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43.Martin Luther King - A Time to Break Silence/A Time to Break Silence.mp3
23.0 MB
61.Mario Cuomo - Religious Belief and Public Morality/Religious Belief and Public Morality.mp3
22.5 MB
7.Malcolm X - The Ballot or the Bullet/The Ballot or the Bullet.mp3
22.3 MB
90.Jimmy Carter - Crisis of Confidence/Energy and the National Goals.mp3
19.5 MB
20.Douglas MacArthur - Thayer Award Address/Thayer Award Address.mp3
19.0 MB
69.Newton Minow - Television and the Public Interest/Television and the Public Interest.mp3
19.0 MB
10.Lyndon Baines Johnson - We Shall Overcome/We Shall Overcome.mp3
18.7 MB
5.Barbara Charline Jordan - 1976 DNC Keynote Address/Democratic National Convention.mp3
18.5 MB
91.Malcolm X - Message To The Grass Roots/Message to the Grassroots.mp3
18.5 MB
15.Martin Luther King - I've Been to the Mountaintop/I've Been to the Mountaintop.mp3
18.1 MB
77.Lyndon Baines Johnson - On Vietnam and Not Seeking Reelection/On Vietnam and Not Seeking Reelection.mp3
17.0 MB
64.Barry Goldwater - Barry Goldwater - Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address/Speech Accepting the Republican Presidential Nomination.mp3
17.0 MB
11.Mario Cuomo - 1984 DNC Keynote/1984 Democratic National Convention Address.mp3
16.4 MB
14.Douglas MacArthur - Farewell to Congress Address/Farewell Address to Congress.mp3
15.9 MB
76.Ted Kennedy - 1980 Democratic National Convention Address/1980 Democratic National Convention Address.mp3
14.6 MB
2.John F. Kennedy - Inaugural Address/Inaugural Address.mp3
14.4 MB
29.Ronald Reagan - Evil Empire/The Evil Empire.mp3
13.9 MB
21.Richard Milhous Nixon - The Great Silent Majority/The Great Silent Majority.mp3
13.4 MB
48.John F. Kennedy - Civil Rights Address/Civil Rights Address.mp3
12.9 MB
55.Ted Kennedy - Truth and Tolerance/Truth and Tolerance in America.mp3
12.2 MB
6.Richard Nixon - Checkers/Checkers.mp3
12.0 MB
25.Ronald Reagan - Time for Choosing/A Time For Choosing.mp3
11.5 MB
58.Geraldine Ferraro - VP Acceptance Address/1984 Vice Presidential Nomination Acceptance.mp3
11.4 MB
37.John F. Kennedy - American University Commencement/American Unviersity Commencement Address.mp3
11.3 MB
94.Ronald Reagan - Brandenburg Gate Addres/Remarks at the Brandenburg Gat.mp3
11.2 MB
36.Dwight D. Eisenhower - Atoms for Peace/Atoms for Peace.mp3
10.9 MB
51.Jesse Jackson - 1988 DNC Address/2.mp3
10.6 MB
51.Jesse Jackson - 1988 DNC Address/1.mp3
10.5 MB
98.Lyndon Baines Johnson - Let Us Continue/Let Us Continue.mp3
10.4 MB
30.Ronald Reagan - First Inaugural Address/First Inaugural Address.mp3
9.3 MB
74.Richard Nixon - Cambodian Incursion Address/Cambodian Incursion Address.mp3
9.1 MB
28.FDR - Arsenal of Democracy/The Arsenal of Democracy.mp3
9.0 MB
92.Bill Clinton - Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Prayer Service Address/Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Prayer Service Address.mp3
8.6 MB
12.Jesse Jackson - 1984 DNC/2.mp3
8.4 MB
22.John F. Kennedy - Ich bin ein Berliner/Ich bin ein Berliner.mp3
8.3 MB
32.Harry Truman - Truman Doctrine/The Truman Doctrine.mp3
8.1 MB
53.Lyndon Baines Johnson - The Great Society/The Great Society.mp3
7.9 MB
3.FDR - First Inaugural Address/First Inaugural Address.mp3
7.9 MB
1.Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream/I Have A Dream.mp3
7.8 MB
49.JFK - Cuban Missile Crisis/Cuban Missile Crisis Address.mp3
7.4 MB
12.Jesse Jackson - 1984 DNC/1.mp3
