Lynda - Scott Simpson - Compleat Course Collection ( Linux, Ubuntu, Shell, CLI..) [AhLaN]
Lynda - Scott Simpson - Compleat Course Collection ( Linux, Ubuntu, Shell, CLI..) [AhLaN]
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Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Video/Commercial2.mp4
81.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Docs/Recipes.docx
66.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Install and Log Into Ubuntu/08 - System documentation.mp4
47.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Serve Web Content with Apache/07 - Explore the configuration file.mp4
44.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Partitions and Filesystems/05 - Create and modify partitions.mp4
44.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/121 - Exploring Arch Linux.mp4
42.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/3 - Foundations/004 - Foundations - Distros.mp4
40.5 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Local Services/18 - Serve video on the network with Plex.mp4
40.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Domain Name System/09 - Configure an authoritative name server.mp4
38.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Virtual Machine Basics/04 - Create a virtual machine with QEMU and KVM.mp4
37.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Authentication Tools/12 - Use LDAP for user authentication.mp4
34.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working with Files in the Terminal/11 - Work with files and directories.mp4
32.5 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/11 - Helpful tips and tricks.mp4
31.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Partitions and Filesystems/11 - Create redundant storage with RAID.mp4
31.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/9 - Process Management/078 - Process management - htop.mp4
30.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Customizing Zsh/21 - Using the Oh-My-Zsh configuration manager.mp4
30.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/3 - Foundations/003 - Foundations - What's Linux.mp4
30.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working with Files in the Terminal/09 - Files on Linux.mp4
29.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Resources and Reports/13 - Working with processes.mp4
29.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/100 - Windows Subsystem for Linux.mp4
28.6 MB
Lynda - Kali Linux on Windows 10 First Look [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Kali Linux/5 - Installing Kali Linux on Windows 10.mp4
28.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Secure Shell/04 - Configure SSH servers and clients.mp4
28.2 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/12 - Add storage with a local disk.mp4
28.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Partitions and Filesystems/06 - Create, modify, and mount filesystems.mp4
27.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working with Files in the Terminal/17 - Compress and decompress files.mp4
27.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Security (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Firewalls and Ports/07 - Managing iptables.mp4
27.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Resources and Reports/12 - Examine resource utilization.mp4
27.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Apache HTTP Server/04 - Installing and configuring the HTTP server.mp4
27.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working with Files in the Terminal/10 - Text files.mp4
26.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/11 - System Administration/094 - Logical volume management.mp4
26.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Video/Commercial1.mov
25.9 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/08 - Install Ubuntu Server.mp4
25.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Firewall and Routing/09 - Configure the firewall to filter packets.mp4
25.7 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Local Services/17 - Share files on the network.mp4
25.4 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Guest OS - Windows 10/07 - Installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox.mp4
25.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Proxies/06 - Configure an HTTP proxy server.mp4
25.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Common Tasks and Actions/19 - Working with documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.mp4
24.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Local Users and Groups/08 - Configure and monitor user resources.mp4
24.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working with Files in the Terminal/12 - File links.mp4
24.5 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/11 - Explore the Virtual Machine window.mp4
24.3 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Local Services/22 - Using a desktop interface.mp4
24.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Files, Folders, and Permissions/20 - File permissions.mp4
24.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/04 - Introducing Ubuntu.mp4
23.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Checking Status/09 - Explore system resource usage with top.mp4
23.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/11 - System Administration/095 - Create a RAID array.mp4
22.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Files, Folders, and Permissions/17 - Copy, move, and delete files and folders.mp4
22.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
22.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Understanding storage terminology.mp4
22.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Configure FTP/05 - Configure the FTP server.mp4
22.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Other Services/11 - Configure a database server.mp4
22.0 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Why use a database.mp4
21.8 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Designing a Home Lab/05 - How should the network be configured.mp4
21.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/2 - Introduction/002 - Welcome.mp4
21.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Firewall and Routing/14 - Synchronizing time.mp4
21.5 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Designing a Home Lab/08 - Home lab hardware.mp4
21.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Network Services/03 - Configure a DHCP server.mp4
21.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Automation and Scheduling/20 - Schedule and verify tasks.mp4
21.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Learning Linux command line.mp4
21.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Security (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Firewalls and Ports/04 - Exploring open ports.mp4
21.0 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Designing a Home Lab/04 - Native vs. virtual machines vs. containers.mp4
20.8 MB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_videos/roux_testimonial.flv
20.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/8 - Working Remotely/075 - Using a Squid proxy.mp4
20.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Filesystem Security and Backups/17 - Exploring disk quotas.mp4
20.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Firewall rules with UFW and iptables.mp4
20.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/029 - Cron.mp4
20.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Configuring Network Settings/04 - Finding network connection information.mp4
20.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - What is virtualiztion.mp4
20.5 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Working with Common Services and Applications/28 - Setting up a web server.mp4
20.5 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/6 - 5. VPN Implementations/21 - Planning a VPN solution.mp4
20.5 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/19 - Installing and updating software.mp4
20.4 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/15 - Encrypt sensitive files.mp4
20.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/14 - Projects/141 - Remote logging with Rsyslog.mp4
20.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/23 - Routing lab overview.mp4
20.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
20.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Common Tasks and Actions/15 - Working with files and folders.mp4
20.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using Zsh/17 - Renaming files with zmv.mp4
20.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Web Server/08 - Configure SSL on an HTTP server.mp4
20.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/120 - Exploring SUSE Linux.mp4
19.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/107 - Blocking ads on your network with Pi-hole.mp4
19.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Making Changes/13 - Interrupt and explore the GRUB boot loader.mp4
19.9 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Accessing Resources Remotely/25 - External access with Dynamic DNS.mp4
19.9 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Designing a Home Lab/07 - Planning resources.mp4
19.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Logical Volume Management/13 - Creating a physical volume, volume group, and logical volume.mp4
19.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using the GNOME Desktop/11 - Hardware and system settings.mp4
19.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/3 - Foundations/012 - Linux on DigitalOcean.mp4
19.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Configure FTP/08 - Manage users and access.mp4
19.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Debian/06 - Installing Debian.mp4
19.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Resources and Reports/19 - System usage reporting.mp4
19.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Authentication Tools/13 - Authenticate clients with Kerberos.mp4
19.6 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building a Tool with Python/08 - Accepting arguments.mp4
19.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Resources and Reports/15 - Explore system hardware.mp4
19.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/14 - Projects/136 - Set up Let’s Encrypt on a web server.mp4
19.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Terminal [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Windows Terminal/5 - Customizing your profiles.mp4
19.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Virtual Machine Basics/09 - Modify virtual machine memory.mp4
19.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/9 - Process Management/077 - Process management - top.mp4
19.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/031 - System basics - User and group management.mp4
19.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using Zsh/16 - Expansions.mp4
19.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/060 - Adding third-party repositories with APT.mp4
19.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Web Server/06 - Configure an HTTP server.mp4
19.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/062 - Create a local APT repository.mp4
19.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Mail Services/11 - Configure an SMTP server.mp4
19.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/14 - Projects/134 - Creating a portable bootable disk.mp4
19.1 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Local Services/23 - Backing up your server and files.mp4
18.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Resources and Reports/17 - Explore system log files.mp4
18.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Partitions and Filesystems/04 - Explore and identify block devices.mp4
18.8 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
18.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Further Exploration/14 - Explore containers with LXC.mp4
18.7 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Building_Tools_Python/Exercise Files/decks/deck3.pptx
18.7 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/48 - Using a separate network for your IoT devices.mp4
18.6 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building a Tool with Python/09 - Providing error messages and logging.mp4
18.6 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Building_Tools_Python/Exercise Files/decks/deck1.pptx
18.6 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Building_Tools_Python/Exercise Files/decks/deck2.pptx
18.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/126 - Visual file management with Midnight Commander.mp4
18.5 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Building_Tools_Python/Exercise Files/decks/deck4.pptx
18.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Security (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Security for Common Services/08 - Securing an Apache site with SSL.mp4
18.4 MB
Lynda - Kali Linux on Windows 10 First Look [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Kali Linux/7 - Using graphical tools.mp4
18.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Making Changes/18 - Freeing disk space.mp4
18.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Common Command-Line Tasks and Tools/30 - Working with TAR and ZIP archives.mp4
18.3 MB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with FTP/09 - Connecting to FTP from the command line.mp4
18.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Security (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Firewalls and Ports/06 - Managing ufw.mp4
18.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/10 - Security/090 - Encrypted filesystems.mp4
18.1 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/2 - 1. The VirtualBox Software/04 - Installing and exploring VirtualBox.mp4
18.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Serve Web Content with Apache/09 - Deploy a site.mp4
18.1 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/47 - Using kiosk mode in Windows 10.mp4
18.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/6 - Working with Text/050 - Working with text - sed.mp4
18.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Security (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Security for Common Services/10 - Securing SSH with keys.mp4
18.0 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/15 - Security and maintenance of your server.mp4
18.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Software and Updates/08 - Updating software.mp4
18.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/8 - Working Remotely/068 - SSH - Secure access.mp4
18.0 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/35 - Build a portable apps USB.mp4
17.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working with Files in the Terminal/14 - Input_output redirection.mp4
17.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/14 - Projects/139 - Set up a print server with CUPS.mp4
17.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Managing the System/16 - Managing software with DNF.mp4
17.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/055 - aptitude.mp4
17.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/3 - Foundations/005 - Foundations - Installing Linux in a virtual machine.mp4
17.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Virtual Machine Basics/08 - Create a virtual machine with Virtual Machine Manager.mp4
17.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Secure the Site and Control Access/18 - Protect a site with a .htaccess file.mp4
17.6 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Accessing Resources Remotely/26 - Connect via SSH with a key.mp4
17.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Checking Status/05 - System logs.mp4
17.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Files, Folders, and Permissions/14 - Files, folders, and navigation.mp4
17.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Security and Administration/20 - File permissions.mp4
17.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Securing and Monitoring Your Server/07 - Configuring remote access with SSH.mp4
17.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Serve Web Content with Apache/12 - Use virtual hosts to serve many sites.mp4
17.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/063 - Create an APT repository for your network.mp4
17.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Secure the Site and Control Access/17 - Add an SSL certificate to your site.mp4
17.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Software and Updates/09 - Installing from source.mp4
17.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Getting Started with Ubuntu/06 - Installing Ubuntu in a virtual machine.mp4
17.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Users and groups.mp4
17.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/3 - Foundations/010 - Linux on Azure.mp4
17.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/020 - System basics - The Bash prompt.mp4
17.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/17 - Coloring and styling text.mp4
17.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Secure Shell/05 - Configure SSH-based remote access using public_private key pairs.mp4
17.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/054 - Package management - Basics.mp4
17.0 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/12 - Recognize phone scams.mp4
17.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Email Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Sending Mail/04 - Installing and configuring Postfix for message delivery.mp4
16.8 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/21 - Using the VirtualBox command-line tools.mp4
16.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Administering Apache Server/11 - Apache logging.mp4
16.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/10 - Security/089 - Encrypting files.mp4
