[Coursera] Introduction to Psychology by Steve Joordens
[Coursera] Introduction to Psychology by Steve Joordens
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Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/Teaching Sensation and Perception (HD).mp4
912.5 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Dr. Oliver Sacks on The Minds Eye (HD).mp4
765.0 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Bay Area Vision Meeting Perception for Robotics (HD).mp4
392.0 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Scientific Racism The Eugenics of Social Darwinism 360p.mp4
223.9 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Charles Darwin Biography.webm
210.1 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Flirting[1].mp3
186.6 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/B F Skinner on education.webm
146.1 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Timeline in Psychology's Development.mp4
131.0 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Operant Conditioning and Gaming Addiction[3].mp4
117.7 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Brief History of Psychology part 1.mp4
114.1 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/The Unfixed Brain.mp4
109.4 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/031 How Rods and Cones respond to Light (HD).mp4
90.7 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/Basic Parts of the Brain - Part 1 - 3D Anatomy Tutorial (HD).mp4
90.4 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/037 How Sound is Transferred to the Inner Ear (HD).mp4
87.7 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/Dissecting Brains.mp4
84.0 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 16 - FreakinLolas.mp4
78.1 MB
Books and Readings/Psychology in Action.pdf
75.5 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/Basic Parts of the Brain - Part 2 - 3D Anatomy Tutorial (HD).mp4
73.7 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 4 - Week 1 - Side Dish 1.mp4
68.7 MB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Hypnosis (38-49 min).mp4
68.4 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/Oliver Sacks What hallucination reveals about our minds (Low).mp4
64.7 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/Gazzaniga, Consciousness & Brain Hemispheres (Low).mp4
62.0 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/NOVA Inside NOVA Change Blindness (HD).mp4
58.9 MB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 8 - Lecture 8 - Love (31-19 min).mp4
57.2 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Sigmund Freud Theory of Psychosexual Development.mp4
55.6 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Perception - The reality beyond matter (Low).mp4
53.4 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 18 - Week 7 - Side DIsh 9.mp4
53.0 MB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 4 - Lecture 4 - Stages of Development (26-21 min).mp4
52.8 MB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 6 - Lecture 6 - Intelligence (27-29 min).mp4
49.2 MB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 5 - Lecture 5 - Parent-Child Relationships (27-14 min).mp4
47.5 MB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Sleep (24-59 min).mp4
46.3 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 3 - AdasQuestionnaire.mp4
44.7 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Phantom Limbs (HD).mp4
44.7 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/063 The Divisions of the Nervous System.mp4
44.5 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/067 The Anatomy and Functions of the Occipital and Temporal Lobes (HD).mp4
43.9 MB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 7 - Lecture 7 - PTSD (23-20 min).mp4
43.0 MB
Books and Readings/Introdution to Psychology.pdf
42.9 MB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Dreams (20-58 min).mp4
41.6 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Psychology Research Methods in Psychology 1avi.webm
41.2 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/The difference between classical and operant conditioning Peggy Andover.mp4
39.7 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Psychology Research Methods in Psychology 2avi.mp4
38.9 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 8 - Lecture 8 - Biological Treatments (21-44 min).mp4
38.8 MB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Memory is Not Singular- Part 2 (24-34 min).mp4
37.8 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 4 - Lecture 4 - Schizophrenia (22-24 min).mp4
36.1 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Anxiety Disorders (21-58 min).mp4
35.8 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Brain Matter (20-20 min).mp4
35.7 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/43 Introduction to Cartesian Dualism.webm
35.3 MB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 5 - Lecture 5 - How to Flirt (17-38 min).mp4
