Эрмитаж-State Museum Hermitage
Эрмитаж-State Museum Hermitage
家 2005
artist momohachi [ai generated]
小宝 甜美学生
3.6 MB
Emelianov K. - Icon in a Setting St Joasaph of Belgorod - JRO-8761.jpg
960.9 kB
Zubov Alexei Fyodorovich - View of the Summer Gardens from the Neva River - JRG-17087.jpg
950.4 kB
Rostovtsev Alexei Ivanovich - Oranienbaum - JRG-17080.jpg
917.6 kB
Rostovtsev Alexei Ivanovich - View of the Great Palace in Peterhof - JRG-17085.jpg
915.8 kB
Zubov Alexei Fyodorovich - Peter the Great and Catherines Wedding on 19 February 1712 - JRG-7840.jpg
908.9 kB
Rostovtsev Alexei Ivanovich - Yekaterinhof - JRG-17090.jpg
906.5 kB
Cristofano di Michele Martini (Il Robetta) - Allegory of Love - OG-362238.jpg
891.1 kB
Rostovtsev Alexei Ivanovich - Mansion of Prince Alexander Menshikov - JRG-17083.jpg
873.9 kB
Piranesi Giovanni Battista - Round Tower - OG-348344.jpg
865.6 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Small Hermitage. The Pavilion Hall - OR-14398.jpg
863.4 kB
Lastman Pieter - Judah and Thamar - OG-235793.jpg
855.8 kB
Rostovtsev Alexei Ivanovich - View of Trinity Square on City Island - JRG-17084.jpg
854.6 kB
Piranesi Giovanni Battista - Round Tower - OG-348348.jpg
847.7 kB
Jeger Christoffel - Garden of Love (one of two parts of the print) - OG-31772.jpg
844.8 kB
Master IQV - Young Girl Gives a Youth to Drink Water - OG-5762.jpg
844.0 kB
Lutma Jan II - Portrait of Jan Lutma I - OG-295794.jpg
839.0 kB
Bol Ferdinand - St Jerome - OG-235738.jpg
837.4 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Self-Portrait with Saskia - OG-234910.jpg
836.9 kB
Hogarth William - Morning. Sheet 1 - OG-300406.jpg
833.5 kB
Rostovtsev Alexei Ivanovich - View of the Admiralty Shipyard in St. Peterburg - JRG-17089.jpg
832.2 kB
Callot Jacques - Temptation of St Antony - OG-25305.jpg
829.4 kB
Schenk Petrus - Conclusion of the Peace Treaty of Nystad on 20 August 1721 - JRG-30105.jpg
827.9 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - The Expulsion of the Moneu-Changers from the Temple - OG-235023.jpg
816.4 kB
Pickaert (Picart) Pieter - Portrait of Alexander Menshikov - JRG-17146.jpg
812.1 kB
Amman Iost - Allegory of Mining - OR-35.jpg
809.8 kB
Fiodorov Sergei - Battle of Borodino on 26 August 1812 - JRG-21047.jpg
807.6 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Sacrifice of Abraham - OG-234939.jpg
800.7 kB
Klauber Ignaz Sebastian - Portrait of Count Alexei Musin-Pushkin - JRG-29897.jpg
793.7 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van - Landscape with a Cottage on the Hill - OG-272279.jpg
792.2 kB
Bol Ferdinand - Abraham and Isaac - OG-235736.jpg
792.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Boudoir of Empress Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14464.jpg
789.1 kB
Meyer Rudolph - Annunciation - OR-4685.jpg
789.0 kB
Pickaert (Picart) Pieter Zubov Alexei - Equestrian Portrait of Peter I - JRG-8027.jpg
785.6 kB
Radigues Antoine - Portrait of Count Nikita Panin - JRG-15013.jpg
777.3 kB
Altdorfer Altbrecht - St Jerome in the Cave - OG-141349.jpg
777.2 kB
Schoonebeeck Adriaan - Taking of Noteburg - JRG-7826.jpg
775.7 kB
Mantegna Andrea - Madonna and the Child - OG-399016.jpg
775.0 kB
Smith John - Fireworks and Illumination in Amsterdam on 9 December 1721 on the Occasion of the Treaty of Nystad - JRG-33603.jpg
774.0 kB
Jeger Christoffel - Garden of Love (one of two parts of the print) - OG-31771.jpg
772.6 kB
Lievens Jan - Mercury and Argus - OG-235519.jpg
771.3 kB
Hogarth William - Nigth. Sheet 4 - OG-300409.jpg
770.8 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Boudoir of Grand Princess Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14444.jpg
768.7 kB
Goltzius Hendrick - Dragon Devouring the Companions of Cadmus - OG-133458.jpg
767.6 kB
Jeger Christoffel - Jesus and St John the Baptist in their Childhood - OG-31631.jpg
767.1 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Half-Naked Woman by a Stove - OG-235249.jpg
766.1 kB
Vasilyev V. - Icon in a Setting Sts Alexander Nevsky Titus and Policarpus - JRO-7257.jpg
765.9 kB
Le Pautre Jean - Vase in a Cartouche - OG-125214.jpg
762.2 kB
Ghisi Giorgio - Dream of Raphael - OG-120761.jpg
759.8 kB
Shelte a Bolswert - Landscape with Philemon and Baucis - OG-31959.jpg
759.7 kB
De Launay Nicolas - he Lucky Opportunities of a Swing - OG-228210.jpg
759.3 kB
Schmidt Georg Friedrich - Portrait of Prince Christian Augustus of Anhalt-Zerbst - JRG-16113.jpg
758.9 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Turkish Room in the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo - OR-26981.jpg
758.9 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - The Great Jewish Bride - OG-235458.jpg
758.6 kB
Gogh Vincent van - Cottages - GJ-9117.jpg
756.6 kB
Gogh Vincent van - Lilac Bush - GJ-6511.jpg
756.4 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van - Cottage on a Rock - OG-395329.jpg
755.2 kB
Caraglio Gian Jacopo - Battle between Hercules and Centaurs - OG-119694.jpg
755.0 kB
Carracci Annibale - Pieta Caprarola - OG-2010.jpg
754.6 kB
Campagnola Domenico - Massacre of the Innocents - OG-11897.jpg
753.1 kB
Corvinus Johann August - Capture of the Fortress of Audenarde by the Allied Troops in 1708 - OG-92065.jpg
752.8 kB
Edelinck Gerard - Portrait of Jean-Baptiste de Bly Head of the City Council of Tournai - OG-92043.jpg
752.6 kB
Lievens Jan - St Jerome in Penitence - OG-235510.jpg
752.2 kB
Chemesov Ye.P. - Portrait of Count Ivan Shuvalov - JRG-16273.jpg
750.5 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Girl at Her Toilet - OR-14490.jpg
749.0 kB
Rostovtsev Alexei Ivanovich - Fort Kronshlot - JRG-17082.jpg
747.6 kB
Perelle Gabriel - Plan of the Versailles Labyrinth - OG-358408.jpg
744.3 kB
Gogh Vincent van - Memory of the Garden at Etten (Ladies of Arles) - GJ-9116.jpg
743.0 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - St Jerome Reading in the Italian Landscape - OG-235103.jpg
742.9 kB
Scolari Giuseppe - St George - OG-9037.jpg
742.4 kB
Monet Claude - Corner of the Garden at Montgeron - GJ-9152.jpg
741.2 kB
Wortmann Christian Albrecht - Perspective View of One of the Librarys Rooms - JRG-17145.jpg
740.3 kB
Ghisi Giorgio - Fall of Troy - OG-120758.jpg
738.7 kB
Bosse Abraham - Workshop of an Engraver - OG-23559.jpg
734.5 kB
Gauguin Paul - Man Picking Fruit from a Tree - GJ-9118.jpg
734.0 kB
Zubov Alexei Fyodorovich - Ceremonial Entrance of Four Swedish Frigates to the Neva after the Victory of Grenham on 8 September 1720 - JRG-3690.jpg
733.4 kB
Ghisi Giorgio - Simon Deceiving the Trojans - OG-120757.jpg
732.1 kB
Saunders Joseph - Portrait of the Director of the Imperial Theatres Alexander Naryshkin - JRG-14663.jpg
731.1 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Abraham and the Three Angels - OG-234929.jpg
730.8 kB
Monet Claude - Garden in Bordighera Impression of Morning - ZKR-522.jpg
728.1 kB
Pissarro Camille - Fair in Dieppe Sunny Morning - ZKR-525.jpg
727.8 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - The Three Crosses - OG-235052.jpg
727.8 kB
Dyck Anthony van (with the assistance of Lucas Vorsterman) - Titian and his Mistress - OG-135259.jpg
726.1 kB
Ukhtomsky Andrey Grigoryevich - View of the Kamennoostrovsky Palace from the Greater Nevka River - JRG-33117.jpg
725.9 kB
Fragonard Jean-Honore - Nymph and Two Satyrs - OG-149679.jpg
724.2 kB
Bellange Jacques - The Holy Women at the Sepulchre - OG-15200.jpg
723.7 kB
Pissarro Camille - Quai Malaquais Sunny Afternoon - ZKR-531.jpg
722.8 kB
Hohmann Johann Baptista - Map of St Petersburg - JRG-33591.jpg
722.2 kB
Vorsterman Lucas van - Descent from the Cross - OG-149130.jpg
721.8 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Christ Presented to the People (Ecce home) - OG-235047.jpg
721.1 kB
Sisley Alfred - Barges at Billancourt - ZKR-515.jpg
719.9 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Bouquet of Roses - ZKR-563.jpg
719.1 kB
Dufrenoy Georges - Soubise Palace - GJ-6571.jpg
718.8 kB
Bellange Jacques - Adoration of the Magi - OG-15196.jpg
716.2 kB
Corvinus Johann August - Capture of the Fortress of Menin in Flanders by the Allied Troops in 1706 - OG-92064.jpg
714.9 kB
Bramer Leonard - Still Life (Vanitas) - OG-235809.jpg
713.9 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Death of the Virgin - OG-235093.jpg
713.3 kB
Valentis Sebastiano de - Rest of the Flight into Egypt - OG-350464.jpg
708.6 kB
Volf F.S. - Fire in the Winter Palace in 1837 - JRG-20222.jpg
707.6 kB
Durer Albrecht - Knight and Lansquenet - OG-162845.jpg
705.3 kB
Moret Henry - Port Manech - GJ-9054.jpg
704.6 kB
Cezanne Paul - Jas de Bouffan the Pool - ZKR-530.jpg
703.3 kB
Walker James - Portrait of the Poet and Tragedian Alexander Sumarokov - JRG-15908.jpg
701.2 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Winter Garden of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-26524.jpg
700.7 kB
Vorsterman Lucas van - Portrait of Charles de Longueval - OG-402429.jpg
697.9 kB
Schongauer Martin - Peasant Family Going to the Market - OG-276679.jpg
697.3 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Head of a Young Woman - OR-14510.jpg
696.9 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Medea or the Wedding of Jason and Creusa - OG-235115.jpg
694.0 kB
Matisse Henri - Luxembourg Gardens - GJ-9041.jpg
693.3 kB
Perelle Gabriel - The Great Cascade in Marly - OG-358429.jpg
693.0 kB
Robert Hubert - Corner of a Park - OR-25335.jpg
692.9 kB
Cranach Lucas I - Judgment of Paris - OG-353942.jpg
692.5 kB
Corvinus Johann August - Siege of Mons by the Allied Troops in 1709 - OG-92062.jpg
691.2 kB
Edelinck Gerard - Portrait of the Sculptor Des Jardins - OG-128954.jpg
689.9 kB
Lapin Ivan Fiodorovich - Portrait of the Actor Yakov Shumsky - JRG-16289.jpg
689.0 kB
Leyden Lucas van - Virgil Suspended in a Basket - OG-133728.jpg
688.6 kB
Parmigianino (Francesco Mazzola) - Lovers - OG-4258.jpg
688.5 kB
Maulpertsch (Maulbertsch) Franz Anton - Christ and the Centurian at Capernaum - OG-145555.jpg
687.0 kB
Rossigliani Giuseppe Nicolo (Nicolo Vicentino) - Circe and the Companions of Odysseus - OG-121555.jpg
687.0 kB
Gogh Vincent van - White House at Night - ZKR-511.jpg
686.9 kB
Dobuzhinsky Mstislav - Lion Bridge across the Catherine Canal - JRG-23854.jpg
686.8 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - The Blind Tobit - OG-234962.jpg
686.2 kB
Vuillard Edouard - Old Woman in an Interior - ZKR-567.jpg
683.9 kB
Ghisi Giovanni Battista (scultori) - Trojans Repelling the Greeks - OG-120756.jpg
680.4 kB
Ribera Jose de - Drunken Silenus - OG-395207.jpg
680.1 kB
Monet Claude - Seine at Rouen - ZKR-506.jpg
680.1 kB
Gogh Vincent van - Landscape with House and Ploughman - ZKR-562.jpg
678.6 kB
Signac Paul - Harbour at Marseilles - GJ-6524.jpg
678.2 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Rembrandt Drawing by a Window - OG-234919.jpg
677.0 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Adam and Eve - OG-234928.jpg
676.1 kB
Zubov Alexei Fyodorovich - Winter Palace of Peter I - JRG-17088.jpg
675.5 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet 31 The Brave Warrior Samanosuke Mitsuharu - YT-3737.jpg
674.7 kB
Bramer Leonard - Still Life (Vanitas) - OG-235808.jpg
674.4 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of the German School - OR-11744.jpg
673.7 kB
Altdorfer Altbrecht - Madonna and Child Giving a Benedection to Nature - OG-151182.jpg
672.9 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Small Hermitage. The Winter Garden - OR-14375.jpg
672.5 kB
Vignon Claude - Three Armed and Masked Men Capturing Ariadne and Erycine - OR-6381.jpg
671.0 kB
Matisse Henri - Blue Pot and Lemon - GJ-7698.jpg
670.6 kB
Lievens Jan - Portrait of Joos van der Vondel - OG-235591.jpg
670.2 kB
Vasilyev Matvei - St Paul - JRKM-678.jpg
669.9 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - St Catherine of Alexandria - OG-272311.jpg
669.8 kB
Grekov Alexei Angiliyevich - Portrait of Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich as a Child - JRG-14912.jpg
669.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Study of Italian Art - OR-11711.jpg
668.8 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Hunchbacked Fiddler - OG-133941.jpg
668.8 kB
Tiepolo Giovanni Battista - Seated Wizard a Boy and Four Men - OG-119040.jpg
668.0 kB
Mantegna Andrea - Battle of Tritons (Left Part) - OG-972022.jpg
667.5 kB
Schoonebeeck Adriaan - Fireworks in Moscow on 1 January 1704 on the Occasion of the Capture of the Swedish Fortress Nyenskans - JRG-7825.jpg
667.1 kB
Wagner Josef - Charlatan - OG-355754.jpg
666.1 kB
Gogh Vincent van - Morning Going out to Work (After Millet) - ZKR-532.jpg
666.0 kB
Pencz Georg - Triumph of Time - OG-154347.jpg
665.9 kB
Kolb Alexander Khristoforovich - Interiors of the Small Hermitage. The Pavilion Hall - OR-14397.jpg
665.3 kB
Bonnard Pierre - Behind the Fence - GJ-7709.jpg
664.5 kB
Morghen Guglielmo - Portrait of Countess Catherine Skavronskaya - JRG-15730.jpg
663.9 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Angel Leaving Tobias Family - OG-234968.jpg
663.6 kB
Rostovtsev Alexei Ivanovich - View of Kotlin Island - JRG-17081.jpg
663.3 kB
Barocci Federico - Annunciation - OG-117490.jpg
663.3 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Christ Crusified between Two Malefactors - OG-235051.jpg
663.2 kB
Boldrini Nicolo - Samson and Delilah - OG-151677.jpg
662.7 kB
Degas Edgar - Two Dancers - GR-155-100.jpg
661.9 kB
Kugelgen Karl von - Karaite Cemetery atChufut-Kale - OR-10294.jpg
661.7 kB
Pissarro Camille - Boulevard Monmartre in Paris - GJ-9002.jpg
661.2 kB
Everdingen Allart van - Mountainous Landscape - OG-160774.jpg
660.3 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Design for the Printers Mark of Jan van Meers - OR-5418.jpg
659.8 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - The Flight into Egypt - OG-234991.jpg
659.0 kB
Utagawa Kunisada I - Sheet Taira-no Tadamoni - YT-3746.jpg
657.7 kB
Drevet Pierre - Portrait of Louis Hector Duc de Villars Marshal of France - OG-131130.jpg
657.3 kB
Mayblum Jules - Palace of Count P. S. Stroganov. Dining Room - OR-41835.jpg
655.8 kB
Zubov Alexei Fyodorovich - Triumphal Entry of the Russian Troops into Moscow after the Victories in the Battles at Lesnaya and Poltava - JRG-10450.jpg
655.8 kB
Gauguin Paul - Rave te hiti aamu (The Idol) - GJ-9121.jpg
654.1 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Minor Lion Hunt with One Lion - OG-235123.jpg
653.4 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Pancakemaker - OG-235137.jpg
653.1 kB
Matisse Henri - Vase Bottle and Fruit - GJ-7696.jpg
653.0 kB
Velde Adriaen van de - Bull - OG-134655.jpg
652.9 kB
Schutz - View of the Dutch church in Nevsky Prospekt - JRG-6079.jpg
652.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Empresss Cabinet - OR-11705.jpg
651.5 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Circumcision (small plate) - OG-234981.jpg
651.2 kB
Aveline Pierre-Alexandre - The Signboard of the Gersaint Gallery - OG-131405.jpg
651.2 kB
Lindtmayer Daniel - Design of a Stained-Glass Panel with the Coat of Arms of the Town of Reynaw - OR-4361.jpg
651.0 kB
Sokolov Ivan Alexeyevich - Portrait of Grand Duke Piotr Fiodorovich - JRG-15278.jpg
650.1 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - View of a Sepulchre in the Underground Grotto near the Church of S.Nicola on the Island of Lipari - OR-4154.jpg
649.6 kB
Leopold Johann Christian - Portrait of Charles Frederick of Holstein-Gottorp - JRG-13949.jpg
649.0 kB
Witdoeck Jan (Hans) - Abraham and Melchizedech - OG-135289.jpg
648.4 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Guardroom - OR-14372.jpg
648.2 kB
Halonen Pekka - Winter Landscape - GJ-10098.jpg
647.6 kB
Potter Paulus - Bull - OG-133990.jpg
646.8 kB
Brangwyn Frank William - Charity - GJ-9091.jpg
646.3 kB
Master M. Z. (Der Meister M. Z.) - Embrace - OG-288872.jpg
646.3 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Empty Jug - OG-133901.jpg
644.7 kB
Seghers (Zeghers) Hercules Pietersz - Rocky Landscape with a Bell Tower in the Distance - OG-245681.jpg
644.7 kB
Derain Andre - Path in a Park with a Figure - ZKR-544.jpg
644.0 kB
Schoonebeeck Adriaan - Siege of the Turkish Fortress Azov by Russian Forces in 1696 - JRG-8030.jpg
644.0 kB
Pickaert (Picart) Pieter - Kronshlot Fortress - JRG-8017.jpg
643.3 kB
Chesky Ivan Vasilyevich - View of the Gatchina Palace from the Garden - JRG-6129.jpg
642.5 kB
Valtat Louis - Sunlight under the Trees - GJ-7717.jpg
641.7 kB
Fantin-Latour Henri - Naiad - GJ-8906.jpg
641.4 kB
Edelfelt Albert (Gustaf Aristides) - View of Porvoo from Nasinmaki - GJ-9031.jpg
641.0 kB
Goya Francisco - Happy Man - GR-131-17979.jpg
640.9 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Alexander Hall - OR-11820.jpg
639.6 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Small Winter Garden of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-26525.jpg
638.5 kB
Hubert Wolf - Landscape with a bridge - OR-6951.jpg
638.3 kB
Hopfer Daniel - Voluptas - OG-142294.jpg
637.8 kB
Fragonard Jean-Honore - The Dance of Satyrs - OG-149680.jpg
637.4 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Christ Presented to the People (Ecce home) - OG-235048.jpg
637.2 kB
Bernigeroth J.M. - Portrait of Johanna-Elizabeth Duchess of Anhalt-Zerbst Mother of Catherine II - JRG-13670.jpg
636.4 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - The Return of the Prodigal Son - OG-235078.jpg
635.3 kB
Rousseau Henri - In a Tropical Forest. Struggle between Tiger and Bull - GJ-6536.jpg
635.2 kB
Picasso Pablo - Absinthe Drinker - GJ-9045.jpg
634.0 kB
Verhaecht Tobias - Landscape with Tobie and Angel - OR-15090.jpg
633.9 kB
Zubov Alexei Fyodorovich - Battle of Grenghamn on 27 July 1720 - JRG-33562.jpg
633.5 kB
Milan Pierre - Nymph of Fontainebleau - OG-311190.jpg
633.3 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Low Tide at Yport - ZKR-516.jpg
633.0 kB
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi - Sheet Takagi Toranosuke Tadakatsu - YT-3521-2.jpg
632.8 kB
Visentini Antonio - Plazza San Giovanni e Paoli - OG-12156.jpg
632.3 kB
Cardelli Salvator - Portrait of General-Field Marshal Prince Mikhail Barclay de Tolly - JRG-12465.jpg
631.6 kB
Vnukov Yekim (Akim) Terentiyevich - View of the Old Winter Palace and Canal Linking the Moika and Neva Rivers - JRG-20873.jpg
630.7 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Abraham and Isaak - OG-234937.jpg
630.5 kB
Bol Ferdinand - Holy Family - OG-235740.jpg
629.9 kB
Monet Claude - Pond at Montgeron - GJ-6562.jpg
629.9 kB
Cochin N. - Map and Panorama of the Fortress of Bergue S Vinox in Flanders - OG-92074.jpg
629.6 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Self-Portrait - OG-234916.jpg
629.2 kB
Boucher Francois - Vinegar Seller - OR-376.jpg
628.6 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Herd at a Watering-Place - OG-272373.jpg
628.6 kB
Charlot Louis - Village at Morvan under Snow - GJ-9174.jpg
628.4 kB
Gauguin Paul - Woman Holding a Fruit Where Are You Going (Eu haere ia oe ) - GJ-9120.jpg
628.4 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of the Flemish School - OR-11364.jpg
627.2 kB
Sokolov I.A. Vinogradov Ye.G. - Portrait of Grand Duchess Yekaterina Alexeyevna - JRG-13352.jpg
626.4 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Winter Garden - OR-14376.jpg
626.3 kB
Jordaens Jacob - Study of a Young Womans Head - OR-27328.jpg
626.2 kB
Lorch Melchior - Turk Playing a Harp - OR-38228.jpg
626.1 kB
Gauguin Paul - Be Be (The Nativity) - GJ-6568.jpg
625.6 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - The Omval - OG-235267.jpg
625.4 kB
Le Fauconnier Henri - Village among the Rocks - GJ-9171.jpg
625.3 kB
Seghers (Zeghers) Hercules Pietersz - Mountainous Landscape - OG-245680.jpg
625.2 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study for The Paralytic. Head of an Old Man - OR-14727.jpg
625.2 kB
Matisse Henri - Nude. Study - GJ-6523.jpg
625.1 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Joseph and Potiphars Wife - OG-234955.jpg
624.3 kB
Monet Claude - Woman in a Garden - ZKR-503.jpg
624.0 kB
Watteau Antoine - Avenue in a Park - OR-11855.jpg
624.0 kB
Gauguin Paul - Landscape with Two Goats (Tarari Maruru) - GJ-7707.jpg
623.5 kB
Raimondi Marcantonio - Martyrdom of St Lawrence - OG-399019.jpg
623.2 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Head of a Woman with Closed Eyes - OR-14520.jpg
620.9 kB
Perelle Gabriel - View of the Basin of Apollo in the Versailles Park - OG-358412.jpg
620.5 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - The Rock Gates in Neurathen - OR-46033.jpg
620.4 kB
Robert Hubert - Landscape with a Statue of Isis - OR-25474.jpg
620.1 kB
Hampeln Karl - Portrait of Denis Davydov - JRG-18115.jpg
619.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of the Russian School - OR-11701.jpg
619.2 kB
Rosa Salvator - Democritus - OG-405084.jpg
618.5 kB
Manet Edouard - Girl in a Wing Collar - GR-155-101.jpg
618.1 kB
Vinogradov Yefim Grigoriyevich - Portrait of Grand Duchess Yekaterina Alexeyevna - JRG-13588.jpg
617.9 kB
Chabellard Andre - An Angler - OR-13541.jpg
617.8 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Drawing Room in Rococo II Style with Cupids - OR-39933.jpg
617.5 kB
Ishiyotei Yoshitaki - Diptych The Actors Fujikawa Tomokichi III and Jitsukawa Ensaburo - YT-3813-26.jpg
617.5 kB
Canal Antonio (Canaletto) - Capriccio with a View of Dolo - OG-368493.jpg
617.4 kB
Canal Antonio (Canaletto) - Capriccio with Terrace. Padua - OG-119640.jpg
616.1 kB
Dughet Gaspard (Gaspard Poussin) - Landscape with a Road - OR-7453.jpg
616.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor Ye. Knipper (1770-1850) - GJ-8047.jpg
615.1 kB
Vischer Hieronymus - Design of a Stained-Glass Panel with the Coat of Arms of Hans von Andlau - OR-18578.jpg
614.8 kB
Purrmann Hans - Still Life - ZK-1118.jpg
614.7 kB
Wortmann Christian Albrecht - Portrait of Empress Anna Ioannovna - JRG-28559.jpg
613.8 kB
Monet Claude - Meadows at Giverny - GJ-7721.jpg
613.0 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Three Trees - OG-235270.jpg
612.8 kB
Schongauer Martin - Crucifixion with Soldiers Sharing Crists Clothes - OG-100974.jpg
612.0 kB
Cardelli Salvator - Fire in Moscow in September 1812 - JRG-21044.jpg
611.5 kB
Lallemand Georges - Adoration of the Magi - GJ-8602.jpg
611.3 kB
Gogh Vincent van - Arena at Arles - GJ-6529.jpg
610.9 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Blue Drawing-Room in the Mariinsky Palace - OR-26566.jpg
610.7 kB
Stimmer Tobias - Design of the Heraldic Stained-Glass Panel for the Canton of Schwiz - OR-18580.jpg
610.3 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Peasant Dance in Front of a Tavern - OG-133944.jpg
609.8 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of the Painter Jan Asselyn (Krabbetje) - OG-235361.jpg
609.2 kB
Gunst Peter - Portrait of Prince Boris Kurakin - JRG-17140.jpg
608.8 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Peter Simon Pallas - JRG-15008.jpg
608.5 kB
Cezanne Paul - Great Pine near Aix - GJ-8963.jpg
608.4 kB
Hooghe Romeyn de - Battle at Narva on 19 November 1700 - JRG-33601.jpg
608.2 kB
Tardieu Pierre Alexandre - Portrait of Prince Dmitry Golitsyn - JRG-13005.jpg
608.1 kB
Pissarro Camille - Place du Theatre-Francais. Spring - GJ-6509.jpg
607.6 kB
Picasso Pablo - Dance of the Veils - GJ-9089.jpg
607.2 kB
Demarteau Gilles I - Shepherdess - OG-400071.jpg
607.2 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mansion of Baron A.L. Stieglitz. The Blue Drawing-Room - OR-44614.jpg
606.6 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Piotr Rychkov - JRG-15606.jpg
606.1 kB
Visentini Antonio - View of S. Geremia - OG-12137.jpg
606.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai M. Sipyagin (1785-1828) - GJ-8093.jpg
606.1 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet 16 Menju Sasuke Ieteru - YT-3736.jpg
605.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Bedchamber of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-14384.jpg
605.1 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Doctor Faustus - OG-235335.jpg
605.0 kB
Valtat Louis - Boat - GJ-9109.jpg
604.5 kB
Kashentsev Mikhail Alexandrovich - Portrait of Ivan Lepiokhin - JRG-18469.jpg
604.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Large Drawing-Room of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-14379.jpg
603.9 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Small Winter Garden in the Apartments of Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-14432.jpg
603.5 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Classical Bas-relief from the Museum of the Benedictine Monastery of San Nicolo at Catania - OR-3912.jpg
602.8 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Large Drawing Room of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-14433.jpg
602.4 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study for The Paralytic. Study of a Seated Woman - OR-14802.jpg
602.2 kB
Picasso Pablo - Absinthe (Girl in a Cafe) - GR-155-96.jpg
602.1 kB
Perelle Gabriel - View of the Park with Terraces and Three Fountaines - OG-358392.jpg
602.1 kB
Callot Jacques - Parterre at Nancy - OG-123636.jpg
601.7 kB
Picasso Pablo - Female Head - GJ-6573.jpg
601.1 kB
Durer Albrecht - St Eustathius - OG-34518.jpg
600.5 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - Interior of the Cathedral of Resurrection of Christ in New Jerusalem (View of the Cubiculum in the Rotunda of the Cathedral) - JRR-6532.jpg
600.0 kB
Isoda Koryusai - Sheet Kooru from the Shinkanaya Tea House - YT-3714.jpg
600.0 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Italian Art - OR-11255.jpg
599.8 kB
Hackert Georg Abraham - Ruins of an Aqueduct - OG-145198.jpg
599.7 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Cameos - OR-11699.jpg
599.7 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Portrait of Charles de Longueval - GJ-508.jpg
599.5 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Harbour with a Lighthouse - OG-124580.jpg
598.8 kB
Master Thomas Rockman (setting) - Icon in a Setting St Prince Mikhail of Tver - JRO-8726.jpg
598.5 kB
Vorsterman Lucas van - Brutus - OG-31793.jpg
598.4 kB
Muravyov V.L. - Interior in the Anichkov Palace - JRR-716.jpg
597.9 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Lucas Vorsterman I - OG-272318.jpg
597.8 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Temple of Janus - GJ-500.jpg
597.5 kB
Girieud Pierre Paul - Peonies - GJ-8974.jpg
597.2 kB
Seurat Georges-Pierre - View of Fort Samson - ZK-1577.jpg
596.7 kB
Pissarro Camille - Still Life with a Coffeepot - ZKR-527.jpg
596.4 kB
Daulle Jean - Portrait of Anastasia Ioannovna Landgravine of Hesse-Homburg - JRG-11895.jpg
595.5 kB
Freiwirth-Lutzow Oscar - Dear Guest from Far Away - JRX-1726.jpg
595.1 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Head of a Woman in a Hood - OR-14519.jpg
595.1 kB
Murer Christoph - Leonard Turnidzer Setting off on a Journey - OR-18582.jpg
595.0 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Study of Italian Art - OR-11743.jpg
595.0 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Second Reserved Apartment. The Drawing-Room - OR-14417.jpg
594.8 kB
Matisse Henri - Vase of Sunflowers - GJ-7706.jpg
594.3 kB
Goya Francisco - African Lunatic - GR-131-17977.jpg
594.1 kB
Perelle Gabriel - View of the Park with Fountains - OG-358393.jpg
592.3 kB
Chesky Ivan Vasilyevich - View of the Great Cascade Samson Fountain and Great Palace at Peterhof - JRG-6252.jpg
591.6 kB
Cezanne Paul - Self-Portrait - ZKR-513.jpg
591.6 kB
Utkin Nikolai Ivanovich - Catherine II Strolling in the Park at Tsarskoye Selo - JRG-16644.jpg
590.9 kB
Goya Francisco - Idiot - GR-131-17969.jpg
590.6 kB
Vlaminck Maurice de - View of the Siene - GJ-9112.jpg
590.5 kB
Fantin-Latour Henri - Roses and Nasturtiums in a Vase - GJ-9675.jpg
590.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Small Hermitage. The Northern Part of the Romanov Gallery - OR-14368.jpg
590.2 kB
Voronikhin Andrey Nikiforovich - Interior of the Painting Gallery of Count A. S. Stroganov - OR-41913.jpg
590.0 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Young Woman in a Flowered Hat - ZKR-560.jpg
589.7 kB
Matisse Henri - Bouquet (Vase with Two Handles) - GJ-6522.jpg
589.6 kB
Bartolozzi Francesco - Bacchante - OG-355178.jpg
589.5 kB
Vasilyev Yakov Vasilyevich - View of the Neva Downstream between St Isaacs Church and the Military School - JRG-29267.jpg
588.2 kB
Yamashita Rin - Icon Resurrection of Christ. Reverse Orthodox Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Tokyo - JRX-2283.jpg
588.2 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Roses in a Vase - ZKR-512.jpg
588.1 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Cathedral in Toledo - OR-43647.jpg
587.9 kB
Koch O. - View of Kazan - JRG-30099.jpg
587.2 kB
Gauguin Paul - Three Tahitian Women Against a Yellow Background - GJ-7708.jpg
587.0 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fifth Room of the War Gallery - OR-11826.jpg
586.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Second Reserved Apartment. A Bedroom - OR-14412.jpg
586.3 kB
Goltzius Hendrick - Marcus Curtius - OG-133474.jpg
586.2 kB
Isoda Koryusai - Sheet Mitsuhana from the Omisuya Tea House - YT-3020.jpg
586.0 kB
Bonnet Louis - Portrait of Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich - JRG-16729.jpg
585.6 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fifth Reserved Apartment. The Bedroom of Grand Princess Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14446.jpg
585.5 kB
Telegin Ivan - View of Constable Square from the Stone Bridge - JRG-6130.jpg
585.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Bedchamber of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-14385.jpg
584.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Dutch and Flemish Art - OR-11722.jpg
584.3 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Pompeian or Small Dining-Room - OR-14383.jpg
584.1 kB
Dieu Antoine - Carrying of the Cross - OR-40417.jpg
583.7 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Peter Hall - OR-14400.jpg
583.0 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Dressing Room of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-14386.jpg
582.9 kB
Schmidt Georg Friedrich - Portrait of Piotr Shuvalov - JRG-30018.jpg
582.7 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Flemish School - OR-11747.jpg
582.7 kB
Toeput Lodewyk (Il Pozzoserrato) - View of a Park with Figures - OR-587.jpg
582.6 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Dilapidated Shed in a Garden. Sketch - OR-43571.jpg
582.2 kB
Pissarro Camille - Town Park in Pontoise - ZKR-517.jpg
582.0 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet 31 Sato Tadanoby - YT-3742.jpg
581.7 kB
Fyt Jan - Study of a Dog - OR-15279.jpg
581.4 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mansion of Baron A.L. Stieglitz. The Supper-room - OR-44610.jpg
581.0 kB
Reni Guido - Holy Family - OG-118630.jpg
580.9 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of the German School - OR-11728.jpg
580.9 kB
Diepenbeeck Abraham van Rubens Pieter Paul - Marriage of the Virgin - OR-5523.jpg
580.5 kB
Denis Maurice - Sacred Spring at Guidel - GJ-7711.jpg
580.2 kB
Perelle Gabriel - View of the Fountain in the Centre of the Basin - OG-358396.jpg
580.1 kB
Tsepkov A.I. - St Nicholas the Miracle Worker and St Tsarina Alexandra - JRX-2285.jpg
579.5 kB
Shlay Jacob van de - Hauling of the Thunder Stone for the Monument to Peter the Great - JRG-16656.jpg
579.2 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Young Girl in a Hat - ZKR-561.jpg
579.0 kB
Lautensack Hans Sebald - View of the Town along the River with a Church on the Right Bank - OG-143061.jpg
578.3 kB
Lang Hieronymus I - Design of a Stained-Glass Panel with the Coat of Arms of Hans von Tunsel - OR-18577.jpg
578.3 kB
Wortmann Christian Albrecht - Portrait of Anna Leopoldovna - JRG-12375.jpg
578.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Interior of the Pantheon in Rome - OR-2328.jpg
577.2 kB
Velde Jan van de - Village Street - OG-134666.jpg
576.4 kB
Murer Christoph - Design of a Stained-Glass Panel with the Coat of Arms of Herald Zurlauben - OR-4595.jpg
576.4 kB
Redon Odilon - Woman Sleeping under a Tree - OR-43782.jpg
576.3 kB
Mayblum Jules - Palace of Count P. S. Stroganov. Drawing-Room - OR-41833.jpg
576.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Rotunda in the Winter Palace - OR-11828.jpg
576.1 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Anteroom - OR-11821.jpg
575.7 kB
Percier Charles Fontaine Pierre - Museum of Sculpture in the Louvre(album No. 6 table No. 29) - OR-9177.jpg
575.0 kB
Patel Pierre-Antoine II - Landscape with Hills - OR-4931.jpg
574.8 kB
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi - Diptych The Story of Shiraito of Hashimotoya - YT-3776.jpg
574.7 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - The Flight into Egypt - OG-235001.jpg
574.6 kB
Vinogradov Yefim Grigoriyevich - Hunting Pavilion at Tsarskoye Selo - JRG-31680.jpg
574.5 kB
Matisse Henri - View of Collioure - GJ-8997.jpg
573.6 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Small Church of the Winter Palace - OR-11827.jpg
573.4 kB
Perelle Gabriel - View of the Fountain with the Statue of the Goddess of Victory - OG-358394.jpg
573.1 kB
Perelle Gabriel - View of the Girandole Fountain - OG-358387.jpg
572.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fourth Reserved Apartment. The Dressing Room - OR-14425.jpg
572.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Cornice - OR-2223.jpg
571.7 kB
Gobert - View of the Kronstadt Military Harbour - JRG-7361.jpg
571.1 kB
Goya Francisco - French Penalty - GR-131-17983.jpg
571.0 kB
Mahmud Nishapuri in Shaban - ext of Hatifis Manuscript Layla and Majnun - QLVR-995.jpg
570.7 kB
Scheffer Ary - Death of Gaston de Foix in the Battle of Ravenna on 11 April 1512 - GJ-3991.jpg
570.2 kB
Gauguin Paul - At the Window - ZKR-641.jpg
570.1 kB
Goya Francisco - Hes Saying His Prayers - GR-131-17974.jpg
570.1 kB
Gauguin Paul - Sunflowers - GJ-6516.jpg
569.9 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Class Room in the Second Reserve Apartment - OR-14413.jpg
569.9 kB
Bellotto Bernardo - Neumarktplatz Dresden - OG-121690.jpg
569.9 kB
Toulouse-Lautrec Henri de - Woman with an Umbrella (Berthe the Deaf in the Garden of Monsieur Forest) - GR-155-97.jpg
569.8 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Study of Empress Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14441.jpg
569.2 kB
Veronese Paolo (Paolo Caliari) - Nailing to the Cross - GJ-155.jpg
569.2 kB
Cezanne Paul - Houses Along a Road - ZKR-502.jpg
569.0 kB
Hackert Georg Abraham - Temple of Sibylla at Tivoli - OG-149529.jpg
568.8 kB
Perelle Gabriel - View of The Flora in Versailles - OG-358403.jpg
568.8 kB
Martini Simone - Madonna from The Annunciation - GJ-284.jpg
568.7 kB
Benois Alexander Nikolayevich - View of Park in Peterhof - JRG-30398.jpg
568.6 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Study of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-14382.jpg
568.4 kB
Gosotei Hirosada - Sheet Winter. Diptych The Actors Nakamura Utaemon IV and Nakayama Nanshi III - YT-3813-02.jpg
568.4 kB
Degas Edgar - Dancer - ZKR-556.jpg
568.4 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fifth Reserved Apartment. The Study of Grand Princess Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14445.jpg
568.1 kB
Saint-Igny Jean de - Smokers - OR-16210.jpg
567.1 kB
Boucher Francois - Pilgrims at Emmaus - OR-14283.jpg
566.7 kB
Friesz Othon - Temptation (Adam and Eve) - GJ-8960.jpg
566.6 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Coins and Medals - OR-11258.jpg
566.6 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Italian Art - OR-11740.jpg
566.6 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of Saskia with a String of Pearls in the Hair - OG-235467.jpg
566.6 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Study of Emperor Alexander II - OR-14461.jpg
566.5 kB
Matisse Henri - Fruit and Coffeepot - GJ-8892.jpg
566.0 kB
Marquet Albert - Louvre Embankment and the New Bridge - GJ-6525.jpg
565.6 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Ball in Honour of Alexander II Arranged in Helsingfors in September 1863 on the Premises of the Railway Station - OR-27380.jpg
565.3 kB
Girodet Anne-Louis - Portrait of Joachim Murat - GJ-4739.jpg
564.4 kB
Perelle Gabriel - View of the Versailles Cascades and Part of the Palace - OG-358384.jpg
564.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Study of Italian Art - OR-11742.jpg
564.3 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Rest on the Flight into Egypt - OR-5870.jpg
563.9 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the Fancy-Shaped Bridge - OR-23343.jpg
563.5 kB
Amelin Albin - Civilization in General Francos Way - GJ-9037.jpg
563.4 kB
Schongauer Martin - Large Carrying of the Cross - OG-143800.jpg
563.4 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Study of Grand Princess Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14442.jpg
563.3 kB
Vendramini Francesco - Portrait of Leonty Benningsen (1745-1826) - JRG-12515.jpg
563.3 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet 81 Gotokudaiji Sadaijin - YT-4030.jpg
563.3 kB
Derain Andre - Port - GJ-6540.jpg
562.9 kB
Toulouse-Lautrec Henri de - La Clownesse in the Moulin Rouge - OG-359314.jpg
562.4 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Spanish Art - OR-11710.jpg
562.2 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Landscape at Beaulieu - ZKR-518.jpg
562.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The White Drawing-Room of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-26513.jpg
561.5 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-2530.jpg
561.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The First Reserved Apartment. The Bedroom of Grand Princess Maria Nikolayevna - OR-14406.jpg
561.0 kB
Hackert Georg Abraham - View near Vietri - OG-145193.jpg
560.8 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Study of Flemish School - OR-11738.jpg
560.7 kB
Lust Antoni de - Still Life - GJ-4915.jpg
560.6 kB
Damame-Demartrais M.-F. - View of Izmailovsky Bridge and Barracks across the Fontanka River - JRG-20853.jpg
559.8 kB
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi - Sheet Hachimantaro Yoshiie - YT-3512.jpg
559.8 kB
Lijtens Cijsbrecht - Winter Scene - OR-459.jpg
559.8 kB
Cuyp Benjamin Gerritsz - Annunciation to the Shepherds - GJ-3000.jpg
559.7 kB
Goltzius Hendrick - Ocean - OG-271418.jpg
559.3 kB
Bonnet Louis Marin - Head of a Woman - OG-128049.jpg
559.2 kB
Ehrenberg Wilhelm van - Interior of a Church - GJ-1441.jpg
559.2 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Antiquities from Cimmerian Bosphorus - OR-11261.jpg
559.0 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Green Dining Room - OR-14463.jpg
558.8 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Vase of Rubens - OR-5430.jpg
558.1 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Mercury Moving away - GJ-501.jpg
557.9 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The St Georges Hall - OR-14401.jpg
557.7 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet 22 The Okabe Station - YT-3749.jpg
557.1 kB
Mayblum Jules - Palace of Count P. S. Stroganov. Yellow Drawing-Room - OR-41831.jpg
556.9 kB
Yusuf Zaman - Bird Perching on a Blossoming Branch - QLVR-7153.jpg
556.9 kB
Gillot Claude - Scene with Characters from the Italian Comedy Metamorfosi DArlecchino - OR-14314.jpg
556.9 kB
Dien Claude-Marie-Francois - Portrait of Count de Segur - JRG-15675.jpg
556.1 kB
Dupre Jules - Autumn Landscape - GJ-3868.jpg
555.9 kB
Zauerweid Alexander - Trumpet-Player of the Cavalry Regiment - OG-207659.jpg
555.9 kB
Hironobu I - Diptuch The Actors Arashi Rikaku II and Mimasu Baishya (Daigoro V) in the Play The Ganryu Island - YT-3813-25.jpg
555.2 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the Second Cavalry Block - OR-23346.jpg
554.9 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mansion of Baron A.L. Stieglitz. The Drawing-Room - OR-44598.jpg
554.7 kB
Matisse Henri - Dishes and Fruit on a Red and Black Carpet (Le Tapis Rouge) - GJ-8998.jpg
554.7 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Study of Italian Art - OR-11737.jpg
554.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry V. Vasilchikov (1778-1859) (2nd) - GJ-8009.jpg
553.9 kB
Steinlen Theophile Alexander - Ball in Pariss Suburb - OR-24979.jpg
553.8 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Manuscripts - OR-11704.jpg
553.7 kB
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi - Sheet Mutsuki Suginosuke Norifusa - YT-3521-1.jpg
553.6 kB
Picasso Pablo - Composition with a Sliced Pear - OR-42159.jpg
553.5 kB
Weyden Rogier van der - St Luke Drawing the Virgin - GJ-419.jpg
553.5 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Study of Italian Art - OR-11745.jpg
553.0 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Small Hermitage. The Southern Part of the Romanov Gallery - OR-14369.jpg
552.9 kB
Devit G. - Triumphal Entrance of Swedish Ships to the Neva after the Victory of Hango - JRG-31097.jpg
552.5 kB
Montalegre Joseph de - Surrender of the Fortress of Douai to the Allied Troops in 1710 - OG-92052.jpg
552.2 kB
Gauguin Paul - Women on the Seashore (Motherhood) - GJ-8979.jpg
551.8 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Raphael Loggias - OR-11741.jpg
551.7 kB
Blanchet Thomas - Doubting Thomas - OR-25395.jpg
551.4 kB
Dmitriyev T. Kazachinsky A.I. - Catherine the Great Receiving the Turkish Embassy in the Winter Palace on 14 October 1764 - JRG-3479.jpg
551.1 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Head of a Woman in a Night Cap - OR-14723.jpg
551.1 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet A Street in the Shitaya District - YT-3693.jpg
551.0 kB
Perelle Gabriel - Plan of the Royal Vegetable Garden with a Fountain in the Centre - OG-358400.jpg
550.9 kB
Bol Hans - Spring - OR-354.jpg
550.6 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Archaeological Artifacts - OR-11721.jpg
550.3 kB
Hackert Georg Abraham - View near Sorrento - OG-145196.jpg
550.2 kB
Monet Claude - Woman in the Garden. Sainte-Adresse - GJ-6505.jpg
550.1 kB
Roghman Roelant (Roulant) - Landscape (Christ on the Road to Emmaus) - GJ-728.jpg
549.7 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Armorial Hall - OR-14396.jpg
549.2 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Apples and Flowers - ZK-1528.jpg
549.0 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The First Reserved Apartment. The Drawing-Room of Duke M. Leuchtenberg - OR-14410.jpg
548.8 kB
Savery Roelant - Mauntain Landscape - OR-15103.jpg
548.3 kB
Degas Edgar - Toilet of a Woman - OR-42156.jpg
547.8 kB
Pogonkin Vladimir Ivanovich - Portrait of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - JRG-17723.jpg
547.7 kB
Perelle Gabriel - View of the Versailles Palace from the Park - OG-358383.jpg
547.7 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Study of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-14381.jpg
547.6 kB
Monet Claude - Seine at Asnieres - ZK-1594.jpg
547.0 kB
Grekov Alexei Angiliyevich - Hermitage Pavilion in Tsarskoye Selo - JRG-20021.jpg
546.9 kB
Natoire Charles-Joseph - Sea Port (A Fantastic Port) - OR-4829.jpg
546.8 kB
Boissieu Jean-Jacques de - Hut on the Bank of a River - OR-14214.jpg
546.5 kB
Chauvin Pierre-Athanase - Italian Landscape - GJ-3712.jpg
546.4 kB
Golovachevsky Kirill Ivanovich - Portrait of Savva Krenitsin - JRX-3260.jpg
546.2 kB
Grekov Alexei Angiliyevich - Hermitage Pavilion in the Park at Tsarskoye Selo - JRG-31679.jpg
545.9 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Head of a Youth Looking up - OR-5888.jpg
545.8 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The White Hall - OR-14394.jpg
544.8 kB
Kugelgen Karl von - View of Mukhalatka - OR-10309.jpg
544.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan O. Witt (1781-1840) - GJ-7983.jpg
544.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The First Reserved Apartment. The Salon of Duke M. Leuchtenberg - OR-14404.jpg
544.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Library of Emperor Alexander II - OR-14462.jpg
543.9 kB
Cardelli Salvator - Portrait of General Prince Piotr Bagration - JRG-12444.jpg
543.8 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-2511.jpg
543.7 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fourth Reserved Apartment. The Study - OR-14427.jpg
543.6 kB
Monet Claude - Grand Quai at Havre - ZKR-523.jpg
543.4 kB
Matisse Henri - Dishes and Fruit - GJ-7697.jpg
543.3 kB
Perelle Gabriel - View of the Oval Basin - OG-358399.jpg
543.0 kB
Matisse Henri - Vase of Irises - GJ-8965.jpg
543.0 kB
Stockler Emmanuel - Room in the Quarto Villa near Florence - OR-40446.jpg
542.7 kB
Mate Vasily Vasilyevich - Portrait of Alexander Pushkin - JRG-21032.jpg
542.6 kB
Artemyev Prokofy Chelnakov Nikita - View of the Large Palace in Peterhof from the Gulf of Finland. Right side - JRG-20008.jpg
542.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. Room of Russian Painting - OR-11707.jpg
542.5 kB
Schoonebeeck Adriaan - Predistination Vessel. View from the Stern - JRG-7990.jpg
542.2 kB
Stoopendael Daniel - Panorama and Map of Amsterdam from the Ij Bay - OG-92078.jpg
541.4 kB
Friesz Othon - Roofs and Cathedral in Rouen - GJ-9173.jpg
541.2 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mansion of Baron A.L. Stieglitz. The Golden Drawing-Room - OR-44611.jpg
540.8 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Interior of the Jupiter Temple (Mausoleum) in the Palace of Emperor Diocletian in Spalato - OR-2351.jpg
540.4 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Dead-Office for Alexander III in his Bedroom in the Small Palace at Livadia - JRR-8028.jpg
540.3 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Dressing Room of Empress Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14467.jpg
540.3 kB
Pierre Jean-Baptiste-Marie - Design for a Ceiling Decoration - OR-25066.jpg
540.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Gallery of the History of Ancient Painting - OR-11736.jpg
540.2 kB
Hackert Georg Abraham - View of Vietri - OG-145191.jpg
540.1 kB
Vlaminck Maurice de - Town on the Bank of a Lake - GJ-9111.jpg
539.9 kB
Marquet Albert - Place de la Trinity in Paris - GJ-4905.jpg
539.3 kB
Marquet Albert - View of the Seine and the Monument to Henry IV - GJ-9151.jpg
539.2 kB
Shchedrovsky Ignaty Stepanovich - Street Pedlar of Pies and Cabman - JRG-2722.jpg
539.1 kB
Fisch Hans Ulrich I - Allegorical Group Charity - OR-32250.jpg
538.9 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - The Sights of Japan in the Ukiy-e Style. Perspective View of Japan Kyoto the Sanjusangendo Temple - YT-2460.jpg
538.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fourth Reserved Apartment. The Corner Room - OR-14424.jpg
538.2 kB
Peruzzi Baldassare - Androcles and the Lion - OR-14124.jpg
538.1 kB
Premazzi Luigi - View of the New Hermitage from Millionnaya Street - OR-42894.jpg
538.0 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Artists Love - OR-46778.jpg
538.0 kB
Rousseau Henri - Luxembourg Gardens. Monument to Chopin - GJ-7716.jpg
537.6 kB
Ishiyotei Yoshitaki - Diptych The Actors Jitsukawa Shatizo Jitsukawa Ensaburo Fujikawa Tomokichi III and Arashi Kikusaburo - YT-3813-24.jpg
537.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The War Gallery of 1812 - OR-11830.jpg
537.0 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Landscape. Le Cannett - GJ-8926.jpg
536.6 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Carrying-Out of Alexander IIIs Bier from the Small Palace at Livadia - JRR-8021.jpg
536.4 kB
Suzuki Harunobu - he Kagiya Shop - YT-2151.jpg
536.2 kB
Goya Francisco - Penitent Monk - GR-131-17967.jpg
536.2 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Portrait of a Woman - GR-155-95.jpg
535.9 kB
Boissieu Jean-Jacques de - House with a Canopy - OR-25464.jpg
535.8 kB
Denis Maurice - Figures in a Spring Landscape (Sacred Grove) - GJ-9567.jpg
535.7 kB
Robert Hubert - Cottage in the Forest - GJ-5784.jpg
535.7 kB
Krendovsky Yevgraf Fyodorovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Throne Room of Empress Maria Fiodorovna - JRX-2435.jpg
535.6 kB
Galaktionov Stepan Philippovich - View of the Winter Palace from North-West - JRG-20207.jpg
535.5 kB
Dupre Jules - Forest Landscape - GJ-5687.jpg
535.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Grigory I. Lisanevich (1756-1832) - GJ-7899.jpg
535.4 kB
Ivanov P.S. - View of the Academy of Arts with Two Sphinxes Decorating the New Landing Place on the Neva Embankment - JRG-30526.jpg
535.0 kB
Perelle Gabriel - View of Three Alleys - OG-358397.jpg
535.0 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Carrying of Alexander IIIs Bier Down the Gangway in Sevastopol - JRR-8029.jpg
534.6 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the Pavilion by the Fancy-Shaped Bridge - OR-23340.jpg
534.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor V. Riediger (1783-1856) - GJ-7992.jpg
534.5 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Hall of Engravings - OR-11708.jpg
