The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory
清纯 萝莉 高颜
[sacd iso]
抄底 丝
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.mp4
725.1 MB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le corollaire de pattes-de-velours.mp4
605.0 MB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Les allumés dHalloween.mp4
603.4 MB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Les poissons luminescents.mp4
593.1 MB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L Algorithme de lAmitié.mp4
585.7 MB
S07/[S07.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Une affaire dœstrogènes.mp4
584.7 MB
S06/[S06.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.mp4
584.5 MB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le paradoxe du ravioli chinois.mp4
581.8 MB
S07/[S07.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.mp4
576.4 MB
S07/[S07.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Chasse au trésor.mp4
575.9 MB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le grillon des champs.mp4
574.7 MB
S06/[S06.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L’expédition Bakersfield.mp4
573.7 MB
S06/[S06.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Bon voyage !.mp4
568.8 MB
S10/[S10.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Probabilités matrimoniales.mp4
565.4 MB
S07/[S07.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La démission de Penny.mp4
564.5 MB
S03/[S03.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.mp4
561.7 MB
S06/[S06.E11] The Big Bang Theory - L’esprit de Noël.mp4
555.2 MB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La conjoncture du Batbocal.mp4
554.0 MB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Les fleurs de Penny.mp4
551.6 MB
S06/[S06.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La preuve daffection tangible.mp4
550.0 MB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le postulat du hamburger.mp4
549.7 MB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La physique pour les nulles.mp4
549.1 MB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La recurrence de wheaton.mp4
549.1 MB
S06/[S06.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Entrailles, poiscailles, ripailles !.mp4
549.0 MB
S06/[S06.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lexcitation holographique.mp4
548.9 MB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le flirt de Léonard.mp4
546.8 MB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les cadeaux de noël.mp4
544.6 MB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction !.mp4
544.5 MB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La sœur jumelle.mp4
540.3 MB
S09/[S09.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Permutation platonique.mp4
540.2 MB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Lénigme Vartabedian.mp4
540.1 MB
S01/[S01.E02] The Big Bang Theory - The Big Bran Hypothesis.mp4
539.8 MB
S09/[S09.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un fil à souder à la patte.mp4
539.5 MB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Léminente Miss Plimpton.mp4
539.3 MB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Léquivalence du griffon.mp4
538.6 MB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le combat des robots.mp4
538.1 MB
S11/[S11.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un mariage trop lent.mp4
537.8 MB
S08/[S08.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Champagne et Grande Découverte.mp4
536.3 MB
S07/[S07.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Ramifications et valse-hésitation.mp4
536.2 MB
S07/[S07.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation des aventuriers.mp4
535.2 MB
S07/[S07.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Lextraction du docteur Cooper.mp4
534.8 MB
S06/[S06.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Les propos démesurés de Sheldon.mp4
534.8 MB
S11/[S11.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Tentation de Sheldon.mp4
534.5 MB
S10/[S10.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Première cohabitation.mp4
534.1 MB
S06/[S06.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Délire à Las Vegas.mp4
533.7 MB
S05/[S05.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Fusée Russe À Réaction.mp4
533.5 MB
S11/[S11.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Un Solo pour deux.mp4
532.8 MB
S06/[S06.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le professeur Proton.mp4
531.7 MB
S06/[S06.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Extraction-oblitération.mp4
531.1 MB
S05/[S05.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un Mariage Express.mp4
530.8 MB
S08/[S08.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Manifestation du troll.mp4
530.0 MB
S06/[S06.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation du retour.mp4
529.8 MB
S05/[S05.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La pub de Penny.mp4
529.0 MB
S07/[S07.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La dissolution de la relation.mp4
528.5 MB
S07/[S07.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La table de tous les dangers.mp4
527.9 MB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.mp4
527.9 MB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le bar à filles.mp4
527.3 MB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le coussin irremplaçable.mp4
527.3 MB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.mp4
526.9 MB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.mp4
526.8 MB
S05/[S05.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Une Mère Envahissante.mp4
526.0 MB
S06/[S06.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Lapprentie réalisatrice.mp4
526.0 MB
S07/[S07.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La résonance de lamour.mp4
525.0 MB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.mp4
524.5 MB
S08/[S08.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Régénération du magasin de BD.mp4
523.5 MB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.mp4
523.2 MB
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.mp4
523.0 MB
S06/[S06.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La clôture cognitive alternative.mp4
522.8 MB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.mp4
521.9 MB
S06/[S06.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Renversement de tendance.mp4
521.8 MB
S05/[S05.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Alcool, Sexe Et Mensonges..mp4
521.8 MB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.mp4
521.7 MB
S11/[S11.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le Principe de rétraction-réaction.mp4
521.6 MB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La vengance de Sheldon.mp4
519.9 MB
S11/[S11.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La Dissociation des locataires.mp4
519.8 MB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.mp4
518.9 MB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Excursion à Vegas.mp4
518.7 MB
S07/[S07.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Larticle du professeur Proton.mp4
518.2 MB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.mp4
518.2 MB
S06/[S06.E15] The Big Bang Theory - L’art du spoiler.mp4
518.1 MB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La rencontre avec le grand Stan.mp4
516.6 MB
S07/[S07.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Orang-outan en emporte le vent.mp4
516.5 MB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.mp4
515.8 MB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.mp4
515.4 MB
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.mp4
515.2 MB
S06/[S06.E17] The Big Bang Theory - L’isolation dun looser.mp4
515.0 MB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - leffet sauterelle.mp4
514.0 MB
S05/[S05.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Phobie De Sheldon.mp4
513.6 MB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La machine incroyable.mp4
513.5 MB
S05/[S05.E23] The Big Bang Theory - L’Accélération Du Lancement.mp4
512.8 MB
S12/[S12.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Règlement de compte au Paintball.mp4
512.4 MB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Terminator dans le train.mp4
512.0 MB
S07/[S07.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La convention de Sheldon.mp4
511.9 MB
S07/[S07.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Des choix cornéliens.mp4
511.4 MB
S06/[S06.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Obligation contractuelle.mp4
510.7 MB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le vortex du nebraska.mp4
510.7 MB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpansion Lézard-Spock.mp4
510.7 MB
S07/[S07.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Fiançailles, status quo, départ….mp4
510.7 MB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.mp4
510.1 MB
S09/[S09.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon connaît la chanson.mp4
509.9 MB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La juxtaposition de la prostituée morte.mp4
509.7 MB
S11/[S11.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Raj a la rage.mp4
509.5 MB
S05/[S05.E16] The Big Bang Theory - L’Enfer Des Vacances !.mp4
509.4 MB
S10/[S10.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Une séparation difficile.mp4
509.1 MB
S12/[S12.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Magnéto Sheldon !.mp4
508.9 MB
S12/[S12.E18] The Big Bang Theory - The Laureate Accumulation.mp4
507.7 MB
S08/[S08.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Que la force soit avec nous !.mp4
507.3 MB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le fameux anneau.mp4
507.2 MB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.mp4
506.5 MB
S08/[S08.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-démotivation.mp4
506.4 MB
S06/[S06.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Lescalade de la place de parking.mp4
506.3 MB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.mp4
506.3 MB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La solution pirate.mp4
505.6 MB
S07/[S07.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Maman a un amant.mp4
505.3 MB
S06/[S06.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le mal de lespace.mp4
505.0 MB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La déviation Gotowitz.mp4
504.9 MB
S07/[S07.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Thanksgiving, clowns et union bidon !.mp4
504.8 MB
S11/[S11.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Explosion en plein Wolowitz.mp4
504.4 MB
S07/[S07.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La simulation du cerveau qui démange.mp4
503.9 MB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le prix scientifique.mp4
503.7 MB
S10/[S10.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de pied fœtal et fièvre acheteuse.mp4
503.5 MB
S12/[S12.E15] The Big Bang Theory - The Donation Oscillation.mp4
503.2 MB
S10/[S10.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Un nouveau colocataire.mp4
502.9 MB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Alerte aux microbes.mp4
502.1 MB
S12/[S12.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Clap de fin !.mp4
501.9 MB
S08/[S08.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un engagement pas très engageant.mp4
501.9 MB
S10/[S10.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une dépendance irrépressible.mp4
501.4 MB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le théorème Cooper-Nowitzki.mp4
501.1 MB
S09/[S09.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Bernadette va déguster.mp4
501.0 MB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La dualité de Jerusalem.mp4
500.4 MB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Disputes insupportables.mp4
500.3 MB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.mp4
500.1 MB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.mp4
499.2 MB
S07/[S07.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La boulette de Sheldon.mp4
498.6 MB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La triangulation des asperges.mp4
498.4 MB
S05/[S05.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dysfonctionnement Du Téléporteur.mp4
498.3 MB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpédition monopolaire.mp4
497.5 MB
S10/[S10.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le décodeur d’émotions !.mp4
497.0 MB
S11/[S11.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Colocation de salle des fêtes.mp4
496.4 MB
S09/[S09.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Submersion de Valentino.mp4
496.3 MB
S11/[S11.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.mp4
496.3 MB
S05/[S05.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Princesse Amy.mp4
495.9 MB
S08/[S08.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Cooper, professeur duniversité.mp4
495.8 MB
S07/[S07.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-motivation.mp4
494.9 MB
S05/[S05.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Dialogue De Sourds.mp4
494.8 MB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.mp4
494.7 MB
S10/[S10.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Flashbacks.mp4
494.6 MB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le grand collisionneur.mp4
494.4 MB
S06/[S06.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Une titularisation mouvementée.mp4
494.4 MB
S06/[S06.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le mystère des 20 minutes.mp4
493.8 MB
S11/[S11.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Comète de la discorde.mp4
493.7 MB
S06/[S06.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La reconfiguration du dressing.mp4
493.5 MB
S12/[S12.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de foudre à Beverly Hill.mp4
493.4 MB
S10/[S10.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Halley et venues.mp4
493.3 MB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.mp4
493.2 MB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La descente aux enfers du sujet Loobenfeld.mp4
492.8 MB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La mère de Léonard.mp4
492.0 MB
S10/[S10.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Une vérité approximative.mp4
491.8 MB
S09/[S09.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Retour à la case départ.mp4
491.6 MB
S08/[S08.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des mères.mp4
491.3 MB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.mp4
490.6 MB
S05/[S05.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Problème DIsolation.mp4
490.0 MB
S10/[S10.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.mp4
489.4 MB
S11/[S11.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Petites Latrines dans la prairie.mp4
489.2 MB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La turbulence du matériel confidentiel.mp4
488.1 MB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.mp4
487.7 MB
S11/[S11.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Roman de Léonard.mp4
487.4 MB
S12/[S12.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Conference Valuation.mp4
486.4 MB
S12/[S12.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un mystérieux cadeau de mariage.mp4
486.3 MB
S08/[S08.E09] The Big Bang Theory - LOpération nasale.mp4
485.5 MB
S07/[S07.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Un proton peut en cacher un autre.mp4
485.5 MB
S08/[S08.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Intrus volants.mp4
484.0 MB
S10/[S10.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le Comi-con de situation.mp4
484.0 MB
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.mp4
483.7 MB
S10/[S10.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Souviens-toi de la journée dernière.mp4
483.5 MB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.mp4
483.0 MB
S12/[S12.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LAsymétrie du prix Nobel.mp4
482.9 MB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.mp4
482.6 MB
S05/[S05.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre Du Bureau.mp4
482.5 MB
S10/[S10.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La discorde de la longue distance.mp4
482.3 MB
S08/[S08.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Plan à quatre.mp4
482.1 MB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.mp4
481.9 MB
S10/[S10.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La réverbération de la locomotive.mp4
481.7 MB
S11/[S11.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Il faut sauver la science.mp4
481.6 MB
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.mp4
480.8 MB
S11/[S11.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LHéritage du professeur Proton.mp4
480.5 MB
S08/[S08.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La Désintégration de la sonde spatiale.mp4
480.1 MB
S09/[S09.E05] The Big Bang Theory - LExercice de la transpiration.mp4
479.7 MB
S08/[S08.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le Conditionnement opérant.mp4
479.5 MB
S05/[S05.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Le Vortex Du Week End.mp4
479.3 MB
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.mp4
478.8 MB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.mp4
478.6 MB
S09/[S09.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction positive et négative.mp4
478.5 MB
S12/[S12.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Spécial Donjons et Dragons.mp4
478.3 MB
S08/[S08.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lanxiété.mp4
478.2 MB
S07/[S07.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Amitié et turbulences.mp4
478.0 MB
S06/[S06.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les fluctuations du découplement.mp4
477.4 MB
S09/[S09.E02] The Big Bang Theory - LOscillation de la séparation.mp4
477.3 MB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.mp4
477.0 MB
S09/[S09.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Mariage et Conséquences.mp4
475.9 MB
S08/[S08.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Test dintimité.mp4
474.7 MB
S09/[S09.E17] The Big Bang Theory - LAnniversaire de Sheldon.mp4
474.7 MB
S12/[S12.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Configuration matrimoniale.mp4
474.5 MB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La congruence maternelle.mp4
474.5 MB
S09/[S09.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le « Spockumentaire ».mp4
474.3 MB
S11/[S11.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Les Frères ennemis.mp4
473.9 MB
S07/[S07.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Le jeudi tout est permis.mp4
473.7 MB
S12/[S12.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Le constant change.mp4
473.5 MB
S10/[S10.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Le jouet téléguidé.mp4
473.1 MB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La voyante.mp4
473.0 MB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La relativité restreinte.mp4
472.7 MB
S04/[S04.E19] The Big Bang Theory - LIntrusion De Zarnecki.mp4
472.2 MB
S09/[S09.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Meemaw sen va en guerre !.mp4
470.5 MB
S09/[S09.E11] The Big Bang Theory - LEffervescence de lavant-première.mp4
470.0 MB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le tournoi de cartes.mp4
470.0 MB
S10/[S10.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Gymnastique cérébrale.mp4
469.5 MB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Exode dans le Montana.mp4
469.5 MB
S10/[S10.E02] The Big Bang Theory - La miniaturisation militaire.mp4
468.6 MB
S12/[S12.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Trahison de Tam.mp4
467.9 MB
S09/[S09.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Corrosion, Crevaison, Oxydation.mp4
466.8 MB
S11/[S11.E03] The Big Bang Theory - LIntégration de la relaxation.mp4
466.1 MB
S12/[S12.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Test de compatibilité.mp4
465.9 MB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.mp4
465.0 MB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.mp4
464.9 MB
S05/[S05.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Demarrage Du Beta Test.mp4
464.8 MB
S08/[S08.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon et Amy sen vont sur Mars.mp4
464.7 MB
S12/[S12.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Un Halloween sous tension.mp4
464.6 MB
S05/[S05.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La Quadruple Négation.mp4
464.4 MB
S05/[S05.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Vengeance D’ Howard.mp4
462.7 MB
S12/[S12.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Privation sensorielle.mp4
462.0 MB
S05/[S05.E03] The Big Bang Theory - L’Extrapolation De L’Aine Froissée.mp4
461.8 MB
S09/[S09.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Détournement de brevet.mp4
461.2 MB
S08/[S08.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Malentendu, Quiproquos et Jalousie.mp4
460.6 MB
S12/[S12.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une procréation calculée.mp4
460.3 MB
S07/[S07.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La proximité du lieu de travail.mp4
459.6 MB
S08/[S08.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Fort Réconfort.mp4
458.8 MB
S05/[S05.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LHypothèse De Recombinaison.mp4
455.5 MB
S11/[S11.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Méthodologie de la géologie.mp4
454.5 MB
S05/[S05.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Transformation Du Loup-Garou.mp4
454.4 MB
S11/[S11.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des brevets.mp4
453.2 MB
S09/[S09.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Carence en hélium liquide.mp4
452.7 MB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.mp4
452.2 MB
S05/[S05.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Contrat DAmitié..mp4
452.2 MB
S09/[S09.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Convergence, Confluence, Méfiance.mp4
452.0 MB
S10/[S10.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Instabilité gyroscopique.mp4
451.8 MB
S09/[S09.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Précipitation de la Grande Ourse.mp4
451.1 MB
S12/[S12.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie déjouée.mp4
450.7 MB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Les spaghettis de la réconciliation.mp4
450.2 MB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La saga de lescalier.mp4
450.0 MB
S11/[S11.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La Nomenclature néonatale.mp4
448.7 MB
S05/[S05.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Le Bourreau De Leonard..mp4
447.8 MB
S10/[S10.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Jacuzzi a dit.mp4
447.6 MB
S08/[S08.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La Toque et la Toge.mp4
447.2 MB
S08/[S08.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Détermination de lengagement.mp4
446.1 MB
S09/[S09.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie des files dattente.mp4
444.9 MB
S10/[S10.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Un toit pour Rajesh.mp4
444.8 MB
S08/[S08.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LExpérience de la mine.mp4
442.4 MB
S10/[S10.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Super cerveau dans un incubateur.mp4
442.3 MB
S08/[S08.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Thermalisation des restes.mp4
442.2 MB
S11/[S11.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Triangle impossible.mp4
442.2 MB
S10/[S10.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Réajustements amoureux.mp4
442.2 MB
S09/[S09.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lempathie.mp4
438.5 MB
S05/[S05.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dilemme De Léonard.mp4
438.5 MB
S12/[S12.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Les Preuves du plagiat.mp4
437.6 MB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.mp4
436.8 MB
S04/[S04.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un Long Episode De Fiançailles.mp4
436.6 MB
S08/[S08.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Rituel du bal de fin dannée.mp4
436.2 MB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La formule de la vengeance.mp4
436.2 MB
S12/[S12.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Dérivation des subventions.mp4
436.0 MB
S09/[S09.E08] The Big Bang Theory - LObservation du rendez-vous mystère.mp4
432.3 MB
S09/[S09.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée à combustion.mp4
431.4 MB
S05/[S05.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.mp4
424.4 MB
S12/[S12.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Leonard se rebelle.mp4
423.6 MB
S09/[S09.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Séance chez le psy !.mp4
423.0 MB
S12/[S12.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Météorite et le Balcon de la discorde.mp4
422.7 MB
S12/[S12.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Titre de spermission.mp4
412.9 MB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Bras cassé et voie lacté.mp4
411.8 MB
S10/[S10.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Les zones d’intimité.mp4
408.7 MB
S12/[S12.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Crise au planétarium.mp4
394.8 MB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.Tamil [CC].srt
65.6 kB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le paradoxe du ravioli chinois.Tamil [CC].srt
65.4 kB
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.Tamil [CC].srt
65.2 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.Tamil [CC].srt
65.0 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.Tamil [CC].srt
64.4 kB
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.Tamil.srt
64.3 kB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - leffet sauterelle.Tamil [CC].srt
64.1 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.Tamil [CC].srt
62.7 kB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Léminente Miss Plimpton.Tamil [CC].srt
62.7 kB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Léminente Miss Plimpton.Telugu [CC].srt
62.6 kB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La dualité de Jerusalem.Tamil [CC].srt
62.5 kB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le corollaire de pattes-de-velours.Tamil [CC].srt
62.4 kB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.Telugu [CC].srt
62.3 kB
S04/[S04.E19] The Big Bang Theory - LIntrusion De Zarnecki.Tamil [CC].srt
62.0 kB
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.Telugu [CC].srt
61.4 kB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La conjoncture du Batbocal.Tamil [CC].srt
61.0 kB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L Algorithme de lAmitié.Tamil [CC].srt
60.7 kB
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.Hindi [CC].srt
60.5 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.Tamil [CC].srt
60.4 kB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le paradoxe du ravioli chinois.Telugu [CC].srt
60.3 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.Tamil [CC].srt
60.3 kB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.Tamil [CC].srt
60.2 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.Tamil [CC].srt
60.0 kB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La descente aux enfers du sujet Loobenfeld.Tamil [CC].srt
59.9 kB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La rencontre avec le grand Stan.Tamil [CC].srt
59.9 kB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.Hindi [CC].srt
59.8 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.Tamil [CC].srt
59.4 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.Tamil [CC].srt
59.4 kB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Terminator dans le train.Tamil [CC].srt
59.2 kB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La sœur jumelle.Tamil [CC].srt
59.2 kB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le flirt de Léonard.Telugu [CC].srt
59.0 kB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La physique pour les nulles.Tamil [CC].srt
59.0 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.Tamil [CC].srt
58.8 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.Telugu [CC].srt
58.8 kB
S03/[S03.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.Tamil [CC].srt
58.8 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.Telugu [CC].srt
58.5 kB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Terminator dans le train.Telugu [CC].srt
58.4 kB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction !.Tamil [CC].srt
58.4 kB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - leffet sauterelle.Telugu [CC].srt
58.3 kB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Disputes insupportables.Tamil [CC].srt
58.0 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.Tamil [CC].srt
58.0 kB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le flirt de Léonard.Tamil [CC].srt
57.9 kB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le flirt de Léonard.Hindi [CC].srt
57.8 kB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le corollaire de pattes-de-velours.Telugu [CC].srt
57.8 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.Telugu [CC].srt
57.8 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.Telugu [CC].srt
57.8 kB
S01/[S01.E02] The Big Bang Theory - The Big Bran Hypothesis.Telugu [CC].srt
57.7 kB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Disputes insupportables.Telugu [CC].srt
57.5 kB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La solution pirate.Tamil [CC].srt
57.4 kB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Disputes insupportables.Hindi [CC].srt
57.3 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.Telugu [CC].srt
57.2 kB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le combat des robots.Tamil [CC].srt
57.2 kB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Léminente Miss Plimpton.Hindi [CC].srt
57.1 kB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.Tamil [CC].srt
57.0 kB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Les spaghettis de la réconciliation.Tamil [CC].srt
57.0 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.Telugu [CC].srt
56.9 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.Telugu [CC].srt
56.7 kB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le paradoxe du ravioli chinois.Hindi [CC].srt
56.7 kB
S03/[S03.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.Telugu [CC].srt
56.6 kB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Léquivalence du griffon.Tamil [CC].srt
56.5 kB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le grillon des champs.Tamil [CC].srt
56.4 kB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le tournoi de cartes.Tamil [CC].srt
56.4 kB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L Algorithme de lAmitié.Telugu [CC].srt
56.3 kB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpédition monopolaire.Tamil [CC].srt
56.3 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.Hindi [CC].srt
56.2 kB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La machine incroyable.Tamil [CC].srt
56.2 kB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.Tamil [CC].srt
56.1 kB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le corollaire de pattes-de-velours.Hindi [CC].srt
56.1 kB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Terminator dans le train.Hindi [CC].srt
56.1 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.Telugu [CC].srt
56.1 kB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Les poissons luminescents.Tamil [CC].srt
56.0 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.Tamil [CC].srt
56.0 kB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Les fleurs de Penny.Tamil [CC].srt
55.9 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.Hindi [CC].srt
55.9 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.Hindi [CC].srt
55.8 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.Telugu [CC].srt
55.8 kB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction !.Telugu [CC].srt
55.8 kB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La dualité de Jerusalem.Telugu [CC].srt
55.7 kB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpédition monopolaire.Telugu [CC].srt
55.7 kB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La solution pirate.Telugu [CC].srt
55.7 kB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le grillon des champs.Telugu [CC].srt
55.7 kB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le tournoi de cartes.Telugu [CC].srt
55.6 kB
S01/[S01.E02] The Big Bang Theory - The Big Bran Hypothesis.Hindi [CC].srt
55.5 kB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le prix scientifique.Tamil [CC].srt
55.5 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.Tamil [CC].srt
55.5 kB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.Tamil [CC].srt
55.4 kB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La descente aux enfers du sujet Loobenfeld.Telugu [CC].srt
55.4 kB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Léquivalence du griffon.Telugu [CC].srt
55.3 kB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La vengance de Sheldon.Tamil [CC].srt
55.3 kB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.Telugu [CC].srt
55.3 kB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.Telugu [CC].srt
55.2 kB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La juxtaposition de la prostituée morte.Telugu [CC].srt
55.1 kB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le postulat du hamburger.Tamil [CC].srt
55.1 kB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La juxtaposition de la prostituée morte.Tamil [CC].srt
55.0 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.Tamil [CC].srt
54.9 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.Tamil [CC].srt
54.9 kB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Les fleurs de Penny.Telugu [CC].srt
54.8 kB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.Telugu [CC].srt
54.8 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.Hindi [CC].srt
54.7 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.Hindi [CC].srt
54.7 kB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Alerte aux microbes.Tamil [CC].srt
54.7 kB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les cadeaux de noël.Tamil [CC].srt
54.6 kB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le grand collisionneur.Tamil [CC].srt
54.6 kB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Les allumés dHalloween.Tamil [CC].srt
54.6 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.Tamil.srt
54.6 kB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le prix scientifique.Hindi [CC].srt
54.6 kB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Léquivalence du griffon.Hindi [CC].srt
54.6 kB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpansion Lézard-Spock.Tamil [CC].srt
54.5 kB
S04/[S04.E19] The Big Bang Theory - LIntrusion De Zarnecki.Telugu [CC].srt
54.4 kB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La saga de lescalier.Tamil [CC].srt
54.4 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.Telugu [CC].srt
54.3 kB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La mère de Léonard.Tamil [CC].srt
54.2 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.Telugu [CC].srt
54.2 kB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.Tamil [CC].srt
54.2 kB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La recurrence de wheaton.Tamil [CC].srt
54.1 kB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le vortex du nebraska.Tamil [CC].srt
54.1 kB
S03/[S03.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.Hindi [CC].srt
54.0 kB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - leffet sauterelle.Hindi [CC].srt
54.0 kB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.Telugu [CC].srt
54.0 kB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le combat des robots.Telugu [CC].srt
54.0 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.Hindi [CC].srt
54.0 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.Tamil [CC].srt
53.9 kB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La physique pour les nulles.Telugu [CC].srt
53.9 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.Hindi [CC].srt
53.9 kB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La sœur jumelle.Telugu [CC].srt
53.7 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.Telugu [CC].srt
53.7 kB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le prix scientifique.Telugu [CC].srt
53.6 kB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le grand collisionneur.Telugu [CC].srt
53.5 kB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L Algorithme de lAmitié.Hindi [CC].srt
53.5 kB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.Hindi [CC].srt
53.5 kB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le bar à filles.Telugu [CC].srt
53.5 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.Hindi.srt
53.5 kB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction !.Hindi [CC].srt
53.4 kB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La déviation Gotowitz.Tamil [CC].srt
53.4 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.Tamil [CC].srt
53.4 kB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La solution pirate.Hindi [CC].srt
53.3 kB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le bar à filles.Tamil [CC].srt
53.3 kB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La conjoncture du Batbocal.Telugu [CC].srt
53.3 kB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La dualité de Jerusalem.Hindi [CC].srt
53.2 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.Telugu [CC].srt
53.2 kB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le tournoi de cartes.Hindi [CC].srt
53.1 kB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La rencontre avec le grand Stan.Hindi [CC].srt
53.0 kB
S04/[S04.E19] The Big Bang Theory - LIntrusion De Zarnecki.Hindi [CC].srt
53.0 kB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le vortex du nebraska.Telugu [CC].srt
53.0 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.Hindi [CC].srt
52.9 kB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Les poissons luminescents.Telugu [CC].srt
52.8 kB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le postulat du hamburger.Telugu [CC].srt
52.7 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.Tamil [CC].srt
52.6 kB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La vengance de Sheldon.Telugu [CC].srt
52.6 kB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les cadeaux de noël.Telugu [CC].srt
52.6 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.Hindi [CC].srt
52.5 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.Hindi [CC].srt
52.5 kB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La rencontre avec le grand Stan.Telugu [CC].srt
52.5 kB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.Hindi [CC].srt
52.5 kB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La conjoncture du Batbocal.Hindi [CC].srt
52.5 kB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Excursion à Vegas.Tamil [CC].srt
52.4 kB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La descente aux enfers du sujet Loobenfeld.Hindi [CC].srt
