6 - Create Animated Rollovers with jQuery and Dreamweaver/Exercise Files.rar 539.8 MB
4 - Create an HTML5 Video Gallery with jQuery and Dreamweaver/Exercise Files.rar 261.4 MB
4 - Create an HTML5 Video Gallery with jQuery and Dreamweaver/4 - Finalizing the Thumbnail Design/4-1 Adding HTML to the thumbnail links with JavaScript.mp4 63.1 MB
4 - Create an HTML5 Video Gallery with jQuery and Dreamweaver/5 - Setting Up the Video Player Code/5-3 Updating HTML5 video code and playing video in the lightbox.mp4 56.8 MB
4 - Create an HTML5 Video Gallery with jQuery and Dreamweaver/4 - Finalizing the Thumbnail Design/4-2 Styling the HTML inside the thumbnail links.mp4 50.0 MB
4 - Create an HTML5 Video Gallery with jQuery and Dreamweaver/6 - Choosing Experience Options for iOS and Android/6-1 Activating video for Android and bypassing the lightbox.mp4 47.4 MB
13 - Create a Sliding Tabbed Panel with jQuery and Dreamweaver/3 - Writing the JavaScript and jQuery/3-4 Animating the panels based on the tab clicked.mp4 42.7 MB
4 - Create an HTML5 Video Gallery with jQuery and Dreamweaver/3 - Preparing the Gallery Layout/3-4 Adding video information to the thumbnail links.mp4 42.6 MB
13 - Create a Sliding Tabbed Panel with jQuery and Dreamweaver/3 - Writing the JavaScript and jQuery/3-6 Setting an autostart on page load.mp4 41.1 MB
1 - Create an Interactive Photo Gallery with jQuery and Dreamweaver/6 - Adding a Lightbox/6-2 Creating a custom function for lightbox properties.mp4 40.4 MB
8 - Create a Rotating Carousel with jQuery and Dreamweaver/4 - Setting and Animating the Captions/4-3 Adding animated transitions between captions.mp4 38.6 MB
2 - Create an Interactive Homepage Marquee with jQuery and Dreamweaver/4 - Dynamically Generating Marquee Elements/4-1 Separating data from the container.mp4 36.9 MB
1 - Create an Interactive Photo Gallery with jQuery and Dreamweaver/1 - Preparing the Gallery Photos/1-2 Using GREP for more intricate file renaming.mp4 36.2 MB
13 - Create a Sliding Tabbed Panel with jQuery and Dreamweaver/3 - Writing the JavaScript and jQuery/3-5 Assigning a selected state to the tab clicked.mp4 34.4 MB
13 - Create a Sliding Tabbed Panel with jQuery and Dreamweaver/2 - Styling the Tabs and Panels/2-1 Adding CSS styles to the text.mp4 34.4 MB
10 - Add a Wraparound Effect for a Marquee with jQuery and Dreamweaver/2 - Manipulating the Photo Lineup/2-2 Positioning all photos in the lineup.mp4 34.3 MB
13 - Create a Sliding Tabbed Panel with jQuery and Dreamweaver/2 - Styling the Tabs and Panels/2-3 Styling the first and last tabs.mp4 33.4 MB
13 - Create a Sliding Tabbed Panel with jQuery and Dreamweaver/5 - Customizing the Panel Styles/5-2 Adding CSS rules for the video panel.mp4 32.8 MB
4 - Create an HTML5 Video Gallery with jQuery and Dreamweaver/2 - Setting Up the Project Files/2-1 Creating new HTML and CSS files.mp4 32.7 MB
5 - Create an Interactive Map with jQuery and Dreamweave/7 - Adding the Finishing Design Touches/7-1 Adding the final design details.mp4 32.0 MB