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沙发 空姐
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the sword in the stone
the dark night
x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/11. Microsoft x64 Calling Convention Example--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/1. Mov Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/7. Passing Parameters Part 1--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/11. Multiplication and Division Instructions/5. Idiv Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/8. Passing Parameters Part 2--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/10. Microsoft x64 Calling Convention--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/8. Branching Example 1--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/1. And Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/5. x86-64 Assembly Language Notes/1. x86-64 Assembly Language Notes--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/6. Xor Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/4. Conditional Branching Part 1--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/4. Assembly Language Basics/4. Debugging--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/3. Or Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/11. Multiplication and Division Instructions/4. Imul Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/11. Multiplication and Division Instructions/1. Mul Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/9. Add and Sub Instructions--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/3. Data Representation/1. Number Systems--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/13. Strings/1. Movs Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/11. Multiplication and Division Instructions/2. Div Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/14. IO Macros--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/2. Stack--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/9. Local Variables--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/10. Array and Addressing Modes/3. Indirect Addressing--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/6. Nested Procedure Calls--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/3. Data Representation/2. Representing Integers--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/12. Shift and Rotate Instructions/5. Rol and Rcl Instructions--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/4. Procedures--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/13. Strings/5. Cmps Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/12. Single-Line Macros--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/12. Shift and Rotate Instructions/1. Shift Left--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/13. Multi-Line Macros--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/5. Conditional Branching Part 2--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/12. Shift and Rotate Instructions/7. Ror and Rcr Instructions--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/4. Assembly Language Basics/2. Assembling and Linking Basics--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/9. Branching Example 2--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/13. Strings/4. Scas Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/7. Flags/2. Carry Flag--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/7. Flags/3. Overflow Flag--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/3. Xchg Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/6. Conditional Branching Part 3--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/5. And and Or Instructions Example--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/13. Strings/3. Lods Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/3. Test Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/2. Jmp Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/7. Flags/1. Flags Register--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/2. Computer Architecture/1. Introduction to Computer Architecture--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/10. Array and Addressing Modes/4. Endianness--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/1. Introduction to Branching--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/10. Array and Addressing Modes/1. Introduction to Array--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/8. Flags Example--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/1. Introduction/1. Introduction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/11. Add and Sub Instructions Example--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/4. Assembly Language Basics/3. First Program--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/10. Array and Addressing Modes/2. Immediate Register and Direct Addressing--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
13.6 MB
x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/1. Introduction to Procedures--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/5. A Simple Example--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/7. Flags/5. Zero Flag--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/7. Flags/4. Sign Flag--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/7. Passing Parameters Part 1--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/8. Branching Example 1--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/1. Mov Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/13. Multi-Line Macros--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/5. x86-64 Assembly Language Notes/1. x86-64 Assembly Language Notes--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/14. IO Macros--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/3. Data Representation/1. Number Systems--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/13. Strings/1. Movs Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/2. Stack--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/4. Assembly Language Basics/4. Debugging--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/12. Single-Line Macros--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/11. Multiplication and Division Instructions/4. Imul Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/8. Passing Parameters Part 2--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/1. And Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/4. Conditional Branching Part 1--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/10. Array and Addressing Modes/3. Indirect Addressing--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/11. Multiplication and Division Instructions/5. Idiv Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/4. Procedures--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/11. Multiplication and Division Instructions/1. Mul Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/3. Or Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/6. Nested Procedure Calls--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/9. Local Variables--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/2. Computer Architecture/2. Introduction to Processor Mode--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/6. Xor Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/12. Shift and Rotate Instructions/5. Rol and Rcl Instructions--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/11. Multiplication and Division Instructions/2. Div Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/9. Add and Sub Instructions--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/13. Strings/5. Cmps Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/12. Shift and Rotate Instructions/3. Shift Right--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/10. Microsoft x64 Calling Convention--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/4. Assembly Language Basics/3. First Program--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/9. Branching Example 2--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/12. Shift and Rotate Instructions/1. Shift Left--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/5. Conditional Branching Part 2--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/13. Strings/2. Stos Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/1. Introduction/1. Introduction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/4. Assembly Language Basics/5. Defining Variables--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/4. Assembly Language Basics/1. Install SASM--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/11. Multiplication and Division Instructions/7. Imul and Idiv Instruction Example--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
4.3 kB
x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/12. Shift and Rotate Instructions/7. Ror and Rcr Instructions--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
4.3 kB
x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/10. Array and Addressing Modes/1. Introduction to Array--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/13. Strings/3. Lods Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/13. Strings/4. Scas Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/3. Test Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/7. Flags/2. Carry Flag--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
3.9 kB
x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/2. Computer Architecture/1. Introduction to Computer Architecture--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/3. Xchg Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/2. Jmp Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/7. Flags/3. Overflow Flag--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/6. Conditional Branching Part 3--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/10. Array and Addressing Modes/4. Endianness--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/10. Array and Addressing Modes/2. Immediate Register and Direct Addressing--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/1.2 General purpose registers--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---_hocr.html
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/5. And and Or Instructions Example--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/8. Flags Example--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/10. Branching Example 3--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/6. Inc and Dec Instructions--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/4. Assembly Language Basics/7. Constant--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/5. A Simple Example--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/4. Assembly Language Basics/2. Assembling and Linking Basics--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/7. Neg Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/9. Not Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/10. Array and Addressing Modes/6. Lea Instruction--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/6. Data Transfer and Basic Arithmetic Instructions/11. Add and Sub Instructions Example--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/7. Flags/1. Flags Register--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/1. Introduction to Branching--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/3. Data Representation/4. ASCII Strings--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/1. Introduction to Procedures--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/7. Flags/5. Zero Flag--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/7. Flags/4. Sign Flag--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/10. Array and Addressing Modes/8. Rip-Relative Addressing--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.srt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/6.1 conditional branch part 3.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/5.1 conditional branch part 2.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/11. Multiplication and Division Instructions/5.1 idiv instruction.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/4.1 conditional branch part 1.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/11. Multiplication and Division Instructions/2.1 div instruction.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/13. Strings/5.1 cmps 1.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/1.1 And instruction.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/5. x86-64 Assembly Language Notes/How to Support [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] for Free.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/15. Conclusion/Please Support FreeCourseWeb.com for Free!.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/12.2 Single-Line Macro 1.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/12. Shift and Rotate Instructions/1.1 Shift Left.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/12. Shift and Rotate Instructions/3.1 Shift Right.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/2.1 Stack.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/14. Stack and Procedures/12.1 Single-Line Macro 2.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/9.2 branch example 2-2.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/9.1 Not instruction.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/10. Array and Addressing Modes/6.1 lea instruction.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/8.1 Flags example.txt
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/8. Bitwise Instructions/7. Xor Instruction.html
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/3. Data Representation/3. Number Systems.html
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/9. Branch instructions/7. Conditional Branching.html
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/7. Flags/6. Flags Register.html
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x86 64-bit Assembly Language - Step-by-Step Tutorial/12. Shift and Rotate Instructions/2. Shift Left.html
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