52.4 kB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le coussin irremplaçable.Tamil [CC].srt
52.3 kB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La mère de Léonard.Telugu [CC].srt
52.3 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.Telugu [CC].srt
52.3 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.Tamil [CC].srt
52.2 kB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le fameux anneau.Tamil [CC].srt
52.1 kB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.Telugu [CC].srt
52.0 kB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Les spaghettis de la réconciliation.Hindi [CC].srt
52.0 kB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La recurrence de wheaton.Telugu [CC].srt
52.0 kB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le grand collisionneur.Hindi [CC].srt
51.9 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.Telugu [CC].srt
51.9 kB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Les spaghettis de la réconciliation.Telugu [CC].srt
51.9 kB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Excursion à Vegas.Telugu [CC].srt
51.9 kB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le grillon des champs.Hindi [CC].srt
51.8 kB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La triangulation des asperges.Tamil [CC].srt
51.8 kB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La turbulence du matériel confidentiel.Tamil [CC].srt
51.8 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.Hindi [CC].srt
51.6 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.Telugu [CC].srt
51.6 kB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Les allumés dHalloween.Telugu [CC].srt
51.6 kB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La physique pour les nulles.Hindi [CC].srt
51.5 kB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.Hindi [CC].srt
51.5 kB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le coussin irremplaçable.Telugu [CC].srt
51.4 kB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le vortex du nebraska.Hindi [CC].srt
51.4 kB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.Hindi [CC].srt
51.4 kB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Les fleurs de Penny.Hindi [CC].srt
51.3 kB
S04/[S04.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un Long Episode De Fiançailles.Telugu [CC].srt
51.2 kB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le combat des robots.Hindi [CC].srt
51.1 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.Telugu [CC].srt
51.0 kB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La formule de la vengeance.Tamil [CC].srt
51.0 kB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpédition monopolaire.Hindi [CC].srt
51.0 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.Telugu.srt
51.0 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.Telugu [CC].srt
50.9 kB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La turbulence du matériel confidentiel.Telugu [CC].srt
50.9 kB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La sœur jumelle.Hindi [CC].srt
50.9 kB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La déviation Gotowitz.Telugu [CC].srt
50.9 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.Tamil [CC].srt
50.8 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.Hindi [CC].srt
50.8 kB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La recurrence de wheaton.Hindi [CC].srt
50.8 kB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La saga de lescalier.Telugu [CC].srt
50.7 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.Hindi [CC].srt
50.7 kB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La mère de Léonard.Hindi [CC].srt
50.5 kB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La congruence maternelle.Tamil [CC].srt
50.4 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.Hindi [CC].srt
50.4 kB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La machine incroyable.Telugu [CC].srt
50.3 kB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le fameux anneau.Telugu [CC].srt
50.2 kB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpansion Lézard-Spock.Telugu [CC].srt
50.1 kB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Les poissons luminescents.Hindi [CC].srt
50.1 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.Telugu [CC].srt
49.9 kB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Lénigme Vartabedian.Tamil [CC].srt
49.9 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.Hindi [CC].srt
49.9 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.Hindi [CC].srt
49.8 kB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La vengance de Sheldon.Hindi [CC].srt
49.8 kB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.Telugu [CC].srt
49.7 kB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La congruence maternelle.Telugu [CC].srt
49.6 kB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le théorème Cooper-Nowitzki.Telugu [CC].srt
49.6 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.Tamil [CC].srt
49.5 kB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les cadeaux de noël.Hindi [CC].srt
49.5 kB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le fameux anneau.Hindi [CC].srt
49.4 kB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Alerte aux microbes.Telugu [CC].srt
49.4 kB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le coussin irremplaçable.Hindi [CC].srt
49.4 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.Telugu [CC].srt
49.2 kB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.Tamil [CC].srt
49.1 kB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le postulat du hamburger.Hindi [CC].srt
49.1 kB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La triangulation des asperges.Hindi [CC].srt
49.1 kB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La formule de la vengeance.Telugu [CC].srt
48.9 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.Hindi [CC].srt
48.9 kB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le théorème Cooper-Nowitzki.Tamil [CC].srt
48.9 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.Tamil [CC].srt
48.7 kB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La juxtaposition de la prostituée morte.Hindi [CC].srt
48.7 kB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La voyante.Tamil [CC].srt
48.6 kB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpansion Lézard-Spock.Hindi [CC].srt
48.5 kB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Lénigme Vartabedian.Telugu [CC].srt
48.4 kB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La congruence maternelle.Hindi [CC].srt
48.4 kB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Bras cassé et voie lacté.Tamil [CC].srt
48.3 kB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.Hindi [CC].srt
48.3 kB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Les allumés dHalloween.Hindi [CC].srt
48.2 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.Hindi [CC].srt
48.0 kB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le bar à filles.Hindi [CC].srt
48.0 kB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La triangulation des asperges.Telugu [CC].srt
47.9 kB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Bras cassé et voie lacté.Telugu [CC].srt
47.9 kB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La déviation Gotowitz.Hindi [CC].srt
47.8 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.Telugu [CC].srt
47.6 kB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.Hindi [CC].srt
47.6 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.Hindi [CC].srt
47.5 kB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La formule de la vengeance.Hindi [CC].srt
47.5 kB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La voyante.Hindi [CC].srt
47.4 kB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La turbulence du matériel confidentiel.Hindi [CC].srt
47.4 kB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La saga de lescalier.Hindi [CC].srt
47.4 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.Hindi [CC].srt
47.4 kB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Excursion à Vegas.Hindi [CC].srt
47.2 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.Tamil [CC].srt
47.1 kB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le théorème Cooper-Nowitzki.Hindi [CC].srt
47.1 kB
S04/[S04.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un Long Episode De Fiançailles.Tamil [CC].srt
46.9 kB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La voyante.Telugu [CC].srt
46.9 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.Hindi [CC].srt
46.9 kB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La machine incroyable.Hindi [CC].srt
46.8 kB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La relativité restreinte.Tamil [CC].srt
46.8 kB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Lénigme Vartabedian.Hindi [CC].srt
46.7 kB
S04/[S04.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un Long Episode De Fiançailles.Hindi [CC].srt
46.5 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.Telugu [CC].srt
46.0 kB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La relativité restreinte.Telugu [CC].srt
45.9 kB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Bras cassé et voie lacté.Hindi [CC].srt
45.8 kB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Exode dans le Montana.Tamil [CC].srt
45.2 kB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La relativité restreinte.Hindi [CC].srt
44.9 kB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Alerte aux microbes.Hindi [CC].srt
44.7 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.Hindi [CC].srt
43.2 kB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Exode dans le Montana.Hindi [CC].srt
42.3 kB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Exode dans le Montana.Telugu [CC].srt
42.3 kB
S07/[S07.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La boulette de Sheldon.Italian.srt
35.3 kB
S12/[S12.E18] The Big Bang Theory - The Laureate Accumulation.Spanish Spain.srt
35.2 kB
S11/[S11.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Raj a la rage.German.srt
35.2 kB
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
35.2 kB
S12/[S12.E18] The Big Bang Theory - The Laureate Accumulation.Dutch.srt
35.1 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
34.6 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.German.srt
34.6 kB
S07/[S07.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La boulette de Sheldon.Spanish Spain.srt
34.6 kB
S12/[S12.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une procréation calculée.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
34.4 kB
S12/[S12.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une procréation calculée.Spanish Latin.srt
34.4 kB
S10/[S10.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Probabilités matrimoniales.German.srt
34.4 kB
S12/[S12.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un mystérieux cadeau de mariage.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
34.3 kB
S12/[S12.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un mystérieux cadeau de mariage.Spanish Latin.srt
34.3 kB
S12/[S12.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Trahison de Tam.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
34.3 kB
S12/[S12.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Trahison de Tam.Spanish Latin.srt
34.3 kB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
34.0 kB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Léminente Miss Plimpton.German.srt
34.0 kB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
33.9 kB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.German.srt
33.9 kB
S11/[S11.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Raj a la rage.Italian.srt
33.9 kB
S11/[S11.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le Principe de rétraction-réaction.German.srt
33.8 kB
S07/[S07.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La boulette de Sheldon.Spanish Latin.srt
33.6 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.German.srt
33.6 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
33.6 kB
S11/[S11.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Colocation de salle des fêtes.German.srt
33.5 kB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L Algorithme de lAmitié.German.srt
33.5 kB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
33.5 kB
S11/[S11.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Roman de Léonard.German.srt
33.3 kB
S12/[S12.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Crise au planétarium.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
33.3 kB
S12/[S12.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Crise au planétarium.Spanish Latin.srt
33.3 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
33.2 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.German.srt
33.2 kB
S07/[S07.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La boulette de Sheldon.English United States [CC].srt
33.2 kB
S09/[S09.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Bernadette va déguster.German.srt
33.0 kB
S07/[S07.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La boulette de Sheldon.Portuguese Brazil.srt
33.0 kB
S11/[S11.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Raj a la rage.English United States [CC].srt
33.0 kB
S11/[S11.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Raj a la rage.Spanish Spain.srt
32.9 kB
S11/[S11.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des brevets.German.srt
32.8 kB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Disputes insupportables.German.srt
32.8 kB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
32.8 kB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Terminator dans le train.Italian.srt
32.8 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.Italian.srt
32.8 kB
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.German.srt
32.7 kB
S11/[S11.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La Dissociation des locataires.German.srt
32.7 kB
S11/[S11.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Un Solo pour deux.German.srt
32.7 kB
S10/[S10.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le décodeur d’émotions !.German.srt
32.7 kB
S05/[S05.E16] The Big Bang Theory - L’Enfer Des Vacances !.German.srt
32.6 kB
S05/[S05.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
32.6 kB
S10/[S10.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Un toit pour Rajesh.German.srt
32.6 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.German.srt
32.6 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
32.6 kB
S11/[S11.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LHéritage du professeur Proton.German.srt
32.6 kB
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.Italian.srt
32.5 kB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.Italian.srt
32.5 kB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.German.srt
32.5 kB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
32.5 kB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le paradoxe du ravioli chinois.German.srt
32.4 kB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
32.4 kB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Terminator dans le train.German.srt
32.4 kB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
32.4 kB
S07/[S07.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Fiançailles, status quo, départ….German.srt
32.4 kB
S07/[S07.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
32.4 kB
S11/[S11.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Comète de la discorde.German.srt
32.3 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.Italian.srt
32.3 kB
S12/[S12.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Clap de fin !.Dutch.srt
32.3 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
32.3 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.German.srt
32.3 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
32.3 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.German.srt
32.3 kB
S09/[S09.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie des files dattente.German.srt
32.2 kB
S08/[S08.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-démotivation.German.srt
32.2 kB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La dualité de Jerusalem.German.srt
32.2 kB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
32.2 kB
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.Portuguese Brazil.srt
32.2 kB
S09/[S09.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Permutation platonique.German.srt
32.1 kB
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.German.srt
32.1 kB
S09/[S09.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Séance chez le psy !.German.srt
32.0 kB
S07/[S07.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La boulette de Sheldon.German.srt
32.0 kB
S07/[S07.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
32.0 kB
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.English United States [CC].srt
32.0 kB
S07/[S07.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
32.0 kB
S07/[S07.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Maman a un amant.German.srt
32.0 kB
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.German.srt
32.0 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.Italian.srt
32.0 kB
S05/[S05.E16] The Big Bang Theory - L’Enfer Des Vacances !.Italian.srt
32.0 kB
S05/[S05.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Fusée Russe À Réaction.German.srt
31.9 kB
S05/[S05.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
31.9 kB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - leffet sauterelle.German.srt
31.9 kB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
31.9 kB
S11/[S11.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le Principe de rétraction-réaction.Italian.srt
31.9 kB
S10/[S10.E02] The Big Bang Theory - La miniaturisation militaire.German.srt
31.8 kB
S09/[S09.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Carence en hélium liquide.German.srt
31.8 kB
S12/[S12.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Un Halloween sous tension.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
31.8 kB
S12/[S12.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Un Halloween sous tension.Spanish Latin.srt
31.8 kB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le corollaire de pattes-de-velours.German.srt
31.7 kB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
31.7 kB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le combat des robots.German.srt
31.7 kB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
31.7 kB
S12/[S12.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Test de compatibilité.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
31.7 kB
S12/[S12.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Test de compatibilité.Spanish Latin.srt
31.7 kB
S10/[S10.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Un toit pour Rajesh.Portuguese Brazil.srt
31.6 kB
S10/[S10.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une dépendance irrépressible.German.srt
31.6 kB
S10/[S10.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Probabilités matrimoniales.Italian [CC].srt
31.6 kB
S08/[S08.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LExpérience de la mine.German.srt
31.6 kB
S01/[S01.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
31.6 kB
S01/[S01.E02] The Big Bang Theory - The Big Bran Hypothesis.German.srt
31.6 kB
S12/[S12.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Magnéto Sheldon !.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
31.6 kB
S12/[S12.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Magnéto Sheldon !.Spanish Latin.srt
31.6 kB
S11/[S11.E03] The Big Bang Theory - LIntégration de la relaxation.German.srt
31.6 kB
S12/[S12.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Dérivation des subventions.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
31.6 kB
S12/[S12.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Dérivation des subventions.Spanish Latin.srt
31.6 kB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Léquivalence du griffon.German.srt
31.6 kB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
31.6 kB
S12/[S12.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Les Preuves du plagiat.Spanish Spain.srt
31.5 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.Italian [CC].srt
31.5 kB
S11/[S11.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des brevets.Italian [CC].srt
31.5 kB
S09/[S09.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Détournement de brevet.German.srt
31.5 kB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Léminente Miss Plimpton.Spanish Spain.srt
31.5 kB
S11/[S11.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Explosion en plein Wolowitz.German.srt
31.5 kB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Léminente Miss Plimpton.Italian.srt
31.4 kB
S11/[S11.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le Principe de rétraction-réaction.English United States [CC].srt
31.4 kB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La descente aux enfers du sujet Loobenfeld.German.srt
31.4 kB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
31.4 kB
S11/[S11.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Méthodologie de la géologie.German.srt
31.4 kB
S11/[S11.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Raj a la rage.Dutch.srt
31.3 kB
S12/[S12.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Clap de fin !.Spanish Spain.srt
31.3 kB
S11/[S11.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Les Frères ennemis.German.srt
31.3 kB
S09/[S09.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Meemaw sen va en guerre !.German.srt
31.3 kB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Léminente Miss Plimpton.Spanish Latin.srt
31.3 kB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La conjoncture du Batbocal.German.srt
31.3 kB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
31.3 kB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Disputes insupportables.Italian.srt
31.3 kB
S11/[S11.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Colocation de salle des fêtes.Italian [CC].srt
31.3 kB
S11/[S11.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Roman de Léonard.Italian [CC].srt
31.2 kB
S10/[S10.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La réverbération de la locomotive.German.srt
31.2 kB
S05/[S05.E23] The Big Bang Theory - L’Accélération Du Lancement.German.srt
31.2 kB
S05/[S05.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
31.2 kB
S12/[S12.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Les Preuves du plagiat.Dutch.srt
31.2 kB
S08/[S08.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Manifestation du troll.German.srt
31.2 kB
S09/[S09.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Corrosion, Crevaison, Oxydation.German.srt
31.2 kB
S11/[S11.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LHéritage du professeur Proton.Italian [CC].srt
31.1 kB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Léminente Miss Plimpton.English United States [CC].srt
31.1 kB
S05/[S05.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Alcool, Sexe Et Mensonges..German.srt
31.1 kB
S05/[S05.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
31.1 kB
S11/[S11.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Tentation de Sheldon.German.srt
31.1 kB
S12/[S12.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Configuration matrimoniale.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
31.1 kB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le flirt de Léonard.German.srt
31.0 kB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
31.0 kB
S09/[S09.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Mariage et Conséquences.German.srt
31.0 kB
S07/[S07.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La table de tous les dangers.Italian.srt
31.0 kB
S11/[S11.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des brevets.English United States [CC].srt
31.0 kB
S10/[S10.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Probabilités matrimoniales.English United States [CC].srt
31.0 kB
S05/[S05.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Fusée Russe À Réaction.Italian.srt
31.0 kB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L Algorithme de lAmitié.Italian.srt
31.0 kB
S06/[S06.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Les propos démesurés de Sheldon.Italian [CC].srt
31.0 kB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.Portuguese Brazil.srt
30.9 kB
S11/[S11.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Colocation de salle des fêtes.English United States [CC].srt
30.9 kB
S11/[S11.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La Dissociation des locataires.Italian [CC].srt
30.9 kB
S05/[S05.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Le Vortex Du Week End.German.srt
30.9 kB
S05/[S05.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
30.9 kB
S07/[S07.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La boulette de Sheldon.Dutch.srt
30.9 kB
S11/[S11.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Roman de Léonard.English United States [CC].srt
30.9 kB
S11/[S11.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Petites Latrines dans la prairie.German.srt
30.9 kB
S12/[S12.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Clap de fin !.English United States [CC].srt
30.9 kB
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.Italian.srt
30.9 kB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.German.srt
30.9 kB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
30.9 kB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L Algorithme de lAmitié.Portuguese Brazil.srt
30.8 kB
S11/[S11.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.German.srt
30.8 kB
S06/[S06.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Les propos démesurés de Sheldon.German.srt
30.8 kB
S06/[S06.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
30.8 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
30.8 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.German.srt
30.8 kB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - leffet sauterelle.Italian [CC].srt
30.8 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.Italian.srt
30.8 kB
S06/[S06.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Extraction-oblitération.German.srt
30.8 kB
S06/[S06.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
30.8 kB
S06/[S06.E11] The Big Bang Theory - L’esprit de Noël.Italian [CC].srt
30.8 kB
S11/[S11.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Triangle impossible.German.srt
30.7 kB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpédition monopolaire.German.srt
30.7 kB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
30.7 kB
S12/[S12.E18] The Big Bang Theory - The Laureate Accumulation.English United States [CC].srt
30.7 kB
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.Italian.srt
30.7 kB
S11/[S11.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La Dissociation des locataires.English United States [CC].srt
30.7 kB
S11/[S11.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Un Solo pour deux.English United States [CC].srt
30.7 kB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Léminente Miss Plimpton.Portuguese Brazil.srt
30.7 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.German.srt
30.7 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
30.7 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.Spanish Spain.srt
30.7 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.German.srt
30.7 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
30.7 kB
S06/[S06.E11] The Big Bang Theory - L’esprit de Noël.German.srt
30.6 kB
S06/[S06.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
30.6 kB
S12/[S12.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie déjouée.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
30.6 kB
S12/[S12.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie déjouée.Spanish Latin.srt
30.6 kB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
30.6 kB
S12/[S12.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Règlement de compte au Paintball.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
30.6 kB
S12/[S12.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Règlement de compte au Paintball.Spanish Latin.srt
30.6 kB
S07/[S07.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La résonance de lamour.Italian.srt
30.6 kB
S05/[S05.E23] The Big Bang Theory - L’Accélération Du Lancement.Italian [CC].srt
30.6 kB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La conjoncture du Batbocal.Italian [CC].srt
30.5 kB
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.Spanish Latin.srt
30.5 kB
S11/[S11.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LHéritage du professeur Proton.English United States [CC].srt
30.5 kB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
30.5 kB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La physique pour les nulles.German.srt
30.5 kB
S07/[S07.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Maman a un amant.Italian.srt
30.5 kB
S11/[S11.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Colocation de salle des fêtes.Spanish Spain.srt
30.5 kB
S05/[S05.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Une Mère Envahissante.Italian.srt
30.5 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
30.4 kB
S11/[S11.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Comète de la discorde.Italian.srt
30.4 kB
S08/[S08.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LExpérience de la mine.Portuguese Brazil.srt
30.4 kB
S10/[S10.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Gymnastique cérébrale.German.srt
30.4 kB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Terminator dans le train.Spanish Spain.srt
30.4 kB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le paradoxe du ravioli chinois.Italian.srt
30.4 kB
S09/[S09.E08] The Big Bang Theory - LObservation du rendez-vous mystère.German.srt
30.4 kB
S12/[S12.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Conference Valuation.Spanish Spain.srt
30.4 kB
S11/[S11.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des brevets.Spanish Spain.srt
30.4 kB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Disputes insupportables.Portuguese Brazil.srt
30.4 kB
S11/[S11.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le Principe de rétraction-réaction.Spanish Spain.srt
30.4 kB
S09/[S09.E02] The Big Bang Theory - LOscillation de la séparation.German.srt
30.4 kB
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.English United States [CC].srt
30.4 kB
S10/[S10.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le Comi-con de situation.German.srt
30.4 kB
S10/[S10.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une dépendance irrépressible.Italian [CC].srt
30.4 kB
S11/[S11.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Roman de Léonard.Spanish Spain.srt
30.4 kB
S09/[S09.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Permutation platonique.Portuguese Brazil.srt
30.4 kB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.Italian.srt
30.4 kB
S11/[S11.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Un Solo pour deux.Spanish Spain.srt
30.3 kB
S10/[S10.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Un toit pour Rajesh.Italian [CC].srt
30.3 kB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.Spanish Spain.srt
30.3 kB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Terminator dans le train.Portuguese Brazil.srt
30.3 kB
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.Italian.srt
30.3 kB
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.German.srt
30.3 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.Spanish Spain.srt
30.3 kB
S07/[S07.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La dissolution de la relation.Italian.srt
30.3 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.English United States [CC].srt
30.3 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.English United States.srt
30.3 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.English United States [CC].srt
30.3 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.English United States.srt
30.3 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.Spanish Spain.srt
30.2 kB
S05/[S05.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Alcool, Sexe Et Mensonges..Italian.srt
30.2 kB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
30.2 kB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le grand collisionneur.German.srt
30.2 kB
S11/[S11.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Comète de la discorde.English United States [CC].srt
30.2 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.Italian.srt
30.2 kB
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.Spanish Spain.srt
30.2 kB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Léquivalence du griffon.Italian.srt
30.2 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.Italian [CC].srt
30.2 kB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.English United States.srt
30.2 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.Spanish Spain.srt
30.2 kB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.English United States [CC].srt
30.2 kB
S10/[S10.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Un toit pour Rajesh.English United States [CC].srt
30.2 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.Italian.srt
30.2 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.German.srt
30.2 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
30.2 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.Portuguese Brazil.srt
30.2 kB
S10/[S10.E02] The Big Bang Theory - La miniaturisation militaire.Italian [CC].srt
30.2 kB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le corollaire de pattes-de-velours.Italian [CC].srt
30.1 kB
S01/[S01.E02] The Big Bang Theory - The Big Bran Hypothesis.Italian.srt
30.1 kB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le flirt de Léonard.Italian.srt
30.1 kB
S08/[S08.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Manifestation du troll.Portuguese Brazil.srt
30.1 kB
S07/[S07.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La table de tous les dangers.Spanish Spain.srt
30.1 kB
S05/[S05.E16] The Big Bang Theory - L’Enfer Des Vacances !.English United States [CC].srt
30.1 kB
S09/[S09.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Convergence, Confluence, Méfiance.German.srt
30.1 kB
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.Spanish Spain.srt
30.1 kB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Les poissons luminescents.German.srt
30.1 kB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
30.1 kB
S10/[S10.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le décodeur d’émotions !.English United States [CC].srt
30.1 kB
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.Dutch.srt
30.1 kB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La mère de Léonard.German.srt
30.0 kB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
30.0 kB
S07/[S07.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Une affaire dœstrogènes.Italian.srt
30.0 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.Italian [CC].srt
30.0 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.Italian [CC].srt
30.0 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.German.srt
30.0 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
30.0 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.German.srt
30.0 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
30.0 kB
S12/[S12.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Configuration matrimoniale.Spanish Latin.srt
30.0 kB
S09/[S09.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Bernadette va déguster.English United States [CC].srt
30.0 kB
S10/[S10.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Jacuzzi a dit.German.srt
30.0 kB
S09/[S09.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée à combustion.German.srt
30.0 kB
S09/[S09.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Retour à la case départ.German.srt
30.0 kB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
30.0 kB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le prix scientifique.German.srt
30.0 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.English United States.srt
30.0 kB
S07/[S07.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La résonance de lamour.Portuguese Brazil.srt
30.0 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.English United States [CC].srt
30.0 kB
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.English United States [CC].srt
30.0 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.Italian.srt
30.0 kB
S11/[S11.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le Principe de rétraction-réaction.Dutch.srt
30.0 kB
S11/[S11.E03] The Big Bang Theory - LIntégration de la relaxation.Italian.srt
30.0 kB
S10/[S10.E02] The Big Bang Theory - La miniaturisation militaire.English United States [CC].srt
30.0 kB
S07/[S07.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La démission de Penny.Italian.srt
29.9 kB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Disputes insupportables.English United States [CC].srt
29.9 kB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les cadeaux de noël.German.srt
29.9 kB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
29.9 kB
S07/[S07.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation des aventuriers.Italian.srt
29.9 kB
S03/[S03.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
29.9 kB
S05/[S05.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Phobie De Sheldon.German.srt
29.9 kB
S05/[S05.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
29.9 kB
S05/[S05.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dysfonctionnement Du Téléporteur.German.srt
29.9 kB
S05/[S05.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
29.9 kB
S10/[S10.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Halley et venues.German.srt
29.9 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.Spanish Spain.srt
29.9 kB
S07/[S07.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La table de tous les dangers.English United States [CC].srt
29.9 kB
S09/[S09.E11] The Big Bang Theory - LEffervescence de lavant-première.German.srt
29.9 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
29.9 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.German.srt
29.9 kB
S06/[S06.E15] The Big Bang Theory - L’art du spoiler.German.srt
29.9 kB
S06/[S06.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
29.9 kB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
29.8 kB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le grillon des champs.German.srt
29.8 kB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le paradoxe du ravioli chinois.English United States [CC].srt
29.8 kB
S05/[S05.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La pub de Penny.Italian [CC].srt
29.8 kB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La descente aux enfers du sujet Loobenfeld.Italian.srt
29.8 kB
S11/[S11.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Il faut sauver la science.German.srt
29.8 kB
S12/[S12.E18] The Big Bang Theory - The Laureate Accumulation.German.srt
29.8 kB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L Algorithme de lAmitié.English United States [CC].srt
29.8 kB
