Religion Holy Christian Church - Audio Bible - King James KJV - Non-Dramatized OT + NT - MP3 32KBPS 22KHz Mono - Legal2Copy.rar 1.2 GB
The Cambridge History of the Bible, Vol. 2, The West from the Fathers to the Reformation (1969).pdf 58.7 MB
The Cambridge History of the Bible, Vol. 1, From the Beginnings to Jerome (1970).pdf 48.4 MB
The Cambridge History of the Bible, Vol. 3,The West from the Reformation to the Present Day (1963).pdf 43.8 MB
Barton (Ed.) - The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation (1998).pdf 24.3 MB
Willis - The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua in the Light of the Science and Moral Sense of Our Age (1877).pdf 20.6 MB
Moon - Ecclesiastical English; A Series of Criticisms Showing the Old Testament Revisers' Violations of the Laws of the Language (1887).pdf 12.8 MB
Moon - The Bishop's English; A Series of Criticisms on the Right Rev. Bishop Thornton's Laudation of the Revised Version of the Scriptures (1904).pdf 12.3 MB
Wells - Drunk with Blood; God's Killings in the Bible (2010).epub 3.6 MB
Moon - The Revisers' English; A Series of Criticisms, Showing the Revisers' Violations of the Laws of the Language (1882).pdf 2.6 MB
Incigneri - The Gospel to the Romans; the Setting and Rhetoric of Mark's Gospel (2003).pdf 1.8 MB
Jenkins & Preston (Eds.) - Biblical Scholarship and the Church; a Sixteenth-Century Crisis of Authority (2007).pdf 1.5 MB
Enns - Inspiration and Incarnation; Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament (2005).epub 905.8 kB