Functional Programming Principles in Scala
Functional Programming Principles in Scala
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michaela isizzu
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dirty angels 2024 psa
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/5 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 7.5 - Case Study_ the Water Pouring Problem (31_45).mp4
58.6 MB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/7 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 6.7 - Putting the Pieces Together (20_35).mp4
49.5 MB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/4 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 3.4 - Class Hierarchies (25_50).mp4
48.3 MB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/6 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 6.6 - Maps (22_39).mp4
42.5 MB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/1 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 4.1 - Polymorphism (21_09).mp4
41.4 MB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/1 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 6.1 - Other Collections (20_45).mp4
39.7 MB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/5 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 4.5 - Variance (Optional) (21_33).mp4
39.1 MB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/5 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 3.5 - How Classes Are Organized (20_30).mp4
38.1 MB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/7 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 4.7 - Pattern Matching (19_36).mp4
37.2 MB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/2 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 4.2 - Objects Everywhere (19_07).mp4
36.3 MB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/2 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 3.2 - More Fun With Rationals (15_08).mp4
34.1 MB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/6 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 4.6 - Decomposition (16_57).mp4
33.0 MB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/3 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 3.3 - Evaluation and Operators (16_25).mp4
32.3 MB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/1 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 5.1 - Lists (16_20).mp4
32.2 MB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/3 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 6.3 - Combinatorial Search Example (16_54).mp4
31.0 MB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/1 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 7.1 - Structural Induction on Trees (15_10).mp4
30.6 MB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/6 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 5.6 - Reduction of Lists (15_35).mp4
29.9 MB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/3 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 2.3 - Currying (14_58).mp4
28.2 MB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/4 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 4.4 - Subtyping and Generics (15_02).mp4
28.1 MB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/1 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 1.1 - Programming Paradigms (14_32).mp4
27.7 MB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/5 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 5.5 - Higher-Order List Functions (14_53).mp4
27.3 MB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/2 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 1.2 - Elements of Programming (14_25).mp4
26.7 MB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/7 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 5.7 - Reasoning About Concat (13_00).mp4
26.7 MB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/1 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 3.1 - Functions and Data (11_50).mp4
25.0 MB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/2 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 6.2 - Combinatorial Search and For-Expressions (13_12).mp4
24.8 MB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/2 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 5.2 - More Functions on Lists (13_04).mp4
24.4 MB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/8 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 5.8 - A Larger Equational Proof on Lists (9_53).mp4
23.5 MB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/2 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 7.2 - Streams (12_12).mp4
23.2 MB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/1 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 2.1 - Tail Recursion (12_32).mp4
22.5 MB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/3 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 7.3 - Lazy Evaluation (11_38).mp4
22.4 MB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/5 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 6.5 - Translation of For (11_23).mp4
21.9 MB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/3 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 5.3 - Pairs and Tuples (10_45).mp4
20.3 MB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/4 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 5.4 - Implicit Parameters (11_08).mp4
20.3 MB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/5 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 1.5 - Example_ square roots with Newton's method (11_25).mp4
20.0 MB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/2 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 2.2 - Higher-Order Functions (10_18).mp4
20.0 MB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/4 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 2.4 - Example_ Finding Fixed Points (10_46).mp4
19.5 MB
1 - Getting Started/2 - Video (MP4) for Tools Setup for Linux (12_24).mp4
19.4 MB
1 - Getting Started/3 - Video (MP4) for Tools Setup for Mac OS X (12_17).mp4
18.1 MB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/4 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 7.4 - Computing with Infinite Sequences (9_01).mp4
17.1 MB
1 - Getting Started/4 - Video (MP4) for Tools Setup for Windows (10_37).mp4
16.5 MB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/3 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 4.3 - Functions as Objects (8_04).mp4
15.9 MB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/4 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 1.4 - Conditionals and Value Definitions (8_49).mp4
15.8 MB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/4 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 6.4 - Queries with For (7_50).mp4
15.4 MB
1 - Getting Started/5 - Video (MP4) for Tutorial_ Working on the Programming Assignments (8_47).mp4
