8Dio & Soundiron Choirs Bundle
8Dio & Soundiron Choirs Bundle
中山 偷拍
wyspa tajemnic
sugar 2024 s01e08
stone temple pilots unplugged
mide-642 -c
磁悬浮 少妇
the incredibles 2004
guanzon abbondanza ita
dont look back 1967
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 8.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 4.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir Samples 1.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 1.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir Samples 4.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/8Dio Liberis Samples 3.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 6.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/8Dio Liberis Samples 2.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Gaia Strawberry Samples 1.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Requiem Bundle Samples 3.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Requiem Bundle Samples 1.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/8Dio Liberis Samples 1.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir Samples 2.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Requiem Bundle Samples 2.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Tenor Samples 1.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Gaia Strawberry Samples 2.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Tenor Samples 2.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 3.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir Samples 3.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Requiem Light Samples 1.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 3.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 7.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 2.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Requiem PRO Samples 1.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Requiem Bundle PRO Samples 1.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 5.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 1.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 6.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Tenor Samples 3.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 5.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Requiem PRO 2 Samples 1.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 4.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 2.nkx
2.1 GB
Samples/Tonehammer Forgotten Voices Samples 1.nkx
2.0 GB
Samples/8Dio Liberis Samples 4.nkx
2.0 GB
Samples/Tonehammer Forgotten Voices Samples 2.nkx
1.8 GB
Samples/Requiem Bundle Samples 4.nkx
1.7 GB
Samples/Requiem PRO 2 Samples 2.nkx
1.6 GB
Samples/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir Samples 5.nkx
1.5 GB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 7.nkx
1.5 GB
Samples/Requiem PRO Samples 2.nkx
1.5 GB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Soprano Samples 1.nkx
1.4 GB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Soprano Samples 2.nkx
1.3 GB
Samples/Soundiron Olympus Elements Samples 1.nkx
1.3 GB
Samples/Soundiron Olympus Elements Samples 2.nkx
1.3 GB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Tenor Samples 4.nkx
1.3 GB
Samples/Requiem Light Samples 2.nkx
719.3 MB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 9.nkx
647.0 MB
Resources/8Dio Requiem Professional.nkr
288.5 MB
Resources/Soundiron Venus Symphonic Womens Choir.nkr
286.4 MB
Resources/Soundiron Mars Symphonic Mens Choir.nkr
258.8 MB
Samples/Requiem Bundle PRO Samples 2.nkx
257.7 MB
Resources/8Dio Liberis.nkr
153.8 MB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Gaia Strawberry Samples 3.nkx
136.4 MB
Resources/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir.nkr
127.1 MB
Samples/Soundiron Olympus Micro Choir Samples.nkx
126.3 MB
Resources/Soundiron Voice of Gaia Strawberry.nkr
117.2 MB
Resources/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Soprano.nkr
110.9 MB
Resources/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Tenor.nkr
109.0 MB
Resources/Soundiron Olympus Elements.nkr
104.3 MB
Samples/Soundiron Olympus Mike-Ro Solo Tenor Samples.nkx
103.2 MB
Samples/Tonehammer Helium Choir Samples.nkx
63.9 MB
Resources/Soundiron Olympus Mike-Ro Solo Tenor.nkr
37.7 MB
Resources/Soundiron Olympus Micro Choir 2.0.nkr
35.0 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Tonehammer Francesca.pdf
18.7 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Tenor.pdf
9.2 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir.pdf
8.0 MB
8Dio & Soundiron Choirs Bundle_info.nkx
7.2 MB
Samples/Gnomehammer Ball Choir Samples.nkx
7.0 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Soundiron Olympus Elements.pdf
6.7 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Soundiron Venus Symphonic Womens Choir.pdf
5.8 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Soundiron Mars Symphonic Mens Choir.pdf
5.2 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Soundiron Voice of Gaia Strawberry.pdf
5.0 MB
Documentation/Manuals/8Dio Liberis.pdf
4.8 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Tonehammer Cait.pdf
4.4 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Soundiron Voices Of Rapture Soprano.pdf
4.2 MB
Resources/Soundiron Olympus Micro Choir.nkr
4.2 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Tonehammer Requiem Light.pdf
2.4 MB
Documentation/Manuals/8Dio Requiem Professional.pdf
2.4 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Soundiron Olympus Mike-ro Solo.pdf
2.4 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Soundiron Olympus Micro Choir 2.0.pdf
2.2 MB
Documentation/Manuals/8Dio Requiem Professional 2.pdf
1.9 MB
Documentation/Manuals/Tonehammer Barbary.pdf
1.4 MB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/All Legato Select T-Stretch.nki
917.3 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/All Legato Select.nki
908.4 kB
Documentation/Manuals/Soundiron Olympus Micro Choir.pdf
888.9 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Marcato/Marcato Builder All.nkm
864.9 kB
Documentation/Manuals/Tonehammer Requiem Pro.pdf
817.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Marcato/Mars Marcato Builder All.nkm
802.3 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/All Legato Select Lite.nki
772.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Polystaccato.nki
705.9 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Polystaccato - Lite.nki
705.3 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Wordmaster/Wordmaster.nki
646.4 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Men 2-Way Vowel-Select.nkm
639.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Men 2-Way Vowel-Select DFD.nkm
638.5 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Selector SC.nkm
541.7 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Selector.nkm
538.8 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Poly Slow/Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nkm
516.5 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Sustains/Vowel Sustains.nki
504.8 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Marcato/Marcato Sustains.nkm
503.4 kB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 8.nkc
502.9 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Sustains/Mars All Vowel Sustains.nkm
487.3 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Phrasemaster/Phrasemaster.nki
482.1 kB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Gaia Strawberry Samples 1.nkc
480.1 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Poly-Sustains/Poly-Sustains Full Fast Time-Stretch.nkm
468.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Poly-Sustains/Tempo-Synch/Poly-Sustains Full Fast Tempo-Synch.nkm
465.8 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Poly-Sustains Full Fast DFD.nkm
465.6 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Poly-Sustains/Poly-Sustains Full Fast.nkm
465.5 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Selector (Lite).nkm
459.0 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Phrases 120 BPM - Tempo-Sync.nki
448.6 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Sustains/All Vowel Sustains 4GB.nkm
446.0 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Phrases 140 BPM - Tempo-Sync.nki
445.5 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Poly-Sustains/Tempo-Synch/Poly-Sustains Men Slow Tempo-Synch.nkm
445.4 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh.nkm
444.3 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Sustains/All Vowel Sustains.nkm
443.9 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh DFD.nkm
443.3 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Poly-Sustains/Hi-Mem/Poly-Sustains Men Slow Hi-Mem.nkm
442.9 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Poly-Sustains/Poly-Sustains Men Slow.nkm
442.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Poly-Sustains Men Slow DFD.nkm
441.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Tempo Sync/Poly Sustain Fast 140 BPM.nki
437.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Poly Sustain Fast.nki
437.2 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm Tempo-Synch.nkm
435.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Marcato Builder All - Hall.nki
434.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Lite/Marcato Builder All Lite - Hall.nki
434.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Lite/Marcato Builder All Lite.nki
433.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Marcato Builder All.nki
433.8 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Women 2-Way Vowel-Select.nkm
422.1 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Phrases 80 BPM - Tempo-Sync.nki
420.6 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Women 2-Way Vowel-Select DFD.nkm
419.9 kB
Multis/Liberis/Legato & Sustains/All Sustains 7-Vowel Master.nkm
416.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Lile/Poly Sustain Fast LITE.nki
415.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Tempo Sync/Poly Sustain Men Slow 100 BPM.nki
413.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Poly Sustain Men Slow.nki
413.7 kB
Multis/Liberis/Legato & Sustains/All Sustains 7-Vowel Master DFD.nkm
409.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Marcato/(H) Mars Marcato Builder All.nki
403.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Lite/(H) Mars Marcato Builder All (Lite).nki
403.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Mars Marcato Builder All.nki
402.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Lite/Mars Marcato Builder All (Lite).nki
402.6 kB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Tenor Samples 4.nkc
399.0 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Sustains/Vowel Sustains Lite.nki
395.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Lile/Poly Sustain Men Slow LITE.nki
392.9 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Marcato/Marcato Phrase Builder.nkm
382.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Poly-Sustains/Tempo-Synch/Poly-Sustains Women Slow Tempo-Synch.nkm
380.3 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Poly-Sustains/Poly-Sustains Women Slow.nkm
379.4 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Poly-Sustains/Hi-Mem/Poly-Sustains Women Slow Hi-Mem.nkm
379.1 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Poly-Sustains Women Slow DFD.nkm
378.3 kB
Samples/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir Samples 4.nkc
375.0 kB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Gaia Strawberry Samples 2.nkc
371.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Poly Fast/Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic TS.nkm
368.8 kB
Documentation/Manuals/Tonehammer Terrie.pdf
367.9 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Phrasemaster/Phrasemaster Lite.nki
356.7 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Phrases 100 BPM - Tempo-Sync.nki
352.7 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Poly Long/Mars Poly-Sustains Long Latin TS.nkm
352.5 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm Auto-Release.nkm
349.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Tempo Sync/Poly Sustain Women Slow 100 BPM.nki
348.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Poly Sustain Women Slow.nki
348.6 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Chants 100 Bpm Tempo-Synch.nkm
346.5 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Marcato/Mars Marcato Sustains.nkm
344.0 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Poly Slow/Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nkm
343.1 kB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 5.nkc
341.9 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Poly Fast/Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic.nkm
341.2 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Poly Slow/Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic TS.nkm
339.2 kB
Samples/8Dio Liberis Samples 3.nkc
337.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Phrases F# - Tempo-Sync.nki
335.2 kB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 6.nkc
334.8 kB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 6.nkc
334.2 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Marcatos/Marcato Sustains.nki
333.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Lile/Poly Sustain Women Slow LITE.nki
327.6 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Poly Fast/Poly-Sustains Fast Latin.nkm
326.8 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah DFD.nkm
325.3 kB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 4.nkc
324.8 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah DFD.nkm
324.4 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Phrases Vowel - Tempo-Sync.nki
322.5 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah.nkm
321.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah.nkm
320.3 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh DFD.nkm
311.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Phrases Latin - Tempo-Sync.nki
307.9 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh.nkm
307.2 kB
Samples/Tonehammer Forgotten Voices Samples 1.nkc
305.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Vowel Sustain Men.nki
304.1 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Phrases G# - Tempo-Sync.nki
304.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Poly Slow/Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Latin TS.nkm
300.9 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Phrases A# - Tempo-Sync.nki
299.1 kB
Samples/Tonehammer Forgotten Voices Samples 2.nkc
298.7 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Sustains/Mars All Vowel Sustains (Lite).nkm
297.3 kB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 5.nkc
297.0 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Poly Slow/Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic 1-Layer.nkm
291.7 kB
Samples/Requiem Bundle Samples 2.nkc
287.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Phrases D - Tempo-Sync.nki
282.7 kB
Samples/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir Samples 3.nkc
282.1 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Phrases C - Tempo-Sync.nki
279.5 kB
Samples/8Dio Liberis Samples 1.nkc
279.5 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Legato Master - Lite.nki
279.5 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Phrases 120 BPM - Lite.nki
276.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Legato Master.nki
276.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Phrases E - Tempo-Sync.nki
276.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Selector SC.nki
272.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Selector SC.nki
272.3 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Phrases 140 BPM - Lite.nki
272.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Selector.nki
271.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Selector.nki
270.8 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo.nkm
270.6 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Phrases French - Tempo-Sync.nki
270.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Marcato Phrase Builder - Hall.nki
269.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Marcato Phrase Builder.nki
269.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Sustains/Mars 7-Vowel Sustain Pad Utility.nkm
267.1 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Poly Fast/Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Latin TS.nkm
266.3 kB
Samples/8Dio Liberis Samples 2.nkc
266.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Poly Slow/Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nki
259.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Poly Slow/Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic - Hall.nki
259.5 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo SC.nkm
257.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Marcato/Mars Marcato Phrase Builder.nkm
257.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo.nkm
256.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Lite/Marcato Sustains Lite.nki
253.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Marcato Sustains.nki
253.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Marcato Sustains - Hall.nki
252.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Lite/Marcato Sustains Lite - Hall.nki
252.7 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Phrases Latin Slow - Tempo-Sync.nki
249.4 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Staccato/Staccato T-Stretch.nki
246.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Sustains/(H) Mars All Vowel Sustains.nki
245.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Sustains/Mars All Vowel Sustains.nki
245.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Sustains/Lite/(H) Mars All Vowel Sustains (Lite).nki
245.1 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Staccato/Staccato.nki
244.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Sustains/Lite/Mars All Vowel Sustains (Lite).nki
244.8 kB
Multis/Liberis/Legato & Sustains/All Sustains True-Portamento Ah.nkm
243.5 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Polysustains/Polysustains Slow T-Sync.nki
243.0 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Polysustains/Polysustains Slow.nki
242.3 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Soloist Alto 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nkm
240.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Polysustains.nki
240.7 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic TS.nkm
240.6 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Staccato/Staccato K4.nkm
238.8 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Polysustains/Polysustains Fast.nki
238.1 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Polysustains/Polysustains Fast T-Sync.nki
238.0 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Staccato/Staccato.nkm
237.9 kB
237.6 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/True Legato/Time-Stretch/Legato Men Divisi TS.nki
231.8 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/True Legato/Time-Stretch/Legato Men TS.nki
231.8 kB
Multis/Liberis/Legato & Sustains/All Sustains True-Legato Oh.nkm
231.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Selector (Lite).nki
231.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Selector (Lite).nki
231.0 kB
Samples/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir Samples 5.nkc
230.8 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/True Legato/Legato Men Divisi.nki
230.5 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/DFD/Staccato Full Quick-Chant DFD.nkm
230.2 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/True Legato/Legato Men.nki
230.2 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/Hi-Mem/Staccato Full Quick-Chant Hi-Mem.nkm
230.1 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/Staccato Full Quick-Chant.nkm
229.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/DFD/Staccato Full Phrase-Builder DFD.nkm
229.4 kB
Multis/Liberis/Legato & Sustains/All Sustains True-Portamento Oh.nkm
229.4 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/Hi-Mem/Staccato Full Phrase-Builder Hi-Mem.nkm
229.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/Staccato Full Phrase-Builder.nkm
227.1 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Whisper Long Tempo-Sync.nkm
225.6 kB
Samples/8Dio Liberis Samples 4.nkc
224.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Sustains/All Vowel Sustains.nki
224.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Sustains/Lite/All Vowel Sustains Lite.nki
224.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Sustains/All Vowel Sustains - Hall.nki
224.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Lite/Mars Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo (Lite).nkm
223.4 kB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Tenor Samples 1.nkc
222.5 kB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Tenor Samples 3.nkc
222.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Sustains/Lite/All Vowel Sustains Lite - Hall.nki
222.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Tempo-Sync/Phrases Vowels - Tempo-Sync.nki
219.4 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Phrases Vowels.nki
219.3 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Hi-Quality/Phrases Vowels - HiQ.nki
219.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Sustains/Lite/All Vowel Sustains Ultra-Lite.nki
219.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/high-mem/Stage Sustains Men 2-Way Vowel-Select Hi-Mem.nki
218.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains Men 2-Way Vowel-Select.nki
218.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Stage Sustains Men 2-Way Vowel-Select DFD.nki
218.0 kB
Samples/Requiem Bundle PRO Samples 1.nkc
217.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Sustains/Lite/All Vowel Sustains Ultra-Lite - Hall.nki
217.1 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Sustains/7-Vowel Sustain Pad Utility.nkm
216.4 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/True Legato/Time-Stretch/Legato Ensemble TS.nki
216.3 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Lite/Phrases Vowels - Lite.nki
215.5 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/True Legato/Legato Ensemble.nki
215.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/Hi-Mem/Staccato Full Hi-Mem.nkm
214.6 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/DFD/Staccato Full DFD.nkm
214.5 kB
Samples/Requiem PRO 2 Samples 1.nkc
213.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Latin TS.nkm
213.4 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Phrases 80 BPM - Lite.nki
213.3 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/Staccato Full.nkm
212.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains Men 2-Way Vowel-Select.nki
212.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Far Sustains Men 2-Way Vowel-Select DFD.nki
212.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Far Sustains Men 2-Way Vowel-Select Hi-Mem.nki
212.1 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Oh-Oo T-Stretch.nki
211.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains Men 2-Way Vowel-Select.nki
210.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Mid Sustains Men 2-Way Vowel-Select DFD.nki
210.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Mid Sustains Men 2-Way Vowel-Select High-Mem.nki
210.4 kB
Samples/Requiem Light Samples 1.nkc
209.7 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Oh-Oo.nki
209.5 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh.nkm
209.2 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato 2-Way Ah-Eh.nkm
208.3 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ah-Oh T-Stretch.nki
207.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo SC.nkm
