Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 02/11 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act III, Scene 2, Mecca, _Bismillah hirrahman-irrahim_.flac 254.2 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 01/12 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm_ Act II, Scene 1, Prison, _In the devil's grip_.flac 251.2 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 01/13 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act II, Scene 1, _You are not empty_.flac 233.4 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 02/09 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act III, Scene 1, _Betrayal is on his lips._.flac 208.7 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 01/08 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act I, Scene 2, Pool Hall, _Shoot your shot!_.flac 191.0 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 02/14 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act III, Scene 4, _I have learned so much in Africa._.flac 184.0 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 01/03 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act I, Scene 1, Louise's Aria, _I remember..._.flac 183.9 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 01/11 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act I, Scene 3, Malcolm's Aria, _You want the story, but you don't want to know_.flac 163.4 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 01/07 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act I, Scene 2, Boston, _Come with me, child._.flac 141.8 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 02/06 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act II, Scene 4, _We are a nation_.flac 137.4 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 01/02 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act I, Scene 1, _Africa for Africans_.flac 114.0 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 01/09 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act I, Scene 2, Dance Hall, _Just stand real still_.flac 107.0 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 02/13 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act III, Scene 3, _The name is Shabazz_.flac 102.5 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 02/10 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act III, Scene 2, Betty's Aria, _When a man is lost_.flac 82.8 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 02/15 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act III, Scene 5, Audubon Ballroom.flac 75.9 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 02/07 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act II, Scene 4, _The chickens come home to roost._.flac 72.2 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 02/01 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act II, Scene 2, 125th Street, Harlem, _We are an African people_.flac 71.8 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 02/02 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act II, Scene 2, _When I was little_.flac 71.7 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 02/04 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act II, Scene 3, _Jones is not your name_.flac 66.0 MB
Anthony Davis_ X_ The Life and Times of Malcolm X/CD 01/05 X, The Life and Times of Malcolm X_ Act I, Scene 1, _What is going on here__.flac 65.6 MB