个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 7 毫秒。
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Beginner Full Stack Web Development HTML, CSS, React & Node
12. Intro to Flexbox/2. Flexbox fundamentals.mp4
224.2 MB
12. Intro to Flexbox/17. Creating the contact form.mp4
209.1 MB
12. Intro to Flexbox/7. Making the dropdown menu functional.mp4
195.4 MB
6. Computers & Code/1. How Computers Work.mp4
179.0 MB
6. Computers & Code/2. Understanding Binary.mp4
136.9 MB
6. Computers & Code/3. How code works.mp4
135.4 MB
12. Intro to Flexbox/11. Creating the first Media Object.mp4
129.2 MB
5. Advanced CSS Building and styling website/7. CSS Working with images and box shadows.mp4
127.1 MB
14. How to Set Up Hosting For Your Web Apps/8. Final Step Configuring Nginx.mp4
122.3 MB
12. Intro to Flexbox/15. Making the portfolio object mobile compatible.mp4
117.9 MB
12. Intro to Flexbox/14. Designing the portfolio object.mp4
116.4 MB
13. Beginner Sass/4. Your FIRST Sass Website!.mp4
110.3 MB
1. Intro to Web Development/6. Frontend vs Backend development.mp4
108.6 MB
7. Learning to Code With Javascript/11. Javascript Objects.mp4
106.2 MB
6. Computers & Code/4. Heap vs Stack.mp4
105.3 MB
12. Intro to Flexbox/12. Flexbox ordering.mp4
103.1 MB
12. Intro to Flexbox/5. Building the navbar Part 1.mp4
92.2 MB
11. Bootstrap 4 Skate or Die Website/7. Bootstrap 4 Sizing Modals.mp4
89.3 MB
14. How to Set Up Hosting For Your Web Apps/2. Creating a server.mp4
88.5 MB
12. Intro to Flexbox/8. Designing the navbar for mobile.mp4
88.2 MB
7.8 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp
10. DOCKER/31. Enabling volumes mapping for the NGINX container.mp4
267.0 MB
10. DOCKER/39. Launching services using Docker Compose.mp4
263.2 MB
10. DOCKER/32. Running applications inside of the containers.mp4
256.9 MB
10. DOCKER/29. Environment variables for containers.mp4
231.7 MB
10. DOCKER/28. Enabling ports mapping for the NGINX container.mp4
226.0 MB
10. DOCKER/5. How I use Virtual Machines.mp4
211.9 MB
10. DOCKER/34. Creating Dockerfile.mp4
211.6 MB
10. DOCKER/26. What is Docker Container.mp4
193.3 MB
10. DOCKER/30. Volumes and volumes mapping.mp4
187.4 MB
10. DOCKER/35. Launching container based on the custom image.mp4
179.0 MB
10. DOCKER/40. Writing documents to the database.mp4
163.0 MB
10. DOCKER/33. What is Dockerfile.mp4
159.1 MB
10. DOCKER/37. Attaching containers to the custom bridge network.mp4
157.8 MB
2. Introduction to the Web Development/1. Frontend vs Backend.mp4
152.3 MB
10. DOCKER/42. Using Volumes in the Docker Compose.mp4
142.3 MB
10. DOCKER/36. Trying to connect Python and Mongo containers.mp4
138.4 MB
10. DOCKER/27. What is ports mapping.mp4
134.9 MB
34. Saving and reading images from the database in the frontend app/9. BEGIN - Saving images in the database from the frontend app.mp4
130.5 MB
33. API endpoint for reading and creating images in the database/8. Adding images endpoint and handling GET requests.mp4
122.9 MB
10. DOCKER/8. Container processes and resources.mp4
122.6 MB
16.5 GB
[CourseClub.NET] Pluralsight - Become a Full-stack .NET Developer – Advanced Topics
4.1 MB
2.8 kB
254 Bytes
286 Bytes
2.4 MB
2.4 kB
22.5 MB
8.6 kB
4.8 MB
1.3 kB
1.3 MB
1.9 kB
993 Bytes
322 Bytes
642.8 kB
582 Bytes
6.8 MB
4.1 kB
15.5 MB
5.7 kB
779.1 MB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Learn JavaScript Full-Stack from Scratch
6. User Created Posts/1. Letting Users Create Posts (Part 1).mp4
194.3 MB
10. Live Validation for Registration Form/3. Live Form Validation (Part 3).mp4
180.5 MB
4. Database Basics/13. Create New Item Without Page Reload.mp4
177.7 MB
5. Starting Our Complex App (App #2)/23. User Registration Improvements (Part 1).mp4