207.5 kB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 7.nkc
207.4 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm Time-Stretch.nkm
206.9 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo.nkm
206.7 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato 2-Way Eh-Oh.nkm
206.2 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato Ah DFD.nkm
205.9 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ah-Oh.nki
205.9 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Vowel Master/Vowel Master Ensemble.nki
205.5 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm DFD.nkm
205.0 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Chants 140bpm.nkm
204.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato Ah.nkm
204.6 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ee-Oh T-Stretch.nki
204.1 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Poly Slow/Poly-Sustains Slow Latin 1-Layer.nkm
203.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo SC.nkm
203.0 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ah-Oo T-Stretch.nki
202.3 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ee-Oh.nki
202.1 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo.nkm
201.8 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Vowel Master/Vowel Master Women.nki
201.4 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ah-Ee T-Stretch.nki
201.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Mm-Oo SC.nkm
201.3 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ah-Oo.nki
201.0 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Vowel Master/Vowel Master Women Divisi.nki
200.9 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Poly Slow/Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nkm
200.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Mm-Oo.nkm
199.9 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ah-Ee.nki
199.3 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Vowel Master/Vowel Master Men Divisi.nki
199.0 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Vowel Master/Vowel Master Men.nki
199.0 kB
Samples/Requiem Bundle Samples 1.nkc
198.8 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ee-Oo T-Stretch.nki
198.3 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/True Legato/Time-Stretch/Legato Women Divisi TS.nki
198.2 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/True Legato/Time-Stretch/Legato Women TS.nki
198.1 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic TS.nkm
197.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Vowel Sustain Women.nki
197.6 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo.nkm
197.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Phrases Vowel - Lite.nki
197.0 kB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Soprano Samples 2.nkc
196.7 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ee-Oo.nki
196.6 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/True Legato/Legato Women Divisi.nki
196.4 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/True Legato/Legato Women.nki
196.3 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Poly Fast/Poly-Sustains Fast Latin 1-Layer.nkm
195.9 kB
Multis/Liberis/Legato & Sustains/All Sustains True-Legato Ah.nkm
195.0 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Eh-Oh T-Stretch.nki
195.0 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Poly Fast/Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic 1-Layer.nkm
194.5 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato 2-Way Eh-Oo.nkm
194.3 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo.nkm
193.9 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Soloists/Solo Polysustains T-Sync.nki
193.8 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Soloists/Solo Polysustains Direct T-Sync.nki
193.6 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Eh-Oh.nki
193.5 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Soloists/Solo Polysustains.nki
193.3 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Soloists/Solo Polysustains Direct.nki
193.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Lite/Marcato Phrase Builder Lite.nki
192.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato Eh DFD.nkm
192.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Lite/Marcato Phrase Builder Lite - Hall.nki
192.3 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato Oh DFD.nkm
191.5 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Soloist Soprano 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nkm
191.4 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ah-Eh T-Stretch.nki
190.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Phrases F# - Lite.nki
190.1 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Eh-Oo T-Stretch.nki
189.6 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ah-Eh.nki
189.0 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Phrase Master/Phrasemaster Ensemble.nki
188.6 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato Eh.nkm
188.3 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Eh-Oo.nki
188.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Tempo-Synch/Stage Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer Tempo-Synch.nki
187.5 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato Oh.nkm
187.1 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Phrases Latin - Lite.nki
186.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer.nki
186.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Hi-Mem/Stage Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer Hi-Mem.nki
186.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Stage Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer DFD.nki
186.1 kB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 1.nkc
185.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Fast/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic TS.nki
185.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Poly Fast/Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic.nkm
185.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Fast/Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic TS.nki
185.1 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Sustains/Sustains Ensemble Pad.nki
185.1 kB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 4.nkc
185.0 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Sustains/Sustains Ensemble.nki
184.4 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Phrases Humming - Tempo-Sync.nki
184.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Poly-Sustains/Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer.nki
184.0 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Eh-Ee T-Stretch.nki
183.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer DFD.nki
183.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin TS.nkm
182.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Tempo-Sync/Polystaccato - Tempo-Sync.nki
182.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Hi-Quality/Polystaccato - HiQ.nki
182.1 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Eh-Ee.nki
181.9 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Chants 100 Bpm.nkm
181.7 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Polystaccato.nki
181.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo (Lite).nkm
181.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo (Lite).nkm
180.0 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Phrases A# - Lite.nki
179.9 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Sustains/Sustains Men Divisi.nki
179.5 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Sustains/Sustains Men.nki
179.4 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Sustains/Sustains Women Divisi.nki
178.2 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Ambiences/Deep Phorest.nki
178.0 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Sustains/Sustains Women.nki
177.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Long/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Long Latin TS.nki
177.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Long/Mars Poly-Sustains Long Latin TS.nki
176.9 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Mm-Oo (Lite).nkm
175.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Mars Marcato Sustains.nki
175.1 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Staccato/Mars Release Singles.nkm
174.7 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Marcato/Marcato Singles K4.nkm
174.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Marcato/(H) Mars Marcato Sustains.nki
174.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Lite/(H) Mars Marcato Sustains (Lite).nki
173.7 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Marcato/Marcato Singles.nkm
173.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Lite/Mars Marcato Sustains (Lite).nki
173.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Poly Slow/Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nki
172.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Poly Fast/Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic.nki
172.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Poly Slow/Poly-Sustains Slow Latin - Hall.nki
172.0 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Phrases G# - Lite.nki
172.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Poly Fast/Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic - Hall.nki
171.7 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Phrases C - Lite.nki
171.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Slow/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic TS.nki
171.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Slow/Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic TS.nki
170.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Phrases French - Lite.nki
170.7 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Whisper Long.nkm
169.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Marcato/DFD/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Quick-Chant DFD.nkm
169.4 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Marcato/Hi-Mem/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Quick-Chant Hi-Mem.nkm
169.4 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Marcato/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Quick-Chant.nkm
169.3 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Phrases D - Lite.nki
169.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Marcato/DFD/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Phrase-Builder DFD.nkm
169.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Marcato/Hi-Mem/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Phrase-Builder Hi-Mem.nkm
169.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Marcato/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Phrase-Builder.nkm
169.0 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Chants 100 Bpm DFD.nkm
168.4 kB
Multis/Liberis/Legato & Sustains/All Sustains 8-Vowel Pad.nkm
167.9 kB
Multis/Liberis/Legato & Sustains/All Sustains 8-Vowel Pad DFD.nkm
167.7 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm.nkm
166.6 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Soloist Soprano 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nkm
165.8 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Long Latin TS.nkm
165.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Staccato.nki
164.8 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm.nkm
164.3 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato 2-Way Eh-Mm.nkm
164.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Poly Fast/Poly-Sustains Fast Latin - Hall.nki
164.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Poly Fast/Poly-Sustains Fast Latin.nki
163.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Marcato/Mars Marcato Singles SC.nkm
162.9 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh SC.nkm
162.1 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh.nkm
161.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Marcato/Mars Marcato Singles.nkm
161.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Long Latin TS.nkm
160.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm SC.nkm
159.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Phrases Vowel FF - Tempo-Sync.nki
159.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm.nkm
158.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
157.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Lile/Legato Ah LITE.nki
157.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Legato Ah.nki
157.3 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Phrases Latin Slow - Lite.nki
156.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Mid Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer DFD.nki
156.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm SC.nkm
156.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Tempo-Synch/Mid Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer Tempo-Synch.nki
156.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer.nki
156.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Poly-Sustains/Tempo-Synch/Far Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer Tempo-Synch.nki
156.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
156.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer.nki
155.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Far Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer DFD.nki
155.8 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Oh-Mm T-Stretch.nki
155.7 kB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Tenor Samples 2.nkc
155.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm.nkm
155.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
154.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Phrases Latin.nki
154.1 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Tempo-Sync/Phrases Latin - Tempo-Sync.nki
154.1 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Hi-Quality/Phrases Latin - HiQ.nki
154.0 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Oh-Mm.nki
154.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer.nki
153.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Stage Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer DFD.nki
153.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Tempo-Synch/Stage Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer Tempo-Synch.nki
153.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh.nki
153.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Far Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh Hi-Mem.nki
153.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Far Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh DFD.nki
153.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Poly-Sustains/Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer.nki
153.1 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Marcato/DFD/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend DFD.nkm
153.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Poly-Sustains Full Fast 2-Layer DFD.nki
152.8 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Staccato/Staccato Lite T-Stretch.nki
152.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Marcato/Hi-Mem/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Hi-Mem.nkm
152.4 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Marcato/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend.nkm
152.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Lite/Phrases Latin - Lite.nki
152.1 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato 2-Way Oo-Mm.nkm
152.0 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Staccato/Staccato Lite.nki
151.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Slow/Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Latin TS.nki
151.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Slow/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Latin TS.nki
151.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Sustains/Lite/(H) Mars All Vowel Sustains Ultra (Lite).nki
150.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Sustains/Lite/Mars All Vowel Sustains Ultra (Lite).nki
150.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato Single Oo SC.nkm
150.1 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato Single Oo.nkm
149.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Mid Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh Hi-Mem.nki
149.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh.nki
149.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Mid Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh DFD.nki
149.1 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ah-Mm T-Stretch.nki
149.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo.nki
148.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo - Hall.nki
148.5 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Phrases E - Lite.nki
148.1 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Polysustains - Lite.nki
148.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm Tempo-Synch.nki
147.9 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ah-Mm.nki
147.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Lile/Legato Eh LITE.nki
146.5 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Oo-Mm T-Stretch.nki
146.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Legato Eh.nki
146.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Poly Slow/Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic 1-Layer - Hall.nki
146.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Poly Slow/Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic 1-Layer.nki
146.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh.nki
146.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm Tempo-Synch.nki
146.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/high-mem/Stage Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh Hi-Mem.nki
145.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Stage Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh DFD.nki
145.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh (Lite).nkm
145.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm Tempo-Synch.nki
145.5 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Oo-Mm.nki
145.2 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nkm
144.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Legato Oh.nki
144.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Lile/Legato Oh LITE.nki
144.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Poly Fast/Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Latin.nkm
143.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh.nki
143.9 kB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 2.nkc
143.9 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm (Lite).nkm
143.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato 3-Way Oh-Ah-Eh DFD.nki
143.7 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ee-Mm T-Stretch.nki
143.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/high-mem/Stage Sustains Women 2-Way Vowel-Select Hi-Mem.nki
141.9 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Ee-Mm.nki
141.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains Women 2-Way Vowel-Select.nki
141.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains Women 2-Way Vowel-Select.nki
141.6 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Alto 2 Slavonic/Soloist Alto 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nkm
141.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Stage Sustains Women 2-Way Vowel-Select DFD.nki
141.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Poly Slow/Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nkm
141.5 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Poly Long/Mars Poly-Sustains Long Latin.nkm
141.2 kB
Samples/Requiem PRO Samples 1.nkc
141.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Far Sustains Women 2-Way Vowel-Select Hi-Mem.nki
141.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains 7-Vowel Master.nki
141.1 kB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 1.nkc
140.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Far Sustains Women 2-Way Vowel-Select DFD.nki
140.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains Women 2-Way Vowel-Select.nki
140.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains 7-Vowel Master.nki
140.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm (Lite).nkm
140.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Mid Sustains Women 2-Way Vowel-Select Hi-Mem.nki
140.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Mid Sustains Women 2-Way Vowel-Select DFD.nki
139.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains 7-Vowel Master.nki
139.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains 7-Vowel Master DFD.nki
139.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains 7-Vowel Master DFD.nki
139.0 kB
Multis/Liberis/Legato & Sustains/All Sustains True-Portamento Mm.nkm
138.3 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Lite/Polystaccato - Lite.nki
138.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains 7-Vowel Master DFD.nki
138.2 kB
Multis/Liberis/Soloists/All Soloist 3 Girl True-Portamento Oh.nkm
138.0 kB
Multis/Liberis/Legato & Sustains/All Sustains True-Legato Mm.nkm
138.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Lite/Marcato Sustains Ultra-Lite - Hall.nki
137.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Lite/Marcato Sustains Ultra-Lite.nki
137.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo (Lite) - Hall.nki
137.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo (Lite).nki
137.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Poly Slow/Lite/Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic Lite.nki
136.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Poly Slow/Lite/Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic Lite - Hall.nki
136.6 kB
Multis/Liberis/Staccato/All Staccato Quick-Chant DFD.nkm
135.3 kB
Multis/Liberis/Staccato/All Staccato Quick-Chant.nkm
135.3 kB
Samples/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir Samples 1.nkc
135.1 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Lite/Mars Legato Single Oo (Lite).nkm
135.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Sustains/Lite/Mars 7-Vowel Sustain Pad Utility (Lite).nki
134.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Sustains/Lite/(H) Mars 7-Vowel Sustain Pad Utility (Lite).nki
134.5 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Eh-Mm T-Stretch.nki
134.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Sustains/Mars 7-Vowel Sustain Pad Utility.nki
134.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Sustains/(H) Mars 7-Vowel Sustain Pad Utility.nki
134.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Fast/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Latin TS.nki
133.8 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Eh-Mm.nki
133.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Fast/Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Latin TS.nki
133.5 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato Single Ah.nkm
133.4 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Whisper Short Auto-Release.nkm
133.0 kB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 9.nkc
132.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Poly-Sustains/Tempo-Synch/Far Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer Tempo-Synch.nki
132.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Marcato Looped.nki
132.3 kB
Multis/Liberis/Soloists/All Soloist 2 Boy Sustains 8-Vowel.nkm
131.9 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato Single Oh.nkm
131.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Poly-Sustains/Hi-Mem/Far Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer Hi-Mem.nki
