[Coursera] Compilers by Alex Aiken
[Coursera] Compilers by Alex Aiken
云盘高质露脸泄密!东北高校大学生情侣校外同居,日常露脸性爱自拍,单纯眼镜妹被一点点调教成小母狗 【影
deeper 23
journey of love 18+
stuck washing
feet pack
duke of death
1 Introduction/1 - 1 - 01-01- Introduction (8m20s).txt
7.2 kB
1 Introduction/1 - 1 - 01-01_ Introduction (8m20s).mp4
9.3 MB
1 Introduction/1 - 2 - 01-02- Structure of a Compiler (13m53s).txt
12.4 kB
1 Introduction/1 - 2 - 01-02_ Structure of a Compiler (13m53s).mp4
13.6 MB
1 Introduction/1 - 3 - 01-03- The Economy of Programming Languages (19m51s).txt
3 Bytes
1 Introduction/1 - 3 - 01-03_ The Economy of Programming Languages (19m51s).mp4
20.1 MB
1 Introduction/resources_cool_manual.pdf
224.4 kB
1 Introduction/slides_01-01-introduction-annotated.pdf
926.2 kB
1 Introduction/slides_01-01-introduction.pdf
237.0 kB
1 Introduction/slides_01-02-structure-of-a-compiler-annotated.pdf
976.0 kB
1 Introduction/slides_01-02-structure-of-a-compiler.pdf
253.0 kB
1 Introduction/slides_01-03-the-economy-of-programming-languages-annotated.pdf
1.4 MB
1 Introduction/slides_01-03-the-economy-of-programming-languages.pdf
205.8 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/10 - 1 - 10-01_ Static vs. Dynamic Typing (7m14s).mp4
7.2 MB
10 Cool Type Checking/10 - 1 - 10-01_ Static vs. Dynamic Typing (7m14s).txt
6.8 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/10 - 2 - 10-02_ Self Type (7m36s).mp4
7.6 MB
10 Cool Type Checking/10 - 2 - 10-02_ Self Type (7m36s).txt
7.2 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/10 - 3 - 10-03_ Self Type Operations (12m12s).mp4
12.5 MB
10 Cool Type Checking/10 - 3 - 10-03_ Self Type Operations (12m12s).txt
11.0 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/10 - 4 - 10-04_ Self Type Usage (6m29s).mp4
6.5 MB
10 Cool Type Checking/10 - 4 - 10-04_ Self Type Usage (6m29s).txt
5.5 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/10 - 5 - 10-05_ Self Type Checking (10m00s).mp4
10.4 MB
10 Cool Type Checking/10 - 5 - 10-05_ Self Type Checking (10m00s).txt
9.4 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/10 - 6 - 10-06_ Error Recovery (7m07s).mp4
7.0 MB
10 Cool Type Checking/10 - 6 - 10-06_ Error Recovery (7m07s).txt
6.7 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/slides_10-01-static-vs-dynamic-typing-annotated.pdf
706.5 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/slides_10-01-static-vs-dynamic-typing.pdf
364.8 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/slides_10-02-self-type-annotated.pdf
587.7 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/slides_10-02-self-type.pdf
273.4 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/slides_10-03-self-type-operations-annotated.pdf
640.3 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/slides_10-03-self-type-operations.pdf
279.4 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/slides_10-04-self-type-usage-annotated.pdf
482.1 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/slides_10-04-self-type-usage.pdf
278.9 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/slides_10-05-self-type-checking-annotated.pdf
853.2 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/slides_10-05-self-type-checking.pdf
399.7 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/slides_10-06-error-recovery-annotated.pdf
679.3 kB
10 Cool Type Checking/slides_10-06-error-recovery.pdf
309.8 kB
11 Runtime Organization/11 - 1 - 11-01_ Runtime Organization (6m44s).mp4
6.7 MB
11 Runtime Organization/11 - 1 - 11-01_ Runtime Organization (6m44s).txt
6.2 kB
11 Runtime Organization/11 - 2 - 11-02_ Activations (13m50s).mp4
13.3 MB
11 Runtime Organization/11 - 2 - 11-02_ Activations (13m50s).txt
12.2 kB
11 Runtime Organization/11 - 3 - 11-03_ Activation Records (13m11s).mp4
13.5 MB
11 Runtime Organization/11 - 3 - 11-03_ Activation Records (13m11s).txt
