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20201005_Pavlovian studies on absolute and conditioned reflex. 1925. Silent. And LONG_19YfO8CMcQ4_[640x480].mkv
570.4 MB
20200212_Eugenics propaganda film from 1937._FXZCThN2IbQ_[2560x1440].mkv
355.9 MB
20190810_1960s documentary on a self injuring autistic child._7cCB5YqqzUA_[1280x720].mkv
344.4 MB
20200310_Psychotropic drug 'BZ' tested on American soldiers. 1963_4rW0wqSUx-E_[1920x1080].mkv
328.1 MB
20200808_1948 Documentary on Transitioning 2 and 3 Year Olds to Daycare._EuhWGt0en8Y_[1280x720].mkv
286.4 MB
20201115_1957 Edition - Impressions of America by high school foreign exchange students_Ju2XaBdKca0_[1280x720].mkv
276.5 MB
20201116_1958 Linguistics Lecture with Henry Lee Smith. Grammar._V22DFGHndkw_[1280x610].mkv
203.0 MB
20200212_Human Rabies, furious type with hydrophobia. Four cases in children from 1929._W2JsubL1Xv0_[2560x1440].mkv
196.7 MB
20201017_1959 High School Exchange Students. India, Greece, South Africa, UK. Subject - American Education_LcpErjPXmPs_[1280x720].mkv
191.2 MB
20201003_1955 Foreign Exchange Students in America from Brazil, Korea, Japan, UK. Subject - High School_PCKKJq4Lyyc_[1280x720].mkv
189.3 MB
2020/08August/20200814_1950s LSD, Hallucinogens, Psychoactive Drug tests by US government - on cats_FreY8gsf9Ag_[1280x720]/20200814_1950s LSD, Hallucinogens, Psychoactive Drug tests by US government - on cats_FreY8gsf9Ag_[1280x720].mkv
188.1 MB
2020/09September/20200909_1955 high school foreign exchange students answer questions from Americans_PWFCl5ZH6P4_[1280x610]/20200909_1955 high school foreign exchange students answer questions from Americans_PWFCl5ZH6P4_[1280x610].mkv
188.1 MB
2020/08August/20200813_What to do if you're taken hostage. Instructional film._k51IJTYa8bU_[1280x720]/20200813_What to do if you're taken hostage. Instructional film._k51IJTYa8bU_[1280x720].mkv
183.5 MB
20201003_1955 High School Exchange. Norway, Australia, Philippines, Korea. Subject - Red China_UpYdm2ND7Po_[1280x610].mkv
182.5 MB
20201001_1954 High School Exchange Students from Indonesia, Ghana, South Africa & Denmark discuss race_rWdVSnFhKqo_[1280x720].mkv
179.4 MB
20201013_1957 High School Exchange Students. Korea, S. Africa, Yugoslavia, W. Germany. Subject - Communism_glVTEbbpLjk_[1280x610].mkv
171.7 MB
2020/09September/20200920_1954 High School Exchange Students - Egypt, Israel, Iceland & Norway discuss middle-east conflict_3gXt8rHKYo4_[1280x610]/20200920_1954 High School Exchange Students - Egypt, Israel, Iceland & Norway discuss middle-east conflict_3gXt8rHKYo4_[1280x610].mkv
170.7 MB
20201011_1959 Lecture on DNA Structure and Replication by James Watson_yLaUWUfoeOk_[1280x610].mkv
170.1 MB
20200219_Electroshock Therapy. 1943 psychiatric film._TTwYItZ7PzM_[1920x1080].mkv
168.0 MB
2020/09September/20200907_1954 High School Exchange Students from Korea, Finland, Pakistan and Nigeria discuss American Teens_V6iwt-dL4k4_[1280x610]/20200907_1954 High School Exchange Students from Korea, Finland, Pakistan and Nigeria discuss American Teens_V6iwt-dL4k4_[1280x610].mkv
167.5 MB
20201003_1955 High School Exchange France, Belgium, Germany, Yugoslavia, Switzerland. Subject - European Unity_XSgpUNIvsw4_[1280x610].mkv
164.0 MB
2020/09September/20200919_1959 high school students from South Africa, Ghana, Greece & USA discuss prejudice & race relations_m54zVrOX79Q_[1280x610]/20200919_1959 high school students from South Africa, Ghana, Greece & USA discuss prejudice & race relations_m54zVrOX79Q_[1280x610].mkv
161.2 MB
20201003_1955 Student Exchange. Italy, India, Singapore, Australia. Subject - Education_e8LhFyyYix4_[1280x610].mkv
157.8 MB
20201112_1954 promotional_educational film on psychiatric hospitals._z7uF-qYdnYk_[640x480].mkv
157.6 MB
2020/09September/20200909_1954 High school foreign exchange students share criticisms and opinions on America_ujGnc94qrjo_[1280x610]/20200909_1954 High school foreign exchange students share criticisms and opinions on America_ujGnc94qrjo_[1280x610].mkv
149.4 MB
20200707_Treatment for SCHIZOPHRENIA. 1951 film._RupyAIIVbIM_[640x480].mkv
145.2 MB
20201003_1955 Exchange Students - Philippines, Iran, Ceylon, Israel, West Germany. Subject - Foreign Aid_c7ws4bbPy74_[1280x610].mkv
142.0 MB
20200924_1954 foreign exchange students from India, Japan and Jordan give their impressions of America_MhjBLLfFLyA_[1280x610].mkv
138.6 MB
20191117_Autism in one of two identical twins. 1961 documentary. Part 1 of 4_Lb9cCJNC-j8_[640x480].mkv
134.9 MB
20201105_1960s Child Abuse Documentary. Full_DJkEUmAlAd4_[854x480].mkv
127.0 MB
20200219_Incapacitation by Psychoactive Drug BZ - Medical Study. Real footage from 1960s_7ZabGSbXhEQ_[640x480].mkv
124.0 MB
20201012_1959 High School Exchange Student Debate. Finland, Japan, Ceylon, Philippines. Subject - Men vs Women_eZmRU-xaND0_[1280x610].mkv
122.1 MB
20201015_1959 High School Exchange Students. Pakistan, Finland, Argentina, Ghana. Impressions of Americans_dFyyc8-iPhc_[1280x610].mkv
115.7 MB
20200213_Amphetamine Abuse. 1969 medical documentary on the Speed Scene_HtLm2PWrgWo_[644x480].mkv
112.0 MB
20200721_1950s Psychiatric Interview with gay college student looking for homosexuality cure_yIvfXQxW0KY_[854x480].mkv
108.8 MB
20201002_1955 High School Exchange students in America - Korea, Vietnam, Nigeria, Pakistan and South Africa_YHpUu-VR0Aw_[1280x610].mkv
106.7 MB
20200730_1946 Documentary on Teaching Deaf Children to Talk_0sEPRWz4GeU_[854x480].mkv
99.9 MB
20190810_Maternal Neglect and Recovery. 1960s case study of two girls - Nora and Sally_c7Erg0D77VQ_[1280x720].mkv
96.4 MB
20190810_PSYCHOTIC CONDITION - Organic Brain Syndrome. Psychiatric Interview from 1970s_BDLEL14YN1c_[1280x720].mkv
95.5 MB
2020/08August/20200823_1959 Psychiatric instructional film. Managing the Aggressive Patient (dramatized)._tzt2Gntz6vs_[640x480]/20200823_1959 Psychiatric instructional film. Managing the Aggressive Patient (dramatized)._tzt2Gntz6vs_[640x480].mkv
95.0 MB
20200427_Patient with Borderline Personality, Paranoid. Psychiatric_psychoanalytic Interview_erz_ATpxRf4_[854x406].mkv
86.9 MB
2020/08August/20200829_1958 Demonstration of American Dialects_Accents__8ZNnlYvXw0_[854x480]/20200829_1958 Demonstration of American Dialects_Accents__8ZNnlYvXw0_[854x480].mkv
85.2 MB
2020/08August/20200819_1960s Documentary on Intellectual Disability (Mentally Retarded)_uJCsMxAZRnM_[854x480]/20200819_1960s Documentary on Intellectual Disability (Mentally Retarded)_uJCsMxAZRnM_[854x480].mkv
84.9 MB
20200319_Psychoneuroses. 1930s Psychiatric film. Conversion Disorder._f5Q5OEqU5iQ_[854x480].mkv
83.3 MB
2020/09September/20200905_Children's coping behaviors in hospital. 1960s observational study - Mary Francis - 5, and Diane - 4_zux9S_4ez-4_[854x480]/20200905_Children's coping behaviors in hospital. 1960s observational study - Mary Francis - 5, and Diane - 4_zux9S_4ez-4_[854x480].mkv
83.2 MB
20191109_Psychose hallucinatoire chronique. 1971. Entretien psychiatrique_xQxhy3L5jKg_[644x480].mkv
82.9 MB
20200714_Circa ~1910 Psychiatric Case Study in Multiple Personality_dcVhxLBTAM4_[640x480].mkv
80.8 MB
20200702_1960s Documentary on Down's Syndrome (Mongolism)_deBURTRAEdY_[854x480].mkv
79.3 MB
20201106_Real autopsy - removal of the brain. 1970 teaching film for pathologists_0z3pJ9nUPU4_[632x480].mkv
78.7 MB
20200224_Psychiatric Interview with Paranoid Schizophrenic. 1983_E1L9Rb0LADg_[1280x604].mkv
77.2 MB
20200705_1950 Psychiatric teaching film using real patient interviews. Nonverbal communication._XIFmBgKRrXc_[854x480].mkv
76.5 MB
20200808_1960s Psychiatric Interviews with Psychotic Women - before and after pharmaceutical treatment._OUWAwuVLe34_[1280x720].mkv
74.4 MB
20200510_Prevention of Introduction of Pandemic Diseases from Abroad. 1930 film_pYjo7XKLhhQ_[852x480].mkv
74.1 MB
20191110_Psychotic Depression. 1960s psychiatric case study._4S5HnUeUjNc_[640x360].mkv
73.5 MB
20200626_Child separation and reunions with parents during hospitalization. 1960s psychological study_ci02QJ7EuUQ_[640x360].mkv
72.8 MB
20200725_1970 Therapy Group for Overweight Women_eqK7HSHRX-E_[854x480].mkv
72.7 MB
20191108_Reinforcement therapy 1966 - Obedience Training of Autistic Children Through Reward and Punishment_k8H3OnxoXLU_[640x480].mkv
72.2 MB
20200305_Psychiatric interview with depressed mom-housewife. 1960_WXw3V74HoH0_[640x480].mkv
72.0 MB
20200708_12 case studies in speech pathology. 1960_gFgcXJU9q9Q_[640x480].mkv
70.0 MB
2020/08August/20200815_Conditioned Reflex Study with Toddlers. 1925 scientific film_Fj-hujssqG0_[640x480]/20200815_Conditioned Reflex Study with Toddlers. 1925 scientific film_Fj-hujssqG0_[640x480].mkv
68.3 MB
20190729_Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Psychiatric Interview from 1980s_CnSxxpTOgIU_[1280x720].mkv
64.1 MB
20200720_Weird German experimental psychology film on perception. 1958_RsIyTgoWpsI_[854x480].mkv
62.9 MB
20190728_1957 Medical Documentary on AUTISM (Childhood Schizophrenia)_CuZegltDbYA_[426x240].mkv
62.7 MB
20200809_1968 Real Police Interview_Interrogation with LOOTER. King assassination riots_hutpyYMiqo8_[854x480].mkv
62.3 MB
20200704_1949 real psychiatric interview. Anxiety_combat fatigue_PTSD in soldier_DYr6hqOlp8U_[854x480].mkv
61.5 MB
20200217_Nursing Care in Shock Therapy. 1943 Psychiatric Treatments._YG0BSzux-v8_[720x480].mkv
59.7 MB
20201113_1970s psychology study of imprinting in ducks (behaviorism)_oJe8vhQ_9b4_[640x480].mkv
59.0 MB
20201113_1960s Teaching Film for Psychiatric Staff. Dealing with psychopath patients in Quebec etc._1YBdOUzniY8_[320x240].mkv
58.9 MB
20200224_1980s Paranoid Schizoprenic Interview. Psychiatric Teaching FIlm. Case 10_7fP1yeE0p28_[1280x604].mkv
58.4 MB
20200720_BZ gas (incapacitating chemical agent) field tests on soldiers. 1962._kz7BWwUi8KQ_[854x480].mkv
58.1 MB
20191110_État démentiel - maladie d'Alzheimer. Entretien psychiatrique 1976_FQOdCJG9XYc_[644x480].mkv
54.9 MB
20200626_1970s interviews on drug use with teens and incarcerated addicts_7J2mU6DpCLM_[640x360].mkv
54.1 MB
20190728_Pathological Anxiety. 1960s Psychiatric Case Study_oIsx65rTx2I_[426x240].mkv
52.6 MB
2020/09September/20200905_1960s Plastic Surgery - Facial and Hand Reconstruction. Case Studies and Patient Interviews_-1VpBEoOPKY_[854x480]/20200905_1960s Plastic Surgery - Facial and Hand Reconstruction. Case Studies and Patient Interviews_-1VpBEoOPKY_[854x480].mkv
51.4 MB
20191111_1962 autism documentary from UK_H7RoA85wn5w_[640x360].mkv
51.1 MB
20190728_Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis. 1960s Psychiatric Interview_v3URuMfNzD0_[426x240].mkv
49.8 MB
20201117_PSYCHOTIC DEPRESSION. Real psychiatric case study. 1960_ie0tnzDcu1s_[426x240].mkv
49.5 MB
20201010_Breast Reduction Surgery in 1966 Medical Documentary. Pre-op, surgery, and post-op_OR4lBOYYz8c_[320x240].mkv
49.5 MB
2020/09September/20200919_Types of Epileptic Seizures.1963 Medical teaching film._v2HpXx1tb1Y_[854x480]/20200919_Types of Epileptic Seizures.1963 Medical teaching film._v2HpXx1tb1Y_[854x480].mkv
48.5 MB
2020/08August/20200813_Sydenham Chorea _ Saint Vitus Dance in a 13 year old. 1946. Silent_GolFWx4RYH4_[1280x720]/20200813_Sydenham Chorea _ Saint Vitus Dance in a 13 year old. 1946. Silent_GolFWx4RYH4_[1280x720].mkv
46.9 MB
20191109_Smallpox. 1940s Medical Documentary. GRAPHIC._61V6mK5WwJg_[636x480].mkv
46.1 MB
20191110_Obesity in Teen Girl. 1960s Psychiatric Case Study._O9uSxsFrMps_[640x360].mkv
45.5 MB
20201010_Old scientific film on psychology of perception. 1940s or 50s._GgbMJD2ZFwQ_[640x360].mkv
45.5 MB
2020/08August/20200823_Fetal response to stimulus. 1951 medical documentary. CONTENT WARNING_c4HqGXknSlU_[854x480]/20200823_Fetal response to stimulus. 1951 medical documentary. CONTENT WARNING_c4HqGXknSlU_[854x480].mkv
45.2 MB
20200718_Rageful 1970s Psychotherapy Session. Martyrdom syndrome._vOXFwF-2uuI_[640x360].mkv
43.5 MB
20201011_1960s Medical Instructional Film. Smallpox vaccine._-lhCMMKVKEk_[854x480].mkv
42.5 MB
20200828_Sydenham Hospital in Harlem - America's first inter-racial_integrated hospital. 1949_tweEoi5PtQQ_[854x480].mkv
41.9 MB
20200630_Weird german experimental psychology film on blind perception, 1950s_gTL6YHVI04Q_[640x360].mkv
41.3 MB
20200707_SNAKE PHOBIA desensitization technique. Real session with real snake. 1970s_Ce0PKdfaBIk_[640x360].mkv
41.2 MB
20190728_The Aggressive Child. 1960s Psychiatric Case study._LCtUT3keczg_[426x240].mkv
38.4 MB