7.4 MB
80.Mario Savio - Sproul Hall Address/Sproul Hall Address.mp3
7.4 MB
56.Adlai E. Stevenson - Speech Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination/Democratic Presidential Nominee Acceptance Address.mp3
6.7 MB
4..FDR - Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation/Franklin Delano Roosvelt_ Pearl Harbor Address.mp3
6.7 MB
12.Jesse Jackson - 1984 DNC/3.mp3
6.6 MB
18.Dwight D. Eisenhower - Farewell Address/Farewell Address.mp3
6.6 MB
42.FDR - Four Freedoms/The Four Freedoms.mp3
6.5 MB
39.Richard Nixon - Resignation Address/Resignation Address.mp3
6.3 MB
65.Stokeley Carmichael - Black Power/Black Power.mp3
6.3 MB
38.Ann Richards - DNC Keynote/1988 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address.mp3
6.1 MB
100.Eleanor Roosevelt - U.N. Addres/Address to the United Nations General Assembly on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.mp3
5.8 MB
52.Mary Fisher - A Whisper of AIDS/1992 Republican National Convention Address -- A Whisper of AIDS.mp3
5.5 MB
60.Ronald Reagan - 40th Anniversary of D-Day/Remarks at the U.S. Ranger Mon.mp3
5.4 MB
86.Huey Pierce Long - Share Our Wealth/Address to U.S. Senate Staffers on Sharing the Wealth.mp3
5.4 MB
54.George Marshall - The Marshall Plan/The Marshall Plan.mp3
5.2 MB
99.Welch-McCarthy Exchange - No Sense of Decency/No Sense of Decency.mp3
5.1 MB
9.John F. Kennedy - Houston Ministerial Association Address/Houston Ministerial Association Address.mp3
4.9 MB
81.Elizabeth Glaser - 1992 DNC Address/1992 Democratic National Convention.mp3
4.7 MB
87.Gerald Ford - Oath of Office/Inaugural Address.mp3
4.2 MB
70.Ted Kennedy - Eulogy for Robert Kennedy/Eulogy for Robert F. Kennedy.mp3
4.1 MB
31.FDR - First Fireside Chat/First Fireside Chat (The Banking Crisis).mp3
3.9 MB
50.Spiro Theodore Agnew - Television News Coverage/Television News Coverage.mp3
3.4 MB
71.Anita Faye Hill - Opening Stmt to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Clarence Thomas/Opening Statement_ Sexual Harrassment Hearings Concerning Judge Clarence Thomas.mp3
3.3 MB
96.Gerald Ford - Nixon Pardon/Address to the Nation Pardoning Richard M. Nixon.mp3
2.9 MB
95.Elie Wiesel - The Perils of Indifference/The Perils of Indifference.mp3
2.5 MB
17.Robert F. Kennedy - MLK Assassination.pdf/Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King.mp3
2.5 MB
45.William Jennings Bryan - Against Imperialism/Against Imperialism.mp3
2.1 MB
8.Ronald Wilson Reagan - Shuttle ''Challenger'' Disaster Address/Space Shuttle Challenger Address.mp3
1.8 MB
24.Russell H. Conwell - Acres of Diamonds/Acres of Diamonds (reading).mp3
1.4 MB
47.Barbara Bush - Wellesley Commencement/Wellesley Commencement Address.mp3
1.3 MB
73.Lou Gehrig - Farewell to Baseball Address/Farewell to Baseball.mp3
632.8 kB
62.Edward M. Kennedy - Address to the People of Massachusetts on Chappaquiddick/Address to the People of Massachusetts on Chappaquiddick.mp3
620.4 kB
33.William Faulkner - Speech Accepting the Nobel Prize in Literature/Accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature.mp3
532.5 kB
65.Stokeley Carmichael - Black Power/Stokeley Carmichael - Black Power.pdf
301.1 kB
61.Mario Cuomo - Religious Belief and Public Morality/Mario Cuomo - Religious Belief and Public Morality.pdf
294.7 kB
37.John F. Kennedy - American University Commencement/John F. Kennedy - American University Commencement.pdf
292.6 kB