34.7 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/The Marshmallow Test.mp4
34.0 MB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 4 - Lecture 4 - Learning by Consequence (17-32 min).mp4
33.5 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 7 - Lecture 7 - The Frontal Lobe (18-10 min).mp4
33.3 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/10 Unsolved Mysteries Of The Brain (HD).mp4
33.0 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Disorders of Emotion (20-32 min).mp4
32.9 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 8 - Lecture 8 - Attraction (20-15 min).mp4
32.8 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Diagnosis (21-22 min).mp4
32.7 MB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 5 - Lecture 5 - Deja Vu (19-23 min).mp4
32.1 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 7 - Lecture 7 - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (20-30 min).mp4
32.0 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Scientific Method Experimental Design Tutorial for Teachers.mp4
31.9 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Point of Contact (20-24 min).mp4
31.2 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/What babies teach us about perception (HD).mp4
30.9 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 6 - Lecture 6 - Insight Therapies (17-53 min).mp4
30.7 MB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 7 - Lecture 7 - Passing the Test (14-40 min).mp4
30.7 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 3 - Before Freud.mp4
30.1 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Perceiving What- Part 1 (18-38 min).mp4
30.0 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 4 - Lecture 4 - Perceiving What- Part 2 (17-50 min).mp4
29.6 MB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Rise of Behaviorism (15-59 min).mp4
29.6 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 6 - Lecture 6 - Selection (16-38 min).mp4
29.6 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 7 - Lecture 7 - Competition, Ignorance, Fear and Prejudice (18-28 min).mp4
29.5 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 4 - Lecture 4 - Good People Do Bad (16-25 min).mp4
29.2 MB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Forces of Nature (15-18 min).mp4
29.1 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 6 - Lecture 6 - Schemas, Stereotypes and Prejudice (16-16 min).mp4
29.1 MB
Steve's Random Videos/11 - 1 - pSassess.mp4
28.3 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 5 - Lecture 5 - Perceiving Where (17-35 min).mp4
28.3 MB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Learning (14-09 min).mp4
28.3 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 10 - Week 2 - Side Dish 3.mp4
28.0 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 17 - pScreate.mp4
28.0 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Play to Extinction[2].mp4
27.9 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 6 - Lecture 6 - The Parietal Lobe (16-07 min).mp4
27.9 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 7 - Knowledge Association.mp4
27.8 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Conformity (13-51 min).mp4
27.7 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Authority (16-29 min).mp4
27.2 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 11 - Week 3 - Side Dish 4.mp4
27.2 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/025 The 4 Lobes of the Cerebrum and their functions (HD).mp4
27.1 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 1 - General Overview.mp4
27.1 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Nonverbal Communication, Body Language Expert Jan Hargrave (Low).mp4
26.4 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Phantom Limb Video (Low).mp4
26.3 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 6 - DLAssess.mp4
26.1 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/The History of Psychology.webm
26.1 MB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Memory is Not Singular- Part 1 (15-55 min).mp4
25.8 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 7 - Lecture 7 - Self Awareness (13-21 min).mp4
25.7 MB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 8 - Lecture 8 - Observational Learning (11-52 min).mp4
25.5 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Protecting the Self (15-04 min).mp4
25.3 MB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 7 - Lecture 7 - Amnesias (15-45 min).mp4
25.3 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 5 - After Freud.mp4
25.2 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 8 - Knowledge by Contrast.mp4
25.2 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 8 - Lecture 8 - Split Brain (14-40 min).mp4
25.1 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 14 - Week 5 - Side Dish 7.mp4
24.9 MB
Books and Readings/Myers Psychology in Modules 9th txtbk.pdf
24.7 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Capgras delusion patient (Low).mp4