20190728_Psychopath. 1960s Psychiatric Case Study_x_Nr3DS63yU_[426x240].mkv
37.8 MB
20190728_Faces of Depression 1959 Psychiatric Interviews_1uijWUhxe-4_[320x240].mkv
37.4 MB
20200217_Death from Heroin Overdose. Forensic Medicine Lecture 1969_7p9h8i9-K8Q_[320x240].mkv
37.3 MB
20200229_Metrazol Shock Therapy for mental illness. 1943_2FcVRgpP9g0_[854x480].mkv
36.2 MB
2020/08August/20200827_Interview with young psychiatric outpatient, and her mother. 1962_0AcVFnlMLDA_[854x480]/20200827_Interview with young psychiatric outpatient, and her mother. 1962_0AcVFnlMLDA_[854x480].mkv
35.0 MB
20200725_Early 1970s Primal Scream Therapy session_N3wauUA2g88_[854x480].mkv
34.6 MB
20200925_Hypomanic Episode of Bipolar Disorder. Psychiatric interview 1980s_sne73BirXyw_[1280x720].mkv
34.1 MB
20200719_1960s Social Work. Supervised visit of mom suspected of abuse with baby._OPVTBknpU04_[854x480].mkv
32.5 MB
20200713_1969 medical documentary on AUTISM._szmO0UDmAb8_[426x240].mkv
32.0 MB
2020/08August/20200823_1961 Real Psychodrama session at Psychiatric Day Hospital_OotyXbsKF2Q_[854x480]/20200823_1961 Real Psychodrama session at Psychiatric Day Hospital_OotyXbsKF2Q_[854x480].mkv
31.7 MB
2020/09September/20200905_Pseudopregnancy_False Pregnancy. 1934 case study._fLXaXWWu9XM_[854x480]/20200905_Pseudopregnancy_False Pregnancy. 1934 case study._fLXaXWWu9XM_[854x480].mkv
31.7 MB
20190728_MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER Real Psychiatric Interwiew with Eve White Eve Black and Jane_Lyr9DLs28FE_[256x144].mkv
31.7 MB
20190728_PANIC DISORDER 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Man from Tennessee_0Q_Xqg2pGxg_[854x480].mkv
31.6 MB
20191107_Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Psychiatric Interview 1976. Subtitled in English_-Cufq3qBVvY_[644x480].mkv
30.6 MB
20200505_Major Depressive Episode with Melancholia, and Dysthmic Disorder. Psychiatric Interviews from 1980s_U5Brlt7TQYo_[854x480].mkv
30.4 MB
20200809_Depression_Melancholia in 2 forms - Simple and Psychotic. 1971 Psychiatric Interview. French_RJDWnuPmVJc_[854x480].mkv
29.9 MB
20201110_Real autopsy. Enucleation - removal of the eye. 1970 surgical teaching film for pathologists_8cFNGMILgCI_[634x480].mkv
29.4 MB
29.1 MB
20200229_Hysteria in Psychiatry (Conversion reaction). 1967 medical documentary._5bKYUDLOwLU_[854x480].mkv
29.0 MB
20201102_1980s Psychiatric interview with bipolar patient in depressive phase. Medical teaching film._y9uzfDfqZRc_[1280x610].mkv
28.9 MB
20190728_OCD 1960s Psychiatric Interview of Southern Woman with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder_iHNCiBiW3cM_[320x240].mkv
28.0 MB
20200926_1990 Police Instructional film on identifying Satanism related crimes_l_haAZmVSas_[640x360].mp4
27.8 MB
20200209_Cholera Today. 1966 medical documentary._-DNb75C0YQk_[320x240].mkv
27.7 MB
20191107_Patient with Schizophrenia 1971 psychiatric interview. Subtitled in English_5L-__gHy_n8_[644x480].mkv
23.8 MB
20201101_Psychiatric Interview with Betsy, borderline psychotic child. 1960s_tPPmwfbUdNQ_[854x480].mkv
23.1 MB
20200726_1972 interviews of adults with speech disorders_impediments._tKv4fqchl00_[854x480].mkv
23.1 MB
20190728_Psychiatric Interview 1950s HEBEPHRENIC SCHIZOPHRENIA_rPAfEm5iovY_[640x360].mkv
22.3 MB
20201011_1980s Psychiatric interview with manic patient. Medical teaching film._GzEU6kg22rg_[1278x720].mkv
22.1 MB
20190728_Case 6 DEPRESSION 1951 Real Psychiatric Interview with Farmer Ross_vq_mdzgjWz0_[426x240].mkv
21.6 MB
20190728_HYPOCHONDRIA 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Patient experiencing Hysterical Neurosis_gZd7rPui_n4_[426x240].mkv
21.0 MB
2020/08August/20200810_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 1. Classification_JJ6HkY9suRs_[854x480]/20200810_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 1. Classification_JJ6HkY9suRs_[854x480].mkv
20.6 MB
20200706_Brain surgery for Hysteria in 1945. Silent film._Fiai5SKSN2k_[640x480].mkv
20.4 MB
20200129_LOBOTOMY - Before and After, Female Patients. 1944_xQctk-ou-1g_[1280x720].mkv
20.2 MB
20190728_PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA 1960s Psychiatric Patient Interview_bw-agSnrEsU_[426x240].mkv
20.0 MB
20200505_Cotard Delusion. Major Depressive Episode with Psychotic Features. Psychiatric teaching interview_bH7MrTkcWDs_[854x480].mkv
19.9 MB
2020/09September/20200909_1966 Interviews with Real Prisoners at State Penitentary_N-jKG4eXMRY_[854x480]/20200909_1966 Interviews with Real Prisoners at State Penitentary_N-jKG4eXMRY_[854x480].mkv
19.9 MB
20190728_SCHIZOPHRENIA 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Musician_iBNsZXSPdzM_[426x240].mkv
19.3 MB
20201010_Cyclic Neutropenia. 1970s medical teaching film (featuring grey collie puppies)_-Sa_BFdlJL8_[640x480].mkv
19.1 MB
20190728_Psychiatric interview with schizophrenic mother and daughter. FOLIE a DEUX 1951_i2eqTWKP2qU_[426x240].mkv
19.0 MB
20190728_DISSOCIATIVE DISORDER 1960s Psychiatric Interview of Man Suffering from Blackouts and Amnesia_3cgWUqHG54o_[320x240].mkv
18.3 MB
20190728_BIPOLAR 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Hypomanic Biology Teacher_vGV5kQ8B44s_[426x240].mkv
18.2 MB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with SCHIZOPHRENIC Country Gentleman_GBFIoQac9JQ_[318x240].mkv
18.0 MB
20190728_DELIRIUM TREMENS. Psychiatric Interview from 1960s._937YB3Uq_Uc_[426x240].mkv
17.9 MB
20190728_A Mom's Decision to Institutionalize Her Blind Baby, Martin_YFp-2cOBgWA_[426x240].mkv
17.9 MB
20200702_Brief interview with incarcerated rapists. 1970s._xgGobvx0Khw_[854x480].mkv
17.6 MB
20201107_Mongolism (Down's syndrome). 1950s medical teaching film on the 'feebleminded'_MbWAw9qUEPw_[854x480].mkv
17.6 MB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with SCHIZOPHRENIC young man from the deep south_qZDdTEa54wM_[426x240].mkv
17.0 MB
2020/09September/20200902_Mania in Bipolar Disorder Psychiatric Interview from 1980s._pzMR6Je1dh4_[854x480]/20200902_Mania in Bipolar Disorder Psychiatric Interview from 1980s._pzMR6Je1dh4_[854x480].mkv
16.8 MB
20200705_1960s Social worker interview with abused child and abusing parent._YHN4QoLGKVQ_[854x480].mkv
16.1 MB
20190728_Case 5 Senile Psychosis 1951 psychiatric interview with dementia patients_zyIm6BLl8LI_[426x240].mkv
15.9 MB
20200924_Microcephaly. 1950s medical teaching film_ZFTyYS38A4c_[854x480].mkv
15.7 MB
20190728_DEPRESSION 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Housewife_svwln5Muwq8_[426x240].mkv
15.7 MB
20200504_Disorganized (Hebephrenic) Schizophrenia Interview from 1980s. Psychiatric teaching film._G8aZZVBWg1s_[854x480].mkv
15.0 MB
20190728_Paranoid Schizophrenia. 1950s Psychiatric Interviews_cw-yTgi8Ms8_[426x240].mkv
14.7 MB
20200630_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Teen Girl. Acute Schizophrenic Episode_eGEU8Pq20S4_[320x240].mkv
14.6 MB
20191109_Mystical Delirium in 20 year old woman, post-partum. 1971 psychiatric interview. English subtitles_ZFU6pZXMv44_[644x480].mkv
14.4 MB
20200809_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 2. EPILEPSY_eoyHr2GdpMI_[854x480].mkv
14.3 MB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Schizophrenic Woman_J8nXtuLPhpM_[318x240].mkv
13.8 MB
2020/08August/20200814_Psychiatric Inteview with Teen Girl. 1960s_m8G6ZGn8OjY_[1280x720]/20200814_Psychiatric Inteview with Teen Girl. 1960s_m8G6ZGn8OjY_[1280x720].mkv
13.8 MB
20191107_ALCOHOLISM - 1960s Real Psychiatric Interview with Southern Gentleman_m9LEis46M-Q_[634x480].mkv
13.3 MB
20190728_ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY (Psychopath) Psychiatric Interview from 1960s_0QbwuF_IcDc_[426x240].mkv
12.9 MB
20200228_Schizophrenia interview. First rank symptoms - thought broadcasting, made acts, feelings and impulses_hoODjy357eA_[854x480].mkv
12.8 MB
20200924_1943. Rehabilitation_physical therapy facility for children. Cerebral Palsy and Polio_87tKYQZkY4Q_[640x480].mkv
12.4 MB
20201011_1963 Baby training, and fitness advice for moms from Bonnie Prudden._HTqDH2c7Hew_[854x480].mkv
12.2 MB
20201116_Psychiatric Interview. Control (normal) vs. schizophrenic. 1960s_9SSjNne7ydg_[426x240].mkv
11.8 MB
20200227_Young man with paranoid schizophrenia, psychiatric interview._GyEjbjgafrg_[854x480].mkv
11.8 MB
20200226_Psychiatric interview with a schizophrenic. Hearing Voices - auditory hallucinations_bRQF7sOVGck_[854x480].mkv
11.7 MB
2020/08August/20200831_1980s Psychiatric Interview - Manic phase of bipolar disorder_SlJ50ByYzGQ_[854x480]/20200831_1980s Psychiatric Interview - Manic phase of bipolar disorder_SlJ50ByYzGQ_[854x480].mkv
11.3 MB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Teen Girl_rdB7jNg7E2I_[426x240].mkv
11.3 MB
20190728_DRUG ADDICTED HOUSEWIFE 1960s Psychiatric Interview. Barbiturates dependency_yRk3Qzg-wtQ_[320x240].mkv
11.2 MB
20200514_1960s Psychiatric interview with Gay Teenager_AvciA2PD3tI_[640x480].mkv
11.1 MB
20200706_1960s Psychiatric Interview. Depressive Neurosis, feelings of inferiority._KTZ5EvxV-pk_[640x480].mkv
11.0 MB
2020/09September/20200916_Aphasia - disorder of language. 1970s medical interview_L653mYmp0oU_[854x480]/20200916_Aphasia - disorder of language. 1970s medical interview_L653mYmp0oU_[854x480].mkv
10.9 MB
2020/09September/20200915_1951 Psychiatric Interview with Depressed Patient_pCXZKv8tmTQ_[854x480]/20200915_1951 Psychiatric Interview with Depressed Patient_pCXZKv8tmTQ_[854x480].mkv
10.0 MB
20190728_SCHIZOID PERSONALITY+DEPRESSION 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Adolescent Girl_FdzuB5JWeMg_[426x240].mkv
9.9 MB
20190728_ACUTE ANXIETY 1960s Psychiatric Interview with young Gay_QE5ZOjVVJQk_[426x240].mkv
8.9 MB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview. Hysterical Personality_meJB-RZvBcY_[426x240].mkv
8.8 MB
20191107_18 year old girl with Catatonic Schizophrenia. Psychiatric interview. Subtitled in English_8MF1FcWDmWk_[644x480].mkv
8.8 MB
20190728_BIPOLAR 1960 Psychiatric Interview with Patient in Manic phase_62DTK0kQX4Q_[426x240].mkv
8.3 MB
20190728_CHRONIC ANXIETY 1960s Psychiatric Interview_noqVXzSxflA_[426x240].mkv
7.9 MB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Angry Teen Boy_cbdY5t-PJK8_[426x240].mkv
7.2 MB
20190728_Depressive Phase of Bipolar Disorder. 1950s Psychiatric Interview_XGridZIpU0o_[426x240].mkv
7.1 MB
20190728_Psychiatric Interview 1960s BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC CHILD_CCgBj66rzF4_[640x360].mkv
5.1 MB
20200226_Catatonic Schizophrenia - waxy flexibility and automatic obedience example._KHqlVPk8ymA_[854x480].mkv
3.3 MB
20200427_Patient with Borderline Personality, Paranoid. Psychiatric_psychoanalytic Interview_erz_ATpxRf4_[854x406].info.json
464.1 kB
20190810_1960s documentary on a self injuring autistic child._7cCB5YqqzUA_[1280x720].info.json
452.2 kB
20200219_Incapacitation by Psychoactive Drug BZ - Medical Study. Real footage from 1960s_7ZabGSbXhEQ_[640x480].info.json
412.7 kB
20200707_Treatment for SCHIZOPHRENIA. 1951 film._RupyAIIVbIM_[640x480].info.json
388.1 kB
20200708_12 case studies in speech pathology. 1960_gFgcXJU9q9Q_[640x480].info.json
384.0 kB
2020/08August/20200823_1959 Psychiatric instructional film. Managing the Aggressive Patient (dramatized)._tzt2Gntz6vs_[640x480]/20200823_1959 Psychiatric instructional film. Managing the Aggressive Patient (dramatized)._tzt2Gntz6vs_[640x480].info.json
367.2 kB
20200704_1949 real psychiatric interview. Anxiety_combat fatigue_PTSD in soldier_DYr6hqOlp8U_[854x480].info.json
364.5 kB
20200705_1950 Psychiatric teaching film using real patient interviews. Nonverbal communication._XIFmBgKRrXc_[854x480].info.json
360.4 kB
20191110_Psychotic Depression. 1960s psychiatric case study._4S5HnUeUjNc_[640x360].info.json
359.5 kB
20190728_1957 Medical Documentary on AUTISM (Childhood Schizophrenia)_CuZegltDbYA_[426x240].info.json
354.3 kB
20200213_Amphetamine Abuse. 1969 medical documentary on the Speed Scene_HtLm2PWrgWo_[644x480].info.json
347.0 kB
20200718_Rageful 1970s Psychotherapy Session. Martyrdom syndrome._vOXFwF-2uuI_[640x360].info.json
326.6 kB
20191107_Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Psychiatric Interview 1976. Subtitled in English_-Cufq3qBVvY_[644x480].info.json
315.0 kB
20200505_Cotard Delusion. Major Depressive Episode with Psychotic Features. Psychiatric teaching interview_bH7MrTkcWDs_[854x480].info.json
312.9 kB
20200510_Prevention of Introduction of Pandemic Diseases from Abroad. 1930 film_pYjo7XKLhhQ_[852x480].info.json