534.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fourth Room of the War Gallery - OR-14365.jpg
534.1 kB
Stuck Franz von - Kiss of a Sphinx - OR-27323.jpg
533.5 kB
Muhammad Yusuf - Youth with a Wine-Cup - QLVR-739.jpg
533.1 kB
Utagawa Yoshitora - The Sumo Wrestler Sakaigawa Namiemon - YT-3025.jpg
533.0 kB
Signac Paul - Suspension Bridge in Les Andelys - GR-155-82.jpg
532.8 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of the Preacher Jan Silvius - OG-235370.jpg
532.7 kB
Cezanne Paul - Bathers - ZKR-536.jpg
532.6 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. Room of Ancient Greece Sculptures - OR-11256.jpg
532.3 kB
Master Yegor Petrov (setting) - Icon in a Setting Sts Ulita and Kirik - JRO-7193.jpg
532.1 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fourth Reserved Apartment. The Dressing Room - OR-39925.jpg
532.0 kB
Goltzius Hendrick - Sea God (Ocean ) - OG-271420.jpg
531.8 kB
Lebrun Charles - Portiere Showing the Fouquet Arms - OR-18959.jpg
531.8 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Part of Interior Decoration for Catherine IIs Museum - OR-2606.jpg
531.4 kB
Watteau Antoine - La Boudeuse (The Capricious Girl) - GJ-4120.jpg
531.3 kB
Signac Paul - Banks of the Seine - GR-155-80.jpg
531.0 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of the 4th Library - OR-11702.jpg
530.8 kB
Bichebois L. P.-A. Baillot A. J.-B. - Raising of the Alexander Column - JRG-25292.jpg
530.7 kB
Derain Andre - Table and Chairs - GJ-9127.jpg
530.7 kB
Tuxen Laurits - Wedding of Nicholas II and Grand Princess Alexandra Fyodorovna - GJ-6229.jpg
530.6 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Malachite Room - OR-14371.jpg
530.5 kB
Sadovnikov Vasily Semyonovich - Review of the Horse-Guardsmens Regiment in Front of the Winter Palace - JRR-6417.jpg
530.4 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Descent of the Holy Spirit - OR-14537.jpg
530.4 kB
Becker Georges - Coronation of Empreror Alexander III and Empress Maria Fyodorovna - JRX-1637.jpg
530.2 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Happy Family - OR-14772.jpg
529.7 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Second Reserved Apartment. Room 2 - OR-14416.jpg
529.5 kB
Vasiliev Timofei Alexeyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. View of the Great Church - JRX-2431.jpg
529.5 kB
Isoda Koryusai - Tea Ceremony - YT-3176.jpg
529.5 kB
Jacottet Louis Julienn - View of Kazan from the South - JRG-5702.jpg
529.4 kB
Artemyev Prokofy Chelnakov Nikita - View of the Large Palace in Peterhof from the Gulf of Finland. Left side - JRG-20009.jpg
529.1 kB
Master E. S. (Der Meister E. S.) - Madonna and Child with St Barbara and St Dorothea - OG-149672.jpg
529.0 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Dressing Room of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-14388.jpg
528.8 kB
Sokolov Ivan Alexeyevich - Portrait of Empress Yelizaveta Petrovna - JRG-13677.jpg
528.7 kB
Cousin Jean I - The Entombement - OG-100124.jpg
528.5 kB
Goya Francisco - Who Will Win - GR-131-17990.jpg
528.4 kB
Goya Francisco - Rural Events - GR-131-17992.jpg
528.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr Ya. Kornilov (1770-1828) - GJ-7963.jpg
528.2 kB
Dufy Raoul - Portrait of Suzanne Dufy the Artists Sister - GJ-10049.jpg
528.1 kB
Chobunsai Eishi - Transformation of a Spirit into a Sculpture - YT-2552.jpg
528.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The First Reserved Apartment. The Yellow Salon of Grand Princess Maria Nikolayevna - OR-14402.jpg
527.7 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of Rembrandts Mother Sitting at a Table - OG-235462.jpg
527.4 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Hunting Scenes of Alexander III at Spala on 4-17 September 1894 - JRR-3975.jpg
527.2 kB
Kulmbach Hans Suss von - Christ and Mary before God the Father - GJ-696.jpg
527.1 kB
Petitjean Edmond - View of the Bourgogne Gates in the City of Maret - OR-13586.jpg
527.0 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the Second Hermitage - OR-23351.jpg
526.9 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Nicholas Hall - OR-14399.jpg
526.9 kB
Kauffman Angelica - Mother and Child with an Apple - OG-161530.jpg
526.7 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Gallery of Flemish Painting - OR-11749.jpg
526.6 kB
Larmessin Nicolas de - Portrait of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich - JRG-11855.jpg
526.2 kB
Leyden Lucas van - Dentist - OG-133742.jpg
526.0 kB
Marquet Albert - View of Saint-Jean-de-Luz - GJ-7726.jpg
525.7 kB
Mayblum Jules - Palace of Count P. S. Stroganov. Boudoir - OR-41838.jpg
525.6 kB
Shchedrovsky Ignaty Stepanovich - Street Milk Seller - JRG-33388.jpg
525.6 kB
Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel - Still Life - GJ-3850.jpg
525.5 kB
Muhammad Riza Irvani - Bathing a Cripple in a Healing Spring - QLVR-667.jpg
525.2 kB
Perelle Gabriel - The Diana Fountain in Versailles - OG-358386.jpg
525.2 kB
Master E. S. (Der Meister E. S.) - St John the Evangelist in Patmos - OG-164673.jpg
525.1 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet 30 Onodera Toemon Hidetome - YT-4065.jpg
524.8 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Drawing-Room of Grand Princess Maria Nikolayevna - OR-14434.jpg
524.8 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Young Woman in an Artchair (Portrait of Madam Greuze ) - OR-14767.jpg
524.8 kB
Degas Edgar - After the Bath - OR-43787.jpg
524.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Second Reserved Apartment. The Small Study - OR-14414.jpg
524.4 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The First Room of the War Gallery - OR-14361.jpg
524.4 kB
Vinckeboons David - Sermon of Christ at the Genezareth Lake - GJ-459.jpg
524.2 kB
Morland George - Gipsies - GJ-5833.jpg
524.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Third Reserved Apartment. The Drawing-Room - OR-14421.jpg
523.7 kB
Marquet Albert - Harbour at Menton - GJ-4906.jpg
523.7 kB
Matisse Henri - Still Life with Blue Tablecloth - GJ-6569.jpg
523.5 kB
Percier Charles Fontaine Pierre - View of the Guards Hall in the Old Louvre (album No. 7 table No. 35) - OR-9183.jpg
523.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Raspberry Study of Empress Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14443.jpg
523.3 kB
Gauguin Paul - Scene from Tahitian Life - GJ-6517.jpg
522.8 kB
Moretti Pietro - Architectural Perspective - GJ-7222.jpg
522.6 kB
Valck Gerard - Portrait of Prince Eugene of Savoy - OG-92047.jpg
522.6 kB
Jordaens Jacob - Infant Jupiter Fed by the Goat Amalthea - OR-4200.jpg
522.5 kB
Velyn P. - Portrait of Prince William of Orange and his Wife Anna Pavlovna - JRG-16592.jpg
522.3 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet The Sanjusangendo Temple in the Fukagawa District - YT-3443.jpg
522.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The First Reserved Apartment. The Large Study of Grand Princess Maria Nikolayevna - OR-14405.jpg
522.2 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet 23 The Fujieda Station - YT-3050.jpg
522.2 kB
Rowlandson Thomas - Dinner - OG-81668.jpg
522.1 kB
Kent Rockwell - Womans Work. South Greenland - GJ-9936.jpg
522.0 kB
Utrillo Maurice - Rue Custine a Monmartre - GJ-10598.jpg
522.0 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Head of a Fair-Haired Woman - OR-18882.jpg
522.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai D. Kudashev (1784-1814) - GJ-8137.jpg
521.7 kB
Signac Paul - Bank of the Seine Near the Pont des Arts with a View of the Louvre - GR-155-84.jpg
521.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Third Room of the War Gallery - OR-14364.jpg
521.2 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet 28 Kanawagoro Imakuni - YT-3743.jpg
521.0 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Library of Emperor Alexander II - OR-14390.jpg
520.7 kB
Smith John - Portrait of the Duke of Marlborough - OG-92044.jpg
520.6 kB
Quellinus Erasmus II - Design of a Triumphal Arch - OR-40794.jpg
520.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The First Reserved Apartment. The Dressing Room of Grand Princess Maria Nikolayevna - OR-14409.jpg
520.3 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Descent from the Cross - OR-5496.jpg
520.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of David A. Delyanov (1761- after 1833) - GJ-8069.jpg
520.1 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mansion of Baron A.L. Stieglitz. The Main Study - OR-44601.jpg
520.0 kB
Flameng Francois - Reception at Malmaison in 1802 - GJ-6272.jpg
519.8 kB
Le Fauconnier Henri - Little Schoolgirl - GJ-8889.jpg
519.7 kB
Bourdon Sebastien - Venus and Aeneas - GJ-2112.jpg
519.7 kB
Goya Francisco - Great Colossus Asleep - GR-131-17989.jpg
519.4 kB
Manguin Henri Charles - Landscape at St Tropez - GJ-4854.jpg
519.2 kB
Desprez Louis-Jean - Project for Count Nikolai Sheremetevs Palace in Kitai-Town in Moscow - JRR-3480.jpg
518.8 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Burdocks (Drawing) - OR-43597.jpg
518.8 kB
Bouchardon Edme - Wall Fountain with a Naiad and Tritons - OR-14640.jpg
518.3 kB
Chesky Ivan Vasilyevich - View of the Pantheon-Monument to the Russian Tsar Ivan IV - JRG-27345.jpg
518.2 kB
Heil Daniel van - Winter Landscape - GJ-6236.jpg
518.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Second Room of the War Gallery - OR-14362.jpg
517.9 kB
Yaremich S.P. - View of the Smolny Cathedral - JRX-2058.jpg
517.8 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Corner Drawing-Room of Emperor Nicholas I - OR-14377.jpg
517.7 kB
Galaktionov Stepan Philippovich - View of the Old Arsenal on Liteiny Prospekt - JRG-20210.jpg
517.6 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Night Carrousel under the Leadership of Frederick the Great in 1750 - OR-13673.jpg
517.4 kB
Kugelgen Karl von - View near Alupka - OR-10312.jpg
517.3 kB
Chodowiecki Daniel - Three Women by the Window - OG-306020.jpg
517.1 kB
Valtat Louis - In the South of France - GJ-7718.jpg
516.9 kB
Puy Jean - Landscape - GJ-8971.jpg
516.3 kB
Cameron Charles - Design for a Door in the Agate Pavilion in the Cold Baths at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-11046.jpg
516.0 kB
Kachalov Grigory Anikiyevich - View of the Nevsky prospect from Moyka - JRG-3898.jpg
515.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor F. Rosen (1767-1851) (3rd) - GJ-8115.jpg
515.8 kB
Vnukov Yekim (Akim) Terentiyevich - View of the Building of State Collegia with Part of Gostiny Dvor Arcade - JRG-29453.jpg
515.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander A. Tuchkov (1778-1812) (4th) - GJ-7961.jpg
515.8 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Graeco-Etruscan Vases - OR-11257.jpg
515.7 kB
Purrmann Hans - Landscape - ZK-927.jpg
515.7 kB
Helmersen Grigory Petrovich - Valley of the Sakmara River - JRR-6616.jpg
515.5 kB
Wailly Charles de - Design for a Ceiling Apotheosis of a Hero - OR-32188.jpg
515.4 kB
Gosotei Hirosada - Diptych The Actor Jitsukawa Ensaburo and an Unknown Actor - YT-3813-2.jpg
515.4 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Festive Procession and Tournament in Berlin in 1592 under the Leadership of Johann Georg of Branderburg - OR-13672.jpg
515.3 kB
Patel Pierre I - Landscape with a Small Bridge - OR-4930.jpg
515.0 kB
Denis Maurice - Mother and Child - GJ-8893.jpg
514.9 kB
Picasso Pablo - Composition with a Bunch of Grapes and a Sliced Pear - OR-43789.jpg
514.8 kB
Yakovlev Grigory - Portrait of M.N. Lermontov - JRX-3193.jpg
514.4 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet Having Concealed Himself in a Bulls Hide Kidomaru is Watching for Raiko in the Valley of Itigahara - YT-3518.jpg
514.4 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Horse-Guardsmen Meeting Nasir-al-Din Shah of Persia - JRR-7039.jpg
514.3 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Breakfast of Emperors Alexander II and William I in the Winter Palace - JRR-894.jpg
514.3 kB
Vinogradov Yefim Grigoriyevich - View of the Old Winter Palace with the Canal Linking the Moika with the Neva - JRG-3903.jpg
514.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fifth Reserved Apartment. The Drawing-Room of Grand Princess Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14392.jpg
514.1 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Arrival of Prince Ferdinand - GJ-498.jpg
513.8 kB
Amelin Albin - Two Women by the Window - GJ-9038.jpg
513.7 kB
Benois Alexander Nikolayevich - View of the Trelyazh (Trellis) Pavilion and Fountain Eve Peterhof - JRG-30406.jpg
513.4 kB
Dupre Jules - Village Landscape - GJ-8155.jpg
513.4 kB
Benois Alexander Nikolayevich - View of the Monplaisir and Catherines Block Peterhof - JRG-30408.jpg
513.1 kB
Grimaldi Giovanni Francesco - Landscape with Two Male Figures - OR-14161.jpg
513.0 kB
Carracci Annibale - Holy Family (Rest on the Flight into Egypt) - GJ-138.jpg
512.5 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Ceremonial Dinner in the Faceted Chamber - OR-27464.jpg
512.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Third Reserved Apartment. A Bedroom - OR-14420.jpg
512.1 kB
Michau Theobald - Landscape with an Arch - OR-10534.jpg
512.0 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Antiquities from Cimmerian Bosphorus - OR-11723.jpg
511.8 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Bedchamber of Empress Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14465.jpg
511.7 kB
Mateiko Jan - Portrait of Potocki and Poninski - JRX-3223.jpg
511.5 kB
Kauffman Angelica - Parting of Abelard and Heloise - GJ-1338.jpg
511.5 kB
Utkin Nikolai Ivanovich - Portrait of Alexander Suvorov - JRG-31021.jpg
510.9 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Antechamber of Tsesarevich Alexander Nikolayevich - OR-14458.jpg
510.7 kB
Friesz Othon - Autunm Works - GJ-8890.jpg
510.6 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Large Fieldmarshals Hall - OR-14393.jpg
510.6 kB
Riza-i Abbasi - Girl in a Fur Hat - QLVR-705.jpg
510.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Military Library of Emperor Alexander II - OR-14438.jpg
510.3 kB
Mazzucchelli Pier Francesco (Il Morazzone) - Pontius Pilate Showing Christ and Barabbas to the People - OR-7201.jpg
510.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fourth Reserved Apartment. A Bedroom - OR-14423.jpg
510.2 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mansion of Baron A.L. Stieglitz. The White Drawing-Room - OR-44608.jpg
510.2 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of the Painter Jan Asselyn (Krabbetje) - OG-235362.jpg
509.8 kB
Guardi Francesco - Venetian Capriccio View of a Square and a Palace - GJ-262.jpg
509.8 kB
Lely Peter - Two Canons from a Procession of Knights of the Order of the Garter - OR-14712.jpg
509.6 kB
Valtat Louis - Antheor Bay - GJ-8887.jpg
509.5 kB
Chernetsov Grigory Grigoryevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The War Gallery of 1812 - JRX-2433.jpg
509.4 kB
Ivanov P.S. - English Embankment in St Petersburg - JRG-31501.jpg
508.8 kB
Coeck van Aelst Peter - Juan III of Portugal and Catherine of Austria with St John the Baptist and St Catherine of Alexandria - OR-5850.jpg
508.7 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the Large Cavalry Block - OR-23341.jpg
508.4 kB
Schenk Petrus - Portrait of Fiodor Golovin - JRG-13023.jpg
508.1 kB
Bosio Francois-Joseph - Card Game - OG-246430.jpg
508.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Gothic Drawing Room of Grand Princesses - OR-14430.jpg
507.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Third Reserved Apartment. The Drawing-Room - OR-14419.jpg
507.1 kB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Act I Recognition of the Helmet - YT-2145.jpg
507.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Small Hermitage. The Study of Crown Prince Nikolai Alexandrovich - OR-14447.jpg
507.1 kB
Paulus Pierre - Miner - GJ-9076.jpg
506.9 kB
Kugelgen Karl von - View of Bakhchisarai - OR-10292.jpg
506.9 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Sense of Taste - GJ-1001.jpg
506.6 kB
Tutukin Piotr - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Pavilion Hall - JRX-2220.jpg
506.5 kB
Isoda Koryusai - Yatsushi Sanseki Saigyo - YT-2574.jpg
506.2 kB
Goya Francisco - Lunatics - GR-131-17993.jpg
506.2 kB
Matisse Henri - Pink Statuette and Jug on a Red Chest of Drawers - GJ-6520.jpg
506.0 kB
Graeb Carl Georg Anton and Schutze Ernst Friedrich Gotthold II - Eighth Sheet of the Poem Blancheflour by K.F. Scherenberg - OR-13668.jpg
505.3 kB
Crayer Caspar de - Martyrdom of St Pieter - OR-2061.jpg
505.2 kB
Saint-Jean Jean de (Jean de Dieu) - Portrait of Dauphine Marie-Anne de Baviere in a Costume for Hunt - OR-16032.jpg
505.0 kB
Veronese Paolo (Paolo Caliari) - Adoration of the Magi - GJ-159.jpg
504.8 kB
Picasso Pablo - Guitar and Violin - GJ-9048.jpg
504.7 kB
Goya Francisco - Woman with a Child on Her Lap - GR-131-17995.jpg
504.7 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Main Staircase and the Vestibule - OR-11259.jpg
504.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander I. Tsvilenev (1769-1824) - GJ-7970.jpg
504.6 kB
Bouchardon Edme - Vase on Three Twisted Legs Shaped like Paws - OR-14630.jpg
504.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr K. Essen (1772-1844) - GJ-7823.jpg
504.5 kB
Kugelgen Karl von - View of Alupka - OR-10311.jpg
504.4 kB
Goya Francisco - Looking at What They Cant See - GR-131-17972.jpg
503.9 kB
Lancret Nicolas - Mlle Camargo Dancing - GJ-1145.jpg
503.7 kB
Gauguin Paul - Canoe Tahitian Family (Te vaa) - GJ-9122.jpg
503.5 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Portrait of Empress Maria Alexandrovna the Dowager Empress Alexandra Fiodorovna and Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna - OR-38954.jpg
503.5 kB
Marquet Albert - Avenue in the Luxembourg Gardens - ZKR-541.jpg
503.4 kB
Rowlandson Thomas - Going Out in the Morning - OG-82235.jpg
503.3 kB
Dupre Jules - Landscape with Cows - GJ-7461.jpg
503.1 kB
Bazhenov Vasily Ivanovich - Plan of the Pavilion of the Military Council - OR-23342.jpg
503.1 kB
Guttuso Renato - Portrait of Rocco and His Son - GJ-10013.jpg
503.1 kB
Signac Paul - Two Barges Boat and Tugboat in Samois - GR-155-77.jpg
502.7 kB
Goya Francisco - Lunatic from the Calle Mayor - GR-131-17978.jpg
502.6 kB
Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel - Before a Mosque (Cairo) - GJ-5164.jpg
502.6 kB
Vouet Simon - Sheet of Studies Half-Figure Wearing a Helmet Part of a Bent Leg in Draperies - OR-6401.jpg
502.4 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study of a Female Arm Dropped Down - OR-14811.jpg
502.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Small Hermitage. The Study - OR-14374.jpg
502.3 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Coronation of Maria de Medici - GJ-516.jpg
502.1 kB
Daumier Honore - Defense Plea - GR-131-17963.jpg
501.8 kB
Raphaello Santi - Madonna and Child (The Madonna Conestabile) - GJ-252.jpg
501.5 kB
Diaz de la Pena Narcisse - Road in the Wood - GJ-5682.jpg
501.1 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Homestead. Two sketches - OR-43581.jpg
501.1 kB
John Friedrich - Portrait of Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich - JRG-14040.jpg
500.9 kB
Pickaert (Picart) Pieter - Galliot Geddan Captured by the Russian Troops in May 1703 - JRG-17151.jpg
500.7 kB
Goya Francisco - Skaters - GR-131-17996.jpg
500.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The First Reserved Apartment. The Small Study of Grand Princess Maria Nikolayevna - OR-14408.jpg
500.5 kB
Le Sueur Eustache - Presentation of the Virgin - GJ-1777.jpg
500.4 kB
Matisse Henri - Woman on a Terrace - GJ-9040.jpg
500.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily N. Shenshin (1784-1831) - GJ-8088.jpg
500.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-16923.jpg
500.0 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Roses and Jasmine in a Delft Vase - ZKR-524.jpg
500.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily V. Levashov (1783-1848) - GJ-8020.jpg
499.9 kB
Beller Alexander Ivanovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Apollon Hall - JRX-2950.jpg
499.8 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-16924.jpg
499.7 kB
Le Nain Louis - Milkmaids Family - GJ-1152.jpg
499.5 kB
Cesare Giuseppe - Archangel Michael - OR-3728.jpg
499.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Matvey I. Platov (1751-1818) (copy after the 1814 original made in Britain ) - GJ-7814.jpg
499.2 kB
Alcanyis Miguel de - Crucifixion - GJ-7304.jpg
499.1 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Concert Hall - OR-14395.jpg
499.1 kB
Castillo Antonio del - Mountainous Landscape - GJ-1453.jpg
498.8 kB
Valtat Louis - Young Women in the Garden - GJ-7722.jpg
498.2 kB
Signac Paul - Tugboat and Barge in Samois - GR-155-78.jpg
498.2 kB
Matisse Henri - Spanish Still Life - GJ-9043.jpg
497.8 kB
Cochin N. - Map of the Fortress of Mardick in Flanders. July 1645 - OG-92071.jpg
497.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Andrey I. Gorchakov (1779-1855) - GJ-7824.jpg
497.6 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet 25 Kaidomaru and Urabe Suetake - YT-3770.jpg
497.2 kB
Elliger Ottomar III - Cartouche - OG-92082.jpg
497.1 kB
Vuillard Edouard - Young Woman in a Room - ZKR-539.jpg
497.1 kB
Moyse Edouard - Study a Seated Ecclesiastic with a Book - OR-13582.jpg
496.9 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Arab Hall or Large Dining-Room - OR-14456.jpg
496.6 kB
Stevens Pieter II - Landscape with a Footbridge - OR-5577.jpg
496.3 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Self-Portrait in a Cap with a Plume and a Sabre - OG-234922.jpg
496.1 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room Showing the Kolyvan Vase - OR-43478.jpg
496.0 kB
Robert Hubert - Nest Robbers - GJ-7731.jpg
495.9 kB
Picasso Pablo - Nude (Bust) - GJ-9046.jpg
495.7 kB
Matisse Henri - Painters Family - GJ-8940.jpg
495.4 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-43672.jpg
495.4 kB
Shchedrin Semyon Fiodorovich - Island in the Large Pond in the Park in Tsarskoye Selo - JRR-6423.jpg
495.3 kB
Jeger Christoffel - Hercules Defeating Dissension. Fresco by Pieter Paul Rubens White Hall London - OG-31716.jpg
495.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Konstantin Kh. Benckendorf (1785-1828) (2nd) - GJ-8133.jpg
495.2 kB
Campin Robert - Trinity (Left Wing of a Diptych) - GJ-443.jpg
495.2 kB
Muin Musawvir - Warrior and an Emaciated Horse - QLVR-735.jpg
494.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Illarion V. Vasilchikov (1777-1847) (1st) - GJ-7880.jpg
494.6 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - View of the Island of Strombolino - OR-4160.jpg
494.5 kB
Bassano Leandro (Leandro da Ponte) - Portrait of an Old Woman - GJ-2354.jpg
494.4 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Bathroom of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-14389.jpg
494.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Interior of the Sepulchral Hall - OR-2454.jpg
494.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Joseph ORowrke (1770-1849) - GJ-7862.jpg
493.8 kB
Gosotei Hirosada - Diptych The Actors Nakamura Utaemon IV and Nakayama Nanshi III - YT-3811-05.jpg
493.7 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Interior of the Sepulchral Hall - OR-2403.jpg
493.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Daniil V. Shukhanov (1745-1814) - GJ-8102.jpg
493.4 kB
Barbieri Giovanni Francesco (Il Guercino) - Raising of Tabitha. Sketch for the Painting The Raising of Tabitha Galleria Palatina Palazzo Pitti Florance - OR-3763.jpg
493.2 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Jordan Staircase - OR-14351.jpg
493.2 kB
Picasso Pablo - Three Women - GJ-9658.jpg
493.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Third Reserved Apartment. Room 4 - OR-14422.jpg
492.6 kB
Camilo Francisco - Assumption of the Virgin - GJ-355.jpg
492.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander N. Berdyayev (1779-1824) - GJ-7957.jpg
492.4 kB
Steenwyck Hendrick van II - Interior of a Gothic Church - GJ-434.jpg
492.4 kB
Goya Francisco - Woman Helping a Sick Person to Drink - GR-131-17976.jpg
491.7 kB
Cambiaso Luca - John the Baptist - OR-8201.jpg
491.6 kB
Marquet Albert - Landscape with a Bridge - ZKR-543.jpg
491.1 kB
Gauguin Paul - Pastorales Tahitiennes - GJ-9119.jpg
490.9 kB
Mayblum Jules - Palace of Count P. S. Stroganov. Corner Room - OR-41832.jpg
490.8 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mansion of Baron A.L. Stieglitz. The Dining-room - OR-44613.jpg
490.8 kB
Gauguin Paul - Taperaa Mahana (Late Afternoon) - ZK-533.jpg
490.7 kB
Utkin Nikolai Ivanovich - Catherine II Strolling in the Park at Tsarskoye Selo - JRG-750.jpg
490.6 kB
Wynants Jan - Parable of the Good Samaritan - GJ-6758.jpg
490.4 kB
Clerck Hendrick de - Allegory of the Twelve Years Truce - OR-15123.jpg
490.4 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mansion of Baron A.L. Stieglitz. The Study of Baroness Stieglitz - OR-44603.jpg
490.3 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-2527.jpg
490.2 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Schoolteacher - OR-3746.jpg
490.1 kB
Cross Henri Edmond - Church of Santa Maria degli Angely Near Assisi - GJ-8891.jpg
490.1 kB
Venne Adriaen Pietersz van de - Dance of Death - GJ-3141.jpg
489.9 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study of a Nymph - OR-14742.jpg
489.9 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Ornamental Design - OR-2274A.jpg
489.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry P. Neverovsky (1771-1813) - GJ-7874.jpg
489.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander Prince of Wurttemberg (1771-1833) - GJ-7812.jpg
489.7 kB
Vallotton Felix - Interior - GJ-4902.jpg
489.6 kB
Hackert Georg Abraham - View of the Environs of Cava - OG-145192.jpg
489.5 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Conversion of Saul - OR-5128.jpg
489.1 kB
Huber Jean - Voltaire at a Chess Table - GJ-6723.jpg
489.0 kB
Vigee Le Brun Elisabeth-Louise - Portrait of Emperor Pavel Is Daughters - GJ-7747.jpg
489.0 kB
Zein al-Abidin Tabrizi - Specimen of Calligraphy - QLVR-661.jpg
488.8 kB
Kulyuksin Nektary - Icon St John the Divine in Silence - JRI-475.jpg
488.7 kB
Vasilyev Yakov Vasilyevich - View of the Newly-Built Chambers Opposite the Anichkov gates in Petersburg - JRG-11744.jpg
488.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Grigory G. Engelhardt (1759-1834) - GJ-7904.jpg
488.6 kB
Friesz Othon - Still Life with a Statuette of Bouddha - GJ-6544.jpg
488.6 kB
Edelfelt Albert (Gustaf Aristides) - Illustration for the Poem Konig Fjalar by J.L.Runeberg - OR-27117.jpg
488.5 kB
Matisse Henri - Seville Still Life - GJ-6570.jpg
488.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan B. Roeren (1775-1813) - GJ-8048.jpg
488.4 kB
Raimondi Marcantonio - Massacre of the Innocents - OG-399006.jpg
488.3 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet View of Akibasan Mount at Kagegawa - YT-2941.jpg
488.2 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-2513.jpg
487.9 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Moses Striking the Rock - OR-14539.jpg
487.9 kB
Leyden Lucas van - Healing of Blind Man of Jericho - GJ-407.jpg
487.9 kB
Troyon Constant - On the Way to the Market - GJ-3966.jpg
487.8 kB
Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille - Pool in the Wood - GJ-7279.jpg
487.7 kB
Heda Willem Claesz - Breakfast with a Lobster - GJ-5606.jpg
487.5 kB
Chardin Jean-Simeon - Saying Grase (Le Beneoicite) - GJ-1193.jpg
487.4 kB
Brozh Karel (Carl) - Burial of Alexander IIIin the Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral in St Petersburg - JRR-6004.jpg
487.4 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - View of the Cathedral of St Basil the Blessed from Moskvoretskaya Street - JRR-6534.jpg
487.3 kB
Manguin Henri Charles - Morning at Cavaliere - GJ-8956.jpg
487.2 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Carrying-Out of Alexander IIIs Bier - JRR-8030.jpg
487.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai V. Dekhteryov (1775-1831) - GJ-7952.jpg
487.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-16919.jpg
487.1 kB
Shchedrovsky Ignaty Stepanovich - Street Pedlar of Sbiten (Hot Spicy Drink of Honey) - JRG-2720.jpg
487.0 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Apollo Hall - OR-11829.jpg
486.8 kB
Cano Alonso - Infant Jesus and St John - GJ-320.jpg
486.7 kB
Vuillard Edouard - Old Woman near a Mantelpiece - ZKR-540.jpg
486.7 kB
Hackert Georg Abraham - View of the Environs of Carpentras - OG-145199.jpg
486.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Boris V. Poluektov (1778-1843) - GJ-8063.jpg
486.3 kB
Lefevre Valentin - Esther before Ahasuerus - GJ-1201.jpg
486.2 kB
Goya Francisco - Here Something Is Bound to Happen - GR-131-17991.jpg
485.9 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Corner in a Spanish City - OR-43650.jpg
485.9 kB
Van Dongen Kees - Spring - GJ-9130.jpg
485.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Lev A. Naryshkin (1785-1846) - GJ-8128.jpg
485.8 kB
Flameng Francois - Bathing of Court Ladies in the 18th Century - GJ-6213.jpg
485.8 kB
Graeb Carl Georg Anton and Schutze Ernst Friedrich Gotthold II - Seventh Sheet of the Poem Blancheflour by K.F. Scherenberg - OR-13667.jpg
485.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Iosif N. (Gabriel) Gallatte (1760 - after 1816) - GJ-8080.jpg
485.4 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Jacobs Dream - OG-234945.jpg
485.1 kB
Caterino Veneziano - Coronation of Mary - GJ-6662.jpg
485.0 kB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Act VII Reading of the Letter Reflected in the Mirror (or Kisegawa Reading the Letter Reflected in the Mirror) - YT-2147.jpg
484.9 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - Strastnaya (Passion) Square (Triumphal Gates Church of St Demetrius of Thessalonica and Kozitskayas Mansion) - JRR-6787.jpg
484.8 kB
Rousseau Theodore - Market-Place in Normandy - GJ-3950.jpg
484.8 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Bedroom of Grand Princess Maria Nikolayevna - OR-14435.jpg
484.2 kB
Zubov Alexei Fyodorovich - St Alexander Nevsky Lavra - JRG-17086.jpg
484.1 kB
Thoma Hans - Adam and Eve - GJ-5757.jpg
484.0 kB
Cezanne Paul - Mont Sainte-Victoire - ZK-1395.jpg
484.0 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fourth Reserved Apartment. The Corner Room - OR-39927.jpg
483.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexey I. Bartolomey (1784-1839) - GJ-8108.jpg
483.8 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Russian Sculpture - OR-11366.jpg
483.7 kB
Herbin Auguste - Green Landscape - GJ-10141.jpg
483.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander P. Kutuzov (1777-1817) - GJ-8072.jpg
483.6 kB
Pickaert (Picart) Pieter - Sweden Warship Astrild Captured by the Russian Troops in May 1703 in the Mouth of the Neva - JRG-17150.jpg
483.4 kB
Brueghel Pieter II - Adoration of the Magi - GJ-3737.jpg
483.3 kB
Graeb Carl Georg Anton and Schutze Ernst Friedrich Gotthold II - Fifth Sheet of the Poem Blancheflour by K.F. Scherenberg - OR-13665.jpg
483.3 kB
Bourdon Sebastien - Augustus before the Tomb of Alexander - GJ-2111.jpg
483.3 kB
Schongauer Martin - Madonna and Child in the Courtyard - OG-100975.jpg
483.2 kB
Schertle Valentin - Portrait of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna (Wife of Emperor Nicholas I) - JRG-30228.jpg
483.0 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Ceremonial Dinner in the Concert Hall of the Winter Palace on the Occasionof of German Emperor William Is Visit to St Petersburg - JRR-900.jpg
482.9 kB
Tuxen Laurits - The Coronation of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Fiodorovna - JRX-1638.jpg
482.8 kB
Lippi Filippino - Adoration - GJ-287.jpg
482.7 kB
Giorgione - The Virgin and the Child in a Landscape - GJ-185.jpg
482.6 kB
Achenbach Andreas - Landscape with a Stream - GJ-8299.jpg
482.4 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - In the Garden - ZK-1393.jpg
482.1 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Bridge in Alkantara - OR-43646.jpg
482.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Triumphal Arch in Pola - OR-11668.jpg
482.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Interior of Emperor Diocletians Palace in Split - OR-2566.jpg
481.8 kB
Goyen Jan van - Landscape with Oak - GJ-806.jpg
481.7 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet View of the Yatsumi-no hashi Bridge - YT-2311.jpg
481.7 kB
Gonzaga Pietro di Gottardo - Stage-set Design Temple with a Columned Rotunda with Statues of Philosophers - OR-34394.jpg
481.6 kB
Afanasyev Konstantin Yakovlevich - Portrait of Emperor Nicholas I - JRG-14760.jpg
481.5 kB
Kikukawa Eizan - Komachi from the Sckidera Temple - YT-3199.jpg
481.2 kB
Delacroix Eugene - Arab Saddling his Horse - GJ-3852.jpg
481.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Church Staircase - OR-14455.jpg
481.1 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - Illumination in Sobornaya Square in Honour of Emperor Alexander Is Coronations - JRR-6530.jpg
481.0 kB
Rousseau Theodore - Landscape with a Bridge - GJ-5689.jpg
480.8 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Room and the Landing of Private Rooms of Empress Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14440.jpg
480.7 kB
Green Boris - Fire in the Winter Palace in December 1837 - JRR-5559.jpg
480.4 kB
Bardou Johann - Portrait of Princess Nadezhda Golitsyna - OR-27128.jpg
480.4 kB
Mateiko Jan - Portrait of Fryderyk Czartoryski - JRX-3224.jpg
480.3 kB
Derain Andre - Grove - GJ-9085.jpg
479.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Georgy A. Emanuel (1774-1837) - GJ-7892.jpg
479.5 kB
Fontebasso Francesco - Rachel Hiding the Idols from her Father Laban - GJ-10499.jpg
479.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yegor F. Stahl (1771- after 1816) - GJ-8100.jpg
479.0 kB
Matisse Henri - Crockery on a Table - GJ-6518.jpg
478.9 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van - Winter Landscape with a Dead Tree - GJ-1879.jpg
478.8 kB
Graeb Carl Georg Anton and Schutze Ernst Friedrich Gotthold II - Ninth Sheet of the Poem Blancheflour by K.F. Scherenberg - OR-13669.jpg
478.5 kB
Percier Charles Fontaine Pierre - Ceiling Painting in the Diana Hall in the Louvre (album No. 6 table No. 30) - OR-9178.jpg
478.4 kB
Vasilyev Yakov Vasilyevich - View of the Neva Downstream from Nevsky Bridge between St Isaacs Church and the Military School - JRG-31666.jpg
478.1 kB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Act II (Geishas) Itsutomi and Hiranoya - YT-2146.jpg
478.0 kB
Jordaens Jacob - Light Once Loved by Me I Give Dear Child to Thee - OR-14233.jpg
477.7 kB
Martin Elias - Construction of the Sveaborg Fortress - GJ-5326.jpg
477.6 kB
Toeput Lodewyk (Il Pozzoserrato) - Landscape with Heracles and the Ox-Driver - OR-7296.jpg
477.5 kB
Reinhart T. - Winter Landscape - OR-13597.jpg
477.5 kB
Jordaens Jacob - Cleopatras Feast - GJ-8536.jpg
477.4 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Fragment of a Marble Frieze with Hippocampi. From the Villa of Emperor Hadrian in Tivoli - OR-2274V.jpg
477.4 kB
Boucher Francois - Woman in an Armchair (Study for Breakfast) - OR-10632.jpg
477.0 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet The Yoshiwara Station (to the Left of Fuji) - YT-3694.jpg
477.0 kB
Desiderii Giovanni Domenico - Forest on the Bank of a Lake or a River - OR-7410.jpg
477.0 kB
Lhot Andre - Green Landscape - GJ-8914.jpg
476.7 kB
Fernandez de Navarrete Juan (El Mudo) - Head of a Man - GJ-354.jpg
476.5 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the Third Cavalry Block - OR-23352.jpg
476.4 kB
Frederic Leon - Haymaking - OR-16911.jpg
476.4 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Boudoir of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-14387.jpg
476.2 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-16927.jpg
476.1 kB
Funk Hans - Design of a Stained-Glass Panel with the Coat of Arms of the Canton of Bern - OR-4565.jpg
476.1 kB
Marquet Albert - Quai du Louvre Summer - ZK-1392.jpg
475.9 kB
Pencz Georg - Last Judgment - OR-4719.jpg
475.9 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Artist Drawing a Model - OG-235240.jpg
475.6 kB
Sayyd Mirza - Half-Length of a Black-Bearbed Man (Muhammad Shah) - QLVR-1099.jpg
475.6 kB
Knupfer Nicolaus - Queen of Sheba before Solomon - GJ-699.jpg
475.5 kB
Yelyakov I.P. - View of the Exchange and Gostiny Dvor Shopping Arcade Upstream the Malaya Neva River - JRG-31674.jpg
475.4 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Small Hermitage. The Bedroom of Crown Prince Nikolai Alexandrovich - OR-14448.jpg
475.2 kB
Egeri Karl von (circle) - Stained Glass Panel Depicting Coats of Arms - V-83.jpg
475.2 kB
Gilbertson E. - Boyar Ground and the Church of Our Saviour behind the Gold Railing in the Moscow Kremlin - JRR-5538.jpg
475.1 kB
Vernet Horace - Ceremonial Carrying of Pope Pius VIII into the St Peter Cathedral in 1829 - GJ-5373.jpg
474.6 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Ancient Ruins - OR-2526.jpg
474.0 kB
Gerard Marguerite - First Steps - GJ-6321.jpg
473.8 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Woman with a Child on Her Knees - OR-14803.jpg
473.7 kB
Sisley Alfred - Villeneuve-la-Garenne (Village on the Seine) - GJ-9005.jpg
473.5 kB
Fantin-Latour Henri - Still Life Flowers Dish with Fruit and Carafe - ZKR-520.jpg
473.5 kB
Guttenbrunn Ludwig - Portrait of Princess Ye. Golenishcheva-Kutuzova - JRX-2008.jpg
473.4 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Presentation of Rewards in Lustgarten after the Night Carrousel in 1750 - OR-13674.jpg
473.3 kB
Zhernovoi Danila Grigoryevich - Portrait of Prince Nikolai Borisovich Yusupov. After the original painting by unknown artist 1790s - JRR-561.jpg
473.3 kB
Denis Maurice - Bacchus and Ariadne - GJ-6578.jpg
473.3 kB
Zharkov Pyotr Gerasimovich - Portrait of Grand Princess Elena Pavlovna. After a Portrait in Oil by Dmitry Levitsky 1790s - JRR-8652.jpg
473.3 kB
Le Sueur Eustache - Archangel Raphael Leaving Tobit and his Family - OR-5677.jpg
472.9 kB
Muhammad Yusuf - Youth Seated Under a Tree - QLVR-730.jpg
472.8 kB
Vianen Jan van - Fire-Pump Test in the Central Square of Amsterdam - OG-92088.jpg
472.8 kB
Thaulow Frits (Johann Fredrik) - Night - GJ-8883.jpg
472.7 kB
Maltese (Fieravino) Francesco - Still Life with a Melon - GJ-2772.jpg
472.7 kB
Utkin Nikolai Ivanovich - Portrait of the Poet Gavrila Derzhavin - JRG-13152.jpg
472.7 kB
Antropov Alexei Petrovich - Portrait of Catherine II - JRX-570.jpg
472.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor A. Lukov (1762-1813) - GJ-8038.jpg
472.1 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Personal Entrance to the Apartment of Empress Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14353.jpg
472.0 kB
Hollar Wenzel - Stellion Insulting Ceres - OG-145287.jpg
472.0 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet 22 Kiura Okaemon Sadayuki - YT-4059.jpg
471.9 kB
Matisse Henri - Young Woman in a Blue Blouse (Portrait of Lydia Delectorskaya) - GJ-10157.jpg
471.8 kB
Gogh Vincent van - Portrait of Madame Trabuc - ZKR-521.jpg
471.8 kB
Carpi Ugo da - Diogenes - OG-120429.jpg
471.8 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Girl Looking at a Dead Pigeon - OR-14800.jpg
471.6 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet 3 Kato Yomoshichi Norikane - YT-2530.jpg
471.3 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Head of a Woman - GJ-7714.jpg
471.3 kB
Ghirlandaio Ridolfo - The Virgin with Child and Sts Francis and Jerome - GJ-89.jpg
470.9 kB
Piola Domenico - Stoning of St Stephen - OR-14163.jpg
470.9 kB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Mother and Child - YT-2482.jpg
470.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry P. Lyapunov (1777-1821) - GJ-7998.jpg
470.8 kB
LHermitte (Lhermitte) Leon Augustin - Landscape with a Peasant Woman Milking a Cow - OR-27315.jpg
470.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The First Reserved Apartment. The Study of Duke M. Leuchtenberg - OR-14411.jpg
470.4 kB
Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel - Beggers - GJ-5680.jpg
470.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Valerian G. Madatov (1782-1829) - GJ-8094.jpg
470.2 kB
Marquet Albert - Rainy Day. Notre Dame de Paris - GJ-6526.jpg
470.2 kB
Vernet Carle - Napoleon on a Hunt in the Forest of Compiegne - GJ-5671.jpg
470.1 kB
Kardovsky Dmitry Nikolaevich - Ball at the Assembly Hall of the Nobility in St Petersburg on 23 February 1913 - JRR-5990.jpg
470.0 kB
Cezanne Paul - Flowers in a Blue Vase - GJ-8954.jpg
470.0 kB
Wertinger Hans - Crucifixion with Attendant Saints and Donor (Calvary) - GJ-5580.jpg
469.9 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Small Fieldmarshals Hall - OR-14469.jpg
469.7 kB
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi - Sheet Miyamoto Musashi Masana - YT-3521-3.jpg
469.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily V. Yeshin (1771-1825) - GJ-8098.jpg
469.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander K. Riedinger (1781-1825) - GJ-8114.jpg
469.1 kB
Bichebois L. P.-A. Baillot A. J.-B. - Ceremonial Unveiling of the Alexander Column - JRG-25305.jpg
469.1 kB
Picasso Pablo - Composition with Skull - GJ-9162.jpg
469.0 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Coronation of Alexander II in the Dormition Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin on 26 August 1856 - JRR-5431.jpg
468.9 kB
Toeput Lodewyk (Il Pozzoserrato) - Italian City - OR-1699.jpg
468.8 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Forum of Nerva in Rome - OR-2477.jpg
468.8 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Drawings - OR-11739.jpg
468.5 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mansion of Baron A.L. Stieglitz. The Dining-room - OR-44602.jpg
468.4 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Nursery of Nicholas IIs Daughters Maria Olga and Alexandra - OR-14436.jpg
468.3 kB
Mieris Frans Jansz van I - Broken Egg - GJ-916.jpg
468.2 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - View of the Church of St Nicholas the Large Cross on the Ilyinka - JRR-6529.jpg
468.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail I. Mezentsev (1780-1850) (2nd) - GJ-8073.jpg
467.7 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the Pavilion with Facade Showing a Loaf of Bread Design. First Floor (Second Floor USA) - OR-23345.jpg
467.5 kB
Vorobyov M.N. - View of the Winter Palace by Neva - JRR-5577.jpg
467.5 kB
Graeb Carl Georg Anton and Schutze Ernst Friedrich Gotthold II - Sixth Sheet of the Poem Blancheflour by K.F. Scherenberg - OR-13666.jpg
467.2 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mansion of Baron A.L. Stieglitz. The Library - OR-44604.jpg
467.2 kB
Neeffs Peeter II and Francken Frans III - Interior of the Cathedral in Antwerp - GJ-433.jpg
467.1 kB
Geertgen tot Sint Jans - St Bavo - GJ-5174.jpg
466.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai I. Selyavin (1771-1833) - GJ-8117.jpg
466.8 kB
Katsushika Hokusai - Thriumhant Wind on a Fine Day (Red Fuji) - YT-3674.jpg
466.7 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Life-Guards Pavlovsky Regiment - OR-19027.jpg
466.7 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-2538.jpg
466.6 kB
Tintoretto Jacopo - St George - GJ-194.jpg
466.5 kB
Yelyakov I.P. - View of the Neva Upstream from the Galley Yard and the 13th Line of Vasilyevsky Island - JRG-31664.jpg
466.4 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The First Reserved Apartment. Dressing Room of Duke M. Leuchtenberg - OR-14407.jpg
466.4 kB
Sokolov P.F. - Portrait of Natalia Zagriazhskaya - JRR-377.jpg
466.3 kB
Diaz de la Pena Narcisse - Children in a Garden - GJ-3858.jpg
466.3 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet The Moon Pine at Ueno - YT-2295.jpg
466.1 kB
Herbin Auguste - Mill on the Marn. Creteil - GJ-9022.jpg
466.0 kB
Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille - LEtang - OG-394626.jpg
466.0 kB
Roghman Roelant (Roulant) - Tyrolean Landscape with a Column - OG-134126.jpg
466.0 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Study of Emperor Alexander II - OR-26416.jpg
465.9 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mansion of Baron A. L. Stieglitz. The Ballroom - OR-44609.jpg
465.6 kB
Daumier Honore - Music Lover - GR-131-17961.jpg
465.6 kB
Teniers David II - Landscape with a Rural Tavern - GJ-584.jpg
465.6 kB
Master Yakov Frolov (setting) - Icon in a Setting the Virgin of Kazan - JRO-8912.jpg
465.5 kB
Gauguin Paul - Bouquet - ZKR-510.jpg
465.4 kB
Monet Claude - Haystack at Giverny - GJ-6563.jpg
465.3 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Ancient Thermae in the Monastery of Carmelites at Catania - OR-3908.jpg
465.3 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. Cabinet of Egyptian Sculptures - OR-11730.jpg
465.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pavel N. Choglokov (1774-1832) - GJ-7887.jpg
465.0 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-16922.jpg
465.0 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Congratulations to Alexander II from the Corps Diplomatique on 1 January 1863 - OR-27381.jpg
464.9 kB
Signac Paul - Fisherman in a Boat Near a Bank of the Seine - GR-155-79.jpg
464.7 kB
Goltzius Hendrick - Amphitrite - OG-271421.jpg
464.7 kB
Goya Francisco - Prisoner - GR-131-17966.jpg
464.5 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study of a Small Dog - OR-14989.jpg
464.5 kB
Achenbach Oswald - Garden in a Monastery - GJ-3798.jpg
464.4 kB
Le Sueur Eustache - Sheet with Sketches - OR-5666.jpg
463.9 kB
Vlaminck Maurice de - Town - GJ-6539.jpg
463.9 kB
Rastrelli Bartolomeo Carlo - Design of the Catafalque with a Coffin Showing the Coat-of-Arms of Peter I - OR-8444.jpg
463.8 kB
Angelico fra Beato (fra Giovanni da Fiesole Guido di Pietro) - The Virgin and the Child with Sts Dominic and Thomas Aquinas - GJ-253.jpg
463.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl V. Budberg (1774-1829) - GJ-8076.jpg
463.7 kB
Cezanne Paul - Apples Peaches Pears and Grapes - ZK-1580.jpg
463.4 kB
Thaulow Frits (Johann Fredrik) - River - OR-43784.jpg
463.4 kB
Sacchi Andrea - Venus at Rest - GJ-127.jpg
463.1 kB
Matisse Henri - Ballerina - ZKR-514.jpg
463.1 kB
Tiepolo Giovanni Battista - Maecenas Presenting the Liberal Arts to Emperor Augustus - GJ-4.jpg
463.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr I. Balabin (1779-1855) - GJ-8058.jpg
463.0 kB
Salm Adrian van der - Sea Battle - OR-45605.jpg
462.9 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Large Study of Emperor Nicholas I - OR-14431.jpg
462.9 kB
Vasiliev Timofei Alexeyevich - View of the Cathedrale of Our Lady of Kazan - JRX-1679.jpg
462.7 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study for The Paralytic. Figure of a Young Man with a Plate in his Hand - OR-14792.jpg
462.7 kB
Derain Andre - Martigues (Harbor in Provence) - GJ-9101.jpg
462.6 kB
Signac Paul - Harbor with Sailboat Tugboat and Barge - GR-155-85.jpg
462.6 kB
Brueghel Jan I (de Fluweelen Brueghel) - Winter Landscape - OR-470.jpg
462.4 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Landscape with Polyphemus - GJ-1186.jpg
462.4 kB
Gardner Daniel - Girl in a Straw Hat - GJ-5847.jpg
462.4 kB
Cezanne Paul - Banks of the Marne (Villa on the Bank of a River) - GJ-6513.jpg
462.3 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Sense of Sight - GJ-998.jpg
462.3 kB
De Marne Jean-Louis - Water-mill - GJ-5676.jpg
462.1 kB
Sadovnikov Vasily Semyonovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Nicholas Hall - OR-38942.jpg
462.1 kB
Ruprecht (Rupert) Prinz von der Pfalz - Great Executioner - OG-408347.jpg
462.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yermolai F. Kern (1765-1841) - GJ-7995.jpg
462.0 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Triumphal Arch of Septimus Severus at Rome - OR-11485.jpg
461.8 kB
Hagen August Mathias - Mountains - GJ-5391.jpg
461.4 kB
Monnoyer Jean-Baptiste - Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase - OR-15855.jpg
461.2 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Death of Henry IV and the Proclamation of the Regency - GJ-514.jpg
461.2 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Young Girl in a Lilac Tunic - GJ-5642.jpg
461.0 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Antiquities from the Kimmeric Bosphorus - OR-11365.jpg
460.9 kB
Van Dongen Kees - Red Dancer - GJ-9129.jpg
460.9 kB
Helmersen Grigory Petrovich - Nizhny-Tagil Factory Pond and Lisya Mountain in the Middle Urals - JRR-6611.jpg
460.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Semyon D. Panchulidzev (1767-1817) (2nd) - GJ-7916.jpg
460.6 kB
Vlaminck Maurice de - Bougival - GJ-9113.jpg
460.5 kB
Vlaminck Maurice de - Landscape with a House on the Hill - GJ-10174.jpg
460.5 kB
Hackert Georg Abraham - Ruins of the Augustus Bridge at Narni. View 2 - OG-145180.jpg
460.5 kB