176.8 MB
5. Starting Our Complex App (App #2)/13. Letting Users Log In.mp4
175.6 MB
8. Letting Users Follow Each Other/8. Following Screen (Part 2).mp4
175.2 MB
5. Starting Our Complex App (App #2)/8. Adding Validation To Our Model.mp4
169.8 MB
5. Starting Our Complex App (App #2)/14. What is a Promise (Part 1).mp4
165.7 MB
8. Letting Users Follow Each Other/9. Homepage Feed (Posts From Those You Follow).mp4
163.0 MB
6. User Created Posts/14. Updating Posts in Database (Part 2).mp4
161.1 MB
10. Live Validation for Registration Form/4. Live Form Validation (Part 4).mp4
160.9 MB
6. User Created Posts/10. View Posts by Author.mp4
160.9 MB
4. Database Basics/15. What About Security.mp4
159.6 MB
9. Live Chat (Socket.IO)/5. Finishing Chat (Part 2).mp4
159.4 MB
6. User Created Posts/6. Viewing a Post (Part 2).mp4
159.2 MB
12. Let's Create an API/4. Finishing API and Understanding CORS.mp4
156.8 MB
9. Live Chat (Socket.IO)/1. Beginning Chat Feature.mp4
155.9 MB
7. Live Search Feature/3. Responding to Key Press Events.mp4
155.6 MB
4. Database Basics/7. Connecting Node App to Database.mp4
155.2 MB
6. User Created Posts/3. Post Model (Part 1).mp4
154.9 MB
12.6 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - From A Non Programmer To Full Stack .NET Developer.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - From A Non Programmer To Full Stack .NET Developer.zip
1.8 GB
1.8 GB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Full Stack Angular and Spring Boot
9. eCommerce Project - Spring Boot Backend/2. Spring Boot Project Set Up.mp4
158.1 MB
20. eCommerce Project - Checkout Form - Drop-Down Lists/7. Angular Project - Checkout Form - Populate Countries and States - Overview.mp4
141.1 MB
12. eCommerce Project - Search for Products by Category/1. Angular Project - Search for Products by Category - Overview - Part 1.mp4
118.2 MB
4. TypeScript Crash Course - Fundamentals/1. TypeScript Overview.mp4
110.9 MB
5. TypeScript Crash Course - Creating Classes/3. Defining Accessors - Overview.mp4
110.7 MB
20. eCommerce Project - Checkout Form - Drop-Down Lists/1. Angular Project - Checkout Form - Populate Credit Card Dates - Overview.mp4
104.2 MB
15. eCommerce Project - Product Master-Detail View/1. Angular Project - Product Master-Detail View - Overview.mp4
102.2 MB
2. Angular Overview/1. Angular Overview.mp4
101.1 MB
20. eCommerce Project - Checkout Form - Drop-Down Lists/13. Angular Project - Checkout Form - Populate Countries and States - Frontend.mp4
98.6 MB
12. eCommerce Project - Search for Products by Category/3. Angular Project - Search for Products by Category - Overview - Part 3.mp4
96.8 MB
7. Angular Crash Course - Fundamentals/1. Getting Started with Angular.mp4
95.5 MB
5. TypeScript Crash Course - Creating Classes/1. Creating Classes - Overview.mp4
95.2 MB
4. TypeScript Crash Course - Fundamentals/3. Defining Variables - Overview.mp4
93.6 MB
16. eCommerce Project - Pagination/1. Angular Project- Pagination Overview.mp4
92.8 MB
12. eCommerce Project - Search for Products by Category/2. Angular Project - Search for Products by Category - Overview - Part 2.mp4
92.5 MB
6. TypeScript Crash Course - Inheritance and Interfaces/1. Inheritance - Overview.mp4
92.0 MB
15. eCommerce Project - Product Master-Detail View/8. IDE Extension - Angular Language Service.mp4
88.1 MB
10. eCommerce Project - Angular Front End - Product List/1. Angular Project Overview - Part 1.mp4
86.7 MB
8. Angular Crash Course - Bootstrap CSS, Conditionals and Formatting/3. Angular Conditionals and Formatting - Overview.mp4
78.8 MB
20. eCommerce Project - Checkout Form - Drop-Down Lists/16. Angular Project - Checkout Form - Populate Countries and States - Event Handler.mp4