16.7 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/40 - Chatting securely.mp4
16.7 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building a Tool with Python/12 - Packaging and distributing a tool.mp4
16.6 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/31 - What to do if your information is compromised.mp4
16.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Configuring Network Settings/03 - Network configuration options.mp4
16.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Proxies/07 - Control access to an HTTP proxy server.mp4
16.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Partitions and Filesystems/10 - Reconfigure swap space.mp4
16.5 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Database Foundations/09 - Basic SQL.mp4
16.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Large Systems/15 - Run commands on many systems with GNU Parallel.mp4
16.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/3 - Foundations/006 - Foundations - USB installer.mp4
16.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Administering Apache Server/12 - Working with modules.mp4
16.4 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Guest OS - Linux/09 - Installing Linux in VirtualBox.mp4
16.4 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/20 - Stay secure on shared computers.mp4
16.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Managing the System/11 - Managing software with APT.mp4
16.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Command-Line Basics/13 - Finding help for commands.mp4
16.2 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Local Services/20 - Monitor the status of your server.mp4
16.2 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Database Foundations/08 - ACID and transactions.mp4
16.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Common Command-Line Tasks and Tools/27 - Manipulate text with awk, sed, and sort.mp4
16.1 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/29 - What's a URL.mp4
16.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Exploring Common Services/21 - Sending email with Postfix.mp4
16.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Virtual Machine Basics/07 - Control a virtual machine with virsh.mp4
16.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Virtual Machine Basics/06 - Create a virtual machine with libvirt tools.mp4
16.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Zsh Foundations/02 - Installation and initial configuration.mp4
16.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with the Command Line/08 - Manipulating output with grep, awk, and cut.mp4
16.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/122 - Exploring Alpine Linux.mp4
15.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Fedora/04 - Installing Fedora on a virtual machine.mp4
15.8 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/49 - Adding a guest account to your computer.mp4
15.8 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/21 - Scan for viruses and malware.mp4
15.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/125 - UNIX time and the 2038 problem.mp4
15.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/102 - Exploring containers.mp4
15.7 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Understanding databases - Benefits of spreadsheets.mp4
15.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/5 - Filesystem Basics/042 - Managing space on the file system.mp4
15.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configuring and Managing the Server/12 - Process and resource management.mp4
15.6 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Packages with dpkg and APT/25 - Upgrading a package.mp4
15.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Common Tasks and Actions/21 - Working with photos.mp4
15.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Customizing Zsh/20 - Customizing the prompt.mp4
15.5 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/18 - Social media security options.mp4
15.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Managing the System/18 - Managing desktop software with Flatpak.mp4
15.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Exploring Common Services/16 - Installing and configuring an HTTP server.mp4
15.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/8 - Working Remotely/070 - SSH - Managing and distributing keys.mp4
15.4 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Tables/13 - Numbers and other types.mp4
15.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Manage Packages with RPM and YUM/15 - Installing from source.mp4
15.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/13 - Troubleshooting Topics/130 - Recover a system with Live Boot.mp4
15.3 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Getting Started/05 - Installing CentOS on a virtual machine.mp4
15.3 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/20 - Shared folders, clipboard, and drag and drop.mp4
15.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Serve Web Content with Apache/08 - Start up and shut down the web service.mp4
15.3 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Designing a Home Lab/03 - What roles do you need to support.mp4
15.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Booting and Starting Up/05 - Manage the startup process.mp4
15.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working with Files in the Terminal/13 - Finding files.mp4
15.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Partitions and Filesystems/07 - Create and mount an encrypted partition.mp4
15.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/10 - Security/085 - Understanding iptables.mp4
15.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Packages with dpkg and APT/26 - Installing from source.mp4
15.1 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/4 - 3. FreeNAS Operation/18 - Managing users and groups.mp4
15.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Setting Up Your Environment/04 - Creating a Linux virtual machine.mp4
15.0 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/22 - Stay secure when traveling.mp4
15.0 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/4 - 3. FreeNAS Operation/23 - Backups and replication.mp4
15.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Creating and Distributing Packages/17 - Create a custom package.mp4
15.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Zsh Foundations/06 - Functions.mp4
15.0 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Install and Configure FreeNAS/06 - Exploring the web interface.mp4
15.0 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/22 - Advanced disk usage.mp4
15.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Docs/MarketingReview.pptx
15.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Large Systems/12 - Configuring cluster nodes.mp4
14.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/11 - System Administration/099 - DNS.mp4
14.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Booting and Starting Up/03 - Booting the system.mp4
14.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Large Systems/14 - Using GNU parallel.mp4
14.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/021 - System basics - Bash output redirection.mp4
14.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Security and Administration/24 - Transfer files.mp4
14.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Adding Encryption/08 - Creating a self-signed certificate.mp4
14.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with the Command Line/05 - Reviewing common Bash commands.mp4
14.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Managing the System/16 - Upgrading to a new release.mp4
14.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Processes in Linux/04 - Foreground and background tasks.mp4
14.7 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Learning VirtualBox.mp4
14.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Remote Block Storage with iSCSI/12 - Connecting to remote block storage.mp4
14.6 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/41 - Configuring 2FA with Authy.mp4
14.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Email Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Accessing Mail/08 - Installing and configuring Dovecot for mail access.mp4
14.5 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/33 - Understanding biometric security.mp4
14.5 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Install and Configure FreeNAS/03 - Planning a FreeNAS installation.mp4
14.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Virtual Machine Basics/10 - Modify virtual machine storage.mp4
14.5 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Data Types, Math, and Helpful Functions/18 - Transform data.mp4
14.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/6 - 5. A Peek at Some More Advanced Topics/37 - Install and update software with a package manager.mp4
14.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Packages with dpkg and APT/23 - Exploring aptitude.mp4
14.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Manage Packages with RPM and YUM/14 - Upgrading a package.mp4
14.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/028 - Systemd.mp4
14.4 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/23 - Keep work and home information separate.mp4
14.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/14 - Projects/132 - Linux on an old PC.mp4
14.3 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/14 - Connecting to a network file share.mp4
14.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/124 - Exploring Amazon Linux.mp4
14.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/066 - Using Flatpak.mp4
14.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/025 - Logs.mp4
14.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/5 - Filesystem Basics/038 - File system basics - Archives.mp4
14.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Remote Console Access/06 - Connecting with SSH.mp4
14.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/057 - yum and DNF.mp4
14.1 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/17 - Browse the web with Tor.mp4
14.1 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building a Tool with Python/11 - Adding a user interface.mp4
14.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/127 - Terminal on the go.mp4
14.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/9 - Process Management/076 - Process management - ps.mp4
14.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Customizing Zsh/19 - Configuration files.mp4
14.0 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/50 - Safely donating mobile devices.mp4
14.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using Zsh/13 - Redirection and multios.mp4
14.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/11 - System Administration/093 - Disks and partitions.mp4
14.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Domain Name System/10 - Configure caching and forwarding name servers.mp4
14.0 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Accessing Resources Remotely/27 - Share and sync files with Nextcloud.mp4
14.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Configuring Network Settings/05 - Configure a dynamic address with NetworkManager.mp4
13.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Email Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Accessing Mail/10 - Webmail.mp4
13.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/9 - Process Management/080 - Process management - fg, bg, and kill.mp4
13.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Managing Your Linux Computer/24 - Backing up data.mp4
13.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Exploring the GNOME Desktop/06 - Navigating the GNOME desktop.mp4
13.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Managing the System/20 - Managing processes.mp4
13.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Debian/07 - Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions in Debian.mp4
13.8 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/38 - Paying securely online.mp4
13.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Common Tasks and Actions/17 - Adding new software.mp4
13.7 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Setting Up an SSH Server/15 - Setting up the SSH service on Linux.mp4
13.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/14 - Projects/137 - Host a personal cloud with Nextcloud.mp4
13.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Adding Encryption/09 - Using a certificate from a certificate authority.mp4
13.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Booting and Starting Up/07 - Change kernel parameters.mp4
13.6 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/19 - Working with snapshots and clones.mp4
13.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Remote Console Access/05 - Configuring SSH server.mp4
13.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Install and Log Into Ubuntu/06 - Installing Linux in a virtual machine.mp4
13.5 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Local Services/19 - Use name resolution with Dnsmasq.mp4
13.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Common Command-Line Tasks and Tools/34 - Solution - Extract information from a text file.mp4
13.5 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/2 - 1. The VirtualBox Software/06 - Allocating resources for guests.mp4
13.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Booting and Starting Up/06 - Update the kernel.mp4
13.5 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/12 - Explore virtual machine settings.mp4
13.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/6 - 5. A Peek at Some More Advanced Topics/36 - Find system hardware and disk information.mp4
13.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/101 - Exploring virtualization.mp4
13.4 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Querying a Database/33 - Indexes, transactions, and stored procedures.mp4
13.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. System Design/03 - Define a capacity planning strategy.mp4
13.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Software and Updates/11 - Explore AppArmor.mp4
13.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Exploring Common Services/17 - Securing an HTTP server with TLS.mp4
13.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working in the Linux Environment/07 - Using the shell.mp4
13.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/6 - Working with Text/046 - Working with text - Emacs 101.mp4
13.4 MB
Lynda - AWS Security Hub First Look [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Exploring AWS Security Hub/3 - The Security Hub console.mp4
13.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Install and Log Into Ubuntu/07 - Logging into a text console and the GUI.mp4
13.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/018 - System basics - Exploring Bash.mp4
13.3 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/13 - Managing disks and memory.mp4
13.3 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Querying a Database/34 - Access control, compliance, and injection.mp4
13.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Further Exploration/13 - Migrate a virtual machine between two hosts.mp4
13.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Security and Administration/23 - Remote command line access.mp4
13.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Making Changes/16 - Manage system startup services.mp4
13.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/013 - System basics - The Linux file system.mp4
13.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using the GNOME Desktop/10 - Exploring the GNOME shell.mp4
13.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Exploring Common Services/18 - Installing and configuring MySQL.mp4
13.1 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Ask for Data from a Database/08 - Add more criteria to a statement.mp4
13.1 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/2 - 1. The VirtualBox Software/05 - Guest Additions and extension packs.mp4
13.1 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/2 - 1. SSH Basics/04 - What is SSH.mp4
13.0 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Install and Configure FreeNAS/07 - System configuration.mp4
13.0 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/42 - Configuring 2FA with 1Password.mp4
13.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Configure Networking with NetworkManager/08 - Using the NetworkManager tools.mp4
13.0 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/21 - Installing packages from other sources.mp4
12.9 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/28 - Keeping an eye on your own security.mp4
12.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/14 - Projects/135 - Host your own Apache web server.mp4
12.9 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/19 - Mobile device security.mp4
12.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Samba (SMB_CIFS)/04 - Configuring an SMB server.mp4
12.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/024 - Bash operators.mp4
12.8 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Why build a home lab.mp4
12.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/110 - Osquery.mp4
12.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Resources and Reports/18 - Monitor security and audit the system.mp4
12.7 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/14 - Networking with VirtualBox.mp4
12.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Local Users and Groups/04 - Create user accounts.mp4
12.7 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Tables/12 - Columns and data types.mp4
12.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Apache HTTP Server/06 - Name-based virtual hosts.mp4