Teniers David II - Shepherdess - GJ-5595.jpg
460.2 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - View of the Church of Our Lady of Greben and Vladimir (Nicholas) Gate in Kitai-Town - JRR-6535.jpg
460.1 kB
Kugelgen Karl von - View of Cliffs near Kachikalen - OR-10296.jpg
460.1 kB
Chirikov Osip Semyonovich - Exaltation of the Holy Cross - JRX-2525.jpg
460.1 kB
Wortmann Christian Albrecht - Section of the Hall with Two Tiers of Windows in the Kunstkammer - JRG-17144.jpg
460.0 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Southern Market-Place - OR-43811.jpg
460.0 kB
Turin Vasily Stepanovich - View of the Street by the Gostiny Dvor (Shopping Arcade) in Kazan - JRG-5863.jpg
459.9 kB
Castello Valerio - Miracle of the Roses - GJ-235.jpg
459.7 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Birth of the Dauphin - GJ-506.jpg
459.6 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Gala Night in Honour of German Emperor William I at Mikhailovsky Theatre - JRR-895.jpg
459.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan T. Kozlyaninov (1779 - after 1823) - GJ-8062.jpg
459.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor G. Gogel (1775-1827) - GJ-7986.jpg
459.5 kB
Gauguin Paul - Piti Tiena (Two Sisters) - ZKR-529.jpg
459.3 kB
Natoire Charles-Joseph - Antony Meeting Cleopatra - OR-14318.jpg
459.2 kB
Kauffman Angelica - Self-Portrait - GJ-7261.jpg
459.1 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - View of Moscow from the Trinity Gates in the Kremlin (View of Moscow University) - JRR-6527.jpg
459.0 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet The Kasuma-ga seki Outpost - YT-3442.jpg
459.0 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Ball in the Concert Hall of the Winter Palace during the Official Visit of Nasir al-Din Shah in May 1873 - JRR-7037.jpg
458.8 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Session of the State Council in 1884 - JRR-1515.jpg
458.7 kB
Mateiko Jan - Portrait of Franciszek Potocki - JRX-3222.jpg
458.6 kB
Pissarro Camille - Tuileries Gardens - ZKR-509.jpg
458.6 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Constantine Triumphal Arch in Rome - OR-16916.jpg
458.5 kB
Percier Charles Fontaine Pierre - View of the New Staircase in the Museum of Napoleon I (album No. 6 table No. 32) - OR-9180.jpg
458.5 kB
Michau Theobald - Landscape - GJ-9257.jpg
458.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai A. Tuchkov (1765-1812) (1st) - GJ-7841.jpg
458.4 kB
Somer Paul van II - Portrait of Louis XIV on Horseback in Command of the Troops - OG-92039.jpg
458.2 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - View of the Foundling Hospital - JRR-6526.jpg
458.1 kB
Dubourg M. Clark D. - View of the Field of Mars - JRG-20193.jpg
458.1 kB
Shchedrin Semyon Fiodorovich - View of the Large Pond in the Park in Tsarskoye Selo - JRR-6424.jpg
458.1 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Tower Palace in the Moscow Kremlin (Citadel) - OR-11713.jpg
457.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan Z. Yershov (1781-1852) - GJ-8066.jpg
457.8 kB
Bordon Paris - Venus Flora Mars and Cupid (Allegory) - GJ-163.jpg
457.8 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Main Vestibule - OR-14354.jpg
457.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Admiral Alexander Shishkov - GJ-5842.jpg
457.7 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - View of the Resurrection Gate and Neglinny Bridge from Tverskaya Street - JRR-6524.jpg
457.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexei P. Yermolov (1777-1861) - GJ-7876.jpg
457.4 kB
Lutke Peter Ludwig - Pfaueninseln - GJ-6283.jpg
457.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Sergey N. Lanskoy (1774-1814) - GJ-7895.jpg
456.6 kB
Groningen Jan Swart van - Potiphars Wife Accusing Joseph - OR-16157.jpg
456.5 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of French Art - OR-11734.jpg
456.4 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - View of the Terem Palace and Cathedral of Our Saviour - JRR-6788.jpg
456.3 kB
Robert Hubert - Staircase with Columns - GJ-1126.jpg
456.2 kB
Signac Paul - Sailboat at a Pier - GR-155-76.jpg
456.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-2512.jpg
456.1 kB
Gerard Francois - Portrait of Josephine - GJ-5674.jpg
456.0 kB
Mandijn Jan - Landscape with the Legend of St Christopher - GJ-4780.jpg
456.0 kB
Derain Andre - Landscape with a Boat at the Bank - GJ-7719.jpg
456.0 kB
Bellange Jacques - Seated Woman in Profile - OR-16124.jpg
455.8 kB
Gheyn Jacob de II - Two Witches with a Cat - OR-16796.jpg
455.7 kB
Beggrov Karl Petrovich - View of Sadovaya Street - JRG-20218.jpg
455.6 kB
Bazhenov Vasily Ivanovich - Plan of an Unrealised Pavilion B - OR-23354.jpg
455.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai G. Repnin-Volkonsky (1778-1845) - GJ-7908.jpg
455.5 kB
Dou Gerard - Woman Bather - GJ-894.jpg
455.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Andrey I. Gudovich (1781-1869) - GJ-8026.jpg
455.4 kB
Overbeck Friedrich Johann - Triumph of Religion in Art - GJ-7597.jpg
455.3 kB
Malyukov A. - Portrait of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - JRX-625.jpg
455.3 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - Panoramic View of Kolomenskoye - JRR-6525.jpg
455.3 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet Red Sea Bream - YT-3683.jpg
455.2 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van - Marsh - GJ-934.jpg
455.1 kB
Brozh Karel (Carl) - Court Ball in the St Nicholas Hall of the Winter Palace - JRR-6000.jpg
455.0 kB
Piola Domenico - Baptism of Christ - OR-14162.jpg
454.9 kB
Weiss Georges - Tailor - OR-13611.jpg
454.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai D. Myakinin (1787-1814) - GJ-8127.jpg
454.8 kB
Sneyers Peeter - Winter - GJ-672.jpg
454.6 kB
Bassano Leandro (Leandro da Ponte) - Carrying of the Cross - GJ-8466.jpg
454.5 kB
Boucher Francois - Study of a Female Nude - OR-382.jpg
454.4 kB
Brueghel Jan I (de Fluweelen Brueghel) - Edge of the Forest (The Flight into Egypt) - GJ-429.jpg
454.4 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - View of Moscow - JRX-2476.jpg
454.2 kB
Picasso Pablo - Pot Glass and Book - GJ-6532.jpg
454.2 kB
Fragonard Jean-Honore - Captured Kiss - GJ-5646.jpg
454.1 kB
Segantini Giovanni - Alpine Pasture (Landscape with a Cow) - OR-43974.jpg
453.9 kB
Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel - Woman in Oriental Dress - GJ-3851.jpg
453.8 kB
Anquetin Louis - Bust of a Man (Self-Portrait) - OR-43429.jpg
453.7 kB
Watteau Antoine - An Embarrasing Proposal - GJ-1150.jpg
453.5 kB
Barbier Albert - Recollections of Fontenbleau - OR-13534.jpg
453.4 kB
Desprez Louis-Jean - Sketch Scenery for the Opera Frigga - OR-11809.jpg
453.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Cathedral in the Winter Palace - OR-14359.jpg
453.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Stanislav S. Pototsky (1787-1831) - GJ-8101.jpg
453.2 kB
Cornelisz. van Haarlem Cornelis - After the Deluge - OR-7510.jpg
453.1 kB
Raimondi Marcantonio Veneziano Agostino - Lo Stregozzo - OG-399018.jpg
453.0 kB
Goya Francisco - Two Women in Church - GR-131-17973.jpg
452.8 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Study of Two Female Figures - GR-77-11913.jpg
452.8 kB
Lebrun Charles - Louis XIVs Entry into Dunkerque - OR-15820.jpg
452.7 kB
Potter Paulus - Two Horses - OG-274436.jpg
452.5 kB
Teniers David II - Shepherd - GJ-5594.jpg
452.4 kB
Bol Ferdinand - Esther and Mardochai - GJ-765.jpg
452.2 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Wooden House with a Kennel and a Lilac. Sketch - OR-43575.jpg
452.2 kB
Manguin Henri Charles - Flowers - GJ-4855.jpg
452.2 kB
Monet Claude - Poppy Field - GJ-9004.jpg
452.1 kB
Katsushika Hokusai - Sheet Kojikisawa in the Kai Province - YT-3672.jpg
452.1 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Union of Earth and Water (Antwerp and the Scheldt) - GJ-464.jpg
452.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan V. Argamakov (1763-1834) (1st) - GJ-8131.jpg
451.9 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study of a Mans Hand with its Palm Dawn - OR-14808.jpg
451.9 kB
Bonnat Leon Joseph Florentin - Fountain by St Peters Basilica in Rome - GJ-7078.jpg
451.7 kB
Simono Charles - Battle between the Russian and Swedish Armies near Poltava on 27 June 1709 - JRG-17101.jpg
451.6 kB
Turchi Alessandro (Alessandro Veronese or Orbetto) - Massacre of the Innocents - OR-6321.jpg
451.6 kB
Carabain (Carabin) Jacques Francois - Town Street - GJ-10355.jpg
451.5 kB
Helmersen Grigory Petrovich - View of the Iremiali (Iremel) Mountains from the Kerebinsky Mine in the Southern Urals - JRR-6613.jpg
451.4 kB
Friesz Othon - Hill - GJ-6543.jpg
451.4 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study for The Paralytic. Study of a Boy Resting on One Knee - OR-14798.jpg
451.3 kB
Adam Albrecht - Horses at the Porch - GJ-5443.jpg
451.3 kB
Veronese Paolo (Paolo Caliari) - Diana (sketch) - GJ-167.jpg
451.3 kB
Wirt von Wil Nicolaus - Stained Glass Panel Fortune as a Shield-Holder - V-84.jpg
451.2 kB
West Benjamin - Venus Consoling Cupid Stung by a Bee - GJ-5849.jpg
451.1 kB
Neeffs Peeter I and Francken Hieronymus II - Interior of a Gothic Church - GJ-6019.jpg
451.1 kB
Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Sheet 10 Isoai Juroemon Masahisa - YT-4047.jpg
451.0 kB
Dujardin Karel - Landscape with Cattle - GJ-969.jpg
450.9 kB
Brouwer Adriaen - Village Charlatan (The Operation for Stone in the Head) - GJ-668.jpg
450.8 kB
Cameron Charles - Design for a Ceiling in the Lyons Drawing-Room of the Catherine Palace at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-11061.jpg
450.7 kB
Makovsky Konstantin Egorovich - Group Portrait of M.S. Volkov S.N. Volkova and S.M. Volkov-Manzei - JRX-3214.jpg
450.7 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Study of Grand Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich - OR-39928.jpg
450.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan O. Sukhozanet (1786-1861) - GJ-8044.jpg
450.3 kB
Lippi Filippino - Study Two Men in Cloaks Standing - OR-16542.jpg
450.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ilya M. Duka (1768-1830) - GJ-7877.jpg
450.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Council Room of Emperor Alexander I - OR-14459.jpg
450.1 kB
Ruysdael Salomon van - Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus - GJ-3383.jpg
450.0 kB
Matisse Henri - Still Life with The Dance - GJ-9042.jpg
449.9 kB
Rouault Georges - Nude with Raised Arm - GR-155-94.jpg
449.9 kB
Sisley Alfred - River Banks at Saint-Mammes - GJ-9167.jpg
449.9 kB
Manzana-Pissarro Georges - Zebras at a Watering-Place - OR-42161.jpg
449.8 kB
Signac Paul - Large Pine Saint-Tropez - ZKR-542.jpg
449.6 kB
Herbin Auguste - Flowers - GJ-8975.jpg
449.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail S. Vistitsky (1768-1832) - GJ-7923.jpg
449.4 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Triumphal Arch of Titus in Rome - OR-16925.jpg
449.3 kB
Natoire Charles-Joseph - Cupid Sharpening an Arrow - GJ-7653.jpg
449.3 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Arrival in Lyon - GJ-505.jpg
448.9 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van - Peasant Cottages in Dunes - GJ-933.jpg
448.8 kB
Vouet Simon - Allegorical Portrait of Anna of Austria as Minerva - GJ-7523.jpg
448.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander N. Seslavin (1780-1858) - GJ-8092.jpg
448.7 kB
Wootton John - Hounds and a Magpie - GJ-9781.jpg
448.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pavel P. Pahlen (1775-1834) (2nd) - GJ-7909.jpg
448.7 kB
Goltzius Hendrick - Bacchus Venus and Ceres - OR-18983.jpg
448.4 kB
Daumier Honore - Intermission at the Comedie-Francaise - GR-131-17958.jpg
448.2 kB
Turin Vasily Stepanovich - View of the Fortress from the River Kazanka - JRG-5864.jpg
448.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr I. Ivelich (1772 - after 1816) - GJ-7958.jpg
448.1 kB
Signac Paul - City Square - GR-155-83.jpg
447.9 kB
Walker James - Portrait of Prince Platon Zubov - JRG-13787.jpg
447.9 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Cornelis Schut - OR-5907.jpg
447.7 kB
Lacoste Charles - Southern Landscape - GJ-8942.jpg
447.7 kB
Paudiss Christopher - Still Life - GJ-1035.jpg
447.5 kB
Huber Jean - Voltaire Taming a Horse - GJ-6727.jpg
447.3 kB
Gogh Vincent van - Boats at Saintes-Maries - GR-78-13895.jpg
447.1 kB
Picasso Pablo - Tavern - GJ-8936.jpg
447.1 kB
Pantoja de la Cruz Juan - Portrait of Diego de Villamayor - GJ-3518.jpg
447.1 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Christ Healing the Sick - OG-235038.jpg
447.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan Ye. Troshchinsky (1783-1832) - GJ-8090.jpg
447.0 kB
Proudhon Pierre Paul - Portrait of Princess Catherine Talleyrand - OR-43445.jpg
446.9 kB
Troyon Constant - Cows in the Field - GJ-5965.jpg
446.9 kB
Picasso Pablo - Glass Vessels - GJ-8895.jpg
446.9 kB
Puy Jean - Summer - GJ-7703.jpg
446.8 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Young Woman Seated in an Armchair - OR-14774.jpg
446.8 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Landscape with Churches by the River - OR-22738.jpg
446.6 kB
Robert Hubert - Ruins on the Terrace in Marly Park - GJ-5647.jpg
446.6 kB
Picasso Pablo - Farm Woman (Full-Length) - GJ-9161.jpg
446.6 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Coins - OR-11748.jpg
446.6 kB
Guerin Charles - Lady with a Rose - GJ-7713.jpg
446.4 kB
Heiss Johann - Allegory of Winter - GJ-8320.jpg
446.4 kB
Knaus Ludwig - Girl in a Field - GJ-6225.jpg
446.3 kB
Pierron Charles - Interior View of a Mosque in Cairo - OR-36451.jpg
446.1 kB
Bout Peeter - Peasants by a Tavern - GJ-2581.jpg
446.1 kB
Buys Jacobus - Scene from Lingelbachs Comedy False Virtue - OR-27320.jpg
445.7 kB
Etlinger (Eristova) Maria Vasilyevna - Portrait of the Young Grand Prince Alexander Mikhailovich - JRR-5229.jpg
445.6 kB
Hackert Georg Abraham - View of Persano on the Way to Paestum - OG-145176.jpg
445.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily V. Orlov-Denisov (1775-1843) - GJ-7894.jpg
445.5 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Slums in Milan - OR-43578.jpg
445.4 kB
Signac Paul - Square of the Hotel de Ville in Aix-en-Provence - GR-155-89.jpg
445.3 kB
Ehrmann Leon - Portrait of a Woman - OR-13552.jpg
445.2 kB
Both Jan - Italian Landscape with Roman Warriors - GJ-3738.jpg
445.1 kB
Paggi Giovanni Battista - Madonna and Child with the Saints (an authors replica to a paining of the same title for San Sistos Church Pisa now in Palazzo Reale Pisa) - OR-22110.jpg
445.0 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet The Lokality of Naito Shinjuki at Yotsuya - YT-2269.jpg
445.0 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Ancient Sculpture - OR-11709.jpg
444.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr P. Pahlen (1778-1864) (1st) - GJ-7856.jpg
444.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr P. Konovnitsyn (1764-1822) (replica of the 1821 portrait) - GJ-7844.jpg
444.8 kB
Bonnecroy Sebastiaen - Still Life with a Skull - GJ-9229.jpg
444.6 kB
Manguin Henri Charles - Walk in St Tropez - GJ-4859.jpg
444.6 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Interior of Emperor Diocletians Palace in Split - OR-2491.jpg
444.5 kB
Mola Pier Francesco - Vision of St Bruno - OR-4770.jpg
444.3 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Seller of Herring - OR-26859.jpg
444.0 kB
Master of the Arte della Lana - Madonna with Child Four Saints and Four Angels - GJ-269.jpg
443.8 kB
Daumier Honore - Sideshow. Reverse Sketch of a Mans Head - GR-131-17962.jpg
443.8 kB
Vasilyev Yakov Vasilyevich - View of the Neva Downstream from Nevsky Bridge between St Isaacs Church and the Military School - JRG-31665.jpg
443.7 kB
Boilly Louis-Leopold - Politicians in the Tuileries Gardens - GJ-3524.jpg
443.7 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Festival in the Theatre of the New Palace. 1829 - OR-13679.jpg
443.6 kB
Picasso Pablo - Table in a Cafe (Bottle of Pernod) - GJ-8920.jpg
443.4 kB
Magnasco Alessandro (Lissandrino) Spera Clemente - Banditti at Rest - GJ-4037.jpg
443.3 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Head of Brutus - OR-5461.jpg
443.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fourth Reserved Apartment. A Corridor - OR-14428.jpg
443.1 kB
Millet Jean-Francois - Death and Woodcutter - OR-25104.jpg
443.1 kB
Sisley Alfred - Windy Day at Veneux - GJ-6508.jpg
443.1 kB
Kachalov Grigory Anikiyevich - View of the Fontanka River from the Grotto - JRG-31667.jpg
443.1 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - View of St Michaels Castle - JRR-3328.jpg
443.1 kB
Coello Claudio - Repentant Mary Magdalene - GJ-294.jpg
443.0 kB
Ehmsen Heinrich - Execution by Firing Squad (Red Jacket) - GJ-9088.jpg
443.0 kB
Lawrence Thomas - Portrait of Alexander I - OR-44959.jpg
442.9 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Bathroom of Grand Princess Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14468.jpg
442.9 kB
Hermann Hans Otto Schinkel Karl Friedrich (design of the frame) - Title-Page - OG-114419.jpg
442.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vladimir I. Kablukov (1780-1848) (2nd) - GJ-8120.jpg
442.8 kB
Cezanne Paul - Still Life with Apples - ZKR-558.jpg
442.6 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Arrival of Alice Princess of Hesse to Livadia on 10 October 1894 - JRR-3991.jpg
442.6 kB
Guardi Francesco - View of the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore - GJ-5547.jpg
442.5 kB
Miel Jan - Hunters at Rest - GJ-649.jpg
442.5 kB
Barillot Leon - Two Cows - OR-13536.jpg
442.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai V. Vuich (1767-1836) - GJ-7999.jpg
442.1 kB
Purrmann Hans - Interior - ZK-466.jpg
442.0 kB
Bonnard Pierre - Early Spring. Little Fauns - GJ-9106.jpg
441.9 kB
Puy Jean - Portrait of the Artists Wife - GJ-7450.jpg
441.8 kB
Cano Alonso - Portrait of Garsilaso de la Vega - GJ-1691.jpg
441.7 kB
Pyasetsky Pavel Yakovlevich - Rolled Panorama The Visit of Emperar Nicholas II to France in September 1901. Detail Departure of Nicholas II from France - JRR-9210(17).jpg
441.7 kB
Gauguin Paul - Conversation (Les Parau Parau) - GJ-8980.jpg
441.7 kB
Teniers David II - Landscape with a Grotto and a Group of Gipsies - GJ-566.jpg
441.6 kB
Kandinsky Vasily - View of Murnau - GJ-8943.jpg
441.6 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Interior of the Villa Madama in Rome - OR-2580.jpg
441.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Billiard Room of Emperor Alexander II - OR-14439.jpg
441.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan F. Paskevich (1782-1856) (replica of the 1823 portrait) - GJ-7888.jpg
441.3 kB
Hildebrandt Ferdinand Theodor - Children Expecting the Christmas Feast - GJ-7614.jpg
441.2 kB
Van Dongen Kees - Lucie and Her Partner - GJ-9087.jpg
441.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai M. Borozdin (1777-1830) - GJ-7885.jpg
441.2 kB
Kitagawa Utamaro - Lady and Gentleman by a Screen - YT-3646.jpg
441.2 kB
Fantin-Latour Henri - Petunias - ZKR-566.jpg
440.9 kB
Chauvin Pierre-Athanase - Italian Landscape - GJ-3713.jpg
440.7 kB
Gorbunova Natalya Pavlovna Dushin Grigory Diomidovich - Portrait of Eudokia Dushina - JRX-3217.jpg
440.7 kB
Cheret Jules - Masquerade - OR-43471.jpg
440.7 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - Dreamer (Ruins of the Oybin) - GJ-1360.jpg
440.6 kB
Bonnat Leon Joseph Florentin - Arabian Sheikhs in the Mountains - GJ-9108.jpg
440.6 kB
Guilloux Charles - Flood - OG-349289.jpg
440.5 kB
Fyt Jan - Dead Game - GJ-657.jpg
440.4 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-11664.jpg
440.4 kB
Bettanier Albert - Despair (The Soldiers Return Home after the Defeat) - OR-13538.jpg
440.3 kB
Denis Maurice - Visitation - GJ-6575.jpg
440.2 kB
Rundaltsov Mikhail Victorovich - Portrait of Tsarevich Alexei Nikolayevich - JRG-33987.jpg
440.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander V. Rosen (1778-1833) (2nd) - GJ-7987.jpg
440.1 kB
Durer Albrecht - Madonna and the Child - OR-15378.jpg
440.1 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Alexander II and Nasir al-Din Shah on a Parade in the Tsaritsyn Meadow - JRR-7036.jpg
440.1 kB
Chardin Jean-Simeon - Laundress - GJ-1185.jpg
440.0 kB
Cezanne Paul - Smoker - GJ-6561.jpg
440.0 kB
Gauguin Paul - Sacred Spring Sweet Dreams (Nave nave moe) - GJ-6510.jpg
439.9 kB
Steenwyck Hendrick van II - Liberation of St. Peter from Prison - GJ-2922.jpg
439.8 kB
Saint-Jean Jean de (Jean de Dieu) - Portrait of Dauphine Marie-Anne de Baviere in a Costume for Hunt - OR-16031.jpg
439.8 kB
Robert Hubert - Villa Madama - OR-14307.jpg
439.7 kB
Primaticcio Francesco - Jupiter Neptune and Pluto. Preparatory Drawing for the Ceiling Painting in the Galleria dUlysee - OR-7426.jpg
439.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Paisy S. Kaisarov (1783-1844) - GJ-8013.jpg
439.4 kB
Ruotte Louis-Charles - Card Juggler - OG-246428.jpg
439.3 kB
Dethomas Maxime - Governess - OR-42163.jpg
439.2 kB
Delaroche Hippolyte (Paul) - Resting on the Banks of the Tiber - GJ-3855.jpg
439.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fourth Reserved Apartment. The Drawing-Room - OR-14426.jpg
439.0 kB
Degas Edgar - Woman Combing her Hair - OR-42154.jpg
439.0 kB
Cioci Antonio (Cioci Fiorentino) - Festival Before the Quirinale Palace - GJ-9802.jpg
439.0 kB
Janinet Jean-Francois - Villa Sachetti - OG-131169.jpg
439.0 kB
Boucher Francois - Landscape Near Beauvais - GJ-5734.jpg
438.9 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mansion of Baron A.L. Stieglitz. The Concert Hall - OR-44599.jpg
438.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor I. Talyzin (1773-1844) (1st) - GJ-7940.jpg
438.9 kB
Borovikovsky Vladimir Lukich - Portrait of Pavel Masyukov - JRX-2619.jpg
438.8 kB
Wtewael Joachim - Lot and his Daughters - GJ-1443.jpg
438.7 kB
Teniers David II - Landscape with a Tower - GJ-575.jpg
438.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr A. Tolstoy (1771-1844) - GJ-7833.jpg
438.6 kB
Barker Thomas Jones - Queen Victoria Giving the Bible to an African Chief (cartoon) - GJ-7482.jpg
438.6 kB
Mansfeld Iohann Georg - Portrait of David Alopeus - JRG-11896.jpg
438.5 kB
Vries Hans Vredeman de - Architectural Landscape - GJ-4696.jpg
438.3 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - Military Hospital at Lefortovo - JRR-6531.jpg
438.2 kB
Robert Hubert - Painters - GJ-6407.jpg
438.0 kB
Goya Francisco - French Penalty - GR-131-17984.jpg
437.9 kB
Degas Edgar - Seated Dancer - GR-155-99.jpg
437.8 kB
Derain Andre - Still Life - GJ-6542.jpg
437.8 kB
Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel - Self-Portrait - GJ-3848.jpg
437.7 kB
Muin Musawvir - Turk in a Large Turban - QLVR-738.jpg
437.7 kB
Volsky Ivan Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Third Reserved Apartment. The Study Room - OR-39932.jpg
437.6 kB
Antolinez Jose Claudio - Baptism of Christ - GJ-298.jpg
437.2 kB
Keisai Eisen - The Feast of Seven Herbs (Imayo musume nanakusa) - YT-3037.jpg
437.1 kB
Degas Edgar - Interior with Two Figures - ZK-1400.jpg
436.9 kB
Bahram naqqash-bashi - Portrait of Nadir Shah - QLVR-552.jpg
436.7 kB
Valdes Leal Juan de - Head of a Woman - GJ-380.jpg
436.7 kB
Velde Willem van de II - Ships in a Calm Sea - GJ-1021.jpg
436.3 kB
Ehmsen Heinrich - Execution by Firing Squad of the Sailor Egelhofer (central part of the triptych) - GJ-9997.jpg
436.3 kB
Delacroix Eugene - Flowers - ZK-924.jpg
436.2 kB
Mariotto di Nardo - The Virgin Annunciate - GJ-278.jpg
436.2 kB
Picasso Pablo - Woman with a Mandolin - GJ-6579.jpg
436.1 kB
Troyon Constant - Road in a Wood - GJ-5696.jpg
436.1 kB
Graeb Carl Georg Anton and Schutze Ernst Friedrich Gotthold II - Fourth Sheet of the Poem Blancheflour by K.F. Scherenberg - OR-13664.jpg
436.1 kB
Eertvelt Andries van - Sea Battle - GJ-6416.jpg
436.0 kB
Shchukin Stepan - Portrait of Paul I the Crown of the Grand Master of the Order of Malta - JRR-8647.jpg
436.0 kB
Trouillebert Paul Desire - Bank of the Loire Near Chouze - GJ-5686.jpg
435.9 kB
Roybet Ferdinand - Odalisque - GJ-7293.jpg
435.9 kB
Matisse Henri - Game of Bowls - GJ-9154.jpg
435.9 kB
Cameron Charles - Elevation of a Doorway Wall Lyons Drawing-Room Catherine Palace at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-10975.jpg
435.8 kB
Valtat Louis - Violet Rocks (Sea Tide) - GJ-8961.jpg
435.8 kB
Bakhuizen Ludolf - Portrait of an Artist - GJ-3136.jpg
435.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr M. Volkonsky (1776-1852) (replica of the 1823 portrait) - GJ-7882.jpg
435.6 kB
Goyen Jan van - Boats on a Sea Shore - GJ-801.jpg
435.5 kB
Goyen Jan van - Snowball Fight - OR-26002.jpg
435.4 kB
Muhammad Muhsin - Dervish Holding a Book - QLVR-734.jpg
435.2 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Dutch and Flemish Art - OR-11732.jpg
435.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry V. Golitsyn (1771-1844) - GJ-7832.jpg
435.1 kB
Zubov Alexei Fyodorovich - Triumphal Brinnig of Swedish Ships into St Petersburg after the Victory off the Hango Peninsula - JRG-17062.jpg
434.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor F. Leviz (1767-1824) - GJ-7845.jpg
434.7 kB
Valtat Louis - Girls Playing with a Lion Cub - GJ-6574.jpg
434.6 kB
Frentz Rudolf Fiodorovich (Ferdinandovich) - Report on the Emperors Hunt in 1902 - JRR-8371.jpg
434.6 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Entrance of the Knights with Naked Swords. 1829 - OR-13676.jpg
434.6 kB
Antolinez Jose Claudio - Annunciation - GJ-6830.jpg
434.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry Ye. Kuteynikov (1766-1844) - GJ-7951.jpg
434.3 kB
Lempereur Edmond - Waiting. Moulin de la Galette - GJ-6560.jpg
434.3 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Temple of the Sibyl in Tivoli - OR-11643.jpg
434.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander F. Langeron (1763-1831) - GJ-7821.jpg
433.9 kB
Katsushika Hokusai - Humpback Bridge by the Kameido Tenjin Bridge - YT-3764.jpg
433.7 kB
Hess Carl Ernst - Russian Cossacks on March - JRG-22159.jpg
433.6 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Sculpture - OR-11731.jpg
433.5 kB
Matisse Henri - Girl with Tulips - GJ-9056.jpg
433.4 kB
Harpignies Henri - Landscape with Two Boys Carting Faggots - GJ-5691.jpg
433.4 kB
Tocque Louis - Portrait of Louis Grand Dauphin of France - GJ-1124.jpg
433.3 kB
Dumoustier Daniel - Portrait of a Young Man with Blond Hair - OR-15167.jpg
433.2 kB
Ali Quli b. Muhammad - European Landscape - QLVR-950.jpg
433.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai G. Shcherbatov (1778-1845) - GJ-8078.jpg
433.0 kB
Eeckhout Gerbrandt Jansz van den - Children in a Park - GJ-786.jpg
432.9 kB
Wright of Derby Joseph - Iron Forge Viewed from Without - GJ-1349.jpg
432.9 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Deceased Alexander III in his Chair with Empress Maria Fiodorovna alongside - JRR-8020.jpg
432.7 kB
Champaigne Philippe de - Moses with the Ten Commandments - GJ-625.jpg
432.6 kB
Ricci Sebastiano Peruzzini Antonio Francesco - Temptation of St Anthony - GJ-5543.jpg
432.6 kB
Cambiaso Luca - Adoration of the Magi - OR-14260.jpg
432.6 kB
Schturmer Johann Heinrich - Presentation of Rewards to the Participants of the Festival - OG-114431.jpg
432.5 kB
Muhammad Yusuf - Youth Standing by a Tree - QLVR-731.jpg
432.5 kB
Forain Jean Louis - Dancer - OR-40404.jpg
432.5 kB
Kachalov Grigory Anikiyevich - Two Sections of the Kunstkammers Grand Hall - JRG-17143.jpg
432.3 kB
Charlemagne Joseph (Jossif) Ivanovich - View of the Winter Palace from the Neva River - OR-40115.jpg
432.3 kB
Marquet Albert - Milliners - GJ-9030.jpg
432.3 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-16915.jpg
432.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily G. Kostenetsky (1769-1831) - GJ-7942.jpg
432.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Sentry Hall - OR-14373.jpg
432.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Sergey N. Ushakov (1776-1814) (2nd) - GJ-8027.jpg
431.9 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - View of the Church of Behind the Gold Railing and the Terem Palace (The Saviour Cathedral and Boyar Ground) - JRR-6520.jpg
431.8 kB
Albani Francesco - Holy Women at Chirsts Tomb - GJ-4795.jpg
431.8 kB
Maratti Carlo - Death of St. Joseph. A Sketch for the Painting The Death of St. Joseph 1676 Kunsthistorishen Museum Vienna - OR-4567.jpg
431.7 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-2522.jpg
431.5 kB
Warneck Alexander Grigorievich - Portrait of Young Woman in a Red Dress - JRX-3201.jpg
431.4 kB
Heem Jan Davidsz de - Fruit and a Vase of Flowers - GJ-1107.jpg
431.3 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Party in the Country at Berneval - ZKR-535.jpg
431.2 kB
Flameng Francois - Napoleon I and the King of Rome at Saint-Cloud in 1811 - GJ-6271.jpg
430.8 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-16926.jpg
430.6 kB
Hirschvogel Augustin - Landscape with the Temptation of Christ - OG-142276.jpg
430.5 kB
Basaiti Marco - Lamentation - GJ-5517.jpg
430.4 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Sense of Smell - GJ-999.jpg
430.3 kB
Carducho Bartolome - Flight into Egypt - GJ-376.jpg
430.3 kB
Coeck van Aelst Peter - Charles V and Charles the Great Before a Crucifix - OR-5848.jpg
430.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr A. Kikin (1775-1834) - GJ-7996.jpg
430.2 kB
Bonnat Leon Joseph Florentin - Italian Woman - GJ-9016.jpg
430.1 kB
Monsu Desiderio (Didier Barra and Francois de Nome) - Architectural Landscape - GJ-6179.jpg
429.9 kB
Peirano Genovese - Flowers and the Bust of a Faun - GJ-8456.jpg
429.8 kB
Beggrov Karl Petrovich - Admiralty Shipyard - JRG-20220.jpg
429.8 kB
Matisse Henri - Portrait of Lydia Delectorskaya - GJ-10023.jpg
429.7 kB
Rissanen Juho Vilho - Two Girls - GJ-7506.jpg
429.4 kB
Matisse Henri - Woman in Green - GJ-6519.jpg
429.4 kB
La Touche Gaston - Translation of a Holy Relic - GJ-9653.jpg
429.4 kB
Manokhar - Portrait of Akbar the Great - IS-1151.jpg
429.4 kB
Lebrun Charles - Spring - OR-18960.jpg
429.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yakov A. Potyomkin (1781-1831) - GJ-7976.jpg
429.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of BurTБhard M. Berg (1758-1838) (2nd) - GJ-7917.jpg
429.2 kB
Snyders Frans - Cook at a Kitchen Table with Dead Game on it - GJ-608.jpg
429.2 kB
Earlom Richard - Flowers - OG-138644.jpg
429.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy on a Theme from Classical Antiquity - OR-2447.jpg
429.0 kB
Kessel Jan van I - Venus at the Forge of Vulcan - GJ-1709.jpg
428.8 kB
Tilborch Gillis van - Peasants Taking a Meal - GJ-1946.jpg
428.8 kB
Helmersen Grigory Petrovich - View of Zlatoust on the Shore of the Lake - JRR-6615.jpg
428.8 kB
Frederic Leon - Allegory of Fertiliti - OR-27076.jpg
428.7 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Head of a Young Girl in a Bonnet - GJ-1254.jpg
428.7 kB
Panini Giovanni Paolo - Interior of S. Maria Maggore in Rome - GJ-5534.jpg
428.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai D. Olsufyev (1775-1817) (3rd) - GJ-8024.jpg
428.6 kB
Toeput Lodewyk (Il Pozzoserrato) - Miraculous Fishing - GJ-445.jpg
428.6 kB
Martinez del Mazo Juan Bautista - Woman with a Sleeping Child - GJ-8761.jpg
428.6 kB
Magnasco Alessandro (Lissandrino) Peruzzini Antonio Francesco - Seashore - GJ-3527.jpg
428.6 kB
Solimena Francesco - Rebecca at the Well - GJ-2.jpg
428.5 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Entrance of the Knights at Festival The Magic of the White Rose in 1829 - OR-13675.jpg
428.5 kB
Grachev Alexei - Portrait of Vice-Chancellor Count Andrei Ostermann - JRG-14895.jpg
428.0 kB
Vanloo Charles (Carle) - Rest of Diana - GJ-1140.jpg
428.0 kB
Riza-i Abbasi - Convivial Party - QLVR-740^QL5XVIII.jpg
428.0 kB
Muhammad Javad - Portrait of a man with a Walking-Stick - QLVR-689.jpg
428.0 kB
Pippi Giulio (Giulio Romano) - Jonah and the Whale - OR-14126.jpg
427.8 kB
Charlet Nicolas-Toussaint - Soldier and Boys - GJ-7239.jpg
427.6 kB
Dombasle Meixmoron Charles de - View of a Lake - OR-13579.jpg
427.6 kB
Palma il Vecchio Jacopo (Jacopo Nigreti) - Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery - GJ-10.jpg
427.5 kB
Koch Joseph Anton von - Monastery of San Francesco di Civitella in the Sabine Mountains - GJ-5776.jpg
427.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Grigory V. Rosen (1781-1841) (1st) - GJ-7864.jpg
427.4 kB
Cezanne Paul - Self-Portrait in a Casquette - GJ-6512.jpg
427.2 kB
Teniers David II - Temptation of St Antony - GJ-564.jpg
427.2 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Small Hermitage. The Eastern Gallery - OR-42173.jpg
427.1 kB
Picasso Pablo - Brick Factory at Tortosa - GJ-9047.jpg
427.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Platon I. Kablukov (1779-1835) (1st) - GJ-8067.jpg
427.0 kB
Boucher Francois - Study of Two Male Figures and a Dog - OR-37924.jpg
426.9 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Arch of Hercules - GJ-503.jpg
426.9 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Second Reserved Apartment. Room 1 - OR-14415.jpg
426.8 kB
Schiavoni Andrea Meldolla - Lot and his Daughters - GJ-7350.jpg
426.7 kB
Helmersen Grigory Petrovich - Kuvshinsky Factory Pond in the Midde Urals - JRR-6617.jpg
426.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Stepan S. Andreyevsky (1784-1843) - GJ-8086.jpg
426.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander P. Teslev (1780-1847) - GJ-8061.jpg
426.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vladimir P. Mezentsev (1775-1833) (1st) - GJ-7985.jpg
426.4 kB
Oudry Jean-Baptiste - Dog Pointing a Partridge - GJ-2528.jpg
426.3 kB
Matisse Henri - Bouquet of Flowers on a Veranda - GJ-7700.jpg
426.3 kB
Mitrokhin A.F. - Portrait of Paul I - JRX-583.jpg
426.2 kB
La Mare-Richart Florent de - Portrait of Philippe de Savoie as a Child - OR-40440.jpg
426.1 kB
Teniers David II - Portrait of Gent`s Bishop Antonius Triest and His Brother Eugene a Capuchin - GJ-589.jpg
426.1 kB
Simon Lucien - Children of the Painter - OR-18909.jpg
426.1 kB
Miel Jan Salucci Alessandro - Architectural Landscape - GJ-2616.jpg
425.5 kB
Ravinel Gerardine de - Landscape with a Lake - OR-13588.jpg
425.5 kB
Roos Philipp Peter - Landscape with a Waterfall - GJ-1336.jpg
425.4 kB
Holbein Ambrosius - Portrait of a Young Man - GJ-685.jpg
425.4 kB
Siberechts Jan - Shepherdess - GJ-6240.jpg
425.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl M. Herzdorf (1761-1813) - GJ-7905.jpg
424.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander E. Pyker (1776-1834) - GJ-8046.jpg
424.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Grigory M. Berg (1765-1838) (1st) - GJ-7858.jpg
424.7 kB
De Dreux Alfred - Ride - GJ-3864.jpg
424.7 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Descent from the Cross - GJ-1200.jpg
424.6 kB
Snyders Frans - Study of a Cats Head - GJ-609.jpg
424.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexey P. Melissino (1759-1813) - GJ-7937.jpg
424.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Study of Emperor Alexander II - OR-14460.jpg
424.0 kB
Hamilton Philips Ferdinand - Still Life with Dead Cocks and a Fox - GJ-3295.jpg
424.0 kB
Fazl-ulla b. Mirza Muhammad - Portrait of Nasir al-Din Shah - QLVR-690.jpg
423.9 kB
Gauguin Paul - Month of Mary (Te avae no Maria) - GJ-6515.jpg
423.9 kB
Magnasco Alessandro (Lissandrino) - Banditti at Rest - GJ-4036.jpg
423.7 kB
Lijtens Cijsbrecht - Winter Landscape - GJ-4677.jpg
423.5 kB
Boucher Francois - Dessus-de-porte History - OR-42924.jpg
423.5 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Boat. Study - OR-43585.jpg
423.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander I. Markov (1781-1844) (2nd) - GJ-8109.jpg
423.3 kB
Le Prince Jean-Baptiste - Visit to a Palmist - GJ-5645.jpg
423.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander I. Gressor (1772-1822) - GJ-7977.jpg
423.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl F. Loevenstern (1770-1840) - GJ-7946.jpg
423.0 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Picture Gallery - OR-11729.jpg
422.9 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - David and Jonathan - GJ-713.jpg
422.8 kB
Tiepolo Giovanni Battista - Annunciation - GJ-4145.jpg
422.7 kB
Forain Jean Louis - Music-Hall - GJ-8996.jpg
422.6 kB
Millet Jean-Francois - Landscape with Two Peasant Women - GJ-10370.jpg
422.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl O. Lambert (1771-1843) - GJ-7860.jpg
422.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan A. Argamakov (1775-1821) (2nd) - GJ-8070.jpg
422.4 kB
Osipov Alexei Agapovich - Portrait of the Writer Vasily Kapnist - JRG-13920.jpg
422.1 kB
Steen Jan - Marriage Contract - GJ-795.jpg
422.1 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Alexander III on his Deathbed Surrounded by Angels with a Weeping Youth Sumbolizing the Romanov Dynasty - JRR-8022.jpg
422.0 kB
Liebermann Max - In the Field - OR-42322.jpg
421.9 kB
Bonifazio Veronese (Bonifazio de Pitati) - Adoration of the Shepherds - GJ-33.jpg
421.8 kB
Carducho Vicente - Massacre of Monks from the Cartesian Monastery in Germany - OR-19748.jpg
421.8 kB
Graeb Carl Georg Anton and Schutze Ernst Friedrich Gotthold II - First Sheet of the Poem Blancheflour by K.F. Scherenberg - OR-13661.jpg
421.7 kB
Potter Paulus - Punishment of a Hunter - GJ-823.jpg
421.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor N. Posnikov (1784-1841) - GJ-8057.jpg
421.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai V. Kretov (1773-1839) - GJ-7884.jpg
421.2 kB
Cezanne Paul - Lady in Blue - GJ-8990.jpg
421.2 kB
Picasso Pablo - Young Woman - GJ-9159.jpg
421.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yegor I. Meller-Zakomelsky (1767-1830) - GJ-7861.jpg
421.1 kB
Mignon Abraham - Vase of Flowers - GJ-1050.jpg
421.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yakov P. Kulnev (1763-1812) - GJ-7962.jpg
421.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander P. Urusov (1768-1835) - GJ-7956.jpg
420.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail L. Treskin (1765-1839) - GJ-8055.jpg
420.7 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Valet Room of Emperor Alexander II - OR-14457.jpg
420.7 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Boy with a Dog - GJ-386.jpg
420.7 kB
Teniers Abraham - Dancing Peasants - GJ-2460.jpg
420.6 kB
Matisse Henri - Conversation - GJ-6521.jpg
420.6 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Tournament in Magdeburg in 928 - OR-13671.jpg
420.5 kB
Vrancx Sebastiaen - Village Plundered by Marauders - OR-14237.jpg
420.5 kB
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi - Marquis Sugawarano Michizane Rewarded with the Highest Court Rank - YT-2921.jpg
420.5 kB
Stilke Hermann Anton - Joan of Arc in Battle (Central Part of The Life of Joan of Arc Triptych) - GJ-5005.jpg
420.5 kB
Lacoste Charles - Little House in a Garden - GJ-8922.jpg
420.4 kB
Chernetsov Grigory Grigoryevich - Emperor Alexander I before Leaving St Peterburg on 1 September 1825 - JRX-2203.jpg
420.2 kB
Francais Louis - Autumn Landscape. Bank of a River - OR-13558.jpg
420.1 kB
Le Fauconnier Henri - Lake - GJ-9170.jpg
420.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Robert Ye. Renny (1767-1832) - GJ-8023.jpg
419.9 kB
Lambrechts Jan Baptist - Scene by a Tavern - GJ-3599.jpg
419.8 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Love on Sale - OR-46783.jpg
419.6 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Portrait of a Young Woman. Study - OR-18884.jpg
419.6 kB
Courtener - View of the Manor House with a Round Parterre - JRR-885.jpg
419.5 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Sense of Hearing - GJ-1000.jpg
419.5 kB
Goya Francisco - Crocodile in Bordeaux - GR-131-17985.jpg
419.4 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy (with the statue of Terpsichore) - OR-11527.jpg
419.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Matvey Ye. Khrapovitsky (1784-1847) (replica of the 1822 portrait) - GJ-8000.jpg
419.3 kB
Chernetsov Grigory Grigoryevich - Part of the Panorama of Palace Square from the Scaffolding of the Alexander Column - JRG-27225.jpg
419.3 kB
Kessel Jan van I - Madonna with the Child and St Idelphonsus Framed with a Garland of Flowers - GJ-3387.jpg
419.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan G. Heidenreich (1769-1839) - GJ-8049.jpg
419.0 kB
Besnard Paul Albert - Portrait of a Woman - OR-45100.jpg
418.5 kB
Goyen Jan van - Tower on a Riverbank - GJ-989.jpg
418.4 kB
Roos Philipp Peter - Landscape with a Grotto - GJ-6474.jpg
418.4 kB
Wildens Jan - Landscape with Christ and his Disciples on the Road to Emmaus - GJ-6319.jpg
418.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ilya I. Alexeyev (1773-1830) - GJ-7948.jpg
418.2 kB
Cameron Charles - Design for the Green Dining Room in the Catherine Palace at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-11034.jpg
418.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl F. Toll (1777-1842) - GJ-7889.jpg
418.0 kB
Muin Musawvir - Amorous Couple and a Servant - QLVR-983.jpg
418.0 kB
Carducho Vicente - Vision of St Antony of Padua - GJ-352.jpg
417.9 kB
Kauffman Angelica - Venus Induces Helen to Fall in Love with Paris - GJ-5350.jpg
417.8 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Interior of a Sepulchral Chamber near Pozzuoli - OR-11488.jpg
417.7 kB
Proudhon Pierre Paul - Children with a Rabbit - GJ-5667.jpg
417.7 kB
Peccatte Charles - Morning in Vosges - OR-13585.jpg
417.6 kB
Keelhoff Francois - Road with Elms (Near Maastricht) - GJ-3885.jpg
417.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Winter Garden of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-14378.jpg
417.4 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the Pavilion with Facade Showing a Loaf of Bread Design. Ground Floor (First Floor USA) - OR-23344.jpg
417.4 kB
Flegel Georg - Still Life with Flowers and Snacks - GJ-6054.jpg
417.4 kB
Tukharinov Yefim - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Rotunda - JRX-2434.jpg
417.3 kB
Borel P.F. - Portrait of Alexander II - JRG-1822.jpg
417.2 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Arch of Ferdinand (reverse) - GJ-502.jpg
417.2 kB
Gauguin Paul - Fatata Te Moua (At the Foot of a Mountain) - GJ-8977.jpg
417.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan S. Dorokhov (1762-1815) - GJ-7873.jpg
417.0 kB
Stevens Alfred - Sea View with Ships - GJ-10293.jpg
417.0 kB
Watteau Antoine - Savoyard with a Marmot - GJ-1148.jpg
416.9 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - View of Campagna di Roma from Tivoli - OR-4786.jpg
416.8 kB
Sneyers Peeter - Autumn - GJ-674.jpg
416.8 kB
Purrmann Hans - Portrait of Mary Braune - ZK-1067.jpg
416.7 kB
Ribera Jose de - The Apostle James the Greater - GJ-9218.jpg
416.6 kB
Wille Pierre Alexandre - Portrait of a Boy - OR-25348.jpg
416.6 kB
Herluison Louis - Miracle of St. Nicholas - OR-7249.jpg
416.6 kB
Ribera Jose de - Esse Home - GJ-7760.jpg
416.4 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Title-Page - OR-13670.jpg
416.4 kB
Millet Jean-Francois - Peasant-Girls with Brushwood - GJ-3924.jpg
416.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pavel I. Merlin (1769-1841) - GJ-8016.jpg
415.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Emmanuil de Saint-Priest (1776-1814) - GJ-7869.jpg
415.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan N. Durnovo (1782-1850) - GJ-8106.jpg
415.6 kB
Matisse Henri - Seated Woman - GJ-9039.jpg
415.6 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Pieter Bruegel the Younger - OG-272315.jpg
415.6 kB
Serrure Auguste - Misunderstanding - GJ-8381.jpg
415.4 kB
Cambiaso Luca - Conversion of Saul - OR-38164.jpg
415.4 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. Cabinet of Sculptures - OR-11735.jpg
415.4 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn Victors Jan - Abraham and the Three Angels - GJ-731.jpg
415.4 kB
Shiflard Samuil (Solomon) Petrovich - View of the Neva by the Smolny Cathedral - JRG-7527.jpg
415.4 kB
Robert Hubert - Pavilion with a Cascade - GJ-7594.jpg
415.3 kB
Watteau Antoine - Study of a Womans Head - OR-40424.jpg
415.3 kB
Vanloo Charles (Carle) - Head of an Old Man - OR-16427.jpg
415.3 kB
Le Sueur Eustache - Sketch of the Head of a Youth - OR-5676.jpg
415.2 kB
Cousin Jean II - Zeus and Semele - OR-5603.jpg
415.0 kB
Teniers David II - Landscape (Meeting of St. Antony and St Paul) - GJ-637.jpg
414.9 kB
Allori Christofano - Head of a Boy - OR-40803.jpg
414.8 kB
Schut Cornelis - Studies of Male Heads - GJ-614.jpg
414.8 kB
Lancret Nicolas - Spring - GJ-1259.jpg
414.7 kB
Vanloo Charles (Carle) - Reading - GJ-2174.jpg
414.6 kB
Lancret Nicolas - Summer - GJ-1258.jpg
414.6 kB
Muin Musawvir - Woman with a Tray - QLVR-949.jpg
414.6 kB
Perronneau Jean-Baptiste - Portrait of a Boy with a Book - GJ-1270.jpg
414.2 kB
Picasso Pablo - Man with his Arms Crossed - OR-43481.jpg
414.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Medici Vase - OR-1976.jpg
414.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Gerasim A. Shostakov (1756-1837) - GJ-8087.jpg
414.0 kB
Serrier G. - View of a Street of Langeac - OR-13604.jpg
414.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander Ya. Patton (1762-1815) - GJ-8036.jpg
414.0 kB
Corneille Michel I - Baptism of a Centurion - GJ-6807.jpg
413.7 kB
Vasiliev Timofei Alexeyevich - View of Islands in St Petersburg - JRX-1680.jpg
413.7 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Small Study of Emperor Nicholas I - OR-14449.jpg
413.6 kB
Hondecoeter Melchior de - Birds in a Park - GJ-1043.jpg
413.6 kB
Dumoustier Daniel - Portrait of Anna of Austria Dressed as a Widow - OR-4626.jpg
413.5 kB
Lancret Nicolas - Scene from the Tragedy Le Comte dEssex by Thomas Corneille - GJ-1144.jpg
413.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor F. (Theodore) dOvray (1766-1846) - GJ-8138.jpg
413.4 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Jan Bruegel - OG-133269.jpg
413.3 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Room between the Small Fieldmarshals Hall and the War Gallery - OR-14366.jpg
413.2 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - View of the Temple of Jupiter (Mausoleum) in Diocletians Palace in Spalato - OR-11615.jpg
413.1 kB
Vrancx Sebastiaen - Rest of Cavalrymen - GJ-10334.jpg
412.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander I. Albrecht (1788-1828) - GJ-8123.jpg
412.7 kB
Escalante Juan Antonio de Frias - St Joseph and the Infant Christ - GJ-307.jpg
412.6 kB
Beggrov Karl Petrovich - View of the Arch of the General Staff Building from Palace Square - JRG-20032.jpg
412.6 kB
Callot Jacques - Warrior with a Shield and a Sword - OR-586.jpg
412.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Room with a Bay Window - OR-14418.jpg
412.4 kB
Hestaux Louis - Flower of Thistle with a Monastery in the Background - OR-13564.jpg
412.4 kB
Holbein Hans I - Portrait of the Artists Sons - OR-3494.jpg
411.9 kB
Tintoretto Jacopo Robusti - Birth of John the Baptist - GJ-17.jpg
411.9 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van - Seashore - GJ-5616.jpg
411.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl B. von Knorring (1775-1817) (3rd) - GJ-8022.jpg
411.8 kB
Desprez Louis-Jean - Interior of the Temple of Immortality - OR-11807.jpg
411.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Semyon G. Gangeblov (1757-1827) - GJ-7920.jpg
411.5 kB
Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille - Trees in a Swamp - GJ-5684.jpg
411.4 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Upper Landing of the Staircase - OR-11753.jpg
411.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor K. Korff (1774-1823) - GJ-7868.jpg
411.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail A. Arsenyev (1779-1838) - GJ-8018.jpg
411.2 kB
Meissonier Jean Louis Ernest - Charles the Great King of the Franks - GJ-3919.jpg
411.2 kB
Boucher Francois - Landscape with a Pond - GJ-1137.jpg
411.1 kB
Gosotei Hirosada - Diptych The Actor Jitsukawa Ensaburo as a Bootblack - YT-3813-08.jpg
411.1 kB
Martinez Sebastian - Madonna and Child Seated on a Chair in the Clouds - GJ-1464.jpg
411.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan I. Diebitsch-Zabalkansky (1785-1831) - GJ-7879.jpg
410.9 kB
Lippi Filippino - Annunciation - GJ-4079.jpg
410.9 kB
Kandinsky Vasily - Sketch for Composition V - GJ-10079.jpg
410.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr Kh. (Ludwig Adolf Peter) Wittgenstein (1769-1843) - GJ-7820.jpg
410.8 kB
Pieter Cornelisz. van Rijck - Christ at Emmaus (Kitchen Scene) - OR-7833.jpg
410.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail N. Ryleyev (1771-1831) (1st) - GJ-7975.jpg
410.4 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - Cathedral of St Basil the Blessed and the Saviour Gate - JRR-6786.jpg
410.4 kB
Rouault Georges - Head of Christ - GJ-10603.jpg
410.4 kB
Toshusai Sharaku - The Actor Sawamura Sojuro III as Ogishi Kurando - YT-3713.jpg
410.4 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet The Benten Temple near the Haneda Ferry - YT-2258.jpg
