Webcasts/Windows 7 Manageability Solutions/CLI-308 Windows 7 Manageability Solutions_zune.wmv 243.4 MB
Webcasts/Microsoft Windows 7 Improved Network Access/CLI-306 Microsoft Windows 7 Improved Network Access_Zune.wmv 87.3 MB
Webcasts/Technical Walkthrough of Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack/CLI-314 Optimize Windows 7 with Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack_Zune.wmv 82.9 MB
Webcasts/Windows 7 Planning and Deployment Tools/CLI-311 Windows 7 Planning and Deployment Tools_zune.wmv 77.1 MB
Webcasts/Windows 7 Feature Overview/CLI-200 Windows 7 Feature Overview_Zune.wmv 75.7 MB
Webcasts/Microsoft Windows 7 Enhanced Security and Control/CLI-309 Windows 7 Enhanced Security and Control_Zune.wmv 75.0 MB
Webcasts/Automating Desktop Management with Windows PowerShell 2 and Group Policy Management/CLI-310 Automating Desktop Mgmnt with Windows Powershell V2 and Group Policy Mgmnt_Zune.wmv 71.8 MB
Webcasts/Connect Remotely Using Windows 7 DirectAccess/CLI-307 Connect Remotely using Windows 7 Direct Access_Zune.wmv 70.0 MB
Webcasts/Windows 7 Deployment Enhancements/CLI-305 Windows 7 Deployment Enhancements_Zune.wmv 65.9 MB
Webcasts/Protecting Your Data with Windows 7 BitLocker and BitLocker To Go/CLI-313 Protecting your Data with Windows 7 Bitlocker and Bitlocker to Go_Zune.wmv 53.1 MB