12.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Packages with Zypper/30 - Installing a package.mp4
12.7 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/16 - Forwarding ports for services.mp4
12.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/109 - Exploring Zsh.mp4
12.6 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Manage Packages with RPM and YUM/12 - Installing groups of packages.mp4
12.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/033 - Backing up data with rsync.mp4
12.6 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Relationships/16 - One-to-many relationships.mp4
12.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Securing and Monitoring Your Server/08 - Configuring the firewall.mp4
12.6 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Designing Tools/03 - Languages and toolkits.mp4
12.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Booting and Starting Up/04 - Configuring and modifying the bootloader.mp4
12.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Deploying and Configuring Systems/06 - Configure and maintain containers.mp4
12.6 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Designing Tools/05 - Building a tool.mp4
12.6 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/39 - Wireless security for mobile phones.mp4
12.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Other Services/14 - Configure remote logging.mp4
12.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Packages with Zypper/29 - Searching for a package.mp4
12.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Network Services/05 - Configure a PXE boot server.mp4
12.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/14 - Projects/140 - Create a network PDF printer.mp4
12.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Network File System (NFS)/08 - Configuring an NFS server.mp4
12.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/017 - System basics - Explore a system.mp4
12.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/065 - Zypper.mp4
12.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Hostname and Firewall/20 - Firewall configuration with iptables.mp4
12.5 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/26 - Spear phishing and catfishing.mp4
12.5 MB
Lynda - Kali Linux on Windows 10 First Look [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Kali Linux/6 - Using Kali tools.mp4
12.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Authentication Tools/11 - Explore pluggable authentication modules (PAM).mp4
12.4 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/25 - Cache and cookies.mp4
12.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Remote Block Storage with iSCSI/11 - Configuring remote block storage.mp4
12.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/8 - Working Remotely/069 - SSH - Transferring files with scp and sftp.mp4
12.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Web Server/09 - Configure HTTP server log files.mp4
12.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Configure Samba (CIFS_SMB)/11 - Set up a Samba server.mp4
12.3 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Ask for Data from Two or More Tables/13 - Understand JOIN types.mp4
12.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Common Command-Line Tasks and Tools/26 - Search for text in files and streams with grep.mp4
12.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Virtual Machine Basics/11 - Clone and snapshot a virtual machine.mp4
12.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/058 - RPM.mp4
12.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working with Files in the Terminal/15 - Compare text files.mp4
12.3 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/03 - Home server hardware and setup.mp4
12.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Large Systems/16 - Run commands on many systems with parallel-SSH.mp4
12.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/28 - Sync system time with a network peer.mp4
12.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Making Changes/19 - Adding a disk.mp4
12.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Common Command-Line Tasks and Tools/25 - View text files with cat, head, tail, and less.mp4
12.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Ubuntu Server/04 - Installing Ubuntu Server.mp4
12.1 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Ask for Data from a Database/09 - Limit responses.mp4
12.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Exploring Common Services/22 - LXD containers.mp4
12.1 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/08 - Laptop security.mp4
12.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Adding Encryption/07 - Enabling HTTPS.mp4
12.0 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/10 - Configuring the network manually.mp4
12.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Common Tasks and Actions/18 - Updating software.mp4
12.0 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/37 - Understanding common attacks.mp4
12.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/3 - Foundations/007 - Foundations - Installing Linux.mp4
12.0 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/32 - How to tell if a link is legitimate.mp4
11.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with the Command Line/06 - Tilde and brace expansion.mp4
11.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using Zsh/18 - Scripting.mp4
11.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/29 - Tunnels.mp4
11.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Administering Apache Server/14 - Per-directory configuration changes with .htaccess.mp4
11.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Making Changes/17 - Upgrading software.mp4
11.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/027 - SysV init.mp4
11.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Serve Web Content with Apache/11 - Add modules to extend Apache.mp4
11.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/123 - Exploring Linux Mint.mp4
11.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/118 - Recording a terminal session.mp4
11.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working with Files in the Terminal/19 - Change files programmatically.mp4
11.7 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Database Foundations/07 - Relationships.mp4
11.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/23 - Solution - Make a script that generates a system report.mp4
11.7 MB
Lynda - AWS Security Hub First Look [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Exploring AWS Security Hub/4 - Exploring findings and creating insights.mp4
11.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/8 - Working Remotely/072 - Browsing the web through a proxy server.mp4
11.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Packages with dpkg and APT/21 - Installing a package.mp4
11.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Making Changes/20 - Automatically mount a disk.mp4
11.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Resources and Reports/16 - Upgrade or add hardware.mp4
11.6 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Storage in FreeNAS/14 - Recovering from storage failures.mp4
11.6 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/3 - 2. IKEv2 and WireGuard with Algo/10 - Working with IKEv2 and WireGuard VPN with Algo.mp4
11.6 MB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with FTP/04 - What is FTP.mp4
11.6 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Relationships/17 - Many-to-many relationships.mp4
11.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Fedora/02 - What is Fedora.mp4
11.5 MB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with FTP/05 - Connecting to an FTP server using client software.mp4
11.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/129 - Removing Linux.mp4
11.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Common Tasks and Actions/20 - Listening to audio.mp4
11.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/15 - Tips and troubleshooting.mp4
11.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/6 - Working with Text/048 - Working with text - grep.mp4
11.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/014 - System basics - The command line.mp4
11.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Debian/03 - Debian installer options and downloads.mp4
11.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Common Command-Line Tasks and Tools/28 - Edit text with Vim.mp4
11.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Creating and Distributing Packages/18 - Install, modify, and update a custom package.mp4
11.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Packages with Zypper/34 - Managing Zypper repositories.mp4
11.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/115 - Configuring and managing logs.mp4
11.4 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Storage in FreeNAS/10 - Configuring virtual devices.mp4
11.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Administering Apache Server/13 - User-based security.mp4
11.4 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/46 - Exploring app permissions.mp4
11.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Web Server/10 - Restrict access to a webpage.mp4
11.3 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Designing Tools/04 - Planning a tool.mp4
11.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Firewall and Routing/13 - Configure network traffic tunneling.mp4
11.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/11 - System Administration/097 - Local IP address.mp4
11.2 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Querying a Database/35 - Software options.mp4
11.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Common Command-Line Tasks and Tools/31 - Output redirection.mp4
11.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Other Services/13 - Configure a client to communicate with an NTP server.mp4
11.2 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/13 - Mount external disks at boot.mp4
11.2 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Ask for Data from Two or More Tables/12 - Ask for data across two or more tables.mp4
11.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Desktops/17 - Navigating the GNOME desktop.mp4
11.2 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Tables/14 - Primary and foreign keys.mp4
11.2 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Data Types, Math, and Helpful Functions/16 - Math in SQL.mp4
11.1 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/18 - Importing and exporting appliances.mp4
11.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Files, Folders, and Permissions/16 - Create and remove folders.mp4
11.0 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Introducing nano/06 - Updating nano on a Mac, using Homebrew.mp4
11.0 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/07 - Secure your home Wi-Fi.mp4
11.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/6 - Working with Text/053 - Working with text - ed 101.mp4
11.0 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Working with Common Services and Applications/30 - Creating a group file share with Samba.mp4
11.0 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/45 - Steganography.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/11 - Recognize phishing emails.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Managing the System/12 - Securing programs with AppArmor.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with the Command Line/07 - Changing where things go with pipes and redirection.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/11 - System Administration/096 - Repairing a RAID array.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/8 - Working Remotely/067 - Remote files - curl and wget.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/04 - Use two-factor authentication.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/10 - Access the server from another computer.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Managing the System/08 - Managing users and access.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/15 - Modifying network settings.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working at the Command Line/14 - Working at the command line.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Exploring the GNOME Desktop/11 - Exploring system settings.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/6 - Working with Text/045 - Working with text - Vim 101.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/5 - Filesystem Basics/040 - Loop devices.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/36 - Handling information securely.mp4
10.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Service Management/03 - Runlevels and targets.mp4
10.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Partitions and Filesystems/08 - Configure disk mounting.mp4
10.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Security and Administration/21 - Manage the root account.mp4
10.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Checking Status/06 - Security logs.mp4
10.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Configure FTP/06 - Connect to the FTP server from a client.mp4
10.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
10.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Managing the System/09 - Monitoring and controlling processes.mp4
10.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Exploring Common Services/20 - Set up a forwarding DNS server.mp4
10.8 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Install and Configure FreeNAS/04 - Installing FreeNAS.mp4
10.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configure NFS/18 - Set up an NFS server.mp4
10.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/11 - System Administration/098 - Predictable network interface names.mp4
10.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Securing and Monitoring Your Server/09 - Exploring the logs.mp4
10.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Debian/02 - The Debian distribution.mp4
10.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Remote GUI Access/09 - Configuring VNC server.mp4
10.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Recovery and Support/22 - Consider a disaster recovery plan.mp4
10.7 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Storage in FreeNAS/08 - Understanding ZFS.mp4
10.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. WSL in Your Workflow/14 - Using graphical tools.mp4
10.6 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/11 - Configuring the network with NetworkManager.mp4
10.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Managing the System/14 - Managing the firewall with nftables.mp4
10.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Exploring the GNOME Desktop/13 - Modifying the GNOME environment.mp4
10.6 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Querying a Database/32 - Modifying data.mp4
10.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with WSL/06 - Accessing files.mp4
10.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Adding Encryption/10 - Making access easier.mp4
10.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/9 - Process Management/082 - Manage terminal sessions with tmux.mp4
10.5 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - What is a VPN.mp4
10.5 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building a Tool with Python/10 - Ensuring functionality.mp4
10.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Checking Status/08 - Check memory and process status.mp4
10.5 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Creating and Editing a File/10 - Navigating within a file.mp4
10.4 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/43 - Securing your email account.mp4
10.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/016 - System basics - sudo access and root.mp4
10.4 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Database Foundations/06 - Keys and unique values.mp4
10.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/6 - Working with Text/047 - Working with text - nano 101.mp4
10.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Local Users and Groups/05 - Modify and delete user accounts.mp4
10.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Common Tasks and Actions/12 - Connecting to an Ethernet network.mp4
10.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Managing Your Linux Computer/25 - Adding another user.mp4
10.3 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/51 - Learn more about security with LinkedIn Learning.mp4
10.3 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/16 - Use a VPN service.mp4
10.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/3 - Foundations/011 - Google Cloud Platform.mp4
10.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Security (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Security for Common Services/09 - Exploring Apache log files.mp4
10.3 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/09 - Configure the network for your server.mp4
10.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/023 - Bash aliases and functions.mp4
10.3 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Querying a Database/25 - Creating a database.mp4
10.2 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Getting Started/04 - Installation options.mp4
10.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using Zsh/11 - Finding files and commands.mp4
10.2 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Software, Platforms, and Technologies/14 - Exploring ESXi for use in a home lab.mp4
10.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/111 - Exploring fish.mp4
10.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Other Services/12 - Configure a time synchronization server.mp4
10.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Resources and Reports/14 - Explore resource bottlenecks.mp4