15.0 MB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/6 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 1.6 - Blocks and Lexical Scope (8_00).mp4
14.4 MB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/6 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 7.6 - Course Conclusion (5_34).mp4
12.4 MB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/1 - Slides for Lecture 1.1 - Programming Paradigms (14_32).pdf
10.2 MB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/5 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 2.5 - Scala Syntax Summary (4_13).mp4
9.1 MB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/3 - Video (MP4) for Lecture 1.3 - Evaluation Strategies and Termination (4_22).mp4
8.7 MB
1 - Getting Started/1 - Video (MP4) for Course Introduction (2_44).mp4
7.7 MB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/6 - Slides for Lecture 5.6 - Reduction of Lists (15_35).pdf
570.8 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/2 - Slides for Lecture 6.2 - Combinatorial Search and For-Expressions (13_12).pdf
390.6 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/1 - Slides for Lecture 5.1 - Lists (16_20).pdf
352.0 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/8 - Slides for Lecture 5.8 - A Larger Equational Proof on Lists (9_53).pdf
346.5 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/7 - Slides for Lecture 5.7 - Reasoning About Concat (13_00).pdf
310.3 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/5 - Slides for Lecture 4.5 - Variance (Optional) (21_33).pdf
241.6 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/2 - Slides for Lecture 4.2 - Objects Everywhere (19_07).pdf
226.1 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/1 - Slides for Lecture 4.1 - Polymorphism (21_09).pdf
222.3 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/5 - Slides for Lecture 3.5 - How Classes Are Organized (20_30).pdf
204.7 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/5 - Slides for Lecture 7.5 - Case Study_ the Water Pouring Problem (31_45).pdf
191.4 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/1 - Slides for Lecture 7.1 - Structural Induction on Trees (15_10).pdf
147.0 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/2 - Slides for Lecture 5.2 - More Functions on Lists (13_04).pdf
138.4 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/7 - Slides for Lecture 4.7 - Pattern Matching (19_36).pdf
136.5 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/1 - Slides for Lecture 6.1 - Other Collections (20_45).pdf
129.0 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/6 - Slides for Lecture 4.6 - Decomposition (16_57).pdf
108.7 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/3 - Slides for Lecture 7.3 - Lazy Evaluation (11_38).pdf
108.0 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/5 - Slides for Lecture 5.5 - Higher-Order List Functions (14_53).pdf
107.5 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/4 - Slides for Lecture 4.4 - Subtyping and Generics (15_02).pdf
105.9 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/2 - Slides for Lecture 7.2 - Streams (12_12).pdf
103.2 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/2 - Slides for Lecture 1.2 - Elements of Programming (14_25).pdf
98.4 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/3 - Slides for Lecture 3.3 - Evaluation and Operators (16_25).pdf
87.3 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/6 - Slides for Lecture 6.6 - Maps (22_39).pdf
81.1 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/4 - Slides for Lecture 3.4 - Class Hierarchies (25_50).pdf
78.0 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/5 - Slides for Lecture 6.5 - Translation of For (11_23).pdf
71.2 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/4 - Slides for Lecture 7.4 - Computing with Infinite Sequences (9_01).pdf
69.2 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/1 - Slides for Lecture 3.1 - Functions and Data (11_50).pdf
66.2 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/2 - Slides for Lecture 3.2 - More Fun With Rationals (15_08).pdf
65.5 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/4 - Slides for Lecture 6.4 - Queries with For (7_50).pdf
55.7 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/3 - Slides for Lecture 5.3 - Pairs and Tuples (10_45).pdf
55.7 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/3 - Slides for Lecture 6.3 - Combinatorial Search Example (16_54).pdf
52.4 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/4 - Slides for Lecture 5.4 - Implicit Parameters (11_08).pdf
52.4 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/1 - Lecture 2.1 - Tail Recursion for Lecture 2.1 - Tail Recursion (12_32).pdf
50.6 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/4 - Lecture 2.4 - Example_ Finding Fixed Points for Lecture 2.4 - Example_ Finding Fixed Points (10_46).pdf
48.2 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/2 - Slides for Lecture 2.2 - Higher-Order Functions (10_18).pdf
48.0 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/3 - Lecture 2.3 - Currying for Lecture 2.3 - Currying (14_58).pdf
47.4 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/4 - Slides for Lecture 1.4 - Conditionals and Value Definitions (8_49).pdf
43.9 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/6 - Slides for Lecture 1.6 - Blocks and Lexical Scope (8_00).pdf
40.8 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/3 - Slides for Lecture 4.3 - Functions as Objects (8_04).pdf
38.1 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/5 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 7.5 - Case Study_ the Water Pouring Problem (31_45).srt
37.6 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/7 - Slides for Lecture 6.7 - Putting the Pieces Together (20_35).pdf
36.6 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/5 - Slides for Lecture 1.5 - Example_ square roots with Newton's method (11_25).pdf
33.7 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/5 - Lecture 2.5 - Scala Syntax Summary for Lecture 2.5 - Scala Syntax Summary (4_13).pdf
33.3 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/4 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 3.4 - Class Hierarchies (25_50).srt
31.6 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/6 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 6.6 - Maps (22_39).srt
27.2 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/1 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 6.1 - Other Collections (20_45).srt
26.0 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/7 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 6.7 - Putting the Pieces Together (20_35).srt
25.6 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/5 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 4.5 - Variance (Optional) (21_33).srt