S08/[S08.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Manifestation du troll.Italian.srt
29.8 kB
S11/[S11.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Explosion en plein Wolowitz.Italian [CC].srt
29.8 kB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Les fleurs de Penny.German.srt
29.7 kB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
29.7 kB
S07/[S07.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Des choix cornéliens.German.srt
29.7 kB
S07/[S07.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
29.7 kB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le tournoi de cartes.Italian.srt
29.7 kB
S11/[S11.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La Nomenclature néonatale.German.srt
29.7 kB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le corollaire de pattes-de-velours.English United States [CC].srt
29.7 kB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Terminator dans le train.English United States [CC].srt
29.7 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.Spanish Latin.srt
29.7 kB
S07/[S07.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Fiançailles, status quo, départ….Italian.srt
29.7 kB
S10/[S10.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une dépendance irrépressible.English United States [CC].srt
29.7 kB
S09/[S09.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un fil à souder à la patte.German.srt
29.7 kB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La vengance de Sheldon.German.srt
29.7 kB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
29.7 kB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le paradoxe du ravioli chinois.Dutch.srt
29.7 kB
S05/[S05.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La Quadruple Négation.German.srt
29.7 kB
S05/[S05.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
29.7 kB
S05/[S05.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Le Vortex Du Week End.Italian [CC].srt
29.7 kB
S05/[S05.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Contrat DAmitié..German.srt
29.7 kB
S05/[S05.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
29.7 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
29.6 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.German.srt
29.6 kB
S05/[S05.E16] The Big Bang Theory - L’Enfer Des Vacances !.Portuguese Brazil.srt
29.6 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.Italian [CC].srt
29.6 kB
S05/[S05.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dysfonctionnement Du Téléporteur.Italian.srt
29.6 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.German.srt
29.6 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
29.6 kB
S12/[S12.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Leonard se rebelle.Spanish Spain.srt
29.6 kB
S06/[S06.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
29.6 kB
S12/[S12.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LAsymétrie du prix Nobel.Dutch.srt
29.6 kB
S08/[S08.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Régénération du magasin de BD.German.srt
29.6 kB
S07/[S07.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Thanksgiving, clowns et union bidon !.Italian.srt
29.6 kB
S06/[S06.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Lapprentie réalisatrice.German.srt
29.6 kB
S06/[S06.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
29.6 kB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
29.6 kB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La solution pirate.German.srt
29.6 kB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le grand collisionneur.Italian.srt
29.6 kB
S11/[S11.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Méthodologie de la géologie.English United States [CC].srt
29.6 kB
S09/[S09.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon connaît la chanson.German.srt
29.6 kB
S03/[S03.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.Italian.srt
29.6 kB
S08/[S08.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LExpérience de la mine.English United States [CC].srt
29.6 kB
S08/[S08.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LExpérience de la mine.Italian [CC].srt
29.6 kB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - leffet sauterelle.English United States [CC].srt
29.5 kB
S08/[S08.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-démotivation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
29.5 kB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La physique pour les nulles.Italian.srt
29.5 kB
S07/[S07.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La table de tous les dangers.Spanish Latin.srt
29.5 kB
S11/[S11.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Comète de la discorde.Spanish Spain.srt
29.5 kB
S08/[S08.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Thermalisation des restes.German.srt
29.5 kB
S05/[S05.E16] The Big Bang Theory - L’Enfer Des Vacances !.Spanish Spain.srt
29.5 kB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpansion Lézard-Spock.German.srt
29.5 kB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
29.5 kB
S12/[S12.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Conference Valuation.Dutch.srt
29.5 kB
S11/[S11.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La Dissociation des locataires.Spanish Spain.srt
29.5 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.Italian.srt
29.5 kB
S07/[S07.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La dissolution de la relation.Dutch.srt
29.5 kB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le grillon des champs.Italian.srt
29.5 kB
S07/[S07.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La dissolution de la relation.Spanish Latin.srt
29.5 kB
S11/[S11.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Petites Latrines dans la prairie.Italian.srt
29.5 kB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
29.5 kB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le tournoi de cartes.German.srt
29.5 kB
S09/[S09.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Séance chez le psy !.English United States [CC].srt
29.5 kB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
29.5 kB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction !.German.srt
29.5 kB
S12/[S12.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Leonard se rebelle.Dutch.srt
29.5 kB
S10/[S10.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Gymnastique cérébrale.Portuguese Brazil.srt
29.4 kB
S11/[S11.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.Italian [CC].srt
29.4 kB
S11/[S11.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.English United States [CC].srt
29.4 kB
S12/[S12.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Trahison de Tam.Dutch.srt
29.4 kB
S07/[S07.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La résonance de lamour.English United States [CC].srt
29.4 kB
S08/[S08.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-démotivation.Italian [CC].srt
29.4 kB
S11/[S11.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Méthodologie de la géologie.Italian.srt
29.4 kB
S11/[S11.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Les Frères ennemis.Italian [CC].srt
29.4 kB
S08/[S08.E09] The Big Bang Theory - LOpération nasale.German.srt
29.4 kB
S10/[S10.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le Comi-con de situation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
29.4 kB
S07/[S07.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La dissolution de la relation.Spanish Spain.srt
29.4 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.Spanish Spain.srt
29.4 kB
S07/[S07.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La résonance de lamour.Spanish Spain.srt
29.4 kB
S07/[S07.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La résonance de lamour.Spanish Latin.srt
29.4 kB
S08/[S08.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Cooper, professeur duniversité.German.srt
29.4 kB
S10/[S10.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Probabilités matrimoniales.Spanish Spain.srt
29.3 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.English United States [CC].srt
29.3 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.English United States.srt
29.3 kB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpédition monopolaire.Italian.srt
29.3 kB
S10/[S10.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Une vérité approximative.German.srt
29.3 kB
S09/[S09.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lempathie.German.srt
29.3 kB
S11/[S11.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Tentation de Sheldon.Italian [CC].srt
29.3 kB
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.Dutch.srt
29.3 kB
S07/[S07.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Maman a un amant.English United States [CC].srt
29.3 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
29.3 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.German.srt
29.3 kB
S11/[S11.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Explosion en plein Wolowitz.English United States [CC].srt
29.3 kB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Les allumés dHalloween.German.srt
29.3 kB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
29.3 kB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.German.srt
29.3 kB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
29.3 kB
S07/[S07.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Maman a un amant.Spanish Spain.srt
29.3 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.Italian [CC].srt
29.3 kB
S05/[S05.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Une Mère Envahissante.Spanish Spain.srt
29.3 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.Portuguese Brazil.srt
29.3 kB
S05/[S05.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Une Mère Envahissante.Portuguese Brazil.srt
29.3 kB
S10/[S10.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Souviens-toi de la journée dernière.German.srt
29.3 kB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le flirt de Léonard.Portuguese Brazil.srt
29.2 kB
S11/[S11.E03] The Big Bang Theory - LIntégration de la relaxation.English United States [CC].srt
29.2 kB
S11/[S11.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Comète de la discorde.Dutch.srt
29.2 kB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le bar à filles.Italian.srt
29.2 kB
S09/[S09.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Bernadette va déguster.Italian [CC].srt
29.2 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
29.2 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.German.srt
29.2 kB
S06/[S06.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Bon voyage !.Italian.srt
29.2 kB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.Italian.srt
29.2 kB
S04/[S04.E19] The Big Bang Theory - LIntrusion De Zarnecki.Italian [CC].srt
29.2 kB
S09/[S09.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le « Spockumentaire ».German.srt
29.1 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.Portuguese Brazil.srt
29.1 kB
S11/[S11.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un mariage trop lent.German.srt
29.1 kB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L Algorithme de lAmitié.Spanish Spain.srt
29.1 kB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le flirt de Léonard.Spanish Spain.srt
29.1 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.English United States.srt
29.1 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.English United States [CC].srt
29.1 kB
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.English United States [CC].srt
29.1 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.Portuguese Brazil.srt
29.1 kB
S08/[S08.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-démotivation.English United States [CC].srt
29.1 kB
S08/[S08.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le Conditionnement opérant.German.srt
29.1 kB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.Portuguese Brazil.srt
29.1 kB
S08/[S08.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lanxiété.German.srt
29.1 kB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
29.1 kB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le vortex du nebraska.German.srt
29.1 kB
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.Spanish Spain.srt
29.1 kB
S08/[S08.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-démotivation.Spanish Spain.srt
29.1 kB
S08/[S08.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Détermination de lengagement.German.srt
29.1 kB
S05/[S05.E23] The Big Bang Theory - L’Accélération Du Lancement.English United States [CC].srt
29.1 kB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La rencontre avec le grand Stan.Italian [CC].srt
29.1 kB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La triangulation des asperges.German.srt
29.0 kB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
29.0 kB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La sœur jumelle.German.srt
29.0 kB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
29.0 kB
S12/[S12.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Privation sensorielle.Spanish Spain.srt
29.0 kB
S11/[S11.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Tentation de Sheldon.English United States [CC].srt
29.0 kB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - leffet sauterelle.Portuguese Brazil.srt
29.0 kB
S11/[S11.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Triangle impossible.Italian.srt
29.0 kB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
29.0 kB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La rencontre avec le grand Stan.German.srt
29.0 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.German.srt
29.0 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
29.0 kB
S06/[S06.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.Italian.srt
29.0 kB
S06/[S06.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Bon voyage !.German.srt
29.0 kB
S06/[S06.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
29.0 kB
S11/[S11.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Les Frères ennemis.English United States [CC].srt
29.0 kB
S10/[S10.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le décodeur d’émotions !.Italian.srt
29.0 kB
S07/[S07.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La démission de Penny.English United States [CC].srt
28.9 kB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La dualité de Jerusalem.Italian.srt
28.9 kB
S07/[S07.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La dissolution de la relation.English United States [CC].srt
28.9 kB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.English United States [CC].srt
28.9 kB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le paradoxe du ravioli chinois.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.9 kB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Lénigme Vartabedian.German.srt
28.9 kB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
28.9 kB
S05/[S05.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Une Mère Envahissante.English United States [CC].srt
28.9 kB
S10/[S10.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Première cohabitation.German.srt
28.9 kB
S08/[S08.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Test dintimité.German.srt
28.9 kB
S10/[S10.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Probabilités matrimoniales.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.9 kB
S07/[S07.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation des aventuriers.English United States [CC].srt
28.9 kB
S07/[S07.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La convention de Sheldon.Italian.srt
28.9 kB
S07/[S07.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Lextraction du docteur Cooper.Italian.srt
28.9 kB
S10/[S10.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La réverbération de la locomotive.English United States [CC].srt
28.9 kB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le paradoxe du ravioli chinois.Spanish Spain.srt
28.9 kB
S08/[S08.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La Désintégration de la sonde spatiale.German.srt
28.9 kB
S07/[S07.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Une affaire dœstrogènes.English United States [CC].srt
28.8 kB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Les poissons luminescents.Italian.srt
28.8 kB
S07/[S07.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Fiançailles, status quo, départ….Dutch.srt
28.8 kB
S10/[S10.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Flashbacks.German.srt
28.8 kB
S08/[S08.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Manifestation du troll.English United States [CC].srt
28.8 kB
S05/[S05.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre Du Bureau.German.srt
28.8 kB
S05/[S05.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
28.8 kB
S06/[S06.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Lapprentie réalisatrice.Spanish Spain.srt
28.8 kB
S07/[S07.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Thanksgiving, clowns et union bidon !.Spanish Spain.srt
28.8 kB
S05/[S05.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
28.8 kB
S05/[S05.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Problème DIsolation.German.srt
28.8 kB
S05/[S05.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
28.8 kB
S05/[S05.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Princesse Amy.German.srt
28.8 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.Spanish Spain.srt
28.8 kB
S08/[S08.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Que la force soit avec nous !.Italian.srt
28.8 kB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Les fleurs de Penny.Italian.srt
28.8 kB
S11/[S11.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des brevets.Dutch.srt
28.8 kB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La solution pirate.Italian [CC].srt
28.8 kB
S11/[S11.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Petites Latrines dans la prairie.Spanish Spain.srt
28.8 kB
S11/[S11.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Petites Latrines dans la prairie.English United States [CC].srt
28.8 kB
S05/[S05.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Fusée Russe À Réaction.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.7 kB
S10/[S10.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Gymnastique cérébrale.Italian.srt
28.7 kB
S07/[S07.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Maman a un amant.Spanish Latin.srt
28.7 kB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La juxtaposition de la prostituée morte.German.srt
28.7 kB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
28.7 kB
S11/[S11.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Roman de Léonard.Dutch.srt
28.7 kB
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.Italian.srt
28.7 kB
S10/[S10.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Instabilité gyroscopique.German.srt
28.7 kB
S08/[S08.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Rituel du bal de fin dannée.German.srt
28.7 kB
S09/[S09.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Submersion de Valentino.German.srt
28.7 kB
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.German.srt
28.7 kB
S05/[S05.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Fusée Russe À Réaction.English United States [CC].srt
28.7 kB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le prix scientifique.Italian.srt
28.7 kB
S08/[S08.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Que la force soit avec nous !.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.7 kB
S10/[S10.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le Comi-con de situation.Italian [CC].srt
28.7 kB
S06/[S06.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Lapprentie réalisatrice.Italian.srt
28.7 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.7 kB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Terminator dans le train.Spanish Latin.srt
28.7 kB
S01/[S01.E02] The Big Bang Theory - The Big Bran Hypothesis.English United States [CC].srt
28.7 kB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le corollaire de pattes-de-velours.Spanish Spain.srt
28.7 kB
S12/[S12.E18] The Big Bang Theory - The Laureate Accumulation.French France.srt
28.6 kB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Excursion à Vegas.German.srt
28.6 kB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
28.6 kB
S07/[S07.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La simulation du cerveau qui démange.Italian.srt
28.6 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.6 kB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le combat des robots.Italian.srt
28.6 kB
S07/[S07.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Amitié et turbulences.Italian.srt
28.6 kB
S09/[S09.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Séance chez le psy !.Italian [CC].srt
28.6 kB
S07/[S07.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Fiançailles, status quo, départ….English United States [CC].srt
28.6 kB
S05/[S05.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Alcool, Sexe Et Mensonges..English United States [CC].srt
28.6 kB
S10/[S10.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le décodeur d’émotions !.Spanish Spain.srt
28.6 kB
S11/[S11.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Il faut sauver la science.Italian [CC].srt
28.6 kB
S05/[S05.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Le Bourreau De Leonard..German.srt
28.6 kB
S05/[S05.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
28.6 kB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La conjoncture du Batbocal.English United States [CC].srt
28.6 kB
S07/[S07.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Larticle du professeur Proton.Italian.srt
28.6 kB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le paradoxe du ravioli chinois.Spanish Latin.srt
28.6 kB
S11/[S11.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LHéritage du professeur Proton.Spanish Spain.srt
28.6 kB
S06/[S06.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Extraction-oblitération.English United States [CC].srt
28.6 kB
S11/[S11.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Triangle impossible.English United States [CC].srt
28.6 kB
S07/[S07.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La démission de Penny.Spanish Spain.srt
28.6 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.Spanish Spain.srt
28.6 kB
S12/[S12.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Privation sensorielle.Dutch.srt
28.6 kB
S07/[S07.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Une affaire dœstrogènes.Spanish Spain.srt
28.6 kB
S10/[S10.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Probabilités matrimoniales.Dutch.srt
28.6 kB
S05/[S05.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre Du Bureau.Italian.srt
28.5 kB
S12/[S12.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Crise au planétarium.Dutch.srt
28.5 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.German.srt
28.5 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
28.5 kB
S07/[S07.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Une affaire dœstrogènes.Spanish Latin.srt
28.5 kB
S07/[S07.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
28.5 kB
S07/[S07.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Orang-outan en emporte le vent.German.srt
28.5 kB
S09/[S09.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Détournement de brevet.English United States [CC].srt
28.5 kB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le coussin irremplaçable.German.srt
28.5 kB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
28.5 kB
S12/[S12.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Magnéto Sheldon !.Dutch.srt
28.5 kB
S10/[S10.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La réverbération de la locomotive.Italian [CC].srt
28.5 kB
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.Italian.srt
28.5 kB
S06/[S06.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Les propos démesurés de Sheldon.English United States [CC].srt
28.5 kB
S07/[S07.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Fiançailles, status quo, départ….Spanish Spain.srt
28.5 kB
S05/[S05.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Fusée Russe À Réaction.Spanish Spain.srt
28.5 kB
S08/[S08.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Que la force soit avec nous !.German.srt
28.5 kB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le vortex du nebraska.Italian [CC].srt
28.5 kB
S07/[S07.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Lextraction du docteur Cooper.English United States [CC].srt
28.5 kB
S10/[S10.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le Comi-con de situation.English United States [CC].srt
28.5 kB
S07/[S07.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Fiançailles, status quo, départ….Spanish Latin.srt
28.5 kB
S10/[S10.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Un toit pour Rajesh.Spanish Spain.srt
28.5 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.English United States.srt
28.4 kB
S06/[S06.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Lescalade de la place de parking.German.srt
28.4 kB
S06/[S06.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
28.4 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.English United States [CC].srt
28.4 kB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - leffet sauterelle.Spanish Latin.srt
28.4 kB
S06/[S06.E11] The Big Bang Theory - L’esprit de Noël.English United States [CC].srt
28.4 kB
S05/[S05.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
28.4 kB
S05/[S05.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un Mariage Express.German.srt
28.4 kB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Disputes insupportables.Spanish Spain.srt
28.4 kB
S05/[S05.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Problème DIsolation.Italian.srt
28.4 kB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.Italian [CC].srt
28.4 kB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La congruence maternelle.German.srt
28.4 kB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
28.4 kB
S11/[S11.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Un Solo pour deux.Italian [CC].srt
28.4 kB
S09/[S09.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Carence en hélium liquide.English United States [CC].srt
28.4 kB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le corollaire de pattes-de-velours.Spanish Latin.srt
28.4 kB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La mère de Léonard.Italian.srt
28.4 kB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.Italian.srt
28.4 kB
S05/[S05.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LHypothèse De Recombinaison.German.srt
28.4 kB
S05/[S05.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
28.4 kB
S06/[S06.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
28.4 kB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La vengance de Sheldon.Italian.srt
28.4 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.English United States.srt
28.4 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.English United States [CC].srt
28.4 kB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le flirt de Léonard.English United States [CC].srt
28.4 kB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.Spanish Latin.srt
28.4 kB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La descente aux enfers du sujet Loobenfeld.English United States [CC].srt
28.4 kB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
28.4 kB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La saga de lescalier.German.srt
28.4 kB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La physique pour les nulles.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.4 kB
S09/[S09.E17] The Big Bang Theory - LAnniversaire de Sheldon.German.srt
28.3 kB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le postulat du hamburger.German.srt
28.3 kB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
28.3 kB
S10/[S10.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Halley et venues.Italian [CC].srt
28.3 kB
S08/[S08.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Thermalisation des restes.Italian.srt
28.3 kB
S05/[S05.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Phobie De Sheldon.Italian [CC].srt
28.3 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.3 kB
S07/[S07.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La résonance de lamour.Dutch.srt
28.3 kB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Excursion à Vegas.Italian.srt
28.3 kB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Léquivalence du griffon.Spanish Spain.srt
28.3 kB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Disputes insupportables.Spanish Latin.srt
28.3 kB
S08/[S08.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Fort Réconfort.German.srt
28.3 kB
S10/[S10.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Gymnastique cérébrale.English United States [CC].srt
28.3 kB
S10/[S10.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Un nouveau colocataire.German.srt
28.3 kB
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.Spanish Spain.srt
28.3 kB
S05/[S05.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Alcool, Sexe Et Mensonges..Spanish Latin.srt
28.2 kB
S09/[S09.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Bernadette va déguster.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.2 kB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L Algorithme de lAmitié.Spanish Latin.srt
28.2 kB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.German.srt
28.2 kB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
28.2 kB
S09/[S09.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie des files dattente.English United States [CC].srt
28.2 kB
S07/[S07.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation des aventuriers.Spanish Spain.srt
28.2 kB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Alerte aux microbes.German.srt
28.2 kB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
28.2 kB
S08/[S08.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Manifestation du troll.Spanish Latin.srt
28.2 kB
S12/[S12.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Titre de spermission.Dutch.srt
28.2 kB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le corollaire de pattes-de-velours.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.2 kB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.Italian [CC].srt
28.2 kB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.Spanish Spain.srt
28.2 kB
S11/[S11.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le Principe de rétraction-réaction.Spanish Latin.srt
28.2 kB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La physique pour les nulles.English United States [CC].srt
28.2 kB
S07/[S07.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Thanksgiving, clowns et union bidon !.Spanish Latin.srt
28.2 kB
S10/[S10.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de pied fœtal et fièvre acheteuse.German.srt
28.2 kB
S07/[S07.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La table de tous les dangers.Dutch.srt
28.2 kB
S12/[S12.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LAsymétrie du prix Nobel.English United States [CC].srt
28.2 kB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Léquivalence du griffon.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.2 kB
S07/[S07.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La table de tous les dangers.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.2 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.Italian [CC].srt
28.2 kB
S08/[S08.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-démotivation.Spanish Latin.srt
28.2 kB
S11/[S11.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le Principe de rétraction-réaction.French France.srt
28.2 kB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le prix scientifique.English United States [CC].srt
28.1 kB
S04/[S04.E19] The Big Bang Theory - LIntrusion De Zarnecki.Spanish Spain.srt
28.1 kB
S12/[S12.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Dérivation des subventions.Dutch.srt
28.1 kB
S05/[S05.E23] The Big Bang Theory - L’Accélération Du Lancement.Spanish Spain.srt
28.1 kB
S11/[S11.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Triangle impossible.Spanish Spain.srt
28.1 kB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction !.Italian.srt
28.1 kB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - leffet sauterelle.Spanish Spain.srt
28.1 kB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La vengance de Sheldon.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.1 kB
S11/[S11.E03] The Big Bang Theory - LIntégration de la relaxation.Spanish Spain.srt
28.1 kB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La sœur jumelle.Italian.srt
28.1 kB
S05/[S05.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un Mariage Express.Italian.srt
28.1 kB
S07/[S07.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Des choix cornéliens.Italian.srt
28.1 kB
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.English United States [CC].srt
28.1 kB
S10/[S10.E02] The Big Bang Theory - La miniaturisation militaire.Dutch.srt
28.1 kB
S07/[S07.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La démission de Penny.Spanish Latin.srt
28.1 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.Italian [CC].srt
28.1 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.Spanish Latin.srt
28.1 kB
S07/[S07.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Lextraction du docteur Cooper.Spanish Spain.srt
28.1 kB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le bar à filles.German.srt
28.1 kB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
28.1 kB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les cadeaux de noël.Italian.srt
28.1 kB
S07/[S07.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Une affaire dœstrogènes.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.1 kB
S11/[S11.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Les Frères ennemis.Spanish Spain.srt
28.0 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.English United States.srt
28.0 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.English United States [CC].srt
28.0 kB
S05/[S05.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Le Vortex Du Week End.English United States [CC].srt
28.0 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.Spanish Spain.srt
28.0 kB
S08/[S08.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LExpérience de la mine.French France.srt
28.0 kB
S06/[S06.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les fluctuations du découplement.German.srt
28.0 kB
S06/[S06.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
28.0 kB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La déviation Gotowitz.German.srt
28.0 kB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
28.0 kB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le combat des robots.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.0 kB
S10/[S10.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une dépendance irrépressible.Dutch.srt
28.0 kB
S05/[S05.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LHypothèse De Recombinaison.Italian.srt
28.0 kB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La conjoncture du Batbocal.Portuguese Brazil.srt
28.0 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.English United States.srt
28.0 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.English United States [CC].srt
28.0 kB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le tournoi de cartes.Spanish Spain.srt
28.0 kB
S11/[S11.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Méthodologie de la géologie.Spanish Spain.srt
28.0 kB
S12/[S12.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de foudre à Beverly Hill.Spanish Spain.srt
28.0 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.English United States [CC].srt
28.0 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.English United States.srt
28.0 kB
S06/[S06.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lexcitation holographique.German.srt
28.0 kB
S06/[S06.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
28.0 kB
S06/[S06.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Les propos démesurés de Sheldon.Spanish Spain.srt
28.0 kB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La déviation Gotowitz.Italian.srt
28.0 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.English United States [CC].srt
28.0 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.German.srt
28.0 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
28.0 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.Spanish Latin.srt
28.0 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.English United States.srt
28.0 kB
S09/[S09.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction positive et négative.German.srt
27.9 kB
S11/[S11.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Il faut sauver la science.English United States [CC].srt
27.9 kB
S11/[S11.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Colocation de salle des fêtes.Dutch.srt
27.9 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.9 kB
S09/[S09.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Bernadette va déguster.Spanish Spain.srt
27.9 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.English United States.srt
27.9 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.English United States [CC].srt
27.9 kB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.French France.srt
27.9 kB
S10/[S10.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Une séparation difficile.German.srt
27.9 kB
S06/[S06.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Extraction-oblitération.Italian [CC].srt
27.9 kB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le combat des robots.English United States [CC].srt
27.9 kB
S12/[S12.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Leonard se rebelle.English United States [CC].srt
27.9 kB
S06/[S06.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Les propos démesurés de Sheldon.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.9 kB
S08/[S08.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LExpérience de la mine.Spanish Latin.srt
27.9 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.Italian.srt
27.9 kB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le théorème Cooper-Nowitzki.German.srt
27.9 kB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
27.9 kB
S09/[S09.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée à combustion.English United States [CC].srt
27.9 kB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le grand collisionneur.English United States [CC].srt
27.9 kB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La solution pirate.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.9 kB
S07/[S07.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La proximité du lieu de travail.Italian.srt
27.9 kB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Léquivalence du griffon.English United States [CC].srt
27.9 kB
S08/[S08.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Intrus volants.German.srt
27.9 kB
S11/[S11.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le Principe de rétraction-réaction.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.9 kB
S12/[S12.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Test de compatibilité.English United States [CC].srt
