[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1)
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1)
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4. Numeric Types/11. Floats Equality Testing - Coding.mp4
249.4 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/6. Closures - Lecture.mp4
199.6 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/2. Global and Local Scopes - Lecture.mp4
175.4 MB
4. Numeric Types/4. Integers Constructors and Bases - Lecture.mp4
143.0 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/4. Named Tuples - Lecture.mp4
141.4 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/5. Named Tuples - Coding.mp4
134.1 MB
6. First-Class Functions/13. Reducing Functions - Lecture.mp4
131.7 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/12. Decorator Application (Timer).mp4
131.7 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/20. Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 2.mp4
129.2 MB
4. Numeric Types/14. Floats Rounding - Lecture.mp4
128.1 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/7. Closures - Coding.mp4
117.8 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/19. Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 1.mp4
116.4 MB
6. First-Class Functions/18. The operator Module - Coding.mp4
114.3 MB
6. First-Class Functions/11. Map, Filter, Zip and List Comprehensions - Lecture.mp4
111.3 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/10. Decorators (Part 1) - Lecture.mp4
110.6 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/4. Nonlocal Scopes - Lecture.mp4
110.3 MB
3. Variables and Memory/4. Garbage Collection.mp4
109.6 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/11. Named Tuples - Application - Alternative to Dictionaries.mp4
109.3 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/21. Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 3.mp4
108.2 MB
4. Numeric Types/28. Booleans Precedence and Short-Circuiting - Lecture.mp4
107.8 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/18. Decorator Application (Decorating Classes).mp4
105.8 MB
4. Numeric Types/3. Integers Operations.mp4
104.9 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/14. Decorator Application (Memoization).mp4
103.8 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/14.1 Decorator Application (Memoization).zip.zip
103.8 MB
6. First-Class Functions/9. Function Introspection - Coding.mp4
103.3 MB
10. Extras/15. Simulating a simple switch in Python.mp4
102.9 MB
4. Numeric Types/8. Floats Internal Representations - Lecture.mp4
101.1 MB
6. First-Class Functions/8. Function Introspection - Lecture.mp4
101.1 MB
10. Extras/13. Command Line Arguments.mp4
100.0 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/2. Tuples as Data Structures - Lecture.mp4
98.8 MB
4. Numeric Types/10. Floats Equality Testing - Lecture.mp4
97.5 MB
5. Function Parameters/8. Extended Unpacking - Coding.mp4
94.1 MB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/3. Multi-Line Statements and Strings.mp4
93.5 MB
4. Numeric Types/25. Booleans.mp4
93.5 MB
4. Numeric Types/16. Decimals - Lecture.mp4
91.8 MB
6. First-Class Functions/16. Partial Functions - Coding.mp4
90.7 MB
4. Numeric Types/30. Booleans Boolean Operators - Lecture.mp4
89.1 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/3. Tuples as Data Structures - Coding.mp4
89.1 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/16. Decorators (Part 2) - Coding.mp4
88.9 MB
4. Numeric Types/2. Integers Data Types.mp4
87.5 MB
5. Function Parameters/7. Extended Unpacking - Lecture.mp4
87.4 MB
4. Numeric Types/32. Comparison Operators.mp4
87.2 MB
3. Variables and Memory/14. Python Optimizations Peephole.mp4
86.6 MB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/10. Classes.mp4
86.4 MB
