个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 2 毫秒。
GetFreeCourses.Co-Udemy-Complete Android Jetpack Bootcamp(With Jetpack Compose)2022
14/013 Create The Presentation Layer _ Part 3(Dagger).mp4
277.4 MB
22 - Easier SQLite With Room/018 Home Work Exercise 1 Answers.mp4
272.2 MB
20 - Jetpack Compose Advanced Layout Designs (New Kotlin Android Upgraded Lessons)/001 RecyclerView(Lazy Column) In Jetpack Compose.mp4
238.9 MB
06 - Navigation Architecture Component(New Kotlin Android Upgraded Lessons)/010 Coding Challenge 1 _Solution.mp4
186.6 MB
07 - Android RecyclerView Fundamentals(New Kotlin Android Upgraded Lessons)/001 RecyclerView Fundamentals part 1.mp4
183.1 MB
18 - MVVM Clean Architecture Complete Project Example 2(New Upgraded Kotlin Lessons )/017 Local data base related components part 1.mp4
179.7 MB
09 - Room Data Persistence Library(New Kotlin Android Upgraded Lessons)/008 Create A ViewModel.mp4
174.0 MB
14/009 Create The Data Layer _ Part 4.mp4
164.1 MB
18 - MVVM Clean Architecture Complete Project Example 2(New Upgraded Kotlin Lessons )/010 RecyclerView With DiffUtil.mp4
160.5 MB
18 - MVVM Clean Architecture Complete Project Example 2(New Upgraded Kotlin Lessons )/014 Implementing Search Functionality.mp4
152.7 MB
14/010 Create The Data Layer _ Part 5.mp4
146.2 MB
24 - Complete MVVM Project Example (View Model+Live Data+ Room+ Data Binding)/008 Complete Insert, Update And Delete Functionalities.mp4
139.9 MB
24 - Complete MVVM Project Example (View Model+Live Data+ Room+ Data Binding)/002 Create Room Components Of The Project.mp4
134.5 MB
22 - Easier SQLite With Room/013 Database Operations Using Separate Threads.mp4
117.5 MB
18 - MVVM Clean Architecture Complete Project Example 2(New Upgraded Kotlin Lessons )/009 Fragments & Navigation Components.mp4
116.3 MB
25 - Retrofit Crash Course(Optional _ For Those who haven't worked with Retrofit)/032 Create The View - Part 1.mp4
114.5 MB
14/014 Create The Presentation Layer _ Part 4(RecyclerView).mp4
114.3 MB
18 - MVVM Clean Architecture Complete Project Example 2(New Upgraded Kotlin Lessons )/018 Local data base related components part 2.mp4
104.7 MB
26 - Retrofit With View Model, Live Data And Data Binding/003 Home Work Exercise Answers _ Part 2.mp4
98.1 MB
18 - MVVM Clean Architecture Complete Project Example 2(New Upgraded Kotlin Lessons )/008 Dependency Injection With Hilt.mp4
96.0 MB
17.9 GB
[ FreeCryptoLearn.com ] Udemy - Dapp Development Bootcamp
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Introduction to Design Suite/001 Dapp Design and Development Truffle Suite.mp4
97.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Smart Contract Frameworks and Languages/002 Introduction to Solana Development.mp4
57.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - Smart Contract Developments/005 Introduction to Hyperverse Dapp Development.mp4
41.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Smart Contract Frameworks and Languages/005 Introduction to React.mp4
36.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Smart Contract Frameworks and Languages/004 Introduction to Haskell, Plutus and Marlowe.mp4
36.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - Smart Contract Developments/003 Smart Contract Developments in Solidity compatible frameworks.mp4
34.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Introduction to Design Suite/002 Dapp Design and Development Truffle Suite.mp4
32.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Introduction to Design Suite/008 Dapp Design and Development Hard hat.mp4
30.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Smart Contract Frameworks and Languages/006 Introduction to Brownie.mp4
30.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 - Introduction to Dapps/003 Blockchain API and Node Providers.mp4
30.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Introduction to Design Suite/006 Dapp Design and Development Hard Hat.mp4
28.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Dapp Development/002 Dapp Development Resources.mp4
26.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Smart Contract Frameworks and Languages/001 Solidity Programming Language for Ethereum Compatible Frameworks.mp4
25.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - Smart Contract Developments/002 Smart Contract Standards in Ethereum Virtual Machine.mp4
22.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 - Introduction to Dapps/002 Dapp Use Cases.mp4
