A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners
A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/8. Advanced Hive/1. Fast queries with Hive Partitioning.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/5. Project - Bank prospects marketing data cleansing using Spark/2. Rapid Revision - Big Data, Hadoop and Spark concepts.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/11. A Data Pipeline with Spark Scala Hadoop PostgreSQL/1. Reading from Hive and Writing to Postgres.mp4
109.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/15. Creating a PySpark real world coding framework/1. PySpark Hadoop Hive development environment using PyCharm and Winutils.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/14. Organizing code with Objects and Methods.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/5. Project - Bank prospects marketing data cleansing using Spark/1. Project - Bank prospects marketing data transformation using Hadoop and Spark.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/11. A Data Pipeline with Spark Scala Hadoop PostgreSQL/2. Reading Configuration from JSON using Typesafe.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/3. Hadoop - Hands-On/2. Storing data in HDFS and querying with Hive.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/3. Hadoop - Hands-On/1. Creating a free Hadoop and Spark cluster using Google Dataproc.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/4. PySpark RDD.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/16. PySpark Logging and Error Handling/2. Managing log level through a configuration file.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/7. Bank prospects data transformation using AWS S3, Glue and Athena/7. Project - Bank prospects data transformation using S3, Glue & Athena services.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/6. Scala basics using IntelliJ.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/2. Spark Transformation unit testing using ScalaTest.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/3. Python basics.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/5. PySpark - Spark SQL and DataFrame.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/13. Running Spark and Hive on a Cloudera QuickStart VM on GCP/2. Cloudera QuickStart VM Installation on GCP.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/1. Scala Unit Testing using JUnit & ScalaTest.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/5. Throwing Custom Error and Intercepting Error Message.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/17. Creating a Data Pipeline with Hadoop PySpark and PostgreSQL/4. PySpark PostgreSQL interaction with Psycopg2 adapter.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/7. Bank prospects data transformation using AWS S3, Glue and Athena/6. Triggering AWS Glue job with a serverless AWS Lambda function.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/16. Exception Handling with try, catch, Option, Some and None.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/6. Running the project in Scala/1. Scala basics.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/15. Creating a PySpark real world coding framework/4. Creating and reusing SparkSession.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/16. PySpark Logging and Error Handling/4. Error Handling with try except and raise.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/9. Advanced Spark/3. Joins - Left, Right, Inner, Outer.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/7. Bank prospects data transformation using AWS S3, Glue and Athena/5. ETL transformation using AWS Glue.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/9. Enabling Hive Support in Spark Session.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/15. Creating a PySpark real world coding framework/6. Separating out Ingestion, Transformation and Persistence code.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/13. Running Spark and Hive on a Cloudera QuickStart VM on GCP/1. Exporting the project to an uber jar.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/6. Running PySpark on a Hadoop Cluster.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/6. Filtering Stream.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/15. Creating a PySpark real world coding framework/5. Spark DataFrame.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/17. Creating a Data Pipeline with Hadoop PySpark and PostgreSQL/1. Ingesting data from Hive.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/15. Implementing Log4j SLf4j Logging.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/16. PySpark Logging and Error Handling/1. Python Logging.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/16. PySpark Logging and Error Handling/3. Having custom logger for each Python class.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/7. Bank prospects data transformation using AWS S3, Glue and Athena/4. AWS Glue crawler and AWS Athena query tool.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/7. Hello World Spark Scala using IntelliJ.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/2. Big Data Hadoop concepts/2. Hadoop concepts.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/5. Streaming Aggregation.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/8. Aggregation in a time window.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/13. Running Spark and Hive on a Cloudera QuickStart VM on GCP/3. Running Spark 2 with Hive on Cloudera QuickStart VM.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/2. Installing Spark on Google Colab.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/5. Hello World Scala.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/6. Running the project in Scala/2. Spark SQL DataFrame using Scala.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/17. Creating a Data Pipeline with Hadoop PySpark and PostgreSQL/5. Spark PostgreSQL interaction with JDBC driver.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/11. A Data Pipeline with Spark Scala Hadoop PostgreSQL/4. Managing input parameters using a Scala Case Class.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/13. Importing a project into IntelliJ.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/10. Installing PostgreSQL.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/19. Unit testing PySpark application and spark-submit/2. Unit testing PySpark transformation logic.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/12. Fetching PostgresSQL data to a Spark DataFrame.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/15. Creating a PySpark real world coding framework/2. Structuring code with classes and methods.