RealPython - Real Python Tutorials Collection
RealPython - Real Python Tutorials Collection
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Arduino With Python How to Get Started/07_AnalogInputs And Outputs.mp4
136.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/432 Selecting Quality Packages Part 2.mp4
88.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Arduino With Python How to Get Started/06_Reading Digital Inputs.mp4
82.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/10b_DRF_sched.mp4
81.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/431 Selecting Quality Packages Part 1.mp4
80.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Getting.Started.With.MicroPython/RP - MicroPython - 4D - IDEs.mp4
74.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Working.With.Pipenv/509-02_pip.mp4
73.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Getting.Started.With.MicroPython/RP - MicroPython - 5 - Writing Code.mp4
60.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0403_AddingSoundEffects.mp4
58.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L09 Pass by Ref Cplusplus.mp4.mp4
57.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/06b_DRF_perm.mp4
56.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Arduino With Python How to Get Started/04_Connecting External Components.mp4
55.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Evaluate.Expressions.Dynamically.With.Python.eval/06_eval_sec.mp4
51.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Binary.Bytes.and.Bitwise.Operators.in.Python/506_bitwise_04_numrep.mp4.mp4
50.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Introduction.to.Sorting.Algorithms.in.Python/7_Sort_Algo_timsort.mp4
50.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/241 Python Package Repositories.mp4
50.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/464 - 07_move.mp4
49.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0309_AddingBackgroundImages.mp4
49.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/03_DRF_drf.mp4
48.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speech.Recognition.With.Python/453 - SR - 9 - Putting it All Together.mp4
48.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Arduino With Python How to Get Started/05_Hello World With Python.mp4
48.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Arduino With Python How to Get Started/08_Using A Sensor To Trigger A Notificiation.mp4
48.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Working.With.Pipenv/509-03_pipenv.mp4
47.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Type Checking/09_PlayingWithPythonTypes[].mp4
47.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/457 - PRW - 2-2 - Different Files - CSV(1).mp4.mp4
46.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speed.Up.Python.With.Concurrency/04_CC_threads.mp4
46.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.Keywords.in.Python/554_04_Python-Keywords_Categorizing.mp4
46.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speed.Up.Python.With.Concurrency/03_CC_concurrency.mp4
45.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Basics.Code.Your.First.Python.Program/551_04_Variables.mp4.mp4
45.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/2- Choosing a Platform.mp4
44.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/2- Choosing a Platform.mp4
44.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/09_DRF_api.mp4
44.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - 11 Beginner Tips for Learning Python/5 - Become a Bug Bounty Hunter.mp4
43.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Booleans.Leveraging.the.Values.of.Truth/RP-Booleans-Lesson-5.mp4
43.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Deploy.Your.Python.Script.on.the.Web.With.Flask/508-PWA - 5 - Deploy to GAE.mp4
43.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/04_DRF_viewsets.mp4
43.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Introduction.to.Sorting.Algorithms.in.Python/5_Sort_Algo_merge_sort.mp4
43.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pythons.datetime.Module/552_04_zones.mp4.mp4
43.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/42 Finding Popular Packages on Curated Lists.mp4
42.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Handling.Missing.Keys.With.the.Python.defaultdict.Type/5_diving_deeper_Fix.mp4
42.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Arduino With Python How to Get Started/02_The Arduino Platform.mp4
41.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Generators 101/2_understanding generators_mc[].mp4
41.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Practical Recipes for Working With Files in Python/11. Archiving Files.mp4
41.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Practical Recipes for Working With Files in Python/10. Copying, Moving, and Renaming Files.mp4
40.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Binary.Bytes.and.Bitwise.Operators.in.Python/506_bitwise_08a_uses.mp4
40.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Mastering Python's Built-in time Module/4_string_reps.mp4
40.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Traditional Face Detection With Python/10 Using the Viola Jones Framework.mp4
40.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Rock.Paper.Scissors.With.Python.A.Command.Line.Game/463 - 04_spock.mp4
39.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0304_CreatingEnemies.mp4
39.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/457 - PRW - 2-3 - Different Files - JSON.mp4.mp4
38.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0301_CreatingSpites.mp4
38.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Django.Admin.Customization/02 Django Admin - Setting up the Django Admin.mp4
38.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Assignment.Expressions.and.Using.the.Walrus.Operator/465_Walrus - 2-3 - List Comprehensions.mp4
38.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Data.Classes.in.Python/462 - PDC - 4-1 - Advanced Default Values.mp4
38.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Migrating.Applications.From.Python.2.to.Python.3/ConvertingPython2to3-part3.mp4
37.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speed.Up.Python.With.Concurrency/06_CC_asyncio.mp4
37.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0402_AddingMusic.mp4
37.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Splitting.Datasets.With.scikit-learn.and.train_test_split/459 - TTS - 4-2 - A Larger Example.mp4
37.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Host.Your.Django.Project.on.Heroku/499-Heroku-lesson-02-05.mp4
36.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/08_DRF_nested.mp4
36.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/03_TheModuleSearchPath[].mp4
36.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Getting.Started.With.MicroPython/RP - MicroPython - 4B - Command Line.mp4
36.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Looping.With.Python.enumerate/511_05_working_with_my_enum.mp4.mp4
36.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 8 Conditional Return.mp4
36.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/464 - 05_models.mp4
36.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Dictionaries.in.Python/4_operators_and_methods_summary.mp4
36.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Arduino With Python How to Get Started/03_Hello World With Arduino.mp4
36.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Formatting.Python.Strings/3_str_fmt_formatspec.mp4
35.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/02_DRF_rest.mp4
35.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/464 - 11_split.mp4
35.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Plot.With.Pandas.Python.Data.Visualization.Basics/RP - Pandas Visualisation - 1 - Set Up Environment.mp4
35.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Booleans.Leveraging.the.Values.of.Truth/RP-Booleans-Lesson-7.mp4
34.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Evaluate.Expressions.Dynamically.With.Python.eval/02_eval_usage.mp4
34.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Practical Recipes for Working With Files in Python/6. Deleting Files and Directories.mp4
34.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Type Checking/08_TypeComments[].mp4
34.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Getting.Started.With.MicroPython/RP - MicroPython - 4A - REPL.mp4
34.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Dictionaries.and.Arrays.Selecting.the.Ideal.Data.Structure/06_D_A_array.mp4
34.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Practical Recipes for Working With Files in Python/7. Matching Filename Patterns.mp4
34.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.plt.scatter.to.Visualize.Data.in.Python/502-plt_scatter - 4 - Exploring Further.mp4.mp4
34.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Arduino With Python How to Get Started/09_Conclusion And Course Review.mp4
33.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speech.Recognition.With.Python/453 - SR - 5 - Working with Audio Files.mp4
33.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Binary.Bytes.and.Bitwise.Operators.in.Python/506_bitwise_09_order.mp4
