[PaidCoursesForFree.com] Udemy - MATLAB Master Class Go from Beginner to Expert in MATLAB
[PaidCoursesForFree.com] Udemy - MATLAB Master Class Go from Beginner to Expert in MATLAB
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31. Segment 3.5 Project Malware Analysis/5. Customizing code templates for completing Task 3, 4 and 5.vtt
180.3 MB
31. Segment 3.5 Project Malware Analysis/5. Customizing code templates for completing Task 3, 4 and 5.mp4
180.2 MB
30. Segment 3.4 Dimensionality Reduction/4. PCA in MATLAB (Part 2).mp4
157.7 MB
29. Segment 3.3.2 Hierarchical Clustering/3. Hierarchical Clustering Intuition (Part 2).mp4
152.5 MB
37. Segment 4.5 Project Selecting the Right Method for your Data/2. Selecting the right method (Part 1).mp4
149.4 MB
30. Segment 3.4 Dimensionality Reduction/3. PCA in MATLAB (Part 1).mp4
142.6 MB
28. Segment 3.3.1 K-Means/4. k-means in MATLAB (Part 2).mp4
128.4 MB
36. Segment 4.4 Feature Scaling and Data Discretization/3. Discretization using Equal width binning.mp4
124.2 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/15. Processing text files.mp4
122.4 MB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/5. Class specific box plots.mp4
121.3 MB
25. Segment 3.2.6 Ensembles/3. Customization options for Ensembles.mp4
117.4 MB
34. Segment 4.2 Dealing with Categorical Variables/4. Frequency based encoding4.mp4
117.2 MB
28. Segment 3.3.1 K-Means/3. k-means in MATLAB (Part 1).mp4
115.3 MB
33. Segment 4.1 Handling Missing Values/6. Random Value Imputation.mp4
112.6 MB
37. Segment 4.5 Project Selecting the Right Method for your Data/3. Selecting the right method (Part 2).mp4
108.2 MB
26. Segment 3.2.7 Performance Evaluation/3. Validation methods in MATLAB (Part 1).mp4
107.8 MB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/2. KNN in MATLAB (Part 1).mp4
105.2 MB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/3. KNN in MATLAB (Part 2).mp4
103.4 MB
11. Segment 1.9 Sharing your MATLAB Results/2. Sharing your results with live scripts.mp4
103.1 MB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/8. Local Outlier Factor (Part 2).mp4
102.6 MB
22. Segment 3.2.3 Decision Trees/4. Customization Options for Decision Trees.mp4
102.5 MB
23. Segment 3.2.4 Support Vector Machines/4. Customization Options for SVM.mp4
102.1 MB
33. Segment 4.1 Handling Missing Values/5. Class specific mean and mode.mp4
99.7 MB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/8. Customization options for KNN.mp4
99.6 MB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/5. Explaining the code for visualization.mp4
95.8 MB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/5. While loops (when you don't know the number of iterations).mp4
92.1 MB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/4. Visualizing the Decision Boundaries of KNN.mp4
91.8 MB
26. Segment 3.2.7 Performance Evaluation/4. Validation methods in MATLAB (Part 2).mp4
91.8 MB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/12. Discretizing your data.mp4
91.3 MB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/12. Discretizing your data.vtt
88.2 MB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/6. Histograms for outliers.mp4
88.1 MB
23. Segment 3.2.4 Support Vector Machines/1. SVM Intuition.mp4
87.4 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/7. Bar graphs.mp4
86.4 MB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/9. Dealing with Categorical Data (Part 1).mp4
85.1 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/13. Manipulating Directory (Part 1).vtt
82.4 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/13. Manipulating Directory (Part 1).mp4
82.4 MB
34. Segment 4.2 Dealing with Categorical Variables/2. Categorical data with no order.mp4
81.8 MB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/3. For loops for interating through your code.mp4
81.7 MB
33. Segment 4.1 Handling Missing Values/3. Using mean and mode.mp4
81.1 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/4. Plotting data.mp4
80.6 MB
31. Segment 3.5 Project Malware Analysis/3. Customizing code templates for completing Task 1 and 2 (Part 1).mp4
80.2 MB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/6. Feature Scaling.mp4
79.6 MB
21. Segment 3.2.2 Naive Bayes/2. Naive Bayesain Intuition (Part 2).mp4
78.8 MB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/4. Removing Missing Data (Part 1).mp4
78.2 MB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/5. Removing Missing Data (Part 2).mp4
75.8 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/6. More on plotting options.mp4
75.2 MB
6. Segment 1.4 Advance Math Functions with Symbolic Data Type/4. Solving Equations.mp4
75.2 MB
34. Segment 4.2 Dealing with Categorical Variables/5. Target based encoding.mp4
74.9 MB
22. Segment 3.2.3 Decision Trees/3. Visualizing Decision Trees using the View Function.mp4
73.9 MB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/2. 3 sigma rule with deletion strategy.mp4
73.7 MB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/2. Computing unique elements.mp4
73.2 MB
