Having most unwavering certainty.mp3
518.2 kB
DVD 09/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Pepe le Pew example.mp3
403.5 kB
DVD 09/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - See the world through your own eyes.mp3
394.5 kB
DVD 09/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Lost TV show example.mp3
385.9 kB
DVD 09/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Creativity example.mp3
257.8 kB
DVD 09/20 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Drawing people into your reality.mp3
247.6 kB
DVD 09/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Gurus example.mp3
187.8 kB
DVD 09/23 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Signs of a weak reality.mp3
168.5 kB
DVD 09/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Losing concept of whats cool.mp3
143.2 kB
DVD 09/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 09 - Who sets the tone of the conversation.mp3
62.1 kB
DVD 10/21 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Acting through your own intentions.mp3
2.7 MB
DVD 10/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Having boundaries.mp3
2.1 MB
DVD 10/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Strong reality conductive situations.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 10/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - How do you expect people to act.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 10/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Pulling her to your reality.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 10/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Internal distinctions.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 10/19 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - As you age everyday move into your power.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 10/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Scale of cool and authenticity.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 10/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Stop seeking the self in other people.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 10/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Reality gets stronger with challenge.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 10/20 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Masculine polarity.mp3
974.1 kB
DVD 10/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Aging and chodeliness.mp3
880.9 kB
DVD 10/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - External distinctions.mp3
813.1 kB
DVD 10/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Coming into your power.mp3
585.2 kB
DVD 10/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Get out of your house.mp3
468.7 kB
DVD 10/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Learn to laugh of yourself.mp3
464.5 kB
DVD 10/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Good looks and concept of reality.mp3
450.5 kB
DVD 10/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - let go of what people think of you.mp3
416.6 kB
DVD 10/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Knowing your personal boundaries.mp3
369.8 kB
DVD 10/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Oak tree and squirrel example.mp3
351.0 kB
DVD 10/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 10 - Aging and growing stronger.mp3
160.4 kB
DVD 11/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Conflicting reality story.mp3
2.3 MB
DVD 11/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Approaching - snap into the mood.mp3
2.2 MB
DVD 11/19 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - She is dancing for hours on the same spot.mp3
1.8 MB
DVD 11/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Mind and flying manual analogy.mp3
1.8 MB
DVD 11/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Congruence tests.mp3
1.7 MB
DVD 11/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Masculine polarity - women have 2 realities.mp3
1.6 MB
DVD 11/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Women are enraptured by the energy of the environment.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 11/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Drink thing example.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 11/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Acting through your own intentions.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 11/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Differences in behavior.mp3
941.3 kB
DVD 11/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - When pickup advice works.mp3
903.0 kB
DVD 11/20 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Rarely being the one to call.mp3
873.4 kB
DVD 11/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Chaos vs grounding - Strong female polarity qualities.mp3
831.6 kB
DVD 11/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Mirroring versus leading.mp3
815.6 kB
DVD 11/24 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - What all of these things add up to.mp3
649.7 kB
DVD 11/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Too many concepts - having fun.mp3
567.5 kB
DVD 11/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Enjoying whatever shes doing.mp3
563.5 kB
DVD 11/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Advanced supplication.mp3
503.7 kB
DVD 11/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Dressing in a way that gets attention.mp3
405.7 kB
DVD 11/25 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Emotionally investing.mp3
391.9 kB
DVD 11/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Men action - Girl reaction.mp3
365.6 kB
DVD 11/22 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Only being moved by the energy that she likes the most.mp3
351.7 kB
DVD 11/21 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Losing interest in sex.mp3
337.1 kB
DVD 11/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Cold pool cold ocean analogy.mp3
331.9 kB
DVD 11/23 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 11 - Rewarding good behavior with little taste of physical attention.mp3
74.9 kB
DVD 12/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Drawing state from yourself exercise.mp3
2.8 MB
DVD 12/19 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Changing your physiology - Example 2.mp3
2.2 MB
DVD 12/26 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Pushing her away to achieve polarity.mp3
2.2 MB
DVD 12/27 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Pitfalls of PUA tactics and tricks.mp3
2.2 MB
DVD 12/24 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Naturals don't look for IOIs.mp3
