The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
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Introduction/Civilian Morale Kurt Lewin Tavistock Mass Programming.pdf
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Introduction/Rawlings Rees John - The shaping of psychiatry by war.pdf
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Introduction/Coleman, John - The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Shaping the Moral Spiritual Cultural Political and Economic Decline of the USA (1999).pdf
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Introduction/Controllers at Tavistock and Bosnia.pdf
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Introduction/Tavistock Dennis L. Cuddy.pdf
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Introduction/Black people and the Tavistock Institute.txt
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Jean-Bertrand Pontalis, Jean LaPlanche-The Language of Psychoanalysis-Karnac Books (1996).pdf
78.3 MB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Markos Zafiropoulos, John Holland-Lacan and Levi-Strauss or Freud's Return 1951-1957 -Karnac Books (2010).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Donald Meltzer-Sexual States of Mind-Karnac Books (1979).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Ahmed Fayek-The Clinical Application of the Theory of Psychoanalysis-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Melanie Klein, Susan Isaacs, Paula Heimann, Joan Riviere-Developments in Psychoanalysis-Karnac Books (1989).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/R. Horacio Etchegoyen-The fundamentals of psychoanalytic technique-Karnac Books (1999).pdf
41.9 MB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield library) Victoria Hamilton-Narcissus and Oedipus_ The Children of Psychoanalysis (Maresfield Library) -Karnac Books (1994).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Michael Balint-Problems of Human Pleasure and Behaviour-Karnac Books (1987).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Ernst Federn-Witnessing Psychoanalysis_ From Vienna Back to Vienna Via Buchenwald and the USA-Karnac Books (1990).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Paul Hirst, Penny Woolley Social Relations and Human Attributes.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Psychoanalysis and Women Series) Mariam Alizade-The Embodied Female-Karnac Books (2002).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Philip Mayer Socialization The approach from social anthropology.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/A.L. Epstein The Craft of Social Anthropology (Social Science Paperbacks).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel-Female Sexuality_ New Psychoanalytic Views-Karnac Books (1991).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Michael Fordham-Jungian Psychotherapy_ A Study in Analytical Psychology-Karnac Books (1990).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Mary Boston, Rolene Szur-Psychotherapy with Severely Deprived Children-Karnac Books (1990).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Phyllis Greenacre-Trauma, Growth and Personality-Karnac Books (1987).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Diana Barker, Sheila Allen Sexual Divisions and Society Process and Change (Social Science Paperbacks).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/John Klauber-Difficulties in the Analytic Encounter-Karnac Books (1986).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Charles Rycroft-Anxiety and Neurosis-Karnac Books (1988).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Ernest Jones-Papers on Psycho-Analysis-Karnac Books (2000).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Alfred Willener The Action-Image of Society On Cultural Politicization.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Erich Neumann, C. G. Jung-The Origins and History of Consciousness-Karnac Books (1986).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Ignacio Matte Blanco-The Unconscious as Infinite Sets_ An Essay in Bi-logic-Karnac Books (1980).pdf
21.8 MB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Heinz Kohut_ edited by Paul H. Ornstein-The Search for the Self, Volume 1_ Selected Writings of Heinz Kohut, 1950-1978 volume 1 -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Michael Balint-Thrills and Regressions-Karnac Books (1987).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Ronald Britton-The Oedipus Complex Today_ Clinical Implications-Karnac Books (1989).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Rolene Szur, Sheila Miller-Extending horizons_ psychoanalytic psychotherapy with children, adolescents and families -Karnac Books (1991).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Mark Bracher-Social Symptoms of Identity Needs_ Why We Have Failed to Solve Our Social Problems and What to do About It -Karnac Books (2009).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Masud Khan-Alienation in Perversions -Karnac Books (1987).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Robert J. Stoller-Sex and Gender_ The Development of Masculinity and Femininity-Karnac Books (1984).