36. Segment 4.4 Feature Scaling and Data Discretization/2. Feature Scalling.mp4
72.6 MB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/7. Handling Outliers (Part 1).mp4
72.5 MB
13. Segment 2.1 Cell Data Type/2. Accessing Data in a Cell.mp4
71.9 MB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/6. Relational operations.mp4
71.7 MB
11. Segment 1.9 Sharing your MATLAB Results/1. Sharing results with automatically generated reports.mp4
71.5 MB
26. Segment 3.2.7 Performance Evaluation/5. Evaluating Classifiers in MATLAB.mp4
71.2 MB
28. Segment 3.3.1 K-Means/2. Choosing the number of clusters.mp4
71.2 MB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/2. Conditional if statment (Part 2).mp4
71.2 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/14. Manipulating Directory (Part 2).mp4
70.5 MB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/6. Computing statistics of the matrices.mp4
70.0 MB
33. Segment 4.1 Handling Missing Values/2. Deletion strategies.mp4
69.9 MB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/3. Importing data in different formats (N).mp4
69.3 MB
26. Segment 3.2.7 Performance Evaluation/1. Evaluating Classifiers Confusion matrix (Theory).mp4
67.7 MB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/3. Importing the Dataset.mp4
64.6 MB
36. Segment 4.4 Feature Scaling and Data Discretization/4. Discretization using Equal Frequency binning.mp4
64.5 MB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/6. Calling MATLAB functions from Excel.mp4
64.3 MB
13. Segment 2.1 Cell Data Type/4. Concatenating cells and passing cell contents to a function.mp4
63.9 MB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/8. Sorting matrix values.mp4
63.7 MB
13. Segment 2.1 Cell Data Type/1. Creating and defining cells.mp4
63.4 MB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/5. Passing data between excel and MATLAB.mp4
62.7 MB
29. Segment 3.3.2 Hierarchical Clustering/2. Hierarchical Clustering in MATLAB.mp4
62.3 MB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/4. Nested For Loops.mp4
62.1 MB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/9. Outliers in Categorical Variables.mp4
60.9 MB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/7. How to change default options and customize classifiers.mp4
60.4 MB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/3. Determining membership of elements to a matrix.mp4
60.2 MB
25. Segment 3.2.6 Ensembles/2. Ensembles in MATLAB.mp4
60.2 MB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/1. Conditional if Statements (Part 1).mp4
58.9 MB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/7. Continue statement for skipping an iteration.mp4
58.3 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/9. Interacting with the plot using the brush tool.mp4
57.9 MB
3. Segment 1.1 Handling variables and Creating Scripts/3. Different types of variables (Strings, characters and logical).vtt
57.5 MB
3. Segment 1.1 Handling variables and Creating Scripts/3. Different types of variables (Strings, characters and logical).mp4
57.5 MB
24. Segment 3.2.5 Discriminant Analysis/1. Discriminant Analysis Intuition.mp4
56.8 MB
13. Segment 2.1 Cell Data Type/3. Adding and deleting elements from a cell.mp4
56.5 MB
1. Course and Instructor Introduction/2. MATLAB Software (Pricing and Online resources).mp4
56.3 MB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/4. Spread Sheet link (Introduction and installation).mp4
56.1 MB
31. Segment 3.5 Project Malware Analysis/2. Problem Discription.mp4
54.2 MB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/8. Switch statements for choice selection.mp4
54.2 MB
31. Segment 3.5 Project Malware Analysis/4. Customizing code templates for completing Task 1 and 2 (Part 2).mp4
53.3 MB
21. Segment 3.2.2 Naive Bayes/1. Naive Bayesain Intuition (Part 1).mp4
53.2 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/2. Input output commands.vtt
53.0 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/2. Input output commands.mp4
53.0 MB
10. Segment 1.8 Making your own functions/3. Functions with multiple inputs and outputs.mp4
52.4 MB
25. Segment 3.2.6 Ensembles/1. Ensembles Intuition.mp4
52.3 MB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/10. Dealing with Categorical Data (Part 2).mp4
52.2 MB
3. Segment 1.1 Handling variables and Creating Scripts/5. Data selection with the colon operator.mp4
52.1 MB
24. Segment 3.2.5 Discriminant Analysis/3. Customization Options for Discriminant Analysis.mp4
52.0 MB
34. Segment 4.2 Dealing with Categorical Variables/3. Categorical data with order.mp4
51.7 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/3. More input output commands.mp4
51.2 MB
26. Segment 3.2.7 Performance Evaluation/2. Validation Methods (Theory).mp4
51.1 MB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/3. Computing GCD, LCM, Permutations and Prime numbers.mp4
50.9 MB
33. Segment 4.1 Handling Missing Values/4. Considering as a special value.mp4
49.8 MB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/6. Breaking out from a loop before final condition.mp4
49.6 MB