410.4 kB
Vivarini Bartolommeo - Madonna and Child - GJ-4116.jpg
410.3 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Girl with a Fan - GJ-6507.jpg
410.3 kB
Degas Edgar - Toilet of a Woman - OR-43788.jpg
410.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor V. Driesen (1784-1851) - GJ-8011.jpg
410.2 kB
Goyen Jan van - Riverbank with a Church - GJ-800.jpg
410.1 kB
Caullery Louis de (circle) - Garden with Human Figures - GJ-6194.jpg
410.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily T. Denisov (1777-1822) - GJ-7912.jpg
410.0 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van - Watermills - OR-5536.jpg
409.9 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of the 5th Library - OR-11750.jpg
409.9 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Horse-Guardsmens Attack. An Episode from the Parade in Field of Mars in Honour of German Emperor William Is Visit - JRR-898.jpg
409.9 kB
Vinogradov Yefim Grigoriyevich Kachalov Grigory Anikiyevich - View of the Neva Downstream between the Winter Palace and the Academy of Sciences - JRG-31673.jpg
409.7 kB
Goya Francisco - Claudio Ambrosio Surat Known as the Living Skeleton - GR-131-17986.jpg
409.7 kB
Launer Josef - Bouquet of Flowers with a Snail - GJ-10601.jpg
409.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan F. Paskevich (1782-1856) - GJ-6464.jpg
409.4 kB
Steinlen Theophile Alexander - Cholera is Coming Here Soon - OR-43491.jpg
409.4 kB
Veit Philipp - Allegory of Russia - GJ-4622.jpg
409.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pavel P. Suchtelen (1788-1833) (2nd) - GJ-8134.jpg
409.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikanor M. Svechin (1772-1849) - GJ-8064.jpg
409.0 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Young Woman with a Child - GR-77-11917.jpg
408.9 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of Jan Six - OG-235388.jpg
408.9 kB
Turchi Alessandro (Alessandro Veronese or Orbetto) - Bacchus and Ariadne - GJ-123.jpg
408.7 kB
Castillo Antonio del - Loading the Mules - GJ-2572.jpg
408.7 kB
Allori Alessandro - Portrait of Eleonora (Dinora) da Toledo - GJ-1586.jpg
408.6 kB
Rousseau Theodore - Landscape - GJ-3825.jpg
408.4 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich - JRX-640.jpg
408.3 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Small Hermitage. Peacock Clock in the Eastern Gallery - OR-11752.jpg
408.3 kB
Goya Francisco - Promenade - GR-131-17970.jpg
408.3 kB
Leys Henri - Returning from a Ride - GJ-3906.jpg
408.2 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - Boyar Ground in the Moscow Kremlin - JRR-6789.jpg
408.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Akim A. Karpov (1767-1838) - GJ-7898.jpg
408.1 kB
Bellotto Bernardo - Square with the Kreuz Kirche in Dresden - GJ-203.jpg
408.0 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - St George Hall in the Winter Palace. Plan with Design of Ceiling Painting - OR-13625.jpg
408.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Bogdan B. Helfreich (1773-1843) - GJ-7886.jpg
408.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai V. Vasilchikov (1779-1839) (3rd) - GJ-8033.jpg
408.0 kB
Lenbach Franz von - Portrait of a Man - OR-43639.jpg
407.8 kB
Goya Francisco - Mid-Lent (Cutting an Old Woman in Half) - GR-131-17968.jpg
407.7 kB
Kandinsky Vasily - Winter Landscape - GJ-9050.jpg
407.7 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Marble Bust of Ceres a Pedestal and Fragments of Classical Architecture - OR-3907.jpg
407.6 kB
Simon Lucien - Bretons - GJ-7448.jpg
407.5 kB
Signac Paul - Street with a Frame House in Normandy - GR-155-86.jpg
407.5 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Wedding Ceremony of Grand Princess Xenia Alexandrovna and Grand Duke Alexandr Mikhailovich in the Large Church of the Peterhof Palace - JRR-1029.jpg
407.5 kB
Fantin-Latour Henri - Flowers in an Earthenware Vase - GJ-8698.jpg
407.4 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Grotto of Nymph Egeria - OR-2569.jpg
407.3 kB
Teniers David II (circle) - Yard of Peasant House - GJ-588.jpg
407.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Roman I. Bagration (1778-1834) - GJ-8051.jpg
407.2 kB
Metsu Gabriel - Prodigal Son - GJ-922.jpg
407.1 kB
Courbet Gustave - Landscape with a Dead Horse - GJ-3897.jpg
407.0 kB
Premazzi Luigi - View of Turin with a Bridge - OR-43486.jpg
407.0 kB
Amberger Christoph - Portrait of a Woman - GJ-682.jpg
407.0 kB
Kandinsky Vasily - Landscape - GJ-9098.jpg
406.9 kB
Signac Paul - Suspension Bridge in Les Andelys - GR-155-88.jpg
406.9 kB
Jordaens Jacob - Family Portrait - GJ-485.jpg
406.8 kB
Seltz Jules - Portrait of a Woman - OR-13603.jpg
406.7 kB
Peeters Jan - Architectural Landscape - GJ-10421.jpg
406.6 kB
Derain Andre - Portrait of a Girl in Black - GJ-9125.jpg
406.6 kB
Ehmsen Heinrich - Soldiers Poisoned with Gas - GJ-8938.jpg
406.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander L. Voinov (1768-1832) - GJ-8139.jpg
406.3 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - View of the Church of SS. Giovanni e Paolo in Rome - OR-2381.jpg
406.3 kB
Grundig Hans - Sheet Lightning over the Suburbs - GJ-8913.jpg
406.1 kB
Laprade Pierre - Lady in Black - GJ-8985.jpg
406.1 kB
Cameron Charles - Ceiling Painting for of the Arabesque Room in the Catherine Palace at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-11035.jpg
406.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yevstafy Ye. Udom (1760-1836) (2nd) - GJ-7974.jpg
406.0 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Landscape with a Rider - OR-5316.jpg
406.0 kB
Snayers Pieter - Halt of Horsemen in a Forest - GJ-3248.jpg
406.0 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Temple of Bacchus in the Diocletian Palace in Split - OR-16920.jpg
406.0 kB
Toshusai Sharaku - The Actor Matsumoto Koshiro IV as the Fishmonger Gorobei - YT-3712.jpg
405.9 kB
Keirincx Alexander - Hunters in a Forest - GJ-455.jpg
405.9 kB
Dobson William - Portrait of Abraham van der Doort - GJ-2103.jpg
405.8 kB
Manet Edouard - Portrait of Mademoiselle Isabelle Lemonnier - ZKR-230.jpg
405.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yevgeny I. Olenin (1766-1828) - GJ-7960.jpg
405.3 kB
Master of the Female Half-Lengths - The Virgin and Child - GJ-4090.jpg
405.2 kB
Rundaltsov Mikhail Victorovich - Portrait of Emperor Nicholas II with Remarque-Portrait of Tsarevich Alexei Nikolayevich - JRG-28931.jpg
405.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail F. Vlodek (1780-1849) - GJ-8084.jpg
405.1 kB
Snyders Frans - Fish Market - GJ-606.jpg
405.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-11551.jpg
405.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Sergey F. Zheltukhin (1779-1833) - GJ-7971.jpg
405.0 kB
Picasso Pablo - Flowers in a Grey Jar - GJ-8999.jpg
404.9 kB
La Hyre Laurent de - Mercury Takes Bacchus to be Brought up by Nymphs - GJ-1173.jpg
404.9 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Actor Standing - OR-14946.jpg
404.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail M. Volkov (1776-1820) - GJ-8060.jpg
404.8 kB
Wauters (Wouters) Constant - Fair - GJ-8380.jpg
404.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor I. Saunders (1755-1836) - GJ-7955.jpg
404.7 kB
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) - Christ Blessing - GJ-114.jpg
404.7 kB
Lastman Pieter - Abraham on the Road to Canaan - GJ-8306.jpg
404.6 kB
Yelyakov I.P. - View of the Neva Upstream from the Galley Yard and the 13th Line of Vasilyevsky Island - JRG-31663.jpg
404.5 kB
Torres Clemente de - St Joseph with the Infant Christ - GJ-331.jpg
404.5 kB
Dore Gustave - Tavern in Whitechapel - OR-42308.jpg
404.4 kB
Panini Giovanni Paolo - Interior of St Peters Cathedral in Rome - GJ-5535.jpg
404.3 kB
Celesti Andrea - Feast of Belshazzar - GJ-4664.jpg
404.3 kB
Dou Gerard - Portrait of a Man - GJ-891.jpg
404.3 kB
Robert Hubert - At the Hermits - GJ-8580.jpg
404.3 kB
Ugolino-Lorenzetti - Calvary - GJ-5507.jpg
404.3 kB
Stefano Francesco di (Il Pesellino) - Allegory of Rome - OR-51.jpg
404.2 kB
Romney George - Portrait of Mrs Harrit Greer - GJ-3511.jpg
404.2 kB
Guerin Charles - Young Girl with a Book - GJ-9053.jpg
404.1 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Dressing-Room of Emperor Alexander II - OR-14391.jpg
404.1 kB
Angelico fra Beato (fra Giovanni da Fiesole Guido di Pietro) - Madonna and Child with four angels - GJ-4115.jpg
404.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai F. Yemelyanov (1768 - after 1829) - GJ-8082.jpg
404.1 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Modern Sculpture - OR-11720.jpg
404.0 kB
Graeb Carl Georg Anton and Schutze Ernst Friedrich Gotthold II - Second Sheet of the Poem Blancheflour by K.F. Scherenberg - OR-13662.jpg
404.0 kB
Lancret Nicolas - Party in the Garden - GJ-7497.jpg
404.0 kB
Lint Peeter van - Jephthaes Daughter - GJ-2055.jpg
403.9 kB
Brill Paul - Mountainous Landscape - GJ-1955.jpg
403.8 kB
Vernet Claude Joseph - View of the Villa Ludovisi Park in Rome - GJ-3684.jpg
403.8 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Landscape with Figures - OR-4368.jpg
403.7 kB
Vernet Claude Joseph - Rocks on a Seashore - GJ-7584.jpg
403.7 kB
Yelizaveta Fiodorovna Grand Duchess - Portrait of an Unknown Woman - JRR-1254.jpg
403.6 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Rural Musicians - GJ-904.jpg
403.6 kB
Jordaens Jacob - Rape of Europa - OR-4210.jpg
403.5 kB
Robertson Christina - Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolayevna - OR-18966.jpg
403.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Boris Ya. Knyazhnin (1777-1854) (2nd) - GJ-8103.jpg
403.4 kB
Buys Jacobus - Scene from Moliere Comedy Tartuffe - OR-27316.jpg
403.3 kB
Wertinger Hans - Village Fete - GJ-5579.jpg
403.3 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Voskresensky (Resurrection) Monastery beside the Istra River or New Jerusalem. Environs of Moscow - OR-11718.jpg
403.3 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet The Minowa Kanasugi and Mikawashima Settlements - YT-3369.jpg
403.2 kB
Stroobant Francois - Courtyard of the Palace of Marguerite of Austria in Malines - GJ-3956.jpg
403.1 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Young Girls at the Piano - ZKR-227.jpg
403.0 kB
Callot Jacques - Parterre at Nancy - OR-1526.jpg
402.7 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Uniting of Great Britain - GJ-513.jpg
402.6 kB
Mayr Johann Christop de - View of the Cameron Gallery at Tsarskoye Selo - JRG-27297.jpg
402.4 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van (figures are painted by another artist) - Road at the Edge of a Forest - GJ-935.jpg
402.4 kB
Goya Francisco - Madwoman Who Sells Delights - GR-131-17988.jpg
402.3 kB
Baha al-Din Gilani - Portrait of an Indian Prince - QLVR-740^QL4XXVI.jpg
402.3 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Staircase in the Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola - OR-2336.jpg
402.0 kB
Melnikov Alexei Kipriyanovich - Opening of the Monument to Peter the Great on Senate Square St. Petersburg - JRG-6802.jpg
402.0 kB
Hondecoeter Melchior de - Birds in a Park - GJ-1042.jpg
402.0 kB
Marquet Albert - Bay of Naples - GJ-9150.jpg
401.9 kB
Denis Maurice - Encounter - GJ-7710.jpg
401.8 kB
Wael Cornelis de - Distribution of Bread - GJ-10278.jpg
401.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry M. Yuzefovich (1777-1821) - GJ-8019.jpg
401.8 kB
Sanchez Coello Alonso - Portrait of the Infanta Catalina Michaela of Austria - GJ-2594.jpg
401.6 kB
Picasso Pablo - Bathing - GJ-8896.jpg
401.6 kB
Melnikov Alexei Kipriyanovich - Unveiling of the Monument to Peter I on Senat Square in 1782 - JRG-10645.jpg
401.5 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Ruins of Ancient Thermae in Cefalu - OR-4129.jpg
401.5 kB
Vierling A. - Interior with a Woman in a National Costume Seated in an Armchair - OR-13608.jpg
401.5 kB
Cima da Conegliano Giovanni Battista - Annunciation - GJ-256.jpg
401.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexey Yu. Gamin (Hamen) (1773-1829) - GJ-7966.jpg
401.4 kB
Silo Adam - Fleet Manoeuvres Performed in the Usselmeer for Peter I During His Visit to Amsterdam - GJ-8682.jpg
401.4 kB
Schultz Daniel - Family Portrait - GJ-8540.jpg
401.3 kB
Save Gaston - Vision of Joan of Arc - OR-13602.jpg
401.2 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study for The Paralytic. Figure of a Young Man Leaning Forward - OR-14794.jpg
401.1 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - Bell-Tower of Ivan the Great - JRR-6522.jpg
401.0 kB
Verbruggen Gaspar-Pieter II - Apollo the Kithara Player Framed with a Garland of Flowers - GJ-3253.jpg
400.9 kB
Rundaltsov Mikhail Victorovich - Portrait of Tsarevich Alexei Nikolayevich with Remarque-Portraits of His Sisters Grand Princesses Olga Tatyana Maria and Anastasia - JRG-28932.jpg
400.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Maxim I. Damas (1785-1862) - GJ-8083.jpg
400.9 kB
Martens Ditlev - Fire in Hamburg on 5 May 1842 - GJ-9222.jpg
400.7 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Holy Family - GJ-337.jpg
400.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Moisey I. Karpenko (1775-1854) - GJ-8001.jpg
400.7 kB
Maurer Alfred Henry - In a Cafe - GJ-8919.jpg
400.7 kB
Perrot Ferdinand-Victor - View of the Winter Palace from the Admiralty - JRG-20135.jpg
400.7 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-2523.jpg
400.7 kB
Bol Ferdinand - Moses and Jethro - GJ-8866.jpg
400.5 kB
Caraffe Armand-Charles - Metellus Raising the Siege - GJ-2758.jpg
400.5 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Landscape with Jacob Rachel and Leah at the Well (Morning) - GJ-1234.jpg
400.5 kB
Teniers David II - Rural Feast - GJ-594.jpg
400.3 kB
Huber Jean - Voltaire Planting Trees - GJ-6728.jpg
400.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pavel A. Tuchkov (1776-1858) (3rd) - GJ-7935.jpg
400.0 kB
Cranach Lucas I - The Virgin and the Child Under an Apple Tree - GJ-684.jpg
400.0 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Sketch of Painting of the Western Wall of the Ruined Room in the Trinita dei Monti - OR-2598.jpg
399.8 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Ornamental Design - OR-2198.jpg
399.8 kB
Spengler Jeronimus - Stained Glass Panel with Coats-of-Arms - V-8.jpg
399.5 kB
David Gerard - The Virgin Mary Embracing the Dead Christ - GJ-402.jpg
399.4 kB
Jawlensky Alexej von - Landscape with a Red Roof - GJ-10594.jpg
399.4 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Commandant Entrance - OR-14356.jpg
399.4 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul (workshop) - Peaceful Ruling of Jacob I - GJ-2579.jpg
399.3 kB
Muhammad Yusuf - Dervish Holding a Rosary - QLVR-740^QL3XXV.jpg
399.1 kB
Fabritius Barent Pietersz - Ruth and Boaz - GJ-2791.jpg
399.0 kB
Willems Florent - Spanish Grandee Leaving his Creditor - GJ-5362.jpg
399.0 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Plan of the Castagno dei cento cavalli - OR-3952.jpg
399.0 kB
Le Sueur Eustache - Hagar and Ishmael Guarded by the Angel - OR-5672.jpg
398.9 kB
Ommeganck Balthazar Pau - Landscape with a Flock of Sheep - GJ-6303.jpg
398.9 kB
Cauchy Pierre - Holy Family - GJ-6993.jpg
398.9 kB
Derain Andre - Road to Castel Gandolfo - ZKR-519.jpg
398.7 kB
Ostroumova-Lebedeva Anna Petrovna - Chain Bridge in St Petersburg - JRG-8538.jpg
398.6 kB
Signac Paul - Sailboats with Holiday Flags at a Pier in Saint-Malo - GR-155-81.jpg
398.6 kB
Loir Nicolas Piere Monnoyer Jean-Baptiste - Holy Family within the Garland of Flowers - GJ-1774.jpg
398.5 kB
Brueghel Jan II - Holy Family Framed with Flowers - GJ-2997.jpg
398.5 kB
Eeckhout Gerbrandt Jansz van den - Abraham and the Three Angels - GJ-8523.jpg
398.5 kB
Schulz Carl - View of the Monument to Emperor Nicholas I on St Isaac Square - JRG-24932.jpg
398.4 kB
Denis Maurice - Panel 1. Eros is Struck by Psyches Beauty - GJ-9666.jpg
398.4 kB
Bellange Jacques - Lamentation - OR-16012.jpg
398.4 kB
Saverys Albert - River - GJ-8981.jpg
398.3 kB
Carl J.-A. - Trumpeting Soldier - OR-13540.jpg
398.3 kB
Sayyd Mirza - Portrait of a Man (Prince Muhammad Mirza) - QLVR-691.jpg
398.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Cyprian A. Kreuz (1778-1850) - GJ-7984.jpg
398.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ilya F. Chernozubov (1765-1821) - GJ-7997.jpg
397.9 kB
Meissonier Jean Louis Ernest - Young Man with a Book - GJ-7565.jpg
397.9 kB
Saint-Aubin Gabriel de - Performance of Armida in the Old Auditorium of the Opera House - OR-40041.jpg
397.9 kB
Robert Hubert - Examining an Old Church - GJ-4651.jpg
397.9 kB
Tyranov Alexei Vasilyevich - Interior of the Hermitage Library - JRX-2430.jpg
397.8 kB
Graeb Carl Georg Anton and Schutze Ernst Friedrich Gotthold II - Third Sheet of the Poem Blancheflour by K.F. Scherenberg - OR-13663.jpg
397.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander Ya. Rudzevich (1775-1829) - GJ-7896.jpg
397.7 kB
MeaderJames - View of the English Park with a Portico. Peterhof - OR-23628.jpg
397.7 kB
Conca Sebastiano - Madonna with Sleeping Child - GJ-2256.jpg
397.5 kB
Perez de Villaamil Genaro - Interior of San Miguel in the City of Jerez Andalusia - GJ-7520.jpg
397.4 kB
Francken Frans II - Cause of Charity - GJ-10464.jpg
397.4 kB
Riza-i Abbasi - Convivial Party - QLVR-740^QLI.jpg
397.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pavel V. Golenishchev-Kutuzov (1773-1843) - GJ-7875.jpg
397.4 kB
Iriarte Ignacio de - River Crossing - GJ-310.jpg
397.4 kB
Marieschi Michele Giovanni - Rialto Bridge in Venice - GJ-176.jpg
397.4 kB
Campendonk Heinrich - Man and Beasts amidst Nature - GJ-9137.jpg
397.3 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Reception of Nasr-ed-Din King of Persia during His Visit to St. Petersburg on 11-14 May 1889 - OR-19022.jpg
397.3 kB
Pierre Paul - View of the Basilica of St Nicholas - OR-13587.jpg
397.2 kB
Lely Peter - Knight of the Order of the Garter - OR-5926.jpg
397.1 kB
Tiepolo Giovanni Battista - Cupids with Grapes (Allegory of Autumn) - GJ-5557.jpg
397.1 kB
Antolinez Jose Claudio - Descent from the Cross - GJ-301.jpg
397.1 kB
Greco El - Sts Peter and Paul - GJ-390.jpg
397.0 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Personal Entrance to the Apartment of Empress Maria Alexandrovna - OR-14355.jpg
396.9 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Alcove of the Study of Grand Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich - OR-39922.jpg
396.8 kB
Flameng Francois - Napoleon I Hunting in the Forest of Fontainebleau in 1807 - GJ-6270.jpg
396.8 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the First Hermitage - OR-23350.jpg
396.7 kB
Picasso Pablo - Scenes from the Ballet La Boutique Fantastique Can-Can - OR-48155.jpg
396.6 kB
Cornelius Marie Lucie - View of a Street and the Cathedral Tower in Strasbourg - OR-13545.jpg
396.6 kB
Dupuis Georges - Notre-Dame Embankment Le Havre - GJ-8958.jpg
396.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr A. Chicherin (1778-1848) (2nd) - GJ-8025.jpg
396.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander I. Chernyshov (17851786-1857) - GJ-7907.jpg
396.3 kB
Le Prince Jean-Baptiste - Scene from Russian Everyday Life - GJ-8408.jpg
396.3 kB
Cleve (Cleef) Joos van (Beke Joos van der) - Holy Family - GJ-411.jpg
396.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander A. Bashilov (1777-1847) - GJ-7953.jpg
396.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan S. Zhevakhov (1765-1837) - GJ-8021.jpg
396.2 kB
Magnasco Alessandro (Lissandrino) - Baptism. Study for the Painting Landscape with the Baptism of Christ Washington National Gallery - OR-38188.jpg
396.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Matvey I. von der Pahlen (1779-1863) - GJ-8040.jpg
395.9 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - Monastery of the Trinity and St Sergius. View of the Dormition Cathedral Bell-Tower and Refectory Chamber - JRR-6785.jpg
395.9 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Wandering Musician - GJ-898.jpg
395.8 kB
Rowlandson Thomas - Life Class - GR-130-21149.jpg
395.7 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Landscape with a Dam - OR-5518.jpg
395.7 kB
Cuyp Jacob Gerritsz - Wine Grower - GJ-5598.jpg
395.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail I. Poncet (1778-1829) - GJ-8104.jpg
395.6 kB
Elliger Ottomar III - Design of a Covered Goblet Decorated with Cameos Supported by Three Legs Shaped like Dolphins - JRR-7061.jpg
395.5 kB
Bazelaire Leonie de - Mountainous Landscape in Vosges - OR-13537.jpg
395.5 kB
Ruthart Carl Borromaus Andreas - Story of Tobias - GJ-7324.jpg
395.4 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Sketch of Painting of the Eastern Wall of the Ruined Room in the Trinita dei Monti - OR-2597.jpg
395.4 kB
Helmersen Grigory Petrovich - View of Taganai Mountain - JRR-6609.jpg
395.4 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Filial Piety (The Paralytic) - GJ-1168.jpg
395.3 kB
Hooch Pieter de - Woman and a Maid With a Pail - GJ-943.jpg
395.2 kB
Somsois (Samsois Sompsois) Francois (Jean) de - Portrait of an Unknown Man in a Right-Grey Caftan - OR-43410.jpg
395.2 kB
Vos Simon de - St. Peter - GJ-3392.jpg
395.2 kB
Teniers David II - Painter in his Studio - GJ-576.jpg
395.0 kB
Oppenort (Oppenoordt Oppenord Oppenordt) Gilles (Gille) Marie - Design of a Case for Watch and Barometer with Termometer (Two Versions) - OR-34673.jpg
395.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr P. Schroeder (1770-1824) - GJ-7978.jpg
395.0 kB
Hackaert Johannes (Jansz) Lingelbach Johannes (figures) - Deer Hunt - GJ-831.jpg
395.0 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Arch of Titus in Rome - OR-2568.jpg
394.7 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Antique Statue in Rabbato on the Island of Gozo - OR-4106.jpg
394.7 kB
Vleighels Nicolas - Holy Family - GJ-1889.jpg
394.7 kB
Bohnstedt Ludwig Franz Karl - Neva Embankment by the Western Facade of the Winter Palace - JRR-5526.jpg
394.6 kB
Hess Peter von - Crossing the Berezina Riva on 17 November 1812 - GJ-9776.jpg
394.6 kB
Neeffs Peeter II - Interior of a Gothic Church - GJ-8516.jpg
394.6 kB
Castillo Antonio del - Landscape with Huts - GJ-317.jpg
394.6 kB
Velazquez Diego - Luncheon - GJ-389.jpg
394.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry A. Levin (1779-1839) - GJ-8071.jpg
394.4 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study of a Man with His Arm Swung Back - OR-14795.jpg
394.4 kB
Shaykh - Flower Study - QLVR-551.jpg
394.3 kB
Gaertner Johann-Philipp-Eduard - New Palace in Potsdam on 13 July 1829 - OG-114421.jpg
394.3 kB
Fantin-Latour Henri - Flowers - ZKR-557.jpg
394.2 kB
Valcenborch Lucas van - Landscape with a Rural Festival - GJ-396.jpg
394.1 kB
Jordaens Jacob Daniels Andries (flowers) - Madonna and Child in the Garland of Flowers - GJ-2041.jpg
394.0 kB
Saint Jean Simon - Flowers - GJ-3953.jpg
394.0 kB
Meulen Adam-Franz van der - Cavalery in the Battle - GJ-632.jpg
393.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Faddei F. Steingel (1762-1831) - GJ-7835.jpg
393.8 kB
Kauffman Angelica - Insane Maria - GJ-1339.jpg
393.7 kB
Natoire Charles-Joseph - Landscape with Ruins - OR-8195.jpg
393.7 kB
Magnasco Alessandro (Lissandrino) Spera Clemente - Bacchanalia - GJ-4035.jpg
393.7 kB
Elliger Ottomar III - Cartouche - OG-92080.jpg
393.6 kB
Oudry Jean-Baptiste - Boar Hunt - OR-4872.jpg
393.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl F. Oldekop (1777-1831) - GJ-7969.jpg
393.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Stepan Ya. Repninsky (1773-1851) (1st) - GJ-7927.jpg
393.4 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Upper Landing of the Main Staircase - OR-11260.jpg
393.3 kB
Forain Jean Louis - Self-portrait - OR-25633.jpg
393.2 kB
Kugelgen Karl von - View of the Valley near the Village of Mshatka - OR-10308.jpg
393.1 kB
Samokish Nikolai Semyonovich - Portrait of Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich (the Younger) on Horseback - JZN.PR-1036.jpg
393.1 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - The Ruins of a Phoenician Structure in Casal Caccia - OR-4082.jpg
393.1 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Italian Landscape - GJ-1225.jpg
393.1 kB
Cariani (Giovanni Busi) - Seduction (Old Man and a Young Woman) - GJ-183.jpg
393.0 kB
Goes Hugo van der - Adoration of the Magi (Triptych) - GJ-403.jpg
393.0 kB
Natoire Charles-Joseph - Bacchus and Ariadne - GJ-1220.jpg
393.0 kB
Monchablon Alphonse - Allegory in Honour of the Franco-Russian Alliance - OR-13580.jpg
393.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ferdinand Vintsingerode (1770-1818) - GJ-7830.jpg
393.0 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study of a Standing Girl - OR-14778.jpg
393.0 kB
Robertson Christina - Children with a Parrot - GJ-8330.jpg
392.9 kB
Le Sueur Eustache - Sheet with Studies A Male Half-Figure in Profile and Two Female Heads - OR-5675.jpg
392.9 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - View of the Islands of Basiluzzo and Dattalo - OR-4159.jpg
392.9 kB
Cezanne Paul - Blue Lanscape - GJ-8993.jpg
392.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Andrey P. Zass (1753-1815) (1st)) - GJ-7825.jpg
392.7 kB
Muhammad Isfahani - Portrait of Nasir al-Din Shah - QLVR-665.jpg
392.6 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Morning in the Harbour - GJ-1782.jpg
392.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Denis V. Davydov (1784-1839) - GJ-8130.jpg
392.5 kB
Robert Hubert - Colosseum - GJ-5111.jpg
392.5 kB
Callot Jacques - Pont-Neuf in Paris. Second Sheet - OG-123639.jpg
392.0 kB
David Jacques-Louis - Sappho and Phaon - GJ-5668.jpg
391.9 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Family Portrait - GJ-534.jpg
391.6 kB
Aqa Bala - Portrait of a man with a Book - QLVR-692.jpg
391.6 kB
Cameron Charles - Elevation of the Mirror Wall in the Jasper Study in the Agate Pavilion at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-10992.jpg
391.6 kB
Crespi Giuseppe Maria (Lo Spagnolo) - Self-portrait - GJ-189.jpg
391.6 kB
Lancret Nicolas - Swing - GJ-7496.jpg
391.5 kB
Potter Paulus - Farm - GJ-820.jpg
391.4 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Interior of the Pantheon - OR-2470.jpg
391.4 kB
Stefano Francesco di (Il Pesellino) - Allegory of Carfhage - OR-52.jpg
391.3 kB
Hackert Georg Abraham - Ruins of the Augustus Bridge at Narni. View 1 - OG-145179.jpg
391.1 kB
Perrot Ferdinand-Victor - Church of St Andrew on Bolshoi Prospekt of Vasilyevsky Island - JRG-20132.jpg
391.0 kB
Molenaer Jan Miense - Winter Landscape with a Windmill - GJ-2970.jpg
391.0 kB
Passarotti Bartolomeo - Study Two Female Figures (for the Altar-piece - OR-93.jpg
390.8 kB
Campagnola Domenico - Cupid with a Violin - OR-8207.jpg
390.7 kB
Brueghel Jan I (de Fluweelen Brueghel) - Adoration of the Magi - GJ-3090.jpg
390.6 kB
Verendael Nicolaes van - Garland with a Bust of the Virgin - GJ-560.jpg
390.5 kB
Cades Giuseppe - Alexander the Great Refuses to Take Water - GJ-8368.jpg
390.5 kB
Goya Francisco - Prayer - GR-131-17997.jpg
390.5 kB
Cades Giuseppe - Alexander the Great in the Workshop of Apelles - GJ-8367.jpg
390.3 kB
Rouault Georges - Spring - OR-42157.jpg
390.3 kB
Goya Francisco - Young Woman Floating in the Air - GR-131-17994.jpg
390.3 kB
Dore Gustave - Illustration for Charles Perraults Bluebeard - OR-18225.jpg
390.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily S. Trubetskoy (1776-1841) - GJ-7881.jpg
390.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Anton P. Velikopolsky (1769-1830) - GJ-7972.jpg
390.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Gavriil P. Veselitsky (1774-1829) - GJ-8043.jpg
390.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl I. Oppermann (1764-1831) - GJ-7847.jpg
390.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan T. Sazonov (1755-1823) (1st) - GJ-7859.jpg
390.1 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Plan and Cross-Section of the Calypso Grotto - OR-4105.jpg
390.0 kB
Volaire. Pierre-Jacques (Jacques-Antoine) (chevalier Volaire) - Seascape with Fisherman on a Rocky Shore - OR-18866.jpg
390.0 kB
Vrancx Sebastiaen (circle) - Attack upon a Cart - GJ-2756.jpg
389.9 kB
Zuccarelli Francesco - Landscape with a Woman Leading a Cow - GJ-178.jpg
389.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor F. Oerthel (1768-1825) - GJ-7840.jpg
389.2 kB
Francken Frans II - Allegory of Chance - GJ-6144.jpg
389.1 kB
Watteau Antoine - Actors of the Comedie-Francaise - GJ-1131.jpg
389.1 kB
Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille - Evening - GJ-3890.jpg
389.1 kB
Vlieger Simon de - Seashore - GJ-797.jpg
389.0 kB
Delacroix Eugene - Lion Hunt in Morocco - GJ-3853.jpg
389.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan S. Leontyev (1781-1824) - GJ-8028.jpg
388.9 kB
Caullery Louis de - Allegory of the Five Sens - GJ-3485.jpg
388.9 kB
Leger Fernand - Postcard - GJ-9726.jpg
388.7 kB
Caliari Benedetto - Holy Family with St Catherine St Anne and St John - GJ-2125.jpg
388.6 kB
Velde Adriaen van de - Stop in the Way - GJ-6827.jpg
388.6 kB
Francia Francesco (Francesco di Marco di Giacomo Raibolini) - The Virgin and the Child with St Lawrence and St Jerome and Two Angels Making Music - GJ-53.jpg
388.6 kB
Dou Gerard - Woman Bather - GJ-892.jpg
388.4 kB
Matisse Henri - Nymph and Satyr - GJ-9058.jpg
388.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yegor M. Pillar (1768-1840) - GJ-8004.jpg
388.3 kB
Daumier Honore - Orchestra Seat - GR-131-17960.jpg
388.2 kB
Lenbach Franz von - Portrait of Wilhelm Busch - GJ-7752.jpg
388.2 kB
Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri) - Landscape with People Crossing the River - OR-3764.jpg
388.2 kB
Cima da Conegliano Giovanni Battista - Madonna and Child - GJ-5513.jpg
388.1 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study for The Paralytic. Study of a Boy Carrying a Cup - OR-14784.jpg
388.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan L. Shakhovskoy (1776-1860) - GJ-7878.jpg
388.0 kB
Chardin Jean-Simeon - Still Life with Attributes of the Arts - GJ-5627.jpg
387.9 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Spring - OR-17963.jpg
387.9 kB
Houasse Rene Antoine - Daughters of Cecrops - OR-3903.jpg
387.7 kB
Seghers Daniel - Garland of Flowers Around a Cartouche with Jesus and St. John the Baptist as Children - GJ-3468.jpg
387.7 kB
Mayblum Jules - Palace of Count P. S. Stroganov. Library - OR-41836.jpg
387.6 kB
Solis Francisco de - Mary Magdalene and Angels - GJ-1462.jpg
387.6 kB
Antonio da Firenze - Madonna and the Child with a Bishop St John The Baptist and Angels. On the Reverse The Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary and St John - GJ-8280.jpg
387.6 kB
Steen Jan - Tric-Trac Players - GJ-873.jpg
387.5 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Map of the Islands of Malta Comino and Gozo - OR-4079.jpg
387.5 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Venus Faun and Putti - GJ-1178.jpg
387.4 kB
Derain Andre - Houses on the Waterfront - GJ-7720.jpg
387.4 kB
Everdingen Allart van - Landscape with a Boat - OR-5936.jpg
387.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexey A. Arakcheyev (1769-1834) - GJ-7813.jpg
387.3 kB
Lajoue Jaques - Scene in a Park - GJ-5625.jpg
387.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan A. Velyaminov (1771-1837) - GJ-7959.jpg
387.1 kB
Elliger Ottomar III - Cartouche - OG-92083.jpg
387.0 kB
Edelfelt Albert (Gustaf Aristides) - Laundresses - GJ-6477.jpg
386.9 kB
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) - Carrying of the Cross - GJ-115.jpg
386.7 kB
Bourdon Sebastien - Death of Dido - GJ-1247.jpg
386.6 kB
Paquin Jules - Rest on the Bank of a Lake - OR-13584.jpg
386.5 kB
Assereto Gioacchino - Flagellation of Christ - GJ-4359.jpg
386.4 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Room of Modern Sculpture - OR-23632.jpg
386.4 kB
Robertson Christina - Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna - OR-26603.jpg
386.3 kB
Goya Francisco - Broken Pot - GR-131-17975.jpg
386.2 kB
Roussel Ker Xavier - Rural Festival - GJ-9165.jpg
386.1 kB
Kolpakov Ivan Ivanovich - Cross-Section of the Auditorium of the Hermitage Theatre with Part of Foyer and Stage - JRG-26995.jpg
386.0 kB
Goyen Jan van - Boats on a Riverbank - GJ-990.jpg
385.8 kB
Zaryanko Sergei Konstantinovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Peters (Small Throne) Room - JRX-2438.jpg
385.8 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Nasir al-Din Shah on Horseback - JRR-7042.jpg
385.7 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Coast View with Apollo and the Cumaean Sibyl - GJ-1228.jpg
385.6 kB
Petitot Joseph - Portrait of an Elderly Lady in a Blue Cap - OR-14123.jpg
385.6 kB
Mommers Hendrick - View of the Pont-Neuf in Paris - JRX-1830.jpg
385.6 kB
Verboeckhoven Eugene Joseph Koekkoek Barend Cornelis - Still Life with a Hare - GJ-6911.jpg
385.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Maxim F. Stavitsky (1778-1841) - GJ-7988.jpg
385.6 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mountains. Study - OR-43565.jpg
385.5 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Self-Portrait as a Caricature - JRR-551.jpg
385.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander I. Yushkov (1773 - after 1835) - GJ-8065.jpg
385.4 kB
Bos Pieter van den - Old Woman Reading a Book - GJ-910.jpg
385.3 kB
Crespi Giuseppe Maria (Lo Spagnolo) - Genre Scene Persistent Cavalier - GJ-5541.jpg
385.3 kB
Taunay Nicolas-Antoine - Henri IV and his Suite Hunting - GJ-5464.jpg
385.2 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - The Funerary Altar of Herbasia Clymena - OR-2053.jpg
385.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Temple of Apollo on the Terrace of the Academy (Villa of Emperor Hadrian in Tivoli) - OR-2590.jpg
385.1 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Study of a Female Figure in Profile - GR-77-11915.jpg
385.1 kB
Maltese (Fieravino) Francesco - Still Life with an Oriental Carpet - GJ-2314.jpg
385.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander P. Tormasov (1752-1819) - GJ-7816.jpg
385.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander F. Shcherbatov (1772-1817) - GJ-7902.jpg
385.1 kB
Bonington Richard Parkes - Boats near Shore of Normandy - GJ-5844.jpg
385.0 kB
Oudry Jean-Baptiste - Still Life with Fruit - GJ-1121.jpg
385.0 kB
Reynolds Joshua - Infant Hercules Strangling the Serpents - GJ-1348.jpg
385.0 kB
Marquet Albert - Port of Hamburg - GJ-8907.jpg
384.8 kB
Matisse Henri - Red Room (Harmony in Red) - GJ-9660.jpg
384.7 kB
Kauffman Angelica - Virgil reading the Aeneid to Augustus and Octavia - GJ-4177.jpg
384.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl O. Pozzo di Borgo (1764-1842) - GJ-8053.jpg
384.6 kB
Provost Jan - The Virgin Mary in Glory - GJ-417.jpg
384.6 kB
Berchem Nicolaes Pietersz - Education of Jupiter - GJ-10089.jpg
384.5 kB
Barroso Miguel - The Communion of the Virgin - GJ-323.jpg
384.5 kB
Schonfeld Johann Heinrich - Marriage at Cana - GJ-5357.jpg
384.3 kB
Sneyers Peeter - Flowers Fruit and a Hedgehog - GJ-3448.jpg
384.2 kB
Marilhat Prosper Georges Antoine - Ezbekiah Strieet in Cairo - GJ-5366.jpg
384.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexey N. Bakhmetev (1774-1841) (1st) - GJ-7870.jpg
384.0 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Conversion of Saul - OR-5134.jpg
383.9 kB
Diaz de la Pena Narcisse - Lament of Jephthahs Daughter - GJ-3859.jpg
383.7 kB
Van Dongen Kees - Antonia la Coquinera - GJ-8994.jpg
383.6 kB
Slingeland Pieter Cornelisz van - Breakfast of a Young Man - GJ-911.jpg
383.6 kB
Hackert Jakob Philipp - Villa of Maecenas and the Waterfalls at Tivoli - GJ-7156.jpg
383.5 kB
Le Fauconnier Henri - Signal - GJ-9172.jpg
383.4 kB
Soutine Chaim - Self-Portrait - GJ-10599.jpg
383.4 kB
Beggrov Karl Petrovich - Portrait of the Actor Ivan Dmitrievsky - JRG-18133.jpg
383.1 kB
Jackson John Baptist - Agony in the Garden - OG-7275.jpg
383.0 kB
Krohn Christian Cornelius (Xan) - Portrait of S. I. Shchukin - GJ-9090.jpg
382.9 kB
Romanino Girolamo - Madonna and Child - GJ-268.jpg
382.8 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van - Rivulet in a Forest - GJ-936.jpg
382.8 kB
Leys Henri - Scene from Everyday Life - GJ-3908.jpg
382.8 kB
Callot Jacques - View of the Louvre. First Sheet - OG-126584.jpg
382.8 kB
Goepfert E. - Cows Grazing on a Meadow - OR-13561.jpg
382.7 kB
Couture Thomas - Little Bather - GJ-3898.jpg
382.6 kB
Neyelov F.K. - View of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan - JRR-6394.jpg
382.5 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Marie de Medici as Pallas Athere - GJ-511.jpg
382.4 kB
Courbet Gustave - Still Life of Flowers - ZKR-505.jpg
382.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander A. Pisarev (1780-1848) - GJ-8030.jpg
382.1 kB
Berckheyde Gerrit Adriaensz - View of the Ratshuis in Amsterdam - GJ-958.jpg
382.0 kB
Cranach Lucas II - Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery - GJ-3673.jpg
382.0 kB
Terborch Gerard - Portrait of an Officer - GJ-1845.jpg
382.0 kB
Boucher Francois - Pastoral Scene - GJ-1275.jpg
381.9 kB
Derain Andre - Cliffs - GJ-6541.jpg
381.8 kB
Desprez Louis-Jean - Monument for the Temple of Immortality - OR-11808.jpg
381.8 kB
Guardi Francesco - Landscape - GJ-4305.jpg
381.7 kB
Steenwyck Hendrick van II - Interior of a Gothic Church - GJ-4360.jpg
381.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Leopold Prince of Saxe-Coburg (1790-1865) - GJ-7897.jpg
381.4 kB
Gerome Jean-Leon - Pool in a Harem - GJ-6221.jpg
381.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fabian W. von der Osten-Sacken (1752-1837) - GJ-7828.jpg
381.3 kB
Jordaens Jacob - Self-Portrait with Parents Brothers and Sisters - GJ-484.jpg
381.2 kB
Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille - Rocks in Amalfi - ZK-232.jpg
381.2 kB
Cottet Charles - Seascape with Venice in the Distance - GJ-8900.jpg
381.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Panteleimon Ye. Benardos (1761-1839) - GJ-7930.jpg
381.1 kB
Ehmsen Heinrich - Children of the Painter - GJ-9176.jpg
381.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Andrey S. Umanets (1762 - after 1828) - GJ-7967.jpg
381.0 kB
Boucher Francois - Triumph of Venus - GJ-7656.jpg
380.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily S. Rakhmanov (1764-1816) - GJ-7932.jpg
380.8 kB
Ladurner Adolphe - Interiors of the Winter Palace. Part of the White (Armorial) Hall - JRX-2436.jpg
380.7 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet Feast Procession at Kojipachi - YT-2520.jpg
380.6 kB
Ehmsen Heinrich - Execution by Firing Squad of the Sailor Egelhofer (right-hand part of the triptych) - GJ-9998.jpg
380.5 kB
Luini Bernardino - Crucifixion with Intercessors (The Crucifixion with Sts Paul and Francis) - GJ-259.jpg
380.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr K. Suchtelen (1751-1836) (1st) - GJ-7811.jpg
380.4 kB
Bordon Paris - Portrait of a Lady with a Boy - GJ-70.jpg
380.4 kB
Giorgione - Adoration of the Christ Child - GJ-230.jpg
380.4 kB
Bruyn Bartholomaus I - Skull in a Niche - GJ-5197.jpg
380.4 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Urban Landscape - OR-47760.jpg
380.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily P. Obolensky (1780-1834) - GJ-8095.jpg
380.3 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Crossing the Red Sea - OR-14542.jpg
380.1 kB
Keuninck (Coninck) Kerstiaen de - Fire of Troy - GJ-6780.jpg
380.1 kB
Duyster Willem - Soldiers Beside a Fireplace - GJ-3636.jpg
380.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Empress Maria Fiodorovna in Mourning - GJ-8271.jpg
380.1 kB
Chernetsov Grigory Grigoryevich - Part of the Panorama of Palace Square from the Scaffolding of the Alexander Column - JRG-27286.jpg
380.1 kB
Droochsloot Jost Cornelisz - Self-Portrait in a Landscape - GJ-2798.jpg
380.0 kB
Robert Hubert - Villa Madama near Rome - GJ-7593.jpg
380.0 kB
Blanchard Jacques - St Veronica - GJ-2557.jpg
379.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily I. Harpe (1765-1844) - GJ-7982.jpg
379.8 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Annunciation - GJ-346.jpg
379.8 kB
Lempereur Edmond - Tabarins Bar - GJ-8911.jpg
379.7 kB
Teyler Johannes - View toward the Amstel River - OG-92085.jpg
379.6 kB
Teniers David II - Yard of Peasant House - GJ-574.jpg
379.6 kB
379.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl G. Stahl (1777-1853) - GJ-8135.jpg
379.5 kB
Goya Francisco - Monk - GR-131-17998.jpg
379.4 kB
Goya Francisco - Serpent Four Yards Long in Bordeaux - GR-131-17987.jpg
379.4 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Presentation of Rewards to the Participants of the Festival. 1829 - OR-13677.jpg
379.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr M. Kaptsevich (1772-1840) - GJ-7842.jpg
379.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr A. Kosen (1778-1853) - GJ-8035.jpg
379.2 kB
Rowlandson Thomas - Sculptor Shop - GR-130-21150.jpg
379.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Arch of the Money-Changers in Rome - OR-2565.jpg
379.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl I. Bistrom (1770-1838) (1st) - GJ-8002.jpg
379.1 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Victory of Joshua over the Amalekites - GJ-1195.jpg
378.8 kB
Vanloo Jean-Baptiste - Tiumph of Galatea - GJ-1219.jpg
378.8 kB
Michau Theobald - By a Ford - GJ-8573.jpg
378.8 kB
Favory Andre - Female Figure - GJ-9123.jpg
378.8 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Study of a Man in a Hat with a Pipe - GR-77-11914.jpg
378.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexey V. Ilovaisky (1767-1842) (1st) - GJ-7901.jpg
378.6 kB
Robert Hubert - Ancient Temple The Maison Carree at Nimes - GJ-7483.jpg
378.6 kB
Beggrov Karl Petrovich - View of the Chain Panteleimonovsky Bridge across the Fontanka - JRG-7525.jpg
378.5 kB
Daubeil Jules - Street in Tunis - OR-13547.jpg
378.4 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Ball in the New Palace. 1829 - OR-13678.jpg
378.3 kB
Coypel Noel-Nicolas - Birth of Venus - GJ-1176.jpg
378.2 kB
Beggrov Karl Petrovich - View of Nevsky Prospekt near the Gostiny Dvor - JRG-20737.jpg
378.2 kB
Utagawa Kunisada I - Triptych The Artisans - YT-3550.jpg
378.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan M. Vadbolsky (1781-1861) - GJ-8050.jpg
377.8 kB
Mayr Johann Georg de Mayr Johann Christop de - View of the Park at Tsarskoye Selo (with the Kagul Obelisk) - JRG-31874.jpg
377.8 kB
Dael Jean Francois van - Basket of Fruit - GJ-5347.jpg
377.7 kB
Vos Simon de - Repentant Mary Magdalene - GJ-3400.jpg
377.6 kB
Steenwyck Hendrick van II - Italian Palace - GJ-432.jpg
377.6 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Bacchus - GJ-467.jpg
377.6 kB
Domenichino (Zampieri Domenico) - Mary Magdalene Taken up to Heaven - GJ-113.jpg
377.5 kB
Mahdi Muhammad - Flower Study - QLVR-548.jpg
377.5 kB
Pereda Antonio de - Still Life with an Ebony Chest - GJ-327.jpg
377.4 kB
Stimmer Tobias - Sketch of a Composition with the Allegorical Figure of Charity for a Stained-Glass Panel - OR-5652.jpg
377.4 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - St Joseph Leading the Christ Child - GJ-336.jpg
377.3 kB
Matisse Henri - Nude. Black and Gold - GJ-9057.jpg
377.2 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - Neva Gate of the Sts Peter and Paul Fortress - JRX-1671.jpg
377.2 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Susanna and the Elders - GJ-7080.jpg
377.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander N. Ryleyev (1778-1840) (2nd) - GJ-8099.jpg
377.1 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Woman Arranging her Hair - ZKR-507.jpg
377.0 kB
Diaz de la Pena Narcisse - Gipsies Listening to the Prophecies of a Young Fortune-Teller - GJ-3860.jpg
377.0 kB
Boucher Francois - Cupids. Allegory of Painting - GJ-7750.jpg
377.0 kB
Veronese Paolo (Paolo Caliari) - Mystical Marriage of St Catherine - GJ-1486.jpg
377.0 kB
Robert Hubert - An Artist amongst the Ancient Ruins - OR-46524.jpg
377.0 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Esquilache Immaculate Conception - GJ-7146.jpg
376.9 kB
Loo Jacob van - Concert - GJ-1092.jpg
376.9 kB
Fontebasso Francesco - The Last Supper - JRX-2449.jpg
376.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ignaty P. Rossiy (1765-1814) - GJ-7928.jpg
376.7 kB
Collantes Francisco - St John the Baptist in the Desert - GJ-348.jpg
376.6 kB
Antolinez Jose Claudio - St Mary of Egypt in the Desert - GJ-313.jpg
376.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Modest M. Okulov (1768-1812) - GJ-7934.jpg
376.5 kB
Janssens Elinga Pieter - Room in a Dutch House - GJ-1013.jpg
376.4 kB
Van Dongen Kees - Anxiety. Magazine Illustration - OR-43680.jpg
376.1 kB
Steenwyck Hendrick van II - St Jerome in his Cell - GJ-1894.jpg
376.0 kB
Gonzaga Pietro di Gottardo - Design of the Decoration for the Triumphal Gate in Moscow on the Occasion of the Coronation of Alexander I - OR-34472.jpg
376.0 kB
Carriere Eugene - Mother and Child - GJ-9140.jpg
375.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Filippo (Filipp Osipovich) Paulucci (1779-1849) - GJ-7839.jpg
375.8 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Lion Hunt - GJ-515.jpg
375.8 kB
Borcht Hendrik van der - Still Life with a Collection of Curiosities - GJ-2445.jpg
375.8 kB
Collantes Francisco - Landscape with Ruins - GJ-1474.jpg
375.6 kB
Biscaino Bartolomeo - Adoration of the Shepherds - OR-16662.jpg
375.5 kB
Huber Rudolf - Portrait of a Young Man in a Blue Frock-Coat - JRX-3203.jpg
375.4 kB
Brueghel Abraham - Fruit - GJ-7580.jpg
375.2 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Small Hermitage. The Treasure Gallery - OR-11755.jpg
375.0 kB
Carracci Agostino - Lamentation - GJ-1489.jpg
374.9 kB
Rowlandson Thomas - Smithy - GR-151-21645.jpg
374.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor V. Sazonov (1780- after 1839) (2nd) - GJ-8119.jpg
374.7 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Study of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-26521.jpg
374.6 kB
Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille - Peasant Girl Grazing a Cow at the a Forest - GJ-7166.jpg
374.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander Kh. Benckendorf (17811783-1844) (1st) - GJ-7968.jpg
374.5 kB
Magnasco Alessandro (Lissandrino) - Mountainous Landscape - GJ-3528.jpg
374.5 kB
Lancret Nicolas - Male Figure - OR-374.jpg
374.5 kB
Chagall Marc - Illustration for the Book Marc Chagall. Cirque Paris 1967 - OG-41814.jpg
374.4 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - Monastery of the Trinity and St Sergius - JRR-6523.jpg
374.3 kB
Tintoretto Domenico (Domenico Robusti) - Portrait of a Man (Francesco Bassano) - GJ-3566.jpg
374.3 kB
Jordaens Jacob - The Crucifixion - OR-4203.jpg
374.3 kB
Seyssaud Rene - Road - GJ-8966.jpg
374.2 kB
Jordaens Hans III - The Israelites after Crossing the Red Sea - GJ-7749.jpg
374.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Stepan A. Khilkov (1785-1854) - GJ-8122.jpg
374.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Adam P. Ozharovsky (1776-1855) - GJ-7893.jpg
374.0 kB
Parent Leon - View of the City of Etain - OR-13583.jpg
373.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Afanasy I. Krasovsky (1781-1843) - GJ-8107.jpg
373.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan A. Nabokov (1787-1852) - GJ-8075.jpg
373.7 kB
Sadovnikov Vasily Semyonovich - View of the Winter Palace from the Admiralty. Guard Mounting - OR-26484.jpg
373.7 kB
Manet Edouard - Portrait of M-me Jules Guillemet - OR-43094.jpg
373.7 kB
Monchablon Jean - Studies of Mail and Female Figures - OR-13581.jpg
373.7 kB
Brouwer Adriaen - Tavern Scene (The Village Fiddler) - GJ-643.jpg
373.6 kB
Berchem Nicolaes Pietersz - Italian Landscape with Two Young Women and Livestock - GJ-1103.jpg
373.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Otto F. von Knorring (1754-1812) - GJ-7911.jpg
373.5 kB
Degas Edgar - Seated Dancer Adiusting her Shoes - OR-42160.jpg
373.2 kB
Beerstraten Abraham - Winter View of Leyden - GJ-6850.jpg
373.2 kB
Huysum Jan van - Flowers and Fruit - GJ-1049.jpg
373.2 kB
Osipov Alexei Agapovich - Portrait of the Playwright Yakov Knyazhin - JRG-13980.jpg
373.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr M. Volkonsky - GJ-6460.jpg
372.9 kB
Gossaert Jan (Mabuse) - Madonna with the Child (replica) - GJ-437.jpg
372.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan Ye. Shevich (1754-1813) - GJ-7865.jpg
372.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan I. Palitsyn (1763-1814) - GJ-7931.jpg
372.6 kB
Picasso Pablo - Pitcher and Bowls - GJ-8986.jpg
372.5 kB
Goya Francisco - Generosity versus Greed - GR-131-17971.jpg
372.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pavel I. Neudhardt (1779-1830) - GJ-8032.jpg
372.4 kB
Bassano Jacopo (Jacopo da Ponte) - St Fabian St Sebastian and St Roch - GJ-2590.jpg
372.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl Klodt von Jurgensburg (1765-1822) - GJ-8113.jpg
372.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Loggin O. Roth (1780-1851) - GJ-7900.jpg