78.4 MB
12.3 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Full-Stack Vue with GraphQL - The Ultimate Guide
1. Introduction/1. Preview our Completed App.mp4
249.8 MB
14. Profile Page, Update Delete Posts/6. Executing updateUserPost Mutation with Vuex Action.mp4
150.3 MB
10. Add Post Infinite Scroll Components/3. Update and Optimistic Response for addPost Mutation.mp4
135.3 MB
2/1. What is GraphQL Using the SWAPI GraphQL API.mp4
124.0 MB
9. Error Handling and Form Validation/6. Create Signup Form and Signup User Action.mp4
111.7 MB
12. Like Unlike Post/2. Firing Like Unlike Post Mutations from Client.mp4
110.5 MB
10. Add Post Infinite Scroll Components/2. Create and Execute addPost Action Mutation.mp4
99.7 MB
15. Preparing for Deployment/3. Minor ImprovementsFixes.mp4
96.5 MB
11. Post Component/6. Perform addPostMessage in Post Component.mp4
96.2 MB
14. Profile Page, Update Delete Posts/3. Execute getUserPosts Query, Create and Populate User Cards.mp4
95.8 MB
9. Error Handling and Form Validation/5. Handle Authentication Errors, Show Auth Error Snackbar.mp4
95.4 MB
10. Add Post Infinite Scroll Components/6. Add Grid Layout Cards for Each Post in Posts Component.mp4
94.2 MB
8. JWT Authentication for Signin Signup/10. Change Navbar for Signed-in User.mp4
90.4 MB
5. Create Vue Frontend with Vue CLI 3/4. Installing Vuetify Plugin and Generating a Theme.mp4
87.1 MB
10. Add Post Infinite Scroll Components/5. Add Infinite Scroll Functionality on Client.mp4
85.1 MB
16. Deployment with Heroku Now v2/1. Deploying App with Heroku Now v2.mp4
84.3 MB
4. Connect to MLab Database, Create Mongoose Models and GraphQL TypeDefs/3. Creating Mongoose Schemas.mp4
80.6 MB
3. Intro to Apollo Server 2, Queries, Mutations and GraphQL Playground/2. Initializing Apollo Server 2 (Optional).mp4
80.5 MB
8. JWT Authentication for Signin Signup/8. Create getCurrentUser Query, Execute it from main.js.mp4
79.1 MB
14. Profile Page, Update Delete Posts/7. deleteUserRecipe Mutation - Backend Creation to Frontend Execution.mp4
78.0 MB
5.3 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Django 4 and Python Full-Stack Developer Masterclass
12 - Django Admin/003 Model and Website - Part Two.mp4
224.8 MB
15 - User Authentication and Sessions/003 Models Setup.mp4
154.3 MB
15 - User Authentication and Sessions/006 User Authentication with Django User Model.mp4
136.4 MB
13 - Django Forms/003 Django Form Class Basics.mp4
135.3 MB
12 - Django Admin/002 Model and Website - Part One.mp4
123.0 MB
13 - Django Forms/006 Django - ModelForms.mp4
122.8 MB
15 - User Authentication and Sessions/005 Page Setup.mp4
122.6 MB
11 - Django - Models, Databases, and Queries/013 Connecting Templates and Database Models.mp4
117.7 MB
03 - HTML 5/002 HTML Tags - Basics.mp4
116.8 MB
12 - Django Admin/005 Django Admin and Models.mp4
116.2 MB
05 - Bootstrap/002 Bootstrap and Buttons.mp4
115.6 MB
13 - Django Forms/005 Django Forms - Widgets and Styling.mp4
109.1 MB
09 - Django - Views, Routing, and URLs/005 Function Based Views - Basics.mp4
107.1 MB
15 - User Authentication and Sessions/008 User Registration and Forms.mp4
103.0 MB
05 - Bootstrap/005 Bootstrap Grid System and Layout.mp4
98.6 MB
11 - Django - Models, Databases, and Queries/004 Models and Fields.mp4
97.1 MB
10 - Django -Templates/002 Template Directories.mp4
95.8 MB
14 - Django Class Based Views/002 Django CBV - TemplateView.mp4
90.2 MB
11 - Django - Models, Databases, and Queries/009 Data Interaction Field Lookups.mp4
84.7 MB
06 - Python Overview - Basics/005 Python Dictionaries.mp4
83.3 MB
5.7 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course!