33.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Handling.Missing.Keys.With.the.Python.defaultdict.Type/6_passing_arguments.mp4
33.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Host.Your.Django.Project.on.Heroku/499-Heroku-lesson-01-03.mp4.mp4
33.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-14.mp4.mp4
33.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speech.Recognition.With.Python/453 - SR - 7 - Working with Microphones.mp4
33.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 7 Multiple Return Values.mp4
32.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/457 - PRW - 2-6 - Different Files - SQL.mp4.mp4
32.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/02 What is a Pointer (C Code).mp4
32.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Host.Your.Django.Project.on.Heroku/499-Heroku-lesson-03-01.mp4
32.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Counting.With.Pythons.Counter/517_06_msets.mp4.mp4
32.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Arduino With Python How to Get Started/01_Introduction And Course Overview.mp4
32.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.Python.Functions.With.Optional.Arguments/513 - RP - Optional Args - 2C - Unsuitable Default Data Types.mp4.mp4
32.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Binary.Bytes.and.Bitwise.Operators.in.Python/506_bitwise_06_pyand.mp4.mp4
32.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/03_03 Debugging Code[].mp4
32.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.in.Python/RP - Reading and Writing Files - 7 - Examining File Contents.mp4
32.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Introduction.to.Sorting.Algorithms.in.Python/6_Sort_Algo_quicksort.mp4
32.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Rock.Paper.Scissors.With.Python.A.Command.Line.Game/463 - 03_winner.mp4
32.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Dictionaries.and.Arrays.Selecting.the.Ideal.Data.Structure/02_D_A_dict.mp4
31.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Host.Your.Django.Project.on.Heroku/499-Heroku-lesson-02-04.mp4
31.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Data.Visualization.Interfaces.in.Python.With.Dash/505-Dash - 3 - Building First App.mp4
31.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-3.mp4
31.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0302_UserInput.mp4
31.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Python Imports 101/2. Importing Modules.mp4
31.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0101_IntroAndOverview.mp4
30.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Working.With.Pipenv/509-04_more.mp4
30.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-5.mp4.mp4
30.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L04 Functions calls and defns.mp4.mp4
30.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Modulo.Using.the.%.Operator/05_Mod_class.mp4
30.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Data.Visualization.Interfaces.in.Python.With.Dash/505-Dash - 5A - Creating Page Elements.mp4.mp4
30.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L20 Keyword Only.mp4.mp4
30.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/10a_DRF_sched.mp4
30.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Introduction.to.Sorting.Algorithms.in.Python/3_Sort_Algo_bubble_sort.mp4
30.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Counting.With.Pythons.Counter/517_03_counter.mp4.mp4
30.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Evaluate.Expressions.Dynamically.With.Python.eval/03_eval_globals.mp4
29.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speed.Up.Python.With.Concurrency/08_CC_cpu.mp4
29.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/541 - 06_fps.mp4
29.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Modulo.Using.the.%.Operator/04_Mod_usage.mp4
29.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Django Redirects/4. Django's Redirect Shortcut [ ] .mp4
29.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L14 Avoiding Side Effects.mp4.mp4
29.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/05_DRF_web.mp4
29.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Using Jupyter Notebooks/9. Jupyter Notebooks Extensions.mp4
29.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Looping.With.Python.enumerate/511_01_iterating_without_enumerate.mp4.mp4
29.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0405_ConclusionAndCourseReview.mp4
29.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Simulating.Real-World.Processes.in.Python.With.SimPy/5 - SimPy - Defining Processes in the Simulation.mp4.mp4
28.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Introduction.to.Sorting.Algorithms.in.Python/4_Sort_Algo_insertion_sort.mp4
28.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/464 - 09_shooting.mp4
28.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Variables.in.Python/06_hello_pep8_2.mp4
28.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Binary.Bytes.and.Bitwise.Operators.in.Python/506_bitwise_02_binary.mp4.mp4
28.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Turtle.for.Beginners/RP - Turtle - 5 - Project.mp4
28.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Django Redirects/2. Course Prologue [ ] .mp4
28.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/10_ImportingStarFromAPackage[].mp4
27.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Host.Your.Django.Project.on.Heroku/499-Heroku-lesson-02-01.mp4.mp4
27.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Handling.Missing.Keys.With.the.Python.defaultdict.Type/4_using_defaultdict.mp4.mp4
27.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Data.Visualization.Interfaces.in.Python.With.Dash/505-Dash - 5B - Creating Callback Function.mp4.mp4
27.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Data.Visualization.Interfaces.in.Python.With.Dash/505-Dash - 6 - Heroku.mp4
27.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Data.Visualization.Interfaces.in.Python.With.Dash/505-Dash - 4A - Styling The Header.mp4
27.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - 11 Beginner Tips for Learning Python/11 - Contribute to Open Source.mp4
27.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Basics.Code.Your.First.Python.Program/551_02_Writing a Python Script.mp4.mp4
27.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Linear.Regression.in.Python/515-RP-linear-regression-lesson-5.mp4.mp4
27.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L24 Python Function Annotations.mp4.mp4
27.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Unicode in Python - Working With Character Encodings/1. Unicode in Python Working With Character Encodings (Overview).mp4
27.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Type Checking/04_TypeHinting[].mp4
27.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Getting.Started.With.MicroPython/RP - MicroPython - 2 - Physical Computing.mp4
27.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Using Jupyter Notebooks/5. Jupyter Notebook Menu Items.mp4
27.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speed.Up.Python.With.Concurrency/07_CC_mp.mp4
27.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Data.Classes.in.Python/462 - PDC - 4-3 - Comparison.mp4
27.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Generators 101/3_advanced_methods_mc[].mp4
27.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/06_ExecutingAModule[].mp4
27.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - How to Use Python Lambda Functions/RP - Lambda Functions - 4a - Sort [] .mp4
26.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/25 Installing Packages With pip.mp4
26.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-11.b.mp4.mp4
26.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Django Redirects/3. Introduction to HTTP Redirects [ ] .mp4
26.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Raising.and.Handling.Python.Exceptions/507-04-try-except.mp4.mp4
26.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L10 Pass by Value in Python.mp4.mp4
26.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pythons.len.Function/512_02_len.mp4
26.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Mastering Python's Built-in time Module/1_time.mp4
25.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/07_DRF_serial.mp4
25.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/11_Subpackages[].mp4
25.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Host.Your.Django.Project.on.Heroku/499-Heroku-lesson-01-02.mp4.mp4
25.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Data.Classes.in.Python/462 - PDC - 2 - Alternatives.mp4
25.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Mastering Python's Built-in time Module/3_data_structures.mp4
25.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Continuous.Integration.With.Python/4 - Connecting to CircleCI.mp4
25.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0306_CustomEvents.mp4
25.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L05 Argument Passing.mp4.mp4
25.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/04_TheImportStatement[].mp4
