Pluralsight Path. Scala Language Fundamentals (2021)
Pluralsight Path. Scala Language Fundamentals (2021)
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B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/exercise.7z
41.6 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/exercise.7z
39.6 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Working with Variables and Basic Types/4. Working with Date and Time in Scala.mp4
27.2 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/5. Supervision Strategy for Handling Failovers & Configuring ActorSystem/2. Supervising an Actor.mp4
23.1 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/2. Working with the sbt Shell.mp4
22.5 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/5. Writing Tests with AssertThrows.mp4
21.7 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/08. Demo - Higher Order Functions.mp4
21.0 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Installing Scala on Your Machine/5. Installing Scala.mp4
20.8 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/05. Demo - Partially Applied Functions.mp4
20.5 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Type Parameterization/4. Achieving Type Safety through Parameterization.mp4
20.2 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Typeclass - Ad Hoc Polymorphism/4. Using a Typeclass.mp4
19.1 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/04. Demo - Complex Operations Using Placeholders.mp4
18.9 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/11. Creating Companion Objects.mp4
18.8 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/08. Using Matchers to Test Container Elements.mp4
18.3 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Working with Traits/2. Understanding Traits.mp4
18.2 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Understanding Case Classes/4. Working with Sealed Traits.mp4
18.2 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/3. Writing Tests with Assert.mp4
17.9 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Working with Variables and Basic Types/3. Understanding Fundamental Types in Scala.mp4
17.7 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/05. Demo - Method Evaluation Strategies.mp4
17.4 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/4. Working with Proxy Mocks.mp4
17.4 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Working with Control Structures/4. Repeating Actions Using for Loops.mp4
17.3 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/09. Demo - Closures.mp4
17.3 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/6. Interaction Pattern Ask Between Actors.mp4
17.0 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/4. Creating the First Calculator.mp4
16.7 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Implicits - Why, What, and How/3. Writing and Using an Implicit Class.mp4
16.7 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/6. Understanding Higher Order Functions in Scala.mp4
16.5 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/8. Adding Information to Test Failures.mp4
16.2 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/13. Demo - Tail Recursion.mp4
16.2 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/12. Using Matchers to Test Negative Statement Structure.mp4
16.1 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/3. Demo - try, catch, and finally.mp4
15.8 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/3. Finding Elements in a List/3. Extracting Elements with Pattern Sequences.mp4
15.8 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/6. Failing the Tests Unconditionally.mp4
15.7 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/11. Demo - Nested Methods.mp4
15.6 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/07. Demo - Partial Functions with Pattern Matching.mp4
15.4 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/04. Using Matchers to Test Strings.mp4
15.2 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Working with Traits/4. Understanding Stackable Modifications.mp4
15.1 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/03. Demo - Currying.mp4
15.0 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/4. Publishing Artifacts on Bintray.mp4
14.7 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/3. Going Async with Scala Futures/2. Demo - Creating a Future.mp4
14.6 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/12. Demo - Recursion.mp4
14.4 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Implicits - Why, What, and How/1. Introducing Implicits in Scala.mp4
14.4 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/5. Demo - Try-Success-Failure with Combinators.mp4
14.3 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Achieving Abstraction Using the Typeclass Pattern/4. ServiceClient Typeclass in Action.mp4
14.0 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/10. Demo - Varargs.mp4
13.9 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/8. Simplify Complex Computations with Monads/3. Avoiding Nulls with Monads.mp4
13.9 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/3. Working with Function Mocks.mp4
13.7 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Methods with Type Parameters/4. The flatMap Method.mp4
13.5 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/09. Demo - Parameterless and Empty Paren Methods.mp4
13.4 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/13. Demo - Functions and Methods II.mp4
13.4 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/4. Writing Tests with AssertResult.mp4
13.3 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/03. Using Matchers to Test Equality.mp4
13.1 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/5. Selecting the Right Collection Type/2. Selecting the Right Collection.mp4
13.0 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/3. Going Async with Scala Futures/4. Handling Futures.mp4
12.9 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Using Cake Pattern for Dependency Injection/3. Using Cake Pattern to Inject UserDaoComponent.mp4
12.9 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/8. Packaging and Executing Scala Code/2. Preparing CLI Application.mp4
12.9 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/8. Simplify Complex Computations with Monads/2. Defining Monad.mp4
12.7 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/2. Creating and Using Scalas Lists/4. The Recursive Nature of Lists.mp4
12.6 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/5. Understanding Scopes and Executing Test.mp4
12.4 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Type Parameterization/5. Introducing Abstract Types.mp4
12.3 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/6. Looking at Scala Ecosystem and Use Cases.mp4
12.3 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/03. Demo - Placeholders.mp4
12.3 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/5. Supervision Strategy for Handling Failovers & Configuring ActorSystem/1. Lifecycle of an Actor.mp4
12.3 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Type Parameterization/3. Writing a Parameterized Type.mp4
12.2 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/09. Demo - The def Keyword.mp4
12.1 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/06. Demo - var, val, lazy val, and def Using a Scala Worksheet.mp4
12.0 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/7. Transforming Elements/4. Pipelining Computations.mp4
11.9 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/3. Writing an Actor.mp4
11.7 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/13. Using Matchers to Test Object Identity.mp4
11.6 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/3. Finding Elements in a List/5. Extracting Elements with - - and Nil.mp4
11.5 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/11. Demo - Higher Order Function Invocation with Function Literal Blocks.mp4
11.5 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/2. Demo - Handling Exceptions Using try-catch Blocks.mp4
11.4 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/06. Demo - Positional and Named Arguments.mp4
11.3 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/5. Selecting the Right Collection Type/3. Mutating Is Discouraged.mp4
11.2 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/12. Demo - Functions and Methods I.mp4
11.2 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/6. Demo - Option-Some-None.mp4
11.1 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/7. Understanding Implicit Conversion in Scala.mp4
11.0 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/03. Functional Programming and Distributed Computing.mp4
10.9 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Using Cake Pattern for Dependency Injection/4. Reading User Info from Different Data Sources.mp4
10.9 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/07. Demo - Method Invocation with Default Arguments.mp4
10.7 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/2. Packaging the Artifacts.mp4
10.7 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Type Bounds and Variance/3. Towards Invariance and Contravariance.mp4
10.7 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/3. Going Async with Scala Futures/5. Composing Multiple Futures.mp4
10.6 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/4. Demo - Try-Success-Failure.mp4
10.6 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/3. Continuous Integration Using Travis CI.mp4
10.5 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/05. Using Matchers to greaterThan or lessThan.mp4