12.1 kB
11 Runtime Organization/11 - 4 - 11-04_ Globals and Heap (6m56s).mp4
7.1 MB
11 Runtime Organization/11 - 4 - 11-04_ Globals and Heap (6m56s).txt
6.6 kB
11 Runtime Organization/11 - 5 - 11-05_ Alignment (6m04s).mp4
6.2 MB
11 Runtime Organization/11 - 5 - 11-05_ Alignment (6m04s).txt
5.0 kB
11 Runtime Organization/11 - 6 - 11-06_ Stack Machines (16m23s).mp4
16.6 MB
11 Runtime Organization/11 - 6 - 11-06_ Stack Machines (16m23s).txt
15.1 kB
11 Runtime Organization/slides_11-01-runtime-organization-annotated.pdf
559.8 kB
11 Runtime Organization/slides_11-01-runtime-organization.pdf
306.5 kB
11 Runtime Organization/slides_11-02-activations-annotated.pdf
747.4 kB
11 Runtime Organization/slides_11-02-activations.pdf
385.3 kB
11 Runtime Organization/slides_11-03-activation-records-annotated.pdf
800.4 kB
11 Runtime Organization/slides_11-03-activation-records.pdf
344.1 kB
11 Runtime Organization/slides_11-04-globals-and-heap-annotated.pdf
580.3 kB
11 Runtime Organization/slides_11-04-globals-and-heap.pdf
385.5 kB
11 Runtime Organization/slides_11-05-alignment-annotated.pdf
561.4 kB
11 Runtime Organization/slides_11-05-alignment.pdf
299.0 kB
11 Runtime Organization/slides_11-06-stack-machines-annotated.pdf
1.4 MB
11 Runtime Organization/slides_11-06-stack-machines.pdf
342.8 kB
12 Code Generation/12 - 1 - 12-01_ Introduction to Code Generation (7m57s).mp4
7.9 MB
12 Code Generation/12 - 1 - 12-01_ Introduction to Code Generation (7m57s).txt
7.7 kB
12 Code Generation/12 - 2 - 12-02_ Code Generation I (17m26s).mp4
17.4 MB
12 Code Generation/12 - 2 - 12-02_ Code Generation I (17m26s).txt
16.2 kB
12 Code Generation/12 - 3 - 12-03_ Code Generation II (18m08s).mp4
18.1 MB
12 Code Generation/12 - 3 - 12-03_ Code Generation II (18m08s).txt
18.4 kB
12 Code Generation/12 - 4 - 12-04_ Code Generation Example (13m17s).mp4
15.6 MB
12 Code Generation/12 - 4 - 12-04_ Code Generation Example (13m17s).txt
10.3 kB
12 Code Generation/12 - 5 - 12-05_ Temporaries (16m14s).mp4
16.4 MB
12 Code Generation/12 - 5 - 12-05_ Temporaries (16m14s).txt
15.0 kB
12 Code Generation/12 - 6 - 12-06_ Object Layout (23m56s).mp4
23.0 MB
12 Code Generation/12 - 6 - 12-06_ Object Layout (23m56s).txt
20.5 kB
12 Code Generation/slides_12-01-introduction-to-code-generation-annotated.pdf
528.2 kB
12 Code Generation/slides_12-01-introduction-to-code-generation.pdf
247.9 kB
12 Code Generation/slides_12-02-code-generation-i-annotated.pdf
958.6 kB
12 Code Generation/slides_12-02-code-generation-i.pdf
261.3 kB
12 Code Generation/slides_12-03-code-generation-ii-annotated.pdf
867.1 kB
12 Code Generation/slides_12-03-code-generation-ii.pdf
271.4 kB
12 Code Generation/slides_12-04-code-generation-example-annotated.pdf
1.4 MB
12 Code Generation/slides_12-04-code-generation-example.pdf
157.6 kB
12 Code Generation/slides_12-05-temporaries-annotated.pdf
1.1 MB
12 Code Generation/slides_12-05-temporaries.pdf
229.6 kB
12 Code Generation/slides_12-06-object-layout-annotated.pdf
1.3 MB
12 Code Generation/slides_12-06-object-layout.pdf
336.9 kB
13 Operational Semantics/13 - 1 - 13-01_ Semantics Overview (7m06s).mp4
6.8 MB
13 Operational Semantics/13 - 1 - 13-01_ Semantics Overview (7m06s).txt
6.4 kB
13 Operational Semantics/13 - 2 - 13-02_ Operational Semantics (12m20s).mp4
12.3 MB
13 Operational Semantics/13 - 2 - 13-02_ Operational Semantics (12m20s).txt
10.9 kB
13 Operational Semantics/13 - 3 - 13-03_ Cool Semantics I (21m10s).mp4
21.8 MB
13 Operational Semantics/13 - 3 - 13-03_ Cool Semantics I (21m10s).txt
18.7 kB
13 Operational Semantics/13 - 4 - 13-04_ Cool Semantics II (26m13s).mp4
27.4 MB
13 Operational Semantics/13 - 4 - 13-04_ Cool Semantics II (26m13s).txt
23.0 kB
13 Operational Semantics/slides_13-01-semantics-overview-annotated.pdf
361.1 kB
