个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 0 毫秒。
[Udemy] Learn MikroTik ROUTE with Hands-on LABS from scratch (2018) [EN]
11 - configure-static-floating-route-lab-5.mp4
318.0 MB
04 - install-gns3-and-
309.1 MB
09 - configure-static-and-static-default-route-lab-4.mp4
289.1 MB
20 - configure-rip-neighbors-and-route-redistribution-lab-10.mp4
257.7 MB
13 - configure-equal-cost-multipath-ecmp-routing-lab-6.mp4
254.9 MB
17 - configure-enable-rip-on-
242.0 MB
19 - configure-rip-authentication-on-
220.1 MB
05 - connect-your-real-pc-to-gns3-lab-2.mp4
219.6 MB
16 - understanding-rip-explanation-part2.mp4
213.3 MB
18 - configure-passive-interface-ripv1-and-ripv2-on-
211.4 MB
02 - why-we-do-need-routing-explanation.mp4
210.5 MB
15 - understanding-rip-explanation-part1.mp4
179.4 MB
08 - static-route-vs-dynamic-route-explanation.mp4
177.6 MB
06 - connect-your-real-pc-on-all-routers-on-gns3-lab-3.mp4
131.9 MB
12 - equal-cost-multipath-ecmp-routing-intro.mp4
55.6 MB
03 -
54.3 MB
14 - dynamic-route-rip-introdcution.mp4
33.5 MB
10 - static-floating-route-intro.mp4
27.7 MB
01 - why-we-need-routing-introduction.mp4
20.3 MB
07 - static-route-vs-dynamic-route-introduction.mp4
19.8 MB
3.4 GB
[Udemy] MikroTik Управление трафиком с помощью LABS (2019)
4.Брандмауэр на MikroTik - полная история (Правила фильтра, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/18. LAB # 8 - принимает важные типы ICMP в вашем брандмауэре MikroTik.mp4
361.9 MB
7.Дополнительный раздел - как работает DHCP и что такое DHCP-пакеты/36. Настройка DHCP-сервера клиента и перехват DHCP-пакетов - часть 1.mp4
353.6 MB
4.Брандмауэр на MikroTik - полная история (Правила фильтра, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/16. LAB #6 – Protect your MikroTik router using connection state in the Firewall.mp4
350.0 MB
2.DHCP на MikroTik - параметры DHCP, отслеживание DHCP и ретрансляция DHCP/8. LAB # 4 - Настройте ретрансляцию DHCP на маршрутизаторах MikroTik..mp4
335.3 MB
4.Брандмауэр на MikroTik - полная история (Правила фильтра, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/21. LAB # 11 - Блок Syn Flood и DDOS с использованием брандмауэра MikroTik.mp4
331.4 MB
2.DHCP на MikroTik - параметры DHCP, отслеживание DHCP и ретрансляция DHCP/7. LAB 3 - Защитите свою сеть с помощью DHCP Snooping.mp4
316.7 MB
4.Брандмауэр на MikroTik - полная история (Правила фильтра, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/13. Обзор брандмауэра на MikroTik RouterOS.mp4
316.2 MB
6.Качество обслуживания (QOS) в MikroTik с использованием деревьев очередей HTB - полная история/30. Понять, как работает HTB и какова функция приоритета в очереди.mp4
307.4 MB
4.Брандмауэр на MikroTik - полная история (Правила фильтра, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/25. LAB 15 - Используйте Mangle для маркировки соединений и пакетов.mp4
297.7 MB
2.DHCP на MikroTik - параметры DHCP, отслеживание DHCP и ретрансляция DHCP/5. LAB 2 – Configure the MikroTik router as a DHCP server with Option 121 - Part 1.mp4
275.5 MB
4.Брандмауэр на MikroTik - полная история (Правила фильтра, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/17. LAB #7 – Use the Firewall to Protect your MikroTik router from PingICMP flood.mp4
265.3 MB
4.Брандмауэр на MikroTik - полная история (Правила фильтра, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/20. LAB # 10 - отбрасывать атаки сканирования портов с помощью брандмауэра MikroTik.mp4
254.3 MB
6.Качество обслуживания (QOS) в MikroTik с использованием деревьев очередей HTB - полная история/34. LAB 19 - Настройка дерева очередей PCQ на MikroTik.mp4
252.4 MB
3.Как пакеты протекают в MikroTik/10. Как читать лист пакета MikroTik.mp4
225.5 MB
6.Качество обслуживания (QOS) в MikroTik с использованием деревьев очередей HTB - полная история/33. Понять типы очередей, доступные в MikroTik (FIFO, SFQ, RED, PCQ).mp4
221.2 MB
4.Брандмауэр на MikroTik - полная история (Правила фильтра, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/14. LAB #5 - What is the function of the Connection Tracking on the MikroTik Router.mp4
214.2 MB
6.Качество обслуживания (QOS) в MikroTik с использованием деревьев очередей HTB - полная история/31. LAB 18 - Настройка дерева очереди HTB на MikroTik - Часть 1.mp4
209.9 MB
4.Брандмауэр на MikroTik - полная история (Правила фильтра, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/23. LAB # 13 - перенаправить трафик DNS на DNS роутера.mp4
208.8 MB
6.Качество обслуживания (QOS) в MikroTik с использованием деревьев очередей HTB - полная история/32. LAB 18 - Настройка дерева очереди HTB на MikroTik - Часть 2.mp4
199.1 MB
7.Дополнительный раздел - как работает DHCP и что такое DHCP-пакеты/37. Настройка DHCP-сервера клиента и перехват DHCP-пакетов - часть 2.mp4