312.0 kB
20200707_SNAKE PHOBIA desensitization technique. Real session with real snake. 1970s_Ce0PKdfaBIk_[640x360].info.json
310.3 kB
20191111_1962 autism documentary from UK_H7RoA85wn5w_[640x360].info.json
307.7 kB
20200217_Death from Heroin Overdose. Forensic Medicine Lecture 1969_7p9h8i9-K8Q_[320x240].info.json
307.4 kB
20200630_Weird german experimental psychology film on blind perception, 1950s_gTL6YHVI04Q_[640x360].info.json
305.0 kB
20200626_1970s interviews on drug use with teens and incarcerated addicts_7J2mU6DpCLM_[640x360].info.json
302.4 kB
20200726_1972 interviews of adults with speech disorders_impediments._tKv4fqchl00_[854x480].info.json
297.1 kB
2020/08August/20200823_1961 Real Psychodrama session at Psychiatric Day Hospital_OotyXbsKF2Q_[854x480]/20200823_1961 Real Psychodrama session at Psychiatric Day Hospital_OotyXbsKF2Q_[854x480].info.json
296.7 kB
20200217_Nursing Care in Shock Therapy. 1943 Psychiatric Treatments._YG0BSzux-v8_[720x480].info.json
295.6 kB
20200828_Sydenham Hospital in Harlem - America's first inter-racial_integrated hospital. 1949_tweEoi5PtQQ_[854x480].info.json
295.4 kB
20190728_SCHIZOPHRENIA 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Musician_iBNsZXSPdzM_[426x240].info.json
294.3 kB
20200720_BZ gas (incapacitating chemical agent) field tests on soldiers. 1962._kz7BWwUi8KQ_[854x480].info.json
293.5 kB
20200228_Schizophrenia interview. First rank symptoms - thought broadcasting, made acts, feelings and impulses_hoODjy357eA_[854x480].info.json
290.6 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with SCHIZOPHRENIC Country Gentleman_GBFIoQac9JQ_[318x240].info.json
288.5 kB
20191107_ALCOHOLISM - 1960s Real Psychiatric Interview with Southern Gentleman_m9LEis46M-Q_[634x480].info.json
286.4 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Schizophrenic Woman_J8nXtuLPhpM_[318x240].info.json
281.8 kB
20200725_Early 1970s Primal Scream Therapy session_N3wauUA2g88_[854x480].info.json
281.6 kB
20200229_Hysteria in Psychiatry (Conversion reaction). 1967 medical documentary._5bKYUDLOwLU_[854x480].info.json
278.9 kB
20200706_1960s Psychiatric Interview. Depressive Neurosis, feelings of inferiority._KTZ5EvxV-pk_[640x480].info.json
278.3 kB
20200226_Psychiatric interview with a schizophrenic. Hearing Voices - auditory hallucinations_bRQF7sOVGck_[854x480].info.json
276.5 kB
20190728_Case 6 DEPRESSION 1951 Real Psychiatric Interview with Farmer Ross_vq_mdzgjWz0_[426x240].info.json
275.4 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Teen Girl_rdB7jNg7E2I_[426x240].info.json
275.4 kB
20190728_HYPOCHONDRIA 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Patient experiencing Hysterical Neurosis_gZd7rPui_n4_[426x240].info.json
274.7 kB
20200702_Brief interview with incarcerated rapists. 1970s._xgGobvx0Khw_[854x480].info.json
269.6 kB
20190728_DEPRESSION 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Housewife_svwln5Muwq8_[426x240].info.json
268.3 kB
20190728_PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA 1960s Psychiatric Patient Interview_bw-agSnrEsU_[426x240].info.json
267.5 kB
20190728_DISSOCIATIVE DISORDER 1960s Psychiatric Interview of Man Suffering from Blackouts and Amnesia_3cgWUqHG54o_[320x240].info.json
267.4 kB
20190728_Case 5 Senile Psychosis 1951 psychiatric interview with dementia patients_zyIm6BLl8LI_[426x240].info.json
261.6 kB
20190728_SCHIZOID PERSONALITY+DEPRESSION 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Adolescent Girl_FdzuB5JWeMg_[426x240].info.json
258.0 kB
20190728_BIPOLAR 1960 Psychiatric Interview with Patient in Manic phase_62DTK0kQX4Q_[426x240].info.json
255.3 kB
20200514_1960s Psychiatric interview with Gay Teenager_AvciA2PD3tI_[640x480].info.json
253.6 kB
2020/09September/20200909_1954 High school foreign exchange students share criticisms and opinions on America_ujGnc94qrjo_[1280x610]/20200909_1954 High school foreign exchange students share criticisms and opinions on America_ujGnc94qrjo_[1280x610].en.vtt
253.4 kB
20200212_Eugenics propaganda film from 1937._FXZCThN2IbQ_[2560x1440].info.json
252.3 kB
2020/09September/20200909_1954 High school foreign exchange students share criticisms and opinions on America_ujGnc94qrjo_[1280x610]/20200909_1954 High school foreign exchange students share criticisms and opinions on America_ujGnc94qrjo_[1280x610].info.json
251.9 kB
2020/09September/20200907_1954 High School Exchange Students from Korea, Finland, Pakistan and Nigeria discuss American Teens_V6iwt-dL4k4_[1280x610]/20200907_1954 High School Exchange Students from Korea, Finland, Pakistan and Nigeria discuss American Teens_V6iwt-dL4k4_[1280x610].info.json
251.6 kB
2020/09September/20200920_1954 High School Exchange Students - Egypt, Israel, Iceland & Norway discuss middle-east conflict_3gXt8rHKYo4_[1280x610]/20200920_1954 High School Exchange Students - Egypt, Israel, Iceland & Norway discuss middle-east conflict_3gXt8rHKYo4_[1280x610].info.json
251.5 kB
2020/09September/20200919_1959 high school students from South Africa, Ghana, Greece & USA discuss prejudice & race relations_m54zVrOX79Q_[1280x610]/20200919_1959 high school students from South Africa, Ghana, Greece & USA discuss prejudice & race relations_m54zVrOX79Q_[1280x610].info.json
251.5 kB
20200924_1954 foreign exchange students from India, Japan and Jordan give their impressions of America_MhjBLLfFLyA_[1280x610].info.json
251.4 kB
20190729_Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Psychiatric Interview from 1980s_CnSxxpTOgIU_[1280x720].info.json
251.4 kB
20190810_PSYCHOTIC CONDITION - Organic Brain Syndrome. Psychiatric Interview from 1970s_BDLEL14YN1c_[1280x720].info.json
251.3 kB
20200808_1948 Documentary on Transitioning 2 and 3 Year Olds to Daycare._EuhWGt0en8Y_[1280x720].info.json
251.2 kB
2020/09September/20200909_1955 high school foreign exchange students answer questions from Americans_PWFCl5ZH6P4_[1280x610]/20200909_1955 high school foreign exchange students answer questions from Americans_PWFCl5ZH6P4_[1280x610].info.json
251.2 kB
20200925_Hypomanic Episode of Bipolar Disorder. Psychiatric interview 1980s_sne73BirXyw_[1280x720].info.json
250.9 kB
20191107_18 year old girl with Catatonic Schizophrenia. Psychiatric interview. Subtitled in English_8MF1FcWDmWk_[644x480].info.json
250.1 kB
2020/08August/20200810_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 1. Classification_JJ6HkY9suRs_[854x480]/20200810_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 1. Classification_JJ6HkY9suRs_[854x480].info.json
246.8 kB
20200224_Psychiatric Interview with Paranoid Schizophrenic. 1983_E1L9Rb0LADg_[1280x604].info.json
246.8 kB
20200305_Psychiatric interview with depressed mom-housewife. 1960_WXw3V74HoH0_[640x480].info.json
246.8 kB
2020/09September/20200905_Children's coping behaviors in hospital. 1960s observational study - Mary Francis - 5, and Diane - 4_zux9S_4ez-4_[854x480]/20200905_Children's coping behaviors in hospital. 1960s observational study - Mary Francis - 5, and Diane - 4_zux9S_4ez-4_[854x480].info.json
246.7 kB
20191109_Psychose hallucinatoire chronique. 1971. Entretien psychiatrique_xQxhy3L5jKg_[644x480].info.json
246.7 kB
2020/08August/20200829_1958 Demonstration of American Dialects_Accents__8ZNnlYvXw0_[854x480]/20200829_1958 Demonstration of American Dialects_Accents__8ZNnlYvXw0_[854x480].info.json
246.7 kB
20200227_Young man with paranoid schizophrenia, psychiatric interview._GyEjbjgafrg_[854x480].info.json
246.6 kB
20191108_Reinforcement therapy 1966 - Obedience Training of Autistic Children Through Reward and Punishment_k8H3OnxoXLU_[640x480].info.json
246.5 kB
2020/09September/20200909_1966 Interviews with Real Prisoners at State Penitentary_N-jKG4eXMRY_[854x480]/20200909_1966 Interviews with Real Prisoners at State Penitentary_N-jKG4eXMRY_[854x480].info.json
246.5 kB
20200702_1960s Documentary on Down's Syndrome (Mongolism)_deBURTRAEdY_[854x480].info.json
246.4 kB
2020/08August/20200831_1980s Psychiatric Interview - Manic phase of bipolar disorder_SlJ50ByYzGQ_[854x480]/20200831_1980s Psychiatric Interview - Manic phase of bipolar disorder_SlJ50ByYzGQ_[854x480].info.json
246.4 kB
20200504_Disorganized (Hebephrenic) Schizophrenia Interview from 1980s. Psychiatric teaching film._G8aZZVBWg1s_[854x480].info.json
246.4 kB
2020/09September/20200902_Mania in Bipolar Disorder Psychiatric Interview from 1980s._pzMR6Je1dh4_[854x480]/20200902_Mania in Bipolar Disorder Psychiatric Interview from 1980s._pzMR6Je1dh4_[854x480].info.json
246.4 kB
2020/08August/20200827_Interview with young psychiatric outpatient, and her mother. 1962_0AcVFnlMLDA_[854x480]/20200827_Interview with young psychiatric outpatient, and her mother. 1962_0AcVFnlMLDA_[854x480].info.json
246.4 kB
2020/09September/20200916_Aphasia - disorder of language. 1970s medical interview_L653mYmp0oU_[854x480]/20200916_Aphasia - disorder of language. 1970s medical interview_L653mYmp0oU_[854x480].info.json
246.4 kB
20200505_Major Depressive Episode with Melancholia, and Dysthmic Disorder. Psychiatric Interviews from 1980s_U5Brlt7TQYo_[854x480].info.json
246.4 kB
20200720_Weird German experimental psychology film on perception. 1958_RsIyTgoWpsI_[854x480].info.json
246.3 kB
2020/08August/20200819_1960s Documentary on Intellectual Disability (Mentally Retarded)_uJCsMxAZRnM_[854x480]/20200819_1960s Documentary on Intellectual Disability (Mentally Retarded)_uJCsMxAZRnM_[854x480].info.json
246.3 kB
20200730_1946 Documentary on Teaching Deaf Children to Talk_0sEPRWz4GeU_[854x480].info.json
246.2 kB
20200310_Psychotropic drug 'BZ' tested on American soldiers. 1963_4rW0wqSUx-E_[1920x1080].info.json
246.2 kB
20200224_1980s Paranoid Schizoprenic Interview. Psychiatric Teaching FIlm. Case 10_7fP1yeE0p28_[1280x604].info.json
245.2 kB
20200705_1960s Social worker interview with abused child and abusing parent._YHN4QoLGKVQ_[854x480].info.json
244.2 kB
20191110_Obesity in Teen Girl. 1960s Psychiatric Case Study._O9uSxsFrMps_[640x360].info.json
243.6 kB
2020/09September/20200919_1959 high school students from South Africa, Ghana, Greece & USA discuss prejudice & race relations_m54zVrOX79Q_[1280x610]/20200919_1959 high school students from South Africa, Ghana, Greece & USA discuss prejudice & race relations_m54zVrOX79Q_[1280x610].en.vtt
243.5 kB
20191109_Mystical Delirium in 20 year old woman, post-partum. 1971 psychiatric interview. English subtitles_ZFU6pZXMv44_[644x480].info.json
242.8 kB
20191107_Patient with Schizophrenia 1971 psychiatric interview. Subtitled in English_5L-__gHy_n8_[644x480].info.json
242.4 kB
20190810_Maternal Neglect and Recovery. 1960s case study of two girls - Nora and Sally_c7Erg0D77VQ_[1280x720].info.json
242.2 kB
20190728_ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY (Psychopath) Psychiatric Interview from 1960s_0QbwuF_IcDc_[426x240].info.json
242.1 kB
20200808_1960s Psychiatric Interviews with Psychotic Women - before and after pharmaceutical treatment._OUWAwuVLe34_[1280x720].info.json
241.9 kB
2020/08August/20200813_What to do if you're taken hostage. Instructional film._k51IJTYa8bU_[1280x720]/20200813_What to do if you're taken hostage. Instructional film._k51IJTYa8bU_[1280x720].info.json
241.6 kB
20190728_Faces of Depression 1959 Psychiatric Interviews_1uijWUhxe-4_[320x240].info.json
241.6 kB
20190728_ACUTE ANXIETY 1960s Psychiatric Interview with young Gay_QE5ZOjVVJQk_[426x240].info.json
240.8 kB
20190728_Psychiatric interview with schizophrenic mother and daughter. FOLIE a DEUX 1951_i2eqTWKP2qU_[426x240].info.json
240.7 kB
20190728_Psychiatric Interview 1960s BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC CHILD_CCgBj66rzF4_[640x360].info.json
240.6 kB
20190728_BIPOLAR 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Hypomanic Biology Teacher_vGV5kQ8B44s_[426x240].info.json
240.6 kB
20190728_CHRONIC ANXIETY 1960s Psychiatric Interview_noqVXzSxflA_[426x240].info.json
240.6 kB
20190728_Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis. 1960s Psychiatric Interview_v3URuMfNzD0_[426x240].info.json
240.5 kB
20190728_Psychiatric Interview 1950s HEBEPHRENIC SCHIZOPHRENIA_rPAfEm5iovY_[640x360].info.json
240.4 kB
20200713_1969 medical documentary on AUTISM._szmO0UDmAb8_[426x240].info.json
240.2 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview. Hysterical Personality_meJB-RZvBcY_[426x240].info.json
239.9 kB
20200719_1960s Social Work. Supervised visit of mom suspected of abuse with baby._OPVTBknpU04_[854x480].info.json