10.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Packages with Zypper/32 - Package versions and updates.mp4
10.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Serve Web Content with Apache/10 - Configure logging.mp4
10.1 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/10 - Block ads and trackers.mp4
10.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Logical Volume Management/12 - Understanding LVM.mp4
10.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Manage Packages with RPM and YUM/07 - Downloading a package file.mp4
10.0 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Using a Desktop/34 - Allowing screen-sharing access with VNC.mp4
10.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Managing the System/13 - Configuring networking with NetworkManager.mp4
10.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Samba (SMB_CIFS)/05 - Configuring an SMB client.mp4
10.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Exploring the GNOME Desktop/07 - Using the GNOME desktop with keyboard shortcuts.mp4
10.0 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Software, Platforms, and Technologies/12 - Exploring QEMU and KVM for a home lab.mp4
9.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/6 - 5. More Advanced Topics/29 - Using the Terminal.mp4
9.9 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Tables/10 - Modeling and planning a database.mp4
9.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/3 - Foundations/008 - Foundations - Dual-booting your system.mp4
9.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Partitions and Filesystems/09 - Mount volumes on demand.mp4
9.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Customizing Zsh/22 - Using Powerline themes.mp4
9.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Checking Status/11 - Check disk status.mp4
9.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configuring and Managing the Server/14 - Managing users.mp4
9.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Local Users and Groups/07 - Home folder templating and global environment configuration.mp4
9.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Secure the Site and Control Access/19 - Rewrite a URL with a .htaccess file.mp4
9.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Exploring the GNOME Desktop/12 - Managing users.mp4
9.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Remote GUI Access/07 - Desktops.mp4
9.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/9 - Process Management/081 - Manage terminal sessions with screen.mp4
9.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Serve Web Content with Apache/13 - Common troubleshooting topics.mp4
9.7 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Working with Common Services and Applications/29 - Sharing user home folders with Samba.mp4
9.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Local Users and Groups/06 - Create and modify groups.mp4
9.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/019 - System basics - Bash scripting basics.mp4
9.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Configure Networking with NetworkManager/10 - Configure a static client.mp4
9.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Local Users and Groups/09 - Configure permissions to allow group collaboration.mp4
9.6 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Local Services/21 - Block domains on your network.mp4
9.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/10 - Security/092 - Security systems - SELinux.mp4
9.6 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/16 - Transferring files to and from the server.mp4
9.6 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Storage in FreeNAS/12 - Working with ZFS pools.mp4
9.6 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Secure the Site and Control Access/15 - Create a self-signed certificate.mp4
9.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Email Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Sending Mail/07 - Securing SMTP.mp4
9.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Checking Status/07 - Audit security access, groups, and users.mp4
9.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Exploring the GNOME Desktop/09 - Working with files and folders.mp4
9.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/10 - Security/086 - Exploring UFW - Uncomplicated firewall.mp4
9.5 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/15 - Adding a key to a user for SSH access.mp4
9.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Terminal [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Windows Terminal/4 - Exploring the default settings.mp4
9.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Explore a system.mp4
9.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Large Systems/13 - Hosting a clustered resource.mp4
9.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Processes in Linux/06 - Processes and jobs.mp4
9.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/13 - Auditing network services.mp4
9.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Mail Services/12 - Configure an IMAP server.mp4
9.4 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/05 - What is SQL.mp4
9.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/27 - Configure the router to forward DNS.mp4
9.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working with Files in the Terminal/16 - Compare non-text files.mp4
9.4 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - How VPN works.mp4
9.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/128 - FUSE and SSHFS.mp4
9.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Configure Networking with NetworkManager/07 - Manage the connection.mp4
9.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/18 - Exploring some handy helpers - date and printf.mp4
9.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
9.3 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/23 - Overcome common SQL mistakes.mp4
9.3 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Software, Platforms, and Technologies/16 - Using LXC containers in a home lab.mp4
9.3 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)/23 - Access control mechanisms and policies.mp4
9.3 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Database Optimization/21 - First normal form.mp4
9.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working with Files in the Terminal/18 - Explore regular expressions.mp4
9.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Common Command-Line Tasks and Tools/32 - Exploring environment variables and PATH.mp4
9.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Web Server/07 - Set up name-based virtual web hosts.mp4
9.2 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Add or Modify Data/20 - Add data to a table.mp4
9.2 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Storage in FreeNAS/15 - Snapshots.mp4
9.2 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/09 - Browse the web safely.mp4
9.2 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Explore DB Browser.mp4
9.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Configure Samba (CIFS_SMB)/12 - Connect to a Samba server.mp4
9.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/116 - Job control.mp4
9.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Making Changes/14 - Gain root access.mp4
9.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using Zsh/12 - Autocompletion.mp4
9.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Zsh Foundations/03 - Using Zsh as your primary shell.mp4
9.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/5 - Filesystem Basics/041 - Configuring group file shares.mp4
9.1 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/13 - Donate a computer safely.mp4
9.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/5 - Filesystem Basics/043 - Overlay file systems.mp4
9.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Recovery and Support/23 - Train team members and document changes.mp4
9.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Email Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Sending Mail/05 - Composing and sending mail locally.mp4
9.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Tools for Network Management/05 - Find device information with ip.mp4
9.1 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/4 - 3. FreeNAS Operation/19 - Shared storage for groups.mp4
9.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Virtual Terminals with Tmux/11 - Create a session and work with windows.mp4
9.0 MB
Lynda - AWS Security Hub First Look [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Exploring AWS Security Hub/2 - Overview of features.mp4
9.0 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Working with Common Services and Applications/27 - Setting up the firewall using firewalld.mp4
9.0 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/04 - Download Ubuntu Server.mp4
9.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Getting Started with Ubuntu/09 - Installing Ubuntu directly on a computer.mp4
9.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Zsh Foundations/04 - Environment and options.mp4
9.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Managing Your Linux Computer/28 - Finding out what the system is doing.mp4
9.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/6 - Working with Text/049 - Working with text - Regular expressions.mp4
9.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Logging and Reporting/22 - Send logs to a system.mp4
9.0 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/04 - Understanding databases - Benefits of structured data.mp4
8.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Firewall and Routing/12 - Routing traffic.mp4
8.9 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/05 - Security questions.mp4
8.9 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Database Optimization/24 - Denormalization.mp4
8.9 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Troubleshooting/37 - Checking and managing system resources.mp4
8.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/5 - Filesystem Basics/037 - Files on Linux.mp4
8.8 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/13 - Connecting to the system remotely with Secure Shell (SSH).mp4
8.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/8 - Working Remotely/074 - Using a SOCKS proxy.mp4
8.8 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/8 - Conclusion/36 - Next steps.mp4
8.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Filesystem Security and Backups/19 - Backing up data.mp4
8.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Terminal [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Windows Terminal/6 - Customizing colors and backgrounds.mp4
8.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Apache HTTP Server/05 - Apache directives.mp4
8.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Security and Administration/22 - Installing software.mp4
8.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Email Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Lab setup and course requirements.mp4
8.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/10 - Security/091 - AppArmor.mp4
8.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Interacting with the User/32 - Ensuring a response.mp4
8.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/032 - System basics - Service management.mp4
8.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with WSL/02 - How WSL works.mp4
8.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/8 - Working Remotely/073 - X11 forwarding.mp4
8.7 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Ask for Data from a Database/11 - Find information about the data.mp4
8.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configuring and Managing the Server/13 - Service management.mp4
8.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using Zsh/14 - Command history.mp4
8.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/5 - Filesystem Basics/039 - File system basics - Permissions 101.mp4
8.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Control Structures/26 - Introducing for loops.mp4
8.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/1 - New this Week -/001 - Exploring the PATH variable.mp4
8.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Remote Console Access/04 - Connecting with telnet.mp4
8.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Firewall and Routing/15 - Monitor network performance.mp4
8.6 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/17 - Using host hardware in a guest OS.mp4
8.6 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/24 - Troubleshooting common problems.mp4
8.5 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/2 - 1. SSH Basics/06 - Connecting to an SSH server from Mac OS X or Linux.mp4
8.5 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Designing a Home Lab/06 - Lab management and documentation.mp4
8.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. WSL in Your Workflow/11 - Using network services.mp4
8.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Configuring Network Settings/06 - Configure a static address with NetworkManager.mp4
8.5 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Building tools with Python.mp4
8.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with WSL/03 - Installing WSL and a Linux distro.mp4
8.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Exploring the GNOME Desktop/08 - Exploring the included apps.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building a Tool with Python/07 - Using shell commands from Python.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Deploying and Configuring Systems/08 - Maintain systems via configuration management tools.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Fedora/05 - Creating and using an installation disk.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/2 - 1. VPN Protocols/03 - Terms and basics.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using Zsh/09 - Autocd and cd shorthand.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Files, Folders, and Permissions/19 - User roles and sudo.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with WSL/05 - Using the wsl.exe tool.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Firewall and Routing/11 - Network Address Translation.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Desktops/18 - GNOME settings.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Large Systems/10 - High-availability implementations.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Lab setup.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Configure Networking with NetworkManager/09 - Configure a dynamic address using DHCP.mp4
8.4 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Software, Platforms, and Technologies/15 - Building a home lab with Proxmox.mp4
8.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Configure Samba (CIFS_SMB)/13 - Add a group file share.mp4
8.3 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Database Optimization/23 - Third normal form.mp4
8.3 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Exploring Additional Features/19 - Customizing the experience using a .nanorc file.mp4
8.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. WSL in Your Workflow/13 - Developing with other tools through SSH or SFTP.mp4
8.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/15 - Comparing values.mp4
8.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working in the Linux Environment/10 - Defining automated tasks.mp4
8.3 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/2 - 1. SSH Basics/05 - Connecting to an SSH server from Windows.mp4
8.2 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Relationships/19 - Relationship rules and referential integrity.mp4
8.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Deploying and Configuring Systems/09 - Conduct post-deployment verifications.mp4
8.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Command-Line Basics/11 - Write commands in a shell at the prompt.mp4
8.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Virtual Machine Basics/05 - Modify a QEMU + KVM virtual machine.mp4
8.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Configure Networking with NetworkManager/11 - Configure WiFi.mp4
8.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using Zsh/10 - Directory stack and user dirs.mp4
8.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Remote GUI Access/08 - Connecting with X11.mp4
8.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Common Tasks and Actions/14 - Browsing the web.mp4
8.1 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Connecting Securely with a Key/08 - Generating a key pair on Mac OS X or Linux.mp4
8.1 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/27 - Understanding and preventing ransomware.mp4
8.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Making Changes/12 - Reboot and shut down the system.mp4
8.1 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Storage in FreeNAS/13 - Adding storage.mp4
8.1 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Data Types, Math, and Helpful Functions/17 - Compound Select.mp4
8.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Managing the System/15 - Exploring logs.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Logical Volume Management/14 - Extending a volume group and logical volume.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Files, Folders, and Permissions/21 - Create hard and symbolic links.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Securing and Monitoring Your Server/10 - Monitoring the server.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/064 - Mirror repositories to save bandwidth.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Creating and Editing a File/11 - Editing text in a file.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/030 - Understanding chroot.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Deploying and Configuring Systems/05 - Create containers.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Database Foundations/05 - Relational databases.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/14 - Projects/133 - Planning a portable bootable disk.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/06 - Create an installer using macOS.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Querying a Database/31 - Joining tables.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/06 - Smart home devices.mp4
