Исторически книги на български LXII
Исторически книги на български LXII
red one
ПЛИСКА–ПРЕСЛАВ, т. 6, 1993.pdf
178.7 MB
ПЛИСКА–ПРЕСЛАВ, т. 9, 2003.pdf
160.9 MB
Колектив - Българското военно изкуство през феодализма, 1958. PDF.pdf
142.2 MB
ПЛИСКА–ПРЕСЛАВ, т. 3, 1981.pdf
111.0 MB
Георги Бакалов - Избрани исторически произведения, 1960.pdf
109.6 MB
Колектив - Българското военно изкуство през феодализма, 1958. DjVu.djvu
101.7 MB
Геза Фехер - Облеклото и оръжието на старата българска войска. Военното дело на прабългарите, 2000.pdf
79.5 MB
ПЛИСКА–ПРЕСЛАВ, т. 13, 2018.pdf
55.8 MB
Годишник на Софийския университет. Историко-филологически факултет, т. 36 - 1939 - 1940, 1940.pdf
44.6 MB
Сборник Трънски край. 1940.pdf
38.1 MB
Известия на музеите от Южна България, т. 1, 1975.pdf
20.2 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/24. Пенка Данова. „За България и нейните владетели“ (1623 г.) на Джовани Николо Дольони.pdf
19.6 MB
19.5 MB
Насилие, политика и памет. Комунистическият режим в Пиринска Македония, София 2011.pdf
19.5 MB
Списание Археология. 56 (2015) кн. 1-2.pdf
16.8 MB
Известия на държавните архиви, кн. 1, 3-7/Известия на Държавните архиви том 7.pdf
16.2 MB
Списание Археология. 51 (2010) кн. 3-4.pdf
15.1 MB
14.8 MB
Списание Археология. 52 (2011) кн. 2.pdf
13.6 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/17. an-unknown-version-of-the-secret-book-of-the-bogomils_Content File-PDF.pdf
13.6 MB
Списание Археология. 57 (2016) кн. 1-2.pdf
13.6 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/7. Елка Бакалова–Любен Домозетски. Отново за средновековните стенописи в църквата „Св. Димитър“ в село Паталеница.pdf
13.4 MB
Втората световна война, България и следвоенният свят. Сборник, 2005.pdf
12.7 MB
Известия на държавните архиви, кн. 1, 3-7/ИДА 5 - 1961.pdf
10.4 MB
Известия на държавните архиви, кн. 1, 3-7/ИДА 4 - 1960.pdf
10.2 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/25. Василка Тъпкова-Заимова – Маргарет Димитрова Свети-Димитровски текст, намерен в Бачковския манастир.pdf
10.1 MB
9.9 MB
Списание История, кн.2, 2012.pdf
8.6 MB
Годишник на Софийския университет. Философско-исторически факултет, т. 52 - година 1958. Книга 2, 1959.pdf
8.0 MB
Народното четиво през 16 - 18 век, 1990.pdf
7.5 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/14. Николай Шаранков. Ямболският надпис на господин Шишман, брат на цар Йоан Александър, от 1356I1357 г..pdf
7.3 MB
Известия на държавните архиви, кн. 1, 3-7/Известия на Държавните архиви том 6.pdf
7.0 MB
Годишник на Софийския унивреситет Климент Охридски. Исторически факултет, т. 74 - 1980, 1983.pdf
6.4 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/7.Ian Mladjov. Some observations on the upper Vardar and upper Struma Valleys in the Late Middle Ages (c. 1240–c. 1380).pdf
6.3 MB
Списание История, кн.1, 2012.pdf
6.3 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/11. the-nephews-of-the-patriarch-michael-i-kerullarios-1043-1058-and-their-seal-iconography-as-an-expression-of-kinship.pdf
5.1 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/18. unknown-byzantine-document-from-the-archives-of-the-archbishopric-of-ochrid.pdf
4.8 MB
Учител на учителите. Юбилеен сборник в чест на професор Йордан Шопов, 2006.pdf
4.6 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/10. Кирил Ненов. Българското царство в латинските извори за кръстоносния поход на Фридрих Барбароса (1189–1190).pdf
3.9 MB
Известия на държавните архиви, кн. 1, 3-7/Известия на Държавните архиви том 3.pdf
3.9 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/16. Пенка Данова. България и българите в Кратката история на света на Орацио Торселини (1545–1599).pdf
3.8 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/20. are-the-historical-geography-of-the-byzantine-empire-and-digital-humanities-a-contradiction-per-se.pdf
3.6 MB
Георги Николов - Българският цар Самуил, 2014.pdf
3.4 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/11. seals-of-bishops-from-the-archbishopric-of-bulgaria-11th-12th-centurieS.pdf
3.3 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/42. fifteen-letters-of-bulgarian-scientists-from-1894-1909-to-the-great-german-byzantinist-karl-krumbacher-1856-1909_Content File-PDF.pdf
3.0 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/26. were-there-cases-in-which-the-byzantine-emperors-promulgated-their-chrysobulls-in-bulgarian_Content File-PDF.pdf
2.7 MB
Известия на държавните архиви, кн. 1, 3-7/Известия на държавните архиви книга 1.pdf