27.8 kB
S06/[S06.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lexcitation holographique.Italian.srt
27.8 kB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La descente aux enfers du sujet Loobenfeld.Spanish Spain.srt
27.8 kB
S05/[S05.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Le Vortex Du Week End.Spanish Spain.srt
27.8 kB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La dualité de Jerusalem.English United States [CC].srt
27.8 kB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La solution pirate.English United States [CC].srt
27.8 kB
S07/[S07.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-motivation.Italian.srt
27.8 kB
S12/[S12.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une procréation calculée.Dutch.srt
27.8 kB
S10/[S10.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Probabilités matrimoniales.Spanish Latin.srt
27.8 kB
S09/[S09.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Détournement de brevet.Italian [CC].srt
27.8 kB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Bras cassé et voie lacté.German.srt
27.8 kB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
27.8 kB
S11/[S11.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Il faut sauver la science.Spanish Spain.srt
27.8 kB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La turbulence du matériel confidentiel.German.srt
27.8 kB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
27.8 kB
S05/[S05.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dysfonctionnement Du Téléporteur.English United States [CC].srt
27.8 kB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La descente aux enfers du sujet Loobenfeld.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.8 kB
S07/[S07.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Lextraction du docteur Cooper.Spanish Latin.srt
27.8 kB
S12/[S12.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un mystérieux cadeau de mariage.Dutch.srt
27.8 kB
S06/[S06.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Lescalade de la place de parking.Italian.srt
27.8 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.Italian.srt
27.8 kB
S11/[S11.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Un Solo pour deux.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.8 kB
S07/[S07.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Fiançailles, status quo, départ….Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.8 kB
S07/[S07.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La dissolution de la relation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.8 kB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.English United States.srt
27.8 kB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.English United States [CC].srt
27.8 kB
S12/[S12.E15] The Big Bang Theory - The Donation Oscillation.Spanish Spain.srt
27.8 kB
S11/[S11.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La Nomenclature néonatale.Italian.srt
27.8 kB
S07/[S07.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation des aventuriers.Spanish Latin.srt
27.8 kB
S05/[S05.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dysfonctionnement Du Téléporteur.Spanish Spain.srt
27.8 kB
S09/[S09.E05] The Big Bang Theory - LExercice de la transpiration.German.srt
27.8 kB
S10/[S10.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Jacuzzi a dit.Italian [CC].srt
27.8 kB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.Spanish Latin.srt
27.8 kB
S11/[S11.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Explosion en plein Wolowitz.Spanish Spain.srt
27.8 kB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
27.8 kB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La recurrence de wheaton.German.srt
27.8 kB
S10/[S10.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le décodeur d’émotions !.Dutch.srt
27.8 kB
S06/[S06.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Les propos démesurés de Sheldon.Spanish Latin.srt
27.8 kB
S05/[S05.E16] The Big Bang Theory - L’Enfer Des Vacances !.Spanish Latin.srt
27.7 kB
S07/[S07.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Lextraction du docteur Cooper.Dutch.srt
27.7 kB
S07/[S07.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Maman a un amant.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.7 kB
S12/[S12.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Conference Valuation.English United States [CC].srt
27.7 kB
S09/[S09.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Bernadette va déguster.Spanish Latin.srt
27.7 kB
S08/[S08.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Plan à quatre.German.srt
27.7 kB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La conjoncture du Batbocal.Spanish Spain.srt
27.7 kB
S06/[S06.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Lapprentie réalisatrice.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.7 kB
S06/[S06.E11] The Big Bang Theory - L’esprit de Noël.Spanish Spain.srt
27.7 kB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La machine incroyable.German.srt
27.7 kB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.German.srt
27.7 kB
S10/[S10.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Halley et venues.English United States [CC].srt
27.7 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.Spanish Latin.srt
27.7 kB
S07/[S07.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation des aventuriers.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.7 kB
S10/[S10.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Souviens-toi de la journée dernière.Italian [CC].srt
27.7 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.Italian [CC].srt
27.7 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.Spanish Latin.srt
27.7 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.7 kB
S06/[S06.E15] The Big Bang Theory - L’art du spoiler.Italian [CC].srt
27.7 kB
S08/[S08.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LExpérience de la mine.Spanish Spain.srt
27.7 kB
S07/[S07.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Larticle du professeur Proton.English United States [CC].srt
27.7 kB
S10/[S10.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Un toit pour Rajesh.Dutch.srt
27.7 kB
S03/[S03.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.English United States [CC].srt
27.7 kB
S05/[S05.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dysfonctionnement Du Téléporteur.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.7 kB
S06/[S06.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Bon voyage !.Spanish Spain.srt
27.7 kB
S12/[S12.E18] The Big Bang Theory - The Laureate Accumulation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.7 kB
S12/[S12.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Clap de fin !.German.srt
27.7 kB
S08/[S08.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Fort Réconfort.Italian.srt
27.7 kB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La conjoncture du Batbocal.Spanish Latin.srt
27.6 kB
S08/[S08.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Régénération du magasin de BD.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.6 kB
S12/[S12.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Trahison de Tam.English United States [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S09/[S09.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Corrosion, Crevaison, Oxydation.Italian [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S05/[S05.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Le Bourreau De Leonard..Italian.srt
27.6 kB
S11/[S11.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Les Frères ennemis.Dutch.srt
27.6 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.Italian [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.Spanish Latin.srt
27.6 kB
S08/[S08.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lanxiété.Italian.srt
27.6 kB
S07/[S07.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Thanksgiving, clowns et union bidon !.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.6 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.English United States.srt
27.6 kB
S07/[S07.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Thanksgiving, clowns et union bidon !.English United States [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.English United States [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S05/[S05.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Une Mère Envahissante.Spanish Latin.srt
27.6 kB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - leffet sauterelle.Dutch.srt
27.6 kB
S10/[S10.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Une vérité approximative.Italian [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpédition monopolaire.English United States [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.Spanish Spain.srt
27.6 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.Spanish Latin.srt
27.6 kB
S07/[S07.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
27.6 kB
S07/[S07.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Larticle du professeur Proton.German.srt
27.6 kB
S08/[S08.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Manifestation du troll.Spanish Spain.srt
27.6 kB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le grillon des champs.English United States [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S08/[S08.E09] The Big Bang Theory - LOpération nasale.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.6 kB
S12/[S12.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une procréation calculée.English United States [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le tournoi de cartes.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.6 kB
S07/[S07.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La simulation du cerveau qui démange.Spanish Spain.srt
27.6 kB
S07/[S07.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La convention de Sheldon.English United States [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S07/[S07.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Larticle du professeur Proton.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.6 kB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La rencontre avec le grand Stan.English United States [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S07/[S07.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
27.6 kB
S07/[S07.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Lextraction du docteur Cooper.German.srt
27.6 kB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La physique pour les nulles.Spanish Spain.srt
27.6 kB
S12/[S12.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Conference Valuation.German.srt
27.6 kB
S12/[S12.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Clap de fin !.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S12/[S12.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Clap de fin !.Spanish Latin.srt
27.6 kB
S11/[S11.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La Nomenclature néonatale.English United States [CC].srt
27.6 kB
S08/[S08.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La Désintégration de la sonde spatiale.Italian.srt
27.6 kB
S04/[S04.E19] The Big Bang Theory - LIntrusion De Zarnecki.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.6 kB
S08/[S08.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Que la force soit avec nous !.Spanish Latin.srt
27.6 kB
S06/[S06.E11] The Big Bang Theory - L’esprit de Noël.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.5 kB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La vengance de Sheldon.Spanish Spain.srt
27.5 kB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
27.5 kB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le fameux anneau.German.srt
27.5 kB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction !.English United States [CC].srt
27.5 kB
S12/[S12.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Le constant change.Spanish Spain.srt
27.5 kB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La recurrence de wheaton.Italian.srt
27.5 kB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le prix scientifique.Spanish Latin.srt
27.5 kB
S08/[S08.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Thermalisation des restes.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.5 kB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le tournoi de cartes.English United States [CC].srt
27.5 kB
S07/[S07.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Amitié et turbulences.English United States [CC].srt
27.5 kB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le prix scientifique.Spanish Spain.srt
27.5 kB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La descente aux enfers du sujet Loobenfeld.Spanish Latin.srt
27.5 kB
S09/[S09.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Mariage et Conséquences.English United States [CC].srt
27.5 kB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
27.5 kB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Les spaghettis de la réconciliation.German.srt
27.5 kB
S09/[S09.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Permutation platonique.English United States [CC].srt
27.5 kB
S12/[S12.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Test de compatibilité.German.srt
27.5 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.5 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.Spanish Spain.srt
27.5 kB
S06/[S06.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Extraction-oblitération.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.5 kB
S11/[S11.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Tentation de Sheldon.Dutch.srt
27.5 kB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La vengance de Sheldon.English United States [CC].srt
27.5 kB
S06/[S06.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Lescalade de la place de parking.Spanish Spain.srt
27.5 kB
S08/[S08.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Cooper, professeur duniversité.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.5 kB
S09/[S09.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Corrosion, Crevaison, Oxydation.English United States [CC].srt
27.5 kB
S11/[S11.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Tentation de Sheldon.Spanish Spain.srt
27.5 kB
S05/[S05.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La Quadruple Négation.Italian [CC].srt
27.5 kB
S12/[S12.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Privation sensorielle.English United States [CC].srt
27.5 kB
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.Dutch.srt
27.4 kB
S06/[S06.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Bon voyage !.English United States [CC].srt
27.4 kB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.4 kB
S05/[S05.E23] The Big Bang Theory - L’Accélération Du Lancement.Spanish Latin.srt
27.4 kB
S07/[S07.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Amitié et turbulences.Spanish Spain.srt
27.4 kB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La dualité de Jerusalem.Dutch.srt
27.4 kB
S08/[S08.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Cooper, professeur duniversité.English United States [CC].srt
27.4 kB
S12/[S12.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un mystérieux cadeau de mariage.German.srt
27.4 kB
S11/[S11.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Petites Latrines dans la prairie.Dutch.srt
27.4 kB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La mère de Léonard.English United States [CC].srt
27.4 kB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le flirt de Léonard.Spanish Latin.srt
27.4 kB
S08/[S08.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Régénération du magasin de BD.Italian.srt
27.4 kB
S07/[S07.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
27.4 kB
S07/[S07.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Une affaire dœstrogènes.German.srt
27.4 kB
S08/[S08.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La Désintégration de la sonde spatiale.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.4 kB
S01/[S01.E02] The Big Bang Theory - The Big Bran Hypothesis.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.4 kB
S12/[S12.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Météorite et le Balcon de la discorde.Spanish Spain.srt
27.4 kB
S10/[S10.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Les zones d’intimité.German.srt
27.4 kB
S07/[S07.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Une affaire dœstrogènes.Dutch.srt
27.4 kB
S10/[S10.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Jacuzzi a dit.English United States [CC].srt
27.4 kB
S11/[S11.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un mariage trop lent.Italian.srt
27.4 kB
S12/[S12.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de foudre à Beverly Hill.Dutch.srt
27.4 kB
S01/[S01.E02] The Big Bang Theory - The Big Bran Hypothesis.Spanish Spain.srt
27.4 kB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La dualité de Jerusalem.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.4 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.Italian.srt
27.4 kB
S10/[S10.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Super cerveau dans un incubateur.German.srt
27.4 kB
S06/[S06.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Lapprentie réalisatrice.English United States [CC].srt
27.4 kB
S07/[S07.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La simulation du cerveau qui démange.English United States [CC].srt
27.4 kB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La rencontre avec le grand Stan.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.3 kB
S07/[S07.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Larticle du professeur Proton.Spanish Spain.srt
27.3 kB
S09/[S09.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Précipitation de la Grande Ourse.German.srt
27.3 kB
S05/[S05.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre Du Bureau.Spanish Spain.srt
27.3 kB
S12/[S12.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une procréation calculée.German.srt
27.3 kB
S08/[S08.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La Toque et la Toge.German.srt
27.3 kB
S08/[S08.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Champagne et Grande Découverte.German.srt
27.3 kB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le tournoi de cartes.Spanish Latin.srt
27.3 kB
S11/[S11.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LHéritage du professeur Proton.Dutch.srt
27.3 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.Spanish Spain.srt
27.3 kB
S06/[S06.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L’expédition Bakersfield.Italian.srt
27.3 kB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L Algorithme de lAmitié.Dutch.srt
27.3 kB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La dualité de Jerusalem.Spanish Latin.srt
27.3 kB
S12/[S12.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Les Preuves du plagiat.English United States [CC].srt
27.3 kB
S09/[S09.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Convergence, Confluence, Méfiance.English United States [CC].srt
27.3 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.3 kB
S05/[S05.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Le Vortex Du Week End.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.3 kB
S11/[S11.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.Spanish Spain.srt
27.3 kB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Les allumés dHalloween.English United States [CC].srt
27.3 kB
S07/[S07.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation des aventuriers.Dutch.srt
27.3 kB
S08/[S08.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lanxiété.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.3 kB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La physique pour les nulles.Spanish Latin.srt
27.3 kB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La machine incroyable.Italian.srt
27.3 kB
S08/[S08.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Cooper, professeur duniversité.Italian [CC].srt
27.3 kB
S07/[S07.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Larticle du professeur Proton.Spanish Latin.srt
27.3 kB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le coussin irremplaçable.Italian.srt
27.2 kB
S12/[S12.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Magnéto Sheldon !.German.srt
27.2 kB
S01/[S01.E02] The Big Bang Theory - The Big Bran Hypothesis.Spanish Latin.srt
27.2 kB
S07/[S07.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Thanksgiving, clowns et union bidon !.Dutch.srt
27.2 kB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La dualité de Jerusalem.Spanish Spain.srt
27.2 kB
S06/[S06.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La reconfiguration du dressing.German.srt
27.2 kB
S06/[S06.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
27.2 kB
S04/[S04.E19] The Big Bang Theory - LIntrusion De Zarnecki.English United States [CC].srt
27.2 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.English United States [CC].srt
27.2 kB
S05/[S05.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Alcool, Sexe Et Mensonges..Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.2 kB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
27.2 kB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La formule de la vengeance.German.srt
27.2 kB
S11/[S11.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Il faut sauver la science.Dutch.srt
27.2 kB
S07/[S07.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.Italian.srt
27.2 kB
S07/[S07.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Maman a un amant.Dutch.srt
27.2 kB
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.Dutch.srt
27.2 kB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Les fleurs de Penny.English United States [CC].srt
27.2 kB
S12/[S12.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Trahison de Tam.German.srt
27.2 kB
S09/[S09.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie des files dattente.Italian [CC].srt
27.2 kB
S12/[S12.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Clap de fin !.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.2 kB
S07/[S07.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Chasse au trésor.Italian.srt
27.2 kB
S10/[S10.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Flashbacks.Italian.srt
27.2 kB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Léminente Miss Plimpton.Dutch.srt
27.2 kB
S09/[S09.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Carence en hélium liquide.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.2 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.Spanish Spain.srt
27.2 kB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Les allumés dHalloween.Italian [CC].srt
27.2 kB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.German.srt
27.2 kB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.German.srt
27.2 kB
S08/[S08.E09] The Big Bang Theory - LOpération nasale.Italian [CC].srt
27.2 kB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La congruence maternelle.Italian.srt
27.2 kB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.Spanish Spain.srt
27.2 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.Spanish Latin.srt
27.2 kB
S05/[S05.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Princesse Amy.Italian.srt
27.2 kB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.English United States [CC].srt
27.2 kB
S09/[S09.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Permutation platonique.Italian [CC].srt
27.2 kB
S07/[S07.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Un proton peut en cacher un autre.Italian.srt
27.2 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.Spanish Spain.srt
27.2 kB
S07/[S07.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Des choix cornéliens.Spanish Spain.srt
27.2 kB
S10/[S10.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Un toit pour Rajesh.Spanish Latin.srt
27.2 kB
S05/[S05.E23] The Big Bang Theory - L’Accélération Du Lancement.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.1 kB
S07/[S07.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La simulation du cerveau qui démange.Spanish Latin.srt
27.1 kB
S07/[S07.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La simulation du cerveau qui démange.German.srt
27.1 kB
S07/[S07.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
27.1 kB
S11/[S11.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La Dissociation des locataires.French France.srt
27.1 kB
S09/[S09.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Meemaw sen va en guerre !.English United States [CC].srt
27.1 kB
S07/[S07.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La convention de Sheldon.Spanish Spain.srt
27.1 kB
S08/[S08.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Malentendu, Quiproquos et Jalousie.German.srt
27.1 kB
S01/[S01.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Pilot.French France.srt
27.1 kB
S11/[S11.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La Nomenclature néonatale.Spanish Spain.srt
27.1 kB
S10/[S10.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une dépendance irrépressible.Spanish Spain.srt
27.1 kB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le fameux anneau.Italian [CC].srt
27.1 kB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La triangulation des asperges.Italian.srt
27.1 kB
S07/[S07.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La table de tous les dangers.German.srt
27.1 kB
S07/[S07.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
27.1 kB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Bras cassé et voie lacté.Italian.srt
27.1 kB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le grand collisionneur.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.1 kB
S10/[S10.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Gymnastique cérébrale.Spanish Spain.srt
27.1 kB
S09/[S09.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un fil à souder à la patte.English United States [CC].srt
27.1 kB
S11/[S11.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La Dissociation des locataires.Dutch.srt
27.1 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.Spanish Latin.srt
27.1 kB
S05/[S05.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Alcool, Sexe Et Mensonges..Spanish Spain.srt
27.1 kB
S07/[S07.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Des choix cornéliens.English United States [CC].srt
27.1 kB
S06/[S06.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La reconfiguration du dressing.Italian [CC].srt
27.1 kB
S08/[S08.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lanxiété.English United States [CC].srt
27.1 kB
S05/[S05.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Dialogue De Sourds.Italian.srt
27.1 kB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La saga de lescalier.Italian [CC].srt
27.1 kB
S12/[S12.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LAsymétrie du prix Nobel.German.srt
27.1 kB
S05/[S05.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre Du Bureau.English United States [CC].srt
27.0 kB
S07/[S07.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La dissolution de la relation.German.srt
27.0 kB
S07/[S07.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
27.0 kB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La solution pirate.Spanish Spain.srt
27.0 kB
S09/[S09.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Carence en hélium liquide.Italian [CC].srt
27.0 kB
S05/[S05.E03] The Big Bang Theory - L’Extrapolation De L’Aine Froissée.Italian.srt
27.0 kB
S08/[S08.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le Conditionnement opérant.Italian [CC].srt
27.0 kB
S05/[S05.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Fusée Russe À Réaction.Spanish Latin.srt
27.0 kB
S06/[S06.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.English United States [CC].srt
27.0 kB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les cadeaux de noël.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.0 kB
S11/[S11.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Explosion en plein Wolowitz.Spanish Latin.srt
27.0 kB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpansion Lézard-Spock.English United States [CC].srt
27.0 kB
S09/[S09.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Détournement de brevet.Spanish Spain.srt
27.0 kB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Les poissons luminescents.English United States [CC].srt
27.0 kB
S10/[S10.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le Comi-con de situation.Spanish Spain.srt
27.0 kB
S10/[S10.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Le jouet téléguidé.German.srt
27.0 kB
S06/[S06.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le mal de lespace.Italian [CC].srt
27.0 kB
S05/[S05.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Vengeance D’ Howard.German.srt
27.0 kB
S05/[S05.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
27.0 kB
S09/[S09.E08] The Big Bang Theory - LObservation du rendez-vous mystère.English United States [CC].srt
27.0 kB
S12/[S12.E18] The Big Bang Theory - The Laureate Accumulation.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
27.0 kB
S12/[S12.E18] The Big Bang Theory - The Laureate Accumulation.Spanish Latin.srt
27.0 kB
S07/[S07.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation des aventuriers.German.srt
27.0 kB
S07/[S07.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
27.0 kB
S09/[S09.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie des files dattente.Portuguese Brazil.srt
27.0 kB
S08/[S08.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le Conditionnement opérant.English United States [CC].srt
27.0 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.Spanish Spain.srt
27.0 kB
S09/[S09.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée à combustion.Italian [CC].srt
27.0 kB
S05/[S05.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Vengeance D’ Howard.Italian.srt
27.0 kB
S12/[S12.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Privation sensorielle.German.srt
27.0 kB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.English United States [CC].srt
27.0 kB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La juxtaposition de la prostituée morte.Italian.srt
27.0 kB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La turbulence du matériel confidentiel.Italian.srt
26.9 kB
S06/[S06.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Extraction-oblitération.Spanish Spain.srt
26.9 kB
S09/[S09.E08] The Big Bang Theory - LObservation du rendez-vous mystère.Italian [CC].srt
26.9 kB
S11/[S11.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un mariage trop lent.English United States [CC].srt
26.9 kB
S12/[S12.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Leonard se rebelle.German.srt
26.9 kB
S09/[S09.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Mariage et Conséquences.Italian [CC].srt
26.9 kB
S12/[S12.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Magnéto Sheldon !.English United States [CC].srt
26.9 kB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La solution pirate.Spanish Latin.srt
26.9 kB
S05/[S05.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Transformation Du Loup-Garou.German.srt
26.9 kB
S05/[S05.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
26.9 kB
S08/[S08.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Intrus volants.Italian.srt
26.9 kB
S05/[S05.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Problème DIsolation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.9 kB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le combat des robots.Spanish Spain.srt
26.9 kB
S08/[S08.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Plan à quatre.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.9 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.Spanish Latin.srt
26.9 kB
S09/[S09.E11] The Big Bang Theory - LEffervescence de lavant-première.Italian [CC].srt
26.9 kB
S11/[S11.E03] The Big Bang Theory - LIntégration de la relaxation.Dutch.srt
26.9 kB
S07/[S07.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La proximité du lieu de travail.English United States [CC].srt
26.9 kB
S05/[S05.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Problème DIsolation.English United States [CC].srt
26.9 kB
S11/[S11.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Explosion en plein Wolowitz.Dutch.srt
26.9 kB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le vortex du nebraska.English United States [CC].srt
26.9 kB
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.9 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.9 kB
S03/[S03.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.Spanish Latin.srt
26.9 kB
S12/[S12.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Le constant change.Dutch.srt
26.9 kB
S08/[S08.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Fort Réconfort.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.9 kB
S07/[S07.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La résonance de lamour.German.srt
26.9 kB
S07/[S07.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
26.9 kB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La sœur jumelle.English United States [CC].srt
26.9 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.Spanish Latin.srt
26.9 kB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La conjoncture du Batbocal.French France.srt
26.9 kB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Léquivalence du griffon.Spanish Latin.srt
26.9 kB
S08/[S08.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La Désintégration de la sonde spatiale.English United States [CC].srt
26.9 kB
S10/[S10.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Instabilité gyroscopique.Italian [CC].srt
26.9 kB
S06/[S06.E15] The Big Bang Theory - L’art du spoiler.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.8 kB
S07/[S07.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Amitié et turbulences.Spanish Latin.srt
26.8 kB
S08/[S08.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Que la force soit avec nous !.English United States [CC].srt
26.8 kB
S08/[S08.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Rituel du bal de fin dannée.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.8 kB
S12/[S12.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Spécial Donjons et Dragons.English United States [CC].srt
26.8 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.Spanish Latin.srt
26.8 kB
S12/[S12.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Clap de fin !.French France.srt
26.8 kB
S05/[S05.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Dialogue De Sourds.German.srt
26.8 kB
S05/[S05.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
26.8 kB
S11/[S11.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La Dissociation des locataires.Spanish Latin.srt
26.8 kB
S06/[S06.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.8 kB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpansion Lézard-Spock.Italian.srt
26.8 kB
S07/[S07.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La convention de Sheldon.Spanish Latin.srt
26.8 kB
S12/[S12.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un mystérieux cadeau de mariage.English United States [CC].srt
26.8 kB
S10/[S10.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Souviens-toi de la journée dernière.English United States [CC].srt
26.8 kB
S03/[S03.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.8 kB
S07/[S07.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-motivation.English United States [CC].srt
26.8 kB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le prix scientifique.French France.srt
26.8 kB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Terminator dans le train.French France.srt
26.8 kB
S07/[S07.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La démission de Penny.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.8 kB
S07/[S07.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-motivation.Spanish Spain.srt
26.8 kB
S01/[S01.E02] The Big Bang Theory - The Big Bran Hypothesis.Dutch.srt
26.8 kB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
26.8 kB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La voyante.German.srt
26.8 kB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpansion Lézard-Spock.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.8 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.Spanish Spain.srt
26.8 kB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le flirt de Léonard.Dutch.srt
26.8 kB
S10/[S10.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Une séparation difficile.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.8 kB
S08/[S08.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Détermination de lengagement.Italian.srt
26.7 kB
S08/[S08.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Thermalisation des restes.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S11/[S11.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Explosion en plein Wolowitz.French France.srt
26.7 kB
S12/[S12.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de foudre à Beverly Hill.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S08/[S08.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La Toque et la Toge.Italian.srt
26.7 kB
S05/[S05.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La pub de Penny.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La triangulation des asperges.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S12/[S12.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie déjouée.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.English United States.srt
26.7 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S12/[S12.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Titre de spermission.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S08/[S08.E09] The Big Bang Theory - LOpération nasale.Spanish Spain.srt
26.7 kB
S06/[S06.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les fluctuations du découplement.Italian.srt
26.7 kB
S06/[S06.E15] The Big Bang Theory - L’art du spoiler.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S07/[S07.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La simulation du cerveau qui démange.Dutch.srt
26.7 kB
S11/[S11.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Roman de Léonard.Spanish Latin.srt
26.7 kB
S07/[S07.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-motivation.Spanish Latin.srt
26.7 kB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le grand collisionneur.Spanish Spain.srt
26.7 kB
S09/[S09.E02] The Big Bang Theory - LOscillation de la séparation.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S05/[S05.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La Quadruple Négation.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S08/[S08.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des mères.German.srt
26.7 kB
S05/[S05.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Contrat DAmitié..English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S07/[S07.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Un proton peut en cacher un autre.Spanish Latin.srt
26.7 kB
S09/[S09.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie des files dattente.Spanish Latin.srt
26.7 kB
