[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/5. Part-2 (Flask UI)/2. Flask UI-2.mp4 103.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/4. Part-1 (TextBlob)/2. Sentiment Analysis with TextBlob.mp4 73.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/2. Sentiment Analysis with NLP/1. Natural Language Processing.mp4 52.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/5. Part-2 (Flask UI)/1. Flask UI-1.mp4 41.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/2. Sentiment Analysis with NLP/2. Sentiment Analysis.mp4 29.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/6. Implementation and Output/1. Implementation.mp4 27.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/2. Sentiment Analysis with NLP/4. Process of Text Classification.mp4 26.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/1. Introduction/1. Introduction to the course.mp4 25.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/5. Part-2 (Flask UI)/3. Flask UI-3.mp4 25.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/3. Starting the project/2. Installations and Resources.mp4 21.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/4. Part-1 (TextBlob)/1. Initializing the Project.mp4 14.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/1. Introduction/3. Youtube (Bonus).mp4 14.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/2. Sentiment Analysis with NLP/3. Need of Text Classification with example.mp4 14.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/3. Starting the project/1. What we are building.mp4 10.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/1. Introduction/2. About the Instructor.mp4 8.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask/6. Implementation and Output/2. Final Output.mp4 6.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/7. Sentiment NLP based Investment Analysis/3. Testing and Validating the Hypothesis - Applied.mp4 215.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/6. Estimating Sentiment Based Portfolio Returns/7. Estimating Sentiment Portfolio Returns - Applied.mp4 196.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/4. Hypothesis Design & Exploratory Data Analysis/9. Exploring Text (MD&A) Data.mp4 194.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/5. Estimating Firm Level Sentiment/14. Estimating Sentiment using a Document Term Matrix (DTM) - Applied.mp4 193.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/5. Estimating Firm Level Sentiment/9. Estimating Sentiment for a Single Firm.mp4 148.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/4. Hypothesis Design & Exploratory Data Analysis/7. Exploring Stock Price & Returns Data.mp4 136.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/5. Estimating Firm Level Sentiment/3. How to Estimate Sentiment.mp4 130.6 MB
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[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/5. Estimating Firm Level Sentiment/7. Cleaning Text Data - Applied.mp4 115.6 MB
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[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/6. Estimating Sentiment Based Portfolio Returns/1. Merging Returns & Sentiment Data.mp4 107.6 MB
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[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/5. Estimating Firm Level Sentiment/5. Cleaning Text Data.mp4 101.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/6. Estimating Sentiment Based Portfolio Returns/5. Estimating Sentiment Portfolio Returns.mp4 101.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/4. Hypothesis Design & Exploratory Data Analysis/4. Exploring Relevant Data.mp4 100.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/3. Introduction to Natural Language Processing & Sentiment Analysis in Finance/3. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Applications in Finance.mp4 95.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/4. Hypothesis Design & Exploratory Data Analysis/1. Creating a Testable Hypothesis.mp4 85.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing (NLP)/2. Quick Recap of Investment Analysis Fundamentals (Complimentary Access)/2. Recap Price, Risk, and Return.mp4 77.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/23 Mini-project Sentiment Classification(NLP with Deep Learning RNN)/006 RNN Setup 1.mp4 178.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/12 Language Modeling/010 Language Model Implementation Sampling Text.mp4 130.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/13 Topic Modelling with Word and Document Representations/016 Topic Modeling With Gensim.mp4 124.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/26 Neural Machine Translation/010 Training Module.mp4 113.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/19 Training(NLP with Deep Learning DNN)/006 DNN Implemenation Stochastic Gradient Descent.mp4 110.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/16 Word2vec(Optional)/013 Word2Vec Implemenation Driver Function.mp4 99.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/26 Neural Machine Translation/008 DecoderRNN Forward Step.mp4 99.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/19 Training(NLP with Deep Learning DNN)/009 DNN Implemenation In Pytorch.mp4 95.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/22 Mini-project Language Modelling(NLP with Deep Learning RNN)/010 Language Modeling Next Word Prediction Python 6.mp4 94.6 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/20 Hyper parameters(NLP with Deep Learning DNN)/010 DNN Pytorch CIFAR10 Example.mp4 93.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/26 Neural Machine Translation/013 NMT Evaluation.mp4 92.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/19 Training(NLP with Deep Learning DNN)/008 DNN Implemenation Minibatch Gradient Descent.mp4 88.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/14 Word Embeddings LSI/006 Word Co-occurrence Matrix Implementation Final Function.mp4 83.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/12 Language Modeling/009 Language Model Implementation Reading Corpus.mp4 80.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/14 Word Embeddings LSI/007 Word Co-occurrence Matrix Implementation Handling Memory Issues On Large Corp.mp4 80.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/01 Introduction/004 Course Introduction.mp4 77.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/23 Mini-project Sentiment Classification(NLP with Deep Learning RNN)/001 Vocabulary Implementation.mp4 76.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/15 Word Semantics/004 Cosine Similarity With More Than One Vectors.mp4 76.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/15 Word Semantics/002 Cosine Similarity Geting Norms Of Vectors.mp4 74.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - NLP-Natural Language Processing in Python for Beginners/08 Sentiment Classification(Text Preprocessing)/012 Yelp Reviews Classification Mini Project Classification.mp4 72.9 MB