[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - The Complete Xamarin Developer Course iOS And Android!
[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - The Complete Xamarin Developer Course iOS And Android!
中文字幕 姐姐
keira flow
無碼 乱
alvin and the chipmunks the road chip 2015
母 中国翻訳
shadow of grey
07 - Maps and Location/005 Displaying the User's Location.mp4
381.2 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/007 iOS Implementation of Firebase Auth.mp4
322.2 MB
12 - MVVM/012 The Login Command.mp4
286.9 MB
12 - MVVM/013 Using all interfaces for the NewTravelPage.mp4
272.4 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/006 Dependency Services.mp4
272.0 MB
07 - Maps and Location/006 Handling Location Changes.mp4
257.6 MB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/006 Implemeiting Functionality Challenge - Part 1.mp4
255.0 MB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/007 Implemeiting Functionality Challenge - Part 2.mp4
243.7 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/012 iOS Firestore Implementation - Part 2.mp4
242.8 MB
18 - Tabs in Android/003 Navigating between Fragments.mp4
239.8 MB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/002 UI And Navigation Challenge - Part 1.mp4
220.0 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/009 Android Implementation of Firebase Auth.mp4
220.0 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/014 Android Firestore Implementation - PART 2.mp4
218.6 MB
22 - Maps in Android/005 Running on Android Device.mp4
208.9 MB
12 - MVVM/004 The ICommand interface.mp4
208.7 MB
18 - Tabs in Android/005 Toolbar Navigation.mp4
204.8 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/015 Replace SQLite with Firestore.mp4
203.4 MB
20 - Lists in Android/003 Using a Custom Adapter.mp4
203.4 MB
12 - MVVM/009 ObservableCollection for the Profile Page.mp4
202.0 MB
12 - MVVM/008 The INotifyCollectionChanged interface.mp4
194.1 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/010 Preparing our project to use Firestore.mp4
190.6 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/011 iOS Firestore Implementation - Part 1.mp4
190.4 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/016 Test the Android Application.mp4
188.7 MB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/001 Exploring the Foursquare API.mp4
186.5 MB
12 - MVVM/005 Simpler Command implementation.mp4
185.0 MB
12 - MVVM/010 Navigating through Binding.mp4
176.7 MB
07 - Maps and Location/002 Getting Android Project ready for Maps.mp4
173.5 MB
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/005 Reading from a Table.mp4
169.2 MB
12 - MVVM/006 Command Parameters.mp4
166.4 MB
21 - Lists in iOS/002 The TableViewCell.mp4
163.1 MB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/009 Displaying pins on a map.mp4
161.2 MB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/007 Custom Cells.mp4
161.1 MB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/008 Updating the Post Model.mp4
159.5 MB
22 - Maps in Android/004 Location and Pins.mp4
155.6 MB
23 - Maps in iOS/002 Location and Pins in iOS.mp4
149.2 MB
21 - Lists in iOS/003 Using a Custom Cell.mp4
148.0 MB
22 - Maps in Android/001 Preparing the Project to use Maps.mp4
147.9 MB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/004 Making HTTP Get Requests.mp4
139.5 MB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/011 Debugging your Xamarin Apps.mp4
138.2 MB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/004 Navigation Page.mp4
135.5 MB
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/004 Inserting into a Table.mp4
135.2 MB
09 - Working with Images/001 Displaying shared images.mp4
133.1 MB
17 - Sharing code/002 Reusing Login Functionality.mp4
130.8 MB
10 - Linq/004 ListViews and Dictionaries.mp4
129.1 MB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/005 Updating Deliveries.mp4
128.5 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/008 Simplifying Error Messages.mp4
127.3 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/013 Asynchronous Programming.mp4
125.9 MB
07 - Maps and Location/003 Restricting API Key.mp4
123.4 MB
18 - Tabs in Android/001 Preparing Android Project to use Tab Layout.mp4
119.3 MB
20 - Lists in Android/002 The ListAdapter.mp4
117.3 MB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/007 XAML Resources.mp4
117.0 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/003 Configuring the Firebase iOS Application.mp4
116.1 MB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/006 Inserting into the Database.mp4
115.3 MB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/010 XAML Hot Reload.mp4
115.3 MB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/003 The Structure of the Projects.mp4
114.0 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/013 Android Firestore Implementation - PART 1.mp4
113.2 MB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/011 Updating and Deleting from Table.mp4
113.2 MB
17 - Sharing code/003 Reusing Register Functionality.mp4
112.0 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/006 Objects - Instances of a Class.mp4
110.1 MB
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/004 Installing Xamarin on Windows.mp4
110.0 MB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/005 Venue model from JSON.mp4
109.2 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/005 Classes and Namespaces.mp4
109.1 MB
07 - Maps and Location/001 Getting iOS Project ready for Maps.mp4
103.7 MB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/004 Introduction to XAML.mp4
103.4 MB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/002 Creating a Native project - Windows.mp4
103.2 MB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/004 UI And Navigation Challenge - Part 3.mp4
102.7 MB
12 - MVVM/014 End of the Xamarin Forms Part of the Course.mp4
101.9 MB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/007 Read from the Database.mp4
101.4 MB
19 - Tabs in iOS/004 The BarButtonItem.mp4