16.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Dapp Development/001 Deploying a Defi Dapp.mp4
16.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Introduction to Design Suite/004 Dapp Design and Development Hard Hat.mp4
14.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Smart Contract Frameworks and Languages/003 Introduction to Ripple Codius.mp4
14.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - Smart Contract Developments/004 Deploying an Uniswap Token.mp4
13.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 - Introduction to Dapps/004 Dapp Design Environment.mp4
8.3 MB
647.8 MB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Complete Java Programming Bootcamp^2021 - Zero to Ace in Java
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Static Members in Java Make use of same copy/1. Understanding of Static Members.mp4
108.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Know your Variables/7. Operators in Java.mp4
105.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. Inheritance - One of the Pillor of Object Oriented Programming/3. Interface.mp4
98.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. Inheritance - One of the Pillor of Object Oriented Programming/1. Inheritance.mp4
85.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/12. Java Strings/1. String Class in Java.mp4
84.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Constructors in Java/2. Varities of Constructors.mp4
84.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/14. Java Collections - Container for Java Objects/7. HahMap - The Special Collection.mp4
83.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/11. Polymorphism - One into Multiple Form/2. Runtime Polymorphism.mp4
80.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/13. Exception Handling - Risky Behaviour/2. Handling Exception.mp4
68.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Flow Control - Decide How You Want to GO!/3. Loops in Java.mp4
68.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Classes and Objects - A Blueprint and its Actuals/2. Experiencing Class and Object.mp4
67.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/14. Java Collections - Container for Java Objects/5. Set Collection.mp4
65.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/15. Java Thread/1. Thread (Part 1).mp4
64.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/16. Java Serialization/1. Serialization.mp4
64.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Environment Setup/1. JDK(Java) Installation.mp4
63.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/15. Java Thread/2. Thread (Part 2).mp4
63.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/14. Java Collections - Container for Java Objects/6. Override equals() & hashCode().mp4
62.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. Welcome to Java Masterclass.mp4
57.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10. Encapsulation - Protect Your Class members/1. Encapsulation.mp4
56.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/14. Java Collections - Container for Java Objects/1. Collection Basics.mp4
56.4 MB
2.7 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - 100 Days of Code The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2022
101 - Final Stretch/002 Study With Me.mp4
1.9 GB
101 - Final Stretch/001 Recording of our Live AMA (aka AAA - Ask Angela Anything).mp4
720.3 MB
65 - Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/006 Web Design in Practice - Let's apply what we've learnt!.mp4
305.2 MB
14 - Day 14 - Beginner - Higher Lower Game Project/002 Solution & Walkthrough of the Higher Lower Game.mp4
262.7 MB
58 - Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/026 Refactor Our Website Part 1.mp4
155.2 MB
70 - Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Heroku/002 Version Control and Git.mp4
151.2 MB
58 - Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/009 The Bootstrap Grid Layout System.mp4
146.8 MB
45 - Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/004 Scraping a Live Website.mp4
145.6 MB
43 - Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/004 Internal CSS.mp4
145.3 MB
32 - Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/007 Solution & Walkthrough for the Automated Birthday Wisher.mp4
143.6 MB
35 - Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/004 Challenge - Check if it Will Rain in the Next 12 Hours.mp4
138.5 MB