10.4 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/4. Understanding Build Definition and Settings.mp4
10.3 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/7. Transforming Elements/5. Comparing Imperative and Pipelining.mp4
10.3 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/5. Working with Expected Call Counts.mp4
10.3 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/11. Functions and Methods.mp4
10.2 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/7. Working with beforeAndAfter.mp4
10.1 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/06. Demo - Partial Functions.mp4
10.1 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/04. Demo - Type Parameters.mp4
10.0 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Working with Variables and Basic Types/2. Understanding Variables in Scala.mp4
10.0 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Getting Started with REPL/4. Getting Help and Command Completion.mp4
9.9 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Understanding Packaging and Importing/2. Understanding Package Statements.mp4
9.9 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/3. Understanding Versioning, Release, and Support Lifecycle.mp4
9.8 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Methods with Type Parameters/1. Introducing Parameterized Methods.mp4
9.8 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/09. Creating Abstract Classes and Overriding Members.mp4
9.8 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/12. Performing Implicit Conversions.mp4
9.8 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Understanding Packaging and Importing/3. Importing Packages.mp4
9.6 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/07. Using Matchers to Test for Length and Size.mp4
9.5 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Using Scala Implicits for Dependency Injection/3. Injecting Implicit Instances for Dependencies.mp4
9.4 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/7. Interaction Pattern Ask Message Adapter.mp4
9.4 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/7. Overcoming Immutability Limitation by Lens Pattern/4. Using Monocle’s Lens to Update Location.mp4
9.3 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Understanding Case Classes/2. Understanding Case Classes.mp4
9.3 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/10. Using Matchers to Test Exceptions.mp4
9.2 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/8. Simplify Complex Computations with Monads/4. Processing Computations Monadically.mp4
9.1 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Type Bounds and Variance/4. Understanding Type Bounds.mp4
9.1 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/4. Execute Tests Using ScalaTest.mp4
9.1 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Type Bounds and Variance/2. Covariance in Action.mp4
9.1 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/6. Deploying the API on Heroku.mp4
9.0 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/8. Packaging and Executing Scala Code/3. Packaging and Running CLI Application.mp4
8.9 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/02. Demo - Methods.mp4
8.9 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Scope and Purpose of Design Patterns/4. Understanding the Project Structure.mp4
8.7 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Installing Scala on Your Machine/6. Installing IntelliJ IDEA CE and Scala Plugin.mp4
8.7 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Working with Control Structures/2. Understanding Expressions vs Statements.mp4
8.6 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/8. Understanding and Using Memoization Pattern/2. Understanding Memoization.mp4
8.5 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/5. Working with Loan Fixture Method.mp4
8.5 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/2. Why Asynchronous Programming/3. Synchronous Execution.mp4
8.5 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/06. Creating Private Fields and Methods.mp4
8.5 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Working with Traits/3. Declaring Traits as a Self Type.mp4
8.5 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/5. Supervision Strategy for Handling Failovers & Configuring ActorSystem/3. Parallel Processing Messages with Router.mp4
8.4 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Type Parameterization/2. Why Type Parameterization.mp4
8.4 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Typeclass - Ad Hoc Polymorphism/1. Introducing Ad Hoc Polymorphism.mp4
8.4 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/4. Working with Fixture Context Object.mp4
8.3 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/04. Functional Constructs in Scala.mp4
8.3 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Implicits - Why, What, and How/2. Implicit Conversions.mp4
8.2 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Methods with Type Parameters/3. Using map and filter Methods.mp4
8.2 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/07. Running the Test Using Sbt Console.mp4
8.2 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/5. Interaction Pattern Ask Future.mp4
8.2 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/08. Demo - The val Type Modifier.mp4
8.0 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/08. Restricting Inheritance Using Final Keyword.mp4
8.0 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/05. Demo - Environment Setup and Hello World.mp4
8.0 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/10. Demo-Function Invocation with Expression Blocks.mp4
7.9 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/10. Demo - The lazy val Type Modifier.mp4
7.8 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/3. Writing Functions in Scala.mp4
7.7 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/7. Canceling a Test if PreCondition Not Met.mp4
7.6 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/8. Running Your Tests Asynchronously.mp4
7.6 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/07. Creating Subclasses Using Extends.mp4
7.5 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/5. Supervision Strategy for Handling Failovers & Configuring ActorSystem/4. Configuring a Message Dispatcher.mp4
7.5 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/5. Working with Named Arguments and Default Values.mp4
7.4 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/6. Adding Dependencies Between Sub Projects.mp4
7.3 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/09. Using Matchers to Test Emptiness Property.mp4
7.3 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Working with Control Structures/3. Taking Decisions Using if Conditional.mp4
7.3 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/3. Running Scala Programs.mp4
7.2 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Getting Started with REPL/6. Replaying, Saving, and Resetting Your Sessions.mp4
7.1 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/10. Overriding Behavior in Subclasses.mp4
7.1 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/6. Working with withFixture Method.mp4
7.0 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/7. Demo - Either-Right-Left.mp4
7.0 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/7. Transforming Elements/3. Mapping and Flattening.mp4
6.9 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/14. Using Matchers to Test Pattern Matching.mp4
6.9 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Understanding Packaging and Importing/4. Controlling Visibility of Members.mp4
6.9 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Optimizing Performance by Lazy Evaluation/3. Working with Call by Name Functions.mp4
6.8 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/04. Creating an Account Class.mp4
6.7 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/3. Working with Fixture Object.mp4
6.7 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/4. Working with XML Content.mp4
6.7 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/6. Converting between Java and Scala/3. Converting Collections.mp4
6.6 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/2. Creating and Using Scalas Lists/3. Creating & Populating Lists.mp4
6.6 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/1. Exception and Error Handling.mp4
6.6 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/3. Going Async with Scala Futures/3. Execution Context and Executor.mp4
6.5 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/2. Creating and Using Scalas Lists/5. Traversing Lists.mp4
6.5 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/8. Simplify Complex Computations with Monads/1. Introduction.mp4
6.5 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/6. Understanding Task Graph in Build Definition Copy.mp4
6.4 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Methods with Type Parameters/2. Understanding Type Erasure.mp4
6.4 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/07. Demo - The var Type Modifier.mp4
6.4 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/3. Working with 3rd Party Libraries.mp4
6.4 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/02. Demo - Functions Literals.mp4
6.4 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Achieving Abstraction Using the Typeclass Pattern/3. Going the Typeclass Way.mp4
6.4 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/7. Who Is Using Scala.mp4
6.3 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Understanding Packaging and Importing/5. Creating Package Object.mp4