6. WebSocket Chat Application/16. Adding messages and sending to relevant clients.mp4
385.2 MB
2. Getting Started with ReactJS/7. Writing a calculator part 2.mp4
357.8 MB
6. WebSocket Chat Application/6. Writing account based logic part 1.mp4
318.0 MB
5. Redux and Material-UI/26. Single post page.mp4
312.3 MB
5. Redux and Material-UI/27. Registering new accounts.mp4
285.4 MB
6. WebSocket Chat Application/18. Rendering messages with user information.mp4
284.1 MB
5. Redux and Material-UI/19. Editing existing posts.mp4
279.3 MB
5. Redux and Material-UI/30. Deploying React apps with NGINX.mp4
278.4 MB
6. WebSocket Chat Application/12. Creating new threads and sending to relevant clients.mp4
266.1 MB
6. WebSocket Chat Application/13. Connecting on page load if already logged in.mp4
245.5 MB
3. Building a ReactJS Website/9. Working with forms in React part 2.mp4
242.3 MB
5. Redux and Material-UI/28. Posting comments and adding relations and ACLs to our API part 1.mp4
234.5 MB
5. Redux and Material-UI/29. Posting comments and adding relations and ACLs to our API part 2.mp4
228.9 MB
5. Redux and Material-UI/3. Creating a store and reducer.mp4
222.5 MB
3. Building a ReactJS Website/10. Using Formik.mp4
221.4 MB
6. WebSocket Chat Application/17. Rendering messages client-side.mp4
213.4 MB
5. Redux and Material-UI/21. Uploading post images part 2.mp4
207.2 MB
5. Redux and Material-UI/13. Fetching posts and users from our API.mp4
206.9 MB
6. WebSocket Chat Application/9. Styling the messenger.mp4
203.5 MB
5. Redux and Material-UI/24. Loading posts on the front-end part 2.mp4
198.2 MB
14.5 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Full Stack Web Development tutorial For Beginners 2020
3. BackEnd Part/9. Form handling in php.mp4
183.9 MB
4. Databases/3. Select Operation and Login Live validation.mp4
156.6 MB
5. Advanced Concepts for FUll stack/2. Forgot Password Concept using email and link part 1.mp4
149.6 MB
3. BackEnd Part/12. Session and cookies.mp4
146.9 MB
2. Front End part/3. Javascript.mp4
145.4 MB
2. Front End part/1. HTML.mp4
135.3 MB
5. Advanced Concepts for FUll stack/5. API development.mp4
133.0 MB
4. Databases/2. Insert User in table using php form.mp4
124.6 MB
3. BackEnd Part/7. Templating in Html && include and required keyword.mp4
123.8 MB
1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
115.7 MB
2. Front End part/5. JQuery.mp4
115.6 MB
5. Advanced Concepts for FUll stack/6. Payment Integration.mp4
114.6 MB
3. BackEnd Part/10. User Login concepts using form.mp4
112.2 MB
5. Advanced Concepts for FUll stack/3. Forgot Password Concept using email and link part 2.mp4
111.9 MB
5. Advanced Concepts for FUll stack/4. File Upload in php.mp4
105.6 MB
2. Front End part/2. CSS.mp4
103.2 MB
3. BackEnd Part/2. Project Setup & Coding style & operator & constant.mp4
93.3 MB
3. BackEnd Part/5. Object Oriented Programming in php.mp4
88.6 MB
3. BackEnd Part/3. Branching and looping && Array and Function.mp4
86.8 MB
4. Databases/1. SQL (CRUD operation).mp4
78.7 MB
2.6 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Essential ASP.NET Web Forms Development - Full Stack Programming with C#, SQL, Ajax, and JavaScript (AZW)
~Get Your Files Here !/EssentialASP.NETWebFormsDevelopmentnodrm.azw3
31.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt
386 Bytes
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url
182 Bytes
31.6 MB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Full Stack Angular and Java Spring Boot
31 Release 3.0 - Security - Order History - Secure Backend/001 Release 3.0 - Security - Order History - Secure Backend Overview.mp4
136.2 MB
30 Release 3.0 - Security - Order History - Base Functionality/003 Release 3.0 - Security - Order History - Frontend Overview.mp4
118.4 MB
12 eCommerce Project - Search for Products by Category/001 Angular Project - Search for Products by Category - Overview - Part 1.mp4
118.1 MB
04 TypeScript Crash Course - Fundamentals/001 TypeScript Overview.mp4
110.9 MB
