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linguistica/brown, keith (ed.) - encyclopedia of language and linguistics.pdf
221.2 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-European Languages.pdf
106.6 MB
linguistica/schiffrin, deborah et al. - the handbook of discourse analysis.pdf
99.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Selected Writings of Otto Jespersen.pdf
94.0 MB
linguistica/wang li - gu hanyu zidian.pdf
57.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Slavonic languages.pdf
53.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/American Indian Languages The Historical Linguistics of Native America.pdf
47.7 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language - David Crystal.pdf
45.1 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Introduction to Altaic Linguistics.pdf
40.0 MB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/martinich, a.p. (ed) - the philosophy of language.pdf
38.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Culture, Language and Personality Selected Essays - Edward Sapir.pdf
37.8 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Languages of Native North America.pdf
37.6 MB
36.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/An introduction to language 7th edition.pdf
36.5 MB
linguistica/teoria della traduzione/venuti, lawrence - the scandals of translation.pdf
36.1 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Germanic Languages.pdf
35.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Semantics (Blackwell).pdf
34.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/African language Structures.pdf
32.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/How to kill a dragon Aspects of Indo-European poetics.pdf
31.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Vowels and Consonants - An Introduction to the Sounds of Languages.pdf
31.1 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Story of Decipherment From Egyptian Hieroglyphs to Maya Script.pdf
30.5 MB
linguistica/graddol, david et al. - describing language.pdf
28.8 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Routledge language and cultural theory reader.pdf
27.7 MB
Introducing Semantics.pdf
27.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Introducing Semantics.pdf
27.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/A Course in Phonetics.pdf
26.6 MB
linguistica/chomsky/chomsky, noam - syntactic structures.pdf
25.9 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Sounds of The World's Languages.pdf
25.6 MB
linguistica/teoria della traduzione/nida, eugene a. & taber, charles r. - the theory and the practice of translation.pdf
25.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/A History of the German Language through Texts.pdf
25.2 MB
linguistica/bopp, franz - grammaire comparée des langues indo-européennes.pdf
24.4 MB
linguistica/freeborn dennis - varieties of english-an introduction to the study of language.pdf
24.1 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Cours de Linguistique Generale - Saussure.pdf
23.4 MB
linguistica/saussure, ferdinand - cours de linguistique generale.pdf
23.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Semitic Languages Outline of a Comparative Grammar.pdf
21.9 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/In Search of the Indo-Europeans Language, Archaeology and Myth.pdf
20.7 MB
linguistica/finch, geoffrey - how to study linguistics.pdf
20.2 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Understanding Cultures Through Their Key Words.pdf
20.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Indo-European Linguistics.pdf
19.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Handbook of scripts and alphabets.pdf
19.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Athabaskan Languages.pdf
18.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of The World.pdf
17.9 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Turkic Languages.pdf
17.2 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Ancient Egyptian A Linguistic Introduction.pdf
17.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Classifiers A Typology of Noun Categorization Devices.pdf
16.4 MB
linguistica/klein, wolfgang - time in language.pdf
16.3 MB
linguistica/saussure, ferdinand de - mémoire sur le système primitif des voyelles dans les langues indo-européennes.pdf
16.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/An Introduction to Conversation Analysis.pdf
15.7 MB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/vendler, zeno - linguistics in philosophy.pdf
15.5 MB
linguistica/graffi, giorgio e scalise, sergio - le lingue e il linguaggio-introduzione alla linguistica.pdf
15.4 MB
linguistica/gensini, stefano - elementi di semiotica.pdf
15.4 MB
linguistica/bloomfield, leonard - language and linguistics.pdf
14.9 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/A Linguistic History of Arabic.pdf
14.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/A History of the Spanish language.djvu
13.8 MB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/searle, john r. - consciousness and language.pdf
13.5 MB
linguistica/Wang Li - A Dictionary Of The Origins Of Chinese Words.pdf
13.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Early History of the Alphabet - An Introduction to West Semitic Epigraphy and Palaeography.pdf
