19 - Punters sing limericks with Rude (not standup comedy).mp3 16.2 MB
12 - Rude Tries to act young and cool by wearing clothes back to front and sings limericks disguised as rap songs.mp3 11.2 MB
08 - Homeless blockes revisited. Homless blocke takes out insurance on plastic bag full of shit OR Homeless bloke uses babies sock for a condom.mp3 9.3 MB
09 - KFC killed my uncle.mp3 9.1 MB
01 - Arse like an anaconda swallowing a piglet.mp3 6.4 MB
04 - Nimbin - Can't tell men from women, may as well root everyone in the arse.mp3 5.9 MB
17 - Ya Hairy Hole.mp3 5.8 MB
10 - Ronald McDonald doesn't even eat his own hamburgers.mp3 5.2 MB
11 - McDonalds revisited ''Are you the McManager''.mp3 5.0 MB