8.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/10 - Security/084 - Firewall basics.mp4
7.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Packages with dpkg and APT/19 - Downloading a package.mp4
7.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/022 - Bash expansions and substitutions.mp4
7.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Software and Updates/10 - Understanding shared libraries.mp4
7.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/4 - Conclusion/20 - Other web servers.mp4
7.9 MB
Lynda - Kali Linux on Windows 10 First Look [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Kali Linux/4 - Kali Linux.mp4
7.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Install and Log Into Ubuntu/04 - Installing Linux on a physical machine.mp4
7.9 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Creating and Editing a File/12 - Searching for text.mp4
7.9 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/08 - The Linux file system and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.mp4
7.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/3 - Foundations/009 - Foundations - Linux on a VPS.mp4
7.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working in the Linux Environment/08 - Managing software.mp4
7.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/10 - Security/088 - Services - Network Time Protocol (NTP).mp4
7.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Security (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Firewalls and Ports/03 - Understanding ports.mp4
7.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Debian/04 - Creating and using an installation disk.mp4
7.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Apache HTTP Server/03 - What a web server needs.mp4
7.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Interacting with the User/31 - Getting input during execution.mp4
7.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you need to know before continuing.mp4
7.7 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/4 - 3. FreeNAS Operation/20 - Import information from other disks.mp4
7.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configuring and Managing the Server/15 - Configuring for scale.mp4
7.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Filesystem Security and Backups/16 - Access control lists (ACLs).mp4
7.6 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/03 - Choose good passwords.mp4
7.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/114 - Using xargs.mp4
7.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Windows Subsystem for Linux.mp4
7.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/16 - Working with strings.mp4
7.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Deploying and Configuring Systems/04 - Configure LXD to host containers.mp4
7.6 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Hostname and Firewall/22 - Monitor network port activity.mp4
7.6 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/34 - What is public key encryption.mp4
7.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/103 - Exploring Fedora.mp4
7.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Exploring the GNOME Desktop/10 - Updating and installing software.mp4
7.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Command-Line Basics/12 - Helpful keyboard shortcuts in the terminal.mp4
7.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What is package management.mp4
7.5 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Guest OS - Linux/10 - Guest Additions for Linux.mp4
7.5 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Getting Started/07 - Installing CentOS on a physical machine.mp4
7.4 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What is CentOS.mp4
7.4 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building a Tool with Python/06 - Exploring the sample tool.mp4
7.4 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/4 - 3. FreeNAS Operation/17 - Sharing storage on the network.mp4
7.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working at the Command Line/15 - Exploring the Linux file system.mp4
7.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Manage Packages with RPM and YUM/08 - Finding package information.mp4
7.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/13 - Other protocols - AFP, FTP, SFTP.mp4
7.3 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Designing Tools/02 - Types of tools.mp4
7.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/10 - Security/087 - File checksums.mp4
7.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/24 - Configure a static route.mp4
7.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Working in the Linux Environment/09 - Controlling services and processes.mp4
7.3 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Ask for Data from a Database/07 - Narrow down a query with WHERE.mp4
7.3 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Ask for Data from a Database/06 - Ask for data with SELECT.mp4
7.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
7.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. WSL in Your Workflow/12 - Developing with Visual Studio Code and Remote-WSL.mp4
7.2 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Introducing nano/05 - Installing nano for Windows.mp4
7.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Network Services/04 - Configure a DHCP client.mp4
7.2 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Other Uses of SSH/12 - Transferring files with SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).mp4
7.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Network File System (NFS)/09 - Configuring an NFS client.mp4
7.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Manage Packages with RPM and YUM/11 - Checking what software is installed.mp4
7.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/059 - Creating your own packages.mp4
7.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Command-Line Basics/10 - How commands are structured.mp4
7.1 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Software, Platforms, and Technologies/09 - Using VirtualBox to create a virtual lab.mp4
7.1 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Ask for Data from Two or More Tables/14 - Combine results.mp4
7.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/026 - Grub.mp4
7.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/19 - Working with arrays.mp4
7.0 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Add or Modify Data/21 - Modify data in a table.mp4
7.0 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Software, Platforms, and Technologies/11 - Using Hyper-V to create a virtual lab.mp4
7.0 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building a Tool with Python/13 - Supporting the tool.mp4
7.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4
6.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Control Structures/24 - Testing truth conditions with the if keyword.mp4
6.9 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Exploring Additional Features/18 - Using Undo and Spell Check.mp4
6.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Configure FTP/09 - Troubleshoot FTP problems.mp4
6.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/14 - Projects/138 - Hosting email services.mp4
6.9 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Relationships/18 - One-to-one relationships.mp4
6.9 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/02 - Use a password manager.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Setting Up Your Environment/05 - Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 10.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/5 - 4. SSH Forwarding/15 - Forwarding an SSH connection.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Troubleshooting/36 - Exploring the logs.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Automation and Scheduling/21 - Configuration management and automation.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Network File System (NFS)/10 - NFS server settings.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Kali Linux on Windows 10 First Look [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Kali Linux/8 - Managing and resetting the Kali environment.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Packages with Zypper/35 - Managing packages with YaST.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Configuring Network Settings/08 - Configure a static address manually.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Virtual Terminals with Screen/08 - Create and navigate screens.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Relationships/15 - Creating relationships.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Querying a Database/28 - Narrowing query results.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - AWS Security Hub First Look [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Exploring AWS Security Hub/5 - Resolving security problems.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/13 - Troubleshooting Topics/131 - Rescue mode and Emergency mode.mp4
6.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/25 - Route traffic between networks with NAT.mp4
6.7 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Building a home lab.mp4
6.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Email Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Accessing Mail/09 - Viewing and receiving email remotely.mp4
6.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/117 - Using watch and time.mp4
6.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Command-Line Basics/09 - What is the command line.mp4
6.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/12 - Working with variables.mp4
6.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/113 - Using diff to compare files.mp4
6.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Files, Folders, and Permissions/15 - A little more about ls.mp4
6.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - A very quick intro to Linux.mp4
6.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Manage Packages with RPM and YUM/06 - Searching for a package.mp4
6.5 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/30 - Turning on and using full-disk encryption.mp4
6.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Remote GUI Access/10 - Connecting with VNC.mp4
6.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Debian/05 - Preparing a virtual machine.mp4
6.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/6 - Working with Text/052 - Working with text - cut and sort.mp4
6.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/6 - 5. More Advanced Topics/30 - The Linux folder structure.mp4
6.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Install and Log Into Ubuntu/03 - Exploring filesystems and filesystem types.mp4
6.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/14 - Working with numbers.mp4
6.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Firewall and Routing/10 - Configure a system to forward packets.mp4
6.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Configure FTP/04 - File Transfer Protocol (FTP).mp4
6.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Managing the System/21 - Exploring logs.mp4
6.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Managing Your Linux Computer/26 - Sharing files with others.mp4
6.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Managing the System/17 - Using a different desktop environment.mp4
6.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/20 - Reading and writing text files.mp4
6.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Virtual Terminals with Tmux/15 - Customize tmux.mp4
6.4 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/5 - 4. SSH Forwarding/16 - Using SSH as a SOCKS proxy.mp4
6.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Making Changes/15 - Exploring recovery options.mp4
6.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with the Command Line/04 - What's Bash.mp4
6.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Lab setup.mp4
6.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Common Tasks and Actions/22 - Using email.mp4
6.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
6.3 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Guest OS - Windows 10/08 - Guest Additions for Windows.mp4
6.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Control Structures/28 - Using functions.mp4
6.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Checking Status/04 - Explore load and uptime.mp4
6.3 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What is VirtualBox.mp4
6.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Zsh Foundations/05 - Aliases and reserved words.mp4
6.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Processes in Linux/05 - Control more than one process.mp4
6.3 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Other Uses of SSH/14 - Creating an SSH tunnel.mp4
6.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/9 - Process Management/083 - Customizing tmux.mp4
6.2 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/14 - Adding an administrative user with SSH access.mp4
6.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Hostname and Firewall/21 - Firewall configuration with firewalld.mp4
6.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Virtual Terminals with Screen/07 - Introduction to screen.mp4
6.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with WSL/04 - Using Windows Terminal.mp4
6.2 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/4 - 3. OpenVPN/12 - Set up an OpenVPN server.mp4
6.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/112 - Exploring csh and tcsh.mp4
6.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Virtual Terminals with Screen/09 - Detach and reattach screens.mp4
6.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Serve Web Content with Apache/05 - Ensure network connectivity.mp4
6.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Packages with dpkg and APT/20 - Finding package information.mp4
6.2 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/18 - Working with users and groups.mp4
6.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/105 - Changing the default shell.mp4
6.1 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - What you should know.mp4
6.1 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Connecting Securely with a Key/10 - Generating a key pair on Windows.mp4
6.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/8 - Working Remotely/071 - SSH - Tunnels.mp4
6.1 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Introducing nano/08 - Finding help.mp4
6.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Learning Fedora.mp4
6.1 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Storage in FreeNAS/11 - Adding and modifying datasets.mp4
6.1 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Database Optimization/20 - Normalization.mp4
6.1 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/5 - 4. VirtualBox Features/23 - Removing or deleting a virtual machine.mp4
6.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
6.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Fedora/03 - Downloading Fedora Workstation.mp4
6.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Virtual Terminals with Tmux/12 - Create and modify panes within windows.mp4
6.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Recovery and Support/24 - Incident management.mp4
6.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4
6.0 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/09 - Configuring the network for a CentOS server.mp4
6.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Interacting with the User/30 - Working with flags.mp4
6.0 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/4 - 3. FreeNAS Operation/21 - Managing services.mp4
6.0 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Lab setup.mp4
6.0 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Working with Common Services and Applications/31 - Mounting a Samba share on CentOS.mp4
6.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/106 - Exploring other shells.mp4
6.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Desktops/19 - Switching desktop environments.mp4
6.0 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Accessing Resources Remotely/24 - Remote access options.mp4
5.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Zsh Foundations/07 - Builtins and commands.mp4
5.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Managing the System/19 - Managing services.mp4
5.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Files, Folders, and Permissions/18 - Find files from the command line.mp4
5.9 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Database Optimization/22 - Second normal form.mp4
5.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Virtual Terminals with Tmux/14 - The tmux command line.mp4
5.8 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Tables/11 - Naming tables.mp4