190.3 MB
7.1 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Build a Hotspot Management App with Mikrotik Router OS API
~Get Your Files Here !/3. User-manager and Radius Server/2. 8 Setting up Radius Server.mp4
146.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/6. 24 Customizing user registration part 1.mp4
110.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/9. 27 Adding users to user-manager database.mp4
103.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/11. 29 Adding users to subscriptions table functionality.mp4
92.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Setup and Configure a Laravel Application/5. 17 Interacting with
router using API interface.mp4
92.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/3. 21 Integrating our frontend theme to the application.mp4
88.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/15. 33 Walled garden and allowing API port in the walled garden.mp4
86.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/8. 26 Creating hotspot subscription table and relationships.mp4
85.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/14. 32 Connecting the Router Login page with our application.mp4
80.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/7. 25 User registration functionality.mp4
79.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/10. 28 Creating the user on the hotspot and testing the user login.mp4
76.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Setup and Configure a Laravel Application/3. 15 Connecting to Mikrotik user using API interface.mp4
69.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/12. 30 Displaying the users login information on the home page.mp4
56.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Setup and Configure a Laravel Application/1. 13 Setting up a Laravel Project.mp4
54.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/5. 23 User profiles or data plans or packages in Mikrotik.mp4
48.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. User authentication, application development and testing/2. 20 Connecting our application to the database.mp4
45.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Setup and Configure a Laravel Application/6. 18 Interacting with Mikrotik router 2.mp4
45.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Setup and Configure a Laravel Application/2. 14 Installing Pear2 NetOs Package for interacting with
43.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. User-manager and Radius Server/4. 10 Interacting with usermanager user interface.mp4
41.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Getting started and router configuration/6. 6 Setting up the WLAN Interface.mp4
40.5 MB
1.9 GB
Udemy - Starting a Basic Wireless ISP (WISP) with MikroTik
2. Quality of Service (QOS) and Security/3. Allocate a Bandwidth speed to each customer using Mangle Rules and QOS.mp4
361.7 MB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/2. Configuring the Main Router (Core) of the WISP.mp4
314.2 MB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/5. MikroTik nstreme and nv2 wireless protocols for more bandwidth.mp4
280.9 MB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/4. Wireless SNR, CCQ and HW Frames.mp4
280.7 MB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/5. Connecting the Customer Wireless Station to the WISP Main AP.mp4
272.4 MB
2. Quality of Service (QOS) and Security/2. Disallow Customers Wireless Stations from seeing each other.mp4
230.7 MB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/4. Configuring the Main AP at the WISP.mp4
218.4 MB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/1. What is the LAB Scenario and what equipments are needed for the WISP.mp4
214.6 MB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/3. Changing the TX power for a better signal reception.mp4
174.6 MB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/3. Configuring the Switch to carry VLANs packets.mp4
140.0 MB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/2. Wireless Station alignment to the Main AP.mp4
119.8 MB
2. Quality of Service (QOS) and Security/1. Introduction to Security & QOS on the WISP.mp4
65.2 MB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/6. Bonus lecture.mp4
53.5 MB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/1. Introduction to wireless fine tuning.mp4
40.0 MB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/2. Configuring the Main Router (Core) of the WISP.srt
29.1 kB
2. Quality of Service (QOS) and Security/3. Allocate a Bandwidth speed to each customer using Mangle Rules and QOS.srt
28.9 kB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/4. Wireless SNR, CCQ and HW Frames.srt
25.1 kB