13 Operational Semantics/slides_13-01-semantics-overview.pdf
241.0 kB
13 Operational Semantics/slides_13-02-operational-semantics-annotated.pdf
999.4 kB
13 Operational Semantics/slides_13-02-operational-semantics.pdf
351.7 kB
13 Operational Semantics/slides_13-03-cool-semantics-i-annotated.pdf
1.7 MB
13 Operational Semantics/slides_13-03-cool-semantics-i.pdf
270.6 kB
13 Operational Semantics/slides_13-04-cool-semantics-ii-annotated.pdf
1.3 MB
13 Operational Semantics/slides_13-04-cool-semantics-ii.pdf
309.0 kB
14 Local Optimization/14 - 1 - 14-01_ Intermediate Code (9m03s).mp4
9.0 MB
14 Local Optimization/14 - 1 - 14-01_ Intermediate Code (9m03s).txt
8.6 kB
14 Local Optimization/14 - 2 - 14-02_ Optimization Overview (13m37s).mp4
13.5 MB
14 Local Optimization/14 - 2 - 14-02_ Optimization Overview (13m37s).txt
12.9 kB
14 Local Optimization/14 - 3 - 14-03_ Local Optimization (25m35s).mp4
26.0 MB
14 Local Optimization/14 - 3 - 14-03_ Local Optimization (25m35s).txt
24.2 kB
14 Local Optimization/14 - 4 - 14-04_ Peephole Optimization (4m29s).mp4
4.7 MB
14 Local Optimization/14 - 4 - 14-04_ Peephole Optimization (4m29s).txt
4.3 kB
14 Local Optimization/slides_14-01-intermediate-code-annotated.pdf
479.7 kB
14 Local Optimization/slides_14-01-intermediate-code.pdf
229.3 kB
14 Local Optimization/slides_14-02-optimization-overview-annotated.pdf
644.0 kB
14 Local Optimization/slides_14-02-optimization-overview.pdf
268.4 kB
14 Local Optimization/slides_14-03-local-optimization-annotated.pdf
1.7 MB
14 Local Optimization/slides_14-03-local-optimization.pdf
377.9 kB
14 Local Optimization/slides_14-04-peephole-optimization-annotated.pdf
379.3 kB
14 Local Optimization/slides_14-04-peephole-optimization.pdf
250.4 kB
15 Global Optimization/15 - 1 - 15-01_ Dataflow Analysis (8m02s).mp4
8.2 MB
15 Global Optimization/15 - 1 - 15-01_ Dataflow Analysis (8m02s).txt
7.4 kB
15 Global Optimization/15 - 2 - 15-02_ Constant Propagation (21m11s).mp4
21.3 MB
15 Global Optimization/15 - 2 - 15-02_ Constant Propagation (21m11s).txt
19.7 kB
15 Global Optimization/15 - 3 - 15-03_ Analysis of Loops (7m22s).mp4
7.4 MB
15 Global Optimization/15 - 3 - 15-03_ Analysis of Loops (7m22s).txt
7.1 kB
15 Global Optimization/15 - 4 - 15-04_ Orderings (6m34s).mp4
6.6 MB
15 Global Optimization/15 - 4 - 15-04_ Orderings (6m34s).txt
6.6 kB
15 Global Optimization/15 - 5 - 15-05_ Liveness Analysis (13m39s).mp4
14.0 MB
15 Global Optimization/15 - 5 - 15-05_ Liveness Analysis (13m39s).txt
12.6 kB
15 Global Optimization/slides_15-01-dataflow-analysis-annotated.pdf
602.1 kB
15 Global Optimization/slides_15-01-dataflow-analysis.pdf
305.5 kB
15 Global Optimization/slides_15-02-constant-propagation-edited-annotated.pdf
1.4 MB
15 Global Optimization/slides_15-02-constant-propagation-edited.pdf
474.7 kB
15 Global Optimization/slides_15-03-analysis-of-loops-annotated.pdf
712.7 kB
15 Global Optimization/slides_15-03-analysis-of-loops.pdf
323.0 kB
15 Global Optimization/slides_15-04-orderings-annotated.pdf
660.3 kB
15 Global Optimization/slides_15-04-orderings.pdf
307.6 kB
15 Global Optimization/slides_15-05-liveness-analysis-annotated.pdf
1.3 MB
15 Global Optimization/slides_15-05-liveness-analysis.pdf
351.1 kB
16 Register Allocation/16 - 1 - 16-01_ Register Allocation (9m56s).mp4
10.3 MB
16 Register Allocation/16 - 1 - 16-01_ Register Allocation (9m56s).txt
9.6 kB
16 Register Allocation/16 - 2 - 16-02_ Graph Coloring (12m07s).mp4
11.4 MB
16 Register Allocation/16 - 2 - 16-02_ Graph Coloring (12m07s).txt
11.9 kB
16 Register Allocation/16 - 3 - 16-03_ Spilling (14m50s).mp4
14.4 MB
16 Register Allocation/16 - 3 - 16-03_ Spilling (14m50s).txt
14.6 kB
16 Register Allocation/16 - 4 - 16-04_ Managing Caches (10m37s).mp4
10.5 MB
16 Register Allocation/16 - 4 - 16-04_ Managing Caches (10m37s).txt
10.1 kB