5.8 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Getting Started/06 - Creating installation media.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Kali Linux on Windows 10 First Look [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Windows Subsystem for Linux/3 - Understanding and enabling Windows Subsystem for Linux.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/2 - 1. VPN Protocols/08 - SSTP, WireGuard, and SoftEther.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Samba (SMB_CIFS)/06 - SMB server settings.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with FTP/06 - Connecting to an FTP server with a web browser.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Managing the System/10 - Managing services.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/056 - dpkg.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Virtual Terminals with Tmux/13 - Detach and reattach sessions.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/2 - 1. VPN Protocols/05 - L2TP over IPSec.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/6 - 5. VPN Implementations/20 - Commercial VPN providers.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Ask for Data from a Database/10 - Organize responses with ORDER BY.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Software, Platforms, and Technologies/13 - Using FreeNAS in a home lab.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Packages with dpkg and APT/22 - Checking what software is installed.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Email Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Sending Mail/06 - Relays and smart hosts.mp4
5.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/034 - Splitting and combining files.mp4
5.6 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Secure the Site and Control Access/14 - Secure access with SSL.mp4
5.6 MB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
5.6 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Querying a Database/27 - Writing SQL queries.mp4
5.6 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Processes in Linux/03 - Start a task in the background.mp4
5.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Configuring Network Settings/07 - Configure a dynamic address manually.mp4
5.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Photos/01.jpeg
5.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configuring and Managing the Server/11 - Configuring networking with Netplan.mp4
5.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/6 - 5. A Peek at Some More Advanced Topics/35 - Find distro and kernel information.mp4
5.5 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
5.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Getting Started with Ubuntu/08 - Creating an Ubuntu installer on a Mac.mp4
5.5 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Use the exercise files.mp4
5.5 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Storage in FreeNAS/16 - Console storage administration.mp4
5.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Exploring Ubuntu Linux Server.mp4
5.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Virtual environment setup.mp4
5.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Manage Packages with RPM and YUM/10 - Installing a package.mp4
5.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/9 - Process Management/079 - Process management - System load.mp4
5.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Virtual Machine Basics/12 - Autostart virtual machines.mp4
5.4 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Software, Platforms, and Technologies/10 - Exploring VMware Workstation and Fusion.mp4
5.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Packages with dpkg and APT/18 - Searching for a package.mp4
5.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Managing Your Linux Computer/27 - Accessing shared files on the network.mp4
5.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
5.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Common Command-Line Tasks and Tools/23 - The Unix philosophy.mp4
5.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Exploring Common Services/23 - Working with snaps.mp4
5.3 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/44 - Encrypted email.mp4
5.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Install and Log Into Ubuntu/05 - Installing Linux over the network.mp4
5.2 MB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with FTP/07 - Connecting to an FTP server with Windows Explorer.mp4
5.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Configure Samba (CIFS_SMB)/16 - Mounting options and automount.mp4
5.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Music/HeartacheBegins.mp3
5.2 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Storage in FreeNAS/09 - Create a ZFS pool.mp4
5.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Common Command-Line Tasks and Tools/24 - Use pipes to connect commands together.mp4
5.1 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
5.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Serve Web Content with Apache/06 - Install Apache.mp4
5.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Common Tasks and Actions/23 - Pairing a Bluetooth device.mp4
5.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Photos/03.jpeg
5.0 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Setting Up an SSH Server/17 - Windows and SSH servers.mp4
5.0 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/14 - Back up data securely.mp4
5.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/11 - Displaying text with echo.mp4
5.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Checking Status/10 - Check free disk space.mp4
5.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Packages with dpkg and APT/27 - Managing APT repositories.mp4
5.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Common Command-Line Tasks and Tools/29 - Edit text with nano.mp4
5.0 MB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with FTP/08 - Connecting to an FTP server from Linux.mp4
4.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Using Zsh/15 - History shell variables.mp4
4.9 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/17 - File permissions.mp4
4.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Common Tasks and Actions/16 - Using files on external storage devices.mp4
4.9 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/108 - Exploring CentOS.mp4
4.9 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Data Types, Math, and Helpful Functions/15 - Data types in SQL.mp4
4.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Ubuntu Server/05 - Automated security updates.mp4
4.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Music/SoManyTimes.mp3
4.8 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Working with Common Services and Applications/26 - Service management.mp4
4.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/035 - Environment configuration files.mp4
4.8 MB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with FTP/10 - Exploring SFTP.mp4
4.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Serve Web Content with Apache/04 - How a web server works.mp4
4.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Interacting with the User/29 - Working with arguments.mp4
4.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configure Networking Manually on Ubuntu and Debian/15 - Configure Wi-Fi.mp4
4.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Terminal [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/1 - Windows Terminal.mp4
4.7 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/12 - Setting the hostname.mp4
4.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with the Command Line/10 - Creating a basic Bash script.mp4
4.7 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Querying a Database/29 - Sorting results.mp4
4.7 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)/22 - Introducing SELinux.mp4
4.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
4.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/24 - Juju, MAAS, and Landscape.mp4
4.6 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4
4.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Local Users and Groups/10 - Granting users and groups sudo access.mp4
4.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - The importance of remote access.mp4
4.6 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Basic Administration/20 - Installing packages by group.mp4
4.6 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Package managers.mp4
4.6 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/26 - Allow internet access through the router.mp4
4.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/036 - Working with dotfiles.mp4
4.6 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/6 - 5. VPN Implementations/19 - Connecting from mobile.mp4
4.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/6 - Working with Text/051 - Working with text - AWK.mp4
4.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configure NFS/19 - Connect to an NFS server.mp4
4.5 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Querying a Database/26 - Creating tables.mp4
4.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/21 - Using here documents.mp4
4.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
4.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Configure Networking Manually on Red Hat and CentOS/16 - Locate network adapter settings.mp4
4.5 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Security Tips/24 - Use the cloud securely.mp4
4.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Files, Folders, and Permissions/22 - The Linux filesystem.mp4
4.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Deploying and Configuring Systems/07 - Deploy a pre-configured image.mp4
4.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Interacting with the User/34 - Solution - Make a script that uses input.mp4
4.5 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Creating and Editing a File/14 - Inserting text from another source.mp4
4.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Manage Packages with RPM and YUM/05 - The RPM and YUM package managers.mp4
4.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Setting Up Your Environment/08 - Using a cloud provider.mp4
4.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - Conclusion/14 - Tools for exploring user logins.mp4
4.4 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Other Uses of SSH/13 - Transferring files with secure copy (SCP).mp4
4.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Email Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
4.4 MB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Querying a Database/30 - Aggregate functions.mp4
4.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Manage Packages with RPM and YUM/16 - Managing YUM repositories.mp4
4.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - What this course doesn't cover.mp4
4.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Secure the Site and Control Access/16 - Use a certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA).mp4
4.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Package naming.mp4
4.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Logical Volume Management/15 - Migrating and replace a physical volume.mp4
4.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Proxies/08 - Configure an HTTP client to automatically use a proxy server.mp4
4.3 MB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/4 - Conclusion/17 - Next steps.mp4
4.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Common Command-Line Tasks and Tools/33 - Challenge - Extract information from a text file.mp4
4.3 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Install and Configure FreeNAS/05 - Using the console interface.mp4
4.3 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
4.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
4.3 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Creating and Editing a File/09 - Creating and opening files from the command line.mp4
4.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Terminal [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Windows Terminal/3 - Interacting with Windows Terminal.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/119 - Exploring Debian.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Logging and Reporting/21 - Set up a logging server.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Network File System (NFS)/07 - What is NFS.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Add or Modify Data/22 - Remove data from a table.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Introducing Zsh.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/04 - What is a database.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Using a Desktop/32 - Setting up a desktop environment.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Choose a file sharing solution.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Zsh Foundations/08 - Finding help.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Packages with Zypper/28 - Understanding Zypper.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/4 - 3. FreeNAS Operation/22 - Jails, virtual machines, and plugins.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/6 - 5. VPN Implementations/17 - Appliances and multifunction devices.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - What you should know.mp4
4.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/12 - Exploration Topics/104 - Ubuntu desktop 18.04.mp4
4.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/23 - Next steps.mp4
4.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/5 - Filesystem Basics/044 - Bind mounts.mp4
4.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Control Structures/27 - Selecting behavior using case.mp4
4.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Security (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Firewalls and Ports/05 - Understanding firewalls.mp4
4.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Configure Samba (CIFS_SMB)/14 - Connect to a share on a Windows domain.mp4
4.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Configure Networking Manually on Red Hat and CentOS/18 - Configure a static client.mp4
4.0 MB
Lynda - Kali Linux on Windows 10 First Look [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/2 - Lab setup.mp4
4.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Virtual Terminals with Tmux/10 - Introduction to tmux.mp4
4.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - System design and deployment.mp4
3.9 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Learning CentOS.mp4
3.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Getting Started with Ubuntu/07 - Creating an Ubuntu installer on Windows.mp4
3.9 MB
Lynda - Kali Linux on Windows 10 First Look [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/1 - Kali Linux on Windows 10.mp4
3.9 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/4 - Conclusion/14 - Next steps.mp4
3.9 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Data Types, Math, and Helpful Functions/19 - Use aliases to shorten field names.mp4
3.9 MB
Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Security Tips Weekly.mp4
3.9 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/4 - 3. FreeNAS Operation/24 - Upgrading software and hardware.mp4
3.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Filesystem Security and Backups/18 - Diagnosing file access issues.mp4
3.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/7 - Conclusion/38 - Next steps.mp4
3.8 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/05 - Create an installer using Windows.mp4
3.8 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/6 - 5. VPN Implementations/18 - Connecting from a desktop or laptop.mp4
3.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4
3.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Lab setup.mp4
3.7 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Connecting Securely with a Key/09 - Connecting to an SSH server from Mac OS X and Linux using a key.mp4
3.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
3.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configure NFS/20 - Troubleshoot NFS.mp4
3.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Manage Packages with RPM and YUM/09 - Explore package dependencies.mp4
3.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Music/EasyForYou.mp3
3.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Email Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - How email works.mp4
3.6 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Building_Tools_Python/Exercise Files/decks/bad_deck.pptx
3.6 MB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Building_Tools_Python/Exercise Files/decks/not_a_deck.pdf
3.6 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Configure FTP/07 - Secure the FTP server.mp4
3.6 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Route Traffic between Networks/30 - Troubleshooting.mp4
3.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Administering Apache Server/15 - Troubleshooting HTTP services.mp4
3.6 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Hardware and Installation/07 - Create an installer using Linux.mp4
3.5 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - FreeNAS.mp4
3.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
3.5 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
3.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Packages with dpkg and APT/24 - Removing a package.mp4
3.5 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)/24 - Working with SELinux.mp4
3.5 MB
Lynda - AWS Security Hub First Look [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/1 - AWS Security Hub.mp4
3.5 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Using a Desktop/33 - Exploring the desktop environment.mp4
3.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Configure Networking Manually on Red Hat and CentOS/17 - Configure a dynamic address using DHCP.mp4
3.4 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/2 - 1. VPN Protocols/09 - SSH.mp4
3.4 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/2 - 1. VPN Protocols/04 - PPTP.mp4
3.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Remote GUI Access/11 - Other remote desktop options.mp4
