个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 0 毫秒。
[Udemy] MikroTik Failover Setup with LABS [EN]
08 - 8-solve-dynamic-ip-problem-on-pppoe-and-dhcp.mp4
344.5 MB
15 - 15-failover-using-netwatch-tool-and-scripts.mp4
338.0 MB
13 - 13-configuring-failover-using-recursive-routes.mp4
297.6 MB
02 - connecting-your-router-to-isp1-static-and-isp2-dhcp-routers.mp4
246.4 MB
03 - connecting-your-router-to-isp3-via-pppoe-and-adjust-the-routes-distance.mp4
240.3 MB
05 - 5-solve-nat-problem-with-isp-s-link-failover-part-1.mp4
231.4 MB
06 - 6-solve-nat-problem-with-isp-s-link-failover-part-2.mp4
231.4 MB
10 - 10-understanding-the-problem-and-the-solution-to-reach-the-failover-router-from-the-internet.mp4
228.4 MB
11 - 11-reaching-your-router-from-the-internet-on-any-ip-provided-by-the-3-isp-s.mp4
164.3 MB
07 - 7-introduction-to-dynamic-ip-problems.mp4
33.4 MB
12 - 12-failover-with-recursive-routes.mp4
32.2 MB
09 - 8-introduction-reaching-the-failover-router-from-the-internet.mp4
27.8 MB
04 - 4-introduction-link-failover-nat-problem.mp4
21.0 MB
14 - 14-introduction-to-failover-with-netwatch.mp4
18.8 MB
01 - intro-connect-your-router-to-3-different-isps.mp4
16.1 MB
2.5 GB
53.9 MB
53.9 MB
[Udemy] MikroTik CAPsMAN with LABS (2019)
10. CAPsMAN Резервное копирование и отказоустойчивость/10. Настройка CAPsMAN Backup для автоматич восстановл посл отказа.mp4
650.7 MB
8.CAPs RouterOS обновление/8. Обновление программного обеспеченияCAPsMAN .mp4
370.8 MB
4.CAPsMAN Datapath/4. Настройка Datapath на CAPsMAN .mp4
297.3 MB
5.Конфигурационный контейнер CAPsMAN/5. Настройка CAPsMAN .mp4
255.7 MB
9.CAPsMAN Access-list/9. Настройка списка доступа наCAPsMAN .mp4
244.7 MB
7.VLAN на CAPsMAN/7. Настройка VLAN на CAPsMAN и назначение их различным беспроводным сетям..mp4
238.5 MB
6.CAPsMAN Обеспечение/6. Configuring Provisioning on theCAPsMAN.mp4
227.4 MB
3.Конфигурации безопасности CAPsMAN/3. Настройка профилей безопасности на .mp4
97.6 MB
1.Подключение CAPs & CAPsMAN/1. Соединение всех CAP с CAPsMAN.mp4
64.0 MB
2.Каналы CAPsMAN/Настройка каналов на CAPsMAN.mp4
54.0 MB
2.5 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - The Complete Guide to Setting Up MikroTik Hotspot
~Get Your Files Here !/8. How to create a voucher/1. How to create a voucher.mp4
52.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/13. Troubleshoot common hotspot-related issues/1. Troubleshoot common hotspot-related issues.mp4
50.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/12. How to configure Radius authentication in
Hotspot/1. How to configure Radius authentication in
38.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. How to configure MikroTik Router/1. How to configure MikroTik Router.mp4
37.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. How to customize login page in MikroTik hotspot/1. How to customize login page in MikroTik hotspot.mp4
33.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. How do you configure MikroTik hotspot server in LAN and Wireless/1. How do you configure MikroTik hotspot server in LAN and Wireless.mp4
29.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10. How to configure walled garden in Hotspot/1. How to configure walled garden in Hotspot.mp4
26.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. How to create Hotspot user and profile/1. How to create Hotspot user and profile.mp4
23.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. How to configure IP bindings in Hotspot/1. How to configure IP bindings in Hotspot.mp4
22.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/11. How to configure free trial for MikroTik Hotspot/1. How to configure free trial for MikroTik Hotspot.mp4
20.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. How do you configure MikroTik hotspot server in Wireless/1. How do you configure MikroTik hotspot server in Wireless.mp4
14.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/14. Conclusion and Vendor preparation/1. Conclusion and Vendor preparation.mp4
12.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
11.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. How do you configure MikroTik hotspot server in LAN/1. How do you configure MikroTik hotspot server in LAN.mp4
11.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt
386 Bytes
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url
182 Bytes
384.6 MB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Build a Hotspot Management App with Mikrotik Router OS API
~Get Your Files Here !/3. User-manager and Radius Server/2. 8 Setting up Radius Server.mp4
146.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/6. 24 Customizing user registration part 1.mp4
110.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/9. 27 Adding users to user-manager database.mp4
103.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/11. 29 Adding users to subscriptions table functionality.mp4
92.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Setup and Configure a Laravel Application/5. 17 Interacting with
router using API interface.mp4
92.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/3. 21 Integrating our frontend theme to the application.mp4
88.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/15. 33 Walled garden and allowing API port in the walled garden.mp4
86.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/8. 26 Creating hotspot subscription table and relationships.mp4
85.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/14. 32 Connecting the Router Login page with our application.mp4
80.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/7. 25 User registration functionality.mp4
79.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/10. 28 Creating the user on the hotspot and testing the user login.mp4
76.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Setup and Configure a Laravel Application/3. 15 Connecting to Mikrotik user using API interface.mp4
69.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/12. 30 Displaying the users login information on the home page.mp4
56.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Setup and Configure a Laravel Application/1. 13 Setting up a Laravel Project.mp4
54.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/5. 23 User profiles or data plans or packages in Mikrotik.mp4
48.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/2. 20 Connecting our application to the database.mp4
45.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Setup and Configure a Laravel Application/6. 18 Interacting with Mikrotik router 2.mp4
45.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Setup and Configure a Laravel Application/2. 14 Installing Pear2 NetOs Package for interacting with
43.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. User-manager and Radius Server/4. 10 Interacting with usermanager user interface.mp4
41.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Getting started and router configuration/6. 6 Setting up the WLAN Interface.mp4
40.5 MB
1.9 GB
MPLS on MikroTik with LABS
02 MPLS Basics, MPLS Labels and MPLS Filtering/003 Configuring MPLS with Static Labels--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
296.2 MB
01 Introduction to MPLS/003 BGP Free Core using GRE Tunnels--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
294.8 MB
03 MPLS Layer3 VPN - VRF/002 Configuring VRF Lite on MikroTik--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
248.8 MB
03 MPLS Layer3 VPN - VRF/004 MPLS Layer 3 VPN - Configuration (Part 1)--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
228.0 MB
04 MPLS Layer 2 VPN - VPLS/002 MPLS Layer 2 VPN (VPLS) - Configuration--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
215.3 MB
05 MPLS Traffic Engineering/004 MPLS Traffic Engineering - Configuration--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
214.0 MB
03 MPLS Layer3 VPN - VRF/003 MPLS Layer 3 VPN - Explained--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
195.6 MB
01 Introduction to MPLS/004 BGP Free Core using MPLS--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
192.7 MB
02 MPLS Basics, MPLS Labels and MPLS Filtering/005 MPLS Filtering (Accept Filter vs Advertise Filter)--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
178.7 MB
05 MPLS Traffic Engineering/002 MPLS Traffic Engineering - Explained--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
147.2 MB
03 MPLS Layer3 VPN - VRF/005 MPLS Layer 3 VPN - Configuration (Part 2)--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
139.8 MB
