3. More problem solving; spaces different from R^n/3. Powers and roots, Problem 3.mp4 512.9 MB
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12. Quadratic forms and their classification/17. Quadratic surfaces, shortest distance, Problem 8.mp4 457.4 MB
11. Diagonalization of symmetric matrices/17. Pos and neg definite matrices, semidefinite and indefinite matrices, Problem 9.mp4 455.3 MB
11. Diagonalization of symmetric matrices/5. Eigenvalues for a (real) symmetric matrix are real.mp4 448.6 MB
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14. The Grand Finale Singular Value Decomposition and Pseudoinverses/6. Singular value decomposition with proof and geometric interpretation.mp4 442.6 MB
12. Quadratic forms and their classification/1. The correspondence between quadratic forms and symmetric matrices is 1-to-1.mp4 435.1 MB
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