[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Mastering CSS Grid 2019
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Mastering CSS Grid 2019
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9. Some Advanced Layouts/8. A Twitter Responsive Layout.mp4
264.1 MB
1. Introduction/2.1 mastering-css-grid.zip.zip
250.4 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/14. Adding the delivery widget to the top bar.mp4
202.2 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/15. Ensuring a max width for the entire site.mp4
178.6 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/7. Building the store list grid.mp4
165.8 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/12. Building out a list of comments.mp4
155.8 MB
7. CSS Grid Extras/8. Grid items and the box model.mp4
149.9 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/7. Building the channel details section.mp4
138.7 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/9. Building out the related videos.mp4
136.3 MB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/10. A Responsive Movie Gallery Continued.mp4
130.2 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/18. Building related videos in landscape mode for tablet.mp4
129.2 MB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/9. A Responsive Movie Gallery.mp4
128.9 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/6. Building the social interaction section.mp4
120.4 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/20. Adding the finishing touches.mp4
119.4 MB
7. CSS Grid Extras/6. When to use Flexbox over CSS Grid.mp4
117.9 MB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/11. A Responsive Movie Gallery Finale.mp4
116.7 MB
7. CSS Grid Extras/5. More simplifying Flexbox layouts.mp4
115.8 MB
5. Responsive Grids/1. A review on media queries.mp4
115.3 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/6. Adding the delivery widget to the main section.mp4
114.3 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/10. The minmax function.mp4
111.2 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/15. Building related videos in landscape mode for mobile.mp4
110.8 MB
7. CSS Grid Extras/4. Simplifying Flexbox layouts with CSS Grid.mp4
109.1 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/15. Bringing it all together part 2.mp4
108.8 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/2. Setting up the basic shell.mp4
105.6 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/14. Bringing it all together part 1.mp4
104.7 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/8. Building the footer.mp4
103.0 MB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/3. A Viewport Friendly Image Gallery.mp4
100.5 MB
5. Responsive Grids/7. Building responsive grids without media queries.mp4
99.4 MB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/7. A Newspaper Cover.mp4
95.9 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/14. Positioning Grid Items using the grid-area property.mp4
94.6 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/7. Locking grid items.mp4
94.3 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/8. The Fraction (fr) Unit.mp4
93.8 MB
1. Introduction/4. CSS Grid 101.mp4
93.4 MB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/6. A Monthly Calendar.mp4
89.3 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/4. Moving Grid Items to non adjacent cells.mp4
88.1 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/16. The grid property and Autoplacement part 1.mp4
83.9 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/2. Moving Grid Items to different columns.mp4
83.1 MB
8. Some Simple Layouts/6. Basic form formatting.mp4
82.9 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/3. Building the mobile first layout.mp4
81.5 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/5. Grid Item spanning basics.mp4
79.2 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/2. Building the top bar.mp4
79.1 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/14. Adding the responses.mp4
77.3 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/6. Track Sizing based on Viewport.mp4
77.1 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/10. Creating some initial chat messages.mp4
75.4 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/8. Building the related videos autoplay section.mp4
75.3 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/7. Building an individual conversation item.mp4
74.4 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/13. Building out the see response button.mp4
73.6 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/5. Building the search store section.mp4
72.6 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/10. Building the comments heading section.mp4
72.0 MB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/4. Another Viewport Friendly Image Gallery.mp4
70.8 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/6. Understanding locking.mp4
70.4 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/17. The grid property and Autoplacement part 2.mp4
70.0 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/6. The span keyword.mp4
69.6 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/3. Moving Grid Items to different rows.mp4
68.9 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/4. Defining the main content section layout.mp4
67.4 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/11. Minmax function gotchas.mp4
66.3 MB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/1. The Holygrail layout.mp4
65.7 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/1. Reordering Grid Items.mp4
65.5 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/12. Adding chat profile pictures.mp4
65.3 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/12. The grid-column property.mp4
65.3 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/2. Defining Rows and Columns.mp4
63.8 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/9. Spanning Grid Items based on line names.mp4
63.2 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/11. Grid Spans in action.mp4
61.5 MB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/2. The Media Objects layout.mp4
