Marlene Seven Bremner - Hermetic Philosophy and Creative Alchemy - The Emerald Tablet, the Corpus Hermeticum, and the Journey through the Seven Spheres.epub 30.6 MB
06 Ch. 4. The Three Branches of Hermeticism.mp3 24.7 MB
13 Ch. 10. Saturn - Into the Darkness.mp3 23.0 MB
17 Ch. 14. Venus - The Joy of Creation.mp3 22.8 MB
15 Ch. 12. Mars - The Flames of Transformation.mp3 22.4 MB
16 Ch. 13. The Sun - The Essence of Eternity.mp3 22.2 MB
19 Ch. 16. The Moon - Reflections of the Unknowable.mp3 22.0 MB
18 Ch. 15. Mercury - A Voice from the Æther.mp3 21.3 MB
14 Ch. 11. Jupiter - The Sovereign Storm.mp3 21.1 MB
03 Ch. 1. Hermetic Texts.mp3 19.4 MB
07 Alchemy - The Operation Of The Sun.mp3 17.0 MB
08 Ch. 5. Heaven and Earth.mp3 15.1 MB
02 Introduction - The Hermetic Path of Self-Initiation.mp3 13.6 MB
05 Ch. 3. The Hermetic Bole.mp3 13.4 MB
09 Ch. 6. The Tetrad and the Trinity.mp3 13.0 MB
10 Ch. 7. The Harmony of Fate and the Twelve Torments.mp3 11.2 MB
20 Conclusion - Final Ruminations on the Old, Old Path.mp3 7.3 MB
04 Ch. 2. Thoth and the Ancient Egyptian Roots of the Hermetic Tradition.mp3 6.4 MB
11 Ch. 8. Ogdoad.mp3 6.1 MB
12 Ch. 9. Wandering with the Archetypes.mp3 5.3 MB