100.3 MB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/006 Android Activity.mp4
99.7 MB
09 - Working with Images/003 iOS Images.mp4
98.5 MB
19 - Tabs in iOS/001 The TabBarController.mp4
94.8 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/009 Inheritance.mp4
92.7 MB
17 - Sharing code/006 Inserting to any Table.mp4
90.8 MB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/003 The Login Logic.mp4
88.6 MB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/001 Creating a Login Page with better Event Handlers.mp4
87.1 MB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/003 Database Paths.mp4
84.0 MB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/010 ListView.mp4
84.0 MB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/001 The Layout for the new App.mp4
83.7 MB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/002 Creating a Project on Mac.mp4
83.6 MB
12 - MVVM/011 The INotifyPropertyChanged interface.mp4
83.4 MB
12 - MVVM/003 The View Model.mp4
82.6 MB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/006 Testing our app in an Android emulator (macOS).mp4
82.3 MB
12 - MVVM/002 The Model.mp4
81.0 MB
10 - Linq/001 Profile Page.mp4
80.9 MB
12 - MVVM/007 Can Execute.mp4
80.6 MB
18 - Tabs in Android/006 Inserting Deliveries.mp4
79.7 MB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/001 Creating a Project on Windows.mp4
78.3 MB
09 - Working with Images/002 Android Images.mp4
76.5 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/001 Creating a Console App.mp4
76.2 MB
22 - Maps in Android/003 Displaying Maps (Android).mp4
76.2 MB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/005 Tabbed Page.mp4
75.7 MB
23 - Maps in iOS/001 Displaying Maps (iOS).mp4
74.3 MB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/002 Creating URL for REST Request.mp4
73.6 MB
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/005 Segues.mp4
72.7 MB
07 - Maps and Location/004 Displaying Maps from XAML.mp4
72.2 MB
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/003 Creating a new Activity.mp4
71.8 MB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/008 The ViewController.mp4
71.7 MB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/006 Toolbar Item.mp4
71.4 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/012 Implementing an Interface.mp4
70.8 MB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/001 Adding SQLite.mp4
70.3 MB
10 - Linq/002 Linq Distinct - Unique values from a list.mp4
70.1 MB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/008 Implicit XAML Styles.mp4
69.8 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/010 Method Overriding.mp4
69.6 MB
18 - Tabs in Android/002 Using the TabLayout.mp4
68.8 MB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/003 UI And Navigation Challenge - Part 2.mp4
68.7 MB
09 - Working with Images/004 Displaying Platform Specific Images.mp4
68.2 MB
19 - Tabs in iOS/002 Adding One View Per Tab.mp4
68.2 MB
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/002 The Login Page.mp4
66.3 MB
17 - Sharing code/004 Read Tables.mp4
65.8 MB
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/002 Connecting to the App Service.mp4
65.2 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/007 Properties.mp4
64.3 MB
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/005 Passing Values through Intents.mp4
63.3 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/003 Variables and Scope.mp4
62.2 MB
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/002 Adding Constraints.mp4
62.1 MB
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/005 Setting the connection between Visual Studio and a Mac computer.mp4
61.5 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/002 Methods.mp4
61.1 MB
10 - Linq/003 Linq Where - Filtering a list.mp4
61.0 MB
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/003 Installing Xamarin on macOS.mp4
60.3 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/005 Configuring the Firebase Android Application.mp4
59.7 MB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/005 Coding the functionality of a button.mp4
58.4 MB
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/001 The Apps we'll build.mp4
58.0 MB
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/003 New ViewController.mp4
56.5 MB
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/004 Intents.mp4
53.6 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/011 Interfaces.mp4
52.9 MB
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/002 Installing Xcode on macOS.mp4
52.2 MB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/009 Remote iOS Simulator to Windows.mp4
51.9 MB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/006 Deserializing Json strings into C# objects.mp4
51.6 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/004 Methods and Variables Challenge.mp4
50.6 MB
05 - C# Fundamentals/008 Overloading Methods.mp4
49.4 MB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/002 Defining better Entry elements.mp4
48.1 MB
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/004 The NavigationController.mp4
47.9 MB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/007 The iOS Storyboard.mp4
47.7 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/004 Entitlements and Signing Configurations.mp4
46.7 MB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/008 The IDisposable interface and Using statements.mp4
46.5 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/001 Google Firebase.mp4
46.5 MB
17 - Sharing code/001 The PCL.mp4
44.7 MB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/004 The AXML Designer for Android.mp4
44.4 MB
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/001 Creating another Azure App Service.mp4
43.1 MB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/005 The AXML Source code.mp4
43.0 MB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/009 Explicit XAML Styles.mp4
42.6 MB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/002 New App Constructor.mp4