25.3 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/5 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 3.5 - How Classes Are Organized (20_30).srt
24.8 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/1 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 4.1 - Polymorphism (21_09).srt
24.2 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/7 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 4.7 - Pattern Matching (19_36).srt
24.2 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/5 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 7.5 - Case Study_ the Water Pouring Problem (31_45).txt
23.9 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/6 - Slides for Lecture 7.6 - Course Conclusion (5_34).pdf
23.2 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/2 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 4.2 - Objects Everywhere (19_07).srt
23.1 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/3 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 6.3 - Combinatorial Search Example (16_54).srt
22.0 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/6 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 4.6 - Decomposition (16_57).srt
21.1 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/1 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 1.1 - Programming Paradigms (14_32).srt
20.6 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/1 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 5.1 - Lists (16_20).srt
20.5 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/3 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 3.3 - Evaluation and Operators (16_25).srt
20.5 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/3 - Slides for Lecture 1.3 - Evaluation Strategies and Termination (4_22).pdf
20.4 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/4 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 3.4 - Class Hierarchies (25_50).txt
20.2 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/1 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 7.1 - Structural Induction on Trees (15_10).srt
19.6 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/5 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 5.5 - Higher-Order List Functions (14_53).srt
18.8 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/2 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 3.2 - More Fun With Rationals (15_08).srt
18.5 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/6 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 5.6 - Reduction of Lists (15_35).srt
18.2 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/4 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 4.4 - Subtyping and Generics (15_02).srt
17.9 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/2 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 1.2 - Elements of Programming (14_25).srt
17.9 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/2 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 6.2 - Combinatorial Search and For-Expressions (13_12).srt
17.8 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/6 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 6.6 - Maps (22_39).txt
17.6 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/3 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 2.3 - Currying (14_58).srt
17.3 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/2 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 5.2 - More Functions on Lists (13_04).srt
16.7 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/1 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 6.1 - Other Collections (20_45).txt
16.6 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/7 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 6.7 - Putting the Pieces Together (20_35).txt
16.2 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/5 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 4.5 - Variance (Optional) (21_33).txt
16.2 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/5 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 3.5 - How Classes Are Organized (20_30).txt
16.1 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/7 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 5.7 - Reasoning About Concat (13_00).srt
15.8 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/2 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 7.2 - Streams (12_12).srt
15.8 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/7 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 4.7 - Pattern Matching (19_36).txt
15.7 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/1 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 2.1 - Tail Recursion (12_32).srt
15.6 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/1 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 4.1 - Polymorphism (21_09).txt
15.5 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/5 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 1.5 - Example_ square roots with Newton's method (11_25).srt
15.1 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/3 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 7.3 - Lazy Evaluation (11_38).srt
15.1 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/2 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 4.2 - Objects Everywhere (19_07).txt
14.9 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/5 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 6.5 - Translation of For (11_23).srt
14.7 kB
1 - Getting Started/2 - Subtitles (srt) for Tools Setup for Linux (12_24).srt
14.6 kB
1 - Getting Started/3 - Subtitles (srt) for Tools Setup for Mac OS X (12_17).srt
14.2 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/3 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 6.3 - Combinatorial Search Example (16_54).txt
14.1 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/6 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 4.6 - Decomposition (16_57).txt
13.7 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/1 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 3.1 - Functions and Data (11_50).srt
13.7 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/2 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 2.2 - Higher-Order Functions (10_18).srt
13.3 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/4 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 5.4 - Implicit Parameters (11_08).srt
13.3 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/3 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 5.3 - Pairs and Tuples (10_45).srt
13.3 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/1 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 5.1 - Lists (16_20).txt
13.3 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/1 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 1.1 - Programming Paradigms (14_32).txt