372.0 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Four Desigue of Ceiling-Painting - OR-2458.jpg
371.9 kB
Teniers David II - Smoker - GJ-570.jpg
371.9 kB
Orrente Pedro - Entry into Jerusalem - GJ-5570.jpg
371.8 kB
Mignard Pierre - Mystic Marriage of St Catherine - GJ-5709.jpg
371.8 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Interior of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan St Petersburg - OR-23634.jpg
371.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail N. Matsnev (1785-1842) - GJ-8110.jpg
371.7 kB
Feuerbach Anselm - Self-Potrait - GJ-4307.jpg
371.7 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Alexei Orlov - JRX-210.jpg
371.7 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Corner in Turin - OR-43485.jpg
371.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Konstantin M. Poltoratsky (1782-1858) - GJ-8034.jpg
371.6 kB
Teniers David II - Peasants Playing Dice - GJ-587.jpg
371.5 kB
Uden Lucas van - Landscape with a Hut by a River - OR-6234.jpg
371.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Kirill F. Kazachkovsky (1760-1829) - GJ-7853.jpg
371.4 kB
Gossaert Jan (Mabuse) - Descent from the Cross - GJ-413.jpg
371.4 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Celebration of the Day of St Geoerge in the Winter Palace on 26 November 1887 - OR-19018.jpg
371.4 kB
Rottenhammer Hans - Feast of the Gods (The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis) - GJ-688.jpg
371.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexey P. Nikitin (1777-1858) - GJ-8017.jpg
371.2 kB
Ippitsusai Buncho - Osen from the Kagiya Tea House - YT-3722.jpg
371.1 kB
Bassano Jacopo and Francesco - Adoration of the Magi - GJ-3567.jpg
371.0 kB
Huber Jean - Voltaire on the Theatre Scene - GJ-6729.jpg
370.9 kB
Solimena Francesco - Allegory of Rule - GJ-6548.jpg
370.9 kB
Utrecht Adriaen van - Still Life with Grapes - GJ-660.jpg
370.8 kB
Wtewael Joachim - Lot and his Daughters - GJ-10548.jpg
370.7 kB
Hackert Jakob Philipp - Landscape with a Ancient Festival - GJ-5329.jpg
370.7 kB
Werff Pieter van der - Portrait of Peter the Great - JRX-1854.jpg
370.7 kB
Goes Hugo van der - Lamentation - GJ-4782.jpg
370.6 kB
Streek Juriaen van - Snack - GJ-1034.jpg
370.6 kB
Tannauer Johann Gottfried - Peter I on His Death-bed - JRX-1819.jpg
370.6 kB
Vassallo Antonio Maria - Childhood of King Cyrus - GJ-221.jpg
370.6 kB
Afanasyev Konstantin Yakovlevich - Portrait of the Senator and Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences Grigory Teplov - JRG-15927.jpg
370.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry L. Ignatyev (1782-1833) - GJ-8116.jpg
370.5 kB
Kugelgen Karl von - View of the Valley of Karalese - OR-10298.jpg
370.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Gustav Kh. Schele (1759-1820) - GJ-8111.jpg
370.5 kB
Hau Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Small Hermitage. The Gallery of St Petersburgs Views - OR-14370.jpg
370.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan A. Lieven (1768-1848) - GJ-7867.jpg
370.4 kB
Rousseau Theodore - Landscape - GJ-5690.jpg
370.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Genrikh V. (Antoine-Henri) Jomini (1779-1869) - GJ-7866.jpg
370.3 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study for The Paralytic. Study of a Dog - OR-14770.jpg
370.3 kB
Teniers Abraham - Rural Feast - GJ-8308.jpg
370.2 kB
Denis Maurice - Panel 6. Psyches Kin Bid Her Farewell on a Mountain Top - GJ-9693.jpg
370.2 kB
Nunez de Villavicencio Pedro - Boy Looking for Fleas on a Dog - GJ-333.jpg
370.2 kB
Denis Maurice - Panel 5. In the Presence of the Gods Jupiter Bestows Immortality on Psyche and Celebrates Her Marriage to Eros - GJ-9670.jpg
370.2 kB
Bugiardini Giulio di Pietro di Simone - Holy Family with John the Baptist - GJ-66.jpg
370.1 kB
Maes Nicolaes - Old Woman Spinning - GJ-719.jpg
370.1 kB
Zhukovsky M. - Portrait of Doctor P.A. Badmayev - JRR-9219.jpg
370.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr M. Kolyubakin (1763 - after 1814) - GJ-7921.jpg
370.0 kB
Lucenti de Coreggio Jeronimo - The Annunciation - GJ-1465.jpg
370.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor P. Uvarov (1769-1824) (the artists replica ) - GJ-7829.jpg
370.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry M. Mordvinov (1772 - after 1841) - GJ-8039.jpg
370.0 kB
Bryullov Alexander Pavlovich - Sennaya (Hay) Square - JRG-17629.jpg
369.9 kB
Streek Juriaen van - Snack - GJ-3025.jpg
369.8 kB
Launer Josef - Bouquet of Flowers with a Butterfly - GJ-10600.jpg
369.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Anton A. Skalon (1767-1812) - GJ-7924.jpg
369.6 kB
Ricci Sebastiano - Abraham and the Angels - GJ-4726.jpg
369.6 kB
Heem Jan Davidsz de - Flowers in a Vase - GJ-1113.jpg
369.6 kB
Brueghel Jan I (de Fluweelen Brueghel) - Forest Landscape (The Rest on the Flight into Egypt) - GJ-424.jpg
369.4 kB
Bellange Jacques - Standing Figure - OR-15796.jpg
369.2 kB
Benso Giulio - Christ and the Saints in the Clouds (The Mystic Marriage of Christ to St Catherine of Siena and St Catherine of Alexandria with a Group of Saints) - OR-1640.jpg
369.2 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Head of a Child in Profile - OR-17966.jpg
369.0 kB
Dughet Gaspard (Gaspard Poussin) - Landscape with Lightning - GJ-2372.jpg
369.0 kB
Ribera Jose de - Penitent St Peter - GJ-4794.jpg
369.0 kB
Goya Francisco - Jacob and His Sons with the Bloody Tunic - GR-131-17999.jpg
368.9 kB
Panini Giovanni - Sermon of St Paul amidst the Ruins - GJ-5569.jpg
368.9 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - View of the Trinita dei Monti in Rome - OR-7134.jpg
368.8 kB
Teniers David II - Portrait of the Members of the Guild Oude Voetboog in Antwerp - GJ-572.jpg
368.7 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Head of a Young Dark-Haired Woman - OR-18883.jpg
368.5 kB
Manokhar - Portrait of Nakib Khan - IS-1130.jpg
368.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily D. Laptev (1760-1825) - GJ-7950.jpg
368.3 kB
Menzel Adolph von - Study of a Female Figure in Profile with Related Studies of a Hat and Right Hand - GR-77-11916.jpg
368.3 kB
Lampi Johann-Baptist I - Portrait of a Pastor - JRX-3196.jpg
368.2 kB
Marechal Helene - Autumn Landscape - OR-13578.jpg
368.1 kB
Boilly Louis-Leopold - At the Entrance - GJ-6643.jpg
368.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily D. Ilovaisky (1785-1860) (12th) - GJ-8014.jpg
368.1 kB
Friesz Othon - Flowers - GJ-7727.jpg
368.0 kB
Vernet Claude Joseph - Landscape with an Oak - OR-33078.jpg
368.0 kB
Castello Valerio - Massacre of the Innocents - GJ-2629.jpg
368.0 kB
Coypel Noel-Nicolas - Dianas Bathing - GJ-2757.jpg
367.9 kB
Matisse Henri - Moroccan in Green - GJ-9155.jpg
367.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan L. Paul (1768-1840) - GJ-7993.jpg
367.9 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Portrait of a Woman - OR-43589.jpg
367.9 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Pompeiian Gallery - OR-14367.jpg
367.9 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Coronation of the Virgin - GJ-1703.jpg
367.8 kB
Canal Antonio (Canaletto) - Reception of the French Ambassador in Venice - GJ-175.jpg
367.5 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Tancred and Erminia - GJ-1189.jpg
367.5 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Landscape with the River Tiber - OR-15928.jpg
367.5 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Entrance to the Ancient Palace (or Temple) on the Hill near Cefalu - OR-4131.jpg
367.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr P. Zagryazhsky (1781-1849) - GJ-8005.jpg
367.4 kB
Watteau Antoine - Landscape with a Waterfall - GJ-7766.jpg
367.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl F. Baggowut (1761-1812) - GJ-8136.jpg
367.4 kB
Bray Jan de - Allegorical Family Portrait - GJ-3492.jpg
367.3 kB
Parrocel Joseph - Battle by the Windmill - GJ-1673.jpg
367.2 kB
Derain Andre - Portrait of a Man with a Newspaper (Chevalier X) - GJ-9128.jpg
367.2 kB
Purrmann Hans - Nude - ZK-933.jpg
367.2 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Temple of Aesculapius in Diocletians Palace in Spalato - OR-11504.jpg
367.2 kB
Cherny (Chernov) Andrey Ivanovich - Portrait of Count Grigory Grigoryevich Orlov - JRR-8013.jpg
367.1 kB
Ostade Isaak van - Frozen Lake - GJ-907.jpg
367.1 kB
Thiry Leonard - Resurrection of Christ. Jonah Disgorged by a Great Fish - OR-8679.jpg
367.0 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul (workshop) - Uniting of Kingdoms - GJ-2576.jpg
367.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Gavriil A. Lukovkin (1772 - after 1848 ) - GJ-8052.jpg
366.9 kB
Kikukawa Eizan - Triptych The Gojo Bridge Scene from the Chronicle The Tale of Yoshitsune - YT-3525.jpg
366.9 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Grotto of Nymph Egeria - OR-11448.jpg
366.9 kB
Dawe George Wright Thomas - Portrait of Andrey V. Bogdanovsky (1780-1864) - GJ-8118.jpg
366.8 kB
Robertson Christina - Portrait of Zinaida I. Yusupova - GJ-7419.jpg
366.7 kB
Neer Aert van der - Night Landscape with a River - GJ-7173.jpg
366.7 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Apotheosis of James I - GJ-507.jpg
366.6 kB
Smeyers Jacques - Peasants at the Table - GJ-2882.jpg
366.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan D. Panchulidzev (1759-1815) (1st) - GJ-7883.jpg
366.5 kB
La Fosse Charles de - Christ in the Wilderness Surrounded by Angels - GJ-4427.jpg
366.5 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - New Jerusalem. Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ - JRR-6528.jpg
366.5 kB
Shchedrin Silvester Fedosyevich - Cave in Sorrento - JRX-2618.jpg
366.4 kB
Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille - Morning - GJ-3889.jpg
366.3 kB
Romanelli Giovanni Francesco - Hercules and Omphale - GJ-1601.jpg
366.2 kB
Dagnan-Bouveret Pascal Adolf Jean - Watercolourist in the Louvre - GJ-9787.jpg
366.2 kB
Goltzius Hendrick - Courtesan - OR-3742.jpg
366.1 kB
Christineck Carl Ludvig - Portrait of Sarah Greig - JRX-1064.jpg
366.0 kB
Lebrun Charles (circle) - Exorcism of Demons (the Ring of Solomon) - GJ-2375.jpg
366.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai A. Chicherin (1771-1837) - GJ-7918.jpg
365.9 kB
Wouwerman Philips - Horses at a Watering-Place - GJ-1006.jpg
365.7 kB
Picasso Pablo - Nude - GJ-7701.jpg
365.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail S. Vorontsov (1782-1856) - GJ-7850.jpg
365.7 kB
Paul L. - Equestrian Portrait of Emperor Alexander I - JRG-16579.jpg
365.7 kB
Huber Jean - Voltaires Breakfast - GJ-6721.jpg
365.5 kB
Bourdon Sebastien - Portrait of a Man in Armour (French Marshal) - GJ-2452.jpg
365.4 kB
Leonardo da Vinci - Madonna and the Child (The Litta Madonna) - GJ-249.jpg
365.4 kB
Hoogstraten Samuel Dircksz van - Boy Looking through the Window - GJ-2812.jpg
365.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of General Pyotr Bagration (1765-1812) - GJ-7818.jpg
365.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Karl K. Sievers (1772-1856) (1st) - GJ-7849.jpg
365.2 kB
Desportes Francois - Dog and Game - GJ-2219.jpg
365.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander A. Bibikov (1765-1822) - GJ-7915.jpg
364.9 kB
Schoppe Julius I - Tableau Vivant The Winner Heroes - OG-114427.jpg
364.9 kB
Catena Vincenzo (Vincenzo di Biagio) - Madonna and Child with Saints and the Donator (Sacred Conversation) - GJ-263.jpg
364.9 kB
Leickert Charles Henri Joseph - Urban Landscape - GJ-7623.jpg
364.9 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Brawl - GJ-799.jpg
364.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yevgeny A. Golovin (1782-1858) - GJ-8096.jpg
364.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander D. Balashov (1770-1837) - GJ-7837.jpg
364.5 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Waterfall in Tivoli - OR-11516.jpg
364.4 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Falstaff with a Tankard of Wine and a Pipe - OR-40234.jpg
364.4 kB
Vouet Simon - Portrait of Giulio Strozza - OR-6399.jpg
364.3 kB
Damame-Demartrais M.-F. - View of the Neva by the Peter and Paul Fortress in Winter - JRG-20854.jpg
364.3 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Thermae in San Calogero in the South-West of Lipari - OR-4153.jpg
364.1 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Corner of the Western Facade of the Ancient Palace (or Temple) on the Hill near Cefalu - OR-4131A.jpg
364.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ernest Prince of Hesse-Philipstal (1789-1850) - GJ-8054.jpg
364.1 kB
Descourtis Charles-Melhior - The Lover Caught Unawares - OG-160971.jpg
363.9 kB
Friedenreich Julius - Interiors of the Old Hermitage. The Italian Hall - OR-11090.jpg
363.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pavel A. Filisov (1768-1821) - GJ-7943.jpg
363.9 kB
Boilly Louis-Leopold - Painter - GJ-5662.jpg
363.7 kB
Hodler Ferdinand - Lake - GJ-4857.jpg
363.7 kB
Cameron Charles - Designs for Stoves - OR-11065.jpg
363.7 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Colosseum in Rome - OR-2570.jpg
363.7 kB
Bourdon Sebastien - Bacchanalia - GJ-6420.jpg
363.5 kB
Karelin Andrey Andreyevich - Portrait of Metropolitan Antonius - JRX-701.jpg
363.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Andrey T. Maslov (1770-1828) - GJ-7991.jpg
363.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr G. Likhachov (1758-1812) - GJ-7919.jpg
363.3 kB
Musikyisky Grigory Semyonovich - Family of Peter I - JRR-3798.jpg
363.2 kB
Lobre Maurice - Dauphins Salon at Versailles - GJ-6534.jpg
363.2 kB
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) - Repentant Mary Magdalene - GJ-117.jpg
363.2 kB
Teniers David II - Rural Feast - GJ-593.jpg
363.2 kB
Hosemann Teodor - Cavalcade of Princes and Knights. Quadrille 1 - OG-114434.jpg
363.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Sergey G. Volkonsky (1788-1865) - GJ-7838.jpg
363.1 kB
Dillens Hendrick Joseph - Archer the Winner - GJ-7532.jpg
363.1 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Landscape with a Portico - OR-6956.jpg
362.9 kB
Teniers David II - Temptation of St Antony - GJ-3780.jpg
362.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail F. Naumov (1757-1823) - GJ-8006.jpg
362.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail A. Shkapsky (1754-1816) - GJ-7965.jpg
362.8 kB
Kalf Willem - Dessert - GJ-2822.jpg
362.7 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Fragment of Ceiling-Painting in the House of Livia in Rome - OR-1862.jpg
362.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Osip F. (Joseph) Dolon (1774-1821) - GJ-8124.jpg
362.6 kB
Klokacheva Elena Nikandrovna - Portrait of Grigory Rasputin - JRR-5432.jpg
362.6 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - View of the Senate Arsenal Buildings and St Nicholas Gate in the Moscow Kremlin - JRR-6790.jpg
362.5 kB
Schoevaerdts Mathys - Landscape with Peasants Taking a Meal - GJ-8529.jpg
362.5 kB
Lebrun Charles - Portrait of Senator Ya.F. Dolgoruky - JRX-2216.jpg
362.5 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Girl with a Doll - GJ-3689.jpg
362.4 kB
Gallait Louis - Fishermans Family - GJ-5390.jpg
362.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander Ya. Knyazhnin (1771-1829) (1st) - GJ-7990.jpg
362.4 kB
Master of the Thuison Altarpiece - Entry into Jerusalem - GJ-5699.jpg
362.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander S. Shulgin (1770s-1841) - GJ-8121.jpg
362.2 kB
Willems Florent - Arrest. Scene from Musketeers Life - GJ-5324.jpg
362.2 kB
Hosemann Teodor - Cavalcade of Princes and Knights. Quadrille 2 - OG-114435.jpg
362.0 kB
Premazzi Luigi - View of Lake Maggiore - OR-43668.jpg
362.0 kB
Chelnakov Nikita Fyodorovich - View of Kazan from the River Kazanka - JRG-5873.jpg
361.9 kB
Striep Christian Jansz van - Flowers Lizard and Butterflies - GJ-3262.jpg
361.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan N. Essen (1759-1813) - GJ-7834.jpg
361.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexey A. Protasov (1780-1833) - GJ-8085.jpg
361.8 kB
Hosemann Teodor - Cavalcade of Princes and Knights. Quadrille 8 - OG-114441.jpg
361.8 kB
Teniers David II - Card Players - GJ-577.jpg
361.8 kB
Tocque Louis - Portrait of Actor as Apollo - GJ-5638.jpg
361.8 kB
Taunay Nicolas-Antoine - Triumph of the Guillotine - GJ-10324.jpg
361.7 kB
Bazhenov Vasily Ivanovich - Plan of the Opera House. Ground Floor - OR-23338.jpg
361.6 kB
Honthorst Gerrit van - Lute Player - GJ-718.jpg
361.6 kB
Orlovsky A. O. - Soldier of the Life-Guards Cossack Regiment - JRR-7651.jpg
361.6 kB
Petrov V.P. - Ramp by the Cameron Gallery in the Park in Tsarskoye Selo - JRR-6430.jpg
361.5 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Saltykov Staircase - OR-14352.jpg
361.5 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Adoration of the Shepherds - GJ-492.jpg
361.2 kB
Lies Joseph Hendrick Hubert - Scene in a Park - GJ-4230.jpg
361.1 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study of a Faun - OR-14759.jpg
361.0 kB
Patinir Joachim - Landscape with the Flight into Egypt - GJ-3085.jpg
361.0 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Spoiled Child - GJ-5725.jpg
360.9 kB
Zuccaro Federico - Angels and Cherubim Among Clouds - OR-22128.jpg
360.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander I. Kutaisov (1784-1812) - GJ-7945.jpg
360.8 kB
Porcellis Jan - Seascape - GJ-1017.jpg
360.7 kB
Daumier Honore - At the Gare Saint-Lazare - GR-131-17964.jpg
360.7 kB
Plepp Joseph - Still Life with Cherries and Cheese - GJ-9759.jpg
360.7 kB
Vallotton Felix - Woman at a Piano - GJ-4860.jpg
360.7 kB
Perrot Ferdinand-Victor - Church of Our Lady of Vladimir - JRG-20131.jpg
360.6 kB
Bardou Johann - Portrait of an Elderly Lady - OR-14210.jpg
360.5 kB
Robert Hubert - Flight - GJ-7732.jpg
360.5 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Wedding of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Fiodorovna - OR-27190.jpg
360.5 kB
Robert Hubert - Neglected Statue - GJ-4056.jpg
360.4 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Infant Christ Pricked with the Crown of Thorns - GJ-339.jpg
360.3 kB
Teniers David II - Duet - GJ-591.jpg
360.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai S. Sulima (1777-1840) - GJ-8126.jpg
360.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Semyon Kh. Stavrakov (1764-1819) - GJ-8008.jpg
360.1 kB
Shtenglin Ivan - Portrait of Grand Duke Piotr Fiodorovich - JRG-15281.jpg
360.1 kB
Biliverti Giovanni - Study Heads and a Boys Figure - OR-7224.jpg
360.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ludwig Wallmoden (1769-1862) - GJ-7852.jpg
360.0 kB
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) - Danae - GJ-121.jpg
359.9 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Seller of Apples and Spice Cakes - OR-26860.jpg
359.9 kB
Toulouse-Lautrec Henri de - Riders - GR-130-21159.jpg
359.8 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Statue of Ceres - GJ-504.jpg
359.8 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Portrait of Queen Elizabeth - GJ-469.jpg
359.8 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Fragment of an Ornamentated Frieze (Villa of Emperor Hadrian in Tivoli) - OR-2172.jpg
359.7 kB
Eeckhout Gerbrandt Jansz van den - Jeroboams Sacrifice at Bethel - GJ-791.jpg
359.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yegor A. Akhte (1772-1826) - GJ-8132.jpg
359.7 kB
Fyt Jan - Dead Game - GJ-6241.jpg
359.7 kB
Bassano Francesco (Francesco da Ponte) - Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes - GJ-2094.jpg
359.5 kB
Sadovnikov Vasily Semyonovich - View of the Winter Palace from the Admiralty - JRR-5514.jpg
359.3 kB
Bol Ferdinand - Portrait of an Officer - GJ-778.jpg
359.3 kB
Pereda Antonio de - Angel of the Guard - GJ-2645.jpg
359.3 kB
Gilbertson E. - Ivan the Great Bell-Tower and Archangel Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin - JRR-5539.jpg
359.3 kB
Ricciarelli Daniele (Daniele da Volterra) - Sibyl - OR-4702.jpg
359.3 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Nicholas I at the Construction Works - JRR-8031.jpg
359.2 kB
Garofalo Benvenuto Tisi da - Marriage at Cana - GJ-244.jpg
359.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Apollon S. Zhemchuzhnikov (1764-1840) - GJ-8029.jpg
359.0 kB
Riche Adele - Portrait of Natalia Obrenovich Queen of Serbia - GJ-10070.jpg
358.7 kB
Gonzaga Pietro di Gottardo - Design of the Decoration for the Resurrection Gate with the Iberian Chapel in Moscow on the Occasion of the Coronation of Alexander I - OR-34462.jpg
358.6 kB
Bossche (Bosch) Balthasar van den - Visit to a Sculptor - GJ-9947.jpg
358.5 kB
Rousseau Philippe - Scene from La Fontaines Fable The Rat Who Retired from the World - GJ-6603.jpg
358.5 kB
Goya Francisco - Man Pulling on a Rope - GR-131-17982.jpg
358.4 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Rest on the Flight into Egypt (Madonna with Partridges) - GJ-539.jpg
358.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Leonty L. Bennigsen (Levin) (1745-1826) - GJ-7817.jpg
358.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Vasily D. Rykov (1759-1827) - GJ-8125.jpg
358.1 kB
Kent Rockwell - Greenland Tryst - GJ-9927.jpg
358.0 kB
Stoopendael Daniel - View of Amsterdam with a Bridge Crossing the Amstel River and the Building of the Orphanage - OG-92066.jpg
357.9 kB
Fyt Jan - Still Life with Flowers Fruit and Parrot - GJ-4575.jpg
357.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor I. Masolov (1768-1844) - GJ-8059.jpg
357.8 kB
Nasmyth Patrick - Landscape with a Pond - GJ-3490.jpg
357.8 kB
Meulenaer Peeter - Forge - GJ-2558.jpg
357.7 kB
Braekeleer Adrien de - Home Music Party - GJ-9014.jpg
357.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yevgeny I. Markov (1769-1828) (1st) - GJ-7836.jpg
357.6 kB
Mengs Anton Raphael - Study of a Female Head - OR-11386.jpg
357.5 kB
Gaertner Johann-Philipp-Eduard - Study of Prince Wilhelm in Sans Souci Palace - OR-26588.jpg
357.4 kB
Sadovnikov Vasily Semyonovich - View of Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square and the General Staff Building St Petersburg - JRR-5516.jpg
357.4 kB
Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri) - Assumption of the Virgin - GJ-64.jpg
357.4 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - View of Sobornaya Square (Faceted Chamber Dormition Cathedral and Ivan the Great Bell-Tower) - JRR-6521.jpg
357.2 kB
Picasso Pablo - Green Pan and Black Bottle - GJ-7702.jpg
357.2 kB
Morandi Georgio - Still Life - GJ-8898.jpg
357.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Boris Kh. Richter (1782-1832) - GJ-8074.jpg
357.0 kB
Raeburn Henry - Portrait of Mrs E. Bethune - GJ-3512.jpg
356.9 kB
Leyssens (Lyssens) Jacob - Carcass in a Kitchen - GJ-8566.jpg
356.9 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Parade in front of the Anichkov Palace on 26 February 1870 - OR-27187.jpg
356.9 kB
Stevens Alfred - Pleasant Letter - GJ-5790.jpg
356.8 kB
Vishnyakov Ivan Yakovlevich - Portrait of S.S. Yakovleva - JRX-341.jpg
356.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Lev M. Yashvil (1768-1835) - GJ-7857.jpg
356.6 kB
Everdingen Allart van - Mouth of the River Schelde - GJ-1027.jpg
356.4 kB
Horemanns Jan Joseph I - Genre Scene - GJ-9988.jpg
356.3 kB
Levitsky Dmitry Grigoryevich - Portrait of Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov - JRR-7748.jpg
356.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pavel P. Turchaninov (1776-1839) (1st) - GJ-7973.jpg
356.1 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Mars and Venus - OR-5498.jpg
356.0 kB
Torelli Stefano - Diana and Endymion - GJ-6161.jpg
355.9 kB
Dou Gerard - Herring Seller - GJ-890.jpg
355.8 kB
Beranger Emile - Curions Woman - GJ-6954.jpg
355.8 kB
Rubens Arnold Frans - Cavalry Battle - GJ-8771.jpg
355.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yefim I. Chaplits (1768-1825) - GJ-7871.jpg
355.6 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Venus and Adonis - GJ-462.jpg
355.6 kB
Enckell Knut Magnus - Sailor Steering in the Sea. Pilot - OR-18908.jpg
355.5 kB
Molinari Antonio - Adoration of the Golden Calf - GJ-8451.jpg
355.5 kB
Pater Jean-Baptiste - Les Baigneuses (Women Bathing) - GJ-7670.jpg
355.4 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Interior of St Stefano Rotondo Church in Rome - OR-2473.jpg
355.2 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the New Hermitage. Voltaires Library - OR-11733.jpg
355.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Zakhar D. Olsufyev (1773-1835) - GJ-7827.jpg
355.1 kB
Seyssaud Rene - Ploughing - GJ-9701.jpg
355.0 kB
Laprade Pierre - Lady in the Garden - GJ-4904.jpg
355.0 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - Feast of the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan in Red Square - JRR-6533.jpg
354.9 kB
Pourbus Frans II - Group Portrait of Four Members of the Paris Council - GJ-1814.jpg
354.8 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Projection of an Etruscan Vase from the Gallery of the Grand Master of the Order of Malta - OR-4101.jpg
354.8 kB
Mellan Claude - Portrait of Henriette-Marie de Buade-Frontenac - OR-7373.jpg
354.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yegor K. Sievers (1779-1827) (3rd) - GJ-7980.jpg
354.7 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Pokrovsky (Intercession of the Virgin) Cathedral and the Spasskaya (Saviour) Tower in Moscow - OR-11715.jpg
354.7 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Ladies-in-Waiting to Queen Henrietta Maria Mrs George Kirke and Unknown Lady - GJ-540.jpg
354.7 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - View of the Islands of Basiluzzo and Stromboli - OR-4161.jpg
354.7 kB
Shtenglin Ivan - Portrait of Grand Duchess Yekaterina Alexeyevna (the future Empress Catherine II) - JRG-13350.jpg
354.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pavel A. Shuvalov (1774-1823) - GJ-7846.jpg
354.7 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Eventide in Little Russia - OR-43796.jpg
354.5 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Scenes of Meeting of Alexander III and Francis Joseph I Emperor of Austria in Augst 1885 - JRR-3997.jpg
354.4 kB
354.3 kB
Vos Simon de - Feat of Marcus Curtius - GJ-6430.jpg
354.3 kB
Mirza-Khan Kabuli - Miniature from the manuscript Divan - QLVR-1318.jpg
354.3 kB
Leys Henri - Vow - GJ-9216.jpg
354.2 kB
Ghislandi Vittore - Portrait of a Boy - GJ-5560.jpg
354.1 kB
Potter Paulus - Wolf-Hound - GJ-817.jpg
354.1 kB
Teniers David II - Sea Harbour - GJ-565.jpg
354.0 kB
Castello Valerio - Stoning of St Stephen - OR-14203.jpg
354.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Timofey I. Zbiyevsky (1766-1828) - GJ-7964.jpg
354.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr V. Denisyev (1766 - after 1834) - GJ-8105.jpg
353.9 kB
Snyders Frans - Greengrocery Stall - GJ-598.jpg
353.9 kB
Pereda Antonio de - Entombment - GJ-7366.jpg
353.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander I. Ostermann-Tolstoy (1770-1857) - GJ-7843.jpg
353.8 kB
Hosemann Teodor - Cavalcade of Princes and Knights. Quadrille 7 - OG-114440.jpg
353.7 kB
Stevens Joseph - Dog Carrying Dinner to its Master (Fable by La Fontaine) - GJ-7235.jpg
353.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai V. Ilovaisky (1773-1818) (5th) - GJ-7851.jpg
353.6 kB
Smout Dominicus - Avaricious One and the Death - GJ-10331.jpg
353.5 kB
Toeput Lodewyk (Il Pozzoserrato) - View of the Castel of Sant Angelo - OR-7464.jpg
353.4 kB
Zauerweid Alexander - Soldier of the Life-Guards Dragoon Regiment - VG-207666.jpg
353.2 kB
Erichsen (Ericksen) Virgilius - Equestrian Portrait of Catherine II - GJ-1312.jpg
353.2 kB
Fantin-Latour Henri - Peonies in a Vase - ZKR-553.jpg
353.2 kB
Goya Francisco - Maja and Majo - GR-131-17981.jpg
353.0 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Ruins of Phoenician Temple in Casal Caccia (western side) - OR-4110.jpg
353.0 kB
Veronese Paolo (Paolo Caliari) - Self-Portrait - GJ-119.jpg
352.9 kB
Robert Hubert - Stable in Ruins of the Villa Giulia - GJ-7662.jpg
352.9 kB
Carreno de Miranda Juan - Baptism of Christ - GJ-357.jpg
352.7 kB
Rosa Salvator - Odysseus and Nausicaa - GJ-35.jpg
352.6 kB
Watteau Antoine - Old Woman with a Spindle - OR-6298.jpg
352.6 kB
Jordaens Hans III - Sermon of St John the Baptist - GJ-3444.jpg
352.6 kB
Rubens Arnold Frans - Battle of the Turks with the Poles - GJ-2492.jpg
352.5 kB
Frentz Rudolf Fiodorovich (Ferdinandovich) - Report on the Emperors Hunt in 1900 - JRR-8369.jpg
352.5 kB
Laurencin Marie - Bacchante - GJ-9069.jpg
352.5 kB
Pettenhofen August - Gipsy Children - GJ-5760.jpg
352.5 kB
Hosemann Teodor - Cavalcade of Princes and Knights. Quadrille 9 - OG-114442.jpg
352.5 kB
Ehmsen Heinrich - Execution by Firing Squad of the Sailor Egelhofer (left-hand part of the triptych) - GJ-9996.jpg
352.3 kB
Bunin Narkiz Nikolayevich - Sentinel of the Life-Guard Horse Regiment in the Winter Palace - JRX-774.jpg
352.3 kB
Diaz de la Pena Narcisse - Turkish Family - GJ-3856.jpg
352.3 kB
Pasch Lorenz II - Portrait of Queen Sophie-Magdalene - GJ-4478.jpg
352.2 kB
Ochtervelt Jacob Lucasz - Buying Grapes - GJ-951.jpg
352.1 kB
Lemoine Marie-Victoire - Woman and Cupid - GJ-5159.jpg
352.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yegor I. Vlastov (1769-1837) - GJ-7910.jpg
352.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor V. Zvarykin (1765-1826) - GJ-8112.jpg
351.9 kB
Weiss Johann Baptist - Winter Landscape with the St Isaac Cathedral - OR-24051.jpg
351.8 kB
Cuijp Aelbert - View of Schraven-Deel - OR-2689.jpg
351.7 kB
Velazquez Diego - Head of a Man in Profile - GJ-295.jpg
351.7 kB
Debucourt Philibert-Louis - Parting or a Russian Officer with a Parisian Women - OG-243374.jpg
351.5 kB
Van Dongen Kees - Woman in a Black Hat - GJ-6572.jpg
351.4 kB
Backer Jacob Adriaensz - Head of a Bald Old Man in Profile - GJ-775.jpg
351.4 kB
Lagneau - Head of an Old Man in a Hat - OR-15174.jpg
351.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai N. Khovansky (1777-1837) - GJ-7954.jpg
351.3 kB
Allegrain Etienne - Landscape with Moses Saved from the Nile - GJ-1133.jpg
351.3 kB
Ribalta Francisco - Sermon of Saint VincentFerrer - GJ-7147.jpg
351.3 kB
Mander Karel van - Courtly Scene in a Palace Garden - OR-15092.jpg
351.2 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Crater of Vesuvius - OR-2561.jpg
351.2 kB
Lely Peter - Portrait of Queen Catherine of Braganza - OR-5925.jpg
351.2 kB
Diaz de la Pena Narcisse - Landscape with a Pine-tree - GJ-8324.jpg
351.1 kB
Meulenaer Peeter - Battle - GJ-10178.jpg
351.1 kB
La Fage Raymond - Death of Niobes Children - OR-4310.jpg
351.0 kB
Ribalta Francisco - Martyrdom of St Catherine - GJ-343.jpg
351.0 kB
Hosemann Teodor - Cavalcade of Princes and Knights. Quadrille 6 - OG-114439.jpg
350.9 kB
Hau Vladimir Ivanovich - Portrait of Countess Anna Bobrinskaya - JRR-378.jpg
350.9 kB
Denis Maurice - Panel 2. Zephyr Transporting Psyche to the Island of Delight - GJ-9667.jpg
350.9 kB
Picasso Pablo - Fruit in a Vase - GJ-9160.jpg
350.8 kB
Ferguson Willem Gowe - Still Life with Dead Game - GJ-2527.jpg
350.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Eugene Prince of Wurttemberg (1788-1857) - GJ-7831.jpg
350.6 kB
Puvis de Chavannes Pierre - Woman on the Beach - GJ-6564.jpg
350.5 kB
Boucher Francois - Head of a Young Girl - GJ-5635.jpg
350.4 kB
Mihr Ali - Portrait of Fath Ali Shah Seated - QLVR-1108.jpg
350.4 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Gravestone from Rabbato and Architectural Fragments - OR-4107.jpg
350.2 kB
Garibbo Luigi (Louis) - Piazza Santa Trinita Firenze - OR-27567.jpg
350.2 kB
Meissonnier Jean-Louis Ernest - Reading a Letter - GJ-5802.jpg
350.2 kB
Wright of Derby Joseph - Firework Display at the Castel Sant Angelo in Rome (La Girandola) - GJ-1315.jpg
350.1 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Tomb of Admiral Samuel Greig in the Cathedral at the City of Vishgorod - OR-43640.jpg
350.1 kB
Huysum Jan van - Flowers - GJ-1051.jpg
350.1 kB
Zauerweid Alexander - Field-Officer of the Life-Guards Dragoon Regiment - OG-207664.jpg
350.0 kB
Stieler Joseph Karl - Portrait of Duke of Saxe-Altenburg Josephs Family - GJ-5344.jpg
350.0 kB
Fourmois Theodore - Mill in Eprave - GJ-5375.jpg
349.9 kB
Juan de Juanes (Juan Macip Vicente) - The Virgin and the Child with St John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist - GJ-7405.jpg
349.9 kB
Massot Firmin - Portrait of Josephine - GJ-4928.jpg
349.9 kB
Celesti Andrea - Madonna and Child with St Anthony of Padua - GJ-6211.jpg
349.7 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - On a Sailing Ship - GJ-9773.jpg
349.6 kB
Denis Maurice - Panel 7. Cupid Carrying Psyche Up to Heaven - GJ-9694.jpg
349.6 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Ruins of the so-Called Temple of Neptune in Paestum - OR-16921.jpg
349.6 kB
Malevich Kazimir Severinovich - Black Square - GJ-10620.jpg
349.5 kB
Robert Hubert - Pool Surrounded by a Colonnade (Villa Giulia ) - GJ-9609.jpg
349.4 kB
Gornostayev Alexei - Palace in Strelna - JRR-5529.jpg
349.4 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Baptism of Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich on 20 May 1868 - OR-27189.jpg
349.4 kB
Camuccini Vincenzo - Portrait of Yekaterina P. Shuvalova - GJ-5264.jpg
349.4 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - St Athanasius. Reverse Sketches of Figures - OR-5513.jpg
349.4 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - Window Looking over the Park - OR-43909.jpg
349.3 kB
Liphart Ernst Karlovich - Menu of the Ceremonial Dinner Held on 25 May 1896 in the Great Kremlin Palace in Moscow to Celebrate the Coronation of Nicholas II - JRG-10628^8.jpg
349.3 kB
Sandrart Joachim von - Mars Venus and Cupid (Allegory of Anger) - GJ-7621.jpg
349.2 kB
Lvov N.A. - Project for the Ruins Pavilion in the Park in Tsarskoye Selo - JRR-3577.jpg
349.2 kB
Martorell Bernat - St Vincent the Martyr and St Vincent Ferrer - GJ-4761.jpg
349.2 kB
Lancret Nicolas - Concert in the Park - GJ-5624.jpg
349.2 kB
Suzuki Harunobu - Tea Ceremony - YT-2148.jpg
349.1 kB
Roussel Ker Xavier - Mythological Motif - GJ-9065.jpg
348.9 kB
HechtGuillaume Victor van der - Ruins of the Castle of Kenilworth - GJ-3837.jpg
348.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yakov Ye. Guine (1769-1813) - GJ-8037.jpg
348.8 kB
Reni Guido - Repentance of St Peter - GJ-63.jpg
348.8 kB
Plattmontagne Nicolas de - Sheet with Sketches - OR-22310.jpg
348.7 kB
Cesare da Sesto - Holy Family with St Catherine - GJ-80.jpg
348.6 kB
Girodet Anne-Louis - Head of a Woman in a Turban - GJ-8235.jpg
348.4 kB
Neer Aert van der - River in Winter - GJ-923.jpg
348.4 kB
348.3 kB
Bol Ferdinand - Bacchus and Ariadne - GJ-760.jpg
348.3 kB
Rousseau Theodore - Landscape with a Sunset - GJ-9788.jpg
348.2 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Widow and Her Priest - GJ-7521.jpg
348.1 kB
Rockstuhl Peter Ernst - Portrait of Crown Prince Konstantin Pavlovich - JRR-7279.jpg
348.1 kB
Braekeleer Ferdinand de - Fury of the French in Antwerp - GJ-3814.jpg
348.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander I. Talyzin (1777-1849) (2nd) - GJ-7949.jpg
347.9 kB
Peeters Gillis - View of a River - GJ-2450.jpg
347.8 kB
Gonzaga Pietro di Gottardo - Preliminary Design of the Decoration for the St Nicholas Gate in the Moscow Kremlin on the Occasion of the Coronation of Alexander I - OR-34463.jpg
347.7 kB
Besemann Adolf - Great Palace in Oranienbaum - JRR-5531.jpg
347.6 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Homestead with a Barn in the Village of Murino. Sketch - OR-43570.jpg
347.6 kB
Dou Gerard - Soldier Bather - GJ-893.jpg
347.4 kB
Neuville Alphonse Marie de - Regaling the Commander - GJ-8903.jpg
347.2 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - African Fisherman (Seneca) - OR-5499.jpg
347.2 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Landscape with Dancing Figures - GJ-6552.jpg
347.1 kB
Nattier Jean-Marc - Portrait of Pierre-Victoire Baron of Besenval - GJ-7488.jpg
347.1 kB
Cezanne Paul - Girl at the Piano (The Overture to Tannhauser) - GJ-9166.jpg
347.1 kB
Avnatamov A. - Winter Races on the Neva - JRG-20030.jpg
346.9 kB
Vernet Claude Joseph - Ruins near the Mouth of a River - GJ-5640.jpg
346.8 kB
Teniers David II - Monkeys in the Kitchen - GJ-568.jpg
346.8 kB
Lepine Stanislas Victor Edouard - Landscape with a Bridge - GJ-5099.jpg
346.7 kB
Jordaens Hans III - The Israelites after Crossing the Red Sea - GJ-444.jpg
346.7 kB
Rotari Pietro - Portrait of Countess A.M. Vorontsova - GJ-5430.jpg
346.7 kB
Goyen Jan van - Winter Scene near The Hague - GJ-971.jpg
346.7 kB
Ando Hiroshige - Sheet Lobster and Shrimps - YT-3684.jpg
346.7 kB
Nordenberg Bengt - Dead Stag - GJ-10110.jpg
346.6 kB
Miel Jan - Harbour - GJ-2617.jpg
346.5 kB
Opie John - Portrait of Miss Frances Vinicombe - GJ-3514.jpg
346.5 kB
Bellange Jacques - Study of an Apostles Figure - OR-15791.jpg
346.4 kB
Archipenko Alexander - Two Nude Female Figures with a Cloth - GR-155-67.jpg
346.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Adam I. Bistrom (1774-1826) (2nd) - GJ-7981.jpg
346.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry D. Kuruta (1770-1833) - GJ-8041.jpg
346.3 kB
Nunez del Valle Pedro - Annunciation - GJ-367.jpg
346.3 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Grotto at Baia - OR-11491.jpg
346.3 kB
Leys Henri - Guardroom - GJ-3907.jpg
346.2 kB
Vaga Perino del (Pietro Buonaccorsi) - Lamentation - GJ-8468.jpg
346.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry S. Dokhturov (1756-1816) - GJ-7815.jpg
345.9 kB
Hosemann Teodor - Cavalcade of Princes and Knights. Quadrille 5 - OG-114438.jpg
345.8 kB
Lippi Filippo Fra - Vision of St Augustine - GJ-5511.jpg
345.8 kB
Tocque Louis - Portrait of Ekaterina Golovkina - GJ-7636.jpg
345.7 kB
Honthorst Gerrit van - Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane (The Agony in the Garden) - GJ-4612.jpg
345.7 kB
Droochsloot Jost Cornelisz - Winter in a Dutch Town - GJ-700.jpg
345.6 kB
Lingelbach Johannes - Flemish Town Sieged by the Spanish Soldiers - JRX-1829.jpg
345.4 kB
Hildebrandt Eduard - Grand Mosque in Alexandria - OR-27022.jpg
345.4 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Sepulchre near the Gates of the Ancient City of Tindari - OR-4136.jpg
345.3 kB
Mellan Claude - Portrait of Anne of Austria - OR-4639.jpg
345.3 kB
Lancret Nicolas - Concert in the Park - GJ-1621.jpg
345.2 kB
Prenner Georg Caspar von - Portrait of Marshal of the Count Karl Sievers - JRX-1866.jpg
345.1 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van - Landscape with a Traveller - GJ-938.jpg
345.0 kB
Vos Cornelis de - Self-Portrait of the Artist with his Wife Suzanne Cock and their Children - GJ-623.jpg
345.0 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban (circle) - Two Women Behind a Grille - GJ-338.jpg
345.0 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - Embankment of Vasilyevsky Island near the Academy of Arts - JRX-1901.jpg
344.9 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Villa of Lord Whitworth in Tsarskoye Selo. Facade with the Staircase and Terrace - OR-13647.jpg
344.9 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - View of the St Nicholas Cathedral - JRX-1906.jpg
344.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexey G. Shcherbatov (1776-1848) - GJ-7854.jpg
344.7 kB
Noordt Jan van - Rest on the Flight into Egypt - GJ-3072.jpg
344.7 kB
Helst Bartholomeus van der - Nieuwmarkt in Amsterdam - GJ-867.jpg
344.7 kB
Shiflard Samuil (Solomon) Petrovich - Field-Officer of the Preobrazhensky Regiment on Horseback - JRR-7615.jpg
344.6 kB
Allori Alessandro - Allegory of the Christian Church - GJ-8430.jpg
344.5 kB
Bles Herri Met de - Landscape with Flight into Egypt - GJ-452.jpg
344.5 kB
Bordon Paris - Holy Family with St Catherine - GJ-219.jpg
344.4 kB
Troy Jean-Francois de - Scene in the Park - GJ-1274.jpg
344.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Stepan V. Dyatkov (1759 - after 1818) - GJ-7926.jpg
344.4 kB
Daumier Honore - At the Landlords - GR-131-17965.jpg
344.3 kB
Grekov Alexei Angiliyevich - Design of a Chinese Vessel Moon-Flask Type - JRR-7112.jpg
344.2 kB
Gaertner Johann-Philipp-Eduard - Household Buildings in Potsdam on 13 July 1829 - OG-114420.jpg
344.2 kB
Dufy Raoul - Sailing-Boats in Troville - GJ-10604.jpg
344.1 kB
Picasso Pablo - Two Sisters (The Meeting) - GJ-9071.jpg
344.1 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Autumn - OR-17964.jpg
344.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pyotr F. Zheltukhin (1777-1829) (replica of the 1823 portrait) - GJ-8010.jpg
344.1 kB
Melzi Francesco - Flora - GJ-107.jpg
344.1 kB
Picasso Pablo - Clarinet and Violin - GJ-6530.jpg
344.0 kB
Saint-Jean Jean de (Jean de Dieu) - Portrait of Louis XIV on Horseback in the Battle of Cambrai - OG-92040.jpg
344.0 kB
Shaykh Abbasi - Woman in Indian Dress - QLVR-740^QL2XV.jpg
344.0 kB
Le Nain Louis - Visit to Grandmother - GJ-1172.jpg
344.0 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Country-House on Ancient Ruins A - OR-2497.jpg
343.9 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Ancient Palace (or Temple) on a Hill near Cefalu - OR-4130.jpg
343.8 kB
Fragonard Jean-Honore - Farmers Children - GJ-1179.jpg
343.6 kB
Mostaert Gillis - Landscape with Flight into Egypt - GJ-2040.jpg
343.5 kB
Peirano Genovese - Flowers and Vase - GJ-8457.jpg
343.5 kB
De Marne Jean-Louis - Market in a Seaport - GJ-1297.jpg
343.4 kB
Witte Emmanuel de - Old Church (Oudekerk) in Delft - GJ-7529.jpg
343.4 kB
Guerin Charles - Nude - GJ-9115.jpg
343.4 kB
Fragonard Jean-Honore - Stairs in a Park - OR-10497.jpg
343.3 kB
Jacottet Louis Julienn Bachelier Charles Claude - View of Blagoveshchenie (Annunciation) Square - JRG-7522.jpg
343.3 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - GJ-5759.jpg
343.3 kB
La Fosse Charles de - Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalene - GJ-1215.jpg
343.2 kB
Rovet Henri - Portrait of a Girl - OR-13599.jpg
343.2 kB
Ishiyotei Yoshitaki - Triptych The Actors Fujikawa Tomokichi III Arashi Kichisaburo III and Jitsukawa Ensaburo - YT-3813-27.jpg
343.1 kB
Matisse Henri - Portrait of the Artists Wife - GJ-9156.jpg
343.1 kB
Shchedrin Semyon Fiodorovich - Landscape with a Farm in the Park in Tsarskoye Selo - JRR-6428.jpg
343.1 kB
Nikitin Ivan Nikitich - Portrait of Grand Duchess Yelizaveta Petrovna as a Child - JRX-1401.jpg
343.1 kB
Hosemann Teodor - Cavalcade of Princes and Knights. Quadrille 4 - OG-114437.jpg
343.1 kB
Cozens Alexander - Study of a Cloudy Sky - OR-41571.jpg
343.1 kB
Gobert Pierre - Portrait of Luiza Adelaida of Orlean - GJ-5733.jpg
343.0 kB
Hosemann Teodor - Cavalcade of Princes and Knights. Quadrille 3 - OG-114436.jpg
343.0 kB
Perrot Ferdinand-Victor - Embankment of the Fontanka River - JRG-20137.jpg
343.0 kB
Kauffman - Sinking Boat - OR-13592.jpg
343.0 kB
Vos Pauwel (Paul) de - Still Life with Dead Game and Lobster - GJ-600.jpg
342.8 kB
Bourdon Sebastien - Moses and the Burning Bush - GJ-6118.jpg
342.8 kB
Watteau Antoine - Hardships of War - GJ-1159.jpg
342.8 kB
Watteau Antoine - Design of the Decorative Panel Autumn - OR-40783.jpg
342.7 kB
Lehman Carl Peter - Rocks and a Waterfall in Norway - GJ-7550.jpg
342.6 kB
Zhukovsky Rudolf Kazimirovich - Marchants on the Point of Vassilyevsky Island - JRG-2845.jpg
342.5 kB
Geirnaert Theodore Joseph Louis - Hungarian Doctor - GJ-7398.jpg
342.5 kB
Pluym Carel van der - Old Man holding a Pair of Spectacles - GJ-770.jpg
342.5 kB
Cambiaso Luca - Venus and Adonis - GJ-2774.jpg
342.4 kB
Ricci Sebastiano - Childhood of Romulus and Remus - GJ-5553.jpg
342.2 kB
Tobar Alonso Miguel de - Boy Blowing Soap Bubbles - GJ-368.jpg
342.1 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Study of a Boy Walking - OR-14978.jpg
342.1 kB
Flameng Francois - Reception at Compiegne in 1810 - GJ-6273.jpg
342.1 kB
Volaire. Pierre-Jacques (Jacques-Antoine) (chevalier Volaire) - Ship-Wreck - OR-18867.jpg
342.0 kB
Rietshoof Jan Claesz - Ships at Sea in Calm Weather - GJ-1016.jpg
341.9 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Return of the Prodigal Son - GJ-742.jpg
341.7 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Pieter Bruegel the Younger - OR-5908.jpg
341.6 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Descent from the Cross - GJ-7087.jpg
341.5 kB
Dehoij J. - Willem van de Velde Sketching a Sea Battle - GJ-7522.jpg
341.5 kB
Adolsky (Odolsky) Ivan I Grigoryevich - Portrait of Tsarevna Anna Petrovna - JRX-565.jpg
341.4 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Ruins of Phoenician Temple in Casal Caccia - OR-4108.jpg
341.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai I. Depreradovich (1767-1843) - GJ-7863.jpg
341.3 kB
Hildebrandt Eduard - Bosphorus Cemetery - OR-27024.jpg
341.2 kB
Pace Michele (Michelangelo di Campidoglio) - Still Life with Grapes - GJ-2486.jpg
341.2 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Elizabeth and Philadelphia Wharton - GJ-533.jpg
341.1 kB
Watteau Antoine - Holy Family (Rest on the Flight into Egypt) - GJ-1288.jpg
341.1 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Temple of the Sibyl in Tivoli - OR-2567.jpg
341.1 kB
Oost Jacob van I - David Bearing the Head of Goliath - GJ-676.jpg
341.0 kB
Ruyten Jean Michel - Parting - GJ-10016.jpg
341.0 kB
Teniers David II (circle) - Smoker - GJ-615.jpg
341.0 kB
La Touche Gaston - Last Supper - OR-42337.jpg
341.0 kB
Vasilyev Matvei - Portrait of Mikhail Vorontsov - JRKM-677.jpg
340.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander F. Michaud de Beauretour (1771-1841) - GJ-8081.jpg
340.9 kB
Tilborch Gillis van - Village Inn - GJ-627.jpg
340.9 kB
Picasso Pablo - Seated Woman - GJ-9163.jpg
340.8 kB
Huijsum Justus van - Flowers - GJ-7781.jpg
340.7 kB
Michel Georges - Landscape with a Mill - GJ-5681.jpg
340.7 kB
Moreau Jean-Michel II - Head of an Apostle - OR-42138.jpg
340.7 kB
Steenwyck Hendrick van II - Interior of a Gothic Church - GJ-1895.jpg
340.7 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - View of the Island of Vulcano from the Island of Lipari - OR-4146.jpg
340.7 kB
Descelles Paul - Children at Meal - OR-13549.jpg
340.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan D. Ilovaisky (1767- after 1827) (4th) - GJ-7925.jpg
340.4 kB
Hillestrom Per I - Mothers Advice - GJ-5827.jpg
340.4 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Serapeum by Canopus Canal at the Villa of Emperor Hadrian in Tivoli - OR-11552.jpg
340.4 kB
Vernet Horace - Self-Portrait - GJ-5679.jpg
340.4 kB
Miel Jan - Charlatan - GJ-646.jpg
340.3 kB
Fyt Jan - Hare Fruit and Parrot - GJ-616.jpg
340.3 kB
Caracciolo Giovanni Battista (Battistello) - Christ and Caiaphas - GJ-2123.jpg
340.3 kB
Lampi Johann-Baptist I - Portrait of Stanislas-Auguste Poniatowski - GJ-1361.jpg
340.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Andrey P. Turchaninov (1779 - after 1830) (2nd) - GJ-8045.jpg
340.1 kB
Mola Pier Francesco - Rest on the Flight into Egypt - GJ-1530.jpg
340.0 kB
Sharaf al-Husayni al-Yazdi - Youth Playing a Lute - QLVR-701.jpg
339.9 kB
Juel Jens - Portrait of a Woman - GJ-5831.jpg
339.9 kB
Bartsius (Bartius) Willem - Death of Levis Wife - GJ-3384.jpg
339.8 kB
Albani Francesco - Rape of Europa - GJ-55.jpg
339.8 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van - Waterfall in Norway - GJ-942.jpg
339.8 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Maxim K. Kryzhanovsky (1777-1839) - GJ-8031.jpg
339.8 kB
Hess Peter von - Morning in Partenkirchen - GJ-5777.jpg
339.7 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Conversion of Saul - OR-8050.jpg
339.5 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Head of a Child in Face - OR-17967.jpg
339.4 kB
Marees Hans von - Courtyard with the Grotto in the Munich Royal Residence - GJ-5755.jpg
339.3 kB
Vinogradov Yefim Grigoriyevich Kachalov Grigory Anikiyevich - View of the Neva Downstream between the Winter Palace and the Academy of Sciences - JRG-31672.jpg
339.3 kB
Campin Robert - The Virgin and the Child by a Fireplace (Right Wing of a Diptych) - GJ-442.jpg
339.2 kB
Vos Pauwel (Paul) de - Still Life with a Boars Head - JRX-1824.jpg
339.0 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Haman Recognizes His Fate - GJ-752.jpg
338.9 kB
Bergen Dirk van - Landscape - GJ-10589.jpg
338.8 kB
Huber Jean - Voltaire Riding a Horse - GJ-6722.jpg
338.7 kB
Witte Emmanuel de - Interior of a Church - GJ-803.jpg
338.6 kB
Elsheimer Adam - Saint Christopher - GJ-694.jpg
338.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yeremey Ya. Savoini (1766-1836) - GJ-8012.jpg
338.6 kB
Terbusch-Lisiewska (Liszewska) Anna Dorothea - Portrait of a Young Lady with Curly Hair - OR-5727.jpg
338.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Andrey S. Glebov (1770-1854) - GJ-7989.jpg
338.5 kB
Teniers David II - Flautist - GJ-640.jpg
338.4 kB
Cezanne Paul - Still Life with a Curtain - GJ-6514.jpg
338.4 kB
Benfatto del Friso Alvise - Descent of the Hoby Spirit - GJ-152.jpg
338.3 kB
Meulen Adam-Franz van der - Battle - GJ-631.jpg
338.3 kB
Mellan Claude - Portrait of Louise-Marie de Gonzague - OR-1814.jpg
338.3 kB
Adam Albrecht - Battle of Moscow on 7 September 1812 - OR-25992.jpg
338.3 kB