131.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Far Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer DFD.nki
131.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer.nki
131.4 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Marcatos/Short Marcatos T-Stretch.nki
131.4 kB
Multis/Liberis/Staccato/All Staccato Phrase-Builder DFD.nkm
131.3 kB
Multis/Liberis/Staccato/All Staccato Phrase-Builder.nkm
131.3 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato Single Eh.nkm
131.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nkm
130.7 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Marcatos/Short Marcatos.nki
129.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Marcato/(H) Mars Marcato Phrase Builder.nki
129.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Lite/(H) Mars Marcato Phrase Builder (Lite).nki
129.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Mars Marcato Phrase Builder.nki
129.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo SC.nki
129.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Lite/Mars Marcato Phrase Builder (Lite).nki
129.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Tempo-Synch/Stage Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer Tempo-Synch.nki
129.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo SC.nki
129.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer.nki
129.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Hi-Mem/Stage Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer Hi-Mem.nki
129.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo.nki
129.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo.nki
129.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Stage Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer DFD.nki
128.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/DFD/Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer DFD.nkm
128.5 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer.nkm
128.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Tempo-Synch/Mid Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer Tempo-Synch.nki
128.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Lite/(H) Mars Marcato Sustains Ultra (Lite).nki
128.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nkm
127.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Poly-Sustains/Tempo-Synch/Far Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer Tempo-Synch.nki
127.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Lite/Mars Marcato Sustains Ultra (Lite).nki
127.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Hi-Mem/Mid Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer Hi-Mem.nki
127.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer.nki
127.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Mid Poly-Sustains Men Slow 2-Layer DFD.nki
126.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer.nki
126.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Far Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer DFD.nki
126.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Poly-Sustains/Hi-Mem/Far Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer Hi-Mem.nki
126.7 kB
Multis/Liberis/Soloists/All Soloist 3 Girl True-Legato Ah.nkm
126.6 kB
Multis/Liberis/Soloists/All Soloist 1 Girl Sustains 8-Vowel.nkm
125.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nkm
125.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer.nki
125.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Hi-Mem/Mid Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer Hi-Mem.nki
124.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Tempo-Synch/Mid Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer Tempo-Synch.nki
124.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Poly-Sustains/Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer.nki
124.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Mid Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer DFD.nki
124.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Poly-Sustains/DFD/Poly-Sustains Women Slow 2-Layer DFD.nki
124.1 kB
Multis/Liberis/Marcato/All Marcato Phrase-Builder DFD.nkm
124.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/DFD/Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer DFD.nkm
123.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Sustains.nki
123.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer.nkm
123.0 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Tempo-Sync/Phrases French - Tempo-Sync.nki
121.9 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Hi-Quality/Phrases French - HiQ.nki.nki
121.9 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nkm
121.9 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Phrases French.nki
121.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic TS.nki
121.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/(H) Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic TS.nki
121.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Soloist Alto 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nki
121.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Soloist Alto 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin - Hall.nki
120.9 kB
Multis/Liberis/Staccato/All Staccato DFD.nkm
120.7 kB
Multis/Liberis/Staccato/All Staccato.nkm
120.6 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Phrases 100 BPM - Lite.nki
120.4 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Lite/Phrases French - Lite.nki
120.4 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/DFD/Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer DFD.nkm
120.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Staccato/Staccato K4.nki
119.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Staccato/Staccato K4 - Hall.nki
119.8 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer.nkm
119.8 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato Single Oo.nkm
119.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Staccato/Staccato.nki
119.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Staccato/Lite/Staccato Lite.nki
119.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Staccato/Staccato - Hall.nki
119.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Staccato/Lite/Staccato Lite - Hall.nki
119.4 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Legato Oo p - Lite.nki
119.4 kB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Soprano Samples 1.nkc
119.2 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nkm
119.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Legato Oo p.nki
119.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nkm
118.7 kB
Multis/Liberis/Soloists/All Soloist 1 Girl Poly-Sustains.nkm
118.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm Auto-Release.nki
118.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm Auto-Release.nki
118.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Chants 100 Bpm Tempo-Synch.nki
118.2 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer.nkm
117.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Legato Ah F.nki
117.8 kB
Multis/Liberis/Soloists/All Soloist 3 Girl Sustains 6-Vowel.nkm
117.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Chants 100 Bpm Tempo-Synch.nki
117.5 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/DFD/Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer DFD.nkm
117.3 kB
Multis/Liberis/Soloists/All Soloist 2 Boy Poly-Sustains.nkm
117.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm Auto-Release.nki
117.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Chants 100 Bpm Tempo-Synch.nki
116.2 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nkm
116.1 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer.nkm
115.9 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Soloists/Solo Legato T-Stretch.nki
114.7 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nkm
114.6 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Legato Ah p.nki
114.4 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Legato Ah F - Lite.nki
114.2 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Soloists/Solo Legato.nki
114.2 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Soloists/DFD/Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer DFD.nkm
114.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars FX Bassmospheric.nki
113.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh - Hall.nki
113.4 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Phrases Vowel FF - Lite.nki
113.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh.nki
113.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato 2-Way Ah-Eh.nki
112.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato 2-Way Ah-Eh - Hall.nki
112.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/(H) Mars Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo (Lite).nki
112.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Choral FX.nki
112.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/lite/Mars Legato 3-Way Ah-Oh-Oo (Lite).nki
112.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato 2-Way Eh-Oh - Hall.nki
112.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Far Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah Hi-Mem.nki
112.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Far Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah DFD.nki
112.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato 2-Way Eh-Oh.nki
111.9 kB
111.9 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Legato Ah p - Lite.nki
111.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Marcato.nki
111.6 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Legato Ah.nki
111.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Far Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah Hi-Mem.nki
111.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Far Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah DFD.nki
111.0 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Legato Ah - Lite.nki
110.7 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato Single Oh SC.nkm
110.7 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Phrase Master/Phrasemaster Men.nki
110.7 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Tempo-Sync/Polysustains - Tempo-Sync.nki
110.5 kB
Multis/Liberis/Marcato/All Marcato DFD.nkm
110.5 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Hi-Quality/Polysustains - HiQ.nki
110.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato Single Oh.nkm
110.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Sustains/7-Vowel Sustain Pad Utility - Hall.nki
110.4 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Lite/Polysustains - Lite.nki
110.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah.nki
110.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Polysustains.nki
110.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Mid Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah Hi-Mem.nki
110.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Mid Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah DFD.nki
110.1 kB
Multis/Liberis/Marcato/All Marcato.nkm
110.0 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Phrase Master/Phrasemaster Women.nki
110.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Sustains/7-Vowel Sustain Pad Utility.nki
109.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah.nki
109.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Sustains/Lite/7-Vowel Sustain Pad Utility Lite - Hall.nki
109.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Mid Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah Hi-Mem.nki
109.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Sustains/Lite/7-Vowel Sustain Pad Utility Lite.nki
109.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Mid Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah DFD.nki
109.2 kB
Samples/Soundiron Olympus Elements Samples 2.nkc
109.1 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Staccato/Mars Staccato SC.nkm
108.7 kB
Multis/Liberis/Soloists/All Soloist 3 Girl Poly-Sustains.nkm
108.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Poly Fast/Lite/Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic Lite - Hall.nki
108.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Staccato/Mars Staccato (Lite).nkm
108.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah.nki
108.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/high-mem/Stage Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah Hi-Mem.nki
108.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Stage Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah DFD.nki
108.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Poly Fast/Lite/Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic Lite.nki
108.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Far Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh Hi-Mem.nki
107.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah.nki
107.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Far Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh DFD.nki
107.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/high-mem/Stage Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah Hi-Mem.nki
107.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Stage Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah DFD.nki
107.5 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Staccato/Mars Staccato.nkm
107.5 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Staccato/Staccato 2-Layer Vowels K4.nkm
107.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Latin TS.nki
107.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/(H) Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Latin TS.nki
107.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato Single Ah SC.nkm
107.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah.nki
107.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo - Hall.nki
107.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo.nki
107.1 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Vocal Effects.nki
107.1 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato Single Ah.nkm
107.0 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Staccato/Staccato 2-Layer Vowels.nkm
106.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah.nki
106.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah.nki
106.4 kB
106.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Eh-Ah DFD.nki
106.1 kB
Multis/Liberis/Marcato/All Marcato Phrase-Builder.nkm
106.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah.nki
105.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo - Hall.nki
105.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato 2-Way Eh-Oo - Hall.nki
105.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato 2-Way Eh-Oo.nki
105.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo.nki
105.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Ah DFD.nki
105.5 kB
105.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh (Lite).nki
105.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh (Lite) - Hall.nki
105.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Mid Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh Hi-Mem.nki
105.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh.nki
105.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Ah-Eh (Lite).nki
104.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Ah-Eh (Lite) - Hall.nki
104.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Mid Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh DFD.nki
104.9 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato Single Mm SC.nkm
104.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Lite/Mars Legato Single Oh (Lite).nkm
104.2 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Mars Legato Single Mm.nkm
104.1 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Ambiences/Seizure Whale.nki
104.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Eh-Oh (Lite) - Hall.nki
103.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Eh-Oh (Lite).nki
103.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh.nki
103.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo SC.nki
103.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo SC.nki
103.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo.nki
102.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo.nki
102.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh.nki
102.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/high-mem/Stage Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh Hi-Mem.nki
102.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Poly Slow/Poly-Sustains Slow Latin 1-Layer.nki
102.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Stage Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh DFD.nki
102.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Poly Slow/Poly-Sustains Slow Latin 1-Layer TM - Hall.nki
102.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo SC.nki
101.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo SC.nki
101.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/Hi-Mem/Stage Staccato Full Quick-Chant Hi-Mem.nki
101.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/DFD/Stage Staccato Full Quick-Chant DFD.nki
101.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Poly Fast/Lite/Poly-Sustains Fast Latin Lite - Hall.nki
101.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Staccatos.nkm
101.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Slow/Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nki
101.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Poly Fast/Lite/Poly-Sustains Fast Latin Lite.nki
101.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Slow/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nki
101.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/Stage Staccato Full Quick-Chant.nki
101.3 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Sustains/Trills.nkm
101.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo.nki
101.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo.nki
101.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/DFD/Stage Staccato Full Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
101.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/Hi-Mem/Stage Staccato Full Phrase-Builder Hi-Mem.nki
100.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh.nki
100.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Mm-Oo SC.nki
100.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato 2-Way Oh-Eh DFD.nki
100.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Mm-Oo SC.nki
100.2 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Lite/Mars Legato Single Ah (Lite).nkm
99.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic TS.nki
99.9 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Mike-Ro Solo Tenor/FX - No Going Back.nki
99.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic TS.nki
99.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Mm-Oo.nki
99.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Mm-Oo.nki
99.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo (Lite).nki
99.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo (Lite) - Hall.nki
99.4 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Whisper Short Tempo-Synch.nkm
99.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/Stage Staccato Full Phrase-Builder.nki
99.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Slow/Lite/Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic (Lite).nki
99.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Slow/Lite/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic (Lite).nki
99.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Poly Fast/Poly-Sustains Fast Latin 1-Layer - Hall.nki
98.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Poly Fast/Poly-Sustains Fast Latin 1-Layer.nki
98.7 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Staccato/Poly Staccatos T-Sync.nki
98.4 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Staccato/Poly Staccatos.nki
98.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Legato/Lite/Mars Legato Single Mm (Lite).nkm
98.2 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin TS.nkm
98.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Eh-Oo (Lite) - Hall.nki
98.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Eh-Oo (Lite).nki
97.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Poly Fast/Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic 1-Layer.nki
97.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Poly Fast/Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic 1-Layer - Hall.nki
97.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo (Lite) - Hall.nki
97.8 kB
Samples/Soundiron Olympus Elements Samples 1.nkc
97.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo (Lite).nki
97.6 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Phrases Humming - Lite.nki
97.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Soloist Soprano 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nki
96.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Soloist Soprano 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic - Hall.nki
96.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/Hi-Mem/Stage Staccato Full Hi-Mem.nki
96.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/DFD/Stage Staccato Full DFD.nki
96.1 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Soloist Alto 1 Long Staccatos.nkm
95.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Poly Slow/Lite/Poly-Sustains Slow Latin Lite.nki
95.3 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Mike-Ro Solo Tenor/Tempo-synch.nki
95.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Poly Slow/Lite/Poly-Sustains Slow Latin Lite - Hall.nki
95.1 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Mike-Ro Solo Tenor/DFD.nki
95.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/Stage Staccato Full.nki
94.4 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Mike-Ro Solo Tenor/FX - Infinity-Harmonizer.nki
94.2 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Mike-Ro Solo Tenor/FX - Tar Sands.nki
94.0 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Soloists/Solo Staccatos Direct T-Stretch.nki
93.8 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Soloists/Solo Staccatos T-Stretch.nki
93.7 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Soloists/Solo Staccatos Direct.nki
93.5 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Soloists/Solo Staccatos.nki
93.4 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Soloist Soprano 1 Long Staccatos.nkm
93.3 kB
Samples/Requiem Bundle Samples 4.nkc
93.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Fast/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic.nki
93.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Fast/Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic.nki
92.9 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Staccato.nki
92.7 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin TS.nkm
92.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin TS.nki
92.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin TS.nki
92.1 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Vocal Effects.nki
92.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Full Body Percussion.nkm
91.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Fast/Lite/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic (Lite).nki
91.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Fast/Lite/Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Slavonic (Lite).nki
91.5 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Marcatos/Short Marcatos Lite.nki
91.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo (Lite).nki
91.4 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/DFD/Staccato Women Spizz La-Meh DFD.nkm
91.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Oo (Lite).nki