6.3 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/2. Why Asynchronous Programming/5. The Asynchronous Way.mp4
6.2 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Optimizing Performance by Lazy Evaluation/2. Understanding the Lazy Val.mp4
6.1 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Typeclass - Ad Hoc Polymorphism/3. Implementing Typeclass Instance.mp4
6.1 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/8. Understanding and Using Memoization Pattern/3. Applying Memoization to Hash Password.mp4
6.1 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/03. Writing the First Test.mp4
6.1 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/08. Understanding Testing Styles.mp4
6.1 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Scope and Purpose of Design Patterns/3. Setting up Development Environment.mp4
6.0 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/5. Creating Your Own Settings.mp4
6.0 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/4. Working with Local Functions.mp4
5.9 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Achieving Abstraction Using the Typeclass Pattern/1. Overview.mp4
5.6 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/7. Transforming Elements/2. Filtering with Predicates.mp4
5.6 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/6. Tagging Your Tests.mp4
5.6 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Optimizing Performance by Lazy Evaluation/1. Introducing the Scenario.mp4
5.5 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/2. Why Asynchronous Programming/4. Towards Concurrency.mp4
5.5 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/3. Finding Elements in a List/4. Extracting Elements with head and tail.mp4
5.5 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/05. Running the Tests Using Scala Command Line.mp4
5.5 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Using Scala Implicits for Dependency Injection/2. Specifying Dependencies Using Implicits.mp4
5.5 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Getting Started with REPL/3. How Variable Assignment Works.mp4
5.4 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/4. Knowing the Problem Scala Solves in Community.mp4
5.4 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/4. Pattern Fire and Forget.mp4
5.3 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/06. Creating a Base Test for Unit Tests.mp4
5.3 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/7. Extracting Data Using Pattern Matching.mp4
5.3 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/6. Adding Another Calculator.mp4
5.2 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/exercise.7z
5.2 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/3. Going Async with Scala Futures/6. Handling Future Failures.mp4
5.2 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/1. Introduction to Actor Model.mp4
5.1 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/08. Demo - Curried Functions with Default Arguments.mp4
5.0 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Understanding Case Classes/3. Pattern Matching on Case Classes.mp4
4.9 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/5. Creating the API for Deployment.mp4
4.9 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/7. Overcoming Immutability Limitation by Lens Pattern/5. More from Optics - World Beyond Lens in Scala.mp4
4.9 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Scope and Purpose of Design Patterns/2. The Problem Scenario.mp4
4.9 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/2. Why Asynchronous Programming/1. Introduction.mp4
4.7 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/3. Finding Elements in a List/6. Finding Elements with find.mp4
4.7 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Getting Started with REPL/5. Running Multiline Scala Code.mp4
4.7 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Type Bounds and Variance/1. Introducing Variance.mp4
4.7 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/2. Understanding Structure of Scala Program.mp4
4.7 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/7. Overcoming Immutability Limitation by Lens Pattern/1. Introducing the Problem Scenario.mp4
4.6 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/07. Installing sbt.mp4
4.6 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/02. Prerequisites and Course Outline.mp4
4.6 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/5. Running Scala Programs on JVM.mp4
4.6 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/05. Creating an Auxiliary Constructor.mp4
4.5 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/5. Knowing Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Scala.mp4
4.5 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/4. Save Overheads with Tuples/2. Creating n-tuples.mp4
4.5 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Getting Started with REPL/2. What is REPL.mp4
4.4 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/04. Running the Test Using IntelliJ IDEA.mp4
4.4 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/09. Overview of Course Project.mp4
4.2 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/exercise.7z
4.2 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/01. First Class Functions.mp4
4.2 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Installing Scala on Your Machine/3. What This Course Will Cover.mp4
4.2 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/exercise.7z
4.1 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Optimizing Performance by Lazy Evaluation/5. Evaluation Strategies in Scala.mp4
4.1 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/8. Understanding and Using Memoization Pattern/1. Introducing the Problem Scenario.mp4
4.1 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/2. Adding External Libraries in sbt.mp4
4.1 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.mp4
4.1 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/6. Running Scala and Java Code Together.mp4
4.1 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Using Cake Pattern for Dependency Injection/1. The Problem Scenario.mp4
4.1 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/2. Anatomy of an Actor.mp4
4.0 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/3. Understanding the sbt Directory Structure.mp4
4.0 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/5. Organizing Dependencies in sbt.mp4
4.0 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Optimizing Performance by Lazy Evaluation/4. Using Lazy Evaluation for Database Connection.mp4
4.0 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/6. Converting between Java and Scala/2. Comparing Conversion Methods.mp4
4.0 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/6. Performing Pattern Matching on Types.mp4
3.9 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/4. Understanding Variable Pattern Matching.mp4
3.9 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.mp4
3.8 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Working with Control Structures/5. Repeating Actions Using While Loops.mp4
3.8 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/11. Using Matchers to Test Logical Operations.mp4
3.7 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/06. Running the Test Using Sbt Command Line.mp4
3.7 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/08. Installing IntelliJ IDEA.mp4
3.7 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/09. Understanding FlatSpec Style.mp4
3.6 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/5. Supervision Strategy for Handling Failovers & Configuring ActorSystem/5. Selecting a Mailbox for an Actor.mp4
3.6 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Using Scala Implicits for Dependency Injection/1. Introducing the Problem Scenario.mp4
3.6 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.mp4
3.6 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/3. Creating the Project Base.mp4
3.5 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/2. Why Asynchronous Programming/2. The Problem to Solve.mp4
3.5 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/4. Save Overheads with Tuples/3. Matching with Patterns.mp4
3.5 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/2. Understanding Language and Its History.mp4
3.5 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.mp4
3.4 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/2. Creating and Using Scalas Lists/2. Introduction.mp4
3.4 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/01. Introducing Methods.mp4
3.4 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.mp4
3.3 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Typeclass - Ad Hoc Polymorphism/2. Introducing Typeclass.mp4
3.3 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/09. How to Access Course Materials.mp4
3.3 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Achieving Abstraction Using the Typeclass Pattern/2. Understanding Ad Hoc Polymorphism.mp4
3.3 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/3. Understanding Literal Pattern Matching.mp4
3.3 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/exercise.7z
3.3 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Scope and Purpose of Design Patterns/5. Scope and Purpose of Design Patterns.mp4
3.2 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Type Parameterization/1. Overview.mp4
3.2 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Implicits - Why, What, and How/4. Implicits Lookup.mp4