S11/[S11.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Comète de la discorde.French France.srt
26.7 kB
S12/[S12.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Règlement de compte au Paintball.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S12/[S12.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Dérivation des subventions.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.7 kB
S07/[S07.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Amitié et turbulences.German.srt
26.7 kB
S07/[S07.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
26.7 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S08/[S08.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le Conditionnement opérant.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.7 kB
S08/[S08.E09] The Big Bang Theory - LOpération nasale.English United States [CC].srt
26.7 kB
S11/[S11.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Méthodologie de la géologie.Dutch.srt
26.7 kB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La formule de la vengeance.Italian.srt
26.7 kB
S07/[S07.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Des choix cornéliens.Spanish Latin.srt
26.6 kB
S08/[S08.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Champagne et Grande Découverte.Italian.srt
26.6 kB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le postulat du hamburger.Italian [CC].srt
26.6 kB
S10/[S10.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Première cohabitation.Italian.srt
26.6 kB
S09/[S09.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Retour à la case départ.Italian [CC].srt
26.6 kB
S09/[S09.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Retour à la case départ.English United States [CC].srt
26.6 kB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Les poissons luminescents.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.6 kB
S09/[S09.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un fil à souder à la patte.Italian [CC].srt
26.6 kB
S01/[S01.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La conjoncture du Batbocal.Dutch.srt
26.6 kB
S08/[S08.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Test dintimité.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.6 kB
S09/[S09.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Carence en hélium liquide.Spanish Spain.srt
26.6 kB
S08/[S08.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Test dintimité.Italian [CC].srt
26.6 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.French France.srt
26.6 kB
S07/[S07.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La proximité du lieu de travail.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.6 kB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.Spanish Latin.srt
26.6 kB
S05/[S05.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Le Bourreau De Leonard..Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.6 kB
S12/[S12.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Spécial Donjons et Dragons.Spanish Spain.srt
26.6 kB
S10/[S10.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La discorde de la longue distance.German.srt
26.6 kB
S10/[S10.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Réajustements amoureux.German.srt
26.6 kB
S08/[S08.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Rituel du bal de fin dannée.English United States [CC].srt
26.6 kB
S09/[S09.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée à combustion.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.6 kB
S11/[S11.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La Dissociation des locataires.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.6 kB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.Spanish Spain.srt
26.6 kB
S09/[S09.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Mariage et Conséquences.Spanish Latin.srt
26.6 kB
S08/[S08.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La Désintégration de la sonde spatiale.Spanish Spain.srt
26.6 kB
S06/[S06.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La preuve daffection tangible.German.srt
26.6 kB
S06/[S06.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
26.6 kB
S09/[S09.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie des files dattente.Spanish Spain.srt
26.6 kB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Les allumés dHalloween.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.6 kB
S05/[S05.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Phobie De Sheldon.English United States [CC].srt
26.6 kB
S07/[S07.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La simulation du cerveau qui démange.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.6 kB
S12/[S12.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LAsymétrie du prix Nobel.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
26.6 kB
S12/[S12.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LAsymétrie du prix Nobel.Spanish Latin.srt
26.6 kB
S05/[S05.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Contrat DAmitié..Italian [CC].srt
26.6 kB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.6 kB
S11/[S11.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Roman de Léonard.French France.srt
26.6 kB
S06/[S06.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le professeur Proton.German.srt
26.6 kB
S06/[S06.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
26.6 kB
S06/[S06.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Délire à Las Vegas.Italian.srt
26.6 kB
S12/[S12.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Les Preuves du plagiat.German.srt
26.6 kB
S07/[S07.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.English United States [CC].srt
26.5 kB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La vengance de Sheldon.Spanish Latin.srt
26.5 kB
S09/[S09.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Meemaw sen va en guerre !.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.5 kB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Alerte aux microbes.Italian [CC].srt
26.5 kB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La sœur jumelle.Spanish Latin.srt
26.5 kB
S12/[S12.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Crise au planétarium.German.srt
26.5 kB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La triangulation des asperges.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.5 kB
S07/[S07.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Un proton peut en cacher un autre.English United States [CC].srt
26.5 kB
S07/[S07.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Un proton peut en cacher un autre.Spanish Spain.srt
26.5 kB
S12/[S12.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Crise au planétarium.English United States [CC].srt
26.5 kB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le grillon des champs.Spanish Spain.srt
26.5 kB
S12/[S12.E15] The Big Bang Theory - The Donation Oscillation.Dutch.srt
26.5 kB
S07/[S07.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Un proton peut en cacher un autre.Dutch.srt
26.5 kB
S11/[S11.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Tentation de Sheldon.French France.srt
26.5 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.5 kB
S12/[S12.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Spécial Donjons et Dragons.German.srt
26.5 kB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.5 kB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le grand collisionneur.Spanish Latin.srt
26.5 kB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La juxtaposition de la prostituée morte.English United States [CC].srt
26.5 kB
S06/[S06.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le mystère des 20 minutes.German.srt
26.5 kB
S06/[S06.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
26.5 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.Dutch.srt
26.5 kB
S03/[S03.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.Spanish Spain.srt
26.5 kB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le grillon des champs.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.5 kB
S09/[S09.E11] The Big Bang Theory - LEffervescence de lavant-première.English United States [CC].srt
26.5 kB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le prix scientifique.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.5 kB
S05/[S05.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Transformation Du Loup-Garou.Italian [CC].srt
26.5 kB
S06/[S06.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation du retour.German.srt
26.5 kB
S06/[S06.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
26.5 kB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpédition monopolaire.Spanish Latin.srt
26.5 kB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La sœur jumelle.Spanish Spain.srt
26.5 kB
S06/[S06.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Lescalade de la place de parking.English United States [CC].srt
26.5 kB
S06/[S06.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Lapprentie réalisatrice.French France.srt
26.5 kB
S11/[S11.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Triangle impossible.Dutch.srt
26.5 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.English United States [CC].srt
26.5 kB
S07/[S07.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
26.5 kB
S07/[S07.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Un proton peut en cacher un autre.German.srt
26.5 kB
S09/[S09.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Convergence, Confluence, Méfiance.Italian [CC].srt
26.4 kB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.4 kB
S10/[S10.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Une vérité approximative.English United States [CC].srt
26.4 kB
S09/[S09.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Mariage et Conséquences.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.4 kB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le vortex du nebraska.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.4 kB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction !.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.4 kB
S05/[S05.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre Du Bureau.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.4 kB
S11/[S11.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Raj a la rage.Spanish Latin.srt
26.4 kB
S08/[S08.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Détermination de lengagement.English United States [CC].srt
26.4 kB
S12/[S12.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Dérivation des subventions.German.srt
26.4 kB
S05/[S05.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dysfonctionnement Du Téléporteur.Spanish Latin.srt
26.4 kB
S10/[S10.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La réverbération de la locomotive.Spanish Spain.srt
26.4 kB
S08/[S08.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon et Amy sen vont sur Mars.Italian.srt
26.4 kB
S11/[S11.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un mariage trop lent.Spanish Spain.srt
26.4 kB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction !.Spanish Latin.srt
26.4 kB
S12/[S12.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Le constant change.English United States [CC].srt
26.4 kB
S08/[S08.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Thermalisation des restes.Spanish Latin.srt
26.4 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.French France.srt
26.4 kB
S06/[S06.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Renversement de tendance.German.srt
26.4 kB
S06/[S06.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
26.4 kB
S06/[S06.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La preuve daffection tangible.Italian [CC].srt
26.4 kB
S10/[S10.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Instabilité gyroscopique.English United States [CC].srt
26.4 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.French France.srt
26.4 kB
S12/[S12.E15] The Big Bang Theory - The Donation Oscillation.English United States [CC].srt
26.4 kB
S10/[S10.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.German.srt
26.4 kB
S11/[S11.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Un Solo pour deux.Spanish Latin.srt
26.4 kB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction !.Spanish Spain.srt
26.4 kB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le vortex du nebraska.Spanish Spain.srt
26.4 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.Spanish Spain.srt
26.4 kB
S04/[S04.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un Long Episode De Fiançailles.Italian.srt
26.4 kB
S07/[S07.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La proximité du lieu de travail.Spanish Spain.srt
26.4 kB
S02/[S02.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L Algorithme de lAmitié.French France.srt
26.4 kB
S12/[S12.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Titre de spermission.German.srt
26.4 kB
S08/[S08.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Régénération du magasin de BD.Spanish Latin.srt
26.4 kB
S08/[S08.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Régénération du magasin de BD.Spanish Spain.srt
26.4 kB
S09/[S09.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon connaît la chanson.English United States [CC].srt
26.4 kB
S11/[S11.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Raj a la rage.French France.srt
26.4 kB
S09/[S09.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Permutation platonique.Spanish Spain.srt
26.4 kB
S11/[S11.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Roman de Léonard.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.3 kB
S10/[S10.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Un nouveau colocataire.Italian [CC].srt
26.3 kB
S07/[S07.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La démission de Penny.Dutch.srt
26.3 kB
S03/[S03.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Léminente Miss Plimpton.French France.srt
26.3 kB
S10/[S10.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Première cohabitation.English United States [CC].srt
26.3 kB
S06/[S06.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Lescalade de la place de parking.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.3 kB
S08/[S08.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Régénération du magasin de BD.English United States [CC].srt
26.3 kB
S06/[S06.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lexcitation holographique.French France.srt
26.3 kB
S05/[S05.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un Mariage Express.Spanish Spain.srt
26.3 kB
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.Spanish Spain.srt
26.3 kB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.English United States [CC].srt
26.3 kB
S06/[S06.E15] The Big Bang Theory - L’art du spoiler.Spanish Spain.srt
26.3 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.English United States.srt
26.3 kB
S06/[S06.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Bon voyage !.Spanish Latin.srt
26.3 kB
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.Spanish Latin.srt
26.3 kB
S06/[S06.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Bon voyage !.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.3 kB
S12/[S12.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Un Halloween sous tension.Dutch.srt
26.3 kB
S12/[S12.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Les Preuves du plagiat.French France.srt
26.3 kB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le coussin irremplaçable.English United States [CC].srt
26.3 kB
S12/[S12.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Trahison de Tam.French France.srt
26.3 kB
S05/[S05.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LHypothèse De Recombinaison.English United States [CC].srt
26.3 kB
S09/[S09.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée à combustion.Spanish Latin.srt
26.3 kB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Les poissons luminescents.Spanish Spain.srt
26.3 kB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le grillon des champs.Spanish Latin.srt
26.3 kB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le combat des robots.Spanish Latin.srt
26.3 kB
S11/[S11.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Un Solo pour deux.French France.srt
26.3 kB
S11/[S11.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Raj a la rage.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.3 kB
S08/[S08.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Rituel du bal de fin dannée.Italian [CC].srt
26.3 kB
S07/[S07.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Larticle du professeur Proton.Dutch.srt
26.3 kB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le théorème Cooper-Nowitzki.Italian.srt
26.3 kB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.Dutch.srt
26.3 kB
S07/[S07.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Chasse au trésor.English United States [CC].srt
26.3 kB
S12/[S12.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Météorite et le Balcon de la discorde.English United States [CC].srt
26.3 kB
S11/[S11.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Comète de la discorde.Spanish Latin.srt
26.2 kB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le vortex du nebraska.Spanish Latin.srt
26.2 kB
S07/[S07.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Lextraction du docteur Cooper.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.2 kB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le tournoi de cartes.French France.srt
26.2 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.Spanish Spain.srt
26.2 kB
S12/[S12.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie déjouée.German.srt
26.2 kB
S05/[S05.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Contrat DAmitié..Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.2 kB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Les poissons luminescents.Spanish Latin - Forced.srt
26.2 kB
S05/[S05.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La Quadruple Négation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.2 kB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Les spaghettis de la réconciliation.Italian.srt
26.2 kB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La déviation Gotowitz.English United States [CC].srt
26.2 kB
S11/[S11.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Colocation de salle des fêtes.Spanish Latin.srt
26.2 kB
S11/[S11.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Tentation de Sheldon.Spanish Latin.srt
26.2 kB
S05/[S05.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La pub de Penny.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.2 kB
S05/[S05.E03] The Big Bang Theory - L’Extrapolation De L’Aine Froissée.German.srt
26.2 kB
S05/[S05.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
26.2 kB
S05/[S05.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un Mariage Express.English United States [CC].srt
26.2 kB
S12/[S12.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Test de compatibilité.Dutch.srt
26.2 kB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Excursion à Vegas.English United States [CC].srt
26.2 kB
S12/[S12.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Conference Valuation.French France.srt
26.2 kB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La congruence maternelle.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.2 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.Spanish Latin.srt
26.2 kB
S06/[S06.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L’expédition Bakersfield.Spanish Spain.srt
26.2 kB
S07/[S07.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Le jeudi tout est permis.Italian.srt
26.2 kB
S10/[S10.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le décodeur d’émotions !.Spanish Latin.srt
26.2 kB
S11/[S11.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.Dutch.srt
26.2 kB
S08/[S08.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon et Amy sen vont sur Mars.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.2 kB
S11/[S11.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Colocation de salle des fêtes.French France.srt
26.2 kB
S12/[S12.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Règlement de compte au Paintball.Dutch.srt
26.2 kB
S06/[S06.E11] The Big Bang Theory - L’esprit de Noël.French France.srt
26.2 kB
S08/[S08.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Champagne et Grande Découverte.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.2 kB
S09/[S09.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Permutation platonique.Spanish Latin.srt
26.2 kB
S07/[S07.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
26.2 kB
S07/[S07.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Thanksgiving, clowns et union bidon !.German.srt
26.2 kB
S07/[S07.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La proximité du lieu de travail.Spanish Latin.srt
26.2 kB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La rencontre avec le grand Stan.Spanish Spain.srt
26.2 kB
S12/[S12.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Règlement de compte au Paintball.German.srt
26.2 kB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Excursion à Vegas.Spanish Spain.srt
26.2 kB
S12/[S12.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Un Halloween sous tension.German.srt
26.2 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.French France.srt
26.2 kB
S10/[S10.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le Comi-con de situation.Dutch.srt
26.2 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.2 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.2 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.French France.srt
26.2 kB
S11/[S11.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Un Solo pour deux.Dutch.srt
26.2 kB
S06/[S06.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.Spanish Latin.srt
26.2 kB
S05/[S05.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Une Mère Envahissante.French France.srt
26.2 kB
S05/[S05.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Fusée Russe À Réaction.French France.srt
26.2 kB
S10/[S10.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le décodeur d’émotions !.French France.srt
26.1 kB
S05/[S05.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Le Bourreau De Leonard..English United States [CC].srt
26.1 kB
S07/[S07.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La démission de Penny.German.srt
26.1 kB
S07/[S07.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
26.1 kB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpédition monopolaire.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.1 kB
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.English United States [CC].srt
26.1 kB
S09/[S09.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée à combustion.Spanish Spain.srt
26.1 kB
S07/[S07.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Amitié et turbulences.Dutch.srt
26.1 kB
S04/[S04.E19] The Big Bang Theory - LIntrusion De Zarnecki.Spanish Latin.srt
26.1 kB
S09/[S09.E02] The Big Bang Theory - LOscillation de la séparation.Italian.srt
26.1 kB
S09/[S09.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Bernadette va déguster.French France.srt
26.1 kB
S10/[S10.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une dépendance irrépressible.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.1 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.1 kB
S07/[S07.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.Spanish Spain.srt
26.1 kB
S05/[S05.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Phobie De Sheldon.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.1 kB
S01/[S01.E08] The Big Bang Theory - leffet sauterelle.French France.srt
26.1 kB
S07/[S07.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Orang-outan en emporte le vent.Italian.srt
26.1 kB
S12/[S12.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Un Halloween sous tension.English United States [CC].srt
26.1 kB
S10/[S10.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le décodeur d’émotions !.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.1 kB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les cadeaux de noël.English United States [CC].srt
26.1 kB
S09/[S09.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Meemaw sen va en guerre !.Italian [CC].srt
26.1 kB
S07/[S07.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Amitié et turbulences.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.1 kB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La rencontre avec le grand Stan.Spanish Latin.srt
26.1 kB
S11/[S11.E03] The Big Bang Theory - LIntégration de la relaxation.French France.srt
26.1 kB
S06/[S06.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.Spanish Spain.srt
26.1 kB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La congruence maternelle.English United States [CC].srt
26.1 kB
S08/[S08.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Test dintimité.English United States [CC].srt
26.1 kB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La voyante.Italian.srt
26.1 kB
S10/[S10.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Une vérité approximative.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.1 kB
S11/[S11.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LHéritage du professeur Proton.Spanish Latin.srt
26.1 kB
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.Spanish Latin.srt
26.1 kB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le coussin irremplaçable.Spanish Spain.srt
26.1 kB
S02/[S02.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Terminator dans le train.Dutch.srt
26.1 kB
S06/[S06.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les fluctuations du découplement.English United States [CC].srt
26.1 kB
S09/[S09.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Corrosion, Crevaison, Oxydation.Spanish Latin.srt
26.0 kB
S06/[S06.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Délire à Las Vegas.German.srt
26.0 kB
S06/[S06.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
26.0 kB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.Spanish Latin.srt
26.0 kB
S07/[S07.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Ramifications et valse-hésitation.Italian.srt
26.0 kB
S12/[S12.E15] The Big Bang Theory - The Donation Oscillation.German.srt
26.0 kB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le bar à filles.English United States [CC].srt
26.0 kB
S12/[S12.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Conference Valuation.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
26.0 kB
S12/[S12.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Conference Valuation.Spanish Latin.srt
26.0 kB
S11/[S11.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Comète de la discorde.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.0 kB
S09/[S09.E17] The Big Bang Theory - LAnniversaire de Sheldon.English United States [CC].srt
26.0 kB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.Spanish Spain.srt
26.0 kB
S09/[S09.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lempathie.Spanish Spain.srt
26.0 kB
S06/[S06.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lexcitation holographique.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.0 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.English United States.srt
26.0 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.English United States [CC].srt
26.0 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.Spanish Spain.srt
26.0 kB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le postulat du hamburger.English United States [CC].srt
26.0 kB
S06/[S06.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L’expédition Bakersfield.English United States [CC].srt
26.0 kB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La juxtaposition de la prostituée morte.Spanish Spain.srt
26.0 kB
S09/[S09.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Corrosion, Crevaison, Oxydation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.0 kB
S05/[S05.E16] The Big Bang Theory - L’Enfer Des Vacances !.French France.srt
26.0 kB
S12/[S12.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LAsymétrie du prix Nobel.French France.srt
26.0 kB
S10/[S10.E02] The Big Bang Theory - La miniaturisation militaire.Spanish Spain.srt
26.0 kB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La machine incroyable.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.0 kB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le coussin irremplaçable.Portuguese Brazil.srt
26.0 kB
S10/[S10.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Flashbacks.English United States [CC].srt
26.0 kB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La recurrence de wheaton.English United States [CC].srt
26.0 kB
S11/[S11.E03] The Big Bang Theory - LIntégration de la relaxation.Spanish Latin.srt
26.0 kB
S08/[S08.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Fort Réconfort.English United States [CC].srt
26.0 kB
S06/[S06.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le mystère des 20 minutes.Italian.srt
26.0 kB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Lénigme Vartabedian.Italian.srt
26.0 kB
S06/[S06.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le mal de lespace.Spanish Spain.srt
26.0 kB
S05/[S05.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Problème DIsolation.Spanish Spain.srt
26.0 kB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le corollaire de pattes-de-velours.Dutch.srt
26.0 kB
S06/[S06.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Entrailles, poiscailles, ripailles !.German.srt
26.0 kB
S06/[S06.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
26.0 kB
S10/[S10.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Un nouveau colocataire.English United States [CC].srt
26.0 kB
S08/[S08.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Que la force soit avec nous !.Spanish Spain.srt
26.0 kB
S08/[S08.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Plan à quatre.English United States [CC].srt
26.0 kB
S06/[S06.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation du retour.Italian.srt
26.0 kB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La sœur jumelle.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.9 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.Spanish Latin.srt
25.9 kB
S08/[S08.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Malentendu, Quiproquos et Jalousie.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.9 kB
S10/[S10.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Gymnastique cérébrale.Dutch.srt
25.9 kB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La descente aux enfers du sujet Loobenfeld.Dutch.srt
25.9 kB
S12/[S12.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de foudre à Beverly Hill.German.srt
25.9 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.English United States [CC].srt
25.9 kB
S06/[S06.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L’expédition Bakersfield.Spanish Latin.srt
25.9 kB
S12/[S12.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Météorite et le Balcon de la discorde.German.srt
25.9 kB
S09/[S09.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Séance chez le psy !.Spanish Spain.srt
25.9 kB
S05/[S05.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La Quadruple Négation.Spanish Spain.srt
25.9 kB
S07/[S07.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La convention de Sheldon.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.9 kB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La machine incroyable.English United States [CC].srt
25.9 kB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Les fleurs de Penny.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.9 kB
S05/[S05.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La pub de Penny.Spanish Spain.srt
25.9 kB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le grand collisionneur.French France.srt
25.9 kB
S05/[S05.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Contrat DAmitié..Spanish Spain.srt
25.9 kB
S10/[S10.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de pied fœtal et fièvre acheteuse.Italian.srt
25.9 kB
S08/[S08.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un engagement pas très engageant.German.srt
25.9 kB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpédition monopolaire.Dutch.srt
25.9 kB
S09/[S09.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le « Spockumentaire ».English United States [CC].srt
25.9 kB
S08/[S08.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des mères.Italian.srt
25.9 kB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.Italian.srt
25.9 kB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La saga de lescalier.Spanish Spain.srt
25.9 kB
S08/[S08.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Plan à quatre.Italian [CC].srt
25.9 kB
S06/[S06.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les fluctuations du découplement.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.9 kB
S11/[S11.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Tentation de Sheldon.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.8 kB
S06/[S06.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lexcitation holographique.English United States [CC].srt
25.8 kB
S06/[S06.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L’expédition Bakersfield.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.8 kB
S09/[S09.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lempathie.English United States [CC].srt
25.8 kB
S09/[S09.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Convergence, Confluence, Méfiance.Spanish Spain.srt
25.8 kB
S07/[S07.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-motivation.Dutch.srt
25.8 kB
S05/[S05.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Problème DIsolation.Spanish Latin.srt
25.8 kB
S06/[S06.E17] The Big Bang Theory - L’isolation dun looser.Italian [CC].srt
25.8 kB
S08/[S08.E09] The Big Bang Theory - LOpération nasale.Spanish Latin.srt
25.8 kB
S08/[S08.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Détermination de lengagement.Spanish Latin.srt
25.8 kB
S11/[S11.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Les Frères ennemis.Spanish Latin.srt
25.8 kB
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.8 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.English United States [CC].srt
25.8 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.English United States.srt
25.8 kB
S06/[S06.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.French France.srt
25.8 kB
S05/[S05.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
25.8 kB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La machine incroyable.Spanish Latin.srt
25.8 kB
S07/[S07.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Orang-outan en emporte le vent.Dutch.srt
25.8 kB
S12/[S12.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Configuration matrimoniale.Dutch.srt
25.8 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.English United States.srt
25.8 kB
S10/[S10.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Jacuzzi a dit.Dutch.srt
25.8 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.English United States [CC].srt
25.8 kB
S12/[S12.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Configuration matrimoniale.English United States [CC].srt
25.8 kB
S12/[S12.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Privation sensorielle.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
25.8 kB
S12/[S12.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Privation sensorielle.Spanish Latin.srt
25.8 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.English United States.srt
25.8 kB
S05/[S05.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Le Bourreau De Leonard..Spanish Spain.srt
25.8 kB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.Spanish Latin.srt
25.8 kB
S08/[S08.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Cooper, professeur duniversité.Spanish Latin.srt
25.8 kB
S06/[S06.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Renversement de tendance.Italian.srt
25.8 kB
S09/[S09.E02] The Big Bang Theory - LOscillation de la séparation.Spanish Latin.srt
25.8 kB
S07/[S07.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Orang-outan en emporte le vent.Spanish Spain.srt
25.8 kB
S06/[S06.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Obligation contractuelle.Italian [CC].srt
25.8 kB
S07/[S07.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La boulette de Sheldon.French France.srt
25.8 kB
S11/[S11.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un mariage trop lent.French France.srt
25.8 kB
S06/[S06.E17] The Big Bang Theory - L’isolation dun looser.German.srt
25.7 kB
S06/[S06.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
25.7 kB
S06/[S06.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le professeur Proton.Italian.srt
25.7 kB
S10/[S10.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Un toit pour Rajesh.French France.srt
25.7 kB
S06/[S06.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le mal de lespace.English United States [CC].srt
25.7 kB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Les fleurs de Penny.Spanish Spain.srt
25.7 kB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La machine incroyable.Spanish Spain.srt
25.7 kB
S05/[S05.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Phobie De Sheldon.Spanish Spain.srt
25.7 kB
S06/[S06.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La clôture cognitive alternative.German.srt
25.7 kB
S06/[S06.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
25.7 kB
S12/[S12.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Les Preuves du plagiat.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
25.7 kB
S12/[S12.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Les Preuves du plagiat.Spanish Latin.srt
25.7 kB
S06/[S06.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lexcitation holographique.Spanish Spain.srt
25.7 kB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La saga de lescalier.English United States [CC].srt
25.7 kB
S08/[S08.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Intrus volants.English United States [CC].srt
25.7 kB
S10/[S10.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de pied fœtal et fièvre acheteuse.English United States [CC].srt
25.7 kB
S09/[S09.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Convergence, Confluence, Méfiance.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.7 kB
S07/[S07.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Chasse au trésor.Spanish Spain.srt
25.7 kB
S09/[S09.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Meemaw sen va en guerre !.Spanish Latin.srt
25.7 kB
S07/[S07.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Orang-outan en emporte le vent.English United States [CC].srt
25.7 kB
S12/[S12.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie déjouée.Dutch.srt
25.7 kB
S06/[S06.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Entrailles, poiscailles, ripailles !.Italian [CC].srt
25.7 kB
S09/[S09.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon connaît la chanson.French France.srt
25.7 kB
S08/[S08.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La Toque et la Toge.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.7 kB
S01/[S01.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le corollaire de pattes-de-velours.French France.srt