3. Fine Tuning the Wireless connectivity/5. MikroTik nstreme and nv2 wireless protocols for more bandwidth.srt
25.1 kB
1. Basic configuration steps to start a Wireless ISP/5. Connecting the Customer Wireless Station to the WISP Main AP.srt
23.8 kB
2. Quality of Service (QOS) and Security/2. Disallow Customers Wireless Stations from seeing each other.srt
20.3 kB
2.8 GB
[DMC.RIP] [Дмитрий Скоромнов] Управление трафиком на MikroTik. Аналог MTCTCE (2019)
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 2. Брандмауэр.rar
1.0 GB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 0. Знакомство/[DMC.RIP] 01 Обзор курса.mp4
83.8 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 250 Лабораторная работа. HTB. Решение.mp4
51.5 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 280 Типы очередей. Практика.mp4
47.6 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 170 Манипуляции со скоростью. Практика №2.mp4
35.0 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 40 Simple Queue. Практика.mp4
32.9 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 120 Манипуляции со скоростью. Практика №1.mp4
31.0 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 1. Схема прохождения трафика/[DMC.RIP] 07 Практические примеры ошибок.mp4
29.9 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 70 Queue Tree. Практика.mp4
25.3 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 20 Введение в QoS.mp4
21.8 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 0. Знакомство/[DMC.RIP] 03 Легенда.mp4
20.4 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 160 Расчеты в HTB. Часть 1.mp4
19.2 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 260 Типы очередей.mp4
18.0 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 140 Приоритезация трафика.mp4
16.5 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 200 Расчеты в HTB. Часть 3.mp4
14.9 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 1. Схема прохождения трафика/[DMC.RIP] 03 Простейшая схема прохождения пакетов.mp4
14.3 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 110 Режим =Вспышка=.mp4
13.6 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 100 Манипуляции со скоростью.mp4
12.8 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 270 PCQ.mp4
12.8 MB
[DMC.RIP] Модуль 3. QoS/[DMC.RIP] 180 Расчеты в HTB. Часть 2.mp4
12.6 MB
1.7 GB
[Виктор Черемных] Настройка MikroTik и CISCO FirePower
3 CISCO FirePower/FirePower 6.7/FirePower 6.7.zip
1.3 GB
2 MikroTik/11. Поднятие L2TPIPSEC туннеля между двумя MikroTik.mp4
348.9 MB
2 MikroTik/18. Установка Windows Server 2019.mp4
339.6 MB
2 MikroTik/12. Поднятие SSTP-туннеля_без службы сертификатов между.mp4
320.5 MB
2 MikroTik/14. Поднятие PPPoE - туннеля между двумя MikroTik.mp4
307.3 MB
2 MikroTik/13. Поднятие PPTP-туннеля между двумя MikroTik.mp4
281.1 MB
2 MikroTik/10. Настройка VLAN и DHCP.mp4
235.5 MB
2 MikroTik/9. Простая настройка MikroTik для раздачи Интернета.mp4
207.6 MB
2 MikroTik/17. Поднятие EoIPIPsec - туннеля между двумя MikroTik.mp4
202.6 MB
2 MikroTik/8. Установка Router OS на VMware Workstation.mp4
190.0 MB
1 VMware ESXi/2. Установка гипервизора ESXi на VMware.mp4
187.3 MB
2 MikroTik/15. Поднятие GREIPSEC - туннеля между двумя MikroTik.mp4
182.1 MB
3 CISCO FirePower/31. Настройка статической маршрутизации + NAT в CISCO.mp4
181.8 MB
3 CISCO FirePower/27. Создание интерфейсов в CISCO Firepower.mp4
152.6 MB
3 CISCO FirePower/28. Создание DHCP-серверов на CISCO FirePOWER.mp4
123.3 MB
2 MikroTik/16. Поднятие IPIPIPSEC-туннеля между двумя MikroTik.mp4
117.2 MB
2 MikroTik/20. Создание VPN-туннеля между_MikroTik и Debian_10.mp4
114.2 MB
2 MikroTik/6. Установка Router OS на VMware ESXi.mp4
102.9 MB
1 VMware ESXi/3. Организация виртуальной сети в VMware ESXi.mp4
101.4 MB
2 MikroTik/7. Установка Router OS на VirtualBox + установка WinBox.mp4
100.4 MB
5.7 GB
[ CourseHulu.com ] Udemy - Dot1x (802.1x) on MikroTik with LABS
~Get Your Files Here !/1. What is Dot1x Protocol/2. Understand the Dot1X protocol.mp4
319.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Dot1x with VLAN assignment/2. Configuring Dot1x with VLANs assignment.mp4
313.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/2. Installing User Manager Version 7 on the Router.mp4
293.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Dot1x LAB using user account Authentication/2. Dot1x Authentication using Accounts.mp4
258.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/4. Configuring Dot1x on the Router (Authentication Server).mp4
213.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/3. Configuring Dot1x on the Switch (Authenticator).mp4
159.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/1. Introduction to Dot1x LAB.mp4