13.2 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/3 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 3.3 - Evaluation and Operators (16_25).txt
13.0 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/1 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 7.1 - Structural Induction on Trees (15_10).txt
12.7 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/4 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 2.4 - Example_ Finding Fixed Points (10_46).srt
12.4 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/8 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 5.8 - A Larger Equational Proof on Lists (9_53).srt
12.2 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/5 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 5.5 - Higher-Order List Functions (14_53).txt
12.0 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/2 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 3.2 - More Fun With Rationals (15_08).txt
12.0 kB
1 - Getting Started/4 - Subtitles (srt) for Tools Setup for Windows (10_37).srt
12.0 kB
1 - Getting Started/5 - Subtitles (srt) for Tutorial_ Working on the Programming Assignments (8_47).srt
11.8 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/6 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 5.6 - Reduction of Lists (15_35).txt
11.8 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/4 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 4.4 - Subtyping and Generics (15_02).txt
11.6 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/2 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 6.2 - Combinatorial Search and For-Expressions (13_12).txt
11.6 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/2 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 1.2 - Elements of Programming (14_25).txt
11.5 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/4 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 1.4 - Conditionals and Value Definitions (8_49).srt
11.3 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/3 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 2.3 - Currying (14_58).txt
11.1 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/6 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 1.6 - Blocks and Lexical Scope (8_00).srt
11.1 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/4 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 7.4 - Computing with Infinite Sequences (9_01).srt
11.1 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/2 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 5.2 - More Functions on Lists (13_04).txt
10.7 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/3 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 4.3 - Functions as Objects (8_04).srt
10.4 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/2 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 7.2 - Streams (12_12).txt
10.3 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/7 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 5.7 - Reasoning About Concat (13_00).txt
10.2 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/1 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 2.1 - Tail Recursion (12_32).txt
10.0 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/4 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 6.4 - Queries with For (7_50).srt
9.8 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/5 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 1.5 - Example_ square roots with Newton's method (11_25).txt
9.7 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/3 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 7.3 - Lazy Evaluation (11_38).txt
9.7 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/5 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 6.5 - Translation of For (11_23).txt
9.5 kB
1 - Getting Started/2 - Subtitles (text) for Tools Setup for Linux (12_24).txt
9.2 kB
1 - Getting Started/3 - Subtitles (text) for Tools Setup for Mac OS X (12_17).txt
9.1 kB
4 - Week 3_ Data and Abstraction/1 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 3.1 - Functions and Data (11_50).txt
8.8 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/4 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 5.4 - Implicit Parameters (11_08).txt
8.6 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/3 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 5.3 - Pairs and Tuples (10_45).txt
8.6 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/2 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 2.2 - Higher-Order Functions (10_18).txt
8.6 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/6 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 7.6 - Course Conclusion (5_34).srt
8.2 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/4 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 2.4 - Example_ Finding Fixed Points (10_46).txt
8.1 kB
6 - Week 5_ Lists/8 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 5.8 - A Larger Equational Proof on Lists (9_53).txt
7.9 kB
1 - Getting Started/4 - Subtitles (text) for Tools Setup for Windows (10_37).txt
7.6 kB
1 - Getting Started/5 - Subtitles (text) for Tutorial_ Working on the Programming Assignments (8_47).txt
7.6 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/4 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 1.4 - Conditionals and Value Definitions (8_49).txt
7.3 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/6 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 1.6 - Blocks and Lexical Scope (8_00).txt
7.2 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/4 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 7.4 - Computing with Infinite Sequences (9_01).txt
7.1 kB
5 - Week 4_ Types and Pattern Matching/3 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 4.3 - Functions as Objects (8_04).txt
6.6 kB
7 - Week 6_ Collections/4 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 6.4 - Queries with For (7_50).txt
6.3 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/3 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 1.3 - Evaluation Strategies and Termination (4_22).srt
6.2 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/5 - Subtitles (srt) for Lecture 2.5 - Scala Syntax Summary (4_13).srt
5.3 kB
8 - Week 7_ Lazy Evaluation/6 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 7.6 - Course Conclusion (5_34).txt
5.3 kB
2 - Week 1_ Functions & Evaluations/3 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 1.3 - Evaluation Strategies and Termination (4_22).txt
4.0 kB
1 - Getting Started/1 - Subtitles (srt) for Course Introduction (2_44).srt
3.8 kB
3 - Week 2_ Higher Order Functions/5 - Subtitles (text) for Lecture 2.5 - Scala Syntax Summary (4_13).txt
3.4 kB
1 - Getting Started/1 - Subtitles (text) for Course Introduction (2_44).txt
2.4 kB
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