10. Segment 1.8 Making your own functions/4. Returning from a function.mp4
49.0 MB
3. Segment 1.1 Handling variables and Creating Scripts/2. Let's lay foundations for understanding Variables.mp4
49.0 MB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/11. Converting numbers between different bases.mp4
48.9 MB
21. Segment 3.2.2 Naive Bayes/3. Naive Bayesain in MATLAB.mp4
48.9 MB
22. Segment 3.2.3 Decision Trees/1. Decision trees intuition.mp4
48.9 MB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/12. Frequency of values within a vector.mp4
48.7 MB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/2. Basic Maths (addition, multiplication, subtraction and powers).mp4
48.6 MB
3. Segment 1.1 Handling variables and Creating Scripts/4. Creating scripts and understanding commenting and semicolon effect.mp4
48.3 MB
22. Segment 3.2.3 Decision Trees/2. Decision Trees in MATLAB.mp4
48.3 MB
23. Segment 3.2.4 Support Vector Machines/3. SVM in MATLAB.mp4
46.9 MB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/4. Shifting matrix elements.mp4
46.2 MB
10. Segment 1.8 Making your own functions/2. Functions with inputs.mp4
46.1 MB
6. Segment 1.4 Advance Math Functions with Symbolic Data Type/2. Symbolic variables.mp4
45.9 MB
6. Segment 1.4 Advance Math Functions with Symbolic Data Type/3. Differentiation and Integration using symbolic variables.mp4
45.7 MB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/6. Here is our classification template.mp4
45.4 MB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/2. Importing data from excel into MATLAB.mp4
45.4 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/8. Combining plots with hold on.mp4
44.4 MB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/11. Finding non-zero elements.mp4
43.5 MB
29. Segment 3.3.2 Hierarchical Clustering/1. Hierarchical Clustering Intuition (Part 1).mp4
43.5 MB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/8. Handling Outliers (Part 2).mp4
43.0 MB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/4. Trignometric functions.mp4
42.9 MB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/5. Set operations (Union, intersection, complement and others).mp4
42.5 MB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/3. 3 sigma rule with filling strategy.mp4
42.5 MB
10. Segment 1.8 Making your own functions/1. Creating Custom built Functions.mp4
42.4 MB
28. Segment 3.3.1 K-Means/1. K-Means Clustering Intuition.mp4
42.3 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/11. Animated Line.mp4
42.2 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/10. Two y-axis on the same plot.mp4
41.6 MB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/8. Cross product and dot product.mp4
40.5 MB
21. Segment 3.2.2 Naive Bayes/4. Customization Options for Naive Bayesain.mp4
40.1 MB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/7. Handling random numbers.mp4
39.8 MB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/9. Basic logical operation (And, Or and Not).mp4
39.4 MB
2. ------------ Part 1 MATLAB from Beginer to Advance -----------------/1. MATLAB Graphical User Interface.mp4
38.9 MB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/10. Sign and absolute functions.mp4
38.5 MB
2. ------------ Part 1 MATLAB from Beginer to Advance -----------------/2. Some Common Operations.mp4
38.4 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/5. Plotting 3-D data.mp4
37.7 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/6. Reading and writing tables to memory.mp4
36.7 MB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/12. Checking for existence of scripts, files, folders, variables or functions.mp4
36.6 MB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/9. Size and length functions.mp4
35.8 MB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/11. Your Preprocessing Template.mp4
34.9 MB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/10. Concatenating Matrices.vtt
34.7 MB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/10. Concatenating Matrices.mp4
34.7 MB
30. Segment 3.4 Dimensionality Reduction/2. Principal Component Analysis.mp4
33.7 MB
6. Segment 1.4 Advance Math Functions with Symbolic Data Type/3. Differentiation and Integration using symbolic variables.vtt
33.4 MB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/1. KNN Intuition.mp4
32.5 MB
24. Segment 3.2.5 Discriminant Analysis/2. Discriminant Analysis in MATLAB.mp4
31.3 MB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/5. Determinant, inverse and diagnal elements.mp4
28.0 MB
6. Segment 1.4 Advance Math Functions with Symbolic Data Type/2. Symbolic variables.vtt
28.0 MB
6. Segment 1.4 Advance Math Functions with Symbolic Data Type/5. Symbolic Functions.mp4
27.8 MB
16. Segment 2.4 Data Types Conversions/2. Converting Cell to other Data Types.mp4
26.9 MB
16. Segment 2.4 Data Types Conversions/1. Converting other data types to cell.mp4
25.9 MB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/7. Commonly used Matrices.mp4
25.8 MB
1. Course and Instructor Introduction/1. Course Introduction.mp4