58 - Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/005 The Bootstrap Navigation Bar.mp4
133.1 MB
08 - Day 8 - Beginner - Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher/006 Caesar Cipher Part 1 - Encryption.mp4
129.2 MB
58 - Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/020 Bootstrap Cards.mp4
128.8 MB
12 - Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/006 Solution & Walkthrough to the Number Guessing Game.mp4
128.6 MB
44 - Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/019 Stylised Personal Site Solution Walkthrough.mp4
125.6 MB
09 - Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/007 Solution and Complete Code for the Secret Auction Program.mp4
125.1 MB
58 - Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/015 Styling Our Website Challenges and Solutions.mp4
124.4 MB
54 - Day 54 - Intermediate+ Introduction to Web Development with Flask/003 Understand the Command Line on Windows and Mac.mp4
123.7 MB
18 - Day 18 - Intermediate - Turtle & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)/010 The Hirst Painting Project Part 1 - How to Extract RGB Values from Images.mp4
123.7 MB
21.1 GB
GetFreeCourses.Co-Udemy-Master Go (Golang) ProgrammingThe Complete Go Bootcamp 2022
02 - Getting Started/008 Compiling (go build) and Running Go Applications (go run).mp4
90.8 MB
22 - Pointers in Go/002 Declaring Pointers. Address of and Dereferencing Operators.mp4
82.3 MB
02 - Getting Started/002 Setup the Programming Environment on Windows (Go, Git and VSCode).mp4
81.8 MB
22 - Pointers in Go/006 Passing Pointers to Functions. Passing by Value vs. Passing by Pointer - Part 2.mp4
74.9 MB
24 - Methods and Interfaces in Go (OOP)/003 Methods with a Pointer Receiver.mp4
61.2 MB
10 - Slices in Go/009 Slice Internals Backing Array and Slice Header - part 2.mp4
59.4 MB
06 - Program Flow Control in Go/018 Scopes in Go.mp4
55.6 MB
28 - Go Packages and Modules/010 Publish the Module on GitHub. Semantic Versioning.mp4
54.3 MB
28 - Go Packages and Modules/008 Importing and Using Go Modules.mp4
53.2 MB
20 - Functions in Go/005 Variadic Functions - Part 2.mp4
48.8 MB
26 - Concurrency in Go/020 Project Refactoring Using Channels and Anonymous Function.mp4
46.8 MB
16 - Working with Files in Go/001 Open, Close, Rename, Move, Remove Files.mp4
46.0 MB
04 - Go Basics/009 Package fmt.mp4
44.0 MB
10 - Slices in Go/011 Append, Length and Capacity In-Depth.mp4
43.0 MB
14 - Maps in Go/002 Declaring Maps, Working with Maps.mp4
37.3 MB
04 - Go Basics/027 Defined (Named) Types - part 2.mp4
35.5 MB
04 - Go Basics/002 Multiple Declarations.mp4
34.8 MB
12 - Strings, Runes, Bytes and UTF-8 in Go/010 Strings Package Part2. Manipulating Strings Repeat, Replace, Split, Join, Field.mp4
33.6 MB
18 - Structs in Go/005 Anonymous Structs and Anonymous Struct Fields.mp4
32.5 MB
28 - Go Packages and Modules/002 Creating a Package.mp4
31.8 MB
2.7 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - 10 Days of No Code Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp
2. Welcome to the Course!/1.1 10 Days of No Code AI - Course Package.zip
954.5 MB
3. Day 1 Develop an AI model to classify fashion elements using Google Teachable/6. Task 4. Model Training and Testing in Google Teachable Machines.mp4
145.1 MB
6. Day 4 Visualize Artificial Intelligence Models Using Tensorspace.JS and GTP/6. Task 4. Final Project Part A.mp4
143.6 MB
9. Day 7 Develop an AI model to detect Diabetic Retinopathy Using DataRobot/9. Task 7. Explainable AI.mp4
127.6 MB
8. Day 6 Develop an AI model to predict employee’s attrition using DataRobot/11. Task 8. Model Assessment.mp4
127.0 MB
3. Day 1 Develop an AI model to classify fashion elements using Google Teachable/3. Task 2. AI Applications in Fashion.mp4
125.3 MB
12. Day 10 Google Vertex AI-Powered Regression Model Prediction/4. Task 3. Vertex AI Demo Part 1 Setup and Upload.mp4
121.5 MB
10. Day 8 Deploy an AI model to predict customer sentiment from Text/7. Task 5. DataRobot Demo Data Analysis.mp4
117.7 MB
6. Day 4 Visualize Artificial Intelligence Models Using Tensorspace.JS and GTP/8. Task 6. CNNs Visualization.mp4
106.2 MB
2. Welcome to the Course!/4. Key AI Components.mp4
105.4 MB
12. Day 10 Google Vertex AI-Powered Regression Model Prediction/3. Task 2. Machine Learning Regression.mp4
104.9 MB
12. Day 10 Google Vertex AI-Powered Regression Model Prediction/6. Task 5. Machine Learning Regression Models Metrics.mp4
104.1 MB