2.6 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/9. Иван Йорданов. Печати на Симеон, василевс на ромеите (–927).pdf
2.6 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/22. new-genoese-notarial-acts-about-bulgarian-slaves-from-the-beginning-of-the-15th-century_Content File-PDF.pdf
2.6 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/15. Иван Йорданов. Анхиало според данните на сфрагистиката (VІ–ХІІ в.).pdf
2.5 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/27. unknown-two-lines-icon-with-annunciation-and-three-scenes-with-miraculous-vatopedi-virgin-mary-icons-from-anchialos-19th-c_Content File-PDF.pdf
2.5 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/19. letters-of-james-metropolitan-of-chalcedon-to-nun-eulogia-1350-60s_Content File-PDF.pdf
2.5 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/46. Ekaterini Mitsiou. The monastery of Sosandra- a contribution to its history, dedication and localisation.pdf
2.3 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/15. the-athonite-monastery-of-zographou-and-its-medieval-slavic-archives-1342-1572_Content File-PDF.pdf
2.3 MB
2.3 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/4. early-medieval-bulgarian-seals-from-an-auction_Content File-PDF.pdf
2.0 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/19. la-cité-de-visoi-qui-moult-estoit-bone-et-fort-on-the-history-of the eastern-thracian town vize-bizyē in the byzantine age.pdf
1.9 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/6. the-medieval-wall-painting-in-the-church-of-saint-archangel-michael-in-the-town-of-rila-southwest-bulgaria_Content File-PDF.pdf
1.7 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/50. Mihailo St. Popović. New insights into the history of Balkan fairs in the historical region of Macedonia (13th–19th centuries).pdf
1.7 MB
Годишник на Софийския университет Св. Климент Охридски. Исторически факултет, т. 101, 2013.pdf
1.6 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/8. Werner Seibt. Drei problematische Siegel mit Bulgarien-Bezug.pdf
1.5 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/3. on-the-date-and-place-of-the-martyrdom-of-st-theodota-of-philippos-city.pdf
1.3 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/4. characteristics-of-medieval-greek-verse-inscriptions-from-bulgaria_Content File-PDF.pdf
1.3 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/27. the-autocephalous-byzantine-ecclesiastical-province-of-bulgaria-ohrid-how-independent-were-its-archbishops.pdf
1.3 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/30. the-latins-in-constantinople-and-the-bulgarian-despot-aleksi-slav.pdf
1.3 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/33. the-children-of-ivan-asen-ii-and-eirēnē-komnēnē-contribution-to-the-prosopography-of-medieval-bulgaria.pdf
1.2 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/1. byzantine-fortresses-in-the-border-area-of-the-thracian-provinces-eurōpē-and-haimimontos.pdf
1.2 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/7. a-newfound-spring-in-the-royal-monastery-near-varna-evidence-for-the-cult-of-st-mary-in-bulgaria-in-the-9th-10th.pdf
1.1 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/1. Иво Топалилов. Porta aurea на късноантичния Филипопол.pdf
1.1 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/26. Kiril Nenov. Bio-Bibliographie Veselin Beševliev (1900–1992).pdf
1.1 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/13. unknown-billon-coin-of-andronikos-i-komnenos-of-thessalonica-mint-an-attempt-to-new-typology-of-coinage-of-andronikos-i-komnenos_Content File-PDF.pdf
1.1 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/20. Peter Soustal. Melenikitsion, das kleine Melnik bei Serres.pdf
1.0 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/6. the-book-and-the-emperor-under-the-first-macedonians.pdf
1.0 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/6. ad-fontes-on-slavonic-letters-and-cyrillomethodian-sources-from-the-western-middle-ages.pdf
1.0 MB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/16. in-the-year-of-6905-a-graffito-from-hagia-sophia-in-constantinople.pdf
938.2 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/14. two-graffiti-from-hagia-sophia-in-constantinople_Content File-PDF.pdf
891.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/9. seals-of-constantine-angel-a-first-cousin-of-emperor-isaac-ii-angelos-1185-1195-and-governor-of-philippopolis-1193-1194.pdf
786.2 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/48. biobibliography-of-ivan-sakăzov-1895-1935.pdf
