[Udemy] 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2020
[Udemy] 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2020
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65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/6. Web Design in Practice - Let's apply what we've learnt!.mp4
300.7 MB
14. Day 14 - Beginner - Higher Lower Game Project/2. Solution & Walkthrough of the Higher Lower Game.mp4
255.5 MB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/7. Solution & Walkthrough for the Coffee Machine Code.mp4
220.4 MB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/5. User Experience (UX) Design.mp4
204.0 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/19. Stylised Personal Site Solution Walkthrough.mp4
191.4 MB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/7. Solution & Walkthrough to the Number Guessing Game.mp4
176.5 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/26. Refactor Our Website Part 1.mp4
161.1 MB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/5. Internal CSS.mp4
159.6 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/9. The Bootstrap Grid Layout System.mp4
154.3 MB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/3. Understanding Typography and How to Choose Fonts.mp4
153.2 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/5. The Bootstrap Navigation Bar.mp4
152.2 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/20. Bootstrap Cards.mp4
151.3 MB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/5. Scraping a Live Website.mp4
151.0 MB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/7. Solution & Walkthrough for the Automated Birthday Wisher.mp4
150.5 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/22. Advanced CSS - Media Query Breakpoints.mp4
149.7 MB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/4. Challenge - Check if it Will Rain in the Next 12 Hours.mp4
144.9 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/15. Styling Our Website Challenges and Solutions.mp4
141.8 MB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/2. Understanding Color Theory.mp4
141.2 MB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/8. Solution and Complete Code for the Secret Auction Program.mp4
140.8 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/21. CSS Z-index and Stacking Order.mp4
139.0 MB
70. Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Digital Ocean/2. Version Control and Git.mp4
137.3 MB
56. Day 56 - Intermediate+ Rendering HTMLStatic files and Using Website Templates/4. How to Use Website Templates to Speed Up Web Development.mp4
135.4 MB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/6. Caesar Cipher Part 1 - Encryption.mp4
133.6 MB
36. Day 36 - Intermediate+ Stock Trading News Alert Project/3. Solution & Walkthrough for Step 1 - Check for Stock Price Movements.mp4
132.0 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/19. The Bootstrap Carousel Part 2.mp4
128.9 MB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/9. Caesar Cipher Part 4 - User Experience Improvements & Final Touches.mp4
128.8 MB
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/3. Understand the Command Line on Windows and Mac.mp4
128.2 MB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/9. Challenge 2 - Search for a Website in the Password Manager.mp4
127.8 MB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/10. The Hirst Painting Project Part 1 - How to Extract RGB Values from Images.mp4
127.3 MB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/11. Day 3 Project Treasure Island.mp4
123.9 MB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/4. Manage ATTENTION with effective User Interface (UI) Design.mp4
123.5 MB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/8. What is The HTML Boilerplate.mp4
122.0 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/17. CSS Float and Clear.mp4
119.6 MB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/3. DataFrames & Series Working with Rows & Columns.mp4
119.1 MB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/6. U.S. States Game Part 2 Challenge with .csv.mp4
117.6 MB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/4. Add a Count Down Mechanism.mp4
115.4 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/17. Solution to Bootstrap Challenge 1.mp4
114.0 MB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/6. Understand API Parameters Match Sunset Times with the Current Time.mp4
111.7 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/4. Wireframing a Website.mp4
110.1 MB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/10. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Love Calculator.mp4
107.5 MB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/8. Walkthrough and Solution for the OOP Coffee Machine.mp4
106.1 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/12. CSS Sizing.mp4
104.3 MB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/3. How to Find and Select Elements on a Website with Selenium.mp4
104.0 MB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/5. Class based Tkinter UI.mp4
102.3 MB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/8. Day 5 Project Create a Password Generator.mp4
101.7 MB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/9. Day 4 Project Rock Paper Scissors.mp4
101.6 MB
20. Day 20 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 1 Animation & Coordinates/3. Animating the Snake Segments on Screen.mp4
100.9 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/14. Bootstrap Buttons and Font Awesome.mp4
100.5 MB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/3. Using API Keys to Authenticate and Get the Weather from OpenWeatherMap.mp4
100.4 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/2. What is Bootstrap.mp4
99.7 MB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/7. How to Debug CSS Code.mp4
99.3 MB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/3. How to Send Emails with Python using SMTP.mp4
99.0 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/24. Solution to Bootstrap Challenge 2.mp4
98.8 MB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/2. Catching Exceptions The try catch except finally Pattern.mp4
98.7 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/5. The Box Model of Website Styling.mp4
97.8 MB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/11. Day 2 Project Tip Calculator.mp4
96.5 MB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/7. Generate a Password & Copy it to the Clipboard.mp4
96.3 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/10. Font Styling in Our Personal Site.mp4
94.8 MB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/6. How to Automate Filling Out Forms and Clicking Buttons with Selenium.mp4
94.1 MB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/7. Write, read and update JSON data in the Password Manager.mp4
92.7 MB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/2. Random Module.mp4
91.9 MB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/6. While Loops.mp4
91.5 MB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/7. 100 Movies that You Must Watch.mp4
91.4 MB
56. Day 56 - Intermediate+ Rendering HTMLStatic files and Using Website Templates/6. Solution and Walkthrough for the Name Card Final Project.mp4
91.2 MB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/5. Challenge 3 - Saving Data to File.mp4
91.1 MB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/5. Understand Relative and Absolute File Paths.mp4
90.9 MB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/4. The Great Squirrel Census Data Analysis (with Pandas!).mp4
90.8 MB
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/2. Working Flask URL Paths and the Flask Debugger.mp4
90.4 MB
37. Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project API Post Requests & Headers/3. Advanced Authentication using an HTTP Header.mp4
90.4 MB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/3. Inline CSS.mp4
89.5 MB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Banker Roulette - Who will pay the bill.mp4
89.2 MB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/5. Sending SMS via the Twilio API.mp4
88.2 MB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/4. Understanding the Offset and Appending Items to Lists.mp4
87.9 MB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/2. The Python Dictionary Deep Dive.mp4
87.1 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/6. Challenge 2 Solution - How to Replace the Blanks.mp4
87.0 MB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/2. Understanding Turtle Graphics and How to use the Documentation.mp4
86.9 MB
36. Day 36 - Intermediate+ Stock Trading News Alert Project/5. Solution & Walkthrough for Step 3 - Send the SMS Messages.mp4
85.9 MB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/7. Hint 13 Solution Walkthrough.mp4
85.8 MB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/2. How to work with the Canvas Widget and Add Images to Tkinter.mp4
85.8 MB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/2. Reading CSV Data in Python.mp4
85.2 MB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/2. HTML Tables.mp4
85.2 MB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/2. How to Create Lists using List Comprehension.mp4
84.8 MB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/3. Constructing Objects and Accessing their Attributes and Methods.mp4
84.5 MB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/12. HTML Links and Anchor Tags.mp4
83.4 MB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/6. Is Web Scraping Legal.mp4
83.2 MB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/3. Finding and Selecting Particular Elements with BeautifulSoup.mp4
81.6 MB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/9. Solution & Walkthrough for Saving Progress.mp4
81.3 MB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/8. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Treasure Map.mp4
81.2 MB
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/2. Create your First Web Server with Flask.mp4
80.6 MB
57. Day 57 - Intermediate+ Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications/2. Using Jinja to Produce Dynamic HTML Pages.mp4
79.8 MB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/7. ISS Overhead Notifier Project - Challenge & Solution.mp4
79.0 MB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/3. PyCharm's Charming Features (while you wait for the download to finish).mp4
78.7 MB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/11. The Hirst Painting Project Part 2 - Drawing the Dots.mp4
78.3 MB
57. Day 57 - Intermediate+ Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications/3. Challenge Combining Jinja Templating with APIs.mp4
78.1 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/11. Adding Grid Layouts to Our Website.mp4
77.4 MB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/3. Solution & Walkthrough for Creating the UI.mp4
77.0 MB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/7. Understanding Environment Variables and Hiding API Keys.mp4
76.9 MB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/8. Caesar Cipher Part 3 - Reorganising our Code.mp4
76.9 MB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/7. How to Hack Passwords 101.mp4
76.7 MB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/4. Indentation in Python.mp4
76.6 MB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/6. Encryption and Hashing.mp4
76.4 MB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/1. Day 31 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
75.8 MB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/12. Mile to Kilometers Converter Project.mp4
75.4 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/18. The Bootstrap Carousel Part 1.mp4
75.3 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/11. Adding Content to Our Website.mp4
75.2 MB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/9. How to Structure Text in HTML.mp4
75.0 MB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/2. How to Install & Set Up Selenium.mp4
74.9 MB
36. Day 36 - Intermediate+ Stock Trading News Alert Project/1. Day 36 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
74.8 MB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/8. Solution & Walkthrough for the Mail Merge Project.mp4
73.4 MB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/10. Classes vs. Ids.mp4
73.2 MB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/5. U.S. States Game Part 1 Setup.mp4
73.2 MB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/3. The Hurdles Loop Challenge.mp4
73.0 MB
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/5. Understanding the Turtle Coordinate System.mp4
72.9 MB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/2. Add a High Score to the Snake Game.mp4
71.7 MB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/6. Introduction & Requirements for the Coffee Machine Project.mp4
71.7 MB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/7. Solution & Walkthrough for Flipping Cards.mp4
71.5 MB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/9. Give Feedback to the Player, Keep Score and Fix the Bugs =).mp4
71.5 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/3. Installing Bootstrap.mp4
70.7 MB
20. Day 20 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 1 Animation & Coordinates/5. How to Control the Snake with a Keypress.mp4
70.4 MB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/5. Introduction to HTML.mp4
70.0 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/8. Setting Up Our New Project.mp4
69.8 MB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/5. Challenge 1 - Send Motivational Quotes on Mondays via Email.mp4
68.7 MB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/4. Challenge Use Selenium to Scrape Website Data.mp4
68.3 MB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/2. Parsing HTML and Making Soup.mp4
67.7 MB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/2. Defining and Calling Python Functions.mp4
66.8 MB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/9. While Loops, Flags and Recursion.mp4
66.6 MB
50. Day 50 - Intermediate+ Auto Tinder Swiping Bot/1. Day 50 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
66.6 MB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/6. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Leap Year.mp4
66.4 MB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/6. Dialog Boxes and Pop-Ups in Tkinter.mp4
66.3 MB
36. Day 36 - Intermediate+ Stock Trading News Alert Project/4. Solution & Walkthrough for Step 2 - Get the News Articles.mp4
66.0 MB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/3. Challenge - Complete the Application's User Interface (UI).mp4
66.0 MB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/5. Solution & Walkthrough for Creating New Flash Cards.mp4
65.7 MB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/4. Detect Collisions with Food.mp4
64.9 MB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/1. Introduction to Web Design.mp4
64.0 MB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/5. Practice Modifying Object Attributes and Calling Methods.mp4
63.9 MB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/2. Blackjack Program Requirements and Game Rules.mp4
63.8 MB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/9. Turtle Challenge 5 - Draw a Spirograph.mp4
63.6 MB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/6. Use PythonAnywhere to Automate the Python Script.mp4
63.4 MB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/8. Jumping over Hurdles with Variable Heights.mp4
63.4 MB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/2. Functions with Outputs.mp4
63.4 MB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/3. Hint 4 & 5 Solution Walkthrough.mp4
63.3 MB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/9. Quiz Project Part 5 Checking Answers and Keeping Score.mp4
62.7 MB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/4. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Pain Area Calculator.mp4
62.4 MB
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/7. Aaaand, we're off to the races!.mp4
62.1 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/6. CSS Display Property.mp4
61.9 MB
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/2. What is REST.mp4
61.5 MB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/11. Tkinter Layout Managers pack(), place() and grid().mp4
61.4 MB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/7. Adding Checkmarks and Resetting the Application.mp4
61.2 MB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/3. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Average Height.mp4
61.1 MB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/9. Buttons, Entry, and Setting Component Options.mp4
61.0 MB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/5. Create a Scoreboard and Keep Score.mp4
60.9 MB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/7. kwargs Many Keyword Arguments.mp4
60.4 MB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/6. Python Typing & Showing the Next Question in the GUI.mp4
60.3 MB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/11. HTML Image Elements.mp4
60.3 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/4. HTML Divs.mp4
60.0 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/12. Challenge 5 Solution - How to Add ASCII Art and Improve the UI.mp4