9. Day 7 Develop an AI model to detect Diabetic Retinopathy Using DataRobot/10. Task 8. Final Project.mp4
103.4 MB
4. Day 2 Deep Dive into AI technicalities/3. Task 2. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) Simplified.mp4
101.7 MB
7. Day 5 Develop an ML Model to predict used car prices using DataRobot/13. Task 11. Final Project Part B.mp4
101.4 MB
6. Day 4 Visualize Artificial Intelligence Models Using Tensorspace.JS and GTP/11. Task 9. ResNet Visualization in TensorSpace.JS.mp4
100.8 MB
5. Day 3 Detect and classify face masks using Google Teachable Machines/10. Task 8. Final Project.mp4
96.9 MB
6. Day 4 Visualize Artificial Intelligence Models Using Tensorspace.JS and GTP/7. Task 5. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).mp4
94.5 MB
6. Day 4 Visualize Artificial Intelligence Models Using Tensorspace.JS and GTP/3. Task 2. Artificial Neural Networks 101.mp4
92.9 MB
11. Day 9 Predict credit card default using AWS SageMaker Autopilot/14. Task 8. Final Project Solution - AWS AutoPilot Demo 3.mp4
92.3 MB
7.1 GB
GetFreeCourses.Co-Udemy-Linux Administration Bootcamp - Go from Beginner to Advanced
13 - Extras/002 Installing NGINX, MySQL, PHP, and Wordpress on Ubuntu.mp4
193.2 MB
02 - Installing and Connecting to a Linux System/008 Installing CentOS from Scratch CentOS Manual Installation Process.mp4
158.2 MB
04 - Intermediate Linux Skills/014 Installing Software on RPM Based Linux Distros RedHat, CentOS, AlmaLinux, Rocky.mp4
117.3 MB
07 - LVM - The Logical Volume Manager/003 Creating Physical Volumes (PVs), Volume Groups (VGs), and Logical Volumes (LVs).mp4
100.0 MB
04 - Intermediate Linux Skills/010 Processes and Job Control.mp4
76.5 MB
04 - Intermediate Linux Skills/015 Installing Software on Debian Based Linux Distros Debian, Ubuntu, Kali Linux.mp4
64.4 MB
13 - Extras/001 Connecting to a Linux Virtual Machine Over the Network.mp4
52.9 MB
02 - Installing and Connecting to a Linux System/009 Getting Connected.mp4
48.4 MB
04 - Intermediate Linux Skills/005 Searching in Files and Using Pipes.mp4
46.8 MB
04 - Intermediate Linux Skills/003 Input, Output, and Redirection.mp4
45.0 MB
07 - LVM - The Logical Volume Manager/004 Extending Volume Groups and Logical Volumes.mp4
44.6 MB
02 - Installing and Connecting to a Linux System/002 Installing VirtualBox on Windows.mp4
42.1 MB
02 - Installing and Connecting to a Linux System/004 Installing CentOS Linux Using an Image for VirtualBox.mp4
41.0 MB
04 - Intermediate Linux Skills/009 Environment Variables.mp4
40.4 MB
03 - Linux Fundamentals/001 The Linux Directory Structure.mp4
39.7 MB
03 - Linux Fundamentals/014 Deleting, Copying, Moving, and Renaming Files.mp4
39.2 MB
04 - Intermediate Linux Skills/013 Shell History and Tab Completion.mp4
39.2 MB
03 - Linux Fundamentals/006 Listing Files and Understanding LS Output.mp4
36.7 MB
03 - Linux Fundamentals/010 Viewing Files and the Nano Editor.mp4
35.4 MB
07 - LVM - The Logical Volume Manager/005 Mirroring Logical Volumes.mp4
34.1 MB
2.1 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Fivetran Bootcamp - Zero to Mastery 2022
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Fivetran and DBT set up/1. Install dbt.mp4
81.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Destination setup/4. snowflake destination part1.mp4
71.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Transformations/2. Data source google sheet.mp4
55.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Fivetran and DBT set up/7. set up deployment file.mp4
54.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Fivetran and DBT set up/4. Building sample model in dbt.mp4
48.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Fivetran and DBT set up/8. save and test dbt transformation.mp4
46.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Destination setup/8. Redshift destination part 1.mp4
45.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Fivetran and DBT set up/3. create dbt project.mp4
41.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Account Management/1. Account Management Overview.mp4
36.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Architecture/2. Manage Sync.mp4
34.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. What is a data pipeline.mp4
32.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Transformations/3. Data Transformations.mp4
30.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Destination setup/2. Create Snowflake Free Trial Account Part 1.mp4