60.6 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/11. Dealing with the footer links on tablet.mp4
58.4 MB
5. Responsive Grids/8. The grid property reviewed again.mp4
58.2 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/11. Building the add comment form.mp4
57.7 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/16. Swapping comments and related videos.mp4
57.3 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/15. Spanning Grid Items using the grid-area property.mp4
56.7 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/1. What we are building.mp4
56.5 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/3. Building the top header.mp4
56.2 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/9. Locking and responsive web design in action.mp4
56.1 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/6. Building the chat form section.mp4
55.4 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/11. Sizing and aligning chat messages.mp4
54.6 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/8. Locking and responsive web design.mp4
54.1 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/17. Building related videos in portrait mode for tablet.mp4
53.2 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/4. Controlling Flow.mp4
51.3 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/1. What we are building.mp4
51.0 MB
7. CSS Grid Extras/2. Absolute positioning.mp4
50.8 MB
7. CSS Grid Extras/3. Animating grids.mp4
49.5 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/12. Understanding max-content and min-content.mp4
49.5 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/15. Managing Grid Gaps.mp4
48.4 MB
7. CSS Grid Extras/1. The grid-template property.mp4
48.1 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/14. The repeat function.mp4
47.4 MB
5. Responsive Grids/3. Positioning Grid Items using areas.mp4
46.7 MB
1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
45.9 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/3. Understanding Flow.mp4
45.8 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/19. Building related videos on large devices.mp4
45.1 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/7. Auto Track Sizes.mp4
44.7 MB
5. Responsive Grids/4. Spanning Grid Items using areas.mp4
44.5 MB
1. Introduction/2. What you need for this course. PLEASE WATCH!!.mp4
44.2 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/13. The grid-row property.mp4
44.0 MB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/5. Animating a Sidebar.mp4
43.6 MB
4. Controlling Alignment/1. Aligning Row Tracks.mp4
42.7 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/8. Naming Grid Lines.mp4
41.8 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/8. Fixing conversation item sizing issues.mp4
40.6 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/16. The grid property reviewed.mp4
39.8 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/10. Dealing with the store list on tablet.mp4
39.2 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/13. The fit-content function.mp4
38.2 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/7. Grid Item spanning gotchas.mp4
38.1 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/4. Building the add conversation section.mp4
37.4 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/5. Building the video title and views.mp4
37.3 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/5. Building the chat title section.mp4
36.2 MB
4. Controlling Alignment/3. The place-content property.mp4
35.5 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/3. Building the search conversation section.mp4
35.3 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/9. Adding more conversation items.mp4
33.8 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/5. Track Sizing based on Font Size.mp4
33.2 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/12. Understanding packing.mp4
33.2 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/10. Using multiple line names.mp4
32.2 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/2. Setting up the basic layout for mobile.mp4
31.9 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/9. Modifying the footer for landscape mode on mobile.mp4
31.6 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/5. Understanding order-modified document order.mp4
29.1 MB
8. Some Simple Layouts/4. Centering a modal dialog.mp4
29.0 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/1. Implicit vs explicit grids.mp4
28.9 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/13. Packing in action.mp4
28.2 MB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/4. Building the thumbnail.mp4
28.1 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/10. Understanding Grid Spans.mp4
25.1 MB
4. Controlling Alignment/6. The place-items property.mp4
24.7 MB
8. Some Simple Layouts/5. Creating a sticky footer.mp4
24.2 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/13. Dealing with the store list on larger devices.mp4
24.0 MB
8. Some Simple Layouts/1. Building a 4 column layout.mp4
23.9 MB
4. Controlling Alignment/4. Vertically Aligning Grid Items.mp4
22.9 MB
8. Some Simple Layouts/2. Building a sidebar.mp4
22.7 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/4. Fixed and Percentage Track Sizing.mp4
22.6 MB
8. Some Simple Layouts/3. Vertically aligning text.mp4
22.4 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/9. Fractions vs Auto.mp4
21.1 MB
5. Responsive Grids/2. Setting viewport for mobile and tablet devices.mp4
20.2 MB
4. Controlling Alignment/2. Aligning Column Tracks.mp4
20.1 MB
3. Controlling Grid Items/11. Lines names and the repeat function.mp4
20.0 MB
4. Controlling Alignment/9. The place-self property.mp4
19.9 MB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/2. An introduction to the Autoplacement Algorithm.mp4
19.2 MB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/12. Dealing with the security section on tablet.mp4
18.0 MB
4. Controlling Alignment/5. Horizontally Aligning Grid Items.mp4
16.4 MB
4. Controlling Alignment/7. Vertically Aligning an Individual Grid Item.mp4
16.2 MB
1. Introduction/3. Rating this course. PLEASE ALSO WATCH.mp4
15.2 MB
