个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 0 毫秒。
Udemy - NestJS с нуля современныи
на TypeScript и Node JS
10 - Продвинутые темы MongoDB/49 - Агрегации в Mongo.mp4
237.5 MB
14 - Интеграция с внешним API/69 - HttpModule.mp4
197.8 MB
12 - Работа с фаилами/63 - Sitemapxml.mp4
194.3 MB
10 - Продвинутые темы MongoDB/53 - Сервис страниц.mp4
163.8 MB
6 - Тесты/34 - Тесты отзывов.mp4
133.0 MB
5 - Работа с базои данных/29 - Подключение Mongo.mp4
132.3 MB
12 - Работа с фаилами/60 - Загрузка фаилов.mp4
113.9 MB
5 - Работа с базои данных/30 - Подключение моделеи.mp4
109.6 MB
5 - Работа с базои данных/31 - Сервис отзывов.mp4
102.3 MB
14 - Интеграция с внешним API/68 - Подготовка моделеи.mp4
102.0 MB
13 - Telegram bot уведомлении/66 - Реализация forRootAsync.mp4
101.7 MB
9 - Авторизация/43 - Авторизация и генерация JWT.mp4
101.1 MB
4 - Модули контроллеры и проваидеры/25 - Создание контроллеров.mp4
97.5 MB
12 - Работа с фаилами/61 - Конвертация изображении.mp4
88.6 MB
13 - Telegram bot уведомлении/65 - Интеграция Telegraf.mp4
86.5 MB
10 - Продвинутые темы MongoDB/54 - Текстовыи индекс Mongo.mp4
86.4 MB
1 - Введение/5 - Update Обзор курсов.mp4
79.8 MB
11 - Выкладка на production/58 - GitHub actions.mp4
74.3 MB
14 - Интеграция с внешним API/70 - ScheduleModule.mp4
74.2 MB
4 - Модули контроллеры и проваидеры/20 - Обзор структуры проекта.mp4
73.5 MB
4.1 GB
Udemy - Docker La Guida Pratica per Frontend e Backend Developers [Ita]
5 - Docker Creare un LAMP STACK/7 - Docker Creare la nostra propria immagine di apache e p con un Dockerfile.mp4
92.8 MB
5 - Docker Creare un LAMP STACK/14 - Docker Dockercompose Summary.mp4
88.6 MB
3 - Installare Docker su Windows/4 - Installare Docker su Windows.mp4
78.8 MB
5 - Docker Creare un LAMP STACK/17 - docker-react.zip
77.3 MB
5 - Docker Creare un LAMP STACK/15 - mynodereact.zip
77.0 MB
1 - Introduzione/1 - Introduzione.mp4
76.6 MB
5 - Docker Creare un LAMP STACK/15 - Sviluppo Remoto con containers in Visual Code.mp4
68.6 MB
6 - Laravel con docker/19 - Laravel sail Configurare dockercomposeyml.mp4
68.5 MB
5 - Docker Creare un LAMP STACK/13 - File di composizione Docker Comporre diversi servizi con un dockercompose.mp4
67.8 MB
5 - Docker Creare un LAMP STACK/11 - Docker Creare volume Mappatura del volume ai dati mariadb.mp4
64.0 MB
5 - Docker Creare un LAMP STACK/9 - Docker Creazione di un contenitore mariadb.mp4
62.1 MB
5 - Docker Creare un LAMP STACK/10 - Docker Creazione di unimmagine e di un contenitore mariadb.mp4
52.7 MB
5 - Docker Creare un LAMP STACK/12 - Creazione di reti Collegare il contenitore mariadb con il contenitore apache.mp4
52.2 MB
5 - Docker Creare un LAMP STACK/6 - Docker Eseguire una immagine phpapache e montare un volume.mp4
51.6 MB
6 - Laravel con docker/18 - Creare un app laravel con Laravel Sail.mp4
46.8 MB
3 - Installare Docker su Windows/3 - Installare wsl2 in windows.mp4
43.9 MB
5 - Docker Creare un LAMP STACK/17 - Docker Creare unapp react app con Dockerfile.mp4
39.5 MB
2 - Installare Docker su mac/2 - Installare docker su Mac.mp4
37.6 MB
4 - Installare Docker in Ubuntu Linux/5 - Installare docker per Ubuntu.mp4
36.4 MB
6 - Laravel con docker/18 - it-laravel-sail.mp4
35.6 MB
1.3 GB
Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/11. Django the contact app Advanced features/1. Search for a contact using mutilple search filter.mp4
171.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/4. Laravel the employee manager app/2. Implement the bootstrap template.mp4
162.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/11. Django the contact app Advanced features/6. send a message to a contact.mp4
148.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/5. Laravel the School management application/3. add migrations.mp4
146.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/5. Laravel the School management application/9. Manage divisions of a student.mp4
145.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/11. Django the contact app Advanced features/7. display messages.mp4
142.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/10. Django the conact app manage the contacts of a client/2. add new contact.mp4
129.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/5. Laravel the School management application/4. set up the data tables and forms.mp4
125.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/5. Laravel the School management application/2. create the project and implement the template.mp4
125.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/9. Django the contact app the basics/10. Login a client part 3 and the logout.mp4
117.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/5. Laravel the School management application/12. edit and delete a student.mp4
115.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/5. Laravel the School management application/15. Implement Authentication.mp4
109.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/9. Django the contact app the basics/12. edit the profile page.mp4
102.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/4. Laravel the employee manager app/3. Display employees.mp4