3.2 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/2. Understanding Fixtures.mp4
3.2 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/3. Going Async with Scala Futures/1. Introduction.mp4
3.1 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/7. Transforming Elements/1. Introduction.mp4
3.1 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Using Cake Pattern for Dependency Injection/2. Understanding Self-type Annotations.mp4
3.1 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.mp4
3.1 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/03. Why Learn sbt.mp4
3.1 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/3. Finding Elements in a List/2. Deconstructing with Patterns.mp4
3.0 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.mp4
3.0 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Scope and Purpose of Design Patterns/1. Overview.mp4
3.0 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.mp4
3.0 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/5. Selecting the Right Collection Type/1. Introduction.mp4
2.9 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/2. Understanding Pattern Matching.mp4
2.9 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/6. Converting between Java and Scala/1. Introduction.mp4
2.9 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.mp4
2.8 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Using Cake Pattern for Dependency Injection/5. Dependency Injection in General.mp4
2.8 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/04. Why ScalaTest.mp4
2.7 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/03. Why Testing.mp4
2.6 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/3. Finding Elements in a List/1. Introduction.mp4
2.6 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/03. Setting up IntelliJ Project.mp4
2.6 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/01. Agenda.mp4
2.6 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.mp4
2.6 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/exercise.7z
2.5 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/7. Overcoming Immutability Limitation by Lens Pattern/3. Understanding the Lens Pattern.mp4
2.5 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/8. Understanding and Using Memoization Pattern/4. Course Summary.mp4
2.5 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Typeclass - Ad Hoc Polymorphism/5. Summary.mp4
2.4 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/2. Understanding the Course Project.mp4
2.4 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/02. Understanding Matchers.mp4
2.3 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/04. What Are We Going to Cover in This Course.mp4
2.2 MB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/7. Overcoming Immutability Limitation by Lens Pattern/2. Mutating Parameter Values from Case Class Instance.mp4
2.2 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/15. Summary.mp4
2.1 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Implicits - Why, What, and How/5. Summary.mp4
2.0 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/08. How to Access Project Source Code.mp4
2.0 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/8. Summary and Further Study.mp4
1.9 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/2. Understanding Assert in ScalaTest.mp4
1.9 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Type Parameterization/6. Summary.mp4
1.9 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/exercise.7z
1.8 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/1. Agenda.mp4
1.8 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/2. Understanding Mocking.mp4
1.8 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Type Bounds and Variance/5. Summary.mp4
1.8 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/5. Working with Pattern Matching as Expression.mp4
1.7 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/10. Understanding the Test Lifecycle.mp4
1.7 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/05. What You Will Learn.mp4
1.6 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/02. Agenda.mp4
1.6 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/01. Agenda.mp4
1.6 MB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/8. Summary.mp4
1.5 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/7. Summary.mp4
1.5 MB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Methods with Type Parameters/5. Summary.mp4
1.5 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/9. Summary.mp4
1.5 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/06. What Are the Course Prerequisites.mp4
1.4 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Installing Scala on Your Machine/2. Agenda.mp4
1.4 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/1. Agenda.mp4
1.4 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/02. Agenda.mp4
1.4 MB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/exercise.7z
1.3 MB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/4. Save Overheads with Tuples/1. Introduction.mp4
1.3 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/2. Understanding Functions.mp4
1.3 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/7. Summary.mp4
1.3 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/1. Agenda.mp4
1.3 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/7. Summary.mp4
1.3 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/1. Overview.mp4
1.2 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/7. Summary.mp4
1.2 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/10. Summary.mp4
1.2 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/9. Summary.mp4
1.1 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/02. What Is a Test.mp4
1.1 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/05. What We Will Not Cover in This Course.mp4
1.1 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/11. Summary.mp4
1.1 MB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Understanding Packaging and Importing/1. Agenda.mp4
1.1 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/02. Overview.mp4
1.1 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/1. Agenda.mp4
1.1 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/1. Overview.mp4
1.1 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Installing Scala on Your Machine/4. What You Should Know.mp4
1.1 MB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/7. Summary.mp4
1.1 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/06. Course Prerequisites.mp4
1.0 MB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/1. Overview.mp4
1.0 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Getting Started with REPL/1. Agenda.mp4
1.0 MB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Working with Control Structures/1. Agenda.mp4
1.0 MB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/07. How This Course Is Structured.mp4
954.7 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/8. Summary.mp4
951.6 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/1. Agenda.mp4
902.8 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/1. Agenda.mp4
880.8 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/1. Overview.mp4
799.8 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Understanding Case Classes/1. Agenda.mp4
779.8 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/7. Summary.mp4
757.3 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/1. Agenda.mp4
744.2 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/exercise.7z
711.0 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Working with Variables and Basic Types/1. Agenda.mp4
707.2 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Working with Traits/1. Agenda.mp4
657.6 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/10. Summary.mp4
646.0 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/8. Packaging and Executing Scala Code/1. Agenda.mp4
627.3 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/cover.jpg
567.6 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/01. Version Check.mp4
522.1 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/cover.jpg
505.0 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/2. Creating and Using Scalas Lists/1. Version Check.mp4
491.3 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/cover.jpg
479.6 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/cover.jpg
353.8 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Installing Scala on Your Machine/1. Version Check.mp4
341.1 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/01. Version Check.mp4
339.7 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/01. Version Check.mp4
337.3 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/01. Version Check.mp4
328.0 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/cover.jpg
314.4 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/cover.jpg
302.1 kB
scr 2023-04.png
233.2 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/cover.jpg
189.1 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/cover.jpg
157.4 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/cover.jpg
116.0 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/cover.jpg
108.1 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/2. Working with the sbt Shell.vtt
13.5 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/5. Selecting the Right Collection Type/2. Selecting the Right Collection.vtt
13.5 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/4. Creating the First Calculator.vtt
12.6 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/8. Simplify Complex Computations with Monads/3. Avoiding Nulls with Monads.vtt