3.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/7 - Package Management/061 - Adding third-party repositories with Yum.mp4
3.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/4 - System Basics/015 - System basics - Keyboard shortcuts.mp4
3.4 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/6 - 5. Hostname and Firewall/19 - Set the system hostname.mp4
3.3 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/28 - Next steps.mp4
3.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Lab setup.mp4
3.3 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/5 - 4. SSH Forwarding/14 - Configuring an SSH server.mp4
3.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
3.3 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Getting Started with Ubuntu/05 - Getting Ubuntu.mp4
3.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Samba (SMB_CIFS)/03 - What is SMB.mp4
3.3 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/7 - Conclusion/22 - Troubleshooting tips.mp4
3.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Lab setup.mp4
3.2 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Exploring Additional Features/17 - Command-line flags.mp4
3.2 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Exploring Additional Features/16 - Switching back to the command line with suspend.mp4
3.2 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/3 - 2. IKEv2 and WireGuard with Algo/11 - Connecting to Algo from a mobile device.mp4
3.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Packages with Zypper/33 - Removing a package.mp4
3.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configure Networking Manually on Ubuntu and Debian/13 - Configure a dynamic address using DHCP.mp4
3.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Ubuntu Server/06 - Connecting with SSH for initial configuration.mp4
3.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
3.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Large Systems/11 - Clustering with Pacemaker and Corosync.mp4
3.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Managing the System/22 - Upgrading to a new release.mp4
3.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with the Command Line/09 - Understanding Bash script syntax.mp4
3.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
3.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/35 - Next steps.mp4
3.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Security (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - Welcome.mp4
3.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configure NFS/21 - Automount an NFS share at boot.mp4
3.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Environment setup.mp4
3.0 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/7 - 6. Troubleshooting/35 - The startup process.mp4
3.0 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/19 - Next steps.mp4
3.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/13 - Command substitution.mp4
3.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Tools for Network Management/06 - Predictable network interface names.mp4
3.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configure Networking Manually on Ubuntu and Debian/14 - Configure a static client.mp4
3.0 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know before starting this course.mp4
3.0 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Docs/Cookbook.pdf
2.9 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/2 - 1. VPN Protocols/07 - OpenVPN.mp4
2.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Manage Packages with RPM and YUM/13 - Removing a package.mp4
2.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Control Structures/25 - Working with while and until loops.mp4
2.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Photos/02.jpg
2.8 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Connecting Securely with a Key/07 - Using a key for more-secure access.mp4
2.8 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Introducing nano/07 - Exploring the nano interface.mp4
2.8 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/7 - Conclusion/23 - Next steps.mp4
2.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/7 - Conclusion/31 - Next steps.mp4
2.8 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Lab setup.mp4
2.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Manage Packages with Zypper/31 - Finding out what's installed.mp4
2.7 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Exploring Common Services/19 - Hosting an application.mp4
2.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Lab setup.mp4
2.6 MB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/24 - Next steps.mp4
2.5 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/2 - 1. VPN Protocols/06 - IKEv2.mp4
2.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Setting Up Your Environment/06 - Following along on a Mac.mp4
2.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Ubuntu Server/03 - Ubuntu Server.mp4
2.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Common Tasks and Actions/13 - Connecting to Wi-Fi.mp4
2.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Logging and Reporting/23 - Build a summary script.mp4
2.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Configure Samba (CIFS_SMB)/10 - Samba and CIFS_SMB.mp4
2.5 MB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/25 - Next steps.mp4
2.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Tools for Network Management/04 - Explore NetworkManager and iproute.mp4
2.4 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Creating and Editing a File/13 - Saving a file.mp4
2.4 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Local Services/16 - Overview of local services.mp4
2.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/01 - What is Debian.mp4
2.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Terminal [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Working with Windows Terminal/2 - Installing and launching Windows Terminal.mp4
2.4 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Using the exercise files.mp4
2.3 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Connecting Securely with a Key/11 - Connecting to an SSH server from Windows using a key.mp4
2.3 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Working with Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)/25 - Disabling SELinux.mp4
2.3 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/22 - Next steps.mp4
2.3 MB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/8 - Conclusion/38 - Next Steps.mp4
2.2 MB
Lynda - AWS Security Hub First Look [AhLaN]/3 - Conclusion/6 - Next steps.mp4
2.2 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configure Networking Manually on Ubuntu and Debian/12 - Locate network adapter settings.mp4
2.2 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Introducing nano/03 - What is nano.mp4
2.2 MB
Lynda - Kali Linux on Windows 10 First Look [AhLaN]/4 - Conclusion/9 - Next steps.mp4
2.2 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Creating and Editing a File/15 - Working with multiple files in buffers.mp4
2.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_BashScripts/Exercise Files/auth.log
2.1 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_SSH/Exercise Files/art1.jpg
2.1 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Setting Up an SSH Server/16 - Setting up the SSH service on Mac OS X.mp4
2.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - Conclusion/12 - Next steps.mp4
2.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/16 - Next steps.mp4
2.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4
1.9 MB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/4 - 3. OpenVPN/13 - Connect to OpenVPN from a mobile device.mp4
1.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/4 - 3. Configure NFS/17 - Network File System (NFS).mp4
1.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4
1.9 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/16 - Next steps.mp4
1.9 MB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Exercise files and environment.mp4
1.9 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_SSH/Exercise Files/art4.jpg
1.8 MB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Configure Samba (CIFS_SMB)/15 - Troubleshoot Samba.mp4
1.8 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Lab setup.mp4
1.7 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Email Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - Conclusion/11 - Next steps.mp4
1.7 MB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Manage Packages with dpkg and APT/17 - The dpkg and APT package managers.mp4
1.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/3 - 2. Building Bash Scripts/22 - Challenge - Make a script that generates a system report.mp4
1.6 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_SSH/Exercise Files/art3.jpg
1.6 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - Conclusion/15 - Next steps.mp4
1.6 MB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Setting Up Your Environment/07 - Following along on Linux.mp4
1.5 MB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Environment setup.mp4
1.5 MB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/25 - Conclusion.mp4
1.5 MB
Lynda - Learning Windows Terminal [AhLaN]/3 - Conclusion/7 - Next steps.mp4
1.5 MB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4
1.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Lab setup.mp4
1.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Environment setup.mp4
1.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4
1.4 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/2 - 1. Introducing nano/04 - Finding or installing nano on Linux.mp4
1.4 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/20 - Next steps.mp4
1.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/16 - Next steps.mp4
1.3 MB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/20 - Goodbye.mp4
1.3 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - Conclusion/15 - Next steps.mp4
1.2 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_SSH/Exercise Files/art2.jpg
1.2 MB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/3 - Conclusion/11 - Wrapping up.mp4
1.2 MB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/25 - Next steps.mp4
1.2 MB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/18 - Goodbye.mp4
1.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Lab setup.mp4
1.2 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Security (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - Conclusion/11 - Next steps.mp4
1.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/4 - Conclusion/21 - Next steps.mp4
1.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/5 - 4. Interacting with the User/33 - Challenge - Make a script that uses input.mp4
1.1 MB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Security (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4
1.1 MB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/23 - Next steps.mp4
1.1 MB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - What you should know.mp4
1.1 MB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Using the exercise files.mp4
1.0 MB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/8 - Conclusion/31 - Next steps.mp4
993.8 kB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/20 - Next steps.mp4
989.5 kB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/04 - Environment setup and exercise files.mp4
945.2 kB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/02 - Using the exercise files.mp4
878.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Using the exercise files.mp4
857.6 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/25 - Next steps.mp4
853.2 kB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/24 - Next steps.mp4
801.4 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/14 - Next steps.mp4
799.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Networking (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/4 - Conclusion/16 - Next steps.mp4
792.4 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Operation of Running Systems (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/7 - Conclusion/25 - Summary.mp4
771.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/15 - Next steps.mp4
765.0 kB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/5 - Conclusion/36 - Next steps.mp4
754.3 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/6 - Conclusion/14 - Next steps.mp4
736.2 kB
601.3 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/top_back.jpg
533.6 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/top_back.jpg
533.6 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/employees/HenryTwill_outline.png
506.5 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Docs/MarketingPlan.docx
485.3 kB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/1 - Introduction/03 - Using the exercise files.mp4
430.7 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/top_back5.jpg
371.0 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/top_back5.jpg
371.0 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/top_back2.jpg
288.5 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/top_back2.jpg
288.5 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/backgrounds/cycling.jpg
277.3 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/top_back7.jpg
232.2 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/top_back7.jpg
232.2 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/backgrounds/swimming.jpg
231.8 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/top_back4.jpg
230.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/top_back4.jpg
230.1 kB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_SQL_Programming/Exercise Files/quizresults.sql
217.4 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/top_back11.jpg
198.5 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/top_back11.jpg
198.5 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/top_back3.jpg
192.7 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/top_back3.jpg
192.7 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/proteinbar-chocolate.jpg
188.4 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/top_back6.jpg
184.9 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/top_back6.jpg
184.9 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/proteinbar-peanutbutter.jpg
184.3 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Photos/04.jpg
170.8 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Photos/06.jpg
168.1 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Photos/05.jpg
164.3 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/backgrounds/discthrower.jpg
154.2 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/backgrounds/running.jpg
152.5 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Docs/SalesReport.xlsx
152.3 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/proteinbar-lemon.jpg
149.3 kB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/log.tar.gz
130.3 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/accent4.jpg
124.5 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/accent4.jpg
124.5 kB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Glossary_Learning_Linux_Command_Line/Glossary_Learning_Linux_Command_Line.pdf
116.2 kB
Lynda - Kali Linux on Windows 10 First Look [AhLaN]/Glossary_Kali_Linux_on_Windows_10_First_Look/Glossary_Kali_Linux_on_Windows_10_First_Look.pdf
116.0 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/feature8.jpg
115.8 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/feature8.jpg
115.8 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Glossary_Learning_Ubuntu_Desktop/Glossary_Learning_Ubuntu_Desktop.pdf
115.3 kB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/Glossary_Learning_Sql_Programming/Glossary_Learning_Sql_Programming.pdf
114.1 kB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Free_Exercise_File/llcl_commands.pdf
109.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/accent6.jpg
105.7 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/accent6.jpg
105.7 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Docs/Customers.xlsx
104.1 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/mineralwater-strawberry.jpg
96.3 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/top_back9.jpg
94.3 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/top_back9.jpg
94.3 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/mineralwater-blueberry.jpg
93.8 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/top_back8.jpg
91.4 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/top_back8.jpg
91.4 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/mineralwater-raspberry.jpg
88.6 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/mineralwater-orange.jpg
88.5 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/mineralwater-lemonlime.jpg
86.8 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/backgrounds/soccer.jpg
86.3 kB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_SQL_Programming/Exercise Files/results.db
85.0 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/mineralwater-peach.jpg
79.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/top_back10.jpg
75.0 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/top_back10.jpg
75.0 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/accent1.jpg
74.9 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/accent1.jpg
74.9 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/employees/MichaelLewiston.jpg
72.8 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/vitamin-bcomplex.jpg
71.4 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/vitamin-c.jpg
70.2 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/vitamin-iron.jpg
70.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/accent2.jpg
70.0 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/accent2.jpg
70.0 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/vitamin-flaxseed-oil.jpg
70.0 kB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_nano/Exercise Files/php.ini