59.3 MB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/9. Score Keeping and Changing the Ball Speed.mp4
59.1 MB
53. Day 53 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping Capstone - Data Entry Job Automation/1. Day 53 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
59.0 MB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/4. Working with Responses HTTP Codes, Exceptions & JSON Data.mp4
58.6 MB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Prime Number Checker.mp4
58.5 MB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/6. Hint 10-12 Solution Walkthrough.mp4
58.4 MB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/6. Quiz Project Part 2 Creating the List of Question Objects from the Data.mp4
58.3 MB
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/3. Rendering HTML Elements with Flask.mp4
58.2 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/13. Bootstrap Containers.mp4
57.5 MB
56. Day 56 - Intermediate+ Rendering HTMLStatic files and Using Website Templates/2. Rendering HTML Files with Flask.mp4
57.5 MB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/7. HTML Forms.mp4
57.2 MB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/3. How to Open, Read, and Write to Files using the with Keyword.mp4
57.1 MB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/10. Other Tkinter Widgets Radiobuttons, Scales, Checkbuttons and more.mp4
56.5 MB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/7. Solution to Step 4 - Create the Car Behaviour.mp4
56.3 MB
37. Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project API Post Requests & Headers/2. HTTP Post Requests.mp4
56.1 MB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/4. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Days in Month.mp4
55.4 MB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/7. Multiple If Statements in Succession.mp4
55.2 MB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/6. External CSS.mp4
55.0 MB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/7. Caesar Cipher Part 2 - Decryption.mp4
54.7 MB
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/5. Python Functions as First Class Objects Passing & Nesting Functions.mp4
54.6 MB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] BMI 2.0.mp4
54.3 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/4. Challenge 1 Solution - How to Check the User's Answer.mp4
54.3 MB
56. Day 56 - Intermediate+ Rendering HTMLStatic files and Using Website Templates/3. Serving Static Files using Flask.mp4
54.3 MB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/8. The Anatomy of CSS Syntax.mp4
53.7 MB
20. Day 20 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 1 Animation & Coordinates/4. Create a Snake Class & Move to OOP.mp4
53.3 MB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/6. Setting Different Timer Sessions and Values.mp4
53.1 MB
57. Day 57 - Intermediate+ Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications/4. Multiline Statements with Jinja.mp4
53.1 MB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/6. The Anatomy of an HTML Tag.mp4
52.9 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/25. Code Refactoring.mp4
52.8 MB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/3. Working with Attributes, Class Constructors and the __init__() Function.mp4
52.8 MB
14. Day 14 - Beginner - Higher Lower Game Project/1. Introduction & Program Requirements for the Higher Lower Game.mp4
52.3 MB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/6. HTML Tables Solution Walkthrough.mp4
52.2 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/10. Challenge 4 Solution - How to Keep Track of the Player's Lives.mp4
51.7 MB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/7. Hurdles Challenge using While Loops.mp4
51.7 MB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/9. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Life in Weeks.mp4
51.1 MB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/2. Control Flow with if else and Conditional Operators.mp4
51.0 MB
70. Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Digital Ocean/3. What is GitHub.mp4
50.5 MB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/7. Calculator Part 1 Combining Dictionaries and Functions.mp4
50.4 MB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/3. Creating Windows and Labels with Tkinter.mp4
50.2 MB
37. Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project API Post Requests & Headers/6. How to use HTTP Put and Delete Requests.mp4
50.2 MB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/7. Building the Coffee Machine in OOP.mp4
49.9 MB
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/6. Understanding Python Decorator Functions and the @ Syntax.mp4
49.7 MB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/10. The Benefits of OOP Use Open Trivia DB to Get New Questions.mp4
49.3 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/8. Absolute positioning.mp4
49.2 MB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/3. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Random Exercise.mp4
48.5 MB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/7. [Interactive Coding Exercise] BMI Calculator.mp4
48.4 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/7. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging Practice.mp4
48.3 MB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/4. Nesting Lists and Dictionaries.mp4
48.1 MB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/2. Functions with Inputs.mp4
48.0 MB
47. Day 47 - Intermediate+ Create an Automated Amazon Price Tracker/1. Day 47 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
47.6 MB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/4. Hint 6-8 Solution Walkthrough.mp4
47.5 MB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/8. Python Tuples and How to Generate Random RGB Colours.mp4
47.5 MB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/7. Turtle Challenge 4 - Generate a Random Walk.mp4
47.5 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/9. The Dark Art of Centering Elements with CSS.mp4
47.4 MB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/8. Run Your Python Code in the Cloud!.mp4
47.3 MB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/7. How to use Dictionary Comprehension.mp4
47.3 MB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/8. Challenge 1 - Handling Exceptions in the Password Manager.mp4
46.6 MB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/4. Solution to the Creating the Grid Layout.mp4
46.0 MB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/3. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Grading Program.mp4
45.9 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/7. CSS Static and Relative Positioning.mp4
45.8 MB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/3. Positional vs. Keyword Arguments.mp4
45.7 MB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/1. Why do we need OOP and how does it work.mp4
45.7 MB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/4. Importing Modules, Installing Packages, and Working with Aliases.mp4
45.6 MB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/10. Solution to Step 7 - Add the Scoreboard and Game Over sequence.mp4
45.5 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/27. Advanced CSS - Combining Selectors.mp4
45.3 MB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/4. Write the Paddle Class and Create the Second Paddle.mp4
45.2 MB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/10. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging FizzBuzz.mp4
45.2 MB
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/3. Challenge Make an Etch-A-Sketch App.mp4
44.7 MB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Dictionary in List.mp4
44.4 MB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/7. The Cookie Clicker Project.mp4
44.3 MB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/2. Trivia Question API Challenge.mp4
44.2 MB
37. Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project API Post Requests & Headers/4. Challenge Add a Pixel to the Habit Tracker using a Post Request.mp4
44.1 MB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/4. How to Add Python Packages and use PyPi.mp4
44.0 MB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/5. Hint 9 Solution Walkthrough Refactoring and calling calculate_score().mp4
43.8 MB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/7. Quiz Project Part 3 The QuizBrain and the next_question() Method.mp4
43.3 MB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/6. Code Exercise Exception Handling in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet Project.mp4
43.3 MB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/5. Dynamic Typing Explained.mp4
43.2 MB
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/5. Advanced Decorators with args and kwargs.mp4
43.2 MB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/3. How Do Websites Actually Work.mp4
43.1 MB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/4. [Interactive Coding Exercise] High Score.mp4
43.0 MB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/4. Challenge Read and Write the High Score to a File in Snake.mp4
43.0 MB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/7. U.S. States Game Part 3 Saving Data to .csv.mp4
42.4 MB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/12. Solution & Walkthrough for the NATO Alphabet Project.mp4
41.7 MB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/10. HTML Lists.mp4
41.7 MB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/2. Class Inheritance.mp4
41.4 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/4. Printing to the Console in Python.mp4
41.3 MB
39. Day 39 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 1 Flight Deal Finder/1. Day 39 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
40.8 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Printing.mp4
40.8 MB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Data Types.mp4
40.6 MB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/5. Challenge - Build a Kanye Quotes App using the Kanye Rest API.mp4
40.5 MB
20. Day 20 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 1 Animation & Coordinates/2. Screen Setup and Creating a Snake Body.mp4
40.5 MB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/8. Forms in Practice - Create a Contact Me Form.mp4
40.3 MB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/5. Challenge Use Selenium in a Blank Project & Scrape a Different Piece of Data.mp4
40.2 MB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/3. Create a Paddle that responds to Key Presses.mp4
39.9 MB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/7. Detect Collisions with your own Tail.mp4
39.4 MB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/3. API Endpoints and Making API Calls.mp4
38.7 MB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/2. History of GUI and Introduction to Tkinter.mp4
38.5 MB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/9. CSS Selectors.mp4
38.2 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/14. Day 1 Project Band Name Generator.mp4
38.2 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/9. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Input Function.mp4
38.1 MB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/8. A Solid Foundation goes a Long Way.mp4
38.1 MB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/4. Nested if statements and elif statements.mp4
38.0 MB
51. Day 51 - Intermediate+ Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot/1. Day 51 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
37.4 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/6. String Manipulation and Code Intelligence.mp4
37.4 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/1. START HERE.mp4
37.0 MB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/4. Type Error, Type Checking and Type Conversion.mp4
36.6 MB
57. Day 57 - Intermediate+ Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications/5. URL Building with Flask.mp4
36.5 MB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/1. Namespaces Local vs. Global Scope.mp4
36.5 MB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/6. IndexErrors and Working with Nested Lists.mp4
36.4 MB
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/2. Python Higher Order Functions & Event Listeners.mp4
36.3 MB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/11. How to Get a Good Night's Sleep.mp4
35.9 MB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/4. Unescaping HTML Entities.mp4
35.9 MB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/6. Add the Ball Bouncing Logic.mp4
35.7 MB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/8. Print vs. Return.mp4
35.7 MB
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/1. Understanding Backend Web Development with Python.mp4
35.7 MB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/2. What is API Authentication and Why Do We Need to Authenticate Ourselves.mp4
35.4 MB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/11. Introducing the NATO Alphabet Project.mp4
35.4 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/8. Challenge 3 Solution - How to Check if the Player Won.mp4
35.3 MB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/9. Final Project Escaping the Maze.mp4
35.3 MB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/10. Publish Your Website!.mp4
35.1 MB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/8. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Pizza Order Practice.mp4
35.0 MB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/1. Installing Python Locally on Your Computer.mp4
34.3 MB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/4. Working with the datetime Module.mp4
34.0 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/11. Challenge 5 - Improving the User Experience.mp4
33.3 MB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/10. Why is this so Hard! Can I really do this.mp4
33.1 MB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/2. Using the for loop with Python Lists.mp4
32.8 MB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/4. Setting Default Values for Optional Arguments inside a Function Header.mp4
32.8 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/29. Advanced CSS - Selector Priority.mp4
32.8 MB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/7. [Interactive Coding Exercise] The FizzBuzz Job Interview Question.mp4
32.4 MB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/8. Number Manipulation and F Strings in Python.mp4
32.4 MB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/8. How to Slice Lists & Tuples in Python.mp4
32.3 MB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/2. Challenge 1 - Working with Images and Setting up the Canvas.mp4
32.3 MB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/6. Turtle Challenge 3 - Drawing Different Shapes.mp4
32.2 MB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/7. How to Detect Collisions with the Paddle.mp4
32.1 MB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/8. Quiz Project Part 4 How to continue showing new Questions.mp4
32.0 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/16. CSS Font Property Challenge Solutions.mp4
31.7 MB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/2. Python Primitive Data Types.mp4
31.6 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/8. The Python Input Function.mp4
31.6 MB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/6. Bringing out the BIG Gun Using a Debugger.mp4
31.6 MB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/10. How to Iterate over a Pandas DataFrame.mp4
31.3 MB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/10. Calculator Finishing Touches and Bug Fixes.mp4
31.3 MB
37. Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project API Post Requests & Headers/5. Autofilling today's date using strftime.mp4
31.2 MB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/6. Automated Birthday Wisher Project Challenge.mp4
31.0 MB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/9. Solution to Step 6 - Detect when the Player has reached the other side.mp4
30.7 MB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/8. Check the Answer.mp4
30.6 MB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/1. Describe the Problem.mp4
30.4 MB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/6. Mathematical Operations in Python.mp4
29.8 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/2. How to break a Complex Problem down into a Flow Chart.mp4
29.7 MB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/2. How Does the Internet Actually Work.mp4
29.5 MB
52. Day 52 - Intermediate+ Instagram Follower Bot/1. Day 52 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
29.2 MB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/3. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Odd or Even Introducing the Modulo.mp4
29.1 MB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/5. Quiz Project Part 1 Creating the Question Class.mp4
29.1 MB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/7. Introducing the Mail Merge Challenge.mp4
29.0 MB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/1. Day 45 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
28.9 MB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/8. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Dictionary Comprehension 1.mp4