24.6 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Your Light Switch (12-40 min).mp4
24.6 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 5 - Lecture 5 - Personality Disorders (15-48 min).mp4
24.2 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Outside In (14-26 min).mp4
23.6 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 5 - Lecture 5 - The Temporal Lobe (14-51 min).mp4
23.5 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 5 - Lecture 5 - Bystander Interference (12-00 min).mp4
23.0 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Visual Agnosia (Low).mp4
22.9 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 8 - Lecture 8 - Theory of Mind (13-40 min).mp4
22.8 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 4 - Freud.mp4
22.7 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 2 - Psychology Emerges....mp4
22.6 MB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 8 - Lecture 8 - What is Not Forgotten (14-39 min) .mp4
22.2 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 6 - Truth Seeking.mp4
21.8 MB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Reconstructive Memory (13-18 min).mp4
21.5 MB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 6 - Lecture 6 - Conditioned Superstition (10-02 min).mp4
21.0 MB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 6 - Lecture 6 - Familiarity (12-33 min).mp4
20.5 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Sigmund Freud Documentary Pt 1 of 3.webm
20.4 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/Ramachandran, the Temporal Lobes and God - Part 1 (Low).mp4
20.4 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Subcortical Regions (13-27 min).mp4
19.9 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 15 - Week 6 - Side Dish 8.mp4
18.8 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Evolution 1 Natural Selection vs Artificial Selection.mp4
18.8 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 2 - mTuner Intro.mp4
17.9 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 4 - Lecture 4 - The Occipital Lobe (10-59 min).mp4
17.2 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 13 - Week 4 - Side Dish 6.mp4
17.2 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Ethnography or observational research.webm
17.0 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Nature and Nurture The Study of Twins.mp4
16.8 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 20 - pSreflect.mp4
16.6 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/The Little Albert Experiment.webm
15.7 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 12 - Week 4 - Side Dish 5.mp4
15.5 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Self-Recognition in Apes (Low).mp4
15.3 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Faceblindness - Prosopagnosia (Low).mp4
15.2 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Sigmund Freud Documentary Pt 2 of 3.webm
15.1 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Sigmund Freud Documentary Pt 3 of 3.webm
15.0 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/The scientific method.webm
14.3 MB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 4 - Lecture 4 - False Memory (9-40 min).mp4
14.2 MB
Books and Readings/Foundations Of Cognitive Psychology.pdf
13.5 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Change Blindness (Low).mp4
13.2 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 9 - Week 2 - Side Dish 2.mp4
12.8 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Template theories and prototype theories (HD).mp4
12.7 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/Split brain behavioral experiments (Low).mp4
12.5 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/The False Belief Test Theory of Mind (Low).mp4
11.2 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Freud_Complete_Works.pdf
11.2 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/The Relationship Between Sensation and Perception (Low).mp4
10.7 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/How MARIJUANA effects the Brain.webm
10.7 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/The Big Bang Theory Sheldon Trains Penny.webm
10.6 MB
Week 5 - Memory/Slides - Week 5-Lec05_6SneakyFamiliarity.pptx
10.6 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Classical Conditioning real world example.webm
10.4 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/Human Brain 2.mp4
10.4 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Classical Conditioning Ivan Pavlov.mp4
10.0 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/3 minute history of Psychology VCE Psychology.webm
9.8 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/The Gestalt School of Learning Web.mp4 (Low).mp4
9.5 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/A visual neglect patient (Low).mp4
8.8 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 7 - DLReplicate.mp4
8.7 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/How Does Cocaine Affect The Brain How Drugs Work, Cocaine, Preview BBC Three.webm