02 MPLS Basics, MPLS Labels and MPLS Filtering/002 MPLS header and acronyms (CE, PE, P, Label Push, Label Swap, Label Pop)--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
137.0 MB
01 Introduction to MPLS/002 Where and how to use MPLS_--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
130.1 MB
02 MPLS Basics, MPLS Labels and MPLS Filtering/004 Configuring MPLS with Dynamic Labels--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
103.9 MB
05 MPLS Traffic Engineering/005 VPLS over TE tunnels--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
101.7 MB
05 MPLS Traffic Engineering/003 MPLS Traffic Engineering - LAB Scenario--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
60.1 MB
03 MPLS Layer3 VPN - VRF/001 Introduction to L3 VPN on MPLS--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
44.9 MB
02 MPLS Basics, MPLS Labels and MPLS Filtering/001 Introduction to MPLS Basics and MPLS Labels--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
41.1 MB
01 Introduction to MPLS/001 Intro to MPLS Fundamental--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
37.3 MB
04 MPLS Layer 2 VPN - VPLS/001 Introduction to MPLS Layer 2 VPN--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
35.5 MB
3.1 GB
[Udemy] MikroTik Monitoring with LABS (2020) [En]
05 MikroTik The Dude - Notifications/016 Configuring Notifications in The Dude (Beep, popup, log to event, email, etc..).mp4
377.1 MB
03 MikroTik The Dude - Installation & Devices/009 Configuring Devices in the Dude (General, Polling, Services, Outages).mp4
376.7 MB
05 MikroTik The Dude - Notifications/017 Getting notified by The Dude on Telegram application.mp4
359.9 MB
01 Monitoring LAN user's traffic on MikroTik/002 Monitoring the LAN traffic per IP.mp4
332.2 MB
04 MikroTik The Dude - Tools/013 Using The Dude Tools - Part 1.mp4
298.5 MB
03 MikroTik The Dude - Installation & Devices/006 Installing the Dude server and client.mp4
260.9 MB
03 MikroTik The Dude - Installation & Devices/011 Changing the Dude appearance (pictures, variables, OID).mp4
244.1 MB
03 MikroTik The Dude - Installation & Devices/007 Adding Links between devices on the Dude.mp4
230.7 MB
04 MikroTik The Dude - Tools/014 Using The Dude Tools - Part 2 (SSH, Web & Winbox).mp4
204.8 MB
02 MikroTik The Dude - Overview/004 What is MikroTik the Dude and its features_.mp4
192.4 MB
06 MikroTik The Dude - Upgrading the RouterOS of the monitored Routers/019 Upgrading the RouterOS from The Dude - Single Router and Group.mp4
188.4 MB
03 MikroTik The Dude - Installation & Devices/010 Configuring Devices in the Dude (SNMP, RouterOS, History, Tools).mp4
174.9 MB
03 MikroTik The Dude - Installation & Devices/008 Creating Submaps in the Dude.mp4
169.3 MB
02 MikroTik The Dude - Overview/003 The Dude - Introduction.mp4
51.9 MB
01 Monitoring LAN user's traffic on MikroTik/001 Introduction - Monitoring the LAN users traffic.mp4
43.9 MB
05 MikroTik The Dude - Notifications/015 Notifications in The Dude - Introduction.mp4
34.6 MB
03 MikroTik The Dude - Installation & Devices/005 The Dude installation - Introduction.mp4
27.8 MB
06 MikroTik The Dude - Upgrading the RouterOS of the monitored Routers/018 Upgrading the RouterOS from The Dude - Introduction.mp4
23.3 MB
04 MikroTik The Dude - Tools/012 Tools in The Dude - Introduction.mp4
21.8 MB
01 Monitoring LAN user's traffic on MikroTik/Viewer/SniffViewer.exe
1.4 MB
3.6 GB
[ CourseHulu.com ] Udemy - Dot1x (802.1x) on MikroTik with LABS
~Get Your Files Here !/1. What is Dot1x Protocol/2. Understand the Dot1X protocol.mp4
319.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Dot1x with VLAN assignment/2. Configuring Dot1x with VLANs assignment.mp4
313.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/2. Installing User Manager Version 7 on the Router.mp4
293.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Dot1x LAB using user account Authentication/2. Dot1x Authentication using Accounts.mp4
258.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/4. Configuring Dot1x on the Router (Authentication Server).mp4
213.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/3. Configuring Dot1x on the Switch (Authenticator).mp4
159.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/1. Introduction to Dot1x LAB.mp4