5. Function Parameters/17. Parameter Defaults - Beware!!.mp4
82.9 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/3. How does Python Import Modules.mp4
82.3 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/7. Named Tuples - Modifying and Extending - Coding.mp4
82.1 MB
6. First-Class Functions/2. Docstrings and Annotations - Lecture.mp4
81.3 MB
3. Variables and Memory/13. Python Optimizations String Interning.mp4
80.9 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/13. Decorator Application (Logger, Stacked Decorators).mp4
80.7 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/9. Closure Applications - Part 2.mp4
78.9 MB
6. First-Class Functions/17. The operator Module - Lecture.mp4
77.6 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/6. Named Tuples - Modifying and Extending - Lecture.mp4
77.0 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/11. Decorators (Part 1) - Coding.mp4
76.9 MB
6. First-Class Functions/14. Reducing Functions - Coding.mp4
75.4 MB
4. Numeric Types/6. Rational Numbers - Lecture.mp4
72.9 MB
3. Variables and Memory/8. Function Arguments and Mutability.mp4
72.4 MB
6. First-Class Functions/12. Map, Filter, Zip and List Comprehensions - Coding.mp4
72.1 MB
4. Numeric Types/5. Integers Constructors and Bases - Coding.mp4
69.8 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/8. Named Tuples - DocStrings and Default Values - Lecture.mp4
69.4 MB
3. Variables and Memory/7. Object Mutability.mp4
69.0 MB
3. Variables and Memory/7.1 07 - Object Mutability.pdf.pdf
69.0 MB
5. Function Parameters/18. Parameter Defaults - Beware Again!!.mp4
68.4 MB
3. Variables and Memory/10. Variable Equality.mp4
68.2 MB
5. Function Parameters/16. Application A Simple Function Timer.mp4
67.8 MB
5. Function Parameters/16.1 A Simple Function Timer.zip.zip
67.8 MB
5. Function Parameters/6. Unpacking Iterables - Coding.mp4
67.7 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/8. Using __main__.mp4
66.6 MB
5. Function Parameters/3. Positional and Keyword Arguments - Lecture.mp4
66.2 MB
5. Function Parameters/14. Putting it all Together - Lecture.mp4
66.1 MB
4. Numeric Types/23. Complex Numbers - Lecture.mp4
63.9 MB
5. Function Parameters/5. Unpacking Iterables - Lecture.mp4
63.7 MB
6. First-Class Functions/10. Callables.mp4
63.3 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/14. Structuring Packages - Part 2.mp4
63.0 MB
5. Function Parameters/15. Putting it all Together - Coding.mp4
62.9 MB
6. First-Class Functions/4. Lambda Expressions - Lecture.mp4
62.0 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/4. Imports and importlib.mp4
61.5 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/8. Closure Applications - Part 1.mp4
61.5 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/13. Structuring Packages - Part 1.mp4
60.8 MB
3. Variables and Memory/11. Everything is an Object.mp4
60.6 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/15. Decorators (Part 2) - Lecture.mp4
60.0 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/6. Import Variants and Misconceptions - Coding.mp4
59.8 MB
3. Variables and Memory/3. Reference Counting.mp4
59.7 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/9. Named Tuples - DocStrings and Default Values - Coding.mp4
59.6 MB
10. Extras/14. Sentinel Values for Parameter Defaults.mp4
59.1 MB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/9. The For Loop.mp4
58.8 MB
6. First-Class Functions/15. Partial Functions - Lecture.mp4
58.8 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/10. What are Packages - Lecture.mp4
57.3 MB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/4. Variable Names.mp4
55.8 MB
4. Numeric Types/21. Decimals Math Operations - Coding.mp4
54.8 MB
6. First-Class Functions/6. Lambdas and Sorting.mp4
54.7 MB