238.0 kB
20200226_Catatonic Schizophrenia - waxy flexibility and automatic obedience example._KHqlVPk8ymA_[854x480].info.json
237.9 kB
20200721_1950s Psychiatric Interview with gay college student looking for homosexuality cure_yIvfXQxW0KY_[854x480].info.json
237.7 kB
2020/09September/20200905_1960s Plastic Surgery - Facial and Hand Reconstruction. Case Studies and Patient Interviews_-1VpBEoOPKY_[854x480]/20200905_1960s Plastic Surgery - Facial and Hand Reconstruction. Case Studies and Patient Interviews_-1VpBEoOPKY_[854x480].info.json
237.7 kB
2020/08August/20200814_Psychiatric Inteview with Teen Girl. 1960s_m8G6ZGn8OjY_[1280x720]/20200814_Psychiatric Inteview with Teen Girl. 1960s_m8G6ZGn8OjY_[1280x720].info.json
237.7 kB
20200809_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 2. EPILEPSY_eoyHr2GdpMI_[854x480].info.json
237.6 kB
20200725_1970 Therapy Group for Overweight Women_eqK7HSHRX-E_[854x480].info.json
237.2 kB
20200809_1968 Real Police Interview_Interrogation with LOOTER. King assassination riots_hutpyYMiqo8_[854x480].info.json
237.2 kB
20200924_Microcephaly. 1950s medical teaching film_ZFTyYS38A4c_[854x480].info.json
237.1 kB
2020/09September/20200919_Types of Epileptic Seizures.1963 Medical teaching film._v2HpXx1tb1Y_[854x480]/20200919_Types of Epileptic Seizures.1963 Medical teaching film._v2HpXx1tb1Y_[854x480].info.json
237.1 kB
20190728_OCD 1960s Psychiatric Interview of Southern Woman with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder_iHNCiBiW3cM_[320x240].info.json
236.9 kB
20200809_Depression_Melancholia in 2 forms - Simple and Psychotic. 1971 Psychiatric Interview. French_RJDWnuPmVJc_[854x480].info.json
236.9 kB
20190728_Paranoid Schizophrenia. 1950s Psychiatric Interviews_cw-yTgi8Ms8_[426x240].info.json
236.8 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with SCHIZOPHRENIC young man from the deep south_qZDdTEa54wM_[426x240].info.json
236.3 kB
20190728_Depressive Phase of Bipolar Disorder. 1950s Psychiatric Interview_XGridZIpU0o_[426x240].info.json
236.2 kB
20190728_DELIRIUM TREMENS. Psychiatric Interview from 1960s._937YB3Uq_Uc_[426x240].info.json
236.1 kB
2020/09September/20200920_1954 High School Exchange Students - Egypt, Israel, Iceland & Norway discuss middle-east conflict_3gXt8rHKYo4_[1280x610]/20200920_1954 High School Exchange Students - Egypt, Israel, Iceland & Norway discuss middle-east conflict_3gXt8rHKYo4_[1280x610].en.vtt
235.4 kB
20190728_PANIC DISORDER 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Man from Tennessee_0Q_Xqg2pGxg_[854x480].info.json
233.9 kB
2020/08August/20200829_1958 Demonstration of American Dialects_Accents__8ZNnlYvXw0_[854x480]/20200829_1958 Demonstration of American Dialects_Accents__8ZNnlYvXw0_[854x480].en.vtt
232.8 kB
20190728_The Aggressive Child. 1960s Psychiatric Case study._LCtUT3keczg_[426x240].info.json
231.4 kB
20190728_Psychopath. 1960s Psychiatric Case Study_x_Nr3DS63yU_[426x240].info.json
231.4 kB
20190728_A Mom's Decision to Institutionalize Her Blind Baby, Martin_YFp-2cOBgWA_[426x240].info.json
230.8 kB
2020/09September/20200907_1954 High School Exchange Students from Korea, Finland, Pakistan and Nigeria discuss American Teens_V6iwt-dL4k4_[1280x610]/20200907_1954 High School Exchange Students from Korea, Finland, Pakistan and Nigeria discuss American Teens_V6iwt-dL4k4_[1280x610].en.vtt
230.6 kB
20190728_Pathological Anxiety. 1960s Psychiatric Case Study_oIsx65rTx2I_[426x240].info.json
230.0 kB
20190728_MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER Real Psychiatric Interwiew with Eve White Eve Black and Jane_Lyr9DLs28FE_[256x144].info.json
229.2 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Angry Teen Boy_cbdY5t-PJK8_[426x240].info.json
227.5 kB
20200630_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Teen Girl. Acute Schizophrenic Episode_eGEU8Pq20S4_[320x240].info.json
227.2 kB
20190728_DRUG ADDICTED HOUSEWIFE 1960s Psychiatric Interview. Barbiturates dependency_yRk3Qzg-wtQ_[320x240].info.json
227.1 kB
20200926_1990 Police Instructional film on identifying Satanism related crimes_l_haAZmVSas_[640x360].info.json
219.7 kB
2020/09September/20200909_1955 high school foreign exchange students answer questions from Americans_PWFCl5ZH6P4_[1280x610]/20200909_1955 high school foreign exchange students answer questions from Americans_PWFCl5ZH6P4_[1280x610].en.vtt
212.9 kB
2020/09September/20200905_1960s Plastic Surgery - Facial and Hand Reconstruction. Case Studies and Patient Interviews_-1VpBEoOPKY_[854x480]/20200905_1960s Plastic Surgery - Facial and Hand Reconstruction. Case Studies and Patient Interviews_-1VpBEoOPKY_[854x480].en.vtt
181.6 kB
2020/08August/20200819_1960s Documentary on Intellectual Disability (Mentally Retarded)_uJCsMxAZRnM_[854x480]/20200819_1960s Documentary on Intellectual Disability (Mentally Retarded)_uJCsMxAZRnM_[854x480].en.vtt
173.4 kB
2020/09September/20200905_Children's coping behaviors in hospital. 1960s observational study - Mary Francis - 5, and Diane - 4_zux9S_4ez-4_[854x480]/20200905_Children's coping behaviors in hospital. 1960s observational study - Mary Francis - 5, and Diane - 4_zux9S_4ez-4_[854x480].en.vtt
160.5 kB
2020/08August/20200823_1959 Psychiatric instructional film. Managing the Aggressive Patient (dramatized)._tzt2Gntz6vs_[640x480]/20200823_1959 Psychiatric instructional film. Managing the Aggressive Patient (dramatized)._tzt2Gntz6vs_[640x480].en.vtt
147.7 kB
2020/08August/20200823_Fetal response to stimulus. 1951 medical documentary. CONTENT WARNING_c4HqGXknSlU_[854x480]/20200823_Fetal response to stimulus. 1951 medical documentary. CONTENT WARNING_c4HqGXknSlU_[854x480].info.json
124.7 kB
20200714_Circa ~1910 Psychiatric Case Study in Multiple Personality_dcVhxLBTAM4_[640x480].info.json
115.0 kB
20191110_État démentiel - maladie d'Alzheimer. Entretien psychiatrique 1976_FQOdCJG9XYc_[644x480].info.json
112.3 kB
2020/08August/20200813_What to do if you're taken hostage. Instructional film._k51IJTYa8bU_[1280x720]/20200813_What to do if you're taken hostage. Instructional film._k51IJTYa8bU_[1280x720].en.vtt
110.0 kB
96.0 kB
20200219_Electroshock Therapy. 1943 psychiatric film._TTwYItZ7PzM_[1920x1080].info.json
95.6 kB
20201115_1957 Edition - Impressions of America by high school foreign exchange students_Ju2XaBdKca0_[1280x720].jpg
82.2 kB
20201010_Old scientific film on psychology of perception. 1940s or 50s._GgbMJD2ZFwQ_[640x360].info.json
81.4 kB
20200219_Electroshock Therapy. 1943 psychiatric film._TTwYItZ7PzM_[1920x1080].jpg
76.1 kB
2020/08August/20200827_Interview with young psychiatric outpatient, and her mother. 1962_0AcVFnlMLDA_[854x480]/20200827_Interview with young psychiatric outpatient, and her mother. 1962_0AcVFnlMLDA_[854x480].en.vtt
75.8 kB
2020/09September/20200919_Types of Epileptic Seizures.1963 Medical teaching film._v2HpXx1tb1Y_[854x480]/20200919_Types of Epileptic Seizures.1963 Medical teaching film._v2HpXx1tb1Y_[854x480].en.vtt
75.8 kB
20200209_Cholera Today. 1966 medical documentary._-DNb75C0YQk_[320x240].info.json
74.5 kB
2020/09September/20200907_1954 High School Exchange Students from Korea, Finland, Pakistan and Nigeria discuss American Teens_V6iwt-dL4k4_[1280x610]/20200907_1954 High School Exchange Students from Korea, Finland, Pakistan and Nigeria discuss American Teens_V6iwt-dL4k4_[1280x610].jpg
73.6 kB
20200217_Nursing Care in Shock Therapy. 1943 Psychiatric Treatments._YG0BSzux-v8_[720x480].jpg
73.2 kB
2020/09September/20200905_1960s Plastic Surgery - Facial and Hand Reconstruction. Case Studies and Patient Interviews_-1VpBEoOPKY_[854x480]/20200905_1960s Plastic Surgery - Facial and Hand Reconstruction. Case Studies and Patient Interviews_-1VpBEoOPKY_[854x480].jpg
69.4 kB
20201011_1960s Medical Instructional Film. Smallpox vaccine._-lhCMMKVKEk_[854x480].jpg
67.3 kB
20201001_1954 High School Exchange Students from Indonesia, Ghana, South Africa & Denmark discuss race_rWdVSnFhKqo_[1280x720].jpg
66.5 kB
20200730_1946 Documentary on Teaching Deaf Children to Talk_0sEPRWz4GeU_[854x480].jpg
65.3 kB
20201011_1963 Baby training, and fitness advice for moms from Bonnie Prudden._HTqDH2c7Hew_[854x480].jpg
64.4 kB
20200229_Metrazol Shock Therapy for mental illness. 1943_2FcVRgpP9g0_[854x480].info.json
63.8 kB
20200213_Amphetamine Abuse. 1969 medical documentary on the Speed Scene_HtLm2PWrgWo_[644x480].jpg
63.4 kB
2020/09September/20200909_1966 Interviews with Real Prisoners at State Penitentary_N-jKG4eXMRY_[854x480]/20200909_1966 Interviews with Real Prisoners at State Penitentary_N-jKG4eXMRY_[854x480].en.vtt
63.1 kB
20201011_1963 Baby training, and fitness advice for moms from Bonnie Prudden._HTqDH2c7Hew_[854x480].info.json
62.9 kB
2020/09September/20200902_Mania in Bipolar Disorder Psychiatric Interview from 1980s._pzMR6Je1dh4_[854x480]/20200902_Mania in Bipolar Disorder Psychiatric Interview from 1980s._pzMR6Je1dh4_[854x480].jpg
62.5 kB
20201010_Cyclic Neutropenia. 1970s medical teaching film (featuring grey collie puppies)_-Sa_BFdlJL8_[640x480].info.json
62.4 kB
20200808_1948 Documentary on Transitioning 2 and 3 Year Olds to Daycare._EuhWGt0en8Y_[1280x720].jpg
61.8 kB
20200510_Prevention of Introduction of Pandemic Diseases from Abroad. 1930 film_pYjo7XKLhhQ_[852x480].jpg
61.6 kB
20200505_Cotard Delusion. Major Depressive Episode with Psychotic Features. Psychiatric teaching interview_bH7MrTkcWDs_[854x480].jpg
61.2 kB
20200706_Brain surgery for Hysteria in 1945. Silent film._Fiai5SKSN2k_[640x480].info.json
60.4 kB
2020/09September/20200920_1954 High School Exchange Students - Egypt, Israel, Iceland & Norway discuss middle-east conflict_3gXt8rHKYo4_[1280x610]/20200920_1954 High School Exchange Students - Egypt, Israel, Iceland & Norway discuss middle-east conflict_3gXt8rHKYo4_[1280x610].jpg
59.6 kB
20200224_1980s Paranoid Schizoprenic Interview. Psychiatric Teaching FIlm. Case 10_7fP1yeE0p28_[1280x604].jpg
59.4 kB
20201002_1955 High School Exchange students in America - Korea, Vietnam, Nigeria, Pakistan and South Africa_YHpUu-VR0Aw_[1280x610].jpg
59.1 kB
2020/09September/20200909_1955 high school foreign exchange students answer questions from Americans_PWFCl5ZH6P4_[1280x610]/20200909_1955 high school foreign exchange students answer questions from Americans_PWFCl5ZH6P4_[1280x610].webp
57.5 kB
20200224_Psychiatric Interview with Paranoid Schizophrenic. 1983_E1L9Rb0LADg_[1280x604].jpg
57.3 kB
20200808_1960s Psychiatric Interviews with Psychotic Women - before and after pharmaceutical treatment._OUWAwuVLe34_[1280x720].jpg
56.9 kB
20201113_1960s Teaching Film for Psychiatric Staff. Dealing with psychopath patients in Quebec etc._1YBdOUzniY8_[320x240].jpg
56.1 kB
20200626_1970s interviews on drug use with teens and incarcerated addicts_7J2mU6DpCLM_[640x360].jpg
55.3 kB
20201003_1955 Exchange Students - Philippines, Iran, Ceylon, Israel, West Germany. Subject - Foreign Aid_c7ws4bbPy74_[1280x610].jpg
54.4 kB
20201003_1955 High School Exchange. Norway, Australia, Philippines, Korea. Subject - Red China_UpYdm2ND7Po_[1280x610].jpg
53.3 kB
20200720_BZ gas (incapacitating chemical agent) field tests on soldiers. 1962._kz7BWwUi8KQ_[854x480].webp
52.9 kB
20200718_Rageful 1970s Psychotherapy Session. Martyrdom syndrome._vOXFwF-2uuI_[640x360].jpg
51.0 kB
20200427_Patient with Borderline Personality, Paranoid. Psychiatric_psychoanalytic Interview_erz_ATpxRf4_[854x406].jpg
50.6 kB
20200212_Eugenics propaganda film from 1937._FXZCThN2IbQ_[2560x1440].jpg
50.3 kB
20200707_SNAKE PHOBIA desensitization technique. Real session with real snake. 1970s_Ce0PKdfaBIk_[640x360].jpg
49.0 kB
20200828_Sydenham Hospital in Harlem - America's first inter-racial_integrated hospital. 1949_tweEoi5PtQQ_[854x480].jpg
48.7 kB
20200626_Child separation and reunions with parents during hospitalization. 1960s psychological study_ci02QJ7EuUQ_[640x360].jpg
48.1 kB
2020/09September/20200905_Children's coping behaviors in hospital. 1960s observational study - Mary Francis - 5, and Diane - 4_zux9S_4ez-4_[854x480]/20200905_Children's coping behaviors in hospital. 1960s observational study - Mary Francis - 5, and Diane - 4_zux9S_4ez-4_[854x480].jpg
46.9 kB
2020/09September/20200902_Mania in Bipolar Disorder Psychiatric Interview from 1980s._pzMR6Je1dh4_[854x480]/20200902_Mania in Bipolar Disorder Psychiatric Interview from 1980s._pzMR6Je1dh4_[854x480].en.vtt
46.5 kB