28 Release 3.0 - Security - Handling Browser Refresh/001 Release 3.0 - Security - Handling Browser Refresh - Overview Part 1.mp4
105.9 MB
20 eCommerce Project - Checkout Form - Drop-Down Lists/001 Angular Project - Checkout Form - Populate Credit Card Dates - Overview.mp4
104.2 MB
25 Release 3.0 - Security - Login_Logout/003 Security - Login_Logout - Security Concepts - Part 2.mp4
103.5 MB
15 eCommerce Project - Product Master-Detail View/001 Angular Project - Product Master-Detail View - Overview.mp4
102.2 MB
02 Angular Overview/001 Angular Overview.mp4
101.1 MB
07 Angular Crash Course - Fundamentals/001 Getting Started with Angular.mp4
95.5 MB
05 TypeScript Crash Course - Creating Classes/001 Creating Classes - Overview.mp4
95.2 MB
16 eCommerce Project - Pagination/001 Angular Project- Pagination Overview.mp4
92.8 MB
06 TypeScript Crash Course - Inheritance and Interfaces/001 Inheritance - Overview.mp4
92.0 MB
20 eCommerce Project - Checkout Form - Drop-Down Lists/007 Angular Project - Checkout Form - Populate Countries and States - Overview.mp4
90.0 MB
22 eCommerce Project - Checkout Form - Review Cart Totals/001 Angular Project - Checkout Form - Review Cart Totals - Overview Part 1.mp4
87.7 MB
10 eCommerce Project - Angular Front End - Product List/001 Angular Project Overview - Part 1.mp4
86.7 MB
21 eCommerce Project - Checkout Form - Validation/001 Angular Project - Checkout Form - Validation Overview - Part 1.mp4
85.8 MB
32 Release 3.0 - Security - Order History - Secure Frontend/002 Release 3.0 - Security - Order History - Secure Frontend Overview - Part 2.mp4
80.9 MB
21 eCommerce Project - Checkout Form - Validation/009 Angular Project - Checkout Form - Shipping Validation - Part 1.mp4
77.1 MB
20 eCommerce Project - Checkout Form - Drop-Down Lists/016 Angular Project - Checkout Form - Populate Countries and States - Event Handler.mp4
76.6 MB
16.2 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - CSS, Bootstrap ,JavaScript, PHP Full Stack Crash Course
4. PHP Crash Course/14. PHP MySql API.mp4
164.9 MB
4. PHP Crash Course/15. PHP MySqli API..mp4
145.1 MB
4. PHP Crash Course/8. PHP Function Statements.mp4
99.1 MB
3. Javascript Course/15. JavaScript Functions.mp4
56.8 MB
1. Introduction/9. CSS Animation.mp4
56.1 MB
3. Javascript Course/7. JavaScript for Loop.mp4
52.0 MB
1. Introduction/1. CSS IN HTML..mp4
48.5 MB
3. Javascript Course/2. JavaScript Array.mp4
47.0 MB
3. Javascript Course/12. JavaScript Operators.mp4
42.4 MB
1. Introduction/4. CSS Fonts.mp4
41.7 MB
3. Javascript Course/5. JavaScript If Else Statement..mp4
36.7 MB
2. Bootstrap Course/6. Bootstrap Button Groups.mp4
35.7 MB
2. Bootstrap Course/7. Bootstrap Buttons.mp4
33.6 MB
4. PHP Crash Course/11. PHP Decision Making.mp4
32.7 MB
4. PHP Crash Course/13. PHP For Loop.mp4
30.3 MB
3. Javascript Course/11. JavaScript Switch Statement.mp4
29.9 MB
4. PHP Crash Course/6. PHP Assignment Operators.mp4
27.3 MB
1. Introduction/5. CSS Text.mp4
26.8 MB
1. Introduction/8. CSS Lists.mp4
26.3 MB
1. Introduction/2. CSS Introduction.mp4
26.2 MB
1.6 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Become A Full Stack Web Developer - Beginner To Advanced
15. Checkout and Stripe/3. Stripe for Payment.mp4
194.8 MB
15. Checkout and Stripe/4. Updating Cart.mp4
194.8 MB
6. React JS/1. Setup Environment for ReactJs.mp4
188.0 MB
10. Admin Panel/8. Edit Product.mp4
129.2 MB
10. Admin Panel/5. Storing Products.mp4
128.9 MB
14. Shopping Cart/1. Shopping Cart Config.mp4
117.5 MB
16. Finial Touches/1. Finial Touches.mp4
109.6 MB
10. Admin Panel/7. Fetching Products and Delete.mp4
106.3 MB
10. Admin Panel/14. Order, Product, User Details.mp4
100.6 MB
6. React JS/7. Props and State Combined.mp4
99.7 MB
14. Shopping Cart/4. Save for Later.mp4
99.4 MB
8. Laravel/29. Eloquents.mp4
98.7 MB
10. Admin Panel/16. Users Product Details - A user hasMany Products.mp4
98.4 MB
15. Checkout and Stripe/5. Adding orders to database.mp4
84.5 MB
14. Shopping Cart/2. Adding Item to Cart.mp4
83.3 MB