25.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Assignment.Expressions.and.Using.the.Walrus.Operator/465_Walrus - 3 - Syntax.mp4
25.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Turtle.for.Beginners/RP - Turtle - 4 - Loops and Conditionals.mp4
25.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Deploy.Your.Python.Script.on.the.Web.With.Flask/508-PWA - 6 - Convert Script To Web.mp4
25.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - 11 Beginner Tips for Learning Python/3 - Go Interactive.mp4
25.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Introduction.to.Sorting.Algorithms.in.Python/1_Sort_Algo_sorting_matters.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Type Checking/07_Annotations[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speed.Up.Python.With.Concurrency/05_CC_race.mp4
24.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Evaluate.Expressions.Dynamically.With.Python.eval/07_eval_mee.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-9.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Serializing.Objects.With.the.Python.pickle.Module/6 pickle - __getstate__ and __setstate__.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Migrating.Applications.From.Python.2.to.Python.3/ConvertingPython2to3-part4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-7.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Mastering Python's Built-in time Module/2_timezones.mp4
24.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Data.Classes.in.Python/462 - PDC - 3 - Basic DC.mp4
24.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/13. Checking Commands.mp4
24.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Practical Recipes for Working With Files in Python/4. Getting File Attributes.mp4
24.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/242 Python Warehouse Sneak Peek.mp4
24.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-13.mp4.mp4
24.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speed.Up.Python.With.Concurrency/02_CC_latency.mp4
24.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/06 Understanding Variables.mp4
24.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Raising.and.Handling.Python.Exceptions/507-02-raise-exception.mp4.mp4
24.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Booleans.Leveraging.the.Values.of.Truth/RP-Booleans-Lesson-3.mp4
24.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Handling.Missing.Keys.With.the.Python.defaultdict.Type/3_understanding_defaultdict.mp4
24.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Serializing.Objects.With.the.Python.pickle.Module/3 pickle - Using the pickle Module.mp4.mp4
24.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/5. Coding Introduction.mp4
23.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Formatting.Python.Strings/2_str_fmt_nameconversion.mp4
23.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Simulating.Real-World.Processes.in.Python.With.SimPy/9 - SimPy - Final Touches on the Simulation.mp4.mp4
23.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Counting.With.Pythons.Counter/517_05_pract2.mp4.mp4
23.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0308_SpriteImages.mp4
23.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speech.Recognition.With.Python/453 - SR - 6 - The Effect of Noise.mp4
23.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Plot.With.Pandas.Python.Data.Visualization.Basics/RP - Pandas Visualisation - 4 - Survey Your Data.mp4
23.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pythons.None.Null.in.Python/3_default_param_mc.mp4
23.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L08 Mutable Default Parameters.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pythons.datetime.Module/552_02_messy.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Formatting.Python.Strings/1_str_fmt_stringformat.mp4
23.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 17 v3.mp4.mp4
23.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/09_PackageInitialization[].mp4
23.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/7. Utility Functions.mp4
23.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Traditional Face Detection With Python/02 Computer Vision Technologies.mp4
23.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/646 - 08_rocks.mp4
22.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Python.IDLE/510-IDLE - 6 - Customizing IDLE.mp4.mp4
22.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-2a.mp4
22.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/464 - 02_started.mp4
22.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Practical Recipes for Working With Files in Python/3. Getting a Directory Listing.mp4
22.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Linear.Regression.in.Python/515-RP-linear-regression-lesson-6.mp4.mp4
22.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Deploy.Your.Python.Script.on.the.Web.With.Flask/508-PWA - 9 - Final Web App.mp4
22.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Unicode in Python - Working With Character Encodings/7. Using Built-In Functions.mp4
22.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pythons.datetime.Module/552_05_math.mp4.mp4
22.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Practical Recipes for Working With Files in Python/12. Reading Multiple File Inputs.mp4
22.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/54 Separating Development and Production Dependencies.mp4
22.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Serializing.Objects.With.the.Python.pickle.Module/8 pickle - Security Concerns with pickle.mp4.mp4
22.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/06a_DRF_perm.mp4
22.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Generators 101/1_intro_mc[].mp4
22.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.Lists.With.Pythons.append/503 - Lesson 7 Stack.mp4
22.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Basics.Code.Your.First.Python.Program/551_03_Mistakes.mp4.mp4
22.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-2.mp4
22.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Getting.Started.With.MicroPython/RP - MicroPython - 3 - MicroPython Hardware.mp4.mp4
22.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Django Redirects/5. RedirectView Class Helper [ ] .mp4
22.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Practical Recipes for Working With Files in Python/2. Python's with open() as Pattern.mp4
22.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Assignment.Expressions.and.Using.the.Walrus.Operator/465_Walrus - 2-2 - Lists and Dicts.mp4
22.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Type Checking/05_TypeCheckingWithMypy[].mp4
22.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Binary.Bytes.and.Bitwise.Operators.in.Python/506_bitwise_03_bitwise.mp4.mp4
22.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-11.a.mp4.mp4
21.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/08 Is Python Pass-by-Value or Pass-by-Reference-.mp4
21.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-8b.mp4.mp4
21.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-5b.mp4
21.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Understanding.Python.List.Comprehensions/3_ListComp-When-Not-to-Use-a-List-Comprehension-in-Python.mp4
21.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Absolute.vs.Relative.Imports.in.Python/2 - Absolute Imports.mp4
21.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - How to Use Python Lambda Functions/RP - Lambda Functions - 4b - Filter [] .mp4
21.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.plt.scatter.to.Visualize.Data.in.Python/502-plt_scatter - 1 - Creating Plots.mp4.mp4
21.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Dictionaries.and.Arrays.Selecting.the.Ideal.Data.Structure/07_D_A_typed.mp4
21.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Linear.Regression.in.Python/515-RP-linear-regression-lesson-2.mp4.mp4
21.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Unicode in Python - Working With Character Encodings/3. Working in Binary Bits, Bytes, Oct, and Hex.mp4
21.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Booleans.Leveraging.the.Values.of.Truth/RP-Booleans-Lesson-4.mp4
21.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/52 Capturing Dependencies.mp4
21.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Counting.With.Pythons.Counter/517_04_prac1.mp4.mp4
21.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Assignment.Expressions.and.Using.the.Walrus.Operator/465_Walrus - 2-5 - Witness Counterexamples.mp4
21.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Turtle.for.Beginners/RP - Turtle - 3C -Altering the Turtle.mp4
21.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Deploy.Your.Python.Script.on.the.Web.With.Flask/508-PWA - 1 - Basics.mp4
21.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.Keywords.in.Python/554_03_Python-Keywords_Understanding.mp4
21.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L21 Keyword-Only Continued.mp4.mp4
21.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Deploy.Your.Python.Script.on.the.Web.With.Flask/508-PWA - 7 - Improve The Interface.mp4
21.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Splitting.Concatenating.and.Joining.Strings.in.Python/1 Intro_4k.mp4