1.6 MB
DVD 12/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Be conscious but dont be too self-conscious.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 12/23 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Many men try to draw state from IOIs.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 12/21 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Sex is an outpouring of energy.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 12/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Positioning yourself as already chosen.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 12/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Flipping the script.mp3
959.6 kB
DVD 12/22 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Women draw state from environment.mp3
848.3 kB
DVD 12/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Changing your physiology - Example 1.mp3
792.9 kB
DVD 12/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Seeking validation for being a PUA.mp3
664.6 kB
DVD 12/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Men drawing state and social conditioning.mp3
644.7 kB
DVD 12/20 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Social conditioning.mp3
633.2 kB
DVD 12/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Feminine vs masculine polarity.mp3
589.6 kB
DVD 12/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Masculine strong polarity qualities.mp3
582.2 kB
DVD 12/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Being at home in the environment.mp3
561.8 kB
DVD 12/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Prince Harry example.mp3
512.5 kB
DVD 12/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Carrying yourself with total confidence.mp3
490.1 kB
DVD 12/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Leading the conversation.mp3
441.1 kB
DVD 12/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Guys sweet spot.mp3
376.1 kB
DVD 12/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Women want to experience a range of emotions.mp3
303.7 kB
DVD 12/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Gender distinctions - Source of polarity.mp3
268.0 kB
DVD 12/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Women get their state off the environment.mp3
251.6 kB
DVD 12/25 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Entertainment to achieve polarity.mp3
241.4 kB
DVD 12/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 12 - Being the source of grounding energy.mp3
197.7 kB
DVD 13/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Pro-active vs Re-active social strategy.mp3
1.9 MB
DVD 13/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Create tension and stay unreactive to chaos.mp3
1.9 MB
DVD 13/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Enjoy simply just listening to her for bonding.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 13/19 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Keep your focus on the road analogy.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 13/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Maintain your awareness in the present.mp3
993.7 kB
DVD 13/21 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Whinning for trying to get rewarded.mp3
973.5 kB
DVD 13/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Knowledge - Understand that this works.mp3
953.5 kB
DVD 13/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Basic rules for flow.mp3
787.9 kB
DVD 13/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Child attitude I see I take.mp3
747.8 kB
DVD 13/25 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Take things as they come.mp3
590.5 kB
DVD 13/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Not trying to diffuse the tension.mp3
562.2 kB
DVD 13/23 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Being fully present.mp3
553.3 kB
DVD 13/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Acting through your own intentions magnet.mp3
535.0 kB
DVD 13/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Trust in yourself.mp3
510.6 kB
DVD 13/22 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Trust - Getting in your own way.mp3
507.9 kB
DVD 13/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - We overestimate what we have to say.mp3
497.6 kB
DVD 13/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Trust.mp3
476.9 kB
DVD 13/24 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Considerate how many of your thoughts are useless.mp3
435.0 kB
DVD 13/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Thinking is counterintuitive in PU.mp3
321.3 kB
DVD 13/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Performance anxiety on changing to proactive.mp3
320.5 kB
DVD 13/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Let her find your boundaries and what holds your attention.mp3
261.0 kB
DVD 13/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Act through you when approaching.mp3
257.2 kB
DVD 13/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Have fun while attending this seminar.mp3
245.7 kB
DVD 13/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - You can playfully judge her for fun.mp3
201.8 kB
DVD 13/20 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 13 - Guys approach with craz mental movies.mp3
69.3 kB
DVD 14/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Walking through the world with ease.mp3
1.9 MB
DVD 14/23 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Success barriers.mp3
1.8 MB
DVD 14/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Having fun a natural consequence.mp3
1.8 MB
DVD 14/22 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Fear of your own success.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 14/19 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - This is not about techniques.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 14/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Sidenote - Literature source recommendations.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 14/20 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Once you get it you will look back in disbelief.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 14/24 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Your perception of reality doesnt have to be objective.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 14/27 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - We have a mechanism to resist changes in reality.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 14/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Trust in yourself.mp3
981.7 kB