24.6 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/10. Creating time tables.mp4
23.9 MB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/4. Box plots and iterquartile rule.mp4
23.3 MB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/7. Concatenation and more operations on map container.mp4
20.7 MB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/7. Local Outlier Factor (Part 1).mp4
20.7 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/12. Concatenating time tables.mp4
20.3 MB
23. Segment 3.2.4 Support Vector Machines/2. Kernel SVM Intuition.mp4
20.1 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/14. NEW Dealing with missing data.mp4
19.7 MB
32. ------------- Part 4 Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning using MATLAB -----/1. Introduction to course.mp4
18.9 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/2. Adding Descriptions, Units and Accessing individual columns.mp4
18.6 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/1. Creating Tables.mp4
18.1 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/11. Properties, sorting and data selection in time tables.mp4
16.9 MB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/1. Creating structures.mp4
14.5 MB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/6. Creating Map Containers.mp4
12.5 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/9. Adding and deleting rows from a table.mp4
12.4 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/7. Storing summary of a table.mp4
11.9 MB
16. Segment 2.4 Data Types Conversions/4. Converting from table to other data type.mp4
11.8 MB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/4. Storing data from a structure field into a variable.mp4
11.3 MB
17. ----------- Part 3 Machine Learning for Data Science using MATLAB ------------/1. Introduction to the segment.mp4
11.3 MB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/2. Section Introduction.mp4
11.3 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/3. Selecting and reordering rows.mp4
10.7 MB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/3. Concatenating structures.mp4
10.7 MB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/5. More operations on a structure.mp4
9.7 MB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/2. Retrieving data from a field of a structure.mp4
9.6 MB
16. Segment 2.4 Data Types Conversions/3. Converting from other to table data type.mp4
8.7 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/4. Sorting rows or a table.mp4
8.6 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/8. Adding and deleting columns from a table.mp4
8.6 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/13. Indexing and retrieving data based on row times.mp4
5.9 MB
12. ------------ Part 2 Advance MATLAB Data Types ----------------------/1. Introduction to the section.mp4
5.4 MB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/5. More properties of a table.mp4
4.7 MB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/9.1 Practice Exercise Question.pdf.pdf
466.4 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/13.1 Practice Exercise Question.pdf.pdf
367.5 kB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/7.2 Practice Exercise Questions.pdf.pdf
358.8 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/15.1 Practice Exercise Questions (Advance).pdf.pdf
331.6 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/16.1 Solutions to Practice Exercise Question (Advance).pdf.pdf
311.8 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/16.1 Project .pdf.pdf
302.3 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/13.1 Practice Exercise Questions (Beginner).pdf.pdf
301.9 kB
31. Segment 3.5 Project Malware Analysis/1.1 Code and Data.zip.zip
300.8 kB
31. Segment 3.5 Project Malware Analysis/6.1 Code and Data.zip.zip
300.8 kB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/11.1 Practice Exercise Questions (Challenge) .pdf.pdf
267.7 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/14.1 Solutions to Practice Exercise Question (Beginner).pdf.pdf
240.1 kB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/10.1 Solutions to Practice Exercise Questions .pdf.pdf
213.4 kB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/8.1 Solutions to Practice Exercise Questions .pdf.pdf
208.3 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/14.1 Solutions to Practice Exercise Question.pdf.pdf
203.8 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/17.1 Project Solution.pdf.pdf
202.3 kB
38. BONUS Discounted Coupons for my other MATLAB Courses/1.1 MATLAB courses coupons_1.pdf.pdf
182.0 kB
19. Segment 3.2 Classification/1.1 Code and Data.zip.zip
51.2 kB
34. Segment 4.2 Dealing with Categorical Variables/1.1 Code and Data.zip.zip
44.9 kB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/1.1 Code and Data.zip.zip
40.5 kB
29. Segment 3.3.2 Hierarchical Clustering/3. Hierarchical Clustering Intuition (Part 2).vtt
21.4 kB
30. Segment 3.4 Dimensionality Reduction/4. PCA in MATLAB (Part 2).vtt
18.7 kB
28. Segment 3.3.1 K-Means/4. k-means in MATLAB (Part 2).vtt
18.6 kB
