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Interpretation of Marx and Marxism/Douglas Kellner-Herbert Marcuse and the Crisis of Marxism (1985).pdf 105.1 MB
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Interpretation of Marx and Marxism/Richard D. Wolff, Stephen A. Resnick-Economics_ Marxian versus neoclassical -Johns Hopkins University Press (1987).pdf 82.0 MB
Interpretation of Marx and Marxism/Tristram Hunt-Marx's General_ The Revolutionary Life of Friedrich Engels-Picador (2010).pdf 79.8 MB
Interpretation of Marx and Marxism/Hal Draper-Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution, Vol. 2_ The Politics of Social Classes-CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (1979).pdf 72.0 MB
Interpretation of Marx and Marxism/Hal Draper-Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution, Vol. 2_ The Politics of Social Classes-CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (1978).pdf 72.0 MB
Interpretation of Marx and Marxism/Terry Eagleton, Drew Milne-Marxist Literary Theory_ A Reader (1997).pdf 69.3 MB
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Interpretation of Marx and Marxism/[Asa_Briggs,_John_Callow]_Marx_in_London( 66.5 MB
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Interpretation of Marx and Marxism/David Greenberg-Crime And Capitalism_ Readings in Marxist Crimonology-Temple University Press (1993).pdf 61.5 MB