28.3 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/13. The Benefits of Daily Practice.mp4
28.1 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/2. What We'll Make - Stylised Personal Site.mp4
28.0 MB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/5. Squash bugs with a print() Statement.mp4
28.0 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/7. Challenge 3 - Checking if the Player has Won.mp4
27.5 MB
46. Day 46 - Intermediate+ Create a Spotify Playlist using the Musical Time Machine/1. Day 46 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
27.5 MB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/7. Final Debugging Tips.mp4
27.3 MB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/9. Logical Operators.mp4
27.0 MB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/6. args Many Positional Arguments.mp4
27.0 MB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/1. Day 41 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
27.0 MB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Data Overlap.mp4
26.8 MB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/9. Hard Work and Perseverance beats Raw Talent Every Time.mp4
26.8 MB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/4. How to Install PyCharm on Windows.mp4
26.8 MB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/1. Day 29 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
26.7 MB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/8. Salting Passwords.mp4
26.7 MB
37. Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project API Post Requests & Headers/1. Day 37 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
26.7 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/30. Completing the Website.mp4
26.7 MB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/1. Day 5 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
26.7 MB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/5. Write the Ball Class and Make the Ball Move.mp4
26.3 MB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/2. What are Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).mp4
26.2 MB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/7. What we're building - HTML Personal Site.mp4
26.0 MB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/10. How You Can Stay Motivated.mp4
25.7 MB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/1. Day 48 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
25.4 MB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/7. Python Typing Type Hints and Arrows -.mp4
25.2 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/11. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Variables.mp4
25.2 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/10. Python Variables.mp4
25.0 MB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/10. Programming is like going to the Gym.mp4
24.9 MB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/6. Solution to Step 3 - Create the Player Behaviour.mp4
24.9 MB
38. Day 38 - Intermediate+ Workout Tracking Using Google Sheets/1. Day 38 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
24.8 MB
49. Day 49 - Intermediate+ Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn/1. Day 49 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
24.6 MB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/3. Raising your own Exceptions.mp4
24.3 MB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/5. Docstrings.mp4
24.2 MB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/3. Challenge 2 - Use grid() and columnspan to Complete the User Interface.mp4
24.2 MB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/4. Adding Methods to a Class.mp4
24.2 MB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/9. Motivation and the Accountability Trick.mp4
24.1 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/5. Challenge 2 - Replacing Blanks with Guesses.mp4
24.1 MB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/6. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Adding Even Numbers.mp4
24.0 MB
20. Day 20 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 1 Animation & Coordinates/1. Day 20 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
23.2 MB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/1. Day 24 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
23.1 MB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/6. Detect Collisions with the Wall.mp4
23.0 MB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/4. Fixing Errors and Watching for Red Underlines.mp4
23.0 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/3. What Are Favicons.mp4
22.9 MB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/3. Solution & Walkthrough for getting Trivia Questions.mp4
22.8 MB
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/4. __name__ and __main__ Special Attributes built into Python.mp4
22.8 MB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/3. How to Modify a Global Variable.mp4
22.7 MB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/9. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Dictionary Comprehension 2.mp4
22.3 MB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/8. How to Detect when the Ball goes Out of Bounds.mp4
22.3 MB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/6. Introducing the Final Project The Number Guessing Game.mp4
21.8 MB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/3. Play Computer and Evaluate Each Line.mp4
21.5 MB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/2. Reproduce the Bug.mp4
21.5 MB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] KeyError Handling.mp4
21.5 MB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/5. for loops and the range() function.mp4
20.8 MB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/1. Day 11 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
20.6 MB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/5. Turtle Challenge 2 - Draw a Dashed Line.mp4
20.3 MB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/2. How to create your own Class in Python.mp4
20.3 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/15. Congratulations! Well done!.mp4
20.1 MB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/2. Introduction to CSS.mp4
19.9 MB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/6. Apply List Comprehension to the U.S. States Game.mp4
19.7 MB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/3. Multiple return values.mp4
19.7 MB
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/1. Day 55 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
19.5 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/9. Challenge 4 - Keeping Track of the Player's Lives.mp4
19.5 MB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/1. Day 34 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
19.0 MB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/5. Installing PyCharm on Mac.mp4
18.8 MB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/3. How to use the Starter Code.mp4
18.6 MB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/1. Day 22 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
18.4 MB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/7. The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart.mp4
18.0 MB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/3. Using HTML Tables for Layout.mp4
17.9 MB
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/4. Challenge Use Python Decorators to Style HTML Tags.mp4
17.6 MB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/9. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging Leap Year.mp4
17.4 MB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/1. Day 32 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
16.9 MB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/12. Share and Show off your Project!.mp4
16.9 MB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/4. [Interactive Coding Exercise] IndexError Handling.mp4
16.5 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/3. Challenge 1 - Picking a Random Words and Checking Answers.mp4
15.6 MB
40. Day 40 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 2 Flight Club/1. Day 40 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
15.5 MB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/1. Day 25 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
15.5 MB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/2. How to use OOP Classes and Objects.mp4
15.4 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/12. Variable Naming.mp4
15.3 MB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/2. What is Authentication.mp4
14.0 MB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/8. Solution to Step 5 - Detect when the Turtle collides with a Car squish.mp4
13.8 MB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/1. Day 33 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
13.7 MB
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/4. Object State and Instances.mp4
13.5 MB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/4. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Filtering Even Numbers.mp4
13.4 MB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/8. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging Odd or Even.mp4
13.2 MB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/1. Day 8 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
13.1 MB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/2. Download PyCharm for Windows or Mac.mp4
13.0 MB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/3. Turtle Challenge 1 - Draw a Square.mp4
12.5 MB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/3. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Squaring Numbers.mp4
11.7 MB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/1. Day 27 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
11.6 MB
56. Day 56 - Intermediate+ Rendering HTMLStatic files and Using Website Templates/1. Day 56 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
11.5 MB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/12. You are already in the top 50%.mp4
11.4 MB
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/1. Day 19 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
11.4 MB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/2. Does Python Have Block Scope.mp4
11.3 MB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/1. Day 28 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
10.9 MB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/1. Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
10.1 MB
70. Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Digital Ocean/1. Day 70 Goals - Learn to Deploy Your Website.mp4
9.3 MB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/4. HTML Tables Code Challenge.mp4
9.1 MB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/2. Set up the Main Screen.mp4
8.9 MB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/1. Day 30 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
8.6 MB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/1. Day 35 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
8.4 MB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/4. Python Constants and Global Scope.mp4
8.4 MB
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/9. HTTP PUT vs. PATCH.mp4
8.2 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/6. What We'll Make - Tindog.mp4
8.0 MB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/1. Day 17 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
7.9 MB
57. Day 57 - Intermediate+ Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications/1. Day 57 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
7.7 MB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/1. Day 23 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
7.7 MB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/1. Day 10 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
7.6 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/3. Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
7.3 MB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/1. Day 3 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
6.5 MB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/1. Day 2 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
6.2 MB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/1. Day 7 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
5.5 MB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/1. Day 18 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
5.1 MB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/1. Day 43 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
5.0 MB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/1. Day 42 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
4.8 MB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/1. Day 21 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
4.7 MB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/1. Day 26 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
4.4 MB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/1. Day 4 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
3.9 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/1. Day 44 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.mp4
3.6 MB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/1. Day 6 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
3.4 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/28. Refactoring Our Website Part 2.mp4
2.5 MB
80. Day 80 - Advanced - Capstone Project - Predict House Prices/Multivariable_Regression_and_Valuation_Model_(complete).ipynb
2.4 MB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/2.1 12+Rules+to+Learn+to+Code+eBook-Copyright App Brewery.pdf
2.4 MB
78. Day 78 - Advanced - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn/Nobel_Prize_Analysis_(complete).ipynb
2.0 MB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (completed)/assets/lego_themes.png
1.8 MB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (start)/assets/lego_themes.png
1.8 MB
76. Day 76 - Advanced - Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays/Computation_with_NumPy_and_N_Dimensional_Arrays_(complete).ipynb
1.6 MB
79. Day 79 - Advanced - The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing t-Tests & Distributions/Dr_Semmelweis_Handwashing_Discovery_(complete).ipynb
1.5 MB
77. Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn/Seaborn_and_Linear_Regression_(complete).ipynb
1.3 MB
75. Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store/apps.csv
1.2 MB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/Google Trends Data Viz (complete)/Google_Trends_and_Data_Visualisation_(complete).ipynb
1.1 MB
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/Programming_Languages_(complete).ipynb
826.4 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (completed)/assets/lego_sets.png
674.7 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (start)/assets/lego_sets.png
674.7 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (completed)/data/sets.csv
639.6 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (start)/data/sets.csv
639.6 kB
77. Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn/cost_revenue_dirty.csv
383.7 kB
78. Day 78 - Advanced - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn/nobel_prize_data.csv
276.2 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (completed)/Lego_Analysis_for_Course_(completed).ipynb
247.7 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (completed)/assets/bricks.jpg
233.5 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (start)/assets/bricks.jpg
233.5 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (completed)/assets/rebrickable_schema.png
119.4 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (start)/assets/rebrickable_schema.png
119.4 kB
76. Day 76 - Advanced - Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays/yummy_macarons.jpg
113.8 kB
80. Day 80 - Advanced - Capstone Project - Predict House Prices/Multivariable_Regression_and_Valuation_Model_(start).ipynb
78.0 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/Google Trends Data Viz (complete)/Daily Bitcoin Price.csv
75.3 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/Google Trends Data Viz (start)/Daily Bitcoin Price.csv
75.3 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/1.1 App Brewery - 100 Days of Python Pledge.pdf
73.6 kB
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/2.1 QueryResults.csv
73.6 kB
71. Day 71 - Advanced - Data Exploration with Pandas College Major v.s. Your Salary/Data_Exploration_Pandas_College_Major.ipynb
70.6 kB
14. Day 14 - Beginner - Higher Lower Game Project/2. Solution & Walkthrough of the Higher Lower Game.srt
44.8 kB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/7. Solution & Walkthrough for the Coffee Machine Code.srt
43.7 kB
80. Day 80 - Advanced - Capstone Project - Predict House Prices/boston.csv
41.1 kB
78. Day 78 - Advanced - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn/Nobel_Prize_Analysis_(start).ipynb
38.7 kB
75. Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store/Google_Play_Store_App_Analytics_(complete).ipynb
38.5 kB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/7. Solution & Walkthrough to the Number Guessing Game.srt
35.1 kB
32.5 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/22. Advanced CSS - Media Query Breakpoints.srt