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/11. A Data Pipeline with Spark Scala Hadoop PostgreSQL/3. Writing data to a Hive Table.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/7. Adding timestamp to streaming data.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/9. Advanced Spark/2. User Defined Function (UDF).mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/1. Spark concepts.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/13. Running Spark and Hive on a Cloudera QuickStart VM on GCP/5. Doing spark-submit locally.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/13. Running Spark and Hive on a Cloudera QuickStart VM on GCP/4. Uber Jar spark-submit on Cloudera QuickStart VM.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/7. Bank prospects data transformation using AWS S3, Glue and Athena/2. AWS data lake - S3, Glue and Athena introduction.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/4. Writing streaming data to a Hive table.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/4. Catching Exception using assertThrows.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/19. Unit testing PySpark application and spark-submit/1. Python unittest framework.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/17. Creating a Data Pipeline with Hadoop PySpark and PostgreSQL/3. Installing PostgreSQL.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/6. Running the project in Scala/3. Bank prospects marketing project in Scala.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/18. PySpark - Reading Configuration from properties file/1. Organizing code further.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/8. Advanced Hive/2. Fast queries with Hive Bucketing.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/2. Big Data Hadoop concepts/1. Big Data concepts.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/18. PySpark - Reading Configuration from properties file/2. Reading configuration from a property file.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/17. Creating a Data Pipeline with Hadoop PySpark and PostgreSQL/6. Persisting transformed data in PostgreSQL.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/2. Streaming data from files.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/17. Creating a Data Pipeline with Hadoop PySpark and PostgreSQL/2. Transforming ingested data.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/3. Unit testing to catch an Exception.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/7. Bank prospects data transformation using AWS S3, Glue and Athena/3. Create a data lake on AWS S3.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/7. Bank prospects data transformation using AWS S3, Glue and Athena/1. Introduction to AWS data lake use case.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/19. Unit testing PySpark application and spark-submit/4. PySpark - spark submit.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/6. Testing with assertResult.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/19. Unit testing PySpark application and spark-submit/3. Unit testing an error.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/2. Installing JDK on a local Machine.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/3. Batch Vs Streaming code.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/9. Advanced Spark/1. Advanced Spark datasets.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/7. Testing with Matchers.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/11. psql command line interface for PostgreSQL.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/9. Sharing fixtures.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/8. Failing tests intentionally.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/9. Tumbling window and Sliding window.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/8. Configuring HADOOP HOME on Windows using Winutils.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/15. Creating a PySpark real world coding framework/3. How Spark works.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/1. Structured Streaming concepts.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/8. Advanced Hive/2.2 retailstore_large.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/8. Advanced Hive/1.2 retailstore_large.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/3. Installing IntelliJ IDEA.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/4. Adding Scala Plugin to IntelliJ.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/1. Spark Scala real world coding introduction.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/5.2 FutureXSparkScalaProject_assetThrowsIntercept.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/2.1 FutureXSparkScalaProject_ScalaTest.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/11. A Data Pipeline with Spark Scala Hadoop PostgreSQL/4.1 FutureXSparkScalaProject.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/18. PySpark - Reading Configuration from properties file/2.1 DataPipeline_read_config.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/17. Creating a Data Pipeline with Hadoop PySpark and PostgreSQL/5.1 DataPipeline_postgres_jdbc.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/9. Advanced Spark/1.1 advanced_spark_datasets.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/11. A Data Pipeline with Spark Scala Hadoop PostgreSQL/3.1 FutureXSparkScalaProject_writeToHive.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/11. A Data Pipeline with Spark Scala Hadoop PostgreSQL/2.1 FutureXSparkScalaProject_typesafe_config_parser.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/11. A Data Pipeline with Spark Scala Hadoop PostgreSQL/1.1 FutureXSparkScalaProject_readHivewritePG.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/14.1 FutureXSparkScalaProject_organize.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/8.2 winutils.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/6.1 FuturexMiscSparkScala_Filter.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/13. Running Spark and Hive on a Cloudera QuickStart VM on GCP/4.2 FutureXSparkScalaProject-spark-submit.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/2.2 FuturexMiscSparkScala.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/4.2 FuturexMiscSparkScala (1).zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/5.2 PySpark_DataFrame.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/9. Advanced Spark/2.2 PySpark_udf_and_join.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/9. Advanced Spark/3.1 PySpark_udf_and_join.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/4.1 pyspark_rdd.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/1.1 FutureXScalaUnitTesting.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/5. Project - Bank prospects marketing data cleansing using Spark/1.2 pyspark_bank_marketing_project.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/12.1 FutureXSparkScalaProject_Postgres.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/6.1 ScalaBasics.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/2.1 Spark_Installation_on_Colab.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/9.1 FutureXSparkScalaProject.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/7.1 SparkHelloWorld.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/5.1 ScalaHelloWorld.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/9.1 FuturexMiscSparkScala.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/5.1 pyspark_dataframe.py