27.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Fivetran and DBT set up/11. fixing the error part 2.mp4
26.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Destination setup/5. snowflake destination part 2.mp4
23.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/4. what is Fivetran.mp4
23.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Account Management/5. Notifications.mp4
21.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Fivetran and DBT set up/5. push to github part 1.mp4
19.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/6. Fivetran plans.mp4
19.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Fivetran and DBT set up/10. fixing the error part 1.mp4
18.6 MB
941.5 MB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Laravel Filament Bootcamp
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Advanced Concepts/1. Relation Managers.mp4
116.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Filament Resources/1. Category Resource.mp4
112.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/2. Models and Migrations.mp4
104.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Filament Resources/2. Transaction Resource.mp4
99.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Advanced Concepts/3. Category Transactions Overview.mp4
97.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Advanced Concepts/2. Transactions Overview.mp4
89.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. New Project and Filament Installation.mp4
79.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Advanced Concepts/4. Groups and Summaries.mp4
68.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/3. Tour.mp4
24.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt
386 Bytes
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url
182 Bytes
790.4 MB
Loida Velasquez - New Agent Bootcamp
04-Day 4/01-Replay - Systems and Standing out on Social Media.mp4
3.4 GB
03-Day 3/02-Working with Buyers, Sellers and Investors Replay.mp4
3.3 GB
02-Day 2/01-Communication or Scripts or Objection Handlers Replay.mp4
3.2 GB
05-Day 5/01-Replay - Q&A.mp4
2.8 GB
01-Day 1/01-Setting Up Your Busness - Replay.mp4
2.6 GB
03-Day 3/01-How to Pull Comps and Do a CMA.mp4
1.1 GB
00-Welcome to the Bootcamp/02-Navigating the Facebook Community.mp4
90.4 MB
00-Welcome to the Bootcamp/03.5-Stand Out with Video - Loida Bootcamp.pdf
8.8 MB
00-Welcome to the Bootcamp/03.3-New Agent Workbook 22.pdf
4.9 MB
00-Welcome to the Bootcamp/03.1-Agent Presentation Templatet.pdf
4.8 MB
00-Welcome to the Bootcamp/03.4-Newsletter Guide.pdf
4.3 MB
00-Welcome to the Bootcamp/03.2-New Agent Lead Tracker.pdf
4.2 MB
01-Day 1/01-Setting up Goals Example.pdf
2.5 MB
00-Welcome to the Bootcamp/03.8-Scripts and Objection Handlers (43 pages).pdf
1.1 MB
00-Welcome to the Bootcamp/03.6-Websites and Resources.pdf
158.4 kB
00-Welcome to the Bootcamp/03.7-Loidas Version of Expired Objection Handlers.pdf
89.5 kB
00-Welcome to the Bootcamp/01-Start Here - What to Expect.pdf
66.1 kB
00-Welcome to the Bootcamp/03.0-Workbook, Guides, and PDFs.pdf
58.8 kB
00-Welcome to the Bootcamp/02-About This Lesson.pdf
55.2 kB
01-Day 1/01-About This Lesson.pdf
52.0 kB
16.5 GB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Python Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) Bootcamp
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/2. Defining Classes & Creating Objects.mp4
68.0 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/7. Static and Local Variables.mp4
44.6 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/6. Accessing Class Symbol Table.mp4
39.6 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/13. Inheritance in Python.mp4
37.9 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/11. Inner Classes.mp4
34.0 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/8. Decorators (Static and Class Methods).mp4
31.7 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/10. Passing Objects as Class Members.mp4
31.5 MB
2. Python Setup/2. Installing PyCharm on Windows.mp4
27.1 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/14. Multi Level Inheritance.mp4
25.2 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/18. Polymorphism in Python.mp4
23.9 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/4. Initializing Members without __init__ Method (Constructor).mp4
23.0 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/17. Hybrid Inheritance.mp4
22.1 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/9. Getter and Setter Methods.mp4