6. First-Class Functions/3. Docstrings and Annotations - Coding.mp4
54.5 MB
10. Extras/9. Random Choices.mp4
54.4 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/5. Import Variants and Misconceptions - Lecture.mp4
54.1 MB
4. Numeric Types/15. Floats Rounding - Coding.mp4
53.1 MB
4. Numeric Types/18. Decimals Constructors and Contexts - Lecture.mp4
53.1 MB
4. Numeric Types/24. Complex Numbers - Coding.mp4
53.0 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/3. Global and Local Scopes - Coding.mp4
52.9 MB
6. First-Class Functions/5. Lambda Expressions - Coding.mp4
52.7 MB
4. Numeric Types/27. Booleans Truth Values - Coding.mp4
51.5 MB
10. Extras/2. Additional Resources.mp4
51.4 MB
4. Numeric Types/20. Decimals Math Operations - Lecture.mp4
51.4 MB
4. Numeric Types/12. Floats Coercing to Integers - Lecture.mp4
50.4 MB
4. Numeric Types/31. Booleans Boolean Operators - Coding.mp4
50.3 MB
1. Introduction/1. Course Overview.mp4
49.8 MB
4. Numeric Types/26. Booleans Truth Values - Lecture.mp4
48.7 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/5. Nonlocal Scopes - Coding.mp4
47.4 MB
5. Function Parameters/12. Keyword Arguments - Coding.mp4
47.4 MB
5. Function Parameters/11. Keyword Arguments - Lecture.mp4
47.1 MB
4. Numeric Types/29. Booleans Precedence and Short-Circuiting - Coding.mp4
47.0 MB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/7. The While Loop.mp4
44.7 MB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/6. Functions.mp4
44.4 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/2. What is a Module.mp4
44.2 MB
3. Variables and Memory/12. Python Optimizations Interning.mp4
43.6 MB
3. Variables and Memory/9. Shared References and Mutability.mp4
43.6 MB
4. Numeric Types/7. Rationals Numbers - Coding.mp4
43.5 MB
5. Function Parameters/13. kwargs.mp4
42.6 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/11. What are Packages - Coding.mp4
42.1 MB
4. Numeric Types/22. Decimals Performance Considerations.mp4
40.4 MB
5. Function Parameters/10. args - Coding.mp4
38.9 MB
4. Numeric Types/17. Decimals - Coding.mp4
37.9 MB
6. First-Class Functions/14.1 Reducing Functions.zip.zip.mtd
37.6 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/12. Why Packages.mp4
37.4 MB
4. Numeric Types/19. Decimals Constructors and Contexts - Coding.mp4
37.1 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/9. Modules Recap.mp4
36.0 MB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/8. Break, Continue and the Try Statement.mp4
35.4 MB
3. Variables and Memory/2. Variables are Memory References.mp4
34.9 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/17. Decorator Application (Decorator Class).mp4
32.9 MB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/2. The Python Type Hierarchy.mp4
30.4 MB
5. Function Parameters/9. args - Lecture.mp4
30.1 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/15. Namespace Packages.mp4
29.5 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/7. Reloading Modules.mp4
27.9 MB
10. Extras/4. Python 3.6 - Dictionary Ordering.mp4
27.9 MB
10. Extras/8. Random Seeds.mp4
27.8 MB
10. Extras/11. Timing code using timeit.mp4
26.8 MB
3. Variables and Memory/5. Dynamic vs Static Typing.mp4
26.6 MB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/5. Conditionals.mp4
25.2 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/10. Named Tuples - Application - Returning Multiple Values.mp4
24.2 MB
3. Variables and Memory/6. Variable Re-Assignment.mp4
21.6 MB
6. First-Class Functions/1. Introduction.mp4
21.4 MB
5. Function Parameters/4. Positional and Keyword Arguments - Coding.mp4
20.1 MB
4. Numeric Types/13. Floats Coercing to Integers - Coding.mp4
19.6 MB
10. Extras/1. Introduction.mp4
18.9 MB
5. Function Parameters/2. Argument vs Parameter.mp4