45.William Jennings Bryan - Against Imperialism/William Jennings Bryan - Against Imperialism.pdf
280.6 kB
24.Russell H. Conwell - Acres of Diamonds/Russell H. Conwell - Acres of Diamonds.pdf
264.9 kB
69.Newton Minow - Television and the Public Interest/Newton Minow - Television and the Public Interest.pdf
255.3 kB
56.Adlai E. Stevenson - Speech Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination/Adlai E. Stevenson - Speech Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination.pdf
249.0 kB
89.Elizabeth Gurley Flynn - Statement at the Smith Act Trial/Elizabeth Gurley Flynn - Statement at the Smith Act Trial.pdf
243.4 kB
51.Jesse Jackson - 1988 DNC Address/Jesse Jackson - 1988 DNC Address.pdf
238.3 kB
16.Theodore Roosevelt - The Man with the Muck-rake/Theodore Roosevelt - The Man with the Muck-rake.pdf
238.1 kB
43.Martin Luther King - A Time to Break Silence/Martin Luther King - A Time to Break Silence.pdf
237.7 kB
23.Clarence Seward Darrow - Mercy for Leopold and Loeb/Clarence Seward Darrow - Mercy for Leopold and Loeb.pdf
237.2 kB
12.Jesse Jackson - 1984 DNC/Jesse Jackson - 1984 DNC.pdf
230.5 kB
99.Welch-McCarthy Exchange - No Sense of Decency/Welch-McCarthy Exchange - No Sense of Decency.pdf
230.2 kB
27.Anna Howard Shaw - The Fundamental Principle of a Republic/Anna Howard Shaw - The Fundamental Principle of a Republic .pdf
226.1 kB
19.Thomas Woodrow Wilson - War Message/Thomas Woodrow Wilson - War Message.pdf
223.4 kB
6.Richard Nixon - Checkers/Richard Nixon - Checkers.pdf
223.0 kB
36.Dwight D. Eisenhower - Atoms for Peace/Dwight D. Eisenhower - Atoms for Peace.pdf
222.4 kB
29.Ronald Reagan - Evil Empire/Ronald Reagan - Evil Empire.pdf
221.3 kB
15.Martin Luther King - I've Been to the Mountaintop/Martin Luther King - I've Been to the Mountaintop.pdf
221.1 kB
28.FDR - Arsenal of Democracy/FDR - Arsenal of Democracy.pdf
220.1 kB
14.Douglas MacArthur - Farewell to Congress Address/Douglas MacArthur - Farewell to Congress Address.pdf
218.7 kB
4..FDR - Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation/FDR Pearl Harbor.pdf
218.2 kB
64.Barry Goldwater - Barry Goldwater - Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address/Barry Goldwater - Barry Goldwater - Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address.pdf
212.6 kB
1.Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream/Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream.pdf
212.1 kB
25.Ronald Reagan - Time for Choosing/Ronald Reagan - Time for Choosing.pdf
211.9 kB
11.Mario Cuomo - 1984 DNC Keynote/Mario Cuomo - 1984 DNC Keynote.pdf
206.4 kB
60.Ronald Reagan - 40th Anniversary of D-Day/Ronald Reagan - 40th Anniversary of D-Day.pdf
204.9 kB
55.Ted Kennedy - Truth and Tolerance/Ted Kennedy - Truth and Tolerance.pdf
202.6 kB
76.Ted Kennedy - 1980 Democratic National Convention Address/Ted Kennedy - 1980 Democratic National Convention Address.pdf
199.0 kB
7.Malcolm X - The Ballot or the Bullet/Malcolm X - The Ballot or the Bullet.pdf
198.3 kB
74.Richard Nixon - Cambodian Incursion Address/Richard Nixon - Cambodian Incursion Address.pdf
196.4 kB
90.Jimmy Carter - Crisis of Confidence/Jimmy Carter - Crisis of Confidence.pdf
195.3 kB
42.FDR - Four Freedoms/FDR - Four Freedoms.pdf
194.7 kB
10.Lyndon Baines Johnson - We Shall Overcome/Lyndon Baines Johnson - We Shall Overcome.pdf
192.8 kB
100.Eleanor Roosevelt - U.N. Addres/Eleanor Roosevelt - U.N. Address.pdf
190.9 kB
49.JFK - Cuban Missile Crisis/JFK - Cuban Missile Crisis.pdf