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Library of Analytical Psychology) Michael Fordham-Technique in Jungian Analysis-Karnac Books (1989).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Wilfred R. Bion-Cogitations-Karnac Books (1991).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Alfredo Eidelsztein-The Graph of Desire_ Using the Work of Jacques Lacan-Karnac Books (2009).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Stanley Milgram Obedience to Authority An Experimental View.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/David L. Smith-Hidden Conversations_ An Introduction to Communicative Psychoanalysis-Karnac Books (1991).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Frances Tustin-Autistic Barriers in Neurotic Patients-Karnac Books (1994).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Heinz Kohut-The Search for the Self_ Volume 4_ Selected Writings of Heinz Kohut 1978-1981 -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Phiip G. Herbst Socio-technical Design Strategies in Multidisciplinary Research.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Daniel N. Stern-The Interpersonal World of the Infant_ A View from Psychoanalysis and Developmental Psychology -Karnac Books (1998).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Karnac Classics) S. H. Foulkes, E. J. Anthony-Group Psychotherapy_ The Psychoanalytic Approach-Karnac Books (1965).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Marshall Sahlins Islands of History (Social science paperbacks).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Jason Glynos, Yannis Stravrakakis-Lacan and Science -Karnac Books (2002).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Eric L. Trist, G. W. Higgin, H. Murray, A. B. Pollock Organizational Choice.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Donald Meltzer-Supervisions with Donald Meltzer-Karnac Books (2003).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/David Campbell, Tim Coldicott-Systemic Work With Organizations_ A New Model for Managers and Change Agents (Systemic Thinking and Practice Series)-Karnac Books (1995).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Donald Meltzer-Psychoanalytic Work with Children and Adults_ Meltzer in Barcelona-Karnac Books (2002).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Erich Neumann, R. Manheim-The Child_ Structure and Dynamics of the Nascent Personality-Karnac Books (1988).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Anthony Wilden System and structure Essays in Communication and Exchange 2nd Edition.djvu
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/T. Berry Brazelton, Bertrand G. Cramer-The Earliest Relationship_ Parents, Infants and the Drama of Early Attachment-Karnac Books (1991).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Systemic thinking and practice series) Carmel Flaskas-The Therapeutic Relationship in Systemic Therapy (Systemic Thinking and Practice Series) -Karnac Books (1996).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Madeleine Davis, David Wallbridge-Boundary and Space_ Introduction to the Work of D.W. Winnicott-Karnac Books (1981).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Masud Khan-Hidden Selves_ Between Theory and Practice in Psychoanalysis-Karnac Books (1989).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Ruth Golan-Loving Psychoanalysis_ Looking at Culture with Freud and Lacan-Karnac Books (2006).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Michael Eigen, Adam Phillips-Electrified Tightrope-Karnac Books (2004).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Wilfred R. Bion-Brazilian Lectures_ 1973 Sao Paolo, 1974 Rio de Janeiro_Sao Paolo-Karnac Books (1990).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(International Journal of Psychoanalysis Key Papers Series) Steven T. Levy-Influential Papers from the 1950s (International Journal of Psychoanalysis Key Papers Series)-Karnac Books .pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(International Journal of Psychoanalysis Key Paper Series) Glen O. Gabbard-Psychoanalysis and Film-Karnac Books (2001).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Patrick De Mare, Sheila Thompson, Robin Piper (eds.)-Koinonia_ From Hate through Dialogue to Culture in the Larger Group-Karnac Books (1991).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Wilfred R. Bion-Transformations (Maresfield Library)-Karnac (1984).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(KARNAC) Roy Schafer-Tradition and Change in Psychoanalysis-Karnac Books (1997).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Heinz Kohut-The Search for the Self, Volume 3_ Selected Writings of Heinz Kohut_ 1978-1981 -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Michael Eigen-Psychic Deadness-Karnac Books (2004).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Encyclopaedia of psychoanalysis 4) Duncan Barford-Ship of Thought_ Essays on Psychoanalysis and Learning (Encyclopaedia of psychoanalysis Vol. 4) -Karnac Books (2002).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Michael Fordham, Rosemary Gordon and Judith Hubback (Eds.)-The Self and Autism-Karnac Books (1976).