2020/09September/20200919_1959 high school students from South Africa, Ghana, Greece & USA discuss prejudice & race relations_m54zVrOX79Q_[1280x610]/20200919_1959 high school students from South Africa, Ghana, Greece & USA discuss prejudice & race relations_m54zVrOX79Q_[1280x610].jpg
46.4 kB
20200702_1960s Documentary on Down's Syndrome (Mongolism)_deBURTRAEdY_[854x480].jpg
45.2 kB
2020/08August/20200810_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 1. Classification_JJ6HkY9suRs_[854x480]/20200810_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 1. Classification_JJ6HkY9suRs_[854x480].en.vtt
45.2 kB
20201107_Mongolism (Down's syndrome). 1950s medical teaching film on the 'feebleminded'_MbWAw9qUEPw_[854x480].jpg
44.0 kB
2020/08August/20200823_1961 Real Psychodrama session at Psychiatric Day Hospital_OotyXbsKF2Q_[854x480]/20200823_1961 Real Psychodrama session at Psychiatric Day Hospital_OotyXbsKF2Q_[854x480].en.vtt
41.8 kB
2020/08August/20200813_Sydenham Chorea _ Saint Vitus Dance in a 13 year old. 1946. Silent_GolFWx4RYH4_[1280x720]/20200813_Sydenham Chorea _ Saint Vitus Dance in a 13 year old. 1946. Silent_GolFWx4RYH4_[1280x720].jpg
40.5 kB
20200705_1960s Social worker interview with abused child and abusing parent._YHN4QoLGKVQ_[854x480].jpg
40.5 kB
20200310_Psychotropic drug 'BZ' tested on American soldiers. 1963_4rW0wqSUx-E_[1920x1080].webp
37.0 kB
20201112_1954 promotional_educational film on psychiatric hospitals._z7uF-qYdnYk_[640x480].webp
37.0 kB
2020/08August/20200831_1980s Psychiatric Interview - Manic phase of bipolar disorder_SlJ50ByYzGQ_[854x480]/20200831_1980s Psychiatric Interview - Manic phase of bipolar disorder_SlJ50ByYzGQ_[854x480].en.vtt
36.9 kB
20201117_PSYCHOTIC DEPRESSION. Real psychiatric case study. 1960_ie0tnzDcu1s_[426x240].jpg
36.5 kB
20200219_Incapacitation by Psychoactive Drug BZ - Medical Study. Real footage from 1960s_7ZabGSbXhEQ_[640x480].jpg
36.0 kB
20200924_Microcephaly. 1950s medical teaching film_ZFTyYS38A4c_[854x480].jpg
35.4 kB
20200212_Human Rabies, furious type with hydrophobia. Four cases in children from 1929._W2JsubL1Xv0_[2560x1440].info.json
35.0 kB
20200229_Metrazol Shock Therapy for mental illness. 1943_2FcVRgpP9g0_[854x480].webp
34.8 kB
2020/08August/20200813_What to do if you're taken hostage. Instructional film._k51IJTYa8bU_[1280x720]/20200813_What to do if you're taken hostage. Instructional film._k51IJTYa8bU_[1280x720].webp
34.0 kB
2020/09September/20200915_1951 Psychiatric Interview with Depressed Patient_pCXZKv8tmTQ_[854x480]/20200915_1951 Psychiatric Interview with Depressed Patient_pCXZKv8tmTQ_[854x480].info.json
33.7 kB
2020/09September/20200909_1954 High school foreign exchange students share criticisms and opinions on America_ujGnc94qrjo_[1280x610]/20200909_1954 High school foreign exchange students share criticisms and opinions on America_ujGnc94qrjo_[1280x610].webp
33.5 kB
20201010_Cyclic Neutropenia. 1970s medical teaching film (featuring grey collie puppies)_-Sa_BFdlJL8_[640x480].webp
33.1 kB
2020/08August/20200829_1958 Demonstration of American Dialects_Accents__8ZNnlYvXw0_[854x480]/20200829_1958 Demonstration of American Dialects_Accents__8ZNnlYvXw0_[854x480].webp
32.7 kB
20190728_The Aggressive Child. 1960s Psychiatric Case study._LCtUT3keczg_[426x240].webp
32.6 kB
2020/08August/20200815_Conditioned Reflex Study with Toddlers. 1925 scientific film_Fj-hujssqG0_[640x480]/20200815_Conditioned Reflex Study with Toddlers. 1925 scientific film_Fj-hujssqG0_[640x480].webp
31.3 kB
20191109_Smallpox. 1940s Medical Documentary. GRAPHIC._61V6mK5WwJg_[636x480].webp
30.4 kB
20201101_Psychiatric Interview with Betsy, borderline psychotic child. 1960s_tPPmwfbUdNQ_[854x480].info.json
30.3 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview. Hysterical Personality_meJB-RZvBcY_[426x240].webp
30.0 kB
20200129_LOBOTOMY - Before and After, Female Patients. 1944_xQctk-ou-1g_[1280x720].webp
29.8 kB
20200129_LOBOTOMY - Before and After, Female Patients. 1944_xQctk-ou-1g_[1280x720].info.json
28.6 kB
20201116_1958 Linguistics Lecture with Henry Lee Smith. Grammar._V22DFGHndkw_[1280x610].info.json
28.6 kB
20201001_1954 High School Exchange Students from Indonesia, Ghana, South Africa & Denmark discuss race_rWdVSnFhKqo_[1280x720].info.json
28.6 kB
2020/08August/20200814_1950s LSD, Hallucinogens, Psychoactive Drug tests by US government - on cats_FreY8gsf9Ag_[1280x720]/20200814_1950s LSD, Hallucinogens, Psychoactive Drug tests by US government - on cats_FreY8gsf9Ag_[1280x720].info.json
28.4 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with SCHIZOPHRENIC young man from the deep south_qZDdTEa54wM_[426x240].webp
28.4 kB
20201115_1957 Edition - Impressions of America by high school foreign exchange students_Ju2XaBdKca0_[1280x720].info.json
28.3 kB
2020/08August/20200813_Sydenham Chorea _ Saint Vitus Dance in a 13 year old. 1946. Silent_GolFWx4RYH4_[1280x720]/20200813_Sydenham Chorea _ Saint Vitus Dance in a 13 year old. 1946. Silent_GolFWx4RYH4_[1280x720].info.json
28.3 kB
20201012_1959 High School Exchange Student Debate. Finland, Japan, Ceylon, Philippines. Subject - Men vs Women_eZmRU-xaND0_[1280x610].info.json
28.2 kB
20201003_1955 High School Exchange France, Belgium, Germany, Yugoslavia, Switzerland. Subject - European Unity_XSgpUNIvsw4_[1280x610].info.json
28.2 kB
20201116_Psychiatric Interview. Control (normal) vs. schizophrenic. 1960s_9SSjNne7ydg_[426x240].webp
28.2 kB
20201017_1959 High School Exchange Students. India, Greece, South Africa, UK. Subject - American Education_LcpErjPXmPs_[1280x720].info.json
28.2 kB
20201003_1955 Foreign Exchange Students in America from Brazil, Korea, Japan, UK. Subject - High School_PCKKJq4Lyyc_[1280x720].info.json
28.1 kB
20201013_1957 High School Exchange Students. Korea, S. Africa, Yugoslavia, W. Germany. Subject - Communism_glVTEbbpLjk_[1280x610].info.json
28.1 kB
20201011_1959 Lecture on DNA Structure and Replication by James Watson_yLaUWUfoeOk_[1280x610].info.json
28.1 kB
20200229_Hysteria in Psychiatry (Conversion reaction). 1967 medical documentary._5bKYUDLOwLU_[854x480].webp
28.1 kB
20201003_1955 High School Exchange. Norway, Australia, Philippines, Korea. Subject - Red China_UpYdm2ND7Po_[1280x610].info.json
28.1 kB
20201003_1955 Student Exchange. Italy, India, Singapore, Australia. Subject - Education_e8LhFyyYix4_[1280x610].info.json
28.1 kB
20201003_1955 Exchange Students - Philippines, Iran, Ceylon, Israel, West Germany. Subject - Foreign Aid_c7ws4bbPy74_[1280x610].info.json
28.0 kB
20201002_1955 High School Exchange students in America - Korea, Vietnam, Nigeria, Pakistan and South Africa_YHpUu-VR0Aw_[1280x610].info.json
28.0 kB
20201011_1980s Psychiatric interview with manic patient. Medical teaching film._GzEU6kg22rg_[1278x720].info.json
27.9 kB
20201102_1980s Psychiatric interview with bipolar patient in depressive phase. Medical teaching film._y9uzfDfqZRc_[1280x610].info.json
27.7 kB
20201017_1959 High School Exchange Students. India, Greece, South Africa, UK. Subject - American Education_LcpErjPXmPs_[1280x720].webp
27.1 kB
20191109_Psychose hallucinatoire chronique. 1971. Entretien psychiatrique_xQxhy3L5jKg_[644x480].webp
26.4 kB
2020/09September/20200919_Types of Epileptic Seizures.1963 Medical teaching film._v2HpXx1tb1Y_[854x480]/20200919_Types of Epileptic Seizures.1963 Medical teaching film._v2HpXx1tb1Y_[854x480].webp
26.4 kB
20200504_Disorganized (Hebephrenic) Schizophrenia Interview from 1980s. Psychiatric teaching film._G8aZZVBWg1s_[854x480].webp
26.2 kB
20200514_1960s Psychiatric interview with Gay Teenager_AvciA2PD3tI_[640x480].webp
25.8 kB
20200714_Circa ~1910 Psychiatric Case Study in Multiple Personality_dcVhxLBTAM4_[640x480].webp
25.6 kB
20191107_18 year old girl with Catatonic Schizophrenia. Psychiatric interview. Subtitled in English_8MF1FcWDmWk_[644x480].webp
25.1 kB
20200719_1960s Social Work. Supervised visit of mom suspected of abuse with baby._OPVTBknpU04_[854x480].webp
25.0 kB
20201013_1957 High School Exchange Students. Korea, S. Africa, Yugoslavia, W. Germany. Subject - Communism_glVTEbbpLjk_[1280x610].webp
25.0 kB
20201012_1959 High School Exchange Student Debate. Finland, Japan, Ceylon, Philippines. Subject - Men vs Women_eZmRU-xaND0_[1280x610].webp
24.9 kB
20201003_1955 High School Exchange France, Belgium, Germany, Yugoslavia, Switzerland. Subject - European Unity_XSgpUNIvsw4_[1280x610].webp
24.6 kB
20201005_Pavlovian studies on absolute and conditioned reflex. 1925. Silent. And LONG_19YfO8CMcQ4_[640x480].info.json
24.5 kB
20191117_Autism in one of two identical twins. 1961 documentary. Part 1 of 4_Lb9cCJNC-j8_[640x480].info.json
24.2 kB
20201112_1954 promotional_educational film on psychiatric hospitals._z7uF-qYdnYk_[640x480].info.json
24.2 kB
20201102_1980s Psychiatric interview with bipolar patient in depressive phase. Medical teaching film._y9uzfDfqZRc_[1280x610].webp
24.2 kB
20190728_Case 5 Senile Psychosis 1951 psychiatric interview with dementia patients_zyIm6BLl8LI_[426x240].webp
23.8 kB
2020/08August/20200815_Conditioned Reflex Study with Toddlers. 1925 scientific film_Fj-hujssqG0_[640x480]/20200815_Conditioned Reflex Study with Toddlers. 1925 scientific film_Fj-hujssqG0_[640x480].info.json
23.6 kB
20201113_1970s psychology study of imprinting in ducks (behaviorism)_oJe8vhQ_9b4_[640x480].info.json
23.6 kB
20190728_A Mom's Decision to Institutionalize Her Blind Baby, Martin_YFp-2cOBgWA_[426x240].webp
23.5 kB
20201011_1960s Medical Instructional Film. Smallpox vaccine._-lhCMMKVKEk_[854x480].info.json
23.5 kB
2020/08August/20200819_1960s Documentary on Intellectual Disability (Mentally Retarded)_uJCsMxAZRnM_[854x480]/20200819_1960s Documentary on Intellectual Disability (Mentally Retarded)_uJCsMxAZRnM_[854x480].webp
23.4 kB
20200319_Psychoneuroses. 1930s Psychiatric film. Conversion Disorder._f5Q5OEqU5iQ_[854x480].info.json
23.4 kB
20191109_Smallpox. 1940s Medical Documentary. GRAPHIC._61V6mK5WwJg_[636x480].info.json
23.3 kB
20191109_Mystical Delirium in 20 year old woman, post-partum. 1971 psychiatric interview. English subtitles_ZFU6pZXMv44_[644x480].webp
23.3 kB
20201107_Mongolism (Down's syndrome). 1950s medical teaching film on the 'feebleminded'_MbWAw9qUEPw_[854x480].info.json
23.3 kB
2020/09September/20200905_Pseudopregnancy_False Pregnancy. 1934 case study._fLXaXWWu9XM_[854x480]/20200905_Pseudopregnancy_False Pregnancy. 1934 case study._fLXaXWWu9XM_[854x480].info.json
23.3 kB
20200924_1943. Rehabilitation_physical therapy facility for children. Cerebral Palsy and Polio_87tKYQZkY4Q_[640x480].info.json
23.3 kB
20201015_1959 High School Exchange Students. Pakistan, Finland, Argentina, Ghana. Impressions of Americans_dFyyc8-iPhc_[1280x610].info.json
23.2 kB
20201106_Real autopsy - removal of the brain. 1970 teaching film for pathologists_0z3pJ9nUPU4_[632x480].info.json
23.1 kB
20201110_Real autopsy. Enucleation - removal of the eye. 1970 surgical teaching film for pathologists_8cFNGMILgCI_[634x480].info.json
23.1 kB
20201105_1960s Child Abuse Documentary. Full_DJkEUmAlAd4_[854x480].info.json
23.1 kB
20201003_1955 Foreign Exchange Students in America from Brazil, Korea, Japan, UK. Subject - High School_PCKKJq4Lyyc_[1280x720].webp
22.9 kB
2020/08August/20200814_1950s LSD, Hallucinogens, Psychoactive Drug tests by US government - on cats_FreY8gsf9Ag_[1280x720]/20200814_1950s LSD, Hallucinogens, Psychoactive Drug tests by US government - on cats_FreY8gsf9Ag_[1280x720].webp
22.7 kB
20200721_1950s Psychiatric Interview with gay college student looking for homosexuality cure_yIvfXQxW0KY_[854x480].webp
22.3 kB
20200707_Treatment for SCHIZOPHRENIA. 1951 film._RupyAIIVbIM_[640x480].webp
22.2 kB
20190728_BIPOLAR 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Hypomanic Biology Teacher_vGV5kQ8B44s_[426x240].webp
21.7 kB
20200209_Cholera Today. 1966 medical documentary._-DNb75C0YQk_[320x240].webp
21.2 kB
20200725_1970 Therapy Group for Overweight Women_eqK7HSHRX-E_[854x480].webp
21.0 kB
20201113_1970s psychology study of imprinting in ducks (behaviorism)_oJe8vhQ_9b4_[640x480].webp
20.9 kB
20190728_OCD 1960s Psychiatric Interview of Southern Woman with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder_iHNCiBiW3cM_[320x240].webp
20.7 kB
20190729_Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Psychiatric Interview from 1980s_CnSxxpTOgIU_[1280x720].webp
20.6 kB
20200925_Hypomanic Episode of Bipolar Disorder. Psychiatric interview 1980s_sne73BirXyw_[1280x720].webp
20.6 kB