38.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Dot1x with VLAN assignment/1. Introduction to Dot1x with VLANs.mp4
36.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Dot1x LAB using user account Authentication/1. Intro to Dot1x with Accounts.mp4
36.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. What is Dot1x Protocol/1. Introduction to Dot1x (802.1x).mp4
23.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. What is Dot1x Protocol/2. Understand the Dot1X protocol.srt
26.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/2. Installing User Manager Version 7 on the Router.srt
23.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Dot1x with VLAN assignment/2. Configuring Dot1x with VLANs assignment.srt
22.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Dot1x LAB using user account Authentication/2. Dot1x Authentication using Accounts.srt
18.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/4. Configuring Dot1x on the Router (Authentication Server).srt
15.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/3. Configuring Dot1x on the Switch (Authenticator).srt
12.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Dot1x LAB using user account Authentication/1. Intro to Dot1x with Accounts.srt
2.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/1. Introduction to Dot1x LAB.srt
2.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Dot1x with VLAN assignment/1. Introduction to Dot1x with VLANs.srt
2.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. What is Dot1x Protocol/1. Introduction to Dot1x (802.1x).srt
1.6 kB
1.7 GB
58.1 MB
58.1 MB
51.2 MB
51.2 MB
[Udemy] MikroTik Hotspot with User Manager (2018) [En]
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/013 LAB #9 – Changing the look of captive portal.mp4
376.4 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/010 LAB #6 - Advertisement on the wireless Hotspot.mp4
371.9 MB
04 Quality of Service on the MikroTik Hotspot/016 LAB #11 – PCQ queueing on the MikroTik Hotspot - Part 1.mp4
319.9 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/014 LAB #10 – Hotspot Https redirect using self -signed certificate.mp4
296.5 MB
02 How to make the MikroTik Hotspot up and running/004 LAB #1 - Configuring the main requirements of the MikroTik hotspot.mp4
296.0 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/006 LAB #3 - Setting up Cookies and trial profile.mp4
287.1 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/007 LAB #4 - Limit user uptime based on time or upload_download traffic.mp4
285.6 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/023 LAB# 16 – Generate automatic vouchers for user login.mp4
245.0 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/012 LAB #8 – Allow access to a website without Hotspot authentication using Walled G.mp4
244.3 MB
04 Quality of Service on the MikroTik Hotspot/017 LAB #11 – PCQ queueing on the MikroTik Hotspot - Part 2.mp4
227.4 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/019 LAB #12 – Install User Manager to the MikroTik Router.mp4
225.6 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/022 LAB #15 – Changing the logo and user statistics login.mp4
217.7 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/021 LAB #14 – Create Users profiles and Users on User Manager.mp4
216.2 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/025 LAB #18 – Reset, Backup and Restore user Manager Database.mp4
206.5 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/011 LAB#7 - Bypass user authentication on the hotspot using IP Bindings.mp4
177.0 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/020 LAB #13 – Connect your MikroTik router and the User Manager to each other.mp4
170.7 MB
01 What is Wireless Hotspot and where to use it/002 How MikroTik Hotspot works_.mp4
149.3 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/009 LAB #5 - Creating users profile for speed limitation - Part2.mp4
144.8 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/024 LAB #17 – Reset the password of the User Manager.mp4
112.0 MB
02 How to make the MikroTik Hotspot up and running/003 Main requirements for the MikroTik Hotspot.mp4
76.1 MB
4.8 GB
MikroTik Security Engineer with LABS