91.4 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/Staccato Women Spizz La-Meh.nkm
91.3 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Whisper Short Time-Stretch.nkm
91.1 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Staccato/Dual Staccatos T-Stretch.nki
91.0 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Sustains - Lite.nki
91.0 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Sustains.nki
90.9 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effects Amazing Grace.nkm
90.9 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Effects/Drone Sustains T-Sync.nki
90.4 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Staccato/Dual Staccatos.nki
90.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo (Lite).nki
89.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oo (Lite).nki
89.7 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Effects/Drone Sustains.nki
89.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm.nki
89.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm - Hall.nki
89.4 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain Whisper Short.nkm
88.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato 2-Way Eh-Mm - Hall.nki
88.6 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Legato/Legato Single Mm.nkm
88.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Poly Solo Soprano 2.nki
88.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato 2-Way Eh-Mm.nki
88.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Mm-Oo (Lite).nki
88.4 kB
Samples/Soundiron Venus Samples 3.nkc
88.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Mm-Oo (Lite).nki
88.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm - Hall.nki
88.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm.nki
88.2 kB
Samples/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir Samples 2.nkc
88.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Staccato/Lite/(H) Mars Release Singles (Lite).nki
88.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Staccato/(H) Mars Release Singles.nki
87.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Staccato/Lite/Mars Release Singles (Lite).nki
87.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Staccato/Mars Release Singles.nki
87.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Marcato Singles K4.nki
87.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Marcato Singles K4 - Hall.nki
87.6 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Drone Poly-Sustains.nkm
87.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Lite/Marcato Singles Lite.nki
87.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Marcato Singles.nki
87.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Lite/Marcato Singles Lite - Hall.nki
87.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Marcato Singles - Hall.nki
87.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Poly Solo Bass.nki
86.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Poly Solo Soprano 1.nki
84.5 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin.nkm
84.5 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Sustains - Pad Mode.nki
84.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/(H) Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Long Latin TS.nki
83.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm (Lite).nki
83.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm (Lite) - Hall.nki
83.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Soloist Soprano 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nki
83.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Soloist Soprano 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin - Hall.nki
83.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Long Latin TS.nki
83.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains True-Portamento Ah.nki
82.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm (Lite) - Hall.nki
82.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm (Lite).nki
82.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Eh-Mm (Lite) - Hall.nki
82.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains True-Portamento Ah.nki
82.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Eh-Mm (Lite).nki
82.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Poly Solo Baritone.nki
82.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato 2-Way Oo-Mm - Hall.nki
82.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato 2-Way Oo-Mm.nki
82.2 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain La-La-Loop Tempo-Synch.nkm
82.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains True-Portamento Ah.nki
82.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Mars Marcato Singles SC.nki
81.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Marcato/(H) Mars Marcato Singles SC.nki
81.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh SC.nki
81.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh SC.nki
81.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh.nki
81.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Long Latin SC.nkm
81.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh.nki
81.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Poly Solo Tenor.nki
81.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Lite/(H) Mars Marcato Singles (Lite).nki
81.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Lite/Mars Marcato Singles (Lite).nki
81.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Mars Marcato Singles.nki
81.0 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Soloist Soprano 2 Long Staccatos.nkm
81.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Marcato/(H) Mars Marcato Singles.nki
80.9 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Staccatos SC.nkm
80.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Long Latin TS.nki
80.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm SC.nki
80.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Long Latin.nkm
80.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Long Latin TS.nki
80.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm SC.nki
80.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm.nki
80.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm.nki
80.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Staccatos.nkm
79.5 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Sustains - Pad Mode.nki
79.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains True-Portamento Oh.nki
78.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains True-Portamento Oh.nki
78.6 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Sustains - Pad Mode Lite.nki
78.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains True-Legato Oh.nki
78.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm SC.nki
78.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm SC.nki
78.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Long Latin.nkm
78.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains True-Legato Oh.nki
78.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains True-Legato Oh.nki
78.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm.nki
77.8 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Marcatos/Marcato Ensemble.nki
77.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm.nki
77.8 kB
77.6 kB
77.2 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Drone Marcato Sustains.nkm
77.1 kB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 3.nkc
77.1 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Marcatos/Marcato Women Divisi.nki
76.6 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Marcatos/Marcato Women.nki
76.6 kB
76.6 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Choral Effects/Choral Effects Time-Stretch.nki
76.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Oo-Mm (Lite) - Hall.nki
76.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato 2-Way Oo-Mm (Lite).nki
76.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin.nkm
76.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains True-Portamento Oh.nki
75.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato Single Oo SC.nki
75.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Whisper Long Tempo-Sync.nki
75.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato Single Oo SC.nki
75.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Whisper Long Tempo-Sync.nki
75.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Whisper Long Tempo-Sync.nki
75.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato Single Oo.nki
75.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato Single Oo.nki
75.5 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Choral Effects/Choral Effects.nki
75.4 kB
Multis/Liberis/Choral Effects/All Fx Consonants Quick-Select.nkm
74.8 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Marcatos/Marcato Men.nki
74.7 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Marcatos/Marcato Men Divisi.nki
74.7 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Whisper Poly-Sustains.nkm
74.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nki
74.1 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Vocal Effects - Lite.nki
73.6 kB
73.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Long Latin SC.nkm
73.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh (Lite).nki
73.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Oh (Lite).nki
73.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/(H) Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nki
72.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Fast/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Latin.nki
72.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm (Lite).nki
72.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Fast/Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Latin.nki
72.2 kB
Samples/Requiem PRO 2 Samples 2.nkc
72.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Oh-Mm (Lite).nki
72.2 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin singles TS.nkm
72.2 kB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 2.nkc
72.1 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Whisper Marcato Sustains.nkm
71.8 kB
71.7 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Alto 2 Slavonic/Soloist Alto 2 Long Staccatos.nkm
71.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/Lite/(H) Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic (Lite).nki
71.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Slow/Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nki
71.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 2 Slavonic/Soloist Alto 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nki
71.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato Single Ah.nki
71.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Lite/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic (Lite).nki
71.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato Single Ah - Hall.nki
71.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Long/Mars Poly-Sustains Long Latin.nki
71.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 2 Slavonic/Soloist Alto 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic - Hall.nki
71.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Long/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Long Latin.nki
71.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Slow/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nki
71.3 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Effects/Whisper Sustains T-Sync.nki
71.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/(H) Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm (Lite).nki
71.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/lite/Mars Legato 2-Way Ah-Mm (Lite).nki
70.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Fast/Lite/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Latin (Lite).nki
70.7 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/FX Monolithic.nki
70.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm Time-Stretch.nki
70.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars FX Burningthrough.nki
70.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Fast/Lite/Mars Poly-Sustains Fast Latin (Lite).nki
70.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato Single Eh - Hall.nki
70.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm Time-Stretch.nki
70.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato Single Oh - Hall.nki
70.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato Single Eh.nki
70.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato Single Oh.nki
70.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Long/Mars Poly-Sustains Long Latin (Lite).nki
70.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Slow/Lite/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Latin (Lite).nki
70.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm Time-Stretch.nki
70.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Mid Sustains Full Legato Ah DFD.nki
70.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm DFD.nki
69.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Chants 140bpm.nki
69.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Poly Slow/Lite/Mars Poly-Sustains Slow Latin (Lite).nki
69.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm DFD.nki
69.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Chants 140bpm.nki
69.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm DFD.nki
69.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin singles TS.nkm
69.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Chants 140 Bpm.nki
69.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Far Sustains Full Legato Ah Hi-Mem.nki
69.3 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Hi-Quality/Legato Ah-Oo - HiQ.nki
69.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Legato Ah-Oo.nki
69.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Lite/Legato Ah-Oo - Lite.nki
69.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Far Sustains Full Legato Ah DFD.nki
69.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Mid Sustains Full Legato Ah Hi-Mem.nki
69.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains Full Legato Ah.nki
69.1 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Lite/Vocal Effects - Lite.nki
69.0 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain La-La-Loop.nkm
68.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Poly Long/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Long Latin (Lite).nki
68.8 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/FX Distender.nki
68.7 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Full Ensemble Legato.nki
68.7 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/FX Ghosts.nki
68.7 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Full Ensemble.nki
68.6 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/FX Bottomless.nki
68.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains Full Legato Ah.nki
68.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/high-mem/Stage Sustains Full Legato Ah Hi-Mem.nki
68.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/(H) Mars Legato Single Oo (Lite).nki
68.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/lite/Mars Legato Single Oo (Lite).nki
68.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Stage Sustains Full Legato Ah DFD.nki
68.2 kB
Multis/Liberis/Poly-Sustains/All Poly-Sustain La-La-Loop Time-Stretch.nkm
68.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Lile/Poly Solo Soprano 2 LITE.nki
68.0 kB
Multis/Liberis/Choral Effects/All Fx Percussion.nkm
67.9 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Effects/Venus Effects All SC.nkm
67.8 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effects All.nkm
67.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Full Consonants Quick-Select.nkm
67.6 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Ambiences/Vocdacatos.nki
67.5 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Effects/Drone & Whisper Staccatos T-Stretch.nki
67.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato Single Ah (Lite).nki
67.3 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Effects/Whisper Sustains.nki
67.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato Single Ah (Lite) - Hall.nki
67.2 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Soloist Alto 1 Whisper Chants.nkm
67.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Far Sustains Full Legato Eh Hi-Mem.nki
66.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Far Sustains Full Legato Eh DFD.nki
66.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato Ah.nki
66.5 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Effects/Drone & Whisper Staccatos.nki
66.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato Single Oh (Lite) - Hall.nki
66.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains True-Legato Ah.nki
66.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato Single Oh (Lite).nki
66.3 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Lite/Staccato - Lite.nki
66.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato Ah DFD.nki
66.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains True-Legato Ah.nki
66.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains True-Legato Ah.nki
66.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato Single Eh (Lite) - Hall.nki
66.1 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Shrill.nkm
66.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato Single Eh (Lite).nki
66.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/DFD/Mid Staccato Full Quick-Chant DFD.nki
65.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/Hi-Mem/Mid Staccato Full Quick-Chant Hi-Mem.nki
65.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/DFD/Mid Staccato Full Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
65.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/Hi-Mem/Mid Staccato Full Phrase-Builder Hi-Mem.nki
65.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Lile/Poly Solo Bass LITE.nki
65.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/Hi-Mem/Far Staccato Full Quick-Chant Hi-Mem.nki
65.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/DFD/Far Staccato Full Quick-Chant DFD.nki
65.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/Far Staccato Full Quick-Chant.nki
65.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/DFD/Far Staccato Full Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
65.6 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Zombie Clusters.nkm
65.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/Mid Staccato Full Quick-Chant.nki
65.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Far Sustains Full Legato Oh Hi-Mem.nki
65.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/Mid Staccato Full Phrase-Builder.nki
65.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Far Sustains Full Legato Oh DFD.nki
65.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/Hi-Mem/Far Staccato Full Phrase-Builder Hi-Mem.nki
65.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/Far Staccato Full Phrase-Builder.nki
65.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Lite/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Latin (Lite).nki
65.1 kB
Multis/Liberis/Choral Effects/All Fx Consonants.nkm
65.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/Lite/(H) Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Latin (Lite).nki
65.0 kB
Samples/Soundiron Mars Samples 7.nkc
65.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Mid Sustains Full Legato Oh Hi-Mem.nki
64.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains Full Legato Oh.nki
64.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains Full Legato Ah.nki
64.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nki
64.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/(H) Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nki
64.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Mid Sustains Full Legato Oh DFD.nki
64.6 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir FX Full Consonants DFD.nkm
64.6 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Full Consonants.nkm
64.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Hi-Mem/Mid Sustains Full Legato Eh Hi-Mem.nki
64.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato Single Oo - Hall.nki
64.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato Single Oo.nki
64.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains Full Legato Eh.nki
64.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Mid Sustains Full Legato Eh DFD.nki
64.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains Full Legato Eh.nki
63.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Staccato/Staccato Full Quick-Chant DFD.nki
63.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Staccato/Staccato Full Quick-Chant.nki
63.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/high-mem/Stage Sustains Full Legato Eh Hi-Mem.nki
63.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Stage Sustains Full Legato Eh DFD.nki
63.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Lile/Poly Solo Soprano 1 LITE.nki
63.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Staccato/Staccato Full Phrase-Builder.nki
63.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Staccato/Staccato Full Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
63.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains Full Legato Oh.nki
63.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/high-mem/Stage Sustains Full Legato Oh Hi-Mem.nki
63.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Stage Sustains Full Legato Oh DFD.nki
63.0 kB
Samples/Requiem PRO Samples 2.nkc
62.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/Staccato Women Spizz La Dissonant.nkm
62.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains Full Legato Eh.nki
62.2 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Staccato/DFD/Staccato Women Spizz La Dissonant DFD.nkm
62.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Chants 100 Bpm DFD.nki
62.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Chants 100bpm.nki
62.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Chants 100 Bpm DFD.nki
61.9 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Chants 100 Bpm DFD.nki
61.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato Eh.nki
61.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Chants 100 Bpm.nki
61.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Lile/Poly Solo Baritone LITE.nki
61.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Full Words Fah-Free-Su.nkm
61.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Chants 100bpm.nki
61.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato Eh DFD.nki
61.7 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir FX Full Slow Trill DFD.nkm
61.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/Sustains Full Legato Oh.nki
61.4 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Full Slow Trill.nkm
61.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Legato & Sustains/DFD/Sustains Full Legato Oh DFD.nki
61.1 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir FX Full Numbers DFD.nkm
61.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Full Numbers.nkm
60.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Alto 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin Lite.nki
60.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/Mid Staccato Full.nki
60.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/DFD/Mid Staccato Full DFD.nki
60.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Alto 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin Lite - Hall.nki
60.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/Hi-Mem/Mid Staccato Full Hi-Mem.nki
60.7 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Drone Staccatos.nkm