8.6 MB
Books and Readings/Seis_estudos_de_Psicologia_Jean_Piaget.pdf
8.3 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Operant conditioning.webm
7.5 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Descartes's Dualism.webm
6.8 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Visual Cliff Experiment OSU Psychology 1100.mp4 (Low).mp4
6.7 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Robert Sapolsky Chimps Have Theory Of Mind Like We Do (Low).mp4
6.0 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/SELF RECOGNITION (Low).mp4
6.0 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Slides - Week 3-Lec03_5PerceivingWhere.pptx
5.4 MB
Books and Readings/Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Dummies.pdf
5.4 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Classical Conditioning at BGSU.mp4
5.3 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (Low).mp4
5.2 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/Correlation and Causation.webm
5.2 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Extra Videos/David Rosenhan Being Sane in Insane Places.webm
5.2 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 8 - DLTheorize.mp4
5.0 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 21 - Week 9 - Side Dish11a.mp4
4.8 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 22 - Week 9 - Side Dish11b.mp4
4.8 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/selective attention test (Low).mp4
4.8 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Konrad Lorenz Experiment with Geese.mp4
4.6 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 23 - Week 9 - Side Dish11c.mp4
4.5 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 3 - Before Freud.pptx
4.4 MB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 5 - DLquestionnaire.mp4
4.3 MB
Books and Readings/[Psicologia]_Noam_Chomsky_-_Linguagem_e_mente.pdf
4.3 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Slides - Week 3-Lec03_4PerceivingWhat2.pptx
4.3 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 2 - Psychology Emerges....pptx
3.4 MB
Books and Readings/Ultimate Psychometric Tests Over 1000 Verbal, Numerical, Diagrammatic and IQ Practice Tests.pdf
3.4 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Extra Videos/Mirror Box Visual Feedback Therapy (Low).mp4
3.3 MB
Week 8 - As Requested/Slides - Week 8-Week8Lec05Attachment.pptx
3.2 MB
Week 5 - Memory/Slides - Week 5-Lec05_3Reconstructive.pptx
3.1 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Slides - Week 3-Lec03_7Self.pptx
2.9 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Slides - Week 4-Lec04_2Behaviorism.pptx
2.9 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Slides - Week 2-Lec02_5Temporal.pptx
2.7 MB
Books and Readings/Wicca para Todos.pdf
2.7 MB
Week 8 - As Requested/Slides - Week 8-Wkk8_Lec7PTSD.pptx
2.7 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Slides - Week 2-Lec02_1MatterMind.pptx
2.6 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Slides - Week 2-Lec02_6Parietal.pptx
2.6 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Extra Videos/Panic Attacks and Anxiety caused by Amygdala.mp4
2.4 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Slides - Week 3-Lec03_6Selection.pptx
2.4 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Slides - Week 4-Lec04_4Consequence.pptx
2.3 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/Slides - Week 6-Lec06_4GoodBad.pptx
2.2 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Slides - Week 4-Lec04_5Flirt.pptx
2.2 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Slides - Week 4-Lec04_1Nature.pptx
2.2 MB
Books and Readings/50 Psychology Classics - Who We Are, How We Think, What We Do-Mantesh.pdf
2.2 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Slides - Week 3-Lec03_3PerceivingWhat1.pptx
2.1 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/Slides - Week 7-Lec07_7CBT.pptx
2.1 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/Slides - Week 7-Lec07_6Insight.pptx
2.0 MB
Week 8 - As Requested/Slides - Week 8-Week8Lec06intelligence.pptx
2.0 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Summary.odt
2.0 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/Slides - Week 7-Lec07_8BioTreatments.pptx
2.0 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/WrapUp.odt
2.0 MB
Books and Readings/Aptitude Test Workbook.pdf
1.9 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/Slides - Week 7-Lec07_3Emotions.pptx
1.9 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/Slides - Week 7-Lec07_4Schizophrenia.pptx
1.8 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Operant Conditioning and Gaming Addiction.part
1.8 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Slides - Week 2-Lec02_7Frontal.pptx
1.7 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/Slides - Week 7-Lec07_2Anxiety.pptx
1.6 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/Slides - Week 6-Lec06_7Robbers.pptx