18.6 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/1. Introduction.mp4
17.4 MB
4. Numeric Types/9. Floats Internal Representations - Coding.mp4
17.2 MB
4. Numeric Types/1. Introduction.mp4
15.5 MB
10. Extras/12. Don't Use args and kwargs Names Blindly.mp4
14.5 MB
3. Variables and Memory/1. Introduction.mp4
14.1 MB
10. Extras/3. Python 3.6 Highlights.mp4
13.4 MB
10. Extras/7. Python 3.6 - f-Strings.mp4
13.1 MB
10. Extras/10. Random Samples.mp4
10.7 MB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/1. Introduction.mp4
9.2 MB
6. First-Class Functions/7. Challenge - Randomize an Iterable using Sorted!!.mp4
8.7 MB
10. Extras/5. Python 3.6 - Preserved Order of kwargs and Named Tuple Application.mp4
8.6 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/1. Introduction.mp4
8.5 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/1. Introduction.mp4
8.1 MB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/16. Importing from Zip Archives.mp4
6.2 MB
10. Extras/6. Python 3.6 - Underscores in Numeric Literals.mp4
5.2 MB
5. Function Parameters/1. Introduction.mp4
3.7 MB
10. Extras/2.1 Additional Resources.pdf.pdf
1.1 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/2.1 02 - Global and Local Scopes.pdf.pdf
826.7 kB
1. Introduction/1.1 Section 1 - Intro.pdf.pdf
802.4 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/4.1 04 - NonLocal Sopes.pdf.pdf
741.0 kB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/4.1 04 - Named Tuples.pdf.pdf
589.3 kB
5. Function Parameters/7.1 07 - Extended Unpacking.pdf.pdf
565.8 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/10.1 09 - What are Packages.pdf.pdf
557.4 kB
4. Numeric Types/4.1 04 - Integers - Constructors and Bases.pdf.pdf
540.5 kB
6. First-Class Functions/13.1 13 - Reducing Functions.pdf.pdf
521.9 kB
4. Numeric Types/14.1 14 - Floats - Rounding.pdf.pdf
499.4 kB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/6.1 06 - Named Tuples - Modifying and Extending.pdf.pdf
497.8 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/6.1 06 - Closures.pdf.pdf
494.8 kB
4. Numeric Types/30.1 30 - Boolean - Boolean Operators.pdf.pdf
485.3 kB
6. First-Class Functions/8.1 08 - Function Introspection.pdf.pdf
473.9 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/5.1 05 - Import Variants.pdf.pdf
473.4 kB
6. First-Class Functions/11.1 11 - Map, Filter, Zip.pdf.pdf
468.0 kB
5. Function Parameters/14.1 14 - Putting it all together.pdf.pdf
467.4 kB
4. Numeric Types/28.1 28 - Boolean - Precedence and Short-Circuiting.pdf.pdf
465.7 kB
6. First-Class Functions/2.1 02 - Docstrings and Annotations.pdf.pdf
452.9 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/15.1 15 - Decorators 2.pdf.pdf
452.4 kB
5. Function Parameters/5.1 05 - Unpacking Iterables.pdf.pdf
451.1 kB
6. First-Class Functions/17.1 17 - The operator Module.pdf.pdf
446.8 kB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/2.1 02 - Tuples.pdf.pdf
440.7 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/10.1 10 - Decorators 1.pdf.pdf
438.7 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/12.1 11 - Why Packages.pdf.pdf
438.0 kB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/8.1 08 - Named Tuples - DocStrings and Default Values.pdf.pdf
436.4 kB
5. Function Parameters/3.1 03 - Positional Arguments.pdf.pdf
434.8 kB
4. Numeric Types/10.1 10 - Floats - Equality Testing.pdf.pdf
425.8 kB
4. Numeric Types/32.1 32 - Comparison Operators.pdf.pdf
422.6 kB
4. Numeric Types/3.2 03 - Integers - Operations.pdf.pdf
409.8 kB
4. Numeric Types/12.1 12 - Floats to Integers.pdf.pdf
405.4 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/3.1 Multi-Line Statements and Strings.pdf.pdf
402.6 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/3.2 Multi-Line Statements and Strings.pdf.pdf
402.6 kB
3. Variables and Memory/2.2 02 - Variables are Memory References.pdf.pdf