60.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains Full Legato Oh.nki
60.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/Far Staccato Full.nki
60.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato Single Oo (Lite) - Hall.nki
60.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/DFD/Far Staccato Full DFD.nki
60.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/Hi-Mem/Far Staccato Full Hi-Mem.nki
60.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato Single Oo (Lite).nki
60.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/Lite/(H) Soloist Tenor 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic (Lite).nki
60.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Lite/Soloist Tenor 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic (Lite).nki
60.3 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Divisi Men Legato.nki
60.3 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Up.nkm
60.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nki
60.2 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Divisi Men.nki
60.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic.nki
60.1 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Women Dissontant Sweeps.nkm
60.1 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Staccatos SC.nkm
60.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Lile/Poly Solo Tenor LITE.nki
59.9 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Alto 3 Latin/Soloist Alto 3 Whisper Chants.nkm
59.6 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Men Dissontant Sweeps.nkm
59.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Whisper Long.nki
59.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Whisper Long.nki
59.3 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Soloist Alto 1 Melodic Phrases Latin.nkm
59.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin singles.nkm
59.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Whisper Long.nki
59.2 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Full Tonehambiences.nkm
59.1 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Soloist Soprano 1 Melodic Phrases Latin.nkm
59.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Staccatos.nkm
58.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Ambiences/Whisperstream Nightmare.nki
58.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Staccato/Staccato Full DFD.nki
58.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Staccato/Staccato Full.nki
58.5 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Full Swell Woo-Ahh.nkm
58.3 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Women Slow Trill.nkm
58.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Lite/Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin (Lite).nki
58.2 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Whisper Staccatos.nkm
58.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains 8-Vowel Pad.nki
58.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains 8-Vowel Pad DFD.nki
58.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/Lite/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin (Lite).nki
58.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Lite/Marcato Singles Ultra-Lite - Hall.nki
58.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Marcato/Lite/(H) Mars Marcato Singles Ultra (Lite).nki
58.0 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Long.nkm
58.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Melodic Phrases Slavonic 2 SC.nkm
58.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Lite/Marcato Singles Ultra-Lite.nki
58.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nki
58.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Melodic Phrases Slavonic 1 SC.nkm
57.9 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effects Clusters Sustains.nkm
57.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Marcato/Lite/Mars Marcato Singles Ultra (Lite).nki
57.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Marcato/Hi-Mem/Stage Marcato Full Quick-Chant Hi-Mem.nki
57.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin.nki
57.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Marcato/DFD/Stage Marcato Full Quick-Chant DFD.nki
57.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Marcato/Stage Marcato Full Quick-Chant.nki
57.8 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Fast.nkm
57.8 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Men Slow Trill.nkm
57.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Marcato/Hi-Mem/Stage Marcato Full Phrase-Builder Hi-Mem.nki
57.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Marcato/DFD/Stage Marcato Full Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
57.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Marcato/Stage Marcato Full Phrase-Builder.nki
57.7 kB
Multis/Liberis/Choral Effects/All Fx Songs Time-Stretch.nkm
57.7 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Divisi Women Legato.nki
57.5 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Divisi Women.nki
57.5 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Melodic Phrases Latin SC.nkm
57.5 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Breaths 2.nkm
57.3 kB
Multis/Requiem/Professional/Choral Effects/Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Down.nkm
57.3 kB
Multis/Liberis/Choral Effects/All Fx Chirps.nkm
57.2 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Melodic Phrases Latin SC.nkm
57.1 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Breaths 1.nkm
57.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Melodic Phrases Slavonic 2.nkm
56.8 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Melodic Phrases Slavonic 1.nkm
56.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains 8-Vowel Pad DFD.nki
56.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains 8-Vowel Pad.nki
56.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Marcato/DFD/Far Marcato Full Quick-Chant DFD.nki
56.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Marcato/Hi-Mem/Far Marcato Full Quick-Chant High-Mem.nki
56.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Marcato/Far Marcato Full Quick-Chant.nki
56.4 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Soloist Soprano 2 Melodic Phrases Slavonic.nkm
56.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Marcato/DFD/Far Marcato Full Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
56.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Melodic Phrases Latin.nkm
56.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Marcato/Hi-Mem/Far Marcato Full Phrase-Builder High-Mem.nki
56.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Marcato/Far Marcato Full Phrase-Builder.nki
56.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains 8-Vowel Pad.nki
56.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Marcato/DFD/Mid Marcato Full Quick-Chant DFD.nki
56.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Marcato/Mid Marcato Full Quick-Chant.nki
56.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Marcato/Hi-Mem/Mid Marcato Full Quick-Chant Hi-Mem.nki
56.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains 8-Vowel Pad DFD.nki
56.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Marcato/Mid Marcato Full Phrase-Builder.nki
55.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Marcato/Hi-Mem/Mid Marcato Full Phrase-Builder Hi-Mem.nki
55.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Marcato/DFD/Mid Marcato Full Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
55.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato Single Oh SC.nki
55.9 kB
Multis/Liberis/Choral Effects/All Fx Songs.nkm
55.8 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Melodic Phrases Latin.nkm
55.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato Single Oh SC.nki
55.8 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Alto 3 Latin/Soloist Alto 3 Melodic Phrases Latin.nkm
55.8 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effects Amazing Grace Solo.nkm
55.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato Single Oh.nki
55.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato Single Oh.nki
55.6 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Staccatos/Time Stretch/Staccato Ensemble TS.nki
55.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars FX Tenor Chasm.nki
55.3 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Melodic Phrases Slavonic SC.nkm
55.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Staccato/(H) Mars Staccato SC.nki
55.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin singles.nkm
55.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Staccato/Mars Staccato SC.nki
55.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars FX Robotniq.nki
55.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Staccato/Lite/(H) Mars Staccato (Lite).nki
54.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Staccato/Lite/Mars Staccato (Lite).nki
54.9 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Staccatos/Staccato Ensemble.nki
54.8 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effects Crowds.nkm
54.8 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effects Shouts.nkm
54.8 kB
Multis/Liberis/Choral Effects/All Fx Tonehambiences.nkm
54.7 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Soloist Soprano 2 Whisper Chants.nkm
54.7 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Soloist Soprano 1 Whisper Chants.nkm
54.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Soprano 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin Lite - Hall.nki
54.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Soprano 1 Poly-Sustains Slow Latin Lite.nki
54.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Staccato/(H) Mars Staccato.nki
54.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Staccato/Staccato 2-Layer Vowels K4 - Hall.nki
54.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Staccato/Staccato 2-Layer Vowels K4.nki
54.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Staccato/Mars Staccato.nki
54.4 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effects Laughter.nkm
54.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Marcato/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Quick-Chant DFD.nki
54.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Marcato/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Quick-Chant.nki
54.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato Single Ah SC.nki
54.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Marcato/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Phrase-Builder.nki
54.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato Single Ah SC.nki
54.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato Single Ah.nki
54.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Staccato/Lite/Staccato 2-Layer Vowels Lite - Hall.nki
54.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato Single Ah.nki
54.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Staccato/Lite/Staccato 2-Layer Vowels Lite.nki
54.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Marcato/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
54.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Staccato/Staccato 2-Layer Vowels.nki
54.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Staccato/Staccato 2-Layer Vowels - Hall.nki
54.0 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Melodic Phrases Slavonic.nkm
54.0 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effects Clusters Up-Down.nkm
53.8 kB
Multis/Liberis/Choral Effects/All Fx Talking.nkm
53.6 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Phrases Whistle.nki
53.6 kB
Multis/Liberis/Choral Effects/All Fx Breath.nkm
53.4 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Staccatos/Time Stretch/Staccato Men Divisi TS.nki
53.4 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Tempo-Sync/Phrases Whistle - Tempo-Sync.nki
53.4 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Staccatos/Time Stretch/Staccato Men TS.nki
53.4 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Hi-Quality/Phrases Whistle - HiQ.nki
53.3 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effects Clusters Fall.nkm
53.3 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effects Whispering.nkm
53.3 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Staccatos/Time Stretch/Staccato Women Divisi TS.nki
53.3 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Staccatos/Time Stretch/Staccato Women TS.nki
53.3 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Staccatos/Staccato Women Divisi.nki
53.3 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Staccatos/Staccato Women.nki
53.2 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Sustains/Ambiences.nki
53.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato Single Mm SC.nki
52.9 kB
52.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Staccato/Lite/Staccato Ultra-Lite.nki
52.8 kB
52.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato Single Mm SC.nki
52.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Staccato/Lite/Staccato Ultra-Lite - Hall.nki
52.8 kB
Multis/Liberis/Choral Effects/All Fx Doppler.nkm
52.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/(H) Mars Legato Single Mm.nki
52.7 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effects Clusters Rise.nkm
52.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/Mars Legato Single Mm.nki
52.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/(H) Mars Legato Single Oh (Lite).nki
52.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/lite/Mars Legato Single Oh (Lite).nki
52.6 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Staccatos/Staccato Men Divisi.nki
52.6 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Elements/Staccatos/Staccato Men.nki
52.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Marcato/Hi-Mem/Stage Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Hi-Mem.nki
52.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Marcato/DFD/Stage Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend DFD.nki
52.5 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effectsreams.nkm
52.4 kB
52.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Marcato/Stage Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend.nki
52.4 kB
Multis/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Effects/Effects Boops and Hoots.nkm
52.3 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Lite/Phrases Whistle - Lite.nki
52.2 kB
Multis/Liberis/Choral Effects/All Fx Swoops Up.nkm
51.9 kB
Documentation/Manuals/Tonehammer Ball Choir.pdf
51.8 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Horror Cha-Kah SC.nkm
51.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Lite/Soloist Bass Staccatos (Lite).nki
51.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Staccatos.nki
51.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/(H) Soloist Bass Staccatos.nki
51.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/Lite/(H) Soloist Bass Staccatos (Lite).nki
51.4 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Warm-up.nkm
51.4 kB
Multis/Liberis/Choral Effects/All Fx Swoops Down.nkm
51.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Sustains/Trills - Hall.nki
51.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Sustains/Trills.nki
51.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Marcato/DFD/Far Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend DFD.nki
51.0 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Lite/Sustains - Lite.nki
50.9 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Hi-Quality/Sustains - HiQ.nki
50.9 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Sustains.nki
50.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional 2/Staccato FX.nki
50.8 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Horror Cha-Kah.nkm
50.8 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Zombie Wall.nkm
50.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/(H) Mars Legato Single Ah (Lite).nki
50.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Marcato/Hi-Mem/Mid Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend Hi-Mem.nki
50.7 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Clusters SC.nkm
50.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Marcato/DFD/Mid Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend DFD.nki
50.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Marcato/Mid Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend.nki
50.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/lite/Mars Legato Single Ah (Lite).nki
50.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Lite/Soloist Soprano 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic Lite - Hall.nki
50.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Lite/Soloist Soprano 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic Lite.nki
50.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 2 Slavonic/Lite/Soloist Alto 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic Lite.nki
50.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 2 Slavonic/Lite/Soloist Alto 2 Poly-Sustains Slow Slavonic Lite - Hall.nki
50.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Marcato/Hi-Mem/Far Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend High-Mem.nki
50.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Marcato/Far Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend.nki
50.1 kB
Multis/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Clusters.nkm
49.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/(H) Mars Legato Single Mm (Lite).nki
49.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Legato/lite/Mars Legato Single Mm (Lite).nki
49.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 3 Girl True-Legato Ah.nki
49.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin TS.nki
49.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin TS.nki
49.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 3 Girl True-Legato Ah.nki
49.3 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Hi-Quality/Legato Ah - HiQ.nki
49.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Lite/Legato Ah - Lite.nki
49.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Legato Ah.nki
49.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Marcato/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend DFD.nki
48.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Marcato/Marcato Full 2-Layer-Blend.nki
48.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Alto 1 Long Staccatos Lite.nki
48.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Soloist Alto 1 Long Staccatos.nki
48.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Alto 1 Long Staccatos Lite - Hall.nki
48.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Soloist Alto 1 Long Staccatos - Hall.nki
48.4 kB
48.1 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Lite/Legato Oo - Lite.nki
47.5 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Hi-Quality/Legato Oo - HiQ.nki
47.5 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Effects/Choral Effects T-Stretch.nki
47.5 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Legato Oo.nki
47.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Soloist Soprano 1 Long Staccatos.nki
47.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Soprano 1 Long Staccatos Lite.nki
47.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Soloist Soprano 1 Long Staccatos - Hall.nki
47.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains True-Portamento Mm.nki
47.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Soprano 1 Long Staccatos Lite - Hall.nki
47.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains True-Portamento Mm.nki
47.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains True-Portamento Mm.nki
47.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin TS.nki
46.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin TS.nki
46.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Legato & Sustains/Stage Sustains True-Legato Mm.nki
46.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Legato Single Mm - Hall.nki
46.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Legato Single Mm.nki
46.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 2 Boy Sustains 8-Vowel.nki
46.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 2 Boy Sustains 8-Vowel DFD.nki
46.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 3 Girl True-Portamento Oh.nki
46.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Legato & Sustains/Far Sustains True-Legato Mm.nki
46.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 3 Girl True-Portamento Oh.nki
46.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Legato & Sustains/Mid Sustains True-Legato Mm.nki
46.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 3 Girl True-Portamento Oh.nki
46.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Staccato/Far Staccato Quick-Chant DFD.nki
46.3 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Effects/Choral Effects.nki
46.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Staccato/Far Staccato Quick-Chant.nki
46.3 kB
46.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Staccato/Mid Staccato Quick-Chant DFD.nki
46.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Staccato/Mid Staccato Quick-Chant.nki
46.2 kB
Resources/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Tenor.nkc
46.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Staccato/Stage Staccato Quick-Chant DFD.nki
46.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Staccato/Stage Staccato Quick-Chant.nki
46.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effects Amazing Grace - Hall.nki
46.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 2 Slavonic/Soloist Alto 2 Long Staccatos - Hall.nki
46.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effects Amazing Grace.nki
46.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 2 Slavonic/Soloist Alto 2 Long Staccatos.nki
45.9 kB
Resources/8Dio Requiem Professional.nkc
45.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Whisper Short Auto-Release.nki
45.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Whisper Short Auto-Release.nki
45.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Whisper Short Auto-Release.nki
45.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Staccato/Far Staccato Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
45.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Staccato/Far Staccato Phrase-Builder.nki
45.0 kB
Documentation/Manuals/Tonehammer Helium Choir.pdf
45.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Staccato/Mid Staccato Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
45.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Staccato/Mid Staccato Phrase-Builder.nki
44.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Legato/Lite/Legato Single Mm (Lite) - Hall.nki
44.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Legato/Lite/Legato Single Mm (Lite).nki
44.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Staccato/Stage Staccato Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
44.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Staccato/Stage Staccato Phrase-Builder.nki
44.7 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Whistle T-Stretch.nki
44.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 2 Boy Sustains 8-Vowel.nki
44.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 2 Boy Sustains 8-Vowel DFD.nki
44.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Drone Poly-Sustains - Hall.nki
44.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Drone Poly-Sustains.nki
44.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 2 Boy Sustains 8-Vowel DFD.nki
44.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 2 Boy Sustains 8-Vowel.nki
44.1 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/True Legato/Legato Whistle.nki