776.3 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/4. Иван Йорданов. Бележки към биографията на Роман Лакапин преди неговото възцаряване.pdf
692.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/4. censored-books-the-case-of-byzantine-hagiography.pdf
631.4 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/49. Dan Ioan Mureşan. Zographou et la transmission de l’idée impériale bulgare en Moldavie.pdf
615.7 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/19. Димитър В. Димитров. Симеонова България и морето.pdf
575.4 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/35. banditry-and-the-clash-of-powers-in-14th-century-thrace-momčilo-and-his-fragmented-memory.pdf
549.5 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/32. the-idea-of-tarnovo-new-constantinople-third-rome-in-the-13th-14th-centuries.pdf
543.8 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/10. story-about-the-origin-of-samodiva_Content File-PDF.pdf
522.2 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/11. seal-of-alexius-kontostephanos-from-markelai-12th-century_Content File-PDF.pdf
515.7 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/34. Paul Meinrad StrДssle. KriegfБhrung und Raum in Byzanz_Strategie und Taktik bei Kleidion 1014.pdf
491.5 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/13. Kiril Nenov. The Black Sea region according to an anonymous Pisan geography.pdf
487.8 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/9. Петър Ангелов. Гърците през погледа на средновековните българи.pdf
475.6 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/4. Милияна Каймакамова. Световната история в пропагандната политика на цар Симеон (893–927) и развитието на българската хронография.pdf
458.2 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/2. Daniel Ziemann. Zwischen Geschichte und Mythos – Großbulgarien unter Khan Kubrat (7. Jh.).pdf
452.4 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/11. Калин Йорданов. Случаят (S., princeps Philippensis) две новооткрити писма на папа Хонорий ΙΙΙ от 1217 и 1218 г. като извор за отношенията между Алексий Слав и латините.pdf
448.7 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/21. Laura Balletto. Con una navis genovese da Caff a a Pera e a Chio nel 1472.pdf
444.9 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/36. the-names-of-sofia-through-the-ages.pdf
441.5 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/3. seal-of-emperor-heraclius-610-640-from-serdica_Content File-PDF.pdf
438.9 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/39. turnovo-and-moscow-14th-16th-centuries-the-idea-of-second-rome-and-third-constantinople.pdf
430.7 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/6. seal-of-adrian-tourmarch-of-preslav-late-9th-century_Content File-PDF.pdf
429.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/24. bulgaria-byzantium-and-the-arab-world-during-the-reign-symeon-i-the-great-893-927.pdf
428.4 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/24. navigation-and-sea-communications-in-the-western-black-sea-13th-15th-centuries_Content File-PDF.pdf
427.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/13. Красимир Кръстев. Стопанският живот в Българското царство (1280–1323).pdf
425.9 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/26. logistics-and-warfare-in-byzantium-understanding-and-challenges-supply-and-transport.pdf
409.7 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/35. marital-unions-as-a-tool-of-diplomacy-between-bulgaria-and-byzantium-from-1280-to-1396_Content File-PDF.pdf
409.2 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/23. hippolytus-interpretation-of-the-book-of-daniel-in-the-manuscript-741-from-bucharest-state-archives_Content File-PDF.pdf
406.3 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/15. Стилияна Баталова. На крилете на традицията_Николас Клопер Млади (1432–1478) за българите.pdf
405.3 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/29. the-urban-landscape-in-bulgarian-lands-under-byzantine-rule-end-of-the-10th-and-end-of-the-12th-centuries.pdf
404.6 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/33. М. Каймакамова. Култът към цар Петър (927–969) и движещите идеи на българските освободителни въстания срещу византийската власт през XI–XII в..pdf
403.5 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/45. Dimitar V. Dimitrov. The everyday life of a western European noble on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast_ the case of the Green Count.pdf