29.6 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/21. CSS Z-index and Stacking Order.srt
29.1 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/19. Stylised Personal Site Solution Walkthrough.srt
28.9 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/5. The Bootstrap Navigation Bar.srt
28.5 kB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/4. Challenge - Check if it Will Rain in the Next 12 Hours.srt
27.8 kB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/11. Day 3 Project Treasure Island.srt
27.5 kB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/8. What is The HTML Boilerplate.srt
26.9 kB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/9. Challenge 2 - Search for a Website in the Password Manager.srt
26.7 kB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/8. Solution and Complete Code for the Secret Auction Program.srt
26.7 kB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/9. Day 4 Project Rock Paper Scissors.srt
26.6 kB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/6. Web Design in Practice - Let's apply what we've learnt!.srt
26.4 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/15. Styling Our Website Challenges and Solutions.srt
26.1 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/9. The Bootstrap Grid Layout System.srt
25.7 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/5. The Box Model of Website Styling.srt
25.5 kB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/7. Solution & Walkthrough for the Automated Birthday Wisher.srt
25.5 kB
20. Day 20 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 1 Animation & Coordinates/3. Animating the Snake Segments on Screen.srt
25.3 kB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/3. DataFrames & Series Working with Rows & Columns.srt
25.3 kB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/4. Add a Count Down Mechanism.srt
25.3 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/26. Refactor Our Website Part 1.srt
25.1 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/19. The Bootstrap Carousel Part 2.srt
24.6 kB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/8. Day 5 Project Create a Password Generator.srt
24.5 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/17. Solution to Bootstrap Challenge 1.srt
24.1 kB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/2. How to Create Lists using List Comprehension.srt
24.0 kB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/5. Internal CSS.srt
23.9 kB
70. Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Digital Ocean/2. Version Control and Git.srt
23.9 kB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/5. Scraping a Live Website.srt
23.9 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/20. Bootstrap Cards.srt
23.3 kB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/11. Day 2 Project Tip Calculator.srt
23.2 kB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/2. Catching Exceptions The try catch except finally Pattern.srt
23.1 kB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/6. U.S. States Game Part 2 Challenge with .csv.srt
23.1 kB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/2. Defining and Calling Python Functions.srt
23.0 kB
75. Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store/Google Play Store App Analytics (start).ipynb
22.9 kB
79. Day 79 - Advanced - The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing t-Tests & Distributions/Dr_Semmelweis_Handwashing_Discovery_(start).ipynb
22.8 kB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/8. Walkthrough and Solution for the OOP Coffee Machine.srt
22.7 kB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/3. Constructing Objects and Accessing their Attributes and Methods.srt
22.7 kB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/2. How to work with the Canvas Widget and Add Images to Tkinter.srt
22.6 kB
36. Day 36 - Intermediate+ Stock Trading News Alert Project/3. Solution & Walkthrough for Step 1 - Check for Stock Price Movements.srt
22.2 kB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/5. Class based Tkinter UI.srt
21.9 kB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/6. Caesar Cipher Part 1 - Encryption.srt
21.8 kB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/6. Understand API Parameters Match Sunset Times with the Current Time.srt
21.4 kB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/2. The Python Dictionary Deep Dive.srt
21.3 kB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/5. Understand Relative and Absolute File Paths.srt
21.3 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/2. What is Bootstrap.srt
20.8 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/12. CSS Sizing.srt
20.3 kB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/5. Challenge 3 - Saving Data to File.srt
20.2 kB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/5. User Experience (UX) Design.srt
20.2 kB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/3. How to Send Emails with Python using SMTP.srt
20.2 kB
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/2. Working Flask URL Paths and the Flask Debugger.srt
20.1 kB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/2. Random Module.srt
19.9 kB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/6. Encryption and Hashing.srt
19.8 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/17. CSS Float and Clear.srt
19.7 kB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/4. Understanding the Offset and Appending Items to Lists.srt
19.6 kB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/3. PyCharm's Charming Features (while you wait for the download to finish).srt
19.6 kB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/2. Reading CSV Data in Python.srt
19.6 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (start)/Lego_Analysis_for_Course_(start).ipynb
19.5 kB
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/3. Understand the Command Line on Windows and Mac.srt
19.4 kB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/10. The Hirst Painting Project Part 1 - How to Extract RGB Values from Images.srt
19.4 kB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/9. Caesar Cipher Part 4 - User Experience Improvements & Final Touches.srt
19.4 kB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/7. Write, read and update JSON data in the Password Manager.srt
19.3 kB
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/5. Understanding the Turtle Coordinate System.srt
19.3 kB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/10. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Love Calculator.srt
19.0 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/6. CSS Display Property.srt
18.9 kB
76. Day 76 - Advanced - Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays/Computation_with_NumPy_and_N_Dimensional_Arrays_(start).ipynb
18.8 kB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/3. Using API Keys to Authenticate and Get the Weather from OpenWeatherMap.srt
18.8 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/10. Font Styling in Our Personal Site.srt
18.6 kB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/7. Generate a Password & Copy it to the Clipboard.srt
18.6 kB
56. Day 56 - Intermediate+ Rendering HTMLStatic files and Using Website Templates/4. How to Use Website Templates to Speed Up Web Development.srt
18.5 kB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/2. Functions with Outputs.srt
18.3 kB
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/2. Create your First Web Server with Flask.srt
18.1 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/7. CSS Static and Relative Positioning.srt
18.1 kB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/6. While Loops.srt
18.0 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/4. HTML Divs.srt
18.0 kB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/6. Is Web Scraping Legal.srt
18.0 kB
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/2. What is REST.srt
17.9 kB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/2. How to Install & Set Up Selenium.srt
17.8 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/4. Wireframing a Website.srt
17.4 kB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/4. Detect Collisions with Food.srt
17.4 kB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/11. The Hirst Painting Project Part 2 - Drawing the Dots.srt
17.2 kB
57. Day 57 - Intermediate+ Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications/3. Challenge Combining Jinja Templating with APIs.srt
17.1 kB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/2. HTML Tables.srt
17.0 kB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/8. The Anatomy of CSS Syntax.srt
16.9 kB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/8. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Treasure Map.srt
16.9 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/27. Advanced CSS - Combining Selectors.srt
16.8 kB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/7. How to Hack Passwords 101.srt
16.8 kB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/8. Solution & Walkthrough for the Mail Merge Project.srt
16.8 kB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/9. How to Structure Text in HTML.srt
16.7 kB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/12. HTML Links and Anchor Tags.srt
16.7 kB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/3. Solution & Walkthrough for Creating the UI.srt
16.6 kB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/3. How to Find and Select Elements on a Website with Selenium.srt
16.4 kB
57. Day 57 - Intermediate+ Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications/2. Using Jinja to Produce Dynamic HTML Pages.srt
16.4 kB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/5. Introduction to HTML.srt
16.3 kB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/6. Introduction & Requirements for the Coffee Machine Project.srt
16.2 kB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/12. Mile to Kilometers Converter Project.srt
16.1 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/24. Solution to Bootstrap Challenge 2.srt
16.1 kB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/6. The Anatomy of an HTML Tag.srt
16.0 kB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/3. The Hurdles Loop Challenge.srt
16.0 kB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Banker Roulette - Who will pay the bill.srt
16.0 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/14. Bootstrap Buttons and Font Awesome.srt
15.9 kB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/11. Tkinter Layout Managers pack(), place() and grid().srt
15.8 kB
20. Day 20 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 1 Animation & Coordinates/5. How to Control the Snake with a Keypress.srt
15.8 kB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/3. Finding and Selecting Particular Elements with BeautifulSoup.srt
15.8 kB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/2. Add a High Score to the Snake Game.srt
15.6 kB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/7. How to Debug CSS Code.srt
15.6 kB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/7. 100 Movies that You Must Watch.srt
15.6 kB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/3. Working with Attributes, Class Constructors and the __init__() Function.srt
15.5 kB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/4. The Great Squirrel Census Data Analysis (with Pandas!).srt
15.5 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/6. Challenge 2 Solution - How to Replace the Blanks.srt
15.5 kB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/5. U.S. States Game Part 1 Setup.srt
15.5 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/4. Printing to the Console in Python.srt
15.4 kB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/6. How to Automate Filling Out Forms and Clicking Buttons with Selenium.srt
15.4 kB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/7. Understanding Environment Variables and Hiding API Keys.srt
15.4 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/8. Absolute positioning.srt
15.2 kB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/1. Day 31 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
15.1 kB
77. Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn/Seaborn_and_Linear_Regression_(start).ipynb
15.1 kB
37. Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project API Post Requests & Headers/3. Advanced Authentication using an HTTP Header.srt
15.0 kB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/6. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Leap Year.srt
14.8 kB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/2. Control Flow with if else and Conditional Operators.srt
14.8 kB
36. Day 36 - Intermediate+ Stock Trading News Alert Project/1. Day 36 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
14.7 kB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/2. Understanding Turtle Graphics and How to use the Documentation.srt
14.7 kB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/2. Functions with Inputs.srt
14.6 kB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/5. Create a Scoreboard and Keep Score.srt
14.6 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/Google Trends Data Viz (start)/Google Trends and Data Visualisation (start).ipynb
14.5 kB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/9. Buttons, Entry, and Setting Component Options.srt
14.4 kB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/3. Understanding Typography and How to Choose Fonts.srt
14.4 kB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/7. ISS Overhead Notifier Project - Challenge & Solution.srt
14.3 kB
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/7. Aaaand, we're off to the races!.srt
14.3 kB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/3. Creating Windows and Labels with Tkinter.srt
14.2 kB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/10. Classes vs. Ids.srt
14.0 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/18. The Bootstrap Carousel Part 1.srt
13.9 kB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/4. Manage ATTENTION with effective User Interface (UI) Design.srt
13.9 kB
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/5. Python Functions as First Class Objects Passing & Nesting Functions.srt
13.9 kB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/3. How to Open, Read, and Write to Files using the with Keyword.srt
13.8 kB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/7. HTML Forms.srt
13.8 kB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/4. Nesting Lists and Dictionaries.srt
13.8 kB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/2. Parsing HTML and Making Soup.srt
13.8 kB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/7. How to use Dictionary Comprehension.srt
13.8 kB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/5. Sending SMS via the Twilio API.srt
13.7 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/6. String Manipulation and Code Intelligence.srt
13.6 kB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/6. Dialog Boxes and Pop-Ups in Tkinter.srt
13.6 kB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/9. Turtle Challenge 5 - Draw a Spirograph.srt
13.4 kB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/7. Adding Checkmarks and Resetting the Application.srt
13.4 kB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/7. kwargs Many Keyword Arguments.srt
13.2 kB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/9. Score Keeping and Changing the Ball Speed.srt
13.2 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/8. The Python Input Function.srt
13.2 kB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/3. Positional vs. Keyword Arguments.srt
13.2 kB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/9. Solution & Walkthrough for Saving Progress.srt
13.1 kB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/7. Multiple If Statements in Succession.srt
13.0 kB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/3. Challenge - Complete the Application's User Interface (UI).srt
13.0 kB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/4. Indentation in Python.srt
13.0 kB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/2. Blackjack Program Requirements and Game Rules.srt
13.0 kB
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/1. Understanding Backend Web Development with Python.srt
13.0 kB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/4. Working with Responses HTTP Codes, Exceptions & JSON Data.srt
12.9 kB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Prime Number Checker.srt
12.8 kB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/7. Solution to Step 4 - Create the Car Behaviour.srt
12.8 kB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/7. Solution & Walkthrough for Flipping Cards.srt
12.8 kB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/3. Inline CSS.srt
12.8 kB
56. Day 56 - Intermediate+ Rendering HTMLStatic files and Using Website Templates/2. Rendering HTML Files with Flask.srt
12.8 kB
78. Day 78 - Advanced - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn/5. A Choropleth Map and the Countries with the Most Prizes.html
12.7 kB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/6. Mathematical Operations in Python.srt
12.7 kB
37. Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project API Post Requests & Headers/2. HTTP Post Requests.srt
12.7 kB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/3. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Average Height.srt
12.6 kB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/8. Jumping over Hurdles with Variable Heights.srt
12.6 kB
70. Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Digital Ocean/3. What is GitHub.srt
12.6 kB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/5. Practice Modifying Object Attributes and Calling Methods.srt
12.5 kB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/2. Understanding Color Theory.srt
12.5 kB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/9. Give Feedback to the Player, Keep Score and Fix the Bugs =).srt
12.5 kB
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/6. Understanding Python Decorator Functions and the @ Syntax.srt
12.5 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/11. Adding Grid Layouts to Our Website.srt
12.5 kB
56. Day 56 - Intermediate+ Rendering HTMLStatic files and Using Website Templates/3. Serving Static Files using Flask.srt
12.4 kB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/7. Calculator Part 1 Combining Dictionaries and Functions.srt
12.2 kB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/7. Hint 13 Solution Walkthrough.srt
12.0 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/3. Installing Bootstrap.srt
12.0 kB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/2. Python Primitive Data Types.srt
11.8 kB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/3. API Endpoints and Making API Calls.srt
11.8 kB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/5. Challenge 1 - Send Motivational Quotes on Mondays via Email.srt
11.7 kB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/4. Importing Modules, Installing Packages, and Working with Aliases.srt
11.7 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/25. Code Refactoring.srt
11.7 kB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/6. Quiz Project Part 2 Creating the List of Question Objects from the Data.srt
11.7 kB
14. Day 14 - Beginner - Higher Lower Game Project/1. Introduction & Program Requirements for the Higher Lower Game.srt
11.6 kB
20. Day 20 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 1 Animation & Coordinates/2. Screen Setup and Creating a Snake Body.srt
11.5 kB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/8. Caesar Cipher Part 3 - Reorganising our Code.srt
11.5 kB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/6. Use PythonAnywhere to Automate the Python Script.srt
11.5 kB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/10. Solution to Step 7 - Add the Scoreboard and Game Over sequence.srt
11.4 kB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/9. While Loops, Flags and Recursion.srt
11.4 kB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/1. Why do we need OOP and how does it work.srt
11.4 kB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/9. Quiz Project Part 5 Checking Answers and Keeping Score.srt
11.3 kB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/5. Solution & Walkthrough for Creating New Flash Cards.srt
11.3 kB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/8. Forms in Practice - Create a Contact Me Form.srt
11.3 kB
36. Day 36 - Intermediate+ Stock Trading News Alert Project/5. Solution & Walkthrough for Step 3 - Send the SMS Messages.srt
11.2 kB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/2. Using the for loop with Python Lists.srt
11.2 kB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/4. Challenge Use Selenium to Scrape Website Data.srt
11.2 kB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/7. Quiz Project Part 3 The QuizBrain and the next_question() Method.srt
11.2 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/9. The Dark Art of Centering Elements with CSS.srt
11.2 kB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/4. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Pain Area Calculator.srt
11.1 kB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/7. Building the Coffee Machine in OOP.srt
11.1 kB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/8. Number Manipulation and F Strings in Python.srt
11.0 kB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/8. How to Slice Lists & Tuples in Python.srt
11.0 kB
20. Day 20 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 1 Animation & Coordinates/4. Create a Snake Class & Move to OOP.srt
11.0 kB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/6. Setting Different Timer Sessions and Values.srt
11.0 kB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/7. [Interactive Coding Exercise] BMI Calculator.srt
11.0 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (completed)/data/themes.csv
10.9 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (start)/data/themes.csv
10.9 kB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/1. Namespaces Local vs. Global Scope.srt
10.9 kB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/8. Python Tuples and How to Generate Random RGB Colours.srt
10.9 kB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/4. Write the Paddle Class and Create the Second Paddle.srt
10.8 kB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/11. HTML Image Elements.srt
10.8 kB
79. Day 79 - Advanced - The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing t-Tests & Distributions/5. Visualising Distributions and Testing for Statistical Significance.html
10.8 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/9. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Input Function.srt
10.7 kB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/7. Turtle Challenge 4 - Generate a Random Walk.srt
10.6 kB
53. Day 53 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping Capstone - Data Entry Job Automation/1. Day 53 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
10.6 kB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/7. Hurdles Challenge using While Loops.srt
10.6 kB
56. Day 56 - Intermediate+ Rendering HTMLStatic files and Using Website Templates/6. Solution and Walkthrough for the Name Card Final Project.srt
10.5 kB
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/3. Challenge Make an Etch-A-Sketch App.srt
10.5 kB
50. Day 50 - Intermediate+ Auto Tinder Swiping Bot/1. Day 50 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
10.5 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Printing.srt
10.5 kB
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/3. Rendering HTML Elements with Flask.srt
10.5 kB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/10. Publish Your Website!.srt
10.5 kB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/3. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Random Exercise.srt
10.5 kB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/10. Other Tkinter Widgets Radiobuttons, Scales, Checkbuttons and more.srt
10.5 kB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] BMI 2.0.srt
10.4 kB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/9. Final Project Escaping the Maze.srt
10.3 kB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/10. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging FizzBuzz.srt
10.3 kB
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/5. Advanced Decorators with args and kwargs.srt
10.2 kB
57. Day 57 - Intermediate+ Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications/4. Multiline Statements with Jinja.srt
10.2 kB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/4. [Interactive Coding Exercise] High Score.srt
10.2 kB
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/2. Python Higher Order Functions & Event Listeners.srt
10.2 kB
78. Day 78 - Advanced - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn/7. Unearthing Patterns in the Laureate Age at the Time of the Award.html
10.2 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/8. Setting Up Our New Project.srt
10.2 kB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/6. Python Typing & Showing the Next Question in the GUI.srt
10.2 kB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/6. Add the Ball Bouncing Logic.srt
10.1 kB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/6. External CSS.srt
10.0 kB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/3. How Do Websites Actually Work.srt
9.9 kB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/4. Type Error, Type Checking and Type Conversion.srt
9.9 kB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/3. Hint 4 & 5 Solution Walkthrough.srt
9.8 kB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/5. Dynamic Typing Explained.srt
9.8 kB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/2. Class Inheritance.srt
9.8 kB
36. Day 36 - Intermediate+ Stock Trading News Alert Project/4. Solution & Walkthrough for Step 2 - Get the News Articles.srt
9.7 kB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/4. Solution to the Creating the Grid Layout.srt
9.6 kB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/6. Code Exercise Exception Handling in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet Project.srt
9.5 kB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/8. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Pizza Order Practice.srt
9.5 kB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/6. Turtle Challenge 3 - Drawing Different Shapes.srt
9.5 kB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/9. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Life in Weeks.srt
9.4 kB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/7. Caesar Cipher Part 2 - Decryption.srt
9.4 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/12. Challenge 5 Solution - How to Add ASCII Art and Improve the UI.srt
9.4 kB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/6. HTML Tables Solution Walkthrough.srt
9.4 kB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/8. Salting Passwords.srt
9.4 kB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/2. How Does the Internet Actually Work.srt
9.3 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/4. Challenge 1 Solution - How to Check the User's Answer.srt
9.3 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/11. Adding Content to Our Website.srt
9.3 kB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/3. Create a Paddle that responds to Key Presses.srt
9.0 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/10. Python Variables.srt
9.0 kB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/8. Challenge 1 - Handling Exceptions in the Password Manager.srt
9.0 kB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/3. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Grading Program.srt
8.9 kB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Data Types.srt
8.9 kB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/8. Run Your Python Code in the Cloud!.srt
8.9 kB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/7. Detect Collisions with your own Tail.srt
8.9 kB
78. Day 78 - Advanced - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn/3. plotly Bar & Donut Charts Analyse Prize Categories & Women Winning Prizes.html
8.8 kB
51. Day 51 - Intermediate+ Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot/1. Day 51 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
8.8 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/10. Challenge 4 Solution - How to Keep Track of the Player's Lives.srt
8.8 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/7. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging Practice.srt
8.8 kB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/4. How to Add Python Packages and use PyPi.srt
8.8 kB
37. Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project API Post Requests & Headers/6. How to use HTTP Put and Delete Requests.srt
8.7 kB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/4. Challenge Read and Write the High Score to a File in Snake.srt
8.7 kB
75. Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store/8. Grouped Bar Charts and Box Plots with Plotly.html
8.7 kB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/4. Nested if statements and elif statements.srt
8.6 kB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/6. args Many Positional Arguments.srt
8.6 kB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/12. Solution & Walkthrough for the NATO Alphabet Project.srt
8.6 kB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/6. Bringing out the BIG Gun Using a Debugger.srt
8.6 kB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/5. Quiz Project Part 1 Creating the Question Class.srt
8.5 kB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/4. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Days in Month.srt
8.4 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/2. How to break a Complex Problem down into a Flow Chart.srt
8.4 kB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/7. How to Detect Collisions with the Paddle.srt
8.4 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/29. Advanced CSS - Selector Priority.srt
8.4 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/14. Day 1 Project Band Name Generator.srt
8.4 kB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/7. Final Debugging Tips.srt
8.4 kB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/6. Automated Birthday Wisher Project Challenge.srt
8.4 kB
76. Day 76 - Advanced - Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays/5. Manipulating Images as ndarrays.html
8.3 kB
37. Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project API Post Requests & Headers/4. Challenge Add a Pixel to the Habit Tracker using a Post Request.srt
8.3 kB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/4. Setting Default Values for Optional Arguments inside a Function Header.srt
8.3 kB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/2. Trivia Question API Challenge.srt
8.3 kB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/7. [Interactive Coding Exercise] The FizzBuzz Job Interview Question.srt
8.2 kB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/4. Working with the datetime Module.srt
8.2 kB
47. Day 47 - Intermediate+ Create an Automated Amazon Price Tracker/1. Day 47 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
8.2 kB
77. Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn/8. Use scikit-learn to Run Your Own Regression.html
8.0 kB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Dictionary in List.srt
8.0 kB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/9. CSS Selectors.srt
7.9 kB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/2. History of GUI and Introduction to Tkinter.srt
7.8 kB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/9. Logical Operators.srt
7.8 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/13. Bootstrap Containers.srt
7.8 kB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/5. for loops and the range() function.srt
7.8 kB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/10. The Benefits of OOP Use Open Trivia DB to Get New Questions.srt
7.8 kB
63. Day 63 - Advanced - Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy/5. SQLite Databases.html
7.7 kB
78. Day 78 - Advanced - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn/6. Create Sunburst Charts for a Detailed Regional Breakdown of Research Locations.html
7.7 kB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/6. Hint 10-12 Solution Walkthrough.srt
7.7 kB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/7. Python Typing Type Hints and Arrows -.srt
7.7 kB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/2. Challenge 1 - Working with Images and Setting up the Canvas.srt
7.6 kB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/11. Introducing the NATO Alphabet Project.srt
7.6 kB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/7. U.S. States Game Part 3 Saving Data to .csv.srt
7.6 kB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/10. HTML Lists.srt
7.6 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/4. Data Visualisation - Tesla Line Charts in Matplotlib.html
7.6 kB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/5. Hint 9 Solution Walkthrough Refactoring and calling calculate_score().srt
7.5 kB
78. Day 78 - Advanced - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn/4. Using Matplotlib to Visualise Trends over Time.html
7.5 kB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/7. Introducing the Mail Merge Challenge.srt
7.5 kB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/6. Introducing the Final Project The Number Guessing Game.srt
7.4 kB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/6. IndexErrors and Working with Nested Lists.srt
7.4 kB
20. Day 20 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 1 Animation & Coordinates/1. Day 20 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
7.4 kB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/2. How to create your own Class in Python.srt
7.3 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/28. Refactoring Our Website Part 2.srt
7.2 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/11. Challenge 5 - Improving the User Experience.srt
7.2 kB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/1. Installing Python Locally on Your Computer.srt
7.1 kB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/3. Challenge 2 - Use grid() and columnspan to Complete the User Interface.srt