395.9 kB
4. Numeric Types/25.1 25 - Booleans.pdf.pdf
395.7 kB
6. First-Class Functions/4.1 04 - Lambda Expressions.pdf.pdf
393.8 kB
4. Numeric Types/20.1 20 - Decimals - Math Operations.pdf.pdf
390.3 kB
3. Variables and Memory/8.2 08 - Function Arguments and Mutability.pdf.pdf
388.5 kB
4. Numeric Types/2.1 02 - Integers Data Type.pdf.pdf
386.0 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/9.1 08 - Modules Recap.pdf.pdf
385.7 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/15.1 14 - Namespace Packages.pdf.pdf
384.4 kB
3. Variables and Memory/13.2 13 - Python Optimizations String Interning.pdf.pdf
381.8 kB
5. Function Parameters/17.2 17 - Default Values.pdf.pdf
378.9 kB
4. Numeric Types/18.1 18 - Decimals - Constructors and Contexts.pdf.pdf
377.0 kB
5. Function Parameters/11.1 11 - Keyword Arguments.pdf.pdf
376.7 kB
3. Variables and Memory/9.2 09 - Shared References and Mutability.pdf.pdf
373.5 kB
4. Numeric Types/6.1 06 - Rational Numbers.pdf.pdf
367.6 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/4.1 Variable Names.pdf.pdf
366.3 kB
4. Numeric Types/26.1 26 - Booleans - Truth Values - Lecture.pdf.pdf
364.9 kB
6. First-Class Functions/15.1 15 - Partial Functions.pdf.pdf
357.8 kB
3. Variables and Memory/5.1 05 - Dynamic vs Static Typing.pdf.pdf
356.6 kB
3. Variables and Memory/5.2 05 - Dynamic vs Static Typing.pdf.pdf
356.6 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/2.1 Python Type Hierarchy.pdf.pdf
354.5 kB
4. Numeric Types/8.1 08 - Floats - Internal Representation.pdf.pdf
353.6 kB
3. Variables and Memory/10.1 10 - Variable Equality.pdf.pdf
351.1 kB
4. Numeric Types/23.1 23 - Complex Numbers.pdf.pdf
350.9 kB
3. Variables and Memory/12.1 12 - Python Optimizations - Interning.pdf.pdf
349.8 kB
3. Variables and Memory/12.2 12 - Python Optimizations - Interning.pdf.pdf
349.8 kB
3. Variables and Memory/14.1 14 - Python Optimizations - Peephole.pdf.pdf
331.6 kB
3. Variables and Memory/14.2 14 - Python Optimizations - Peephole.pdf.pdf
331.6 kB
3. Variables and Memory/11.1 11 - Everything is an Object.pdf.pdf
330.1 kB
3. Variables and Memory/11.2 11 - Everything is an Object.pdf.pdf
330.1 kB
4. Numeric Types/16.1 16 - Decimals.pdf.pdf
326.7 kB
5. Function Parameters/9.1 09 - star-args.pdf.pdf
325.1 kB
3. Variables and Memory/4.1 04 - Garbage Collection.pdf.pdf
318.6 kB
3. Variables and Memory/4.2 04 - Garbage Collection.pdf.pdf
318.6 kB
4. Numeric Types/22.1 22 - Decimals - Performance Considerations.pdf.pdf
318.5 kB
4. Numeric Types/22.2 22 - Decimals - Performance Considerations.pdf.pdf
318.5 kB
5. Function Parameters/2.1 02 - Argument vs Parameter.pdf.pdf
318.2 kB
3. Variables and Memory/6.2 06 - Variable Re-Assignment.pdf.pdf
311.8 kB
6. First-Class Functions/10.2 10 - Callables.pdf.pdf
307.9 kB
3. Variables and Memory/3.1 03 - Reference Counting.pdf.pdf
303.3 kB
5. Function Parameters/13.1 13 - kwargs.pdf.pdf
298.7 kB
5. Function Parameters/13.2 13 - kwargs.pdf.pdf
298.7 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/1.1 Quick Refresher Introduction.pdf.pdf
266.9 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/6.1 Import Variants and Misconceptions.zip.zip
10.8 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/16.1 zipped_packages.zip.zip
10.7 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/19.1 Decorator Application (Single Dispatch Generic Functions).zip.zip
8.9 kB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/5.1 Named Tuples.zip.zip
7.5 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/3.1 How Python Imports Modules.zip.zip
7.1 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/2.1 What is a Module.zip.zip
6.9 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/18.1 Decorator Application (Decorating Classes).zip.zip