38.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Dot1x with VLAN assignment/1. Introduction to Dot1x with VLANs.mp4
36.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Dot1x LAB using user account Authentication/1. Intro to Dot1x with Accounts.mp4
36.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. What is Dot1x Protocol/1. Introduction to Dot1x (802.1x).mp4
23.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. What is Dot1x Protocol/2. Understand the Dot1X protocol.srt
26.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/2. Installing User Manager Version 7 on the Router.srt
23.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Dot1x with VLAN assignment/2. Configuring Dot1x with VLANs assignment.srt
22.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Dot1x LAB using user account Authentication/2. Dot1x Authentication using Accounts.srt
18.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/4. Configuring Dot1x on the Router (Authentication Server).srt
15.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/3. Configuring Dot1x on the Switch (Authenticator).srt
12.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Dot1x LAB using user account Authentication/1. Intro to Dot1x with Accounts.srt
2.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Dot1x LAB using MAC Authentication/1. Introduction to Dot1x LAB.srt
2.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Dot1x with VLAN assignment/1. Introduction to Dot1x with VLANs.srt
2.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. What is Dot1x Protocol/1. Introduction to Dot1x (802.1x).srt
1.6 kB
1.7 GB
[Merion Academy] MikroTik (2024)
Вводный урок.mp4
707.1 MB
11.1 Работа с firewall часть 1/11.2 Работа с firewall часть 1/11.1 Работа с firewall часть 1.mp4
659.8 MB
9.1 Маршрутизация/9.2 Резервирование каналов связи/9.2 Резервирование каналов связи.mp4
657.6 MB
11.1 Работа с firewall часть 1/11.2 Работа с firewall часть 6/11.6 Работа с firewall часть 6.mp4
649.6 MB
11.1 Работа с firewall часть 1/11.2 Работа с firewall часть 5/11.5 Работа с firewall часть 5.mp4
638.7 MB
13.1 Работа в беспроводных сетях/13.1 Работа в беспроводных сетях.mp4
616.7 MB
11.1 Работа с firewall часть 1/11.2 Работа с firewall часть 4/11.4 Работа с firewall часть 4.mp4
601.0 MB
11.1 Работа с firewall часть 1/11.2 Работа с firewall часть 2/11.2 Работа с firewall часть 2.mp4
590.0 MB
12.1 Приоритизация трафика/12.1 Приоритизация трафика/12.1 Приоритизация трафика.mp4
580.1 MB
5. Установка, резервирование и восстановление, сброс/5.1 Бэкапы и восстановление RouterOS/5.1 Бэкапы и восстановление RouterOS.mp4
576.0 MB
10.1 Создание Site-to-Site туннелей/10.2 Создание Client-to-Site туннелей/10.2 Создание Client-to-Site туннелей.mp4
566.9 MB
10.2 Создание Client-to-Site туннелей/10.2 Создание Client-to-Site туннелей.mp4
566.9 MB
8.1 Настройка DNS и DHCP/8.1 Настройка DNS и DHCP/8.1 Настройка DNS и DHCP.mp4
562.2 MB
Интенсив по росту карьеры в IT от HR-экспертов/Урок 1. Создаем сильное резюме. Часть 1.mp4
553.1 MB
6.1 Работа в командной строке - базовые операции/6.2 Работа в командной строке - расширенные возможности/6.2 Работа в командной строке - расширенные возможности.mp4
541.0 MB
10.1 Создание Site-to-Site туннелей/10.1 Создание Site-to-Site туннелей/10.1 Создание Site-to-Site туннелей.mp4
539.4 MB
4. Создание пользователей, назначение прав/4.2 Возможные трудности при подключении/4.2 Возможные трудности при подключении.mp4
530.7 MB
6.1 Работа в командной строке - базовые операции/6.1 Работа в командной строке - базовые операции/6.1 Работа в командной строке - базовые операции.mp4
520.2 MB
9.1 Маршрутизация/9.1 Маршрутизация/9.1 Маршрутизация.mp4
503.7 MB
11.1 Работа с firewall часть 1/11.2 Работа с firewall часть 3/11.3 Работа с firewall часть 3.mp4
486.5 MB
22.0 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Mikrotik MTCNA.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Mikrotik MTCNA.zip
3.0 GB
3.0 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - MikroTik configuration as failover and firewall setup.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - MikroTik configuration as failover and firewall setup.zip
612.8 MB
612.8 MB
MPLS on MikroTik with LABS
02 MPLS Basics, MPLS Labels and MPLS Filtering/003 Configuring MPLS with Static Labels--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
296.2 MB
01 Introduction to MPLS/003 BGP Free Core using GRE Tunnels--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
294.8 MB
03 MPLS Layer3 VPN - VRF/002 Configuring VRF Lite on MikroTik--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
248.8 MB
03 MPLS Layer3 VPN - VRF/004 MPLS Layer 3 VPN - Configuration (Part 1)--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
228.0 MB