37. Segment 4.5 Project Selecting the Right Method for your Data/2. Selecting the right method (Part 1).vtt
18.2 kB
29. Segment 3.3.2 Hierarchical Clustering/2. Hierarchical Clustering in MATLAB.vtt
18.1 kB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/5. Class specific box plots.vtt
17.4 kB
36. Segment 4.4 Feature Scaling and Data Discretization/3. Discretization using Equal width binning.vtt
17.2 kB
26. Segment 3.2.7 Performance Evaluation/1. Evaluating Classifiers Confusion matrix (Theory).vtt
17.0 kB
23. Segment 3.2.4 Support Vector Machines/1. SVM Intuition.vtt
16.9 kB
21. Segment 3.2.2 Naive Bayes/2. Naive Bayesain Intuition (Part 2).vtt
16.9 kB
25. Segment 3.2.6 Ensembles/1. Ensembles Intuition.vtt
15.5 kB
28. Segment 3.3.1 K-Means/2. Choosing the number of clusters.vtt
15.5 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/15. Processing text files.vtt
15.2 kB
33. Segment 4.1 Handling Missing Values/6. Random Value Imputation.vtt
15.0 kB
30. Segment 3.4 Dimensionality Reduction/3. PCA in MATLAB (Part 1).vtt
14.5 kB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/6. Histograms for outliers.vtt
14.3 kB
34. Segment 4.2 Dealing with Categorical Variables/4. Frequency based encoding4.vtt
14.3 kB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/4. Visualizing the Decision Boundaries of KNN.vtt
14.2 kB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/3. KNN in MATLAB (Part 2).vtt
14.0 kB
28. Segment 3.3.1 K-Means/3. k-means in MATLAB (Part 1).vtt
13.9 kB
24. Segment 3.2.5 Discriminant Analysis/1. Discriminant Analysis Intuition.vtt
13.9 kB
25. Segment 3.2.6 Ensembles/3. Customization options for Ensembles.vtt
13.7 kB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/5. While loops (when you don't know the number of iterations).vtt
13.6 kB
33. Segment 4.1 Handling Missing Values/1.1 Code and Data.zip.zip
13.6 kB
33. Segment 4.1 Handling Missing Values/5. Class specific mean and mode.vtt
13.5 kB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/3. For loops for interating through your code.vtt
13.4 kB
28. Segment 3.3.1 K-Means/1. K-Means Clustering Intuition.vtt
13.4 kB
26. Segment 3.2.7 Performance Evaluation/2. Validation Methods (Theory).vtt
13.1 kB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/8. Local Outlier Factor (Part 2).vtt
13.0 kB
26. Segment 3.2.7 Performance Evaluation/3. Validation methods in MATLAB (Part 1).vtt
12.9 kB
37. Segment 4.5 Project Selecting the Right Method for your Data/3. Selecting the right method (Part 2).vtt
12.6 kB
16. Segment 2.4 Data Types Conversions/2. Converting Cell to other Data Types.vtt
12.4 kB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/1.1 Code and Data.zip.zip
12.4 kB
6. Segment 1.4 Advance Math Functions with Symbolic Data Type/4. Solving Equations.vtt
12.1 kB
21. Segment 3.2.2 Naive Bayes/1. Naive Bayesain Intuition (Part 1).vtt
11.9 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/2. Computing unique elements.vtt
11.9 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/6. Computing statistics of the matrices.vtt
11.8 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/7. Bar graphs.vtt
11.8 kB
29. Segment 3.3.2 Hierarchical Clustering/1. Hierarchical Clustering Intuition (Part 1).vtt
11.7 kB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/2. 3 sigma rule with deletion strategy.vtt
11.6 kB
16. Segment 2.4 Data Types Conversions/1. Converting other data types to cell.vtt
11.5 kB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/8. Customization options for KNN.vtt
11.2 kB
22. Segment 3.2.3 Decision Trees/1. Decision trees intuition.vtt
11.1 kB
33. Segment 4.1 Handling Missing Values/3. Using mean and mode.vtt
11.1 kB
11. Segment 1.9 Sharing your MATLAB Results/2. Sharing your results with live scripts.vtt
11.0 kB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/2. KNN in MATLAB (Part 1).vtt
11.0 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/14. Manipulating Directory (Part 2).vtt
11.0 kB
31. Segment 3.5 Project Malware Analysis/3. Customizing code templates for completing Task 1 and 2 (Part 1).vtt
10.7 kB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/5. Explaining the code for visualization.vtt
10.7 kB
13. Segment 2.1 Cell Data Type/2. Accessing Data in a Cell.vtt
10.7 kB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/9. Dealing with Categorical Data (Part 1).vtt
10.6 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/6. More on plotting options.vtt
10.5 kB
34. Segment 4.2 Dealing with Categorical Variables/2. Categorical data with no order.vtt
10.5 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/4. Plotting data.vtt
10.4 kB
23. Segment 3.2.4 Support Vector Machines/4. Customization Options for SVM.vtt
10.4 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/14. NEW Dealing with missing data.vtt
10.1 kB
34. Segment 4.2 Dealing with Categorical Variables/5. Target based encoding.vtt
10.1 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/6. Relational operations.vtt
10.0 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/8. Sorting matrix values.vtt