21.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-1.mp4
21.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Unicode in Python - Working With Character Encodings/5. Encoding UTF-8.mp4
21.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/11 Real Pointers with ctypes.mp4
21.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pythons.datetime.Module/552_03_datetime.mp4.mp4
20.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-1b.mp4
20.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Python.range.Function/03 Range() Basics.mp4
20.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Plot.With.Pandas.Python.Data.Visualization.Basics/RP - Pandas Visualisation - 2 - First Pandas Plot.mp4
20.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Simulating.Real-World.Processes.in.Python.With.SimPy/4 - SimPy - Setting up the Environment.mp4
20.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-10.mp4.mp4
20.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0401_GameSpeed.mp4
20.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Django Redirects/7. Django Redirects (Summary) [ ] .mp4
20.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/02_05 Decorating with Arguments[].mp4
20.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Dictionaries.and.Arrays.Selecting.the.Ideal.Data.Structure/03_D_A_odict.mp4
20.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Practical Recipes for Working With Files in Python/8. Traversing Directory Trees.mp4
20.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Introduction.to.Sorting.Algorithms.in.Python/2_Sort_Algo_time_complexity.mp4
20.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Data.Visualization.Interfaces.in.Python.With.Dash/505-Dash - 5C - Adding More Interactivity.mp4
20.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Modulo.Using.the.%.Operator/03_Mod_per.mp4
20.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/08_PythonPackages[].mp4
20.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Unicode in Python - Working With Character Encodings/2. Working With ASCII and the Python String Module.mp4
20.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/3. Creating an Application, a Bot, and a Guild.mp4
20.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Host.Your.Django.Project.on.Heroku/499-Heroku-lesson-02-07.mp4
20.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 4 Explicit return.mp4.mp4
20.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0103_BasicPyGameProgram_.mp4
20.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-6.mp4.mp4
20.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-7.mp4
20.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - @staticmethod vs @classmethod in Python/Static vs Class - part4[].mp4
20.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-0-Overview.mp4
20.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Linear.Regression.in.Python/515-RP-linear-regression-lesson-7.mp4.mp4
20.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Mastering Python's Built-in time Module/5_performance.mp4
19.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/464 - 04_sprites.mp4
19.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L26 Enforcing Type Checking.mp4.mp4
19.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/9. Responding to Messages.mp4
19.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pythons.None.Null.in.Python/2_none_testing_mc.mp4
19.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Square.Root.Function.in.Python/452 - 03_calc.mp4
19.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Continuous.Integration.With.Python/3 - Adding Unit Tests.mp4
19.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 9 Assignment Expression.mp4
19.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.Lists.With.Pythons.append/503 - Lesson 9 array.mp4
19.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Formatting.Python.Strings/5_str_fmt_fstrings.mp4.mp4
19.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/31 Creating and Activating a Virtual Environment.mp4
19.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Generators 101/4_data_pipeline_2_mc[].mp4
19.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Type Checking/06_ProsAndConsOfTypeHints[].mp4
19.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.any.Powered.Up.Boolean.Function/514-003 many or conditions.mp4.mp4
19.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Type Checking/02_DynamicVsStatic[].mp4
19.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.Python.Functions.With.Optional.Arguments/513 - RP - Optional Args - 3A - Any Number of Args.mp4.mp4
19.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Practical Recipes for Working With Files in Python/5. Making Directories.mp4
19.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Unicode in Python - Working With Character Encodings/9. Unicode in Python Working With Character Encodings (Summary).mp4
19.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Linear.Regression.in.Python/515-RP-linear-regression-lesson-1.mp4.mp4
19.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Raising.and.Handling.Python.Exceptions/507-06-built-in.mp4.mp4
19.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.any.Powered.Up.Boolean.Function/514-008 short circuit.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L13 Returning Data.mp4.mp4
19.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 3 Pass by Value.mp4
19.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/05_TheDirFunction[].mp4
19.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.any.Powered.Up.Boolean.Function/514-004 list comps.mp4.mp4
19.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/02_02 Simple Decorators[].mp4
19.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 6 Pass by Assignment.mp4
18.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L15 Variable-Length Argument Lists.mp4.mp4
18.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Continuous.Integration.With.Python/5 - Making Changes.mp4
18.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 14 Object Attributes.mp4
18.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0204_SettingUpTheGameLoop.mp4
18.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-2c.mp4
18.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Data.Visualization.Interfaces.in.Python.With.Dash/505-Dash - 4B - Styling The Charts.mp4
18.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/457 - PRW - 3-4 - Big Data - Force Less Precise.mp4.mp4
18.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/646 - 13_text.mp4
18.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/03_02 Timing Functions[].mp4
18.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speed.Up.Python.With.Concurrency/09_CC_sum.mp4
18.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Square.Root.Function.in.Python/452 - 02_sqrt.mp4
18.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Python.IDLE/510-IDLE - 5 - Debugging.mp4.mp4
18.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Sorting.Data.in.Python.With.Pandas/518 - RP - ps - 1 - Getting Started.mp4.mp4
18.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Booleans.Leveraging.the.Values.of.Truth/RP-Booleans-Lesson-2.mp4
18.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Rock.Paper.Scissors.With.Python.A.Command.Line.Game/463 - 02_input.mp4
18.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-3.mp4
18.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Deploy.Your.Python.Script.on.the.Web.With.Flask/508-PWA - 8 - Receiving User Input.mp4
18.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/11. Connecting a Bot.mp4
18.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-4b.mp4
18.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 18 Factory Pattern.mp4.mp4
18.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Variables.in.Python/05_naming_conventions_2.mp4
18.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 10 Python Assignment.mp4
18.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-8.mp4.mp4
18.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Emulating.switch_case.Statements.in.Python/03 Emulating Switch-Case Statements - part4.mp4
18.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Unicode in Python - Working With Character Encodings/6. Combining Characters.mp4
18.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/457 - PRW - 2-5 - Different Files - Excel.mp4.mp4
17.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.sleep.to.Code.a.Python.Uptime.Bot/455 - 04-uptime-bot-initial.mp4.mp4
17.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/4. Registering Your Bot.mp4
17.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 5 Compare PbV PbR.mp4
17.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Django.Admin.Customization/04 Django Admin - Modifying a Change List.mp4
17.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Python.IDLE/510-IDLE - 4 - Improve Workflow.mp4.mp4
17.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 5 Returning vs Printing.mp4.mp4
17.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Dictionaries.and.Arrays.Selecting.the.Ideal.Data.Structure/08_D_A_bytes.mp4