1.6 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/Slides - Week 6-Lec06_8Attraction.pptx
1.6 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 7 - Knowledge Association.pptx
1.6 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/Slides - Week 6-Lec06_6Schema.pptx
1.5 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Materials from BioInteractive.com/rust.pdf
1.5 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Flirting.part
1.5 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Slides - Week 2-Lec02_8SplitBrain.pptx
1.5 MB
Books and Readings/[LIVRO]_A_interpretação_dos_sonhos_(PARTE_I)_-_Sigmund_Freud.PDF
1.4 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/Slides - Week 7-Lec07_1Diagnosis.pptx
1.4 MB
Week 5 - Memory/Slides - Week 5-Lec05_5dejavu.pptx
1.4 MB
Week 8 - As Requested/Slides - Week 8-Week8Lec04Development.pptx
1.4 MB
Books and Readings/O Livro dos espíritos - Allan Kardec.pdf
1.3 MB
Week 5 - Memory/Slides - Week 5-Lec05_7Amnesias.pptx
1.3 MB
Books and Readings/rorschach.pdf
1.3 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Slides - Week 4-Lec04_8Observational.pptx
1.3 MB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/Slides - Week 7-Lec07_5Psychopath.pptx
1.3 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/Slides - Week 6-Lec06_1Conformity.pptx
1.3 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 6 - Truth Seeking.pptx
1.2 MB
Books and Readings/Criminal Psychology Hans Gross.pdf
1.2 MB
Week 4 - Learning/WrapUp.odt
1.2 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Slides - Week 3-Lec03_1OutsideIn.pptx
1.2 MB
Books and Readings/A Natureza da Psiquê - Carl Gustav Jung (eBook.pt-BR).pdf
1.2 MB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Slides - Week 3-Lec03_2_PointContact.pptx
1.1 MB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Slides - Week 2-Lec02_2SympPara.pptx
1.1 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Slides - Week 4-Lec04_6Superstition.pptx
1.1 MB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 4 - Freud.pptx
1.1 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Play to Extinction.part
1.0 MB
Week 4 - Learning/Slides - Week 4-Lec04_3Learning.pptx
1.0 MB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/Slides - Week 6-Lec06_2Authority.pptx
985.0 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Slides - Week 3-Lec03_8TheoryMind.pptx
940.7 kB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/Slides - Week 6-Lec06_5Bystander.pptx
926.1 kB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Slides - Week 2-Lec02_4Occipital.pptx
925.5 kB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Play to Extinction[1].part
917.7 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Materials from BioInteractive.com/mirror-tracing-activity-generic.pdf
908.3 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/Slides - Week 8-Week8_Lec03hypnosis.pptx
896.6 kB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Slides - Week 2-Lec02_3SubCortical.pptx
834.8 kB
Books and Readings/TESTES PSICOTÉCNICOS.pdf
779.1 kB
Books and Readings/inteligencia, intuição, linguagem e a criatividade.pdf
776.1 kB
Week 4 - Learning/Slides - Week 4-Lec04_7TheTest.pptx
756.3 kB
Week 4 - Learning/Extra Videos/Operant Conditioning and Gaming Addiction[1].part
727.7 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 8 - Knowledge by Contrast.pptx
682.4 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 19 - Week 7 - Side Dish 10.mp4
673.4 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 5 - After Freud.pptx
662.9 kB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/Slides - Week 6-Lec06_3Self.pptx
639.7 kB
Books and Readings/O Desenvolvimento da Personalidade - Carl Gustav Jung.pdf
636.9 kB
Books and Readings/Psicologia do Inconsciente - Carl Gustav Jung.pdf
625.7 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/Slides - Week 8-Week8_Lec02dreams.pptx
616.0 kB
Books and Readings/A Energia Psíquica - Carl Gustav Jung.pdf
609.8 kB
Week 4 - Learning/What does advertising do_ _ Psychology Today.pdf
607.3 kB
594.4 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/Slides - Week 8-Week8Lec08Love.pptx
547.9 kB
Books and Readings/17562704-EduDiversidadeSexual.pdf
523.4 kB
Books and Readings/cerebro humano e os computadores.pdf
501.6 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/Slides - Week 8-Week8_Lec01.pptx
488.7 kB
Week 5 - Memory/Slides - Week 5-Lec05_1PluralMemory.pptx
485.7 kB
Week 5 - Memory/Slides - Week 5-Lec05_8NotForgotten.pptx
471.4 kB
Week 4 - Learning/42155 Brunborg main_thesis.pdf
463.5 kB
Books and Readings/Introdução a psicologia.pdf
449.6 kB
Books and Readings/Thumbs.db
370.2 kB
Week 5 - Memory/Slides - Week 5-Lec05_2NounMemory.pptx
355.7 kB
Books and Readings/segredo dos psicotécnicos.pdf
320.5 kB
Books and Readings/265.pdf
269.4 kB
Week 4 - Learning/Classical Conditioning - Simply Psychology.pdf
201.5 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Summary.odt
174.3 kB
Wiki - peerScholar _ Coursera.pdf
143.7 kB