12.6 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Working with Control Structures/4. Repeating Actions Using for Loops.vtt
12.5 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/5. Understanding Scopes and Executing Test.vtt
11.9 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/6. Understanding Higher Order Functions in Scala.vtt
11.7 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/8. Simplify Complex Computations with Monads/2. Defining Monad.vtt
11.5 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/3. Finding Elements in a List/5. Extracting Elements with - - and Nil.vtt
11.2 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Working with Variables and Basic Types/3. Understanding Fundamental Types in Scala.vtt
10.9 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/5. Selecting the Right Collection Type/3. Mutating Is Discouraged.vtt
10.9 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Installing Scala on Your Machine/5. Installing Scala.vtt
10.9 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Working with Variables and Basic Types/2. Understanding Variables in Scala.vtt
10.3 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/7. Transforming Elements/4. Pipelining Computations.vtt
10.0 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/5. Supervision Strategy for Handling Failovers & Configuring ActorSystem/2. Supervising an Actor.vtt
10.0 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/3. Finding Elements in a List/3. Extracting Elements with Pattern Sequences.vtt
10.0 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/08. Demo - Higher Order Functions.vtt
9.9 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/05. Demo - Partially Applied Functions.vtt
9.8 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/2. Creating and Using Scalas Lists/4. The Recursive Nature of Lists.vtt
9.7 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Working with Variables and Basic Types/4. Working with Date and Time in Scala.vtt
9.5 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/03. Functional Programming and Distributed Computing.vtt
9.0 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Understanding Case Classes/4. Working with Sealed Traits.vtt
9.0 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/04. Demo - Complex Operations Using Placeholders.vtt
8.4 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/5. Supervision Strategy for Handling Failovers & Configuring ActorSystem/1. Lifecycle of an Actor.vtt
8.4 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/09. Demo - Closures.vtt
8.4 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/3. Writing Tests with Assert.vtt
8.4 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/4. Understanding Build Definition and Settings.vtt
8.3 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/13. Demo - Tail Recursion.vtt
8.3 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/6. Looking at Scala Ecosystem and Use Cases.vtt
8.2 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Type Parameterization/4. Achieving Type Safety through Parameterization.vtt
8.2 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/11. Demo - Nested Methods.vtt
8.2 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/05. Demo - Method Evaluation Strategies.vtt
8.1 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/11. Functions and Methods.vtt
7.9 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/03. Demo - Currying.vtt
7.9 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/2. Packaging the Artifacts.vtt
7.9 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/3. Writing an Actor.vtt
7.8 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/4. Publishing Artifacts on Bintray.vtt
7.8 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Type Parameterization/3. Writing a Parameterized Type.vtt
7.8 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/3. Demo - try, catch, and finally.vtt
7.8 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Implicits - Why, What, and How/1. Introducing Implicits in Scala.vtt
7.6 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/03. Using Matchers to Test Equality.vtt
7.6 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/7. Transforming Elements/5. Comparing Imperative and Pipelining.vtt
7.6 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/03. Demo - Placeholders.vtt
7.5 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/6. Interaction Pattern Ask Between Actors.vtt
7.5 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Working with Control Structures/3. Taking Decisions Using if Conditional.vtt
7.5 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/12. Demo - Functions and Methods I.vtt
7.4 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/06. Demo - var, val, lazy val, and def Using a Scala Worksheet.vtt
7.3 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/8. Packaging and Executing Scala Code/2. Preparing CLI Application.vtt
7.3 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/3. Running Scala Programs.vtt
7.3 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Achieving Abstraction Using the Typeclass Pattern/4. ServiceClient Typeclass in Action.vtt
7.3 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Type Parameterization/5. Introducing Abstract Types.vtt
7.3 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/5. Demo - Try-Success-Failure with Combinators.vtt
7.3 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Working with Control Structures/2. Understanding Expressions vs Statements.vtt
7.3 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/8. Simplify Complex Computations with Monads/4. Processing Computations Monadically.vtt
7.2 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Working with Traits/4. Understanding Stackable Modifications.vtt
7.2 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/5. Writing Tests with AssertThrows.vtt
7.2 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/3. Going Async with Scala Futures/5. Composing Multiple Futures.vtt
7.1 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/3. Going Async with Scala Futures/2. Demo - Creating a Future.vtt
7.1 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/07. Demo - Partial Functions with Pattern Matching.vtt
7.0 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/09. Demo - The def Keyword.vtt
7.0 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/11. Creating Companion Objects.vtt
7.0 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/8. Simplify Complex Computations with Monads/1. Introduction.vtt
7.0 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/6. Demo - Option-Some-None.vtt
6.9 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/08. Using Matchers to Test Container Elements.vtt
6.9 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/3. Going Async with Scala Futures/4. Handling Futures.vtt
6.8 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Methods with Type Parameters/4. The flatMap Method.vtt
6.8 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/3. Working with Function Mocks.vtt
6.7 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/2. Creating and Using Scalas Lists/5. Traversing Lists.vtt
6.7 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/04. Functional Constructs in Scala.vtt
6.7 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Type Parameterization/2. Why Type Parameterization.vtt
6.6 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/11. Demo - Higher Order Function Invocation with Function Literal Blocks.vtt
6.6 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Typeclass - Ad Hoc Polymorphism/4. Using a Typeclass.vtt
6.6 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/09. Demo - Parameterless and Empty Paren Methods.vtt
6.6 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Working with Traits/2. Understanding Traits.vtt
6.5 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/4. Working with Proxy Mocks.vtt
6.5 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/10. Demo - Varargs.vtt
6.5 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/2. Demo - Handling Exceptions Using try-catch Blocks.vtt
6.5 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Using Cake Pattern for Dependency Injection/3. Using Cake Pattern to Inject UserDaoComponent.vtt
6.5 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/13. Demo - Functions and Methods II.vtt
6.4 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/02. Demo - Methods.vtt
6.4 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/08. Understanding Testing Styles.vtt
6.3 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Implicits - Why, What, and How/3. Writing and Using an Implicit Class.vtt
6.3 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/4. Demo - Try-Success-Failure.vtt
6.2 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Understanding Packaging and Importing/2. Understanding Package Statements.vtt
6.2 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/3. Writing Functions in Scala.vtt
6.0 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/04. Using Matchers to Test Strings.vtt
6.0 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/12. Demo - Recursion.vtt
5.9 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/4. Execute Tests Using ScalaTest.vtt
5.8 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/7. Transforming Elements/3. Mapping and Flattening.vtt
5.8 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/7. Understanding Implicit Conversion in Scala.vtt