25.7 kB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Disputes insupportables.Dutch.srt
25.7 kB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le fameux anneau.English United States [CC].srt
25.7 kB
S03/[S03.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Disputes insupportables.French France.srt
25.7 kB
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.Spanish Latin.srt
25.7 kB
S09/[S09.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon connaît la chanson.Italian [CC].srt
25.7 kB
S08/[S08.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Thermalisation des restes.Spanish Spain.srt
25.7 kB
S07/[S07.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La convention de Sheldon.Dutch.srt
25.7 kB
S05/[S05.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Princesse Amy.English United States [CC].srt
25.7 kB
S06/[S06.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le mystère des 20 minutes.Spanish Spain.srt
25.7 kB
S08/[S08.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon et Amy sen vont sur Mars.English United States [CC].srt
25.7 kB
S07/[S07.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Orang-outan en emporte le vent.Spanish Latin.srt
25.6 kB
S05/[S05.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dilemme De Léonard.Italian [CC].srt
25.6 kB
S11/[S11.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Explosion en plein Wolowitz.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.6 kB
S10/[S10.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Une séparation difficile.Italian.srt
25.6 kB
S07/[S07.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.Spanish Latin.srt
25.6 kB
S09/[S09.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le « Spockumentaire ».Italian.srt
25.6 kB
S12/[S12.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Météorite et le Balcon de la discorde.Dutch.srt
25.6 kB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le théorème Cooper-Nowitzki.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.6 kB
S10/[S10.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Halley et venues.Spanish Spain.srt
25.6 kB
S05/[S05.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dilemme De Léonard.German.srt
25.6 kB
S05/[S05.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.German.srt
25.6 kB
S05/[S05.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LHypothèse De Recombinaison.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.6 kB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le combat des robots.Dutch.srt
25.6 kB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
25.6 kB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La relativité restreinte.German.srt
25.6 kB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Bras cassé et voie lacté.English United States [CC].srt
25.6 kB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le postulat du hamburger.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.6 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.Spanish Spain.srt
25.6 kB
S05/[S05.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Dialogue De Sourds.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.6 kB
S08/[S08.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Fort Réconfort.French France.srt
25.6 kB
S08/[S08.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Champagne et Grande Découverte.English United States [CC].srt
25.6 kB
S06/[S06.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Les propos démesurés de Sheldon.French France.srt
25.6 kB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.Spanish Latin.srt
25.6 kB
S07/[S07.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Des choix cornéliens.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.6 kB
S08/[S08.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Malentendu, Quiproquos et Jalousie.Italian [CC].srt
25.6 kB
S06/[S06.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La clôture cognitive alternative.Italian [CC].srt
25.6 kB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Lénigme Vartabedian.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.6 kB
S05/[S05.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LHypothèse De Recombinaison.Spanish Spain.srt
25.6 kB
S05/[S05.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Dialogue De Sourds.Spanish Spain.srt
25.6 kB
S10/[S10.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une dépendance irrépressible.Spanish Latin.srt
25.6 kB
S09/[S09.E11] The Big Bang Theory - LEffervescence de lavant-première.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.6 kB
S11/[S11.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Colocation de salle des fêtes.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.5 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.German.srt
25.5 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.German.srt
25.5 kB
S09/[S09.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lempathie.Italian [CC].srt
25.5 kB
S10/[S10.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La discorde de la longue distance.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.5 kB
S06/[S06.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L’expédition Bakersfield.German.srt
25.5 kB
S06/[S06.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
25.5 kB
S09/[S09.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Retour à la case départ.Spanish Latin.srt
25.5 kB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Lénigme Vartabedian.English United States [CC].srt
25.5 kB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La formule de la vengeance.English United States [CC].srt
25.5 kB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La mère de Léonard.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.5 kB
S12/[S12.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Magnéto Sheldon !.Spanish Spain.srt
25.5 kB
S12/[S12.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un mystérieux cadeau de mariage.Spanish Spain.srt
25.5 kB
S12/[S12.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Leonard se rebelle.French France.srt
25.5 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.French France.srt
25.5 kB
S09/[S09.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Retour à la case départ.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.5 kB
S07/[S07.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Le jeudi tout est permis.Spanish Spain.srt
25.5 kB
S06/[S06.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le mal de lespace.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.5 kB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Les allumés dHalloween.Spanish Latin.srt
25.5 kB
S09/[S09.E02] The Big Bang Theory - LOscillation de la séparation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.5 kB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La saga de lescalier.Spanish Latin.srt
25.5 kB
S10/[S10.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La réverbération de la locomotive.Dutch.srt
25.5 kB
S08/[S08.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Détermination de lengagement.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.5 kB
S09/[S09.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Corrosion, Crevaison, Oxydation.Spanish Spain.srt
25.5 kB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La congruence maternelle.French France.srt
25.5 kB
S09/[S09.E17] The Big Bang Theory - LAnniversaire de Sheldon.Italian [CC].srt
25.5 kB
S09/[S09.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Mariage et Conséquences.Spanish Spain.srt
25.5 kB
S12/[S12.E15] The Big Bang Theory - The Donation Oscillation.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
25.5 kB
S12/[S12.E15] The Big Bang Theory - The Donation Oscillation.Spanish Latin.srt
25.5 kB
S05/[S05.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Princesse Amy.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.5 kB
S09/[S09.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Bernadette va déguster.Dutch.srt
25.5 kB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le bar à filles.Spanish Spain.srt
25.5 kB
S12/[S12.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Titre de spermission.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
25.5 kB
S12/[S12.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Titre de spermission.Spanish Latin.srt
25.5 kB
S07/[S07.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Ramifications et valse-hésitation.Spanish Spain.srt
25.5 kB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpansion Lézard-Spock.Spanish Spain.srt
25.4 kB
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.4 kB
S08/[S08.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Test dintimité.Spanish Latin.srt
25.4 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.Spanish Spain.srt
25.4 kB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Les allumés dHalloween.Spanish Spain.srt
25.4 kB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La sœur jumelle.Dutch.srt
25.4 kB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Excursion à Vegas.Spanish Latin.srt
25.4 kB
S07/[S07.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Le jeudi tout est permis.Dutch.srt
25.4 kB
S08/[S08.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La Désintégration de la sonde spatiale.Spanish Latin.srt
25.4 kB
S09/[S09.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon connaît la chanson.Spanish Spain.srt
25.4 kB
S10/[S10.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Super cerveau dans un incubateur.Italian.srt
25.4 kB
S07/[S07.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Le jeudi tout est permis.Spanish Latin.srt
25.4 kB
S05/[S05.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un Mariage Express.Spanish Latin.srt
25.4 kB
S10/[S10.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Une vérité approximative.Spanish Spain.srt
25.4 kB
S07/[S07.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
25.4 kB
S08/[S08.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La Toque et la Toge.Spanish Latin.srt
25.4 kB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Alerte aux microbes.English United States [CC].srt
25.4 kB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les cadeaux de noël.Spanish Spain.srt
25.4 kB
S08/[S08.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Manifestation du troll.French France.srt
25.4 kB
S09/[S09.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Détournement de brevet.Spanish Latin.srt
25.4 kB
S05/[S05.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Dialogue De Sourds.English United States [CC].srt
25.4 kB
S12/[S12.E15] The Big Bang Theory - The Donation Oscillation.French France.srt
25.4 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.4 kB
S10/[S10.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Halley et venues.Dutch.srt
25.4 kB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La triangulation des asperges.Spanish Spain.srt
25.4 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.Dutch.srt
25.4 kB
S12/[S12.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LAsymétrie du prix Nobel.Spanish Spain.srt
25.4 kB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Excursion à Vegas.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.4 kB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La rencontre avec le grand Stan.French France.srt
25.4 kB
S11/[S11.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Il faut sauver la science.French France.srt
25.4 kB
S05/[S05.E03] The Big Bang Theory - L’Extrapolation De L’Aine Froissée.English United States [CC].srt
25.4 kB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpédition monopolaire.French France.srt
25.3 kB
S07/[S07.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-motivation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.3 kB
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.Spanish Spain.srt
25.3 kB
S12/[S12.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Leonard se rebelle.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
25.3 kB
S12/[S12.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Leonard se rebelle.Spanish Latin.srt
25.3 kB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Léquivalence du griffon.French France.srt
25.3 kB
S08/[S08.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La Toque et la Toge.English United States [CC].srt
25.3 kB
S06/[S06.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.German.srt
25.3 kB
S06/[S06.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Une titularisation mouvementée.German.srt
25.3 kB
S08/[S08.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Cooper, professeur duniversité.Spanish Spain.srt
25.3 kB
S09/[S09.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Carence en hélium liquide.Spanish Latin.srt
25.3 kB
S04/[S04.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un Long Episode De Fiançailles.Spanish Latin.srt
25.3 kB
S05/[S05.E23] The Big Bang Theory - L’Accélération Du Lancement.French France.srt
25.3 kB
S08/[S08.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lanxiété.Spanish Spain.srt
25.3 kB
S07/[S07.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Ramifications et valse-hésitation.Spanish Latin.srt
25.3 kB
S12/[S12.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Trahison de Tam.Spanish Spain.srt
25.3 kB
S09/[S09.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Submersion de Valentino.English United States [CC].srt
25.3 kB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La relativité restreinte.Italian.srt
25.3 kB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La congruence maternelle.Spanish Spain.srt
25.3 kB
S09/[S09.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Submersion de Valentino.Spanish Spain.srt
25.3 kB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La mère de Léonard.Spanish Spain.srt
25.3 kB
S08/[S08.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-démotivation.French France.srt
25.3 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.3 kB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La physique pour les nulles.French France.srt
25.3 kB
S09/[S09.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie des files dattente.Dutch.srt
25.3 kB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La recurrence de wheaton.Spanish Spain.srt
25.3 kB
S08/[S08.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Que la force soit avec nous !.French France.srt
25.3 kB
S07/[S07.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Ramifications et valse-hésitation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.3 kB
S05/[S05.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Transformation Du Loup-Garou.Spanish Spain.srt
25.3 kB
S01/[S01.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La dualité de Jerusalem.French France.srt
25.3 kB
S10/[S10.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Une vérité approximative.Spanish Latin.srt
25.3 kB
S09/[S09.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Meemaw sen va en guerre !.French France.srt
25.2 kB
S07/[S07.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Maman a un amant.French France.srt
25.2 kB
S09/[S09.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Mariage et Conséquences.Dutch.srt
25.2 kB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Les allumés dHalloween.Dutch.srt
25.2 kB
S08/[S08.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lanxiété.Spanish Latin.srt
25.2 kB
S08/[S08.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Malentendu, Quiproquos et Jalousie.English United States [CC].srt
25.2 kB
S03/[S03.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.French France.srt
25.2 kB
S08/[S08.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Intrus volants.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.2 kB
S07/[S07.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.2 kB
S06/[S06.E15] The Big Bang Theory - L’art du spoiler.French France.srt
25.2 kB
S01/[S01.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le paradoxe du ravioli chinois.French France.srt
25.2 kB
S02/[S02.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Léquivalence du griffon.Dutch.srt
25.2 kB
S09/[S09.E08] The Big Bang Theory - LObservation du rendez-vous mystère.Spanish Spain.srt
25.2 kB
S10/[S10.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Souviens-toi de la journée dernière.Spanish Spain.srt
25.2 kB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Bras cassé et voie lacté.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.2 kB
S11/[S11.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LHéritage du professeur Proton.French France.srt
25.2 kB
S12/[S12.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Test de compatibilité.French France.srt
25.2 kB
S09/[S09.E02] The Big Bang Theory - LOscillation de la séparation.Spanish Spain.srt
25.2 kB
S07/[S07.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Le jeudi tout est permis.English United States [CC].srt
25.2 kB
S09/[S09.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon connaît la chanson.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.2 kB
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.French France.srt
25.2 kB
S09/[S09.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Permutation platonique.Dutch.srt
25.2 kB
S07/[S07.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La proximité du lieu de travail.Dutch.srt
25.2 kB
S09/[S09.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Détournement de brevet.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.2 kB
S10/[S10.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Probabilités matrimoniales.French France.srt
25.2 kB
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.French France.srt
25.2 kB
S04/[S04.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un Long Episode De Fiançailles.English United States [CC].srt
25.2 kB
S04/[S04.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un Long Episode De Fiançailles.Spanish Spain.srt
25.2 kB
S06/[S06.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le mystère des 20 minutes.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.2 kB
S08/[S08.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La Toque et la Toge.French France.srt
25.2 kB
S10/[S10.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Gymnastique cérébrale.Spanish Latin.srt
25.2 kB
S09/[S09.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Meemaw sen va en guerre !.Spanish Spain.srt
25.2 kB
S10/[S10.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Les zones d’intimité.English United States [CC].srt
25.2 kB
S07/[S07.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Une affaire dœstrogènes.French France.srt
25.2 kB
S12/[S12.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Spécial Donjons et Dragons.Dutch.srt
25.2 kB
S06/[S06.E11] The Big Bang Theory - L’esprit de Noël.Spanish Latin.srt
25.2 kB
S05/[S05.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.Italian.srt
25.2 kB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La saga de lescalier.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.2 kB
S12/[S12.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Conference Valuation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.1 kB
S09/[S09.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Permutation platonique.French France.srt
25.1 kB
S08/[S08.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Régénération du magasin de BD.French France.srt
25.1 kB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le bar à filles.Spanish Latin.srt
25.1 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.French France.srt
25.1 kB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La juxtaposition de la prostituée morte.Spanish Latin.srt
25.1 kB
S12/[S12.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Privation sensorielle.French France.srt
25.1 kB
S08/[S08.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La Désintégration de la sonde spatiale.French France.srt
25.1 kB
S06/[S06.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La preuve daffection tangible.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.1 kB
S12/[S12.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Leonard se rebelle.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.1 kB
S03/[S03.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le tournoi de cartes.Dutch.srt
25.1 kB
S07/[S07.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Des choix cornéliens.Dutch.srt
25.1 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.1 kB
S10/[S10.E02] The Big Bang Theory - La miniaturisation militaire.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.1 kB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le théorème Cooper-Nowitzki.Spanish Spain.srt
25.1 kB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Les spaghettis de la réconciliation.English United States [CC].srt
25.1 kB
S08/[S08.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Fort Réconfort.Spanish Latin.srt
25.1 kB
S03/[S03.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La physique pour les nulles.Dutch.srt
25.1 kB
S09/[S09.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Séance chez le psy !.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.1 kB
S12/[S12.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Crise au planétarium.Spanish Spain.srt
25.1 kB
S09/[S09.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Submersion de Valentino.Italian.srt
25.1 kB
S09/[S09.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Convergence, Confluence, Méfiance.Spanish Latin.srt
25.1 kB
S09/[S09.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction positive et négative.English United States [CC].srt
25.1 kB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La recurrence de wheaton.Spanish Latin.srt
25.1 kB
S07/[S07.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Orang-outan en emporte le vent.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.1 kB
S10/[S10.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Les zones d’intimité.Italian [CC].srt
25.1 kB
S11/[S11.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La Nomenclature néonatale.Dutch.srt
25.1 kB
S10/[S10.E02] The Big Bang Theory - La miniaturisation militaire.French France.srt
25.1 kB
S10/[S10.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Première cohabitation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.1 kB
S05/[S05.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Princesse Amy.Spanish Spain.srt
25.1 kB
S08/[S08.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon et Amy sen vont sur Mars.Spanish Latin.srt
25.1 kB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La turbulence du matériel confidentiel.English United States [CC].srt
25.1 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.French France.srt
25.1 kB
S09/[S09.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Détournement de brevet.Dutch.srt
25.1 kB
S10/[S10.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.1 kB
S10/[S10.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Une séparation difficile.English United States [CC].srt
25.1 kB
S09/[S09.E11] The Big Bang Theory - LEffervescence de lavant-première.Spanish Spain.srt
25.0 kB
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.French France.srt
25.0 kB
S12/[S12.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Météorite et le Balcon de la discorde.French France.srt
25.0 kB
S10/[S10.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Super cerveau dans un incubateur.English United States [CC].srt
25.0 kB
S06/[S06.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Lapprentie réalisatrice.Spanish Latin.srt
25.0 kB
S09/[S09.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon connaît la chanson.Dutch.srt
25.0 kB
S10/[S10.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Jacuzzi a dit.Spanish Spain.srt
25.0 kB
S11/[S11.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des brevets.Spanish Latin.srt
25.0 kB
S01/[S01.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La descente aux enfers du sujet Loobenfeld.French France.srt
25.0 kB
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.French France.srt
25.0 kB
S11/[S11.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Il faut sauver la science.Spanish Latin.srt
25.0 kB
S07/[S07.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La convention de Sheldon.German.srt
25.0 kB
S07/[S07.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
25.0 kB
S05/[S05.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre Du Bureau.Spanish Latin.srt
25.0 kB
S08/[S08.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Test dintimité.Spanish Spain.srt
25.0 kB
S10/[S10.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Jacuzzi a dit.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.0 kB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La formule de la vengeance.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.0 kB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La déviation Gotowitz.Spanish Spain.srt
25.0 kB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La voyante.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.0 kB
S05/[S05.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La Quadruple Négation.Spanish Latin.srt
25.0 kB
S07/[S07.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Ramifications et valse-hésitation.English United States [CC].srt
25.0 kB
S09/[S09.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie des files dattente.French France.srt
25.0 kB
S03/[S03.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Le prix scientifique.Dutch.srt
25.0 kB
S05/[S05.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Contrat DAmitié..Spanish Latin.srt
25.0 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.Spanish Latin.srt
25.0 kB
S07/[S07.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Chasse au trésor.Spanish Latin.srt
25.0 kB
S07/[S07.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Un proton peut en cacher un autre.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.0 kB
S10/[S10.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Instabilité gyroscopique.Spanish Spain.srt
25.0 kB
S08/[S08.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Champagne et Grande Découverte.French France.srt
25.0 kB
S08/[S08.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon et Amy sen vont sur Mars.Spanish Spain.srt
25.0 kB
S11/[S11.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Les Frères ennemis.Portuguese Brazil.srt
25.0 kB
S06/[S06.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le mystère des 20 minutes.English United States [CC].srt
24.9 kB
S12/[S12.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de foudre à Beverly Hill.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.9 kB
S09/[S09.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Retour à la case départ.Spanish Spain.srt
24.9 kB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La congruence maternelle.Spanish Latin.srt
24.9 kB
S09/[S09.E08] The Big Bang Theory - LObservation du rendez-vous mystère.Dutch.srt
24.9 kB
S10/[S10.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Un nouveau colocataire.Spanish Spain.srt
24.9 kB
S11/[S11.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des brevets.French France.srt
24.9 kB
S08/[S08.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le Conditionnement opérant.Spanish Latin.srt
24.9 kB
S06/[S06.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Une titularisation mouvementée.Italian.srt
24.9 kB
S05/[S05.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Le Vortex Du Week End.Spanish Latin.srt
24.9 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.French France.srt
24.9 kB
S09/[S09.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Détournement de brevet.French France.srt
24.9 kB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La déviation Gotowitz.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.9 kB
S06/[S06.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les fluctuations du découplement.Spanish Spain.srt
24.9 kB
S10/[S10.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Halley et venues.Spanish Latin.srt
24.9 kB
S09/[S09.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Séance chez le psy !.Dutch.srt
24.9 kB
S12/[S12.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LAsymétrie du prix Nobel.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.9 kB
S06/[S06.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Lescalade de la place de parking.French France.srt
24.9 kB
S06/[S06.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La reconfiguration du dressing.English United States [CC].srt
24.9 kB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le fameux anneau.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.9 kB
S10/[S10.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Gymnastique cérébrale.French France.srt
24.9 kB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Les spaghettis de la réconciliation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.9 kB
S10/[S10.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Une vérité approximative.French France.srt
24.9 kB
S10/[S10.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Souviens-toi de la journée dernière.Dutch.srt
24.9 kB
S11/[S11.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Les Frères ennemis.French France.srt
24.9 kB
S07/[S07.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La proximité du lieu de travail.German.srt
24.9 kB
S07/[S07.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
24.9 kB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La solution pirate.French France.srt
24.9 kB
S12/[S12.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une procréation calculée.Spanish Spain.srt
24.9 kB
S06/[S06.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La preuve daffection tangible.English United States [CC].srt
24.9 kB
S05/[S05.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Phobie De Sheldon.Spanish Latin.srt
24.9 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.Spanish Spain.srt
24.9 kB
S10/[S10.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Une vérité approximative.Dutch.srt
24.9 kB
S10/[S10.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La réverbération de la locomotive.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.9 kB
S08/[S08.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Rituel du bal de fin dannée.Spanish Latin.srt
24.9 kB
S05/[S05.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Transformation Du Loup-Garou.English United States [CC].srt
24.8 kB
S04/[S04.E19] The Big Bang Theory - LIntrusion De Zarnecki.French France.srt
24.8 kB
S02/[S02.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpédition monopolaire.Spanish Spain.srt
24.8 kB
S07/[S07.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La dissolution de la relation.French France.srt
24.8 kB
S09/[S09.E11] The Big Bang Theory - LEffervescence de lavant-première.Spanish Latin.srt
24.8 kB
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.Spanish Latin.srt
24.8 kB
S08/[S08.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Fort Réconfort.Spanish Spain.srt
24.8 kB
S11/[S11.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Méthodologie de la géologie.Spanish Latin.srt
24.8 kB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le coussin irremplaçable.Spanish Latin.srt
24.8 kB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le théorème Cooper-Nowitzki.English United States [CC].srt
24.8 kB
S11/[S11.E03] The Big Bang Theory - LIntégration de la relaxation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.8 kB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La déviation Gotowitz.Spanish Latin.srt
24.8 kB
S07/[S07.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Chasse au trésor.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.8 kB
S06/[S06.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lexcitation holographique.Spanish Latin.srt
24.8 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.Dutch.srt
24.8 kB
S10/[S10.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La discorde de la longue distance.Italian.srt
24.8 kB
S02/[S02.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un secret bien gardé.French France.srt
24.8 kB
S06/[S06.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Renversement de tendance.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.8 kB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La juxtaposition de la prostituée morte.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.8 kB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La voyante.English United States [CC].srt
24.8 kB
S10/[S10.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Réajustements amoureux.Italian [CC].srt
24.8 kB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le bar à filles.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.8 kB
S09/[S09.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lempathie.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.7 kB
S06/[S06.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Extraction-oblitération.Spanish Latin.srt
24.7 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.Italian.srt
24.7 kB
S12/[S12.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de foudre à Beverly Hill.French France.srt
24.7 kB
S08/[S08.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Test dintimité.French France.srt
24.7 kB
S10/[S10.E02] The Big Bang Theory - La miniaturisation militaire.Spanish Latin.srt
24.7 kB
S11/[S11.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LHéritage du professeur Proton.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.7 kB
S12/[S12.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Spécial Donjons et Dragons.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
24.7 kB
S12/[S12.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Spécial Donjons et Dragons.Spanish Latin.srt
24.7 kB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.English United States [CC].srt
24.7 kB
S09/[S09.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon connaît la chanson.Spanish Latin.srt
24.7 kB
S12/[S12.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Météorite et le Balcon de la discorde.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
24.7 kB
S12/[S12.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Météorite et le Balcon de la discorde.Spanish Latin.srt
24.7 kB
S05/[S05.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dysfonctionnement Du Téléporteur.French France.srt
24.7 kB
S10/[S10.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le Comi-con de situation.Spanish Latin.srt
24.7 kB
S11/[S11.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des brevets.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.7 kB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Exode dans le Montana.German.srt
24.7 kB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.German.srt
24.7 kB
S08/[S08.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Plan à quatre.Spanish Latin.srt
24.7 kB
S10/[S10.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.Italian [CC].srt
24.7 kB
S08/[S08.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des mères.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.7 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.Spanish Latin.srt
24.7 kB
S06/[S06.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Renversement de tendance.English United States [CC].srt
24.7 kB
S12/[S12.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Titre de spermission.French France.srt
24.7 kB
S07/[S07.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La table de tous les dangers.French France.srt
24.7 kB
S06/[S06.E15] The Big Bang Theory - L’art du spoiler.Spanish Latin.srt
24.7 kB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.French France.srt
24.7 kB
S08/[S08.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Rituel du bal de fin dannée.Spanish Spain.srt
24.7 kB
S05/[S05.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un Mariage Express.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.6 kB
S10/[S10.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.English United States [CC].srt
24.6 kB
S08/[S08.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Champagne et Grande Découverte.Spanish Spain.srt
24.6 kB
S10/[S10.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Jacuzzi a dit.Spanish Latin.srt
24.6 kB
S12/[S12.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Les Preuves du plagiat.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.6 kB
S02/[S02.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le flirt de Léonard.French France.srt
24.6 kB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le postulat du hamburger.Spanish Spain.srt
24.6 kB
S08/[S08.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le Conditionnement opérant.Spanish Spain.srt
24.6 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.French France.srt
24.6 kB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La formule de la vengeance.Spanish Spain.srt
24.6 kB
S08/[S08.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La Toque et la Toge.Spanish Spain.srt
24.6 kB
S12/[S12.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Configuration matrimoniale.French France.srt
24.6 kB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Les poissons luminescents.French France.srt
24.6 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.Spanish Latin.srt
24.6 kB
S01/[S01.E02] The Big Bang Theory - The Big Bran Hypothesis.French France.srt
24.6 kB
S08/[S08.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des mères.Spanish Latin.srt
24.6 kB
S12/[S12.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Test de compatibilité.Spanish Spain.srt
24.6 kB
S09/[S09.E08] The Big Bang Theory - LObservation du rendez-vous mystère.French France.srt
24.6 kB
S12/[S12.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Privation sensorielle.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.6 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.Spanish Latin.srt
24.6 kB
S09/[S09.E02] The Big Bang Theory - LOscillation de la séparation.French France.srt
24.6 kB
S07/[S07.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-motivation.French France.srt
24.6 kB
S09/[S09.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Séance chez le psy !.French France.srt
24.6 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.French France.srt
24.6 kB
S12/[S12.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Spécial Donjons et Dragons.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.6 kB
S05/[S05.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Vengeance D’ Howard.English United States [CC].srt
24.6 kB
S12/[S12.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Configuration matrimoniale.Spanish Spain.srt
24.6 kB
S08/[S08.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Détermination de lengagement.Spanish Spain.srt
24.5 kB
S06/[S06.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation du retour.English United States [CC].srt
24.5 kB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Lénigme Vartabedian.Spanish Spain.srt
24.5 kB
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.Dutch.srt
24.5 kB