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Systemic Thinking and Practice Series) Kirsten Seidenfaden, Piet Draiby-The Vibrant Relationship_ A Handbook for Couples and Therapists-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Eric L. Trist The Social Engagement of Social Science.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Psychoanalytic Ideas Series) Rosine J. Perelberg-Dreaming and Thinking (Psychoanalytic Ideas Series) -Karnac Books (2000).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Joseph Sandler, Daniel Stern, André Green-Clinical and observational psychoanalytic research_ roots of a controversy-Karnac Books (2000).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Systemic Thinking and Practice Series) David Campbell-Learning Consultation_ A Systemic Framework-Karnac Books (1995).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/P. C. Sandler-A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts, Volume 1_ Dreaming, Transformation, Containment and Change-Karnac Books (2009).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Jorge L. Ahumada-The logics of the mind_ a clinical view-Karnac Books (2001).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Winnicott Studies Monograph Series) Lesley Caldwell-Art, Creativity, Living (Winnicott Studies Monograph Series) -Karnac Books (2001).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Salomon Resnik-Mental Space -Karnac Books (1994).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(UKCP Karnac) Cabby Laffy-LoveSex_ An Integrative Model for Sexual Education-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research Library) Geneviève Morel-Sexual Ambiguities-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(You and Your Child) Frances Thomson Salo-You and Your Baby (You and Your Child)-Karnac Books (2005).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Colum Kenny-The Power of Silence_ Silent Communication in Daily Life-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Roy Schafer-Insight and Interpretation_ The Essential Tools of Psychoanalysis-Karnac Books (2003).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Systemic Thinking and Practice) Inga-Britt Krause-Culture and System in Family Therapy (Systemic Thinking and Practice)-Karnac Books (2002).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Aida Alayarian-Trauma, Torture and Dissociation_ A Psychoanalytic View-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Orit Badouk Epstein, Joseph Schwartz, Rachel Wingfield Schwartz-Ritual Abuse and Mind Control_ The Manipulation of Attachment Needs-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy Series) Hilary A. Davies-The Use of Psychoanalytic Concepts in Therapy With Families-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Clare Huffington, Carol Cole, Halina Brunning A Manual of Organizational Development Psychology of Change.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Systemic thinking & practice genes) Clare Huffington, Carol Cole, Halina Brunning-A Manual of Organizational Development_ Psychology of Change-Karnac Books (1997).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Charles Rycroft-Imagination and Reality_ Psychoanalytical Essays 1951-1961-Karnac Books (1987).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Sheldon Bach-The How-To Book for Students of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Del Loewenthal-Post-Existentialism and the Psychological Therapies_ Towards a Therapy Without Foundations-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Karnac History of Psychoanalysis Series) Peter L. Rudnytsky-Rescuing Psychoanalysis from Freud and Other Essays in Re-Vision-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Halina Brunning-Psychoanalytic Reflections on a Changing World-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Donald Robertson-The Philosophy of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy_ Stoic Philosophy as Rational and Cognitive Psychotherapy-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Ukcp) Lisa Wake-The Role of Brief Therapy in Attachment Disorders-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Tullia Scrimalli-Entropy of Mind and Negative Entropy_ A Cognitive and Complex Approach to Schizophrenia and its Treatment-Karnac Books (2008).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Roy Schafer-Bad feelings_ selected psychoanalytic essays-Karnac Books (2003).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Systemic Thinking and Practice) David Campbell-A Systemic Approach to Consultation-Karnac Books (1991).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/P. C. Sandler-The Language of Bion_ A Dictionary of Concepts-Karnac Books (2005).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Estela V. Welldon-Mother, Madonna, Whore_ The Idealization and Denigration of Motherhood-Karnac Books (1992).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Systemic Thinking and Practice) Barry Mason-Handing Over_ Developing Consistency Across Shifts in Residential and Health Settings-Karnac Books (1991).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Sutherland, J.D. Sutherland, Sylvia Payne-Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought-Karnac Books (1987).