5.8 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/4. Working with XML Content.vtt
5.7 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/06. Demo - Positional and Named Arguments.vtt
5.7 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Achieving Abstraction Using the Typeclass Pattern/1. Overview.vtt
5.7 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Understanding Packaging and Importing/3. Importing Packages.vtt
5.7 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Understanding Case Classes/2. Understanding Case Classes.vtt
5.6 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/4. Knowing the Problem Scala Solves in Community.vtt
5.6 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Achieving Abstraction Using the Typeclass Pattern/3. Going the Typeclass Way.vtt
5.5 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/02. Demo - Functions Literals.vtt
5.5 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/1. Exception and Error Handling.vtt
5.5 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/2. Why Asynchronous Programming/3. Synchronous Execution.vtt
5.5 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/8. Understanding and Using Memoization Pattern/2. Understanding Memoization.vtt
5.4 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/1. Introduction to Actor Model.vtt
5.3 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/2. Creating and Using Scalas Lists/3. Creating & Populating Lists.vtt
5.3 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/5. Working with Named Arguments and Default Values.vtt
5.3 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/05. Demo - Environment Setup and Hello World.vtt
5.2 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/06. Demo - Partial Functions.vtt
5.2 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Using Cake Pattern for Dependency Injection/4. Reading User Info from Different Data Sources.vtt
5.2 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/7. Transforming Elements/2. Filtering with Predicates.vtt
5.2 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/4. Save Overheads with Tuples/2. Creating n-tuples.vtt
5.2 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/2. Understanding Structure of Scala Program.vtt
5.2 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/5. Creating Your Own Settings.vtt
5.2 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/8. Packaging and Executing Scala Code/3. Packaging and Running CLI Application.vtt
5.1 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/6. Converting between Java and Scala/2. Comparing Conversion Methods.vtt
5.1 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/10. Demo - The lazy val Type Modifier.vtt
5.1 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/5. Knowing Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Scala.vtt
5.1 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/04. Demo - Type Parameters.vtt
5.1 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/12. Using Matchers to Test Negative Statement Structure.vtt
5.1 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Using Scala Implicits for Dependency Injection/3. Injecting Implicit Instances for Dependencies.vtt
5.1 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Methods with Type Parameters/1. Introducing Parameterized Methods.vtt
5.0 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/6. Converting between Java and Scala/3. Converting Collections.vtt
5.0 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/3. Continuous Integration Using Travis CI.vtt
4.9 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Working with Traits/3. Declaring Traits as a Self Type.vtt
4.9 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/07. Demo - Method Invocation with Default Arguments.vtt
4.9 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/3. Going Async with Scala Futures/3. Execution Context and Executor.vtt
4.9 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/3. Finding Elements in a List/4. Extracting Elements with head and tail.vtt
4.8 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/4. Writing Tests with AssertResult.vtt
4.8 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Type Bounds and Variance/3. Towards Invariance and Contravariance.vtt
4.8 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/6. Deploying the API on Heroku.vtt
4.8 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/7. Overcoming Immutability Limitation by Lens Pattern/5. More from Optics - World Beyond Lens in Scala.vtt
4.8 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/6. Adding Dependencies Between Sub Projects.vtt
4.8 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/7. Overcoming Immutability Limitation by Lens Pattern/4. Using Monocle’s Lens to Update Location.vtt
4.7 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/5. Supervision Strategy for Handling Failovers & Configuring ActorSystem/4. Configuring a Message Dispatcher.vtt
4.7 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/7. Working with beforeAndAfter.vtt
4.7 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/2. Why Asynchronous Programming/5. The Asynchronous Way.vtt
4.7 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/07. Running the Test Using Sbt Console.vtt
4.6 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/2. Why Asynchronous Programming/4. Towards Concurrency.vtt
4.6 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/07. Installing sbt.vtt
4.6 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Getting Started with REPL/4. Getting Help and Command Completion.vtt
4.5 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Typeclass - Ad Hoc Polymorphism/1. Introducing Ad Hoc Polymorphism.vtt
4.5 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/2. Anatomy of an Actor.vtt
4.5 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Optimizing Performance by Lazy Evaluation/2. Understanding the Lazy Val.vtt
4.5 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Getting Started with REPL/3. How Variable Assignment Works.vtt
4.5 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/4. Working with Local Functions.vtt
4.5 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/13. Using Matchers to Test Object Identity.vtt
4.5 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/8. Adding Information to Test Failures.vtt
4.5 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/7. Demo - Either-Right-Left.vtt
4.5 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Methods with Type Parameters/3. Using map and filter Methods.vtt
4.5 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/3. Understanding Versioning, Release, and Support Lifecycle.vtt
4.5 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/3. Understanding the sbt Directory Structure.vtt
4.5 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/5. Interaction Pattern Ask Future.vtt
4.4 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/6. Failing the Tests Unconditionally.vtt
4.4 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/3. Finding Elements in a List/6. Finding Elements with find.vtt
4.4 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/playlist.m3u
4.4 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/04. Creating an Account Class.vtt
4.4 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Type Bounds and Variance/1. Introducing Variance.vtt
4.4 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/2. Creating and Using Scalas Lists/2. Introduction.vtt
4.4 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/6. Understanding Task Graph in Build Definition Copy.vtt
4.4 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Optimizing Performance by Lazy Evaluation/3. Working with Call by Name Functions.vtt
4.3 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Installing Scala on Your Machine/3. What This Course Will Cover.vtt
4.3 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Type Bounds and Variance/4. Understanding Type Bounds.vtt
4.3 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/2. Why Asynchronous Programming/1. Introduction.vtt
4.3 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/7. Interaction Pattern Ask Message Adapter.vtt
4.3 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Getting Started with REPL/6. Replaying, Saving, and Resetting Your Sessions.vtt
4.3 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Scope and Purpose of Design Patterns/4. Understanding the Project Structure.vtt
4.3 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/5. Supervision Strategy for Handling Failovers & Configuring ActorSystem/3. Parallel Processing Messages with Router.vtt
4.2 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Understanding Packaging and Importing/4. Controlling Visibility of Members.vtt
4.2 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/8. Understanding and Using Memoization Pattern/1. Introducing the Problem Scenario.vtt
4.2 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/5. Working with Loan Fixture Method.vtt
4.2 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/07. Using Matchers to Test for Length and Size.vtt
4.1 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/7. Extracting Data Using Pattern Matching.vtt
4.1 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/3. Working with 3rd Party Libraries.vtt
4.1 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/08. Demo - The val Type Modifier.vtt
4.1 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Getting Started with REPL/5. Running Multiline Scala Code.vtt