21.3 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/16. Multiple Inheritance.mp4
19.3 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/19. Method Resolution Order (MRO).mp4
18.8 MB
2. Python Setup/1. Installing Python on Windows.mp4
18.2 MB
2. Python Setup/3. Writing Python Program.mp4
15.3 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/5. More on self Parameter.mp4
15.0 MB
3. Object Oriented Programming in Python/12. Class Destructors.mp4
14.5 MB
1. Course Overview/1. Course Introduction.mp4
14.3 MB
579.6 MB
[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - Complete Machine Learning Data Science Bootcamp 2023
5 - Data Science Environment Setup/42 - Windows Environment Setup 2.mp4
437.8 MB
9 - Scikitlearn Creating Machine Learning Models/139 - NEW Evaluating A Model With Cross Validation and Scoring Parameter.mp4
430.9 MB
16 - Career Advice Extra Bits/272 - CWD Git Github.mp4
381.0 MB
9 - Scikitlearn Creating Machine Learning Models/116 - NEW Choosing The Right Model For Your Data.mp4
371.4 MB
9 - Scikitlearn Creating Machine Learning Models/106 - Typical scikitlearn Workflow.mp4
353.0 MB
9 - Scikitlearn Creating Machine Learning Models/107 - Optional Debugging Warnings In Jupyter.mp4
337.9 MB
16 - Career Advice Extra Bits/266 - What If I Dont Have Enough Experience.mp4
328.0 MB
9 - Scikitlearn Creating Machine Learning Models/142 - Tuning Hyperparameters.mp4
325.8 MB
14 - Neural Networks Deep Learning Transfer Learning and TensorFlow 2/243 - Training Your Deep Neural Network.mp4
312.0 MB
12 - Milestone Project 2 Supervised Learning Time Series Data/185 - Feature Engineering.mp4
305.2 MB
14 - Neural Networks Deep Learning Transfer Learning and TensorFlow 2/245 - Make And Transform Predictions.mp4
292.6 MB
14 - Neural Networks Deep Learning Transfer Learning and TensorFlow 2/232 - Turning Data Into Batches 2.mp4
279.4 MB
12 - Milestone Project 2 Supervised Learning Time Series Data/186 - Turning Data Into Numbers.mp4
279.3 MB
5 - Data Science Environment Setup/39 - Mac Environment Setup.mp4
274.6 MB
9 - Scikitlearn Creating Machine Learning Models/149 - Putting It All Together.mp4
274.6 MB
12 - Milestone Project 2 Supervised Learning Time Series Data/196 - Preproccessing Our Data.mp4
271.9 MB
12 - Milestone Project 2 Supervised Learning Time Series Data/198 - Feature Importance.mp4
266.9 MB
14 - Neural Networks Deep Learning Transfer Learning and TensorFlow 2/248 - Visualizing And Evaluate Model Predictions 2.mp4
266.6 MB
12 - Milestone Project 2 Supervised Learning Time Series Data/183 - Exploring Our Data.mp4
264.3 MB
14 - Neural Networks Deep Learning Transfer Learning and TensorFlow 2/251 - Training Model On Full Dataset.mp4
264.0 MB
32.5 GB
343.5 MB
99 Bytes
30 Bytes
343.5 MB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - DevOps Bootcamp Terraform
3. Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/16. Customizing Terraform Configuration with Variables (Part 2).mp4
115.7 MB
9. Terraform Modules/8. Refactoring the Infrastructure Using modules (Part 2).mp4
109.4 MB
9. Terraform Modules/12. The EC2 Module.mp4
98.2 MB
5. HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/2. Terraform Collection Types List and Map.mp4
85.0 MB
3. Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/22. Creating an SSH Key Pair for EC2.mp4
84.2 MB
5. HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/9. Using Dynamic Blocks.mp4
80.6 MB
3. Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/21. Launching EC2 Instances in the VPC.mp4
79.4 MB
1. Introduction/1. Join Our Online Classroom!.mp4
79.0 MB
3. Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/27. Query Data with Outputs.mp4
78.9 MB
9. Terraform Modules/6. Refactoring the Infrastructure Using Modules.mp4
77.5 MB
3. Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/33. Running Commands Using User Data.mp4
76.5 MB
7. Terraform Remote State and Security/7. Storing Secrets Securely Using AWS Secrets Manager.mp4
74.4 MB
5. HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) In Depth/13. Using Terraform Built in Functions.mp4
73.6 MB
3. Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/35. Provision Infrastructure with Cloud-Init.mp4
72.4 MB
3. Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/11. Destroying Infrastructure with Terraform10dbb133.autosave.mp4
72.3 MB
2. Terraform and AWS Introduction/6. Installing and Configuring VSCode.mp4
69.6 MB
2. Terraform and AWS Introduction/2. Terraform Demo.mp4