Books and Readings/Educacao_CFM_Sonia_Palomino.pdf
132.3 kB
124.0 kB
Wiki - mTuner _ Coursera.pdf
118.0 kB
Steve's Random Videos/Side Dish Videos.pdf
103.5 kB
Wiki - Course Logistics _ Coursera.pdf
89.7 kB
Wiki - Syllabus _ Coursera.pdf
88.6 kB
Wiki - Digital Lab Coat _ Coursera.pdf
83.6 kB
Wiki - About Us _ Coursera.pdf
79.2 kB
Books and Readings/psicanálise.pdf
76.2 kB
Week 5 - Memory/Slides - Week 5-Lec05_4FalseMemory.pptx
67.3 kB
66.2 kB
Books and Readings/Lenda de Édipo.doc
63.5 kB
Books and Readings/Comportamentos sexuais na infância.docx
40.1 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Hypnosis (38-49 min).txt
36.6 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 4 - Week 1 - Side Dish 1.txt
32.5 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 8 - Lecture 8 - Love (31-19 min).txt
28.5 kB
Week 4 - Learning/THG_blog_post_-_special_issue.docx
27.2 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 5 - Lecture 5 - Parent-Child Relationships (27-14 min).txt
27.0 kB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 5 - Lecture 5 - How to Flirt (17-38 min).srt
26.8 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 6 - Lecture 6 - Intelligence (27-29 min).txt
25.6 kB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 4 - Lecture 4 - Learning by Consequence (17-32 min).srt
24.9 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 3 - AdasQuestionnaire.txt
24.7 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 4 - Lecture 4 - Stages of Development (26-21 min).txt
24.5 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Sleep (24-59 min).txt
24.3 kB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Memory is Not Singular- Part 2 (24-34 min).txt
23.2 kB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Rise of Behaviorism (15-59 min).srt
23.1 kB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 4 - Lecture 4 - Schizophrenia (22-24 min).txt
22.4 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 7 - Lecture 7 - PTSD (23-20 min).txt
22.1 kB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Forces of Nature (15-18 min).srt
21.6 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Materials from BioInteractive.com/Afterimage_033fe6_197334.gif
21.5 kB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Diagnosis (21-22 min).txt
21.4 kB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Anxiety Disorders (21-58 min).txt
21.2 kB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 7 - Lecture 7 - Passing the Test (14-40 min).srt
21.1 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Point of Contact (20-24 min).txt
20.4 kB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 8 - Lecture 8 - Biological Treatments (21-44 min).txt
20.4 kB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 8 - Lecture 8 - Attraction (20-15 min).txt
19.7 kB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Brain Matter (20-20 min).txt
19.7 kB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Learning (14-09 min).srt
19.5 kB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Disorders of Emotion (20-32 min).txt
19.1 kB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 7 - Lecture 7 - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (20-30 min).txt
19.1 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/9 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Dreams (20-58 min).txt
18.9 kB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 5 - Lecture 5 - Deja Vu (19-23 min).txt
18.8 kB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 7 - Lecture 7 - Competition, Ignorance, Fear and Prejudice (18-28 min).txt
18.5 kB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 7 - Lecture 7 - The Frontal Lobe (18-10 min).txt
18.4 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Perceiving What- Part 1 (18-38 min).txt
18.4 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 4 - Lecture 4 - Perceiving What- Part 2 (17-50 min).txt
17.8 kB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 6 - Lecture 6 - Insight Therapies (17-53 min).txt
17.6 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 18 - Week 7 - Side DIsh 9.txt
17.5 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 5 - Lecture 5 - Perceiving Where (17-35 min).txt
17.4 kB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 8 - Lecture 8 - Observational Learning (11-52 min).srt
17.2 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 3 - Before Freud.txt
16.7 kB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 6 - Lecture 6 - The Parietal Lobe (16-07 min).txt
16.1 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 5 - After Freud.txt
15.8 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 6 - Lecture 6 - Selection (16-38 min).txt
15.7 kB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 4 - Lecture 4 - Good People Do Bad (16-25 min).txt
15.6 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Week 1 (May 6 - 12) To Do List.docx
15.6 kB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/8 - 5 - Lecture 5 - Personality Disorders (15-48 min).txt