10.0 kB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/1. Conditional if Statements (Part 1).vtt
10.0 kB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/2. Conditional if statment (Part 2).vtt
10.0 kB
22. Segment 3.2.3 Decision Trees/3. Visualizing Decision Trees using the View Function.vtt
9.8 kB
25. Segment 3.2.6 Ensembles/2. Ensembles in MATLAB.vtt
9.8 kB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/6. Feature Scaling.vtt
9.8 kB
22. Segment 3.2.3 Decision Trees/4. Customization Options for Decision Trees.vtt
9.7 kB
13. Segment 2.1 Cell Data Type/1. Creating and defining cells.vtt
9.6 kB
31. Segment 3.5 Project Malware Analysis/2. Problem Discription.vtt
9.6 kB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/7. Handling Outliers (Part 1).vtt
9.6 kB
26. Segment 3.2.7 Performance Evaluation/5. Evaluating Classifiers in MATLAB.vtt
9.5 kB
26. Segment 3.2.7 Performance Evaluation/4. Validation methods in MATLAB (Part 2).vtt
9.4 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/6. Reading and writing tables to memory.vtt
9.4 kB
11. Segment 1.9 Sharing your MATLAB Results/1. Sharing results with automatically generated reports.vtt
9.4 kB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/7. Continue statement for skipping an iteration.vtt
9.3 kB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/4. Box plots and iterquartile rule.vtt
9.1 kB
33. Segment 4.1 Handling Missing Values/2. Deletion strategies.vtt
9.1 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/10. Creating time tables.vtt
9.1 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/3. Determining membership of elements to a matrix.vtt
8.9 kB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/3. Importing data in different formats (N).vtt
8.8 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/11. Converting numbers between different bases.vtt
8.8 kB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/4. Nested For Loops.vtt
8.7 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/9. Interacting with the plot using the brush tool.vtt
8.7 kB
30. Segment 3.4 Dimensionality Reduction/2. Principal Component Analysis.vtt
8.6 kB
36. Segment 4.4 Feature Scaling and Data Discretization/4. Discretization using Equal Frequency binning.vtt
8.6 kB
36. Segment 4.4 Feature Scaling and Data Discretization/2. Feature Scalling.vtt
8.6 kB
13. Segment 2.1 Cell Data Type/4. Concatenating cells and passing cell contents to a function.vtt
8.5 kB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/3. Importing the Dataset.vtt
8.5 kB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/4. Removing Missing Data (Part 1).vtt
8.4 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/1. Creating Tables.vtt
8.3 kB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/9. Outliers in Categorical Variables.vtt
8.2 kB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/5. Passing data between excel and MATLAB.vtt
8.2 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/11. Properties, sorting and data selection in time tables.vtt
8.2 kB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/8. Switch statements for choice selection.vtt
8.1 kB
10. Segment 1.8 Making your own functions/4. Returning from a function.vtt
8.1 kB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/1. KNN Intuition.vtt
8.1 kB
13. Segment 2.1 Cell Data Type/3. Adding and deleting elements from a cell.vtt
8.1 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/2. Basic Maths (addition, multiplication, subtraction and powers).vtt
8.1 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/3. More input output commands.vtt
8.0 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/12. Concatenating time tables.vtt
7.9 kB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/7. How to change default options and customize classifiers.vtt
7.9 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/2. Adding Descriptions, Units and Accessing individual columns.vtt
7.9 kB
10. Segment 1.8 Making your own functions/3. Functions with multiple inputs and outputs.vtt
7.7 kB
23. Segment 3.2.4 Support Vector Machines/3. SVM in MATLAB.vtt
7.7 kB
30. Segment 3.4 Dimensionality Reduction/1.1 Code and Data.zip.zip
7.7 kB
33. Segment 4.1 Handling Missing Values/4. Considering as a special value.vtt
7.6 kB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/6. Calling MATLAB functions from Excel.vtt
7.5 kB
3. Segment 1.1 Handling variables and Creating Scripts/2. Let's lay foundations for understanding Variables.vtt
7.5 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/3. Computing GCD, LCM, Permutations and Prime numbers.vtt
7.4 kB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/7. Concatenation and more operations on map container.vtt
7.4 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/12. Frequency of values within a vector.vtt
7.3 kB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/5. Removing Missing Data (Part 2).vtt
7.3 kB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/1. Creating structures.vtt
7.2 kB