69.2 MB
3. Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/18. Creating Resources (Part 3) Default RT and IGW.mp4
69.0 MB
3. Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/26. Filtering AMI Using Data Sources.mp4
68.3 MB
3. Provisioning AWS Infrastructure with Terraform/19. Security Groups and Firewall Configuration.mp4
68.2 MB
3.9 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Video Production Bootcamp - Videography And Video Editing
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Editing/7 - Tips that Every Editor Should Know.mp4
499.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basic Videography and Editing/17 - Epic Transition on Phone.mp4
398.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Editing/5 - Editing Tips for Beginner.mp4
299.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Editing/1 - What Is Editing.mp4
288.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Editing/6 - Avoid Mistake When Editing.mp4
284.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Editing/2 - Application Can be Used for Editing.mp4
284.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basic Videography and Editing/14 - Visual Effects Video on Phone.mp4
238.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basic Videography and Editing/13 - Color Grading Your Video.mp4
217.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basic Videography and Editing/12 - Make Your Video Looks Pro.mp4
215.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basic Videography and Editing/16 - Make a Great Vlog on Phone.mp4
211.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basic Videography and Editing/15 - Hyperlapse on Phone.mp4
181.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basic Videography and Editing/10 - Phone Shoot Like a Pro.mp4
160.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Editing/4 - Editing using PC.mp4
143.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Editing/3 - Editing using Mobile Phone.mp4
125.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basic Videography and Editing/11 - Phone Camera Angles.mp4
113.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basic Videography and Editing/9 - Phone Cinematic Shots.mp4
72.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basic Videography and Editing/8 - Phone Camera Move.mp4
26.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt
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183 Bytes
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BootCamp Windows 7 (64).winclone.dmg
BootCamp Windows 7 (64).winclone.dmg
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[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Java Bootcamp And Practical Challenges For Beginners 2023
~Get Your Files Here !/30 - Transition Challenges 3/23 - Roman Numerals Challengemp4.mp4
121.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/32 - Transition Challenges/34 - Uppercase Challengemp4.mp4
115.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/32 - Transition Challenges/32 - Palindrome Challengemp4.mp4
115.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/31 - Transition Challenges 2/25 - Fibonacci Series Challengemp4.mp4
100.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/30 - Transition Challenges 3/16 - Bubble Sort Challengemp4.mp4
98.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/29 - OOP/9 - Constructormp4.mp4
97.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/31 - Transition Challenges 2/26 - Factorial Challengemp4.mp4
91.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/29 - OOP/7 - Interfacesmp4.mp4
89.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/32 - Transition Challenges/38 - Convert Numbers to Text Challengemp4.mp4
88.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/29 - OOP/12 - Inheritancemp4.mp4
84.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/31 - Transition Challenges 2/27 - Reverse Sentence Challengemp4.mp4
83.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/29 - OOP/14 - Encapsulationmp4.mp4
81.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/28 - Git Introduction/4 - Git Branch Demomp4.mp4
80.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/31 - Transition Challenges 2/29 - Decimal to Binary Challengemp4.mp4
76.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/30 - Transition Challenges 3/19 - Diamond Pattern Challengemp4.mp4