04 MPLS Layer 2 VPN - VPLS/002 MPLS Layer 2 VPN (VPLS) - Configuration--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
215.3 MB
05 MPLS Traffic Engineering/004 MPLS Traffic Engineering - Configuration--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
214.0 MB
03 MPLS Layer3 VPN - VRF/003 MPLS Layer 3 VPN - Explained--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
195.6 MB
01 Introduction to MPLS/004 BGP Free Core using MPLS--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
192.7 MB
02 MPLS Basics, MPLS Labels and MPLS Filtering/005 MPLS Filtering (Accept Filter vs Advertise Filter)--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
178.7 MB
05 MPLS Traffic Engineering/002 MPLS Traffic Engineering - Explained--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
147.2 MB
03 MPLS Layer3 VPN - VRF/005 MPLS Layer 3 VPN - Configuration (Part 2)--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
139.8 MB
02 MPLS Basics, MPLS Labels and MPLS Filtering/002 MPLS header and acronyms (CE, PE, P, Label Push, Label Swap, Label Pop)--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
137.0 MB
01 Introduction to MPLS/002 Where and how to use MPLS_--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
130.1 MB
02 MPLS Basics, MPLS Labels and MPLS Filtering/004 Configuring MPLS with Dynamic Labels--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
103.9 MB
05 MPLS Traffic Engineering/005 VPLS over TE tunnels--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
101.7 MB
05 MPLS Traffic Engineering/003 MPLS Traffic Engineering - LAB Scenario--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
60.1 MB
03 MPLS Layer3 VPN - VRF/001 Introduction to L3 VPN on MPLS--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
44.9 MB
02 MPLS Basics, MPLS Labels and MPLS Filtering/001 Introduction to MPLS Basics and MPLS Labels--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
41.1 MB
01 Introduction to MPLS/001 Intro to MPLS Fundamental--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
37.3 MB
04 MPLS Layer 2 VPN - VPLS/001 Introduction to MPLS Layer 2 VPN--- [ FreeCourseWeb.com ] ---.mp4
35.5 MB
3.1 GB
51.2 MB
51.2 MB
[Udemy] MikroTik Hotspot with User Manager (2018) [En]
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/013 LAB #9 – Changing the look of captive portal.mp4
376.4 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/010 LAB #6 - Advertisement on the wireless Hotspot.mp4
371.9 MB
04 Quality of Service on the MikroTik Hotspot/016 LAB #11 – PCQ queueing on the MikroTik Hotspot - Part 1.mp4
319.9 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/014 LAB #10 – Hotspot Https redirect using self -signed certificate.mp4
296.5 MB
02 How to make the MikroTik Hotspot up and running/004 LAB #1 - Configuring the main requirements of the MikroTik hotspot.mp4
296.0 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/006 LAB #3 - Setting up Cookies and trial profile.mp4
287.1 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/007 LAB #4 - Limit user uptime based on time or upload_download traffic.mp4
285.6 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/023 LAB# 16 – Generate automatic vouchers for user login.mp4
245.0 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/012 LAB #8 – Allow access to a website without Hotspot authentication using Walled G.mp4
244.3 MB
04 Quality of Service on the MikroTik Hotspot/017 LAB #11 – PCQ queueing on the MikroTik Hotspot - Part 2.mp4
227.4 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/019 LAB #12 – Install User Manager to the MikroTik Router.mp4
225.6 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/022 LAB #15 – Changing the logo and user statistics login.mp4
217.7 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/021 LAB #14 – Create Users profiles and Users on User Manager.mp4
216.2 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/025 LAB #18 – Reset, Backup and Restore user Manager Database.mp4
206.5 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/011 LAB#7 - Bypass user authentication on the hotspot using IP Bindings.mp4
177.0 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/020 LAB #13 – Connect your MikroTik router and the User Manager to each other.mp4
170.7 MB
01 What is Wireless Hotspot and where to use it/002 How MikroTik Hotspot works_.mp4
149.3 MB
03 Tweaking the MikroTik Hotspot settings/009 LAB #5 - Creating users profile for speed limitation - Part2.mp4
144.8 MB
05 MikroTik User Manager Radius server/024 LAB #17 – Reset the password of the User Manager.mp4
112.0 MB
02 How to make the MikroTik Hotspot up and running/003 Main requirements for the MikroTik Hotspot.mp4
76.1 MB
4.8 GB
MikroTik Security Engineer with LABS