13. Conclusion/1. Congratulations.mp4
15.2 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/1. Creating Grid Containers.mp4
14.3 MB
5. Responsive Grids/6. Gotchas with grid-template-areas.mp4
13.7 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/13. Adding the finishing touches.mp4
13.3 MB
4. Controlling Alignment/8. Horizontally Aligning an Individual Grid Item.mp4
12.6 MB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/1. What we are building.mp4
12.2 MB
5. Responsive Grids/5. Defining empty grid cells.mp4
9.6 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/16. Nested grids.mp4
9.1 MB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/3. The grid property.mp4
7.3 MB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/8.1 snippet.html.html
19.3 kB
6. Implicit Grids and Autoplacement/1. Implicit vs explicit grids.vtt
6.6 kB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/9.2 2.related-videos-snippet.html.html
3.9 kB
8. Some Simple Layouts/2. Building a sidebar.vtt
3.8 kB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/7.2 1.stores-snippet.html.html
3.8 kB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/14.1 2.remaining-responses-snippet.html.html
2.5 kB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/9.1 1.remaining-conversations-snippet.html.html
2.2 kB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/10.2 snippet.html.html
2.1 kB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/7.1 2.store-list-snippet.css.css
2.1 kB
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/13.1 1.remaining-messages-snippet.html.html
2.0 kB
9. Some Advanced Layouts/10.1 snippet.css.css
1.2 kB
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/12.1 2.remaining-comments-snippet.html.html
1.1 kB
2. Grid Containers and Tracks/17. A note on nesting.html
1.0 kB
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/14.1 1.very-large-device-snippet.css.css
874 Bytes
7. CSS Grid Extras/7. A note of grid item sizing vs flex item sizing.html
784 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/7.1 1.channel-details-snippet.css.css
769 Bytes
9. Some Advanced Layouts/2.1 snippet.css.css
715 Bytes
9. Some Advanced Layouts/11.1 snippet.css.css
644 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/12.2 1.comment-snippet.css.css
639 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/8.1 1.autoplay-snippet.css.css
626 Bytes
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/2.2 2.container-contents-snippet.css.css
617 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/9.1 1.related-videos-snippet.css.css
605 Bytes
9. Some Advanced Layouts/6.1 snippet.css.css
601 Bytes
8. Some Simple Layouts/6.1 snippet.css.css
592 Bytes
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/8.1 1.footer-snippet.css.css
520 Bytes
9. Some Advanced Layouts/9.1 snippet-1.css.css
517 Bytes
13. Conclusion/2. BONUS LECTURE- OTHER COURSES!!!!!.html
505 Bytes
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/10.1 1.initial-chat-messages-snippet.css.css
469 Bytes
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/3.1 1.search-container-snippet.css.css
454 Bytes
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/7.1 1.conversation-snippet.css.css
454 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/11.1 1.comment-form-snippet.css.css
449 Bytes
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/5.1 1.store-search-snippet.css.css
441 Bytes
9. Some Advanced Layouts/9.2 snippet-2.css.css
418 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/15.1 1.landscape-mobile-snippet.css.css
408 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/13.2 2.response-button-script-snippet.html.html
378 Bytes
8. Some Simple Layouts/4.1 snippet.css.css
376 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/18.1 1.tablet-landscape-snippet.css.css
350 Bytes
9. Some Advanced Layouts/1.1 snippet.css.css
277 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/2.1 1.top-bar-snippet.css.css
274 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/6.1 1.social-icon-snippet.css.css
264 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/5.1 1.video-title-snippet.css.css
263 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/13.1 1.response-button-snippet.css.css
259 Bytes
8. Some Simple Layouts/2.1 snippet.css.css
259 Bytes
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/2.1 1.main-layout-snippet.css.css
252 Bytes
8. Some Simple Layouts/1.1 snippet.css.css
207 Bytes
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/6.1 1.main-delivery-snippet.css.css
192 Bytes
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/3.1 1.top-header-snippet.css.css
183 Bytes
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/2.1 1.chat-container-snippet.css.css
169 Bytes
8. Some Simple Layouts/5.1 snippet.css.css
163 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/17.1 1.tablet-portrait-snippet.css.css
151 Bytes
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/6.1 1.chat-form-snippet.css.css
150 Bytes
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/10.1 1.tablet-snippet.css.css
148 Bytes
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/4.1 1.new-conversation-snippet.css.css
145 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/14.2 1.response-snippet.css.css
132 Bytes
128 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/10.1 1.comment-heading-snippet.css.css
110 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/4.1 1.video-thumbnail-snippet.css.css
61 Bytes
12. Application 3 - A Responsive YouTube clone/19.1 1.large-landscape-snippet.css.css
60 Bytes
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/12.1 1.chat-message-thumbnail-snippet.css.css
45 Bytes
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/5.1 1.chat-title-snippet.css.css
42 Bytes
10. Application 1 - A Chat application UI/9.2 2.webkit-scrollbar-snippet.css.css
42 Bytes
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/13.1 1.large-device-snippet.css.css
31 Bytes
11. Application 2 - A Responsive Uber Eats Clone (Aussie Tucker)/9.1 1.phone-landscape-snippet.css.css
30 Bytes
本站不存储任何资源内容,只收集BT种子元数据(例如文件名和文件大小)和磁力链接(BT种子标识符),并提供查询服务,是一个完全合法的搜索引擎系统。 网站不提供种子下载服务,用户可以通过第三方链接或磁力链接获取到相关的种子资源。本站也不对BT种子真实性及合法性负责,请用户注意甄别!