76.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/32 - Transition Challenges/37 - Triangle Generation Challengemp4.mp4
75.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/30 - Transition Challenges 3/21 - Reference Table Challengemp4.mp4
75.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/31 - Transition Challenges 2/30 - Prime Number Challengemp4.mp4
73.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/31 - Transition Challenges 2/31 - LOGIN Challengemp4.mp4
70.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/31 - Transition Challenges 2/24 - Reverse Word Challengemp4.mp4
70.0 MB
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[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Secure Coding Bootcamp - Part 2.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Secure Coding Bootcamp - Part 2.zip
397.5 MB
397.5 MB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course (2022)
18 - Async & Await JS Magic/006 Parallel Vs. Sequential Requests.mp4
133.7 MB
14 - Twisting the DOM to Our Will!/013 NBA Scores Chart Pt1.mp4
132.5 MB
14 - Twisting the DOM to Our Will!/014 NBA Scores Chart Refactor.mp4
126.3 MB
30 - Image and File Upload/004 [Optional] Different Methods of Image Storage.mp4
117.4 MB
28 - Production-Grade Authentication/001 Cookie Based Authentication.mp4
106.3 MB
17 - Making HTTP Requests/003 XMLHttpRequests The Basics.mp4
104.3 MB
12 - Object Methods and the 'This' Keyword/009 Putting It All Together Deck Of Cards.mp4
103.8 MB
16 - Asynchronous Code, Callbacks & Promises/005 Welcome to Callback Hell.mp4
98.2 MB
15 - Communicating with Events/010 Input & Change Events.mp4
96.1 MB
25 - Create Your Own Project Runner/012 [Optional] More on Child_Process.mp4
95.2 MB
30 - Image and File Upload/002 Understanding Mutli-Part Forms.mp4
94.9 MB
29 - Structuring Javascript Projects/007 Validation vs Sanitization.mp4
94.2 MB
13 - JS In the Browser - DOM Manipulation/009 querySelector & querySelectorAll.mp4
92.6 MB
17 - Making HTTP Requests/001 Intro to AJAX.mp4
91.3 MB
17 - Making HTTP Requests/007 Refactoring Fetch Chains.mp4
86.5 MB
16 - Asynchronous Code, Callbacks & Promises/010 Refactoring w Promises.mp4
85.7 MB
17 - Making HTTP Requests/005 A Better Way Fetch!.mp4
85.1 MB
15 - Communicating with Events/008 Coin Game Demo.mp4
82.4 MB
17 - Making HTTP Requests/008 An Even Better Way Axios.mp4
81.1 MB
14 - Twisting the DOM to Our Will!/009 Manipulating Classes.mp4
80.9 MB
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[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python
15. [2019] Developing a complete front-end with Bootstrap 4/14. Registering users.mp4
311.7 MB
6. Project 1 Micro Blog (design+site)/3. From our YouTube channel How to start a new software project.mp4
238.8 MB
14. [2019] Price alerts for online web-stores/21. Creating items through the web interface.mp4
188.2 MB
15. [2019] Developing a complete front-end with Bootstrap 4/24. Sending e-mail with Mailgun.mp4
173.9 MB
14. [2019] Price alerts for online web-stores/15. Notifying users in a simple way when the price is reached.mp4
152.1 MB
4. Page structure with HTML/8. An overview of HTML container elements.mp4
133.8 MB
15. [2019] Developing a complete front-end with Bootstrap 4/19. Limiting some pages only to logged in users.mp4
128.0 MB
15. [2019] Developing a complete front-end with Bootstrap 4/1. Introducing stores to our application.mp4
125.8 MB
4. Page structure with HTML/3. Some of the most common HTML elements.mp4
112.4 MB
15. [2019] Developing a complete front-end with Bootstrap 4/9. Editing alert properties.mp4
106.8 MB
6. Project 1 Micro Blog (design+site)/4. Step 1 becoming a user.mp4
106.8 MB
14. [2019] Price alerts for online web-stores/24. Creating a page to show all items.mp4
103.2 MB
14. [2019] Price alerts for online web-stores/9. Creating our Item model.mp4
102.3 MB
15. [2019] Developing a complete front-end with Bootstrap 4/20. Adding a navigation bar using Bootstrap.mp4
101.6 MB
14. [2019] Price alerts for online web-stores/8. Using RegEx to get specific information from a string.mp4
97.4 MB
3. Website Basics/1. How do websites and the internet work.mp4
97.0 MB
4. Page structure with HTML/5. Nesting elements in HTML.mp4
94.2 MB
2. A Full Python Refresher/25. Object-Oriented Programming in Python.mp4
94.0 MB
2. A Full Python Refresher/33. Errors in Python.mp4
91.9 MB
15. [2019] Developing a complete front-end with Bootstrap 4/5. Turning our models into dataclasses.mp4
91.2 MB
9.9 GB