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/6. Brute Force attack and Prevention.mp4
493.9 MB
5. DHCP attacks and Prevention/1. Preventing DHCP Starvation attack.mp4
389.8 MB
8. Encrypted Tunnels on RouterOS/4. Configuring L2TP site to site VPN (wo IPSEC).mp4
379.1 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/14. Preventing UDP Flood Attack.mp4
373.6 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/8. Accept important ICMP types in your MikroTik Firewall.mp4
356.9 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/5. Protect your MikroTik router using connection state in the Firewall.mp4
344.2 MB
8. Encrypted Tunnels on RouterOS/8. Configuring SSTP site to site VPN (with Certificates).mp4
339.0 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/12. Block Syn Flood and DDOS using the MikroTik Firewall.mp4
326.5 MB
4. LockDown the Mikrotik Router - Disable unnecessary tools/1. Disable MAC Winbox, MAC Ping & neighbor discovery.mp4
322.6 MB
9. Internet Protocol Security (IPSEC) Framework/20. Configuring site-to-site IPSEC tunnel using IKEv1 & IKEv2 - Part1.mp4
314.2 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/2. Overview of the Firewall on the MikroTik RouterOS.mp4
310.2 MB
5. DHCP attacks and Prevention/2. Protect your network with DHCP Snooping to avoid DHCP rogue server.mp4
309.9 MB
1. Disable unnecessary protocols on the MikroTik Router/2. Turn off unnecessary packages, scan for open protocols and disable them.mp4
298.0 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/18. Use Mangle to mark connections and packets.mp4
292.9 MB
3. Get the right people to login into your MikroTik Router/2. User Management on Mikrotik.mp4
282.7 MB
1. Disable unnecessary protocols on the MikroTik Router/3. Protect the access on the Mikrotik Router using SSH and Winbox.mp4
278.4 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/15. MNDP Attacks Prevention.mp4
269.0 MB
8. Encrypted Tunnels on RouterOS/2. What is VPN and why is it important to use it in our network.mp4
267.5 MB
8. Encrypted Tunnels on RouterOS/9. Configuring SSTP client to site VPN.mp4
264.7 MB
7. Firewall on MikroTik - The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW)/7. Use the Firewall to Protect your MikroTik router from PingICMP flood.mp4
260.6 MB
12.5 GB
Network Automation on MikroTik using Python
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/009 Connecting to Multiple MikroTik Routers using Paramiko on Python.mp4
234.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/006 Installing Paramiko Module on Python.mp4
218.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/04 Network Automation on MikroTik using Netmiko/015 Automating Firewall Filter Rules on 2 MikroTik Routers using Netmiko.mp4
204.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/007 Running the 1st script on Python to the MikroTik Router.mp4
202.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/01 What do you expect to learn in this course_/001 Python & MikroTik - Teaser Video.mp4
172.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/02 What is Python and how to install it on the Windows PC/004 Downloading and Installing Pycharm software on Windows Machine.mp4
159.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/010 Configuring OSPF on 3 MikroTik Routers using Paramiko on Python.mp4
152.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/04 Network Automation on MikroTik using Netmiko/013 First script using Netmiko Library on Python.mp4
139.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/02 What is Python and how to install it on the Windows PC/002 What is Python_.mp4
121.6 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/008 Adjusting the Python script for more tasks on the MikroTik Router.mp4
119.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/02 What is Python and how to install it on the Windows PC/003 Downloading and Installing Python on Windows Machine.mp4
118.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/04 Network Automation on MikroTik using Netmiko/014 Configuring Multiple Devices using Netmiko.mp4
94.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/04 Network Automation on MikroTik using Netmiko/011 Netmiko vs Paramiko.mp4
79.6 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/04 Network Automation on MikroTik using Netmiko/012 Installing Netmiko Module on Python.mp4
48.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Network Automation on MikroTik using Python/03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/005 Introduction to Paramiko Library on Python.mp4
33.4 MB
519.6 kB
453.5 kB
352.7 kB
301.5 kB
291.3 kB
2.1 GB
Udemy - Curso Completo de Mikrotik RouterOS! Do Simples ao Avançado!
