01 Thank you for taking this course Here is what you get out of it/004 Amazing opportunities available by promoting using this strategy..mp4 26.5 MB
01 Thank you for taking this course Here is what you get out of it/003 Where to get stories to share in the page posts.mp4 41.5 MB
01 Thank you for taking this course Here is what you get out of it/005 Facing fears related to trying this Facebook advertising strategy..mp4 55.6 MB
01 Thank you for taking this course Here is what you get out of it/002 What do you need to have in place before applying this strategy.mp4 79.8 MB
01 Thank you for taking this course Here is what you get out of it/001 I will attempt to make the entire course worth it in this first lecture..mp4 37.3 MB
03 Facebook advertising power editor tutorial for copying many ad sets quickly/005 How to know which countries are worth testing for sales.mp4 44.4 MB
03 Facebook advertising power editor tutorial for copying many ad sets quickly/002 Getting started navigating the new Facebook power editor interface March 2016..mp4 34.9 MB
03 Facebook advertising power editor tutorial for copying many ad sets quickly/004 Using Google AdWords to get new targeting ideas for Facebook interests..mp4 34.6 MB
03 Facebook advertising power editor tutorial for copying many ad sets quickly/003 Using the power editor to quickly make new ad sets automatically named..mp4 34.0 MB
03 Facebook advertising power editor tutorial for copying many ad sets quickly/001 What do I use the Facebook power editor for.mp4 6.8 MB
03 Facebook advertising power editor tutorial for copying many ad sets quickly/006 A simple system to split test different countries in the power editor..mp4 74.0 MB
02 Creating and targeting the Facebook advertising campaigns for these page posts/002 The benefits of always making the post on the page first..mp4 37.7 MB
02 Creating and targeting the Facebook advertising campaigns for these page posts/003 Using the page post, I make a quick ad to make sure the post gets approved..mp4 32.5 MB
02 Creating and targeting the Facebook advertising campaigns for these page posts/004 With the ad approved instantly, I now start a campaign to scale up..mp4 49.9 MB
02 Creating and targeting the Facebook advertising campaigns for these page posts/001 Making the ad creative is so incredibly easy with this strategy.mp4 9.4 MB
04 How to discover what is working and eliminate what is not/002 What metrics to use to discover success and remove what is not working.mp4 26.0 MB
04 How to discover what is working and eliminate what is not/001 How long to wait before reviewing the results.mp4 22.0 MB
05 The key to success with this strategy is consistent effort over time/001 When everything works, you just make new posts to scale up.mp4 25.4 MB
05 The key to success with this strategy is consistent effort over time/003 Bonus lecture Thank you for finishing the course What next.mp4 37.6 MB
05 The key to success with this strategy is consistent effort over time/002 Why continue trying even when posts fail.mp4 56.2 MB
10 Perguntas e Respostas de Alunos do curso de Facebook Marketing/045 Breaking News O Facebook esta mudando as Regras. Veja como proteger sua Pagina.mp4 359.0 MB
03 Definindo seu Publico Alvo no Facebook/008 Definindo seu Publico Alvo no Facebook Passo a Passo.mp4 290.5 MB
05 Criando Um Anuncio Avancado no Facebook/017 Escolhendo o Objetivo de Marketing.mp4 236.2 MB
10 Perguntas e Respostas de Alunos do curso de Facebook Marketing/038 Dominando o Direcionamento Detalhado do Facebook.mp4 207.8 MB
02 Pre-Requisitos e Primeiros Passos para o Sucesso com Facebook Ads/004 Criando a Sua Pagina do Facebook Super Otimizada.mp4 167.0 MB
06 Retargeting no Facebook (Aumentando EXPONENCIALMENTE os Resultados)/025 Definindo seu Publico Alvo com o Pixel do Facebook.mp4 164.5 MB
06 Retargeting no Facebook (Aumentando EXPONENCIALMENTE os Resultados)/027 Criando um Anuncio Otimizado utilizando o Pixel do Facebook.mp4 138.9 MB
08 SUPER DICAS para o Facebook/034 A Unica Forma de Garantir que TODOS seus seguidores v227o ver os seus Posts.mp4 113.2 MB
08 SUPER DICAS para o Facebook/036 Baixando Imagens Royalty Free Ilimitadas para usar no seu Facebook ou Instagram.mp4 111.9 MB
11 B244nus e Proximos Passos/048 Parabens.mp4 101.1 MB
06 Retargeting no Facebook (Aumentando EXPONENCIALMENTE os Resultados)/021 Criando o seu Pixel do Facebook.mp4 93.7 MB
03 Definindo seu Publico Alvo no Facebook/009 Utilizando o Facebook Insights (Ferramenta Gratuita para definir seu Publico).mp4 83.0 MB
01 Bem-vindo ao Curso/001 Instruc245es do Curso Facebook Ads.mp4 80.7 MB
08 SUPER DICAS para o Facebook/035 Criando uma Imagem para sua Pagina do Facebook.mp4 76.5 MB
05 Criando Um Anuncio Avancado no Facebook/018 Criando um anuncio utilizando o Gerenciador de Anuncios.mp4 74.6 MB
04 Criando Um Anuncio Basico no Facebook/011 Criando o Post do Anuncio no Facebook.mp4 67.1 MB
10 Perguntas e Respostas de Alunos do curso de Facebook Marketing/046 Veja se o Facebook Compartilhou seus Dados com Cambridge Analytica.mp4 64.8 MB
04 Criando Um Anuncio Basico no Facebook/014 Dicas para ter seu Anuncio Aprovado pelo Facebook.mp4 60.9 MB
06 Retargeting no Facebook (Aumentando EXPONENCIALMENTE os Resultados)/020 Entendendo o Pixel do Facebook.mp4 60.3 MB
10 Perguntas e Respostas de Alunos do curso de Facebook Marketing/039 O que e exatamente o Pixel do Facebook.mp4 49.1 MB