4.0 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Installing Scala on Your Machine/6. Installing IntelliJ IDEA CE and Scala Plugin.vtt
4.0 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/05. Using Matchers to greaterThan or lessThan.vtt
4.0 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/02. Prerequisites and Course Outline.vtt
4.0 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/3. Going Async with Scala Futures/6. Handling Future Failures.vtt
4.0 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/10. Using Matchers to Test Exceptions.vtt
3.9 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Implicits - Why, What, and How/2. Implicit Conversions.vtt
3.9 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/07. Demo - The var Type Modifier.vtt
3.9 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/10. Demo-Function Invocation with Expression Blocks.vtt
3.9 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Scope and Purpose of Design Patterns/3. Setting up Development Environment.vtt
3.9 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/4. Understanding Variable Pattern Matching.vtt
3.9 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/09. Overview of Course Project.vtt
3.9 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Optimizing Performance by Lazy Evaluation/5. Evaluation Strategies in Scala.vtt
3.9 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/8. Understanding and Using Memoization Pattern/3. Applying Memoization to Hash Password.vtt
3.9 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/09. Understanding FlatSpec Style.vtt
3.8 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/playlist.m3u
3.8 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Working with Control Structures/5. Repeating Actions Using While Loops.vtt
3.8 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Methods with Type Parameters/2. Understanding Type Erasure.vtt
3.7 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/09. Creating Abstract Classes and Overriding Members.vtt
3.7 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/5. Supervision Strategy for Handling Failovers & Configuring ActorSystem/5. Selecting a Mailbox for an Actor.vtt
3.7 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/03. Why Learn sbt.vtt
3.7 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/3. Understanding and Implementing Functions/01. First Class Functions.vtt
3.7 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/09. Using Matchers to Test Emptiness Property.vtt
3.6 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/12. Performing Implicit Conversions.vtt
3.6 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Using Cake Pattern for Dependency Injection/1. The Problem Scenario.vtt
3.6 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/7. Overcoming Immutability Limitation by Lens Pattern/1. Introducing the Problem Scenario.vtt
3.6 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Scope and Purpose of Design Patterns/5. Scope and Purpose of Design Patterns.vtt
3.6 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Optimizing Performance by Lazy Evaluation/1. Introducing the Scenario.vtt
3.6 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/6. Adding Another Calculator.vtt
3.6 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Using Scala Implicits for Dependency Injection/2. Specifying Dependencies Using Implicits.vtt
3.5 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/6. Tagging Your Tests.vtt
3.5 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/5. Working with Expected Call Counts.vtt
3.5 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/03. Writing the First Test.vtt
3.5 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Understanding Packaging and Importing/5. Creating Package Object.vtt
3.5 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/2. Understanding Fixtures.vtt
3.5 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/5. Running Scala Programs on JVM.vtt
3.5 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/2. Understanding Language and Its History.vtt
3.5 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/08. Installing IntelliJ IDEA.vtt
3.5 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/3. Finding Elements in a List/2. Deconstructing with Patterns.vtt
3.5 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/5. Organizing Dependencies in sbt.vtt
3.5 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Achieving Abstraction Using the Typeclass Pattern/2. Understanding Ad Hoc Polymorphism.vtt
3.4 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/4. Working with Fixture Context Object.vtt
3.4 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/2. Adding External Libraries in sbt.vtt
3.4 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Using Scala Implicits for Dependency Injection/1. Introducing the Problem Scenario.vtt
3.4 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/06. Creating Private Fields and Methods.vtt
3.4 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/4. Pattern Fire and Forget.vtt
3.4 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/8. Running Your Tests Asynchronously.vtt
3.3 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Scope and Purpose of Design Patterns/2. The Problem Scenario.vtt
3.3 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/3. Going Async with Scala Futures/1. Introduction.vtt
3.3 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/6. Converting between Java and Scala/1. Introduction.vtt
3.3 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Getting Started with REPL/2. What is REPL.vtt
3.3 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Type Bounds and Variance/2. Covariance in Action.vtt
3.3 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/2. Understanding Pattern Matching.vtt
3.3 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/08. Restricting Inheritance Using Final Keyword.vtt
3.3 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/14. Using Matchers to Test Pattern Matching.vtt
3.3 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/5. Creating the API for Deployment.vtt
3.3 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/05. Running the Tests Using Scala Command Line.vtt
3.2 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Using Cake Pattern for Dependency Injection/2. Understanding Self-type Annotations.vtt
3.2 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Typeclass - Ad Hoc Polymorphism/3. Implementing Typeclass Instance.vtt
3.2 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/04. Why ScalaTest.vtt
3.2 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/6. Working with withFixture Method.vtt
3.2 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Understanding Case Classes/3. Pattern Matching on Case Classes.vtt
3.1 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/4. Save Overheads with Tuples/3. Matching with Patterns.vtt
3.1 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.vtt
3.1 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/3. Understanding Literal Pattern Matching.vtt
3.1 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.vtt
3.0 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Type Parameterization/1. Overview.vtt
3.0 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/03. Why Testing.vtt
2.9 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/7. Canceling a Test if PreCondition Not Met.vtt
2.9 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/6. Running Scala and Java Code Together.vtt
2.9 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/playlist.m3u
2.9 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Using Cake Pattern for Dependency Injection/5. Dependency Injection in General.vtt
2.9 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/6. Performing Pattern Matching on Types.vtt
2.9 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/2. Understanding the Course Project.vtt
2.8 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Typeclass - Ad Hoc Polymorphism/2. Introducing Typeclass.vtt
2.8 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/3. Working with Fixture Object.vtt
2.8 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Scope and Purpose of Design Patterns/1. Overview.vtt
2.8 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/01. Introducing Methods.vtt
2.8 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/playlist.m3u
2.8 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.vtt
2.8 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/04. What Are We Going to Cover in This Course.vtt
2.7 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/04. Running the Test Using IntelliJ IDEA.vtt
2.7 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/7. Transforming Elements/1. Introduction.vtt
2.7 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Implicits - Why, What, and How/4. Implicits Lookup.vtt
2.7 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/3. Creating the Project Base.vtt
2.7 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/3. Finding Elements in a List/1. Introduction.vtt
2.7 kB
2.7 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.vtt
2.6 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/2. Why Asynchronous Programming/2. The Problem to Solve.vtt
2.6 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.vtt
2.6 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/7. Who Is Using Scala.vtt
2.5 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/07. Creating Subclasses Using Extends.vtt