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/6. Breaking out from a loop before final condition.vtt
7.1 kB
23. Segment 3.2.4 Support Vector Machines/2. Kernel SVM Intuition.vtt
7.1 kB
3. Segment 1.1 Handling variables and Creating Scripts/4. Creating scripts and understanding commenting and semicolon effect.vtt
7.1 kB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/7. Local Outlier Factor (Part 1).vtt
7.0 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/8. Combining plots with hold on.vtt
6.9 kB
10. Segment 1.8 Making your own functions/2. Functions with inputs.vtt
6.9 kB
3. Segment 1.1 Handling variables and Creating Scripts/5. Data selection with the colon operator.vtt
6.8 kB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/10. Dealing with Categorical Data (Part 2).vtt
6.7 kB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/2. Importing data from excel into MATLAB.vtt
6.7 kB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/4. Spread Sheet link (Introduction and installation).vtt
6.7 kB
21. Segment 3.2.2 Naive Bayes/3. Naive Bayesain in MATLAB.vtt
6.6 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/9. Adding and deleting rows from a table.vtt
6.6 kB
34. Segment 4.2 Dealing with Categorical Variables/3. Categorical data with order.vtt
6.5 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/11. Finding non-zero elements.vtt
6.5 kB
10. Segment 1.8 Making your own functions/1. Creating Custom built Functions.vtt
6.4 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/12. Checking for existence of scripts, files, folders, variables or functions.vtt
6.4 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/4. Trignometric functions.vtt
6.4 kB
16. Segment 2.4 Data Types Conversions/4. Converting from table to other data type.vtt
6.3 kB
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/3. 3 sigma rule with filling strategy.vtt
6.2 kB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/6. Creating Map Containers.vtt
6.2 kB
31. Segment 3.5 Project Malware Analysis/4. Customizing code templates for completing Task 1 and 2 (Part 2).vtt
6.2 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/5. Set operations (Union, intersection, complement and others).vtt
6.2 kB
37. Segment 4.5 Project Selecting the Right Method for your Data/1.1 Code and Data.zip.zip
6.1 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/11. Animated Line.vtt
6.0 kB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/8. Handling Outliers (Part 2).vtt
6.0 kB
27. Segment 3.3 Clustering/1.1 Code and Data.zip.zip
6.0 kB
2. ------------ Part 1 MATLAB from Beginer to Advance -----------------/2. Some Common Operations.vtt
5.9 kB
1. Course and Instructor Introduction/2. MATLAB Software (Pricing and Online resources).vtt
5.9 kB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/4. Storing data from a structure field into a variable.vtt
5.9 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/8. Cross product and dot product.vtt
5.8 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/4. Shifting matrix elements.vtt
5.7 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/10. Sign and absolute functions.vtt
5.7 kB
2. ------------ Part 1 MATLAB from Beginer to Advance -----------------/1. MATLAB Graphical User Interface.vtt
5.7 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/3. Selecting and reordering rows.vtt
5.7 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/9. Basic logical operation (And, Or and Not).vtt
5.6 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/7. Handling random numbers.vtt
5.6 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/10. Two y-axis on the same plot.vtt
5.5 kB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/3. Concatenating structures.vtt
5.5 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/5. Plotting 3-D data.vtt
5.4 kB
32. ------------- Part 4 Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning using MATLAB -----/1. Introduction to course.vtt
5.2 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/9. Size and length functions.vtt
5.2 kB
22. Segment 3.2.3 Decision Trees/2. Decision Trees in MATLAB.vtt
5.1 kB
24. Segment 3.2.5 Discriminant Analysis/3. Customization Options for Discriminant Analysis.vtt
5.1 kB
6. Segment 1.4 Advance Math Functions with Symbolic Data Type/5. Symbolic Functions.vtt
5.0 kB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/2. Retrieving data from a field of a structure.vtt
4.9 kB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/1.1 Code and Data.zip.zip
4.6 kB
20. Segment 3.2.1 K-Nearest Neighbor/6. Here is our classification template.vtt
4.6 kB
16. Segment 2.4 Data Types Conversions/3. Converting from other to table data type.vtt
4.5 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/5. Determinant, inverse and diagnal elements.vtt
4.4 kB
1. Course and Instructor Introduction/1. Course Introduction.vtt
4.3 kB
24. Segment 3.2.5 Discriminant Analysis/2. Discriminant Analysis in MATLAB.vtt
4.3 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/1.1 Code and Scripts.zip.zip