99.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/3. Laravel The basics/9. Laravel queires.mp4
95.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/16. Express js CarsSales project The customer pages/4. the index page part 4.mp4
94.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/5. Laravel the School management application/6. create new Group.mp4
94.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/6. Laravel create a Rest API/4. upload products Images.mp4
93.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/10. Django the conact app manage the contacts of a client/3. Display the contact of a client.mp4
93.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp Tutorial/9. Django the contact app the basics/8. Login a client part 1.mp4
91.0 MB
7.1 GB
Fundamentals of Backend Engineering
3 - Protocols/20 - Internet Protocol.mp4
1.6 GB
3 - Protocols/22 - TCP.mp4
1.2 GB
3 - Protocols/29 - WebRTC.mp4
937.0 MB
3 - Protocols/21 - UDP.mp4
919.7 MB
2 - Backend Communication Design Patterns/7 - Request Response.mp4
837.8 MB
2 - Backend Communication Design Patterns/8 - Synchronous vs Asynchronous workloads.mp4
802.3 MB
3 - Protocols/24 - HTTP11.mp4
649.6 MB
5 - Backend Execution Patterns/39 - How The Backend Accepts Connections.mp4
603.5 MB
3 - Protocols/19 - OSI Model.mp4
594.6 MB
7 - Extras/51 - How ChatGPT uses Server Sent Events.mp4
483.4 MB
1 - Introduction/3 - Course Outline.mp4
381.8 MB
6 - Proxying and Load Balancing/49 - Proxy vs Reverse Proxy.mp4
354.5 MB
2 - Backend Communication Design Patterns/9 - Push.mp4
342.2 MB
3 - Protocols/28 - gRPC.mp4
340.8 MB
2 - Backend Communication Design Patterns/12 - Server Sent Events.mp4
325.4 MB
5 - Backend Execution Patterns/38 - The Process and The Thread and how they compete for CPU time.mp4
274.2 MB
5 - Backend Execution Patterns/48 - Nagles Algorithm.mp4
264.5 MB
2 - Backend Communication Design Patterns/13 - Publish Subscribe PubSub.mp4
251.4 MB
2 - Backend Communication Design Patterns/14 - Multiplexing vs Demultiplexing h2 proxying vs Connection Pooling.mp4
232.2 MB
3 - Protocols/27 - HTTP3.mp4
214.1 MB
14.1 GB
[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - Backend Master Class Golang Postgres Kubernetes gRPC
5 - Asynchronous processing with background workers Asynq Redis/65 - Unit test gRPC API with mock DB Redis.mp4
449.4 MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/31 - Store retrieve production secrets with AWS secrets manager.mp4
322.0 MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/22 - How to create and verify JWT PASETO token in Golang.mp4
314.8 MB
6 - Improve the stability and security of the server/68 - Switch DB driver from libpq to pgx.mp4
300.1 MB
6 - Improve the stability and security of the server/74 - Deploy gRPC HTTP server to AWS EKS cluster.mp4
289.1 MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/24 - Implement authentication middleware and authorization rules in Golang using Gin.mp4
287.9 MB
5 - Asynchronous processing with background workers Asynq Redis/63 - Email verification feature design DB and send email.mp4
287.5 MB
6 - Improve the stability and security of the server/73 - Grant AWS EKS cluster access to Postgres and Redis using security group.mp4
280.0 MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/15 - Mock DB for testing HTTP API in Go and achieve 100 coverage.mp4
275.7 MB
5 - Asynchronous processing with background workers Asynq Redis/66 - How to test a gRPC API that requires authentication.mp4
267.8 MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/11 - Deeply understand transaction isolation levels read phenomena.mp4
265.7 MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/34 - How to deploy a web app to Kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4
263.8 MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/4 - Use Docker Postgres TablePlus to create DB schema.mp4
256.6 MB
5 - Asynchronous processing with background workers Asynq Redis/64 - Implement email verification API in Go.mp4
256.3 MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/33 - How to use kubectl k9s to connect to a kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4
222.8 MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/29 - Auto build push docker image to AWS ECR with Github Actions.mp4
219.8 MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/6 - Generate CRUD Golang code from SQL Compare dbsql gorm sqlx sqlc.mp4
217.8 MB
4 - Advanced Backend Topics Sessions gRPC/51 - Partial update DB record with SQLC nullable arguments.mp4
214.3 MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/37 - Auto issue renew TLS certificates with certmanager and Lets Encrypt.mp4
203.7 MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/9 - DB transaction lock How to handle deadlock in Golang.mp4
199.0 MB
11.8 GB
The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/45. Website Templates Creation/3. Web Template 2 using Bootstrap P2.mp4
284.0 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/25. 24 Transfer Web Application to LiveServer.mp4
252.2 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/16. 15 Blog Homepage.mp4