Jansens Hieronymus - The Ball - GJ-7357.jpg
338.3 kB
Teniers David II - Mountainous Landscape - GJ-580.jpg
338.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry D. Shepelev (1771-1841) - GJ-7848.jpg
338.2 kB
Vernet Horace - Plague in Barcelona - GJ-10602.jpg
338.1 kB
Houasse Rene Antoine - Mary Meeting Elizabeth - OR-3902.jpg
338.1 kB
Durand Andre - St Nicholas Naval Cathedral - JRG-6145.jpg
338.0 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Hagar Leaves the House of Abraham - GJ-475.jpg
337.9 kB
Oosten Isaac van - Landscape with a Cavalry Group - GJ-2186.jpg
337.9 kB
Galloche Louis - Diana and Actaeon - GJ-1163.jpg
337.8 kB
Novelli Pietro - Madonna with Child and Saints (After the Altar Painting from the Il Domo di S. Martino di Tolmezzo) - OR-20301.jpg
337.7 kB
Gronckel Wital Jean de - Portrait of Two Children - GJ-7517.jpg
337.6 kB
Robertson Christina - Portrait of Grand Princesses Olga Nikolayevna and Alexandra Nikolayevna - GJ-9574.jpg
337.6 kB
Francken Frans II - Marriage at Cana - GJ-410.jpg
337.6 kB
Steen Jan - Tavern Scene - GJ-798.jpg
337.6 kB
Pourbus Frans II - Group Portrait of Three Members of the Paris Council - GJ-420.jpg
337.6 kB
Hoffbauer Charles - In the Restaurant - GJ-7319.jpg
337.5 kB
Weenix Jan-Baptist - River Crossing - GJ-3740.jpg
337.4 kB
Amaral Tarsila do - An Angler - GJ-8915.jpg
337.3 kB
Zauerweid Alexander - Field-Officer of the Life-Guards Hussar Regiment - OG-207667.jpg
337.3 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Camel - OR-8176.jpg
337.1 kB
Goyen Jan van - Landscape with a Peasant Cottage - GJ-3067.jpg
337.0 kB
Lombard Edmont - Landscape with Women in a Vineyard - OR-13576.jpg
336.9 kB
Rowlandson Thomas - Justice of the Peace - GR-151-21647.jpg
336.9 kB
Luciani Sebastiano (Sebastiano del Piombo) - Portrait of Cardinal Reginald Pole - GJ-81.jpg
336.9 kB
Veronese Paolo (Paolo Caliari) - Lamentation - GJ-49.jpg
336.8 kB
Voet Jacob-Ferdinand - Portrait of Gabriela Mancini - GJ-5743.jpg
336.7 kB
Crespi Giuseppe Maria (Lo Spagnolo) - Genre Scene Shepherd and Shepherdess - GJ-5542.jpg
336.7 kB
Gatine Georges-Jacques - In a Cafe - OG-397959.jpg
336.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan A. Khrushchov (1774-1824) - GJ-7914.jpg
336.5 kB
Cezanne Paul - Fruit - GJ-9026.jpg
336.4 kB
Dillens Adolphe-Alexandre - Capture of Joan of Arc - GJ-3831.jpg
336.3 kB
Bellange Jacques - Woman with a Spade - OR-16126.jpg
336.2 kB
Bol Ferdinand - Young Woman at a Window - GJ-769.jpg
336.1 kB
Charlemagne Joseph (Jossif) Ivanovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Nursery of the Children of Emperor Nicholas I or the Ship Room - OR-39924.jpg
336.0 kB
Charbonnier A.-E. - View of the Square at Liverdun in Lorraine - OR-13542.jpg
336.0 kB
Wtewael Joachim - Christ with Children - GJ-709.jpg
336.0 kB
Kent Rockwell - Squall. Greenland - GJ-9933.jpg
336.0 kB
Huysmans Cornelis - Forest Landscape - GJ-656.jpg
335.8 kB
Schmidt Johann Heinrich - Portrait of Lowis of Menar - OR-43216.jpg
335.8 kB
Erichsen (Ericksen) Virgilius - Portrait of Catherine II in Profile - GJ-9908.jpg
335.7 kB
Guillaumin Armand Baptiste - Seine - GJ-8904.jpg
335.7 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Pastoral Scene - GJ-493.jpg
335.7 kB
Rowlandson Thomas - Dog Fighters Club - GR-151-21644.jpg
335.6 kB
White Charles - Flowers and Birds - GJ-3784.jpg
335.5 kB
Loth Johann Carl - Elizarus and Rebekah at the Well - GJ-3675.jpg
335.4 kB
Schonfeld Johann Heinrich - Rape of the Sabine Women - GJ-2513.jpg
335.4 kB
Cossiers Jan - Fortune Telling - GJ-4717.jpg
335.4 kB
Dubufe Louis Edouard - Lovelace Abducting Clarissa Harlowe - GJ-7756.jpg
335.3 kB
Titian and workshop - Portrait of Pope Paul III - GJ-122.jpg
335.2 kB
Nolde Emil - Portrait of a Man - GR-155-72.jpg
335.2 kB
Troost Jan - Scene in a Coffee Shop - GJ-5622.jpg
335.1 kB
Boilly Louis-Leopold - Game of Billiards - GJ-5666.jpg
335.1 kB
Teniers David II - Landscape with Fishermen - GJ-590.jpg
335.1 kB
Vuillard Edouard - In a Room - GJ-6538.jpg
334.9 kB
Teniers David II - Reaping - GJ-2778.jpg
334.8 kB
Kolokolnikov Mina Lukich - Portrait of Andrei Vasilyev - JRX-3259.jpg
334.8 kB
Ippitsusai Buncho - Ofuji of Yanagiya - YT-2152.jpg
334.6 kB
Callot Jacques - Entrance of Monsieurs de Couvonge and de Chalabre - OR-1525.jpg
334.6 kB
Leonardo da Vinci - Madonna and the Child (The Benois Madonna) - GJ-2773.jpg
334.5 kB
Moretto da Brescia (Alessandro Bonvicino) - Portrait of a Boy with his Nurse - GJ-182.jpg
334.4 kB
Faillot A. - Brook - OR-13554.jpg
334.4 kB
Vuillard Edouard - Children in a Room - OR-42153.jpg
334.4 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the Greenhouse - OR-23347.jpg
334.4 kB
Knupfer Nicolaus - Hercules Obtaining the Girdle of Hyppolita - GJ-3064.jpg
334.3 kB
Francken Frans II - Witches-Kitchen - GJ-2491.jpg
334.3 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Ruins of the Ancient City of Tindari - OR-4144.jpg
334.3 kB
Tiepolo Giovanni Battista - Scherzo di Fantasia - OR-40792.jpg
334.2 kB
Es Jacob van - Breakfast with Oisters - GJ-3498.jpg
334.2 kB
Fetti Domenico - Satan Sowing Darnel (Tares) - OR-14179.jpg
334.2 kB
Kandinsky Vasily - Composition VI - GJ-9662.jpg
334.2 kB
Procaccini Giulio Cesare - Holy Family - GJ-94.jpg
334.2 kB
Cassana Giovanni Agostino - Rams and Goat - GJ-2032.jpg
334.1 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Ruins of Phoenician Temple in Casal Caccia (interior view) - OR-4109.jpg
334.0 kB
Giordano Luca - Birth of St John the Baptist - GJ-2607.jpg
333.9 kB
Moroni Giovanni Battista - Portrait of a Man - GJ-171.jpg
333.9 kB
Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille - Landscape with a Lake - GJ-5685.jpg
333.8 kB
Bassano Francesco (Francesco da Ponte) - Summer - GJ-232.jpg
333.7 kB
Cipper Giacomo Francesco (Il Todeschini) - Genre Scene - GJ-5544.jpg
333.6 kB
Verhaecht Tobias Congnet Gilles - Landscape with St John the Evangelist at Patmos - GJ-8694.jpg
333.5 kB
Flameng Francois - Portrait of Princess Zinaida Yusupova with Two Sons at Arkhangelskoe - JRX-1370.jpg
333.5 kB
Rosa Salvator - Prodigal Son - GJ-34.jpg
333.5 kB
Palma il Vecchio Jacopo (Jacopo Nigreti) - Madonna and Child - GJ-5552.jpg
333.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Timofey D. Grekov (1770-1831) - GJ-8097.jpg
333.3 kB
Hemessen Catharina van - Self-Portrait - GJ-10062.jpg
333.3 kB
Ukhtomsky Konstantin Andreyevich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Dark Corridor - OR-11822.jpg
333.3 kB
Meulen Adam-Franz van der - Louis XIV at the Taking of Besancon - GJ-675.jpg
333.3 kB
Brakenburgh Richard - Peasants Dancing - GJ-2918.jpg
333.2 kB
Metsu Gabriel - Doctors Visit - GJ-919.jpg
333.1 kB
Alexeyev Fiodor - Panoramic View of Tsaritsyno - JRR-6791.jpg
333.0 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Inhabited Ruins F - OR-2502.jpg
333.0 kB
Picasso Pablo - Friendship - GJ-6576.jpg
332.9 kB
Porcellis Jan - Seascape - GJ-1403.jpg
332.8 kB
Caroto Giovanni Francesco - Madonna and Child with St Francis and St Catherine - GJ-8432.jpg
332.8 kB
Hemessen Jan Sanders van - St Jerome - GJ-451.jpg
332.7 kB
Ortolani Damon Gio Battista - Portrait of Princess Varvara Golitsyna - JRX-3231.jpg
332.6 kB
Paudiss Christopher - Portrait of a Young Man in a Fur Hat - GJ-1976.jpg
332.6 kB
Signac Paul - Sailboats at a Pier in Honfleur - GR-130-21158.jpg
332.6 kB
Castiglione Giovanni Benedetto (Il Grechetto) - Adoration of the Shepherds - OR-18280.jpg
332.6 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Crown of Thorns (Ecce Homo) - GJ-3778.jpg
332.6 kB
Teniers David II (circle) - Court of the Dry Toren Castle - GJ-1716.jpg
332.6 kB
Calame Alexandre - Landscape with Oaks - GJ-5779.jpg
332.5 kB
Claesz Pieter - Breakfast with Fish - GJ-3493.jpg
332.5 kB
Stuck Franz von - Fighting for a Woman - GJ-9175.jpg
332.4 kB
Rousseau Henri - View of the Fortifications to the left of the Gate of Vanves - GJ-6535.jpg
332.3 kB
Francken Frans II - Seven Affairs of Charity - GJ-395.jpg
332.3 kB
Cerezo Mateo - Immaculate Conception - GJ-1456.jpg
332.2 kB
Turner C. - Portrait of Empress Elizabeth Alexeyevna - JRG-16657.jpg
332.1 kB
Huysmans Cornelis - Landscape with a Ruined Tower - GJ-670.jpg
332.0 kB
Coxie Michiel van - Annunciation - GJ-427.jpg
331.8 kB
Manzu Giacomo - Lovers - OR-47831.jpg
331.8 kB
Netscher Caspar - Portrait of Mary Stuart II - GJ-1082.jpg
331.7 kB
Waidmann P. - An Old Church - OR-13610.jpg
331.7 kB
Oudenrogge Johannes Dircksz - Weaver - GJ-794.jpg
331.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry P. Rezvy (1762-1823) - GJ-7903.jpg
331.7 kB
Lancret Nicolas - Study of two Children and an Arm - OR-18885.jpg
331.5 kB
Mansueti Giovanni di Niccolo - Madonna and Child with St John the Evangelist and Unknown Saint - GJ-9227.jpg
331.5 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Ruins of the Central Hall of the Large Baths at the Villa of Emperor Hadrian in Tivoli - OR-2592.jpg
331.4 kB
Corte Juan de la - Battle - GJ-4185.jpg
331.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan V. Manteuffel (1772-1813) - GJ-7947.jpg
331.2 kB
Huber Jean - Voltaires Morning - GJ-6724.jpg
330.8 kB
Guidi Virgilio - Visit - GJ-9114.jpg
330.8 kB
Auguin E. - Dedication - OR-13529.jpg
330.8 kB
Hildebrandt Eduard - View of the Ruins of the Temple of Karnak - OR-27026.jpg
330.8 kB
Jordaens Hans III - The Pharaon Periching in Red Sea - GJ-5583.jpg
330.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Arseny A. Zakrevsky (1783-1865) (replica of the 1820 portrait) - GJ-8091.jpg
330.7 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Tatar and Mule. Study - OR-43568.jpg
330.7 kB
Tschaggeny Charles - Artist at Work - GJ-3968.jpg
330.6 kB
Perrot Ferdinand-Victor - View of Sennaya (Hay) Square - JRG-20126.jpg
330.5 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Emperor Nikolas II Family - OR-35712.jpg
330.4 kB
Steenwyck Pieter van - Still Life (Vanitas) - GJ-10413.jpg
330.4 kB
Bellange Jacques - Gypsy with a Child - OR-15793.jpg
330.3 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Architectural Fantasy - OR-2552.jpg
330.3 kB
Castiglione Giovanni Benedetto (Il Grechetto) - Crucifixion - OR-42114.jpg
330.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan V. Sabaneyev (1771-1829) - GJ-7855.jpg
330.1 kB
Denis Maurice - Study of the First Pannel from the Series The Story of Psyche - OR-48149.jpg
330.0 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Design of Pilasters for S. Maria della Pace in Rome - OR-2273.jpg
330.0 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Rocks by the Shore in the Bay of La Trizza - OR-3987.jpg
330.0 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Summer - OR-17962.jpg
330.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexey V. Voyeykov (1778-1825) - GJ-8015.jpg
329.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Luka A. Denisyev (1762-1846) - GJ-7939.jpg
329.8 kB
Matisse Henri - Womans Head - OR-46051.jpg
329.7 kB
Neeffs Peeter II - Interior of the Antwerp Cathedral - GJ-1892.jpg
329.6 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - View of the Rocks on the Third Island of Cyclops - OR-3986.jpg
329.5 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Count K. Palen - OR-27466.jpg
329.5 kB
Teniers David II - Peasant Wedding - GJ-1719.jpg
329.5 kB
MeaderJames - View of the English Park with the Large Birch Bridge. Peterhof - OR-23630.jpg
329.4 kB
Robert Hubert - Ruins of a Doric Temple - GJ-1293.jpg
329.3 kB
Provost Jan - Madonna with the Child - GJ-405.jpg
329.3 kB
Vrancx Sebastiaen - Attack of Robbers - GJ-3329.jpg
329.2 kB
Cantarini Simone - Holy Family with John the Baptist - OR-4951.jpg
329.1 kB
Cameron Charles - Window Elevation of the Main Hall of the Agate Pavilion at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-10995.jpg
329.1 kB
Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri) - Landscape with a Resting Traveller - OR-3762.jpg
329.0 kB
Hackert Jakob Philipp - Great Cascades at Tivoli - GJ-7634.jpg
328.9 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Holy Family - GJ-741.jpg
328.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Iosif K. Sokolovsky (1763 - after 1836) - GJ-8056.jpg
328.8 kB
Horemanns Jan Joseph I - Operation - GJ-9806.jpg
328.6 kB
Bichebois Louis Pierre-Alphonce Adam Victor Vincent - View of St Isaacs Cathedral in Scaffolding - JRG-33095.jpg
328.6 kB
Weenix Jan - Still Life - GJ-1442.jpg
328.5 kB
Boucher Francois - Toilet of Venus - GJ-7655.jpg
328.4 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Sculpture and Architectural Fragments of Marble Stone and Lava Found on the Island of Lipari - OR-4152.jpg
328.4 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the Opera House. First Floor (Second Floor USA) - OR-23339.jpg
328.4 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Marble Architectural Fragments Found in Citta Vecchia and Rabbato on Malta - OR-4095.jpg
328.3 kB
Pyasetsky Pavel Yakovlevich - Rolled Panorama The Visit of Emperar Nicholas II to France in September 1901. Detail The Triumphal Arch in Rheims - JRR-9210(15).jpg
328.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor V. Tijl van Seraskerken (1771-1826) - GJ-8042.jpg
328.2 kB
Vignon Claude - European Sibyl - OR-15797.jpg
328.1 kB
Passarotti Tiburzio - Loading Camels - OR-1642.jpg
328.0 kB
Denis Maurice - Panel 3. Psyche Discovers that Her Mysterious Lover is Eros - GJ-9669.jpg
328.0 kB
Both Jan - Italian Landscape with a Path - GJ-1896.jpg
328.0 kB
Hosemann Teodor - Cavalcade of Princes and Knights. Quadrille 10 - OG-114443.jpg
327.9 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Peasant Family - GJ-909.jpg
327.9 kB
Wailly Charles de - Design of a Pavilion of Sciences and the Arts in an English Park. Main Facade - OR-6869.jpg
327.8 kB
Berchem Nicolaes Pietersz - Italian Landscape with a Small Bridge - GJ-1097.jpg
327.6 kB
Carracci Annibale - Holy Women at Christ s Tomb - GJ-92.jpg
327.5 kB
Robert Hubert - Villa Madama near Rome - GJ-5649.jpg
327.5 kB
Langetti Giovanni Battista - Cato - GJ-8614.jpg
327.5 kB
Palma il Vecchio Jacopo (Jacopo Nigreti) - Madonna and Child with Donors - GJ-116.jpg
327.5 kB
Rousseau Theodore - Landscape with a Plowman - GJ-7269.jpg
327.4 kB
Carlevaris Luca - Mole with the Doges Palace - GJ-215.jpg
327.3 kB
Skorodumov Gavriil Ivanovich - Portrait of Princess Catherine Dashkova - JRG-13114.jpg
327.2 kB
Renaudin A. - Nasturtiums - OR-13598.jpg
327.2 kB
Daumier Honore - Burden (The Laundress) - ZK-1500.jpg
327.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pavel A. Stroganov (1772-1817) - GJ-7872.jpg
327.1 kB
Fernandez de Navarrete Juan (El Mudo) - St John the Baptist in the Prison - GJ-314.jpg
327.1 kB
Blanche Jacques Emile - Portrait of a Woman - GJ-7540.jpg
327.1 kB
Vinogradov Yefim Grigoriyevich - View of the Winter Palace of Peter I - JRX-2591.jpg
327.0 kB
Galle Emile - Specimens of Lorraine Flora - OR-13559.jpg
327.0 kB
Pershakov Alexander Fyodorovich - Portrait of Admiral E. I. Alexeyev - JRX-40.jpg
326.9 kB
Piet Fernand - Market in Brest - GJ-8989.jpg
326.8 kB
Struys Alexander Theodore Honore - Birds of Prey. The Will - GJ-9682.jpg
326.8 kB
Tiepolo Giovanni Domenico - Horseman with Punchinellos - OR-25637.jpg
326.7 kB
Cambiaso Luca - Flight of Aeneas Anchises and Ascanius from Troy - OR-1647.jpg
326.7 kB
Mellan Claude - Portrait of Chancellor Segier - OR-1822.jpg
326.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Anton S. Chalikov (1756-1821) - GJ-7929.jpg
326.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Otto I. Buchholtz (1770- after 1817) - GJ-7941.jpg
326.6 kB
Gonzaga Pietro di Gottardo - Design of the Triumphal Red Gate in Moscow on the Occasion of the Coronation of Alexander I - OR-34473.jpg
326.5 kB
Herp Willem van - Peasant Yard - GJ-3299.jpg
326.5 kB
Vogel von Vogelstein Carl Christian - Portrait of a Lady - OR-42139.jpg
326.5 kB
Coeck van Aelst Peter - Agony in the Garden - GJ-406.jpg
326.5 kB
Matisse Henri - Portrait of a Young Woman with Flowing Hair - OR-46054.jpg
326.3 kB
Giordano Luca - St. Peter Visiting St. Agatha in Prison - OR-4190.jpg
326.2 kB
Bonnard Pierre - Dauphine Landscape - GJ-7757.jpg
326.1 kB
Pierron Charles - Street in a Turkish City with a Smoking-Place - OR-26883.jpg
326.1 kB
Wauters (Wouters) Constant - Actors Before a Performance - GJ-7504.jpg
326.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Andrey A. Yefimovich (1773-1823) - GJ-8129.jpg
325.9 kB
Mazel Ilya Moiseyevich - Portrait of Grigory Dushin - JRX-3215.jpg
325.8 kB
Cignani Carlo - Shepherd and Shepherdess - GJ-7009.jpg
325.8 kB
Edelfelt Albert (Gustaf Aristides) - Emperor Nicholas II on the Red Porch after his Coronation - OR-27116.jpg
325.7 kB
Dombasle R. de - Sunset - OR-13550.jpg
325.5 kB
Keuninck (Coninck) Kerstiaen de - Landscape with Tobias and the Angel - GJ-6188.jpg
325.5 kB
Marieschi Michele Giovanni - Courtyard with a Staircase - GJ-5550.jpg
325.4 kB
Quinaux Joseph Verboeckhoven Eugene Joseph - Landscape with a Herd - GJ-6740.jpg
325.4 kB
Kneller Godfrey - Portrait of John Locke - GJ-1345.jpg
325.4 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Landscape with a Rainbow - GJ-482.jpg
325.3 kB
Tannauer Johann Gottfried - Portrait of Pyotr Andreyevich Tolstoi President of Collegium of Commerce - JRX-1853.jpg
325.3 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Thistle - OR-43609.jpg
325.2 kB
Grammatica Antiveduto - St Mary Magdalene at the Tomb - GJ-6410.jpg
324.8 kB
Robert Hubert - Landscape with a Mill - GJ-5300.jpg
324.7 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Ruins of a Building at the Villa of Emperor Hadrian in Tivoli - OR-2602.jpg
324.7 kB
Archipenko Alexander - Two Nude Female Figures ( Seated and Bending) - GR-155-68.jpg
324.7 kB
Argunov Nikolai Ivanovich - Portrait of Count Nikolai Sheremetyev - JRX-1848.jpg
324.6 kB
Baudouin (Boudewyns) Adrian Frans Bonnart Robert - French Camp in front of the Fortress of Douai 1667 - OG-92053.jpg
324.6 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Design of the St George Hall in the Winter Palace. Horizontal Section Showing the Wall and the Throne - OR-13628.jpg
324.6 kB
Goya Francisco - Portrait of the Actress Antonia Zarate - GJ-10198.jpg
324.5 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Feast in the House of Simon the Pharisee - GJ-479.jpg
324.4 kB
Gillemans Jan Pauwel I - The Bust of Madonna Framed with a Garland of Fruit - GJ-559.jpg
324.4 kB
Pfanzelt (Pfandzelt Fanzelt) Lucas Conrad - Portrait of the Architect Bartolomeo Francesco Rastrelli - JRX-2635.jpg
324.4 kB
Bout Peeter - Forge - GJ-2591.jpg
324.3 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Boy with a Whip - GJ-9006.jpg
324.3 kB
Lory Gabriel I Ludwig Lory Gabriel II Matthias - View of the Large Palace in Pavlovsk from the Park - JRG-20064.jpg
324.2 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - View of a Cliff and an Ancient Dwelling in the North of Malta (The Calypso Grotto) - OR-4104.jpg
324.2 kB
Huber Rudolf - Portrait of a Young Woman in a Garnet Necklake - JRX-3202.jpg
324.1 kB
Redon Odilon - Woman with Wildflowers - OR-46438.jpg
324.0 kB
Doyen Gabriel-Francois - Death of Virginie - OR-18303.jpg
323.9 kB
Adriaenssen Alexander - Fish and Dead Game - GJ-7282.jpg
323.9 kB
Crespi Giuseppe Maria (Lo Spagnolo) - Scene in the Cellar - GJ-225.jpg
323.9 kB
Gonzaga Pietro di Gottardo - Design of the Decoration for the St Nicholas Gate in the Moscow Kremlin on the Occasion of the Coronation of Alexander I - OR-34471.jpg
323.7 kB
Molinari Alexander - Portrait of Christopher Raeder - OR-43540.jpg
323.4 kB
Hillestrom Per I - Broken Dishes - GJ-5824.jpg
323.3 kB
Bredael Jan Pieter van II - Wild Boar Hunt - GJ-6202.jpg
323.2 kB
Fetti Domenico - Portrait of an Actor (Tristano Martinelli or Francesco Andreini ) - GJ-153.jpg
323.2 kB
Carelli Achille - Neapolitan Landscape with a View towards Visuvius - OR-45468.jpg
323.1 kB
Morland George - Before a Thunderstorm - GJ-5834.jpg
323.1 kB
Giordano Luca - Rape of Europa - GJ-9967.jpg
323.1 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - View of the English Embankment from Vasilyevsky Island (1st section) - JRG-27232.jpg
323.1 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - View of the Marble Palace from the Peter and Paul Fortress - JRG-27228.jpg
323.0 kB
Tironi Francesco - View of the Grand Canal - GJ-3564.jpg
323.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yermolai Ye. Hamper (1750-1814) - GJ-7906.jpg
322.9 kB
Winterhalter Francois Xavier - Portrait of Empress Maria Alexandrovna - GJ-7539.jpg
322.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Khristian I. Trouzson (1746-1813) - GJ-7826.jpg
322.8 kB
Edelfelt Albert (Gustaf Aristides) - Good Friends (Portrait of the Artists Sister Bertha Edelfelt) - GJ-9812.jpg
322.8 kB
Fragonard Jean-Honore - Stolen Kiss - GJ-1300.jpg
322.8 kB
Hackert Jakob Philipp - Temple Ruins in Sicily - GJ-7381.jpg
322.8 kB
Vos Simon de - Death of Decius Mus - GJ-7132.jpg
322.7 kB
Bohnstedt Ludwig Franz Karl - Nevsky Prospekt by Anichkov Bridge - JRR-5525.jpg
322.7 kB
Beggrov Karl Petrovich - Shrove-tide Fete with Tobogganing on the Tsars Meadow in St Petersburg - JRG-6110.jpg
322.6 kB
Lemoyne Francios - Genius of Music (Allegory of Music) - GJ-5631.jpg
322.6 kB
Cameron Charles - Window Elevation of the Chinese Hall in the Catherine Palace at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-11036.jpg
322.6 kB
Wouwerman Philips - Manege Riding in the Open Air - GJ-1737.jpg
322.5 kB
Moreelse Paulus - Venus and Cupid - GJ-7689.jpg
322.4 kB
La Fage Raymond - Sheet Showing Self-Portraits - OR-15759.jpg
322.2 kB
Robert Hubert - Architectural Landscape with a Canal - GJ-1294.jpg
322.1 kB
Wael Cornelis de - The Guests of Honour Visiting a Hospital - GJ-3301.jpg
322.1 kB
Gosotei Hirosada - Triptych The Actors Jitsukawa Ensaburo Nakayama Nanshi and Nakamura Utaemon IV - YT-3811-18.jpg
322.1 kB
Mellan Claude - Portrait of Nicolas Fabri de Pieresc - OR-4635.jpg
322.0 kB
Goya Francisco - Maja with Puppies - GR-131-17980.jpg
322.0 kB
Hooch Pieter de - Soldier Offering a Woman a Glass of Wine - GJ-6316.jpg
321.9 kB
Shtemberg Victor Karlovich - Portrait of S. M. Rayevskaya - JRX-1395.jpg
321.9 kB
Neuville Alphonse Marie de - An Episode from the Franco-Russian War (The Garret in Champigny in November 1870) - GJ-9798.jpg
321.8 kB
Dughet Gaspard (Gaspard Poussin) - Landscape with an Angler - GJ-1248.jpg
321.8 kB
Troy Jean-Francois de - Apollo and Daphne - GJ-3739.jpg
321.7 kB
Maes (Maas) Dirk (Theodorus) - Cavalry Encounter - GJ-2427.jpg
321.7 kB
Greco El - Portrait of the Poet Alonso Ercilla y Zuniga - GJ-371.jpg
321.7 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Plan of a Phoenician Temple - OR-4111.jpg
321.7 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Melancholy - OR-14768.jpg
321.5 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Interior View of the Crater of Volcanello - OR-4149.jpg
321.5 kB
Lagneau - Head of an Old Man Laghing - OR-15173.jpg
321.3 kB
Auburtin Jean-Francis - Landscape with Overgrown Pond - OR-46426.jpg
321.2 kB
Watteau Antoine - Idylls of War - GJ-1162.jpg
321.1 kB
Blanchard Jacques - St Cecilia - GJ-6546.jpg
321.1 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Sheep at a Watering Place - GJ-9322.jpg
321.0 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van - Landscape with a Wooden Footbridge - OR-5538.jpg
321.0 kB
Cochin N. - View of Tournai from the Old Castle - OG-92057.jpg
320.8 kB
Silo Adam - Sailing Vessels - GJ-3304.jpg
320.8 kB
Raphaello Santi - Holy Family (Madonna with Beardless Joseph) - GJ-91.jpg
320.7 kB
Tristan Luis - Portrait of Felix Lope de Vega - GJ-353.jpg
320.7 kB
Diamantini Giuseppe - Judgment of Paris - OR-20047.jpg
320.7 kB
Witmann E. - View of Saint Georges Street in Nancy - OR-13612.jpg
320.6 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Temple of Augustus and Diana in Pola - OR-11672.jpg
320.6 kB
Aachen Hans von - The Holy Family - GJ-2370.jpg
320.6 kB
Hess Peter von - Battle of Borodino on 26 August (7 September) 1812 - GJ-5919.jpg
320.5 kB
Hosemann Teodor - Cavalcade of Princes and Knights. Orchestra of Trumpeters on Horseback with a Drummer at the Head - OG-114433.jpg
320.5 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - Palace Embankment by the Winter Palace and the Hermitage. View from Vasilyevsky Island - JRG-27227.jpg
320.5 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Vision of St Ildefonso - GJ-520.jpg
320.4 kB
Giordano Luca - Judgment of Paris - GJ-9965.jpg
320.3 kB
Sorgh Hendrik Martensz - Sailing Vessels in a Strong Wind - GJ-1025.jpg
320.3 kB
Miel Jan - Road in the Roman Campagna - GJ-652.jpg
320.3 kB
Debucourt Philibert-Louis - Congratulations on the Grandmothers Name-Day - OG-128437.jpg
320.2 kB
Vanloo Charles (Carle) - Allegory of George I King of England - OR-6291.jpg
320.1 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Fontanka River near the Chernyshov Bridge St Petersburg - OR-23633.jpg
320.0 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Triumph of Bernard Palissy (Bernard Palissy Showing to his Family the Dish Wich He Has Produced) - OR-24987.jpg
319.9 kB
Degas Edgar - Dancers Heads - OR-41255.jpg
319.9 kB
Steen Jan - Esther before Ahasuerus - GJ-878.jpg
319.7 kB
Roslin Alexander - Portrait of Grand Duchess Natalia Alexeyevna - GJ-1355.jpg
319.6 kB
Honthorst Gerrit van - Convival Fellow - GJ-717.jpg
319.5 kB
Rivera Diego Maria - Still Life - GJ-10086.jpg
319.5 kB
Neuville Alphonse Marie de - Street in an Old Town - GJ-10107.jpg
319.4 kB
Teyler Johannes - Admiralty Shipyard - OG-92087.jpg
319.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander P. Zass (1782-1843) (2nd) - GJ-8068.jpg
319.2 kB
Grekov Alexei Angiliyevich - View of the Summer Palace of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna - JRG-20012.jpg
319.1 kB
Goyen Jan van - Shore at Scheveningen - GJ-2820.jpg
319.0 kB
Giordano Luca - Battle Between the Lapiths and Centaurs - GJ-4705.jpg
318.9 kB
Nattier Jean-Marc - Portrait of Alexander Kurakin - GJ-5633.jpg
318.8 kB
Liphart Ernst Karlovich - Menu of the Ceremonial Supper Held on 23 May 1896 in the Great Kremlin Palace in Moscow to Celebrate the Coronation of Nicholas II - JRG-10628^7.jpg
318.7 kB
Bonnard Pierre - Evening in Paris - GJ-9105.jpg
318.7 kB
Huber Jean - Voltaire in a Cabriolet - GJ-6725.jpg
318.3 kB
Maratti Carlo - Madonna Teaching the Infant Christ Reading - GJ-1500.jpg
318.3 kB
Pynacker Adam - Boat at Sunset - GJ-1093.jpg
318.3 kB
Brueghel Jan I (de Fluweelen Brueghel) - Country Road - GJ-2246.jpg
318.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan F. Udom (1769-1821) (1st) - GJ-8003.jpg
318.0 kB
Dawe George Wright Thomas - Portrait of Alexander B. Fock (1763-1825) - GJ-7944.jpg
318.0 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Sheet of Studies Head of a Man Looking Up Hand and Lower Part of a Head in Profile - OR-5454.jpg
317.7 kB
Chyorny Andrey Ivanovich - Portrait of Catherine II - JRR-8330.jpg
317.7 kB
Levy Henri Leopold - Three Women with Children - OR-13573.jpg
317.6 kB
Castiglione Giovanni Benedetto (Il Grechetto) - Isaac Meeting Rebecca - GJ-2087.jpg
317.6 kB
Lawrence Thomas - Portrait of Darya J. Lieven - OR-27319.jpg
317.6 kB
Kugelgen Karl von - View from a Grotto of Inkerman - OR-10299.jpg
317.6 kB
Carlevaris Luca - Regatta on the Grand Canal in Honour of Frederick IV of Denmark on 4 March 1710 - GJ-216.jpg
317.5 kB
Vanloo Charles (Carle) - Concert - GJ-2173.jpg
317.5 kB
Moer Jean-Baptiste van - Painters Studio - GJ-3926.jpg
317.4 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Adoration of the Magi - GJ-7765.jpg
317.4 kB
Rowlandson Thomas - Selling a Wife - GR-151-21646.jpg
317.4 kB
Reynolds Joshua - Cupid Untying the Zone of Venus - GJ-1320.jpg
317.4 kB
Zauerweid Alexander - Musicians of the Life-Guards Pavlovsky Regiment - JRR-7631.jpg
317.4 kB
Fyt Jan - Still Life with Fruit and Parrot - GJ-613.jpg
317.1 kB
Ganier H. - Soldier of the Preobrazhensky Regiment - OR-13560.jpg
317.1 kB
Flameng Francois - Portrait of Vera Kharitonenko - GJ-8916.jpg
316.9 kB
Flameng Francois - Portrait of Princess Z. N. Yusupova - JRX-1371.jpg
316.9 kB
Bol Ferdinand - Dead Game - GJ-1445.jpg
316.9 kB
Moretto da Brescia (Alessandro Bonvicino) - Allegory of Faith - GJ-20.jpg
316.7 kB
Minartz Tony - Leaving the Moulin Rouge - GJ-8967.jpg
316.7 kB
Argunov Ivan Petrovich - Portrait of a Woman in a Blue Dress - JRX-2441.jpg
316.7 kB
Rotari Pietro - Alexander the Great and Roxane - GJ-2223.jpg
316.6 kB
Pourbus Frans II - Portrait of Margaret of Savoy Duchess of Mantua - GJ-6957.jpg
316.6 kB
Veronese Paolo (Paolo Caliari) - Conversion of Saul - GJ-68.jpg
316.6 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Temple of Augustus in Pola - OR-11671.jpg
316.6 kB
Lindtmayer Daniel - Part of Composition of Stained-Glass Panel Showing the Scene of The Judgement of Pontius Pilate - OR-4362.jpg
316.6 kB
Robert Hubert - Ancient Ruins Used as Public Baths - GJ-1262.jpg
316.5 kB
Jarnefelt Eero Nicolai - Autumn Landscape with a River - OR-18905.jpg
316.5 kB
Caullery Louis de - Bathing-Place - GJ-2844.jpg
316.5 kB
Bassano Jacopo (Jacopo da Ponte) - Descent from the Cross - GJ-1568.jpg
316.5 kB
Callot Jacques - Battle of Cavalrymen - OR-577.jpg
316.5 kB
Daumier Honore - Supposed Invalid - GR-131-17959.jpg
316.3 kB
Aachen Hans van - Allegory of Peace Art and Abundance - GJ-695.jpg
316.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Pavel N. Ushakov (1779-1853) (1st) - GJ-8089.jpg
316.2 kB
Le Sueur Eustache - Juno Greeting a Winner - OR-5678.jpg
316.2 kB
Snyders Frans - Still Life with a Monkey - GJ-8612.jpg
315.9 kB
Martin Camille - Twig of Thistle - OR-13531.jpg
315.9 kB
Douw Simon Johanes van - Hunters at Rest - GJ-3417.jpg
315.9 kB
Vouet Simon - Study of a Male Figure - OR-6402.jpg
315.7 kB
Picasso Pablo - Boy with a Dog. Reverse Study of Two Figures and a Male Head in Profile - OR-42158.jpg
315.7 kB
Premazzi Luigi - View of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan from the Catherine Canal St Petersburg. Sketch - OR-43580.jpg
315.6 kB
Braekeleer Ferdinand de - Bird Has Flown - GJ-3815.jpg
315.6 kB
Derain Andre - Road in the Mountains - GJ-9126.jpg
315.3 kB
Floris Frans (Frans de Vriendt) - Judgment of Paris - GJ-6093.jpg
315.2 kB
Teniers David II - Peasants in a Tavern - GJ-569.jpg
315.2 kB
Bonifazio Veronese (Bonifazio de Pitati) - Madonna and Child with St Catherine St John the Baptist St Dorotea and St Anthony the Abbot - GJ-39.jpg
315.2 kB
Teniers David II - Guardroom - GJ-583.jpg
315.1 kB
Leontyev Andrey - Icon The Virgin of Smolensk - JRX-2267.jpg
315.1 kB
Leys Henri - Artist - GJ-5271.jpg
315.0 kB
Ast Balthasar van der - Still Life with Fruits Shells and Insects - GJ-8472.jpg
315.0 kB
Wyck Thomas - An Alchemist - GJ-1942.jpg
314.9 kB
Victors Jan - Ferry-boat - GJ-1383.jpg
314.9 kB
Uden Lucas van - Landscape with a Fortune-Teller - GJ-630.jpg
314.7 kB
Master of the Female Half-Lengths - Musicians - GJ-435.jpg
314.7 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of Lieven Nillemsz van Coppenol (large panel) - OG-235380.jpg
314.7 kB
Berchem Nicolaes Pietersz - Rape of Europa - GJ-1102.jpg
314.7 kB
Kent Rockwell - Maine Headland. Winter - GJ-9918.jpg
314.6 kB
Defrance Leonard - Men Fighting - GJ-2461.jpg
314.6 kB
Robert Hubert - Fire - GJ-5422.jpg
314.6 kB
Kick Simon - Portrait of a Young Man - GJ-2810.jpg
314.5 kB
Vecchia Pietro della (Muttoni) - Portrait of Aloysio Garzoni - GJ-5043.jpg
314.5 kB
Gros Antoine-Jean baron - Napoleon Bonaparte on the Bridge at Arcole - GJ-5669.jpg
314.4 kB
Lagneau - Head of a Man in a Hat - OR-15172.jpg
314.2 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - The Bridge of Six - OG-235265.jpg
314.0 kB
Klenze Leo von - New Hermitage. The Southern and Eastern Facades - OR-42175.jpg
314.0 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Winter Landscape - OR-5327.jpg
313.9 kB
Lotto Lorenzo - Rest on the Flight into Egypt with St Justine - GJ-2204.jpg
313.8 kB
Stevens Joseph - Travelling Actors Misfortune - GJ-3955.jpg
313.8 kB
Verendael Nicolaes van Opstal Jasper Jacob van I - Vanitas - GJ-558.jpg
313.7 kB
Teniers David I - Miracle of St Paul on the Island of Malta - GJ-692.jpg
313.7 kB
Rokotov Fyodor - Portrait of Count Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov - JRX-275.jpg
313.7 kB
Heemskerck Maarten van - Calvary (Triptych) - GJ-415.jpg
313.7 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Country-House on Ancient Ruins B - OR-2498.jpg
313.5 kB
Tischbein Johann Heinrich II - Conradin of Swabia and Friedrich of Baden Awaiting Sentence - GJ-7155.jpg
313.5 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Rest on the Flight into Egypt - GJ-340.jpg
313.4 kB
Adam Albrecht - Italian Corp of Eugene Beauharnais Crossing the Niemen on 30 June 1812 - OR-25932.jpg
313.3 kB
Mola Pier Francesco - Jacob Meeting Rachel - GJ-141.jpg
313.2 kB
Duck Jacob - Soldiers Rest - GJ-1060.jpg
313.2 kB
Coypel Charles-Antoine - Fury of Achilles - GJ-5637.jpg
313.0 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Baptism - OR-5081.jpg
313.0 kB
Daum Auguste - Drawing of a Cup - OR-13548.jpg
313.0 kB
Wouwerman Philips - Sea Harbour - GJ-1734.jpg
313.0 kB
Pesne Antoine - Portrait of Johanna Elisabeth Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst - GJ-5281.jpg
312.9 kB
Flinck Govert - Portrait of a Young Man - GJ-782.jpg
312.9 kB
Frentz Rudolf Fiodorovich (Ferdinandovich) - Report on the Emperors Hunt in 1908 - JRR-8374.jpg
312.9 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Plan of a Sanitary Cordon in the Harbour of Malta - OR-4080.jpg
312.8 kB
MeaderJames - View of the English Park with the Birch House. Peterhof - OR-23629.jpg
312.8 kB
Kent Rockwell - Sable River. Winter Adirondacks - GJ-9938.jpg
312.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Ivan N. Inzov (1768-1845) - GJ-7936.jpg
312.6 kB
Jordaens Jacob - Bean King - GJ-3760.jpg
312.5 kB
Castello Valerio - Rebecca at the Well - GJ-6352.jpg
312.5 kB
Droochsloot Jost Cornelisz - Rural Feast - GJ-2426.jpg
312.5 kB
Dikaryov Mikhail Ivanovich - St Nikon - JRX-2515.jpg
312.4 kB
Lagrenee Jean-Jacques - Helen Recognising Telemachus Son of Odysseus - GJ-5813.jpg
312.4 kB
Albertinelli Mariotto - Adoration of the Christ Child - GJ-2067.jpg
312.3 kB
Hadfield William - View of the City of Smolensk - OR-3814.jpg
312.3 kB
Adam Albrecht - In the Environs of Viazma on 28 August 1812 - OR-25987.jpg
312.3 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Peasants in a Tavern - GJ-9990.jpg
312.0 kB
Gerard Marguerite - Gift - GJ-6649.jpg
312.0 kB
Lory Gabriel I Ludwig - View of the Kamennoostrovsky Palace from Aptekarsky Island in St Petersburg - JRG-20062.jpg
311.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail D. Balk (1764-1818) - GJ-7891.jpg
311.9 kB
Beggrov Karl Petrovich - View of the Dvortsovaya (Palace) Embankment - JRG-20221.jpg
311.8 kB
Geoffroy Henri Jules Jean - Study of an Old Womans Head - GJ-4249.jpg
311.7 kB
Picasso Pablo - Woman with a Fan - GJ-7705.jpg
311.7 kB
Pyasetsky Pavel Yakovlevich - Rolled Panorama The Visit of Emperar Nicholas II to France in September 1901. Detail The Room of Nicholas II in the Compiegne Chateau - JRR-9210(5).jpg
311.6 kB
Pyasetsky Pavel Yakovlevich - Rolled Panorama The Visit of Emperar Nicholas II to France in September 1901. Detail Entrance to the Fort de Witry - JRR-9210(13).jpg
311.5 kB
Boullogne Bon I - Return of Jephthae - GJ-1244.jpg
311.4 kB
Eertvelt Andries van - Two Ships at Anchor - GJ-5596.jpg
311.4 kB
Premazzi Luigi - View of the New Hermitage from Millionnaya Street - OR-14348.jpg
311.3 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Walpole Immaculate Conception - GJ-387.jpg
311.2 kB
Zurbaran Francisco de - St Lawrence - GJ-362.jpg
311.1 kB
Picasso Pablo - Musical Instruments - GJ-8939.jpg
311.1 kB
Vanloo Louis-Michel - Sextet (Spanish Concert) - GJ-1610.jpg
311.1 kB
Cezanne Paul - Ecorche (after Houdon) - GR-79-12462.jpg
311.0 kB
Vrel Jacobus - An Old Woman by a Fireplace - GJ-987.jpg
311.0 kB
Geeraerts Jan - Hall of Estates at the City Council in Antwerp - GJ-7533.jpg
310.7 kB
Raffet Auguste - Two French Hussars on Patrol in Winter - GJ-9797.jpg
310.6 kB
Catena Vincenzo (Vincenzo di Biagio) - Madonna and Child with St John the Baptist and St Peter - GJ-11.jpg
310.5 kB
Alix Ives - Court Scene - GJ-8995.jpg
310.5 kB
Vouet Simon - Madonna with Child - GJ-1216.jpg
310.4 kB
Snyders Frans - Fruit Stall - GJ-596.jpg
310.4 kB
Royer Henri - Peasant Woman from Lorraine - OR-13600.jpg
310.4 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Colosseum - OR-2571.jpg
310.3 kB
Isabey Louis Gabriel Eugene - After a Storm - GJ-8570.jpg
310.3 kB
Neeffs Peeter I - Interior of a Gothic Church - GJ-645.jpg
310.2 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Landscape with the rest on the Flight into Egypt (Noon) - GJ-1235.jpg
310.2 kB
Teniers David II - View of the Environs of Brussels - GJ-567.jpg
310.2 kB
Tavarone Lazzaro - Group of Fauns - OR-1641.jpg
310.2 kB
Perrot Ferdinand-Victor - View of the Cathedral of St Nicholas - JRG-20124.jpg
310.2 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Self-Portrait - GJ-548.jpg
310.1 kB
Flot L. - Two Boys in Sailors Suits - OR-13556.jpg
309.9 kB
De Dreux Alfred - Horsewoman (Amazon) - GJ-5082.jpg
309.8 kB
Boucher Francois - Crossing the Ford - GJ-6329.jpg
309.4 kB
Lenbach Franz von - Girlwith a Fan - OR-40040.jpg
309.4 kB
Perrot Ferdinand-Victor - St Nicholas Cathedral - JRG-20164.jpg
309.3 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - Nevsky Prospekt - JRR-3334.jpg
309.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Osip V. Ilovaisky (1775-1839) (10th) - GJ-8079.jpg
309.3 kB
Cambiaso Luca or Granello Nicolosio - Lamentation - OR-1643.jpg
309.3 kB
Neeffs Peeter II and Francken Frans III - Interior of St Charles Borromeo Church in Antwerp - GJ-2731.jpg
309.2 kB
Vos Simon de - Abigail Bringing Gift to David - GJ-621.jpg
309.2 kB
Kent Rockwell - Mount Assiniboine. Canadian Rockies - GJ-9939.jpg
309.1 kB
Blanchet Thomas - Landscape with sarcophagus - GJ-2595.jpg
309.0 kB
Giordano Luca - Expulsion of the Moneychangers from the Temple - GJ-5561.jpg
309.0 kB
Hackert Jakob Philipp - Italian Landscape - GJ-3667.jpg
308.9 kB
Kuli Thixo Tarvi - Lanscape with Hills and Boulders - OR-43502.jpg
308.9 kB
Matisse Henri - Arab Coffeehouse - GJ-9661.jpg
308.8 kB
Derain Andre - Still Life with Earthenware Jug and White Napkin - GJ-8894.jpg
308.8 kB
Bartholdi Frederic Auguste - Statue of Liberty in New-York - OR-13535.jpg
308.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Sergey Ya. Repninsky (1779-1819) (2nd) - GJ-7922.jpg
308.5 kB
Delaroche Hippolyte (Paul) - Christian Martyr Drowned in the Tiber During the Reign of Diocletian - GJ-5358.jpg
308.5 kB
Giordano Luca - Triumph of Galatea - GJ-9966.jpg
308.5 kB
Heusch Jacob de - Landscape with Dancing Shepherdesses - GJ-1048.jpg
308.3 kB
Pyasetsky Pavel Yakovlevich - Rolled Panorama The Visit of Emperar Nicholas II to France in September 1901. Detail The Reception at Dunkirk - JRR-9210(2).jpg
308.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexey S. Kologrivov (1780s-1818) - GJ-8077.jpg
308.3 kB
Hamilton Philips Ferdinand - Dead Game - GJ-2448.jpg
308.2 kB
308.2 kB
Hagen August Mathias - Sea Bay - GJ-5871.jpg
308.1 kB
Tridemy Jules - View of the City of Etain - OR-13605.jpg
308.0 kB
Lotto Lorenzo - Family Portrait - GJ-1447.jpg
307.8 kB
West Benjamin - Portrait of George Prince of Wales and Prince Frederick later Duke of York - GJ-9527.jpg
307.8 kB
Premazzi Luigi - View of Nevsky Prospekt from the Alexander Theatre St Petersburg. Sketch - OR-42910.jpg
307.8 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Morning in the Harbour - GJ-1243.jpg
307.7 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Flora - GJ-732.jpg
307.7 kB
Vallotton Felix - Portrait of Georges Haasen - GJ-4901.jpg
307.5 kB
Sadovnikov Vasily Semyonovich - View of Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square and the Winter Palace St Petersburg - JRR-5515.jpg
307.5 kB
Winterhalter Francois Xavier - Portrait of Grand Princess Yelena Pavlovna - GJ-5263.jpg
307.4 kB
Maris Jacob Hendrick - Landscape with Wind-Mills - GJ-6739.jpg
307.3 kB
Arthois Jacques d - Landscape with a Herd - GJ-8678.jpg
307.2 kB
Puga Antonio de - Knife Grinoer - GJ-309.jpg
307.2 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Country-House on Ancient Ruins C - OR-2499.jpg
307.1 kB
Riepenhausen Johann and Riepenhausen Franz - Singer - GJ-8371.jpg
307.1 kB
Berckmans Matheus - Dance in a Tavern - GJ-5235.jpg
307.1 kB
Saxon James - Portrait of Charles Gascoigne - GJ-3476.jpg
307.0 kB
Lash Carl Johann - Portrait of Rudolphs German Younger Son - JRX-3209.jpg
306.9 kB
Strozzi Bernardo (Il Prete Genovese) - Healing of Tobit - GJ-16.jpg
306.8 kB
Vos Simon de - The Israelites after Crossing the Red Sea - GJ-6986.jpg
306.7 kB
Leibl Wilhelm Maria Hubertus - Sleeping Savoyard Boy - GJ-5780.jpg
306.6 kB
Rayev Vasily - Portrait of I.A. Balashev - JRX-192.jpg
306.6 kB
Mieris Frans Jansz van I - Lady at her Toilet - GJ-915.jpg
306.6 kB
Monet Claude - Waterloo Bridge. Effect of Fog - GJ-6545.jpg
306.5 kB
Rokotov Fyodor - Portrait of Catherine II - JRX-3283.jpg
306.5 kB
Geel Jost van - Duet - GJ-1860.jpg
306.3 kB
Strozzi Bernardo (Il Prete Genovese) - St Secundus and Angel - GJ-229.jpg
306.2 kB
Klenze Leo von - View of the Valhalla near Regensburg - GJ-4214.jpg
306.2 kB
Verheyden Francois - Servant with a Tray - GJ-8283.jpg
306.2 kB
Vigee Le Brun Elisabeth-Louise - Portrait of Count Grigory Chernyshev with a Mask in His Hand - GJ-7459.jpg
306.2 kB
Stuck Franz von - Portrait of Marie Stuck - OR-44933.jpg
306.2 kB
Velten Jury Matveyevich (Georg Friedrich) - Design of a Chinese Pavilion on a Rock - OR-8753.jpg
306.1 kB
Robert Hubert - Inhabited Ruins - GJ-4057.jpg
306.1 kB
Degas Edgar - Place de la Concorde (Viscount Lepic and his Daughters Crossing the Place de la Concorde) - ZK-1399.jpg
306.1 kB
Lefevre Robert - Portrait of Elizaveta Demidova - GJ-7681.jpg
306.0 kB
Martin Johann Fredrik - View of Stockholm from Blasii-Holmen at the Outlet to the Baltic Sea - OR-4575.jpg
306.0 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of a Scholar - GJ-744.jpg
305.9 kB
Bardou Karl Wilhelm - Portrait of a Young Lady in a Low-Necked Dress with a Pearl Necklace - OR-27144.jpg
305.9 kB
Burde Paul - Parade in Berlin - GJ-9469.jpg
305.7 kB
Heusch Jacob de - Italian Harbour - GJ-1047.jpg
305.7 kB
Etlinger (Eristova) Maria Vasilyevna - Portrait of Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich - JRR-5225.jpg
305.7 kB
Courtin Jaques-Francois - Young Woman in front of a Mirror - GJ-1171.jpg
305.7 kB
Carus Carl Gustav - View of the Colosseum by Night - GJ-7562.jpg
305.6 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Village Road - OR-5323.jpg
305.6 kB
Huguet Victor Pierre - Arab Encampment - GJ-6223.jpg
305.6 kB
Martin Johann Fredrik - Stockholm. View towads the Baltic Sea from the Danaiken Customs - OR-4574.jpg
305.6 kB
Procaccini Giulio Cesare - Holy Family with John the Baptist and Angel - GJ-102.jpg
305.5 kB
Moya Pedro de - Portrait of a Man - GJ-388.jpg
305.4 kB
Correggio (Antonio Allegri) - Portrait of a Lady - GJ-5555.jpg
305.4 kB
Ortolani Damon Gio Battista - Portrait of Prince Sergei Golitsyn - JRX-3230.jpg
305.4 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - View of the Colosseum in Rome - OR-2323.jpg
305.4 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Ruins of Ancient Salt Works on the Island of Salina - OR-4156.jpg
305.4 kB
Pagani Gregorio - Madonna and the Child with Sts Francis of Assisi John the Baptist Margaret and Gregory the Great - GJ-72.jpg
305.3 kB
Willaerts Abraham - Stormy Sea - GJ-8334.jpg
305.3 kB
Matisse Henri - Window on Tahiti - OR-46057.jpg
305.2 kB
Maratti Carlo - Portrait of Pope Clement IX - GJ-42.jpg
305.2 kB
Perrot Ferdinand-Victor - View of the Harbour at Kronshtadt - JRG-20125.jpg
305.1 kB
Raoux Jean - Vestal Virgin - GJ-1212.jpg
305.0 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Sacrifice of Isaac - GJ-727.jpg
305.0 kB
Everdingen Allart van - Scandinavian Landscape - GJ-1901.jpg
304.9 kB
Jacque Charles Emile - Landscape with a Herd - GJ-9979.jpg
304.9 kB
Horemanns Jan Joseph II - Lesson of Singing - GJ-8500.jpg
304.9 kB
Reimers I. F. - Portrait of Gerasim Pavsky - JRR-5597.jpg
304.9 kB
Bazhenov Vasily Ivanovich - Plan of an Unrealised Pavilion A - OR-23353.jpg
304.8 kB
Orrente Pedro - Feeding of the Five Thousand - GJ-349.jpg
304.8 kB
Traversi Gaspare - Reading a Letter - GJ-10476.jpg
304.7 kB
Neyelov Ilya Vasilyevich - Plan and Design of the Facade of a Chinese Pavilion - OR-23368.jpg
304.7 kB
Panini Giovanni - St Sibyls Sermon in Roman Ruins with the Statue of Apollo - GJ-174.jpg
304.6 kB
Garofalo Benvenuto Tisi da - Entombment - GJ-96.jpg
304.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fyodor V. Nazimov (1764-1827) - GJ-7933.jpg
304.5 kB
Mellan Claude - Portrait of a Young Woman - OR-7372.jpg
304.5 kB
Poel Egbert Lievensz van der - Fire in a Village - GJ-3142.jpg
304.3 kB
Tilborch Gillis van - Smoker - GJ-1945.jpg
304.2 kB
Denis Maurice - Panel 4. The Vengeance of Venus - GJ-9668.jpg
304.2 kB
Ryckaert David III - Peasant Woman with a Cat - GJ-653.jpg
304.1 kB
Bonnard Pierre - Morning in Paris - GJ-9107.jpg
304.0 kB
Angeli Heinrich von - Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Fiodorovna - GJ-6975.jpg
303.8 kB
Vliet Hendrik Cornelisz van der - Girl Holding a Fan - GJ-3076.jpg
303.8 kB
Novelli Pietro - Portrait of a Young Man with an Earring - GJ-57.jpg
303.7 kB
Ishiyotei Yoshitaki - Diptych The Actors Jitsukawa Ensaburo Arashi Kitisaburo III and Onoe Kikujiro - YT-3813-21.jpg
303.7 kB
Tropinin Vasily Andreyevich - Portrait of P.I. Sapoznikova - JRX-1176.jpg
303.6 kB
Robert Hubert - Laundresses in the Ruins - GJ-5806.jpg
303.6 kB
Jordaens Jacob - Decorative Frieze - OR-33446.jpg
303.5 kB
Watteau Antoine - Design of Decorative Panel The Birth of Venus - OR-40764.jpg
303.5 kB
Schnetz Jean-Victor - Vow to Our Lady - GJ-7268.jpg
303.4 kB
Gerini Niccolo di Pietro - Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John - GJ-4131.jpg
303.4 kB
Neer Eglon Hendrik van der - Children with a Cage and a Cat - GJ-1077.jpg
303.4 kB
Elsholtz Ludwig - Marshal Blucher on the Battlefield - GJ-10618.jpg
303.3 kB
Goya Francisco - Paupers - GR-131-18000.jpg
303.2 kB
Castello Felix - Parade of Troops - OR-18476.jpg
303.2 kB
Martin Johann Fredrik - View of Stockholm from the Kongsholmen Bridge near Lake Malaren - OR-4577.jpg
303.1 kB
Carracci Annibale - Young Painter Working - OR-21177.jpg
303.0 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Inigo Jones - GJ-557.jpg
303.0 kB
Robertson Christina - Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolayevna - GJ-4784.jpg
303.0 kB
Hackert Jakob Philipp - View of Caserta - GJ-7157.jpg
302.8 kB
Hayter George - Portrait of Countess Yelizaveta Vorontsova - GJ-5836.jpg
302.8 kB
Bonnard Pierre - Corner of Paris - GJ-9025.jpg
302.7 kB
Stomer Matthias - Old Woman with a Candle - GJ-3081.jpg
302.7 kB
Francken Hieronymus II - Ball - GJ-2628.jpg
302.6 kB
Eertvelt Andries van - Stormy Sea - GJ-2498.jpg
302.5 kB
302.4 kB
Flameng Francois - Portrait of a Woman - GJ-8402.jpg
302.3 kB
Molenaer Jan Miense - An Old Man and an Old Woman (A Couple Embracing Each Other) - GJ-8281.jpg
302.2 kB
Hoogstraten Samuel Dircksz van - Tobiass Farewell to his Parents - GJ-2274.jpg
302.0 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Young Woman with Earrings - GJ-784.jpg
301.7 kB
Genisson Jules Viktor - Interior of a Church in Averbode - GJ-6595.jpg
301.7 kB
Peiser Kurt - Old Woman - GJ-8331.jpg
301.6 kB
Terborch Gerard - Messenger - GJ-884.jpg
301.5 kB
Martynov Andrey - Summer Palace of Peter I - JRR-5553.jpg
301.4 kB
Villain Eugene - Still Life Sponge Cakes and a Glass of Wine - GJ-10111.jpg
301.4 kB
Bassano Leandro (Leandro da Ponte) - Incredulity of St Thomas - GJ-2098.jpg
301.3 kB
Luciani Sebastiano (Sebastiano del Piombo) - Lamentation - GJ-18.jpg
301.3 kB
Friedenreich Julius - Interiors of the New Hermitage. The Spanish Room - OR-11110.jpg
301.1 kB
Fontanesi Antonio - Path in the Mountains - GJ-9819.jpg
301.1 kB
Torelli Stefano - Portrait of Countess Anna Alexandrovna Chernyshova - GJ-5533.jpg
301.1 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - Swans in the Reeds - GJ-4633.jpg
301.0 kB
Sustris Lambert - Jupiter and Io - GJ-60.jpg
300.9 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Draving of a Corinthian Column with a Capital and a Base - OR-4096.jpg
300.8 kB
Ludvig K.A. - Senate Square with the Monument of Peter the Great - JRG-17333.jpg
300.6 kB
Dou Gerard - Astronomer - GJ-1012.jpg
300.6 kB
Ovsov Andrey Grigoryevich - Portrait of Peter I - JRR-3801.jpg
300.5 kB
Denis Maurice - Figures in a Spring Landscape (Sacred Grove) - OR-46550.jpg
300.5 kB
Bossche (Bosch) Balthasar van den - Studio of a Sculptor - GJ-5718.jpg
300.5 kB
Luti Benedetto - Boy with a Flute - GJ-131.jpg
300.3 kB
Hamman Eduard - Disillusion - GJ-6587.jpg
300.3 kB
300.2 kB
Francken Frans II - Entry of David into Jerusalem - GJ-438.jpg
300.2 kB
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) - Flight into Egypt - GJ-245.jpg
300.2 kB
Lampi Johann-Baptist I - Portrait of Prince Grigory Potyomkin-Tavrichesky - JRX-1879.jpg