16 Register Allocation/slides_16-01-register-allocation-annotated.pdf
657.0 kB
16 Register Allocation/slides_16-01-register-allocation.pdf
336.8 kB
16 Register Allocation/slides_16-02-graph-coloring-annotated.pdf
566.0 kB
16 Register Allocation/slides_16-02-graph-coloring.pdf
369.4 kB
16 Register Allocation/slides_16-03-spilling-annotated.pdf
558.5 kB
16 Register Allocation/slides_16-03-spilling.pdf
369.9 kB
16 Register Allocation/slides_16-04-managing-caches-annotated.pdf
781.1 kB
16 Register Allocation/slides_16-04-managing-caches.pdf
357.5 kB
17 Garbage Collection/17 - 1 - 17-01_ Automatic Memory Management (14m53s).mp4
15.2 MB
17 Garbage Collection/17 - 1 - 17-01_ Automatic Memory Management (14m53s).txt
15.2 kB
17 Garbage Collection/17 - 2 - 17-02_ Mark and Sweep (13m05s).mp4
13.3 MB
17 Garbage Collection/17 - 2 - 17-02_ Mark and Sweep (13m05s).txt
13.8 kB
17 Garbage Collection/17 - 3 - 17-03_ Stop and Copy (19m03s).mp4
19.5 MB
17 Garbage Collection/17 - 3 - 17-03_ Stop and Copy (19m03s).txt
19.3 kB
17 Garbage Collection/17 - 4 - 17-04_ Conservative Collection (3m31s).mp4
3.7 MB
17 Garbage Collection/17 - 4 - 17-04_ Conservative Collection (3m31s).txt
3.8 kB
17 Garbage Collection/17 - 5 - 17-05_ Reference Counting (15m23s).mp4
15.3 MB
17 Garbage Collection/17 - 5 - 17-05_ Reference Counting (15m23s).txt
15.3 kB
17 Garbage Collection/slides_17-01-automatic-memory-management-annotated.pdf
1.1 MB
17 Garbage Collection/slides_17-01-automatic-memory-management.pdf
336.7 kB
17 Garbage Collection/slides_17-02-mark-and-sweep-annotated.pdf
1.1 MB
17 Garbage Collection/slides_17-02-mark-and-sweep.pdf
295.6 kB
17 Garbage Collection/slides_17-03-stop-and-copy-annotated.pdf
1.6 MB
17 Garbage Collection/slides_17-03-stop-and-copy.pdf
323.0 kB
17 Garbage Collection/slides_17-04-conservative-collection-annotated.pdf
357.0 kB
17 Garbage Collection/slides_17-04-conservative-collection.pdf
203.8 kB
17 Garbage Collection/slides_17-05-reference-counting-annotated.pdf
935.4 kB
17 Garbage Collection/slides_17-05-reference-counting.pdf
263.7 kB
18 Java/18 - 1 - 18-01_ Java (7m21s).mp4
7.1 MB
18 Java/18 - 1 - 18-01_ Java (7m21s).txt
6.6 kB
18 Java/18 - 2 - 18-02_ Java Arrays (8m15s).mp4
7.9 MB
18 Java/18 - 2 - 18-02_ Java Arrays (8m15s).txt
7.7 kB
18 Java/18 - 3 - 18-03_ Java Exceptions (14m09s).mp4
13.5 MB
18 Java/18 - 3 - 18-03_ Java Exceptions (14m09s).txt
14.2 kB
18 Java/18 - 4 - 18-04_ Java Interfaces (8m38s).mp4
8.7 MB
18 Java/18 - 4 - 18-04_ Java Interfaces (8m38s).txt
8.5 kB
18 Java/18 - 5 - 18-05_ Java Coercions (7m51s).mp4
7.9 MB
18 Java/18 - 5 - 18-05_ Java Coercions (7m51s).txt
6.9 kB
18 Java/18 - 6 - 18-06_ Java Threads (18m36s).mp4
20.1 MB
18 Java/18 - 6 - 18-06_ Java Threads (18m36s).txt
16.6 kB
18 Java/18 - 7 - 18-07_ Other Topics (14m28s).mp4
14.5 MB
18 Java/18 - 7 - 18-07_ Other Topics (14m28s).txt
14.1 kB
18 Java/slides_18-01-java-annotated.pdf
406.4 kB
18 Java/slides_18-01-java.pdf
214.4 kB
18 Java/slides_18-02-java-arrays-annotated.pdf
640.7 kB
18 Java/slides_18-02-java-arrays.pdf
223.0 kB
18 Java/slides_18-03-java-exceptions-annotated.pdf
1.1 MB
18 Java/slides_18-03-java-exceptions.pdf
421.0 kB
18 Java/slides_18-04-java-interfaces-annotated.pdf
707.4 kB
18 Java/slides_18-04-java-interfaces.pdf
299.2 kB
18 Java/slides_18-05-java-coercions-annotated.pdf
713.9 kB
18 Java/slides_18-05-java-coercions.pdf
303.6 kB
18 Java/slides_18-06-java-threads-annotated.pdf
1.6 MB
18 Java/slides_18-06-java-threads.pdf
358.4 kB
18 Java/slides_18-07-other-topics-annotated.pdf
824.4 kB
18 Java/slides_18-07-other-topics.pdf
294.6 kB
2 The Cool Programming Language/2 - 1 - 02-01- Cool Overview (19m58s).txt
3 Bytes
2 The Cool Programming Language/2 - 1 - 02-01_ Cool Overview (19m58s).mp4
19.5 MB
2 The Cool Programming Language/2 - 2 - 02-02- Cool Example II (15m04s).txt