42.2 MB
19 - Tabs in iOS/003 Prevent Back Navigation.mp4
42.0 MB
21 - Lists in iOS/001 The TableViewController.mp4
42.0 MB
01 - Intro to Xamarin/003 The Apps we'll build.mp4
41.1 MB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/008 DisplayingMaps and Getting Directions.mp4
40.8 MB
23 - Maps in iOS/003 Getting the Center of the Map.mp4
36.1 MB
22 - Maps in Android/002 Obtaining the Google Maps API Key.mp4
36.1 MB
18 - Tabs in Android/004 Prevent Back Navigation.mp4
35.9 MB
01 - Intro to Xamarin/004 Getting the Source Code.mp4
35.3 MB
20 - Lists in Android/001 The ListFragment.mp4
34.9 MB
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/001 The Login Page.mp4
34.0 MB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/003 Preparing Projects.mp4
32.8 MB
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/003 Creating a Table and its Class.mp4
31.9 MB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/007 Testing our app in an Android emulator (Windows).mp4
31.2 MB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/004 The Model of a Database Table.mp4
29.1 MB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/008 Testing on an iOS simulator.mp4
29.1 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/002 Creating a Firebase Project.mp4
27.0 MB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/005 SQLite Atributes.mp4
26.9 MB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/009 Data Binding.mp4
20.0 MB
01 - Intro to Xamarin/001 What is Xamarin.mp4
16.5 MB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/001 Xamarin Forms vs Xamarin Classic.mp4
15.3 MB
17 - Sharing code/005 Intro to Generics.mp4
13.5 MB
12 - MVVM/001 Introduction to MVVM.mp4
12.7 MB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/003 Creating a Native project - Mac.mp4
12.4 MB
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/001 Requirements.mp4
11.3 MB
01 - Intro to Xamarin/002 Why use Xamarin.mp4
8.5 MB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/007 iOS Implementation of Firebase Auth_en.srt
28.4 kB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/006 Implemeiting Functionality Challenge - Part 1_en.srt
27.0 kB
07 - Maps and Location/005 Displaying the User's Location_en.srt
26.5 kB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/002 UI And Navigation Challenge - Part 1_en.srt
26.1 kB
09 - Working with Images/001 plane.png
24.5 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/006 Dependency Services_en.srt
24.3 kB
20 - Lists in Android/003 Using a Custom Adapter_en.srt
24.0 kB
12 - MVVM/013 Using all interfaces for the NewTravelPage_en.srt
23.9 kB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/007 Implemeiting Functionality Challenge - Part 2_en.srt
23.6 kB
12 - MVVM/012 The Login Command_en.srt
23.3 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/010 Preparing our project to use Firestore_en.srt
22.6 kB
18 - Tabs in Android/003 Navigating between Fragments_en.srt
21.3 kB
18 - Tabs in Android/005 Toolbar Navigation_en.srt
20.4 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/009 Android Implementation of Firebase Auth_en.srt
19.5 kB
21 - Lists in iOS/002 The TableViewCell_en.srt
19.5 kB
12 - MVVM/004 The ICommand interface_en.srt
19.2 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/011 iOS Firestore Implementation - Part 1_en.srt
18.9 kB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/002 Creating a Native project - Windows_en.srt
18.8 kB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/011 Debugging your Xamarin Apps_en.srt
18.5 kB
22 - Maps in Android/005 Running on Android Device_en.srt
17.7 kB
07 - Maps and Location/002 Getting Android Project ready for Maps_en.srt
17.6 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/015 Replace SQLite with Firestore_en.srt
17.5 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/014 Android Firestore Implementation - PART 2_en.srt
17.5 kB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/008 Updating the Post Model_en.srt
17.4 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/005 Classes and Namespaces_en.srt
17.4 kB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/004 Navigation Page_en.srt
17.3 kB
12 - MVVM/008 The INotifyCollectionChanged interface_en.srt
17.3 kB
07 - Maps and Location/006 Handling Location Changes_en.srt
17.3 kB
12 - MVVM/009 ObservableCollection for the Profile Page_en.srt
17.0 kB
12 - MVVM/005 Simpler Command implementation_en.srt
16.9 kB
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/004 Inserting into a Table_en.srt
16.7 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/006 Inserting into the Database_en.srt
16.5 kB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/001 Exploring the Foursquare API_en.srt
16.2 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/012 iOS Firestore Implementation - Part 2_en.srt
16.2 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/006 Objects - Instances of a Class_en.srt
15.9 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/011 Updating and Deleting from Table_en.srt
15.8 kB
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/005 Reading from a Table_en.srt
15.6 kB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/004 Making HTTP Get Requests_en.srt
15.4 kB
21 - Lists in iOS/003 Using a Custom Cell_en.srt
15.2 kB
20 - Lists in Android/002 The ListAdapter_en.srt
14.9 kB
21 - Lists in iOS/003 Using a Custom Cell_en.vtt
14.7 kB
22 - Maps in Android/004 Location and Pins_en.srt
14.6 kB
17 - Sharing code/002 Reusing Login Functionality_en.vtt
14.3 kB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/007 Custom Cells_en.srt
14.1 kB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/004 UI And Navigation Challenge - Part 3_en.srt
14.0 kB
22 - Maps in Android/001 Preparing the Project to use Maps_en.srt
14.0 kB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/004 Introduction to XAML_en.srt
13.9 kB
18 - Tabs in Android/001 Preparing Android Project to use Tab Layout_en.srt