16. Finial Touches/2. Database seeding.mp4
82.5 MB
5. Bootstrap 4/8. Bootstrap 4 Grid System.mp4
80.5 MB
5. Bootstrap 4/24. Bootstrap Cards.mp4
78.5 MB
12. Front End/2. Template Configration.mp4
78.3 MB
8. Laravel/20. Bootstrap form component example.mp4
76.9 MB
7.6 GB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Full Stack Angular and Spring Boot
9. eCommerce Project - Spring Boot Backend/2. Spring Boot Project Set Up.mp4
158.1 MB
12. eCommerce Project - Search for Products by Category/1. Angular Project - Search for Products by Category - Overview - Part 1.mp4
118.1 MB
4. TypeScript Crash Course - Fundamentals/1. TypeScript Overview.srt
110.9 MB
4. TypeScript Crash Course - Fundamentals/1. TypeScript Overview.mp4
110.9 MB
5. TypeScript Crash Course - Creating Classes/3. Defining Accessors - Overview.mp4
110.7 MB
15. eCommerce Project - Product Master-Detail View/1. Angular Project - Product Master-Detail View - Overview.mp4
102.2 MB
2. Angular Overview/1. Angular Overview.mp4
101.1 MB
12. eCommerce Project - Search for Products by Category/3. Angular Project - Search for Products by Category - Overview - Part 3.mp4
96.7 MB
7. Angular Crash Course - Fundamentals/1. Getting Started with Angular.mp4
95.5 MB
5. TypeScript Crash Course - Creating Classes/1. Creating Classes - Overview.mp4
95.2 MB
4. TypeScript Crash Course - Fundamentals/3. Defining Variables - Overview.mp4
93.6 MB
16. eCommerce Project - Pagination/1. Angular Project- Pagination Overview.mp4
92.8 MB
12. eCommerce Project - Search for Products by Category/2. Angular Project - Search for Products by Category - Overview - Part 2.mp4
92.5 MB
6. TypeScript Crash Course - Inheritance and Interfaces/1. Inheritance - Overview.mp4
92.0 MB
15. eCommerce Project - Product Master-Detail View/8. IDE Extension - Angular Language Service.mp4
88.1 MB
10. eCommerce Project - Angular Front End - Product List/1. Angular Project Overview - Part 1.mp4
86.7 MB
8. Angular Crash Course - Bootstrap CSS, Conditionals and Formatting/3. Angular Conditionals and Formatting - Overview.mp4
78.8 MB
10. eCommerce Project - Angular Front End - Product List/2. Angular Project Overview - Part 2.mp4
76.7 MB
17. eCommerce Project - Shopping Cart Status Component/4. Angular Project - Shopping Cart Status Overview - Advanced.mp4
76.1 MB
16. eCommerce Project - Pagination/6. Angular Project - Pagination - Update Product List Component for Pagination.mp4
74.6 MB
10.6 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Full Stack Angular and Spring Boot
9. eCommerce Project - Spring Boot Backend/2. Spring Boot Project Set Up.mp4
158.1 MB
4. TypeScript Crash Course - Fundamentals/1. TypeScript Overview.mp4
110.9 MB
5. TypeScript Crash Course - Creating Classes/3. Defining Accessors - Overview.mp4
110.7 MB
2. Angular Overview/1. Angular Overview.mp4
101.1 MB
7. Angular Crash Course - Fundamentals/1. Getting Started with Angular.mp4
95.5 MB
5. TypeScript Crash Course - Creating Classes/1. Creating Classes - Overview.mp4
95.2 MB
4. TypeScript Crash Course - Fundamentals/3. Defining Variables - Overview.mp4
93.6 MB
6. TypeScript Crash Course - Inheritance and Interfaces/1. Inheritance - Overview.mp4
92.0 MB
10. eCommerce Project - Angular Front End - Product List/1. Angular Project Overview - Part 1.mp4
86.7 MB
8. Angular Crash Course - Bootstrap CSS, Conditionals and Formatting/3. Angular Conditionals and Formatting - Overview.mp4
78.8 MB
10. eCommerce Project - Angular Front End - Product List/2. Angular Project Overview - Part 2.mp4
76.7 MB
7. Angular Crash Course - Fundamentals/7. Creating a New Angular Component - Overview - Part 2.mp4
74.0 MB
4. TypeScript Crash Course - Fundamentals/5. Creating Loops and Arrays - Overview.mp4
71.3 MB
9. eCommerce Project - Spring Boot Backend/10. REST APIs - Configure for Read Only - Write Some Code.mp4
70.5 MB
5. TypeScript Crash Course - Creating Classes/7. TypeScript Modules Import and Export.mp4
70.4 MB
6. TypeScript Crash Course - Inheritance and Interfaces/6. Abstract Classes - Overview.mp4