403.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/32. Kirył Marinow. Hémos comme barrière militaire..pdf
400.7 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/12. settlements-and-settlement-network-in-vidin-region-end-of-13th-14th-centuries.pdf
400.2 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/40. observations-on-the-production-and-trade-of-salt-on-the-black-sea-west-coast-in-the-14th-15th-centuries_Content File-PDF.pdf
400.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/14. military-clothing-of-bulgarians-in-the-13th-14th-centuries.pdf
398.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/29. how-should-keep-mountain-battles-recommendations-in-some-byzantine-and-antique-strategikons_Content File-PDF.pdf
395.0 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/27. between-authoritarianism-and-consensus-domination-and-the-role-of-nobility-in-the-first-bulgarian-realm-7th-late-9th-century.pdf
394.5 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/18. caffa-1344-an-unpublished-document-of-notary-nicol%c3%b2-beltrame_Content File-PDF.pdf
394.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/14. Димитър В. Димитров. Отражението на климатичния фактор върху корабоплавателния ритъм по Западното Черноморие (ХІІІ–ХV в.).pdf
393.5 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/21. orthodox-monastic-anti-heretic-encyclopedia-bar-ms-sl-636-16th-century.pdf
388.2 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/31. bulgarian-byzantine-marital-diplomacy-from-1185-to-1280.pdf
383.5 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/42.Ian S. R. Mladjov. The Bulgarian prince and would-be emperor Lodovico.pdf
383.4 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/3. Дочка Владимирова-Аладжова. Печат на Приск от Сердика (VI–VII в.).pdf
378.8 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/1. theodosian-code-fides-catholica-adversus-paganos-et-haereticos_Content File-PDF.pdf
378.5 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/12. Vassil Gjuzelev. Venedig und das Bulgarenzarenreich (Ende des 12. – Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts).pdf
377.8 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/6. Sashka Georgieva. Female Politicians in the Second Bulgarian Tsardom.pdf
377.5 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/5. the-seals-of-leo-sarakinopoulos-and-the-byzantine-administration-in-eastern-bulgaria-971-986_Content File-PDF.pdf
376.9 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/24. Десислава Найденова. По стъпките на средновековния пътешественик.pdf
374.7 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/22. an-unrealized-edition-of-the-long-life-of-st-clement-of-ohrid-vasil-n-zlatarski-and-bulgarian-cyrillomethodian-studies.pdf
373.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/6. Sverrir Jakobsson. Mission miscarried–the narrators of the ninth-century missions to Scandinavia and Central Europe.pdf
372.0 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/36. the-italian-merchant-ebb-from-the-western-black-sea-area-during-the-15th-century.pdf
369.7 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/12. slaves-in-genoese-chios-in-the-15th-century-from-acts-drawn-up-over-there-in-1449-1450_Content File-PDF.pdf
366.7 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/18. history-of-the-conquest-of-constantinople-by-mohammed-ii-by-leonard-of-chios.pdf
365.9 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/21. eschatological-paratext-the-narrative-of-the-prophet-samuel_Content File-PDF.pdf
365.5 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/16. cherana-bulgara-de-loco-nomine-acrida-venetian-documents-regarding-the-presence-of-bulgarian-slaves-in-the-island-of-crete-1390-1415.pdf
359.0 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/31. Милияна Каймакамова. Константин Преславски и българската историческа култура в края на ІХ–началото на X в..pdf
352.8 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/3. onglos-once-again.pdf
352.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/26. slavonic-apocrypha-with-bogomil-and-anti-bogomil-elements-new-data_Content File-PDF.pdf
349.5 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/28. bulgarian-hungarian-marital-diplomacy-during-the-first-half-of-the-thirteenth-century.pdf
349.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/19. Ивайла Попова. Балканите през погледа на трима западни пътешественици от края на XV век.pdf