300.1 kB
Rosa Salvator - Democritus and Protagoras - GJ-31.jpg
300.0 kB
Ackerfeldt Gotthard Wilhelm Als Peder - Portrait of Christian VII King of Denmark - GJ-4471.jpg
300.0 kB
Zuloaga Ignacio - Dwarf Gregorio - GJ-7723.jpg
300.0 kB
Ugolino di Tedice - Cross with the Crucified Christ - GJ-4167.jpg
300.0 kB
Vernet Claude Joseph - Storm by a Rocky Shore - GJ-1754.jpg
299.9 kB
Cameron Charles - Design for a Ceiling with the Authors Signature - OR-11064.jpg
299.9 kB
Prouve Emile Victor - Allegoric Female Figures - OR-13530.jpg
299.9 kB
Pencz Georg - Portrait of Count Palatine Ottheinrich - GJ-4766.jpg
299.7 kB
Backer Jacob de - Three Ages of Man. Allegory - GJ-397.jpg
299.7 kB
Lens Andries Cornelis - Regulus Returning to Carthage - GJ-8387.jpg
299.7 kB
Hackert Jakob Philipp - View of Montesarchio - GJ-10087.jpg
299.3 kB
Wouwerman Philips - Huntsmen Setting Out - GJ-836.jpg
299.2 kB
Sohn Carl Rudolf - Portrait of Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fyodorovna - GJ-9468.jpg
299.1 kB
Tournier Nicolas - Lute Player - GJ-5568.jpg
298.8 kB
Vrancx Sebastiaen - Battle Scene - GJ-10418.jpg
298.8 kB
Matisse Henri - Music - GJ-9674.jpg
298.7 kB
Walker James - Portrait of Count Alexander Stroganov - JRG-15798.jpg
298.7 kB
Beggrov Karl Petrovich - View of the Neva Embankment by the Hermitage Theatre - JRR-7188.jpg
298.7 kB
Very A. - Drawing of a Statue of a Smith - OR-13607.jpg
298.6 kB
Vanloo Charles (Carle) - Self-Portrait - GJ-5867.jpg
298.6 kB
Jeaurat Etienne - Recovering - GJ-1147.jpg
298.6 kB
Beggrov Karl Petrovich - View of the Smolny Institute - JRG-20217.jpg
298.5 kB
Teniers David II - Landscape with Peasants Bowling - GJ-578.jpg
298.4 kB
Snyders Frans Wildens Jan (landscape) - Game Stall - GJ-602.jpg
298.4 kB
Picasso Pablo - Nude Boy - OR-40777.jpg
298.4 kB
Pietro da Cortona (Pietro Berrettini) - Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalene - GJ-166.jpg
298.4 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - Sunset (Brothers) - GJ-10005.jpg
298.3 kB
Voille Jean Louis - Portrait of Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich - GJ-1281.jpg
298.3 kB
Neyelov Ilya Vasilyevich - Design of the Gates in Chinese Style - OR-23370.jpg
298.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Dmitry V. Lyalin (1772-1847) - GJ-7979.jpg
298.2 kB
Vigee Le Brun Elisabeth-Louise - Portrait of Countess Anna Stroganova with Her Son - GJ-7585.jpg
298.2 kB
Saftleven Herman II - Interior of a Peasant Hut - GJ-796.jpg
298.0 kB
Grooth Georg Christoph - Portrait of Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna - JRX-2474.jpg
298.0 kB
Denis Maurice - Mother with a Child at a Window - OG-395290.jpg
297.9 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Female Statue of Stone and Architectural Fragments from Citta Vecchia on Malta - OR-4094.jpg
297.8 kB
Adrianssen Vincent (Malo Vincent) - Massacre of the Innocents - GJ-10214.jpg
297.7 kB
Bronckhorst Jan Gerritsz van - Merry Society with a Violinist - GJ-3303.jpg
297.6 kB
Velten Jury Matveyevich (Georg Friedrich) - Design of a Chinese Pavilion - OR-8751.jpg
297.6 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - View of Etna near the Peak of Monte Rosso - OR-3946.jpg
297.6 kB
Russell John - Portrait of a Girl in a Bonnet - OR-27314.jpg
297.5 kB
Ribalta Francisco - Apostles at a Christs Tomb - GJ-356.jpg
297.4 kB
Cameron Charles - Design for the Jasper Cabinet in the Agate Pavilion at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-11012.jpg
297.4 kB
Horemanns Jan Joseph I - Genre Scene - GJ-9987.jpg
297.3 kB
Cocchi Alessandro Valadier Luigi - Framed Portrait of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna - J-5720.jpg
297.1 kB
Jordaens Jacob - Portrait of an Old Man - GJ-486.jpg
297.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail A. Miloradovich (1771-1825) - GJ-7819.jpg
297.1 kB
Giordano Luca - St Francis - GJ-372.jpg
297.0 kB
Keyser Nicaise de - Battle at Seneffe - GJ-3886.jpg
297.0 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - View of Mount Bingemma on Malta - OR-4089.jpg
297.0 kB
Schut Cornelis - Rape of Europa - GJ-664.jpg
296.9 kB
Champaigne Philippe de (circle) - Portrait of an Ecclesiastic - GJ-5713.jpg
296.9 kB
Bossche (Bosch) Balthasar van den - Studio of an Artist - GJ-5719.jpg
296.8 kB
Malton Thomas I - Liteiny Prospekt - JRG-20105.jpg
296.8 kB
Gerard Marguerite - Artist Painting a Portrait of a Musician - GJ-1129.jpg
296.6 kB
Vollmer Adolf Friedrich - Sea View - GJ-10159.jpg
296.5 kB
Chesky Ivan Vasilyevich - Portrait of the Writer Mikhail Kheraskov - JRG-31199.jpg
296.5 kB
Biliverti Giovanni - Tobiass Farewell to the Angel - GJ-41.jpg
296.5 kB
Velten Jury Matveyevich (Georg Friedrich) - Design of a Chinese Pavilion with a Spiral Top on a Rock - OR-8752.jpg
296.5 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai F. Titov (1759 - after 1816) - GJ-7913.jpg
296.5 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Self-Portrait - GJ-5644.jpg
296.4 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Philosopher - OR-14771.jpg
296.4 kB
Gerard Francois - Portrait of Prince Viktor Kochubey - GJ-4645.jpg
296.3 kB
Vos Pauwel (Paul) de - The Leopard Hunt - GJ-605.jpg
296.3 kB
Berckheyde Gerrit Adriaensz - Groote Market in Haarlem - GJ-812.jpg
296.3 kB
Perrot Ferdinand-Victor - Admiralty Square - JRG-20169.jpg
296.3 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Woman in Black - GJ-6506.jpg
296.3 kB
Gonzaga Pietro di Gottardo - Design of the Decoration for the Triumphal Red Gate in Moscow on the Occasion of the Coronation of Pavel I - OR-34470.jpg
296.3 kB
Dance Nathaniel - Portrait of Sophia-Charlotte - GJ-9565.jpg
296.2 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Ornamentation in the Grotesque Style - OR-2261.jpg
296.2 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Sketch of Characters and Actors in Theatrical Costumes for Shakespeares Tragedy of Hamlet Translated by Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich - OR-35635.jpg
296.2 kB
Snyders Frans - Birds Concert - GJ-607.jpg
296.2 kB
Velde Peeter van de - Castle on a River Bank - GJ-2906.jpg
296.2 kB
Hackert Jakob Philipp - Landscape with Cattle - GJ-10088.jpg
296.1 kB
Eeckhout Gerbrandt Jansz van den - Coriolanuss Mother and Wife Begging Him to Spare Rome - GJ-771.jpg
296.1 kB
Dawe George Wright Thomas - Portrait of Fyodor A. Lindfors (1764-1813) - GJ-7938.jpg
296.0 kB
Gonzaga Pietro di Gottardo - Design of the Decoration for the Saviour Gate in the Moscow Kremlin on the Occasion of the Coronation of Alexander I - OR-34461.jpg
295.9 kB
Gerome Jean-Leon - Napoleon in Egypt - GJ-5798.jpg
295.9 kB
Dou Gerard - Old Woman Unreeling Threads - GJ-887.jpg
295.9 kB
Brompton Richard - Portrait of Grand Dukes Alexander Pavlovich and Constantine Pavlovich - GJ-4491.jpg
295.8 kB
Douw Simon Johanes van - Horsemen among the Ruins - GJ-4673.jpg
295.7 kB
Cranach Lucas I - Portrait of a Woman - GJ-683.jpg
295.7 kB
Begeyn Abraham - Seashore - GJ-3469.jpg
295.7 kB
Naldini Giovanni Battista - Bathsheba - GJ-47.jpg
295.5 kB
Gonzalez Bartolome - Portrait of Margarita Aldobrandini Duchess of Parma - GJ-2721.jpg
295.5 kB
Premazzi Luigi - View of the Neva Embankment near the Admiralty St Petersburg - OR-19001.jpg
295.3 kB
Erichsen (Ericksen) Virgilius - Portrait of Caspar von Saldern - GJ-10582.jpg
295.3 kB
Wauters Emile Charles - Scholar at the Table - GJ-9283.jpg
295.2 kB
Lawrence Thomas - Portrait of Emily Harriet Wellesley-Pole (Lady Raglan) - GJ-3513.jpg
295.2 kB
Backer Jacob Adriaensz - Granida and Daifilo - GJ-787.jpg
295.1 kB
Christineck Carl Ludvig - Portrait of Count Alexei Bobrinsky as a Child - JRX-1407.jpg
295.1 kB
Bardou Karl Wilhelm - Portrait of a Russian General (Ivan Skobelev ) - OR-27130.jpg
295.0 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Landscape with Stone Carriers - GJ-480.jpg
294.9 kB
Caravaggio Michelangelo Merisi da - Lute-Player - GJ-45.jpg
294.7 kB
Martin Johann Fredrik - View of Stockholm from Lake Malaren - OR-4576.jpg
294.7 kB
Flemalle Bertholet - Lucius Albinus Giving his Carriage to Vestals - GJ-8627.jpg
294.7 kB
Adriaenssen Alexander - Fish Piece - GJ-7281.jpg
294.6 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Plan of a Building in the Ancient City of Tindari - OR-4143.jpg
294.6 kB
Vernet Horace - Portrait of General Pablo Morillo - GJ-5148.jpg
294.5 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of an Old Woman - GJ-738.jpg
294.5 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Military Trophy - OR-1928.jpg
294.5 kB
Dawe George Wright Thomas - Portrait of Dmitry I. Pyshnitsky (1765-1845) - GJ-7890.jpg
294.4 kB
Vos Simon de - Meeting of Esau and Jacob - GJ-7141.jpg
294.4 kB
Bonifazio Veronese (Bonifazio de Pitati) - Portrait of a Young Man - GJ-93.jpg
294.4 kB
Steen Jan - Idlers - GJ-875.jpg
294.3 kB
Zurbaran Francisco de - Childhood of the Virgin - GJ-306.jpg
294.1 kB
Claesz Pieter - Breakfast with Ham - GJ-1046.jpg
294.1 kB
Dossi Dosso (Giovanni di Niccolo de Lutero) - Sibyl - GJ-7.jpg
294.1 kB
Terborch Gerard - Glass of Lemonade - GJ-881.jpg
294.0 kB
Billet Pierre - Digging for Oysters - GJ-8538.jpg
293.8 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Landscape with Christ on the Road to Emmaus - GJ-1229.jpg
293.8 kB
Krafft Per I - Portrait of Natalia Alexandrovna Repnina - GJ-5107.jpg
293.8 kB
Giampetrino (Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli) - Repentant Mary Magdalene - GJ-10279.jpg
293.6 kB
Duflos J. - Group of Military Men under the Banners - OR-13551.jpg
293.6 kB
Curel L. - Two Parrots - OR-13546.jpg
293.6 kB
Backer Jacob Adriaensz - Rest of Diana and Her Nymphs - GJ-2767.jpg
293.6 kB
Rigaud Jacques - View of the Seine from Pont Neuf Paris - OR-5342.jpg
293.5 kB
Steen Jan - Doctors Visit - GJ-879.jpg
293.4 kB
Muller Rudolf - Ruins of Pompeii - OR-27534.jpg
293.4 kB
Boudewijns Adriaen Frans Bout Peeter - Square in a Seaside Town - GJ-1410.jpg
293.1 kB
Green Valentine - Portrait of the Ladies Waldegrave - OG-33153.jpg
293.0 kB
Wouwerman Philips - View near Haarlem - GJ-853.jpg
293.0 kB
Nikitin Ivan Nikitich - Portrait of Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna - JRX-3251.jpg
292.9 kB
Vrancx Sebastiaen - Harvest - GJ-4763.jpg
292.9 kB
Schweikart Karl Gottlieb - Portrait of a Man - JRX-3192.jpg
292.9 kB
Storck Jacob - View of a Harbour - JRX-1666.jpg
292.9 kB
Algardi Alessandro - Monks (Saints of the Orden of Jesus) - OR-27.jpg
292.8 kB
Girodet Anne-Louis - Self-Portrait - GJ-5660.jpg
292.7 kB
Zaryanko Sergei Konstantinovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fieldmarshals Hall - JRX-2437.jpg
292.7 kB
Vanloo Charles (Carle) - Jupiter and Antiope - GJ-5639.jpg
292.7 kB
Tocque Louis - Portrait of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna - GJ-1280.jpg
292.6 kB
Daubigny Charles-Francois - River Bank - GJ-5692.jpg
292.5 kB
Vos Simon de - Battle of Vimpfen on 6 May 1622 - GJ-7164.jpg
292.4 kB
Schmidt Johann Heinrich - Portrait of Young Man with Powdered Hair - OR-43483.jpg
292.4 kB
Ehmsen Heinrich - Demonstration in Wedding - GJ-9051.jpg
292.3 kB
Antropov Alexei Petrovich - Portrait of Fiodor Dubiansky - JRX-2639.jpg
292.3 kB
Picasso Pablo - House in a Garden - GJ-6533.jpg
292.2 kB
Carreno de Miranda Juan - St Damian - GJ-330.jpg
292.2 kB
Vernet Claude Joseph - Shipwreck - GJ-8160.jpg
291.6 kB
Wolfut Victor II - Hercules and Minerva Expelling Mars - GJ-8531.jpg
291.4 kB
Blain H. - Study of a Mans Head - OR-13539.jpg
291.3 kB
Vanloo Jean-Baptiste - Portrait of Sir Robert Walpole - GJ-1130.jpg
291.3 kB
Amberger Christoph - Portrait of a Man - GJ-681.jpg
291.2 kB
Pierron Charles - Karnak Palace in Thebes - OR-36449.jpg
291.2 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Sketch of Characters and Actors in Theatrical Costumes for Shakespeares Tragedy of Hamlet Translated by Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich - OR-35634.jpg
291.2 kB
Vernet Claude Joseph - Death of Virginia - GJ-1759.jpg
290.9 kB
Ryckaert David III - Peasants in a Tavern - GJ-641.jpg
290.8 kB
Mieris Frans van II - Old Peasant Holding a Jug - GJ-914.jpg
290.8 kB
Delacroix Eugene - Arab Riders on Scouting Mission - GR-131-17957.jpg
290.8 kB
Voirin Jules - Cavalryman with Banner - OR-13609.jpg
290.7 kB
Picart le Doux Charles Rene - View of Saint Denis - GJ-8955.jpg
290.6 kB
Gallait Louis - Count Egmont before his Death - GJ-3835.jpg
290.6 kB
Kramskoi Ivan Nikolayevich - Portrait of Empress Maria Fiodorovna in a Head-Dress Decorated with Pearls - JRX-2777.jpg
290.5 kB
Bergognone (Ambrogio di Stefano da Fossano) - St Jacob the Elder - GJ-4109.jpg
290.4 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - The Ruins of the Temple of Jupiter to the East of the Harbour of Marsa Scirocco on Malta - OR-4081.jpg
290.4 kB
Mellan Claude - Portrait of Louis XIV as a Child - OR-4620.jpg
290.1 kB
Dumoustier Pierre I - Portrait of a Youth - GJ-4313.jpg
290.1 kB
Vanloo Charles (Carle) - Perseus and Andromeda - GJ-1230.jpg
290.1 kB
Millet Jean-Francois called Francisque - Landscape with Christ and His Disciples - GJ-633.jpg
290.0 kB
Cameron Charles - Design for a Stove in the Arabesque and Lyons Rooms of the Catherine Palace at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-11087.jpg
289.9 kB
Mac-Ardell James - Portrait of Lady Middleton - OG-33034.jpg
289.9 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Greek House in Casal Zurnico on Malta - OR-4084.jpg
289.9 kB
Perrot Ferdinand-Victor - View of the Smolny Convent - JRG-20120.jpg
289.6 kB
Lampi Johann-Baptist I - Portrait of Alexander Samoilov - JRX-2013.jpg
289.6 kB
Randel Friedrich - Portrait of Ivan Paskevich - GJ-4927.jpg
289.6 kB
Angeli Giuseppe - Lesson in Astronomy - GJ-8438.jpg
289.5 kB
Bouguereau Adolphe William - Tobias Saying Good-Bye to his Father - GJ-4426.jpg
289.3 kB
Kern Anton - Autumn and Winter - GJ-2178.jpg
289.2 kB
Picasso Pablo - Farm Woman (Half-Length) - GJ-6531.jpg
289.1 kB
Teniers David II - Landscape with a Shepherd and a Flock - GJ-1718.jpg
289.0 kB
Stieler Joseph Karl - Portrait of Maximilian Duke of Leuchtenberg - GJ-8802.jpg
288.9 kB
Mieris Frans Jansz van I - Portrait of a Lady - GJ-1855.jpg
288.7 kB
Neyelov Ilya Vasilyevich - Design of a Pavilion in Chinese Style - OR-23372.jpg
288.7 kB
Vois Arie (Adriaen) de - Portrait of a Notary - GJ-6171.jpg
288.7 kB
Signac Paul - Sailboats in the Harbor of Les Sables-dOlonne - GR-155-87.jpg
288.5 kB
Botticelli Sandro (Alessandro da Mariano di Vanni di Amedeo Filipepi) - St Dominic - GJ-4076.jpg
288.5 kB
Ribera Jose de - Allegory of History - GJ-5194.jpg
288.5 kB
Bosboom Johannes - In the Church - GJ-5361.jpg
288.4 kB
Cigoli (Lodovico Cardi) - St Francis - GJ-7148.jpg
288.3 kB
Rundaltsov Mikhail Victorovich - Portrait of Emperor Nicholas II with Remarque-Portraits of Emperors Alexander I and Nicholas I - JRG-33983.jpg
288.3 kB
Roslin Alexander - Portrait of Catherine II - GJ-1316.jpg
288.2 kB
Marchesini Alessandro - Dedication of a New Vestal Virgin - GJ-6376.jpg
288.0 kB
Delaroche Hippolyte (Paul) - Portrait of Henrietta Sontag - GJ-7462.jpg
287.9 kB
Hove Hubertus van - Distribution of Charity in the Alms-House - GJ-6302.jpg
287.7 kB
Teniers David II - Kitchen - GJ-586.jpg
287.7 kB
Dumoustier Pierre I - Portrait of Etienne Dumoustier - OR-7400.jpg
287.7 kB
Bry August - View of the Entrance to the Hrbour of Kronstadt - JRG-7793.jpg
287.5 kB
Reni Guido - Education of the Virgin - GJ-198.jpg
287.3 kB
Ingres Jean-Auguste-Dominique - Portrait of Madame Victor Mottez (Julie-Colette Odevaere) - GR-131-17956.jpg
287.3 kB
Sergeev Matvey - Portrait of a Girl - JRX-2627.jpg
287.3 kB
Steuben Carl von - Portrait of Countess dAsh - GJ-7556.jpg
287.2 kB
Pontormo Jacopo Carucci (Carrucci) - The Virgin and the Child with St Joseph and John the Baptist - GJ-5527.jpg
287.1 kB
Dahl Michael - Portrait of a Woman - GJ-7220.jpg
286.9 kB
Preti Mattia - Man in a Cloak. Verco Draped Male Figure with Left Hand Raised - OR-40305.jpg
286.8 kB
Nattier Jean-Marc - Portrait of Louis XV of France - GJ-1123.jpg
286.8 kB
Botticelli Sandro (Alessandro da Mariano di Vanni di Amedeo Filipepi) - St Jerome - GJ-4077.jpg
286.8 kB
Proudhon Pierre Paul - Innocence Preferring Love to Wealth - GJ-5673.jpg
286.7 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Head of an Old Man. Study for The Crown of Thorns (Ecce Homo) - GJ-4745.jpg
286.7 kB
Schultz Ludwig - Portrait of Empress Maria Fiodorovna - JRX-3032.jpg
286.5 kB
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) - Portrait of a Young Woman - GJ-71.jpg
286.5 kB
Ribalta Francisco - Nailing to the Cross - GJ-303.jpg
286.5 kB
Nelimarkka Eero Alexander - Morning in a Peasant House - GJ-9754.jpg
286.1 kB
Guglielmi Gregorio - Apotheosis of the Reign of Catherine II - GJ-5531.jpg
286.1 kB
Strozzi Bernardo (Il Prete Genovese) - Allegory of the Arts - GJ-6547.jpg
286.1 kB
Lombard Lambert - Self-Portrait - GJ-1425.jpg
286.0 kB
Malton Thomas I - Embankment near the Academy of Arts Vasilyevsky Island. View from the Neva River - JRG-30516.jpg
286.0 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Isaac Blessing Jacob - GJ-332.jpg
285.9 kB
Largilliere Nicolas de - Provost and Municipal Magistrates of Paris Discussing the Celebration of Louis XIVs Dinner at the Hotel de Ville after his Recovery in 1687 - GJ-1269.jpg
285.9 kB
Lefevre Jules Joseph - Mary Magdalene in a Grotto - GJ-4841.jpg
285.9 kB
Kent Rockwell - Admiralty Sound Tierra del Fuego - GJ-9922.jpg
285.8 kB
Nerff Timofei Andreyevich - Portrait of a Young Woman - JRX-1273.jpg
285.8 kB
Klenze Leo von - View of the New Hermitage. The Plans of the Ground and First Floors - OR-42174.jpg
285.8 kB
Licinio Bernardino - Family Portrait - GJ-101.jpg
285.7 kB
Boulanger Gustave Clarence Rodolphe - Theatrical Rehearsal in the House of an Ancient Rome Poet - GJ-3820.jpg
285.6 kB
Nattier Jean-Baptiste - Joseph and Potiphars Wife - GJ-1268.jpg
285.6 kB
Manzu Giacomo - Sketch for Striptease - OR-47832.jpg
285.6 kB
Cameron Charles - Design for a Staircase in the Cold Baths at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-10990.jpg
285.4 kB
Costa Lorenzo - Portrait of a Lady - GJ-5525.jpg
285.4 kB
Tischbein Johann Friedrich August - Portrait of the Saltykov Family - GJ-5771.jpg
285.2 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - View of the Tauride Palace from the Garden - JRX-1903.jpg
285.2 kB
Hansen Hans - Urban Landscape - OR-46109.jpg
285.1 kB
Teniers David II - Scene in a Tavern - GJ-573.jpg
285.1 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Vision of St Antony of Padua - GJ-308.jpg
285.1 kB
Koninck Salomon - Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard - GJ-2157.jpg
285.0 kB
Hackert Georg Abraham - View of Caserta - OG-145177.jpg
284.9 kB
Beccafumi Domenico (Domenico di Giovanni di Pace) - Mystical Marriage of St Catherine - GJ-67.jpg
284.9 kB
Toeput Lodewyk (Il Pozzoserrato) - View of an Italian City - OR-4849.jpg
284.8 kB
Hackert Jakob Philipp - View of the Bay of Baja - GJ-7310.jpg
284.8 kB
Caliari Benedetto - Portrait of Tommaso Guinta - GJ-7387.jpg
284.8 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Marble Bas-Relief Depicting the Heads of Tullia and Klaudia Metella - OR-4099.jpg
284.7 kB
Campigli Massimo - Seamstresses - GJ-9138.jpg
284.7 kB
Vos Simon de - The Magnanimity of Scipio Africanus - GJ-620.jpg
284.7 kB
Batoni Pompeo - Portrait of Prince B. Kurakin - GJ-5482.jpg
284.7 kB
Kruger Franz - Equestrian Portrait of Grand Prince Alexander Nikolayevich - GJ-7572.jpg
284.6 kB
Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri) - Vision of St Clare - GJ-156.jpg
284.5 kB
Tiepolo Giovanni Battista - Triumph of Manius Curius Dentatus - GJ-7475.jpg
284.5 kB
Andrea del Sarto - The Virgin and the Child with Saints Catherine Elizabeth and John the Baptist - GJ-62.jpg
284.4 kB
Terbrugghen Hendrick Jansz - Concert - GJ-5599.jpg
284.3 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of an Old Jew - GJ-737.jpg
284.3 kB
Cuijp Aelbert - Landscape with a Road on the Edge of a Forest - OR-15089.jpg
284.3 kB
Schoppe Julius I - Tableau Vivant River Nymphs and Ruebezahl - OG-114425.jpg
284.2 kB
Ryckaert David III - Peasant with a Dog - GJ-654.jpg
284.1 kB
Winterhalter Francois Xavier - Portrait of Princess Sophia Radzivil - GJ-4253.jpg
284.0 kB
Momper Joos de - Mountainous Landscape with Figures and a Donkey - GJ-448.jpg
283.9 kB
Recco Elena - Still Life with Fish and a Shell - GJ-4576.jpg
283.9 kB
Vallotton Felix - Landscape. Arques-la-Bataille - GJ-4908.jpg
283.7 kB
Roslin Alexander - Portrait of a Man Wearing a Red Caftan - GJ-5828.jpg
283.5 kB
Mengs Anton Raphael - Self-Portrait - GJ-1330.jpg
283.4 kB
Mieris Willem van - Expulsion of Hagar - GJ-1854.jpg
283.3 kB
Batoni Pompeo - Mercury Crowning Philosophy Mother of the Arts - GJ-3734.jpg
283.2 kB
Wael Cornelis de - A Camp by the Ruins - GJ-1650.jpg
283.1 kB
Dyck Anthony van - St Peter - GJ-556.jpg
283.0 kB
Lely Peter - Trial by Fire - GJ-2210.jpg
282.8 kB
Rouault Georges - Les Filles - OR-43783.jpg
282.8 kB
Stomer Matthias - Esau and Jacob - GJ-2913.jpg
282.8 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Sobornaya (Cathedral) Square at the Moscow Kremlin - OR-11714.jpg
282.7 kB
Meulen Adam-Franz van der - Louis XIV Travelling - GJ-3522.jpg
282.7 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Nikolai K. Girs - OR-43284.jpg
282.7 kB
Nattier Jean-Marc - Portrait of Catherine I - JRX-1857.jpg
282.6 kB
Bellange Jacques - Gypsy with Two Children - OR-15799.jpg
282.6 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Nikolai N. Rayevsky (1771-1829) - GJ-7822.jpg
282.6 kB
Jacobsz Dirck - Group Portrait of the Amsterdam Shooting Corporation - GJ-414.jpg
282.5 kB
Chesky Ivan Vasilyevich - View of the Point of Vasilyevsky Island - JRG-17336.jpg
282.5 kB
Son Joris van - The Larmentation with a Garland of Fruit - GJ-2912.jpg
282.5 kB
Salviati Francesco - Roman Warrior - OR-4654.jpg
282.5 kB
Pyasetsky Pavel Yakovlevich - Rolled Panorama The Visit of Emperar Nicholas II to France in September 1901. Detail The Emperors Cortege in Town Square at Compiegne - JRR-9210(7).jpg
282.3 kB
Boudin Eugene - Beach at Trouville - GJ-10597.jpg
282.3 kB
Afanasyev Konstantin Yakovlevich - Portrait of Vasily Plavilshchikov - JRG-15322.jpg
282.1 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - Riesengebirge (Memories of the Riesengebirge ) - GJ-4751.jpg
282.0 kB
Bella Stefano della - Equestrian Tournament - OR-45102.jpg
281.9 kB
Renieri Niccolo (Regnier Nicolas) - John the Baptist in the Wilderness - GJ-5044.jpg
281.9 kB
Winterhalter Francois Xavier - Portrait of Empress Alexandra Fiodorovna - GJ-6818.jpg
281.7 kB
Lastman Pieter - Annunciation - GJ-3197.jpg
281.7 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Yevstafy Ye. Staden (1775-1845) - GJ-8007.jpg
281.7 kB
Cameron Charles - Design of a Wall Decoration in the Chinese Room of the Palace at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-11029.jpg
281.6 kB
Erichsen (Ericksen) Virgilius - Portrait of Catherine II in front of a Mirror - GJ-1352.jpg
281.5 kB
Meulenaer Peeter - Cavalry Battle - GJ-3521.jpg
281.4 kB
Pecheux (Pescheux) Laurent - Pygmalion and Galatea - GJ-7568.jpg
281.1 kB
Breydel Frans - Mummers - GJ-10135.jpg
281.1 kB
Velazquez Diego - Portrait of Count-Duke Olivares - GJ-300.jpg
280.9 kB
Cuijp Aelbert - Sunset over the River - GJ-7595.jpg
280.8 kB
Bellotto Bernardo - Moat of Zwinger in Dresden - GJ-1384.jpg
280.8 kB
Monet Claude - Steep Cliffs near Dieppe - GJ-8992.jpg
280.8 kB
Troy Jean-Francois de - Rape of Proserpine - GJ-7526.jpg
280.7 kB
Dore Gustave - Gorge - GJ-4913.jpg
280.4 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Danae - GJ-723.jpg
280.4 kB
Golenishcheva-Kutusova S. A. - View of the Estate in New Svet the Estate of Count Riboupierre in Smolensk Region - JRR-829.jpg
280.2 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - View of the Smolny Convent from the Okhta - JRX-1674.jpg
280.2 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Marbre Bas-Relief with the Depictions of Zenobia and Penthesilea in Profile - OR-4102.jpg
280.1 kB
Robertson Christina - Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna - GJ-4843.jpg
280.0 kB
Aubertin - Allegorical Figure of a Woman with a Sword - OR-13533.jpg
279.9 kB
Knaus Ludwig - First Earnings - GJ-3526.jpg
279.9 kB
Netscher Caspar - Portrait of a Man - GJ-1866.jpg
279.9 kB
Granet Francois-Marius - Interior of the Choir in the Capuchin Church on the Plazza Barberini in Rome - GJ-1322.jpg
279.8 kB
Laurencin Marie - Artemis - GJ-9000.jpg
279.8 kB
Werenskiold Erik - Landscape with a Lake - GJ-9825.jpg
279.2 kB
Lebourg Albert Marie - View of Pont-du-Chateau - GJ-9280.jpg
279.2 kB
Guardi Francesco - Banquet in Honour of the Visit of Tsesarevich Pavel Petrovich to Venice - OR-11840.jpg
279.1 kB
Delaroche Hippolyte (Paul) - Cromwell before the Coffin of Charles I - GJ-7315.jpg
279.0 kB
Schidone (Schedone) Bartolomeo - Holy Family with John the Baptist - GJ-4058.jpg
279.0 kB
Laurens Jean-Paul - Emperor Maximilian of the Mexico before the Execution - GJ-9671.jpg
278.9 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - Owl in a Gothic Window - OR-43908.jpg
278.7 kB
Dolci Carlo - St Mary Magdalene - GJ-200.jpg
278.7 kB
Lampi Johann-Baptist I - Portrait of Prince Bezborodko A.A. - GJ-8382.jpg
278.7 kB
Helst Bartholomeus van der - Portrait of a Woman - GJ-6833.jpg
278.5 kB
Uden Lucas van - Landscape with Hunters - GJ-626.jpg
278.5 kB
Velazquez Diego (follower) - Head of a Laughing Boy - GJ-334.jpg
278.4 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Design of a Theatrical Curtain - OR-27188.jpg
278.4 kB
Makovsky Konstantin Egorovich - Portrait of Grand Princess Maria Nikolayevna - JRX-1473.jpg
278.4 kB
Batoni Pompeo - Continence of Scipio - GJ-2609.jpg
278.3 kB
Zhukovsky Rudolf Kazimirovich - Merchant Family Walking - JRG-30423.jpg
278.3 kB
Picasso Pablo - Portrait of Soler - GJ-6528.jpg
278.1 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Mikhail Kutuzov (1745-1813) - GJ-7808.jpg
278.1 kB
Vernet Horace - Angel of the Death - GJ-3827.jpg
278.0 kB
Gilbertson E. - Tsar Bell in the Moscow Kremlin - JRR-5540.jpg
278.0 kB
Son Joris van - The Larmentation with a Garland of Fruit - GJ-3236.jpg
278.0 kB
Grandjean Edmond Georges - View of the Champs-Elysees from the Place de lEtoile in Paris - GJ-5059.jpg
277.9 kB
Maino Juan Bautista - Adoration of the Shepherds - GJ-315.jpg
277.9 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Esther before Ahasuerus - GJ-1755.jpg
277.9 kB
Lemoyne Francios - Woman Bathing - GJ-1222.jpg
277.8 kB
Huber Jean - Voltaire Welcoming his Guests - GJ-6726.jpg
277.8 kB
Nikitin Ivan Nikitich - Portrait of Peter the Great on his Death-Bed - JRX-540.jpg
277.6 kB
Roslin Alexander - Portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Betskoi Wearing a Dressing Gown (copy) - GJ-5832.jpg
277.4 kB
Jensen Christian Albrecht - Portrait of a Lady in Blue Dress - GJ-8338.jpg
277.4 kB
Vernet Horace - Invalid Handing a Petition to Napoleon at the Parade in the Court of the Tuileries Palace - GJ-5938.jpg
277.4 kB
Testa Pietro - Presentation of the Virgin - GJ-48.jpg
277.3 kB
Detaille Jean-Baptiste Edouard - Singer of the 4th Rifle Battalion at Tsarskoe Selo - GJ-4213.jpg
277.2 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - View of the Marble Palace from the Peter and Paul Fortress - JRG-20069.jpg
277.1 kB
Lory Gabriel I Ludwig Lory Gabriel II Matthias - View of Palace Embankment from Vasilyevsky Island in St Petersburg - JRG-20053.jpg
276.8 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Descent from the Cross - GJ-753.jpg
276.8 kB
Miel Jan - Scene from the Life of Tramps (Lazzaroni) - GJ-666.jpg
276.6 kB
Vivien Joseph - Portrait of the Architect Jules Hardouin Mansard - GJ-5711.jpg
276.6 kB
Boucher Francois - Young Woman Sleeping - OR-40466.jpg
276.5 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Ornamentation in the Grotesque Style - OR-2259.jpg
276.4 kB
Melbye Anton (Daniel Hermann) - Seascape - GJ-8149.jpg
276.4 kB
Carvajal Luis de - Circumcision - GJ-1463.jpg
276.4 kB
Heuvel Theodore Bernard de - After the Unsealing of the Will - GJ-10027.jpg
276.1 kB
Capriolo Domenico - Portrait of a Man (Self-Portrait) - GJ-21.jpg
276.1 kB
Vernet Claude Joseph - Shipwreck - GJ-4372.jpg
276.0 kB
Neer Aert van der - Landscape with a Windmill - GJ-927.jpg
276.0 kB
Duyster Willem - Tric-Trac Players - GJ-896.jpg
275.8 kB
Andrea del Sarto - Holy Family with St John the Baptist - GJ-6680.jpg
275.8 kB
Vos Simon de - Marry Society - GJ-8501.jpg
275.7 kB
Razumikhin Peter Ivanovich - Opening of the Alexander Pillar on Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square - JRG-32839.jpg
275.5 kB
Derain Andre - Girl in Black - GJ-6577.jpg
275.2 kB
Frentz Rudolf Fiodorovich (Ferdinandovich) - Report on the Emperors Hunt in 1896 - JRR-8366.jpg
275.2 kB
Elardin J. - Drawing of the Cup that was Presented to the Crew of the In Commemoration of Azov Ship - OR-13553.jpg
275.1 kB
Jordaens Jacob - Sts Paul and Barnabas in Lystra - GJ-491.jpg
275.1 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Christ and the Woman of Samaria - GJ-714.jpg
275.0 kB
Martynov Andrey - View of the Moika River by the Imperial Stables - JRR-5554.jpg
275.0 kB
Luini Bernardino - St Catherine - GJ-109.jpg
274.9 kB
Ligozzi Jacopo - Fish (Flying Gurnard) - OR-16757.jpg
274.9 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Enclosure of Huge Stones in Casal Caccia - OR-4112.jpg
274.6 kB
Robillard Hippolyte - Portrait of Princess Irina Paskevich - OR-40743.jpg
274.6 kB
Le Sueur Eustache - Darius Hystaspis Opens the Tomb of Nitocry - GJ-1242.jpg
274.6 kB
Claesz Pieter - Still Life with Clay Pipes - GJ-5619.jpg
274.5 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Liberation of St Peter - GJ-342.jpg
274.4 kB
Lampi Johann-Baptist I - Portrait of Catherine II - GJ-2755.jpg
274.3 kB
Neyelov Ilya Vasilyevich - Design of a Pagoda - OR-23369.jpg
274.2 kB
Amaral Miguel Antonio do - Portrait of Maria Francisca Princess of Brasil and Beira - GJ-4431.jpg
274.1 kB
Snyders Frans - Fruit in a Bowl on a Red Cloth - GJ-612.jpg
274.1 kB
Gillemans Jan Pauwel II - Fountain Decorated with Fruit - GJ-3328.jpg
274.0 kB
Hals Frans - Portrait of a Young Man Holding a Glove - GJ-982.jpg
274.0 kB
Pierron Charles - Street in an Oriental City with the Ruins of an Egyptian Temple - OR-26880.jpg
273.9 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Apollo - OR-17961.jpg
273.7 kB
Noter David Emile Joseph de - In the Kitchen - GJ-9826.jpg
273.7 kB
Preti Mattia - Concert - GJ-1241.jpg
273.7 kB
Ingres Jean-Auguste-Dominique - Portrait of Count Nikolay Guryev - GJ-5678.jpg
273.6 kB
Ruisdael Jacob Isaaksz van - Mountainous Landscape - GJ-932.jpg
273.6 kB
Bassano Francesco (Francesco da Ponte) - Winter - GJ-233.jpg
273.5 kB
Chaplin Charles - Girl with a Bird Nest - GJ-5688.jpg
273.4 kB
Vernet Horace - Head of an Arab - GJ-4961.jpg
273.2 kB
Enckell Knut Magnus - Mother with her Sleeping Child - OR-18907.jpg
273.2 kB
Crespi Giuseppe Maria (Lo Spagnolo) - Death of St Joseph - GJ-25.jpg
273.1 kB
Edelfelt Albert (Gustaf Aristides) - Landscape - OR-18902.jpg
273.1 kB
Valentin de Boulogne - Expulsion of the Money-Changers from the Temple - GJ-1214.jpg
272.9 kB
Magnus Eduard - Potrait of Aglaya A. Senden - GJ-6038.jpg
272.9 kB
Lawrence Thomas - Portrait of Count Semyon Vorontsov - GJ-1363.jpg
272.8 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - View of the English Embankment from Vasilyevsky Island (2nd section) - JRG-27283.jpg
272.5 kB
Kreutzinger Joseph - Portrait of Count Alexander Suvorov - JRX-1916.jpg
272.5 kB
Roymerswaele (Roemerswaele) Marinus van - Tax-Collectors - GJ-423.jpg
272.5 kB
Kent Rockwell - Tassiusak Greenland - GJ-9930.jpg
272.5 kB
Kanerva Aimo (Ilmary) - Spring Landscape - OR-46211.jpg
272.4 kB
Hoecke Robert van den - Storm of a Fortress - GJ-2724.jpg
272.3 kB
Robert Hubert - Decorative Landscape with an Obelisk - GJ-7734.jpg
272.3 kB
Sweerts Michiel - Portrait of a Young Man (Self-Portrait) - GJ-3654.jpg
272.3 kB
Venne (Vinnen) Jan van de (Pseudo van de Venne) - Halt of Gipsies - GJ-3217.jpg
272.2 kB
Perrot Ferdinand-Victor - View of the Neva River at the Descent of the Academy of Arts - JRG-20119.jpg
272.1 kB
Vallotton Felix - Portrait of Mme Haasen - GJ-6765.jpg
272.1 kB
Robert Hubert - Tomb of Cecilia Metella - GJ-5650.jpg
272.1 kB
Crespi Giuseppe Maria (Lo Spagnolo) - Woman Looking for Fleas - GJ-9618.jpg
272.0 kB
Ast Balthasar van der - Plate with Fruits and Shells - GJ-3423.jpg
271.9 kB
Maes Nicolaes - Mocking of Christ - GJ-6242.jpg
271.7 kB
Schoppe Julius I - Tableau Vivant Cherishing of the White Rose - OG-114423.jpg
271.7 kB
Longhi Pietro - Theatrical Scene - GJ-5546.jpg
271.6 kB
Vigee Le Brun Elisabeth-Louise - Genius of Alexander I - GJ-1149.jpg
271.5 kB
Gentileschi Orazio (Orazio Lomi) - Cupid and Psyche - GJ-6889.jpg
271.3 kB
Carreno de Miranda Juan - Portrait of a Man - GJ-360.jpg
271.2 kB
Hildebrandt Eduard - View of Constantinople (Istanbul) from the Cemetery - OR-27009.jpg
271.2 kB
Couder Louis-Charles-Auguste - Death of Masaccio - GJ-7238.jpg
271.1 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Sir Thomas Wharton - GJ-547.jpg
271.1 kB
Seghers Corneille (Cornelius) - Lady and Gentleman - GJ-3874.jpg
271.1 kB
Kent Rockwell - Asgaard - GJ-9943.jpg
271.1 kB
Survage (Sturzwage) Leopold - Lanscape - GJ-9024.jpg
270.8 kB
Chepfer E. - French Soldier Holding a Horse by the Bridle - OR-13543.jpg
270.8 kB
Stilke Hermann Anton - Appearance of Sts Catherine and Michael to Joan of Arc (Lef-Hand Part of The Life of Joan of Arc Triptych) - GJ-5003.jpg
270.7 kB
Ribera Jose de - St Francis of Paola - GJ-370.jpg
270.6 kB
Saladin Olga - Nasturtiums - OR-13601.jpg
270.5 kB
Adam Albrecht - Battle of Smolensk on 18 August 1812 - OR-25980.jpg
270.5 kB
Rokotov Fyodor - Portrait of Catherine II (copy) - JRXQL2II-678.jpg
270.4 kB
Lundens Gerrit - Gossip - GJ-2924.jpg
270.3 kB
Lemoyne Francios - Messengers of Godfrey of Bouillon in Gardens of Armida - GJ-1135.jpg
270.3 kB
Hayter George - Portrait of Sophia Kiselyova - GJ-4929.jpg
270.2 kB
Gallait Louis - Sentinel the Croat - GJ-3836.jpg
270.0 kB
Bohnstedt Ludwig Franz Karl - Cameron Gallery and Grotto on the Shore of the Pond in Tsarskoye Selo - JRR-5533.jpg
270.0 kB
Boucher Francois - Crossing the Bridge - GJ-6328.jpg
269.8 kB
Rosso Giovanni Battista (Rosso Fiorentino) - The Virgin and the Child with Angels - GJ-111.jpg
269.8 kB
Robertson Christina - Portrait of Grand Princess Olga Nikolayevna - GJ-4593.jpg
269.7 kB
Aelst Willem van - Snack - GJ-1019.jpg
269.6 kB
Keyser Nicaise de - Portrait of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolayevna - JRX-1271.jpg
269.6 kB
Millet Jean-Francois - Farm Near Vichy - GR-131-17926.jpg
269.4 kB
Waldmuller Ferdinand Georg - Children - GJ-5781.jpg
269.3 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Portrait of the Actress Jeanne Samary - GJ-9003.jpg
269.2 kB
Durand Andre - View of Nevsky Prospekt near the Politseisky (Police) Bridge - JRG-6144.jpg
269.2 kB
Victors Jan - The Anointing of David - GJ-3791.jpg
269.2 kB
Brodersen G. - Design of a Goblet - JROQL3III-1590.jpg
269.1 kB
Robertson Christina - Portrait of Grand Princess Alexandra Nikolayevna - GJ-1351.jpg
269.1 kB
Chernetsov Grigory Grigoryevich - Part of the Panorama of Palace Square from the Scaffolding of the Alexander Column - JRG-27224.jpg
269.0 kB
Flinck Govert - Bathsheba with King Davids Letter - GJ-2824.jpg
269.0 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Repentance of St Peter - GJ-3589.jpg
268.9 kB
Sanders George - Two Youths against a Landscape Background - GJ-7314.jpg
268.7 kB
Francken Hieronymus II - Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins - GJ-6062.jpg
268.7 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Jacobs Dream - GJ-344.jpg
268.7 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Head of a Franciscan Monk - GJ-472.jpg
268.6 kB
Kolokolnikov Mina Lukich - Portrait of a Youth - JRX-787.jpg
268.5 kB
Lundberg Gustav - Portrait of Adolphus Frederick (1710-1771) King of Sweden - OR-17968.jpg
268.4 kB
Amigoni (Amiconi) Jacopo - Peter I with Minerva (with the Allegorical Figure of Glory) - GJ-2754.jpg
268.4 kB
Torres Mathias de - Presentation of Christ in the Temple - GJ-318.jpg
268.3 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - View of St Petersburg on the Day of the 100th Anniversary - JRX-1677.jpg
268.2 kB
Reimers I. F. - Portrait of Count Mikhail Speransky - JRR-5617.jpg
268.2 kB
Mengs Anton Raphael - Perseus and Andromeda - GJ-1328.jpg
268.1 kB
Jacquot Charles - Drawing of Two Versions of the Mother and Child Sculpture - OR-13565.jpg
268.1 kB
Jarnefelt Eero Nicolai - Hawks in the Forest - OR-18906.jpg
268.1 kB
Bourdon Sebastien - Baptism of Christ - OR-396.jpg
267.9 kB
Voille Jean Louis - Portrait of Olga Zherebtsova - GJ-5654.jpg
267.8 kB
Jordaens Hans III Momper Joos de (landscape) - The Conversion of Saul - GJ-8511.jpg
267.7 kB
Winterhalter Francois Xavier - Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolayevna - GJ-5979.jpg
267.7 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Marble Statue from Casal Attard - OR-4097.jpg
267.5 kB
Hildebrandt Eduard - View of the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (Istanbul) - OR-27019.jpg
267.5 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Ferdinand II - GJ-510D.jpg
267.5 kB
Bohnstedt Ludwig Franz Karl - View of the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island - JRR-5524.jpg
267.4 kB
Peeters Bonaventura I - Fortified Harbour - GJ-2601.jpg
267.3 kB
Lachnit Wilhelm - Bridge - GJ-8897.jpg
267.2 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Sir Thomas Chaloner - GJ-551.jpg
267.1 kB
Mieris Frans Jansz van I - Oyster Eaters - GJ-917.jpg
267.0 kB
Spada Lionello - Martyrdom of St Peter - GJ-28.jpg
267.0 kB
Reynolds Joshua - Continence of Scipio - GJ-1347.jpg
266.9 kB
Maratti Carlo Dughet Gaspard - Landscape with Diana and Actaeon - GJ-6919.jpg
266.9 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Prince Nikolai Saltykov - GJ-5762.jpg
266.8 kB
Thulden Theodor van - Time Reveals the Truth - GJ-563.jpg
266.8 kB
Adam Albrecht - In the Environs of Moscow on 14 September 1812 - OR-25998.jpg
266.7 kB
Menelaws Adam - Landscape in the Alexander Park at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-12963.jpg
266.7 kB
Ruysdael Salomon van - Ferry Boat near Arnheim - GJ-3649.jpg
266.7 kB
Liberi Pietro - Sleeping Endymion - GJ-10610.jpg
266.6 kB
Kern Anton - Summer and Spring - GJ-2177.jpg
266.6 kB
Lenbach Franz von - Portrait of Marion Lenbach - GJ-8884.jpg
266.5 kB
Granet Francois-Marius - Meeting of the Monastic Chapter - GJ-2702.jpg
266.5 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Portrait of Count Pavel Stroganov as A Child - GJ-4063.jpg
266.4 kB
Guttenbrunn Ludwig - Portrait of Prince Alexander B. Kurakin - GJ-5484.jpg
266.3 kB
Feyan Eugene - Girl Carrying Crabs - OR-13555.jpg
266.1 kB
Roslin Alexander - Portrait of Count Zakhar Chernyshev - GJ-7624.jpg
266.0 kB
Frentz Rudolf Fiodorovich (Ferdinandovich) - Report on the Emperors Hunt in November 1899 - JRR-8368.jpg
266.0 kB
Dance Nathaniel - Portrait of George III - GJ-4469.jpg
266.0 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Tombstone with a Bas-Relief and an Inscription from La Valletta - OR-4098.jpg
265.9 kB
Teniers David II - Landscape with a Maid at the Well - GJ-628.jpg
265.7 kB
Tiepolo Giovanni Battista - Mucius Scaevola before Porsenna - GJ-7473.jpg
265.7 kB
Melbye Anton (Daniel Hermann) - Sailing-Ships in the Sea - OR-27250.jpg
265.5 kB
Mayr Johann Georg de - View of the Winter Palace from Vasilyevsky Island - JRX-2219.jpg
265.5 kB
Robillard Hippolyte - Still Life with Dead Game - GJ-10037.jpg
265.5 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Leaning Tower in Pisa - OR-2492.jpg
265.5 kB
Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) - St Sebastian - GJ-191.jpg
265.4 kB
Klenze Leo von - Palace in Athens - GJ-5302.jpg
265.4 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - View of Sennaya Square in St Petersburg - JRX-1904.jpg
265.3 kB
Giordano Luca - Lamentation - GJ-23.jpg
265.2 kB
Kruger Franz - Equestrian Portrait of Frederick William III - GJ-7806.jpg
265.1 kB
Granet Francois-Marius - Interior of the Choir in the Capuchin Church in Piarza (the authors replica) - GJ-8322.jpg
265.0 kB
Rethel Alfred - Nemesis - GJ-7168.jpg
264.9 kB
Hillestrom Per I - Children Bandaging a Finger - GJ-5825.jpg
264.7 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Henry Danvers Earl of Danby - GJ-545.jpg
264.6 kB
Gornostayev Alexei - Alexander Palace in Tsarskoye Selo - JRR-5530.jpg
264.6 kB
Tiarini Alessandro - Holy Family with St Francis of Assisi the Archangel Michael and St John the Baptist - GJ-73.jpg
264.3 kB
Barroso Miguel - St Andrew - GJ-1472.jpg
264.3 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Winter - OR-17965.jpg
264.1 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Crucifixion - GJ-345.jpg
264.1 kB
Ferrari Luca (Luca da Reggio) - Allegory of Jealousy - GJ-1582.jpg
264.0 kB
Rohrich Franz Wolfgang - Portrait of a Lady and a Child - GJ-1789.jpg
264.0 kB
263.7 kB
Poussin Nicolas (circle) - Queen Zenobia - GJ-7650.jpg
263.6 kB
Richter Johann Heinrich - Portrait of Eugene de Beauharnais - GJ-7219.jpg
263.5 kB
Fantin-Latour Henri - Lemon Apples and Tulips (Tulips and Fruit) - ZKR-550.jpg
263.5 kB
Barbier A. - Still Life with Apples - GJ-6233.jpg
263.4 kB
Ingres Jean-Auguste-Dominique - Portrait of a Russian General - OR-46655.jpg
263.2 kB
Friant E. - Girl from Lorraine - OR-13557.jpg
263.2 kB
Dethomas Maxime - Lying Nude - OR-42272.jpg
263.2 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Diana - OR-17960.jpg
263.2 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Introduction of Grand Princess Maria Alexandrovna to Shah Nasir al-Din in the Winter Palace - JRR-7038.jpg
263.1 kB
Melbye Anton (Daniel Hermann) - Sea at Night - GJ-7563.jpg
263.0 kB
Levitsky Dmitry Grigorievich - Portrait of Mikhail Krechetnikov - JRX-1897.jpg
262.8 kB
Angelico fra Beato (fra Giovanni da Fiesole Guido di Pietro) - Reliquary with Christ and Angels - GJ-283.jpg
262.8 kB
Dethomas Maxime - Violinist - OR-42273.jpg
262.7 kB
Dickinson William - Portrait of Catherine the Great - JRG-13379.jpg
262.5 kB
Buchholtz Heinrich - Allegory of the Victory of the Russian Fleet over the Turks in the Turkish War of 1768-1774 - JRX-1727.jpg
262.5 kB
Hildebrandt Eduard - View of Jaffa - OR-27018.jpg
262.5 kB
Oleszkiewicz Joseph - Portrait of Mikhail Kutuzov (Golenishchev-Kutuzov Prince of Smolensk) - JRX-2229.jpg
262.3 kB
Guerin Pierre Narcisse - Aurora and Cephalus - GJ-10310.jpg
262.2 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Island of Fishermen on Lake Maggiore - OR-43605.jpg
262.1 kB
Edelfelt Albert (Gustaf Aristides) - Portrait of M. V. Dyakovskaya-Geirot - GJ-6476.jpg
262.0 kB
Lenbach Franz von - Portrait of Marcella Sembrich - OR-40039.jpg
262.0 kB
Pyasetsky Pavel Yakovlevich - Rolled Panorama The Visit of Emperar Nicholas II to France in September 1901. Detail The Yacht Standard at its Moorings at Dunkirk - JRR-9210(1).jpg
262.0 kB
Heilbuth Ferdinand - Rowing on the Seine - GJ-9008.jpg
262.0 kB
Le Maire Jean (called Le Maire-Poussin) - Square of an Ancient City - GJ-1181.jpg
261.9 kB
Giordano Luca - Vulcans Forge - GJ-188.jpg
261.8 kB
Gomion Marie - Portrait of Boris Kurakin - GJ-7518.jpg
261.7 kB
Rokotov Fyodor - Portrait of Catherine II (copy) - JRX-QL2II-678.jpg
261.7 kB
Le Prince Jean-Baptiste - Landscape with Herdsmen - OR-46924.jpg
261.7 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Portrait of King Philip IV - GJ-468.jpg
261.7 kB
Brompton Richard - Portrait of Catherine II - GJ-1318.jpg
261.7 kB
Le Sueur Eustache - Landscape with Moses Saved from the Nile - GJ-1251.jpg
261.6 kB
Ainmiller Max Emanuel - Interior of a Church - GJ-4750.jpg
261.6 kB
Geiger Conrad - Portrait of Maximilian IV Joseph Elector of Bavaria - OR-27146.jpg
261.5 kB
Bourdon Sebastien - Massacre of the Innocents - GJ-1223.jpg
261.4 kB
Gelder Aert de - Portrait of a Collector (Self-Portrait with Etching by Rembrandt ) - GJ-790.jpg
261.4 kB
Kleineh Oskar Conrad - City Street with a Procession - GJ-8597.jpg
261.3 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of a Young Man - GJ-6839.jpg
260.8 kB
Monnoyer Jean-Baptiste - Fruit and Flowers - GJ-7439.jpg
260.7 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Holy Family with St Elizabeth and John the Baptist - GJ-1213.jpg
260.6 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Infant Jesus and St John - GJ-335.jpg
260.4 kB
Poelenburgh Cornelis van - Landscape with Diana and Callisto - GJ-1062.jpg
260.3 kB
Artemyev Prokofy Vnukov Akim Chelnakov Nikita - Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo. View from the Main Courtyard - JRG-3167731678.jpg
260.2 kB
Maes Nicolaes - Portrait of a Young Woman - GJ-3640.jpg
260.1 kB
Makart Hans - Portrait of a Woman - GJ-6011.jpg
260.0 kB
Mellan Claude - Portrait of Rene de Longueil Marquis de Maison - OR-1819.jpg
260.0 kB
Bonnat Leon Joseph Florentin - Portrait of Prince Vyacheslav Tenishev - GJ-5172.jpg
260.0 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Lady Jane Goodwin - GJ-549.jpg
259.8 kB
Luciani Sebastiano (Sebastiano del Piombo) - Carrying of the Cross - GJ-77.jpg
259.8 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mauntainous Landscape. Twilight. Study - OR-43566.jpg
259.6 kB
Velde Peeter van de - Sea Harbour - GJ-2550.jpg
259.6 kB
Francken Frans II - The Ball - GJ-4367.jpg
259.5 kB
Castillo Juan del - Mary Meeting Elizabeth - GJ-326.jpg
259.5 kB
Lotto Lorenzo - Christ Leading the Apostles to Mount Tabor - GJ-103.jpg
259.5 kB
Canal Antonio (Canaletto) - View of the Isles of San Michele San Cristoforo and Murano from the Fondamenta Nuove - GJ-5536.jpg
259.2 kB
Gelder Aert de - Wandering Musician - GJ-5603.jpg
259.2 kB
Kent Rockwell - Early November North Greenland - GJ-9932.jpg
259.1 kB
258.9 kB
Bonavia (Bonaria) Carlo - Baia Bay - GJ-10119.jpg
258.7 kB
Hildebrandt Eduard - View of Damascus - OR-27029.jpg
258.7 kB
Tiepolo Giovanni Battista - Dictatorship Offered to Cincinnatus - GJ-7474.jpg
258.6 kB
Moor Carel de - Portrait of Catherine I - JRX-2429.jpg
258.3 kB
Vos Pauwel (Paul) de - Bear Hunt - GJ-603.jpg
258.2 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Pyotr Kleinmichel - JRX-211.jpg
258.1 kB
Bestuzhev Nikolai - Portrait of Nikolai Bestuzhev (1791 - 1855) - JRR-5252.jpg
257.9 kB
Lairesse Gerard de - Hagar in the Desert - GJ-622.jpg
257.9 kB
Meissonnier Jean-Louis Ernest - Musketeer - GJ-5797.jpg
257.8 kB
Liphart Ernst Karlovich - Portrait of Grand Prince Mikhail Nikolayevich - JRX-644.jpg
257.8 kB
Helst Bartholomeus van der - Family Portrait - GJ-860.jpg
257.6 kB
Neeffs Peeter I - Interior of a Gothic Church - GJ-644.jpg
257.6 kB
Mander Karel van - Garden of Love - GJ-711.jpg
257.1 kB
Block Eugene Francois de - One Illusion less - GJ-4997.jpg
257.1 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Plan of the Islands of Vulcano and Vulcanello - OR-4148.jpg
256.9 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Adoration of the Shepherds - GJ-316.jpg
256.8 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - View of the Theatre in Taormina - OR-3966.jpg
256.4 kB
Ostade Adriaen van - Smoker - GJ-4085.jpg
256.3 kB
Mengs Anton Raphael - Parnassus - GJ-1327.jpg
256.1 kB
Bourdon Sebastien - Jacob Burying Labans Images - GJ-3682.jpg
256.1 kB
Domenichino (Zampieri Domenico) - St John the Evangelist - GJ-246.jpg
256.1 kB
Tiepolo Giovanni Battista - Coriolanus at the Walls of Rome - GJ-7472.jpg
256.1 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Portrait of a Young Man in a Hat - GJ-1256.jpg
256.0 kB
Lessing Carl Friedrich - Royal Couple Mourning for their Dead Daughter - GJ-4778.jpg
255.9 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Holy Family in Egypt - GJ-6741.jpg
255.9 kB
Madou Jean-Baptiste - Study - GJ-5431.jpg
255.9 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Perspective View of Nevsky Prospekt from the Anichkov Bridge. St Petersburg. Sketch - OR-42909.jpg
255.6 kB
Cranach Lucas I - Potrait of Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg - GJ-686.jpg
255.3 kB
Batoni Pompeo - Hercules at the Crossroads - GJ-4793.jpg
255.3 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Portrait of a young Lady - OR-17959.jpg
255.2 kB
Bourdon Sebastien - Jacob Burying Labans Images - GJ-7481.jpg
255.0 kB
Gonzaga Pietro di Gottardo - Design of the Decoration for the Resurrection Gate in Moscow on the Occasion of the Coronation of Pavel I - OR-34464.jpg
255.0 kB
Defrance Leonard - Women Fighting - GJ-2462.jpg
254.9 kB
Hals Frans - Portrait of Man - GJ-816.jpg
254.9 kB
Matisse Henri - Two Studies of a Womans Head - OR-46059.jpg
254.8 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Landscape with a Hut and a Barn - OG-235282.jpg
254.8 kB
Lory Gabriel I Ludwig Lory Gabriel II Matthias - View of the Bolshoi Theatre in St Petersburg - JRG-20048.jpg
254.7 kB
Troyen Rombout van - Beheading of John the Baptist - GJ-5883.jpg
254.7 kB
Taunay Nicolas-Antoine - Mountain Landscape - GJ-1305.jpg
254.6 kB
Bernini Gian Lorenzo - Disign for the Altar of the Holy Sacrament Vatican - OR-18467.jpg