2.5 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/8. Understanding and Using Memoization Pattern/4. Course Summary.vtt
2.5 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/06. Creating a Base Test for Unit Tests.vtt
2.4 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/playlist.m3u
2.4 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/02. Understanding Matchers.vtt
2.3 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.vtt
2.3 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/5. Selecting the Right Collection Type/1. Introduction.vtt
2.3 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/01. Agenda.vtt
2.3 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Optimizing Performance by Lazy Evaluation/4. Using Lazy Evaluation for Database Connection.vtt
2.3 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/10. Overriding Behavior in Subclasses.vtt
2.3 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/7. Overcoming Immutability Limitation by Lens Pattern/3. Understanding the Lens Pattern.vtt
2.3 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/03. Setting up IntelliJ Project.vtt
2.2 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/05. Creating an Auxiliary Constructor.vtt
2.2 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/4. Understanding and Implementing Methods/08. Demo - Curried Functions with Default Arguments.vtt
2.2 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/5. Dealing with Exceptions and Missing Values/8. Summary and Further Study.vtt
2.2 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/6. Typeclass - Ad Hoc Polymorphism/5. Summary.vtt
2.1 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/06. Running the Test Using Sbt Command Line.vtt
2.1 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.vtt
2.1 kB
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/~i.txt
2.1 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/7. Overcoming Immutability Limitation by Lens Pattern/2. Mutating Parameter Values from Case Class Instance.vtt
2.1 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/5. Implicits - Why, What, and How/5. Summary.vtt
2.0 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/02. Agenda.vtt
2.0 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.vtt
1.9 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/15. Summary.vtt
1.9 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/playlist.m3u
1.9 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/10. Understanding the Test Lifecycle.vtt
1.9 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/~i.txt
1.9 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/2. Understanding Assert in ScalaTest.vtt
1.8 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/playlist.m3u
1.8 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/06. What Are the Course Prerequisites.vtt
1.8 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/2. Type Parameterization/6. Summary.vtt
1.8 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.vtt
1.8 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/5. Performing Expressive Testing Using Matchers/11. Using Matchers to Test Logical Operations.vtt
1.8 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/2. Understanding Functions.vtt
1.7 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/playlist.m3u
1.7 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/3. Methods with Type Parameters/5. Summary.vtt
1.7 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/~i.txt
1.6 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/1. Course Overview/1. Course Overview.vtt
1.6 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/playlist.m3u
1.6 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/~i.txt
1.6 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/1. Agenda.vtt
1.6 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/~i.txt
1.6 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/2. Understanding Mocking.vtt
1.6 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/7. Summary.vtt
1.6 kB
C3. Scala Type Classes and Parameterization (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/4. Type Bounds and Variance/5. Summary.vtt
1.6 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/7. Summary.vtt
1.6 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/4. Save Overheads with Tuples/1. Introduction.vtt
1.6 kB
C1. Scala Asynchronous Programming (Vikash Sharma, 2020)/4. Actor Model for Async Communication/8. Summary.vtt
1.6 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/05. What You Will Learn.vtt
1.5 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/3. sbt Fundamentals/1. Overview.vtt
1.5 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/~i.txt
1.5 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/~i.txt
1.5 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/7. Summary.vtt
1.5 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/5. Working with Pattern Matching as Expression.vtt
1.4 kB
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Installing Scala on Your Machine/2. Agenda.vtt
1.4 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/05. What We Will Not Cover in This Course.vtt
1.4 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/09. How to Access Course Materials.vtt
1.3 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/9. Summary.vtt
1.3 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/08. How to Access Project Source Code.vtt
1.3 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/02. Agenda.vtt
1.3 kB
C4. Scala Design Patterns (Vikash Sharma, 2021)/~i.txt
1.3 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/4. Working with Assertions/1. Agenda.vtt
1.3 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/7. Summary.vtt
1.3 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/01. Agenda.vtt
1.3 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/06. Course Prerequisites.vtt
1.3 kB
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/~i.txt
1.3 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/02. Overview.vtt
1.3 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/~i.txt
1.3 kB
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/6. Open-sourcing the Project/1. Overview.vtt
1.2 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/7. Summary.vtt
1.2 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/1. Agenda.vtt
1.2 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/10. Summary.vtt
1.1 kB
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/playlist.m3u
1.1 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/6. Generating Data through Fixtures and Asynchronous Testing/9. Summary.vtt
1.1 kB
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Understanding Packaging and Importing/1. Agenda.vtt
1.0 kB
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/07. How This Course Is Structured.vtt
978 Bytes
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Understanding the Scala Ecosystem/8. Summary.vtt
948 Bytes
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/7. Summary.vtt
939 Bytes
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/02. What Is a Test.vtt
939 Bytes
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/6. Working with Pattern Matching/1. Agenda.vtt
918 Bytes
A1. Scala Language. The Big Picture (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Learning the Language Details/1. Agenda.vtt
917 Bytes
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/5. Refactoring the Project for Bigger Changes/1. Overview.vtt
913 Bytes
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/7. Mocking and Tagging Your Tests/1. Agenda.vtt
907 Bytes
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Installing Scala on Your Machine/4. What You Should Know.vtt
902 Bytes
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/4. Project Lifecycle Using sbt/1. Overview.vtt
899 Bytes
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/5. Working with Control Structures/1. Agenda.vtt
886 Bytes
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/3. Writing the First Test/11. Summary.vtt
874 Bytes
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/10. Summary.vtt
872 Bytes
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Getting Started with REPL/1. Agenda.vtt
814 Bytes
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Understanding Case Classes/1. Agenda.vtt
756 Bytes
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/7. Working with Methods, Functions, and Implicit Conversions/1. Agenda.vtt
741 Bytes
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/4. Working with Variables and Basic Types/1. Agenda.vtt
726 Bytes
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/3. Working with Traits/1. Agenda.vtt
713 Bytes
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/8. Packaging and Executing Scala Code/1. Agenda.vtt
564 Bytes
C2. Unit Testing in Scala (Harit Himanshu, 2020)/2. Setting up the Project/01. Version Check.vtt
52 Bytes
A2. Scala Language. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Installing Scala on Your Machine/1. Version Check.vtt
7 Bytes
B1. Scala Methods and Functions (Janani Ravi, 2020)/2. Getting Started with Functions and Methods/01. Version Check.vtt
7 Bytes
B2. Scala Collections (Toby Weston, 2020)/2. Creating and Using Scalas Lists/1. Version Check.vtt
7 Bytes
B3. Scala Classes and Objects (Harit Himanshu, 2021)/2. Creating Classes and Methods/01. Version Check.vtt
7 Bytes
B4. Scala Build Tool. Getting Started (Harit Himanshu, 2019)/2. Introduction to sbt/01. Version Check.vtt
7 Bytes
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