190.7 kB
66.Hubert Humphrey - 1948 DNC Address/Hubert Humphrey - 1948 DNC Address.pdf
187.7 kB
53.Lyndon Baines Johnson - The Great Society/Lyndon Baines Johnson - The Great Society.pdf
186.3 kB
31.FDR - First Fireside Chat/FDR - First Fireside Chat.pdf
183.1 kB
13.Barbara Jordan - Statement on Impeachment Articles/Barbara Jordan - Statement on Impeachment Articles.pdf
183.0 kB
96.Gerald Ford - Nixon Pardon/Gerald Ford - Nixon Pardon.pdf
182.0 kB
94.Ronald Reagan - Brandenburg Gate Addres/Ronald Reagan - Brandenburg Gate Address.pdf
181.3 kB
87.Gerald Ford - Oath of Office/Gerald Ford - Oath of Office.pdf
181.2 kB
39.Richard Nixon - Resignation Address/Richard Nixon - Resignation Address.pdf
181.1 kB
80.Mario Savio - Sproul Hall Address/Mario Savio - Sproul Hall Address.pdf
180.8 kB
44.Mary Church Terrell - What It Means to be Colored in Capital of the U.S/Mary Church Terrell - What It Means to be Colored in Capital of the U.S..pdf
180.8 kB
2.John F. Kennedy - Inaugural Address/John F. Kennedy - Inaugural Address.pdf
180.5 kB
5.Barbara Charline Jordan - 1976 DNC Keynote Address/Barbara Jordan - 1976 DNC Address.pdf
178.1 kB
38.Ann Richards - DNC Keynote/Ann Richards - DNC Keynote.pdf
177.9 kB
47.Barbara Bush - Wellesley Commencement/Barbara Bush - Wellesley Commencement.pdf
176.7 kB
58.Geraldine Ferraro - VP Acceptance Address/Geraldine Ferraro - VP Acceptance Address.pdf
175.7 kB
9.John F. Kennedy - Houston Ministerial Association Address/John F. Kennedy - Houston Ministerial Association Address.pdf
173.3 kB
32.Harry Truman - Truman Doctrine/Harry Truman - Truman Doctrine.pdf
172.5 kB
48.John F. Kennedy - Civil Rights Address/John F. Kennedy - Civil Rights Address.pdf
171.0 kB
18.Dwight D. Eisenhower - Farewell Address/Dwight D. Eisenhower - Farewell Address.pdf
170.2 kB
98.Lyndon Baines Johnson - Let Us Continue/Lyndon Baines Johnson - Let Us Continue.pdf
167.8 kB
30.Ronald Reagan - First Inaugural Address/Ronald Reagan - First Inaugural Address.pdf
165.9 kB
73.Lou Gehrig - Farewell to Baseball Address/Lou Gehrig - Farewell to Baseball Address.pdf
164.7 kB
34.Eugene Victor Debs - 1918 Statement to the Court/Eugene Victor Debs - 1918 Statement to the Court.pdf
164.6 kB
52.Mary Fisher - A Whisper of AIDS/Mary Fisher - A Whisper of AIDS.pdf
164.4 kB
95.Elie Wiesel - The Perils of Indifference/Elie Wiesel - The Perils of Indifference.pdf
163.7 kB
81.Elizabeth Glaser - 1992 DNC Address/Elizabeth Glaser - DNC Address.pdf
163.1 kB
72.Woodrow Wilson - Final Address in Support of the League of Nations/Woodrow Wilson - Final Address in Support of the League of Nations.pdf
161.5 kB
33.William Faulkner - Speech Accepting the Nobel Prize in Literature/William Faulkner - Speech Accepting the Nobel Prize in Literature.pdf
159.8 kB
20.Douglas MacArthur - Thayer Award Address/Douglas MacArthur - Thayer Award Address.pdf
159.0 kB
3.FDR - First Inaugural Address/FDR - First Inaugural Address.pdf
158.1 kB
54.George Marshall - The Marshall Plan/George Marshall - The Marshall Plan.pdf
157.1 kB
8.Ronald Wilson Reagan - Shuttle ''Challenger'' Disaster Address/Ronald Reagan - Shuttle Challenger Address.pdf
156.8 kB
91.Malcolm X - Message To The Grass Roots/Malcolm X - Message To The Grass Roots.pdf
156.0 kB
17.Robert F. Kennedy - MLK Assassination.pdf/Robert F. Kennedy - MLK Assassination.pdf
155.8 kB
88.Cesar E. Chavez - The Mexican-American and the Church/Cesar E. Chavez - The Mexican-American and the Church.pdf