208.1 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/40. CSS Chapter 06/2. 2 CSS Pseudo Classes Part 1.mp4
184.9 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/45. Website Templates Creation/1. Web Template 1 using Bootstrap.mp4
180.7 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/58. CRUD App/7. 7 Edit Student in CRUD Application.mp4
179.4 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/11. 10 User Profile Updating.mp4
175.8 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/33. HTML Chapter 12/5. 4 Input Element Attributes.mp4
174.5 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/13. 12 Dashboard Setting All Users (Editing).mp4
170.0 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/19. 18 User Edit Post in Dashboard.mp4
164.3 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/59. Secure CRUD App/11. 11 Edit Customer in CRUD App.mp4
160.8 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/10. 9 User Profile Creating.mp4
160.8 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/32. HTML Chapter 11/5. 5 Complete HTML Characters Details.mp4
151.0 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/22. 21 Fix Dashboard Issue.mp4
150.4 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/17. 16 Blog Single Post Page.mp4
146.4 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/59. Secure CRUD App/5. 5 Customer Login Functionality.mp4
143.3 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/18. 17 Fetch all Logged User Posts.mp4
142.7 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/30. HTML Chapter 09/4. 4 HTML Web Layout using Div Tag P1.mp4
139.5 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/1.1 Study Materials for CMS System.zip
134.9 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)/49. jQuery Chapter 04/1. To Do List in jQuery.mp4
130.0 MB
18.4 GB
Sanket Singh - Learn Backend In NodeJS From Scratch
9. Introduction to Backend Development with JS [Live]/2. Introduction To TechStacks and JS.mp4
1.2 GB
10. Advanced JS [Live]/02. Coercion ToNumber ToString and ToBoolean.mp4
979.6 MB
10. Advanced JS [Live]/05. Lexical Scoping _ Auto Globals _ Function Expressions.mp4
819.2 MB
0. Guest Lectures/Making Kickass Resume.mp4
554.5 MB
10. Advanced JS [Live]/01. Introduction to Coercion and Abstract Operation.mp4
553.9 MB
11. Advanced JS 2 - Async JS [New]/01. Callbacks _ Inversion of control.mp4
550.8 MB
10. Advanced JS [Live]/06. Function Expression.mp4
534.4 MB
11. Advanced JS 2 - Async JS [New]/02. How runtime helps in async nature of JS.mp4
509.6 MB
10. Advanced JS [Live]/04. Is Javascript Compiled_ _ Lexical Scoping.mp4
506.6 MB
9. Introduction to Backend Development with JS [Live]/3. Introduction to JS 2.mp4
497.0 MB
5. Pattern Problem Solving [Recorded]/1. Problem Solving - Pattern Problem 1.mp4
465.0 MB
11. Advanced JS 2 - Async JS [New]/03. Example of Async Behaviour with Callbacks.mp4
458.6 MB
10. Advanced JS [Live]/03. Abstract and Strict Equality , NaN and special types.mp4
436.2 MB
0. Guest Lectures/Brewing Code With Siddharth (Jan 08, 2023).mp4
401.9 MB
5. Pattern Problem Solving [Recorded]/7. Problem Solving - Pattern 7.mp4
331.3 MB
3. Loops In Javascript [Recorded]/01. How to repeat a process in programming _ Introduction to Loops.mp4
294.5 MB
5. Pattern Problem Solving [Recorded]/3. Problem Solving - Pattern 3.mp4
294.2 MB
1. Introduction to Programming with JS [Recorded]/02. Coding Variables In JS.mp4
293.1 MB
3. Loops In Javascript [Recorded]/02. While Loops.mp4
271.7 MB
10. Advanced JS [Live]/07. Doubt Session.mp4
266.9 MB
19.3 GB
Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/3 - Protocols/19 - Internet Protocol.mp4
1.1 GB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/2 - Backend Communication Design Patterns/7 - Synchronous vs Asynchronous workloads.mp4
787.7 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/3 - Protocols/21 - TCP.mp4
775.2 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/3 - Protocols/20 - UDP.mp4
682.6 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/5 - Backend Execution Patterns/38 - How The Backend Accepts Connections.mp4
589.8 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/2 - Backend Communication Design Patterns/6 - Request Response.mp4
554.5 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/5 - Backend Execution Patterns/37 - The Process and The Thread and how they compete for CPU time.mp4
554.0 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/3 - Protocols/22 - TLS.mp4
495.4 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/3 - Protocols/28 - WebRTC.mp4
474.8 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/2 - Backend Communication Design Patterns/14 - Stateful vs Stateless.mp4
445.5 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/2 - Backend Communication Design Patterns/15 - Sidecar Pattern.mp4
438.2 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/5 - Backend Execution Patterns/39 - Reading and Sending Socket Data.mp4
434.5 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/3 - Protocols/18 - OSI Model.mp4
432.3 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/3 - Protocols/26 - HTTP3.mp4