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/6. Brute Force attack and Prevention.mp4
493.9 MB
5. DHCP attacks and Prevention/1. Preventing DHCP Starvation attack.mp4
389.8 MB
8. Encrypted Tunnels on RouterOS/4. Configuring L2TP site to site VPN (wo IPSEC).mp4
379.1 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/14. Preventing UDP Flood Attack.mp4
373.6 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/8. Accept important ICMP types in your MikroTik Firewall.mp4
356.9 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/5. Protect your MikroTik router using connection state in the Firewall.mp4
344.2 MB
8. Encrypted Tunnels on RouterOS/8. Configuring SSTP site to site VPN (with Certificates).mp4
339.0 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/12. Block Syn Flood and DDOS using the MikroTik Firewall.mp4
326.5 MB
4. LockDown the Mikrotik Router - Disable unnecessary tools/1. Disable MAC Winbox, MAC Ping & neighbor discovery.mp4
322.6 MB
9. Internet Protocol Security (IPSEC) Framework/20. Configuring site-to-site IPSEC tunnel using IKEv1 & IKEv2 - Part1.mp4
314.2 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/2. Overview of the Firewall on the MikroTik RouterOS.mp4
310.2 MB
5. DHCP attacks and Prevention/2. Protect your network with DHCP Snooping to avoid DHCP rogue server.mp4
309.9 MB
1. Disable unnecessary protocols on the MikroTik Router/2. Turn off unnecessary packages, scan for open protocols and disable them.mp4
298.0 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/18. Use Mangle to mark connections and packets.mp4
292.9 MB
3. Get the right people to login into your MikroTik Router/2. User Management on Mikrotik.mp4
282.7 MB
1. Disable unnecessary protocols on the MikroTik Router/3. Protect the access on the Mikrotik Router using SSH and Winbox.mp4
278.4 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/15. MNDP Attacks Prevention.mp4
269.0 MB
8. Encrypted Tunnels on RouterOS/2. What is VPN and why is it important to use it in our network.mp4
267.5 MB
8. Encrypted Tunnels on RouterOS/9. Configuring SSTP client to site VPN.mp4
264.7 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/7. Use the Firewall to Protect your MikroTik router from PingICMP flood.mp4
260.6 MB
12.5 GB
[Udemy] Starting a Basic Wireless ISP (WISP) with MikroTik (2021) [EN]
2. Quality of Service (QOS) and Security/3. Allocate a Bandwidth speed to each customer using Mangle Rules and QOS.mp4
361.7 MB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/2. Configuring the Main Router (Core) of the WISP.mp4
314.2 MB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/5. MikroTik nstreme and nv2 wireless protocols for more bandwidth.mp4
280.9 MB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/4. Wireless SNR, CCQ and HW Frames.mp4
280.7 MB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/5. Connecting the Customer Wireless Station to the WISP Main AP.mp4
272.4 MB
2. Quality of Service (QOS) and Security/2. Disallow Customers Wireless Stations from seeing each other.mp4
230.7 MB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/4. Configuring the Main AP at the WISP.mp4
218.4 MB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/1. What is the LAB Scenario and what equipments are needed for the WISP.mp4
214.6 MB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/3. Changing the TX power for a better signal reception.mp4
174.6 MB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/3. Configuring the Switch to carry VLANs packets.mp4
140.0 MB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/2. Wireless Station alignment to the Main AP.mp4
119.8 MB
2. Quality of Service (QOS) and Security/1. Introduction to Security & QOS on the WISP.mp4
65.2 MB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/6. Bonus lecture.mp4
53.5 MB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/1. Introduction to wireless fine tuning.mp4
40.0 MB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/2. Configuring the Main Router (Core) of the WISP.srt
29.1 kB
2. Quality of Service (QOS) and Security/3. Allocate a Bandwidth speed to each customer using Mangle Rules and QOS.srt
28.9 kB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/4. Wireless SNR, CCQ and HW Frames.srt