6.3 kB
10. Extras/13.1 argparse.zip.zip
6.0 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/10.1 Classes.zip.zip
5.8 kB
10. Extras/11.1 Timing code using timeit.zip.zip
5.7 kB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/3.1 Tuples as Data Structures.zip.zip
5.2 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/13.1 sturcturing_package_imports.zip.zip
5.0 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/14.1 sturcturing_package_imports.zip.zip
5.0 kB
6. First-Class Functions/9.1 Function Introspection.zip.zip
4.8 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/4.1 Imports and importlib.zip.zip
4.6 kB
5. Function Parameters/8.1 Extended Unpacking.zip.zip
4.4 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/7.1 Closures.zip.zip
4.3 kB
4. Numeric Types/7.1 Rational Numbers.zip.zip
4.1 kB
4. Numeric Types/5.1 Integers - Bases and Constructors.zip.zip
4.1 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/12.1 Decorator Application (Timer).zip.zip
3.9 kB
4. Numeric Types/27.1 Booleans - Truth Values.zip.zip
3.9 kB
10. Extras/9.1 Random Choices.zip.zip
3.8 kB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/11.1 Named Tuples - Application - Alternative to Dictionaries.zip.zip
3.8 kB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/7.1 Named Tuples - Modifying, Extending.zip.zip
3.8 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/7.1 Reloading Modules.zip.zip
3.7 kB
6. First-Class Functions/18.1 operator module.zip.zip
3.5 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/16.1 Decorators 2.zip.zip
3.5 kB
10. Extras/8.1 Random Seeds.zip.zip
3.5 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/11.1 packages.zip.zip
3.5 kB
6. First-Class Functions/16.1 Partial Functions.zip.zip
3.4 kB
3. Variables and Memory/11.1 Notebook (Everything is an Object).zip.zip
3.2 kB
3. Variables and Memory/11.2 Notebook (Everything is an Object).zip.zip
3.2 kB
4. Numeric Types/29.1 Booleans - Precedence and Short-Circuiting.zip.zip
3.0 kB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/9.1 Named Tuples - Docstrings, DefaultValues.zip.zip
3.0 kB
10. Extras/4.1 Python 3.6 - Dictionary Ordering.zip.zip
2.9 kB
4. Numeric Types/9.1 Floats - Internal Representation.zip.zip
2.8 kB
6. First-Class Functions/12.1 Map, Filter and Zip.zip.zip
2.8 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/3.1 Global and Local Scopes.zip.zip
2.8 kB
5. Function Parameters/18.1 Parameter Defaults - Beware 2.zip.zip
2.7 kB
10. Extras/15.1 Simulating a simple Switch in Python.zip.zip
2.7 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/13.1 Decorator Application (Logger, Stacked).zip.zip
2.6 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/6.1 Functions.zip.zip
2.6 kB
4. Numeric Types/24.1 Complex Numbers.zip.zip
2.5 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/11.1 Decorators 1.zip.zip
2.5 kB
10. Extras/10.1 08 - Random Samples.zip.zip
2.5 kB
5. Function Parameters/10.1 star-args.zip.zip
2.4 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/9.1 Closure Applications 2.zip.zip
2.4 kB
10. Extras/3.1 Python 3.6 Highlights.zip.zip
2.4 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/9.1 For Loop.zip.zip
2.3 kB
6. First-Class Functions/3.1 Docstrings and Annotations.zip.zip
2.2 kB
4. Numeric Types/11.1 Floats - Equality Testing.zip.zip
2.2 kB
5. Function Parameters/15.1 Putting it all Together.zip.zip
2.2 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/8.1 Closure Applications 1.zip.zip
2.1 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/7.1 While Loops.zip.zip
2.1 kB
3. Variables and Memory/14.1 Notebook (Python Optimizations - Peephole).zip.zip
2.1 kB
3. Variables and Memory/14.2 Notebook (Python Optimizations - Peephole).zip.zip
2.1 kB
5. Function Parameters/12.1 Keyword Arguments.zip.zip