419.0 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/3 - Protocols/25 - HTTP2.mp4
365.9 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/3 - Protocols/23 - HTTP11.mp4
345.8 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/2 - Backend Communication Design Patterns/8 - Push.mp4
335.4 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/3 - Protocols/27 - gRPC.mp4
332.9 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/6 - Proxying and Load Balancing/48 - Proxy vs Reverse Proxy.mp4
260.9 MB
[TutsNode.net] - Fundamentals of Backend Communications and Protocols/1 - Introduction/3 - Course Outline.mp4
248.0 MB
13.4 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp (Frontend & Backend)
45. Website Templates Creation/3. Web Template 2 using Bootstrap P2.mp4
284.0 MB
60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/25. 24 Transfer Web Application to LiveServer.mp4
252.2 MB
60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/16. 15 Blog Homepage.mp4
208.1 MB
40. CSS Chapter 06/2. 2 CSS Pseudo Classes Part 1.mp4
184.9 MB
45. Website Templates Creation/1. Web Template 1 using Bootstrap.mp4
180.7 MB
58. CRUD App/7. 7 Edit Student in CRUD Application.mp4
179.4 MB
60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/11. 10 User Profile Updating.mp4
175.8 MB
33. HTML Chapter 12/5. 4 Input Element Attributes.mp4
174.5 MB
60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/13. 12 Dashboard Setting All Users (Editing).mp4
170.0 MB
60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/19. 18 User Edit Post in Dashboard.mp4
164.3 MB
59. Secure CRUD App/11. 11 Edit Customer in CRUD App.mp4
160.8 MB
60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/10. 9 User Profile Creating.mp4
160.8 MB
32. HTML Chapter 11/5. 5 Complete HTML Characters Details.mp4
151.0 MB
60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/22. 21 Fix Dashboard Issue.mp4
150.4 MB
60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/17. 16 Blog Single Post Page.mp4
146.4 MB
59. Secure CRUD App/5. 5 Customer Login Functionality.mp4
143.3 MB
60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/18. 17 Fetch all Logged User Posts.mp4
142.7 MB
30. HTML Chapter 09/4. 4 HTML Web Layout using Div Tag P1.mp4
139.5 MB
60. CMS System (Creating a Blog Type Website) with PHP/1.1 Study Materials for CMS System.zip
134.9 MB
49. jQuery Chapter 04/1. To Do List in jQuery.mp4
130.0 MB
18.1 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Beginner
02 - Setting up your development environment/002 macOS Installing Git, VirtualBox, Vagrant, Atom and ModHeader.mp4
141.0 MB
03 - Setting up your project/002 Creating a Git project.mp4
94.0 MB
09 - Introduction to Viewsets/003 Add URL Router.mp4
92.6 MB
06 - Setup the Database/002 Create our user database model.mp4
84.7 MB
03 - Setting up your project/003 Pushing to GitHub.mp4
81.9 MB
07 - Setup Django Admin/003 Test Django Admin.mp4
81.7 MB
03 - Setting up your project/001 Creating a workspace.mp4
80.5 MB
13 - Deploying our API to a server on AWS/002 Add key pair to AWS.mp4
62.9 MB
01 - Course introduction/004 Vagrant vs. Docker.mp4
62.8 MB
10 - Create Profiles API/011 Test searching profiles.mp4
62.1 MB
13 - Deploying our API to a server on AWS/006 Update allowed hosts and deploy changes.mp4
60.8 MB
13 - Deploying our API to a server on AWS/004 Add deployment script and configs to our project.mp4
60.6 MB
10 - Create Profiles API/008 Add authentication and permissions to Viewset.mp4
60.2 MB
06 - Setup the Database/003 Add a user model manager.mp4
60.1 MB
05 - Creating a Django app/001 Create Python Virtual Environment.mp4
55.7 MB
10 - Create Profiles API/009 Test new permissions.mp4
45.8 MB
08 - Introduction to API Views/002 Create first APIView.mp4
44.8 MB
01 - Course introduction/002 Course structure.mp4
42.3 MB
13 - Deploying our API to a server on AWS/005 Deploy to server.mp4
41.0 MB
02 - Setting up your development environment/001 Windows Installing Git, VirtualBox, Vagrant, Atom and ModHeader.mp4
39.6 MB
2.3 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - MERN Stack Ecommerce Project Part 1 Backend Only 2023
9 - PRODUCT ORDER PROCESSING/58 - Order Placement Part 1.mp4
175.2 MB
11 - STRIPE PAYMENT WEBHOOK/67 - Update Order With Stripe WebHook.mp4
169.6 MB
11 - STRIPE PAYMENT WEBHOOK/65 - Stripe WebHook Integration.mp4
129.9 MB
13 - PRODUCTS IMAGES UPLOAD/81 - Upload Images to Cloudinary.mp4
125.7 MB
12 - PRODUCT COUPONS INTEGRATION/78 - Applying Coupon To Order.mp4
115.9 MB
9 - PRODUCT ORDER PROCESSING/59 - Order Placement Part 2.mp4
114.4 MB
8 - PRODUCT REVIEWS CONTROLLER/51 - Create Review Controller.mp4
113.1 MB
8 - PRODUCT REVIEWS CONTROLLER/53 - Calculate Average Rating.mp4
109.6 MB
1 - FINAL PROJECT DEMO/1 - Customers Functionalities DEMO.mp4
109.3 MB
108.4 MB
102.5 MB
14 - ORDER SUMMARY STATISTICS/87 - IsAdmin Middleware.mp4
98.3 MB
1 - FINAL PROJECT DEMO/2 - Admins Functionalities DEMO.mp4
96.3 MB
8 - PRODUCT REVIEWS CONTROLLER/52 - Avoid Duplication Of Reviews.mp4
93.4 MB
4 - USER AUTHENTICATION/22 - Error Handling.mp4
92.8 MB
5 - USER AUTHORISATION MIDDLEWARES/28 - Get Token from Header.mp4
91.1 MB
7 - PRODUCT CATEGORIES CONTROLLER/46 - Products Brands CRUD Controller.mp4