S12/[S12.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Magnéto Sheldon !.French France.srt
24.5 kB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La mère de Léonard.Spanish Latin.srt
24.5 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.French France.srt
24.5 kB
S05/[S05.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Alcool, Sexe Et Mensonges..French France.srt
24.5 kB
S12/[S12.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Crise au planétarium.French France.srt
24.5 kB
S09/[S09.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le « Spockumentaire ».Spanish Spain.srt
24.5 kB
S09/[S09.E11] The Big Bang Theory - LEffervescence de lavant-première.Dutch.srt
24.5 kB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les cadeaux de noël.Spanish Latin.srt
24.5 kB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le vortex du nebraska.French France.srt
24.5 kB
S02/[S02.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Le combat des robots.French France.srt
24.5 kB
S06/[S06.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Bon voyage !.French France.srt
24.5 kB
S03/[S03.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le grand collisionneur.Dutch.srt
24.5 kB
S09/[S09.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction positive et négative.Italian [CC].srt
24.5 kB
S07/[S07.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.Dutch.srt
24.5 kB
S08/[S08.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Malentendu, Quiproquos et Jalousie.Spanish Spain.srt
24.4 kB
S12/[S12.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Le constant change.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
24.4 kB
S12/[S12.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Le constant change.Spanish Latin.srt
24.4 kB
S09/[S09.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Précipitation de la Grande Ourse.English United States [CC].srt
24.4 kB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.4 kB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le grillon des champs.French France.srt
24.4 kB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpansion Lézard-Spock.Spanish Latin.srt
24.4 kB
S10/[S10.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Un nouveau colocataire.Dutch.srt
24.4 kB
S05/[S05.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Demarrage Du Beta Test.Italian [CC].srt
24.4 kB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Les fleurs de Penny.Spanish Latin.srt
24.4 kB
S06/[S06.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Délire à Las Vegas.English United States [CC].srt
24.4 kB
S12/[S12.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Titre de spermission.Spanish Spain.srt
24.4 kB
S06/[S06.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Délire à Las Vegas.Spanish Spain.srt
24.4 kB
S04/[S04.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Colocation En Transmutation.French France.srt
24.4 kB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La triangulation des asperges.Spanish Latin.srt
24.4 kB
S06/[S06.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La reconfiguration du dressing.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.4 kB
S11/[S11.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Triangle impossible.Spanish Latin.srt
24.4 kB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Les spaghettis de la réconciliation.Spanish Spain.srt
24.4 kB
S07/[S07.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
24.4 kB
S07/[S07.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-motivation.German.srt
24.4 kB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le postulat du hamburger.Spanish Latin.srt
24.4 kB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La formule de la vengeance.Spanish Latin.srt
24.4 kB
S07/[S07.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La résonance de lamour.French France.srt
24.4 kB
S10/[S10.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de pied fœtal et fièvre acheteuse.Spanish Spain.srt
24.4 kB
S12/[S12.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Trahison de Tam.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.4 kB
S10/[S10.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Flashbacks.Spanish Spain.srt
24.4 kB
S11/[S11.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Il faut sauver la science.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.3 kB
S07/[S07.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Fiançailles, status quo, départ….French France.srt
24.3 kB
S09/[S09.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lempathie.Spanish Latin.srt
24.3 kB
S09/[S09.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Retour à la case départ.French France.srt
24.3 kB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La machine incroyable.Dutch.srt
24.3 kB
S12/[S12.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un mystérieux cadeau de mariage.French France.srt
24.3 kB
S06/[S06.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La reconfiguration du dressing.Spanish Spain.srt
24.3 kB
S01/[S01.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La sœur jumelle.French France.srt
24.3 kB
S10/[S10.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une dépendance irrépressible.French France.srt
24.3 kB
S08/[S08.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des mères.English United States [CC].srt
24.3 kB
S05/[S05.E03] The Big Bang Theory - L’Extrapolation De L’Aine Froissée.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.3 kB
S06/[S06.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Entrailles, poiscailles, ripailles !.English United States [CC].srt
24.3 kB
S08/[S08.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Cooper, professeur duniversité.French France.srt
24.3 kB
S11/[S11.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Petites Latrines dans la prairie.Spanish Latin.srt
24.3 kB
S06/[S06.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La clôture cognitive alternative.English United States [CC].srt
24.3 kB
S07/[S07.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
24.3 kB
S11/[S11.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Petites Latrines dans la prairie.French France.srt
24.3 kB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Les spaghettis de la réconciliation.Spanish Latin.srt
24.3 kB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Bras cassé et voie lacté.Spanish Spain.srt
24.3 kB
S09/[S09.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Submersion de Valentino.French France.srt
24.3 kB
S12/[S12.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un mystérieux cadeau de mariage.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.3 kB
S09/[S09.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lempathie.Dutch.srt
24.3 kB
S08/[S08.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Malentendu, Quiproquos et Jalousie.Spanish Latin.srt
24.2 kB
S10/[S10.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Les zones d’intimité.Spanish Spain.srt
24.2 kB
S05/[S05.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Transformation Du Loup-Garou.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.2 kB
S11/[S11.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La Nomenclature néonatale.French France.srt
24.2 kB
S10/[S10.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Souviens-toi de la journée dernière.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.2 kB
S06/[S06.E17] The Big Bang Theory - L’isolation dun looser.English United States [CC].srt
24.2 kB
S10/[S10.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Le jouet téléguidé.Italian.srt
24.2 kB
S09/[S09.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le « Spockumentaire ».Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.2 kB
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.French France.srt
24.2 kB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La vengance de Sheldon.Dutch.srt
24.2 kB
S08/[S08.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Champagne et Grande Découverte.Spanish Latin.srt
24.2 kB
S11/[S11.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Triangle impossible.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.2 kB
S06/[S06.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Renversement de tendance.Spanish Spain.srt
24.2 kB
S12/[S12.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Test de compatibilité.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.2 kB
S11/[S11.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.French France.srt
24.2 kB
S06/[S06.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Entrailles, poiscailles, ripailles !.Spanish Spain.srt
24.2 kB
S05/[S05.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LHypothèse De Recombinaison.Spanish Latin.srt
24.2 kB
S03/[S03.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La rencontre avec le grand Stan.Dutch.srt
24.2 kB
S08/[S08.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon et Amy sen vont sur Mars.French France.srt
24.2 kB
S12/[S12.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Dérivation des subventions.Spanish Spain.srt
24.2 kB
S10/[S10.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Première cohabitation.Spanish Spain.srt
24.2 kB
S10/[S10.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Halley et venues.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.2 kB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Alerte aux microbes.Spanish Latin.srt
24.2 kB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Alerte aux microbes.Spanish Spain.srt
24.2 kB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Bras cassé et voie lacté.Spanish Latin.srt
24.1 kB
S05/[S05.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un Mariage Express.French France.srt
24.1 kB
S12/[S12.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de foudre à Beverly Hill.Spanish Latin [CC].srt
24.1 kB
S12/[S12.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de foudre à Beverly Hill.Spanish Latin.srt
24.1 kB
S03/[S03.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La solution pirate.Dutch.srt
24.1 kB
S10/[S10.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Réajustements amoureux.English United States [CC].srt
24.1 kB
S05/[S05.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Vengeance D’ Howard.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.1 kB
S06/[S06.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le professeur Proton.Spanish Spain.srt
24.1 kB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.French France.srt
24.1 kB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Exode dans le Montana.Italian [CC].srt
24.1 kB
S11/[S11.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un mariage trop lent.Spanish Latin.srt
24.1 kB
S12/[S12.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie déjouée.Spanish Spain.srt
24.1 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.1 kB
S11/[S11.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un mariage trop lent.Dutch.srt
24.1 kB
S08/[S08.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Plan à quatre.Spanish Spain.srt
24.1 kB
S09/[S09.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Convergence, Confluence, Méfiance.Dutch.srt
24.1 kB
S02/[S02.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La vengance de Sheldon.French France.srt
24.1 kB
S10/[S10.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La discorde de la longue distance.English United States [CC].srt
24.1 kB
S06/[S06.E17] The Big Bang Theory - L’isolation dun looser.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.1 kB
S07/[S07.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Chasse au trésor.Dutch.srt
24.1 kB
S09/[S09.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Séance chez le psy !.Spanish Latin.srt
24.1 kB
S09/[S09.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Précipitation de la Grande Ourse.Italian [CC].srt
24.1 kB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La relativité restreinte.English United States [CC].srt
24.1 kB
S09/[S09.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Meemaw sen va en guerre !.Dutch.srt
24.1 kB
S06/[S06.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le professeur Proton.English United States [CC].srt
24.1 kB
S08/[S08.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Rituel du bal de fin dannée.French France.srt
24.1 kB
S09/[S09.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Submersion de Valentino.Spanish Latin.srt
24.1 kB
S11/[S11.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Méthodologie de la géologie.French France.srt
24.1 kB
S12/[S12.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une procréation calculée.French France.srt
24.0 kB
S11/[S11.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Petites Latrines dans la prairie.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.0 kB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La recurrence de wheaton.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.0 kB
S03/[S03.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le vortex du nebraska.Dutch.srt
24.0 kB
S06/[S06.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Entrailles, poiscailles, ripailles !.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.0 kB
S06/[S06.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La preuve daffection tangible.Spanish Spain.srt
24.0 kB
S09/[S09.E05] The Big Bang Theory - LExercice de la transpiration.Italian [CC].srt
24.0 kB
S05/[S05.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Le Bourreau De Leonard..Spanish Latin.srt
24.0 kB
S11/[S11.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Méthodologie de la géologie.Portuguese Brazil.srt
24.0 kB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.Spanish Spain.srt
24.0 kB
S05/[S05.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Le Vortex Du Week End.French France.srt
24.0 kB
S08/[S08.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Thermalisation des restes.French France.srt
24.0 kB
S07/[S07.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Ramifications et valse-hésitation.Dutch.srt
24.0 kB
S07/[S07.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.French France.srt
24.0 kB
S09/[S09.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Carence en hélium liquide.Dutch.srt
24.0 kB
S06/[S06.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Lescalade de la place de parking.Spanish Latin.srt
24.0 kB
S08/[S08.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Malentendu, Quiproquos et Jalousie.French France.srt
24.0 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.French France.srt
24.0 kB
S06/[S06.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Renversement de tendance.Spanish Latin.srt
24.0 kB
S09/[S09.E05] The Big Bang Theory - LExercice de la transpiration.English United States [CC].srt
24.0 kB
S10/[S10.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La réverbération de la locomotive.Spanish Latin.srt
23.9 kB
S12/[S12.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Le constant change.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.9 kB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le postulat du hamburger.Dutch.srt
23.9 kB
S12/[S12.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Un Halloween sous tension.Spanish Spain.srt
23.9 kB
S07/[S07.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
23.9 kB
S07/[S07.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Ramifications et valse-hésitation.German.srt
23.9 kB
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.9 kB
S09/[S09.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée à combustion.French France.srt
23.9 kB
S05/[S05.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Dialogue De Sourds.Spanish Latin.srt
23.9 kB
S12/[S12.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Une procréation calculée.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.9 kB
S10/[S10.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Une séparation difficile.Spanish Spain.srt
23.9 kB
S08/[S08.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un engagement pas très engageant.Italian [CC].srt
23.9 kB
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.French France.srt
23.9 kB
S08/[S08.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Détermination de lengagement.French France.srt
23.9 kB
S12/[S12.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Spécial Donjons et Dragons.French France.srt
23.9 kB
S05/[S05.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La pub de Penny.Spanish Latin.srt
23.9 kB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le fameux anneau.Spanish Spain.srt
23.9 kB
S06/[S06.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Une titularisation mouvementée.English United States [CC].srt
23.9 kB
S11/[S11.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Triangle impossible.French France.srt
23.9 kB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le fameux anneau.Spanish Latin.srt
23.9 kB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Alerte aux microbes.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.9 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.French France.srt
23.9 kB
S05/[S05.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Vengeance D’ Howard.Spanish Spain.srt
23.9 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.French France.srt
23.9 kB
S05/[S05.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Demarrage Du Beta Test.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.9 kB
S05/[S05.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dilemme De Léonard.English United States [CC].srt
23.9 kB
S10/[S10.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Flashbacks.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.9 kB
S12/[S12.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Magnéto Sheldon !.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.9 kB
S05/[S05.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La pub de Penny.French France.srt
23.8 kB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Lénigme Vartabedian.Spanish Latin.srt
23.8 kB
S05/[S05.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Princesse Amy.Spanish Latin.srt
23.8 kB
S09/[S09.E08] The Big Bang Theory - LObservation du rendez-vous mystère.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.8 kB
S03/[S03.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La fluctuation de louvre-boîte électrique.Dutch.srt
23.8 kB
S10/[S10.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de pied fœtal et fièvre acheteuse.Dutch.srt
23.8 kB
S08/[S08.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un engagement pas très engageant.English United States [CC].srt
23.8 kB
S04/[S04.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un Long Episode De Fiançailles.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.8 kB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La relativité restreinte.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.8 kB
S05/[S05.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre Du Bureau.French France.srt
23.8 kB
S12/[S12.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Dérivation des subventions.French France.srt
23.8 kB
S08/[S08.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le Conditionnement opérant.French France.srt
23.8 kB
S09/[S09.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un fil à souder à la patte.Spanish Spain.srt
23.8 kB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La recurrence de wheaton.French France.srt
23.8 kB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le bar à filles.French France.srt
23.8 kB
S12/[S12.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Règlement de compte au Paintball.Spanish Spain.srt
23.7 kB
S09/[S09.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le « Spockumentaire ».French France.srt
23.7 kB
S10/[S10.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Instabilité gyroscopique.Dutch.srt
23.7 kB
S05/[S05.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Problème DIsolation.French France.srt
23.7 kB
S06/[S06.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L’expédition Bakersfield.French France.srt
23.7 kB
S09/[S09.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Convergence, Confluence, Méfiance.French France.srt
23.7 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.Spanish Latin.srt
23.7 kB
S08/[S08.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Intrus volants.Spanish Spain.srt
23.7 kB
S07/[S07.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation des aventuriers.French France.srt
23.7 kB
S05/[S05.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Phobie De Sheldon.French France.srt
23.7 kB
S08/[S08.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un engagement pas très engageant.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.7 kB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.Dutch.srt
23.7 kB
S10/[S10.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Un nouveau colocataire.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.7 kB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La formule de la vengeance.French France.srt
23.7 kB
S12/[S12.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Crise au planétarium.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.7 kB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La turbulence du matériel confidentiel.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.7 kB
S06/[S06.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Obligation contractuelle.English United States [CC].srt
23.7 kB
S09/[S09.E17] The Big Bang Theory - LAnniversaire de Sheldon.Spanish Spain.srt
23.7 kB
S06/[S06.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le professeur Proton.Spanish Latin.srt
23.6 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.Spanish Latin.srt
23.6 kB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le théorème Cooper-Nowitzki.Spanish Latin.srt
23.6 kB
S05/[S05.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Princesse Amy.French France.srt
23.6 kB
S05/[S05.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.English United States [CC].srt
23.6 kB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Excursion à Vegas.Dutch.srt
23.6 kB
S10/[S10.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de pied fœtal et fièvre acheteuse.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.6 kB
S12/[S12.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Titre de spermission.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.6 kB
S07/[S07.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La démission de Penny.French France.srt
23.6 kB
S10/[S10.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Instabilité gyroscopique.French France.srt
23.6 kB
S09/[S09.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Mariage et Conséquences.French France.srt
23.6 kB
S10/[S10.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Le jouet téléguidé.English United States [CC].srt
23.6 kB
S11/[S11.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un mariage trop lent.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.6 kB
S10/[S10.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le Comi-con de situation.French France.srt
23.6 kB
S11/[S11.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.Spanish Latin.srt
23.6 kB
S12/[S12.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Le constant change.German.srt
23.6 kB
S03/[S03.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un laser sur la lune.French France.srt
23.6 kB
S09/[S09.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Submersion de Valentino.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.6 kB
S09/[S09.E05] The Big Bang Theory - LExercice de la transpiration.Spanish Latin.srt
23.6 kB
S06/[S06.E17] The Big Bang Theory - L’isolation dun looser.Spanish Spain.srt
23.6 kB
S10/[S10.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Un nouveau colocataire.Spanish Latin.srt
23.6 kB
S10/[S10.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Première cohabitation.Dutch.srt
23.6 kB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les cadeaux de noël.French France.srt
23.6 kB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction !.French France.srt
23.6 kB
S06/[S06.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation du retour.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.6 kB
S02/[S02.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Excursion à Vegas.French France.srt
23.5 kB
S11/[S11.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.5 kB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La turbulence du matériel confidentiel.Spanish Latin.srt
23.5 kB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Les fleurs de Penny.French France.srt
23.5 kB
S08/[S08.E09] The Big Bang Theory - LOpération nasale.French France.srt
23.5 kB
S07/[S07.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Le jeudi tout est permis.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.5 kB
S05/[S05.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Demarrage Du Beta Test.English United States [CC].srt
23.5 kB
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.Dutch.srt
23.5 kB
S10/[S10.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Super cerveau dans un incubateur.Spanish Spain.srt
23.5 kB
S06/[S06.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le professeur Proton.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.5 kB
S05/[S05.E03] The Big Bang Theory - L’Extrapolation De L’Aine Froissée.Spanish Spain.srt
23.5 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.Spanish Latin.srt
23.5 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.Spanish Latin.srt
23.5 kB
S05/[S05.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Demarrage Du Beta Test.Spanish Spain.srt
23.5 kB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La juxtaposition de la prostituée morte.French France.srt
23.5 kB
S09/[S09.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le « Spockumentaire ».Spanish Latin.srt
23.5 kB
S06/[S06.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Extraction-oblitération.French France.srt
23.5 kB
S06/[S06.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Délire à Las Vegas.Spanish Latin.srt
23.5 kB
S12/[S12.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Un Halloween sous tension.French France.srt
23.5 kB
S06/[S06.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le mal de lespace.Spanish Latin.srt
23.5 kB
S06/[S06.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le mal de lespace.French France.srt
23.5 kB
S07/[S07.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Larticle du professeur Proton.French France.srt
23.5 kB
S08/[S08.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des mères.Spanish Spain.srt
23.5 kB
S01/[S01.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction !.Dutch.srt
23.5 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.Spanish Spain.srt
23.4 kB
S10/[S10.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Souviens-toi de la journée dernière.French France.srt
23.4 kB
S09/[S09.E08] The Big Bang Theory - LObservation du rendez-vous mystère.Spanish Latin.srt
23.4 kB
S10/[S10.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La réverbération de la locomotive.French France.srt
23.4 kB
S06/[S06.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation du retour.Spanish Spain.srt
23.4 kB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.Spanish Latin.srt
23.4 kB
S09/[S09.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un fil à souder à la patte.French France.srt
23.4 kB
S10/[S10.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Les zones d’intimité.Dutch.srt
23.4 kB
S10/[S10.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Halley et venues.French France.srt
23.4 kB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La mère de Léonard.French France.srt
23.4 kB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpansion Lézard-Spock.Dutch.srt
23.4 kB
S06/[S06.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les fluctuations du découplement.Spanish Latin.srt
23.4 kB
S09/[S09.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée à combustion.Dutch.srt
23.4 kB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le fameux anneau.French France.srt
23.4 kB
S10/[S10.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de pied fœtal et fièvre acheteuse.Spanish Latin.srt
23.4 kB
S06/[S06.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Obligation contractuelle.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.4 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.English United States.srt
23.4 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.English United States [CC].srt
23.3 kB
S06/[S06.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Obligation contractuelle.Spanish Spain.srt
23.3 kB
S09/[S09.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Carence en hélium liquide.French France.srt
23.3 kB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La turbulence du matériel confidentiel.Spanish Spain.srt
23.3 kB
S12/[S12.E15] The Big Bang Theory - The Donation Oscillation.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.3 kB
S05/[S05.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LHypothèse De Recombinaison.French France.srt
23.3 kB
S08/[S08.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Intrus volants.Spanish Latin.srt
23.3 kB
S10/[S10.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Souviens-toi de la journée dernière.Spanish Latin.srt
23.3 kB
S12/[S12.E07] The Big Bang Theory - La Dérivation des subventions.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.3 kB
S09/[S09.E02] The Big Bang Theory - LOscillation de la séparation.Dutch.srt
23.3 kB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La triangulation des asperges.Dutch.srt
23.3 kB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le théorème Cooper-Nowitzki.Dutch.srt
23.3 kB
S10/[S10.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Super cerveau dans un incubateur.Spanish Latin.srt
23.3 kB
S10/[S10.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Une séparation difficile.French France.srt
23.3 kB
S08/[S08.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Plan à quatre.French France.srt
23.3 kB
S09/[S09.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Corrosion, Crevaison, Oxydation.French France.srt
23.3 kB
S05/[S05.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La Quadruple Négation.French France.srt
23.3 kB
S10/[S10.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Un nouveau colocataire.French France.srt
23.3 kB
S07/[S07.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Lextraction du docteur Cooper.French France.srt
23.3 kB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La voyante.Spanish Spain.srt
23.3 kB
S07/[S07.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Orang-outan en emporte le vent.French France.srt
23.3 kB
S10/[S10.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Coup de pied fœtal et fièvre acheteuse.French France.srt
23.3 kB
S07/[S07.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Labsence de Leonard.German.srt
23.2 kB
S07/[S07.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Le jeudi tout est permis.German.srt
23.2 kB
S04/[S04.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un Long Episode De Fiançailles.French France.srt
23.2 kB
S05/[S05.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Le Bourreau De Leonard..French France.srt
23.2 kB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.Dutch.srt
23.2 kB
S10/[S10.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Super cerveau dans un incubateur.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.2 kB
S12/[S12.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie déjouée.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.2 kB
S05/[S05.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.Spanish Spain.srt
23.2 kB
S03/[S03.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le grillon des champs.Dutch.srt
23.2 kB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La saga de lescalier.Dutch.srt
23.2 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.2 kB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La voyante.Spanish Latin.srt
23.2 kB
S10/[S10.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La discorde de la longue distance.Spanish Spain.srt
23.2 kB
S12/[S12.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Règlement de compte au Paintball.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.2 kB
S10/[S10.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Flashbacks.French France.srt
23.2 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.French France.srt
23.2 kB
S06/[S06.E17] The Big Bang Theory - L’isolation dun looser.French France.srt
23.2 kB
S06/[S06.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les fluctuations du découplement.French France.srt
23.1 kB
S03/[S03.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le fameux anneau.Dutch.srt
23.1 kB
S02/[S02.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Lexpansion Lézard-Spock.French France.srt
23.1 kB
S05/[S05.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.1 kB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La déviation Gotowitz.French France.srt
23.1 kB
S09/[S09.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Submersion de Valentino.Dutch.srt
23.1 kB
S01/[S01.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La machine incroyable.French France.srt
23.1 kB
S09/[S09.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Corrosion, Crevaison, Oxydation.Dutch.srt
23.1 kB
S09/[S09.E05] The Big Bang Theory - LExercice de la transpiration.Spanish Spain.srt
23.1 kB
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.French France.srt
23.1 kB
S12/[S12.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Un Halloween sous tension.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.1 kB
S10/[S10.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Instabilité gyroscopique.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.1 kB
S08/[S08.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lanxiété.French France.srt
23.1 kB
S10/[S10.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Instabilité gyroscopique.Spanish Latin.srt
23.0 kB
S12/[S12.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Configuration matrimoniale.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.0 kB
S09/[S09.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lempathie.French France.srt
23.0 kB
S10/[S10.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Flashbacks.Dutch.srt
23.0 kB
S02/[S02.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La juxtaposition de la prostituée morte.Dutch.srt
23.0 kB
S06/[S06.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Une titularisation mouvementée.Portuguese Brazil.srt
23.0 kB
S12/[S12.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Le constant change.French France.srt
23.0 kB
S10/[S10.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Première cohabitation.Spanish Latin.srt
23.0 kB
S06/[S06.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Obligation contractuelle.French France.srt
23.0 kB
S09/[S09.E05] The Big Bang Theory - LExercice de la transpiration.Portuguese Brazil.srt
22.9 kB
S06/[S06.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Délire à Las Vegas.Portuguese Brazil.srt
22.9 kB
S06/[S06.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La reconfiguration du dressing.French France.srt
22.9 kB
S12/[S12.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Météorite et le Balcon de la discorde.Portuguese Brazil.srt
22.9 kB
S10/[S10.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Flashbacks.Spanish Latin.srt
22.9 kB
S05/[S05.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Transformation Du Loup-Garou.French France.srt
22.9 kB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Exode dans le Montana.English United States [CC].srt
22.9 kB
S10/[S10.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.Spanish Spain.srt
22.9 kB
S10/[S10.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La discorde de la longue distance.Spanish Latin.srt
22.9 kB
S10/[S10.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Une séparation difficile.Dutch.srt
22.9 kB
S12/[S12.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Règlement de compte au Paintball.French France.srt
22.9 kB
S06/[S06.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La preuve daffection tangible.Spanish Latin.srt
22.9 kB
S02/[S02.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le bar à filles.Dutch.srt
22.8 kB
S01/[S01.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Les allumés dHalloween.French France.srt
22.8 kB
S01/[S01.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Les poissons luminescents.Dutch.srt
22.8 kB
S05/[S05.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Transformation Du Loup-Garou.Spanish Latin.srt
22.8 kB
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.French France.srt
22.8 kB
S06/[S06.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La clôture cognitive alternative.French France.srt
22.8 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.French France.srt
22.8 kB
S06/[S06.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Une titularisation mouvementée.Spanish Spain.srt
22.8 kB
S02/[S02.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Le théorème Cooper-Nowitzki.French France.srt
22.8 kB
S10/[S10.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Super cerveau dans un incubateur.Dutch.srt
22.8 kB
S03/[S03.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La recurrence de wheaton.Dutch.srt
22.8 kB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le coussin irremplaçable.Dutch.srt
22.7 kB
S05/[S05.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Contrat DAmitié..French France.srt
22.7 kB
S06/[S06.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La clôture cognitive alternative.Spanish Latin.srt
22.7 kB
S11/[S11.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La Nomenclature néonatale.Spanish Latin.srt
22.7 kB
S02/[S02.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Les fleurs de Penny.Dutch.srt
22.7 kB
S05/[S05.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Demarrage Du Beta Test.Spanish Latin.srt
22.7 kB
S07/[S07.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La convention de Sheldon.French France.srt
22.7 kB
S09/[S09.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le « Spockumentaire ».Dutch.srt
22.7 kB
S06/[S06.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le professeur Proton.French France.srt
22.7 kB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Alerte aux microbes.Dutch.srt
22.7 kB
S06/[S06.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La clôture cognitive alternative.Spanish Spain.srt
22.7 kB
S06/[S06.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le mystère des 20 minutes.French France.srt
22.7 kB
S06/[S06.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La clôture cognitive alternative.Portuguese Brazil.srt
22.6 kB
S12/[S12.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie déjouée.French France.srt
22.6 kB
S05/[S05.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Dialogue De Sourds.French France.srt
22.6 kB