15 Trabalhando com Dude/090 Conhecendo o DUDE.mp4
212.5 MB
24 Trabalhando com MPLS - MTCINE/123 MPLS com ISP e PPPoE.mp4
210.5 MB
24 Trabalhando com MPLS - MTCINE/124 Configurando um MPLS com VPLS.mp4
203.2 MB
24 Trabalhando com MPLS - MTCINE/117 Introduc227o ao MPLS e setup de cenario.mp4
188.4 MB
20 Trabalhando com protocolo BGP - MTCINE/100 Configurac245es iniciais do BGP em nossos MK.mp4
182.2 MB
24 Trabalhando com MPLS - MTCINE/121 Trabalhando com MPLS Traffic Engineering.mp4
166.2 MB
01 Introduc227o ao Mikrotik/001 Conhecendo a Mikrotik e suas soluc245es.mp4
165.3 MB
07 Trabalhando com VPN no RouterOS/048 Criando uma OpenVPN Server to Client no RouterOS.mp4
149.0 MB
21 BGP Avancado/104 Trabalhando com iGP.mp4
140.8 MB
22 Trabalhando com protocolos eBGP e iBGP/111 Trabalhando iBGP.mp4
140.7 MB
10 Trabalhando com OSPF avancado/065 Trabalhando com OSPF Avancado.mp4
140.2 MB
22 Trabalhando com protocolos eBGP e iBGP/112 Trabalhando com eBGP e Full Mesh Network.mp4
139.9 MB
20 Trabalhando com protocolo BGP - MTCINE/102 Anunciando o BGP AS Path.mp4
124.4 MB
17 Trabalhando com VLANS/093 Criando uma VLAN.mp4
121.9 MB
10 Trabalhando com OSPF avancado/066 OSPF com Stub Area.mp4
121.5 MB
20 Trabalhando com protocolo BGP - MTCINE/103 Criando uma Default Route e AS privado.mp4
118.6 MB
02 Instalac245es e customizac245es/008 Configurac245es Basicas de Roteamento.mp4
117.6 MB
20 Trabalhando com protocolo BGP - MTCINE/101 Fazendo as conex245es.mp4
107.7 MB
20 Trabalhando com protocolo BGP - MTCINE/099 Montando o nosso Laboratorio.mp4
106.2 MB
05 Trabalhando com Roteamento no RouterOS/038 Balanceamento com velocidades diferentes de links de internet.mp4
100.9 MB
7.3 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - The Complete Guide to Setting Up MikroTik Hotspot
~Get Your Files Here !/8. How to create a voucher/1. How to create a voucher.mp4
52.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/13. Troubleshoot common hotspot-related issues/1. Troubleshoot common hotspot-related issues.mp4
50.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/12. How to configure Radius authentication in
Hotspot/1. How to configure Radius authentication in
38.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. How to configure MikroTik Router/1. How to configure MikroTik Router.mp4
37.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. How to customize login page in MikroTik hotspot/1. How to customize login page in MikroTik hotspot.mp4
33.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. How do you configure MikroTik hotspot server in LAN and Wireless/1. How do you configure MikroTik hotspot server in LAN and Wireless.mp4
29.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10. How to configure walled garden in Hotspot/1. How to configure walled garden in Hotspot.mp4
26.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. How to create Hotspot user and profile/1. How to create Hotspot user and profile.mp4
23.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. How to configure IP bindings in Hotspot/1. How to configure IP bindings in Hotspot.mp4
22.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/11. How to configure free trial for MikroTik Hotspot/1. How to configure free trial for MikroTik Hotspot.mp4
20.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. How do you configure MikroTik hotspot server in Wireless/1. How do you configure MikroTik hotspot server in Wireless.mp4
14.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/14. Conclusion and Vendor preparation/1. Conclusion and Vendor preparation.mp4
12.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
11.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. How do you configure MikroTik hotspot server in LAN/1. How do you configure MikroTik hotspot server in LAN.mp4
11.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt
386 Bytes
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url
182 Bytes
384.6 MB
Videos Aulas Mikrotik
Video Aulas Básica/04 Web Proxy - Mikrotik Fácil.avi
204.8 MB
Video Aulas Básica/03 Amarrar ip e mac - Mikrotikswf.avi
136.6 MB
Video Aulas Básica/11 Configurção AP Mikrotik cartão wireless rb433 - Mikrotik 5.7.avi
116.5 MB
Video Aulas Básica/01 Conhecendo winbox - Mikrotikswf.avi
110.1 MB
Video Aulas Básica/05 Controle de banda - Mikrotikswf.avi
106.1 MB
Video Aulas Básica/12 Segurança ao restringir acesso a rede com access list tendo o mesmo SSID - Mikrotik 5.7.avi
97.6 MB
Video Aulas Básica/16 Configuração user manager + radius + ppoe - Mikrotik 5.7.avi
87.1 MB
Video Aulas Básica/06 Configurao inicial RB433 hotspot - Mikrotik 5.7.avi
83.5 MB
Video Aulas Básica/02 Configurações iniciais - Mikrotikswf.avi
73.8 MB
Video Aulas Básica/17 Configuração user manager autenticar cliente hotspot pelo radius - Mikrotik 5.7.avi
72.8 MB
Video Aulas Básica/19 Limitação usuário por hora, minuto ou dia da semana com user manager - Mikrotik 5.7.avi
71.5 MB
Video Aulas Básica/10 Cofigurar servidor pppoe com controle de banda para autenticar clientes - Mikrotik 5.7.avi
69.2 MB