15.6 kB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Memory is Not Singular- Part 1 (15-55 min).txt
15.5 kB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Authority (16-29 min).txt
15.0 kB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 7 - Lecture 7 - Amnesias (15-45 min).txt
15.0 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 7 - Knowledge Association.txt
14.9 kB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 6 - Lecture 6 - Schemas, Stereotypes and Prejudice (16-16 min).txt
14.9 kB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 5 - Lecture 5 - The Temporal Lobe (14-51 min).txt
14.7 kB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/Week 2 (May 13-19) To Do List.docx
14.7 kB
Week 8 - As Requested/Week 8 (June 24 -June 30) To Do List.docx
14.5 kB
Week 5 - Memory/Week 5 (June 3 -June 9) To Do List.docx
14.4 kB
Week 4 - Learning/5 - 6 - Lecture 6 - Conditioned Superstition (10-02 min).srt
14.4 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Week 3 (May 20-26) To Do List.docx
14.4 kB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 8 - Lecture 8 - What is Not Forgotten (14-39 min) .txt
14.4 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 8 - Knowledge by Contrast.txt
14.2 kB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/Week 6 (June 10 -June 16) To Do List.docx
14.1 kB
Week 7 - Mental Illness/Week 7 (June 17 -June 23) To Do List.docx
14.1 kB
Week 4 - Learning/Week 4 (May 27-June 2) To Do List.docx
14.0 kB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 8 - Lecture 8 - Split Brain (14-40 min).txt
14.0 kB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Protecting the Self (15-04 min).txt
13.9 kB
Steve's Random Videos/11 - 1 - pSassess.txt
13.6 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 4 - Freud.txt
13.5 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 10 - Week 2 - Side Dish 3.txt
13.1 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 7 - Lecture 7 - Self Awareness (13-21 min).txt
13.0 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 11 - Week 3 - Side Dish 4.txt
12.9 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 6 - DLAssess.txt
12.9 kB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Subcortical Regions (13-27 min).txt
12.8 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Outside In (14-26 min).txt
12.8 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/4 - 8 - Lecture 8 - Theory of Mind (13-40 min).txt
12.8 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 2 - Psychology Emerges....txt
12.8 kB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 1 - Lecture 1 - Conformity (13-51 min).txt
12.5 kB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 2 - Lecture 2 - Your Light Switch (12-40 min).txt
12.4 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 17 - pScreate.txt
12.4 kB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 6 - Lecture 6 - Familiarity (12-33 min).txt
12.3 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 6 - Truth Seeking.txt
12.2 kB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 3 - Lecture 3 - Reconstructive Memory (13-18 min).txt
12.0 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 14 - Week 5 - Side Dish 7.txt
11.9 kB
Week 6 - The Social Mind/7 - 5 - Lecture 5 - Bystander Interference (12-00 min).txt
11.3 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Lecture 1 - General Overview.txt
11.0 kB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/3 - 4 - Lecture 4 - The Occipital Lobe (10-59 min).txt
10.6 kB
Week 3 - Sensation, Perception, Attention and Awareness/Materials from BioInteractive.com/vision.htm
10.5 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 2 - mTuner Intro.txt
10.4 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 15 - Week 6 - Side Dish 8.txt
10.2 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 20 - pSreflect.txt
9.4 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 13 - Week 4 - Side Dish 6.txt
8.9 kB
Week 2 - The Matter of the Mind/playlist.mpcpl
8.9 kB
Week 5 - Memory/6 - 4 - Lecture 4 - False Memory (9-40 min).txt
8.2 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 12 - Week 4 - Side Dish 5.txt
8.0 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 9 - Week 2 - Side Dish 2.txt
7.3 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 7 - DLReplicate.txt
4.6 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 5 - DLquestionnaire.txt
2.6 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 8 - DLTheorize.txt
2.4 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/Supplentary Material's Links.txt
1.6 kB
Week 1 - History & the Scientific Method/playlist.mpcpl
1.1 kB
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 21 - Week 9 - Side Dish11a.txt
903 Bytes
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 22 - Week 9 - Side Dish11b.txt
719 Bytes
Steve's Random Videos/10 - 23 - Week 9 - Side Dish11c.txt
601 Bytes
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