13.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Iranian Languages.pdf
12.8 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Study of Language - George Yule.pdf
12.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/A Basic Course in Anthropological Linguistics.pdf
12.5 MB
linguistica/teoria della traduzione/bell, roger t. - translation and translating-theory and pratice.pdf
12.4 MB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/lycan, william g - philosophy of language - a contemporary introduction.pdf
12.4 MB
linguistica/broderick, john p. - modern english linguistics-a structural and transformational grammar.pdf
12.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Language and identity in the Balkans.pdf
12.3 MB
linguistica/todd, loreto - an introduction to linguistics.pdf
12.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Understanding Human Communication.pdf
11.6 MB
linguistica/freeborn, david - from old english to standard english. a course book in language variation across time.pdf
11.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/English Around the World - An introduction.pdf
11.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Syntax of Verb Initial Languages.pdf
11.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Indo-European Language and Culture - An Introduction.djvu
10.1 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Introducing Phonology.pdf
9.9 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Modern Chinese History and Sociolinguistics.pdf
9.7 MB
linguistica/yule, george - pragmatics.pdf
9.7 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Cognitive Linguistics An Introduction.pdf
9.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Languages of the Soviet Union.pdf
9.5 MB
linguistica/roach, peter - english phonetics and phonology.pdf
9.1 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Celtic Languages.pdf
9.1 MB
linguistica/cap, piotr & kozanecka, magdalena (eds.) - studies in language and linguistics.pdf
9.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Comparative Indo-European Linguistics - An Introduction.djvu
8.9 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Language Variation in South Asia.pdf
8.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Dictionary of Languages.pdf
8.2 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The World's Major Languages.pdf
7.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Sign Languages.pdf
7.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics.pdf
7.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The languages of east and southeast Asia.pdf
7.1 MB
linguistica/palmer, f.r. - semantics-a new outline.pdf
7.1 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Routledge Linguistics Encyclopedia.pdf
7.1 MB
7.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Using Computers in Linguistics A Practical Guide.pdf
6.8 MB
6.8 MB
linguistica/wang li - modern grammar of chinese.pdf
6.8 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Old English and its closest relatives.pdf
6.7 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Mesoamerican Indian Languages.pdf
6.7 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/An introduction to African languages.pdf
6.7 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Language - Bloomfield.djvu
6.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/La linguistique synchronique - André Martinet.pdf
6.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages.pdf
6.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Documenting and Revitalizing Austronesian Languages.pdf
6.1 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Evidentiality (Oxford).pdf
6.0 MB
linguistica/verschueren, jef et al. - handbook of pragmatics.pdf
6.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Reading Between the Lines Perspectives on Foreign Language Literacy.pdf
6.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Aspect - Bernard Comrie.pdf
6.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Introducing Social Semiotics.pdf
5.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Introducción a la lingüistica hispánica.pdf
5.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Linguistic Universals and Language Change.pdf
5.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Second Language Acquisition An Introductory Course.pdf
5.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Introducing English Linguistics.pdf
5.2 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/A Student's Introduction to English Grammar.pdf
5.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Genetic Linguistics Essays on theory and method.pdf
5.0 MB
linguistica/bouveresse, jacques - hermeneutique et linguistique.pdf
5.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Dying Words - Endangered Languages.pdf
4.7 MB
linguistica/barker, jason eric - semantic and phonological competition in the language production system.pdf
4.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Linguistics An Introduction to Language and Communication.djvu
4.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The English Language A Historical Introduction.pdf
4.4 MB
linguistica/chao, yuen ren - language and symbolic systems.pdf