7.1 kB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/7. The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart.srt
7.1 kB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/1. Describe the Problem.srt
7.0 kB
77. Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn/5. Seaborn Data Visualisation Bubble Charts.html
7.0 kB
79. Day 79 - Advanced - The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing t-Tests & Distributions/2. Preliminary Data Exploration and Visualising Births & Deaths at Vienna Hospital.html
7.0 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/2. What We'll Make - Stylised Personal Site.srt
6.9 kB
76. Day 76 - Advanced - Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays/3. Generating and Manipulating ndarrays.html
6.8 kB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/4. Hint 6-8 Solution Walkthrough.srt
6.8 kB
75. Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store/5. Numeric Type Conversions for the Installations & Price Data.html
6.8 kB
75. Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store/2. Data Cleaning Removing NaN Values and Duplicates.html
6.8 kB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/6. Solution to Step 3 - Create the Player Behaviour.srt
6.8 kB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/10. How to Iterate over a Pandas DataFrame.srt
6.7 kB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/3. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Odd or Even Introducing the Modulo.srt
6.7 kB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/8. Quiz Project Part 4 How to continue showing new Questions.srt
6.7 kB
39. Day 39 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 1 Flight Deal Finder/1. Day 39 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
6.7 kB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/2. What is API Authentication and Why Do We Need to Authenticate Ourselves.srt
6.7 kB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/6. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Adding Even Numbers.srt
6.7 kB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/5. Write the Ball Class and Make the Ball Move.srt
6.5 kB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/5. Challenge Use Selenium in a Blank Project & Scrape a Different Piece of Data.srt
6.5 kB
75. Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store/6. Plotly Bar Charts & Scatter Plots The Most Competitive & Popular App Categories.html
6.5 kB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/5. Squash bugs with a print() Statement.srt
6.5 kB
79. Day 79 - Advanced - The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing t-Tests & Distributions/3. Analysing the Yearly Data Split By Clinic.html
6.5 kB
70. Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Digital Ocean/4. Step 1 - Upload Your Project to GitHub.html
6.5 kB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/5. Challenge - Build a Kanye Quotes App using the Kanye Rest API.srt
6.4 kB
57. Day 57 - Intermediate+ Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications/5. URL Building with Flask.srt
6.4 kB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/3. How to Modify a Global Variable.srt
6.3 kB
76. Day 76 - Advanced - Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays/2. NumPy's ndarray - Incredible Power at Your Fingertips!.html
6.3 kB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/8. Print vs. Return.srt
6.3 kB
69. Day 69 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 4 - Adding Users/7. Requirement 4 - Allow Any User to Add Comments to BlogPosts.html
6.3 kB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/1. Day 41 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
6.2 kB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Data Overlap.srt
6.1 kB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/2. What are Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).srt
6.1 kB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/3. Raising your own Exceptions.srt
6.0 kB
62. Day 62 - Advanced - Flask, WTForms, Bootstrap and CSV - Coffee & Wifi Project/3. Check Off Each Requirement.html
6.0 kB
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/2. How to use OOP Classes and Objects.srt
6.0 kB
46. Day 46 - Intermediate+ Create a Spotify Playlist using the Musical Time Machine/1. Day 46 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
5.9 kB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/4. Adding Methods to a Class.srt
5.9 kB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/9. Solution to Step 6 - Detect when the Player has reached the other side.srt
5.9 kB
37. Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project API Post Requests & Headers/5. Autofilling today's date using strftime.srt
5.9 kB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/1. Day 22 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
5.8 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/11. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Variables.srt
5.8 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/7. Data Visualisation - Unemployment How to use Grids.html
5.8 kB
79. Day 79 - Advanced - The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing t-Tests & Distributions/4. The Effect of Handwashing.html
5.8 kB
78. Day 78 - Advanced - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn/2. Update Packages in Google Colab & Explore and Clean the Dataset.html
5.8 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/12. Variable Naming.srt
5.8 kB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/8. How to Detect when the Ball goes Out of Bounds.srt
5.7 kB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/5. Docstrings.srt
5.6 kB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/10. Calculator Finishing Touches and Bug Fixes.srt
5.6 kB
29. Day 29 - Intermediate - Building a Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter/1. Day 29 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
5.6 kB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/4. Unescaping HTML Entities.srt
5.5 kB
61. Day 61 - Advanced - Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms/7. Inheriting Templates Using Jinja2.html
5.4 kB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/6. Detect Collisions with the Wall.srt
5.4 kB
77. Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn/4. Filter on Multiple Conditions International Films.html
5.4 kB
38. Day 38 - Intermediate+ Workout Tracking Using Google Sheets/1. Day 38 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
5.4 kB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/1. Introduction to Web Design.srt
5.4 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/8. Challenge 3 Solution - How to Check if the Player Won.srt
5.4 kB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/3. How to use the Starter Code.srt
5.4 kB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/8. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Dictionary Comprehension 1.srt
5.4 kB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/3. Play Computer and Evaluate Each Line.srt
5.3 kB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/7. The Cookie Clicker Project.srt
5.3 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/16. CSS Font Property Challenge Solutions.srt
5.3 kB
52. Day 52 - Intermediate+ Instagram Follower Bot/1. Day 52 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
5.2 kB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/8. Check the Answer.srt
5.2 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/3. What Are Favicons.srt
5.1 kB
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/6. Data Manipulation Pivoting DataFrames.html
5.1 kB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/2. What is Authentication.srt
5.0 kB
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/4. __name__ and __main__ Special Attributes built into Python.srt
5.0 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/3. Data Cleaning - Resampling Time Series Data.html
5.0 kB
39. Day 39 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 1 Flight Deal Finder/4. Step 3 - Get the IATA Codes.html
5.0 kB
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/4. Object State and Instances.srt
4.9 kB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/3. Solution & Walkthrough for getting Trivia Questions.srt
4.9 kB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/4. Fixing Errors and Watching for Red Underlines.srt
4.9 kB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/1. Day 5 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
4.9 kB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/2. Reproduce the Bug.srt
4.9 kB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/5. [Interactive Coding Exercise] KeyError Handling.srt
4.9 kB
70. Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Digital Ocean/7. Step 4 - Upgrade SQLite Database to PostgreSQL.html
4.9 kB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/3. Multiple return values.srt
4.9 kB
46. Day 46 - Intermediate+ Create a Spotify Playlist using the Musical Time Machine/3. Step 2 - Authentication with Spotify.html
4.9 kB
77. Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn/3. Investigate the Films that had Zero Revenue.html
4.8 kB
49. Day 49 - Intermediate+ Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn/1. Day 49 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
4.8 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/7. Challenge 3 - Checking if the Player has Won.srt
4.8 kB
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/7. What we're building - HTML Personal Site.srt
4.8 kB
77. Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn/7. Plotting Linear Regressions with Seaborn.html
4.6 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/2. Data Exploration - Making Sense of Google Search Data.html
4.5 kB
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/4. Challenge Use Python Decorators to Style HTML Tags.srt
4.5 kB
53. Day 53 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping Capstone - Data Entry Job Automation/2. Capstone Project Program Requirements.html
4.5 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/9. Relational Database Schemas Primary and Foreign Keys.html
4.5 kB
77. Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn/2. Explore and Clean the Data.html
4.4 kB
37. Day 37 - Intermediate+ Habit Tracking Project API Post Requests & Headers/1. Day 37 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
4.4 kB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/9. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Dictionary Comprehension 2.srt
4.4 kB
64. Day 64 - Advanced -My Top 10 Movies Website/6. Requirement 4 - Be Able to Add New Movies Via the Add Page.html
4.3 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/5. Challenge 2 - Replacing Blanks with Guesses.srt
4.3 kB
77. Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn/6. Floor Division A Trick to Convert Years to Decades.html
4.3 kB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/5. Turtle Challenge 2 - Draw a Dashed Line.srt
4.3 kB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/5. Installing PyCharm on Mac.srt
4.3 kB
67. Day 67 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 3 - RESTful Routing/4. Requirement 2 - Be Able to POST a New Blog Post.html
4.2 kB
40. Day 40 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 2 Flight Club/1. Day 40 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
4.2 kB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/2. Introduction to CSS.srt
4.1 kB
76. Day 76 - Advanced - Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays/4. Broadcasting, Scalars and Matrix Multiplication.html
4.1 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/1. START HERE.srt
4.1 kB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/1. Day 48 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
4.0 kB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/3. Turtle Challenge 1 - Draw a Square.srt
4.0 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/10. How to Merge DataFrames and Create Bar Charts.html
3.9 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/30. Completing the Website.srt
3.9 kB
70. Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Digital Ocean/6. Step 3 - Setup a WSGI server with gunicorn.html
3.9 kB
28. Day 28 - Intermediate - Tkinter, Dynamic Typing and the Pomodoro GUI Application/1. Day 28 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
3.9 kB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/4. How to Install PyCharm on Windows.srt
3.9 kB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/6. Apply List Comprehension to the U.S. States Game.srt
3.9 kB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/9. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging Leap Year.srt
3.8 kB
61. Day 61 - Advanced - Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms/5. Adding Validation to Forms with Flask-WTF.html
3.8 kB
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/8. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Debugging Odd or Even.srt
3.8 kB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/2. Does Python Have Block Scope.srt
3.8 kB
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/7. Data Visualisation with Matplotlib.html
3.8 kB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/4. [Interactive Coding Exercise] IndexError Handling.srt
3.8 kB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/1. Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
3.7 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/4. Find the Oldest and Largest LEGO Sets.html
3.7 kB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/1. Day 45 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
3.7 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/6. Data Visualisation - Bitcoin Line Style and Markers.html
3.7 kB
69. Day 69 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 4 - Adding Users/4. Requirement 2 - Login Registered Users.html
3.7 kB
61. Day 61 - Advanced - Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms/4. Code Improvements for Our WTForms.html
3.7 kB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/1. Day 32 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
3.6 kB
70. Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Digital Ocean/5. Step 2 - Use gunicorn and Heroku to host your website.html
3.6 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (completed)/data/colors.csv
3.5 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/LEGO Notebook and Data (start)/data/colors.csv
3.5 kB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/1. Day 8 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
3.5 kB
60. Day 60 - Advanced - Make POST Requests with Flask and HTML Forms/3. Handle POST Requests with Flask Servers.html
3.5 kB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/1. Day 11 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
3.5 kB
69. Day 69 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 4 - Adding Users/6. Creating Relational Databases.html
3.5 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/3. Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
3.5 kB
34. Day 34 - Intermediate+ API Practice - Creating a GUI Quiz App/1. Day 34 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
3.4 kB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/4. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Filtering Even Numbers.srt
3.4 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/9. Challenge 4 - Keeping Track of the Player's Lives.srt
3.3 kB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/2. Download PyCharm for Windows or Mac.srt
3.3 kB
63. Day 63 - Advanced - Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy/8. Build a SQLite Database into the Flask Website.html
3.3 kB
47. Day 47 - Intermediate+ Create an Automated Amazon Price Tracker/2. Step 1 - Use BeautifulSoup to Scrape the Product Price.html
3.3 kB
75. Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store/7. Extracting Nested Column Data using .stack().html
3.3 kB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/3. Using HTML Tables for Layout.srt
3.3 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/5. Visualise the Number of Sets Published over Time.html
3.2 kB
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/4. HTTP GET - a Random Cafe.html
3.2 kB
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/1. Day 24 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
3.2 kB
79. Day 79 - Advanced - The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing t-Tests & Distributions/6. Learning Points & Summary.html
3.1 kB
71. Day 71 - Advanced - Data Exploration with Pandas College Major v.s. Your Salary/8. Sorting Values & Adding Columns Majors with the Most Potential vs Lowest Risk.html
3.1 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/Google Trends Data Viz (complete)/UE Benefits Search vs UE Rate 2004-20.csv
3.1 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/Google Trends Data Viz (start)/UE Benefits Search vs UE Rate 2004-20.csv
3.1 kB
63. Day 63 - Advanced - Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy/3. Make the Website Work.html
3.1 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/1. Day 7 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
3.1 kB
75. Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store/4. Data Visualisation with Plotly Create Pie and Donut Charts.html
3.1 kB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/8. Solution to Step 5 - Detect when the Turtle collides with a Car squish.srt
3.1 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/Google Trends Data Viz (complete)/TESLA Search Trend vs Price.csv
3.0 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/Google Trends Data Viz (start)/TESLA Search Trend vs Price.csv
3.0 kB
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/1. Day 27 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
3.0 kB
60. Day 60 - Advanced - Make POST Requests with Flask and HTML Forms/5. Getting the Contact Form to Work.html
3.0 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/3. Challenge 1 - Picking a Random Words and Checking Answers.srt
3.0 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/Google Trends Data Viz (complete)/UE Benefits Search vs UE Rate 2004-19.csv
2.9 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/Google Trends Data Viz (start)/UE Benefits Search vs UE Rate 2004-19.csv
2.9 kB
67. Day 67 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 3 - RESTful Routing/5. Requirement 3 - Be Able to Edit Existing Blog Posts.html
2.9 kB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/3. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Squaring Numbers.srt
2.8 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/8. Scatter Plots Average Number of Parts per LEGO Set.html
2.8 kB
71. Day 71 - Advanced - Data Exploration with Pandas College Major v.s. Your Salary/5. Accessing Columns and Individual Cells in a Dataframe.html
2.8 kB
25. Day 25 - Intermediate - Working with CSV Data and the Pandas Library/1. Day 25 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
2.8 kB
57. Day 57 - Intermediate+ Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications/1. Day 57 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
2.8 kB
39. Day 39 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 1 Flight Deal Finder/3. Step 2 - Chose Your Path.html
2.7 kB
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/1. Day 30 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
2.7 kB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/5. How to Type Emojis.html
2.7 kB
63. Day 63 - Advanced - Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy/7. CRUD Operations with SQLAlchemy.html
2.7 kB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/10. Authenticating Users with Flask-Login.html
2.7 kB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/4. HTML Tables Code Challenge.srt
2.7 kB
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/1. Day 19 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
2.7 kB
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/1. Day 2 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
2.7 kB
48. Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/8. Challenge Create an Automated Game Playing Bot.html
2.7 kB
50. Day 50 - Intermediate+ Auto Tinder Swiping Bot/4. Step 3 - Login with Facebook.html
2.6 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/1. Day 73 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.html
2.6 kB
71. Day 71 - Advanced - Data Exploration with Pandas College Major v.s. Your Salary/4. Preliminary Data Exploration and Data Cleaning with Pandas.html
2.6 kB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/4. Python Constants and Global Scope.srt
2.6 kB
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/10. HTTP PATCH - A Cafe's Coffee Price.html
2.6 kB
11. Day 11 - Beginner - The Blackjack Capstone Project/8. A Solid Foundation goes a Long Way.srt
2.6 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/6. How to use the Pandas .agg() function.html
2.5 kB
39. Day 39 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 1 Flight Deal Finder/5. Step 4 - Search for Cheap Flights.html
2.5 kB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/5. Step 2 - Break down the Problem.html
2.5 kB
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/9. HTTP PUT vs. PATCH.srt
2.5 kB
63. Day 63 - Advanced - Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy/6. SQLAlchemy.html
2.5 kB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/1. Day 35 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
2.5 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/2. Use HTML Markdown to Make Your Notebook Look Pretty.html
2.4 kB
52. Day 52 - Intermediate+ Instagram Follower Bot/5. Step 4 - Find the followers of the target account.html
2.4 kB
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/1. Day 55 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
2.4 kB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/11. How to Get a Good Night's Sleep.srt
2.4 kB
78. Day 78 - Advanced - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn/1. Day 78 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.html
2.4 kB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/1. Day 4 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
2.4 kB
61. Day 61 - Advanced - Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms/3. Creating Forms with Flask-WTF.html
2.3 kB
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/1. Day 26 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
2.3 kB
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/8. Multi-Line Charts with Matplotib.html
2.3 kB
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/7. Final Project - Higher or Lower URLs.html
2.3 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/1. Day 74 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.html
2.3 kB
61. Day 61 - Advanced - Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms/2. Installing Flask-WTF.html
2.3 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/5. Using Locators and DateFormatters to generate Tick Marks on a Time Line.html
2.3 kB
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/1. Day 10 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
2.3 kB
75. Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store/3. Preliminary Exploration The Highest Ratings, Most Reviews, and Largest Size.html
2.3 kB
22. Day 22 - Intermediate - Build Pong The Famous Arcade Game/2. Set up the Main Screen.srt
2.2 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/3. Solution Exploring the LEGO Brick Colours.html
2.2 kB
71. Day 71 - Advanced - Data Exploration with Pandas College Major v.s. Your Salary/9. Grouping and Pivoting Data with Pandas.html
2.2 kB
75. Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store/1. Day 75 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.html
2.2 kB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/1. Day 23 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
2.2 kB
40. Day 40 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 2 Flight Club/2. Step 1 - Create the Customer Acquisition Code.html
2.2 kB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/1. Day 3 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
2.2 kB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/6. Step 3 - Flip the Cards!.html
2.2 kB
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/3. Solution Preliminary Data Exploration.html
2.2 kB
59. Day 59 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 2 - Adding Styling/1. Day 59 Goals What you'll make by the end of today.html
2.2 kB
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/5. Data Cleaning Working with Time Stamps.html
2.1 kB
61. Day 61 - Advanced - Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms/6. Receiving Form Data with WTForms.html
2.1 kB
61. Day 61 - Advanced - Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms/9. Flask-Bootstrap Supports WTForms.html
2.1 kB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/8. Step 4 - Save Your Progress.html
2.1 kB
40. Day 40 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 2 Flight Club/6. Step 5 - Email all our customers.html
2.1 kB
79. Day 79 - Advanced - The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing t-Tests & Distributions/1. Day 79 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.html
2.0 kB
64. Day 64 - Advanced -My Top 10 Movies Website/3. Requirement 1 - Be Able to View Movie List Items.html
2.0 kB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/11. Flask Flash Messages.html
2.0 kB
59. Day 59 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 2 - Adding Styling/7. Step 6 - Fetch and render the blog posts from an API.html
2.0 kB
56. Day 56 - Intermediate+ Rendering HTMLStatic files and Using Website Templates/1. Day 56 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
2.0 kB
64. Day 64 - Advanced -My Top 10 Movies Website/7. Requirement 5 - Be Able to Sort and Rank the Movies By Rating.html
1.9 kB
76. Day 76 - Advanced - Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays/1. Day 76 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.html
1.9 kB
69. Day 69 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 4 - Adding Users/5. Requirement 3 - Protect Routes.html
1.9 kB
17. Day 17 - Intermediate - The Quiz Project & the Benefits of OOP/1. Day 17 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
1.9 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/12. A Note About CSS Link Order.html
1.9 kB
47. Day 47 - Intermediate+ Create an Automated Amazon Price Tracker/3. Step 2 - Email Alert When Price Below Preset Value.html
1.9 kB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/10. Why is this so Hard! Can I really do this.srt
1.9 kB
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/12. Build Documentation for Your API.html
1.9 kB
77. Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn/1. Day 77 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.html
1.8 kB
40. Day 40 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 2 Flight Club/4. Step 3 - Exception Handling for Destinations without Flights.html
1.8 kB
40. Day 40 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 2 Flight Club/5. Step 4 - Destinations without Direct Flights.html
1.8 kB
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/9. Smoothing out Time-Series Data.html
1.8 kB
7. Day 7 - Beginner - Hangman/13. The Benefits of Daily Practice.srt
1.8 kB
64. Day 64 - Advanced -My Top 10 Movies Website/4. Requirement 2 - Be Able to Edit a Movie's Rating and Review.html
1.8 kB
80. Day 80 - Advanced - Capstone Project - Predict House Prices/1. Day 80 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.html
1.8 kB
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/10. Programming is like going to the Gym.srt
1.8 kB
79. Day 79 - Advanced - The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing t-Tests & Distributions/monthly_deaths.csv
1.8 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/8. Data Visualisation - Unemployment The Effect of New Data.html
1.7 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/7. Superimposing Line Charts with Separate Axes.html
1.7 kB
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/9. Hard Work and Perseverance beats Raw Talent Every Time.srt
1.7 kB
70. Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Digital Ocean/1. Day 70 Goals - Learn to Deploy Your Website.srt
1.7 kB
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/10. How You Can Stay Motivated.srt
1.7 kB
81. Day 81 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Python Scripting]/1. The Road to Becoming a Professional Developer.html
1.7 kB
49. Day 49 - Intermediate+ Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn/3. Step 2 - Automatically Login.html
1.7 kB
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/1. Day 21 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
1.7 kB
78. Day 78 - Advanced - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn/8. Learning Points & Summary.html
1.7 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/16. Bootstrap Challenge 1.html
1.7 kB
61. Day 61 - Advanced - Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms/8. Using Flask-Bootstrap as an Inherited Template.html
1.6 kB
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/7. Postman - The all in one API Testing Tool.html
1.6 kB
71. Day 71 - Advanced - Data Exploration with Pandas College Major v.s. Your Salary/10. Learning Points & Summary.html
1.6 kB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/9. Motivation and the Accountability Trick.srt
1.6 kB
59. Day 59 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 2 - Adding Styling/6. Step 5 - Make the About and Contact Pages Work.html
1.6 kB
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/1. Day 6 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
1.6 kB
61. Day 61 - Advanced - Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms/1. Day 61 Goals Building Advanced Forms.html
1.6 kB
33. Day 33 - Intermediate+ API Endpoints & API Parameters - ISS Overhead Notifier/1. Day 33 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
1.6 kB
50. Day 50 - Intermediate+ Auto Tinder Swiping Bot/3. Step 2 - Navigate to Login Page.html
1.6 kB
49. Day 49 - Intermediate+ Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn/5. Step 4 - Apply for all the jobs.html
1.6 kB
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/11. HTTP DELETE - A Cafe that's Closed.html
1.6 kB
71. Day 71 - Advanced - Data Exploration with Pandas College Major v.s. Your Salary/3. Getting Set Up for Data Science.html
1.6 kB
38. Day 38 - Intermediate+ Workout Tracking Using Google Sheets/7. Step 6 - Environment Variables in Repl.it.html
1.6 kB
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/1. Day 72 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.html
1.6 kB
50. Day 50 - Intermediate+ Auto Tinder Swiping Bot/6. Step 5 - Hit Like!.html
1.5 kB
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/2. Download and Open the Starter Notebook.html
1.5 kB
38. Day 38 - Intermediate+ Workout Tracking Using Google Sheets/5. Step 4 - Saving Data into Google Sheets.html
1.5 kB
71. Day 71 - Advanced - Data Exploration with Pandas College Major v.s. Your Salary/1. Day 71 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.html
1.5 kB
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/9. Learning Points & Summary.html
1.5 kB
57. Day 57 - Intermediate+ Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications/6. Blog Capstone Project Part 1 - Templating.html
1.5 kB
71. Day 71 - Advanced - Data Exploration with Pandas College Major v.s. Your Salary/2. Upload the Data and Read the .csv File.html
1.5 kB
18. Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/1. Day 18 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.srt
1.5 kB
38. Day 38 - Intermediate+ Workout Tracking Using Google Sheets/6. Step 5 - Authenticate Your Sheety API.html
1.4 kB
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/1. Day 42 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
1.4 kB
71. Day 71 - Advanced - Data Exploration with Pandas College Major v.s. Your Salary/6. Solution Highest and Lowest Earning Degrees.html
1.4 kB
38. Day 38 - Intermediate+ Workout Tracking Using Google Sheets/4. Step 3 - Setup Your Google Sheet with Sheety.html
1.4 kB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/9. Hashing Passwords using Werkzeug.html
1.4 kB
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/11. Learning Points & Summary.html
1.4 kB
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/8. HTTP POST - A New Cafe.html
1.4 kB
64. Day 64 - Advanced -My Top 10 Movies Website/1. Day 64 Goals What We'll Build.html
1.4 kB
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/6. HTTP GET - Find a Cafe.html
1.3 kB
52. Day 52 - Intermediate+ Instagram Follower Bot/6. Step 5 - Follow all the followers.html
1.3 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/6. What We'll Make - Tindog.srt
1.3 kB
60. Day 60 - Advanced - Make POST Requests with Flask and HTML Forms/4. POST Requests in Flask Solution.html
1.3 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/15. Congratulations! Well done!.srt
1.3 kB
38. Day 38 - Intermediate+ Workout Tracking Using Google Sheets/3. Step 2 - Get Exercise Stats with Natural Language Queries.html
1.3 kB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/2. A Note About the Next Lesson Google SMTP Port.html
1.3 kB
59. Day 59 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 2 - Adding Styling/5. Step 4 - Using Jinja Include fo Render Templates.html
1.3 kB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/4. Register New Users.html
1.3 kB
73. Day 73 - Advanced - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas Analyse the LEGO Dataset/11. Learning Points & Summary.html
1.3 kB
38. Day 38 - Intermediate+ Workout Tracking Using Google Sheets/2. Step 1 - Setup API Credentials and Google Spreadsheet.html
1.3 kB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/1. Day 68 Goals - Login and Registering Users with Authentication.html
1.3 kB
60. Day 60 - Advanced - Make POST Requests with Flask and HTML Forms/2. HTML Forms Revision - Creating a Form from Scratch.html
1.3 kB
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/2. Choose Your Difficulty.html
1.3 kB
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/2. Course Resources.html
1.3 kB
59. Day 59 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 2 - Adding Styling/4. Step 3 - Fix the header and footer.html
1.2 kB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/2. Step 1 - Create the User Interface (UI) with Tkinter.html