13.4 kB
2 The Cool Programming Language/2 - 2 - 02-02_ Cool Example II (15m04s).mp4
16.6 MB
2 The Cool Programming Language/2 - 3 - 02-03- Cool Example III (18m05s).txt
14.2 kB
2 The Cool Programming Language/2 - 3 - 02-03_ Cool Example III (18m05s).mp4
21.8 MB
2 The Cool Programming Language/slides_02-01-cool-overview-annotated.pdf
414.4 kB
2 The Cool Programming Language/slides_02-01-cool-overview.pdf
206.8 kB
3 Lexical Analysis/3 - 1 - 03-01_ Lexical Analysis (12m06s).mp4
11.9 MB
3 Lexical Analysis/3 - 1 - 03-01_ Lexical Analysis (12m06s).txt
9.2 kB
3 Lexical Analysis/3 - 2 - 03-02_ Lexical Analysis Examples (13m03s).mp4
14.3 MB
3 Lexical Analysis/3 - 2 - 03-02_ Lexical Analysis Examples (13m03s).txt
12.0 kB
3 Lexical Analysis/3 - 3 - 03-03_ Regular Languages (12m36s).mp4
12.2 MB
3 Lexical Analysis/3 - 3 - 03-03_ Regular Languages (12m36s).txt
10.4 kB
3 Lexical Analysis/3 - 4 - 03-04_ Formal Languages (13m40s).mp4
13.8 MB
3 Lexical Analysis/3 - 4 - 03-04_ Formal Languages (13m40s).txt
12.3 kB
3 Lexical Analysis/3 - 5 - 03-05_ Lexical Specifications (16m19s).mp4
16.0 MB
3 Lexical Analysis/3 - 5 - 03-05_ Lexical Specifications (16m19s).txt
15.4 kB
3 Lexical Analysis/3 - 6 - DeduceIt Demo (8m25s).mp4
11.9 MB
3 Lexical Analysis/3 - 6 - DeduceIt Demo (8m25s).txt
8.0 kB
3 Lexical Analysis/slides_03-01-lexical-analysis-annotated.pdf
1.4 MB
3 Lexical Analysis/slides_03-01-lexical-analysis.pdf
322.9 kB
3 Lexical Analysis/slides_03-02-lexical-analysis-examples-annotated.pdf
988.9 kB
3 Lexical Analysis/slides_03-02-lexical-analysis-examples.pdf
236.1 kB
3 Lexical Analysis/slides_03-03-regular-languages-annotated.pdf
1.6 MB
3 Lexical Analysis/slides_03-03-regular-languages.pdf
386.0 kB
3 Lexical Analysis/slides_03-04-formal-languages-annotated.pdf
1.2 MB
3 Lexical Analysis/slides_03-04-formal-languages.pdf
381.0 kB
3 Lexical Analysis/slides_03-05-lexical-specifications-annotated.pdf
1.4 MB
3 Lexical Analysis/slides_03-05-lexical-specifications.pdf
381.6 kB
4 Finite Automata/4 - 1 - 04-01- Lexical Specification (14m30s).mp4
15.2 MB
4 Finite Automata/4 - 1 - 04-01_ Lexical Specification (14m30s).txt
12.6 kB
4 Finite Automata/4 - 2 - 04-02- Finite Automata (23m28s).mp4
23.1 MB
4 Finite Automata/4 - 2 - 04-02_ Finite Automata (23m28s).txt
20.4 kB
4 Finite Automata/4 - 3 - 04-03- Regular Expressions into NFAs (9m41s).mp4
9.4 MB
4 Finite Automata/4 - 3 - 04-03_ Regular Expressions into NFAs (9m41s).txt
8.7 kB
4 Finite Automata/4 - 4 - 04-04- NFA to DFA (15m12s).mp4
16.0 MB
4 Finite Automata/4 - 4 - 04-04_ NFA to DFA (15m12s).txt
11.6 kB
4 Finite Automata/4 - 5 - 04-05- Implementing Finite Automata (11m56s).mp4
12.1 MB
4 Finite Automata/4 - 5 - 04-05_ Implementing Finite Automata (11m56s).txt
9.3 kB
4 Finite Automata/slides_04-01-lexical-specification-annotated.pdf
1.4 MB
4 Finite Automata/slides_04-01-lexical-specification.pdf
264.5 kB
4 Finite Automata/slides_04-02-finite-automata-annotated.pdf
2.1 MB
4 Finite Automata/slides_04-02-finite-automata.pdf
287.7 kB
4 Finite Automata/slides_04-03-regular-expressions-to-nfas-annotated.pdf
729.4 kB
4 Finite Automata/slides_04-03-regular-expressions-to-nfas.pdf
270.8 kB
4 Finite Automata/slides_04-04-nfa-to-dfa-annotated.pdf
1.2 MB
4 Finite Automata/slides_04-04-nfa-to-dfa.pdf
1.2 MB
4 Finite Automata/slides_04-05-implementing-finite-automata-annotated.pdf
1.1 MB
4 Finite Automata/slides_04-05-implementing-finite-automata.pdf
253.4 kB
5 Parsing/5 - 1 - 05-01_ Introduction to Parsing (5m31s).mp4
5.4 MB
5 Parsing/5 - 1 - 05-01_ Introduction to Parsing (5m31s).txt
5.0 kB
5 Parsing/5 - 2 - 05-02_ Context Free Grammars (14m07s).mp4
14.2 MB
5 Parsing/5 - 2 - 05-02_ Context Free Grammars (14m07s).txt
12.1 kB
5 Parsing/5 - 3 - 05-03_ Derivations (7m37s).mp4
7.7 MB