88.7 MB
10 - PAYMENT INTEGRATION STRIPE/62 - Stripe Payment Controller.mp4
85.8 MB
4 - USER AUTHENTICATION/16 - MongoDB Connection String and Environment Variables.mp4
83.9 MB
9 - PRODUCT ORDER PROCESSING/60 - Update User Shipping Address.mp4
82.9 MB
5.3 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - TODO List App With Backend (ReactJS + NodeJS) From Scratch
~Get Your Files Here !/21. Getting all the todo tasks.mp4
236.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10. Adding Navigation bar and Landing Page.mp4
214.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/20. Adding Task Creation Modal.mp4
189.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/11. Creating Login and Register Pages.mp4
188.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/22. Adding the Update Functionality.mp4
181.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/12. Completing Login Functionality.mp4
181.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/25. Adding Complete and Incomplete Dropdown.mp4
142.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/26. Adding Search and Finishing the App.mp4
134.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/16. Adding Authentication Middleware.mp4
125.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/17. 17.later Checked out, todo app series continued.mp4
122.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/14. Modifying Navigation Options.mp4
120.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Creating the Login Route and Controller.mp4
100.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/15. Working on ToDo List Models and Routes.mp4
96.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Preparing the Server.mp4
90.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Adding Password Encryption with bcrypt.mp4
83.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Connecting with Database and Creating Model.mp4
81.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/19. Adding Frontend Services.mp4
76.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. Adding Routing to our React App.mp4
75.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Working with Register Controller.mp4
74.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Creating the Register Route.mp4
66.7 MB
2.9 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Node, SQL, and PostgreSQL - Mastering Backend Web Development
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Node and Express Fortunes API/21 - Fortunes Post Method.mp4
398.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Node and PostgreSQL App Monsters API/42 - Monsters Put Method.mp4
183.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Node Essentials/12 - JSON Nodemon and more Advanced Functionality.mp4
145.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Node and PostgreSQL App Monsters API/45 - Relations and more Advanced Queries.mp4
140.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Node and PostgreSQL App Monsters API/40 - Monsters Get by ID and Express Routes.mp4
132.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Node and Express Fortunes API/23 - Update Fortunes with Put.mp4
131.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Node and PostgreSQL App Monsters API/44 - The Habitats Route.mp4
124.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Node and Express Fortunes API/20 - Get a Random Fortune or One by ID.mp4
109.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - SQL Databases and PostgreSQL/28 - Creating Tables and Insertion.mp4
88.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Node and PostgreSQL App Monsters API/37 - Configure the Postgres Pool.mp4
87.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - SQL Databases and PostgreSQL/27 - PSQL Installation.mp4
83.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Node and PostgreSQL App Monsters API/41 - Monsters Post Method.mp4
72.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Node and PostgreSQL App Monsters API/35 - Node SQL Configure Script.mp4
60.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Node and Express Fortunes API/24 - Delete Fortunes.mp4
55.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/5 - Windows Installing the Windows Subsystem for Linux and Visual Studio Code.mp4
54.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Node and Express Fortunes API/19 - Optional Startup with an Executable.mp4
51.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Node and PostgreSQL App Monsters API/38 - Monsters GET Request with Express.mp4
47.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Node and Express Fortunes API/18 - First Express Endpoint.mp4
46.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/4 - Optional Installing a Code Editor.mp4
46.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Node and Express Fortunes API/22 - Clean the Fortunes Post Method and Use Postman.mp4
38.1 MB
2.5 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Python on the Backend
9 - Bonus Section Python and the Database Docker Load balancing and more/25 - Spinning Postgres Instance with Docker.mp4