25.1 kB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/5. MikroTik nstreme and nv2 wireless protocols for more bandwidth.srt
25.1 kB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/5. Connecting the Customer Wireless Station to the WISP Main AP.srt
23.8 kB
2. Quality of Service (QOS) and Security/2. Disallow Customers Wireless Stations from seeing each other.srt
20.3 kB
2.8 GB
[Udemy] MikroTik Basic - Module 1 (2016) [EN]
8. Backing up your MikroTik.mp4
47.4 MB
9. Resetting your MikroTik.mp4
34.3 MB
6. Updating the Router OS.mp4
28.6 MB
5. MikroTik default configuration.mp4
28.5 MB
4. Command line interfacing.mp4
24.2 MB
2. MikroTik company profile.mp4
22.4 MB
7. Router identity.mp4
19.9 MB
3. First time accessing your MikroTik.mp4
16.0 MB
10. MikroTik license levels.mp4
11.1 MB
1. Course outcome and equipment needed.mp4
3.8 MB
9. Resetting your MikroTik.vtt
10.2 kB
8. Backing up your MikroTik.vtt
8.4 kB
5. MikroTik default configuration.vtt
8.3 kB
4. Command line interfacing.vtt
7.4 kB
6. Updating the Router OS.vtt
7.4 kB
7. Router identity.vtt
5.9 kB
2. MikroTik company profile.vtt
4.1 kB
3. First time accessing your MikroTik.vtt
3.7 kB
10. MikroTik license levels.vtt
3.2 kB
1. Course outcome and equipment needed.vtt
1.4 kB
236.4 MB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Learn MikroTik ROUTE with Hands-on LABS from scratch.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Learn MikroTik ROUTE with Hands-on LABS from scratch.zip
3.4 GB
3.4 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - MikroTik Failover Setup with LABS.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - MikroTik Failover Setup with LABS.zip
2.5 GB
2.5 GB
[Udemy] MikroTik configuration as failover and firewall setup (2019) [EN]
05 BONUS - How to secure network with firewall/007 Setting a firewall.mp4
193.8 MB
04 Configuring failover/006 Configure #2.mp4
164.1 MB
04 Configuring failover/005 Configure #1.mp4
93.8 MB
06 Deal with configuration managment/008 How to use export,import.mp4
44.8 MB
01 Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4
40.1 MB
03 Connect and setup routers/003 Connect and reset to default MikroTik router.mp4
39.1 MB
02 Requirements for the course/002 Hardware and software.mp4
34.2 MB
03 Connect and setup routers/004 BONUS video - Make TP Link 740 as WAN.mp4
27.2 MB
01 Introduction/001 network-diagram.png
64.5 kB
04 Configuring failover/006 Configure #2.en.srt
24.5 kB
05 BONUS - How to secure network with firewall/007 Setting a firewall.en.srt
21.4 kB
04 Configuring failover/005 Configure #1.en.srt
15.7 kB
06 Deal with configuration managment/008 How to use export,import.en.srt
7.9 kB
01 Introduction/001 Introduction.en.srt
6.2 kB
02 Requirements for the course/002 Hardware and software.en.srt
4.6 kB
05 BONUS - How to secure network with firewall/007 firewall.txt
4.2 kB
03 Connect and setup routers/003 Connect and reset to default MikroTik router.en.srt
4.1 kB
03 Connect and setup routers/004 BONUS video - Make TP Link 740 as WAN.en.srt
3.5 kB
637.2 MB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - MPLS on MikroTik with LABS.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - MPLS on MikroTik with LABS.zip
3.1 GB
3.1 GB
[Udemy] Daily Bandwidth Quota on LTE using MikroTik (2021) [En]
3. Script to disconnect the internet once reached to the maximum allowed Quota.mp4
365.3 MB
2. Connecting the LTE USB and share the internet on the MikroTik Router.mp4
324.0 MB
4. Script to reduce the internet speed once reached to the maximum allowed Quota.mp4
156.9 MB
1. Introduction.mp4
42.1 MB
5. Bonus Lecture.mp4
22.9 MB
3. Script to disconnect the internet once reached to the maximum allowed Quota.srt
31.5 kB
2. Connecting the LTE USB and share the internet on the MikroTik Router.srt
28.1 kB
4. Script to reduce the internet speed once reached to the maximum allowed Quota.srt
13.2 kB
3.1 Script disconnect WAN.txt
3.0 kB
4.1 Script reduce speed.txt
2.9 kB
1. Introduction.srt
2.8 kB
5. Bonus Lecture.srt
1.5 kB
5.1 Social Media and contact details.txt
252 Bytes
2.1 MikroTik Network Associate with LABS.html
161 Bytes
1.1 LTE USB Stick.txt
26 Bytes
911.2 MB
Mikrotik RouterOS v7.3.1 (VMware)
Mikrotik v7.3.1.ova
73.6 MB
505 Bytes
Скачано c 1tors.com.url
108 Bytes
73.6 MB