43.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 1 Girl Sustains 8-Vowel DFD.nki
43.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Ambiences/Tenormatics.nki
43.6 kB
Multis/Forgotten Voices/Francesca All.nkm
43.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 1 Girl Sustains 8-Vowel.nki
43.0 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Lite/Vocal Effects - Lite.nki
42.9 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 1 Girl Sustains 8-Vowel DFD.nki
42.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 1 Girl Sustains 8-Vowel.nki
42.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin.nki
42.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 1 Girl Sustains 8-Vowel.nki
42.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin.nki
42.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 1 Girl Sustains 8-Vowel DFD.nki
42.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Marcato/Mid Marcato Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
42.4 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Tempo-Sync/Vocal Effects Time-Stretch.nki
42.3 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Hi-Quality/Vocal Effects - HiQ.nki
42.3 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Vocal Effects.nki
42.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/Lite/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Long Latin (Lite).nki
42.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Lite/Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Long Latin (Lite).nki
42.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Breaths All Note-Off.nki
42.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Breaths All Note-On.nki
42.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Marcato/Far Marcato Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
41.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars FX Robotniq (Lite).nki
41.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Staccato/Far Staccato DFD.nki
41.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Staccato/Mid Staccato DFD.nki
41.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Staccato/Far Staccato.nki
41.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Staccato/Mid Staccato.nki
41.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars FX Hollow Whispers mw-filter.nki
41.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Marcato/Stage Marcato Phrase-Builder DFD.nki
41.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin (Lite).nki
41.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Lite/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin (Lite).nki
41.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 1 Girl Poly-Sustains DFD.nki
41.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Long Latin SC.nki
41.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/(H) Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Long Latin SC.nki
41.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Staccato/Stage Staccato DFD.nki
41.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Staccato/Stage Staccato.nki
41.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 1 Girl Poly-Sustains.nki
41.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Lite/Soloist Soprano 2 Long Staccatos Lite.nki
41.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Lite/Soloist Soprano 2 Long Staccatos Lite - Hall.nki
41.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Soloist Soprano 2 Long Staccatos.nki
41.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Soloist Soprano 2 Long Staccatos - Hall.nki
41.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 3 Girl Sustains 6-Vowel.nki
40.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Long Latin.nki
40.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Long Latin.nki
40.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 3 Girl Sustains 6-Vowel DFD.nki
40.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Ambiences/Tenorable.nki
40.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 1 Staccatos SC.nki
40.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Staccatos SC.nki
40.7 kB
Resources/Soundiron Mercury Boys Choir.nkc
40.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 2 Boy Poly-Sustains.nki
40.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 1 Girl Poly-Sustains DFD.nki
40.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 2 Boy Poly-Sustains DFD.nki
40.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/Lite/(H) Soloist Tenor 1 Staccatos (Lite).nki
40.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 1 Girl Poly-Sustains.nki
40.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Lite/Soloist Tenor 1 Staccatos (Lite).nki
40.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 1 Staccatos.nki
40.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Staccatos.nki
40.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/Lite/(H) Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Long Latin (Lite).nki
39.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Lite/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Long Latin (Lite).nki
39.9 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 3 Girl Sustains 6-Vowel.nki
39.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 1 Girl Poly-Sustains DFD.nki
39.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 3 Girl Sustains 6-Vowel DFD.nki
39.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 2 Boy Poly-Sustains.nki
39.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/(H) Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Long Latin.nki
39.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Poly-Sustains Long Latin.nki
39.6 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Ambiences/Ataxicone.nki
39.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 3 Girl Sustains 6-Vowel.nki
39.6 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/FX Dilation.nki
39.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 1 Girl Poly-Sustains.nki
39.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 3 Girl Sustains 6-Vowel DFD.nki
39.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 2 Boy Poly-Sustains DFD.nki
39.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars Drones 0 All.nki
39.4 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Staccato.nki
39.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 2 Boy Poly-Sustains.nki
39.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 2 Boy Poly-Sustains DFD.nki
39.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Ambiences/Vocox.nki
39.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Tenor/Ambiences/Tenorbrae.nki
39.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Drone Marcato Sustains Lite.nki
39.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Drone Marcato Sustains Lite - Hall.nki
39.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Drone Marcato Sustains.nki
38.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Drone Marcato Sustains - Hall.nki
38.9 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Effects/Trills T-Sync.nki
38.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Ambiences/Urthen.nki
38.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Sustains/Lite/Trills Lite - Hall.nki
38.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Sustains/Lite/Trills Lite.nki
38.6 kB
Instruments/Mercury Boys Choir/Effects/Trills.nki
38.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin.nki
38.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin.nki
38.6 kB
Instruments/Voice of Gaia Strawberry/Ambiences/Gaiazones.nki
38.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Marcato/Mid Marcato DFD.nki
38.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Marcato/Mid Marcato.nki
37.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Whisper Poly-Sustains - Hall.nki
37.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Whisper Poly-Sustains.nki
37.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Marcato/Far Marcato DFD.nki
37.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Long Latin SC.nki
37.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Poly-Sustains Long Latin SC.nki
37.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Lite/Venus Meloderwater All (Lite).nki
37.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 3 Girl Poly-Sustains.nki
37.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Ambiences/Lite/Meloderwater All Lite.nki
37.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Venus Meloderwater All.nki
37.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 3 Girl Poly-Sustains DFD.nki
37.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Ambiences/Meloderwater All.nki
37.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Marcato/Far Marcato.nki
37.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Lite/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin (Lite).nki
37.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin (Lite).nki
37.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Marcato/Stage Marcato DFD.nki
36.9 kB
Samples/Requiem Light Samples 2.nkc
36.9 kB
36.9 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Marcato/Stage Marcato.nki
36.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 3 Girl Poly-Sustains.nki
36.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Soloists/Far Soloist 3 Girl Poly-Sustains DFD.nki
36.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin singles TS.nki
36.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin singles TS.nki
36.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Whisper Marcato Sustains Lite - Hall.nki
36.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Whisper Marcato Sustains Lite.nki
36.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Whisper Marcato Sustains - Hall.nki
36.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 2 Slavonic/Lite/Soloist Alto 2 Long Staccatos Lite - Hall.nki
36.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Whisper Marcato Sustains.nki
36.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 2 Slavonic/Lite/Soloist Alto 2 Long Staccatos Lite.nki
36.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 3 Girl Poly-Sustains.nki
36.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Soloists/Stage Soloist 3 Girl Poly-Sustains DFD.nki
36.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Marcato/Mid Marcato Phrase-Builder.nki
36.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Marcato/Far Marcato Phrase-Builder.nki
36.2 kB
36.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Marcato/Stage Marcato Phrase-Builder.nki
36.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin singles TS.nki
35.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin singles TS.nki
35.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Ambiences/Kriambiences.nki
35.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effects All Lite - Hall.nki
34.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effects All Lite.nki
34.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effects All - Hall.nki
34.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effects All.nki
34.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
34.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
34.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Soloist Alto 1 Whisper Chants - Hall.nki
34.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Soloist Alto 1 Whisper Chants.nki
34.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Whisper Short Tempo-Sync.nki
34.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Whisper Short Tempo-Sync.nki
34.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Whisper Short Tempo-Sync.nki
34.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
33.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/DFD/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer DFD.nki
33.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
33.6 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Ambiences/Devolvers.nki
33.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/DFD/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer DFD.nki
33.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer.nki
33.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Drone Poly-Sustains Lite - Hall.nki
33.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer.nki
33.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/DFD/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer DFD.nki
33.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer.nki
33.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Drone Poly-Sustains Lite.nki
33.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Venus Cambiences All.nki
33.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Ambiences/Cambiences All.nki
33.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Lite/Venus Cambiences All (Lite).nki
33.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Choral Effects/(H) Mars Effects Zombie Clusters.nki
33.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Ambiences/Lite/Cambiences All Lite.nki
33.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Zombie Clusters.nki
33.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/DFD/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer DFD.nki
33.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2 2-Layer.nki
33.1 kB
Samples/Requiem Bundle Samples 3.nkc
33.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
33.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
33.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
32.5 kB
Resources/Soundiron Voice of Rapture The Soprano.nkc
32.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/DFD/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer DFD.nki
32.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/DFD/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer DFD.nki
32.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer.nki
32.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
32.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer.nki
32.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer.nki
32.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/DFD/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer DFD.nki
32.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
31.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Whisper Poly-Sustains Lite - Hall.nki
31.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Whisper Poly-Sustains Lite.nki
31.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
31.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
31.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer.nki
31.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer.nki
31.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Full Body Percussion.nki
31.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/DFD/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer DFD.nki
31.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Warcry Blendable.nki
31.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Full Body Percussion.nki
31.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Full Body Percussion.nki
31.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/DFD/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer DFD.nki
31.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/DFD/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer DFD.nki
31.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/DFD/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer DFD.nki
31.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Lite/Venus Gambiences All (Lite).nki
31.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Venus Gambiences All.nki
31.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Whisper Short Time-Stretch.nki
31.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Ambiences/Lite/Gambiences All Lite.nki
31.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Whisper Short Time-Stretch.nki
31.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Whisper Short Time-Stretch.nki
31.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Ambiences/Gambiences All.nki
31.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 1 2-Layer.nki
31.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/DFD/Far Staccato Women Spizz La-Meh DFD.nki
31.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
31.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/Far Staccato Women Spizz La-Meh.nki
31.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/DFD/Mid Staccato Women Spizz La-Meh DFD.nki
31.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/Stage Staccato Women Spizz La-Meh.nki
31.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/Mid Staccato Women Spizz La-Meh.nki
31.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/DFD/Stage Staccato Women Spizz La-Meh DFD.nki
31.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer.nki
31.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
31.1 kB
Resources/Soundiron Olympus Elements.nkc
31.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Full Body Percussion DFD.nki
31.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
31.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Full Body Percussion DFD.nki
31.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Soloists/Mid Soloist 3 Girl True-Legato Ah.nki
31.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
31.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Soloists/time-stretch/Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
31.0 kB
Resources/Soundiron Voice of Gaia Strawberry.nkc
31.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Drone Staccatos Lite - Hall.nki
31.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Drone Staccatos - Hall.nki
30.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Alto 1 Whisper Chants Lite - Hall.nki
30.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Drone Staccatos Lite.nki
30.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Drone Staccatos.nki
30.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Alto 1 Whisper Chants Lite.nki
30.8 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Ambiences/Cathereal.nki
30.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer.nki
30.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer.nki
30.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Warcry SC.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain Whisper Short.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain Whisper Short.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain Whisper Short.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/DFD/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer DFD.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Staccatos SC.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/DFD/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer DFD.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/DFD/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer DFD.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Bass 2-Layer.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Staccatos SC.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Soloists/Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2-Layer.nki
30.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer.nki
30.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer.nki
30.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
30.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
30.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
30.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/DFD/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer DFD.nki
30.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/DFD/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Baritone 2-Layer DFD.nki
30.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 3 Latin/Soloist Alto 3 Whisper Chants - Hall.nki
30.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 3 Latin/Soloist Alto 3 Whisper Chants.nki
30.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin singles.nki
30.2 kB
Instruments/Voice of Rapture The Soprano/Ambiences/Phrazers.nki
30.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Soloist Alto 1 Melodic Phrases Latin - Hall.nki
30.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Whisper Slow Latin singles.nki
30.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Soloists/DFD/Poly-Sustains Solo Soprano 2-Layer DFD.nki
30.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Soloist Alto 1 Melodic Phrases Latin.nki
30.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/DFD/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer DFD.nki
30.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Warcry.nki
30.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
30.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Soloist Soprano 1 Melodic Phrases Latin - Hall.nki
30.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Soloists/Time-Stretch/Far Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
30.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Soloist Soprano 1 Melodic Phrases Latin.nki
30.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/Lite/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Staccatos (Lite).nki
30.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Staccatos.nki
30.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Lite/Soloist Tenor 2 Staccatos (Lite).nki
30.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Staccatos.nki
29.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Soloists/DFD/Mid Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer DFD.nki
29.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Alto 1 Melodic Phrases Latin Lite - Hall.nki
29.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Alto 1 Melodic Phrases Latin Lite.nki
29.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Whisper Staccatos Lite - Hall.nki
29.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/Whisper Staccatos - Hall.nki
29.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Soprano 1 Melodic Phrases Latin Lite - Hall.nki
29.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Soprano 1 Melodic Phrases Latin Lite.nki
29.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Lite/Whisper Staccatos Lite.nki
29.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Whisper Staccatos.nki
29.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effects Clusters Sustains - Hall.nki
29.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Melodic Phrases Slavonic 2 SC.nki
29.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effects Clusters Sustains.nki
29.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/Choir Fx Full Body Percussion.nki
29.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 1 Melodic Phrases Slavonic 2 SC.nki
29.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer.nki
29.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 1 Melodic Phrases Slavonic 1 SC.nki
29.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer.nki
29.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Melodic Phrases Slavonic 1 SC.nki
29.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/DFD/Close Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer DFD.nki
29.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Soloists/DFD/Stage Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer DFD.nki
29.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Melodic Phrases Latin SC.nki
29.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Breaths 2.nki
29.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Melodic Phrases Latin SC.nki
29.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Breaths 2.nki
29.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir Fx Full Body Percussion DFD.nki