349.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/29. once-again-on-the-wives-daughters-and-weddings-of-john-asen.pdf
347.8 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/21. the-defence-of-long-walls-of-th-race-μακρά-τείχη-τῆς-θρᾴκης-under-justinian-the-great-527-565-a-d.pdf
347.4 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/12. narrative-models-in-constructing-the-image-of-queen-olga-and-their-impact-on-the-chronological-scheme-of-tale-of-past-years_Content File-PDF.pdf
347.2 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/23. byzantium-finis-terrae-ἡ-πέρατος-or-the-frontiers-of-the-byzantine-civilization-notes-on-the-formation-of-the-byzantine-world.pdf
346.5 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/18. Antonio Rigo. Marco Eugenico autore e lettore di opere spirituali.pdf
346.1 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/10. arab-sources-on-the-pagan-beliefs-and-funeral-customs-of-bulgarians.pdf
343.9 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/34. the-last-byzantine-emperor-march-against-the-capital-of-the-bulgarian-kingdom-tarnovo-1190_Content File-PDF.pdf
343.8 kB
Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/11. the-bulgarians-in-the-summa-historialis-by-st-antoninus-of-florence-1389-1459_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/7. arab-sources-about-the-battle-of-valandar-10th-century_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/4. Salvatore Cosentino. Sul transito dei soldati (in merito a Iust. Nov. CXXX).pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/5. Илия Илиев. Охридската архиепископия през първите два века от нейното съществуване.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/12.Raimondo Tocci. Zur Ъberlieferung der sogenannten Epitome des Ioannes Kinnamos.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/14. Силвия Аризанова. Венециански и генуезки документи като извор за облеклото на българите.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/10. records-of-bulgarian-folk-dances-and-rituals-in-byzantine-documents-from-the-beginning-of-the-13th-century.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/1. Vasilka Tăpkova-Zaimova. Frontières médiévales et réseau routier au sud du Danube.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/39. Ovidiu Cristea. Une оblague sicilienneп SuprВmatie maritime et prestige dans la MВditerranВe au XIIe siКcle.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/20. Кирил Павликянов. Какво знаем за славяните на Атон през Средните векове.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/18. Francesco Dall’Aglio. In ipsa silva longissima Bulgariae_Western chroniclers of the Crusades and the Bulgarian forest.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/20. Scouts spies traitors the significance of reconnaissance missions in the operations carried out by the byzantine armies …..pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/26. Herwig Wolfram. Wie viele VФlker sind in einem Volk.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/17. Ovidiu Cristea. Ethnonymes mВdiВvaux et dВbats historiographiques_le cas des Bulgares dans la chronique de Guillaume de Tyr.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/16. Andreas Rhoby. Zu den Inschrift en auf den byzantinischen und postbyzantinischen Ikonen von Nesebăr.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/43. Красимир Кръстев. Дипломатически отношения между Българското царство и Египет през ХІV в..pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/17. the-defense-of-genoese-gazaria.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/28. late-antiquity-historiography-between-paganism-and-christianity-constantine-the-great-in-the-writings-of-eutropius-and-orosius_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/34. the-14th-century-bulgarian-historicism-against-the-background-of-byzantino-slavia-orthodoxa.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/36. Илия Илиев. Един епизод от догматичните спорове между църквите на Константинопол и Рим.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/21. Димо Чешмеджиев. Средновековният култ на св. Йоаким Осоговски.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/12. Елена Костова. Mястото на България в два владетелски хрисовула, регламентиращи сръбско-дубровнишките отношения в средата на ХІV век.