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(CONTEMPORARY FREUD Turning Points and Critical Issues) Salman Akhtar, Mary Kay O'Neil-On Freud's _Beyond the Pleasure Principle_ -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Systemic Thinking and Practice) Wendel A. Ray-Resource Focused Therapy (Systemic Thinking and Practice) -Karnac Books (1994).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Harris Meltzer Trust Series) Donald Meltzer-The Psycho-Analytical Process -Karnac Books (2008).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Antonella Sansone-Mothers, Babies, and Their Body Language -Karnac Books (2004).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Ralf-Peter Behrendt-Neuroanatomy of Social Behaviour_ An Evolutionary and Psychoanalytic Perspective-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, Elisabet Engellau-Are Leaders Born or Are They Made__ The Case of Alexander the Great -Karnac Books (2004).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Harris Meltzer Trust Series) Martha Harris-Thinking About Infants and Young Children (Harris Meltzer Trust Series) -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(IPA_ Psychoanalytic Ideas and Applications) Marina Altmann de Litvan (ed.)-Time for Change_ Tracking Transformations in Psychoanalyses — The Three-Level Model-Karnac Books (2014).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/F.A. Hayek The Trend of Economic Thinking Essay.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/James S. Grotstein-A beam of intense darkness _ Wilfred Bion's legacy to psychoanalysis-Karnac Books (2007).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Harris, Bick The Tavistock Model Papers on child development and psychoanalytical training.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Martha Harris and Esther Bick-The Tavistock Model_ Papers on Child Development and Psychoanalytic Training-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/James Davies-The Making of Psychotherapists_ An Anthropological Analysis-Karnac Books (2009).epub
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Dianna T. Kenny-From Id to Intersubjectivity_ Talking about the Talking Cure with Master Clinicians-Karnac Books (2014).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Jan Abram-Language of Winnicott_ A Dictionary of Winnicott's Use of Words-Karnac Books (2007).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/James S. Grotstein-_But at the Same Time and on Another Level..._. Volume 1, Psychoanalytic Theory and Technique in the Kleinian_Bionian Mode-Karnac Books (2009).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Robert T. Waska-Primitive Experiences of Loss_ Working with the Paranoid-Schizoid Patient-Karnac (2002).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Explorations in psycho-social studies series) Paul Hoggett, Simon Clarke-Researching Beneath the Surface_ Psycho-social Research Methods in Practice (Explorations in Psycho-Social S.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Sarah Corrie-The art of inspired living_ coach yourself with positive psychology-Karnac Books (2009).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects) James Davies-The Making of Psychotherapists_ An Anthropological Analysis -Karnac Books (2009).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Kate White (editor)-Attachment & New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis volume 4 issue 2. 4-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Maria Rhode, Trudy Klauber-The Many Faces of Asperger's Syndrome (The Tavistock Clinic Series) -Karnac Books (2004).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Joseph Schwarz (editor)-Attachment & New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis volume 4 issue 1. 4-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Psychoanalytic Ideas and Applications Series) Paul Williams, John Keane, Sira Dermen-Independent Psychoanalysis Today-Karnac Books (2012).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Psychoanalytic Ideas Series) Rosine J. Perelberg-Time and Memory (Psychoanalytic Ideas Series) -Karnac Books (2007).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Gertraud Diem-Wille-The Early Years of Life_ Psychoanalytical Development Theory According to Freud, Klein, and Bion -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(IPA_ Psychoanalytic Ideas and Applications) Gabriela Goldstein-Art in Psychoanalysis_ A Contemporary Approach to Creativity and Analytic Practice-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Jenny Pearson-Analyst of the Imagination_ The Life and Work of Charles Rycroft -Karnac Books (2004).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/A. Alexandris, G. Vaslamatis-Countertransference_ Theory, Technique, Teaching-Karnac Books (1992).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Forensic Psychotherapy Monograph Series) Estela V. Welldon-Playing with Dynamite_ A Personal Approach to the Psychoanalytic Understanding of Perversions, Violence, and Criminality-K.