20200626_Child separation and reunions with parents during hospitalization. 1960s psychological study_ci02QJ7EuUQ_[640x360].info.json
20.4 kB
20190728_Psychiatric interview with schizophrenic mother and daughter. FOLIE a DEUX 1951_i2eqTWKP2qU_[426x240].webp
20.3 kB
20200705_1950 Psychiatric teaching film using real patient interviews. Nonverbal communication._XIFmBgKRrXc_[854x480].webp
20.3 kB
20201003_1955 Student Exchange. Italy, India, Singapore, Australia. Subject - Education_e8LhFyyYix4_[1280x610].webp
20.1 kB
20201116_1958 Linguistics Lecture with Henry Lee Smith. Grammar._V22DFGHndkw_[1280x610].webp
19.9 kB
20190728_SCHIZOID PERSONALITY+DEPRESSION 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Adolescent Girl_FdzuB5JWeMg_[426x240].webp
19.8 kB
20200319_Psychoneuroses. 1930s Psychiatric film. Conversion Disorder._f5Q5OEqU5iQ_[854x480].webp
19.8 kB
20201105_1960s Child Abuse Documentary. Full_DJkEUmAlAd4_[854x480].webp
19.8 kB
2020/09September/20200916_Aphasia - disorder of language. 1970s medical interview_L653mYmp0oU_[854x480]/20200916_Aphasia - disorder of language. 1970s medical interview_L653mYmp0oU_[854x480].en.vtt
19.7 kB
20200924_1954 foreign exchange students from India, Japan and Jordan give their impressions of America_MhjBLLfFLyA_[1280x610].webp
19.7 kB
20200630_Weird german experimental psychology film on blind perception, 1950s_gTL6YHVI04Q_[640x360].jpg
19.6 kB
20200725_Early 1970s Primal Scream Therapy session_N3wauUA2g88_[854x480].webp
19.6 kB
2020/09September/20200916_Aphasia - disorder of language. 1970s medical interview_L653mYmp0oU_[854x480]/20200916_Aphasia - disorder of language. 1970s medical interview_L653mYmp0oU_[854x480].webp
19.6 kB
20190728_ACUTE ANXIETY 1960s Psychiatric Interview with young Gay_QE5ZOjVVJQk_[426x240].webp
19.1 kB
20201015_1959 High School Exchange Students. Pakistan, Finland, Argentina, Ghana. Impressions of Americans_dFyyc8-iPhc_[1280x610].webp
18.9 kB
2020/09September/20200905_Pseudopregnancy_False Pregnancy. 1934 case study._fLXaXWWu9XM_[854x480]/20200905_Pseudopregnancy_False Pregnancy. 1934 case study._fLXaXWWu9XM_[854x480].webp
18.7 kB
20200227_Young man with paranoid schizophrenia, psychiatric interview._GyEjbjgafrg_[854x480].webp
18.6 kB
20191107_Patient with Schizophrenia 1971 psychiatric interview. Subtitled in English_5L-__gHy_n8_[644x480].webp
18.6 kB
20191108_Reinforcement therapy 1966 - Obedience Training of Autistic Children Through Reward and Punishment_k8H3OnxoXLU_[640x480].webp
18.2 kB
20201117_PSYCHOTIC DEPRESSION. Real psychiatric case study. 1960_ie0tnzDcu1s_[426x240].info.json
18.2 kB
20191107_Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Psychiatric Interview 1976. Subtitled in English_-Cufq3qBVvY_[644x480].webp
17.9 kB
20200809_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 2. EPILEPSY_eoyHr2GdpMI_[854x480].webp
17.7 kB
2020/09September/20200915_1951 Psychiatric Interview with Depressed Patient_pCXZKv8tmTQ_[854x480]/20200915_1951 Psychiatric Interview with Depressed Patient_pCXZKv8tmTQ_[854x480].webp
17.5 kB
2020/08August/20200814_Psychiatric Inteview with Teen Girl. 1960s_m8G6ZGn8OjY_[1280x720]/20200814_Psychiatric Inteview with Teen Girl. 1960s_m8G6ZGn8OjY_[1280x720].webp
17.2 kB
20200713_1969 medical documentary on AUTISM._szmO0UDmAb8_[426x240].webp
16.9 kB
2020/08August/20200823_1961 Real Psychodrama session at Psychiatric Day Hospital_OotyXbsKF2Q_[854x480]/20200823_1961 Real Psychodrama session at Psychiatric Day Hospital_OotyXbsKF2Q_[854x480].webp
16.8 kB
20201010_Breast Reduction Surgery in 1966 Medical Documentary. Pre-op, surgery, and post-op_OR4lBOYYz8c_[320x240].info.json
16.8 kB
20201116_Psychiatric Interview. Control (normal) vs. schizophrenic. 1960s_9SSjNne7ydg_[426x240].info.json
16.8 kB
20190728_MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER Real Psychiatric Interwiew with Eve White Eve Black and Jane_Lyr9DLs28FE_[256x144].webp
16.7 kB
2020/08August/20200823_1959 Psychiatric instructional film. Managing the Aggressive Patient (dramatized)._tzt2Gntz6vs_[640x480]/20200823_1959 Psychiatric instructional film. Managing the Aggressive Patient (dramatized)._tzt2Gntz6vs_[640x480].webp
16.3 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Angry Teen Boy_cbdY5t-PJK8_[426x240].webp
15.4 kB
20201010_Breast Reduction Surgery in 1966 Medical Documentary. Pre-op, surgery, and post-op_OR4lBOYYz8c_[320x240].webp
14.9 kB
20191117_Autism in one of two identical twins. 1961 documentary. Part 1 of 4_Lb9cCJNC-j8_[640x480].webp
14.8 kB
20201113_1960s Teaching Film for Psychiatric Staff. Dealing with psychopath patients in Quebec etc._1YBdOUzniY8_[320x240].info.json
14.7 kB
20190728_1957 Medical Documentary on AUTISM (Childhood Schizophrenia)_CuZegltDbYA_[426x240].jpg
14.6 kB
20190728_Faces of Depression 1959 Psychiatric Interviews_1uijWUhxe-4_[320x240].webp
14.0 kB
20190728_PANIC DISORDER 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Man from Tennessee_0Q_Xqg2pGxg_[854x480].webp
13.7 kB
2020/08August/20200827_Interview with young psychiatric outpatient, and her mother. 1962_0AcVFnlMLDA_[854x480]/20200827_Interview with young psychiatric outpatient, and her mother. 1962_0AcVFnlMLDA_[854x480].webp
13.4 kB
20200926_1990 Police Instructional film on identifying Satanism related crimes_l_haAZmVSas_[640x360].jpg
13.0 kB
20190728_ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY (Psychopath) Psychiatric Interview from 1960s_0QbwuF_IcDc_[426x240].jpg
12.9 kB
20190728_Psychiatric Interview 1950s HEBEPHRENIC SCHIZOPHRENIA_rPAfEm5iovY_[640x360].jpg
12.7 kB
20190728_DRUG ADDICTED HOUSEWIFE 1960s Psychiatric Interview. Barbiturates dependency_yRk3Qzg-wtQ_[320x240].webp
12.3 kB
20200305_Psychiatric interview with depressed mom-housewife. 1960_WXw3V74HoH0_[640x480].webp
12.3 kB
2020/08August/20200810_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 1. Classification_JJ6HkY9suRs_[854x480]/20200810_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 1. Classification_JJ6HkY9suRs_[854x480].jpg
11.8 kB
20190728_DISSOCIATIVE DISORDER 1960s Psychiatric Interview of Man Suffering from Blackouts and Amnesia_3cgWUqHG54o_[320x240].jpg
11.8 kB
20190728_BIPOLAR 1960 Psychiatric Interview with Patient in Manic phase_62DTK0kQX4Q_[426x240].jpg
11.5 kB
20191110_Psychotic Depression. 1960s psychiatric case study._4S5HnUeUjNc_[640x360].jpg
11.3 kB
20190728_HYPOCHONDRIA 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Patient experiencing Hysterical Neurosis_gZd7rPui_n4_[426x240].jpg
11.1 kB
20201101_Psychiatric Interview with Betsy, borderline psychotic child. 1960s_tPPmwfbUdNQ_[854x480].jpg
10.9 kB
20190728_Psychopath. 1960s Psychiatric Case Study_x_Nr3DS63yU_[426x240].jpg
10.9 kB
20190728_Case 6 DEPRESSION 1951 Real Psychiatric Interview with Farmer Ross_vq_mdzgjWz0_[426x240].jpg
10.8 kB
20200924_1943. Rehabilitation_physical therapy facility for children. Cerebral Palsy and Polio_87tKYQZkY4Q_[640x480].jpg
10.7 kB
20190810_Maternal Neglect and Recovery. 1960s case study of two girls - Nora and Sally_c7Erg0D77VQ_[1280x720].jpg
10.6 kB
20190728_Paranoid Schizophrenia. 1950s Psychiatric Interviews_cw-yTgi8Ms8_[426x240].jpg
10.5 kB
20200809_1968 Real Police Interview_Interrogation with LOOTER. King assassination riots_hutpyYMiqo8_[854x480].webp
10.1 kB
20191110_Obesity in Teen Girl. 1960s Psychiatric Case Study._O9uSxsFrMps_[640x360].jpg
10.1 kB
20200720_Weird German experimental psychology film on perception. 1958_RsIyTgoWpsI_[854x480].jpg
10.0 kB
20201106_Real autopsy - removal of the brain. 1970 teaching film for pathologists_0z3pJ9nUPU4_[632x480].jpg
9.9 kB
20200228_Schizophrenia interview. First rank symptoms - thought broadcasting, made acts, feelings and impulses_hoODjy357eA_[854x480].jpg
9.5 kB
20190728_Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis. 1960s Psychiatric Interview_v3URuMfNzD0_[426x240].jpg
9.2 kB
20190728_Depressive Phase of Bipolar Disorder. 1950s Psychiatric Interview_XGridZIpU0o_[426x240].jpg
9.2 kB
20201110_Real autopsy. Enucleation - removal of the eye. 1970 surgical teaching film for pathologists_8cFNGMILgCI_[634x480].jpg
9.1 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Schizophrenic Woman_J8nXtuLPhpM_[318x240].jpg
9.0 kB
20190728_Pathological Anxiety. 1960s Psychiatric Case Study_oIsx65rTx2I_[426x240].jpg
8.9 kB
20190810_1960s documentary on a self injuring autistic child._7cCB5YqqzUA_[1280x720].jpg
8.8 kB
20190728_DELIRIUM TREMENS. Psychiatric Interview from 1960s._937YB3Uq_Uc_[426x240].jpg
8.7 kB
2020/09September/20200909_1966 Interviews with Real Prisoners at State Penitentary_N-jKG4eXMRY_[854x480]/20200909_1966 Interviews with Real Prisoners at State Penitentary_N-jKG4eXMRY_[854x480].jpg
8.6 kB
20200226_Catatonic Schizophrenia - waxy flexibility and automatic obedience example._KHqlVPk8ymA_[854x480].jpg
8.5 kB
20200706_Brain surgery for Hysteria in 1945. Silent film._Fiai5SKSN2k_[640x480].jpg
8.4 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Teen Girl_rdB7jNg7E2I_[426x240].jpg
8.3 kB
2020/08August/20200831_1980s Psychiatric Interview - Manic phase of bipolar disorder_SlJ50ByYzGQ_[854x480]/20200831_1980s Psychiatric Interview - Manic phase of bipolar disorder_SlJ50ByYzGQ_[854x480].jpg
8.2 kB
20200702_Brief interview with incarcerated rapists. 1970s._xgGobvx0Khw_[854x480].jpg
8.1 kB
20191111_1962 autism documentary from UK_H7RoA85wn5w_[640x360].jpg
8.1 kB
20190728_CHRONIC ANXIETY 1960s Psychiatric Interview_noqVXzSxflA_[426x240].jpg
8.1 kB
20200226_Psychiatric interview with a schizophrenic. Hearing Voices - auditory hallucinations_bRQF7sOVGck_[854x480].jpg
8.0 kB
20200708_12 case studies in speech pathology. 1960_gFgcXJU9q9Q_[640x480].jpg
7.8 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with SCHIZOPHRENIC Country Gentleman_GBFIoQac9JQ_[318x240].jpg
7.8 kB
20190728_Psychiatric Interview 1960s BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC CHILD_CCgBj66rzF4_[640x360].jpg
7.6 kB
20200212_Human Rabies, furious type with hydrophobia. Four cases in children from 1929._W2JsubL1Xv0_[2560x1440].jpg
7.1 kB
20200704_1949 real psychiatric interview. Anxiety_combat fatigue_PTSD in soldier_DYr6hqOlp8U_[854x480].jpg
7.0 kB
20200505_Major Depressive Episode with Melancholia, and Dysthmic Disorder. Psychiatric Interviews from 1980s_U5Brlt7TQYo_[854x480].jpg
6.7 kB
20201005_Pavlovian studies on absolute and conditioned reflex. 1925. Silent. And LONG_19YfO8CMcQ4_[640x480].jpg
6.7 kB
20190728_PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA 1960s Psychiatric Patient Interview_bw-agSnrEsU_[426x240].jpg
6.7 kB
20191110_État démentiel - maladie d'Alzheimer. Entretien psychiatrique 1976_FQOdCJG9XYc_[644x480].jpg
6.7 kB
2020/08August/20200823_Fetal response to stimulus. 1951 medical documentary. CONTENT WARNING_c4HqGXknSlU_[854x480]/20200823_Fetal response to stimulus. 1951 medical documentary. CONTENT WARNING_c4HqGXknSlU_[854x480].webp
6.6 kB
20201011_1980s Psychiatric interview with manic patient. Medical teaching film._GzEU6kg22rg_[1278x720].jpg
6.6 kB
20201010_Old scientific film on psychology of perception. 1940s or 50s._GgbMJD2ZFwQ_[640x360].jpg
6.4 kB
20191107_ALCOHOLISM - 1960s Real Psychiatric Interview with Southern Gentleman_m9LEis46M-Q_[634x480].jpg
6.2 kB
20190728_SCHIZOPHRENIA 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Musician_iBNsZXSPdzM_[426x240].jpg
5.9 kB
20200726_1972 interviews of adults with speech disorders_impediments._tKv4fqchl00_[854x480].jpg
5.8 kB
20201011_1959 Lecture on DNA Structure and Replication by James Watson_yLaUWUfoeOk_[1280x610].jpg
5.8 kB
20200217_Death from Heroin Overdose. Forensic Medicine Lecture 1969_7p9h8i9-K8Q_[320x240].jpg
5.0 kB
20200706_1960s Psychiatric Interview. Depressive Neurosis, feelings of inferiority._KTZ5EvxV-pk_[640x480].jpg
4.9 kB
20200630_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Teen Girl. Acute Schizophrenic Episode_eGEU8Pq20S4_[320x240].jpg
4.9 kB
20190810_PSYCHOTIC CONDITION - Organic Brain Syndrome. Psychiatric Interview from 1970s_BDLEL14YN1c_[1280x720].jpg
4.8 kB
20190728_DEPRESSION 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Housewife_svwln5Muwq8_[426x240].jpg
4.5 kB
2020/08August/20200814_Psychiatric Inteview with Teen Girl. 1960s_m8G6ZGn8OjY_[1280x720]/20200814_Psychiatric Inteview with Teen Girl. 1960s_m8G6ZGn8OjY_[1280x720].en.vtt
4.2 kB
2020/09September/20200915_1951 Psychiatric Interview with Depressed Patient_pCXZKv8tmTQ_[854x480]/20200915_1951 Psychiatric Interview with Depressed Patient_pCXZKv8tmTQ_[854x480].en.vtt