DVD 14/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Your faculties.mp3
969.0 kB
DVD 14/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Ego blocks from enjoyment of sex.mp3
829.0 kB
DVD 14/21 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Bearings that make your world make sense.mp3
742.3 kB
DVD 14/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Innate thing that girls are wired to look for.mp3
551.5 kB
DVD 14/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Dont base yourself on past events.mp3
540.5 kB
DVD 14/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Tyler's article writing example.mp3
467.4 kB
DVD 14/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Stretching vs moving towards an outcome.mp3
429.1 kB
DVD 14/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Dont take credit - let it flow.mp3
381.7 kB
DVD 14/25 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Ramifications of a new reality.mp3
378.4 kB
DVD 14/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Offering value vs taking value.mp3
375.7 kB
DVD 14/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Being in the moment.mp3
323.6 kB
DVD 14/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Two sides of letting go of the outcome.mp3
319.7 kB
DVD 14/26 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Principle of tolerance in politics.mp3
306.4 kB
DVD 14/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Be self forgetting.mp3
302.2 kB
DVD 14/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Being so focused on the outcome.mp3
201.4 kB
DVD 14/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Dont make an identity out of your life situation.mp3
186.3 kB
DVD 14/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 14 - Not giving yourself credit for success.mp3
177.4 kB
DVD 15/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Having a strong reality.mp3
2.4 MB
DVD 15/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Dont focus on the negative.mp3
2.3 MB
DVD 15/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Even if your life sucks your mind doesnt care.mp3
1.9 MB
DVD 15/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Paradoxical realities examples.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 15/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Do not base your identity on external world.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 15/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - One peak to the next.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 15/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - The leader of men and the wandering nomad.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 15/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Predictor of success.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 15/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Be the water not the stone.mp3
954.2 kB
DVD 15/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Your mind is a lazy mind.mp3
914.9 kB
DVD 15/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - The social feedback junkie.mp3
742.7 kB
DVD 15/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - The delusional confidence guy.mp3
545.7 kB
DVD 15/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Criticism and state.mp3
517.5 kB
DVD 15/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Always focus your mind on the positive.mp3
471.6 kB
DVD 15/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Reordering perception to preserve the map.mp3
438.6 kB
DVD 15/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - The third guy.mp3
418.1 kB
DVD 15/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Learning is like a funnel.mp3
402.1 kB
DVD 15/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 15 - Another annoying yelling exercise.mp3
342.3 kB
DVD 16/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - Success barriers protect you from failure.mp3
3.3 MB
DVD 16/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - Being unreactive to the reality you don't like.mp3
2.7 MB
DVD 16/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - Being high status and dealing with it.mp3
1.7 MB
DVD 16/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - Complete air of non-judgementalism.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 16/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - People are always trying to maintain their reality.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 16/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - People are always reinforcing their reality.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 16/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - Differences in behavior according to anticipated responses.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 16/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - Jedi like reactions.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 16/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - 4 Day introduction.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 16/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - Positive self fulfilling prophecies.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 16/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - Your girl cheating on you self fulfilling prophecy.mp3
982.7 kB
DVD 16/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - Anticipated responses - Assumptions.mp3
933.1 kB
DVD 16/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - Negative self fulfilling prophecies.mp3
785.2 kB
DVD 16/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 16 - Shaping the identities that you want.mp3
393.0 kB
DVD 17/17 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Going from stifled to unstifled.mp3
3.1 MB
DVD 17/03 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Having full belief from open to close.mp3
2.5 MB
DVD 17/06 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Being on - Moses parts the Red Sea.mp3
2.1 MB
DVD 17/16 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Indifference threshold.mp3
2.1 MB
DVD 17/18 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Crossing indifference threshold.mp3
1.9 MB