5 Parsing/5 - 3 - 05-03_ Derivations (7m37s).txt
6.7 kB
5 Parsing/5 - 4 - 05-04_ Ambiguity (17m35s).mp4
18.1 MB
5 Parsing/5 - 4 - 05-04_ Ambiguity (17m35s).txt
15.2 kB
5 Parsing/slides_05-01-introduction-to-parsing-annotated.pdf
765.3 kB
5 Parsing/slides_05-01-introduction-to-parsing.pdf
397.2 kB
5 Parsing/slides_05-02-context-free-grammars-annotated.pdf
1.4 MB
5 Parsing/slides_05-02-context-free-grammars.pdf
340.6 kB
5 Parsing/slides_05-03-derivations-annotated.pdf
794.1 kB
5 Parsing/slides_05-03-derivations.pdf
370.9 kB
5 Parsing/slides_05-04-ambiguity-annotated.pdf
1.6 MB
5 Parsing/slides_05-04-ambiguity.pdf
450.5 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/6 - 1 - 06-01_ Error Handling (13m03s).mp4
12.4 MB
6 Top-Down Parsing/6 - 1 - 06-01_ Error Handling (13m03s).txt
13.0 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/6 - 2 - 06-02_ Abstract Syntax Trees (3m50s).mp4
3.8 MB
6 Top-Down Parsing/6 - 2 - 06-02_ Abstract Syntax Trees (3m50s).txt
3.7 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/6 - 3 - 06-03_ Recursive Descent Parsing (6m35s).mp4
6.4 MB
6 Top-Down Parsing/6 - 3 - 06-03_ Recursive Descent Parsing (6m35s).txt
6.3 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/6 - 4 - 06-04_ Recursive Descent Algorithm (13m28s).mp4
13.7 MB
6 Top-Down Parsing/6 - 4 - 06-04_ Recursive Descent Algorithm (13m28s).txt
12.2 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/6 - 5 - 06-05_ Left Recursion (9m11s).mp4
9.4 MB
6 Top-Down Parsing/6 - 5 - 06-05_ Left Recursion (9m11s).txt
8.3 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/slides_06-01-error-handling-annotated.pdf
751.9 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/slides_06-01-error-handling.pdf
249.9 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/slides_06-02-abstract-syntax-trees-annotated.pdf
391.3 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/slides_06-02-abstract-syntax-trees.pdf
229.1 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/slides_06-03-recursive-descent-parsing-annotated.pdf
569.9 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/slides_06-03-recursive-descent-parsing.pdf
343.1 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/slides_06-04-recursive-descent-algorithm-annotated.pdf
995.0 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/slides_06-04-recursive-descent-algorithm.pdf
242.6 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/slides_06-05-left-recursion-annotated.pdf
724.0 kB
6 Top-Down Parsing/slides_06-05-left-recursion.pdf
236.8 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/7 - 1 - 07-01_ Predictive Parsing (19m37s).mp4
20.1 MB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/7 - 1 - 07-01_ Predictive Parsing (19m37s).txt
18.0 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/7 - 2 - 07-02_ First Sets (14m02s).mp4
14.0 MB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/7 - 2 - 07-02_ First Sets (14m02s).txt
13.1 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/7 - 3 - 07-03_ Follow Sets (17m05s).mp4
17.7 MB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/7 - 3 - 07-03_ Follow Sets (17m05s).txt
15.5 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/7 - 4 - 07-04_ LL1 Parsing Tables (14m41s).mp4
14.5 MB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/7 - 4 - 07-04_ LL1 Parsing Tables (14m41s).txt
13.6 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/7 - 5 - 07-05_ Bottom-Up Parsing (7m25s).mp4
7.4 MB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/7 - 5 - 07-05_ Bottom-Up Parsing (7m25s).txt
6.9 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/7 - 6 - 07-06_ Shift-Reduce Parsing (7m37s).mp4
7.7 MB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/7 - 6 - 07-06_ Shift-Reduce Parsing (7m37s).txt