254.6 kB
Fromentin Eugene - Scene in a Desert - GJ-6104.jpg
254.6 kB
Tissot James - Inner Voices (Christ Consoling the Wanderers) - GJ-4692.jpg
254.5 kB
Teniers David II - Landscape with Peasants before an Inn - GJ-629.jpg
254.5 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Charles V - GJ-510A.jpg
254.5 kB
Shtemberg Victor Karlovich - Portrait of Baroness D. E. Grevenits - JRX-1794.jpg
254.3 kB
Giampetrino (Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli) - Madonna with Child - GJ-4130.jpg
254.2 kB
Canal Antonio (Canaletto) - View of Church of San Giovanni dei Battuti on the Isle of Murano - GJ-5537.jpg
254.1 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Roman Charity - GJ-470.jpg
254.1 kB
Kneller Godfrey - Portrait of Piotr Potyomkin - GJ-10583.jpg
253.9 kB
Smirnovsky Ivan - Portrait of Gavrila Derzhavin - JRX-2623.jpg
253.9 kB
Robertson Christina - Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna - GJ-5254.jpg
253.9 kB
Lawrence Thomas - Portrait of Count Mikhail Vorontsov - GJ-5846.jpg
253.8 kB
Gillemans Jan Pauwel I - Vanitas (Vanity of Vanities) - GJ-4629.jpg
253.7 kB
Miel Jan - Genre Scene - GJ-10177.jpg
253.7 kB
Jonghe Gustave de - Changeable Weather - GJ-5212.jpg
253.6 kB
Cuyp Jacob Gerritsz - Portrait of a Young Girl - GJ-5615.jpg
253.5 kB
Rasmussen Georg Anton - Fiord in Norway - GJ-7505.jpg
253.5 kB
Premazzi Luigi - View of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan from Nevsky Prospekt St Petersburg. Sketch - OR-43579.jpg
253.4 kB
Mihr Ali - Portrait of Fath Ali Shah Standing - QLVR-1107.jpg
253.3 kB
Albani Francesco - Baptism of Christ - GJ-29.jpg
253.2 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Count Piotr Wittgenstein - GJ-9645.jpg
253.2 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard - GJ-757.jpg
253.2 kB
Denys Frans - Portrait of the Architect Leo van Heil - GJ-7692.jpg
253.2 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - View of the Mushroom Rock - OR-4113.jpg
253.1 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - Night in a Harbour (Sisters) - GJ-9774.jpg
253.0 kB
Tocque Louis - Portrait of Ivan Shuvalov - GJ-5636.jpg
253.0 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - View of the English Embankment and Galerny (Gallery) Dvor from Vasilyevsky Island (3rd section) - JRG-27234.jpg
252.9 kB
Jervas Charles - Deer Dog and Cat - GJ-634.jpg
252.9 kB
Rosa Salvator - Portrait of a Man (Portrait of a Bandit) - GJ-1483.jpg
252.7 kB
Lanfranco Giovanni - The Annunciation - GJ-150.jpg
252.7 kB
Kruger Franz - Equestrian Portrait of Alexander I (1777-1825) - GJ-7804.jpg
252.7 kB
Pfanzelt (Pfandzelt Fanzelt) Lucas Conrad - Portrait of Peter III - GJ-7307.jpg
252.7 kB
Pencz Georg - St John the Evangelist - OR-21.jpg
252.6 kB
Grimou Alexis - Young Woman in the Atrical Costume - GJ-1125.jpg
252.4 kB
Voille Jean Louis - Portrait of grand Duchess Yelena Pavlovna as the Child - GJ-1282.jpg
252.3 kB
Vernet Claude Joseph - Moonlit Scene in the Environs of Citta Nuova in Illyria - GJ-1197.jpg
252.3 kB
Sustris Lambert - Venus - GJ-2176.jpg
252.2 kB
Schiavoni Natale - Portrait of Grand Prince Alexander Nikolayevich - JRX-632.jpg
252.2 kB
Morandi Georgio - Metaphisical Still Life - GJ-8957.jpg
252.2 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Grigory D. Ilovaisky (1778-1847) (9th) - GJ-7994.jpg
252.2 kB
Metsu Gabriel - Breakfast - GJ-920.jpg
252.1 kB
Adam Albrecht - Veliki Solezhniki. Headquarters. Night of 9 July 1812 - OR-25939.jpg
252.1 kB
Marquet Albert - View of Rouen - OR-44969.jpg
252.1 kB
Schoppe Julius I - Tableau Vivant Chariot of Bellona - OG-114426.jpg
251.8 kB
Vree Nicolaes de - Statue in a Park - GJ-1028.jpg
251.8 kB
Helst Bartholomeus van der - Family Portrait - GJ-862.jpg
251.8 kB
Carracci Lodovico - Group of Angels with Flowers and Vases. A Preliminary Drawing for the Fresco in the Cathedral in Piacenza - OR-1676.jpg
251.7 kB
Maineri Gian Francesco - Carrying of the Cross - GJ-286.jpg
251.6 kB
Mieris Willem van - Joseph and Potiphars Wife - GJ-1856.jpg
251.4 kB
Ribera Jose de - St Onuphrius - GJ-375.jpg
251.2 kB
Henner Jean-Jacques - Study of a Woman - GJ-9032.jpg
250.9 kB
Tempesta Pietro (Pieter Mulier) - Storm in the Sea - GJ-2084.jpg
250.8 kB
Flameng Francois - Portrait of Dora of Leuchtenberg - GJ-7516.jpg
250.6 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Objects of Ancient Art from the Public Library of Malta - OR-4103.jpg
250.6 kB
Proudhon Pierre Paul - Portrait of Count Alexander Osterman-Tolstoy - GJ-5084.jpg
250.6 kB
Corneille de Lyon - Portrait of a Woman - GJ-5697.jpg
250.5 kB
Trevisani Francesco - Apollo and Daphne - GJ-238.jpg
250.5 kB
Troy Jean-Francois de - Portrait of Jeanne de Troy the Artists Wife - GJ-1209.jpg
250.3 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Saddled Horse and a Horseman. Study - OR-43576.jpg
250.1 kB
Matisse Henri - Reclining Nude (The Painter and his Model) - OR-46047.jpg
250.1 kB
Robert Hubert - Landscape with a Waterfall - GJ-7735.jpg
249.9 kB
Rousseau Theodore - View on the Outskirts of Granville - GJ-3951.jpg
249.8 kB
Archipenko Alexander - Nude Female Figure Shown from the Back - GR-155-57.jpg
249.7 kB
Bolin Carl Edward - Self-Portrait of Carl Edward Bolin - JRX-2925.jpg
249.7 kB
Gudin Theodore - Storm in the Sea - GJ-6387.jpg
249.7 kB
Diaz de la Pena Narcisse - Venus and Cupid - GJ-3861.jpg
249.6 kB
Assereto Gioacchino - Isaac Blessing Jacob - GJ-1457.jpg
249.5 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of a Young Woman with a Child - GJ-6838.jpg
249.5 kB
Smith John Raphael - Portrait of Richard Robinson - OG-33250.jpg
249.4 kB
Leger Fernand - Composition - GJ-9146.jpg
249.4 kB
Bellotto Bernardo - Neumarkt in Dresden - GJ-204.jpg
249.3 kB
Gigante Giacinto - Naples. Riviera di Chiaia - OR-47640.jpg
249.2 kB
Hosemann Teodor - Cavalcade of Princes and Knights. Two Heralds and Heraldic King - OG-114432.jpg
249.1 kB
Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich - Ship in the Stormy Sea - JRX-2344.jpg
249.0 kB
Daubigny Charles-Francois - Seashore at Villerville - GJ-5694.jpg
248.9 kB
Lawrence Thomas - Portrait of Klemens Lothar Wenzel von Metternich - GJ-5471.jpg
248.9 kB
Pershakov Alexander Fyodorovich - Portrait of Piotr Vannovsky - JRX-253.jpg
248.9 kB
Maratti Carlo - Madonna and the Child with St John Baptist - GJ-1560.jpg
248.9 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Nicolaes Rockox - GJ-6922.jpg
248.9 kB
Stilke Hermann Anton - Joan of Arcs Death at the Stake (Right-Hand Part of The Life of Joan of Arc Triptych) - GJ-5004.jpg
248.8 kB
Robert Hubert - Landscape with an Arch and The Dome of St Peters in Rome - GJ-7733.jpg
248.7 kB
Keyser Nicaise de - Portrait of Duke A.M. Gorchakovs Sons - JRX-1437.jpg
248.7 kB
Pietro da Cortona (Pietro Berrettini) - Martyrdom of St Stephen - GJ-184.jpg
248.6 kB
Vlieger Simon de - Seascape - GJ-1026.jpg
248.5 kB
Vos Cornelis de - Portrait of an Old Lady - GJ-483.jpg
248.4 kB
Ferguson Willem Gowe - Dead Game - JRX-1823.jpg
248.1 kB
Tilborch Gillis van - Guardroom - GJ-636.jpg
248.0 kB
Amaral Miguel Antonio do - Portrait of Marianna Victoria Queen of Portugal - GJ-4429.jpg
247.9 kB
Jones Thomas - Landscape with Dido and Aeneas (Storm) - GJ-1343.jpg
247.9 kB
Teniers David II (circle) - Scene in a Tavern - GJ-581.jpg
247.7 kB
Coello Claudio - Self-Portrait - GJ-365.jpg
247.7 kB
Tiepolo Giovanni Battista - Quintus Fabius Maximus Before the Senate of Carthage - GJ-7471.jpg
247.7 kB
Edelfelt Albert (Gustaf Aristides) - In the Nursery - GJ-9775.jpg
247.4 kB
Roslin Alexander - Portrait of Grand Duchess Natalia Alexeyevna - GJ-1354.jpg
247.4 kB
Londonio Francesco - Peasant Family - GJ-5558.jpg
247.2 kB
Verboeckhoven Charles Louis - Harbour by Night - GJ-8508.jpg
247.2 kB
Knupfer Nicolaus - Zorovavel and Darius - GJ-6980.jpg
246.8 kB
Vigee Le Brun Elisabeth-Louise - Self-Portrait - GJ-7586.jpg
246.7 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Islands of Cyclops in the Bay of La Trizza. General View - OR-3984.jpg
246.4 kB
Puga Antonio de - Beggar - GJ-6036.jpg
246.3 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Design of the Malta Chapel in St Petersburg. Vertical Section Showing the Catafalque of Emperor Paul I - OR-9592.jpg
246.3 kB
Reni Guido - St Joseph with Infant Christ in his Arms - GJ-58.jpg
246.2 kB
Hadfield William - Baths at Bachessarai - OR-3830.jpg
246.1 kB
Constant Jean Joseph Benjamin - Portrait of Marina Derviz - GJ-5171.jpg
246.0 kB
Vos Simon de - Merry Company - GJ-619.jpg
245.9 kB
Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi) - Cupid in the Landscape - GJ-4163.jpg
245.8 kB
Lecomte Hippolyte - Meeting of Napoleon with the Ambassadors of the Austrian Emperor near Leoben Steiermark on 7(18) April 1797 - GJ-7476.jpg
245.5 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Woman on a Stair - ZK-1573.jpg
245.5 kB
Melbye Anton (Daniel Hermann) - River. Moonlit Night - OR-24048.jpg
245.5 kB
Ciari Giuseppe Bartolomeo - Bacchus and Ariadne - GJ-7495.jpg
245.4 kB
Troyen Rombout van - Christ Healing the Demon-Possesed - GJ-2900.jpg
245.3 kB
Vigee Le Brun Elisabeth-Louise - Portrait of Empress Yelizaveta Alekseyevna - GJ-7615.jpg
245.2 kB
Jarnefelt Eero Nicolai - Autumn Landscape. River - OR-18904.jpg
245.2 kB
Kent Rockwell - Dead Calm North Greenland - GJ-9937.jpg
245.1 kB
Winterhalter Francois Xavier - Portrait of Countess Varvara Musina-Pushkina - GJ-7382.jpg
245.1 kB
Schoppe Julius I - Tableau Vivant Aurora - OG-114430.jpg
245.1 kB
Pesne Antoine - Portrait of Christian Augustus of Anhalt-Zerbst - GJ-5280.jpg
245.0 kB
Thaulow Frits (Johann Fredrik) - Winter Landscape - OR-42321.jpg
244.7 kB
Ingres Jean-Auguste-Dominique - Portrait of a Young Woman - OR-27330.jpg
244.4 kB
Lash Carl Johann - Portrait of Sophia German - JRX-3207.jpg
244.4 kB
OConnell Frederike Emilia - Portrait of a Count I. Vorontsov-Dashkov - OR-27108.jpg
244.3 kB
Hackert Jakob Philipp - Destruction of the Turkish Fleet in the Bay of Chesme - GJ-2048.jpg
244.3 kB
Riesener Henri Francois - Portrait of Sofia Apraxina - GJ-6282.jpg
244.3 kB
Allan William - Bashkirs - GJ-9579.jpg
244.2 kB
Nolde Emil - Portrait of a Young Girl - GR-155-74.jpg
243.9 kB
243.8 kB
Perkhin Mikhail - Design of an Easter Egg - JROQL3III-1871.jpg
243.6 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Albert I - GJ-510V.jpg
243.5 kB
Lanen Jasper van der Jordaens Hans III (figures) - Finding of Moses - GJ-4365.jpg
243.5 kB
Amaral Miguel Antonio do - Portrait of Joseph Emanuel King of Portugal - GJ-4438.jpg
243.5 kB
Hildebrandt Eduard - Great Sphinx of Giza with Pyramids in the Background - OR-27012.jpg
243.4 kB
Malton Thomas I - Embankment near the Academy of Sciences Vasilyevsky Island. View from the Neva River - JRG-29544.jpg
243.3 kB
Bol Ferdinand - Portrait of a Scholar Sitting at the Table - GJ-767.jpg
243.2 kB
Bardou Karl Wilhelm - Portrait of a Man (Pozdniakov ) - OR-27138.jpg
242.9 kB
Santerre Jean-Baptiste - Two Actresses - GJ-1284.jpg
242.9 kB
Rastrelli Bartolomeo Carlo - Design of a Funeral Decoration of the Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral on the Day of Peter Is Burial - OR-8446.jpg
242.9 kB
Erichsen (Ericksen) Virgilius - Portrait of Grand Prince Paul Petrovich in the Classroom - GJ-9909.jpg
242.7 kB
Martin Camille - Design of a Vase Decorated with Flowers of Thistle - OR-13577.jpg
242.7 kB
Daubigny Charles-Francois - Pool - GJ-3863.jpg
242.6 kB
Shtemberg Victor Karlovich - Portrait of Count D. A. Sheremetev Cornet of the Horse-Guards Regiment - JRX-261.jpg
242.6 kB
Tiepolo Giovanni Battista - Rape of the Sabine Women - GJ-282.jpg
242.5 kB
Stevens Joseph - Enemies - GJ-7446.jpg
242.3 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Portrait of a young Lady in a Dress Trimmed with Fur - OR-18997.jpg
242.3 kB
Musikyisky Grigory Semyonovich - Peter I with a View of the Peter and Paul Fortress and Troitskaya Square in St Petersburg - JRR-3823.jpg
242.1 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Rudolf I - GJ-510B.jpg
242.0 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Building of the Stock Exchange in St Petersburg. Facade and Perspect - OR-10507.jpg
242.0 kB
Ozenfant Amedee - Still Life. Dishes - GJ-9070.jpg
241.9 kB
Graeb Carl Georg Anton and Schutze Ernst Friedrich Gotthold II - Title-Page for the Poem Blancheflour by K.F. Scherenberg - OR-13660.jpg
241.8 kB
Giorgione - Judith - GJ-95.jpg
241.6 kB
Laszlo Fulop - Portrait of a Lady and her Daughter (Portrait of Anya and Lanya) - GJ-7311.jpg
241.6 kB
Carolus-Duran - Portrait of Nadezhda Polovtseva - GJ-5175.jpg
241.5 kB
Vlieger Simon de - Arrival of William of Orange in Rotterdam - GJ-1033.jpg
241.3 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Mountain Settlement. Study - OR-43564.jpg
241.3 kB
Weitsch Friedrich Georg - Portrait of Nikolai M. Kamensky - GJ-4756.jpg
241.1 kB
Stevens Alfred - Absolution - GJ-7575.jpg
241.0 kB
Tempel Abraham van den - Family Portrait - GJ-861.jpg
240.7 kB
Dughet Gaspard (Gaspard Poussin) - Bridge of Milvius - OR-7073.jpg
240.7 kB
Ali Naqi - Woman Holding a Cup and a Decanter - QLVR-740^QL4XVII.jpg
240.6 kB
Ludden Johann Paul - The Flight to Egypt - JRX-1709.jpg
240.5 kB
Peeters Jan - Stormy Sea - GJ-3241.jpg
240.4 kB
Terborch Gerard - Portrait of Catarina van Leunink - GJ-3783.jpg
240.3 kB
Laszlo Fulop - Portrait of a Lady and her Daughter - GJ-9467.jpg
240.3 kB
Bekker Nikolai - Portrait of Prince F. F. Yusupov Count Sumarokov-Elston - JRX-264.jpg
240.1 kB
Robert Hubert - Landscape with the Colosseum and the Monument to Marcus Aurelius - OR-43726.jpg
240.0 kB
Gandolfino da Roreto - Nativity - GJ-4153.jpg
239.9 kB
Meissonier Jean Louis Ernest - Smoker - GJ-3918.jpg
239.8 kB
Hoogstraten Samuel Dircksz van - Self-Portrait - GJ-788.jpg
239.7 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Countess Isabella Linden - OR-27470.jpg
239.5 kB
Bottman Georg - Portrait of Count Alexander Benkendorff (copy) - JRX-209.jpg
239.5 kB
Floris Frans (Frans de Vriendt) - Study of the Head of a Woman - GJ-7117.jpg
239.3 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Portrait of Prince Piotr R. Bagration - OR-39897.jpg
239.3 kB
Archipenko Alexander - Nude Female Figure Shown from the Back - GR-155-98.jpg
239.2 kB
Francken Hieronymus III - Carrying the Cross - GJ-3605.jpg
239.1 kB
Matisse Henri - Woman with Bared Breasts - OR-46046.jpg
239.0 kB
Cano Alonso - Death of St Joseph - GJ-1466.jpg
239.0 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Frederick III - GJ-510G.jpg
239.0 kB
Pareja Juan de - Portrait of a Monk - GJ-366.jpg
238.9 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander S. Menshikov - GJ-5130.jpg
238.9 kB
Hildebrandt Eduard - Colossi of Memnon in Thebes - OR-27028.jpg
238.7 kB
Albani Francesco - Annunciation - GJ-86.jpg
238.6 kB
Troy Jean-Francois de - Lot with His Daughters - GJ-1232.jpg
238.6 kB
Winterhalter Francois Xavier - Portrait of Princess Tatyana Alexandrovna Yusupova - GJ-5816.jpg
238.4 kB
Ostade Isaak van - Winter Scene - GJ-906.jpg
238.2 kB
Chabaud Auguste - Village Landscape - GJ-9086.jpg
238.1 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Portrait of Lady-in-Waiting to the Infanta Isabella - GJ-478.jpg
238.0 kB
Auburtin Jean-Francis - Landscape with Pines at a Moonlit Night - OR-46425.jpg
238.0 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Landscape with Tobias and the Angel - GJ-1236.jpg
237.9 kB
Malton Thomas I - View of the Embankment of Vasilyevsky Island and the Academy of Sciences from the Neva - JRG-29344.jpg
237.8 kB
Lampi Johann-Baptist I - Portrait of Yekaterina Samoilova - JRX-1890.jpg
237.7 kB
Kneller Godfrey - Portrait of Grinling Gibbons - GJ-1346.jpg
237.7 kB
Bellotto Bernardo - Old Market-place in Dresden (the artists replica) - GJ-211.jpg
237.6 kB
Bellotto Bernardo - Zwinger in Dresden - GJ-205.jpg
237.4 kB
Maino Juan Bautista - Appearance of the Virgin to St Dominic in Soriano - GJ-321.jpg
237.4 kB
Netscher Constantin - Portrait of a Man - GJ-2424.jpg
237.4 kB
Casanova Francesco - Fishing - GJ-5803.jpg
237.3 kB
Miel Jan - Hunters at Rest - GJ-647.jpg
237.2 kB
Carracci Annibale - Self-Portrait - GJ-148.jpg
237.2 kB
Neyelov Ilya Vasilyevich - Plan and Design of the Facade of a Chinese Pavilion - OR-23374.jpg
237.1 kB
Fuger Heinrich - Portrait of Count N.B. Yusupov - GJ-5770.jpg
237.1 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Alexei Bobrinsky - JRX-982.jpg
236.8 kB
Tempel Abraham van den - Portrait of a Woman - GJ-2825.jpg
236.8 kB
Kent Rockwell - Young Spruces. Maine Coast - GJ-9942.jpg
236.7 kB
Neyelov Ilya Vasilyevich - Plan and Design of the Facade of a Round Chinese Pavilion - OR-23373.jpg
236.4 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Plan and Cross-Section of a Greek House - OR-4085.jpg
236.0 kB
Daubigny Charles-Francois - Banks of the Oise - GJ-3529.jpg
235.9 kB
Guerin Pierre Narcisse - Morpheus and Iris - GJ-5675.jpg
235.8 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of a Man - GJ-751.jpg
235.7 kB
Derain Andre - Still Life with a Skull - GJ-9084.jpg
235.6 kB
Levitsky Dmitry Grigorievich - Portrait of Nikolai Novicov - JRX-2614.jpg
235.5 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Descent from the Cross - GJ-471.jpg
235.3 kB
Gerome Jean-Leon - Duel after a Masked Ball - GJ-3872.jpg
235.1 kB
Denner Balthasar - Portrait of an Old Woman - GJ-1326.jpg
235.1 kB
Puvis de Chavannes Pierre - Allegory of Life - GJ-8935.jpg
235.0 kB
Werff Adriaen van der - Self-Portrait - GJ-1069.jpg
235.0 kB
Baudry Paul Jacques Aime - Portrait of Platon Chikhachov - GJ-4817.jpg
234.9 kB
Max Gabriel Cornelius von - Christian Martyr on the Cross (St Julia) - GJ-8372.jpg
234.9 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - Design of the Triumphal Arch. Ceiling-Painting - OR-40411.jpg
234.9 kB
Backer Jacob Adriaensz - Portrait of a Young Man in a Fancy Dress - GJ-5604.jpg
234.7 kB
Erichsen (Ericksen) Virgilius - Portrait of Duke Frederick - GJ-4455.jpg
234.4 kB
Goltzius Hendrick - Fall of Man - GJ-702.jpg
234.2 kB
Green Valentine - Philisopher Showing an Experiment on the Air Pump - OG-34060.jpg
234.1 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Death of the Inquisitor Pedro de Arbues - GJ-302.jpg
234.1 kB
Robert Hubert - Ruins - OR-43727.jpg
234.1 kB
Perugino Pietro (Pietro Vannucci) - St Sebastian - GJ-281.jpg
233.8 kB
Puga Antonio de - Old Man Teaching a Boy to Read - GJ-5349.jpg
233.8 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Top of Etna from the East. View from San Leonardo - OR-3953.jpg
233.8 kB
Pourbus Frans I - Portrait of a Man - GJ-399.jpg
233.7 kB
Ovens Jurgen - Self-Portrait - GJ-2782.jpg
233.7 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Seated Mountaineer. Study - OR-43569.jpg
233.6 kB
Berchem Nicolaes Pietersz - Hunters Resting - GJ-1101.jpg
233.5 kB
Tischbein Johann Friedrich August - Portrait of a Young Lady - OR-27104.jpg
233.4 kB
Tannauer Johann Gottfried - Portrait of Peter the Great - JRX-2212.jpg
233.3 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Etruscan Vases from the Gallery of the Grand Master of the Order of Malta - OR-4100.jpg
233.2 kB
Ladurner Adolphe - Review of the French Troops in the Presence of Charles X - GJ-6140.jpg
232.9 kB
Dagnan-Bouveret Pascal Adolf Jean - Portrait of Countess Gogonfelsen (Princess Olga Paley) - GJ-9474.jpg
232.8 kB
Corvi Domenico - Cupid and Psyche - GJ-9363.jpg
232.7 kB
Bonnard Pierre - Train and Bardes (Landscape with a Goods Train). - GJ-6537.jpg
232.5 kB
Lebrun Charles - Daedalus and Icarus - GJ-40.jpg
232.1 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Church with the Shrine in Stolnoye the Estate of Prince A.A. Bezborodko. Main Facade - OR-9596.jpg
232.1 kB
Aersten Pieter - Trader in Game - GJ-3255.jpg
232.0 kB
Mayblum Jules - Palace of Count P. S. Stroganov. Plan of the Facade and Section - OR-41828.jpg
231.9 kB
Kent Rockwell - Brewing Storm. Monhegan - GJ-9810.jpg
231.7 kB
Robert Hubert - Landscape with Ruins - GJ-5723.jpg
231.5 kB
Wimmer Rudolf - Portrait of Eduard I. Totleben - GJ-5946.jpg
231.4 kB
Frentz Rudolf Fiodorovich (Ferdinandovich) - Report on the Emperors Hunt in 1911 - JRR-8377.jpg
231.1 kB
Vigee Le Brun Elisabeth-Louise - Portrait of PrinceAlexander Kurakin - GJ-5664.jpg
231.0 kB
Weiss Johann Baptist - View of the Nikolayevsky (Anichkov) Palace in St Petersburg - OR-24064.jpg
230.9 kB
Batoni Pompeo - Allegory of Voluptuousness - GJ-3735.jpg
230.2 kB
Kent Rockwell - Island Village. Coast of Maine - GJ-9919.jpg
230.0 kB
Krafft Peter Johann - Equestrian Portrait of Franz I (1768-1835) - GJ-7805.jpg
229.9 kB
Bellotto Bernardo - View of Pirna from Posta - GJ-208.jpg
229.8 kB
Roslin Alexander - Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Fiodorovna - GJ-1357.jpg
229.8 kB
Denis Maurice - Wedding Procession - GJ-8342.jpg
229.8 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Grand Prince Alexander Nikolayevich - GJ-9470.jpg
229.5 kB
Hals Frans II - Young Soldier - GJ-986.jpg
229.4 kB
Rombouts Theodor - Card Game - GJ-522.jpg
229.4 kB
Murillo Bartolome Esteban - Baking of Flat Cakes - GJ-1935.jpg
229.4 kB
Jouvenet Jean - Portrait of an Unknown Man - GJ-5747.jpg
229.1 kB
Robertson Christina - Portrait of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - GJ-4443.jpg
229.1 kB
Regamey Felix - Cartoon - OR-13590.jpg
229.0 kB
Poyarkov Vladimir Alexandrovich - Portrait of the Court Grenadier M. Kulakov - JRX-775.jpg
228.1 kB
Gaertner Johann-Philipp-Eduard - English Embankment in Petersburg - OR-26493.jpg
228.1 kB
Koninck Salomon - An Old Scholar - GJ-768.jpg
228.1 kB
Berchem Nicolaes Pietersz - Annunciation to the Shepherds - GJ-1925.jpg
228.0 kB
Achenbach Oswald - Fireworks in Naples - GJ-7329.jpg
227.9 kB
Larteau Albert - Soldier - OR-13569.jpg
227.6 kB
Jacobsz Dirck - Group Portrait of the Amsterdam Shooting Corporation - GJ-416.jpg
227.5 kB
Saxson James - Portrait of John Rogers - GJ-3475.jpg
227.1 kB
Pignoni Simone - Death of St Petronilla - GJ-4797.jpg
227.1 kB
Gonzaga Pietro di Gottardo - Design of the Decoration for the Resurrection Gate with the Iberian Chapel in Moscow on the Occasion of the Coronation of Alexander I - OR-34465.jpg
227.0 kB
Colin Paul Emile - The Virgin Mary of Snows - OR-13544.jpg
227.0 kB
Frere Charles-Theodore - View of the City of Constantine (Algeria) - GJ-7325.jpg
226.8 kB
Kolokolnikov Mina Lukich - Portrait of Savva Yakovlev as a Child - JRX-342.jpg
226.5 kB
Hildebrandt Eduard - View of Cairo - OR-46311.jpg
226.5 kB
Kaulbach Friedrich August von - Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Iosifovna - GJ-7265.jpg
226.4 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Count Pyotr Shuvalov - GJ-7231.jpg
226.3 kB
Bellotto Bernardo - View of Pirna from the Sonnenstein Castle - GJ-209.jpg
226.1 kB
Werff Adriaen van der - Lot and his Daughters - GJ-1117.jpg
225.9 kB
De Dreux Alfred - Pug Dog in an Armchair - GJ-3865.jpg
225.9 kB
Lund Anker Niels - Portrait of Loren Abadsen on the Frigate Alexander Nevsky - OR-41965.jpg
225.7 kB
Kent Rockwell - Sturrall. Donegal. Ireland - GJ-9925.jpg
225.5 kB
Bellange Jacques - Lamentation - GJ-10032.jpg
225.5 kB
Vallotton Felix - Woman in a Black Hat - GJ-5108.jpg
225.3 kB
Russell John - Portrait of Mrs Janet Grizel Cuming - OR-42323.jpg
225.2 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Appearance of Christ to his Disciples - GJ-542.jpg
225.1 kB
Jacquot Joseph - View of the Strasbourg Cathedral - OR-13566.jpg
225.0 kB
Brouwer Adriaen - Innkeeper Singing - GJ-667.jpg
224.8 kB
Bail Joseph - Young Cook in the Kitchen - GJ-5202.jpg
224.7 kB
Schoppe Julius I - Tableau Vivant Dance of the Seasons - OG-114424.jpg
224.5 kB
Bellange Jacques - Woman Holding a Basket of Flowers on her Head - OR-42233.jpg
224.5 kB
Cabanel Alexandre - Portrait of Countess Elizabeth Vorontsova-Dashkova - GJ-8978.jpg
224.1 kB
Signac Paul - Sailing Ships - OG-349223.jpg
224.1 kB
Phillips Thomas - Portrait of Matvei Platov - GJ-4830.jpg
224.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Duke of Wellington (1769-1852) - GJ-7810.jpg
224.0 kB
Winterhalter Francois Xavier - Portrait of Countess Olga Shuvalova - GJ-5817.jpg
223.9 kB
Dolci Carlo - St Cecilia - GJ-44.jpg
223.9 kB
Tassaert Nicolas Francois Octave - Death of Correggio - GJ-3960.jpg
223.7 kB
Desprez Louis-Jean - Ceremonial Opening of the Temple of Immortality - OR-6675.jpg
223.5 kB
Tournieres Robert - Portrait of Unknown Woman as Hebe - GJ-1263.jpg
223.3 kB
Caravaque Louis - Battle of Poltava - JRX-1913.jpg
223.3 kB
Lefevre Robert - Portrait of Count Andrey Bezborodko - GJ-5670.jpg
223.0 kB
Courbet Gustave - Reclining Woman - ZK-1394.jpg
222.9 kB
Ribera Jose de (workshop) - Virgin Mary Mourning (copy of 17th century) - GJ-1569.jpg
222.9 kB
Dughet Gaspard (Gaspard Poussin) - Plain of Latium with the River - OR-5155.jpg
222.8 kB
Bardou Johann - Portrait of a Young Lady - OR-43341.jpg
222.6 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Portrait of Count E. Baranov - JRR-1348.jpg
222.5 kB
Carriera Rosalba - Female Head with a Ribbon and Laurels In the Hair - OR-42142.jpg
222.1 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - Owl Flying against a Moonlit Sky - OR-43906.jpg
221.9 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Prince Andrei Obolensky - GJ-7233.jpg
221.8 kB
Bonnard Pierre - Siene near Vernon - GJ-8700.jpg
221.7 kB
Bruyn Bartholomaus I - Portrait of a Lady and Her Daughter - GJ-679.jpg
221.7 kB
Bottman Georg - Portrait of Illarion Vasilyevich Vasilchikov (copy) - JRX-204.jpg
221.6 kB
Rocqueplan Camille - Girl with Flowers - GJ-3945.jpg
221.5 kB
Hildebrandt Eduard - Colossi of Memnon with Thebes in the Background - OR-27017.jpg
221.4 kB
Gerome Jean-Leon - Slave Market in Rome - GJ-6294.jpg
221.3 kB
Franciabigio (Francesco di Cristofano Francesco Bigi) - Madonna with Child - GJ-4738.jpg
221.3 kB
Utrecht Adriaen van - Garland of Fruit and Vegetables - GJ-3622.jpg
221.0 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - The Outskirts of St Petersburg near the Porcelain Factory - JRX-1676.jpg
220.7 kB
Guttenbrunn Ludwig - Portrait of Dmitry Naryshkin - JRX-3029.jpg
220.5 kB
Matisse Henri - Moroccan Amido - GJ-7699.jpg
220.5 kB
Cantarini Simone - Madonna with the Child and St Francis of Assisi - GJ-61.jpg
220.0 kB
Liphart Ernst Karlovich - Portrait of P. M. Rayevsky Cornet of the Life-Guard Hussar Regiment - JRX-262.jpg
219.9 kB
Gellee Claude (Le Lorrain) - Landscape with Jacob Wrestling with the Angel (Night) - GJ-1237.jpg
219.7 kB
Gallait Louis - Expectation (Fishermans Family) - GJ-6135.jpg
219.5 kB
Hoet Gerard - Vertumnus and Pomona - GJ-2466.jpg
219.4 kB
Vanloo Charles (Carle) - Self-Portrait - GJ-1211.jpg
218.4 kB
Kent Rockwell - Cloudy Day. Fjord in Northern Greenland - GJ-9929.jpg
218.3 kB
Andreyev Ivan - Portrait of Ivan Lukin - JRX-792.jpg
218.2 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Portrait of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich - OR-39905.jpg
218.1 kB
Franchoys Peter - Self-Portrait - GJ-8495.jpg
217.8 kB
Bonnard Pierre - Study of a Standing Nude - OR-27237.jpg
217.8 kB
Zwiedten Steven van - General Plan of Dalniye Dubki (Far Oaks) Estate (Envirous of St Petersburg) - OR-8487.jpg
217.6 kB
Picasso Pablo - Dryad - GJ-7704.jpg
217.4 kB
Cigoli (Lodovico Cardi) - Circumcision - GJ-56.jpg
217.4 kB
Bryullov Karl Pavlovich - Portrait of N.A. Okhotnikov - JRX-862.jpg
217.2 kB
Mieris Frans Jansz van I - Portrait of a Young Man - GJ-5039.jpg
217.0 kB
Lampi Johann-Baptist I - Portrait of Catherine II - JRX-2021.jpg
217.0 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna - GJ-4518.jpg
216.9 kB
Perugino Pietro (Pietro Vannucci) - Portrait of a Young Man - GJ-172.jpg
216.9 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Portrait of Count Vladimir Levashov - OR-44780.jpg
216.8 kB
Drost Willem - Timothy and Lois - GJ-740.jpg
216.3 kB
Batoni Pompeo - Thetis Takes Achilles from the Centaur Chiron - GJ-2608.jpg
216.3 kB
Nolde Emil - Portrait of a Young Woman and a Child - GR-155-73.jpg
216.1 kB
Taunay Nicolas-Antoine - Country Landscape - GJ-1304.jpg
215.8 kB
Carracci Lodovico - Group of Angels with Wreaths and Books. A Preliminary Drawing for the Fresco in the Cathedral in Piacenza - OR-1675.jpg
215.2 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Prince Pyotr Volkonsky - GJ-5961.jpg
215.2 kB
Bardou Johann - Portrait of Prince Ivan Golitsyn - OR-27127.jpg
215.1 kB
Premazzi Luigi - Sketch of the Moika River near the Politseisky (Police) Bridge. St Petersburg - OR-42908.jpg
214.8 kB
Kent Rockwell - Christian Graves. South Greenland - GJ-9923.jpg
214.7 kB
Juan de Juanes (Juan Macip Vicente) - Annunciation to St Anne - GJ-381.jpg
214.0 kB
Vanloo Charles (Carle) - Storm - GJ-1164.jpg
213.9 kB
Ribera Jose de - St Jerome and the Angel - GJ-311.jpg
213.6 kB
Helmlehner - Carl von Mecklenburg-Strelitz - OG-156719.jpg
213.5 kB
Matisse Henri - Still Life. Peaches and Jug - OR-46055.jpg
213.3 kB
Vogel von Vogelstein Carl Christian - Portrait of Burchard Ch. Richter - GJ-6137.jpg
213.1 kB
Cottet Charles - View of Venice from the Sea - GJ-9059.jpg
212.9 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Alexander Menschikov - JRX-31.jpg
212.7 kB
Stomer Matthias - Boy with a Torch - GJ-8556.jpg
212.6 kB
Borovikovsky Vladimir Lukich - Portrait of Grand DuchessYelena Pavlovna - JRX-599.jpg
212.4 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Alexander Arkadyevich Suvorov - GJ-4297.jpg
212.3 kB
Rastrelli Bartolomeo Carlo - Design of the Canopy over the Catafalque of Peter I - OR-8447.jpg
212.2 kB
Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri) - Martyrdom of St Catherine - GJ-26.jpg
212.0 kB
Borgianni Orazio - St Carlo Borromeo - GJ-2357.jpg
211.4 kB
Archipenko Alexander - Group of Nude Figures - GR-155-69.jpg
211.0 kB
Pesne Antoine - Portrait of Johann Melchior Dinglinger - GJ-1427.jpg
210.3 kB
Bassano Francesco (Francesco da Ponte) - Resurrection of the Righteous (Heaven) - GJ-1496.jpg
210.2 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Pavel Kiselyov - JRX-212.jpg
210.2 kB
Matisse Henri - Portrait of a Woman with a Hood - OR-46045.jpg
210.2 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Portrait of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich - OR-43270.jpg
210.2 kB
Matisse Henri - Portrait of a Young Woman (Delectorskaya) - OR-46058.jpg
209.6 kB
Schoppe Julius I - Tableau Vivant Cronus - OG-114429.jpg
209.5 kB
Wouwerman Pieter - Deer Hunt - GJ-1056.jpg
209.2 kB
Voille Jean Louis - Portrait of Prinsess Tatyana Yusupova - GJ-5656.jpg
209.1 kB
Torelli Stefano - Portrait of Grand Duke Pavel Petrovich - GJ-4762.jpg
208.9 kB
Schoppe Julius I - Tableau Vivant Recollection - OG-114422.jpg
208.7 kB
Matisse Henri - Dance - GJ-9673.jpg
208.4 kB
Bruyn Bartholomaus I - Portrait of a Man and His Three Sons - GJ-678.jpg
208.3 kB
Foppa Vincenzo - Archangel Michael (wing of a polyptych) - GJ-7773.jpg
208.1 kB
Pater Jean-Baptiste - Scene in a Park - GJ-7525.jpg
207.9 kB
Giordano Luca - Young Bacchus Sleeping - GJ-197.jpg
207.8 kB
Allan William - Portrait of a Man - GJ-6871.jpg
207.7 kB
Musikyisky Grigory Semyonovich - Catherine I with a View of Yekaterinhof. After a painting by J. M. Nautier 1717 and an engraving by A. Rostovtsev Yekaterinhof 1716 - JRR-3825.jpg
207.6 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Count Vladimir Adlerberg - GJ-4555.jpg
207.6 kB
Nunez de Villavicencio Pedro - The Brawl - GJ-8632.jpg
207.2 kB
Robert Hubert - Landscape with an Obelisk - GJ-5722.jpg
207.2 kB
Fricero Joseph - View towards the Bay of Angels from the Island of St. Helene - OR-39970.jpg
207.2 kB
Renieri Niccolo (Regnier Nicolas) - St Sebastian - GJ-5564.jpg
207.1 kB
Paterssen Benjamin - View of Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square from Nevsky Prospekt - JRX-1902.jpg
206.2 kB
Pierre Jean-Baptiste-Marie - Old Man in the Kitchen - GJ-7240.jpg
206.1 kB
Schouman Aert - Shoemaker - GJ-1079.jpg
206.1 kB
Mengs Anton Raphael - Annunciation - GJ-1331.jpg
205.8 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Mark-Antoine Lumagne - GJ-536.jpg
205.5 kB
Mengs Anton Raphael - Portrait of Johann Joachim Winckelmann - GJ-1358.jpg
205.3 kB
Morales Luis de - The Virgin and the Child with a Cross-shaped Distaff - GJ-364.jpg
204.7 kB
Kent Rockwell - Dan Wards Stack. Ireland - GJ-9924.jpg
204.4 kB
Granet Francois-Marius - Monks in a Cave - GJ-4577.jpg
204.3 kB
Luttichuys Simon - Breakfast with Ham - JRX-1826.jpg
204.3 kB
Meer Barend van der - Dessert - GJ-3195.jpg
204.1 kB
Schildknecht Nikolai - Design of a Diadem and a Brooch - JROQL3III-1759.jpg
204.1 kB
Lairesse Gerard de - Maternal Love - GJ-639.jpg
204.0 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of Baertje Martens - GJ-729.jpg
203.7 kB
Palma il Vecchio Jacopo (Jacopo Nigreti) - Portrait of a Man - GJ-258.jpg
203.6 kB
Thiriot Henri - French Soldier with a Gun - OR-13606.jpg
203.6 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Classiacal landscape with Figures - OR-5082.jpg
203.4 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Portrait of Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich the Elder - OR-39895.jpg
203.3 kB
Hennequin G. - Study of a Soldier with Hounds - OR-13562.jpg
203.2 kB
Somville Roger - Miner - GJ-9878.jpg
203.2 kB
Molinari Alexander - Portrait of a Man - OR-43748.jpg
203.1 kB
Carelli Achille - Gulf of Salerno near Sorrento (View towards Vesuvius) - OR-36392.jpg
203.0 kB
Reni Guido - Fathers of the Church Disputing the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception - GJ-59.jpg
202.9 kB
Archipenko Alexander - Seated Female Nude with Left Leg Bent - GR-155-58.jpg
202.9 kB
Foppa Vincenzo - St Stephen (wing of a polyptych) - GJ-7772.jpg
202.7 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Marble Architectural Fragments from Citta Vecchia on Malta - OR-4093.jpg
202.7 kB
Kent Rockwell - Greenlanders (Near Godhavn) - GJ-9928.jpg
202.5 kB
Amaral Miguel Antonio do - Portrait of Joseph Prince of Brasil and Beira - GJ-4430.jpg
202.5 kB
Schoppe Julius I - Tableau Vivant Reality - OG-114428.jpg
202.4 kB
Tripier Lefranc Eugenie - Portrait of Mademoiselle Riviere - GJ-8275.jpg
202.2 kB
Rubens Pieter Paul - Portrait of George Gaidge - GJ-473.jpg
202.2 kB
Reimers I. F. - Portrait of Vasily Zhukovsky - JRR-5590.jpg
202.1 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - Moonrise (Two Men on the Shore) - OR-43907.jpg
202.0 kB
Champaigne Philippe de - Scene from the Life of St Benedict. The Poisoned Cup of Wine - GJ-7414.jpg
201.7 kB
Vigee Le Brun Elisabeth-Louise - Portrait of Baron Grigory Strogsnov - GJ-5658.jpg
201.4 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - Morning in the Mountains - GJ-9772.jpg
201.2 kB
Guerin Pierre Narcisse - Sappho on the Leucadian Cliff - GJ-7242.jpg
201.1 kB
Cano Alonso - Self-Portrait - GJ-361.jpg
201.1 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Design of the Coucert Hall in the Catherine Park of Tsarskoye Selo. Vertical Section - OR-11018.jpg
200.8 kB
Barbier Paul - Head of a Girl in a Bluish Tunic - OR-43539.jpg
200.6 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - Boat on the Shore. Moonrise - OR-43910.jpg
200.5 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of a Man (Virginio Cesarini ) - GJ-552.jpg
200.3 kB
Zuloaga Ignacio - Portrait of Ivan Shchukin - GJ-8983.jpg
200.2 kB
Roslin Alexander - Portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Betskoi - GJ-5826.jpg
200.1 kB
Denner Balthasar - Portrait of an Old Man - OR-43531.jpg
199.7 kB
Kent Rockwell - Road to Asgaard Adirondacks - GJ-9941.jpg
199.5 kB
Carriere Eugene - Woman Leaning on a Table - GJ-6565.jpg
199.3 kB
Nattier Jean-Marc - Portrait of a Woman in Grey - GJ-5729.jpg
199.1 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of William Laud Archbishop of Canterbury - GJ-1698.jpg
198.6 kB
La Fosse Charles de - Walking on the Sea - GJ-6787.jpg
198.5 kB
Cabanel Alexandre - Portrait of Countess de Koller (nee Maria Riznich) - GJ-7600.jpg
198.2 kB
Langetti Giovanni Battista - Samson - GJ-2126.jpg
198.0 kB
Vernet Horace - Portrait of Emperor Nicholas I - JRX-619.jpg
198.0 kB
Zichy Mihaly - Prince Dondukov-Korsakov - OR-43290.jpg
197.8 kB
Court Joseph-Desire - Portrait of Yekaterina Scherbatova - GJ-5821.jpg
197.7 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Everhard Jabach - GJ-555.jpg
196.7 kB
Mayblum Jules - Palace of Count P. S. Stroganov. Facade - OR-41826.jpg
196.6 kB
Archipenko Alexander - Seated Female Nude with Left Hand at Breast - GR-155-56.jpg
196.3 kB
Zhdanov Andrey Osipovich - Icon of Saint Martyr Catherine and Saint Priest-Martyr Januarius - JRX-2448.jpg
195.7 kB
Ziem Felix Francois Georges Philibert - Harbour at Constantinople - GJ-5782.jpg
195.1 kB
Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille - Landscape with a Boy in a White Shirt - ZK-114.jpg
195.1 kB
Graff Anton - Portrait of George Leopold de Gogul - GJ-8701.jpg
195.0 kB
Velly (Veilly) Jean Louis de - Self-Portrait - GJ-1138.jpg
194.8 kB
Spinello Aretino (Spinello di Luca) - St Pontianus (wing of a polyptych) - GJ-275.jpg
194.7 kB
Richard Francois Fleury - Valentina of Milan - GJ-10608.jpg
194.6 kB
Bonnard Pierre - Mediterranean. Triptych - GJ-9663.jpg
194.4 kB
Bellotto Bernardo - Market-place of the Neustadt in Dresden - GJ-202.jpg
194.2 kB
Lethiere Guillaume - Death of Cato of Utica - GJ-1302.jpg
194.2 kB
Lefevre Robert - Portrait of Karl Theodor von Dalberg - GJ-10093.jpg
194.1 kB
Giallina (Gyalinas) Angelos - Athens. View of the City at the Foot of a Hill and Ruins of Acropolis - OR-43815.jpg
193.8 kB
Craesbeek Joos van - Drunkard - GJ-2446.jpg
193.5 kB
Herrera Barnuevo Sebastian de - Portrait of Charles II as a Child - GJ-1461.jpg
193.3 kB
Kent Rockwell - Maine Lobsterman - GJ-9934.jpg
193.3 kB
Ivanov Pavel Alexeyevich - Portrait of Count Mikhail Speransky - JRR-7753.jpg
193.2 kB
Winterhalter Francois Xavier - Portrait of Sofia Naryshkina - GJ-5800.jpg
193.0 kB
Robert Hubert - Landscape with Rocks - GJ-7736.jpg
192.8 kB
Archipenko Alexander - Two Nude Female Figures (Standing and Seated) - GR-155-62.jpg
192.5 kB
Kent Rockwell - Sunglare Alaska - GJ-9921.jpg
192.2 kB
Weenix Jan - Portrait of Peter I - JRX-1855.jpg
191.8 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Ivan Paskevich - GJ-5997.jpg
191.7 kB
Cuijp Aelbert - Sea by Moonlight - GJ-1024.jpg
191.5 kB
Poussin Nicolas - Moses Striking the Rock - GJ-1177.jpg
191.2 kB
Aub Jean-Paul - Study for the Statue of Strength of the Monument to Gambetta - OR-13532.jpg
190.4 kB
Netscher Constantin - Portrait of a Scholar - GJ-1080.jpg
190.3 kB
Matisse Henri - Zorah Standing - GJ-10044.jpg
190.1 kB
Honthorst Gerrit van - Childhood of Christ - GJ-5276.jpg
190.0 kB
Lash Carl Johann - Portrait of Rudolph German - JRX-3206.jpg
189.2 kB
Matisse Henri - Study Nude - OR-46056.jpg
188.8 kB
Giampetrino (Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli) - St John - GJ-1521.jpg
188.2 kB
Bonnard Pierre - Mediterranean. Triptych - GJ-9665.jpg
188.2 kB
Bardou Karl Wilhelm - Portrait of a Middle-Aged Man - OR-43561.jpg
188.0 kB
Matisse Henri - Woman in Profile (Portrait of Lydia Delectorskaya) - OR-46052.jpg
188.0 kB
Luini Bernardino - St Sebastian - GJ-247.jpg
187.6 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - View of the Grotto under the Saltern on the Island of Gozo - OR-4115.jpg
187.1 kB
Bellotto Bernardo - View of Pirna from the Right Bank of the Elba - GJ-210.jpg
186.8 kB
Desportes Francois - Still Life with a Dead Hare and Fruit - GJ-2218.jpg
186.7 kB
Juan de Juanes (Juan Macip Vicente) - St Vincent Ferrer - GJ-379.jpg
186.0 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of Queen Henrietta-Maria - GJ-541.jpg
185.7 kB
Voronikhin Andrey Nikiforovich - Design of the Western Facade of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan - OR-9252.jpg
185.3 kB
Hennequin G. - Hunting Trophies and a Dogs Head - OR-13563.jpg
185.2 kB
Denis Maurice - Martha and Mary - GJ-9124.jpg
184.6 kB
Stanzione Massimo - Death of Cleopatra - GJ-10030.jpg
184.4 kB
Furini Francesco - Three Graces - GJ-5556.jpg
184.3 kB
Tischbein Johann Friedrich August - Portrait of Queen Luise of Prussia - GJ-9786.jpg
184.2 kB
Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri) - St Jerome in the Wilderness - GJ-52.jpg
183.6 kB
Renoir Pierre-Auguste - Man on a Stair - ZK-1575.jpg
183.3 kB
Ribera Jose de - St Sebastian Cured by St Irene - GJ-325.jpg
182.8 kB
Bronzino Angelo - Flaying of Marsias - GJ-250.jpg
182.3 kB
Clerisseau Charles-Louis - An Overall Plan for the Road from St Petersburg to Moscow - OR-40406.jpg
182.1 kB
Robertson Christina - Portrait of Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna - OR-26599.jpg
182.0 kB
Matisse Henri - Still Life with Two Vases - OR-46053.jpg
181.2 kB
Premazzi Luigi - View of Lake of Geneva - OR-43792.jpg
180.9 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Count Alexander Kushelev-Bezborodko - GJ-5763.jpg
180.7 kB
Terborch Gerard - Violinist - GJ-882.jpg
180.3 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Dmitry Volkonsky - JRX-958.jpg
179.9 kB
Kustodiev Boris Mikhailovich - Church Parade of the Finnish Life Guard Regiment - JRX-1639.jpg
179.9 kB
Keyser Thomas de - Portrait of a Man - GJ-868.jpg
178.9 kB
Latour (La Tour) Maurice Quentin de - Portrait of Jacques-Charles Aubry - OR-40744.jpg
178.8 kB
Mellan Claude - Portrait of Cardinal Giulio Mazarini - OR-1815.jpg
178.7 kB
Asselijn Jan - Winter Landscape - GJ-1115.jpg
178.5 kB
Regamey Felix - Boy in a Sailors Suit and a Ludicrous Head - OR-13589.jpg
178.3 kB
Belli A. - Portrait of Peter I (copy) - JRX-3295.jpg
178.3 kB
Batoni Pompeo - Holy Family with Sts Elizabeth and John the Baptist - GJ-12.jpg
178.0 kB
Asselijn Jan - Riders Gallopping towards the Gates of the Fortress - GJ-1116.jpg
177.6 kB
Palma il Giovane Jacopo - Apostles at the Virgins Tomb - GJ-3460.jpg
177.6 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Fersen - JRX-981.jpg
177.3 kB
Bellotto Bernardo - Old Fortifications of Dresden - GJ-207.jpg
177.2 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the Palace. First Floor (Second Floor USA) - OR-23349.jpg
177.1 kB
Grigoryev Ivan Grigoryevich - Portrait of Catherine Tisengausen - JRR-105.jpg
176.9 kB
Jagemann Ferdinand - Portrait of Johann Wolfgang Goethe - GJ-7341.jpg
176.4 kB
Werff Adriaen van der - Sarah Bringing Hagar to Abraham - GJ-1064.jpg
176.4 kB
Hudoyarov Vasily Pavlovich - Portrait of Crown Prince Alexander Alexandrovich - JRX-646.jpg
176.2 kB
Dandini Cesare - Holy Family - GJ-7138.jpg
175.9 kB
Delaunay-Terk Sonia Cendrars Blaise - Trans-Siberian Express (La Prose du Transsiberien et de la Petite Jehanne de France) - OR-46011.jpg
175.7 kB
Archipenko Alexander - Seated Female Nude with Left Hand on Right Leg - GR-155-60.jpg
175.1 kB
Roslin Alexander - Portrait of Grand Prince Paul Petrovich - GJ-1356.jpg
174.7 kB
Ritt Augustin Christian - Portrait of Count Ivan Apraxin - JRR-8905.jpg
173.8 kB
Seghers (Zeghers) Gerard - Denial of St Peter - GJ-3058.jpg
173.4 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Fieldmarshal Mikhail B. Barclay de Tolly (1761-1818) - GJ-7809.jpg
173.2 kB
Hastie William - Sectional Drawing of a Country House - OR-23296.jpg
172.9 kB
Vigee Le Brun Elisabeth-Louise - Portrait of Anna Pitt as Hebe - GJ-4749.jpg
172.2 kB
Robillard Hippolyte - Portrait of a Boy - OR-43681.jpg
172.2 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Karl Nesselrode - JRX-2583.jpg
171.4 kB
Morales Luis de - Mater Dolorosa - GJ-358.jpg
171.0 kB
Helleu Paul Cesar - Portrait of a Woman - OR-27107.jpg
170.8 kB
Spinello Aretino (Spinello di Luca) - St Benedict (wing of a polyptych) - GJ-272.jpg
170.5 kB
Borione B. - Grandfather with his Granddaughter Watching a Floating Swan - OR-13591.jpg
170.3 kB
Lotto Lorenzo - Portrait of an Old Man - GJ-1786.jpg
169.7 kB
Winterhalter Francois Xavier - Portrait of Countess Sophia Bobrinskaya - GJ-9616.jpg
169.2 kB
Flinck Govert - Portrait of a Woman - GJ-6835.jpg
169.1 kB
Raczynski Karl - Portrait of Stanislav II Augustus Poniatowski King of Poland - JRR-4088.jpg
168.9 kB
Giampetrino (Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli) - Christ with the Symbol of the Trinity - GJ-1520.jpg
168.9 kB
Vigee Le Brun Elisabeth-Louise - Portrait of a Woman - GJ-7793.jpg
168.6 kB
Cranach Lucas I - Venus and Cupid - GJ-680.jpg
168.4 kB
Koninck Philips - Seamstress - GJ-712.jpg
168.1 kB
Lash Carl Johann - Portrait of Rudolphs German Elder Son - JRX-3208.jpg
167.7 kB
Zhuravlev Firs Sergeyevich - Portrait of Empress Maria Alexandrovna - JRX-637.jpg
167.2 kB
Shchukin Stepan - Portrait of Paul I - JRX-1733.jpg
165.9 kB
Ritt Augustin Christian - Portrait of a Lady in a Green Dress with a red Shawl - JRR-9217.jpg
165.2 kB
Galaktionov Stepan Philippovich - Portrait of Yakov Kniazhnin - JRG-13982.jpg
164.8 kB
Winterhalter Francois Xavier - Portrait of Count Alexei Bobrinsky - GJ-9621.jpg
163.8 kB
Regamey Felix - Boy Standing by a Table - OR-13596.jpg
163.4 kB
Kent Rockwell - Seal Hunter North Greenland - GJ-9931.jpg
163.0 kB
Ritt Augustin Christian - Portrait of Count Valerian Alexandrovich Zubov - JRR-5950.jpg
162.9 kB
Matisse Henri - Lydia with her Hair in a Net - OR-47762.jpg
162.2 kB
Quarenghi Giacomo - Panorama of the Villages of Kolomenskoye and Dyakovo. Environs of Moscow - OR-11719.jpg
161.6 kB
Bazhenov Vasilyi Ivanovich - Plan of the Palace. Ground Floor (First Floor USA) - OR-23348.jpg
161.3 kB
Regamey Felix - Boy Wearing a Hat - OR-13593.jpg
160.2 kB
Angeli Heinrich von - Portrait of Franz Josef I - GJ-9600.jpg
159.7 kB
Cameron Charles - Cross-Section of the Agate Pavilion and Handing Garden at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-11047.jpg
157.7 kB
Carolus-Duran - Portrait of Anna Obolenskaya - GJ-6752.jpg
157.5 kB
Dawe George Wright Thomas - Portrait of Grand Prince Konstantin Pavlovich (1779-1831) - GJ-7807.jpg
157.2 kB
Musikiysky Grigory Semyonovich - Portrait of Prince Alexander Danilovich Menshikov - JRR-3804.jpg
156.4 kB
Matisse Henri - Womans Head - OR-46050.jpg
156.3 kB
Zurbaran Francisco de - St Fernando - GJ-5158.jpg
155.2 kB
Archipenko Alexander - Three Nude Female Figures - GR-155-59.jpg
154.7 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Plan of the Saltern on the Island of Gozo (The Saltern of a Watchmaker) - OR-4114.jpg
153.2 kB
Licourt Paul - Landscape with Trees and Bushes - OR-13575.jpg
151.6 kB
Dyck Anthony van - Portrait of King Charles I - GJ-537.jpg
151.4 kB
Kruger Franz - Portrait of Emperor Nicholas I - GJ-7687.jpg
150.7 kB
Regamey Felix - Boy Seated on a Pouffe - OR-13594.jpg
150.6 kB
Kent Rockwell - Mirrored Mountain. South Greenland - GJ-9926.jpg
148.5 kB
Matisse Henri - Portrait of a Woman - OR-46048.jpg
148.3 kB
Friedrich Caspar David - Moonrise over the Sea - GJ-6396.jpg
147.7 kB
Cano Alonso - Crucifixion - GJ-5572.jpg
146.6 kB
Regamey Felix - Boy Wearing a Beret - OR-13595.jpg
146.6 kB
Bol Ferdinand - Portrait of an Old Woman with a Book - GJ-763.jpg
145.5 kB
Licourt Paul - Landscape in Brousil-Sivry - OR-13574.jpg
145.2 kB
Kent Rockwell - Calm and Free (Maine Coast) - GJ-9920.jpg
145.1 kB
Greuze Jean-Baptiste - Portrait of Countess Ekaterina Shuvalova - GJ-5726.jpg
143.9 kB
Kent Rockwell - Greenland Coast - GJ-9935.jpg
143.4 kB
Menelaws Adam - Design for a Farm in the Alexander Park at Tsarskoye Selo - OR-12955.jpg
143.3 kB
Dawe George - Portrait of Alexander I - GJ-4467.jpg
141.7 kB
Robert Hubert - Green Wall - GJ-2744.jpg
141.6 kB
Vernet Claude Joseph - Entrance to the Port of Palermo in the Moonlight - GJ-1764.jpg
140.4 kB
Bronzino Angelo - Portrait of Cosimo I Medici - GJ-1512.jpg
138.3 kB
Tischbein Johann Friedrich August - Portrait of Prince Nicolai Saltykov - GJ-5812.jpg
136.8 kB
Bonnard Pierre - Mediterranean. Triptych - GJ-9664.jpg
132.8 kB
Hastie William - Project for a Country House Facade - OR-23295.jpg
132.4 kB
Cabanel Alexandre - Portrait of Prince Konstantin Gorchakov - GJ-5093.jpg
131.5 kB
Houel Jean-Pierre-Laurent - Plan of Three Burial Caves in Mount Bingemma on Malta - OR-4090.jpg
130.3 kB
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Portrait of the Poet Jeremias de Decker - GJ-748.jpg
128.7 kB
Michetti Nicola - Design of a Lighthouse in Kronshtadt. Vertical Section - OR-4742.jpg
128.1 kB
Gallait Louis - Tasso in the Prison - GJ-7449.jpg
124.6 kB
Bardou Karl Wilhelm - Portrait of a Middle-Aged Man - OR-27243.jpg
124.6 kB
Mengs Anton Raphael - Self-Portrait - OR-43220.jpg
122.2 kB
Musikyisky Grigory Semyonovich - Portrait of Crown Princess Anna Petrovna - JRR-7780.jpg
117.9 kB
Matisse Henri - Face of a Woman - OR-46066.jpg
116.7 kB
Matisse Henri - Seated Nude Head on Arms (Blue Eyes) - OR-46061.jpg
115.5 kB
Archipenko Alexander - Standing Female Nude Touching Right Foot with Fingers - GR-155-61.jpg
107.8 kB
Matisse Henri - Woman in Profile (Turned to the Left) - OR-46063.jpg
104.7 kB
Robert Hubert - Cypresses - GJ-8410.jpg
101.1 kB
Robert Hubert - Landscape with a Triumphal Column - GJ-8409.jpg
99.1 kB
Matisse Henri - Portrait of a Woman - OR-46065.jpg
98.7 kB
Carriere Eugene - Woman with a Baby on her Lap - GJ-9139.jpg
97.3 kB
Kessel Johanness van III - Panorama of Amsterdam - OG-92068.jpg
96.1 kB
Bachelier Charles Claude - Panorama of St Petersburg from the Belfry the St Peter and St Payl Fortress - JRG-26546.jpg
82.6 kB
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