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/3.2 python_basics.py
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/3.1 python_basics.py
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/9. Advanced Spark/2.1 pyspark_udf_and_join.py
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/9. Advanced Spark/3.2 pyspark_udf_and_join.py
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/13. Running Spark and Hive on a Cloudera QuickStart VM on GCP/2.1 cloudera-gcp.txt
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/16. PySpark Logging and Error Handling/3.1 DataPipeline_Logger2.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/5. Project - Bank prospects marketing data cleansing using Spark/1.1 pyspark_bank_marketing_project.py
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/16. PySpark Logging and Error Handling/2.1 DataPipeline_logging_1.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/6. Running the project in Scala/2.1 spark-scala-dataframe.txt
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/17. Creating a Data Pipeline with Hadoop PySpark and PostgreSQL/4.1 DataPipeline_psycopg2.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/8. Advanced Hive/1.1 hive-partition.txt
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/6. Running the project in Scala/1.1 scala-basics.txt
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/6.1 spark-hadoop-commands.txt
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/7.1 common.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/15. Creating a PySpark real world coding framework/6.1 DataPipeline_v4.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/15. Creating a PySpark real world coding framework/5.1 DataPipeline_v3.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/3. Hadoop - Hands-On/2.2 hive-hdfs-commands.txt
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/17. Creating a Data Pipeline with Hadoop PySpark and PostgreSQL/1.1 DataPipeline_v5.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/13. Running Spark and Hive on a Cloudera QuickStart VM on GCP/3.1 spark2-cloudera.txt
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/7. Bank prospects data transformation using AWS S3, Glue and Athena/2.1 Creating a Data Lake using S3, Glue, Athena.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/2.2 spark_installation_on_colab.py
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/6. Running the project in Scala/3.1 spark-scala-bank-marketing-project.txt
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/7. Bank prospects data transformation using AWS S3, Glue and Athena/7.1 glue_pyspark_bank_marketing_project.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/10.1 Postgres-course-catalog.sql
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/15. Creating a PySpark real world coding framework/4.1 DataPipeline_v2.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/8. Advanced Hive/2.1 hive-bucketing.txt
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/13. Running Spark and Hive on a Cloudera QuickStart VM on GCP/1.1 pom.zip
989 Bytes
[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/15. Creating a PySpark real world coding framework/2.1 DataPipeline_v1.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/17. Creating a Data Pipeline with Hadoop PySpark and PostgreSQL/6.2 persist_transformed_df.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/19. Unit testing PySpark application and spark-submit/3.1 test_transformer.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/5.1 StructuredStreamingWindowAggregation.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/8.1 StructuredStreamingWindowAggregation.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/9.1 SparkTransformerSpec.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/6.1 SparkTransformerSpec.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/15. Creating a PySpark real world coding framework/1.1 hello_world_python_spark_hadoop.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/7.1 StructuredStreamingDemoTimestamp.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/5.1 SparkTransformerSpec.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/11.1 Postgres-course-catalog_psql.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/11. A Data Pipeline with Spark Scala Hadoop PostgreSQL/5. Intellij Maven troubleshooting tips.html
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/17. Creating a Data Pipeline with Hadoop PySpark and PostgreSQL/3.1 Postgres-course-catalog.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/5.2 sale.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/7. Bank prospects data transformation using AWS S3, Glue and Athena/6.1 Triggering AWS Glue job with a serverless Lambda function.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/2.1 files.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/14. Spark Scala - Structured Streaming/4.1 files (1).zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/19. Unit testing PySpark application and spark-submit/1.1 test.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/15.1 log4j.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/17. Creating a Data Pipeline with Hadoop PySpark and PostgreSQL/6.1 pg_course.zip
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/3. Hadoop - Hands-On/2.1 retailstore.csv
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/4. Spark concepts and hands-on/4.2 retailstore.csv
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/13. Running Spark and Hive on a Cloudera QuickStart VM on GCP/4.1 spark-submit.txt
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/12. Spark Scala Unit Testing using ScalaTest/8.1 failtests.txt
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[TutsNode.com] - A Big Data Hadoop and Spark project for absolute beginners/10. Spark Scala real world coding framework and best practices/8.1 githuhb-link.txt
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