DVD 17/10 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Get close to your Integrity.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 17/01 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Micro behaviors.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 17/12 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Internalizing a new set of bearings.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 17/07 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Flinching - Retreating into your mind.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 17/02 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Insane success stories.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 17/11 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Trust in a foreign set of bearings.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 17/09 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - The idea of offering value.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 17/13 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - The newbie's paradox.mp3
977.2 kB
DVD 17/14 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - How to get unwavering belief.mp3
929.4 kB
DVD 17/15 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Walking through walls example.mp3
914.0 kB
DVD 17/05 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Matching energy levels.mp3
767.7 kB
DVD 17/08 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Dont focus alot on method, be a person.mp3
742.2 kB
DVD 17/04 - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 17 - Being confident in the dance floor.mp3
605.6 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 04 - Unstifling - Imitation game.mp3
1.8 MB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 29 - True insanity - Getting what you want.mp3
1.7 MB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 30 - People liking you for a false identity.mp3
1.7 MB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 05 - Unstifling - Infringing people's airspace.mp3
1.6 MB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 06 - Unstifling - Zoolander squad example.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 18 - The 2 most important bearings to trust.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 28 - The concept of It didn't work moments.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 17 - Real Vibing - Mind floating and quick wit.mp3
1.0 MB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 24 - Comfy shores of social conditioning.mp3
947.7 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 22 - Unhitching from your old identity.mp3
922.4 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 11 - Learning and maintaining new social habits.mp3
891.2 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 01 - Indifference threshold - Inertia.mp3
851.5 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 19 - Getting addicted to chasing reference experiences.mp3
803.8 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 14 - Emotional states are addictive.mp3
777.7 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 07 - Unstifling - Goth club example.mp3
675.0 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 25 - Some people get lost on the way.mp3
623.3 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 13 - Vibe breaking - Logic and emotions are opposite.mp3
622.2 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 03 - Unstifling criteria.mp3
575.6 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 26 - Tyler's biggest epiphany.mp3
549.3 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 20 - Letting go of old friends.mp3
531.8 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 10 - 4th Day intro.mp3
432.3 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 16 - Logical vs. emotional state of mind.mp3
416.8 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 02 - Acting upon yourself.mp3
360.3 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 23 - A path of excess can lead to wisdom.mp3
283.5 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 09 - Unstifling to indifference.mp3
279.0 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 12 - Ways of reaching empowering states of mind.mp3
237.0 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 21 - Don't lose sight of your new reality.mp3
204.4 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 15 - The cause-effect screw up.mp3
184.9 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 08 - Chode vaporization joke.mp3
172.4 kB
DVD 18/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 18 - 27 - Two things you do when pissed off.mp3
164.8 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 10 - Ego is a black hole.mp3
2.1 MB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 02 - Ego vs. Self-Steem.mp3
1.9 MB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 23 - The Self is always coming through.mp3
1.8 MB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 14 - Offering value - Self amusement.mp3
1.5 MB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 17 - Wound Examples.mp3
1.4 MB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 05 - Ego development.mp3
1.3 MB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 22 - What went wrong with me others.mp3
1.2 MB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 24 - Seminar Ending.mp3
1.1 MB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 11 - The Now is the only moment there ever is.mp3
995.2 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 13 - Offering value concept.mp3
928.3 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 21 - Ego feeding frenzy.mp3
859.4 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 04 - Happiness is your default state.mp3
766.7 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 09 - Viewing the world as an arena for heroism.mp3
710.4 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 01 - Feeling good is a default state.mp3
585.1 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 16 - Being authentic vs. social chameleon.mp3
542.1 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 08 - False ego - Comparisons.mp3
526.1 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 06 - False ego - Based in unperfect memory.mp3
497.4 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 18 - Ther more personal the wound the more universal it is.mp3
422.0 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 19 - Wound in the middle, ego is like a schar.mp3
409.9 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 12 - The result is anti-climatic.mp3
350.2 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 20 - Being comfortable in your own skin.mp3
328.7 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 07 - False ego - Structure.mp3
317.4 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 03 - Ego coming in the back door.mp3
295.2 kB
DVD 19/RSD - Tyler Durden - The Blueprint Decoded DVD 19 - 15 - Distinction between getting attraction and not.mp3
254.4 kB
Torrent downloaded from Demonoid.com.txt
47 Bytes
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