152.4 kB
50.Spiro Theodore Agnew - Television News Coverage/Spiro Theodore Agnew - Television News Coverage.pdf
150.3 kB
92.Bill Clinton - Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Prayer Service Address/Bill Clinton - Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Prayer Service Address.pdf
147.3 kB
70.Ted Kennedy - Eulogy for Robert Kennedy/Ted Kennedy - Eulogy for Robert Kennedy.pdf
145.3 kB
22.John F. Kennedy - Ich bin ein Berliner/John F. Kennedy - Ich bin ein Berliner.pdf
143.8 kB
77.Lyndon Baines Johnson - On Vietnam and Not Seeking Reelection/Lyndon Baines Johnson - On Vietnam and Not Seeking Reelection.pdf
137.4 kB
21.Richard Milhous Nixon - The Great Silent Majority/Richard Milhous Nixon - The Great Silent Majority.pdf
137.3 kB
46.Margaret Sanger - The Morality of Birth Control/Margaret Sanger - The Morality of Birth Control.pdf
133.4 kB
79.Woodrow Wilson - First Inaugural Address/Woodrow Wilson - First Inaugural Address.pdf
131.4 kB
26.Huey Pierce Long - Every Man a King/Huey Pierce Long - Every Man a King.pdf
129.5 kB
67.Emma Goldman - Address to the Jury/Emma Goldman - Address to the Jury.pdf
129.5 kB
57.Eleanor Roosevelt - The Struggle for Human Rights/Eleanor Roosevelt - The Struggle for Human Rights.pdf
126.1 kB
97.Woodrow Wilson - The League of Nations/Woodrow Wilson - The League of Nations.pdf
121.9 kB
86.Huey Pierce Long - Share Our Wealth/Huey Pierce Long - Share Our Wealth.pdf
121.9 kB
78.Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Commonwealth Club Address/Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Commonwealth Club Address.pdf
114.3 kB
40.Woodrow Wilson - The Fourteen Points/Woodrow Wilson - The Fourteen Points.pdf
113.9 kB
63.John L. Lewis - Labor and the Nation/John L. Lewis - Labor and the Nation.pdf
107.6 kB
62.Edward M. Kennedy - Address to the People of Massachusetts on Chappaquiddick/Edward M. Kennedy - Address to the People of Massachusetts on Chappaquiddick.pdf
106.8 kB
93.Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm - For the Equal Rights Amendment/Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm - For the Equal Rights Amendment.pdf
105.8 kB
83.Margaret Sanger - The Children's Era/Margaret Sanger - The Children's Era.pdf
100.8 kB
35.Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton - Women's Rights are Human Rights/Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton - Women's Rights are Human Rights.pdf
99.8 kB
41.Margaret Chase Smith - Declaration of Conscience/Margaret Chase Smith - Declaration of Conscience.pdf
94.7 kB
71.Anita Faye Hill - Opening Stmt to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Clarence Thomas/Anita Faye Hill - Opening Stmt to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Clarence Thomas.pdf
93.5 kB
59.Robert M. La Follette - Free Speech in Wartime/Robert M. La Follette - Free Speech in Wartime (Abridged).pdf
91.6 kB
68.Carrie Chapman Catt - The Crisis/Carrie Chapman Catt - The Crisis.pdf
84.4 kB
82.Eugene Victor Debs - The Issue/Eugene Victor Debs - The Issue.pdf
80.1 kB
85.Crystal Eastman - Now We Can Begin/Crystal Eastman - Now We Can Begin.pdf
28.6 kB
75.Carrie Chapman Catt - Address to the U.S. Congress/Carrie Chapman Catt - Address to the U.S. Congress.pdf
19.3 kB
84.Ursula Le Guin - A Left-Handed Commencement Address/Ursula Le Guin - A Left-Handed Commencement Address.pdf
14.6 kB
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