17.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-16.mp4
17.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/10. Handling Exceptions.mp4
17.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.in.Python/RP - Reading and Writing Files - 3 - Writing to a File.mp4
17.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/6. Using APIs-.mp4
17.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.plt.scatter.to.Visualize.Data.in.Python/502-plt_scatter - 2-3 - Changing Shape.mp4.mp4
17.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Running.Python.Scripts/Running scripts - 5.mp4
17.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Deploy.Your.Python.Script.on.the.Web.With.Flask/508-PWA - 4 - Testing Locally.mp4
17.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Sorting.Data.in.Python.With.Pandas/518 - RP - ps - 4 - Sorting Index.mp4.mp4
17.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Booleans.Leveraging.the.Values.of.Truth/RP-Booleans-Lesson-6.mp4.mp4
17.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-6a.mp4
17.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 10 Conditionals.mp4.mp4
17.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 16 Closures.mp4.mp4
17.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-8.mp4
17.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/55 Requirements Files Best Practices.mp4
17.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Raising.and.Handling.Python.Exceptions/507-03-assert.mp4.mp4
17.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pythons.len.Function/512_03_usage.mp4
17.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L07 Default Parameters.mp4.mp4
17.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-5a.mp4
17.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pythons.len.Function/512_04_third.mp4
17.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0206_UsingBlitAndFlip.mp4
17.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L06 Keyword Arguments.mp4.mp4
17.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Understanding.Python.List.Comprehensions/2_ListComp-How-to-Supercharge-Your-Comprehensions.mp4
16.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-15c.mp4.mp4
16.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/6. Using APIs.mp4
16.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - How to Use Python Lambda Functions/RP - Lambda Functions - 4c - Map [] .mp4
16.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Linear.Regression.in.Python/515-RP-linear-regression-lesson-4.mp4.mp4
16.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/03 What is a Pointer (Real-World Example).mp4
16.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Host.Your.Django.Project.on.Heroku/499-Heroku-lesson-03-02.mp4
16.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Django Redirects/6. Parameters and Redirects [ ] .mp4
16.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 12 True False part 2.mp4.mp4
16.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.Python.Functions.With.Optional.Arguments/513 - RP - Optional Args - 3B - Any Number of Kwargs.mp4.mp4
16.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Linear.Regression.in.Python/515-RP-linear-regression-lesson-3.mp4.mp4
16.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Dictionaries.and.Arrays.Selecting.the.Ideal.Data.Structure/04_D_A_chain.mp4
16.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Sorting.Data.in.Python.With.Pandas/518 - RP - ps - 3 - Sorting Multiple Columns.mp4.mp4
16.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-2b.mp4
16.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0404_ANoteOnSources.mp4
16.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Turtle.for.Beginners/RP - Turtle - 3D - Other Turtle Functions.mp4.mp4
16.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Host.Your.Django.Project.on.Heroku/499-Heroku-lesson-02-02.mp4.mp4
16.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/02_07 Who are you Really[].mp4
16.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Reading and Writing CSV Files/4 - Writing CSVs with csv.mp4
16.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Django.Admin.Customization/08 Django Admin - Changing How Models are Edited.mp4
16.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Simulating.Real-World.Processes.in.Python.With.SimPy/10 - SimPy - Experimenting with the Simulation.mp4
16.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L23 Docstrings.mp4.mp4
16.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Understanding.Python.List.Comprehensions/1_ListComp-How-to-Create-Lists-in-Python.mp4
16.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/01_Intro[].mp4
16.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Identify Invalid Python Syntax/RP - Invalid Syntax - 3C - Missing Parentheses[].mp4
16.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Raising.and.Handling.Python.Exceptions/507-05-else.mp4.mp4
16.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Splitting.Datasets.With.scikit-learn.and.train_test_split/459 - TTS - 3-2 - Reproducible Results.mp4
16.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Binary.Bytes.and.Bitwise.Operators.in.Python/506_bitwise_10_over.mp4
15.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 15 Mutable Collections.mp4
15.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/457 - PRW - 1-3 - Reading and Writing Excel Files.mp4.mp4
15.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Writing.Comments.in.Python/3 Best Practices.mp4
15.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 9 (not) Modifying Globals.mp4.mp4
15.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/464 - 10_collisions.mp4
15.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Absolute.vs.Relative.Imports.in.Python/3 - Relative Imports.mp4
15.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Serializing.Objects.With.the.Python.pickle.Module/7 pickle - Compression of pickled Objects.mp4.mp4
15.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L03 Why Functions.mp4.mp4
15.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 15 Named tuples.mp4.mp4
15.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-15b.mp4.mp4
15.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.plt.scatter.to.Visualize.Data.in.Python/502-plt_scatter - 3 - Colormap and Style.mp4.mp4
15.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.args.and.kwargs.Demystified/5-Unpacking-With-the-Asterisk-Operators.mp4
15.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/5 Comparison Web.mp4
15.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/5 Comparison Web.mp4
15.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L19 Multiple Unpackings in a Function Call.mp4.mp4
15.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Type Checking/10_ConclusionAndReview[].mp4
15.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/12_CourseReview[].mp4
15.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - How to Use Python Lambda Functions/RP - Lambda Functions - 4d - Reduce [] .mp4
15.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Using Jupyter Notebooks/7. Markdown Formatting in Jupyter Notebooks.mp4
15.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L22 Positional-Only Arguments.mp4.mp4
15.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Working With Python Virtual Environments/10 Virtual Environments - part2.mp4
15.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 4 Pass by Reference.mp4
15.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Splitting.Datasets.With.scikit-learn.and.train_test_split/459 - TTS - 3-1 - Using TTS.mp4
15.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Practical Recipes for Working With Files in Python/9. Creating Temporary Files and Directories.mp4
15.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Traditional Face Detection With Python/01 Intro.mp4
15.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Host.Your.Django.Project.on.Heroku/499-Heroku-lesson-02-06.mp4
15.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 11 True False part 1.mp4.mp4
15.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Linear.Regression.in.Python/515-RP-linear-regression-lesson-0.mp4.mp4
15.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L25 Creating and Modifying Annotations.mp4.mp4
15.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Unicode in Python - Working With Character Encodings/8. Using Other Encodings.mp4
14.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/14 Post It Note.mp4
14.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/14 Post It Note.mp4
14.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.Input.and.Writing.Output.in.Python/501_04_print_kwargs_v2.mp4.mp4
14.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/53 Restoring Captured Dependencies.mp4
14.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Start.Managing.Multiple.Python.Versions.With.pyenv/05-01_pyenv2-virtual-environments-and-pyenv.mp4.mp4
14.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-4a.mp4
14.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Fibonacci.Sequence.With.Python/516 - RP - fib - 4B - Visualizing Memoized.mp4.mp4