13.8 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/016 Test the Android Application_en.srt
13.6 kB
12 - MVVM/010 Navigating through Binding_en.srt
13.6 kB
19 - Tabs in iOS/004 The BarButtonItem_en.srt
13.5 kB
12 - MVVM/006 Command Parameters_en.srt
13.5 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/013 Asynchronous Programming_en.srt
13.5 kB
19 - Tabs in iOS/002 Adding One View Per Tab_en.srt
13.1 kB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/003 The Login Logic_en.srt
13.1 kB
09 - Working with Images/001 Displaying shared images_en.srt
12.9 kB
07 - Maps and Location/003 Restricting API Key_en.srt
12.8 kB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/008 The ViewController_en.srt
12.8 kB
23 - Maps in iOS/002 Location and Pins in iOS_en.srt
12.7 kB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/006 Android Activity_en.srt
12.6 kB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/009 Displaying pins on a map_en.srt
12.5 kB
19 - Tabs in iOS/001 The TabBarController_en.srt
12.0 kB
10 - Linq/004 ListViews and Dictionaries_en.srt
12.0 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/009 Inheritance_en.srt
11.9 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/007 Read from the Database_en.vtt
11.8 kB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/003 The Structure of the Projects_en.srt
11.7 kB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/010 XAML Hot Reload_en.srt
11.7 kB
17 - Sharing code/003 Reusing Register Functionality_en.srt
11.6 kB
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/002 Adding Constraints_en.srt
11.5 kB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/005 Updating Deliveries_en.srt
11.4 kB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/005 Tabbed Page_en.srt
11.3 kB
07 - Maps and Location/001 Getting iOS Project ready for Maps_en.srt
11.3 kB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/001 The Layout for the new App_en.vtt
11.1 kB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/001 Creating a Login Page with better Event Handlers_en.srt
11.1 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/010 ListView_en.srt
11.0 kB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/002 Creating URL for REST Request_en.srt
11.0 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/001 Adding SQLite_en.srt
10.8 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/003 Configuring the Firebase iOS Application_en.srt
10.8 kB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/007 XAML Resources_en.srt
10.6 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/013 Android Firestore Implementation - PART 1_en.srt
10.6 kB
23 - Maps in iOS/001 Displaying Maps (iOS)_en.srt
10.4 kB
17 - Sharing code/006 Inserting to any Table_en.vtt
10.4 kB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/005 Coding the functionality of a button_en.vtt
10.4 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/003 Variables and Scope_en.srt
10.2 kB
18 - Tabs in Android/006 Inserting Deliveries_en.srt
10.1 kB
17 - Sharing code/002 Reusing Login Functionality_en.srt
10.0 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/002 Methods_en.srt
10.0 kB
10 - Linq/001 Profile Page_en.srt
9.9 kB
01 - Intro to Xamarin/001 What is Xamarin_en.srt
9.8 kB
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/005 Segues_en.srt
9.6 kB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/006 Testing our app in an Android emulator (macOS)_en.srt
9.6 kB
09 - Working with Images/002 Android Images_en.srt
9.6 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/012 Implementing an Interface_en.srt
9.5 kB
10 - Linq/002 Linq Distinct - Unique values from a list_en.srt
9.5 kB
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/004 Installing Xamarin on Windows_en.srt
9.4 kB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/007 The iOS Storyboard_en.srt
9.3 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/001 Creating a Console App_en.srt
9.3 kB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/005 Venue model from JSON_en.srt
9.2 kB
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/003 New ViewController_en.srt
9.1 kB
09 - Working with Images/003 iOS Images_en.srt
9.1 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/007 Properties_en.srt
9.1 kB
12 - MVVM/011 The INotifyPropertyChanged interface_en.srt
9.1 kB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/006 Deserializing Json strings into C# objects_en.srt
9.0 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/010 Method Overriding_en.srt
9.0 kB
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/004 The NavigationController_en.srt
8.8 kB
17 - Sharing code/004 Read Tables_en.srt
8.8 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/003 Database Paths_en.srt
8.7 kB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/006 Toolbar Item_en.srt
8.5 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/004 Entitlements and Signing Configurations_en.srt
8.5 kB
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/001 Creating another Azure App Service_en.srt
8.4 kB
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/002 The Login Page_en.srt
8.3 kB
17 - Sharing code/006 Inserting to any Table_en.srt
8.2 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/008 Simplifying Error Messages_en.vtt
8.2 kB
18 - Tabs in Android/002 Using the TabLayout_en.srt
8.2 kB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/002 Creating a Project on Mac_en.srt
8.1 kB
09 - Working with Images/004 Displaying Platform Specific Images_en.srt
8.0 kB
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/003 Creating a new Activity_en.srt
8.0 kB
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/002 Connecting to the App Service_en.srt
8.0 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/004 Methods and Variables Challenge_en.srt
7.8 kB
22 - Maps in Android/003 Displaying Maps (Android)_en.srt
7.8 kB
07 - Maps and Location/004 Displaying Maps from XAML_en.srt
7.4 kB