4.0 kB
20200809_Depression_Melancholia in 2 forms - Simple and Psychotic. 1971 Psychiatric Interview. French_RJDWnuPmVJc_[854x480].jpg
3.8 kB
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview. Hysterical Personality_meJB-RZvBcY_[426x240].description
2.1 kB
20190728_ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY (Psychopath) Psychiatric Interview from 1960s_0QbwuF_IcDc_[426x240].description
1.7 kB
20200228_Schizophrenia interview. First rank symptoms - thought broadcasting, made acts, feelings and impulses_hoODjy357eA_[854x480].description
1.3 kB
20200219_Incapacitation by Psychoactive Drug BZ - Medical Study. Real footage from 1960s_7ZabGSbXhEQ_[640x480].description
1.2 kB
2020/09September/20200909_1954 High school foreign exchange students share criticisms and opinions on America_ujGnc94qrjo_[1280x610]/20200909_1954 High school foreign exchange students share criticisms and opinions on America_ujGnc94qrjo_[1280x610].description
1.2 kB
20201117_PSYCHOTIC DEPRESSION. Real psychiatric case study. 1960_ie0tnzDcu1s_[426x240].description
1.1 kB
1.1 kB
20200226_Catatonic Schizophrenia - waxy flexibility and automatic obedience example._KHqlVPk8ymA_[854x480].description
991 Bytes
20200719_1960s Social Work. Supervised visit of mom suspected of abuse with baby._OPVTBknpU04_[854x480].description
954 Bytes
20200310_Psychotropic drug 'BZ' tested on American soldiers. 1963_4rW0wqSUx-E_[1920x1080].description
946 Bytes
20190728_Psychiatric Interview 1960s BORDERLINE PSYCHOTIC CHILD_CCgBj66rzF4_[640x360].description
921 Bytes
20190728_Psychopath. 1960s Psychiatric Case Study_x_Nr3DS63yU_[426x240].description
849 Bytes
20201101_Psychiatric Interview with Betsy, borderline psychotic child. 1960s_tPPmwfbUdNQ_[854x480].description
820 Bytes
20190728_MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER Real Psychiatric Interwiew with Eve White Eve Black and Jane_Lyr9DLs28FE_[256x144].description
809 Bytes
20201005_Pavlovian studies on absolute and conditioned reflex. 1925. Silent. And LONG_19YfO8CMcQ4_[640x480].description
806 Bytes
20200209_Cholera Today. 1966 medical documentary._-DNb75C0YQk_[320x240].description
805 Bytes
20190728_The Aggressive Child. 1960s Psychiatric Case study._LCtUT3keczg_[426x240].description
799 Bytes
20201113_1960s Teaching Film for Psychiatric Staff. Dealing with psychopath patients in Quebec etc._1YBdOUzniY8_[320x240].description
760 Bytes
20200718_Rageful 1970s Psychotherapy Session. Martyrdom syndrome._vOXFwF-2uuI_[640x360].description
750 Bytes
2020/08August/20200810_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 1. Classification_JJ6HkY9suRs_[854x480]/20200810_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 1. Classification_JJ6HkY9suRs_[854x480].description
748 Bytes
20200809_1950s Medical Teaching film on the 'Feebleminded' Part 2. EPILEPSY_eoyHr2GdpMI_[854x480].description
739 Bytes
2020/09September/20200905_1960s Plastic Surgery - Facial and Hand Reconstruction. Case Studies and Patient Interviews_-1VpBEoOPKY_[854x480]/20200905_1960s Plastic Surgery - Facial and Hand Reconstruction. Case Studies and Patient Interviews_-1VpBEoOPKY_[854x480].description
734 Bytes
20201115_1957 Edition - Impressions of America by high school foreign exchange students_Ju2XaBdKca0_[1280x720].description
733 Bytes
20191109_Mystical Delirium in 20 year old woman, post-partum. 1971 psychiatric interview. English subtitles_ZFU6pZXMv44_[644x480].description
701 Bytes
20190728_Psychiatric Interview 1950s HEBEPHRENIC SCHIZOPHRENIA_rPAfEm5iovY_[640x360].description
669 Bytes
20200714_Circa ~1910 Psychiatric Case Study in Multiple Personality_dcVhxLBTAM4_[640x480].description
661 Bytes
20190728_Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis. 1960s Psychiatric Interview_v3URuMfNzD0_[426x240].description
657 Bytes
20200721_1950s Psychiatric Interview with gay college student looking for homosexuality cure_yIvfXQxW0KY_[854x480].description
647 Bytes
20200226_Psychiatric interview with a schizophrenic. Hearing Voices - auditory hallucinations_bRQF7sOVGck_[854x480].description
637 Bytes
2020/08August/20200814_1950s LSD, Hallucinogens, Psychoactive Drug tests by US government - on cats_FreY8gsf9Ag_[1280x720]/20200814_1950s LSD, Hallucinogens, Psychoactive Drug tests by US government - on cats_FreY8gsf9Ag_[1280x720].description
633 Bytes
2020/08August/20200815_Conditioned Reflex Study with Toddlers. 1925 scientific film_Fj-hujssqG0_[640x480]/20200815_Conditioned Reflex Study with Toddlers. 1925 scientific film_Fj-hujssqG0_[640x480].description
629 Bytes
2020/09September/20200907_1954 High School Exchange Students from Korea, Finland, Pakistan and Nigeria discuss American Teens_V6iwt-dL4k4_[1280x610]/20200907_1954 High School Exchange Students from Korea, Finland, Pakistan and Nigeria discuss American Teens_V6iwt-dL4k4_[1280x610].description
620 Bytes
2020/09September/20200915_1951 Psychiatric Interview with Depressed Patient_pCXZKv8tmTQ_[854x480]/20200915_1951 Psychiatric Interview with Depressed Patient_pCXZKv8tmTQ_[854x480].description
620 Bytes
2020/08August/20200813_Sydenham Chorea _ Saint Vitus Dance in a 13 year old. 1946. Silent_GolFWx4RYH4_[1280x720]/20200813_Sydenham Chorea _ Saint Vitus Dance in a 13 year old. 1946. Silent_GolFWx4RYH4_[1280x720].description
616 Bytes
20191107_18 year old girl with Catatonic Schizophrenia. Psychiatric interview. Subtitled in English_8MF1FcWDmWk_[644x480].description
616 Bytes
2020/08August/20200823_1961 Real Psychodrama session at Psychiatric Day Hospital_OotyXbsKF2Q_[854x480]/20200823_1961 Real Psychodrama session at Psychiatric Day Hospital_OotyXbsKF2Q_[854x480].description
613 Bytes
2020/08August/20200829_1958 Demonstration of American Dialects_Accents__8ZNnlYvXw0_[854x480]/20200829_1958 Demonstration of American Dialects_Accents__8ZNnlYvXw0_[854x480].description
600 Bytes
20201017_1959 High School Exchange Students. India, Greece, South Africa, UK. Subject - American Education_LcpErjPXmPs_[1280x720].description
599 Bytes
2020/09September/20200905_Children's coping behaviors in hospital. 1960s observational study - Mary Francis - 5, and Diane - 4_zux9S_4ez-4_[854x480]/20200905_Children's coping behaviors in hospital. 1960s observational study - Mary Francis - 5, and Diane - 4_zux9S_4ez-4_[854x480].description
594 Bytes
20200129_LOBOTOMY - Before and After, Female Patients. 1944_xQctk-ou-1g_[1280x720].description
593 Bytes
20200212_Eugenics propaganda film from 1937._FXZCThN2IbQ_[2560x1440].description
588 Bytes
20201112_1954 promotional_educational film on psychiatric hospitals._z7uF-qYdnYk_[640x480].description
586 Bytes
20191110_Obesity in Teen Girl. 1960s Psychiatric Case Study._O9uSxsFrMps_[640x360].description
565 Bytes
20200219_Electroshock Therapy. 1943 psychiatric film._TTwYItZ7PzM_[1920x1080].description
565 Bytes
20200705_1960s Social worker interview with abused child and abusing parent._YHN4QoLGKVQ_[854x480].description
561 Bytes
20190728_Faces of Depression 1959 Psychiatric Interviews_1uijWUhxe-4_[320x240].description
548 Bytes
20191110_Psychotic Depression. 1960s psychiatric case study._4S5HnUeUjNc_[640x360].description
547 Bytes
20200217_Death from Heroin Overdose. Forensic Medicine Lecture 1969_7p9h8i9-K8Q_[320x240].description
546 Bytes
2020/09September/20200920_1954 High School Exchange Students - Egypt, Israel, Iceland & Norway discuss middle-east conflict_3gXt8rHKYo4_[1280x610]/20200920_1954 High School Exchange Students - Egypt, Israel, Iceland & Norway discuss middle-east conflict_3gXt8rHKYo4_[1280x610].description
520 Bytes
20200229_Hysteria in Psychiatry (Conversion reaction). 1967 medical documentary._5bKYUDLOwLU_[854x480].description
512 Bytes
20201001_1954 High School Exchange Students from Indonesia, Ghana, South Africa & Denmark discuss race_rWdVSnFhKqo_[1280x720].description
494 Bytes
20200514_1960s Psychiatric interview with Gay Teenager_AvciA2PD3tI_[640x480].description
492 Bytes
20200212_Human Rabies, furious type with hydrophobia. Four cases in children from 1929._W2JsubL1Xv0_[2560x1440].description
489 Bytes
2020/08August/20200823_1959 Psychiatric instructional film. Managing the Aggressive Patient (dramatized)._tzt2Gntz6vs_[640x480]/20200823_1959 Psychiatric instructional film. Managing the Aggressive Patient (dramatized)._tzt2Gntz6vs_[640x480].description
481 Bytes
20190728_DISSOCIATIVE DISORDER 1960s Psychiatric Interview of Man Suffering from Blackouts and Amnesia_3cgWUqHG54o_[320x240].description
478 Bytes
20190728_Pathological Anxiety. 1960s Psychiatric Case Study_oIsx65rTx2I_[426x240].description
466 Bytes
2020/08August/20200823_Fetal response to stimulus. 1951 medical documentary. CONTENT WARNING_c4HqGXknSlU_[854x480]/20200823_Fetal response to stimulus. 1951 medical documentary. CONTENT WARNING_c4HqGXknSlU_[854x480].description
462 Bytes
2020/09September/20200905_Pseudopregnancy_False Pregnancy. 1934 case study._fLXaXWWu9XM_[854x480]/20200905_Pseudopregnancy_False Pregnancy. 1934 case study._fLXaXWWu9XM_[854x480].description
457 Bytes
20190728_ACUTE ANXIETY 1960s Psychiatric Interview with young Gay_QE5ZOjVVJQk_[426x240].description
451 Bytes
20200229_Metrazol Shock Therapy for mental illness. 1943_2FcVRgpP9g0_[854x480].description
451 Bytes
2020/09September/20200919_1959 high school students from South Africa, Ghana, Greece & USA discuss prejudice & race relations_m54zVrOX79Q_[1280x610]/20200919_1959 high school students from South Africa, Ghana, Greece & USA discuss prejudice & race relations_m54zVrOX79Q_[1280x610].description
448 Bytes
2020/09September/20200909_1955 high school foreign exchange students answer questions from Americans_PWFCl5ZH6P4_[1280x610]/20200909_1955 high school foreign exchange students answer questions from Americans_PWFCl5ZH6P4_[1280x610].description
442 Bytes
20200706_Brain surgery for Hysteria in 1945. Silent film._Fiai5SKSN2k_[640x480].description
427 Bytes
2020/09September/20200916_Aphasia - disorder of language. 1970s medical interview_L653mYmp0oU_[854x480]/20200916_Aphasia - disorder of language. 1970s medical interview_L653mYmp0oU_[854x480].description
418 Bytes
2020/09September/20200909_1966 Interviews with Real Prisoners at State Penitentary_N-jKG4eXMRY_[854x480]/20200909_1966 Interviews with Real Prisoners at State Penitentary_N-jKG4eXMRY_[854x480].description
417 Bytes
20190728_Paranoid Schizophrenia. 1950s Psychiatric Interviews_cw-yTgi8Ms8_[426x240].description
413 Bytes
2020/09September/20200902_Mania in Bipolar Disorder Psychiatric Interview from 1980s._pzMR6Je1dh4_[854x480]/20200902_Mania in Bipolar Disorder Psychiatric Interview from 1980s._pzMR6Je1dh4_[854x480].description
394 Bytes
20200305_Psychiatric interview with depressed mom-housewife. 1960_WXw3V74HoH0_[640x480].description
394 Bytes
20200213_Amphetamine Abuse. 1969 medical documentary on the Speed Scene_HtLm2PWrgWo_[644x480].description
393 Bytes
20200630_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Teen Girl. Acute Schizophrenic Episode_eGEU8Pq20S4_[320x240].description
393 Bytes
20191117_Autism in one of two identical twins. 1961 documentary. Part 1 of 4_Lb9cCJNC-j8_[640x480].description
390 Bytes
20200705_1950 Psychiatric teaching film using real patient interviews. Nonverbal communication._XIFmBgKRrXc_[854x480].description
385 Bytes
20200828_Sydenham Hospital in Harlem - America's first inter-racial_integrated hospital. 1949_tweEoi5PtQQ_[854x480].description
381 Bytes
20200808_1948 Documentary on Transitioning 2 and 3 Year Olds to Daycare._EuhWGt0en8Y_[1280x720].description
377 Bytes
20191111_1962 autism documentary from UK_H7RoA85wn5w_[640x360].description
370 Bytes
20191107_Patient with Schizophrenia 1971 psychiatric interview. Subtitled in English_5L-__gHy_n8_[644x480].description
359 Bytes
20200427_Patient with Borderline Personality, Paranoid. Psychiatric_psychoanalytic Interview_erz_ATpxRf4_[854x406].description
354 Bytes
20201011_1960s Medical Instructional Film. Smallpox vaccine._-lhCMMKVKEk_[854x480].description
353 Bytes
20190728_Psychiatric interview with schizophrenic mother and daughter. FOLIE a DEUX 1951_i2eqTWKP2qU_[426x240].description
350 Bytes
2020/08August/20200831_1980s Psychiatric Interview - Manic phase of bipolar disorder_SlJ50ByYzGQ_[854x480]/20200831_1980s Psychiatric Interview - Manic phase of bipolar disorder_SlJ50ByYzGQ_[854x480].description
349 Bytes