7.3 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/slides_07-01-predictive-parsing-annotated.pdf
1.5 MB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/slides_07-01-predictive-parsing.pdf
308.1 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/slides_07-02-first-sets-annotated.pdf
974.1 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/slides_07-02-first-sets.pdf
228.1 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/slides_07-03-follow-sets-annotated.pdf
1.2 MB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/slides_07-03-follow-sets.pdf
223.0 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/slides_07-04-ll1-parsing-tables-annotated.pdf
963.9 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/slides_07-04-ll1-parsing-tables.pdf
221.2 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/slides_07-05-bottom-up-parsing-annotated.pdf
375.9 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/slides_07-05-bottom-up-parsing.pdf
351.3 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/slides_07-06-shift-reduce-parsing-annotated.pdf
746.5 kB
7 Bottom-Up Parsing I/slides_07-06-shift-reduce-parsing.pdf
381.9 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 1 - 08-01_ Handles (6m48s).mp4
6.8 MB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 1 - 08-01_ Handles (6m48s).txt
6.6 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 2 - 08-02_ Recognizing Handles (13m12s).mp4
13.8 MB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 2 - 08-02_ Recognizing Handles (13m12s).txt
12.2 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 3 - 08-03_ Recognizing Viable Prefixes (14m57s).mp4
15.4 MB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 3 - 08-03_ Recognizing Viable Prefixes (14m57s).txt
14.7 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 4 - 08-04_ Valid Items (3m31s).mp4
3.9 MB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 4 - 08-04_ Valid Items (3m31s).txt
3.1 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 5 - 08-05_ SLR Parsing (14m16s).mp4
15.4 MB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 5 - 08-05_ SLR Parsing (14m16s).txt
13.4 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 6 - 08-06_ SLR Parsing Example (6m42s).mp4
7.7 MB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 6 - 08-06_ SLR Parsing Example (6m42s).txt
6.4 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 7 - 08-07_ SLR Improvements (11m49s).mp4
12.0 MB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 7 - 08-07_ SLR Improvements (11m49s).txt
11.6 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 8 - 08-08_ SLR Examples (12m47s).mp4
13.3 MB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/8 - 8 - 08-08_ SLR Examples (12m47s).txt
11.0 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-01-handles-annotated.pdf
627.2 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-01-handles.pdf
322.4 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-02-recognizing-handles-annotated.pdf
933.6 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-02-recognizing-handles.pdf
330.1 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-03-recognizing-viable-prefixes-annotated.pdf
734.0 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-03-recognizing-viable-prefixes.pdf
403.2 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-04-valid-items-annotated.pdf
554.5 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-04-valid-items.pdf
370.9 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-05-slr-parsing-annotated.pdf
913.5 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-05-slr-parsing.pdf
287.3 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-06-slr-parsing-example-annotated.pdf
825.9 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-06-slr-parsing-example.pdf