29.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/(H) Soloist Bass Melodic Phrases Latin SC.nki
29.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Breaths 1.nki
29.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Melodic Phrases Latin SC.nki
29.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Breaths 1.nki
29.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effects Clusters Sustains Lite - Hall.nki
29.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effects Clusters Sustains Lite.nki
29.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 1 Melodic Phrases Slavonic 2.nki
29.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Melodic Phrases Slavonic 2.nki
29.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 1 Melodic Phrases Slavonic 1.nki
29.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Melodic Phrases Slavonic 1.nki
28.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/tenor/(H) Soloist Tenor 2 Melodic Phrases Latin.nki
28.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Soloist Soprano 2 Melodic Phrases Slavonic - Hall.nki
28.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 2 Melodic Phrases Latin.nki
28.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Soloist Soprano 2 Melodic Phrases Slavonic.nki
28.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Body Percussion.nki
28.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/(H) Soloist Bass Melodic Phrases Latin.nki
28.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effects Amazing Grace Solo - Hall.nki
28.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Melodic Phrases Latin.nki
28.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effects Amazing Grace Solo.nki
28.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 3 Latin/Soloist Alto 3 Melodic Phrases Latin - Hall.nki
28.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Soloists/time-stretch/Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer Time-Stretch.nki
28.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain La-La-Loop Tempo-Synch.nki
28.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 3 Latin/Soloist Alto 3 Melodic Phrases Latin.nki
28.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain La-La-Loop Tempo-Synch.nki
28.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain La-La-Loop Tempo-Synch.nki
28.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/tenor/Soloist Tenor 1 Breaths.nki
28.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Lite/Soloist Soprano 2 Melodic Phrases Slavonic Lite - Hall.nki
28.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Lite/Soloist Soprano 2 Melodic Phrases Slavonic Lite.nki
28.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Melodic Phrases Slavonic SC.nki
28.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/(H) Soloist Bass Melodic Phrases Slavonic SC.nki
28.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effects Amazing Grace Lite - Hall.nki
28.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Whispers & Drones/Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin singles.nki
28.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effects Amazing Grace Lite.nki
28.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Breaths.nki
28.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Whispers & Drones/(H) Mars Poly-Sustains Drone Long Latin singles.nki
28.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Soloists/Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer.nki
28.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effects Amazing Grace Solo Lite - Hall.nki
28.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 3 Latin/Lite/Soloist Alto 3 Melodic Phrases Latin Lite - Hall.nki
28.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effects Amazing Grace Solo Lite.nki
28.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Soloists/DFD/Poly-Sustains Solo Tenor 2-Layer DFD.nki
28.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effects Crowds - Hall.nki
28.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 3 Latin/Lite/Soloist Alto 3 Melodic Phrases Latin Lite.nki
28.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Soloist Soprano 2 Whisper Chants - Hall.nki
28.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effects Crowds.nki
28.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effects Shouts - Hall.nki
28.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effects Shouts.nki
28.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Soloist Soprano 2 Whisper Chants.nki
28.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Soloist Soprano 1 Whisper Chants - Hall.nki
27.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Soloist Soprano 1 Whisper Chants.nki
27.9 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Ambiences/Liberambius Tri-Morph.nki
27.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Alto 3 Latin/Lite/Soloist Alto 3 Whisper Chants Lite - Hall.nki
27.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Alto 3 Latin/Lite/Soloist Alto 3 Whisper Chants Lite.nki
27.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effects Laughter - Hall.nki
27.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effects Laughter.nki
27.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effects Shouts Lite - Hall.nki
27.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effects Shouts Lite.nki
27.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Soloists/bass/Soloist Bass Melodic Phrases Slavonic.nki
27.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effects Crowds Lite - Hall.nki
27.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Soloists/bass/(H) Soloist Bass Melodic Phrases Slavonic.nki
27.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effects Crowds Lite.nki
27.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effects Clusters Up-Down - Hall.nki
27.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effects Clusters Up-Down.nki
27.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Percussion/Mars Effects Rail Strikes.nki
27.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars FX Shadow of the Well.nki
27.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Percussion/Mars Effects Rail Strikes Metal Tuned Sustaining.nki
27.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effects Clusters Fall - Hall.nki
27.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effects Whispering - Hall.nki
27.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effects Clusters Fall.nki
27.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effects Laughter Lite - Hall.nki
27.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effects Whispering.nki
27.3 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effects Laughter Lite.nki
27.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars Drones 2 Mirospheric Void.nki
27.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Shout Sustains.nki
27.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars FX Short n Sweet.nki
27.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effects Clusters Up-Down Lite - Hall.nki
27.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effects Clusters Rise - Hall.nki
27.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effects Clusters Up-Down Lite.nki
27.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Percussion/Mars Effects Rail Strikes Metal Tuned.nki
27.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effects Clusters Rise.nki
27.0 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effects Clusters Fall Lite - Hall.nki
26.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effects Clusters Fall Lite.nki
26.9 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effectsreams - Hall.nki
26.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Effects Boops and Hoots - Hall.nki
26.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effects Whispering Lite - Hall.nki
26.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effectsreams.nki
26.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Effects Boops and Hoots.nki
26.8 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effects Whispering Lite.nki
26.8 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Warm-up SC.nki
26.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Lite/Soloist Soprano 2 Whisper Chants Lite - Hall.nki
26.7 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 2 Slavonic/Lite/Soloist Soprano 2 Whisper Chants Lite.nki
26.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Soprano 1 Whisper Chants Lite - Hall.nki
26.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Soloist/Soprano 1 Latin/Lite/Soloist Soprano 1 Whisper Chants Lite.nki
26.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effects Clusters Rise Lite - Hall.nki
26.6 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effects Clusters Rise Lite.nki
26.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Choral Effects/(H) Mars Effects Horror Cha-Kah SC.nki
26.5 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Horror Cha-Kah SC.nki
26.5 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effectsreams Lite - Hall.nki
26.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Hall/Effects/Lite/Effects Boops And Hoots Lite - Hall.nki
26.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effectsreams Lite.nki
26.4 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Stage/Effects/Lite/Effects Boops And Hoots Lite.nki
26.4 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Choral Effects/(H) Mars Effects Warm-up.nki
26.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Warm-up.nki
26.3 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars Drones 1 Malambient Choir.nki
26.2 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Lite/Venus Stoboyuform Mod-layer (Lite).nki
26.2 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Ambiences/Lite/Stoboyuform Mod-Layer Lite.nki
26.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Venus Stoboyuform Mod-layer.nki
26.1 kB
Instruments/Venus Symphonic Womens Choir/Ambiences/Stoboyuform Mod-layer.nki
26.1 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Choral Effects/(H) Mars Effects Horror Cha-Kah.nki
26.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Horror Cha-Kah.nki
26.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Choral Effects/(H) Mars Effects Zombie Wall.nki
26.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Choral Effects/(H) Mars Effects Clusters SC.nki
26.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Zombie Wall.nki
26.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Clusters SC.nki
26.0 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars Drones 3 Little Big Box.nki
25.9 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars Drones 4 Synthachoirze.nki
25.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Choral Effects/Far Fx Consonants Quick-Select.nki
25.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Fx Consonants Quick-Select.nki
25.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Fx Consonants Quick-Select.nki
25.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Hall/Choral Effects/(H) Mars Effects Clusters.nki
25.6 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Stage/Choral Effects/Mars Effects Clusters.nki
25.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Ambiences/Steven Tavaglione Soundscapes.nki
24.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Dikmeta Mp 2.nki
24.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain La-La-Loop.nki
24.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain La-La-Loop.nki
24.0 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain La-La-Loop.nki
23.9 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Poly-Sustains/Far Poly-Sustain La-La-Loop Time-Stretch.nki
23.7 kB
Instruments/Mars Symphonic Mens Choir/Ambiences/Mars FX Confusion.nki
23.7 kB
Multis/Olympus/Micro Choir/Unison 5.1 Surround TS.nkm
23.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Poly-Sustains/Stage Poly-Sustain La-La-Loop Time-Stretch.nki
23.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Full Consonants Quick-Select DFD.nki
23.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Full Consonants Quick-Select.nki
23.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Poly-Sustains/Mid Poly-Sustain La-La-Loop Time-Stretch.nki
23.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Choral Effects/Far Fx Percussion.nki
23.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Fx Percussion.nki
23.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Fx Percussion.nki
23.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Full Consonants Quick-Select DFD.nki
23.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Full Consonants Quick-Select.nki
23.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Stage Choir FX Full Consonants Time-Stretch.nki
23.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Mid Choir FX Full Consonants Time-Stretch.nki
23.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Full Consonants Quick-Select.nki
23.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Far Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Sustain.nki
23.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Shrill.nki
23.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Mid Choir FX Full Slow Trill Time-Stretch.nki
23.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Stage Choir FX Full Slow Trill Time-Stretch.nki
23.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Shrill.nki
23.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Shrill DFD.nki
22.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Shrill.nki
22.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/DFD/Far Staccato Women Spizz La Dissonant DFD.nki
22.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Mid Choir FX Full Numbers Time-Stretch.nki
22.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Stage Choir FX Full Numbers Time-Stretch.nki
22.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Staccato/Far Staccato Women Spizz La Dissonant.nki
22.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Full Consonants DFD.nki
22.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Full Consonants.nki
22.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Far Choir FX Full Consonants Time-Stretch.nki
22.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Fx Consonants.nki
22.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Shrill DFD.nki
22.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Choral Effects/Far Fx Consonants.nki
22.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Full Consonants DFD.nki
22.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX full Consonants DFD.nki
22.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Fx Consonants.nki
22.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Full Consonants.nki
22.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Full Consonants.nki
22.5 kB
Multis/Olympus/Micro Choir/Divisi TS.nkm
22.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Shrill DFD.nki
22.5 kB
Samples/Soundiron Voice of Gaia Strawberry Samples 3.nkc
22.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Mid Choir FX Women Slow Trill Time-Stretch.nki
21.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Stage Choir FX Women Slow Trill Time-Stretch.nki
21.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir Fx Full Consonants Quick-Select DFD.nki
21.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/Choir Fx Full Consonants Quick-Select.nki
21.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Far Choir FX Full Slow Trill Time-Stretch.nki
21.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Stage Choir FX Men Slow Trill Time-Stretch.nki
21.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Mid Choir FX Men Slow Trill Time-Stretch.nki
21.8 kB
Resources/8Dio Liberis.nkc
21.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Full Words Fah-Free-Su.nki
21.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Full Words Fah-Free-Su DFD.nki
21.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Full Words Fah-Free-Su.nki
21.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Full Slow Trill DFD.nki
21.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Full Words Fah-Free-Su.nki
21.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/Stage Staccato Women Spizz La Dissonant.nki
21.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Full Slow Trill DFD.nki
21.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/Mid Staccato Women Spizz La Dissonant.nki
21.5 kB
Resources/Soundiron Venus Symphonic Womens Choir.nkc
21.5 kB
Multis/Forgotten Voices/Spirit Voices By Tav.nkm
21.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Full Slow Trill DFD.nki
21.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Full Slow Trill.nki
21.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Far Choir FX Full Numbers Time-Stretch.nki
21.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Full Tonehambiences DFD.nki
21.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Full Slow Trill.nki
21.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Full Slow Trill.nki
21.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Soul/Soul 3 Impro Mp F.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Full Numbers DFD.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Full Tonehambiences.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Full Words Fah-Free-Su DFD.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Full Tonehambiences.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Full Numbers.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Full Numbers DFD.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Full Numbers DFD.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Full Numbers.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Full Numbers.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Full Words Fah-Free-Su DFD.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Staccato/DFD/Stage Staccato Women Spizz La Dissonant DFD.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Staccato/DFD/Mid Staccato Women Spizz La Dissonant DFD.nki
21.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Up DFD.nki
21.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Up.nki
21.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Up.nki
21.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Up.nki
21.1 kB
8Dio & Soundiron Choirs Bundle_info.nkc
21.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Women Dissontant Sweeps.nki
21.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Full Tonehambiences DFD.nki
21.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Women Dissontant Sweeps.nki
21.1 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Women Dissontant Sweeps.nki
21.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Women Dissontant Sweeps DFD.nki
21.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Up DFD.nki
20.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Up DFD.nki
20.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Men Dissontant Sweeps.nki
20.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Men Dissontant Sweeps DFD.nki
20.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Men Dissontant Sweeps.nki
20.8 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Full Choir Unison Cathedral TS.nki
20.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Men Dissontant Sweeps.nki
20.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Far Choir FX Women Slow Trill Time-Stretch.nki
20.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Women Dissontant Sweeps DFD.nki
20.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Women Dissontant Sweeps DFD.nki
20.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Women Slow Trill DFD.nki
20.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Full Swell Woo-Ahh DFD.nki
20.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Full Swell Woo-Ahh.nki
20.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Full Swell Woo-Ahh.nki
20.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Women Slow Trill.nki
20.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Full Swell Woo-Ahh.nki
20.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Long DFD.nki
20.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Far Choir FX Men Slow Trill Time-Stretch.nki
20.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Long.nki
20.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Men Dissontant Sweeps DFD.nki
20.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Long.nki
20.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Men Dissontant Sweeps DFD.nki
20.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Long.nki
20.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Women Slow Trill.nki
20.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Men Slow Trill DFD.nki
20.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Men Slow Trill.nki
20.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Women Slow Trill.nki
20.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Fast DFD.nki
20.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Men Slow Trill.nki
20.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Men Slow Trill DFD.nki
20.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Fast.nki
20.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Fast DFD.nki
20.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Konu Seoiu Mf F.nki
20.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Fast.nki
20.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Fast.nki
20.3 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Full Choir Unison TS.nki
20.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Full Swell Woo-Ahh DFD.nki
20.3 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Full Swell Woo-Ahh DFD.nki
20.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Men Slow Trill.nki
20.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Choral Effects/Far Fx Songs Time-Stretch.nki
20.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Long DFD.nki
20.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/DFD/Far Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Down DFD.nki
20.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Women Slow Trill DFD.nki
20.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Far/Choral Effects/Far Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Down.nki
20.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Fx Songs Time-Stretch.nki
20.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Down.nki
20.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Long DFD.nki
20.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Down.nki
20.2 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Fx Songs Time-Stretch.nki
20.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Women Slow Trill DFD.nki
20.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Fx Chirps.nki
20.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Fx Chirps.nki
20.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Choral Effects/Far Fx Chirps.nki
20.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Chant Hope Mf F.nki
20.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Fast DFD.nki
20.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Men Slow Trill DFD.nki
20.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Down DFD.nki
19.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/DFD/Mid Choir FX Full Dissontant Sweeps Down DFD.nki
19.9 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/DFD/Stage Choir FX Full Tonehambiences DFD.nki
19.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Choir FX Full Tonehambiences.nki
19.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Bon Ka Ki Mf F.nki
19.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/Choir Fx Full Words Fah-Free-Su.nki