167.7 MB
7 - Consuming Python API from Javascript/17 - Consuming the GET and POST API from JavascriptHTML.mp4
143.4 MB
1 - Introduction/1 - Why Backend Development.mp4
139.3 MB
9 - Bonus Section Python and the Database Docker Load balancing and more/27 - Working with MySQL in Python.mp4
134.3 MB
9 - Bonus Section Python and the Database Docker Load balancing and more/24 - Load Balancing Python services with nginx.mp4
127.4 MB
9 - Bonus Section Python and the Database Docker Load balancing and more/26 - Database programming with Python.mp4
127.3 MB
9 - Bonus Section Python and the Database Docker Load balancing and more/28 - Python and Postgres Server Side vs Client Side Cursors.mp4
126.5 MB
7 - Consuming Python API from Javascript/18 - Building an Image Upload Service with Python.mp4
109.0 MB
1 - Introduction/2 - Course Outline.mp4
101.9 MB
4 - Building the Python HTTP Web Server/9 - HTTP Protocol.mp4
100.6 MB
9 - Bonus Section Python and the Database Docker Load balancing and more/29 - Stateless vs Stateful Web Applications in Python.mp4
91.9 MB
5 - Input Parameters to Python API/14 - Building a GET end point with resource parameters.mp4
71.6 MB
8 - Jupyter Notebooks/23 - Working with Jupyter Notebook Twitter example.mp4
65.6 MB
4 - Building the Python HTTP Web Server/10 - Building a simple GET HTTP method end point in Python.mp4
62.4 MB
8 - Jupyter Notebooks/20 - Installing Jupyter Notebook on Mac.mp4
61.0 MB
8 - Jupyter Notebooks/21 - Installing Jupyter Notebook on Windows.mp4
50.6 MB
3 - Getting Started Setup Windows/8 - Installing Visual Studio Code and Python Extension on Windows.mp4
50.0 MB
6 - Building Dynamic POST and GET JSON HTTP APIs/16 - Building a JSON POST endpoint that writes to a text file on the
47.4 MB
5 - Input Parameters to Python API/13 - Building a GET end point with a query string parameter.mp4
40.9 MB
8 - Jupyter Notebooks/22 - Installing Jupyter Notebook on Docker.mp4
35.4 MB
2.1 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Master Backend Development with Strapi - 2024 Beginner to Pro
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Advanced Strapi Features/1. Controllers and routes.mp4
157.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Project (Advanced News CMS)/11. Email recent articles each midnight.mp4
123.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Data Management/1. Querying data.mp4
120.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Data Management/2. Population & Field Selection.mp4
100.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Data Management/6. Data export, import & transfer.mp4
85.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Project (Advanced News CMS)/9. Article views with Query Engine API.mp4
83.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Data Management/3. Filterings.mp4
82.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. User Management and Roles/1. Authentication.mp4
81.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Understanding Strapi Basics/7. Relationship.mp4
78.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Understanding Strapi Basics/2. Collection types.mp4
76.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Advanced Strapi Features/2. Lifecycle hooks.mp4
68.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Project (Advanced News CMS)/8. Sending email on comment approval.mp4
64.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Advanced Strapi Features/4. Emails.mp4
55.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Project (Advanced News CMS)/6. Testing endpoints.mp4
54.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Advanced Strapi Features/3. Cron jobs.mp4
54.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Integrations/1. Cloudinary.mp4
54.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Understanding Strapi Basics/5. Dynamic zones.mp4
53.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction and Setup/2. Installation.mp4
51.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Project (Advanced News CMS)/10. Generate popular articles.mp4
50.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Understanding Strapi Basics/3. Collection types 2.mp4
43.5 MB
2.1 GB
[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - Backend Master Class Golang Postgres Kubernetes gRPC
5 - Asynchronous processing with background workers Asynq Redis/63 - Unit test gRPC API with mock DB Redis.mp4
449.4 MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/29 - Store retrieve production secrets with AWS secrets manager.mp4
322.0 MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/20 - How to create and verify JWT PASETO token in Golang.mp4
314.8 MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/22 - Implement authentication middleware and authorization rules in Golang using Gin.mp4
287.9 MB
5 - Asynchronous processing with background workers Asynq Redis/61 - Email verification feature design DB and send email.mp4
287.5 MB
2 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API Gin JWT PASETO/13 - Mock DB for testing HTTP API in Go and achieve 100 coverage.mp4
275.7 MB