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/004 Intents_en.srt
7.3 kB
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/005 Passing Values through Intents_en.srt
7.2 kB
12 - MVVM/007 Can Execute_en.srt
7.2 kB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/001 Creating a Project on Windows_en.srt
7.2 kB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/004 The AXML Designer for Android_en.srt
7.1 kB
12 - MVVM/003 The View Model_en.srt
7.1 kB
17 - Sharing code/005 Intro to Generics_en.srt
7.0 kB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/008 Implicit XAML Styles_en.srt
7.0 kB
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/003 Installing Xamarin on macOS_en.srt
6.9 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/011 Interfaces_en.srt
6.9 kB
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/001 Requirements_en.srt
6.8 kB
12 - MVVM/002 The Model_en.srt
6.5 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/009 Data Binding_en.srt
6.5 kB
01 - Intro to Xamarin/003 The Apps we'll build_en.srt
6.4 kB
12 - MVVM/001 Introduction to MVVM_en.srt
6.4 kB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/003 UI And Navigation Challenge - Part 2_en.srt
6.4 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/008 The IDisposable interface and Using statements_en.srt
6.4 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/008 Overloading Methods_en.srt
6.3 kB
17 - Sharing code/001 The PCL_en.srt
6.3 kB
21 - Lists in iOS/001 The TableViewController_en.srt
6.2 kB
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/005 Setting the connection between Visual Studio and a Mac computer_en.srt
6.1 kB
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/001 The Login Page_en.srt
6.0 kB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/005 The AXML Source code_en.srt
6.0 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/005 Configuring the Firebase Android Application_en.srt
5.9 kB
10 - Linq/003 Linq Where - Filtering a list_en.srt
5.8 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/001 Google Firebase_en.srt
5.8 kB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/008 Testing on an iOS simulator_en.srt
5.7 kB
19 - Tabs in iOS/003 Prevent Back Navigation_en.srt
5.7 kB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/009 Remote iOS Simulator to Windows_en.srt
5.7 kB
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/003 Creating a Table and its Class_en.srt
5.6 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/004 The Model of a Database Table_en.srt
5.4 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/008 Simplifying Error Messages_en.srt
5.3 kB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/003 Creating a Native project - Mac_en.srt
5.3 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/002 New App Constructor_en.srt
5.3 kB
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/001 The Apps we'll build_en.srt
5.1 kB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/005 Coding the functionality of a button_en.srt
5.0 kB
01 - Intro to Xamarin/004 Getting the Source Code_en.srt
5.0 kB
24 - The Delivery Person's App/001 The Layout for the new App_en.srt
5.0 kB
20 - Lists in Android/001 The ListFragment_en.srt
4.8 kB
01 - Intro to Xamarin/002 Why use Xamarin_en.srt
4.8 kB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/002 Defining better Entry elements_en.srt
4.7 kB
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/007 Testing our app in an Android emulator (Windows)_en.srt
4.6 kB
22 - Maps in Android/002 Obtaining the Google Maps API Key_en.srt
4.6 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/002 Creating a Firebase Project_en.srt
4.6 kB
23 - Maps in iOS/003 Getting the Center of the Map_en.srt
4.5 kB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/001 Xamarin Forms vs Xamarin Classic_en.srt
4.4 kB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/009 Explicit XAML Styles_en.srt
4.1 kB
18 - Tabs in Android/004 Prevent Back Navigation_en.srt
4.1 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/007 Read from the Database_en.srt
3.8 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/005 SQLite Atributes_en.srt
3.8 kB
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/002 Installing Xcode on macOS_en.srt
3.5 kB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/003 Preparing Projects_en.srt
3.2 kB
12 - MVVM/014 End of the Xamarin Forms Part of the Course_en.srt
3.1 kB
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/external-links.txt
2.3 kB
05 - C# Fundamentals/external-links.txt
1.9 kB
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/external-links.txt
1.6 kB
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/external-links.txt
1.5 kB
12 - MVVM/external-links.txt
1.5 kB
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/external-links.txt
1.4 kB
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/external-links.txt
1.1 kB
18 - Tabs in Android/external-links.txt
903 Bytes
22 - Maps in Android/external-links.txt
876 Bytes
07 - Maps and Location/external-links.txt
823 Bytes
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/external-links.txt
790 Bytes
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/external-links.txt
725 Bytes
09 - Working with Images/external-links.txt
715 Bytes
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/external-links.txt
681 Bytes
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/external-links.txt
606 Bytes
17 - Sharing code/external-links.txt
550 Bytes
19 - Tabs in iOS/external-links.txt
539 Bytes
10 - Linq/external-links.txt
532 Bytes
01 - Intro to Xamarin/external-links.txt
484 Bytes
23 - Maps in iOS/external-links.txt
415 Bytes
20 - Lists in Android/external-links.txt
410 Bytes
21 - Lists in iOS/external-links.txt
404 Bytes
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/external-links.txt
170 Bytes
18 - Tabs in Android/001 Source-code-Tabs-in-Android-Preparing-Android-Project-to-use-Tab-Layout.url
146 Bytes