20191110_État démentiel - maladie d'Alzheimer. Entretien psychiatrique 1976_FQOdCJG9XYc_[644x480].description
348 Bytes
20190728_Case 6 DEPRESSION 1951 Real Psychiatric Interview with Farmer Ross_vq_mdzgjWz0_[426x240].description
343 Bytes
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with SCHIZOPHRENIC Country Gentleman_GBFIoQac9JQ_[318x240].description
340 Bytes
20200809_1968 Real Police Interview_Interrogation with LOOTER. King assassination riots_hutpyYMiqo8_[854x480].description
329 Bytes
20190810_Maternal Neglect and Recovery. 1960s case study of two girls - Nora and Sally_c7Erg0D77VQ_[1280x720].description
310 Bytes
20201106_Real autopsy - removal of the brain. 1970 teaching film for pathologists_0z3pJ9nUPU4_[632x480].description
307 Bytes
20190728_OCD 1960s Psychiatric Interview of Southern Woman with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder_iHNCiBiW3cM_[320x240].description
306 Bytes
20200726_1972 interviews of adults with speech disorders_impediments._tKv4fqchl00_[854x480].description
303 Bytes
2020/08August/20200819_1960s Documentary on Intellectual Disability (Mentally Retarded)_uJCsMxAZRnM_[854x480]/20200819_1960s Documentary on Intellectual Disability (Mentally Retarded)_uJCsMxAZRnM_[854x480].description
302 Bytes
20201015_1959 High School Exchange Students. Pakistan, Finland, Argentina, Ghana. Impressions of Americans_dFyyc8-iPhc_[1280x610].description
297 Bytes
20200725_Early 1970s Primal Scream Therapy session_N3wauUA2g88_[854x480].description
295 Bytes
20191109_Psychose hallucinatoire chronique. 1971. Entretien psychiatrique_xQxhy3L5jKg_[644x480].description
289 Bytes
20200510_Prevention of Introduction of Pandemic Diseases from Abroad. 1930 film_pYjo7XKLhhQ_[852x480].description
287 Bytes
20200808_1960s Psychiatric Interviews with Psychotic Women - before and after pharmaceutical treatment._OUWAwuVLe34_[1280x720].description
286 Bytes
20200713_1969 medical documentary on AUTISM._szmO0UDmAb8_[426x240].description
284 Bytes
20200924_1954 foreign exchange students from India, Japan and Jordan give their impressions of America_MhjBLLfFLyA_[1280x610].description
277 Bytes
20190729_Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Psychiatric Interview from 1980s_CnSxxpTOgIU_[1280x720].description
273 Bytes
20190728_DRUG ADDICTED HOUSEWIFE 1960s Psychiatric Interview. Barbiturates dependency_yRk3Qzg-wtQ_[320x240].description
270 Bytes
20200704_1949 real psychiatric interview. Anxiety_combat fatigue_PTSD in soldier_DYr6hqOlp8U_[854x480].description
270 Bytes
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Angry Teen Boy_cbdY5t-PJK8_[426x240].description
268 Bytes
20190728_BIPOLAR 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Hypomanic Biology Teacher_vGV5kQ8B44s_[426x240].description
268 Bytes
20190728_PANIC DISORDER 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Man from Tennessee_0Q_Xqg2pGxg_[854x480].description
268 Bytes
20190728_DELIRIUM TREMENS. Psychiatric Interview from 1960s._937YB3Uq_Uc_[426x240].description
259 Bytes
20190728_CHRONIC ANXIETY 1960s Psychiatric Interview_noqVXzSxflA_[426x240].description
258 Bytes
20201011_1959 Lecture on DNA Structure and Replication by James Watson_yLaUWUfoeOk_[1280x610].description
256 Bytes
20200725_1970 Therapy Group for Overweight Women_eqK7HSHRX-E_[854x480].description
254 Bytes
2020/08August/20200813_What to do if you're taken hostage. Instructional film._k51IJTYa8bU_[1280x720]/20200813_What to do if you're taken hostage. Instructional film._k51IJTYa8bU_[1280x720].description
251 Bytes
20200708_12 case studies in speech pathology. 1960_gFgcXJU9q9Q_[640x480].description
244 Bytes
20200227_Young man with paranoid schizophrenia, psychiatric interview._GyEjbjgafrg_[854x480].description
243 Bytes
20190810_PSYCHOTIC CONDITION - Organic Brain Syndrome. Psychiatric Interview from 1970s_BDLEL14YN1c_[1280x720].description
238 Bytes
20200720_BZ gas (incapacitating chemical agent) field tests on soldiers. 1962._kz7BWwUi8KQ_[854x480].description
236 Bytes
20200926_1990 Police Instructional film on identifying Satanism related crimes_l_haAZmVSas_[640x360].description
230 Bytes
20200720_Weird German experimental psychology film on perception. 1958_RsIyTgoWpsI_[854x480].description
222 Bytes
20201012_1959 High School Exchange Student Debate. Finland, Japan, Ceylon, Philippines. Subject - Men vs Women_eZmRU-xaND0_[1280x610].description
220 Bytes
20200707_SNAKE PHOBIA desensitization technique. Real session with real snake. 1970s_Ce0PKdfaBIk_[640x360].description
216 Bytes
20201003_1955 High School Exchange France, Belgium, Germany, Yugoslavia, Switzerland. Subject - European Unity_XSgpUNIvsw4_[1280x610].description
210 Bytes
20190728_PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA 1960s Psychiatric Patient Interview_bw-agSnrEsU_[426x240].description
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20201107_Mongolism (Down's syndrome). 1950s medical teaching film on the 'feebleminded'_MbWAw9qUEPw_[854x480].description
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20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Schizophrenic Woman_J8nXtuLPhpM_[318x240].description
205 Bytes
2020/08August/20200827_Interview with young psychiatric outpatient, and her mother. 1962_0AcVFnlMLDA_[854x480]/20200827_Interview with young psychiatric outpatient, and her mother. 1962_0AcVFnlMLDA_[854x480].description
204 Bytes
20190728_1957 Medical Documentary on AUTISM (Childhood Schizophrenia)_CuZegltDbYA_[426x240].description
197 Bytes
20200626_1970s interviews on drug use with teens and incarcerated addicts_7J2mU6DpCLM_[640x360].description
197 Bytes
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with SCHIZOPHRENIC young man from the deep south_qZDdTEa54wM_[426x240].description
196 Bytes
20200217_Nursing Care in Shock Therapy. 1943 Psychiatric Treatments._YG0BSzux-v8_[720x480].description
195 Bytes
20200702_Brief interview with incarcerated rapists. 1970s._xgGobvx0Khw_[854x480].description
187 Bytes
2020/08August/20200814_Psychiatric Inteview with Teen Girl. 1960s_m8G6ZGn8OjY_[1280x720]/20200814_Psychiatric Inteview with Teen Girl. 1960s_m8G6ZGn8OjY_[1280x720].description
184 Bytes
20200730_1946 Documentary on Teaching Deaf Children to Talk_0sEPRWz4GeU_[854x480].description
184 Bytes
20200626_Child separation and reunions with parents during hospitalization. 1960s psychological study_ci02QJ7EuUQ_[640x360].description
183 Bytes
2020/09September/20200919_Types of Epileptic Seizures.1963 Medical teaching film._v2HpXx1tb1Y_[854x480]/20200919_Types of Epileptic Seizures.1963 Medical teaching film._v2HpXx1tb1Y_[854x480].description
175 Bytes
20200505_Cotard Delusion. Major Depressive Episode with Psychotic Features. Psychiatric teaching interview_bH7MrTkcWDs_[854x480].description
170 Bytes
20190728_Depressive Phase of Bipolar Disorder. 1950s Psychiatric Interview_XGridZIpU0o_[426x240].description
169 Bytes
20201010_Cyclic Neutropenia. 1970s medical teaching film (featuring grey collie puppies)_-Sa_BFdlJL8_[640x480].description
168 Bytes
20200319_Psychoneuroses. 1930s Psychiatric film. Conversion Disorder._f5Q5OEqU5iQ_[854x480].description
167 Bytes
20200702_1960s Documentary on Down's Syndrome (Mongolism)_deBURTRAEdY_[854x480].description
166 Bytes
20190728_SCHIZOID PERSONALITY+DEPRESSION 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Adolescent Girl_FdzuB5JWeMg_[426x240].description
165 Bytes
20200707_Treatment for SCHIZOPHRENIA. 1951 film._RupyAIIVbIM_[640x480].description
163 Bytes
20201110_Real autopsy. Enucleation - removal of the eye. 1970 surgical teaching film for pathologists_8cFNGMILgCI_[634x480].description
162 Bytes
20191107_Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Psychiatric Interview 1976. Subtitled in English_-Cufq3qBVvY_[644x480].description
161 Bytes
20190728_A Mom's Decision to Institutionalize Her Blind Baby, Martin_YFp-2cOBgWA_[426x240].description
160 Bytes
20190728_Case 5 Senile Psychosis 1951 psychiatric interview with dementia patients_zyIm6BLl8LI_[426x240].description
160 Bytes
20200706_1960s Psychiatric Interview. Depressive Neurosis, feelings of inferiority._KTZ5EvxV-pk_[640x480].description
156 Bytes
20191108_Reinforcement therapy 1966 - Obedience Training of Autistic Children Through Reward and Punishment_k8H3OnxoXLU_[640x480].description
154 Bytes
20200224_Psychiatric Interview with Paranoid Schizophrenic. 1983_E1L9Rb0LADg_[1280x604].description
151 Bytes
20201102_1980s Psychiatric interview with bipolar patient in depressive phase. Medical teaching film._y9uzfDfqZRc_[1280x610].description
151 Bytes
20201116_Psychiatric Interview. Control (normal) vs. schizophrenic. 1960s_9SSjNne7ydg_[426x240].description
151 Bytes
20190810_1960s documentary on a self injuring autistic child._7cCB5YqqzUA_[1280x720].description
148 Bytes
20191107_ALCOHOLISM - 1960s Real Psychiatric Interview with Southern Gentleman_m9LEis46M-Q_[634x480].description
147 Bytes
20200924_1943. Rehabilitation_physical therapy facility for children. Cerebral Palsy and Polio_87tKYQZkY4Q_[640x480].description
146 Bytes
20190728_BIPOLAR 1960 Psychiatric Interview with Patient in Manic phase_62DTK0kQX4Q_[426x240].description
145 Bytes
20190728_SCHIZOPHRENIA 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Musician_iBNsZXSPdzM_[426x240].description
144 Bytes
20190728_HYPOCHONDRIA 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Patient experiencing Hysterical Neurosis_gZd7rPui_n4_[426x240].description
143 Bytes
20190728_DEPRESSION 1960s Psychiatric Interview with Housewife_svwln5Muwq8_[426x240].description
141 Bytes
20201010_Breast Reduction Surgery in 1966 Medical Documentary. Pre-op, surgery, and post-op_OR4lBOYYz8c_[320x240].description
141 Bytes
20200924_Microcephaly. 1950s medical teaching film_ZFTyYS38A4c_[854x480].description
136 Bytes
20201116_1958 Linguistics Lecture with Henry Lee Smith. Grammar._V22DFGHndkw_[1280x610].description
136 Bytes
20190728_1960s Psychiatric Interview with Teen Girl_rdB7jNg7E2I_[426x240].description
132 Bytes
20191109_Smallpox. 1940s Medical Documentary. GRAPHIC._61V6mK5WwJg_[636x480].description
127 Bytes
20200224_1980s Paranoid Schizoprenic Interview. Psychiatric Teaching FIlm. Case 10_7fP1yeE0p28_[1280x604].description
127 Bytes
20201105_1960s Child Abuse Documentary. Full_DJkEUmAlAd4_[854x480].description
124 Bytes
20201013_1957 High School Exchange Students. Korea, S. Africa, Yugoslavia, W. Germany. Subject - Communism_glVTEbbpLjk_[1280x610].description
121 Bytes
20201003_1955 Student Exchange. Italy, India, Singapore, Australia. Subject - Education_e8LhFyyYix4_[1280x610].description
115 Bytes
20201003_1955 Foreign Exchange Students in America from Brazil, Korea, Japan, UK. Subject - High School_PCKKJq4Lyyc_[1280x720].description
95 Bytes
20201010_Old scientific film on psychology of perception. 1940s or 50s._GgbMJD2ZFwQ_[640x360].description
89 Bytes
20200504_Disorganized (Hebephrenic) Schizophrenia Interview from 1980s. Psychiatric teaching film._G8aZZVBWg1s_[854x480].description
84 Bytes
20200505_Major Depressive Episode with Melancholia, and Dysthmic Disorder. Psychiatric Interviews from 1980s_U5Brlt7TQYo_[854x480].description
84 Bytes
20200809_Depression_Melancholia in 2 forms - Simple and Psychotic. 1971 Psychiatric Interview. French_RJDWnuPmVJc_[854x480].description
83 Bytes
20201003_1955 High School Exchange. Norway, Australia, Philippines, Korea. Subject - Red China_UpYdm2ND7Po_[1280x610].description
80 Bytes
20201011_1980s Psychiatric interview with manic patient. Medical teaching film._GzEU6kg22rg_[1278x720].description
79 Bytes
20201113_1970s psychology study of imprinting in ducks (behaviorism)_oJe8vhQ_9b4_[640x480].description
68 Bytes
20200630_Weird german experimental psychology film on blind perception, 1950s_gTL6YHVI04Q_[640x360].description
46 Bytes
20200925_Hypomanic Episode of Bipolar Disorder. Psychiatric interview 1980s_sne73BirXyw_[1280x720].description
41 Bytes
20201003_1955 Exchange Students - Philippines, Iran, Ceylon, Israel, West Germany. Subject - Foreign Aid_c7ws4bbPy74_[1280x610].description
25 Bytes
20201002_1955 High School Exchange students in America - Korea, Vietnam, Nigeria, Pakistan and South Africa_YHpUu-VR0Aw_[1280x610].description
24 Bytes
20201011_1963 Baby training, and fitness advice for moms from Bonnie Prudden._HTqDH2c7Hew_[854x480].description
0 Bytes
0 Bytes
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