14.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Assignment.Expressions.and.Using.the.Walrus.Operator/465_Walrus - 2-4 - While Loops.mp4
14.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0305_SpriteGroups.mp4
14.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.a.Neural.Network.&.Making.Predictions.With.Python.AI/504-Python_ai_04.mp4
14.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.Python.Functions.With.Optional.Arguments/513 - RP - Optional Args - 2A - Default Values.mp4.mp4
14.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/8. Responding to Events.mp4
14.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Raising.and.Handling.Python.Exceptions/507-07-finally.mp4.mp4
14.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Variables.in.Python/08_reserved keywords.mp4
14.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pythons.len.Function/512_05_dunder.mp4
14.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Splitting.Concatenating.and.Joining.Strings.in.Python/2 Split_4k.mp4
14.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0303_StayingOnTheScreen.mp4
14.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L16 Argument Tuple Unpacking.mp4.mp4
14.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 13 Return and Replace.mp4
14.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.3s.f-Strings.An.Improved.String.Formatting.Syntax/02 - Old School String Formatting.mp4
14.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L17 Arg Dict Packing.mp4.mp4
14.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.sleep.to.Code.a.Python.Uptime.Bot/455 - 05-uptime-bot-refactor.mp4.mp4
14.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Reading and Writing CSV Files/2 - Reading CSVs with csv.mp4
14.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Binary.Bytes.and.Bitwise.Operators.in.Python/506_bitwise_01_intro.mp4.mp4
14.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Dictionaries.in.Python/2_incremental_dictionary.mp4
14.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-4.mp4.mp4
14.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Turtle.for.Beginners/RP - Turtle - 2 - Getting Started.mp4.mp4
14.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Running.Python.Scripts/Running scripts - 4.mp4
14.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/10 Course Introduction and Welcome.mp4
14.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Python.IDLE/510-IDLE - 3 - Working With Python Files.mp4.mp4
14.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/464 - 03_structure.mp4
14.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Deploy.Your.Python.Script.on.the.Web.With.Flask/508-PWA - 3 - Build Web App.mp4
14.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-15.mp4.mp4
14.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Writing.Comments.in.Python/1 Intro and Importance.mp4
14.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Turtle.for.Beginners/RP - Turtle - 3A - Programming with Turtle - Moving the Turtle.mp4
14.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Reading and Writing CSV Files/5 - Reading CSVs with pandas.mp4
13.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Reading and Writing CSV Files/3 - Optional csv reader Parameters.mp4
13.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Splitting.Datasets.With.scikit-learn.and.train_test_split/459 - TTS - 4-1 - A Small Examples.mp4
13.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Looping.With.Python.enumerate/511_02_using_enumerate.mp4.mp4
13.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/07_ReloadingAModule[].mp4
13.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Data.Classes.in.Python/462 - PDC - 1 - Comparison.mp4
13.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - How to Use Python Lambda Functions/RP - Lambda Functions - 3 - First Lambda Functions [] .mp4
13.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.in.Python/RP - Reading and Writing Files - 5 - File locations and paths.mp4
13.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Traditional Face Detection With Python/06 Haar-Like Features.mp4
13.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L11 Passing Mutable Object.mp4.mp4
13.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/04 Why Doesn't Python Have Pointers.mp4
13.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Raising.and.Handling.Python.Exceptions/507-01-differentiating.mp4.mp4
13.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Using Jupyter Notebooks/8. Exporting Jupyter Notebooks.mp4
13.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/457 - PRW - 1-2 - Reading and Writing CSV Files.mp4.mp4
13.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Identify Invalid Python Syntax/RP - Invalid Syntax - 3B - Misspelling Python Keywords[].mp4
13.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/16 Audio Player.mp4
13.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/16 Audio Player.mp4
13.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Formatting.Python.Strings/4_str_fmt_nested.mp4
13.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/11 Content Aggregator.mp4
13.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/11 Content Aggregator.mp4
13.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Data.Classes.in.Python/462 - PDC - 5 - Immutable.mp4
13.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Evaluate.Expressions.Dynamically.With.Python.eval/04_eval_expr.mp4
13.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/01_DRF_overview.mp4
13.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/23 Installing and Updating pip.mp4
13.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Traditional Face Detection With Python/07 Integral Images.mp4
13.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/03_05 Registering Plugins[].mp4
13.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Introduction.to.Pandas.and.Vincent/PandasVincentIntro_part2.mp4
13.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 20 Generator Functions.mp4.mp4
13.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/2. What Is a Bot.mp4
13.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Data.Classes.in.Python/462 - PDC - 6 - Inheritance.mp4
13.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Start.Managing.Multiple.Python.Versions.With.pyenv/04-03_pyenv2_specifying_your_python_version.mp4.mp4
12.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Basics.Code.Your.First.Python.Program/551_05_Comments.mp4.mp4
12.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Traditional Face Detection With Python/03 How Do Computers See Images.mp4
12.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Writing.Comments.in.Python/2 How to Comment.mp4
12.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 13 Short Circuiting.mp4.mp4
12.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Splitting.Concatenating.and.Joining.Strings.in.Python/3 ConcatJoin_4k.mp4
12.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Unicode in Python - Working With Character Encodings/4. Using Unicode.mp4
12.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Type Checking/01_IntroAndOverview[].mp4
12.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Variables.in.Python/02_object_references.mp4
12.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 8a Return Value, Complex Expression.mp4.mp4
12.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.Lists.With.Pythons.append/503 - Lesson 6 append with Additional Processing.mp4
12.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Navigating.Namespaces.and.Scope.in.Python/02-03-Scope-local-and-enclosing-namespaces-v3.mp4
12.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Django.Admin.Customization/09 Django Admin - Overriding Templates.mp4.mp4
12.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/05 Immutable vs Mutable Objects.mp4
12.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Booleans.Leveraging.the.Values.of.Truth/RP-Booleans-Lesson-1.mp4
12.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/03_04 Slowing Down Code[].mp4
12.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Host.Your.Django.Project.on.Heroku/499-Heroku-lesson-02-03.mp4
12.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 19 try finally.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 2 Parameter Passing.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Data.Classes.in.Python/462 - PDC - 7 - Optimizing.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-2b.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.Lists.With.Pythons.append/503 - Lesson 8 Queue.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - 11 Beginner Tips for Learning Python/9 - Good Questions.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speech.Recognition.With.Python/453 - SR - 4 - The Recognizer Class.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Modulo.Using.the.%.Operator/06_Mod_sum.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L12 Exiting a Function.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/18 File Manager.mp4
12.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/18 File Manager.mp4
12.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Simulating.Real-World.Processes.in.Python.With.SimPy/8 - SimPy - Selecting Parameters for the Simulation.mp4