4.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Language and National Identity in Africa.pdf
4.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/African American English A Linguistic Introduction.pdf
4.2 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Writing Systems a Linguistic Approach.djvu
3.9 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Cradle of Language.pdf
3.8 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Linguistics an introduction (Cambridge).pdf
3.8 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Languages of the Andes.pdf
3.7 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Ancient languages of Asia and the Americas.pdf
3.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/One Language, Two Grammars Differences between British and American English.pdf
3.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Field Work and Linguistic Analysis in Indigenous Languages of The Americas.pdf
3.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Contact Languages Ecology and Evolution in Asia.pdf
3.5 MB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/searle, john r. - literary theory and its discontents.pdf
3.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Linguistics (Oxford Introductions).pdf
3.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Mongolic languages.pdf
3.2 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Arctic Languagaes An Awakening.pdf
2.8 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Portuguese A Linguistic Introduction.pdf
2.8 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Language and Linguistics The Key Concepts.pdf
2.7 MB
linguistica/janson, tore - speak- a short history of languages.pdf
2.6 MB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/altieri, charles - wittgenstein on consciousness and language-a challenge to derridean literary theory.pdf
2.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Language Contact.pdf
2.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Language, Culture and Society Key Topics in Linguistic Anthropology.pdf
2.5 MB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/searle, john r. - indeterminacy, empiricism, and the first person.pdf
2.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Structure of Language - An Introduction to Grammatical Analysis.pdf
2.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Intonation Systems A Survey of Twenty Languages.pdf
2.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Chinese A Linguistic Introduction.pdf
2.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Language in South Africa.pdf
2.4 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Ancient Languages of Europe.pdf
2.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Multiple Voices An Introduction to Bilingualism.pdf
2.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/French A Linguistic Introduction.pdf
2.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/German A Linguistic Introduction.pdf
2.1 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Routledge Companion to Sociolinguistics.pdf
2.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Number (Cambridge).pdf
2.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Analysing Grammar An Introduction.pdf
2.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Philosophy Of Language A Contemporary Introduction.pdf
2.0 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Romani A Linguistic Introduction.pdf
2.0 MB
linguistica/li jiatong & hai bo - english grammar for chinese students.pdf
1.9 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Language Myths.djvu
1.9 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Maori A Linguistic Introduction.pdf
1.9 MB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/searle, john r. - austin on locutionary and illocutionary acts.pdf
1.8 MB
linguistica/fonagy, i. - form and function of poetic language.pdf
1.7 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Course in General Linguistics.pdf
1.7 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Indo-European Linguistics an introduction.pdf
1.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The History of English A Student's Guide.pdf
1.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Prehistory of Language.pdf
1.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Language Classification by Numbers.pdf
1.6 MB
linguistica/chomsky/chomsky, noam - logical syntax and semantics-their linguistic relevance.pdf
1.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The German Language Today A Linguistic Introduction.pdf
1.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Grammar of Words An Introduction to Linguistic Morphology.pdf
1.6 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Languages of Urban Africa.pdf
1.6 MB
linguistica/chomsky/chomsky, noam - three models for the description of language.pdf
1.5 MB
linguistica/chomsky/Chomsky, Noam - Systems Of Syntactic Analysis.pdf
1.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Language and Ethnicity Key Topics in Sociolinguistics.pdf
1.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Case and Aspect in Slavic.pdf
1.5 MB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/searle, john r. - how to derive 'ought' from 'is'.pdf
1.5 MB