2.0 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/3.1 Multi-Line Statements and Strings.zip.zip
2.0 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/3.2 Multi-Line Statements and Strings.zip.zip
2.0 kB
6. First-Class Functions/6.1 Lambdas and Sorting.zip.zip
2.0 kB
3. Variables and Memory/13.1 Notebook (Python Optimizations - String Interning).zip.zip
1.9 kB
3. Variables and Memory/4.1 Notebook (Garbage Collection).zip.zip
1.9 kB
3. Variables and Memory/4.2 Notebook (Garbage Collection).zip.zip
1.9 kB
4. Numeric Types/25.2 Booleans.zip.zip
1.9 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/5.1 Nonlocal Scopes.zip.zip
1.8 kB
4. Numeric Types/21.1 Decimals - Math Operations.zip.zip
1.8 kB
5. Function Parameters/6.1 Unpacking Iterables.zip.zip
1.8 kB
4. Numeric Types/31.1 Booleans - Boolean Operators.zip.zip
1.8 kB
4. Numeric Types/19.1 Decimals - Constructors and Contexts.zip.zip
1.8 kB
4. Numeric Types/32.2 Comparison Operators.zip.zip
1.8 kB
10. Extras/14.1 Sentinel Values for Parameter Defaults.zip.zip
1.7 kB
3. Variables and Memory/7.2 Notebook (Object Mutability).zip.zip
1.7 kB
10. Extras/12.1 Don't Use args and kwargs Names Blindly.zip.zip
1.7 kB
3. Variables and Memory/10.2 Notebook (Variable Equality).zip.zip
1.7 kB
4. Numeric Types/17.1 Decimals.zip.zip
1.6 kB
1. Introduction/2. Pre-Requisites.html
1.6 kB
4. Numeric Types/3.1 Integers - Operations.zip.zip
1.6 kB
3. Variables and Memory/8.1 Notebook (Function Arguments and Mutability).zip.zip
1.5 kB
3. Variables and Memory/9.1 Notebook (Shared References and Mutability).zip.zip
1.5 kB
4. Numeric Types/15.1 Floats - Rounding.zip.zip
1.5 kB
5. Function Parameters/4.1 Positional Arguments.zip.zip
1.5 kB
10. Extras/7.1 Python 3.6 - f-Strings.zip.zip
1.5 kB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/17.1 Decorator Application (Decorator Class).zip.zip
1.4 kB
6. First-Class Functions/5.1 Lambda Expressions.zip.zip
1.4 kB
4. Numeric Types/22.1 Decimals - Performance.zip.zip
1.4 kB
4. Numeric Types/22.2 Decimals - Performance.zip.zip
1.4 kB
3. Variables and Memory/3.2 Notebook (Reference Counting).zip.zip
1.3 kB
9. Modules, Packages and Namespaces/8.1 Using __main__.zip.zip
1.3 kB
10. Extras/5.1 Python 3.6 - Preserved Order of kwargs - Named Tuple Application.zip.zip
1.2 kB
3. Variables and Memory/12.1 Notebook (Python Optimizations - Interning).zip.zip
1.2 kB
3. Variables and Memory/12.2 Notebook (Python Optimizations - Interning).zip.zip
1.2 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/8.1 Break, Continue and Try Statements.zip.zip
1.2 kB
4. Numeric Types/2.2 Integers - Data Type.zip.zip
1.2 kB
5. Function Parameters/13.1 kwargs.zip.zip
1.2 kB
5. Function Parameters/13.2 kwargs.zip.zip
1.2 kB
6. First-Class Functions/10.1 Callables.zip.zip
1.1 kB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/10.1 Named Tuples - Application - Returning Multiple Values.zip.zip
1.1 kB
2. A Quick Refresher - Basics Review/5.1 Conditionals.zip.zip
1.1 kB
5. Function Parameters/17.1 Default Values - Beware.zip.zip
1.1 kB
10. Extras/6.1 Python 3.6 - Underscores and Numeric Literals.zip.zip
1.1 kB
3. Variables and Memory/2.1 Notebook (Variables are Memory References).zip.zip
1.0 kB
6. First-Class Functions/7.1 Challenge - Randomizing using Sorted.zip.zip
966 Bytes
3. Variables and Memory/5.1 Notebook (Dynamic vs Static Typing).zip.zip
899 Bytes
3. Variables and Memory/5.2 Notebook (Dynamic vs Static Typing).zip.zip
899 Bytes
4. Numeric Types/13.1 Floats - Coercing to Integers.zip.zip
891 Bytes
3. Variables and Memory/6.1 Notebook (Variable Re-Assignment).zip.zip
846 Bytes
1. Introduction/3. Code Projects and Notebooks.html
460 Bytes
[FCS Forum].url
133 Bytes
127 Bytes
123 Bytes
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