611.2 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-07-slr-improvements-annotated.pdf
350.9 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-07-slr-improvements.pdf
238.4 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-08-slr-examples-annotated.pdf
953.9 kB
8 Bottom-Up Parsing II/slides_08-08-slr-examples.pdf
151.4 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 1 - 09-01_ Introduction to Semantic Analysis (3m42s).mp4
3.6 MB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 1 - 09-01_ Introduction to Semantic Analysis (3m42s).txt
3.8 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 2 - 09-02_ Scope (8m09s).mp4
8.2 MB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 2 - 09-02_ Scope (8m09s).txt
8.0 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 3 - 09-03_ Symbol Tables (11m06s).mp4
11.8 MB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 3 - 09-03_ Symbol Tables (11m06s).txt
11.0 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 4 - 09-04_ Types (11m22s).mp4
11.7 MB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 4 - 09-04_ Types (11m22s).txt
11.6 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 5 - 09-05_ Type Checking (8m43s).mp4
9.2 MB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 5 - 09-05_ Type Checking (8m43s).txt
8.5 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 6 - 09-06_ Type Environments (11m43s).mp4
12.1 MB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 6 - 09-06_ Type Environments (11m43s).txt
11.1 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 7 - 09-07_ Subtyping (11m35s).mp4
11.8 MB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 7 - 09-07_ Subtyping (11m35s).txt
11.3 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 8 - 09-08_ Typing Methods (8m12s).mp4
8.5 MB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 8 - 09-08_ Typing Methods (8m12s).txt
8.0 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 9 - 09-09_ Implementing Type Checking (6m57s).mp4
6.9 MB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/9 - 9 - 09-09_ Implementing Type Checking (6m57s).txt
6.3 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-01-introduction-to-semantic-analysis-annotated.pdf
338.1 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-01-introduction-to-semantic-analysis.pdf
286.3 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-02-scope-annotated.pdf
609.5 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-02-scope.pdf
325.6 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-03-symbol-tables-annotated.pdf
937.9 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-03-symbol-tables.pdf
312.1 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-04-types-annotated.pdf
635.3 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-04-types.pdf
303.3 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-05-type-checking-annotated.pdf
855.3 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-05-type-checking.pdf
440.5 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-06-type-environments-annotated.pdf
999.3 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-06-type-environments.pdf
311.8 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-07-subtyping-annotated.pdf
961.0 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-07-subtyping.pdf
326.9 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-08-typing-methods-annotated.pdf
522.0 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-08-typing-methods.pdf
325.9 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-09-implementing-type-checking-annotated.pdf
455.7 kB
9 Semantic Analysis and Type Checking/slides_09-09-implementing-type-checking.pdf
225.8 kB
Compilers _ Coursera.pdf
275.0 kB
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