1.2 kB
59. Day 59 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 2 - Adding Styling/2. Step 1 - Download the starting project.html
1.2 kB
63. Day 63 - Advanced - Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy/4. What Happens When You Refresh the Server.html
1.2 kB
77. Day 77 - Advanced - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn/9. Learning Points & Summary.html
1.2 kB
49. Day 49 - Intermediate+ Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn/2. Step 1 - Setup Your LinkedIn Account.html
1.2 kB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/10. Getting Custom Fonts and Montserrat Black to Work.html
1.2 kB
50. Day 50 - Intermediate+ Auto Tinder Swiping Bot/5. Step 4 - Dismiss all requests.html
1.2 kB
80. Day 80 - Advanced - Capstone Project - Predict House Prices/2. Solution & Learning Points.html
1.2 kB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/1. Day 44 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
1.2 kB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/5. Downloading Files.html
1.2 kB
39. Day 39 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 1 Flight Deal Finder/6. Step 5 - If Flight Price Lower than in Google Sheet send an SMS.html
1.2 kB
53. Day 53 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping Capstone - Data Entry Job Automation/3. HINTS & SOLUTION.html
1.1 kB
50. Day 50 - Intermediate+ Auto Tinder Swiping Bot/2. Step 1 - Setup your account on Tinder.html
1.1 kB
31. Day 31 - Intermediate - Flash Card App Capstone Project/4. Step 2 - Create New Flash Cards.html
1.1 kB
51. Day 51 - Intermediate+ Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot/4. Step 3 - Get Internet Speeds.html
1.1 kB
49. Day 49 - Intermediate+ Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn/4. Step 3 - Apply for a Job.html
1.0 kB
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/12. Passing Authentication Status to Templates.html
1.0 kB
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/12. Share and Show off your Project!.srt
1.0 kB
60. Day 60 - Advanced - Make POST Requests with Flask and HTML Forms/1. Day 60 goals - Make the Contact Form Work.html
1.0 kB
71. Day 71 - Advanced - Data Exploration with Pandas College Major v.s. Your Salary/7. Solution Degrees with the Highest Potential.html
1.0 kB
56. Day 56 - Intermediate+ Rendering HTMLStatic files and Using Website Templates/5. Final Project - Name Card Website Template.html
1.0 kB
46. Day 46 - Intermediate+ Create a Spotify Playlist using the Musical Time Machine/4. Step 3 - Search Spotify for the Songs from Step 1.html
987 Bytes
67. Day 67 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 3 - RESTful Routing/3. Requirement 1 - Be Able to GET Blog Post Items.html
986 Bytes
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/1. Day 43 Goals what you will make by the end of the day.srt
985 Bytes
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/1. Day 66 Goals Build Your Own REST API Service.html
971 Bytes
69. Day 69 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 4 - Adding Users/3. Requirement 1 - Register New Users.html
958 Bytes
59. Day 59 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 2 - Adding Styling/8. Step 7 - Rendering Individual Posts.html
951 Bytes
51. Day 51 - Intermediate+ Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot/5. Step 4 - Building a Twitter Bot to Tweet at your Internet Provider.html
945 Bytes
69. Day 69 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 4 - Adding Users/2. Download the Starting Project.html
944 Bytes
68. Day 68 - Advanced - Authentication with Flask/3. Download the Starting Project.html
935 Bytes
51. Day 51 - Intermediate+ Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot/3. Step 2 - Create a Class.html
923 Bytes
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/4. Solution Analysis by Programming Language.html
881 Bytes
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/Google Trends Data Viz (complete)/Bitcoin Search Trend.csv
867 Bytes
74. Day 74 - Advanced - Google Trends Data Resampling and Visualising Time Series/Google Trends Data Viz (start)/Bitcoin Search Trend.csv
867 Bytes
75. Day 75 - Advanced - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store/9. Learning Points & Summary.html
854 Bytes
46. Day 46 - Intermediate+ Create a Spotify Playlist using the Musical Time Machine/2. Step 1 - Scraping the Billboard Hot 100.html
842 Bytes
67. Day 67 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 3 - RESTful Routing/2. Download the Starting Project.html
833 Bytes
23. Day 23 - Intermediate - The Turtle Crossing Capstone Project/4. Step 1 - Check out how the game play works.html
832 Bytes
51. Day 51 - Intermediate+ Internet Speed Twitter Complaint Bot/2. Step 1 - Setup Your Twitter Account.html
826 Bytes
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/18. CSS Challenge.html
818 Bytes
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/5. HTTP GET - All the Cafes.html
818 Bytes
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/1. Day 58 Goals What You'll Learn By the End of Today.html
812 Bytes
67. Day 67 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 3 - RESTful Routing/6. Requirement 4- Be Able DELETE Blog Posts.html
808 Bytes
46. Day 46 - Intermediate+ Create a Spotify Playlist using the Musical Time Machine/5. Step 4 - Creating and Adding to Spotify Playlist.html
799 Bytes
76. Day 76 - Advanced - Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays/6. Learning Points & Summary.html
796 Bytes
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/13. Font Properties Challenge 1 - Change the Font Colour.html
779 Bytes
66. Day 66 - Advanced - Building Your Own API with RESTful Routing/3. Download the Starting Project.html
763 Bytes
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/12. You are already in the top 50%.srt
731 Bytes
63. Day 63 - Advanced - Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy/1. Day 63 Goals Creating a Virtual Bookshelf.html
712 Bytes
41. Day 41 - Web Foundation - Introduction to HTML/4. Optional Install the Atom Text Editor used in the Video Lessons.html
702 Bytes
60. Day 60 - Advanced - Make POST Requests with Flask and HTML Forms/6. Sending Email with smtplib.html
699 Bytes
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/4. A Quick Note about the Next Lesson.html
688 Bytes
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/7. Download the Starting Files.html
688 Bytes
40. Day 40 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 2 Flight Club/3. Step 2 - Download the Starting Project.html
686 Bytes
39. Day 39 - Intermediate+ Capstone Part 1 Flight Deal Finder/2. Step 1 - Download the starting project.html
641 Bytes
52. Day 52 - Intermediate+ Instagram Follower Bot/3. Step 2 - Create a Class.html
619 Bytes
62. Day 62 - Advanced - Flask, WTForms, Bootstrap and CSV - Coffee & Wifi Project/1. Download the Starting Project.html
596 Bytes
52. Day 52 - Intermediate+ Instagram Follower Bot/2. Step 1 - Get Your Instagram Credentials.html
580 Bytes
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/20. [Optional] Get More Practice HTML and CSS.html
563 Bytes
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/23. Bootstrap Challenge 2.html
557 Bytes
69. Day 69 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 4 - Adding Users/1. Day 69 Goals - Adding Users to Our Blog Project.html
552 Bytes
59. Day 59 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 2 - Adding Styling/3. Step 2 - Get the home page to work.html
526 Bytes
52. Day 52 - Intermediate+ Instagram Follower Bot/4. Step 3 - Login to Instagram.html
466 Bytes
64. Day 64 - Advanced -My Top 10 Movies Website/5. Requirement 3 - Be Able to Delete Movies from the Database.html
452 Bytes
67. Day 67 - Advanced - Blog Capstone Project Part 3 - RESTful Routing/1. Day 67 Goals Building a RESTful Blog with Editing!.html
423 Bytes
36. Day 36 - Intermediate+ Stock Trading News Alert Project/2. Choose Your Destiny!.html
411 Bytes
63. Day 63 - Advanced - Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy/2. Download the Starting Project.html
406 Bytes
64. Day 64 - Advanced -My Top 10 Movies Website/2. Download the Starting Project.html
398 Bytes
79. Day 79 - Advanced - The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing t-Tests & Distributions/annual_deaths_by_clinic.csv
299 Bytes
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/6. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Advanced Decorators.html
280 Bytes
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/14. Font Properties Challenge 2 - Change the Font Weight.html
270 Bytes
54. Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/7. [Interactive Coding Exercise] Create Your Own Python Decorator.html
267 Bytes
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/15. Font Properties Challenge 3 - Change the Line Height.html
237 Bytes
62. Day 62 - Advanced - Flask, WTForms, Bootstrap and CSV - Coffee & Wifi Project/2. Look at the Desired Final Product.html
140 Bytes
81. Day 81 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Python Scripting]/2. Text to Morse Code Converter.html
131 Bytes
82. Day 82 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Python Web Development]/1. Portfolio Website.html
131 Bytes
83. Day 83 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Python Scripting]/1. Tic Tac Toe.html
131 Bytes
84. Day 84 - Professional Portfolio Project - [GUI]/1. Image Watermarking Desktop App.html
131 Bytes
85. Day 85 - Professional Portfolio Project - [GUI]/1. Typing Speed Test.html
131 Bytes
86. Day 86 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Game]/1. Breakout Game.html
131 Bytes
87. Day 87 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Web Development]/1. Cafe and Wifi Website.html
131 Bytes
88. Day 88 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Web Development]/1. Todo List.html
131 Bytes
89. Day 89 - Professional Portfolio Project - [GUI Desktop App]/1. Disappearing Text Writing App.html
131 Bytes
90. Day 90 - Professional Portfolio Project - [HTTP Requests & APIs]/1. Convert PDF to Audiobook.html
131 Bytes
91. Day 91 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Image Processing & Data Science]/1. Image Colour Palette Generator.html
131 Bytes
92. Day 92 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Web Scraping]/1. Custom Web Scraper.html
131 Bytes
93. Day 93 - Professional Portfolio Project - [GUI Automation]/1. Automate the Google Dinosaur Game.html
131 Bytes
94. Day 94 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Game]/1. Space Invaders.html
131 Bytes
95. Day 95 - Professional Portfolio Project - [HTTP Requests & APIs]/1. Custom API Based Website.html
131 Bytes
96. Day 96 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Web Development]/1. An Online Shop.html
131 Bytes
97. Day 97 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Python Automation]/1. Custom Automation.html
131 Bytes
98. Day 98 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Data Science]/1. Analyse and Visualise the Space Race.html
131 Bytes
99. Day 99 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Data Science]/1. Analyse Deaths involving Police in the United States.html
131 Bytes
100. Day 100 - Professional Portfolio Project - [Data Science]/1. Predict Earnings using Multivariable Regression.html
131 Bytes
55. Day 55 - Intermediate+ HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game/4.1 SOLUTION.html
129 Bytes
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/13. Variable Naming Quiz.html
127 Bytes
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/3. Data Types Quiz.html
127 Bytes
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/10. Mathematical Operations Quiz.html
127 Bytes
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/7. List and IndexError Quiz.html
127 Bytes
6. Day 6 - Beginner - Python Functions & Karel/5. Code Indentation Quiz.html
127 Bytes
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/6. Python Dictionaries Quiz.html
127 Bytes
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/6. Functions Quiz.html
127 Bytes
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/5. Scope Quiz.html
127 Bytes
16. Day 16 - Intermediate - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/6. Python Objects Quiz.html
127 Bytes
19. Day 19 - Intermediate - Instances, State and Higher Order Functions/6. Turtle Coordinate System Quiz.html
127 Bytes
21. Day 21 - Intermediate - Build the Snake Game Part 2 Inheritance & List Slicing/3. Inheritance Quiz.html
127 Bytes
24. Day 24 - Intermediate - Files, Directories and Paths/6. File Paths Quiz.html
127 Bytes
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/5. Default Values Quiz.html
127 Bytes
27. Day 27 - Intermediate - Tkinter, args, kwargs and Creating GUI Programs/8. Optional Arguments, args and kwargs Quiz.html
127 Bytes
42. Day 42 - Web Foundation - Intermediate HTML/9. HTML Challenge.html
127 Bytes
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/11. CSS Quiz.html
127 Bytes
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/4. Beautiful Soup Exercises.html
127 Bytes
72. Day 72 - Advanced - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib Programming Languages/10. Programming Language Data Analysis.html
127 Bytes
10. Day 10 - Beginner - Functions with Outputs/4.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
106 Bytes
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/8.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
106 Bytes
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/9.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
106 Bytes
13. Day 13 - Beginner - Debugging How to Find and Fix Errors in your Code/10.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
106 Bytes
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/3.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
106 Bytes
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/4.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
106 Bytes
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/5.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
106 Bytes
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/8.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
106 Bytes
26. Day 26 - Intermediate - List Comprehension and the NATO Alphabet/9.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
106 Bytes
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/4.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
106 Bytes
30. Day 30 - Intermediate - Errors, Exceptions and JSON Data Improving the Password/5.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
106 Bytes
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/5.1 Coding Exercise 1.1 Printing START HERE.html
105 Bytes
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/7.1 Coding Exercise 1.2 Debugging START HERE.html
105 Bytes
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/9.1 Coding Exercise 1.3 Input START HERE.html
105 Bytes
1. Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/11.1 Coding Exercise 1.4 Varaibles START HERE.html
105 Bytes
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/5.1 Coding Exercise 2.1 Data Types START HERE.html
105 Bytes
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/7.1 Coding Exercise 2.2 BMI Calculator START HERE.html
105 Bytes
2. Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/9.1 Coding Exercise 2.3 Life in Weeks START HERE.html
105 Bytes
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/3.1 Coding Exercise 3.1 Odd or Even START HERE.html
105 Bytes
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/5.1 Coding Exercise 3.2 BMI Calculator 2.0 START HERE.html
105 Bytes
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/6.1 Coding Exercise 3.3 Leap Year START HERE.html
105 Bytes
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/8.1 Coding Exercise 3.4 Pizza Order START HERE.html
105 Bytes
3. Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/10.1 Coding Exercise 3.5 Love Calculator START HERE.html
105 Bytes
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/3.1 Coding Exercise 4.1 Heads or Tails START HERE.html
105 Bytes
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/5.1 Coding Exercise 4.2 Who's Paying START HERE.html
105 Bytes
4. Day 4 - Beginner - Randomisation and Python Lists/8.1 Coding Exercise 4.3 Treasure Map START HERE.html
105 Bytes
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/3.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
105 Bytes
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/4.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
105 Bytes
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/6.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
105 Bytes
5. Day 5 - Beginner - Python Loops/7.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
105 Bytes
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/4.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
105 Bytes
8. Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/5.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
105 Bytes
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/3.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
105 Bytes
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/5.1 Coding Exercise START HERE.html
105 Bytes
0 Bytes
0 Bytes
0 Bytes
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