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/19. bandits-and-pirates-in-the-medieval-balkans-some-evidence-from-hagiographical-texts_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/8. Георги Василев. К вопросу об южнославянском предвозрождении XIV века.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/26. several-cases-of-foreign-refugees-in-the-first-bulgarian-tsardom.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/7. Sergei Mariev. Echi delle teorie ottiche antiche nelle Omelie di Fozio.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/35. Eric Limousin. Michel Psellos et la Bulgarie.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/28. Panos Sophoulis. Containing the Bulgar threat_Byzantium’s search for an ally in the former Avar territories in the Early Middle Ages.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/5. Angel Nikolov. Khan Krum in the Byzantine tradition terrible rumours, misinformation and political propaganda.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/22. Владимир Ангелов. Сведения за Венеция и Генуа в съчинението на Лаоник Халкокондил.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/40. Sandra Origone. Travels from Peloponnesus to the Black Sea.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/3. Georgi N. Nikolov. “Greek fire” and the Bulgarians in the Early Middle Ages.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/20. Dennis P. Hupchik. Some problems in the chronology of the Bulgarian-Byzantine military conflicts between 976 and 1014.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/23. Snezhana Rakova. Constantinople et ses lieux sacrВs au dВbut du 16e siКcle (vus par les VВnitiens).pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/48. Cyril Pavlikianov. The Athonite Slav Eusebios and his enigmatic noble ancestors.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/15.Frederick Lauritzen. Bessarion’s political thought the Encomium to Trebizond.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/3. Erich Trapp. Gold und Silber. Parallelen im griechischen Wortschatz, eine vergleichende Betrachtung.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/17. Ани-Данчева Василева. Късноримски и византийски императори, свързани с историята на средновековна София (просопографски обзор).pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/22. equality-before-the-law-as-a-principle-of-social-justice.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/25. Силвия Аризанова. Селища и селищна мрежа в Лудогорието през ХІІІ–ХV век. Сведения и проблеми.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/11. Elisaveta Todorova. Refl ections on the Bulgarian medieval economy.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/17. Peter Schreiner. Nugae byzantino-bulgaricae.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/42. miliyana-kaymakamova-power-and-history-in-medieval-bulgaria-7th-14th-centuries.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/44. iliya-g-iliev-saint-clement-of-ohrid-life-and-works.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/16. Panos Sophoulis. The Chronicle of 811, the Scriptor incertus and the Byzantine-Bulgar wars of the early ninth century.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/6. Anissava Miltenova. The Physiologus in Balkan Cyrillic manuscripts–from textological to socio-rhetorical approach.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/29. Petar Angelov. The Man of the West through the eyes of medieval Bulgarians.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/10. Peter Frankopan. 11th-century military seals from Bulgaria some suggestions.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/18. the-question-of-the-bulgarian-patriarchate-during-the-reign-of-symeon-i-the-great-and-and-peter-i-a-short-survey_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/30. Мирослав Й. Лешка. Политиката на княз Симеон спрямо ограбването на Солун от арабите през 904 г..pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/30. paths-of-holy-relics-and-pilgrimage-in-the-balkans-in-the-13th-century.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/13. the-slav-roland-in-venetial-zuan-polo-de-liompardi-s-libero-de-rado-stizuso_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/16. majores-mures-qui-vulgariter-rati-vocantur-the-black-rat-rattus-rattus-and-the-justinianic-plague_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/44. Kiril Petkov. Crusade, hybridity, and self-identity Leontios Makhairas and the feudal order of late medieval Cyprus.