12.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Writing.Idiomatic.Python/500_03_truth_values_v3.mp4.mp4
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12.3 MB
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0205_DrawingOnTheScreen.mp4
12.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Django.Admin.Customization/05 Django Admin - Providing Links to Other Objects.mp4
12.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.Python.Functions.With.Optional.Arguments/513 - RP - Optional Args - 2B - Common Values.mp4.mp4
12.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0307_CollisionDetection.mp4
12.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/07 Intern Objects.mp4
12.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/RP_-_Pandas_Reading_and_Writing_Files.pdf
12.1 MB
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12.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/4 Comparison GUI.mp4
12.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Counting.With.Pythons.Counter/517_02_counting.mp4.mp4
12.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/8 Site Connectivity.mp4
12.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/8 Site Connectivity.mp4
12.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Deploy.Your.Python.Script.on.the.Web.With.Flask/508-PWA - 2 - Hosting.mp4
11.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Generators 101/5_conclusion_mc[].mp4
11.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/646 - 14_sum.mp4
11.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.a.Neural.Network.&.Making.Predictions.With.Python.AI/504-Python_ai_01.mp4.mp4
11.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/457 - PRW - 3-5 - Use Chunks.mp4.mp4
11.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.Lists.With.Pythons.append/503 - Lesson 3 Misconceptions.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Handling.Missing.Keys.With.the.Python.defaultdict.Type/2_handling_missing_keys.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/02_WritingaAModule[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Convert.a.Python.String.to.int/2 - Converting String to Int.mp4
11.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 12 not Global Variables.mp4
11.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Absolute.vs.Relative.Imports.in.Python/1 - Intro and Syntax.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.String.Formatting.Tips.&.Best.Practices/string_format_method1.mp4
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11.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/17 Alarm Tool.mp4
11.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/17 Alarm Tool.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speech.Recognition.With.Python/453 - SR - 1 - How SR Works.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/7 Contact Book.mp4
11.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/7 Contact Book.mp4
11.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Square.Root.Function.in.Python/452 - 04_use.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Using Jupyter Notebooks/1. Why Use Jupyter Notebooks.mp4
11.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Traditional Face Detection With Python/08 Adaboost.mp4
11.4 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Python.math.Module/458 - math-module-Lesson-6b.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Serializing.Objects.With.the.Python.pickle.Module/5 pickle - Unpickleable Data Types and dill.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Evaluate.Expressions.Dynamically.With.Python.eval/08_eval_summary.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/02_06 Returning Values[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Variables.in.Python/01_variable_assignment.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/12. Converting Parameters.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.HTTP.APIs.With.Django.REST.Framework/11_DRF_sum.mp4
10.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Introduction.to.Pandas.and.Vincent/PandasVincentIntro_part4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Migrating.Applications.From.Python.2.to.Python.3/ConvertingPython2to3-part2.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Plot.With.Pandas.Python.Data.Visualization.Basics/RP - Pandas Visualisation - 7 - Determining Ratios.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Introduction.to.Pandas.and.Vincent/PandasVincentIntro_part1.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.Keywords.in.Python/554_05_Python-Keywords_Identifying.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Fibonacci.Sequence.With.Python/516 - RP - fib - 4C - Iteration and Function.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Modulo.Using.the.%.Operator/02_Mod_modarth.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 3 Implicit return.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/02_03 Syntatic Sugar[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Data.Visualization.Interfaces.in.Python.With.Dash/dash.pdf
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Evaluate.Expressions.Dynamically.With.Python.eval/05_eval_compile.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Continuous.Integration.With.Python/2 - Setting Up Project.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.Booleans.Leveraging.the.Values.of.Truth/RP-Booleans-Lesson-0-overview.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.Lists.With.Pythons.append/503 - Lesson 5 List Comprehension.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.Python.Functions.With.Optional.Arguments/513 - RP - Optional Args - 2D - Error Messages.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/50 Reproducible Environments and Application Deploys.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Getting.Started.With.MicroPython/RP - MicroPython - 1 - Everythings Coming Up Python.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/20 Tips.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/20 Tips.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 6 Multiple Values.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Dictionaries.in.Python/1_what_is_a_dictionary.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Splitting.Datasets.With.scikit-learn.and.train_test_split/459 - TTS - 1 - Importance of Splitting.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Navigating.Namespaces.and.Scope.in.Python/03-02-Scope-legb-rule-v3.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.Lists.With.Pythons.append/503 - Lesson 4 append Inside for Loops.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Variables.in.Python/03b_small_integer_caching.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Python.range.Function/06 Working with Floats.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - For Loops in Python (Definite Iteration)/3. For Loops in Python.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Type Checking/03_DuckTyping[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Python.range.Function/05 Advanced Range() Concepts.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/457 - PRW - 1-1 - Installing Pandas and Preparing Data.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/01_03 First Class Objects[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.Keywords.in.Python/554_07_Python-Keywords_Summary.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - For Loops in Python (Definite Iteration)/4. Range, Break, and Continue.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/27 Uninstalling Packages.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Simulating.Real-World.Processes.in.Python.With.SimPy/6 - SimPy - Running the Simulation.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Data.Classes.in.Python/462 - PDC - 4-2 - Representation.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Identify Invalid Python Syntax/RP - Invalid Syntax - 3E - Wrong Indentation[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0102_BackgroundAndSetup.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.sleep.to.Code.a.Python.Uptime.Bot/455 - 06-tame-the-bot.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - @staticmethod vs @classmethod in Python/Static vs Class - part2[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.a.Neural.Network.&.Making.Predictions.With.Python.AI/504-Python_ai_07.mp4
10.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/457 - PRW - 3-2 - Big Data - Choose Columns.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Pass.by.Reference.in.Python.Best.Practices/461 - Lesson 1 Welcome.mp4
10.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Start.Managing.Multiple.Python.Versions.With.pyenv/05-03_pyenv-activating-multiple-environment-simultaneously.mp4.mp4
9.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Make a 2D Side-Scroller Game With PyGame/0104_PyGameConcepts.mp4
9.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Python.3s.f-Strings.An.Improved.String.Formatting.Syntax/04 - Pesky Details.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Fibonacci.Sequence.With.Python/fib.pdf