69.5 MB
7. Angular Crash Course - Fundamentals/6. Creating a New Angular Component - Overview - Part 1.mp4
68.6 MB
11. eCommerce Project - Integrating Online Shop Template/1. Angular Project - Template Integration Overview.mp4
67.0 MB
11. eCommerce Project - Integrating Online Shop Template/9. Angular Project - Enhance Application with Product Images.mp4
66.9 MB
7. Angular Crash Course - Fundamentals/2. Exploring the Angular Project.mp4
63.0 MB
4.1 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Become A Full Stack Web Developer - Beginner To Advanced
15. Checkout and Stripe/3. Stripe for Payment.mp4
194.8 MB
15. Checkout and Stripe/4. Updating Cart.mp4
194.8 MB
6. React JS/1. Setup Environment for ReactJs.mp4
188.0 MB
10. Admin Panel/8. Edit Product.mp4
129.2 MB
10. Admin Panel/5. Storing Products.mp4
128.9 MB
14. Shopping Cart/1. Shopping Cart Config.mp4
117.5 MB
16. Finial Touches/1. Finial Touches.mp4
109.6 MB
10. Admin Panel/7. Fetching Products and Delete.mp4
106.3 MB
10. Admin Panel/14. Order, Product, User Details.mp4
100.6 MB
6. React JS/7. Props and State Combined.mp4
99.7 MB
14. Shopping Cart/4. Save for Later.mp4
99.4 MB
8. Laravel/29. Eloquents.mp4
98.7 MB
10. Admin Panel/16. Users Product Details - A user hasMany Products.mp4
98.4 MB
15. Checkout and Stripe/5. Adding orders to database.mp4
84.5 MB
14. Shopping Cart/2. Adding Item to Cart.mp4
83.3 MB
16. Finial Touches/2. Database seeding.mp4
82.5 MB
5. Bootstrap 4/8. Bootstrap 4 Grid System.mp4
80.5 MB
5. Bootstrap 4/24. Bootstrap Cards.mp4
78.5 MB
12. Front End/2. Template Configration.mp4
78.3 MB
8. Laravel/20. Bootstrap form component example.mp4
76.9 MB
7.6 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Learn Full stack development with Django and react
9. 09 Moving to front end/3. 02 React js crash course.mp4
997.7 MB
9. 09 Moving to front end/2. 01 Bootstrap crash course.mp4
356.6 MB
9. 09 Moving to front end/4. 03 react router crash course.mp4
350.4 MB
6. 06 Setting up custom User in admin/6. Custom user signin in Django.mp4
226.2 MB
6. 06 Setting up custom User in admin/4. 03 Custom User serlization in Django.mp4
201.4 MB
13. 13 Signin and signup components/8. 08 Handle signin route in form data.mp4
196.9 MB
15. 15 Cart and Purchase/8. 08 A long method for final purchase.mp4
184.4 MB
5. 05 Setting up Products in admin/2. 01 Add model for Product in Django.mp4
184.1 MB
6. 06 Setting up custom User in admin/10. 10 Detailed testing with postman for user Django.mp4
166.2 MB
1. Getting started with projects/4. 03 How to handle such project.mp4
159.5 MB
11. 11 Reusable card component/1. 01 Creating base component.mp4
155.2 MB
15. 15 Cart and Purchase/2. 02 Load all products and bugs.mp4
136.4 MB
8. 08 Payment gateway backend/3. 02 Generate braintree token for user in Django.mp4
135.3 MB
15. 15 Cart and Purchase/6. 06 getting client token method.mp4
133.8 MB
6. 06 Setting up custom User in admin/2. 01 Custom User model in admin in Django.mp4
132.5 MB
4. 04 Setting up categories in admin/2. 01 Setting up category model and admin.mp4
132.1 MB
6. 06 Setting up custom User in admin/3. 02 Let's get some errors intentionally in django.mp4
131.9 MB
2. Installation for backend/2. 01 Python installation and virtual env.mp4
130.6 MB
15. 15 Cart and Purchase/7. 07 Load credit card handler.mp4
130.4 MB
13. 13 Signin and signup components/9. 09 Handling error and success message.mp4
126.6 MB
10.2 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Angular 12 and .NET Core Web API Full Stack Master Course
~Get Your Files Here !/01 Angular 12, .NET Core & Microsoft SQL Server/011 Department Screen APIs.mp4
90.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 Angular 12, .NET Core & PostgreSQL/018 Employee Details Screen.mp4
62.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 Angular 12, .NET Core & Mongo DB/018 Employee Details Screen.mp4
62.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 Angular 12, .NET Core & Microsoft SQL Server/018 Employee Details Screen.mp4