linguistica/farris, c.s. - gender and grammar in chinese with implications for language universals.pdf
1.5 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Cambridge Companion to Saussure.pdf
1.4 MB
linguistica/teoria della traduzione/cary, e. & alexander, s. - prolegomena for the establishment of a general theory of translation.pdf
1.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Stylistics a Practical Coursebook.pdf
1.3 MB
linguistica/chomsky/chomsky, noam - philosophers and public philosophy.pdf
1.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Dialectology (Cambridge).pdf
1.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Bilingual Child Early Development and Language Contact.pdf
1.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/An introduction to Pidgins and Creoles.pdf
1.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Why do languages change.pdf
1.3 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Old English A Linguistic Introduction.pdf
1.2 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Word myths debunking linguistic urban legends.pdf
1.1 MB
1.1 MB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/Beyond Babel - A Handbook of Biblical Hebrew and Related Languages.pdf
1.0 MB
linguistica/roach, peter - a little encyclopaedia of phonetics.pdf
974.8 kB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The Korean language structure use and context.pdf
967.2 kB
929.2 kB
linguistica/teoria della traduzione/cardey, s. & al. - langues et cultures, systèmes et traduction.pdf
891.8 kB
860.4 kB
linguistica/sapir, edward - the status of linguistics as a science.pdf
854.1 kB
linguistica/toso, fiorenzo - appunti di linguistica.pdf
817.4 kB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/The German Language a linguistic introduction.pdf
815.0 kB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/robbins, beverly - ontology and the hierarchy of languages.pdf
715.4 kB
linguistica/teoria della traduzione/vandaele, sylvie & lubin, leslie - approche cognitive de la traduction-vers une systématisation de la description dans les langues de spécialité de la conceptualisation métaphorique.pdf
574.3 kB
linguistica/fery, caroline - introduction to phonetics-phonology.pdf
561.4 kB
linguistica/oakeley, h. d. - epistemology and the logical syntax of language.pdf
549.9 kB
linguistica/chomsky/chomsky, n. - persistent topics in linguistic theory.pdf
407.1 kB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/searle, john r. - the logical status of fictional discourse.pdf
378.9 kB
linguistica/wallace, david (ed.) - the cambridge history of medieval english literature.pdf
335.1 kB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/searle, john r. - what is an intentional state.pdf
304.7 kB
linguistica/greenberg, mark & harman, gilbert - conceptual role semantics.pdf
281.7 kB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/searle, john r. - what is language-some preliminary remarks.pdf
259.4 kB
linguistica/ferrari, giacomo - corso base di linguistica generale.rtf
257.3 kB
linguistica/chomsky/chierchia, gennaro - language, thought and reality after chomsky.pdf
248.3 kB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/searle, john r. - proper names.pdf
245.1 kB
linguistica/teoria della traduzione/venuti, lawrence - translation, history, narrative.pdf
190.3 kB
linguistica/kortlandt, frederik - general linguistics and indo-european reconstruction.pdf
181.3 kB
linguistica/datta, k.k. - modernisation of chinese language.pdf
172.7 kB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/searle, john r. - meaning and speech acts.pdf
169.3 kB
linguistica/teoria della traduzione/thomson-wohlgemuth, gabriele - a socialist approach to translation-a way forward-.pdf
169.1 kB
linguistica/The Origins of Old English Morphology.pdf
161.0 kB
linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/pelletier, francis j. & thomason, richmond h. - twenty-five years of linguistics and philosophy.pdf
139.9 kB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/01.book list 1.JPG
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Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/01.book list 2.JPG
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linguistica/filosofia del linguaggio/stalin, joseph vissarionovich - marxism and problems of linguistics.pdf
115.6 kB
linguistica/crisp, p., heywood,j. & steen, g. - metaphor identification and analysis, classification and quantification.pdf
97.1 kB
linguistica/carston, robin - generative grammar and (relevance-theoretic) pragmatics.pdf
91.1 kB
linguistica/crisp, p. - metaphorical propositions a rationale.pdf
76.1 kB
linguistica/cicourel, a.v. - the interaction of discourse, cognition and culture.pdf
74.6 kB
Language and Linguistics eBook Collection/01.book list 3.JPG
69.1 kB
linguistica/teoria della traduzione/boase-beier, j. - translation and style a brief introduction.pdf
65.4 kB
linguistica/chomsky/chomsky, noam - language and mind.pdf
60.0 kB
linguistica/teoria della traduzione/tolkien, j.r.r. - on translating beowulf.doc
56.8 kB
linguistica/chomsky/chomsky, noam - an interview on linguistics.doc
44.0 kB
linguistica/koster, jan - is linguistics a natural science.pdf
29.8 kB
linguistica/Torrent downloaded from Demonoid.com.txt
47 Bytes
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