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/W. M. Bernstein-A Basic Theory of Neuropsychoanalysis-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Karnac History of Psychoanalysis Series) Peter L. Rudnytsky, Gillian Preston-Her Hour Come Round at Last_ A Garland for Nina Coltart-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/James S. Grotstein-_But at the Same Time and on Another Level..._. Volume 2, Clinical Applications in the Kleinian_Bionian Mode-Karnac Books (2009).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Guide to supervision series, v. 1) Penny Henderson-A Different Wisdom_ Reflections on Supervision in Practice, Guide to Supervision -Karnac Books (2009).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Lines of the Symbolic Series) Christian Dunker-The Constitution of the Psychoanalytic Clinic_ A History of its Structure and Power (Lines of the Symbolic Series) -Karnac Books (201.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Guide to supervision series, v. 2) Penny Henderson-Supervisor Training_ Issues and Approaches (Guide to Supervision)-Karnac Books (2009).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Penny Henderson A Different Wisdom Reflections on Supervision in Practice.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Gay Watson-Beyond Happiness_ Deepening the Dialogue between Buddhism, Psychotherapy, and the Mind Sciences-Karnac Books (2008).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Pamela Ashurst, Zaida Hall Understanding Women in Distress.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Jean Petrucelli-Knowing, Not-Knowing and Sort-of-Knowing_ Psychoanalysis and the Experience of Uncertainty-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(CIPS Series on the Boundaries of Psychoanalysis) Norbert Freedman, Marvin Hurvich, Rhonda Ward-Another Kind of Evidence_ Studies on Internalization, Annihilation Anxiety and Progres.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Steven Shardlow The Values of Change in Social Work.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Phil Mollon-EMDR and energy therapies_ psychoanalytic perspectives-Karnac Books (2005).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Irene Matthis-Dialogues on Sexuality, Gender and Psychoanalysis -Karnac Books (2004).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Arthur Still, Windy Dryden-The Historical and Philosophical Context of Rational Psychotherapy_ The Legacy of Epictetus-Karnac Books (2012).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/P. C. Sandler-An Introduction to W.R. Bion's 'A Memoir of the Future'_ Authoritative, Not Authoritarian, Psychoanalysis-Karnac Books (2014).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Vesa Talvitie-Freudian Unconscious and Cognitive Neuroscience_ From Unconscious Fantasies to Neural Algorithms-Karnac Books (2009).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/P. C. Sandler-A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts, Volume 3_ Verbal and Visual Approaches to Reality-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Lisa Wake-The Role of Brief Therapy in Attachment Disorders (UKCP Karnac)-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Roy Armes On Video.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Rafael E. Lopez-Corvo-Traumatised and Non-Traumatised States of the Personality_ A Clinical Understanding Using Bion's Approach-Karnac Books (2014).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Steven Box Power, Crime and Mystification.pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/A. H. Brafman-Fostering Independence_ Helping and Caring in Psychodynamic Therapies-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Simon Boag-Freudian Repression, the Unconscious, and the Dynamics of Inhibition-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Vesa Talvitie-The Foundations of Psychoanalytic Theories_ Project for a Scientific Enough Psychoanalysis-Karnac Books (2012).pdf
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Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Alessandra Cavalli, Lucinda Hawkins, Martha Stevns-Transformation_ Jung's Legacy and Clinical Work Today-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
932.0 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(CIPS Series on the Boundaries of Psychoanalysis) Michael J. Diamond, Christopher Christian-The Second Century of Psychoanalysis_ Evolving Perspectives on Therapeutic Action-Karnac B.pdf
919.5 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Heinz Kohut, Paul Ornstein-The Search for the Self, Volume 2_ Selected Writings of Heinz Kohut_ 1950-1978 -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
917.5 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Paul W. Ashton-From the Brink_ Experiences of the Void from a Depth Psychology Perspective-Karnac Books (2007).pdf
869.9 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Developments in Psychoanalysis) Jon G. Allen-Mentalizing in the Development and Treatment of Attachment Trauma-Karnac Books (2012).pdf
853.2 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Michael Moskowitz-Reading Minds_ A Guide to the Cognitive Neuroscience Revolution-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
848.6 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Nathan Field, Trudy Harvey, Belinda Sharp-Ten lectures on psychotherapy and spirituality -Karnac Books (2005).pdf