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/13. Васил Гюзелев. Флорентинска търговия в българските земи през ХІІІ–началото на ХVІ век.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/38. iliya-g-iliev-the-archbishop-of-ohrid-dimitar-homatian-and-the-bulgarians.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/22. Vasilka Tapkova-Zaimova. – Eugenia Russell, St Demetrius of Thessalonica_Cult and Devotion in the Middle Ages.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/9. Калина Минчева. Сведения за манастира, основан от св. Климент Охридски.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/30. on-the-issue-of-slavery-in-the-first-bulgarian-empire_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/35. st-emperor-constantine-and-mount-athos.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/21. Georgi N. Nikolov. – Vassil Gjuzelev, Кавханите и ичиргу боилите на Българското ханство-царство.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/3. Dorothea Valentinova. When two worlds collide and merge “at fi rst I wanted to erase.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/1. a-dignified-representative-of-the-bulgarian-discipline-in-medieval-studies.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/1. ВАСИЛ ГЮЗЕЛЕВ. В ПАМЕТ НА ИВАН БОЖИЛОВ (1940-2016).pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/43. christo-dimitrov-bulgaria-and-the-nomads-up-to-the-beginning-of-the-eleventh-century.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/46. krasimir-s-krăstev-bulgarian-tsardom-under-terter-dynasty-1280-1323.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/39. ivan-bozhilov-bulgaria-and-dubrovnik-the-treaty-of-1235.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/2. КИРИЛ НЕНОВ. БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ НА ИВАН БОЖИЛОВ.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 2, 2011/51. Publications of Vassil Gjuzelev_ addenda (2006–2011) (G. N. Nikolov).pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/8. measures-for-the-administration-of-caffa-at-the-end-of-fourteenth-century_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/47. state-and-church-studies-in-medieval-bulgaria-and-byzantium-ed-vassil-gjuzelev-kiril-petkov.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/24. Dimo Cheshmedjiev. – Vasilka Tăpkova-Zaimova, Byzance, la Bulgarie, les Balkans.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/22. the-wallachian-plain-and-bulgarians-after-the-tatar-invasion-1241-1242-until-the-end-of-the-13th-century_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 1, 2010/25. Alexander Nikolov. – Vassil Gjuzelev, Папството и българите през Средновековието (IX–XV в.).pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/23. Sashka Georgieva. The last Bulgarian-Wallachian diplomatic marriage in the Middle Ages_facts and hypotheses.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/2. Доротея Валентинова. Справедливост и корупция в Lex Romana Ostrogothorum.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 3, 2012/40. vassil-gjuzelev-cera-zagora.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/5. for-my-long-time-in-science_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/43. slavic-colonization-of-the-balkans-through-the-eyes-of-prof-vassilka-tapkova-zaimova_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/41. the contribution of konstantin jirechek and ivan shishmanov for the publication of travel writings from the 15th 19th centuries about bulgaria.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 6, 2015/33. genoese-participation-in-the-march-of-count-amadeus-vi-of-savoy-against-bulgaria-1366-1367.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/28. the-bogomil-apostasy-and-traditional-values-in-the-folklore_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 4-5, 2013 - 2014/44. publications-of-vassilka-t%c4%83pkova-zaimova-2007-2014_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/22. Srđan Pirivatrić. THE ALLIANCE OF STEFAN NEMANJA AND HIS BROTHERS WITH PETER AND ASEN.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 7, 2016/29. folktales-the-dualist-heresy-and-the-ethical-principle-of-justice-bogomil-relics-in-bulgarian-folklore_Content File-PDF.pdf
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Bulgaria Mediaevalis, 8, 2017/8. Люба Илиева Житието на 15-те тивериуполски мъченици като извор за историята на езическа България.pdf
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