S03/[S03.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La congruence maternelle.Dutch.srt
22.6 kB
S10/[S10.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Première cohabitation.French France.srt
22.6 kB
S07/[S07.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Thanksgiving, clowns et union bidon !.French France.srt
22.6 kB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Bras cassé et voie lacté.French France.srt
22.6 kB
S05/[S05.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dilemme De Léonard.Portuguese Brazil.srt
22.6 kB
S03/[S03.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La saga de lescalier.French France.srt
22.6 kB
S03/[S03.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Bras cassé et voie lacté.Dutch.srt
22.6 kB
S10/[S10.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Jacuzzi a dit.French France.srt
22.6 kB
S08/[S08.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Intrus volants.French France.srt
22.6 kB
S09/[S09.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un fil à souder à la patte.Spanish Latin.srt
22.6 kB
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.Portuguese Brazil.srt
22.6 kB
S03/[S03.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La formule de la vengeance.Dutch.srt
22.6 kB
S06/[S06.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La reconfiguration du dressing.Spanish Latin.srt
22.5 kB
S06/[S06.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le mystère des 20 minutes.Spanish Latin.srt
22.5 kB
S02/[S02.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La triangulation des asperges.French France.srt
22.5 kB
S07/[S07.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Chasse au trésor.French France.srt
22.5 kB
S09/[S09.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Retour à la case départ.Dutch.srt
22.5 kB
S09/[S09.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Précipitation de la Grande Ourse.Spanish Spain.srt
22.5 kB
S06/[S06.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La preuve daffection tangible.French France.srt
22.5 kB
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.Spanish Latin.srt
22.4 kB
S02/[S02.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Le coussin irremplaçable.French France.srt
22.4 kB
S09/[S09.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction positive et négative.Spanish Spain.srt
22.4 kB
S06/[S06.E17] The Big Bang Theory - L’isolation dun looser.Spanish Latin.srt
22.4 kB
S09/[S09.E17] The Big Bang Theory - LAnniversaire de Sheldon.Spanish Latin.srt
22.4 kB
S05/[S05.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Vengeance D’ Howard.Spanish Latin.srt
22.4 kB
S08/[S08.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des mères.French France.srt
22.4 kB
S06/[S06.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Entrailles, poiscailles, ripailles !.French France.srt
22.4 kB
S05/[S05.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dilemme De Léonard.Spanish Spain.srt
22.4 kB
S02/[S02.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les cadeaux de noël.Dutch.srt
22.4 kB
S09/[S09.E17] The Big Bang Theory - LAnniversaire de Sheldon.French France.srt
22.3 kB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Lénigme Vartabedian.Dutch.srt
22.3 kB
S09/[S09.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction positive et négative.French France.srt
22.3 kB
S05/[S05.E16] The Big Bang Theory - L’Enfer Des Vacances !.Dutch.srt
22.3 kB
S09/[S09.E05] The Big Bang Theory - LExercice de la transpiration.Dutch.srt
22.3 kB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Les spaghettis de la réconciliation.French France.srt
22.3 kB
S05/[S05.E03] The Big Bang Theory - L’Extrapolation De L’Aine Froissée.Spanish Latin.srt
22.3 kB
S02/[S02.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La mère de Léonard.Dutch.srt
22.3 kB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.Dutch.srt
22.3 kB
S06/[S06.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Obligation contractuelle.Spanish Latin.srt
22.3 kB
S05/[S05.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Demarrage Du Beta Test.French France.srt
22.3 kB
S06/[S06.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Renversement de tendance.French France.srt
22.3 kB
S10/[S10.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Le jouet téléguidé.Portuguese Brazil.srt
22.3 kB
S05/[S05.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Fusée Russe À Réaction.Dutch.srt
22.3 kB
S07/[S07.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Amitié et turbulences.French France.srt
22.2 kB
S11/[S11.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La Nomenclature néonatale.Portuguese Brazil.srt
22.2 kB
S02/[S02.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Lénigme Vartabedian.French France.srt
22.2 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.French France.srt
22.2 kB
S10/[S10.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Le jouet téléguidé.Spanish Spain.srt
22.2 kB
S07/[S07.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Des choix cornéliens.French France.srt
22.2 kB
S03/[S03.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Les spaghettis de la réconciliation.Dutch.srt
22.1 kB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La turbulence du matériel confidentiel.Dutch.srt
22.1 kB
S10/[S10.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Réajustements amoureux.Spanish Spain.srt
22.1 kB
S01/[S01.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Alerte aux microbes.French France.srt
22.1 kB
S04/[S04.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un Amour De Substitution.Dutch.srt
22.1 kB
S07/[S07.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Un proton peut en cacher un autre.French France.srt
22.1 kB
S09/[S09.E17] The Big Bang Theory - LAnniversaire de Sheldon.Portuguese Brazil.srt
22.1 kB
S05/[S05.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Vengeance D’ Howard.French France.srt
22.1 kB
S06/[S06.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation du retour.Spanish Latin.srt
22.1 kB
S10/[S10.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Super cerveau dans un incubateur.French France.srt
22.1 kB
S10/[S10.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La discorde de la longue distance.Dutch.srt
22.1 kB
S01/[S01.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le postulat du hamburger.French France.srt
22.1 kB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La relativité restreinte.Spanish Spain.srt
22.1 kB
S06/[S06.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Une titularisation mouvementée.French France.srt
22.1 kB
S10/[S10.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.Dutch.srt
22.0 kB
S10/[S10.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Les zones d’intimité.French France.srt
22.0 kB
S03/[S03.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La déviation Gotowitz.Dutch.srt
22.0 kB
S07/[S07.E08] The Big Bang Theory - La simulation du cerveau qui démange.French France.srt
22.0 kB
S08/[S08.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un engagement pas très engageant.Spanish Latin.srt
22.0 kB
S10/[S10.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Le jouet téléguidé.Spanish Latin.srt
22.0 kB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La relativité restreinte.Spanish Latin.srt
21.9 kB
S10/[S10.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Les zones d’intimité.Portuguese Brazil.srt
21.9 kB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La voyante.French France.srt
21.9 kB
S10/[S10.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Une séparation difficile.Spanish Latin.srt
21.8 kB
S10/[S10.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Réajustements amoureux.Portuguese Brazil.srt
21.8 kB
S02/[S02.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La turbulence du matériel confidentiel.French France.srt
21.8 kB
S09/[S09.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un fil à souder à la patte.Portuguese Brazil.srt
21.8 kB
S05/[S05.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dilemme De Léonard.Spanish Latin.srt
21.8 kB
S07/[S07.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La proximité du lieu de travail.French France.srt
21.8 kB
S09/[S09.E11] The Big Bang Theory - LEffervescence de lavant-première.French France.srt
21.8 kB
S06/[S06.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation du retour.French France.srt
21.8 kB
S09/[S09.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un fil à souder à la patte.Dutch.srt
21.8 kB
S07/[S07.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Ramifications et valse-hésitation.French France.srt
21.7 kB
S08/[S08.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Manifestation du troll.Dutch.srt
21.7 kB
S03/[S03.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La voyante.Dutch.srt
21.7 kB
S06/[S06.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Une titularisation mouvementée.Spanish Latin.srt
21.7 kB
S10/[S10.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La discorde de la longue distance.French France.srt
21.7 kB
S06/[S06.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Délire à Las Vegas.French France.srt
21.7 kB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Exode dans le Montana.French France.srt
21.7 kB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Exode dans le Montana.Portuguese Brazil.srt
21.7 kB
S09/[S09.E17] The Big Bang Theory - LAnniversaire de Sheldon.Dutch.srt
21.7 kB
S08/[S08.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Que la force soit avec nous !.Dutch.srt
21.6 kB
S05/[S05.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.Spanish Latin.srt
21.6 kB
S09/[S09.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Précipitation de la Grande Ourse.French France.srt
21.5 kB
S10/[S10.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.French France.srt
21.5 kB
S06/[S06.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Entrailles, poiscailles, ripailles !.Spanish Latin.srt
21.5 kB
S10/[S10.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.Spanish Latin.srt
21.5 kB
S04/[S04.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Toast Derivation.Dutch.srt
21.5 kB
S08/[S08.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un engagement pas très engageant.Spanish Spain.srt
21.4 kB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La relativité restreinte.French France.srt
21.4 kB
S09/[S09.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction positive et négative.Portuguese Brazil.srt
21.4 kB
S09/[S09.E05] The Big Bang Theory - LExercice de la transpiration.French France.srt
21.4 kB
S09/[S09.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction positive et négative.Dutch.srt
21.4 kB
S05/[S05.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Contrat DAmitié..Dutch.srt
21.4 kB
S08/[S08.E06] The Big Bang Theory - LExpérience de la mine.Dutch.srt
21.3 kB
S08/[S08.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-démotivation.Dutch.srt
21.3 kB
S10/[S10.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Réajustements amoureux.Dutch.srt
21.3 kB
S06/[S06.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Lapprentie réalisatrice.Dutch.srt
21.3 kB
S05/[S05.E23] The Big Bang Theory - L’Accélération Du Lancement.Dutch.srt
21.2 kB
S04/[S04.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Dans Le Collimateur Du Fbi!.Dutch.srt
21.1 kB
S10/[S10.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Le jouet téléguidé.French France.srt
21.1 kB
S05/[S05.E03] The Big Bang Theory - L’Extrapolation De L’Aine Froissée.French France.srt
21.1 kB
S10/[S10.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Le jouet téléguidé.Dutch.srt
21.1 kB
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.French France.srt
21.0 kB
S09/[S09.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Précipitation de la Grande Ourse.Spanish Latin.srt
21.0 kB
S10/[S10.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Les zones d’intimité.Spanish Latin.srt
21.0 kB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Exode dans le Montana.Spanish Spain.srt
20.9 kB
S04/[S04.E15] The Big Bang Theory - LEffet Bienfait.Dutch.srt
20.9 kB
S08/[S08.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un engagement pas très engageant.French France.srt
20.9 kB
S07/[S07.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Le jeudi tout est permis.French France.srt
20.8 kB
S04/[S04.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LUsage Du Pantalon De Bus.Dutch.srt
20.8 kB
S03/[S03.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La relativité restreinte.Dutch.srt
20.8 kB
S09/[S09.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction positive et négative.Spanish Latin.srt
20.8 kB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Exode dans le Montana.Spanish Latin.srt
20.8 kB
S10/[S10.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Réajustements amoureux.Spanish Latin.srt
20.7 kB
S09/[S09.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Précipitation de la Grande Ourse.Dutch.srt
20.6 kB
S08/[S08.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Champagne et Grande Découverte.Dutch.srt
20.6 kB
S06/[S06.E11] The Big Bang Theory - L’esprit de Noël.Dutch.srt
20.6 kB
S08/[S08.E09] The Big Bang Theory - LOpération nasale.Dutch.srt
20.5 kB
S10/[S10.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Réajustements amoureux.French France.srt
20.5 kB
S05/[S05.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Phobie De Sheldon.Dutch.srt
20.5 kB
S08/[S08.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Test dintimité.Dutch.srt
20.5 kB
S05/[S05.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un Mariage Express.Dutch.srt
20.4 kB
S08/[S08.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Thermalisation des restes.Dutch.srt
20.4 kB
S08/[S08.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lanxiété.Dutch.srt
20.4 kB
S06/[S06.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lexcitation holographique.Dutch.srt
20.3 kB
S05/[S05.E13] The Big Bang Theory - LHypothèse De Recombinaison.Dutch.srt
20.3 kB
S04/[S04.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le Gnou Dans La Bergerie.Dutch.srt
20.3 kB
S06/[S06.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Les propos démesurés de Sheldon.Dutch.srt
20.3 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.French France.srt
20.3 kB
S08/[S08.E12] The Big Bang Theory - La Désintégration de la sonde spatiale.Dutch.srt
20.2 kB
S09/[S09.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Précipitation de la Grande Ourse.Portuguese Brazil.srt
20.2 kB
S06/[S06.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Extraction-oblitération.Dutch.srt
20.2 kB
S04/[S04.E05] The Big Bang Theory - La Solitude De Leonard.Dutch.srt
20.2 kB
S03/[S03.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Exode dans le Montana.Dutch.srt
20.1 kB
S05/[S05.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dilemme De Léonard.French France.srt
20.1 kB
S04/[S04.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Un Petit Ami DEmprunt!.Dutch.srt
20.1 kB
S08/[S08.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Fort Réconfort.Dutch.srt
20.1 kB
S08/[S08.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le Rituel du bal de fin dannée.Dutch.srt
20.1 kB
S06/[S06.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Un rendez-vous fluctuant.Dutch.srt
20.0 kB
S05/[S05.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Princesse Amy.Dutch.srt
20.0 kB
S08/[S08.E22] The Big Bang Theory - La Toque et la Toge.Dutch.srt
19.9 kB
S05/[S05.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.French France.srt
19.9 kB
S05/[S05.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Une Mère Envahissante.Dutch.srt
19.9 kB
S04/[S04.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Commerages Et Herbes Aromatiques.Dutch.srt
19.9 kB
S04/[S04.E13] The Big Bang Theory - La Love Mobile.Dutch.srt
19.9 kB
S05/[S05.E18] The Big Bang Theory - La Transformation Du Loup-Garou.Dutch.srt
19.8 kB
S04/[S04.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Le Robot à Tout Faire!.Dutch.srt
19.7 kB
S05/[S05.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Le Bourreau De Leonard..Dutch.srt
19.7 kB
S08/[S08.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Malentendu, Quiproquos et Jalousie.Dutch.srt
19.6 kB
S08/[S08.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La Détermination de lengagement.Dutch.srt
19.6 kB
S08/[S08.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Régénération du magasin de BD.Dutch.srt
19.5 kB
S04/[S04.E06] The Big Bang Theory - La Formule Du Pub Irlandais.Dutch.srt
19.5 kB
S06/[S06.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La preuve daffection tangible.Dutch.srt
19.5 kB
S06/[S06.E13] The Big Bang Theory - L’expédition Bakersfield.Dutch.srt
19.5 kB
S05/[S05.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La pub de Penny.Dutch.srt
19.4 kB
S06/[S06.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Bon voyage !.Dutch.srt
19.4 kB
S08/[S08.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Plan à quatre.Dutch.srt
19.3 kB
S06/[S06.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Le professeur Proton.Dutch.srt
19.2 kB
S06/[S06.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Lescalade de la place de parking.Dutch.srt
19.2 kB
S05/[S05.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Le Vortex Du Week End.Dutch.srt
19.2 kB
S08/[S08.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Cooper, professeur duniversité.Dutch.srt
19.2 kB
S05/[S05.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Alcool, Sexe Et Mensonges..Dutch.srt
19.2 kB
S08/[S08.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Le Conditionnement opérant.Dutch.srt
19.1 kB
S04/[S04.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Le Parasite Extraterrestre.Dutch.srt
19.1 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.Dutch.srt
19.1 kB
S06/[S06.E15] The Big Bang Theory - L’art du spoiler.Dutch.srt
19.1 kB
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.Dutch.srt
19.1 kB
S04/[S04.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les Bienfaits De la Cybernétique.Dutch.srt
19.0 kB
S04/[S04.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prestidigitation Et Approximation.Dutch.srt
19.0 kB
S05/[S05.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dysfonctionnement Du Téléporteur.Dutch.srt
19.0 kB
S05/[S05.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Problème DIsolation.Dutch.srt
18.9 kB
S06/[S06.E17] The Big Bang Theory - L’isolation dun looser.Dutch.srt
18.9 kB
S05/[S05.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Demarrage Du Beta Test.Dutch.srt
18.9 kB
S08/[S08.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Intrus volants.Dutch.srt
18.8 kB
S04/[S04.E16] The Big Bang Theory - LEquation De La Cohabitation.Dutch.srt
18.8 kB
S04/[S04.E19] The Big Bang Theory - LIntrusion De Zarnecki.Dutch.srt
18.7 kB
S04/[S04.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un Long Episode De Fiançailles.Dutch.srt
18.7 kB
S05/[S05.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre Du Bureau.Dutch.srt
18.6 kB
S06/[S06.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Entrailles, poiscailles, ripailles !.Dutch.srt
18.5 kB
S06/[S06.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Le mystère des 20 minutes.Dutch.srt
18.5 kB
S05/[S05.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Dialogue De Sourds.Dutch.srt
18.5 kB
S06/[S06.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Une titularisation mouvementée.Dutch.srt
18.5 kB
S08/[S08.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon et Amy sen vont sur Mars.Dutch.srt
18.4 kB
S06/[S06.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La clôture cognitive alternative.Dutch.srt
18.4 kB
S06/[S06.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Le mal de lespace.Dutch.srt
18.3 kB
S04/[S04.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La Troll Dévergondée!.Dutch.srt
18.3 kB
S04/[S04.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Dissection Du Contrat De Location.Dutch.srt
18.3 kB
S04/[S04.E11] The Big Bang Theory - La Ligue Des Justiciers Remaniée!.Dutch.srt
18.2 kB
S06/[S06.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Renversement de tendance.Dutch.srt
18.0 kB
S04/[S04.E08] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée Entre Filles.Dutch.srt
17.8 kB
S08/[S08.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Un engagement pas très engageant.Dutch.srt
17.7 kB
S05/[S05.E03] The Big Bang Theory - L’Extrapolation De L’Aine Froissée.Dutch.srt
17.7 kB
S06/[S06.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Les fluctuations du découplement.Dutch.srt
17.6 kB
S05/[S05.E10] The Big Bang Theory - La Quadruple Négation.Dutch.srt
17.5 kB
S05/[S05.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le Dilemme De Léonard.Dutch.srt
17.5 kB
S06/[S06.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Délire à Las Vegas.Dutch.srt
17.5 kB
S08/[S08.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Guerre des mères.Dutch.srt
17.4 kB
S06/[S06.E04] The Big Bang Theory - La minimisation du retour.Dutch.srt
16.9 kB
S06/[S06.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La reconfiguration du dressing.Dutch.srt
16.7 kB
S05/[S05.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Microbes, Acariens, Tiques Et Compagnie !.Dutch.srt
16.7 kB
S06/[S06.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Obligation contractuelle.Dutch.srt
16.6 kB
S05/[S05.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Vengeance D’ Howard.Dutch.srt
16.4 kB
S09/[S09.E04] The Big Bang Theory - Retour à la case départ.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
2.7 kB
S10/[S10.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Une vérité approximative.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
1.3 kB
S04/[S04.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Le Catalyseur Dramaturgique.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
1.1 kB
S09/[S09.E11] The Big Bang Theory - LEffervescence de lavant-première.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
1.1 kB
S09/[S09.E11] The Big Bang Theory - LEffervescence de lavant-première.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
969 Bytes
S09/[S09.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Corrosion, Crevaison, Oxydation.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
915 Bytes
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
755 Bytes
S10/[S10.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Une vérité approximative.Italian - Forced.srt
713 Bytes
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.French France - Forced.srt
686 Bytes
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.Italian - Forced.srt
654 Bytes
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.French France - Forced.srt
633 Bytes
S11/[S11.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Chasse aux bitcoins.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
562 Bytes
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.English United States - Forced.srt
559 Bytes
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
556 Bytes
S09/[S09.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon connaît la chanson.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
518 Bytes
S01/[S01.E17] The Big Bang Theory - La rupture.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
512 Bytes
S10/[S10.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Une séparation difficile.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
501 Bytes
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
477 Bytes
S09/[S09.E17] The Big Bang Theory - LAnniversaire de Sheldon.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
467 Bytes
S11/[S11.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Prêt à tout pour rencontrer Gates.Italian - Forced.srt
463 Bytes
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
458 Bytes
S05/[S05.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Un Mariage Express.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
455 Bytes
S01/[S01.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La polarisation Cooper - Hofstadter.Italian - Forced.srt
391 Bytes
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
367 Bytes
S12/[S12.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Titre de spermission.French France - Forced.srt
330 Bytes
S12/[S12.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Titre de spermission.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
311 Bytes
S09/[S09.E03] The Big Bang Theory - Corrosion, Crevaison, Oxydation.Italian - Forced.srt
310 Bytes
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.Italian - Forced.srt
304 Bytes
S12/[S12.E18] The Big Bang Theory - The Laureate Accumulation.French France - Forced.srt
289 Bytes
S11/[S11.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Raj a la rage.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
274 Bytes
S12/[S12.E18] The Big Bang Theory - The Laureate Accumulation.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
274 Bytes
S02/[S02.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Lalternative dEuclide.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
269 Bytes
S12/[S12.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Titre de spermission.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
258 Bytes
S12/[S12.E18] The Big Bang Theory - The Laureate Accumulation.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
247 Bytes
S11/[S11.E12] The Big Bang Theory - LIndicateur matrimonial.Spanish Latin - Forced.srt
244 Bytes
S11/[S11.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Petites Latrines dans la prairie.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
208 Bytes
S11/[S11.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Roman de Léonard.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
208 Bytes
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
201 Bytes
S09/[S09.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lempathie.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
194 Bytes
S09/[S09.E15] The Big Bang Theory - La Submersion de Valentino.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
186 Bytes
S10/[S10.E20] The Big Bang Theory - Souviens-toi de la journée dernière.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
186 Bytes
S12/[S12.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Le constant change.French France - Forced.srt
178 Bytes
S10/[S10.E24] The Big Bang Theory - La discorde de la longue distance.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
177 Bytes
S11/[S11.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le Principe de rétraction-réaction.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
170 Bytes
S09/[S09.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Carence en hélium liquide.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
169 Bytes
S11/[S11.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Petites Latrines dans la prairie.French France - Forced.srt
166 Bytes
S09/[S09.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Bernadette va déguster.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
160 Bytes
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
159 Bytes
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
158 Bytes
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
157 Bytes
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.French France - Forced.srt
156 Bytes
S11/[S11.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Raj a la rage.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
156 Bytes
S09/[S09.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Bernadette va déguster.Italian - Forced.srt
154 Bytes
S09/[S09.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction positive et négative.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
151 Bytes
S12/[S12.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Le constant change.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
151 Bytes
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.Spanish Latin - Forced.srt
146 Bytes
S09/[S09.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Permutation platonique.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
145 Bytes
S09/[S09.E02] The Big Bang Theory - LOscillation de la séparation.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
143 Bytes
S11/[S11.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Roman de Léonard.Italian - Forced.srt
143 Bytes
S11/[S11.E01] The Big Bang Theory - La Proposition relative.Italian - Forced.srt
142 Bytes
S08/[S08.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Détérioration de la communication.French France - Forced.srt
139 Bytes
S11/[S11.E16] The Big Bang Theory - La Nomenclature néonatale.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
139 Bytes
S11/[S11.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Il faut sauver la science.Italian - Forced.srt
135 Bytes
S09/[S09.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un fil à souder à la patte.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
129 Bytes
S11/[S11.E19] The Big Bang Theory - La Dissociation des locataires.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
127 Bytes
S08/[S08.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Que la force soit avec nous !.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
123 Bytes
S10/[S10.E02] The Big Bang Theory - La miniaturisation militaire.Italian - Forced.srt
122 Bytes
S12/[S12.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Météorite et le Balcon de la discorde.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
121 Bytes
S12/[S12.E14] The Big Bang Theory - La Météorite et le Balcon de la discorde.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
115 Bytes
S09/[S09.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Convergence, Confluence, Méfiance.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
114 Bytes
S11/[S11.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Tentation de Sheldon.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
112 Bytes
S08/[S08.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon et Amy sen vont sur Mars.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
110 Bytes
S09/[S09.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Convergence, Confluence, Méfiance.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
110 Bytes
S08/[S08.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon et Amy sen vont sur Mars.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
109 Bytes
S11/[S11.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Tentation de Sheldon.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
109 Bytes
S12/[S12.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Magnéto Sheldon !.French France - Forced.srt
108 Bytes
S11/[S11.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Comète de la discorde.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
107 Bytes
S11/[S11.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Tentation de Sheldon.French France - Forced.srt
105 Bytes
S04/[S04.E19] The Big Bang Theory - LIntrusion De Zarnecki.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
104 Bytes
S09/[S09.E08] The Big Bang Theory - LObservation du rendez-vous mystère.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
104 Bytes
S09/[S09.E18] The Big Bang Theory - Détournement de brevet.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
104 Bytes
S10/[S10.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le Comi-con de situation.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
104 Bytes
S11/[S11.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Raj a la rage.French France - Forced.srt
103 Bytes
S11/[S11.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Comète de la discorde.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
103 Bytes
S11/[S11.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Un Solo pour deux.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
102 Bytes
S12/[S12.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Magnéto Sheldon !.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
102 Bytes
S10/[S10.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Halley et venues.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
101 Bytes
S11/[S11.E15] The Big Bang Theory - Le Roman de Léonard.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
101 Bytes
S12/[S12.E10] The Big Bang Theory - Magnéto Sheldon !.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
101 Bytes
S12/[S12.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Privation sensorielle.French France - Forced.srt
101 Bytes
S11/[S11.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Les Petites Latrines dans la prairie.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
99 Bytes
S11/[S11.E21] The Big Bang Theory - La Comète de la discorde.Italian - Forced.srt
99 Bytes
S05/[S05.E09] The Big Bang Theory - La Phobie De Sheldon.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
97 Bytes
S09/[S09.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Permutation platonique.Italian - Forced.srt
97 Bytes
S12/[S12.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Le constant change.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
97 Bytes
S10/[S10.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Réajustements amoureux.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
94 Bytes
S12/[S12.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Privation sensorielle.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
94 Bytes
S12/[S12.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Privation sensorielle.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
94 Bytes
S09/[S09.E16] The Big Bang Theory - Réaction positive et négative.Italian - Forced.srt
91 Bytes
S02/[S02.E03] The Big Bang Theory - La sublimation barbare.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
90 Bytes
S10/[S10.E09] The Big Bang Theory - Le jouet téléguidé.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
82 Bytes
S10/[S10.E22] The Big Bang Theory - Gymnastique cérébrale.Italian - Forced.srt
75 Bytes
S09/[S09.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Un fil à souder à la patte.Italian - Forced.srt
69 Bytes
S10/[S10.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Flashbacks.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
65 Bytes
S09/[S09.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Convergence, Confluence, Méfiance.Italian - Forced.srt
62 Bytes
S08/[S08.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-démotivation.French France - Forced.srt
58 Bytes
S09/[S09.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Optimisation de lempathie.Italian - Forced.srt
58 Bytes
S04/[S04.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Un Long Episode De Fiançailles.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
57 Bytes
S12/[S12.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Clap de fin !.French France - Forced.srt
57 Bytes
S09/[S09.E05] The Big Bang Theory - LExercice de la transpiration.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
56 Bytes
S09/[S09.E07] The Big Bang Theory - Le « Spockumentaire ».Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
56 Bytes
S09/[S09.E12] The Big Bang Theory - Séance chez le psy !.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
56 Bytes
S09/[S09.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Meemaw sen va en guerre !.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
56 Bytes
S09/[S09.E20] The Big Bang Theory - La Précipitation de la Grande Ourse.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
56 Bytes
S09/[S09.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Soirée à combustion.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
56 Bytes
S09/[S09.E23] The Big Bang Theory - La Théorie des files dattente.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
56 Bytes
S10/[S10.E19] The Big Bang Theory - Une collaboration houleuse.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
56 Bytes
S12/[S12.E24] The Big Bang Theory - Clap de fin !.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
56 Bytes
S08/[S08.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-démotivation.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
55 Bytes
S08/[S08.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Loco-démotivation.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
55 Bytes
S12/[S12.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Configuration matrimoniale.French France - Forced.srt
54 Bytes
S12/[S12.E15] The Big Bang Theory - The Donation Oscillation.French France - Forced.srt
54 Bytes
S12/[S12.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Conference Valuation.French France - Forced.srt
54 Bytes
S12/[S12.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Les Preuves du plagiat.French France - Forced.srt
54 Bytes
S12/[S12.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un mystérieux cadeau de mariage.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
52 Bytes
S02/[S02.E14] The Big Bang Theory - Petites Dettes entre Amis.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
51 Bytes
S11/[S11.E23] The Big Bang Theory - Les Frères ennemis.Spanish Spain - Forced.srt
50 Bytes
S10/[S10.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Probabilités matrimoniales.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
48 Bytes
S10/[S10.E02] The Big Bang Theory - La miniaturisation militaire.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
48 Bytes
S10/[S10.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Jacuzzi a dit.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
48 Bytes
S12/[S12.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Configuration matrimoniale.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
48 Bytes
S12/[S12.E15] The Big Bang Theory - The Donation Oscillation.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
48 Bytes
S12/[S12.E17] The Big Bang Theory - The Conference Valuation.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
48 Bytes
S12/[S12.E21] The Big Bang Theory - Les Preuves du plagiat.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
48 Bytes
S12/[S12.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Un mystérieux cadeau de mariage.Portuguese Brazil - Forced.srt
47 Bytes
S09/[S09.E08] The Big Bang Theory - LObservation du rendez-vous mystère.Italian - Forced.srt
46 Bytes
S10/[S10.E01] The Big Bang Theory - Probabilités matrimoniales.Italian - Forced.srt
46 Bytes
S10/[S10.E05] The Big Bang Theory - Jacuzzi a dit.Italian - Forced.srt
46 Bytes
S10/[S10.E11] The Big Bang Theory - Halley et venues.Italian - Forced.srt
46 Bytes
S10/[S10.E13] The Big Bang Theory - Réajustements amoureux.Italian.srt
46 Bytes
S10/[S10.E17] The Big Bang Theory - Le Comi-con de situation.Italian - Forced.srt
46 Bytes
S11/[S11.E02] The Big Bang Theory - Le Principe de rétraction-réaction.French France - Forced.srt
44 Bytes
S11/[S11.E03] The Big Bang Theory - LIntégration de la relaxation.French France - Forced.srt
44 Bytes
S09/[S09.E06] The Big Bang Theory - Carence en hélium liquide.Italian - Forced.srt
42 Bytes
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