839.7 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects) Aida Alayarian-Trauma, Torture and Dissociation_ A Psychoanalytic View -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
831.8 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Psychoanalysis and Popular Culture) Aaron Balick-The Psychodynamics of Social Networking_ Connected-Up Instantaneous Culture and the Self-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
823.9 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(The Tavistock Clinic Series) Marion Bowers, Robert Hale, Heather Wood-Addictive States of Mind-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
817.4 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Psychoanalytic Ideas) Edited by James Rose-Mapping Psychic Reality_ Triangulation, Communication and Insight-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
808.4 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Harold K. Bendicsen-The Transformational Self_ Attachment and the End of the Adolescent Phase-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
801.1 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Violet Oaklander-Hidden Treasure_ A Map to the Child's Inner Self-Karnac Books (2007).pdf
797.7 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Michael Günter-Technique in Child and Adolescent Analysis -Karnac Books (2010).pdf
786.8 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Biddy Youell, Hamish Canham, Tavistock Clinic-The learning relationship_ psychoanalytic thinking in education -Karnac Books (2006).pdf
783.9 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Norbert Freedman (ed.), Aaron Thaler (ed.)-A New Freudian Synthesis_ Clinical Process in the Next Gene.pdf
775.6 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(CIPS Series on the Boundaries of Psychoanalysis) Andrew A. Druck (ed.), Carolyn S. Ellman (ed.), Norbert Freedman (ed.), Aaron Thaler (ed.)-A New Freudian Synthesis_ Clinical Proces.pdf
775.6 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/M. Perret Catipovic-Adolescence & Psychoanalysis_ The Story and the History-Karnac Books (1998).pdf
775.2 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Jean Pain-Not Just Talking (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy Series)-Karnac Books (2009).pdf
769.5 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Robert Waska.-Love, hate, and knowledge _ the Kleinian method and the future of psychoanalysis-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
763.4 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/James W. Hamilton-A Psychoanalytic Approach to Visual Artists-Karnac Books (2012).pdf
749.9 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Geneviève Morel-Sexual Ambiguities (Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research Library) -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
748.3 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Soren R. Ekstrom-Memory and Healing_ Neurocognitive and Psychodynamic Perspectives on How Patients and Psychotherapists Remember-Karnac Books (2014).pdf
747.8 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Laura Tremelloni-Arctic Spring_ Potential for Growth in Adults with Psychosis and Autism -Karnac Books (2005).pdf
715.7 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/John Marzillier-The Gossamer Thread_ My Life as a Psychotherapist-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
715.2 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Judy Cooper, Helen Alfille-Assessment in Psychotherapy-Karnac Books (1998).pdf
685.8 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Avner Falk-Franks and Saracens_ Reality and Fantasy in the Crusades -Karnac Books (2010).pdf
678.8 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/P. C. Sandler-A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts, Volume 2_ Analytic Function and the Function of the Analyst-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
675.8 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Colum Kenny-The Power of Silence_ Silent Communication in Daily Life -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
674.6 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Dov R. Aleksandrowicz, Malca Aleksandrowicz-The Injured Self_ The Psychopathology and Psychotherapy of Developmental Deviations -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
659.3 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/W. M. Bernstein-The Realisation of Concepts_ Infinity, Cognition, and Health-Karnac Books (2014).pdf
650.9 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Joseph Aguayo (ed.), Barnet D. Malin (ed.)-Wilfred Bion_ Los Angeles Seminars and Supervision-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
647.2 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Paul Marcus-In Search of the Spiritual_ Gabriel Marcel, Psychoanalysis and the Sacred-Karnac Books (2012).pdf
641.0 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Judith L. Mitrani-Psychoanalytic Technique and Theory_ Taking the Transference-Karnac Books (2014).pdf
636.6 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Hendrika C. Freud, Marjolijn de Jager-Men and Mothers_ The Lifelong Struggle of Sons and Their Mothers-Karnac Books (2012).pdf