5 - Asynchronous processing with background workers Asynq Redis/64 - How to test a gRPC API that requires authentication.mp4
267.8 MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/9 - Deeply understand transaction isolation levels read phenomena.mp4
265.7 MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/32 - How to deploy a web app to Kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4
263.8 MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/2 - Install use Docker Postgres TablePlus to create DB schema.mp4
256.6 MB
5 - Asynchronous processing with background workers Asynq Redis/62 - Implement email verification API in Go.mp4
256.3 MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/31 - How to use kubectl k9s to connect to a kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4
222.8 MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/27 - Auto build push docker image to AWS ECR with Github Actions.mp4
219.8 MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/4 - Generate CRUD Golang code from SQL Compare dbsql gorm sqlx sqlc.mp4
217.8 MB
4 - Advanced Backend Topics Sessions gRPC/49 - Partial update DB record with SQLC nullable arguments.mp4
214.3 MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/35 - Auto issue renew TLS certificates with certmanager and Lets Encrypt.mp4
203.7 MB
1 - Working with database Postgres SQLC/7 - DB transaction lock How to handle deadlock in Golang.mp4
199.0 MB
4 - Advanced Backend Topics Sessions gRPC/43 - gRPC Gateway write code once serve both gRPC HTTP requests.mp4
199.0 MB
3 - Deploying the application to production Docker Kubernetes AWS/36 - Automatic deploy to Kubernetes with Github Action.mp4
198.3 MB
4 - Advanced Backend Topics Sessions gRPC/52 - Write structured logs for gRPC APIs.mp4
198.1 MB
10.2 GB
[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Advanced
08 - Configure Database/008 Write tests for wait_for_db command [Follow Along].mp4
321.5 MB
14 - Build tags API/003 Write tests for listing tags [Follow Along].mp4
224.1 MB
13 - Build recipe API/006 Write tests for listing recipes [Follow Along].mp4
214.8 MB
14 - Build tags API/010 Write tests for creating tags [Follow Along].mp4
197.8 MB
12 - Build user API/007 Implement token API [Follow Along].mp4
194.3 MB
15 - Build ingredients API/003 Write tests for listing ingredients [Follow Along].mp4
170.3 MB
13 - Build recipe API/007 Implement recipe listing API [Follow Along].mp4
156.5 MB
15 - Build ingredients API/009 Write tests for creating ingredients [Follow Along].mp4
156.0 MB
05 - Project Setup/005 Create project Dockerfile [Follow Along].mp4
149.2 MB
12 - Build user API/008 Write tests for manage user API [Follow Along].mp4
143.2 MB
15 - Build ingredients API/011 Write tests for updating recipe ingredients [Follow Along].mp4
139.0 MB
17 - Implement filtering/002 Add tests for filtering recipes [Follow Along].mp4
135.3 MB
14 - Build tags API/011 Implement create tag feature [Follow Along].mp4
129.2 MB
12 - Build user API/009 Implement manage user API [Follow Along].mp4
127.8 MB
13 - Build recipe API/004 Implement recipe model [Follow Along].mp4
120.4 MB
14 - Build tags API/002 Add tag model [Follow Along].mp4
119.2 MB
14 - Build tags API/004 Implement tag listing API [Follow Along].mp4
118.7 MB
05 - Project Setup/008 Configure flake8 [Follow Along].mp4
114.6 MB
18 - Deployment/017 Updating service [Follow Along].mp4
103.2 MB
10 - Setup Django Admin/004 Support modifying users [Follow Along].mp4
101.6 MB
7.1 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Backend Master Class [Golang + Postgres + Kubernetes + gRPC]
05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/010 Unit test gRPC API with mock DB & Redis.mp4
265.0 MB
02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/010 How to create and verify JWT & PASETO token in Golang.mp4
184.5 MB
03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/007 Store & retrieve production secrets with AWS secrets manager.mp4
179.3 MB
02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/012 Implement authentication middleware and authorization rules in Golang using Gin.mp4
176.3 MB
06 - Improve the stability and security of the server/002 Switch DB driver from libpq to pgx.mp4
176.2 MB
05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/008 Email verification feature design DB and send email.mp4
168.9 MB
02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/003 Mock DB for testing HTTP API in Go and achieve 100% coverage.mp4
166.4 MB
05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/011 How to test a gRPC API that requires authentication.mp4
157.0 MB
01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/011 Deeply understand transaction isolation levels & read phenomena.mp4
152.2 MB
05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/009 Implement email verification API in Go.mp4
150.5 MB
03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/010 How to deploy a web app to Kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4
149.4 MB
01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/004 Use Docker + Postgres + TablePlus to create DB schema.mp4
138.5 MB