4.3 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/7. Storing summary of a table.vtt
4.3 kB
15. Segment 2.3 Working with Structures and Map Container Data Type/5. More operations on a structure.vtt
4.3 kB
21. Segment 3.2.2 Naive Bayes/4. Customization Options for Naive Bayesain.vtt
4.2 kB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/11. Your Preprocessing Template.vtt
4.2 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/4. Sorting rows or a table.vtt
4.1 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/7. Commonly used Matrices.vtt
3.7 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/1.1 code and scripts.zip.zip
3.6 kB
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/1.1 Code and Scripts.zip.zip
3.3 kB
12. ------------ Part 2 Advance MATLAB Data Types ----------------------/1. Introduction to the section.vtt
3.0 kB
36. Segment 4.4 Feature Scaling and Data Discretization/1.1 Code and Data.zip.zip
3.0 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/13. Indexing and retrieving data based on row times.vtt
2.7 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/8. Adding and deleting columns from a table.vtt
2.7 kB
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/7.1 data.csv.csv
2.4 kB
17. ----------- Part 3 Machine Learning for Data Science using MATLAB ------------/1. Introduction to the segment.vtt
2.3 kB
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/2. Section Introduction.vtt
2.3 kB
14. Segment 2.2 Tables and Time Tables/5. More properties of a table.vtt
1.9 kB
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/16.2 Example_text.txt.txt
1.7 kB
3. Segment 1.1 Handling variables and Creating Scripts/1.1 Code and Scripts.zip.zip
1.5 kB
6. Segment 1.4 Advance Math Functions with Symbolic Data Type/1.1 Code and Scripts.zip.zip
1.3 kB
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/15. Hey Don't Foget to Test youself on a Quiz.html
158 Bytes
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/17. Hey Don't Foget to Test youself on a Quiz.html
158 Bytes
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/16. Project Processing text file and visualizing its results.html
131 Bytes
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/15. Test yourself Have fun with some practice questions (Advance level).html
124 Bytes
121 Bytes
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/9. Test yourself Have fun with some practice questions.html
114 Bytes
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/13. Test yourself Have fun with some practice questions.html
111 Bytes
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/7. Test yourself Have fun with some practice questions.html
103 Bytes
3. Segment 1.1 Handling variables and Creating Scripts/1. Code and Scripts.html
94 Bytes
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/1. Code and Scripts.html
94 Bytes
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/1. Code and Scripts.html
94 Bytes
6. Segment 1.4 Advance Math Functions with Symbolic Data Type/1. Code and Scripts.html
94 Bytes
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/1. Code and Scripts.html
94 Bytes
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/1. Code and Scripts.html
94 Bytes
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/11. Test yourself (Challenge) Have fun with some practice questions.html
93 Bytes
31. Segment 3.5 Project Malware Analysis/6. Here is the project.html
92 Bytes
4. Segment 1.2 Doing Basic Maths in MATLAB/14. Solutions to practice exercise questions.html
87 Bytes
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/14. Solutions to practice exercise questions (Beginner level).html
87 Bytes
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/16. Solutions to practice exercise questions (Advance level).html
87 Bytes
9. Segment 1.7 MATLAB Programming/10. Solutions to practice exercise questions.html
87 Bytes
19. Segment 3.2 Classification/1. Code and Data.html
81 Bytes
8. Segment 1.6 Importing Data into MATLAB/8. Solutions to practice exercise questions.html
69 Bytes
33. Segment 4.1 Handling Missing Values/1. Code and Data.html
68 Bytes
30. Segment 3.4 Dimensionality Reduction/1. Code and data.html
67 Bytes
37. Segment 4.5 Project Selecting the Right Method for your Data/1. Code and Data.html
67 Bytes
27. Segment 3.3 Clustering/1. Code and Data.html
63 Bytes
31. Segment 3.5 Project Malware Analysis/1. Code and data.html
57 Bytes
35. Segment 4.3 Outlier Detection/1. Code and Data.html
57 Bytes
34. Segment 4.2 Dealing with Categorical Variables/1. Code and Data.html
56 Bytes
36. Segment 4.4 Feature Scaling and Data Discretization/1. Code and Data.html
56 Bytes
7. Segment 1.5 Interacting with MATLAB and Graphics/17. Project solution.html
53 Bytes
38. BONUS Discounted Coupons for my other MATLAB Courses/1. Discounted coupons for MY other MATLAB courses.html
42 Bytes
18. Segment 3.1 Data Preprocessing/1. Code and Data.html
41 Bytes
5. Segment 1.3 Operations on Matrices/13. Test yourself Have fun with some practice questions (Beginner level).html
29 Bytes
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