19.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Fx Songs.nki
19.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Fx Songs.nki
19.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Choral Effects/Far Fx Songs.nki
19.5 kB
Instruments/Helium Choir/All Ks Mw.nki
19.5 kB
Resources/Soundiron Mars Symphonic Mens Choir.nkc
19.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir Fx Full Words Fah-Free-Su DFD.nki
19.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Soul Soft Beauty P Mp.nki
19.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir Fx Full Dissontant Sweeps Up DFD.nki
19.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/Choir Fx Full Dissontant Sweeps Up.nki
19.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Soul/Soul 7 Impro P F.nki
19.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Breaths Nose Spread Note-On.nki
19.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Breaths Nose Spread Note Off.nki
19.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Ihhh Yon P Mp.nki
19.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Fx Tonehambiences.nki
19.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Choral Effects/Far Fx Tonehambiences.nki
19.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Fx Tonehambiences.nki
19.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/Choir Fx Women Dissontant Sweeps.nki
19.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Meekeba Mf F.nki
19.1 kB
Documentation/nfo/Soundiron Mars Symphonic Mens Choir.nfo
19.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/Choir Fx Men Dissontant Sweeps.nki
19.0 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir Fx Women Dissontant Sweeps DFD.nki
18.9 kB
Samples/Requiem Bundle PRO Samples 2.nkc
18.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Choral Effects/Far Fx Talking.nki
18.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Fx Talking.nki
18.8 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Fx Talking.nki
18.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Soul/Soul Sultry Mp F.nki
18.8 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/Choir Fx Full Swell Woo-Ahh.nki
18.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir Fx Men Dissontant Sweeps DFD.nki
18.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Gu Bah Leh Yah Mf.nki
18.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Fx Breath.nki
18.7 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/Choir Fx Men Dissontant Clusters Long.nki
18.7 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Fx Breath.nki
18.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Choral Effects/Far Fx Breath.nki
18.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir Fx Full Dissontant Sweeps Fast DFD.nki
18.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Fx Doppler.nki
18.6 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Choral Effects/Far Fx Doppler.nki
18.6 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/Choir Fx Full Dissontant Sweeps Fast.nki
18.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Stage/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Stage Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Sustain.nki
18.5 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Fx Doppler.nki
18.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Professional/Mid/Choral Effects/Time-Stretch/Mid Choir FX Men Dissontant Clusters Sustain.nki
18.5 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir Fx Full Swell Woo-Ahh DFD.nki
18.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Akisame Mp.nki
18.4 kB
Samples/Tonehammer Helium Choir Samples.nkc
18.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Kuebeseu Mp.nki
18.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/Choir Fx Full Dissontant Sweeps Down.nki
18.4 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir Fx Men Dissontant Clusters Long DFD.nki
18.4 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Choral Effects/Far Fx Swoops Up.nki
18.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Houele Mp.nki
18.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Fx Swoops Up.nki
18.3 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Fx Swoops Up.nki
18.2 kB
Instruments/Requiem/Light/Choral Effects/DFD/Choir Fx Full Dissontant Sweeps Down DFD.nki
18.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Far/Choral Effects/Far Fx Swoops Down.nki
18.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Mid/Choral Effects/Mid Fx Swoops Down.nki
18.1 kB
Instruments/Liberis/Stage/Choral Effects/Stage Fx Swoops Down.nki
18.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Breaths Mouth Long Spread Note-On.nki
18.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Breaths Mouth Long Spread Note-Off.nki
17.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Kaka Me F Ff.nki
17.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Soul/Soul 1 Impro Mf.nki
17.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Heya Mf.nki
17.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Spirits Mp F.nki
17.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Soul/Soul 2 Impro Mf.nki
17.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Helaku P F.nki
17.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Blin Blin Mf.nki
17.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Prayer Mp F.nki
17.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Say Bak Chu P Mf.nki
17.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Hey Ey Eh Ye Mf.nki
17.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Kehuse Mp F.nki
17.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Kutiku Eh Mf.nki
16.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Soul Kokonia Mp.nki
16.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Amazing Grace.nki
16.8 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Venus Dominum cathedral TS.nki
16.6 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Venus Dominum TS.nki
16.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Trouble Water.nki
16.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Frantic Mf F.nki
16.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Heyohoh F.nki
16.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Elele Mf.nki
16.2 kB
Instruments/Helium Choir/Staccato.nki
16.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Dikmeta Mp 1.nki
16.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Oohs P 4.nki
16.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Wee Nu Eh Mf F.nki
15.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Incantation 1 Mf.nki
15.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Heyelove P.nki
15.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Tanama P F.nki
15.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Soul/Soul 8 Impro P Mp.nki
15.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Soul/Soul Sad P F.nki
15.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Trance F.nki
15.4 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Mars Dominum cathedral TS.nki
15.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Soul P F.nki
15.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Breaths Mouth Short Spread Note-On.nki
15.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Breaths Mouth Short Spread Note-Off.nki
15.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Soul/Soul Devotional P F.nki
15.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Kukueye Mp 1.nki
15.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Hums Mp 1.nki
15.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Incantation 2 Mf.nki
15.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Kuesebe Mf F.nki
14.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Devotional Mp Mf.nki
14.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Rhythmic Chants Mf.nki
14.8 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/Mars Dominum TS.nki
14.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Mama Ko Mf F.nki
14.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Cries Angst Mf F.nki
14.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Duuhuh Mf 1.nki
14.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Ninina Se Mf.nki
14.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Hika Yuno Mf F.nki
14.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Soul/Soul 6 Impro P Mf.nki
14.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Sang No Mf.nki
14.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African E Ko Kee 3 Mf F.nki
14.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African E Ko Kee 2 Mf F.nki
14.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African E Ko Kee 1 Mf F.nki
14.1 kB
Instruments/Helium Choir/Staccato Mw.nki
14.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Salamue Pp Mf 1.nki
13.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Ha Yunu Mf F.nki
13.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Extras Baby.nki
13.8 kB
Multis/Forgotten Voices/Cait Ambiences 1-41.nkm
13.6 kB
Documentation/nfo/Soundiron Olympus Micro Choir.nfo
13.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Chant Despair F.nki
13.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Oohs P 3.nki
13.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Hula Heyley Mp Mf.nki
12.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Oluley Mp 1.nki
12.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Sin Seh Seh Mf F.nki
12.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Soul Hey Ya E Yah Mp.nki
12.6 kB
Documentation/nfo/Soundiron Olympus Micro Choir 2.0.nfo
12.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Oohs P 2.nki
12.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Lakeenu Mf F.nki
12.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Duuhuh Mf 2.nki
12.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Salamue Pp Mf 2.nki
12.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Oluley Mp 3.nki
12.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Wails Mp.nki
12.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Oohs P 1.nki
12.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Wails Mf 2.nki
12.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Jazz Schmalty Slow Growl Mp.nki
12.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Soul Ikono See Mp.nki
12.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Extras Banshee.nki
12.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Kekealabue F.nki
12.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Deep Low Cooing.nki
12.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Uh Bar Ye Mf F.nki
12.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Frantic Mf Ff.nki
11.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Leh Eh Lee Mf.nki
11.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Kon Go Wa Fah Mf.nki
11.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Wails Mixed.nki
11.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Hums P 2.nki
11.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Hmmm Heyeye Mf F.nki
11.4 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/XFX Demondium.nki
11.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Soul/Soul 5 Impro F.nki
11.1 kB
Instruments/Olympus/Micro Choir/XFX Renominum.nki
11.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Rhythmic Chants Mp.nki
11.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Soul/Soul 4 Impro Mf.nki
11.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Kukueye Mp 2.nki
11.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Hums Mp 2.nki
10.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Kuh Ka Tuh Mp.nki
10.8 kB
Samples/Soundiron Olympus Micro Choir Samples.nkc
10.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Jazz Soul Wail Rhythmic F 2.nki
10.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Wails F.nki
10.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Ma Ku We Tu Mp.nki
10.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Huhua P.nki
10.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Extras Laugh.nki
10.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Rhythmic Chants P.nki
10.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Deep Low Humming 01.nki
10.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Wails Mf 1.nki
10.1 kB
Instruments/Gnomehammer Ball Choir/Gnome Ball Choir Mw-Crunch.nki
10.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Jazz Schmalty Scat Ooh Mp.nki
9.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Cooing Mp.nki
9.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Nasal Eh La La Mf.nki
9.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Oluley Mp 2.nki
9.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Hums Pp.nki
9.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Me Sah Lun Mf F.nki
9.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Deep Low Oohs.nki
9.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Operatic Mf.nki
9.3 kB
Documentation/nfo/8Dio Liberis.nfo
9.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Jazz Schmalty Scat Huh Mp.nki
9.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Hums P 1.nki
9.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Terrambus 2.nki
9.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Jazz Soul Wail Rhythmic F 1.nki
9.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Jazz Schmalty Scat Mf 2.nki
9.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Terrambus 1.nki
8.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Terrambus All.nki
8.8 kB
Documentation/nfo/Soundiron Olympus Elements.nfo
8.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Terrambus All Dfd.nki
8.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Deep Low Humming 02.nki
8.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Terrambus 3.nki
8.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Jazz Schmalty Scat Mp.nki
8.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Jazz Schmalty Scat Mf 1.nki
8.3 kB
Documentation/nfo/Soundiron Olympus Mike-Ro Solo Tenor.nfo
8.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Gospel/Gospel Deep Low Humming 03.nki
8.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Extras Monkey.nki
8.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Whispers Mw Ts.nki
8.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/African/African Ge Gan Gan Mf.nki
8.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Jazz Schmalty Slow Wail Mp.nki
8.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Terrie/Scat and Vocal FX/Jazz Soul Wail Loose F.nki
8.0 kB
Instruments/Gnomehammer Ball Choir/Gnome Ball Crunch.nki
7.8 kB
Multis/Forgotten Voices/Barbary Clusters.nkm
7.6 kB
Instruments/Gnomehammer Ball Choir/Gnome Ball Choir.nki
7.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Slow Dark Evocative Mw Ts 1.nki
7.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Improvisation Short 1.nki
7.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Soft To Powerful 2.nki
7.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Shawe Sham.nki
7.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Sita Ram 2.nki
7.1 kB
Instruments/Helium Choir/Sustain Mw.nki
7.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Slow Dark Evocative Mw Ts 2.nki
7.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Rhythmic Chanting 1.nki
7.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Soft To Powerful 1.nki
7.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Romantic Chanting 2.nki
7.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Sea Invocation.nki
7.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Sita Ram Var 1.nki
6.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Hopeful Chanting.nki
6.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Romantic Chanting 1.nki
6.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Crimmens Lament.nki
6.7 kB
Resources/Soundiron Olympus Mike-Ro Solo Tenor.nkc
6.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Improvisation Long 3.nki
6.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Playful Chanting Slower Mw Ts 3.nki
6.6 kB
Multis/Forgotten Voices/Francesca Flute Spins.nkm
6.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Chanting Single Note.nki
6.5 kB
Samples/Soundiron Olympus Mike-Ro Solo Tenor Samples.nkc
6.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/She Moved Through The Fair.nki
6.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/High Pitched.nki
6.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/High Chanting Loud 2.nki
6.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Playful Chanting Mw Ts 2.nki
6.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Powerful 1 Mw Ts.nki
6.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Black Water Side.nki
6.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Flute Singing Mw Ts.nki
6.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Short Vocalizations 1.nki
6.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/High Chanting Loud 1.nki
6.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Devotional Long Rhythmic Mixed 2.nki
6.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Du Taka Rhythm Chanting.nki
6.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Chanting 2.nki
6.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Mouth Chk.nki
6.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Chanting Mw Ts 2.nki
6.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Playful Chanting Mw Ts 1.nki
6.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Nancy My Thousand Loves.nki
6.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Little River.nki
6.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/I Am Awake.nki
6.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Improvised Phrases.nki
6.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Short Vocalizations 2.nki
6.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Powerful 2 Mw Ts.nki
6.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Lullaby Improv 2.nki
6.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Breath Sounds.nki
6.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Young Rigid O Mallet.nki
6.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Witchy Incantation 2.nki
6.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Improvisation Medium 2.nki
6.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Lonely Lullaby Mw Ts.nki
6.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/High Chanting Soft Airy.nki
5.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Mouth Click Clack 2.nki
5.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Mouth Click Clack 1.nki
5.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Mouth Chk 1.nki
5.9 kB
Multis/Forgotten Voices/Barbary Clusters 2.nkm
5.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Balkan.nki
5.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Brahma.nki
5.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Rolling Of The Stone.nki
5.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Mouth Chk 2.nki
5.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Chanting Mw Ts 1.nki
5.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Sawew.nki
5.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Will You Go.nki
5.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Rhythmic Chanting 2.nki
5.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Mouth Chk 3.nki
5.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Ki La Be Cor.nki
5.5 kB
Resources/Soundiron Olympus Micro Choir 2.0.nkc
5.5 kB
Samples/Gnomehammer Ball Choir Samples.nkc
5.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/High Chanting Med.nki
5.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Asato.nki
5.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Middle Eastern Inspired.nki
5.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Devotional Long Rhythmic Mixed 1.nki
5.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Rhythmic Chanting 3.nki
5.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Lullaby Improv 1.nki
5.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Garden Mothers Lullaby.nki
5.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Sita Ram Var 2.nki
5.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Singing Beats Mw Ts.nki
5.2 kB
Instruments/Helium Choir/Effects.nki
5.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Bonnie At Mor.nki
5.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Lullaby-Improvisation.nki
5.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Floating Pitched Sustain.nki
5.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/The Maids Of Morn Shoor.nki
5.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Mournful Chanting 1.nki
5.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Little Red Bird.nki
5.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Mournful Chanting 2.nki
5.0 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Harp Song 1.nki
4.9 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Mouth Click Clack.nki
4.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/The Boat Man.nki
4.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Gaelic Whispers.nki
4.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/The Wiery Cutters.nki
4.8 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Short Vocalizations 3.nki
4.7 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Arise My Darling.nki
4.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Whisper Song 2.nki
4.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Whisper Song 4.nki
4.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Francesca/Fx And Atonal.nki
4.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Little Lad 0.nki
4.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Sustain Eee Leg.nki
4.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Ned Of The Hill.nki
4.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Sita Ram 1.nki
4.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Sustain Ooo Leg.nki
4.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Witchy Incantation 1.nki
4.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Sustain Eee.nki
4.6 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Whisper Song 6.nki
4.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Sustain Ooo.nki
4.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Oh My Little Boat.nki
4.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Long Devotional Vox.nki
4.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Sustain Oh Leg.nki
4.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Sustain Oh.nki
4.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Sustain Ah Leg.nki
4.5 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Summer.nki
4.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Frantic Chanting.nki
4.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Sustain Ah.nki
4.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Harp Song 3.nki
4.4 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Harp Song 2.nki
4.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Milking Croon.nki
4.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Whisper Song 3.nki
4.3 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Cait/Ooh Drones.nki
4.2 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Whisper Song 1.nki
4.1 kB
Instruments/Forgotten Voices/Barbary/Whisper Song 5.nki
4.0 kB
Documentation/nfo/Soundiron Mercury Boychoir.nfo
3.8 kB
Resources/Soundiron Olympus Micro Choir.nkc
1.1 kB
Data/80 BPM A#.nka
367 Bytes
Documentation/Install/8Dio & Soundiron Choirs Bundle.xml
307 Bytes
134 Bytes
134 Bytes
134 Bytes
Data/Example 01 - 8.nka
113 Bytes
Data/Example 02 -16.nka
113 Bytes
Data/Example 02 -24.nka
111 Bytes
Data/Example 02 -32.nka
111 Bytes
70 Bytes
70 Bytes
70 Bytes
70 Bytes
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