01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/006 Generate CRUD Golang code from SQL Compare dbsql, gorm, sqlx & sqlc.mp4
134.6 MB
01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/007 Write unit tests for database CRUD with random data in Golang.mp4
131.8 MB
03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/005 Auto build & push docker image to AWS ECR with Github Actions.mp4
129.8 MB
04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/013 Partial update DB record with SQLC nullable arguments.mp4
129.5 MB
01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/009 DB transaction lock & How to handle deadlock in Golang.mp4
123.3 MB
03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/009 How to use kubectl & k9s to connect to a kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4
120.3 MB
04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/007 gRPC Gateway write code once, serve both gRPC & HTTP requests.mp4
119.0 MB
05 - Asynchronous processing with background workers [Asynq + Redis]/006 How to send email in Go via Gmail.mp4
116.8 MB
7.0 GB
BBDD/sesion_ 14032023 WebEx Meeting-20230314 0759-1.mp4
952.7 MB
Spring/sesion_ 14042023 WebEx Meeting-20230414 0700-1.mp4
931.6 MB
videos clases java/sesion_ 16032023 WebEx Meeting-20230316 0758-1.mp4
919.8 MB
BBDD/sesion_ 02032023 WebEx Meeting-20230302 0759-1.mp4
916.0 MB
BBDD/sesion_ 15032023 WebEx Meeting-20230315 0757-1.mp4
906.2 MB
videos clases java/sesion_ 15032023 WebEx Meeting-20230315 0757-1 (1).mp4
906.2 MB
Spring/sesion_ 13042023 WebEx Meeting-20230413 0702-1.mp4
892.2 MB
Spring/sesion_ 25042023 WebEx Meeting-20230425 0700-1.mp4
882.0 MB
BBDD/sesion_ 03032023 WebEx Meeting-20230303 0758-1.mp4
880.4 MB
Spring/sesion_ 21042023 WebEx Meeting-20230421 0659-1.mp4
856.6 MB
videos clases java/sesion_ 17032023 WebEx Meeting-20230317 0757-1.mp4
838.1 MB
Spring/sesion_ 19042023 WebEx Meeting-20230419 0701-1.mp4
829.0 MB
videos clases java/sesion_ 24032023 WebEx Meeting-20230324 0800-1.mp4
817.2 MB
Spring/sesion_ 20042023 WebEx Meeting-20230420 0659-1.mp4
814.2 MB
Spring/sesion_ 12042023 WebEx Meeting-20230412 0700-1.mp4
802.5 MB
BBDD/sesion_ 09032023 WebEx Meeting-20230309 0802-1.mp4
769.8 MB
videos clases java/sesion_ 20032023 WebEx Meeting-20230320 0758-1.mp4
763.5 MB
Junit/sesion_ 29032023 WebEx Meeting-20230329 0700-1.mp4
761.6 MB
Spring/sesion_ 17042023 WebEx Meeting-20230417 0700-1.mp4
760.9 MB
videos clases java/sesion_ 23032023 WebEx Meeting-20230323 0800-1.mp4
735.0 MB
26.1 GB
GetFreeCourses.Co-Udemy-Backend Master Class [Golang + Postgres + Kubernetes + gRPC]
02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/010 How to create and verify JWT & PASETO token in Golang.mp4
184.5 MB
03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/007 Store & retrieve production secrets with AWS secrets manager.mp4
179.3 MB
02 - Building RESTful HTTP JSON API [Gin + JWT + PASETO]/003 Mock DB for testing HTTP API in Go and achieve 100% coverage.mp4
166.4 MB
01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/009 Deeply understand transaction isolation levels & read phenomena.mp4
152.2 MB
03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/010 How to deploy a web app to Kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4
149.4 MB
01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/002 Install & use Docker + Postgres + TablePlus to create DB schema.mp4
138.5 MB
01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/004 Generate CRUD Golang code from SQL Compare dbsql, gorm, sqlx & sqlc.mp4
134.6 MB
01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/005 Write unit tests for database CRUD with random data in Golang.mp4
131.8 MB
04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/013 Partial update DB record with SQLC nullable arguments.mp4
129.5 MB
01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/007 DB transaction lock & How to handle deadlock in Golang.mp4
123.3 MB
04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/007 gRPC Gateway write code once, serve both gRPC & HTTP requests.mp4
119.0 MB
04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/016 Write structured logs for gRPC APIs.mp4
115.4 MB
03 - Deploying the application to production [Docker + Kubernetes + AWS]/014 Automatic deploy to Kubernetes with Github Action.mp4
114.4 MB
01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/010 Setup Github Actions for Golang + Postgres to run automated tests.mp4
114.4 MB
01 - Working with database [Postgres + SQLC]/006 A clean way to implement database transaction in Golang.mp4
112.3 MB
04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/004 Define gRPC API and generate Go code with protobuf.mp4
106.3 MB
04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/009 Automatic generate & serve swagger documentation from Go server.mp4
105.8 MB
04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/001 How to manage user session with refresh token.mp4
102.6 MB
04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/012 Run DB migrations directly inside Golang code.mp4
97.6 MB
04 - Advanced Backend Topics [Sessions + gRPC]/015 Add authorization to protect gRPC API.mp4
96.9 MB
4.4 GB