Video Aulas Básica/07 Controle de banda hotspot e varios computadores com unico login - Mikrotik 5.7.avi
68.6 MB
Video Aulas Básica/18 Cadastrando distribuidor e autenticar clientes de outra cidade - Mikrotik 5.7.avi
64.8 MB
Video Aulas Básica/Apresentação do Mikrotik parte 01.avi
64.1 MB
Video Aulas Básica/14 Conhecendo Webfig e Graphing uso de cpu, memória e rede - Mikrotik 5.7.avi
61.5 MB
Video Aulas Básica/15 Ativar e traduzir user manager para português - Mikrotik 5.7.avi
61.1 MB
Video Aulas Básica/09 Liberar pagina no hotspot para usuário sem login - Mikrotik 5.7.avi
44.4 MB
Video Aulas Básica/20 Enviar e Receber SMS servidor - Mikrotik 5.9.avi
43.5 MB
Video Aulas Básica/Apresentação do Mikrotik parte 02.avi
43.4 MB
2.2 GB
[Udemy] Network Automation on MikroTik using Python (2019) [EN]
03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/009 Connecting to Multiple MikroTik Routers using Paramiko on Python.mp4
234.7 MB
03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/006 Installing Paramiko Module on Python.mp4
218.4 MB
04 Network Automation on MikroTik using Netmiko/015 Automating Firewall Filter Rules on 2 MikroTik Routers using Netmiko.mp4
204.8 MB
03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/007 Running the 1st script on Python to the MikroTik Router.mp4
202.2 MB
01 What do you expect to learn in this course_/001 Python & MikroTik - Teaser Video.mp4
172.8 MB
02 What is Python and how to install it on the Windows PC/004 Downloading and Installing Pycharm software on Windows Machine.mp4
159.8 MB
03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/010 Configuring OSPF on 3 MikroTik Routers using Paramiko on Python.mp4
152.8 MB
04 Network Automation on MikroTik using Netmiko/013 First script using Netmiko Library on Python.mp4
139.7 MB
02 What is Python and how to install it on the Windows PC/002 What is Python_.mp4
121.6 MB
03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/008 Adjusting the Python script for more tasks on the MikroTik Router.mp4
119.1 MB
02 What is Python and how to install it on the Windows PC/003 Downloading and Installing Python on Windows Machine.mp4
118.2 MB
04 Network Automation on MikroTik using Netmiko/014 Configuring Multiple Devices using Netmiko.mp4
94.5 MB
04 Network Automation on MikroTik using Netmiko/011 Netmiko vs Paramiko.mp4
79.6 MB
04 Network Automation on MikroTik using Netmiko/012 Installing Netmiko Module on Python.mp4
48.5 MB
03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/005 Introduction to Paramiko Library on Python.mp4
33.4 MB
03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/009 Connecting to Multiple MikroTik Routers using Paramiko on Python.en.srt
21.5 kB
03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/006 Installing Paramiko Module on Python.en.srt
19.2 kB
03 Network Automation on MikroTik using Paramiko/007 Running the 1st script on Python to the MikroTik Router.en.srt
18.6 kB
04 Network Automation on MikroTik using Netmiko/015 Automating Firewall Filter Rules on 2 MikroTik Routers using Netmiko.en.srt
17.4 kB
01 What do you expect to learn in this course_/001 Python & MikroTik - Teaser Video.en.srt
15.2 kB
2.1 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Mikrotik Basic - Module 1 Based On The Mtcna Training Course
~Get Your Files Here !/8 - Backing up your MikroTik.mp4
47.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9 - Resetting your MikroTik.mp4
34.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Updating the Router OS.mp4
28.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - MikroTik default configuration.mp4
28.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Command line interfacing.mp4
24.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - MikroTik company profile.mp4
22.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Router identity.mp4
19.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - First time accessing your MikroTik.mp4
16.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10 - MikroTik license levels.mp4
11.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Course outcome and equipment needed.mp4
3.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9 - Resetting your MikroTik English.vtt
10.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/8 - Backing up your MikroTik English.vtt
8.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - MikroTik default configuration English.vtt
8.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Command line interfacing English.vtt
7.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Updating the Router OS English.vtt
7.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Router identity English.vtt
5.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - MikroTik company profile English.vtt
4.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - First time accessing your MikroTik English.vtt
3.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/10 - MikroTik license levels English.vtt
3.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Course outcome and equipment needed English.vtt
1.4 kB
236.4 MB