01 - Intro to Xamarin/001 Visual-Studio-2017-Licensing-Whitepaper.url
143 Bytes
0. Websites you may like/[CourseClub.Me].url
122 Bytes
07 - Maps and Location/[CourseClub.Me].url
122 Bytes
17 - Sharing code/[CourseClub.Me].url
122 Bytes
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/002 Userless-server-integration.url
108 Bytes
18 - Tabs in Android/003 Source-code-Tabs-in-Android-Navigating-between-Fragments.url
106 Bytes
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/001 Source-code-Hello-World-with-Xamarin.Forms-Creating-a-Project-on-Windows.url
104 Bytes
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/002 Source-code-Hello-World-with-Xamarin.Forms-Creating-a-Project-on-Mac.url
104 Bytes
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/004 Source-code-Hello-World-with-Xamarin.Forms-Introduction-to-XAML.url
104 Bytes
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/005 Source-code-Hello-World-with-Xamarin.Forms-Coding-the-functionality-of-a-button.url
104 Bytes
03 - Hello World with Xamarin.Forms/010 Source-code-Hello-World-with-Xamarin.Forms-XAML-Hot-Reload.url
104 Bytes
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/001 Source-code-XAML-Navigation-The-travel-record-app-Creating-a-Login-Page-with-better-Event-Handlers.url
104 Bytes
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/002 Source-code-XAML-Navigation-The-travel-record-app-Defining-better-Entry-elements.url
104 Bytes
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/003 Source-code-XAML-Navigation-The-travel-record-app-The-Login-Logic.url
104 Bytes
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/004 Source-code-XAML-Navigation-The-travel-record-app-Navigation-Page.url
104 Bytes
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/005 Source-code-XAML-Navigation-The-travel-record-app-Tabbed-Page.url
104 Bytes
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/006 Source-code-XAML-Navigation-The-travel-record-app-Toolbar-Item.url
104 Bytes
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/007 Source-code-XAML-Navigation-The-travel-record-app-XAML-Resources.url
104 Bytes
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/008 Source-code-XAML-Navigation-The-travel-record-app-Implicit-XAML-Styles.url
104 Bytes
04 - XAML & Navigation - The travel record app/009 Source-code-XAML-Navigation-The-travel-record-app-Explicit-XAML-Styles.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/001 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Creating-a-Console-App.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/002 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Methods.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/003 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Variables-and-Scope.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/004 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Methods-and-Variables-Challenge-Start.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/004 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Methods-and-Variables-Challenge.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/005 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Classes-and-Namespaces.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/006 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Objects-Instances-of-a-Class.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/007 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Properties.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/008 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Overloading-Methods.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/009 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Inheritance.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/010 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Method-Overriding.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/011 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Interfaces.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/012 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Implementing-an-Interface.url
104 Bytes
05 - C# Fundamentals/013 Source-code-C-Foundamentals-Asynchronous-Programming.url
104 Bytes
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/001 Source-code-SQLite-Local-Databases-Adding-SQLite.url
104 Bytes
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/002 Source-code-SQLite-Local-Databases-New-App-Constructor.url
104 Bytes
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/003 Source-code-SQLite-Local-Databases-Database-Paths.url
104 Bytes
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/004 Source-code-SQLite-Local-Databases-The-Model-of-a-Database-Table.url
104 Bytes
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/005 Source-code-SQLite-Local-Databases-SQLite-Attributes.url
104 Bytes
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/006 Source-code-SQLite-Local-Databases-Inserting-into-the-Database.url
104 Bytes
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/007 Source-code-SQLite-Local-Databases-Read-from-the-Database.url
104 Bytes
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/008 Source-code-SQLite-Local-Databases-The-IDisposable-interface-and-Using-statements.url
104 Bytes
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/010 Source-code-SQLite-Local-Databases-ListView.url
104 Bytes
06 - SQLite - Local Databases/011 Source-code-SQLite-Local-Databases-Updating-and-Deleting-from-Table.url
104 Bytes
07 - Maps and Location/001 Source-code-Maps-and-Location-Getting-iOS-Project-ready-for-Maps.url
104 Bytes
07 - Maps and Location/002 Source-code-Maps-and-Location-Getting-Android-Project-ready-for-Maps.url
104 Bytes
07 - Maps and Location/004 Source-code-Maps-and-Location-Displaying-Maps-from-XAML.url
104 Bytes
07 - Maps and Location/005 Source-code-Maps-and-Location-Displaying-the-Users-Location.url
104 Bytes
07 - Maps and Location/006 Source-code-Maps-and-Location-Handling-Location-Changes.url
104 Bytes
