2022-2023 Krakoa - Destiny of X/03 A.X.E. Judgment Day [Crossover]/04 Judgment Day Omnibus (2024) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire).cbz 3.2 GB
1991-2001 Blue and Gold era/03.02 Wolverine 058-075/Wolverine 060-075 Omnibus v04 (2023) (Digital).cbz 3.1 GB
2001-2004 Modern era/01.01 X-Treme X-Men 001-045 [End]/X-Treme X-Men v04-v08 by Chris Claremont Omnibus v02 (2024) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire).cbz 2.7 GB
Miscellaneous Series/1992-1997 X-Men The Animated Series/X-Men - The Animated Series - The Adaptations Omnibus (2023) (Digital) (Kileko-Empire).cbz 2.7 GB