62.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 Angular 12, .NET Core & MySQL/018 Employee Details Screen.mp4
62.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 Angular 12, .NET Core & MySQL/011 Department Screen APIs.mp4
55.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 Angular 12, .NET Core & PostgreSQL/011 Department Screen APIs.mp4
54.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 Angular 12, .NET Core & Mongo DB/017 Modal Popup Window.mp4
50.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 Angular 12, .NET Core & PostgreSQL/017 Modal Popup Window.mp4
50.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 Angular 12, .NET Core & Microsoft SQL Server/017 Modal Popup Window.mp4
50.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 Angular 12, .NET Core & MySQL/017 Modal Popup Window.mp4
50.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 Angular 12, .NET Core & PostgreSQL/012 Employee Screen APIs.mp4
44.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 Angular 12, .NET Core & Mongo DB/011 Department Screen APIs.mp4
43.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 Angular 12, .NET Core & Microsoft SQL Server/013 Upload File API.mp4
41.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 Angular 12, .NET Core & MySQL/012 Employee Screen APIs.mp4
34.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 Angular 12, .NET Core & MySQL/020 Sorting and Filtering.mp4
33.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 Angular 12, .NET Core & PostgreSQL/020 Sorting and Filtering.mp4
33.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 Angular 12, .NET Core & Mongo DB/020 Sorting and Filtering.mp4
33.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 Angular 12, .NET Core & Microsoft SQL Server/020 Sorting and Filtering.mp4
33.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 Angular 12, .NET Core & Microsoft SQL Server/012 Employee Screen APIs.mp4
30.7 MB
1.9 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Learn Full-Stack Vue, .NET Core, PostgreSQL Web Development
2. Back End .NET Core Web API + PostgreSQL/6. View Models and Service Development.mp4
361.6 MB
2. Back End .NET Core Web API + PostgreSQL/7. Continuing Service Layer Development.mp4
342.1 MB
2. Back End .NET Core Web API + PostgreSQL/4. Starting Controllers and Services.mp4
317.4 MB
4. Full Stack Integration - Back and Front End/7. Invoice Wizard Feature Development.mp4
302.3 MB
4. Full Stack Integration - Back and Front End/5. New Feature Manage Customers Screen.mp4
274.3 MB
4. Full Stack Integration - Back and Front End/10. New Feature Charting and Vuex Pathify.mp4
262.7 MB
2. Back End .NET Core Web API + PostgreSQL/8. Expanding Serialization and Controllers.mp4
256.8 MB
4. Full Stack Integration - Back and Front End/9. New Feature Tracking Sales Orders.mp4
242.0 MB
5. Unit Testing and Automation Testing/1. Bugfix Snapshots, Back-End Unit Testing.mp4
239.6 MB
2. Back End .NET Core Web API + PostgreSQL/9. Making Test Requests with Postman and Bug Fixes.mp4
200.7 MB
5. Unit Testing and Automation Testing/3. Automation Testing with Cypress.mp4
180.1 MB
4. Full Stack Integration - Back and Front End/6. New Feature Manage Customers and Invoice Generator.mp4
176.1 MB
3. Front End Vue.js SPA Web Client/4. Creating Modals Receiving Inventory.mp4
168.3 MB
2. Back End .NET Core Web API + PostgreSQL/10. Completing our API.mp4
162.5 MB
3. Front End Vue.js SPA Web Client/2. Creating the App Layout.mp4
158.6 MB
4. Full Stack Integration - Back and Front End/8. New Feature PDF Export.mp4
156.5 MB
3. Front End Vue.js SPA Web Client/5. Creating Modals New Product Modal.mp4
147.9 MB
3. Front End Vue.js SPA Web Client/3. Creating the Inventory Dashboard.mp4
146.1 MB
4. Full Stack Integration - Back and Front End/11. Bugfix Updating Chart Without Refreshing.mp4
137.2 MB
3. Front End Vue.js SPA Web Client/1. Starting Front End Development with Vue.js.mp4
133.3 MB
5.6 GB