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/002 Source-code-REST-Consuming-Foursquare-Services-Creating-URL-for-REST-Request.url
104 Bytes
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/003 Source-code-REST-Consuming-Foursquare-Services-Preparing-Projects.url
104 Bytes
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/004 Source-code-REST-Consuming-Foursquare-Services-Making-HTTP-Get-Requests.url
104 Bytes
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/005 REST-Consuming-Foursquare-Services-Venue-model-from-JSON.url
104 Bytes
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/006 Source-code-REST-Consuming-Foursquare-Services-Deserializing-Json-strings-into-C-objects.url
104 Bytes
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/007 Source-code-REST-Consuming-Foursquare-Services-Custom-Cells.url
104 Bytes
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/008 Source-code-REST-Consuming-Foursquare-Services-Updating-the-Post-Model.url
104 Bytes
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/009 Source-code-REST-Consuming-Foursquare-Services-Displaying-pins-on-a-map.url
104 Bytes
09 - Working with Images/001 Source-code-REST-Working-with-Images-Displaying-shared-images.url
104 Bytes
09 - Working with Images/002 Source-code-REST-Working-with-Images-Android-Images.url
104 Bytes
09 - Working with Images/003 Source-code-REST-Working-with-Images-iOS-Images.url
104 Bytes
09 - Working with Images/004 Source-code-REST-Working-with-Images-Displaying-Platform-Specific-Images.url
104 Bytes
10 - Linq/001 Source-code-Linq-Profile-Page.url
104 Bytes
10 - Linq/002 Source-code-Linq-Linq-Distinct-Unique-values-from-a-list.url
104 Bytes
10 - Linq/003 Source-code-Linq-Linq-Where-Filtering-a-list.url
104 Bytes
10 - Linq/004 Source-code-Linq-ListViews-and-Dictionaries.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/003 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-Configuring-the-Firebase-iOS-Application.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/005 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-Configuring-the-Firebase-Android-Application.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/006 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-Dependency-Services.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/007 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-iOS-Implementation-of-Firebase-Auth.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/008 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-Simplifying-Error-Messages.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/009 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-Android-Implementation-of-Firebase-Auth.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/010 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-Preparing-our-project-to-use-Firestore.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/011 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-iOS-Firestore-Implementation-Part-1.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/012 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-iOS-Firestore-Implementation-Part-2.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/013 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-Android-Firestore-Implementation-PART-1.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/014 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-Android-Firestore-Implementation-PART-2.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/015 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-Replace-SQLite-with-Firestore.url
104 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/016 Source-code-Cloud-Services-with-Googles-Firebase-Test-the-Android-Application.url
104 Bytes
12 - MVVM/002 Source-code-MVVM-The-Model.url
104 Bytes
12 - MVVM/004 Source-code-MVVM-The-ICommand-interface.url
104 Bytes
12 - MVVM/005 Source-code-MVVM-Simpler-Command-implementation.url
104 Bytes
12 - MVVM/006 Source-code-MVVM-Command-Parameters.url
104 Bytes
12 - MVVM/007 Source-code-MVVM-Can-Execute.url
104 Bytes
12 - MVVM/008 Source-code-MVVM-The-INotifyCollectionChanged-interface.url
104 Bytes
12 - MVVM/009 Source-code-MVVM-ObservableCollection-for-the-Profile-Page.url
104 Bytes
12 - MVVM/010 Source-code-MVVM-Navigating-through-Binding.url
104 Bytes
12 - MVVM/011 Source-code-MVVM-The-INotifyPropertyChanged-interface.url
104 Bytes
12 - MVVM/012 Source-code-MVVM-The-Login-Command.url
104 Bytes
12 - MVVM/013 Source-code-MVVM-Using-all-interfaces-for-the-NewTravelPage.url
104 Bytes
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/002 Source-code-Hello-World-Xamarin-Native-Creating-a-Native-project-Windows.url
104 Bytes
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/003 Source-code-Hello-World-Xamarin-Native-Creating-a-Native-project-Mac.url
104 Bytes
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/004 Hello-World-Xamarin-Native-The-AXML-Designer-for-Android.url
104 Bytes
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/005 Source-code-Hello-World-Xamarin-Native-The-AXML-Source-code.url
104 Bytes
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/006 Source-code-Hello-World-Xamarin-Native-Android-Activity.url
104 Bytes
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/007 Source-code-Hello-World-Xamarin-Native-The-iOS-Storyboard.url
104 Bytes
13 - Hello World - Xamarin Native/008 Source-code-Hello-World-Xamarin-Native-The-ViewController.url
104 Bytes
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/002 Source-code-The-Delivery-App-Login-Android-The-Login-Page.url
104 Bytes
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/003 Source-code-The-Delivery-App-Login-Android-Creating-a-new-Activity.url
104 Bytes
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/004 Source-code-The-Delivery-App-Login-Android-Intents.url
104 Bytes
14 - The Delivery App Login - Android/005 Source-code-The-Delivery-App-Login-Android-Passing-Values-through-Intents.url
104 Bytes