632.1 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Salman Akhtar-Matters of Life and Death_ Psychoanalytic Reflections -Karnac Books (2010).pdf
631.1 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(IPA_ Psychoanalytic Ideas and Applications) Juan Eduardo Tesone-In the Traces of our Name_ The Influence of Given Names in Life (IPA_ Psychoanalytic Ideas and Applications)-Karnac B.pdf
627.4 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Psychoanalytic Ideas Series) Inge Wise, Maggie Mills-Psychoanalytic Ideas and Shakespeare (Psychoanalytic Ideas Series)-Karnac Books (2006).pdf
627.0 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Psychoanalytic ideas) Ronald Doctor, Richard Lucas-The Organic and the Inner World (Psychoanalytic Ideas Series) -Karnac Books (2009).pdf
623.9 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Deirdre Johnson-Love_ Bondage Or Liberation__ A Psychological Exploration of the Meaning, Values and Dangers of Falling in Love-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
620.6 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/John Michael Greer-Not the Future We Ordered_ Peak Oil, Psychology, and the Myth of Progress-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
615.1 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Psychoanalysis and Women Series) Giovanna Ambrosio-On Incest (Psychoanalysis and Women Series) -Karnac Books (2005).pdf
611.3 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Shamdasani, Sonu-Jung Stripped Bare by His Biographers, Even-KARNAC (2005).pdf
610.4 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Jenny Stanton-The Blessing of Burntisland -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
605.9 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Lionel Stapley, Laurence J. Gould-The Reflective Citizen_ Organisational and Social Dynamics -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
589.5 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Hilary A. Davies-The use of psychoanalytic concepts in therapy with families_ for all professionals working with families-Karnac Books (2010).pdf
581.2 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Penny Rawson-Grappling with Grief_ a Guide for the Bereaved -Karnac Books (2005).pdf
552.8 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Juan Pablo Jiménez, Rodolfo Moguillansky-Clinical and Theoretical Aspects of Perversion_ The Illusory Bond-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
548.4 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/E. Wilson Women and the Welfare State.pdf
538.3 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Karnac History of Psychoanalysis Series) Elisabeth Young-Bruehl-The Clinic and the Context_ Historical Essays-Karnac Books (2012).pdf
532.3 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(G - Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary Subjects) Gladeana McMahon-No More Stress!_ Be Your Own Stress Management Coach -Karnac Books (2010).pdf
509.9 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Tomas Böhm, Suzanne Kaplan-Revenge_ On the Dynamics of a Frightening Urge and its Taming -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
505.2 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Paul Marcus-How to Laugh Your Way Through Life_ A Psychoanalyst's Advice-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
472.8 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Anouchka Grose-Are You Considering Therapy_ -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
453.3 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Robert Waska.-Treating severe depressive and persecutory anxiety states _ to transform the unbearable-Karnac (2010).pdf
450.1 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Charalampos S. Ierodiakonou-The Psychology of Aristotle, The Philosopher_ A Psychoanalytic Therapist's Perspective -Karnac Books (2011).pdf
417.5 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Lawrence Goldie, Jane Desmarais-Presence of Mind in Neurophysiological Processes-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
393.3 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Judy Yellin, Orit Badouk Epstein-Terror Within and Without_ Attachment and Disintegration_ Clinical Work on the Edge-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
353.9 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(John Bowlby Memorial Conference Monographs) Judy Yellin, Orit Badouk Epstein-Terror Within and Without_ Attachment and Disintegration_ Clinical Work on the Edge-Karnac Books (2013).pdf
353.9 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Charalampos S. Ierodiakonou-The Psychology of Aristotle, The Philosopher_ A Psychoanalytic Therapist's Perspective-Karnac Books (2011).pdf
296.0 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/Anna Freud-The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence-Karnac Books (1992).epub
203.5 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/(Maresfield Library) Wilfred R. Bion-Second Thoughts_ Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis-Karnac Books (1984).epub
202.2 kB
Tavistock Institute (Karnac books)/List.txt
49.5 kB
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