9.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.The.Pandas.DataFrame.Working.With.Data.Efficiently/454 - pandas-1.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.a.Neural.Network.&.Making.Predictions.With.Python.AI/504-Python_ai_05.mp4
9.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.sleep.to.Code.a.Python.Uptime.Bot/455 - 03-timeit-time.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pythons.datetime.Module/552_06_sum.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Sorting.Data.in.Python.With.Pandas/518 - RP - ps - 7 - Sorting In Place.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 2 Getting Started.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Python Imports 101/4. Relative vs Absolute Imports.mp4
9.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/35 My Virtual Environments Workflow.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/21 Introduction to Dependency Management.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Writing.Idiomatic.Python/500_04_methods_v2.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - How to Use Python Lambda Functions/RP - Lambda Functions - 5 - Testing [] .mp4
9.7 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Getting.Started.With.MicroPython/RP - MicroPython - 4C - File Transfer.mp4
9.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Handling.Missing.Keys.With.the.Python.defaultdict.Type/1_intro.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.the.Python.return.Statement.Effectively/Lesson 7 return None.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/13 URL Shortener.mp4
9.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/13 URL Shortener.mp4
9.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Convert.a.Python.String.to.int/1 - Representing Integers.mp4
9.6 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/01_05 Returning Functions[].mp4
9.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Managing.Python.Dependencies/44 Recap and Summary.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/9 Bulk File Rename.mp4
9.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/9 Bulk File Rename.mp4
9.5 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/01_04 Inner Functions[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/457 - PRW - 2-7 - Different Files - Pickle.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Speed.Up.Python.With.Concurrency/01_CC_overview.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Start.Managing.Multiple.Python.Versions.With.pyenv/01-02_pyenv-why-not-use-system-python.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Dictionaries.in.Python/3_restrictions_on_keys_values.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/12 Regex Query.mp4
9.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/12 Regex Query.mp4
9.3 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.plt.scatter.to.Visualize.Data.in.Python/502-plt_scatter - 2-1 - Changing Size.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Navigating.Namespaces.and.Scope.in.Python/04-02-Scope-the-global-declaration-v2.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.and.Writing.Files.With.Pandas/457 - PRW - 3-3 - Big Data - Omit Row.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Building.Lists.With.Pythons.append/503 - Lesson 2 append Basics.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - 11 Beginner Tips for Learning Python/1 - Code Every Day.mp4
9.2 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Using.Pygame.to.Build.an.Asteroids.Game.in.Python/464 - 12_noise.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Exploring.the.Fibonacci.Sequence.With.Python/516 - RP - fib - 3A - Memoization.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.and.Calling.Python.Functions/419 - L18 Putting it All Together.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Grow Your Python Portfolio With 13 Intermediate Project Ideas/10 Directory Tree Generator.mp4
9.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/10 Directory Tree Generator.mp4
9.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Traditional Face Detection With Python/09 Classifier Cascades.mp4
9.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Using Jupyter Notebooks/2. Installing and Launching Jupyter.mp4
9.1 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Using Jupyter Notebooks/4. Basic Functionality of Jupyter Notebooks.mp4
9.0 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Reading.Input.and.Writing.Output.in.Python/501_01_input_v2.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Starting.With.Python.IDLE/510-IDLE - 1 - What is IDLE.mp4.mp4
8.9 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Writing.Idiomatic.Python/500_07_dry_v2.mp4.mp4
8.8 MB
Real Python Tutorials - 13.4.2022/Real.Python.Defining.Python.Functions.With.Optional.Arguments/513 - RP - Optional Args - 1B - Required Parameters.mp4.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/03_06 Conclusion and Review[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Identify Invalid Python Syntax/RP - Invalid Syntax - 3A - Misusing Assignment Operator[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Generators 101/Generators_101[].pdf
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - @staticmethod vs @classmethod in Python/Static vs Class - part3[].mp4
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7.3 MB
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/01_02 Functions[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Identify Invalid Python Syntax/RP - Invalid Syntax - 3G - Changing Python Versions[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/02_04 Reusing Decorators[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Decorators 101/03_01 Section 3 Real World Examples[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real python - Creating a Discord Bot in Python/1. Creating a Discord Bot in Python (Overview).mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Identify Invalid Python Syntax/RP - Invalid Syntax - 3F - Defining and Calling Functions[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Mastering Python's Built-in time Module/6_conclusion.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Making HTTP Requests With Python/3 Comparison CLI.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - 11 Beginner Tips for Learning Python/2 - Write It Out.mp4
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4.4 MB
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4.3 MB
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3.9 MB
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - @staticmethod vs @classmethod in Python/Static vs Class - part5[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Reading and Writing CSV Files/1 - CSVs Intro.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Traditional Face Detection With Python/11 Conclusion.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Traditional Face Detection With Python/04 Features.mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Identify Invalid Python Syntax/RP - Invalid Syntax - 3D - Mistaking Dictionary Syntax[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Identify Invalid Python Syntax/RP - Invalid Syntax - 4 - Conclusion[].mp4
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2.4 MB
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Identify Invalid Python Syntax/RP - Invalid Syntax - 0 - Introduction[].mp4
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/Code_Examples/02_Pointers_in_C/passing.c
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Type Checking/TypeCheckingCode/08_TypeComments/08_TypeComments_REPL.py
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Django Redirects/Redirector/product/apps.py
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/ModulesAndPackages_Code/11_Subpackages/pkg/sub_pkg2/mod4.py
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/Code_Examples/02_Pointers_in_C/main.c
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/ModulesAndPackages_Code/10_ImportingStarFromAPackage/finished/pkg/__init__.py
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/ModulesAndPackages_Code/02_WritingAModule/02_WritingAModule_REPL.py
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/ModulesAndPackages_Code/09_PackageInitialization/pkg/__init__.py
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Python Modules and Packages - An Introduction/ModulesAndPackages_Code/09_PackageInitialization/finished/pkg/__init__.py
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/Code_Examples/09_Simulating_w_Mutable/list.py
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/Code_Examples/08_Passing_Objects/08_main_v3.py
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/Code_Examples/08_Passing_Objects/08_main_v2.py
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/Code_Examples/08_Passing_Objects/08_main_v1.py
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/RealPython - Django Redirects/Redirector/runserver.sh
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Real Python Tutorials - 31.8.21/Real Python - Pointers and Objects in Python/Code_Examples/11_Real_Pointers_ctypes/add.c
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