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/001 Source-code-The-Delivery-App-Login-iOS-The-Login-Page.url
104 Bytes
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/002 Source-code-The-Delivery-App-Login-iOS-Adding-Constraints.url
104 Bytes
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/003 Source-code-The-Delivery-App-Login-iOS-New-ViewController.url
104 Bytes
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/004 Source-code-The-Delivery-App-Login-iOS-The-NavigationController.url
104 Bytes
15 - The Delivery App Login - iOS/005 Source-code-The-Delivery-App-Login-iOS-Segues.url
104 Bytes
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/002 Source-code-Azure-App-Services-on-Xamarin-classic-apps-Connecting-to-the-App-Service.url
104 Bytes
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/003 Source-code-Azure-App-Services-on-Xamarin-classic-apps-Creating-a-Table-and-its-Class.url
104 Bytes
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/004 Source-code-Azure-App-Services-on-Xamarin-classic-apps-Inserting-into-a-Table.url
104 Bytes
16 - Azure App Services on Xamarin classic apps/005 Source-code-Azure-App-Services-on-Xamarin-classic-apps-Reading-from-a-Table.url
104 Bytes
17 - Sharing code/002 Source-code-Sharing-code-Reusing-Login-Functionality.url
104 Bytes
17 - Sharing code/003 Source-code-Sharing-code-Reuisng-Register-Functionality.url
104 Bytes
17 - Sharing code/004 Source-code-Sharing-code-Read-Tables.url
104 Bytes
17 - Sharing code/006 Source-code-Sharing-code-Inserting-to-any-Table.url
104 Bytes
18 - Tabs in Android/002 Source-code-Tabs-in-Android-Using-the-TabLayout.url
104 Bytes
18 - Tabs in Android/004 Source-code-Tabs-in-Android-Prevent-Back-Navigation.url
104 Bytes
18 - Tabs in Android/005 Source-code-Tabs-in-Android-Toolbar-Navigation.url
104 Bytes
18 - Tabs in Android/006 Source-code-Tabs-in-Android-Inserting-Deliveries.url
104 Bytes
19 - Tabs in iOS/001 Source-code-Tabs-in-iOS-The-TabBarController.url
104 Bytes
19 - Tabs in iOS/002 Source-code-Tabs-in-iOS-Adding-One-View-Per-Tab.url
104 Bytes
19 - Tabs in iOS/003 Source-code-Tabs-in-iOS-Prevent-Back-Navigation.url
104 Bytes
19 - Tabs in iOS/004 Source-code-Tabs-in-iOS-The-BarButtonItem.url
104 Bytes
20 - Lists in Android/001 Source-code-Lists-in-Android-The-ListFragment.url
104 Bytes
20 - Lists in Android/002 Source-code-Lists-in-Android-The-ListAdapter.url
104 Bytes
20 - Lists in Android/003 Source-code-Lists-in-Android-Using-a-Custom-Adapter.url
104 Bytes
21 - Lists in iOS/001 Source-code-Lists-in-iOS-The-TableViewController.url
104 Bytes
21 - Lists in iOS/002 Source-code-Lists-in-iOS-The-TableViewCell.url
104 Bytes
21 - Lists in iOS/003 Source-code-Lists-in-iOS-Using-a-Custom-Cell.url
104 Bytes
22 - Maps in Android/001 Source-code-Maps-in-Android-Preparing-the-Project-to-use-Maps.url
104 Bytes
22 - Maps in Android/001 Xamarin-3040-PreparingProject-resources-manifest-snippet-add.xml.url
104 Bytes
22 - Maps in Android/002 Source-code-Maps-in-Android-Obtaining-the-Google-Maps-API-Key.url
104 Bytes
22 - Maps in Android/003 Source-code-Maps-in-Android-Displaying-Maps-Android-.url
104 Bytes
22 - Maps in Android/004 Source-code-Maps-in-Android-Location-and-Pins.url
104 Bytes
22 - Maps in Android/005 Source-code-Maps-in-Android-Running-on-Android-Device.url
104 Bytes
23 - Maps in iOS/001 Source-code-Maps-in-iOS-Displaying-Maps-iOS-.url
104 Bytes
23 - Maps in iOS/002 Source-code-Maps-in-iOS-Location-and-Pins-in-iOS.url
104 Bytes
23 - Maps in iOS/003 Source-code-Maps-in-iOS-Getting-the-Center-of-the-Map.url
104 Bytes
24 - The Delivery Person's App/001 Source-code-The-Delivery-Persons-App-The-Layout-for-the-new-App.url
104 Bytes
24 - The Delivery Person's App/001 Xamarin-3200-PractiveNavigation-resources-manifest-snippet-add.xml.url
104 Bytes
24 - The Delivery Person's App/002 Source-code-The-Delivery-Persons-App-UI-And-Navigation-Challenge-Part-1-Start.url
104 Bytes
24 - The Delivery Person's App/002 Source-code-The-Delivery-Persons-App-UI-And-Navigation-Challenge-Part-1.url
104 Bytes
24 - The Delivery Person's App/003 Source-code-The-Delivery-Persons-App-UI-And-Navigation-Challenge-Part-2.url
104 Bytes
24 - The Delivery Person's App/004 Source-code-The-Delivery-Persons-App-UI-And-Navigation-Challenge-Part-3.url
104 Bytes
24 - The Delivery Person's App/005 Source-code-The-Delivery-Persons-App-Updating-Deliveries.url
104 Bytes
24 - The Delivery Person's App/006 Source-code-The-Delivery-Persons-App-Implemeiting-Functionality-Challenge-Part-1-Start.url
104 Bytes
24 - The Delivery Person's App/006 Source-code-The-Delivery-Persons-App-Implemeiting-Functionality-Challenge-Part-1.url
104 Bytes
24 - The Delivery Person's App/007 Source-code-The-Delivery-Persons-App-Implemeiting-Functionality-Challenge-Part-2.url
104 Bytes
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/001 Venues-Search-Endpoint-Docs.url
90 Bytes
09 - Working with Images/002 Android-Asset-Studio.url
82 Bytes
01 - Intro to Xamarin/004 Travel-Record-App-source-code.url
69 Bytes
01 - Intro to Xamarin/004 Hello-World-on-macOS-source-cod.url
67 Bytes
01 - Intro to Xamarin/004 Learning-C-source-code.url
67 Bytes
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/003 Get-Visual-Studio-for-Mac.url
66 Bytes
01 - Intro to Xamarin/004 Hello-World-source-code.url
64 Bytes
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/001 Foursquare-API.url
63 Bytes
07 - Maps and Location/002 Google-Developer-Console.url
62 Bytes
11 - Cloud Services with Google's Firebase/002 Azure-web-page.url
58 Bytes
08 - REST - Consuming Foursquare Services/001 Foursquare-for-Developers.url
57 Bytes
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/001 Mac-in-Cloud.url
50 Bytes
0. Websites you may like/[GigaCourse.Com].url
49 Bytes
07 - Maps and Location/[GigaCourse.Com].url
49 Bytes
17 - Sharing code/[GigaCourse.Com].url
49 Bytes
09 - Working with Images/003 Icons-8.url
43 Bytes
02 - Requirements and Preparing the Environment/004 Xamarin-downloads.url
42 Bytes
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