69.9 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/vitamin-a.jpg
69.6 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/vitamin-calcium.jpg
69.6 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/vitamin-d.jpg
69.3 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/vitamin-magnesium.jpg
69.0 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/products/vitamin-multi.jpg
67.8 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/employees/PhiTang.jpg
67.6 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/employees/AngelaHaston.jpg
65.4 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/accent3.jpg
65.0 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/accent3.jpg
65.0 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/design.jpg
64.7 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/design.jpg
64.7 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/employees/HenryTwill.jpg
59.0 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/feature2.jpg
58.3 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/feature2.jpg
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Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/employees/MariaSontas.jpg
58.0 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/main_back.jpg
51.8 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/main_back.jpg
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Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/accent5.jpg
48.5 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/accent5.jpg
48.5 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Storage Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Filesystems and File Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Remote Access (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - User and Group Management (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Network Administration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Service Configuration (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - System Design and Deployment (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Virtualization (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux - Package Managers and Repositories [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Seed Me!!.png
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Lynda - Kali Linux on Windows 10 First Look [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
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Lynda - Security Tips [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - HTTP Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Building a Home IT Lab [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning Fedora Linux [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - AWS Security Hub First Look [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Tips Weekly (Updated 7.14.2020) [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux - File Sharing Services [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning Zsh [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning Windows Terminal [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Essential Commands (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning Debian Linux [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FreeNAS [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning VPN [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning SSH [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Server [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning Windows Subsystem for Linux [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux Foundation Cert Prep - Email Services (Ubuntu) [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Programming Foundations - Databases [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Learning VirtualBox [AhLaN]/Seed Me!!.png
43.1 kB
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Bash/Exercise Files/Common Keybindings.pdf
38.5 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/feature9.jpg
35.3 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/feature9.jpg
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Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/DroidSans-webfont.svg
33.9 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Docs/Timesheet.xlsx
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Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/DroidSans-Bold-webfont.svg
33.8 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/DroidSans-Bold-webfont.svg
33.8 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/images/employees/JessicaNewton.jpg
33.1 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/Bitter-Italic-webfont.svg
30.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/Bitter-Italic-webfont.svg
30.1 kB
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Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/featured1.jpg
29.3 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/Bitter-Regular-webfont.svg
28.4 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/Bitter-Regular-webfont.svg
28.4 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/Bitter-Bold-webfont.svg
28.2 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/Bitter-Bold-webfont.svg
28.2 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/feature4.jpg
27.0 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/feature4.jpg
27.0 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/featured_student.jpg
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Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/featured_student.jpg
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Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/student.jpg
26.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/student.jpg
26.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/DroidSans-Bold-webfont.eot
26.1 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/DroidSans-Bold-webfont.eot
26.1 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/Bitter-Italic-webfont.eot
25.9 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/Bitter-Italic-webfont.eot
25.9 kB
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25.9 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/DroidSans-Bold-webfont.ttf
25.9 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/DroidSans-webfont.eot
25.7 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/DroidSans-webfont.eot
25.7 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/Bitter-Italic-webfont.ttf
25.7 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/Bitter-Italic-webfont.ttf
25.7 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/DroidSans-webfont.ttf
25.5 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/DroidSans-webfont.ttf
25.5 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/Bitter-Regular-webfont.eot
24.3 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/Bitter-Regular-webfont.eot
24.3 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/Bitter-Regular-webfont.ttf
24.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/Bitter-Regular-webfont.ttf
24.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/events.jpg
23.9 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/events.jpg
23.9 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/chow.jpg
23.8 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/chow.jpg
23.8 kB
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23.3 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/Bitter-Bold-webfont.eot
23.3 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/Bitter-Bold-webfont.ttf
23.2 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/Bitter-Bold-webfont.ttf
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Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/feature7.jpg
20.2 kB
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18.4 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/alumni_profile.jpg
18.4 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/profile.jpg
17.3 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/profile.jpg
17.3 kB
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16.9 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/DroidSans-Bold-webfont.woff
16.9 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/Bitter-Italic-webfont.woff
16.9 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/Bitter-Italic-webfont.woff
16.9 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/DroidSans-webfont.woff
16.6 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/DroidSans-webfont.woff
16.6 kB
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16.0 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/feature6.jpg
16.0 kB
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15.6 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/Bitter-Regular-webfont.woff
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15.5 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_fonts/Bitter-Bold-webfont.woff
15.5 kB
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14.1 kB
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14.1 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/show1.jpg
14.1 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/feature1.jpg
13.6 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/feature1.jpg
13.6 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/index.html
13.5 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_css/main.css
13.3 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_css/main.css
13.3 kB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_BashScripts/Exercise Files/trees/maple.txt
12.6 kB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_BashScripts/Exercise Files/trees/pine.txt
12.6 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/award.jpg
12.3 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/award.jpg
12.3 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/programs/graphic-design.htm
11.9 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/programs/graphic-design.htm
11.9 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/admissions/request.htm
11.9 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/admissions/request.htm
11.9 kB
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Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/feature3.jpg
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10.6 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/about/about.htm
10.6 kB
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10.3 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/show_sm.jpg
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9.4 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/index.htm
9.4 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/programs/programs.htm
9.2 kB
Lynda - Learning Ubuntu Desktop [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Ubuntu_Desktop_Linux/Exercise Files/Website/css/style.css
9.2 kB
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_BashScripts/Exercise Files/trees/tree.png
9.0 kB
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8.7 kB
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8.2 kB
Lynda - Learning SQL Programming [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_SQL_Programming/Exercise Files/statements.sql
7.2 kB
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/spotlight.htm
6.4 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/spotlight.htm
6.4 kB
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5.0 kB
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4.1 kB
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4.1 kB
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4.1 kB
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Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/icon_twitter.png
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Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/icon_twitter.png
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Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/icon_linked.png
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1.6 kB
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/icon_facebook.png
1.6 kB
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/poems.txt
1.5 kB
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Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/favicon.ico
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Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_BashScripts/Exercise Files/challenges/ch2_solution.sh
796 Bytes
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/diag_pattern.png
764 Bytes
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/diag_pattern.png
764 Bytes
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_nano/Exercise Files/poem2.txt
710 Bytes
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692 Bytes
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_fonts/Google Android License.txt
692 Bytes
Lynda - Linux - System Maintenance [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_System_Maintenance/Exercise Files/status.sh
564 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_BashScripts/Exercise Files/challenges/ch4_solution.sh
469 Bytes
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/500.php
442 Bytes
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/500.php
442 Bytes
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Building_Tools_Python/Exercise Files/sub.py
430 Bytes
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Building_Tools_Python/Exercise Files/arguments.py
368 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_BashScripts/Exercise Files/challenges/ch4_challenge.sh
309 Bytes
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_WebServices/Exercise Files/outline.txt
306 Bytes
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/_images/hover.png
296 Bytes
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/_images/hover.png
296 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_BashScripts/Exercise Files/challenges/ch2_challenge.sh
279 Bytes
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_WebServices/Exercise Files/web-files/index.html
278 Bytes
Lynda - Building an Ubuntu Home Server [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Building_Ubuntu_Home_Server/Exercise Files/videos.txt
245 Bytes
Lynda - Linux - Network Configuration [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Network_Config/Exercise Files/FAQ.txt
217 Bytes
Lynda - Building Tools with Python [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Building_Tools_Python/Exercise Files/decks/.Ulysses-Group.plist
202 Bytes
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/403.shtml
201 Bytes
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/403.shtml
201 Bytes
Lynda - Linux - Web Services [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_WebServices/Exercise Files/web-files/style.css
195 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_BashScripts/Exercise Files/challenges/.log
187 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Bash Scripting [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_BashScripts/Exercise Files/challenges/20131018_report.log
164 Bytes
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/401.shtml
162 Bytes
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/401.shtml
162 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/dupes.txt
160 Bytes
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/400.shtml
130 Bytes
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/400.shtml
130 Bytes
Lynda - Learning nano [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_UaR_nano/Exercise Files/animals.php
130 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/simple_data.txt
129 Bytes
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/.htaccess
116 Bytes
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/.htaccess.suspend.1413448873
115 Bytes
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/.htaccess.bak
115 Bytes
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Bash/Exercise Files/message.sh
110 Bytes
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/500.shtml
71 Bytes
Lynda - Learning CentOS Linux [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Learning_CentOS_Linux/website/500.shtml
71 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/test.sh
63 Bytes
Lynda - Linux - Multitasking at the Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Bash/Exercise Files/just-runs-1.sh
48 Bytes
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/.ftpquota
13 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/.gitignore
10 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/hr/employee info/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/finance/spreadsheets/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/hr/candidates/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/finance/documents/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/hr/policies/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/finance/invoices/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/engineering/drawings/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/engineering/materials/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/marketing/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/sales/affiliates/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/sales/presentations/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/sales/promotions/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning FTP [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Understanding_FTP/Exercise Files/rouxacademy/default.html
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/sales/enterprise/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
Lynda - Learning Linux Command Line [AhLaN]/Ex_Files_Linux_Command_Line/Exercise Files/departments/engineering/invoices/.gitkeep
0 Bytes
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