New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/NMA - The Structure of the Head with Steve Huston/How To Draw The Head And Face - Portrait With Steve Huston Part 1 Hd (3 Hours Long) -HB.ia.mp4 995.0 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/NMA - The Structure of the Head with Steve Huston/How To Draw The Head And Face - Portrait With Steve Huston Part 1 Hd (3 Hours Long) -HB.mp4 995.0 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Forest Scene Landscape Demonstration/4. Adding movement and expression, finishing touches.ia.mp4 665.4 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Forest Scene Landscape Demonstration/4. Adding movement and expression, finishing touches.mp4 665.4 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Drawing a Male Figure with Charcoal and Conté Crayon/5. Laying in the background and final touches.mp4 601.6 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Painting/Painting with a Brighter Palette after Sergeant/2. Understanding color.mp4 540.6 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Painting/Painting a Female Torso in Oils/2. Painting in your shapes.ia.mp4 538.5 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Painting/Painting a Female Torso in Oils/2. Painting in your shapes.mp4 538.5 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Painting/Painting with a Brighter Palette after Sergeant/4. Working with value.mp4 525.9 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Drawing a Female Head with Charcoal and Conté Crayon/4. Bringing out corners in the features, assigning different values.ia.mp4 521.3 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Drawing a Female Head with Charcoal and Conté Crayon/4. Bringing out corners in the features, assigning different values.mp4 521.3 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Forest Scene Landscape Demonstration/2. Lay-in of landscape.ia.mp4 518.9 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Forest Scene Landscape Demonstration/2. Lay-in of landscape.mp4 518.9 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Painting/Painting with a Brighter Palette after Sergeant/3. Mixing colors with your palette.mp4 516.9 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Painting/Painting a Female Torso in Oils/3. Defining your forms & shapes.mp4 512.5 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Painting/Painting a Female Torso in Oils/4. Value and Shadows.mp4 511.8 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Drawing a Female Head with Charcoal and Conté Crayon/2. Material introduction, initial lay in, and creating a core shadow.mp4 509.5 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Painting/Painting a Figure after Eakins/2. Painting in your form.mp4 501.0 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Drawing a Female Head with Charcoal and Conté Crayon/8. Adding highlights, line to the shadows, and detailing the hair and eyes.ia.mp4 495.2 MB
New Masters Academy - Steve Huston Collection FULL/Drawing a Female Head with Charcoal and Conté Crayon/8. Adding highlights, line to the shadows, and detailing the hair and eyes.mp4 495.2 MB
Math/16 - Recreational math - 01 - Doodling in Math and more/08 - Other cool stuff - 13 - How I Feel About Logarithms.webm 164.9 MB
Humanities/02 - Art history - 05 - 1400-1500 Renaissance in Italy and the North/02 - Burgundy - 04 - The hidden masters of the Middle Ages_ the Limbourg brothers.webm 150.0 MB
Partner content/02 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 05 - Manuscripts/01 - Manuscripts - 05 - The hidden masters of the Middle Ages_ the Limbourg brothers.webm 150.0 MB
Partner content/01 - The Museum of Modern Art - 07 - MoMA Learning/01 - MoMA Learning - 12 - Meet Me - Art Making Programs for Individuals with Dementia.webm 110.0 MB
Partner content/01 - The Museum of Modern Art - 05 - Artist interviews/01 - Artist interviews - 02 - THIS IS ISA GENZKEN - MoMA.webm 104.1 MB
Partner content/02 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 06 - Photographs/01 - Photographs - 11 - Graciela Iturbide_ hay tiempo (there is time).webm 100.3 MB
Science/09 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/01 - Household - 02 - What is inside a coffee maker_.webm 81.9 MB
Science/09 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/01 - Household - 01 - What is inside an alarm clock radio_.webm 76.9 MB
Science/09 - Discoveries and projects - 02 - Reverse engineering/02 - Hair dryer - 02 - What is inside a hair dryer_ (2 of 2).webm 71.5 MB
Humanities/02 - Art history - 01 - Art History Basics/03 - Media and Technique - 13 - Intaglio process.webm 71.2 MB
Humanities/01 - World history - 04 - Before 1300_ Ancient and Medieval history/01 - Ancient - 03 - Ancient Rome.webm 71.2 MB
Humanities/02 - Art history - 02 - - 400 C.E. Ancient cultures/07 - Ancient Rome - 01 - Ancient Rome.webm 71.2 MB
Partner content/04 - Crash Course - 02 - Crash Course Biology/01 - Crash Course Biology - 03 - Biological Molecules - you are what you eat.webm 69.9 MB
Science/09 - Discoveries and projects - 03 - Robots/04 - Spider Bot - 01 - 6th graders learn to build a Spider robot.webm 69.2 MB
Partner content/04 - Crash Course - 01 - Crash Course World History/06 - You ain’t the boss of me_ Oh, maybe you are (Revolution and Modern Society) - 06 - Capitalism and Socialism.webm 68.6 MB
Partner content/02 - The J. Paul Getty Museum - 03 - Art conservation/01 - Art conservation - 04 - Conservation of mosaics in Roman North Africa.webm 66.1 MB
Humanities/02 - Art history - 11 - 1907-1960 Age of Global Conflict/07 - American Modernism - 06 - Jackson Pollock.webm 65.2 MB
Partner content/01 - The Museum of Modern Art - 04 - Abstract Expressionism/01 - Abstract Expressionism - 02 - Jackson Pollock.webm 65.2 MB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/28.Data Science e IA em Escala com Walison Abreu.ts 1.1 GB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/29.Mentoria em grupo-Processos Seletivos-Gabriel Souza-A3Data-11.11.ts 990.3 MB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/13.Historia do Profissional João Oliveira - Como se tornou um profissional de sucesso sem ser da área de TI..ts 972.5 MB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/26.Consultoria de Portfólios e Projetos para alunos Stack.ts 896.3 MB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/1.Consultoria de Portfólio 25.08.ts 882.9 MB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/9.Estatística na Ciência de Dados - Aula Thiago Marques 16.04.ts 875.9 MB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/30.Mentoria em grupo - Regras para contratação e anuncio do programa Stack Labs.ts 831.1 MB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/27.Encontro com Assinantes da Stack - Consultoria de Portfólio.ts 703.9 MB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/24.Semana de Data Science - Deploy do Modelo - Aula 03.ts 698.4 MB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/6.Agile in real life The data manager rising - Marcus Oliveira.ts 620.2 MB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/15.Plantão de dúvidas 10.06.20.ts 615.9 MB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/3.Cases de Data Science aplicados a Saúde de Goiás - Wanderson Marques.ts 605.0 MB
#2.Data Science do Zero/Aulas Extras/11.Felipe Polo e Samuel da Neuron Data Science.ts 595.3 MB
#Stack Labs/Segunda Edição/Mentoria - Flávio Maruyama - Aplicações e Oportunidades no Segmento de Saúde..ts 587.5 MB
#Stack Labs/Segunda Edição/Stack Labs - Abertura de inscrições.ts 563.0 MB